halibellecter · 2 years
Me: I'm a total badass, cool and collected spy with infinite chill. No need for any of those silly "feelings" and "affection" everyone keeps yelling about. They're nonessential to the mission so they can easily be left behind.
Me with literally anyone who gives me the tiniest molecule of attention: Nuzzles? Snuggles? Pets? Forehead kisses? Hugs? Scritches? Cosleeping? Pats? Huddling for warmth? Tighter hugs? Carrying? Snuggles (again)?
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galaxymagick · 3 years
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lynchian-weirdness · 4 years
alice in borderland is fucking WILD, holy shit
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{ Post canon About  }
Instead of becoming a pro duelist Katherine decided to study and become a information broker / Hacker? she was still great at dueling but that wasn’t what she wanted to focus on. Katherine  wanted to help her family so being in this type of  job with information might help them..?   
This about might change for for now this is the future verse! 
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logical-cyclops · 4 years
@warlordratchet​ liked for a starter [x]
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“Autobot Ratchet. I wouldn’t be opposed to a like-minded Cybertronian, but not in this capacity. Now, tell me just how you got into this lab in the first place, Autobot.” Shockwave’s tone grew cold as his cannon arm was raised, pointed directly at the Autobot medic.
“Talk. Now!”
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jaythepancake · 5 years
i’m dreading having to read two books and then writing essentially two essays for it ><;; the books would be easy to get through i think but i’m not really good at essays... well what can you do?
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wanderingcas · 6 years
i’m finally replying to some comments on ao3.... 
there are 145 unread in my inbox and some of them are from last year... i am ... so sorry. *hangs head in shame* 
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 7 years
@plum-vinegar​ @vagguardmally​
I was about to post an extract from your latest blog translation to AD, but there’s something I’d like to query:
だから私達の大切なみんなはどうか、消えてしまうことだけはしないでね。 the blog has as: “ So to everyone out there, we love you all so much, so please, just don’t leave us, okay?“
I’m just not sure about inserting the “we love you all so much” as an alternative to just calling the fans “precious people“ etc, since the latter phrase would have been conveyed really differently in Japanese.  Also, “don’t leave us” for the meaning of ‘don’t just disappear’?
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aptlymagical · 7 years
1, 9, 18, 27, 36, and 43 please :)
1. Any scars?
I scar really easily so I have a lot of different ones. I have one on my knuckle from a time when my friend couldn’t find her key and so i went to check at the middle school for her and it was by the bike racks, but I was so concerned about getting back to her as fast as possible when I rounded a corner I hit my hand against a neighbor’s stone wall in front of their house. I also have a scar on my leg that I got when I was like five and my sister and I were dancing at the front of a movie theater during the ending credits, and I hit my leg against the concrete. My dad I guess didn’t really know how to clean wounds, so it got infected and scarred. I have another on the same leg from when I tripped and scrapped my leg against the edge of a file cabinet drawer.  
9. What’s your dream job?
Ummm, I’m not sure at this point? I really want to draw a webcomic, so it’d be awesome if I did and it took off, but I still think that might just end up as a hobby/side project. 
Right now, I’m just seeing where God is taking me, because I think there’s a lot of things I’d be happy doing, as long as it helps people and builds the kingdom. 
18. Obsession?
I’m extremely prone to obsessing, especially when I first get into something my blog becomes a mess >
My long terms obsessions are the webcomic Archipelago (I could and can talk about it for hours), ATLA, Pokemon, and ... my own stories do those count? i LOVE talking about them
27. Something you would change about yourself?
I am far too concerned about people’s opinion’s of me ^^;; 
36. Any bad habits?Ooohohoo, yea. I’m SUPER bad with procrastination, which tends to put me in panic mode. 
I also bite my nails a lot, drink too much caffeine, not enough water, and I’ve recently realized I have a really bad habit of binge watching stuff
43. Relationship status?
Single and ready to mingle~ ;) jk, i’m a strong independent women who don’t need no bae
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galaxymagick · 5 years
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snowdropsinjune · 8 years
Super moon super shake
Woo. Strong earthquake and aftershocks. Boy did I not miss this! -_- Now to try and sleep. ><;;;
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dln-005-ice-blog · 8 years
look into my eyes
Send ‘Look into my eyes’ and my muse will bold what they see
| Hope | Love | Passion | Hate | Resentment | Envy | Indifference | Confidence | Insecurity | Greed |Desire | Optimism | Spite | Hostility | Kindness | Warmth | Intelligence | Experience | Trauma |Aggression | Gentleness |  Arrogance | Pride | Lust | Cruelty | You’re soft | You’re trusting | You seem honest | You’re humble | You’re cold | You’re closed off | You’re reserved and guarded | You’re unfeeling | You’re remorseless | You’re heartless | You’re inhuman | You’re frightening | You’re frightened | You’re devious | You’re unpredictable | You’re struggling | You’re lost | You’re broken |You’re disheartened | You seem headstrong | You seem difficult | You’re stubborn | I see hope | I see purpose | I see absolute conviction | I see compassion | I see a shining light | I see shattered remains| I see something familiar | I see a friend | I see an enemy | I see a lover | I see thirst for blood | I see malicious intent | I see pity | You’re pitiful | I see darkness | You’re unwavering | You’re pure | You’re noble |
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jongtaekwoon · 8 years
can you let people know that luck fic you recommended is dubcon? thank you
asdfghjkl omg i’m so sorry for not adding it when i recommended it ;~; but i edited it already so thanks for telling me! 
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luxlightly · 8 years
Can you still call it a gift fic if the other person has already read 90% of it as you were writing it
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manamins · 9 years
playing llsif on my ios for the 1st time in  months;; i got WAY too used to  my phone’s larger screen so Im having a really hard time readjusting to the gameplay /weak laugh/ 
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electrail · 9 years
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