#??? idk what to actually tag bc its kinda complicated
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Aforementioned Napoleonic AU! Martian !! I said it would just be a wip but then oops, I basically finished it! Ty to everyone who was interested :D
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Really really proud of these I'm ngl! I rendered in a really different way than ever before and I'm very satisfied with it :D
Ramble about historical influences(basically me being a nerd about who I consider the F1 drivers of the Napoleonic era):
So I wanted to explain my thought process because I think that the specific context behind the uniforms I drew is very relevant, as I didn't just pick them on a whim.
I drew them in Hussars' uniforms(Austrian Empire = Red Bull, but like obviously not 100% accurate because the uniform colors are based off the RBR racesuits.) Hussars are, in my opinion, the F1 drivers of their time. Let me quote several things that led me to this conclusion:
"During the Napoleonic period, hussars, as in all armies, were employed as scouts, given raiding missions or despatched to harry and pursue a defeated enemy on the run. Mounted on light, nimble horses..."
"...Their flamboyant costume and their reputation for daredevil acts..."
"...developed a romanticized image of being dashing and adventurous.
Okay....so they're dashing and adventurous, riding specifically on fast, light horses, dressed in flamboyant outfits committing daredevil acts...sir that is literally an F1 driver!!! Tell me they aren't the historical predecessor to F1 drivers!!!
I have this big book of Napoleonic uniforms(yea I'm a nerd) and I was paging through it to see what uniforms I wanted to draw(I have a habit of drawing my one oc in the Napoleonic era. So when I started drawing fanart, I'm like of course I must draw them as this!) Austria's normal uniforms in this era are soooo boring compared to France's, so I was really 😒 about drawing them, but then I came across the Hussars, and then started noticing all these similarities and thought it was perfect. Also I need to mention the fact that Austria's royal cipher at the time was literally this:
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IT'S "F1", IT IS LITERALLY FUCKING F1, WHAT THE HELLLLL!?!?!?!? I had like a partial mental crisis coming across this, at that point it was destiny for me to draw this
*I forgot to include actual ref images 😐, so here you go!!
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*I wrote most of his around when I started this drawing, which was all the way back in April. And it's really interesting to consider now that I was basically immersed in the history of the Austrian Empire for a month. I apologize to everyone in my life who had to endure my lecture on why Hussars are the F1 drivers of their time. But god I could not hold it back when I saw some of these uniforms in person. And it was cool to pull out this drawing, even if it was just a wip, and be like "oh hey I've drawn these!!" Anyways, I digress.
Obviously the martian drawing is a direct reference to this pic from Malaysia 2010:
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My thoughts on this picture:
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I almost wanted to draw Seb in the Austrian Kaiser's outfit, but it is nowhere near as slay as the Hussar uniform, so Hussar uniform it is!
I have many thoughts and opinions on the lore of this au so pls ask if you're curious but it's also just a lot.
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guckies · 10 months
Saw someone talk about the politics on qsmp saying it shouldn’t have been made a thing…
But it was made to build plot and question relationships dynamics? Qsmp showed that it involves heavy lore and that lore isn’t gonna always be sunshine and rainbows.
Some were also comparing it to dsmp and that it’s been really negative plot overall. The only reason the dsmp politics were ruined was because twt people took it too seriously which ruined it. Dsmp is just one bad example of many smps. So if the lore is being ruined it’s cause it’s being took too seriously.
Keep in mind there has been several smps where a government or politics are involved and they still worked out fine. Like have they watched Karmaland or Hermitcraft or even smpEarth.
The short end is that if you can’t handle any of the lore and/or the exploration of relationship dynamics, then it’s time to log off and search for something else to be interested in because it’s just roleplay content at the end of the day.
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elytrafemme · 12 days
(kinda gets 18+ in tags srry. i never know how/where to talk abt it) and honestly it's never like i can pull up and talk about like, emotional abuse either. or like atmospheric triggers and shit. because talking about any of that is hard. but it's specifically fucking impossible to ever talk about sexual trauma to anybody ever, which is fucked because like... i'm trying and i'm doing good at it, i'm proud of myself, but it's so like. idk. when something dominates your entire life for an incredible critical five years of your life and entirely transforms how you approach anything it's like... i don't actually know how to express any of this at all. and i guess it's sometimes hard for people to get it. i dunno.
#neg#ask to tag#ok ill go to bed after this one its just like#thankfully im in a friend group that like. gets it#but even still ive never verbally clearly acknowledged thats what the anecdotes are about#and i mean its an open secret bc this one thing like. hit the fan. and my friends knew abt it#EVERYONE knew. and i realized only after that that it was like... actually a really bad thing maybe nobody should have known.#it's like that a lot. everyone sees it everyone knows it but it's kinda just me sweeping up the consequences#im very much a public vivisection case study of how like. nightmare sex explorations can go i guess#and maybe that's why i appeal to like anything in media talking about sex ever in a way thats kinda complicated#because like. yeah. i mean i lost any chance of getting to experience anything like that#i don't know. i have a really difficult time with processing this shit#which is crazy because like. idk if i ever said. but i think that was something nearly every alter in my head-#had in common. like not 2 of the 6 others. but the other 4 it was like at least somewhere a theme#which elt crazy. like so much for differentiation. but like. what else is there#i want to scream at ppl that this was my life this is all i fucking understood for ages#that i didnt realize it was bad until i saw what could be good#but you dont say that shit to people and im too fucking scared to say anything to my best friends so like#clearly nobody will know. n i just kinda have to live w that#that i can never have sex. and i can never really understand what goes on with it. that certain terms fly over my head#that i have to like latch on vice grip into fiction for it. because it never makes sense out of my own mouth#seriously if i need to tag this tell me i just dont know what the fuck to say
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weirdfishy · 2 years
was struck w the v real possibility that i may v well take note of romance songs for the lyrics instead of the musical bops alone this morning
#oh lord#this is better and worse than the <3? tag ish#rant bubbles#like i was v apathetic abt the <3? tag sitch but this one is the utter opposite in the best and worst ways. thereʻs actual nervousness at#this thing going wrong whereas the <3? i was fine with it falling flat. also i wouldnʻt know where to start in terms of ʻyeah we need to#hash out some stuff bc this is newʻ rn but w the <3? the sitch was mostly clear and i could almost treat it clinically but effectively#literally could not fall asleep in a way that was restful and i got up every three hours#like. itʻs better for me that theyʻre so open about the things that happened before so i can approach with mindfulness but iʻm not#so easily spurred into opening up. like iʻm real and blunt when its pertinent but i like to keep me close#(ʻbut fishy youʻre dumping hereʻ yeah yeah oscar wildeʻs ʻgive a man a maskʻ okay)#mmmm yk when you can tell theyʻve told their friends is when said friends see you and grin extra wide now and like its a good thing???#that theyʻre not glaring at you ofc but like it makes me feel so seen and btw i hate it a lil bit in this context bc i makes me feel like#they know so much more about whats going on than i do (which is fuck all bc Emotions Be Complicated)#also im a mess bc this guy i kinda donʻt know too much abt yet but i think is attractive said hi to me but he said ʻhello loveyʻ and--#and. and. abefkjnkreghknjowrbthj yk?? someone take the wheel. but i makes me remember to bring THAT up soon#not that imma go start two new relationships back to back but like itʻs still info that needs to be said#i am once again reminded that people exist and that so do i and itʻs. an Experience#+like. idk someone i can trust who knows both of us that i can tell. like iʻm saying it here & to my friends back home but itʻs diff yk
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tahtahfornow · 1 year
ten books to know me
ohhhh tysm for the tag molly @mblematic my beloved !! <3<3 this looks so fun except that now. you will all know what created my twisted brain ah well. alas!
the outsiders by s.e. hinton haha had to start with this one! read the outsiders for the first time at like 11/12 yrs old and it was truly truly formative! PONYBOY! SODAPOP! johnny and dally!! also it's quite gay.
a separate peace by john knowles continuing with the themes of male friendship, homoerotic subtext, and books i read in middle school that fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and turned me into the freak i am today or whatever.
lord of the flies by william golding look i know the ~*~mOrAL*~*`! is arguably misanthropic/malthusian/whatever but also. forget about that. it is very gay thats all that matters. and it is ANOTHER book that i first read in middle school and then immediately reread like at least three more times bc it made me absolutely feral. also . . . . . . sucks to your assmar!!
stoner by john williams :) this one has nothing to do with weed (it is about sad academics) and also i did not read it until my twenties but. i did write like forty-five pages about why it is secretly gay! (also it is starkly beautiful and very heart-rending, i do love a book that digs around in my organs and squeezes mercilessly like a toddler playing with slime.)
the waves by virginia woolf finally a book that isnt gay JUST KIDDING it is in fact also a lil gay but mostly it's just fucking beautiful. possibly the most beautiful novel i've ever read idk, hard to say and its not a quick read but like. read it for the first time in high school and have returned to it a number of times since then and. her prose my GOD. its a novel but also a poem, just a very long love poem to .... everything ....
fun home by alison bechdel technically it's a gRapHiC nOvEL and i only read it for the first time about a year ago but. have reread it since and it continues to haunt me istg this memoir is STUNNING the most gorgeous graphic novel & most gorgeous memoir i have ever ever encountered. an actually brilliant piece of literature in every right. makes me sob. (also, yes, it is very gay.)
the heart is a lonely hunter by carson mccullers well i HAD to include carson mccullers on the list dear god!! also so formative...read this book for the first time in high school, have returned to it a number of times since. it is. truly beautiful !!!!!! what else can i say <3.
who's afraid of virginia woolf by edward albee this is in fact a PLAY (!!) also an amazing movie but. i have read the play many many times it is SO funny, SO smart, SO painful. who needs whips when you and yr partner are. mentally torturing each other for sport. another one i read for the first time as a teen so again.... rather formative.
lolita by vladimir nabokov all right well honestly i read this for the first time in high school and enjoyed it, especially part one, thought it was smart n funny n that part two was kinda all over the place but still yknow overall felt positively about it. BUT. gave it a reread last year and jesus CHRIST i was just like !! i missed SO much !! it is not only so goddamn beautiful but SO much more complex and brilliant than i ever picked up on as a teenager my god. the prose is like the most intricate beautiful renaissance painting and the plot is like the most infuriatingly complicated game of CHESS but. it's ?? the product of a genuinely brilliant mind ?? idek but i will probably read this book at least five more times before i die its just. wow.
the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater HAHA copied you molly !!!!!! :) :) devil emoji etc. thought about choosing a book of poetry or just something else Literary but like, i recognize this list is already pretty full of Boring Classic Literature and such so i guess i can loosen my corset or whatever and say. these goddamn ya books. SPECIFICALLY the dream thieves (you are so right!) but also just the series generally jfc. i thought i hated ya but these books have changed me and everything i thought i knew about myself ....... maggie writes such poetic sentences...... "his exposed shoulder was raw and beautiful as a corpse" JESUS FUCKING !! only just read these like six months ago or something but they have utterly rewired my brain chemistry and maybe shifted the entire trajectory of my life so. i cannot. i cannot even. <3
oh shit i forgot to tag ppl um @billsfangearring @forlorngarden @shipsnsails @everythingbutcoldfire @colgatebluemintygel @perverse-idyll no pressure whatsoever xx
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oflgtfol · 10 months
ok so for clarity im making this post in two parts because i had originally saved the original post as a draft but now something else has happened to complicate the situation but i feel like you still need to see the original post to know my feelings over time
[original post, drafted on august 29th:]
anyway i need a bit of a reality check on this like am i being weird and overthinking it or what
so my store has traditionally been all or almost all entirely women. the most we ever had was like 1, at most 2 guys working replenishment. we’ve had several long stretches where there was not a single male employee
my new SM is, well, a man. and we have many many problems with him for reasons that i wouldnt say are sexism but is mostly just that he’s a bad manager and the store is falling apart because of it and we’re bearing the brunt of it. especially weird dynamic because hes a 50 year old man and the entire rest of the store’s staff are all young women, at most mid 20s, and a sizeable number still literally in high school. our two full time managers, one in her mid 30s and the other in her 60s, have left for various reasons, which means that there is no sort of mediator to advocate for us anymore. its just this middle aged man overseeing a bunch of young women. add on how overbearing and bad he is as a manager in general and its like toxic lol
and so now hes finally started hiring for seasonal and its…. As far as i can tell, literally the only people calling the store saying they have interviews, have been guys.
and so i feel weird, and i feel weird thst i feel weird about it, that we’re now hiring like 5 men. but i also feel kinda justified in feeling weird because i almost feel like this is the SM pulling more weird shit. that he doesnt like this all female dynamic and is now trying to like, idk
IT FEELS WEIRD verbalizing it but hes a very condescending guy and the store is falling apart and so it almost feels like hes now giving up our current all female staff and trying to bring men in to fix it?? like he cant fire any of us women bc we’ve been here longer than him but now hes gonna bring in his own people for the first time and its all men? fundamentally changing the dynamic of the store that has been here for years longer than he’s even been with the company, and to further establish a disconnect between him and his young female staff ?????
am i overthinking it and reading condescension/superiority/whatever the word is into this. like i feel weird for being put off over hiring more than 1 dude per season but also this SM is backhanded like that so i really cant discount that there might be some weird vibes or motives behind this
[original post’s accompanying tags for the full picture:]
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[new addition on september 3rd]
so now i just found out that this guy, who was literally the guy in the break room having his first day on august 29th, is being considered to be promoted to a manager
which is killing me because theres been all this talk among the managers for literally almost a year now about making me a manager and ive been indecisive because i dont know if i want to or not but ultimately its just been a “what if” situation to me because the actual SM hasnt said a word to me about it! he has never given me an offer. he has never even vaguely mentioned it to me. the only reason i know about it is bc im friends with the other managers and they tell me that hes been thinking about it for a while now
and my framing manager told me that this new guy was being considered as a new manager and i said “well. im actually kind of offended now that hes only been here for a week. meanwhile here i am” and she said “didnt SM give you an offer though?” and i told her that no the SM has not uttered a word to me about this and she was shocked
and its just. this kid has been here literally five fucking days? what the fuck? what the hell is going on. like yeah i am kind of offended actually. i still dont know if i would accept if given the offer but my indecision comes from whether i’d get an adequate raise and i cant come to a final decision without being able to negotiate my raise, which i cant do that if i havent been given the offer !!!! ive been here over two years i know pretty much everything in this store im cross trained on everything and everyone else in this store looks up to me as a non-manager superior and ive been told multiple times by the non-sm managers AND my non-manager coworkers that i should become a manager. meanwhile this guy has been here five days, ive interacted with him for two minutes, and of those moments i spent near him he barely spoke a word to me, and im sure he doesnt have the trust + camaraderie with my other coworkers yet as well, and yet SM wants him to become a manager like five days into him being hired ?!?!?
and again i dont know if i’d accept so thats why i feel kind of stupid for being offended but also like it’d still be nice to have offer ! especially compared to the guy who just started five days ago!!
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 11 months
praying to a ghost that refuses to stay buried
praying to a ghost that refuses to stay buried https://ift.tt/AJ8gzwG by ijusthavealotoffeelings “It was always going to be you, and Cas knew it. He was dead from the moment he met you.” Dean swallowed thickly but he refused to break Gabe’s gaze. “You never cared about him,” Gabe spat. “You only cared about what he could do for you! And you know what? He knew it but he did it anyway! He deserved so much better than you.” “No,” Dean whispered. “No, you don’t get to do that.” Dean shoved against Gabe hard and he stumbled back a step with the force of it. Dean could feel tears stinging his eyes but he refused to cry like this. “You don’t get to tell me how I felt about Cas! Don’t you for one second believe I loved him any less than you did! Hell, I loved him more! More than anyone! I would’ve done anything for him!” Dean is grieving and Gabriel just wants his brother back. With Jack gone, Sam's just trying to hold onto the little family he has left. Even when Cas returns from the dead, with Jack by his side, things don't just magically become okay again. It seems they may all have some truths they need to confess to. Words: 13718, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Jack Kline Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Gabriel & Dean Winchester, Jack Kline & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 15, Post-Canon Fix-It, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Castiel is Saved from the Empty (Supernatural), Love Confessions, Sam Winchester Knows, that tag is still objectively hilarious to me like, we as a fandom collectively agree that sam definitely know dean and cas are in love, gabriel knows too, fight me on this, Dean Winchester Lives, lets just pretend the finale didnt happen okay, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, I am physically incapable of writing sad endings, so fear not dear readers, idk what else to put, First Kiss, warning for alcoholism in the beginning, look deans not good at coping, Grief/Mourning, may as well tag it its kind of a central theme in this fic, But dont worry!, they get their happy ending!, as they should - Freeform, also, Jack Knows, but in a, he asssumes theyre already a couple, kind of way, headcanon: cas blows out all the lights the first time they kiss, married couple bickering, okay its actually a lot heavier than that, our boys need to work their shit out, dean and his tendency to say bad things in the heat of the moment, listen, I Love Dean, but he has no filter when hes angry, loving someone to the point of self destruction etc etc, Complicated Relationships, because, yeah - Freeform, what they have is def complicated, featuring deans inherent tendency to self sabotage, bc he definitely does that a lot, or am i projecting? maybe im projecting, either way you get the idea, ok these tags are becoming ridiculous, Im gonna stop now, rating is mostly for language and heavy themes, and one kinda smutty scene, dean drinks whiskey in this bc thats what i drink when im sad, whiskey hangovers SUCK, ig dean is just very me coded in this, Dean Winchester Uses Actual Words, as he should, yes there is a halsey quote in here that i stole, dont judge me, overly sappy declarations of love and devotion, living on being the ultimate act of loving someone, but maybe thats just more of me projecting, is anyone even going to read these tags?, okay this was only supposed to be like 3k words and it just got away from me via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/8ANmeK2 July 29, 2023 at 08:54PM
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doubleminor · 4 years
do you draw out all of your graphics like the sedin ones?
oh fuck no lmao i’ve only done sketches including the sedin ones like three times total ever- i do not have the patience to spend time sketching out graphics like that, most of my graphics are done head empty on autopilot and finished in an hour or two max
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boobchuy · 2 years
Actually wait no I want you to go insane. If Anne gets transported to wandersong where would she end up where would the other girls end up what part would they play in the main story does amphibia still exist?? Anyways. Here’s some more Anne wandersongs for motivation (she’s always sitting down when I take screenshots)
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but anyways
the idea i had when u sent that earlier ask was anne accidentally getting to wandersong at like. the s3b point??? instead of getting to amphibia she gets stuck to another world. how awesome is that lol. (im just kidding i dont think i have the mental capacity to think about that kinda au. think of the emotional turmoil. im a bully but even mental bullying gets exhausting sometimes besides i think physical comedy is underrated ANYWAY)
so a setting where the girls end up in wandersong instead of amphibia would be fun :]]]
because. i dont have any other idea on what to do. ill just *shrugs* and put the main three of each together. so like, marcy w kiwi, anne w miriam, and sasha w audrey
i think itd be super fucking funny to see wandersong trio fumble around w these kids that they had to adopt for some reason. idk.
marcy, still on that sort of escapism mentality, decides to help kiwi, and kiwi. lets her do it and promises to help her get home, bc of course they do. (i do not know how to do the reveal of marcy having the intention of wanting to go here, too early to be thinking complicated thoughts abt this) i like to think that like... she eventually realizes how real this is thanks to kiwi being so genuine all the time.
anne ends up landing face first on a pile of leaves near delphi <3 grandma saphy finds her <3 miriam absolutely does not like her <3 kiwi goes 'aw you guys get along so well :D' and miriam goes 'i will shoot you with lightning.' and kiwi 'D:' miriam begrudgingly lets anne tag along w the coaxing of grandma saphy. and since kiwi has their own 'Annoying' child. might as well
NOW. SASHA. SASHA W AUDREY. SASHA W AUDREY. idk if this duo would be a ticking time bomb or the funniest duo in hell but like. its. complicated. i dont know how the FUCK it would work when all three of them eventually cross paths. but the only reason why audrey lets sasha stay is thanks to eyala saying that so long as the three of them are here they cant let the end of the world happen. some sort of paradoxical time thing??? idk im making this up. it would be really nice. if. these two see similar things to each other, and maybe, they grow close. but also like. the possibility of it blowing up on their faces is just as likely so im crying now
GOD. wandersong makes me go insane how can you do this to me.
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hope ur happy
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sour-n-salty-citrus · 3 years
5, 11, 28? ~necklace-of-sin
Hey Cat! Thanks for the asks :D
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
HMM! Idk if this counts as a trope, but I CANNOT read anything with public sex (MAYBE semi-public but even then it depends). Like idk bajdjsjs I'm super squicky about the idea of someone stumbing in upon or watching the MCs of the fic. Like- MAYBE if its one person watching in a confined space, otherwise, if its like a crowd or smth then nuh uh I'm not reading it. I think maybe part of it comes from a strong sense of second hand embarrassment or smth lol.
Next- I wouldn't say I 'dislike' this trope, but hurt/no comfort. I mean- maybe I'll read it, but I'm a godamn sap, so even in stuff like darkfic I need some kind of closure ;-;. Even if the ending isn't "happy", I prefer bittersweet to just... bitter akdjskd. I need some relief, otherwise it's just Torture Porn? Which can be enjoyable ig but very very very rarely for me.
Oh another one is when a ship is put in the main tags... only to break up/not be the main pair ajdbsj. Like- I read a bkdk fic (bc i was in the bkdk tag) that was about Deku cheating on Bakugou w Todoroki and breaking up, and then the following fic was Kiribaku. LIKE hsjdjasj it makes me so mad! Why couldn't the break up have been referenced in the kiribaku fic?? Why make a new fic! Doesnt make sense to me. It's even worse if your ship is a rarepair/not that popular. Like- I ship Reibert, which isn't exactly a rarepair, but it always shows up as a sidepair. I have to legit filter out the jeanmarco tag bc it takes up the reibert tag, and just has them in the background and it annoys me sm >:/ Wait does that count as a trope-? Whatever.
This isn't a trope, but it's rare I like canon ships. Like- if a ship is implied canon it's like meh :/. I think a lot of the fun comes from the knowing your ship won't be canon and the potential there, so canon ships are kinda "boring" to me. With expections, of course, but yeah. Its like a lot of the potential is already gone, and I think its partly due to lazy writing, bc once characters are romantically involved a lot of writers cba to develop their actual relationship and individual characters. (This doesn't go for fic, more canon stuff).
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
HMM. Well, as mentioned, I think the best ships always tend to be the non-canon ones :"). Idk I just feel like when there's only a platonic relationship on-screen, it means there's so much more to develop and explore in fic and fandom. Generally though, I love characters that are opposites (opposites attract 4 life), but still similar enough to flow off each other and have an enjoyable dynamic. Because you ship Rickorty too, I'll use them as an example: I like how they work as a team and balance each other's strengths, but at the same time can be conflicting and bicker a lot. If you look at my other fave ships (Bakudeku, Shizaya, Frostshield) I think I really have a thing for opposites (and blondes... apparently). I love when there's one half who's honest and earnest, and one who's more reseved and manipulative/complicated. I love ships that bring out the best in each other, and again, act as a balance for each other's strengths/weaknesses. I love the "stronger together" shit, I'm weak for it, and I love the whole "x is soft for y, and y is tough for x". Its *mwah* perfection. I love when the ship gives each other a different perspective on life, makes them change for the better.
I think the best ships are, when you put them in a room together, something interesting is bound to happen.
(Fluff and mushy shit aside I love when ships have a lot of potential for angst too >:D)
28. What is your best shipping advice?
This is a vagueish question so I'll answer as "best advice for a shipper".
Imo, ship what you want and dgaf. Someone will share your ship (someone always does, trust me), and if it's a rarepair, be the change you want to see in the world! Even if you feel like you're the only one making content for something and enjoying it, I guarantee, someone else will be searching for it and be very thankful to find it. If someone wants to talk about their ships with you, and if its not a trigger/uncomfortable for you, let them! They'll probably let you talk about yours in turn. Respect other people's ships, and they'll respect yours. If you don't like a ship, you're free to complain about it, but make sure to complain about the ship and NOT the shipper. Block whoever you want, it's literally no big deal, and if people are being jerks you don't have to listen to them. AO3 is a godsend, its tagging system and bookmarks are a godsend, use them! If you really enjoyed a fic, leave a comment! Please ;-; Doesn't have to be big. Write/make what you want, even if it's for yourself.
The most important thing is to have fun! :D
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spiritwinding · 4 years
fill out & repost !
tagged by:  lmao  tagging:  idk whoever else likes long memes
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my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. / NOT ANSWERING THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!! NOP Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK (i think so? i mean ive never seen anyone argue that sonic ISNT string) Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK (lmao as if) Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. (again lmao but lmao as in ‘his name is the title’) Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.  Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO.  How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (generally speaking!) How strictly do you follow canon?  —  well. i mean i dont bust my ass to follow it frame by frame but i also don’t completely discard it so. though question
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  imma be real idk wwhat to say yall know who tf sonic is. heart of gold hero who plays by his own rules but has an undying dedication to protecting everyone and making them happy. very friendly and supportive but also vague and private and distant in a lotta ways. comes across as simple minded, maybe a little thick headed, impulsive, arrogant and childish but is actually kinda wise, mostly just confident, and likes to have a good time. live life 2 the fullest baby. 3′0′’ and has and will kick a god’s ass, also doesn’t care for his reputation and is capable of doing things others might read as morally wrong as long as he knows what he’s doing. i dont really care bout my bad reputation *guitar riff* 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — the fact sega literally said he’s legally not allowed to be sad ESXRDTFVGBHN honestly it’s Very funny but also gives me material to make him Repressed tm so? i personally dont mind a whole lot, but your mileage may vary
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  sonic colors!!! i watched chuggaconroy’s lp of it bc my brother said he thought i would like it and i LOVED sonic. so much. i love how he was so jokey and fun and dorky but also cool and how he protected tails above all else and how he got angry at the injustice the wisps were facing and how he just acted so Chill while out running a black hole and then just being? again so chill and confident when he gets brought back to earth. the ending of colors is one of my FAV things and i couldnt pinpoint to exactly why but i so specifically love the bit where he rubs under his nose and says all determined ‘a hedgehogs gotta do whata  hedgehogs gotta do’ like!! i love him. he’s so cool but also talks to robots that cant hear him
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  the plots i have planned mostly EDFVGBH but also i just. love sonic? so much as a character. he means a lot to me so just by default my affection for him gives me motivation and its ultimately what brought me back to the rpc, i just. really missed him!
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters.
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Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? (lmao) Do you frequently write headcanons?  about certain things! im better withh prompts though ftvgybhnj Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO (oh you have no idea dfgbhnj) Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO (ask my friends its a problem) Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF?  Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO.  Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. (dude it’s why i LEFT EDFGBHNJ) Do you accept criticism about your portrayal?  —  ysee i used to? but. god if i stress out too much about how Good Or Accurate my portrayal is i will just stop having fun. part of why i ended up not being able to keep writing sonic is because i freaked out abt this, it got REALLY bad. i mostly wanna just. write for myself ykno?)
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  yeah who doesn’t
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  nnnot necessarily? i wanna hear what that person’s portrayal is like in that aspect because i just love different portrayals of the same character but i dont wanna get into like.. a debate?
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  i think ive established im just that one meme of the cat crying while looking at a phone so. honestly i really just wanna concentrate on writing stuff i enjoy and writing a verison of sonic thats fun to write for me
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  like. sonic as a character or spirit? if its the former i mean. go crazy go stupid? live ur life? vfVGBH just dont like. purposefully bash the things i like to my face thats just mean. if its the former then Cest La Vie
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  if u wanna but. i make so many and i dont proofread so dxcfvgbhnj no point
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  i’m not strict by any means lmao. like i said im the crying cat meme
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 11 months
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mobu-time · 5 years
Read the tag and out of curiosity, how would you pacing the broccoli arc for season 3?
lmao I'm sorry you probably weren’t asking me to go so hard on this but uhhh this is my favorite arc and I've got some opinions
Here’s how I’d love the arc to be paced
Episode 1: Youkai Hunting
-Chapter 93
-probably include and end with the Has It Begun? My Era? panels from Chapter 92
Episode 2: Future Prospects + Carried Away
-opening from chp 94 (the youkai getting pulled into the broccoli)
-Chapter 92
   --skip right over has it begun bc it was in ep1 and go straight into next scene
-Chapter 94
-end with dimple leaving after the “eat shit, dimple” smackdown I guess
Episode 3: The Psycho Helmet Cult Part 1(things start to get weird)
-Chapter 95
-if they wanted to, this would be the episode to add in a new scene with Tsubomi or remind the audience that takenaka was a character at one point
   --basically as just a bit of prep for the other two arcs
-either ends where vol13 ends (teru setting out for the broccoli) or ends where the teru fight cuts off (just after dimple reveal)    
   --I think ending with the dimple reveal is the way to go, plus this way there’s a fight scene in this episode and not two in the next one       
Episode 4: The Psycho Helmet Cult Part 2 (things go wrong fast)
-Chapter 96 and 5-6 parts of Chapter 97
-The quest to destroy the broccoli
-The teru v mob fight
-probably end just before or after dimple actually shows up
Episode 5: Dimple and Mob
-The rest of it   
   --@bones pls do go ham with the dimple v psycho helmet fight
Here’s how the episodes fit into your mp100 season patterns, which are Very Correct btw      
I big agree with you about having the youkai hunting as the first episode. It’s a super solid way to start the season. It’s also especially funny bc this chapter starts with a parody of the show’s usual introduction to psychics, replacing “psychics” with “youkai hunters”. It’s a good piece of mob growth+slice of life, at some point Amakusa wonders if the broccoli is attracting spirits that want to use its life energy or whatever (foreshadowing), plus inukawa (who plays a bigger role later in the season) is in it.   
For the second episodes, I would def say it’s just fun stuff for most of the ep, but I think another thing the second episodes do is that they end with something that sets up the third episode and is usually the start of a big chain of events. S1: join BIC, S2: reigen puts up the website, S3: dimple leaves      
Future Prospects is important to include here bc it’s an easy way to reintroduce mezato and the psycho helmet cult plot. It’s also some of Serizawa’s only screen time this arc and we can’t let it go to waste.  
Ep3 is still mostly a mob character study, bc a lot of the chapter is mob dealing with being (or suddenly not being) recognized as the psycho helmet cult leader + reacting to the spread of the cult’s influence in general.
Ep4 is the beginning of mob’s concrete The Broccoli Must Be Removed quest, which continues into Ep5      
Ep5 -Dimple was a friend r.i.p.
Side Note: I desperately want the omake adventures of Hoshino and Asahi to be referenced in some way. Maybe when the shiratori brothers show up they can have a “what are the other awakening kids up to rn?” 10 second bit.  
And now here’s the reason WHY I organized things the way I did, but it’s under a read more bc this post is already too long
So full disclosure: the reason I paced the broccoli arc the way I did is entirely bc it’s my favorite arc and I want them to take their time with it. It’s also an arc that requires a LOT of setup before getting to the payoff, so I’d like the arc to be more like 4-ish episodes instead of the 3-ish episodes you predicted. This isn’t an arc you can just kind of start. Part of why the separation arc worked as well as it did was because they were subtly setting it up all season with little comments here and there between reigen and mob. It wasn’t something that just happened one day. They had to lay the groundwork and build off of it, and this arc isn’t much different. 
Another thing is that the vibe of this arc is one that will take some effort to establish. The slow, creeping influence of the psycho helmet cult is unsettling, and then suddenly getting caught up in the effects of the widespread brainwashing is even worse, but in order for those feelings to really come across we have to spend time with them. Slowly realizing that something is very wrong and then being horrified by it is something that, unsurprisingly, has to develop slowly. And by ‘slowly’ I mean spreading it across two episodes (3-4) instead of shoving it all into one. 
This arc, more so than most of the others, is driven by a complicated combination of emotions that can very easily be misunderstood if they aren’t displayed fully. I know this because when I was reading this arc for the first time I read through it too quickly, and had to start over because I didn’t pay enough attention to what was going on and confused myself. One of the only weaknesses, imo, that the anime has is that they have to cut stuff out. This is usually fine, but sometimes it can have a significant impact on the audience’s understanding of a character. It’s something that happened with ritsu’s arc. It wasn’t really That much different in the anime, but a few lines were cut here and a few shots were skipped there and the result is that ritsu’s fall is a bit harder to actually understand. At least for me, somehow the manga only has a few more lines and yet it makes ritsu’s character and his whole character Arc much clearer. 
I feel like something similar happened in the anime with dimple. There isn’t much aside from a few cut omakes and punching Suzuki in the face that’s significantly different, but a decent amount of time his lines get cut or altered a tiny bit over the course of the series and ultimately the result is that manga dimple is a slightly different, and slightly fuller, character than anime dimple. Idk fam I just watch people’s reactions and I worry that the fact that dimple actually has feelings that can potentially be hurt isn’t something the anime-onlies are prepped for. 
If the anime doesn’t take its time in this arc, and decides to cut some things here and there the way it has in the past, it runs the risk of 1. Being all around harder to follow, 2. Feeling out of character, and 3. Not hitting nearly as hard. Feeling out of character is the riskiest part of all this because mob and dimple ARE acting out of character. That’s the point! They both get carried away and they fight and they do and say things they shouldn’t and usually wouldn’t do, but if it isn’t clear that that’s what’s happening then their behavior can feel confusing or even disappointing. 
One more thing. I love mob psycho fight scenes. I really do think they’re some of the best I’ve seen, and there are a lot of fights in this arc I can’t wait to see animated. It can kinda become a problem though if emotional content screen time is sacrificed for action content screen time. Not to beat a dead horse (or cat in this case), but, uh, *cough* mogami. I’d rather they go ham with the animation in the confession arc and spend more time in this one on the other stuff. 
There’s just a fuck ton of shit that happens in this arc and fitting it all in before episode 6 without rushing anything is gonna be a process. It’s possible, but it’s really gonna take some planning.                
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sigmadolos · 4 years
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Fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is: canon / oc / au  / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO / EH KINDA
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO / SUBJECTIVE
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL / DEPENDS
How strictly do you follow canon? — Well  ,  canon  doesn’t  give  me  much  for  Sigma  so  it’s  complicated.  I  follow  him  knowiing  the  page  ,  being  a  DOA  memeber  ,  and  to  a  point  his  ability  since  the  specifics  have  only  been  guessed  by  Dazai  who Fyodor’s  puzzled  before  but  overall  I  stick  with  canon  information  but  i  do  play  and  change  with  the  whole  falling  from  the  casino  and/or  who  encounters  him  after  SINCE  WE  HAVEN’T  SEEN  HIM  FOR  SEVERAL  CHAPTERS  NOW.  I’m  not  against  AU’s  ,  i  have  a  discord  only  one  with  leshie  sigma  &  fedya  and  its  the  cutest  ;-;
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. —  He’s  a  casino  manager  of  an  aerial  casino  that’s  untouched  by  the  law  and  people  generally  have  a  very  positive  image  of  him  ,  but  he’s  actually  a  creation  of  the  page  and  a  member  of  the  terrorist  organization  the  Decay  of  Angels.  He  has  amazing  memory  ,  able  to  remember  every  patron  and  health  /  behavioral  details  from  thousands  ,  and  despite  suffering  panic  attacks  ,  he  finds  the  strength  to  do  whatever  it  takes  to  protect  what  he  cares  about.  He’s  dangerous.   He’s  also  a  survivor  of  slavery  and  learned  to  be  able  to  wear  masks  of  his  moods  like  seeming  confident  and  calm  even  when  he’s  panicking.  Also  I  write  him  being  a  mythology  lover  and  that  seems  to  be  something  my  mutuals  enjoy  ?  He’s  my  muse  for  sharing  all  my  mythology  info.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?). —  You  really  don’t  know  anything  about  him  ,  he  doesn’t  have  any  self  value  ,  and  you  will  be  subjected  to  those  stupid  baby  jokes.  He  doesn’t  have  a  combat  oriented  ability.  He’s  a  Decay  of  Angel  member,  people  either  love  or  hate  them.  He’s  not  a  main  character  .  Good  luck  finding  fanfic  for  him
What inspired you to rp your muse? — I don’t know, he just clicked with me. Also there werent a  million  accounts  for  him.  I’m  notorious  for  picking  up  side  characters  ,  although  I  ironically  entered  the  BSD  fandom  with  2  of  the  most  popular.  I  just  took  really  well  to  SIgma  and  accurately  predicted  several  things  like  being  a  page  creation  ,  detailed  memory  ,  lack  of  self  value  /  purpose  ,  and  the  silver  eyes  (  im  still  proud  of  that  one  )
What keeps your inspiration going? —  Recently  its  been  a  struggle  because  not  as  many  seem  interested  in  him.  But  I’ve  poured  so  much  of  my  time  and  energy  into  creating  his  character  and  story  ,  and  he’s  interesting  to  have  other  characters  interact  with.  Sigma  being  a  member  of  the  DOA  is  NOT  a  well  known  if  at  all  known  fact  by  anyone.  So  the   potentially  for  people  to  have  no  idea  who  he  is  while  he  knows  all  about  them  like  Agency  and  Port  Mafia  is  fascinating  ,  esp  when  the  muses  find  out.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO  (  i  hope  ?  )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO  (  somewhat ?  )
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO
Do you accept criticism about your portrayal? — I am.  I  prefer  suggestions  or  more  inquisitive  questions  so  I  can  clarify  something  before  someone  comes  attacking  out  of  left  field.  But  I  am  open  to  CONSTRUCTIVE  criticism  or  suggestions.
Do you like questions which help you explore your character? — I  LOVE  LOVE  LOVE  questions.  I  used  to  get  them  when  I  started  the  blog  ,  I  don’t  really  get  them  anymore.  Don’t  know  if  its  lack  of  interest  or  I’ve  just...answered  what  people  want  to  know.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? — I  would  be  curious.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? — I  mean  ,  I  don’t  know  why  they’d  follow  me  in  the  first  place  if  they  don’t  like  my  portrayal  ?  I’d  be  very  confused  why  they’re  following.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? — ;-;  jk  I  just  shrug  it  off.  He’s  not  really  popular  enough  to  get  hate  from  what  I’ve  seen.  He  was  sort  of  popular  bc  OH  NEW  CHARACTER  like  every  time  a  new  character  appears  ,  but  his  hype  died  just  as  fast.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? —  Go  for  it  ,  sometimes  I  miss  things  and  if  they  want  to  fix  it  they  absolutely  can  !
Do you think you are easy going as a mun? —  ...I  hope  ?  I  worry  about  bothering  people  24/7.  I  literally  almost  cry  when  first  approaching  someone  ooc.  Its  hard  for  me  though  I’m  usually  very  chatty  if  someone  approaches  ME  first.  I’m  very  tolerant  and  open  to  people  !  I  love  to  chat  and  yell  about  muses  !  But  i  worry  about  bothering  or  annoying  people  so  i’m  not  particularly  relaxed.  I’m  as  anxious  as  Sigma  is  sometimes
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by; Stolen  from @praevari​ !​ Tagging;  Swipe  it  ~ ! 
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
I feel like u have a lot of amazing ideas. Can u list them all our do u wanna keep them secret? Like a big masterlist of all the types of aus u wanna write someday. I know i have like 3 pages of ideas. I've actually written down plots to a lot of them, but i don't get much father than that 😬 -🐖
wkjefkwej i do have lots of ideas ((idk about AMAZING damn ily) but most of them are just swirling around my head tbh,,, i have an 18 page google doc with old ideas but then i didnt keep writing ideas down there so ,,, it would be like 30 pages long if i had kept at it ksjdfkjefj
i do want to ((for the most part)) keep my ideas secret so that 1. ppl wont use them before i can SKFKJE and 2. so that if i do post / write / etc them, ppl won’t have alr seen them before !!! but i can post vague-ish ?? summaries of them !!!! also this turned out to be way longer than i thought so . apologies
modern cinderella sns au
hanahaki au 
ao haru ride au
modernized jane eyre au
love alarm au
stoic tsundere chef!kyungsoo (see here)
au based off of shinee’s view music video (which i alr kinda did with runaways but . still ive had this idea for years)
tatbilb au
teacher x student au
fashion blogger!y/n
bad bitch!y/n and nerd!main lead
false memories au ((a lot more complicated but hard to explain simply so,,, ill leave it at that))
au based off of the dawnguard quest in skyrim ((but just the ‘100′s of years old vampire locked in a crypt gets found by random human’ part))
au based off groupie love by lana del rey
something with the title “1-800-CUPID” ((if someone takes this i will literally cry just . dont do it . im gonna use it at some point))
something with the title “101 ways to get the girl” AGAIN DONT TAKE IT
guy takes nerdy girls and turns them into bad bitches formula au
ur new teacher / teaching assistant / boss / etc is the one night stand you had the previous night OOPS
secretly dating au
boarding school au
harry potter au 
au based off airplane by ikon
au based off she’s a baby by zico
halloween party costume... turns out to not be a costume :> im mostly a  romance writer but this could go a horror route idk
this svt series i was gonna do where each of them had a love story... i can list them if you want but i think i deleted the drafts bc im ocd and have a need to clean out my drafts smh... ok they are as follows ((ill prob end up writing some of these and maybe/probably changing the idol but who knows)) :
(minghao) ur bff tags you and the boy u like in an ig pic and the pic says “tag ur best friend and their crush to ruin their life” 
(jun) FAKE fake dating au ((aka guy gets girl to fake date him so his parents will back off of asking him if he has a gf except he actually likes her and its a plan to get her to fall in love w him LOL))
(jeonghan) ice cream shop summer job au feat. flirty main lead
(chan) girl and guy have a prank war that’s been ongoing for two years ever since he accidentally did smth to her and they’re rivals but then he witnesses a moment right after her bf breaks up with her and is like ok we r bffs now and yeah . its cute in theory
(wonwoo) girl is at a party and kisses someone but bc she was intoxicated she doesn’t remember who it was and the plot is her narrowing down who kissed her etc
(mingyu) best friends to lovers bc of a game of spin the bottle HAH ik its cliche but idc
(seungkwan) girl is a prim and proper student but parties over the summer and makes a whOLE fool out of herself in front of guy at one such party but she’s like eh im embarrassed but ill never see him again so its ok except . he turns out to be a transfer to her school
(woozi) guy and girl are main leads and romantic partners etc in play / movie / whatever and while they film / practice an actual behind the scenes romance develops
(dk) guy who is energetic and spastic meets rlly stoic and cold girl bc they’re lab partners and he melts her cold ass exterior
(hoshi) girl is the only daughter of a super rich family and boy is the son of the family’s maid / etc and they run into each other and end up falling for each other despite the class difference, which causes conflict later on when they want to be together yeehaw
(joshua) girl and guy are close friends n one time their friend who is an aspiring youtuber is filming and he’s like listen i want views yall should kiss . and the girl is like no ??? what . and the guy is like surprise ! and kisses her and it changes their relationship oop
(hansol) brother’s best friend!au . simple as that tbh skejfke
and lastly (scoups) famous idol!guy and company intern!girl who definitely shouldnt like each other but . totally do 
ok anyways continuing on bc my ideas never fucking stop . oblivious! popular boy taehyung and lovesick!y/n desperately trying to get it into his rock dumb brain that she likes him
i also had this idea for kim doyoung and kim gongmyung like . about the girl liking one of them and then him breaking her heart and its like a year later and she ends up with his little brother . yanno . ok
arranged relationship au BUT with a twist bc the girl also has a bf at school (basically,, something similar to my little bride??? but not the same,, just similar)
cute new boy vs bff boy who has a secret crush on oc
au based off boys by charli xcx 
au based off in your pocket by maroon 5
sugar daddy!au
then ofc i have ones ive actually started which are:
au based off mistakes like this by prelow
au based off leave your lover by echos
au based off the mv for view by shinee yanno yanno i mentioned that
royalty!dawon and bodyguard!y/n whose real identity turns out to b something nobody knew about oops
wow i didnt know i had so many ideas when will i chill
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thewolfbit · 5 years
Thoughts on 801
I missed a TON being off Tumblr for almost a week, and I’ve been trying to go through everything in the tag but failing miserably (bc you all ROCK at generating new content, and I am so well fed!!!!). So this is probably really repetitive and jet-laggy, but here are my thoughts (they may be a bit out of order):
Arya Stark!!!! I SHRIEKED
Then my heart broke because she sees some of the most important men in her life again, and none of them see her, and honestly that scene was really painful??? Her reaction! She was so disappointed and it HURT.
D is upset the smallfolk of the North don’t like her, but then her dragons swoop in and TERRIFY everyone and she has SUCH a satisfied smile... like omg HBO is dark!D on main now I guess??
JON AND BRAN REUNION. Jon quickly falls into the “he’s weird but we still love and accept him” group with Sansa and Arya
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JON AND SANSA HUG WAS SHORTENED!!! WTF Y’ALL. I’m mad about this!!! Why did they shorten that amazing reunion 2.0 after hyping it so much?? Idk I know they shoot it from multiple angles, but it just seems really strange to me to edit and prep two different versions to air for no apparent reason. (Also, were they for sure the same footage? For example, D and Jorah start walking, but don’t unclasp their hands like they did in the teaser... idk, I need to watch it again when my brain is done being jet lagged.) 
^ Has GoT done this before with any other alternate footage that’s only used for promo?
D: “JON TOLD ME HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE.” That’s it. That’s my take on this line.
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D finding out about Viserion being turned was... rushed... I felt like this should have been a MUCH bigger moment. But—
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Sansa and Tyrion reunion. Either Tyrion and Jon are both turned into devoted idiots in D’s presence, or they’re playing at something. Sansa sees through that shit with Tyrion!! I drank grape juice (no wine, I’m jet lagged!) to salute her in this scene
ARYA AND JON REUNION. While parts of this were great, I felt so bad for Arya here!! She deserved a real, wonderful, drawn-out reunion like Sansa and Jon got, instead of two seconds of loveliness and then “help me with Sansa and my gf” 🙄 Jon I get that maybe you’re trying to get on Arya’s side and be co-conspirators again like you were as kids but KNOCK IT OFF, you’re annoying me in this episode. #sansadefensesquad (which Arya is totally a part of and DON’T FORGET THAT)
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Oh no the dragons only ate the equivalent of 100 human meals today!! 😢 The dragon flying scene was honestly so cringey I felt like we were watching a completely different TV show. Why TF would D just be like “hey ride my 2nd dragon”??? There wasn’t even any pretext?? Like can’t they just throw in a “hey my dragons weirdly like you, they’ve never liked anyone, maybe they’ll let you ride them”?? Anyway I don’t even have anything more to say about this mess of a DotD2.0-setting-up scene other than: IT’S A MESS
Varys: “if you think J*nerys is endgame you aren’t paying attention”
D threatening Sansa. 
N O P E. 
I want to say “TRY IT” but also... pls don’t try it because you’re scary and have WMDs. LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE, she’s trying to defend her home from a usurper, which seems like something you could understand (tbh Sansa has been perfectly respectful... all she is doing is not being friendly!!! What TREASON)
Theon saved Yara!! Wow, super rushed! But OK! Theon is coming back to WF, probably to die by saving Bran or Sansa or something. Sigh. But at least he’s coming back.
Cersei was amazing in this episode. Everything was just so... great. Lena is perfection. Lena is the anti-dragon flying scene. Grape juice all around
Sidenote: some people are mentioning Daario returning with the Golden Company? I need to look more into this, but DANG. That would be interesting. I would love for this show to tie up some of its loose ends
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SANSA AND JON SCENE. This is a great scene (even though I was mad at Jon). THE ANGST. THE SUBTEXT. The lines: “You know I do.” “She’s much prettier.” (Aka she’s a pretty version of the Mad King, Jon... it’s not a compliment!!!) and of course:
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The Hound’s reunion with Arya... kinda sucked? Idk I know things are Complicated between them and she hated him a lot, but they also had a kind of grudging love for each other after all they went through. I just hated that he called her a bitch. I’m not trying to defend anything the Hound did or said, because it was awful and he wasn’t an amazing role model or anything!! But that’s who he was before, and I sort of thought that after his redemption arc and all that he’d be happier to see Arya. Or at least not call her a bitch, because 
She was a child!!!
He was terrible to her!! She probably would have mercy killed him if he hadn’t been like “I wanted to rape your sister”
If she’d killed him he would be... dead... you’re alive now so calm tf down and don’t call her a bitch!! #aryadefensesquad 
(Also, I’m a bit nervous that they’ll have the Hound and Sansa have a more emotional reunion since they skipped it with him and Arya, and their relationship was even more fraught, so... yikes)
GENDRY AND ARYA REUNION. My Gendrya heart is SOARING!! That shit was cute!!! “You’ve gotten better” omfg Gendry, YOU ADORABLE IDIOT. IMO this was the only good Arya reunion in this episode, sadly
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Sam was obviously upset about his dad and brother being executed. Because duh. Jon was upset too. Because duh. Wait until they find out it was execution by FIRE. (I sort of hope Sam doesn’t, because this scene was so sad and I felt so bad for him.) 
I was also annoyed that they made it somewhat comedic with Sam almost getting run over by a wagon and then tripping down the crypt steps or whatever. Sam is an actual human with feelings who just found out his dad and brother died, not just some comic relief 🙄
Sam and Jon reunion! A short nice moment between Sam learning that his family members were killed and Sam telling Jon who his real family members are (...including, coincidentally, the family member who killed Sam’s family members...)
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Parentage reveal. I felt like this scene could have been slowed down a bit (and Jon could have shown a lot more consideration of Sam’s news about his dad and brother dying!!), but I get that the audience already knows the truth so they don’t have time to have Sam convince Jon that it’s true. Jon’s first response: “it’s treason.” Aka he’s scared of D’s reaction. Not that he’s gonna lose his relationship with her. Not that he doesn’t think he could be a better leader. But that she’ll turn against him—and now he’s led her into his home.
Jaime rolls up and Bran’s like “HEY PAL.” My guess is that everyone will want to kill him (besides Tyrion and Brienne) but Bran will be like “we need him” or something
Overall, I think the episode had some great Jonsa/dark!D/pol!Jon setup and enough corny J*nerys stuff to make shippers and GA think it’s still a True Romance. 
Stuff I can’t wait for in the next episode:
Sansa(!) and Arya’s reactions to the parentage reveal
D’s reaction, if it happens—Jon might not want to rock the boat and risk losing her support before the WWs come
Varys seeing Sansa as the ruler she is
Jaime swearing an oath to Sansa, Arya, and Bran in Catelyn’s honor
Braime reunion!!!!!
Gendrya moments!!
Everyone saying goodbye to their loved ones before the battle (night before the battle love/passion scenes are MY JAM)
Cersei plotting to kidnap Sansa?
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