bronskiibeat · 4 years
OK BUT DAMN the first one of the Angst sentences really did fucking punch me in the guts??? Oh man they're all absolutely splendid, but I'd LOVE the first one! I'mma fucken weep babe
“It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it?” 
 It was gone midnight, Steve was sure he could feel the day tick over somewhere inside himself, or maybe the rustle of the grass around him felt more Saturday than Friday. Billy was beside him, he could feel that too, their arms pressed together as their gazes explored the city down below them, their feet kicking together gently as the warm summer air from the plains below rose to meet the cold mountain air dropping from above.
Steve sighed happily, grabbing Billy’s elbow gently to lay himself down on the damp grass to direct his focus to the stars, the great unknown. Hawkins felt so small but coming to the hills and looking out towards everywhere made Steve feel like he maybe had a chance at escaping their small country jail, like they had the chance of getting out.
“I love you.” He murmured thoughtlessly, dropping his eyes to see the side of Billy’s head.
“No you don’t.” Billy replied tightly, pulling his knees towards his chest and defiantly looking out towards the lights below, making no effort to even humour Steve with a glance back.
Steve reached a hand up to Billy’s taking it in his own and squeezing, hoping to force some common sense into the boy. “Yeah I do.” He said back.
Billy looked round then, a dark look crossing his features, taking his hand back from Steve pointedly.
“We aren’t anything Steve, we hang out sometimes, you know about the same monsters I do, but you don’t love me. I don’t love you.” Billy pushed himself to his feet, stepping deeper into the forest, one arm reached to grab the material of his opposite shoulder. He couldn’t do this, not with Steve, but he had to. He could not get attached any more than he was, he was already too deep, holding hands, hot make out sessions, staying the night, he was in way too deep already. And it was too dangerous to go throwing the L-word around. His dad would kill him, then he would be dead, and Max would be forced to move again, because of him.
“Billy?” Steve’s voice called, from further away than Billy remembers walking, a hint of worry tinging his voice. Billy walked back towards Steve, stopping a foot or so away, taking in the pain on his face but scrubbing over it.
“We’re going, get in the car.” Billy snapped, forcing himself to be hard.
Steve held his ground, shoulders creeping towards his ears, making himself as big as he could, he was taller than Billy. “I’m not going anywhere until you say it.” He replied, eyes gleaming with the dangerous absence of fear that worried Billy when they were good but scared him when they weren’t. He might be a sweet teen babysitter when he wanted to be, but when this dangerous Steve came out, nothing would stop him.
Billy rolled his eyes and smirked, as if laughing at Steve, putting his own attitude on. “You can’t make me say shit. I don’t love you.” He snapped nastily, alarmed by the vitriol flying out of his own mouth.
Steve flinched as if it had actually hit him before stepping right up into Billy’s space, “You’re just scared.” He accused.
Billy’s fists were ready at his sides, he’d gone through pretending not to care now and was straight to seething hot anger. “Of you?” He laughed in Steve’s face.
Steve watched Billy’s face, searching for anything that betrayed he felt something good about them, showing Steve that this wasn’t just a one way thing, that Billy could admit they were good together, but he found only disgust and anger.
“You’re scared of us. How good we are. You’re scared of committing to trying to make this work.” He grabbed the front of his hair in frustration before pushing it back. He stepped back to put an arm’s length between them, taking his gaze away from Billy in his frustration. “Jesus.” He exclaimed, ““It always comes back to this with you, doesn’t it? Just you being a little pussy. I’m sick of it!”
“Shut the fuck up!” Billy shouted, watching as Steve was caught of guard by one of his fists meeting his jaw roughly, he was caught so by surprise that it sent him flying, landing with a tree root poking roughly into his side. He pulled himself to his feet and grabbed Billy by the lapels and pushed him up against a tree, bracing an arm across Hargrove’s neck.
“What is wrong with you?” Steve whispered.
Billy scrambled to find his footing, having to lift himself onto his toes before Steve to stand up so he wasn’t strangled, oh but when Steve snapped it lit something in him. He loved to see Steve with some fight in him, it was better than the Steve who jumped at a pin drop or cried in the night. No, the angry Steve, fighting for a cause was a much better alternative to Billy, it showed him Steve cared. But that’s not the point, he didn’t want Steve to care. And that’s why he kept poking the beast.
It was the increased pressure on his neck that snapped Billy back to the reality of the situation, Steve was actually hurting him. And he knew he meant it. A fire lit in his eyes, he collected some saliva in his mouth and spat it into Steve’s face.
“Get off.” He growled. When Steve only pushed Billy harder into the tree, Billy reached his limit. With a swift unexpected motion, Billy hooked a leg behind Steve’s and pushed his body against Steve’s own weight and they both tumbled to the floor. After a few jabs and kicks to his stomach by a flailing Steve, and a harder one of his own to Steve’s face, Billy was up and free. And he was sprinting for his car. That would teach the little bitch.
“Billy!” Steve shouted through the woods as he realised what Billy was doing, picking himself up and ignoring the spinning of the trees to sprint after him.
When Steve finally got anywhere near to catching up, tears were running freely down his face, Billy was in the driver’s seat and the engine already growling to life. Billy wound down his window and flicked a finger at Steve.
“Billy please.” Steve sobbed, reaching out to grab the window, but not making it before Billy was speeding off into the night, leaving Steve in the middle of the road heaving heavy sobs from somewhere so deep he didn’t know he had it in him.
Billy was 10 minutes down the road before his own tears blurred his vision so much he couldn’t see, he was angry. So angry. Mostly that Steve had seen right through him to know he was scared of committing to actually getting together, calling a spade a spade and dating. But he was scared, so scared. He was more scared of the damage that could do him than he was of the mind flayer, and that was saying something. To hurt now seemed so much easier than to hurt later.
He let out a scream of frustration as he headbutted the steering wheel, pulling it recklessly to turn in the road and drive back the way he had come. As he drove he slipped back on a mask of indifference, wiping his tears from his eyes to try and make sure he looked like he didn’t care.
His heart screamed ‘you do care’, as he drove back to where he’d left Steve to see the boy sitting curled in on himself shaking. Fuck. He’d properly fucked this one up. He’d let fear get the best of him and ruined the only good thing he had in his sad excuse of a life. He pulled up beside Harrington and leaned over to roll the window down.
“Get in Steve.” He said sharply, but Harrington didn’t move from the side of the road.
Billy raised his voice this time, “Get in!” He ground, but it worked. Steve got himself up off the floor, shaking hands trying for the door handle twice before he made it, pulling it open and dropping into the passenger seat.
As they set off he didn’t even look at Billy, he did his seatbelt but turned his body towards the window, his arms drawn close to his chest as he looked out to the night, a pitiful image of heartbreak. Sobs were still the only things pulling air into his lungs and the tears in his nose had him sniffing like a 3rd grader who’d shit his pants. Billy rolled his eyes at the state, but forced himself to be bold, be brave, he didn’t have to be scared about this if he didn’t want to be. He could try to make it work.
He thought about the s-word, but Billy couldn’t remember the last time he’d said that, so instead he said “Please stop crying Steve”, hoping the boy would hear the unsaid ‘I’m sorry’ tagged on the end.
Steve wiped at his face, unknowingly smearing some blood from his brow over his nose, he took a moment to calm down before he spoke,
“You’re a fucking psychopath.”
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tag-that-oc · 3 years
Man I went on an absolute rampage through your blog! Thank you for existing ❤️
Makes me wanna invent even more OCs 👉👈
ah meant to answer this one sooner than I am
thank you !! and you should totally do it more ocs is always a good option
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speremint · 4 years
God fucking damnit you're attractive and funny and talented, shit, fuck, what is a simple lesbian like me supposed to do now huh!!!! Also those shoes are *to die for*
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deadass you’re too kind LOL thank you! Also yes, the shoes were a birthday present from my aunt and I’ve just... not had any outfits to wear with them before until now
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babysitterpng · 4 years
Wanna share your Billy playlist??? 👀🎸🎶 I have one myself, I'm sure we all do, but there's always room for more!! 😁🙏 -CockAsInTheBird
oh god haha my playlists are a mess, i just throw in whatever im listening to at the moment that also fits the vibe im going for :P also i tend to listen to like.... one album on repeat for a good few months before i find a new obsession LOL
heres mine, which also hasn’t been updated in a long while :P
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hoegrove · 4 years
All the gifs you continue making and sharing are only fueling the wild fire of love that I have for Dacre and Joe and!!!! It's unfair for the rest of mankind 😭 If you do not look like these two fuckers, dni 😩 ((Thank you endlessly; we are not worthy))
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Heya! :) 💙 thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoy them ^__^ I’m finally getting back to making some stuff, felt a little un-inspired before. BUT I AGREE, they’re way too handsome :’) 💙💙
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galoogamelady · 5 years
Please.... don't let that be the last one of the Neural Network stories.... they're so fucking funny, istg
I’ll try to make/post some other ones! But I don’t wanna spam them all tonight. Until then, some fun snippets from two other stories:
1. MacCready takes off his pants and kills a bunch of (also pantless) raiders:
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2. MacCready pretends to be a synth about to kill Buttons who’s fighting a molerat:
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dykeyfuckingway · 4 years
Wait!!!! Does it actually say Fun Kobra????? I just assumed "Funkobra" was some inside joke from a fandom I'd never get
yep! it's funkobraofficial as in The Official Blog To See Fun Ghoul And The Kobra Kid Kiss A Little Bit. we're not gonna talk about how rarely i post funkobra lmao just know i am literally always thinking about ghoul and kobra being in love 💚💛
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
Unusual asks! How about 29, 14, and 3?? 🤗🌼
29. What quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs? Idk if this is what you’re looking for, but I hate that whole ‘You’re kind because of what you’ve been through’ shit. Ok. I’m tired, but I’m gonna try and explain this. Imho, this sort of discourse makes me think about how people think there is a right way to be victim, and a bad way to be a victim. If a person is messy with their victimhood/trauma, then they aren’t trying hard enough. But like, if you aren’t given coping mechanisms or shown how to do things (like love), how are you supposed to do that? Like? So, no. Trauma doesn’t make you kind. If you’ve been through shit and you’re kind, that’s valid. If you’ve been through trauma and you’re not kind, that is also valid. (I feel like this is getting away from me, but I just hate the victim blameyness this can lead to.)
14. What’s your coffee order? While I drink a lot of caffeine, I generally don’t drink coffee? For whatever reason, I can handle energy drink caffeine better than coffee caffeine? But if I had to have coffee, it needs to be sweet--lots of sugar, milk, and flavoring. I don’t want to taste the coffee at all.
3. Rant. Just do it Many people want me to rant, so y’all are going to get different rants. Right now, all I can think about is how I have to work 40 hours this week. I’m full time, but full time in my job ft is 32+ hours and I’m used to 34-36, and right now even that is exhausting. The reason I’m at 40 hours is because it’s Tax Free Weekend. TFW, for those of you who may not know, is a weekend right before the school year where people can purchase different school related things without paying the taxes. Every year is hell. Last year was bad, but this year is going to be so much worse because FUCKING PANDEMIC! Supposedly there will be ropes and stuff keeping people in line getting to the computers, but people don’t know how to social distance, and people keep coming in with large family groups (I’m talking 4+ people) and there is no reason for that. I understand like two, maybe three (parent/s and child) but like… Small children? Who are running around? Back and forth? No reason. Nope. AND DO NOT DROP THOSE LITTLE CROTCH DEMONS OFF IN THE TOY SECTION! THAT IS NOT FREE BABYSITTING!
I know I’m going to get yelled at, and I’m not going to apologize. I’m just going to point to my manager and say, go talk to them. I’m so over being yelled at, and this is going to suck so fucking much.
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
Hi! 27 & 36? :)
Hello hello hello!!
27: Meaning behind my URL Actually, there isn’t quite one! I write mainly smut and lemons, so I wanted to kinda... suggest that just by the title, and then add some weird humour into the mix? I’ve always loved odd names and titles and such, like I love yours too! Last of the American Contradictions?? How poetic! And political!
36: Tattoos and piercings I have I of course have my ears pierced, and want more but there isn’t quite space :( As for tattoos, I currently have three. The bird and the cage from Bioshock Infinite, and the Wingcrest from Zelda! Specifically the one from Twilight Princess, which is my all time favourite LoZ game to exist, sorry BOTW
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keroujack · 4 years
As a person that spends 99% of their waking hours listening to music, I'm curious about 🌼 - what song describes love for you!
🌼 - what song describes love for you
dean martin’s version of “little green apples,” which is. an unbearably on brand and sappy answer, but like. i think love’s in all the little things and this song’s about seeing that. like, seeing love hidden in simple stuff like “hi” in the morning and smiling over breakfast and not being mad when you get asked to lunch and the other person’s a little late bc you knew they were gonna be. just. Oof
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bucketofcowboys · 3 years
Favorite Lines Tag Game!!
Share some of your favorite lines of your own writing and tag some friends to join in and share too! It can be as self indulgent as you want, as many or as little as you want, and it can from from your WIPs, ideas doc, or from posted fics! Go wild and just try to appreciate your own work!!
My lines:
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Tagging! : @nylazor @morninggloryworm @helpimstuckinafandom @pseudonym89 @norafike @sadrzr @gophergal @bisexual-horror-fan @adecentsizedcabbage @wynkenblynken
And anyone else who wants to do it! No pressure!
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juu-riin · 4 years
Awww thank you for the tag @hokanm!!!!T_T
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful for in your 2020, that you’re thankful exist in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
This year was a huge, huge challenge for me and frankly, by summertime, it sucked, a lot. I didn't get into the harringrove fandom until around this time and I just thought "eh, why not." Little did I know that I would meet a group of some amazing fucking people with immense talent and were so welcoming, so supportive, and so sweet. You all helped me so much so far this year (I actually wrote about "an online fandom community I'm a part of" in my holistic nursing self-care paper this semester xD) and I'm sorry I can't tag every single one of you, but know that you are all phenomenal and can't wait to hang with you more in 2021 🥰❤💚❤💚
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@sarahmillercreations @prettyboyporter @hokanm @inkedplume @avalonlights @flippyspoon @rascheln @wrecked-fuse @zayacv @amikoroyai @billyandsteve @ihni @opaldraws @lazybakerart @hoegrove @adecentsizedcabbage @darkmystdrake @swankystuckup1 @saberghatz @cherrydreamer @aeon-of-neon
So sorry if I forgot you it's 1030am on xmas and I'm a couple mimosas in already T_T xx
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speremint · 4 years
I actually saw a pair of shoes at work last Wednesday that has the exact same print as your amazing boots, these were just pumps, and my first thought was you 😳
dsflkj I’m so honored omg
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
Yup! WIP title tag game!
I was tagged by @ihni @cherrydreamer @disdaidal @memes-saved-me @ghostofjellyfishforgotten @cupidsintern & @foxie-herminah thank you all! 💗💗💗💗💗
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
ok so, some of these are in eng, some are in spa, some in spanglish like in a ricky martin song, some have and spa working title but are actually in eng... xD so, i can't guarantee i have a snipped to share but at least i can tell you about them if you feel interested or, you know, surprise language! :D
1 .A traves de la puerta | (through the door)
2 .Broken Camaro
3 .Casa encantada | (haunted house)
4 .Segadores | (lawnmowers)
5 .Boots. nsfw anon
6 .Boys of summer
7 .King Steve directs billy
8 .Leave the light on
9 .camboys
10 .Quit smoking
11 .Roonmates. Can you do that to me. cali boys
12 .Officer billy!
13 .It the demodog
14 .the war
15 .showers
16 .some things go | stommy
17 .Prompt stick
18 .A la madre de Tommy le gusta Billy | (tommy's mom likes billy) (in a mom way!) tomgrove
19 .The way of the heartless
20 .Halloween. Vampire and succubo
21 .Kegboys. Like the devil and the deep blue sea
22 .fifteen seconds to the end of summer | (sterek)
23. billy hates the cold
Tagging! @missroserose @gothyringwald @adecentsizedcabbage@toast-ranger-to-a-stranger @lymricks bc I've been reading/rereading your stuff lately and <3<3<3<3<3<3
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hoegrove · 4 years
You do not suck!!! I love seeing you on my dashboard, filling it up with ridiculously gorgeous pictures of Dacre Montgomery, and your pfp makes me stupid weak in the knees 💕✨👀 Fuck that anon
Your header!!! SPOCK!!! 🤣💖 This was me when I read your message 💖 Thank you so much 💖
And it’s funny that you mention Dacre because I’m currently working on a Dacre-set! 👀 Here, as a thank you! ^-^
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ao3feed-harringrove · 4 years
Every time you wake me up, I hate you a little less
by ADecentSizedCabbage
The first time Steve is woken up at night, it's because Billy's near blackout drunk and cannot find the right fucking door, and wow he needs a hand if he's not going to pass out in the hallway of their apartment complex.
Words: 1954, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington
Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Neighbors, Vomiting, Drunkenness, Drunken Kissing, Drunken Flirting, Drunken Confessions, ish, Frottage, Grinding, Dry Humping, Alcohol
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cgNyVW
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