bowldeepfannish · 2 years
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Surprisingly enough I have finished more pieces than I thought in spite of 2022 really having been even more draining than the two previous. Had to leave out some personal faves including some commissions. But I have to at least include one of the traditional pencil sketches because I adore both the concept behind this Sailor Moon AU and the person who commissioned this to me, @coppercrane2​ :
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Furthermore last year fan events and commissions really ended up giving me a very needed external motivation extra push to finish what I had started and also brought some relieving distraction from some harrowing RL circumstances. So thank you to all the event and zine mods, fandom buddies and fellow creators for this too :°). May 2023 be kind to us all and filled with good chances and happy moments.
Art twitter post/thread here
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quicksilverblue · 1 year
I was given a prompt table by @coppercrane2
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Here is "Who Are You?"
Nothing made sense. 
She was in a well-appointed room. The food and drink that were brought to her were both generous and near-gourmet. The clothes provided were comfortable, though a few of the pieces hanging in the closet were almost suitable for entertaining royalty–not that she ever would.
Visitors came regularly. Some would sit quietly with her, demanding nothing. Others brought games: from card games to chess to video games. Some played music. Some read to her. Some talked so much, so fast, so happy-seeming, that she wondered how any one person could hold that many words.
But none of them answered the one question that haunted her. The question she asked the person in the mirror every day. “Who are you?”
There was one visitor she looked forward to seeing the most. The woman was tall and elegant, timeless. She seemed wise and was content to sit in silence most times. Sometimes, though, she would tell stories. Fantastic stories from “before there was an earth or a moon.” Stories of a time “not quite yet” that sounded almost utopian–if one did not truly listen. Stories of a moon princess who dared love an earthen prince. Stories of gods and of dinosaurs and of realms beyond the stars. Stories of a priestess who lost her self trying to save the world.
For some reason, the timeless woman seemed saddest when she told those last stories.
And for some reason, those last stories were the ones she most longed for and dreaded to hear.
She woke to fingers combing her hair, gentle, tentative. She did not need to open her eyes to know it was the timeless woman.
“Please, come back to me.”
Come back? She hadn’t gone anywhere. She never tried to, but she was certain she could not if she did try. Whatever else this was, she knew it was a jail.
Rather than feigning sleep–though she wanted to if that would keep the feeling of the gentle, loving touch–she opened her eyes. “I’m right here.” 
The timeless woman’s smile was sad. “Part of you is.”
That made even less sense. She was all here. Where else could she be?
“Come back to you…” The words, the plea, had been personal. She looked at the timeless woman, and the other could not hide sadness, knowledge, or serenity from her. She asked a question she had not dared to ask any of the others before. “Who are you?”
The timeless woman did not answer at first. After a moment, she nodded slightly and then pressed lips to her forehead. “When you know who you are, you’ll know who I am.”
Would she give her answers? Finally, some clue?
“Stop punishing yourself.”
When the timeless woman left, she moved to stand before the mirror. She carded fingers through her long red hair. “Who are you?” There was, of course, no answer. “Who am I?”
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antivanruffles · 2 years
Fandom: Sailor Moon Pairing: Rei/Jadeite Rating T: Additional tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, 5+1 Things, Romance, Light Angst, Developing Relationship, Feelings Realization, Gift Fic, Swearing
Summary: A 5+1 fake dating fic for @coppercrane2 and all my R/J shippers. Happy New Year!
“Absolutely not.”
“Why? It’s a great idea!”
“Maybe if I lived in your demented little head it would seem great, but from out here it sounds like one of the seven circles of hell.”
Raye finally looked up from her paperwork at Jonah seated in the leather chair before her desk. He was giving her a smile that was somehow fond and shiteating. God, she hated that smile.
“Stop smiling at me like that, you look like the Joker.”
“What? It’s just you really know how to make a guy feel special.”
He stood up, smoothed out his suit jacket and rebuttoned it. It was charcoal grey, well tailored, and paired with a blue shirt and tie. It unfortunately brought out his eyes, and even more unfortunately it made him look quite dashing with his sunny blond curls.
She hated that too.
And she really hated the fact he was looking at her so smugly right now.
“What?” she snapped. “I have to finish writing this presentation, so spit it out and let me focus.”
“I’m just wondering what’s worse: pretending to be each other’s plus one for the endless parade of holiday parties coming up, or having your father spend each of said holiday parties parading out mealy-mouthed young men who are more advantageous to him than you as potential marriage candidates.”
Unfortunately he had her there. The idea of spending the holiday season getting every eligible bachelor thrown at her sounded like the highest form of torture. Especially after--
“Just two words, Raye: Barron Fucking Kushner.”
“That’s three words.”
“It’s hyphenated.” He smirked at her. “But the point still stands.”
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caffeineivore · 2 years
A sequel ficlet of sorts to Ship Happens, dedicated to our chaotic evil penguin overlord @coppercrane2 . R/J and another bougie holiday party. Rated PG-13 for language and non graphic sexy times.
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tinysagi · 2 years
A little late posting this but I finally posted something new and for SMMB 2022. A huge thanks for @ninjettetwitch for helping me out and for being the wonderful Beta that she is! Thank you so much @coppercrane2 for stepping in as my very last minute partner and being so patient with me.
Hope you guys enjoy!
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starcrossedrose · 5 years
G, I & J for the Fanfic Asks? 💖
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Definitely out of order.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Love triangles
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
This answer is N/A.
My two fics are still ongoing and I have an upcoming one that will be posted soon.
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mochibuni · 4 years
coppercrane2 replied to your post “My favorite thing right now is going back to reread story notes my...”
Two sides. Yin. Yang. Light. Dark. Good. Evil. Angst. Fluff. NOW WRITE ME THE DAMN YAKUZA FIC.
Twilight covered the skyline of Tokyo, like velvet shimmering beneath moonlight. Usagi pulled the collar of her wool coat a bit tighter, puffs of breath escaping between the flaps, as she rounded the darkened street corner.
A streetlight flickered, beams of light filtered like a haze stretching into a fog. It haloed a woman wrapped in green silk, a golden katana sheathed at her side, a sprawl of limbs at her feet. The gasp of surprise lingered on Usagi’s lips as the katana clicked, a flash of gold and green bolting across her vision.
Usagi laid in a heap, red creeping across concrete. Bara-hime slipped into the shadows, Tokyo stilled once more.
This kind of yakuza fic?
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oldbrooklynsoul · 5 years
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Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. / for @coppercrane2
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🦄... Usagi? 💓
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“I knew who I was a moment ago, but I’ve forgotten now.”
I was going to do something more cutesy originally but THEN I was like what if... TLU??
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wickerjulias · 6 years
I LOVE your TMFU edits SO. MUCH.
omg thank you so so much!! that means a lot to me asjkfhasdjkf
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senshilegionnaire · 2 years
Five Things You Never Get Tired of Writing
tagged by @joiedecombat (who is now probably sorry she tagged me)
Rules: list five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
My list:
Tentacles and/or BL
🎩 Mamoru's powers :D 🌏
Haunted and/or sentient (even sapient!) house stories
Smash cuts
Morbid + gross but interesting shit like graverobbing and bog bodies and extinction events
Tagging (making to look at this list also HA HA HA): @coppercrane2 @sailorspacecougar @reispinkoveralls @fadesinthesun @beej88
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shadowsphere21 · 3 years
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A gift art (or a set of) I made in collaboration with @teamvanessacloud for the extraordinary mod @coppercrane2 of the @ssminibang  for the Holidays. It was my first time using Clip Studio Paint Pro for an entire artwork, thanks to some new brushes I acquired. Inspired by the Ottoman theme of the manga Yume no Shizuku, Rei is portrayed as an Ottoman sultana who falls in love with an official of her court, as portrayed by Jadeite. At least, that’s my interpretation of the events. I made the three artworks to be used as a composite for the final piece above. Fire and ice come together for some serious melting in the hot sands of the Sahara.
Happy New Year, Charlie!
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serpentinred · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💖
Tagged by @vchanny-og. Thanks for the tag, sweetie!
Hm ... *goes to check her own fics but she doesn't remember what she'd written* LOL.
In no particular order:
A Tangle of Webs (Tomione)
She knew that starting a new life would be hard, but she didn't realize the risks that were involved ... until it was too late.
This was written for @nerysdax and Lady Miya's birthdays. This one, despite the open-ended ending, is one that holds a special place in my heart.
Berenice (Senshi x Shitennou)
"In a sea of faces, I always look for yours." And just when Minako thought her hopes and dreams would always end up in shattered pieces, a trip to a famed psychic changed it all.
This was written for the Senshi & Shitennou Reverse Mini Bang 2019, with the theme being "the sea". The inspiration for this fic is the artwork by the wonderful @versailles-fairytale. I think one of the best parts of this (other than the Minako X Kunzite relationship, that is) was when I got to explore the friendship between Minako and Ami.
Doppelganger (Tomione)
AU. Compliant with DH except for the epilogue. She thought it ended that morning. She thought everything was at peace now. And that was exactly when she started seeing shadows of another person, in the one closest to her.
Yeah, this says complete, but ... it actually isn't. And I haven't moved it to AO3 yet. But I really like this concept and I've been waiting for a long time to go back to this, but alas ... still not finished with Prisms yet.
And When The Dust Falls Away (Senshi x Shitennou)
Past lives will always affect one's present lifetime, both in negative and positive ways. She didn't truly understand this concept until a can of worms got unintentionally opened. When the dust covering memories from thousands of years ago, she finds out that perhaps there are some things that should be left unexplored, especially stories without conclusions. Written for the Senshi/Shitennou Reverse Mini Bang 2017.
As it's said in the summary, written for the Senshi/Shitennou Reverse Mini Bang 2017. The artwork that inspired the story is by the amazing @mochibuni. This fic also holds a special place in my heart because tbh, before I'd written this fic, I was quite unsure with how to put into words how I characterized Mako-chan and Nephrite in my mind. So I was really grateful for the chance to explore that.
Somewhere in Time (Tomione)
Sent back in time by a mysterious person and trapped in the past with a missing Dumbledore and an overbearing, charismatic Dark Lord, they had no idea how much they could dabble with time before the world they had known shattered into pieces.
Well, of course this had to appear on the list lol. It is the first fic ... well, actually, the second fic but it's the first multi-chaptered fic that I'd written and completed, and of course it holds a special place in my heart. 5 years invested into 62 chapters (60 if we don't count the troll chapters). I admit that it does have imperfections, but it's imperfections on my own dear child. :)
And sooo, this is the five fics. Not that I love my other fics a lot less (I mean, like I've said, there may be imperfections in my writings, but they're still imperfections on my children), but I tried to balance it out by dedicating three places to Tomione (my first ship) and two to Senshi/Shitennou (my second ship).
Annnnd tagging 5 people here: @nerysdax, @coppercrane2, @evillivingfluff, @kyoki777, and @littlemulattokitten, and whoever else wants to do this!
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antivanruffles · 5 years
25 for the voice meme. Tell me why you love one of your favourite otps.
voice ask meme
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caffeineivore · 5 years
R/J for Charlie
More of the Raven and Jude show, just because @coppercrane2 is awesome and deserves all the things. Actually, dedicated to her, and @apsaraqueen, and @antivanruffles, and @antivanonmytongue, and all my other R/J shippers. <3 you guys!
They’d struck up something of a friendship-- perhaps a flirtatious correspondence, if one wanted to be completely accurate-- after the messenger bag snafu at LAX and his impromptu visit to Manhattan. It had seemed the right thing to do to invite her for drinks and a tour of LA the next time she’d been in town. They’d had margaritas and taco truck tacos and walked through the Huntington in the afternoon, Raven looking impossibly pretty standing on the bridge of the Japanese garden, her silky black hair loose and flowing in the breeze. Then he’d in turn looked her up when he was in New York City again for a work summit, and they’d gone together to a Broadway show-- West Side Story. They’d had dinner together-- not at some fancy restaurant, but a hole-in-the-wall deli, and if Raven had made an incongruous picture in her sleek black dress and stiletto heels, wiping mustard off her mouth with scratchy napkins, Jude had found it endearing and rather adorable, and that’s when he knew he was truly in trouble.
She’d called him a cab back to his hotel, and on an impulse, he’d kissed her right as the car had been pulling up. Just a moment, little more than a peck on a mouth that tasted like Sprite and expensive lipstick, and he’d felt the little gasp and sigh against his own mouth before her lips pressed back against his, but there wasn’t time to say more than a quick “Good night” before the cabbie had honked, impatiently waiting for him to get on. He’d passed a slightly sleepless night wondering if it had been the wrong thing to do, especially considering the sheer impracticality of entering into anything more than a casual friendship with a woman whose life was a whole three time zones away from his own. Jude was not a flirt or a ladies’ man by any definition of the word, and certainly, Raven was not the type of woman one dallied with. 
But she’d shocked him two days later, when it was time for him to leave and head back to LA, and she’d popped up at his hotel just as he was checking out of his room, with two Starbucks cups and a to-go bag from a bagel place. She’d been in a hurry-- there was some type of meeting with some landlord/building super or another, to set up an apartment for some fresh-out-of-the-backwoods-boonies model or another who’d just relocated to the big city from Small Town USA all of a week ago-- but she’d claimed that he was on her way, anyway, and she was so almost-defensive about the sweet gesture of bringing him breakfast and sending him off that he’d plucked both coffee and bagels out of her hands, set it perhaps-rudely on the concierge desk, and hugged her for perhaps too long before kissing her, again. 
“I’ll call you when I get to LA,” he’d told her in a rush when he’d finally pulled back, heart stuttering a bit as he watched her thick, sooty eyelashes flicker slowly as her eyes opened. “I’ll miss you.”
“Yeah. Have a good flight. I-- I’ll miss you too.” That last bit was tacked on at the end just as he finally found the wherewithal to get his bags and the bagel and coffee, and even before his plane boarded, he knew he’d be counting down the days until one of them had a reason to fly across the country again. 
That had been about eight months ago, and bless Raven’s contract with the very-famous, very still-not-eighteen Morgan Austen, because there had been many flights to LA, and that flirtatious correspondence had turned into something very akin to a long-distance relationship. He’d wake up to her voice at an indecent hour of the morning, and she’d fall asleep to his, sometime still fairly early to him at night. She no longer cared about facetiming him at inopportune times, and he certainly didn’t think her any less beautiful in a ratty old Columbia University hoodie and yoga pants and no makeup than her in expensive eveningwear, rubies glowing against the sleek darkness of her hair. The first night he’d stayed over at her place, she’d fallen asleep with her feet in his lap on the couch during the tail end of an episode of The Office, and he’d carried her to bed, both of them still fully dressed but for their shoes and jackets. He’d woken up in the middle of the night to her fingers tracing over his skin and sought out her mouth on feeling alone, before even opening his eyes. The next morning, they’d shared a very leisurely shower, where he’d taken his time washing every inch of her hair before she’d tackled him. 
The distance wasn’t something they could truly ignore, however, the longer they were together. Raven’s career was thriving, as was his, and neither of them could sensibly be expected to move cross-country and make a completely fresh start. 
Fall in LA is undoubtedly less picturesque than out on the East Coast, with its leaves changing colours and crisp mornings edged with frost, its high winds and cinnamon-and-nutmeg-scented coffee and pastries, but Jude doesn’t lack for work and other related distractions. He’s up for tenure review at the college that year, and there’s the whole process of putting together the tenure dossier and bringing the completed body of his work to the committee and deans. UCLA is no different from most large universities of its ilk-- professors are either awarded tenure after a certain number of years and an evaluated body of work has been produced, or terminated from employment. It is in the midst of this term of flux that a hush seems to fall over the very halls of his building, unusual indeed for this time of day.
Then he hears it-- the click-clack of Louboutins against the floors, and he peers out of his office door to see his sassy and beautiful New Yorker striding down the hallway like she owns the place, wearing a prim little skirt suit the same silky black as her sleekly-pinned hair. She smiles when she sees him, and he can all but hear the cluster of goggling chemistry majors left in her wake sigh in collective half-terrified awe. 
“Well, this is a surprise. I didn’t know you were coming here.” 
She reaches him, and as though she cares not a jot that there are others watching them, puts her hands on his face, presses her warm red mouth to his in greeting for a moment before pulling away. “I wanted to surprise you, I guess.”
There was more than that, just from the solemnity in her dark violet eyes. He lets her into his office, and shuts the door behind her back. He smiles, brushes a gentle fingertip over the slope of one smooth cheek. “You probably just cemented my reputation in this department as a badass once and for all. Not to mention, you’ve probably given hope to more than one student in these parts that the geeky science nerd can, in fact, someday have a chance with the beautiful woman.” He dips his head, kisses her again, gently. “You look beautiful. Beautiful and serious. What brings you here?”
“It’s Morgan’s birthday tomorrow. She’s turning eighteen. I was invited.” 
Raven doesn’t state the implications of that-- they’re pretty obvious now, after all these months being involved in her life. Morgan Austen will no longer be a minor, and therefore, if the supermodel decides to do the sensible thing and move out to New York for work, Raven, as her agent, would have no more reason to continuously fly out to LA. She would be able to concentrate her workload once again on her home turf, the city she’d known all her life. 
“I’m up for tenure review this year.” It’s apropos of nothing, really, but perhaps a part of him knows that they’re at a crossroads, and both of them could go in any direction. It would, indeed, be easier to separate now, do the sensible thing and stay to their respective cities and lives. But he can’t bring himself to draw away from her, and when she smiles-- a rare, real smile, not the polite one meant for company-- he can’t help but smile back. No matter what that means for them, she’s happy for him. 
“You’ll get it. You’re too damn smart not to.”
“If I do, though, I’d pretty much have to stay here. And you--...”
“I’ll be happy for you. Because I love you, Jude Huntley. And it’s the best thing for you.” 
Her words are brave and steadily spoken, but there’s a bead of moisture on her eyelashes, making her mascara seem even blacker than usual, and he feels his heart skip a beat in his chest even as he pulls her close. She’s a small woman, really, though her presence has the power to fill a room. But in his arms, her dark head tucked against the crook of his neck, those slim legs of hers leaned against the sturdy surface of his desk, she feels delicate, infinitely precious. Her fingers twine around the length of his tie, tugging him down just enough, and her sparkling eyes meet his. 
“Don’t you dare do anything that isn’t right for you, all right? I will love you no matter where we are.”
“I love you, too. More than a job or a city. I hope you knew that already.”
“Shut up.” The fingers tugging on his tie now pick nimbly at their knot, and soon after, go to work on his buttons. His own hands find purchase on the curves of her hips, and a moment later, she’s seated on that desk with him standing between her legs, and the look she shoots up at him through that dark forest of lashes is sultry and, to his gratification, no longer sad. “Is there anything important on this desk that I need to be worried about?”
There are a number of his academic papers for the tenure dossier he’d been compiling, but he sweeps that aside carelessly onto a nearby chair. “Just you, love. Only you.”
It’s an indeterminate amount of time later that she leaves his office, almost looking as spic-and-span as she did when she’d come in, except her lipstick is smudged and her hair is loose and a little wild as it spills down her back. Neither of them are any closer to an answer to the unspoken dilemma than before, but he feels a bit better about the future. Whatever comes might prove incredibly difficult for a couple to weather, but he thought that, perhaps, they’d be the two people who’d prove that statistic wrong.
“Ahem. Extra credit assignment, Professor?” 
Jude almost jumps out of his skin at Charlotte’s familiar voice drawling at him from across the hall. There’s almost certainly a smudge of lipstick on his collar, and he can’t be completely certain that his buttons are correctly aligned. “Umm...”
“These situations are usually found in bad pornos featuring actresses wearing short pleated plaid skirts, aren’t they? I could make a pun about your lady being well ahead of the curve. But perhaps it’s a good thing I figured out what was holding you up just before I knocked on your door, because you certainly wouldn’t have heard the banging over your exertions banging on something else altogether.”
“You, Professor Charlotte Rhys-Jones, are terrifying and evil, and I would never want to make an enemy of you.”
“Well, of course not. Why would you ever do something so foolish? I am a small and deadly commander of a diabolical penguin army. What did your girl come here for, aside from office-hours private tutoring?”
Jude is fairly sure that he’s blushing and can’t quite meet his colleague’s eyes, though he knows that she’d be sympathetic, all jokes aside. “She’s here in town because Morgan Austen is turning eighteen and invited her for the birthday party. Now that her celebrity client is no longer a minor, she’ll probably not have as many opportunities to come out this way.”
“Oh, God. She didn’t come out here to break up with you, did she? Because I think all the respect I gained for her not only walking in those ice picks but for getting you to partake in office desk shenanigans will be lost.”
“No. But I don’t know if we will have as many opportunities to be together as before.” Jude manages a self-deprecating smile. “I could always give up on tenure and move out east. There are probably schools out there that need Chemistry professors.”
“You could, but I’d hate you, and she’d hate herself, if you did that.” Charlotte says bluntly. “Weirdly, I have faith that you two might make this weird long-distance relationship of yours work out. There are frequent flier miles for these sorts of things. And the internet. People have done this since the Pony Express days, so you two should be fine. Plus, who knows what might happen? There could always be another Morgan Austen type out here somewhere just waiting for her. Do I get to be your Best Woman at the wedding?”
“I don’t know. You might have to escort the original Morgan Austen down the aisle.”
“No problem, and I don’t see you denying that there will be a wedding. Anyway, did you see that memo from the Dean that got sent yesterday?”
The conversation turns to work, and Jude sets thoughts of Raven aside for the time being.
She’d look as stunning in flowy white lace as black pinstriped linen, though. 
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luna-whiskers · 3 years
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@coppercrane2 urged me to put googly eyes on my Shitennou rocks and she was absolutely correct
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