#@nice people you’re all still welcome to send anons
outlaw-apologist · 1 year
The Gang as Fathers (RDR2)
This was an anon request :D Characters: Arthur, Hosea, Dutch, Charles, Sean, Kieran, and Micah TW: Micah’s contains graphic/violent themes Requests are always welcome~ feel free to request anything hehe AO3 link here ___  Arthur - He always pretends to be stern with his child but gives in almost immediately. “You can’t have candy before bed….” He puts on his best mean face that only lasts a few seconds. “Fine, just one piece.” - His baby will learn how to ride a horse before learning how to walk. Arthur will hold his child while caring for the horses or will cradle them in his lap during trail rides. - “I heard a little alcohol was good for babies. Makes ‘em sleep better.” He’ll stick his pinkie finger in some whiskey and will let the baby suck on it to calm down, but only during fitful crying or when his baby won’t sleep.
- As his child grows older he’ll try hard to give them a good education. Not city folk education, but enough to know about the world. There’ve been many times Arthur wished he had gone to school as a kid. - When his child draws for the first time Arthur is SO proud! He shows EVERYONE and keeps the drawing tucked safely in his journal for many many years to come. It doesn’t matter how old his baby gets, he keeps every drawing no matter what. - If Arthur had a daughter I think he would try harder to learn more about women’s rights. He might even visit the protesting lady in Saint Denis and ask her a few questions. He’s seen how the world treats women and he wants to raise a strong woman of his own who will always believe in herself and love herself no matter what. - Also- Daddy daughter dates!!! He would go to all the nice little cafe’s and bakeries with his daughter or would take her on special little picnics. - Camping trips!!!! Every weekend Arthur is packing his kiddo(s) up to go camping. He doesn’t like fishing but he’ll take his kids forging and teach them how to live off the land. When they’re bigger Arthur teaches them how to hunt small animals, like squirrels, with a bow and arrow. At night he cooks dinner over an open fire and sings trail riding songs or tells stories of his days as an outlaw. - If his child ever goes through a tween or teen phase of hating him Arthur WILL cry himself to sleep every. damn. night. wondering what he did wrong. Even if he knows it’s just how kids are at times, it really hurts his feelings. That self loathing part of him mixed with old family wounds never leaves him. - Sorry to any wife or husband of Arthur’s out there – but Arthur would save his child before all else in ANY dangerous circumstance. He’ll save his spouse next but the kid(s) come first. - “When you’re older I’ll give you my hat. It was my daddy’s hat, and now it’s your daddy’s hat. One day it’ll be your hat.” “Hey! Stop playing with my hat!” “Di’ju take my hat to school?  Don’t do it again.” - Even if his children are around people he trusts he will still watch them like a hawk, almost afraid someone will snatch them away. - He really hates being away from his children so he sends letters about his great adventures to them until he can return. - Arthur really doesn’t want his children walking in his footsteps, BUT he does wish they could experience true adventure and freedom. Because of this he’ll plan elaborate activities. Sometimes he creates treasure maps and will take his children riding around the state to find a ‘hidden treasure’ Arthur himself buried. - When his child turns 13 he’ll take them out to find a wild horse of their choosing, then he’d teach them how to tame the horse as a right of passage. It’s an amazing bonding experience between the both of them, and he thinks horses are special animals. Growing up with your horse is a must. - “Seriously gimme my hat!” -- Hosea - Hosea’s always secretly wanted a little one of his own. It doesn’t matter if he has a daughter or a son, that baby will be in his arms 24/7 - Literally wants to raise his child as a mini him – in the most positive way possible. - Bedtime stories were chapter books and his children learn how to read fairly early-on in their childhood. - Every few years Hosea gifts his child a new fishing pole that matches how big they’ve grown. Fishing is very important to him and he makes a point to have a special spot where he camps with his kids and fishes for days. Playing in the rocks and trees, hiding in the fields around the camp when not catching fish. Instead of campfire stories he reads books out loud or retells old memories he finds amusing. - “I want you to understand, the outlaw life is not for everyone.” Hosea is torn. He doesn’t want his children to become outlaws like him… However there’s a part of him he can’t deny where he wishes his child would be there with him no matter where he was. If his child became an outlaw he wouldn’t fully protest it. He’d feel guilty, I think, but he doesn’t want to be away from his kid(s). -That being said, his kid is raised with the Van-Der-Linde gang. Whenever Dutch or Susan tries to parent his child Hosea will always stand up to them. He puts a lot of emphasis on Arthur and John to protect his babies; mostly because he views Arthur and John as his children too, so they should act like good brothers. - He would LOVE taking his kids out to see plays or to the circus whenever the circus is in town. He’ll take them to films too though he prefers the performing arts (theater) first. However, he loves exposing his children to any and all types of art. If his child ever expresses an interest in acting or writing he’d swell with pride and do anything to support them. - Hosea is a smart man. He know he’s living on borrowed time. Making it to your 50’s as an outlaw was no minor feat. There’s money no one knows about, not even Dutch. Money that can set his children for life. He makes sure to bury it carefully and made arrangements for his child to receive a map of its whereabouts in case of his death. - “And that is ursa major and ursa minor.” Star gazing with papa Hosea! - He is firm but empathetic. Hosea will uphold any punishments that he thinks fits the crime. However, he’s never spanked or laid a hand on his kids. He’s more interested in life lessons. If he catches his child stealing then he’ll force them to donate something of theirs to the poor, ect. - If his baby is sick he’ll stay up all night by their bedside checking their fever and making sure they’re okay. He refuses to leave their side and won’t sleep until he knows his baby is okay. - Hosea’s biggest fear is losing his child.   He’s big on teaching his kid safety from a young age, even if that means using a knife or a gun. - For their 18th birthday he’ll gift his child a very beautifully engraved pistol. The engraving will be a quote or a saying that is personal to him and that child. Something with meaning only they would understand. - Even if his child is a full grown adult, Hosea will come read with them at bedtime. It’s something that makes him feel loved and cherished and he hopes his child feels the same way. - You cannot convince me this man would not put on a play with his children. He encourages the gang to act excited or amazed while watching. He’ll shoot a glare at Dutch whenever Dutch acts a little too excited. --- Dutch - Let’s be honest, Hosea raises any and all of Dutch’s children. - No kid friendly books, his children learn how to read philosophy like men. -Will completely destroy his children in any and all board games. He’ll never let them win no matter how young they are. If his kid starts crying he’ll say something snarky like “Aww go cry to mommy/papa Hosea.” - He is definitely the fun parent though. (At least in his opinion). His 10 year old is robbing trains. He’ll rob a candy store too for shits and giggles, just so his little one thinks he’s cool. - He really does love when his child sits on his knee or rides on his shoulders. It makes his heart swell with happiness. - I don’t think Dutch really knows what to do with children. He just treats them as tiny adults. - He will ALWAYS introduce his children with pride. Because of that there’s this… unspoken pressure for his children to always be at their best. They always need to be well articulated or ready for action. Otherwise there might be a dreaded “I thought I taught you better.” speech. - Dutch really did try hard to make sure his children grew up smart and capable. However, if that ever turns them against him or if they question him he immediately gets upset/angry. - His children will grow up calling him daddy and Hosea papa. Dutch might try to correct them a few times. “It’s uncle Hosea-” But he gives up rather quickly. - Dutch does mean well. He tries to take his children on special or fun outings. Unfortunately it always ends up about him or the mood is ruined with a long philosophical rant/speech. - He is not a completely useless father though. If his child is hurt he’s the first one there to scoop them up and console them. He would bandage them up and kiss their boo-boo’s better…. Up until near the end when the gang starts splitting apart. Around this time it seems as if he’s not fully present and so it doesn’t register to him that his child is hurt or injured. He starts to see it as their own personal problem no matter what age they might be. - His children are brought up seeing him as this wise, smart, powerful figure. They view him more as a savior than a loving parent. Basically they’re brought up to view Dutch the same way as the rest of the gang sees him. He provides shelter, clothes, food, and safety. He is the reason they have a free life. And because of this I do think they would have a lot of love for their father, but, they’ll never feel like they’re good enough. - If anyone ever touched a hair on his child’s head… Without fail they’ll end up filled with bullet holes or burnt to a crisp. He’s not great at showing his love but his children are his everything. ----- Charles - Charles is the type of parent that loves his children SO much he doesn’t even need to say a word. His love is always shown through his actions. He’ll gently sweep their hair out of their face or he’ll rub their back. When they’re little kids Charles will always press a little kiss to the top of their heads. - He doesn’t give in as easy as Arthur does. No candy before bed. Eat your dinner before dessert, drink more water, don’t go off alone, ect. He’s never mean about it. Charles tries to make sure his children are as healthy and well looked after as possible. - What if he’s not here one day? What if his past catches up with him or something bad happens? This is always in the back of Charles’ mind. Because of this he teaches his children how to be self sufficient from a young age. He makes a game out of cleaning up and chores become a family activity. He tries to keep it fun for them since they’re still kids. - Children are the future in Charles’ eyes. He teaches his kids everything he knows. They’re taken on hunting trips and out forging or fishing. Charles teaches them how to make bows and arrows. He’ll tell stories about his mother or his experiences. Most of all he teaches his children respect. Respect for nature and all of the animals they may meet. - When Charles’ child is an infant or a baby he will ALWAYS be holding them. Doesn’t matter what he’s doing, that baby will be on his back or in his arms. He LOVES holding his children. It helps ground him and reminds him they’re really his and life can be good. - He won’t admit it but he loves dressing his children up. He likes to make or buy clothing and accessories he thinks would suit them. During winter his favorite part of the day is bundling them up in their coats and scarves. Charles thinks they look adorable toddling off to play in the snow. - HE WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD GIRL DAD! Charles goes out of his way to learn different hairstyles so he can do his daughter’s hair different every day. I think he’d make jewelry for his daughters and would always be singing with them or playing with them. Charles would be very protective yet respectful. He’d still teach his daughters how to track and hunt, ect. - Charles carries pictures of his children everywhere he goes. On the rare occasion he’s drunk he takes out the pictures to show everyone like “Look at my babies!” - He would be that annoying parent who’s children becomes their personality. He doesn’t talk much but if he’s with someone he’s friends with he’ll casually work his children into all of his small comments. “I need to get some fresh meat for my family.” “My children would love it here.” “I would never let a man like that around my children.” - Charles would totally call his child ‘baby’. “Hi baby!!!” “What do you need baby?” “Oh no, don’t cry baby.” He wouldn’t do it in public but in private???? He is soooo unbearably loving and mushy with his kids. It doesn’t matter how old they are, that’s his baby. - Charles didn’t really have parents while growing up. He wants to show his children as much love, kindness, and compassion as possible. The world is cold and cruel. If he can be the light and warmth for his kids then he’ll do it. - When his children grow up, if they decide to pursue goals/dreams Charles doesn’t fully understand, he will go out of his way to educate himself on that topic just to show them support. -Charles is one of those parents that really don’t want their children to move away from him. If they chose to he’ll respect their wishes but you bet that man will be crying DAILY because he misses his kids. - For the same reasons, Charles can’t be away from his kids more than two days without feeling heartbroken. - Charles would honestly do so well as a single father if he ever becomes one. - He’s a huge fan of gentle parenting. He keeps his voice calm and talks his children through anger/sadness with patience. It’s important for him that his children feel seen and heard. - Charles is the type of father that’ll beat the SHIT out of anyone who messes with his baby. - He’ll play dress-up with his kids. If his children want him to be a princes… he’ll be a mf princess! ------ Sean - God… Sean as a father? The house will be burnt down immediately the first time he watches his kid(s) alone. - He’s the fun parent. He’s also the unsafe parent. He really doesn’t see anything wrong with bringing his 3yo with him on a robbery. “They had a blast, it was great!” - Let’s be real, Sean is more of a friend to his child than an actual parent. He’ll never reinforce any rules. He’s always down to clown. He’ll be your best buddy but he won’t help you with your homework. - It’s fine to give kids alcohol sometimes in his eyes. “Go on, you can have a sip of my beer. It’ll put some hair on your chest.” - If his child isn’t as bubbly or loud as him he’ll be a bit disappointed. If his child matches his energy he’ll be 10x worse. They’ll be working off of the same brain-cell. - Sean loves to dress his children up to look like him. He thinks it’s hilarious. He even calls his baby ‘Baby MacGuire’. “Hello there baby MacGuire.” “D’ju have a good day today little baby MacGuire?” “This is my wee baby MacGuire.” - He has dropped his baby on the head, probably more than once. He felt really bad about it. - He will make his kids do the “two children in a trench coat” thing to rob a store. He literally pisses himself laughing when it actually works. - Half of the gang will end up raising his child while he pops in sometimes to have fun outings with them. -Is he a good parent? Fuck no. But his children will LOVE him and I think they’ll always have a good relationship with him. - Sean has tried to get John to teach his kids how to swim. He doesn’t understand John can’t swim…. - He never forgets a birthday because he loves eating sweets with his kiddos but he WILL forget every other important event. ------ Kieran - I think Kieran would be a really good father! He’d never raise his voice. His punishments are very light, yet he’d make sure his children would know what they did wasn’t right. - He’s not great at socializing with his children, but he LOVES to listen to them. It fills him with so much happiness when his children confide in him. He doesn’t always know what to say but he’ll be there whenever they need him. - If he has a baby he’ll be so afraid of making any noises while the baby is sleeping. If he’s holding his baby as they sleep, Kieran refuses to move in case it wakes them. - He writes the names of his children on the tags of their clothes so they don’t get lost. - Kieran is a doormat for any teenage children. He hates disappointing or upsetting his child, so if he has a teenager who tests his boundaries that teen will win every time. - However, I think his children would love him more than anything. Even if they did do bad things to Kieran I think they’d feel guilty and wouldn’t do it again. - Piggy backing off of that – The best ‘punishment’ Kieran could give his kids is disappointment. If daddy Kieran is disappointed in you then you KNOW you fucked up. Because of this his children end up pretty well behaved. - All Duffy’s grow up around horses. He loves bringing his kids to the stables. Letting them pet and brush the horses. He holds them up so they can feed the horses treats. - He likes fishing even if he isn’t the greatest at it. He’ll take his children fishing or would let them work on arts and crafts while he fishes. - While most kids walk home from school, Kieran always waits outside for his kiddos so he can walk with them. - He always wishes his children “sweet dreams” before going to bed. Every. Single. Night. He’s never missed a night EVER. - I think Kieran would take his children to visit Ireland. Maybe to see his father’s extended family. - Holidays are very special in the Duffy household. Even if Kieran and his kids have to hand-make decorations he’ll do it! Anything to make their childhood special. - He takes special walks with his kids. During the autumn he’ll make his children catch a falling leaf each before they can go home. He hopes it helps them feel the magic of childhood. - Kieran is terrified his children would be orphaned like he was. Because of this he works long hours when he can. He saves up a decent chunk of money and hides it. Only his children know where it’s at and understand it’s only for emergencies. ------ Micah - God forbid Micah ever has a daughter. There is a chance he would decide to raise her as a boy BUT I honestly think he’d either kill her, make her a dumpster baby, or would pawn the child off on someone else. In the even that the child is raised by someone else Micah would probably visit once every six months and probably stick around until that child is old enough to ‘work’ for him. - If he had a son tho…. Micah Bell the IV. - He’s a very cold father. Nothing his child does will ever be good enough for him. Because of that his child would probably try to win his favor until they’re old enough to realize they’ll never have it. - “One day this empire of mine will be yours.” and he owns NOTHING! - Micah definitely has shaken his baby. He probably spanks them or whips them with a belt whenever they’re bad. - His children grow up to take care of him and do things for him. They do all the chores. If Micah needs a beer one of them always has to go get it. - If one of his children ever becomes attached to an animal (cat, dog, horse) he would shoot that animal dead to teach them a lesson. And that lesson is to ‘not be soft’ and ‘attachments are useless’. - He doesn’t do anything to take care of them. Child rearing is a woman’s job. Micah makes the money. He comes home expecting a hot meal then he fucks off. His children are probably relieved that he’s gone so much. - Once his oldest is in their late teens Micah would gift them one of his guns. He doesn’t love anything more than those guns so it’s symbolic of how much he does care for his child. Micah can’t love normally, nor does he know how to show it. His oldest will understand the weight of the gesture and it may even make that child feel indebted to him. - He’s the very old fashioned type that thinks he automatically should have respect from his children. - If no one is willing to take care of his children, every night would be “fend for yourself night” in the Bell household. He’d never lift a finger to cook for or take care of them.
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pommunist · 28 days
With the doxing quackity situation and the xenophobia, I am more on the side of things were we probably should held lea accountable while also acknowledging that she still went through a shitty situation and shitty workplace and that its upsetting the fact that qstudios just..refuses to speak to the people rhat were involved there, like they couldn't even give them an explanatiom and it just has been bugging me a lot, of course we dont know what its going behind the scenes we can only speculate, maybe they are ACTUALLY trying to fix this entire mess but that doesn't change the fact that its still a very weird thing to do?? Like why cant they at least send them a message or something so they actually know you are listeling to them?
My thoughts are all over the place so I'm sorry if this ask seems messy
Also thank you for the work in our community with translating lea's interview and everything! Hope you have a nice day
Agree with you anon, and from what I’ve seen this seems to be consensus for a lot of people.
And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the lack (or to be more accurate the total absence) of communication from Qstudios cannot be explained or excused.
"But it’s because legally they can’t-" NO.
Like, sure, they would have to be careful about the things they’d say and the words they’d use because otherwise they could end up admitting to wrongdoings which could be legally used against them ("Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" you know the drill).
However, saying something like "Sorry we have to let you go, thank you for everything you did for us it’s very much appreciated. We would also love if you could share with us your experience/any feedback as someone who was within Qstudios so we can use it to improve our practices/environment" (this is just an example) would lead to absolutely zero legal consequences.
So yeah them not doing that for the admins, which is like the bare minimum, is just that they don’t care because no one has ever faced legal consequences for saying sorry/thank you/please help us do better to someone 😭
Also you’re very welcome, I wish you a good day as well !
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bitchsister · 28 days
i saw a post you made with ariana’s ‘fantasize’ and it reminds me SO much of how you write curt. its how I discovered the song & all I can think about is him. sex worker! curt and lonely rich businessman (or business owner!!) bucky who falls in love with curt and (or) vice versa. maybe bucky just wants someone to spend time with or talk to. doesnt have to be sex ( but would absolutely love if it was . . Obvi )
Oooooh boy oh boy oh boy.
I have so many ideas right now.
Okay. Here we go. 🚀
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(If you need a bop refresher)
Also, anon, you’re welcome for the fucking banger from Mrs. SquarePants.
We’ll call this the Pony AU.
You’ll see why in a minute.
Curtis had found his way, against all odds, in a city that could have swallowed him whole if he didn’t find the right people to lean on. He’d chosen his own family, his own destiny, and made his own money the only way he knew how without a diploma or a degree.
Curtis was smart. He knew how to flip tricks just like any other good street boy did — though, after a round or two of some unfavorable clients he stood firmly on his rules.
His clients needed to be handsome, or he simply didn’t want them. They needed to have nice, perfect teeth. No rings on their fingers, (though the best ones always hid them away in their pockets.)
Bonus points came into play for nice aftershave, and if they were still wearing their suits from the office.
John had aced every test, passing with flying colors.
With him, Curtis had won the jackpot.
“Ah, look at you.” Bucky whispered, eyeing Curtis who slipped delicately into a barstool beside him, late as could be, but stunning as ever.
“I’m sorry I’m late.” Curt pushed his hair out of his eyes and sighed, looking disheveled but trying his hardest to hide it. He’d ran blocks just to get there, the bar of the Plaza Hotel where he and Bucky would meet once, sometimes twice a month — depending on his travel schedule. “I had to make it home for dinner, or mother would have lost it — woulda thought the Pony killer got me, or- or somethin’. Shit, who knows. All she does is worry about us-“
“Hey,” Bucky placed a hand over Curt’s wrist, his brows narrowed. “S’alright, honey. I’d wait until the coroner came.” His tone was light, his skin just as glowy and gorgeous as it always was. He’d been drinking, so it seemed, but Curtis always liked a looser Bucky who didn’t check his watch every minute, counting down the hours until a phone call home was due to send the kids off to bed. “What’s the Pony killer?”
Prostitutes of New York.
“Exactly what it sounds like.” Curt turned back to Bucky once he’d greeted the bartender with an ecstatic chirp and his signature nose-scrunching grin.
Hey, Mikey! It’s good to see ya. I’ll have a rye manhattan please. Up. Oh! And can I have extra cherries? Like last time?
Anything for you, Curt.
He turned back again, leaning closer to Bucky. “He’s after the girls, anyway. You don’t gotta worry.” Curt squeezed his knee beneath the bar top and pretended not to notice the flinch it’d caused. “Don’t act like I’ve hit ya, man.” His hands picked at his hangnails in his lap again, feeling small. “Geez.”
“No,” Bucky turned, pressing his knees into the side of Curt’s left thigh. “It isn’t like that. It’s just been awhile since I’ve see you, is all. When you touch me — it’s just — it’s-“
“C’mon, John.” Curt shook his head, lowering his head to sip at his Manhattan without using his hands. “Don’t get all sappy on me again.”
Bucky nodded slowly, denying himself the pity party and forcing his head not to hang. “Just missed you.” He drawled, pressing his knuckle into Curt’s side. “Am I allowed to say that?”
Curtis chuckled, plucking one of his cherries off of the silver cocktail pick with his mouth. “Yeah.” He whispered, “You’re allowed to say that.”
In Bucky’s presidential suite, he knelt in front of Curtis and held him by his midsection, breathing him in, holding him by the back of his thighs, his ass, anything he could grab from his position. “I worried when you were late.” He confessed, his voice muffled into the shirt he shoved his face into.
“Why’s that?”
Curt ran his fingers through Bucky’s buttery, chocolate curls, tugging gently to pull him from his hide, their eyes meeting again instead.
“Thought maybe you got tired of me.”
“John,” Curtis warned, his tone carved with a jagged edge. “What did I tell ya about gettin’ sappy?”
Alcohol was one hell of a thing, and it seemed, just like most of the general population, the consumption of it had caused Bucky to grow more raw and honest.
“I know what you told me.” Bucky breathed, his neck craned when Curt tugged again at his scalp. “But I’m beginnin’ to care less and less what you say about it.” He blinked slowly, staring up at him from where he stayed knelt on the plush white carpet beneath his knees. “I’m a man, Curt. I’m human. I have feelings. Is it a crime to express them?”
“A married man.” Curt barked.
It seemed alcohol had a whole different effect on him.
“I — it’s —“ Bucky whined, feeling pathetic. There was little he could say back to that, because it was the damned truth. However, It wouldn’t stop him from trying. “We met in high school, Curt. We aren’t the same people we were back then. We’re from totally different planets, her and I.” He pulled Curt closer, pressing his chin to his stomach, his eyes staring upward. “She eats breakfast without me. Makes coffee, drinks the whole pot. I’m a burden to her, you know? And I’m lyin’ if I say I don’t feel the same.”
“But you got kids together, Bucky.”
“Exactly.” Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, wanting nothing more than to forget the image of his children lying in bed while their father kneels at the feet of a beautiful, charming, angelic call boy. “And at this point, it’s like playin’ house, you know? We pretend to be normal for ‘em.”
“Until when? Until they’re old enough to see the two of ya can’t stand the sight of one another?” Curt released his grip, touch trickling down further to caress the softness of Bucky’s cheeks and his pillowy lips stained a light shade of red from an entire bottle of Cabernet. “What happens then?”
Bucky turned his head, trying to kiss the pads of Curt’s small, stubby little fingers. “At least then maybe they’ll be old enough to understand, baby.” He reasoned.
“Understand what?”
A silence crept between them, only the sound of the city sirens and beeping cars zipping by muffled in the thick, heavy oxygen they shared.
“That sometimes love just isn’t enough.” Bucky kissed Curt’s sternum against the fabric that separated lips and skin. “But other times, it’s everything.”
Love isn’t for boys like Curt.
And this kind of love, if you asked him, wasn’t for men like Bucky.
Proprietors, the owners of major businesses.
A successful man.
He worked for everything he had, but had felt like nothing but a fraud for most of it. This very thing was the type of scandal that could burn everything he’d ever known to the ground.
Johnathan Egan, sole proprietor of Harmony Pharmaceuticals seen with PONY in Manhattan.
“If anything in my life feels real. Anything. I just want you to know — it’s this.”
Curt wanted to push him away, dart through the door and into the elevators that would spit him back out into the hotel lobby where he’d run into the street until his lungs bled.
But, he didn’t.
He froze instead, holding John by his cheeks, his blue eyes meeting the pair of green ones that stared at him as if he’d created this little universe of theirs.
And in a way, he had done just that.
Curt had taught Bucky so much about a world he never knew existed. Ballrooms, houses, mothers. Chosen family, love that ran deeper than blood or genetics. He learned about fashion, and what Curt would wear and what he wouldn’t be caught dead in.
He’d been exposed to a vast and beautiful night sky, having felt as though for the majority of his thirty years of existence he’d been stuck inside of a black hole — not one star in sight, until he met Curtis.
“What are you saying?” Curt whispered, his thumbs caressing the soft skin beneath the eyes that never dared to look away from him, and wouldn’t, if he had a say in it.
“I think you know, Curtis.”
“No.” He shook his head, though he knew exactly what Bucky was trying to tell him. “I don’t think I do.”
Once more fell the silence until Bucky spoke again, his chin tilted, the heat between them blazing. “I’m saying — all you need to do, Curt… All’s you gotta do is say the word.” His jaw clenched but immediately relaxed again once he continued. “We can have it all. The life we’ve always wanted. The life we both deserve.” He held Curt closer. “Just say the word.”
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idk if i interpret your posts right but it seems like you do matchups for twisted wonderland? May I get one?
Im female and go by she/her. Im an ENTP, my zodiac is gemini and I’m about 165cm tall. I’m pretty energetic and always smile since hard feelings like grief, anger or sadness are really overwhelming for me since I am pretty „sensitive“ meaning I take most things to heart easily. I always give advice and help to others and I try to be the best version of myself to make them feel comfortable. I make lots of bad jokes while knowing they are bad. I get lots of compliments for my Singing voice and writing. I also love love love to Infodump like i can talk for hours about something or someone I like. I love wearing pink things with ruffles or lace and I’d say I’m pretty girly over all. I try to act tough and always give everything to make others happy. Im a Great cook and a hopeless romantic. I also have a 8 step skincare routine… I see beauty and worth in everything and love to help people build confidence and self-love. My favorite artist is currently Mitski, since I really relate to her music. I have some father problems going on which make me want to be cared for, but at the same time I have mother problems since my mother was emotionally absent after my dad left, which makes me want to care for people. 🫂
Hope our have a good day or night and Drink enough!<3
Hi! Thank you for being so conscious of me and im so flattered you liked my last matchup enough to ask for one yourself but i love people telling me about themselves so your ask was a happy suprise and really made my day! I didnt expect to get that much attention but hey! If anyone else wants a matchup from me youre more than welcome to send info in! The more the better! Extra little jazz: if you want to send up info the way you would for a matchup and get hcs for a specific char youve got it! Also, if you want your info priv you can lemme know in your ask and ill tag you or you can go by an anon title(ex: leaf anon/ 🍃 anon)and ill mention ur title in the post, if you do this I wont post ur anonymous ask Like last time we have options in order from less to most compatible imo🔥
4. Jack Howl
Upon first meeting you, jack would claim to not care for you
But the thing is, deep down he doesn’t want your feelings getting hurt at nrc, the boys there can be real mean for no reason
He’s also worried about people taking advantage of your kindness
His words and actions conflict as he insists on walking with you everywhere “to be a man” or so he claims
He’d probably scold you about how you’re never putting yourself first leading to you telling him about your want to help others be their best selves
This would get him thinking, he thought you were weak for “letting people walk all over you” but really it’s just selflessness
He’s into the idea of self betterment so he gives you an enthusiastic speech about how you’re doing good work
After that day he sees you in a new light, the definitions of resilience and strength to him have taken on new meaning
He’s always looking to improve, he’d take your advice to heart and trusts you most with his emotional problems
Hes gotta open up to somebody, the tough guy act can’t be a forever thing, you’re clearly the best person for the job
Hes pretty mature so he won’t say anything mean to you even as a joke
He wont let others do that to you either, you wont have to tell him if something bothers you, hes protective so more times than not he’ll defend you
Hes still too macho to let you know just how much he cares but it slips out in his actions
When he can see your upset(Ace was probably mean to you) he’ll insist on walking you back to your dorm after in other words, telling ace to shut up
Hell softly squeeze your hand on the way back and make a comment about what happened earlier off handedly
Say ace was bein birtchy ab the way you dress, before leaving you to enter ramshackle he’d say “I think pink is nice for you” while awkwardly looking away
Jack wouldn’t know how to respond in the moment of receiving affections while you’re taking care of him but his tail will wag so you’ll know he’s enjoying it and he definitely wont protest.
Jack would care for you too in the more traditional masculine way of walking you to class and escorting you here and there
He’d show you the affection you desire but be verbally round aboit with it.
Holding out his jacket to you, he’d insist you take it, not in a very romantic way.. but still, he’s so easy to read you can tell how shy he was
3.Trey Clover
Trey would love your look!!
You would remind him of a cake
In fact, hed make a cake to match you as a suprise
Most likely as a gift for helping out ace and deuce despots what a pain they can be
He really appreciates how kind you can be and your willingness to help others
It really takes a load off his shoulders with the first years coming to you every now and then, he knows how much work they can be so a cake is the least he can do
Knowing your living situation in ramshackle and with Crowley’s LIMITED allowance hed take care of you subtly
Inviting you to join heartslabyul for tea and having you over to help with schoolwork
Hes be more forthright from time to time making you lunch and bringing you food
During tea times and unbirthday parties hed always invite you to sit next to him
He’d use that time to talk to you about how you’re doing, he notices how you’re always caring for others he needs to make sure you’re being looked after as well
During this time you might get into infodumping
He finds the way you get cute and would ask questions just to see you passionate
If you cook for him he’d love it! In fact, upon telling him that you cook he’d start inviting you over to help him out or offer to come help you out(he knows you’ve got enough in your plate) as an excuse to have some alone time together
Hes Great at comforting people so if something someone says hurts you you’ll have him to lean on
That being said he’s also an upperclassman and well respected
If he catches you hurt by what someone says he’ll wrap his arm around your waist to reassure you and ask the person what’s wrong and how he can resolve the issue
Trey gives dad jokes vibes he’d find your jokes endearing
From time to time hed I’m sure he’d even genuinely find them funny
Trey isnt used to being cared for the way you take care of him
Hes usually on the giving end but hardly ever the receiving, its special to him and he remembers each moment and is truly great full for it
Hed return the favor and care for you more, hes a good boyfriend so he’s always making sure to give what he gets
He loves when you help him take a break, the way you encourage him to take care of himself as well as remind him of how he matters reminds him of how lucky he was to have landed someone so caring
2. Rook Hunt
He finds you so cute! Your beauty is so different from Vil’s or Neige’s
You’re like a lone tulip adorned with dew in the morning shining brighter than the rest of the dull leaves
Hes Tell you that in more words and write you poems, be ready to receive many odes to your beauty
He’d love to hear you sing you have his full attention
In fact hed write poems and sonnets for you to read too
Your singing is so lovely, you must have a beautiful voice! He’d listen to you talk for HOURS just listening to your voice and taking in how beautiful you are while you speak
He loves the your stop and smell the roses attitude, he finds that it adds to your beauty
Your beautiful way of thinking adds to the depth of your beauty
Hell have fun looking within your kind spirit and discovering new beautiful things about you
He loves your ability to cook, he’d love to have you pack him something while he goes out hunting
Rook is a very passionate man and very knowledgable, you’d both end up info dumping on each other too, you’d say a lot of random stuff to each other that and neither of you would even be phased
The hopeless romantic part of you will definitely love being with rook
He’s writing you love letters, giving you flowers. His confession was likely intimate and private but also grand, a beauty for your eyes only
Rook also has a keen eye for beauty. He’d take you to see his favorite sights and sing to you of the beauty before him
He’d also take you hunting!
He understands if you’re not too keen on the actual hunting part. You can both hunt beauty with your eyes
Rook is good natured at heart though it’s hard to see with what he says
When he speaks it may come off as an insult but truly he just sees the beauty in your flaws and can’t help but comment on it
I Hope his positive tone comes through but hell definitely notice if it hurts you
“Mon amour! I meant it in the highest complements! You’re beauty but transgresses perfection and seeps into the cracks filling your beautiful form! Mais je suis désolé ma chérie.. I will refrain if it is what will make you smile most.”
Room would love to help you with your skin care routine! I know that sounds weird.. kinda because it is?
If you’d let him.. he’d wash your face for you, apply serum essence, your entire routine
He’s beaming the whole time like a giddy child but he’s also treating you delicately like he’s washing a porcelain doll.
He’s very Open to receiving affection and having you care for him. You wouldn’t have to question whether or not he appreciates it, it’s written all over him! .. and he’ll tell you how thankful he is
Room would follow you around like he worships the ground you walk on. You just keep on surprising him with the depth of your beauty, he can’t get enough!
1. Jade Leech
Princess and her capable butler vibes❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Jade would keep an eye on you out of pure curiosity at first.
You’d seldom find someone so willing to help others out of the goodness of their hearts like you would, especially at NRC
He follows you around finding your “obliviousness” entertaining. The way you cant See the danger you’re clearly putting yourself in
With all the aggressive students things can get ugly but before any of that would have happened, Jade would be stepping in to make sure things didn’t escalate (after he’s had his fill on entertainment)
You would thank him for his help and he’d inquire about your helping and positive attitude
“You do know that they’d just trying to take advantage of you right? Dont you? Why do you insist on helping them?”
After telling him about trying to bring out the best in others and only wanting to help them love themselves, Jade is even more dumbfounded
He finds it cute, from your character to your cute clothes, you truly are unique…
With Jade around people would know better than to hurt your feelings and if they were dumb enough to try to intentionally… well, you wouldn’t see it but Jade would handle it
Jade would love your singing and would love for you to sing for him on your dates
Are you an outdoorsy person? Because for dates he’d bring you out on hikes to show you all the beauty, from the scenery and landscape to the smallest dainty flowers
You wouldn’t have to worry about packing or holding your own bag Jade would hold it for you. Worried you might fall? Hell catch you don’t even worry there’s no way you’d even get a scratch when you’re with him.
While on your hike you might point out some things you like, flowers, trees anything really.
Hed make mental note of it and make a terrarium for you with what you found beautiful together
Hed decorate the outside too to make sure it was up to your standards. Pearls, lace, pink bows, it so cute!
Jade would dote on you too, not too much in gifts, you get them here and there but Jade is definitely a quality time/acts of service guy.
He’d sit down and just listen to you talk, talk about whatever! Info dumping, your day, especially your day, he wants to know where you are
You do so much for people, helping them build their self love but who’s doing that for you? Jade will.
He’d constantly tell you about how nice you look and what a nice thing you did, making sure to never overlook your achievements and congratulate you on each one.
He’d make you tea or some water to make sure you’re hydrated and something to eat while you talk to make sure you have enough energy
Then it’ll just be the two of you, talking and showing how much you love each other as well as making sure you both love yourselves
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caelum-et-ocean · 9 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
(if i forgot anyone i’m sorry T^T (also these started to turn into me just appreciating some ppl so uhh))
@emmaoftoomanyfandoms : Super sweet!!! Even if we don’t get too many chances to interact with each other I enjoy seeing your interactions with others :3
@kieranmew : I LOVE YOUR ART SM also you’re really silly and fun to talk to!! I remember one of your messages made me smile so much to the point where i think my mom questioned me 😭
@p0pp3t : UNAAA ILYSM I think you were one of my first mooties on here, tysm for being you!! You’re such a great person, I’m really grateful to have you here <3
@anunmarkedface : My first Redacted mootie (i think)!! I enjoy all of the talks we have, and being around you feels like a breath of fresh air
@lunaaltair : HII i love your art style soooo much, and it’s interesting hearing you talk during calls :D
@sweetangle8 : GABRIEL ILYSM youre sooo silly and i like making OCs with you and just talking about the most random stuff ever LOL
@4letteraroace : Andiiii!!!! You are one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met, keep on shining, ily!!
@cyc-chilla : Super funny and easy to talk to!! LOL i think i really got exposed to your blog because of that one Erik photo(?) in general though I like seeing your posts on my dash :D
@shawslut : Aaa you were also one of my first mutuals here!! You honestly make me feel so welcome and I love hearing from you!!
@mirrorchannel : I think we’ve been friends for over a year now (?) even though we don’t really speak as much as before, I still cherish all the time I get to spend with you 🫶🫶
@deviantaj : You are such an amazing person in general!! The way we met is still fresh in my mind LOL and I’m super glad we got that opportunity
@crescentgrim : The stuff you post about Redacted puts a smile on my face every time!! You’re such a good and loyal friend, anyone would be lucky to have you on their side ^^
@peacefullibrarian : Really kind and nice to talk to!! Ngl whenever I think of you my mind also thinks of pink lilies :3
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mwahkazu · 24 days
hey! im really new to tumblr and i want to be more active on the genshin x reader, yume writing, etc etc side of tumblr BUT HOWWW DO U MAKE FRIENDS 😭😭 im extremely active on twt BUT I FEEL SO AWKWARD ON TUMBLR HELP.......
- ☆
first of all dont worry…i’ve been there before so i understand your struggle of being awkward on tumblr😭 ( even now i still think i am ong ) but as for making friends I HONESTLY HAVE NO CLUE /j
it can hard to approach people on here especially since most already have their own moots or have been around the genshin x reader or any other area of tumblr for a while, i still get intimidated by them🏃‍♀️but i think one of easiest ways i’ve found to make friends here is to just INTERACT. just do it😭.
if someone comments on your work reply to them, reblogs, even check out someone’s works and send them a inbox talking about how much you love their fic or blog theme or if you’re feeling bold straight up ask to be moots! i promise ☆ anon a majority of the community here is really nice and welcoming and i say that from experience 🥹
and if you’re still struggling I’LL GLADLY BE THE FIRST PERSON TO BE YOUR FRIEND ( and even some of my moots who may see this would be willing to as well!! )
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fuckmyskywalker · 5 days
“there are people who are actual victims of molestation, and you’re just normalizing that shit. fuck off LMFAO”
Them when they find out that we’re most likely victims and it’s a coping mechanism that’s been acknowledged by the medical world: 🤯🤯
While I’ve never participated (I get all nervous lol :P) I enjoy seeing your interactions with others and how much it seems you can make them happy. Ik you don’t need to be told this but keep doing you daddy <3
I’m kinda thinking abt sending anons, idk yet- idk how to describe it but your blog just has this trustworthy and nice atmosphere that makes me feel safe and lowkey little so I get too shy to send anything
I’m rambling so I’ll quit while I’m ahead lolol
Anyways much love xx
Also real quick question; can I sign off w a nickname or would you prefer and emoji? Like I would prefer to sign off w just
“-Pen” but if you’d prefer an emoji then is it okay if I claim the 🍰?
I'll keep being me just because you want me to baby. You can send anons, they are very much welcome (Sometimes I do answer them a little late since I don't want to seem so eager but I get occupied with anything else and I... forget about asks for a couple hours- sometimes a day). I appreciate you took the time to send me this love, and I adore rambling!
You can sign with either a name or an emoji, it's your choice. Your pick will still go to my anon list, so go ahead love
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
rules for this page:
No minors please. I cannot control what you you might read but please do not interact if you are under the age of 18. This page is basically straight up porn and very much adult content. Underage/ageless blogs are at risk of being blocked!!!
This blog is a safe space for the dirtiest, smuttiest thoughts on our favourite twd men and women. No judgments or being mean. Peace and love only sweeties.
inbox and dm rules:
Anons are welcome! I again ask that you’re over 18!!! Feel free to send in prompts, requests, comments on fics or anything rlly! I love to hear random, general thoughts as well. Interact with me! It makes my day<3 I basically just love to talk and am chronically bored :)
Please keep messages kind, respectful and sweet. Also… despite my love for darker media, I actually am a really sensitive soul and can’t always take reading certain topics. Fun little stories and looking for advice regarding friendships or whatever is totally fine but let’s just keep everything nice and light and sweet. There are many resources out there if any of you need real help <333
If you interact with me frequently and I still don’t follow you back, please make sure you have your age in your bio. If you’re my mutual and wanna chat about writing and tv and all sorts of whatever… dm me <3 (If we’re in love already… we should probably be friends too right?)
as for my writing/requests/prompts:
I will write for Rick, Daryl, Shane, Rosita (sometimes Merle and Negan) Dean Winchester, and Frank Castle <3
I only write x reader. I mostly gravitate towards fem!reader but I will gladly write gender neutral or afab with no use of pronouns. I try and mix it up and keep as many works as neutral as possible. If nothing is specified in a prompt, I will typically write it as fem!reader. And If we’re mutuals and I already know your pronouns, I’ll go based off those for your requests:)
For requests, a specific situation/plot line is easiest for me to work with. General requests (like Rick x hyperfeminine!Reader) are usually not specific enough for me to come up with something. Prompts with a plot line or situation (like reader finds a cat and brings it home to Rick and Daryl) are so much easier to work with and will often come out much quicker <3
As far as requests go, I may not write every one. Some, I am just simply not into and wouldn’t want to write, some I can’t seem to come up with a situation for/are awaiting a spark of inspo, and others are too similar to something I’ve read or done (in that case I will lead you towards those fics)
Please note- I do have a lot in my inbox most of the time so requests can tend to take a while. I apologize for this, but I am a student and I write on this blog for fun and to connect with people so I don’t ever want to feel stressed or pressured. I’ll usually get around to them and I will try my best, but I’ll admit I’m pretty slow <3
Most of my content is smut, but I really love fluff too though so please don’t be shy to request situations for that as well:)
I’m not huge on angst, generally I’m trying to escape when reading and writing, so I’d rather not write about sad things.
my absolute no’s:
incest (stepcest is fine), underage, scat play, age play/age regression, pet play, anything with self harm, abuse or eating disorders. Take a look at my work and see if it’s on par with what you may want to request. I will politely tell you if I don’t feel comfy writing for it. There’s also no harm in asking if you’re ever unsure. I truly don’t judge.
☾ darker themes, such as dub-con or consensual non consent are cool with me (to an extent. If you have questions feel free to ask…) ☾
prompt list here
(please do not plagiarize, copy, repost or translate any of my work here or on any other platforms and make sure to give credit where credit is due)
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likecastle · 1 year
Ronance Femslash February - postmarked for January
Thank you again to @marbledswissroll for the prompt “postmarked for january.” I tweaked the wording a little because I couldn’t quite work it in as it was originally phrased, but hopefully it’s close enough!
I’m accepting Ronance prompts all month for Femslash February. I have a few more prompts in my inbox, but I’ve still need a few more to get me through the end of the month, so please send them my way! Anon asks are totally fine, and you’re welcome to send more than one prompt. Don’t be shy! You can find previous prompts I’ve filled here.
Robin is putting up a flyer for the marching band fundraiser when Nancy Wheeler walks into the post office, carrying a manila envelope so carefully it might as well be the Declaration of Independence. For a minute Robin thinks they’re both going to do what they usually do when they cross paths at school, and pretend they didn’t throw a metric ton of fireworks at a monster made of liquefied people last summer, but Nancy meets her eye with a tentative smile, and Robin realizes she must want an audience for this momentous occasion.
“College application?” Robin asks, and this conversation already feels like an uphill battle. She should have just pretended not to see Nancy, or faked amnesia, or something.
“Yeah,” Nancy says, with a little shrug that Robin’s sure is supposed to seem modest, but she can tell Nancy is pleased with herself.
“Got your heart set on someplace special?” she asks, because she knows Nancy wants her to ask.
“Emerson,” Nancy says, with more starry-eyed enthusiasm than she’s ever said her actual boyfriend’s name. “My mom and I did a bunch of campus visits in September, and I just fell in love. I sort of thought I’d go to NYU, maybe Northwestern as a backup, but after I sat in on a class at Emerson, I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else. And hopefully I can get an internship at the Globe, or—” She pauses, looking charmingly chagrinned, though Robin notices that her hands are clenched tight around the corners of the envelope. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” She gives another one of those sweetly self-effacing shrugs. “Are you . . . applying anywhere?”
Robin tries not to read too much into the question, because if she did, she’d have to hear the implication that Nancy isn’t sure if Robin’s cut out for college, despite the fact that they have AP English and French Club and Trig together. Or maybe she just doesn’t think Robin’s family can afford to send her to school—which is a lot closer to the truth. She’ll be holding her breath about scholarships until April. “Just IU,” she says. “But not early decision, so the application doesn’t have to be postmarked til January.”
Nancy’s eyes widen, and if Robin didn’t know better, she’d say Nancy looks worried on her behalf. “You don’t think you should apply to a couple more schools, just in case? Not,” she adds quickly, “that I think you won’t get in, it’s just . . .”
Robin shrugs, trying for a carelessness she doesn’t really feel. “If I don’t get in, I’ll just use the money I’ve been saving for tuition on a trip across Europe. Just, you know, stay in hostels and sleep on people’s couches until my funds run out. I mean, I might do that even if I do get in.”
“Oh,” Nancy says, and her cheeks, Robin thinks, are faintly pink—from shock at Robin’s cavalier attitude, no doubt. She expects to get another little lecture about responsible choices, but what Nancy says is, “That, um . . . sounds nice.”
“Who knows,” Robin adds with a grin, “maybe I’ll bring Steve with me to be my chauffeur. Oh my god, he’d get so pissy about European traffic, don’t you think?”
“Right.” Nancy’s expression is tight, and Robin realizes too late that she’s crossed some line she shouldn’t have. “Well, I should—get this in the mail.” Nancy gestures toward the counter with the envelope, which is significantly bent at the edges now. “I’ll, um—good luck. With your application.”
“You, too,” Robin says, but Nancy is already turning away.
Robin tries to imagine it—Nancy walking with an armful of books across some perfectly-groomed campus green. Robin’s never been to Boston—never been anywhere, really—but she imagines brick buildings covered with ivy, students with sweaters tied over their shoulders talking about spending their summer vacation at Martha’s Vineyard, wherever that is. It doesn’t fill her with jealousy, exactly. It’s not what she wants for herself, but she does envy Nancy that her future seems so clear. She’s a star student applying early decision to the school of her dreams, and Robin wonders what it must feel like to be sure that she’ll get in, that she’ll be able to afford it, that she’ll get everything she wants.
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since this is still something of a debate…
re: silent readers, fan creators, motivation and interaction
Since I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about this lately, and have seen a fellow writer get hate for talking about it, I figured that it was about time to throw my hat into the metaphorical ring.
Interaction is a massive part of fandom as a whole because in the end we’re all just a bunch of nerds all obsessing over the same characters and media in our own little community. Like a nest of overly excited rats, or something equally strange. And interaction can come in many forms depending on which platform you’re using — and for this post I’ll be referring back to AO3 and Tumblr because that’s what I use.
On AO3 you have a few ways of interacting with an author whose content you enjoy — with some being anonymous and others being much more preferred and important to authors. Of course there are hits, which are encouraging of course but you have no way of knowing if someone clicked on and finished your fic or if they mis-clicked and immediately left; it’s completely ambiguous. Kudos and subscriptions are the other big ones and are a good form of encouragement for writers because they tell you who enjoyed your writing and give you an idea of who would want to return (even if subs are usually anonymous as well). Finally there are bookmarks and comments which are the best kinds of interactions to receive in terms of motivation because they can provide actual praise and feedback, telling a writer who enjoys your writing, what they enjoyed or where to improve.
I know that waking up to a flurry of comments makes my day more than checking on stats and seeing a couple more kudos — and it makes me more likely to continue writing for those fandoms.
And for posterity’s sake, here are my AO3 stats as of the 27th of February 2023 (for context I have 31 fics up at the moment):
Tumblr media
22k of my word count came from fics posted over the last month that I got feedback for — which also account for 7 of my total comment threads.
Now let’s look at Tumblr — where your options for interactions are following a creator, leaving an ask, liking, reblogging or commenting on specific posts.
There isn’t a metric for tracking how many people have seen a post on Tumblr, obviously, so the closest thing we have are likes. And that is how I treat them — a track of who has and has not seen each thing I post — as opposed to a proper interaction. They’re nice, of course, but they’re sort of insignificant when you think about sharing content and such — especially when you get to bigger fandoms.
Asks are an amazing way to give feedback to a content creator as well as to send in requests if they accept them. That way even the more anxious of readers can participate and interact — which is great! But they tend to get clogged with demands, threats and hate if you leave anon on at the wrong moment — which I and other writers have experienced.
Reblogs and comments are probably the best way to motivate a writer — which I can absolutely corroborate. Even if you don’t think the post you liked will fit the theme of your blog, you’re welcome to create a sideblog just to reblog things you like. Nobody’s saying that it has to go on your main!
Now let’s look at all of that in real terms by comparing two of my side blogs: this one (@sleepingdeath-light) and my most recent (@sleepingdeath-bboys).
This blog (light) was started in 2021 and has 615 posts up as of now. I have 43,960 notes and write for 115 different fandoms. 2081 of you follow this blog and most of my interaction is through anonymous asks (over 200 right now) and likes with very few reblogs and even fewer that have any feedback with them (maybe 5 total off the top of my head).
My Baynton Boys blog was started at the end of January 2023 and has 49 posts up. i have 199 notes and write for 6 fandoms with a focus on characters played by a single actor (extremely niche). I still receive more likes than anything else but the margin is incredibly small as I also receive a large amount of tagged reblogs and requests from the other amazing writers in the fandom (@/jamiewintons and @/pink-booty-butts mainly, who you should defo follow if you’re interested in Mat Baynton content btw!).
I have written over 22k words and counting for the latter account because l feel so much more motivated and appreciated by the people I am writing for.
I have posted a few headcanon sets for this account in the same time period because I am massively lacking in the motivation to do anything else.
So in case you were ever up for debating it; interaction matters when it comes to any type of content creator. We’re not robots, we’re people giving you content for free — and it’s nice to know when people enjoy it. Like actually enjoyed it (especially if you were the one who requested it!).
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
hello hera, it’s 1:28am and i’m sitting out on the balcony having a cup of cola because i started spiralling a little and just wanted to go outside so i could clear my head. you’re one of the first tumblr loa blogs i came across, so i’d like to just sit down and have a little chat :) i like talking about my deep thoughts on stuff, sadly i don’t know anyone irl who’s into loa so most online blogs are my only like connection to likeminded people i guess. i tend to get embarrassed going on a little blurt about these things so feel free to ignore this if you think it’s boring lol
recently i decided to personally put my foot down and keep it there when it comes to manifesting and it’s sweet because i’ve noticed my thought patterns change when it comes to my confidence which is just so nice but i still sometimes get my fair share of doubts and worries when it comes to manifesting. i wrote down everything i was thinking and hung up about in this moment instead of running to a blog crying and throwing up because “i couldn’t figure it out myself” when really i guess i could…i just needed to write it down in my notes. anyways long story short i found out i am afraid of persisting because i assume things will take forever to manifest and because i want what i want by the time i want it. “ok well…why are you afraid because you write out your reality??” and yes you’re completely right, i do write out my reality, i say when things happen and what happens…no one else. so why do we get scared?? we think we can’t fly yet…wifi and bluetooth exists?? how tf were cameras made like…something that takes a shot at that moment and it’s there for life like that sounds illogical af yet it happened?!? so why can’t i say i’ll get green eyes by monday or i got purple hair yesterday cuz that sure as hell sounds as real as “this box can take a shot of this very moment and will never really fade.” i just find the human mind so insane how it can build itself up and then rip itself down. the brain is a powerful thing, you are the most powerful thing.
anyways i’d like to be an anon ( 🪐) if that’s ok, i won’t send anything as boring as this next lol. my goal is to have the biggest most mouthwatering success story ever with a few “illogical” manifestations and i’d like to share them with you :) plus this would help motivate me.
I know this was just a vent but I really loved the tone that was set for this ask.
I really like that you've come to this conclusion yourself, because you're absolutely correct! We are surrounded by so much that once would've been considered impossible or even illogical and yet here it is in the flesh. All of these innovations serve as testaments to the fact that everything stemmed from imagination, so if somebody was able to conceptualize the idea of bluetooth in their head and materialize it, why wouldn't that be applicable to anything else. Imagination is the root of EVERYTHING! Imagination creates REALITY!
We're happy to have you join the family, my love. Welcome!
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deathbyathousandcuts · 8 months
Hi! Idk if you remember me but I'm the anon from a few nights ago who is now living with my parents quite unexpectedly. Skipping a lot of the backstory here but I was originally living with some of my really close friends from college who own a house. I lost my job in June and have been this close to getting a job a couple of different times since then but nothing has come through. My parents have been able to help a little with gas and food but my dad is on disability rn and dealing with his own shit so not super helpful. I haven't been able to pay my rent since July. So, not unexpected that I would be kicked out but the way it was handled was just. Bad and left me feeling really shitty. I was given zero warning and I've been three hours away from my friends most of the month helping my dad and my mom.
Anyway. All that to say. My friend who owns the house (or one of them. it's a married couple who owns it) and I have been hashing it out and things have more or less ended on that front today. Neither of us really want to loose the friendship but obviously it's a bad situation either way. And today it ended with "I'll keep a look out for any housing oppurtunities in the area, it would be nice if you still lived close by." Which is objectively nice right. It's nice to end things on a positive note, but it's just gone and made me mad again. Cause like. Earlier in this conversation they had tried to spin it as this is the best for everyone, but it isn't!!!! I have to live with my very homophobic family who have a weird and complex and emotionally draining relationship with for an indeterminate amount of time!!! It is not the best situation for me!!!! And I feel like I have to defend my friends from my family when all I want to do is wallow and be angry and rage at them.
I'm sorry for venting and sending a wall of text to your inbox, this whole situation sucks and has sucked since June. And the people who are (indirectly) hurting me are the people I'd usually vent about this too alas. I'm also very tired of being the bigger person and want to scream and rage and cry but I can't so. Here we are.
ah, anon this is such a fucked situation i’m so sorry. i don’t know that i have any solid advice because it’s so sticky and i don’t have that many details. you’re welcome to vent always!!!! i hear you and it’s frustrating as fuck to have something like this wedge between friendship. :| my asks and dms are always open for venting or whatever you may need. <3 ily and i hope things sort themselves out for you!
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
sending you a big hug, sangsang! that ask just made me so mad lol i had a similar encounter who suggested wwx needed to experiment and would love to be with other people because lwj was too controlling 😭😭
as someone who's new to mdzs, how do you track their development of feelings re: wwx? in my opinion, it's always harsh to find good characterization with fics that aim to address the Burial mounds era and what ifs related to it. Do you have any fic recs? My chronic pain is flaring up, so I welcome any lovely distractions for this cold, autumn day aha
Awww, thank you anon! That’s very sweet of you and I appreciate the hugs. I’m not sure what’s up with the amount of people in this mystery/romance novel fandom who hate the main coupes but they are tiresome when they show up.
Do you mean the Wens and Wei Wuxian? I’m not sure, but if that’s what you’re curious on, I can answer in another ask (don’t want to go on too many tangents)
It is sadly very hard to find good fics that deal with those days and even the ones that are more popular I tend to find have things that are more off putting about them. There is one that is a wip that I love that will address all of these things, but the author has not started posting it yet. I’m sorry, I wish I had some better recs, but honestly of all the ones I’ve read, I wouldn’t really recommend any of them.
I hope your autumn days are lovely and you are still able to find some good works to read, even if they aren’t exactly burial mounds era days! If you’d like an author recommendation for the day, I’d recommend @miixz on ao3. They’ve written a bunch of really nice works that are soft and considerate of the characters and the world they work with without ever forgetting who the characters like in universe too and their works have been a recent comfort and delight to me in MDZS fics!
Thank you for dropping by with some kind words. It really was lovely of you to do so.
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feathvrings · 1 year
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“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.”
selective and semi-private indie portrayal of KAZ rietveld BREKKER, JESPER FAHEY, naoise burns NESHA VLADSTIK, and WYLAN van eck HENDRIKS, as understood by sen.
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rules below cut for mobile users.
all muns must be 18+, as i am. i do not allow anon asks, so please be aware of this. this is my first venture into indie/1x1 rp, so please go easy on me—i’m accustomed to group rp, and still don’t know all the terminology. i will use the block button, whenever i feel it necessary. be nice and respectful. it’s a basic thing. i’m here to write, not argue—so let’s keep the ooc drama to a minimum. i don’t interact with call-out posts/purity culture/passive-aggressiveness/etc. don’t godmod/metagame, please. my name is sen! i'm 18+ and use they/them pronouns.
i write semi-literate to literate multi-para responses. i use a mix of beta and legacy editors, mostly because i’m new to tumblr and can’t figure out what the hell is going on with that, but i don’t seem to have the option to switch whenever i want. i will cut posts whenever possible—please be patient with me. i’m very active and have a tendency to reply frequently. please don’t feel rushed by me, i’m very patient—this is just a heads-up. just a warning, i talk in the tags. a fair bit.
please don’t reach out through dms to plot with me unless we’re mutuals. if we are moots, feel free to contact me at any time to start up a thread, fangirl about the source material or our threads/characters, or just chat about anything at all. ask memes are a great way to start up interactions—always feel free to throw an ask my way, even if we’re not moots. memes and open starters are open to everyone, and i’m willing to write those threads for as long as they go.
i do use small text, just to keep my dash easier for me personally to read. if you’d prefer i not use it for various reasons, just reach out and let me know! i generally use gif icons and/or small/medium gifs, but you don’t have to. i do not expect you to match my formatting. please don’t expect me to match yours.
dark themes and triggers will absolutely be present on this blog due to the nature of the source material. i will do my best to tag things as needed, using the format “trigger cw.” things that will 100% be tagged are as follows:
nsfw content (not that there should really be any of it on this blog).
this list will be added to as necessary.
i will not follow/interact with blogs that:
write only/primarily smut/nsfw content.
contain omegaverse or a/b/o content.
roleplay as real people.
use a deceased person as a fc.
if you write untagged smut/nsfw, i may block you. if i follow you, i have read all of your rules/information and am interested in writing with you. if i don’t, i’m not. if you initiate a follow, 9 times out of 10 i will check it as soon as i see it and read your page. if i don’t follow back, i’m not interested—it’s nothing personal, and it could be for any number of reasons, so don’t feel bad. please don’t spam follow me to get me to accept it—my answer likely won’t change. if i initiate a follow, you are (of course) under no obligation to accept it. if you don’t intend on reciprocating however, please block-then-unblock (i think that’s a softblock?) me to remove the follow. i will take the hint, i promise. if i soft or hard block you, it’s nothing personal. i keep my dash very strictly curated.
i do not write nsfw/smut. i do not accept anons. i reserve the right to not interact with anyone or engage in any interaction that makes me uncomfortable—period, end of discussion.
any meme/starter can be answered at any time. (if it’s one of those “send an emoji” ones you may need to remind me which post it’s coming from.) you’re always welcome to turn an ask response into a thread. please don’t use me as a source for memes—reblog them from the op. they’re the one that created it, they should get the credit.
for mutuals:
if you’re going to drop a thread, please let me know. i don’t mind, just tell me ahead of time so i’m not eternally on hold. always feel free to reach out to me. my dms are open: if there’s a reply that you’d like me to make some changes to, any plotting things you want to clear up, a cool musing you saw that fits our characters, or you just plain want to chat—hit me up.
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threenounname · 2 years
Rules & About
Please read through this before interacting and/or following.
Hi! You can call me Count, I’m a non-binary lesbian and my pronouns are they/he. Please only use either masculine or gender-neutral terms when referring to me.
Welcome to my 18+ sapphic writing blog, where I mostly reblog stuff and sometimes post about my writing. Fair warning, I do reblog a lot and if you don’t want to see that, you can block the #not my writing tag, essentially my recs.
I write only for Twice and only MemberxMember. I do not write reader insert, but I do read and reblog it. Reblogs of ReaderxMember stuff from other writers are tagged #reader insert.
DNI for:
Basic DNI stuff: Homophobes, transphobes/terfs, ableists, racists, pedophiles, fatphobes, or anything like that.
MINORS. I write, discuss, and reblog NSFW content. I do not want any minors on my blog. Put your age in your bio before interacting and/or following.
People whose attraction is exclusively towards men. I do not write Twice as men, none of the Twice characters I write or will ever write are men, so this space isn’t for you. My characters’ exact or specific labels (gender-wise) will not always be explicitly stated but all of them are either women or some flavor of non-binary.
Again, put your age in your bio before interacting and/or following or else I will block you. Blank blogs will also be blocked. If you’re unsure whether or not you’re allowed to interact and read my works, just shoot me an ask.
I lifted gender-based DNI criteria for this blog (this may or may not change in the future, sorry), but please keep in mind that this is a SAPPHIC writing blog and as such is catered to sapphics. That said, even if you don't fit into any of the DNI criteria and follow all the rules, if you follow/interact with this blog or send an ask on anon and it raises some red flags for me or makes me uncomfortable in any way, I will still block you. No creeps please.
In addition, be respectful of the rules and DNI criteria of the blogs that I reblog from. I have nothing but the utmost repect for the community around me and I expect the same of all my followers towards other writers.
Asks are open and anon is on. Be nice. I use tone tags sometimes; definitely feel free to use them here when interacting with me. And if you found me through AO3 feel free to send me asks about any of my fics (given you don't fit into any of the DNI criteria)! That's primarily what I made this blog for.
I do not take requests, but I’m up for discussing ideas and concepts, whether within my AUs or new ones. It’s kinda hard to list down specifically the topics/concepts I’m OK with, but as a general rule, any sort of content (including NSFW stuff) that are already in any of my fics or AUs is fine.
These are things I’m either not into writing, not comfortable discussing, or not versed enough to really talk and write about:
hybrid stuff
ageplay and regression
watersports/piss kink
scat, blood, puke kinks, etc.
foot stuff
gore or too much violence
depression, self harm, suicide, abuse, etc.*
noncon/dubcon or anything similar to that
*anxiety is okay but not too heavy (also no panic attacks)
Do not send me asks about any of the above, I won’t be able to entertain them. If you’re not sure about whether or not I’m okay with something that isn’t listed, just shoot me an ask.
Lastly, all of my works are posted and should only be found on my AO3 (same username) and here on Tumblr, in the #wip and #drabble tags.
(Posts tagged #wip are, as the name suggests, literally just WIPs - snippets from my unfinsihed fics that I sometimes post here whenever I feel like it. For that reason, they may look a bit different if/when I ever post the whole fic on AO3, so just keep that in mind!)
Strictly do not repost my work anywhere. If you see my work reposted in another platform or even just under a different user, whether it was credited or not, please inform me.
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cornerstoreclown · 1 year
The uncertainty is half the fun with Art, is he gonna gently tuck your hair behind your ear or scalp you? Who knows!
Omg I can’t even imagine doing accounting, It sounds so stressful I’m so bad at math I fear id commit a felony on accident lol
That little Drabble was so nice o too want Art to destroy my foes 😌 also as soon as I think of one I’m gonna send a prompt i def can’t pass up a prompt opportunity ❤️-⭐️
Oh I almost forgot congratulations on your job opportunity!!!! I hope you can get by the rest of this semester smoothly, and best of luck on all the end of semester things you have to do!! -⭐️
I am dyslexic a little LOL. It’s kind of fun once you know what you’re doing! Filling out T-accounts are kind of addicting. You have to match its positive with its negative on a larger puzzle piece in which all positives have to equal the same amount of negatives. I enjoy the mental stimulation. It makes my autism/ADHD brain go brrrrrrr. Knowledge makes me happy.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Fortunately my new occupation allows me to still have work/life balance so I’ll still be able to keep writing even after I get onboarded. 
AND I GOT YOUR PROMPT!!! YAAAAY! I saw a couple other emoji anons I recognized in my inbox and so I was WAITING to see you! I think I will take down the solicitations post on Christmas, so people will have until Christmas morning EST to submit whatever they want. If you or anyone else wants to submit more than one prompt/idea, you’re more than welcome to fill it up till then. I plan to chip away at them whenever I get in a certain mood. 
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