#@ntis DNI
coralcatsea · 2 months
If people won't stop referring to England as "America's d@d" every chance they get, I guess I'm going to have to start calling him "America's boyfriend" all the time to counteract it.
England can't just be "England" anymore. He always has to be referenced through some kind of relationship. 😩
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asperfern · 1 year
fav confusing thing ever? antis who LOVE rick and morty. “rickorty shippers eat shit” oh the ship from the show that has rick canonically marry his grandson, or rick making morty kiss him, or the giant incest baby in space, or the orgy rick and summer and morty had with dragons, i can go on bruh
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dollkinglitterspace · 2 months
Name: Lord
Personality: Can differ but I try to be nice ^^
Age range: 13-16
Pronouns: she/he/they/it doll/goblin| Gender: Genderfluid
Identity: Dollkin ❤️ | please Google for explaination😭
Sexuality: Pansexual | Partners: 0
Favourite music:
Fav song: Touch off [UVERWORLD]
Fav artist: sodikken
Song I keep listening to: Cinderella [Cider girl]
Least favorite song: Running up that hill [Kate Bush]
Favourite show:
Show name: The Promised Neverland
Favourite Character: Norman
Kins: Kuromi(sanrio) Regina(Glitter Force), Norman(tpn) Zazie(tpn), Jemima(tpn) Nakanaka(Komi cant communicate)
Favorite game: Pony Town
Character in game: lil emo pony
User: Lord (IRL AVI)
Least favorite game: fortnite, no Offence to the players I just don't like shooting games :3
Social media:
TIKTOK- (currently not working :()
Discord- browsingynaccount
Insta- browsingynaccount
Snap- browsingynacc
Pinterest: browsingynaccount
Basic DNI- H•mo/Transph•bia, Religion @ntis, rct@, ab£lism(if it's a joke just tell me), p3dos
Trauma DNI- anything to do with ag£play, people who vent w/out asking or tws, just asking to d@te(we have just met)
Fav Celebrity: Melanie Martinez
fav Character: Kuromi
OCS: March, Amber, Quinnelle, Shelby, 333, Bob, Demi
Fav color: Yellow💛/Purple💜/White🤍
Fav food: Chocolate/Sushi/Peas
Fav drink: Hot Cocoa/Boba/Lemonade
Fav animal: Cat
[questions allowed <3]
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charbunnies · 1 year
🍀 grimsley/grims (sam/bunny alt) 🍀 they/he - 24 - bi + transmasc nonbinary - ✡️ - audhd + other things
dni t*rf/transm*d/pr*ship-@nti-@nti (i avoid discourse but keep that nasty shit away from me <3)
no one under 18 please, i will not follow back + sb you
icon by ragewang on tumblr :)
i am the host of an OSDD system but i very rarely talk about it for safety/trauma reasons
please please please tag veins/cardiovascular organs (even drawn/cartoony ones) as well as IVs/blood draws or mentions of them. #medical or #veins or #venophobia will work fine! i have a diagnosed phobia and i can’t block every related word
kind of an amalgam of whatever i feel like posting/am into at the moment, but i may post about my wol, other writing, or liveblogging. original posts are tagged #grim.txt
currently especially insane about octopath (1 + 2), final fantasy 7+14+16, the xenoblade chronicles series, and world of warcraft. though god only knows what else might end up here
i use tags gratuitously for commentary as well as categorization so if that annoys you then uhhh whatever!
if you need something tagged (or just wanna talk) feel free to dm me or send me an ask!
carrd | wol carrd | twitter | more detailed about
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little-livs-space · 2 years
Read Before Interacting
Sfw interactions only
No M@P$, $W3RF$, T3RF$, N$FW, Pro@na, pro-$elf h@/rm, @nti age regression/CGlre, etc interactions
SFW Age Regression. Currently no CG, but I am proCG if that makes you happy. Keep that in mind.
I’m 25, so if you’re a minor, don’t interact. It makes me uncomfortable. Not that I have a problem with y’all age regressing.
I try my best to read DNI, but if I miss something, please tell me.
Need certain tags, just tell me.
I love making friends, so feel free to message me.
Wanna spoil me? Attached is my Amazon Wishlist 💕
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cherylmasonjar · 2 years
DNI / Do Not Interact if
P*roshipper /
A*nti A*nti
T*erf / R*adfem
A*nti BLM
P*anphobic/ B*iphobic
B*igoted against Ace or Aros
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I just feel like making something for any other persecutors/ex-persecutors out there.
I don't know what exactly you need to hear right now, so I'll just say what I wish I heard. You are wonderful and you are so so incredibly strong for making it this far. No matter what anyone says, wether that be shitty singlets, other systems, or even your own headmates, no matter what you've done, you are a person deserving of love and care and friends and basic decency. I know this may be cheezy as fuck, but I don't really care. You deserve to be treated as any other person, not just some villain in the story. Just know that even if we've never talked before, or even if you've never even seen our account before, I love you. No matter what anyone else fucking thinks, I love you.
- From an ex-persecutor
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 years
every now and then i’ll find out i’m following someone shitty and it’s just
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edit: stop reblogging this please--
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coralcatsea · 2 months
Dadthur and Sonfred fans really think USUK fans are out here shipping inc•st when it's their headcanon they're pushing on us in the first place.
And they'll really go out of their way to shout "AWW A F@THER AND S0N" every time they see these characters:
A couple of friends/colleagues who canonically do things like tugging on an apron the other is wearing with nothing underneath, trying to get the other into skimpy and/or "sexy" outfits, and throwing a huge tantrum about the other not giving them chocolate (paired right alongside the obviously shippy GerIta scene, too).
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Yeah, USUK isn't canon, but the fan service/shippy moments are clearly there. Are you sure YOU guys aren't the ones making it seem inc•stuous by forcing characters with these types of scenes into familial roles that they don't canonically identify with? 😅
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jisforj · 3 years
Very confused by the a/nti with p/roshippers dni on their blog following me but you do you I guess?
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sweaterspoons · 4 years
hey like this post if you'd be interested in joinin a small artists' discord
(all forms of art/writing/etc would be welcome!! the idea would be to be able to share creativity with other creatives + help each other grow in a positive environment)
nothin's solid yet- im just trying to decide if there's enough interest to throw somethin together!!!
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baticuls · 4 years
i need to make an about page.........
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little drabble based off my warden emmet au
reblogging with your thoughts in the tags would mean a lot to me!
bl/nkshippers and other pr/shippers | /nti-/ntis dni you guys make me genuinely uncomfortable as a sibling 💚
writing under the cut
the wind's gentle touch on his face is what ultimately brought him back to himself. the wind stung his eyes, freezing small lines on his cheeks. had he been crying? he didn't know why he would be crying.
he blinked a few times, fully centering himself, eyes focusing on the nature around him. a mountain spanned his an entire vision as he took in his surroundings, tall and menacing.
this isn't where i should be.
the thought sent a jolt of fear through him, worsened tenfold when he realized he had no idea where he should be. a burning, tight feeling clawed it's way up his throat, stealing his voice and placing it under lock-and-key. subconsciously, he clutched at his upper arms and rubbed at them, attempting to self-soothe.
where should i be?
the wind batted at his face, and the tracks on his face felt ice cold. he reflexively buried his face in his coat, the tall collar protecting him from the wind and keeping the rest of his body warm. too warm, almost.
he couldn't stay here, his mind provided past the knot in his chest. his coat would keep him warm, but the sun was low in the sky as it was. he needed to find shelter before night fell and it became colder. he hesitantly dropped a gloved hand down to clutch at his jacket, near where it flared out at his waist, and he began to step foward- small and hesitantly, at first, but quickly growing into large strides.
that's how he continued for some time, pushing foward in the dwindling daylight. he could hear the occasional distant cry of a pokemon, serving to soothe his anxiety. a timer in the back of his head kept a steady beat, counting how long he'd been here, wherever 'here' was.
it is nineteen-hundred hours, thirty-nine minutes, and twenty-two seconds. i have been here for three hours, five minutes, and fifty seconds.
at six minutes and thirty-five seconds past twenty-hundred hours, he ran almost face-first into some weirdly tall blue-purple pokemon that almost resembled a sneasel (what was a sneasel?), especially with the long feather it sported. it turned and looked down at him, a feeling that unnerved him greatly.
he could analyze the feeling later. first things first.
"i am-" his voice cut off, a forgotten line to a script so ingrained into him it was habit. he felt the burning, tight feeling try to rise once more, but he plastered a stronger smile on and tried again. he could modify the script. that could work. it would be fine.
"i am sorry." he stated, staring at the strange sneasel's feather. the thought of eye contact made his skin crawl. "i am verrrry lost. could you take me someplace i can stay the night?"
the stretched out and purple sneasel eyed him, slowly bringing a claw up and investigating him. the strange touch set him on edge, instinctually making his muscles tense. the touch was warm- surprising him. but it wasn't as if he expecting anything else.
he was getting sick of his muscle memory expecting things he did not remember.
after a few minutes of infurating prodding, the weird sneasel appeared satisfied, and seemed to move towards him with intent to pick him up. instictually, he backed away, expression sharpening.
"please do not touch the conductor!" his mouth said. the weird sneasel looked surprised at his words, an expression he was sure was mirrored on his own face.
after a few confused blinks, the weird sneasel shrugged and started walking. when he didn't immediately follow, it turned around and made a 'follow me' gesture, huffing. or was it closer to a 'come hither'?
the sneasel growled and made the gesture again, snapping him out of his thoughts. he began to stride towards it, arms swinging a wide arc. this satisfied the sneasel, and it continued to move foward, leading him somewhere. hopefully a settlement, though he could probably deal with a cave.
as the sunset began to paint the sky stunning colours, blocked by the mountain, he allowed himself a moment to breathe. everything felt wrong and off-kilter here, and his body kept running on tracks he did not see, could not remember, but-
breathing in the air that felt foreign in its crispness, he could find his way again.
he couldn't keep ____ waiting.
or not, he internally groused. he really was getting sick of running on deactivated rails.
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apaldura · 3 years
DNI: p0rn-blogs, tr@ns-@ge, m@ps, pr0sh1ppers/@nti-@ntis, dd//lg/variants, t3rfs, tr@nsmeds, @bleists, r@cists, xen0ph0bes, h0m0phobes, 3xclus and otherwise discrimatory people as well as k!nk blogs AND actively k1nk-shaming blogs-no exposure to the topic all together pls
TW tags I added on my blog so far (please reach out to me anytime if I should add more or forgot to put one under a post that might need one):
#tw trypophobia #tw entomophobia #tw lepidopterophobia #tw coulrophobia #tw ableism #tw next for autism #tw autism speaks #tw ophidiophobia #alcohol mention #ableism mention
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You can call me Apa~
I am 20yrs old and based in Germany🇩🇪
I age regress due to trauma and am neurodivergent. The extent of my regression seems to depend on how stressed I am.
I personally do not use terms such as little, but I do interact with blogs that do and might reblog (mostly) info posts that contain them, tgat I deem very useful. I would ask you though to please not use them referring to me, it makes me highly uncomfortable.
likes (smol bean): stuffies, drawing, cutesy Nintendo games, pats ON DA HEAD, cuddles, GOING ON AN ADVENTURE, crafts with foraged stuff, space, nostalgic cartoons, helping in da kitchen and blanket forts
likes (generally): drawing, skateboarding, soft horror(?), gardening/homesteading, videogames (esp. horror rpg-maker and nostalgic ones), anime, cartoons, physics, astronomy, space, science, music and fashion based subcultures in general and mythology AND CUTE STUFF AAAH
Fav shows:
✨bee and puppycat
✨adventure time
✨everything CLAMP
✨Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
✨Sailor Moon
✨my hero academia
✨Mona the Vampire
✨totally spies
✨[lauras stern]
✨Heidi, Girl of the Alps
✨Adventures of the Gummi Bears
✨Soccer wild bunch
✨the moomins
✨[Beutolomäus und der wahre Weihnachtsmann]
Fav games:
✨All gameboy Pokémon games
✨Genshin Impact
✨animal crossing in general
✨spirit farer
✨Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (visual novel)
✨Undertale + Deltarune
✨Tales of the Black Forest (j-rpg)
✨Ib (adventure, psych. horror, rpg-maker)
I found this one when I was 11ish (it's not for children tho😅) and it is the first hyperfixation I remember having~
✨OMORI (psych. horror, rpg-maker)
It has a super long developing time and I really relate to the MCs way of coping
✨Paletta (atmospheric rpg-maker)
✨Fran Bow (creepy adventure)
✨Yuppie Psycho (Dystopia, Surrealism, Horror)
✨Scarlet Hollow (visual novel, horror-mystery)
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What is permaregression?
Permaregression /ˈpəːmə/rɪˈɡrɛʃ(ə)n/ is a type of involuntary regression which is permanent. This is usually caused by trauma at an early age which has left one's mind 'trapped' at that age.
Full definition can be found here.
Blog Content
Send an ask of your favourite character and I'll make them a permaregressor! I will also be making icons too. For flavour, you could also provide which age/headspace you think they would be permaregressed to!
The permaregression flag is down below for you to make your own too!
I will not create content of real people.
Your content is NSFW/Kink/S*xualizes AgeRe/PetRe
You are h0m0phobic, tr*nsph0bic, @nti-LGBT+
You are th*nspo/pr0-@na/pr0-cutt1ng
You are a M@P/p3do
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foxgloveinspace · 3 years
Master Post
Don’t follow me if your under 18, a t//e//r//f, t//ra//ns-m//ed, ace-p//hobic, or an a//nti. I hate to break it to you, but being ‘pro ship’ is kinda part of my personality (aka, ship and let ship, I don’t care as long as your not hurting real people, fictional characters will never be real people, go outside, get some vitamin D.).
My blog has NSFW content on it about once a month or more so please be mindful of that. If you want to follow and block my tag that’s ok (I use the tag ‘spicy’) but if you have ‘nsfw blogs dni’ in your bio I will block. Ageless blogs will also be blocked (if you have 20+ or 30+ as your age that counts as your age).
Hi, I'm Foxglove Dakota (both are my first name, so please pick one to call me). I also sometimes go by Dawn.
26. He/They, masc leaning genderqueer person with a preference for other masc people (cis men, trans men, masc women and enby’s, I love em all).
ADHD & Spoonie, & in too many fandoms to count, if I where to say I was ‘in a fandom’ tho it would be these: Sleep Token, CoD:MW (mostly soapghost), Dune, Assassin’s Creed, and Cars (it’s hard to explain).
Coined the term ‘vesselcore’ and I’m very proud of that tbh.
Messages/DMs are really hard for me to reply to, if you wanna talk to me it’s best to do it in an ask, I have an easier time with those (on anon or not, up to you🩵)
I’m foxgloveinspace/DawnDragon32 almost everywhere else off of this site as well for anyone who wants to follow me elsewhere. But I’m most active here.
Are fic prompts open?: Yes! Send in your fic prompts! I can not promise I’ll get to them fast, but I Will Get To Them!
Other Blogs:
@dakotascrisis (Aesthetic Side Blog)
@foxgloveinbooks (Book Talk Side Blog)
Ao3 • My AO3 bookmarks
My ‘me aesthetic’ Pinterest Board
Ship List
YouTube (I haven’t posted in years oof.)
The Yearly Playlists Master Post
🤫Vessel, why you do this to us
I need this here ‘too keep it real’.
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