#@pixie88 original story
pixie88 · 1 year
I'm not writing at the moment, so I'm sorry! 💜😘
Too much is going on in my life for me to focus, but I do have an original story that I'm uploading because it's been in my drafts for a while and doesn’t involve me having to write. If you are interested in reading here is the link:
The Bosses Wife
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Let me know what you think or if you want on or off the tag list😘
@secretaryunpaid @munstysmind @aussieez @daisychainsem @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @rookiemartin @reallyloudstudent @pixie-b
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munstysmind · 2 years
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One moment changed her life forever...
WARNING/S: Language, physical assault, domestic violence and abuse, injuries, medical terminology and procedures, anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, PTSD, mental health, police and legal procedures, smut and explicit sex. I think that's everything.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Header by @sweetbunnyliddle
please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list
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★ Original Character Face Claims
★ Series Chapters
★ Shorts & Extras
★ Stand Alones
★ Prompts & Asks
★ Playlist
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TAGLIST : @aussieez, @rookiemartin, @babeyyemor, @secretaryunpaid, @pixie88, @chickensarentcheap, @dhoruwolfie, @themaradaniels, @cali-nyc5, @darsynia, @muchadoaboutcj
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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Wicked Game: Meet My MC (OC)
A/N. You guys I am super excited to be announcing my brand new series which I will be posting later this week... called Wicked Game. I have had this idea dying to get out of my brain for weeks now, seriously its all I think and dream about. Imagine TNA but in a Mafia setting. Its going to be dark, it's going to be angsty, filled with twists and turns and yes, all the goodness of a mafia story. The Dalton name is an Irish name, so hello, Sam Dalton is an Irish Mobster... and this is Niamh, the not-so-innocent orphan. More about my main girl below the cut. Stay tuned for more...
Full Name: Niamh Grace Kenney (name pronounced: Neev)
Nicknames: Lass (Hugh), little bird, my darling, my love, my heart, (all in Gaelic-Sam)
Face Claim: Pony Wave (Music Artist/Tattoo Artist)
Age/Birthday: August 12, 1997, 24 years old in series, and a Leo through and through.
Height: 5’ 4”
Hair/Eye color: Silver shoulder-length hair, brown eyes
Love Interest: Sam Dalton
Hometown: Hell’s Kitchen, New York, New York (Hell’s Kitchen is a neighborhood in Manhattan notorious for its Irish Mob history)
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation: Bartender at The Irish Exit
Family: Declan and Aiofe (Ee-fa) Kenney (parents) Hugh O’Donnelly (guardian)
Friends: Jenny, Cassian Keane (also mild LI)
Background: Her parents were killed at a young age, as the story unfolds we will learn more about why and how. She was raised by Hugh O’Donnelly who became her guardian when she was young and made sure she went to school until she graduated high school, even though she hated it. Was raised in Hell’s Kitchen New York, which is a neighborhood in Manhattan. She has been helping Hugh at his bar The Irish Exit since she was very young. The Irish Exit is a dive bar known to cater to the criminal underworld of New York, the patrons are some of the biggest criminals in New York, in turn, she has tough skin and is very quick-witted. She grew up poor, has never left New York.
Personality Traits: She is fierce, loyal, fearless, adventurous, and a spontaneous risk-taker, sometimes it gets her in trouble, but she is smart enough to solve whatever problems she faces. When she is down, she knows how to get herself back up again. She is dramatic and an excellent storyteller. She doesn’t like taking orders from anyone, and butts head with authority. She is stubborn and is not good at compromising. She is ultra-competitive and a jealous woman by nature. She is hardworking, persistent, and strong.
Random Facts: Can understand Russian, and a few Irish Gaelic words because of Cassian and Hugh who both speak Gaelic. Her mom spoke to her in Russian when she was young, so she understands Russian. She loves to draw and paint and knows how to play the piano, She is covered in tattoos that will be revealed throughout the story. Her original dream was to take over The Irish Exit from Hugh. Is good with a knife- so she can defend herself.
Meet my MC template by the fabulous @jamespotterthefirst
Tagging my perma list plus some of my TNA peeps because I am super excited about this new series. As always if you want on or off just comment or message me!
@jerzwriter @kachrisberry @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @melalicious8383 @nestledonthaveone @pixie88 @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @sfb123 @shannonwrote @somersetmummy @thefrenchiemama  @txemrn
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Explicit. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 5,063 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Tag List: @shewillreadyou @therideordiechronicles @storyflirting @nina01040 @twistedjaee @secretaryunpaid @lucy-268 @txemrn @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @bebepac @queenjilian @chemist-ana @sfb123 @bladesismylife @choicesficwriterscreations @pixie88 @aussieez
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Not even gonna lie. This took me for forever to write. We're talking months. It literally stressed me out to the point I had to put myself on a mini-sabbatical. Because I couldn't focus or concentrate. But this part of it is finished. And it's intense. Skeletons will be revealed. Secrets unearthed. It’s not gonna be pretty. This is part one of probably one of the most angsty pieces I’ve ever written. Buckle up! It's gonna be a roller coaster.
TW: talks of death, mention of violence, trauma rehashing. Reader Discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED! I take no responsibility if you find yourself uncomfortable reading this. You have been warned.
MAJOR THANKS TO @secretaryunpaid! For prereading and helping me figure out how to do and where to go with this chapter. You are my guardian angel when it comes to writing. Whenever I feel stuck on something you are always there to help me out and talk me through whatever is plaguing me. I APPRECIATE you! 😍🥰😘
Chapter 27.) Sins Of The Father.
“thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”-KJVAAE
“You shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,”-ESV
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭5:9‬
After watching Roman have a standoff with her parents, Naia was even more determined to find out what made her mother leave home. And one of the first ways to do that was for her to get her hands on the diary Laurie had. Naia knew she was taking a risk but she had to know the truth.
The next morning while her mother went to visit Joey at home and her dad went to meet with the realtor and contractor, Naia decided that was as good a time as ever to sneak a peek at her mom's old diary. She grabbed the diary from off the dresser and took it back to her room to read it quietly.
Naia steeled herself for whatever ugly secrets about her mother that she was about to uncover. She opened the diary to a random page her mother wrote about her father. This page was about the night they met.
“So there I was, going about my business when he pulled up and smiled at me. His name is Shane. He's cute. I hope I see him again.”
Naia skipped some more to another page. This one was about Xander.
“Xander is my Alpha. But he's also a mentor. I am his apprentice. He expects the best of me. That is what I will give him. I will be better. I will be stronger. I will be faster. I will be more alert. I will be my absolute best.”
The more Naia read the more tame the diary was. Nothing really stood out, until she got to a page that showed when she started Wolfbane.
“Had my first shot today. I still don’t understand why I have to take them but if my Alpha commands it, I will obey.”
As Naia continued to read, she found out when her mother first knew when she fell in love with Xander and eventually her father.
“I know it's stupid. But Xander is amazing. The way he runs The Pack is flawless. And the look he always gives me always gives me butterflies. I know that he would never choose me because he already has a mate. And I've tried to hide it the best way that I could but I can't help it or how I feel. I love him. I'm in love with him.”
“Yikes!” Naia thought to herself as she read that entry.
As she read the chapter her mother wrote about her father Naia felt something that was close to nauseated.
“What can I say about Shane? I love his smile! And when he smiles at me, I want to melt.  And I know I should stay away from him but Shane shows me the type of love that I can't and never will get from Xander. He's sweet. He's patient. He's kind. And when he kisses me I feel like the only girl in the world. I think I love him. I know I'm in love with him. Even though I shouldn't be. Xander would never allow us to be together. But I can't leave him alone.”
“That was gross! Oh My God! So gross! I shouldn't have read ANY of that.” Naia thought to herself.
Just then she heard a car door shut. Her parents were home. And if they found out that she had read her mother's old diary, she'd be in trouble. Naia had just put her mother's old diary back on the dresser and came out of the guest room when her parents came through the door.
“Hi mama! Hi daddy! You’re back already!”
Shane and Laurie looked at each other then looked at her.
“What have you been doing?”
Naia answered the question far too quickly for her parents. And she knew it by the way her mother rolled her eyes. And her father groaned.
“When are you going to learn to stop lying to us, girl?”
Naia bit her bottom lip.
Laurie cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“That's a question, not a definitive answer.”
“I promise daddy, I wasn't doing anything!”
“Then why do you look like Sylvester after he finally ate Tweety?” Laurie asked.
Naia didn't know what to say to that.
“Look baby, whatever it is you were doing I hope you had a good reason for doing it.” Shane said to her.
“Oh I definitely did.”
Meanwhile at the Den, Roman was having his own dilemma. He had been thinking about everything Laurie had said to him and after talking with Trent, he'd even considered that she may have been right. But he wouldn't know for sure until he looked in his parent's room. He hadn't been in the room since his mother passed away. It was too painful for him. But if he was to get to the bottom of Laurie’s claims he knew what he had to do.
He lit the candles on the wall and looked around the room. His father's scent lingered even after his death. As did the scent of his mother. He sat down on the bed they shared and began to miss them both. Especially her. She was everything to him. And to return to the room she shared with his father. It generated feelings in him in ways he never thought possible.
As he looked around the room, he saw the chest that Laurie mentioned. The more he looked at it, the more his curiosity and apprehension warred with each other. He wanted to know but he didn't want to disrespect the memory or the man who was his father. But he couldn't let the nagging feeling of what if go.
He stood up from the bed then walked over to the large chest. He ran a hand over it and could feel his father. After pausing for a moment to take a deep breath, he opened the chest. And Roman could hardly believe what he found. This chest was filled with paperwork, tapes, charts, and other documents that he didn't understand. He couldn't believe his father kept things like this. They were human. They were things Xander had forbidden others from keeping in the den. As he dug deeper in the chest, he came upon an envelope that was addressed to him.
He opened the envelope and read the letter inside.
It was from his mother.
My son.
If you have found this letter then that means Laurie has finally returned. And it is now time for you to know the truth. Call on Noemi and have the tribunal that Laurie was denied. The truth must be told. You must know everything that happened. I can only hope that you don't love me any less for what it is you discover.
I love you.
Roman set the letter down on the bed and took a shuddering breath. It had been years since he’d seen his mother's handwriting. But more so, he needed to know what she meant. As he went back through the paperwork he found he kept coming across the words Operation: Wolfbane. That name stuck out to him because of what Laurie and Trent had told him. He knew somehow it all had to be connected but he didn’t know how. But he was determined to find out.
With his mother's letter in hand, he left his parent's room and went to speak with Noemi. He found her meditating in her room. When she opened her eyes to him, he was bowing at her feet.
“Honored Speaker, I must speak with you.”
“Hello, my child. Is there a truth you seek?”
“Yes, honored one. What does this mean?” He asked as he showed her the letter from his mother.
Noemi looked at the letter in his hands and sighed heavily.
“It means that you are ready to learn the truth.”
Roman looked at her quizzically.
“What do you mean?”
Noemi looked at him calmly.
“It is time for you to know the lie your father told us all. Including your mother.”
Roman slowly sat down in front of her.
“Does this have to do with Laurie and her betraying my father?”
“Yes, my child. Because the truth is, she never betrayed him.”
Roman looked at her incredulously.
“What are you talking about?!”
Noemi gave him a rueful look.
“You went into your father's room and opened the chest. That chest holds the proof of all of your father's crimes.”
Roman took a shaky yet defiant breath.
“It can't be true. He would never!”
“I know this is hard and unfortunate but it is also true. Your father became obsessed with the legend of a Wolf Bride. And would stop at nothing to prove that there was one among us.”
Roman’s face fell and could feel his heart breaking.
“No! Mother! There must be a mistake!”
She looked at him sympathetically.
“No, my child. It is true.”
“But what does Naia’s mother have to do with this?”
“She's the one he chose to be a Wolf Bride. And when she fell in love with her mate, your father refused to let her go. It's why her mate shot him. He tried to take Naia away from them.”
Roman couldn't believe what he was hearing.
“But that is not where this all begins.”
“I'm not sure I understand, Honored Speaker.”
“Your mother bore a child before you. And your father had Laurie kill the child. Or so we all thought.”
Roman’s mouth dropped open.
Meanwhile, back at the house, Naia was determined to find out more about what caused her mother to leave. And the only way to do that was to get her hands on her mom's old diary. She crept into her parents room as quietly as she could, and when she looked on the dresser where the diary was, it wasn’t there.
“Can I help you?”
Naia froze before turning around to see her mother standing behind her holding the diary.
“Looking for something?”
Laurie shook her head.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough.”
“Why didn’t I hear you?”
Laurie scoffed.
“I was trained by the greatest predator alive. If I ever dared to give my position away he’d have my head.”
“So it’s instinct?”
“Yes. Now answer my question. What are you looking for? And don’t even bother lying to me.”
“I was looking for your old diary?”
“That’s a question. Not an answer.”
“It’s the truth.”
“You will not let this go will you?”
“I can’t mama.”
“Even if it winds up hurting me or worse getting me killed?”
Naia stared at her mother.
“What are you talking about?”
“Whatever it is you’re looking for isn’t in the diary. The only way you’re gonna know is if I tell you everything.”
Naia swallowed then squared her shoulders.
“Tell me everything mom.”
Laurie took a deep breath.
“Have a seat. There’s no use in me keeping it to myself anymore.”
Naia sat down on the bed and was joined by her mother.
“Mama what could you have done that could possibly get you killed?”
“As I told you, Delia had a child two years before your Alpha was born.”
“You said that Xander wanted you to kill the child but you didn't.”
“I couldn't. But Xander didn't know that. He thought I killed the child. Because that's what I told him.”
“What really happened?”
“When Delia got pregnant with their child, many were overjoyed. No one more than Xander. He would finally have a pup to carry on his legacy of leading the Pack. Like his father did with him.”
“I'm not seeing a reason why he would want you to kill his child.”
“You have to understand werewolf pups and birth. Any pup born wrong as they put it is of no use to the Pack.”
“What do you mean born wrong?”
“If a pup is born on a full moon they're born Primal. They normally don't survive.”
“I don't understand.”
“The night Delia’s son was born there was a full moon in the sky. She started to have complications. She barely made it to the hospital. And when she did, she had to give birth right then and there to save the child’s life. That's when we all found out it was a boy.”
“That's good, right?”
“You would think so. But the problem began when Xander found out she'd given birth. He went to the hospital to see her, and when he saw the baby he instantly rejected him.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Because the baby was born blind.”
“Oh my God!”
“As I said, any child born wrong is of no use according to Pack Law. And there's nothing that a blind werewolf can do for its Pack.”
“That's cruel.”
“Yeah, I know. But Pack Law is the law. When Xander told Delia that the child was to be put to death, she told him no. And that is something you never do.”
“I'm proud of her. She should have told him no.”
“I wish she had said yes. It would have saved me a whole bunch of trouble.”
“What do you mean?”
“When she told him no, he balked at her. They argued from what I was told, but ultimately he told her that she had a week to say goodbye to the baby.”
“How could he be so heartless?”
Laurie shrugged. Clearly uncomfortable.
“How did you wind up with their son?”
Laurie swallowed the lump in her throat.
“All Wolf kin mates usually keep places in town. Delia was no different. She had a small apartment. She had to have one for her job as a teacher. She was coming home from the baby's first doctor's appointment when she ran into Xander, Waylon and Benson.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“From what I was told, it wasn’t. They argued over the child and it got real ugly real fast. According to what I was told since she couldn’t make a decision he would make it for her.”
“What did he do?”
“He took the baby from her and she tried to fight. But, Xander was not only her mate and Alpha but that day he had help. Benny and Waylon held her back as he walked off with the baby. From what I know, she screamed, cried, and begged him to reconsider because that was their child. That baby deserved love and care. But Xander would not hear a word she said. All he told her was that she had better be back at the den when he returned. And if she wasn't there would be consequences.”
Naia sat there in shock. She didn't know what to think.
“My God. How could he?”
Laurie let out a rueful chuckle.
“I think you're underestimating the power of an Alpha.”
“But Roman would never!”
“That's because he doesn't have any pups. And I plan on keeping it that way.”
“Is that why you don't want me anywhere near him?”
“Yes. The Alpha’s job isn't just about protecting and guiding the Pack. It's also about furthering its line. Your Alpha chose you for a reason. The same reason his father chose me.”
Naia took notice of the crack in Laurie’s voice.
“But I don't understand how you got mixed up in all of this.”
Laurie took a shaky breath.
“When Xander took the child he went into the woods. And he was gonna kill the child himself but instead, he decided that it would be my task to kill the baby.”
Naia held her mother's hand.
“I was sitting at home writing in my diary when Xander showed up with the baby in his arms. I didn't know what to do. I asked him why he was here, and that's when he placed the baby in my arms and told me that he was giving me a task. And my task was simple, I was to kill that baby. And then he said that if I wanted to truly have a place in the Pack at his side, I would do as he commanded of me.”
“Mama…why didn't you tell anyone?”
“I did. Once I brought the baby into the house, I laid him down on the couch and I called Joey crying over the phone and begged her to come over because I needed help.”
“What happened?”
“Joey showed up and I explained everything to her. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't keep the baby with me. Xander would've had my head.”
“What did you do?”
“We knew that we couldn't keep the baby in town so we made a plan to get the baby out of town. Joey was going to her aunt's wedding in Morganton and I would go with her and her mom. It was the only way we had to get the baby out without Xander knowing.”
“How old were you?”
“16. Imagine being that young and terrified.”
Naia shook her head sadly.
“I went to the den and told Xander that I was leaving to go to Morganton and that I would be back that Sunday. I even promised to bring him back these triple chocolate cookies that he loved so much. Even though they always made him sick.”
“And he bought it?”
“Yup. But not before asking me if I had completed my task.”
“What did you tell him?”
“I lied and said yes.”
“What else happened?”
“When I got home Z was there and was asking questions about the baby and I told him.”
“What did he say?”
Laurie scoffed.
“He threatened to tell Xander. But I told him that he owed me for always saving his ass and that if I meant anything to him, he'd keep his trap shut.”
Naia nodded slowly.
“I met Joey and her mother at the bus station and we left after that.”
“What did you do with the baby?”
“The whole bus ride there we were scared that he should shift but he didn't. He just fussed in my arms.”
“And what happened when you got to Morganton?”
“When we got there we dropped the baby off in a basket outside of a fire station.”
“And you never saw the baby after that?”
Laurie shook her head no.
“We dropped the baby off and never looked back.”
Naia looked at her mother in a whole new light.
“I can't believe he made you do that.”
Laurie shook her head.
“I could've said no. I should've. But he had this look of menace that terrified me. Besides, disobeying my Alpha could've ended badly for me or worse meant my death.”
“How long have you been carrying this around?”
“37 years. I'm not proud of it. But I did what I had to do to save that baby’s life.”
Naia hugged her mother. She finally understood.
“Did Xander ever find out?”
“I don’t know. I doubt it. Joey, her mother, and Zane all swore to secrecy. For the good of us all, we couldn't let anyone find out. Not even Delia.”
“You didn't tell her?!”
“Not until after Xander was dead.”
“What do you mean?”
“She came to see after he died. She wanted to know what happened to her son. And I told her everything. I told her and Noemi.”
“Do you think Roman knows?”
“No. He couldn't know at least not at that time. Because if I had come forward, he would've never been able to be Alpha. The Elders would've wanted to find his brother and make him Alpha. And that wouldn't have been fair to him. So Delia asked me to stay away. She said that I owed it to her. And when her son was named Alpha she would make sure that he knew the truth and that he would set this right.”
“Then why didn't she do that?”
“She died before she could tell him the truth. Zane called me out of the blue and told me that she had died and wouldn't be safe for me to come home. Because your Alpha wouldn't listen to reason. What his father taught him and especially what he told the Pack was law. And I'd be dead if I ever showed my face here.”
“But Mommy if you just talked to him, I'm sure he'd understand–”
Naia was cut off by a shout from her father coming from outside.
“What was that?”
Laurie had an uneasy look on her face.
“Whatever it is, it can't be good. Stay here!”
Laurie got up and went to investigate. When she got to the patio, she saw Shane with his gun pointed at two werewolves. It was Isobel and Barrett. They were in their Primal forms.
“Stay back!” Shane shouted at the advancing werewolves.
“Shane! Don't shoot!”
“Are you insane?! They just showed up demanding that you go with them!”
“They're not gonna hurt me.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Shane asked over his shoulder.
“Their Alpha sent them here.”
Laurie looked at the werewolves in amusement.
“Why are you two here?”
Both shifted into human proportions.
“You have been summoned! Come!”
Laurie rolled her eyes.
“You could at least tell me why.”
“A tribunal is being convened.”
“Finally!” Laurie said in relief.
“Let's go!” Barrett commanded.
“Don't get your panties in a bunch I'm going.”
Shane lowered his gun, turned around, then looked at Laurie like she had lost all sense.
“No! You are NOT going anywhere!”
“I have to!”
“This is the only way this will end!”
Shane let out an aggravated sigh.
“Fine! Then I'm going with you!”
Laurie turned to face her husband.
“No, you’re not!”
“You are not going by yourself!”
“Shane, listen to me! You go anywhere near the den and they'll kill you before you even have a chance to open your mouth!”
The look in Shane’s eyes broke her heart.
“Laurie, please! You can't go alone! What if they don't believe you?! What if their Alpha decides to…”
Shane's voice hitched as Laurie brought his face close to hers.
“Look at me. It'll take more than a bunch of pups puffing their chests out to kill me.”
Shane shook his head sadly.
“I made a promise to keep you safe.”
“I swear to you. I'll be safe.”
“Laurie I can't lose you! Not now.”
Laurie pulled her husband close as his voice broke.
“You won't lose me. I will always come back to you. I will always come home to you.”
That's when Naia spoke up from the doorway.
“I’ll go with her.”
Shane turned around.
“No! Absolutely not!”
“Daddy, Roman won't hurt me. And as long as I'm there, he won't hurt mom.”
“I don’t care! You aren't going!”
“Shane…she's right.”
Shane didn't want to admit it but they were right. And he knew it when he looked back at his wife.
“If I don't go with you, who's going to protect you and our daughter?”
“I will.”
They all turned to see Zane coming from the front of the house.
“I couldn't find my key so I thought I'd use the spare I had stashed away and I couldn't help but overhear.”
Shane's eyebrow twitched.
“You wouldn't protect your sister from that monster before!”
“I know that. And Shane, you have no idea how much I have regretted not doing so. But I'm hoping that she'll at least let me try to protect her now.”
When Laurie looked at Zane for the first time in years, she saw her brother.
“Please, squirt. That's all I ask.”
“Fine. You can come with us.”
Zane nodded.
“Thank you, Laurie.”
Shane closed his eyes, took a deep breath then let it out slowly. When he opened his eyes, Naia was right beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and Laurie and held them close.
“You two are the most important things in life to me. If I ever lost the two of you…you might as well kill me. Because I would never be able to go on.”
“We know baby.”
“We love you too daddy.”
Shane let them go before taking a menacing step to Zane with a look of fury in his eyes.
“You see them? How they go to that den is how they come back to me. If ANYTHING happens to them…I will kill you myself! Do you understand?!”
Zane nodded.
Shane looked at Laurie and Naia one last time.
“Go. Before I change my mind.”
Laurie squeezed his hand before kissing him on his cheek.
“We’ll be back in no time.”
Laurie squared her shoulders then turned to the two werewolves.
“Let's go!”
“Follow us!” Isobel commanded.
Laurie rolled her eyes.
“No need! I know where I'm going.”
Laurie threw Isobel a look over her shoulder.
“Follow the bond. Find the Alpha.”
Shane watched as she and the others disappeared into the woods. When he couldn't see them anymore, he looked to the setting sky and said a prayer.
“God please…protect my girls.”
Laurie led the group to a ceremonial grounds where Roman stood flanked by both Callum and Jett. With other members of the Pack gathered around.
“Well, well! If it ain't my favorite pup!”
Roman’s eyebrow twitched slightly before he regained his composure.
“Let us proceed.”
Laurie took a deep breath as she entered in between the stones.
“I've been waiting years for this.”
Naia and Zane took their places outside the ring. Through their bond, she could feel Roman’s emotions warring within him. He squared his shoulders and addressed the crowd around him.
“The tribunal for one Laurie Roberts has been convened and will proceed.”
He then turned to Laurie who looked almost bored.
“You are bound by Pack Law and will answer for your transgressions. Do you understand?”
“Yeah. Yeah. I'm here because you all want to know what happened between me and Xander. I got it. Now can we move on?”
“You are accused of betraying your Alpha and the Pack. The penalty of which is death. Do you deny the accusations against you?”
Laurie rolls her eyes.
“I deny that the accusations are accurate, to begin with.”
“What proof do you have that these accusations are false?”
“Your father kept records of every time I was given Wolfbane. Every injection date. Every audio file. Every test report.”
Murmurs and whispers began to rise amongst the crowd, they were quickly silenced when Roman held up a hand.
“Are you accusing your Alpha of wrongdoing?”
“That's exactly what I'm doing.”
Laurie’s tone was both confident and calculated.
“Those are heavy accusations to levy against your Alpha, Laurie. Especially when you have no proof.”
Laurie took a deep breath then rolled up her sleeve to reveal old needle marks on her right forearm.
“They didn't hurt at first. Hell, I barely even registered getting them when they started. It wasn't until the doses of Wolfbane doubled that I started to feel them get worse and that they started leaving marks on my arms.”
“Why were you injected?”
“Wolfbane was a project and partnership between your father and Bernard Sayre. Bernie needed test subjects and Xander needed to know if the legend of the Wolf Bride was true. So they combined their efforts. And chose me as their test subject.”
Hearing her mother's confident tone crack broke Naia’s heart. She could feel how painful it was for her mother to relive it all. She wanted to throw her arms around her mother and hold her close.
“How do any of us know that you aren't lying to save your own skin?!” Jett asked Laurie.
“You forget your place pup. Only the Alpha can question me. And you obviously aren't the Alpha.”
Jett’s eyes narrowed at Laurie.
“She's right, Jett. It is my place to question her. Not yours.” Roman quipped.
“It is a waste of time! We all know the story of her and your father. He rejected her and she betrayed him and our Pack! He showed the wounds to the elders! She is guilty!”
Laurie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“You see? She has no respect for our ways!”
“You are your father's son. Pig-headed and loud for no reason.”
“You know nothing of my father!”
“Oh please! You're all bark and no bite! That's how I know you’re Benny’s spitting image. Because that's all he was.”
Jett’s face twisted with fury.
“Jett! Restrain yourself!” Roman warned him.
But Jett was far too enraged to hear Roman’s command.
Laurie rolled her eyes.
“No, you won't pup. It's not your place.”
Jett shifted into his Primal form in front of Laurie who looked at him unimpressed.
“You're not going to hurt me.”
“Jett! Stand down!”
“You might want to listen to your Alpha pup.”
Jett took a menacing step towards Laurie who had her head cocked to the side with a smirk on her lips.
“Yup. You are every bit of Benny’s baby boy. Now, I believe your Alpha gave you a command. I suggest you follow it.”
“Naia don't!”
Zane held Naia back as she tried to intervene. She watched helplessly as Jett reared his massive paw back ready to strike. But before he could strike Laurie a voice rang out.
Jett stopped mid-strike and looked around.
“I tried to warn you…” Laurie shrugged.
Just then Jett went flying backward. And when he landed on the ground he was human. When he looked up Laurie was surrounded by a thick fog that was swirling with Primal Magic.
“You really shouldn't have done that. You forget I'm under the Alpha’s protection pup.”
“But Roman does not–”
“Not him.”
As soon as those words left her mouth, the swirling fog behind her began to take the shape of a giant black werewolf.
“It can't be!” Zane said in total shock.
When Naia looked at Roman, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
Laurie shrugged.
“Not really.”
Naia turned to her uncle who stood with his jaw dropped.
“Uncle Zane…what Is it? What's going on?”
Zane couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Zane never got to finish his sentence. Because Laurie finished it for him.
“Hello, Xander. It's been a long time hasn't it?”
Everyone around was dead silent. For Xander had returned from the grave. The questions now were how and why had he returned?
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bubblesbenson · 3 years
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My Main Story Plans (ANOTHER Re-upload):
While I’ll get to the basics of my original character based on Spencer Reid soon for @semi-automaticalien, I would like to talk about my main writing goal.
I have a series idea of me, my sister and three of my friends (as fictional characters, of course) on adventures that take place in 1999, basically like Rugrats since the timeline will first take place when we’re 3-years-old. But here’s the twist: I would like to incorporate the Powerpuff Girls, Sarah and Jimmy from Ed, Edd n’ Eddy, and Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Bowser, Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Katt Monroe, Link, Zelda, and another original character into this group, making it a big group of characters. (Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Sarah and Jimmy would also be 3-years-old at first, while Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Bowser, Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Katt Monroe, Link, Zelda, and the other original character would be adults accompanying the children, as a type of an intergenerational group of friends.)
Also in the stories, I’m going to throw in little hints that I’m autistic.
Basically, I haven’t try writing my stories with these characters because I really want to make this work even though I’m not sure how to make it work with a tall order of characters, especially when I want to write my stories like the Powerpuff Girls or Monk books: like television episodes. Hopefully, I could find a writing assistant to help me get the writing juices pumping.
(Now you know why I designed Zelda like above.)
@writingatdusk @weltfenos @semi-automaticalien @aspectacularblog @literallycreativelylit @scaredofheroin @pixie88 @yellowhippo @edges-posts @spencer-reids-adventures @1mechanicalalligator @enbeemagical @sunshinekarenstarr @ropoto
(I had to upload this again because of the sex bots and people liking and unliking the post, and I was sick of it. I can’t even have this as the pinned post thanks to the sex bots. It was like people were disrespecting me and my ideas.)
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Thank you to everyone who participated in the Blog Appreciation Bounce this past weekend! 
I hope everyone had fun.
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Graphic by @tumbler-tidbits​
The purpose of the bounce was twofold - 1) it was a way to help fans find new stories and artwork they might not have seen, and 2) to help the blogs find more exposure. It was a huge success from what I have been hearing and that is due to all of you who participated!
As an incentive and a little thank you to everyone for participating, I put together prize packages to give away. You were able to earn entries by simply reblogging and commenting on original posts from the Bounce Blogs. 
As mentioned in several previous posts, tumblr’s tag tracking system is still not working properly, so to make sure you earn entries for your efforts, I requested that you send me a list of links for you reblogs and comments. Unfortunately, I have received very few.
Therefore, I am extending the deadline to submit the links. You have until Noon (12:00 pm) US Central on February 9, 2021 to submit your list of links to earn entries. All reblogs and comments submitted need to have been made during the bounce - between 6 am, Feb. 5 and 11 pm, Feb 7, US Central time. No NEW reblogs or comments will be accepted.
This is how you can notify me to earn entries:
Add the links to your reblogs and comments into the Blog Appreciation Bounce Tracking sheet, or
You can send me the links via direct message or submission, or
You can compile a list of the links and send one submission.
I apologize for any inconvenience, but I would really like to give some prizes away, so if you haven’t done so already, please send me the links to earn entries!
You must be 18+ to participate in the Blog Appreciation Bounce and to be eligible for prize drawings. To learn more about the bounce, check out this post. If you have any questions about the bounce, please send me a direct message or ask.
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@thinkinghardhardlythinking // @wayward-and-worn // @calaofnoldor // @deanwanddamons // @justagirlinafandomworld // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @girl-next-door-writes // @idreamofplaid // @winchest09 // @muchamusedaboutnothing // @carryonmywaywardcaptain // @waywardbaby // @princessmisery666 // @impala-dreamer // @katymacsupernatural // @tumbler-tidbits // @cleighwrites // @coffee-obsessed-writer​ // @waywardbeanie // @deanwinchesterswitch // @nihilismworld​ // @lovealways-j​ // @wingedcatninja​ // @watermelonlipstick​ // @michellethetvaddict​ // @akshi8278​ // @mvdeanw​ // @pixie88​
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pixie88 · 1 year
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The Bosses Wife
Summary: Rupert is the new detective, Amelia takes him under her wing in more ways than one. Just one problem, Amelia is in a one-sided marriage. Can she resist temptation?!
18+ Only!
A Pixie original story, all characters are my own.
Pairing: Amelia x Scott/Rupert.
Chapter update-
Anniversary - chapter 10
The Police Ball - chapter 11
The Room Key - chapter 12
Let me know if you want to be removed or added to tag list:
@secretaryunpaid @munstysmind @aussieez @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @reallyloudstudent @kingliam2019 @rookiemartin @palmavioletwrites @palmaviolet @daisychainsem @pixie-b
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pixie88 · 2 years
Hi first can I tell you this I love your work. I hope you could tell us when the next enough is out? Why did Dana and Ellis split up? 😗
Hey Nonnie,
Awwwwww 🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much! That's so sweet, thanks for reading 💜
I'm currently not sure atm, my mind set this week isn't in writing or editing and I'm sorry. I just have a lot going on right now, work, we got a new puppy a few weeks ago and he's still waking in the night for the toilet, on top of working with a 3 year old at home and having a cold for the past 3 weeks I can't shift 🤧🤧 I do feel bad because I haven't released a chaper for that and the neighbour recently but I will when I'm feeling better. Sorry 😘
😈😈😈 I can't tell you that! 😈😈😈 only one other person other than me knows the story line because I wanted to check it wasn't too out there as it was just a story I wrote for myself that I was never going to publish. You will have to wait to find out 😈🤣 Yes, I'm a b*tch 😈🙌
Thanks Nonnie 😘
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munstysmind · 2 years
Fictober Day Three: This Was Not My Intention
PARING/S: Chris Evans x OFC Maddison Holden - Maddison - An Original Series
WARNING/S: Implied sexual activity
Divider by @firefly-graphics
please let me know if you would like to be added to a tag list
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“Mads” Chris calls out as he lets his body fall back into the couch, a smile spreading across his face when he hears a squeal of excitement followed by the appearance of the woman he loves seconds later.
“What?!” she gasps before basically launching herself into his open arms and burying her face in his neck.
“Hi baby” he says, letting out a sigh of contentment as he wraps his arms around her, back in his happy place.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, her face still firmly planted in the side of his neck, muffling her voice.
“I wrapped early, caught the first flight out. You have no idea how happy I am to be home, with you” he tells her, slowly rubbing his hand up and down her spine. He will never get sick of this, holding her in his arms.
“I missed you” she whispers, placing a few kisses on his neck before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I missed you too baby, so much” he says, gently tapping her nose, making her laugh softly.
“How was your flight?” she asks, absentmindedly rubbing his stomach.
“Long” he says as he lets out a yawn “Didn’t get any sleep. I’m staying in bed tomorrow”
“Really?” she says, shifting in his lap so her knees rest either side of his hips.
“All day” he tells her, completely missing the smirk that spreads across her face as she reaches down and starts unbuckling his belt.
“This was not my intention when I said I’m gonna stay in bed all day but I’m definitely not complaining” he says, suddenly very awake.
She lets out a laugh, slipping her hands up the front of his shirt as she leans forward and kisses him
“You better not complain because I have needs Mr Evans” she whispers against his lips, making him chuckle
“Is that so Miss Holden?” he says, gently nipping at her lower lip before grabbing her ass and pulling her flush against him.
“I have not seen you in nine… whole… weeks” she tells him, pressing her lips to his between every word “And that mould we made isn’t doing its job anymore”
“Well, I guess I need to fix that” he says, gasping quietly when she slips her hand down his pants and wraps it around him.
“Yes… yes you do” she replies before pulling him in and reconnecting their lips.
She hums softly as they begin to get lost in each other, their kiss deepening as each second passes. She’s missed this, missed him. The way he makes her feel alive. No one else has made her feel what he does.
She lets out a startled squeak when his hands move under her thighs, lifting her as he gets off the couch, making him chuckle as he carries her to the bedroom.
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@aussieez, @rookiemartin, @babeyyemor, @secretaryunpaid, @pixie88, @chickensarentcheap @fictober-event
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pixie88 · 2 years
Girls Night
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A/N | This will be the last chapter for two weeks as I am away. One song is especially featured for one special Aussie 😘
Summary | It’s girls night.....
Word count | 2.5k
Warnings | 18 + Only! Fluff & a little bit of Angst.
Disclaimer | This is a @pixie88​ original story and character.
The series Master list can be found here, which includes previous chapters, face claims, characters back stories and the Enough playlist.
Pairings | Ellis x Dana.
Reblogs make us happy!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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"Remember, just ignore Melissa, she was always jealous Ellis choose you" Dom says as she pours Dana a drink, Dana sneers "I've handled her for sixteen years Dom, one more night isn't going to tip me over the edge. Plus, I married for love, she married for money.....five times before she met Jacob!" Dana smugly smirks.
"She reveals in others' misery, but ignore her!" the doorbell rings, Dom rushes to answer it, Kellie, Selina, Nancy, Annabelle and Melissa are there.
They flow through into the kitchen, Selina pulled Dana in for a hug, "hi sweetie, how are you and the boys?"
"Hey lovely, I'm alright and the boys are good thanks. What about you? How's Liam?"
She pulls Dana away from the girls, Dana quarks her brow at her, "you are my best friend, so I guessed maybe you could help me tonight?" Dana nods curiously, "this needs to stay between us, I can't drink tonight because I'm pregnant!" Dana was about to squeak, but she stopped herself. Her eyes glass over because she knew how long Liam and Selina trying and the struggles they had gone through to keep trying.
She pulled her in for a hug, "I'm so happy for you both! Congratulation!" the both of them get a bit teary, "thank you, I need your help with the girls. I don't want to tell them before twelve weeks. If I don't drink they will get suspicious..."
"I will get all your drinks tonight, don't worry!" Dana grins, "come on, let's get back to the others" Dana pulls her back towards the girls.
Keeping her promise and kept pouring Selina's drinks, "alright Dana?" Melissa takes a seat next to where Dana was "yup, you?" she vaguely answers her knowing she is only after information on Ellis "me? I'm great thanks...so how's the kids and the husband?"
"The boys are fine!" she doesn't tell her about Ellis, instead she wanders over to Selina with her drink, "what did she want?" Selina asks as she took the glass from her hand, "asking how the boys and Ellis are!" she hissed through gritted teeth.
"She's jealous of you, she always has been since Ellis asked you out and not her all those years ago"
"Ellis would never go near her, especially every stunt she's pulled over the years!" Dana smugly smirk.
A little later...
"Why don't we play a round of never have I ever?" Kellie says a little tipsy, "Yes! Let's go and take this into the living room!" Dom calls the girls through.
"I'll take care of the shots, Selina you can help me!" Dana holds Selina back, Dana fills two plates with plastic shot glasses, one plate she loads with vodka and gin shots and another with water, "take from the plate with the red flowers, Selina!"
"Won't the girl suss it out?" Selina asked, "I have a plan!" she winks at her as they take the plates of shots through, "right girls, I've loaded these two plates with three different shots, you'll get vodka, gin or just tap water. I've mixed them up, so there are different shots on each plate!" she places one on one side of the table and the water shots in front of Selina.
"I'll go first, then we will work out way round, never have I ever cheated!" Nancy looks around the group only Melissa drinks, the girls look at her, "it was in college years ago!" Melissa tells them like it isn't a big deal.
"I guess it's my turn, never have I ever slept with an ex after splitting up with them" Dom had said this so Melissa had to drink again, Dana raises her glass to her lips as well as Kellie, Annabelle, and Melissa. Dom looks at Dana in horrible, "what?! When?!"
"After the last girls night, it had been five months. I called Ellis and he was happy to oblige" Dom's jaw dropped, "how did we not know about this?" she asked her.
"I knew Shane told me, he saw Ellis the day after and Shane said he had a spring in his step and a huge smile on his face" Nancy winks at her, "sorry, I knew too, but we are best friends so!" Selina shrugs.
"Moving on, never have I ever had a Onlyfans page!" Melissa gives Kellie the side eye, knowing Kellie will have to drink, "so what?!" Dom roll her eyes at Melissa as Kellie drinks, "my body, my choice!" Kellie shrugs.
Selina looks pissed off with Melissa, "my turn! Never have I ever slept with someone over sixty" Selina looks at Melissa, who sips her drink, Dana hides her smirk behind her glass.
"Me next, never have I ever slept with more than one guy!" Dana grins, knowing the whole group will have to drink "that's not fair! Not all of us found our soulmate at fifteen!" Nancy playfully teases her.
"So much for soul mates! They aren't even together anymore!" Melissa reminds them, "they might not be, but I don't think Ellis will get with anyone else." Selina nudges Dana.
"Never have I ever been arrested!" Kellie watches the group, Dom, Annabelle and Melissa drink. Dana looks to Annabelle, "you work for the police!"
Annabelle smirks, "I do, it wasn't an official arrest it was more an intimate one. Jacques used his work handcuffs on me role playing! Still counts?"
"Well, if it does looks like I'm taking a shot too!" Dana picks one off the table and knocks it back "what a waste of police time!" Dana grins at Annabelle and the pair start to giggle.
The game continues on.
Later in the kitchen, "why wasn't I told about Ellis scratching an itch?" Dom teases her, "no one was suppose to know...Selina only knew because she caught him leaving the house the next morning"
"You still at least fancy him, then?" she quizzes her friend, Dana doesn't answer her, but it's written all over her face, "you still love him!" she mischievously grins at her, "you do!"
"I can't just turn those feelings off can I?!" Dom wraps her arms around her friend.
The next day...
"Dana?" she felt someone stroke her cheek, for a second she forgot "Hmm...Ellis" then she heard him chuckle. Her eyes flicked open, she saw him smile down at her, "oh god! We didn't...did we?" she asks, trying to remember, he chuckles, "unfortunate not...I did knock, but there was no answer, so I used my emergency key. We did say eleven didn't we?"
She rubs her eyes "what time is it?" she stretches as she looks up at him, his eyes glide over her body, she pulls the covers up, his eyes flick back to hers. He looks down at his watch, "eleven twenty one!" she sighs, "my head hurts," he laughs, "you do look a little rough!"
She narrows her eyes, "thanks a lot!" she hissed at him, "look, why don't you stay in bed, and I'll take care of the boys?" she looks up at him, "I can't ask you to do that, it's my own fault I have a hangover!"
He gets up from the bed, "it's fine! I'll go to the shop and grab you some painkiller, a Lucazade and dinner"
"Y-you don't have to do that," she sits up and the room starts to spin, she clutches her head "Ouch!" she laid back down. "Ok, fine! Can you help the boys do their homework and reading?" he nods "boys, get your shoes on, we're going to the shops" he calls out as he leaves the bedroom.
A little later...
She stirred, she looked at her bedside table Ellis had left her a couple of paracetamol and a bottle of Lucazade. She sat up, reaching for the painkillers, her clock read fourteen minutes passed three, she could hear Ellis and the boys downstairs, she jumped into the shower and changed into fresh clothes before she made her way downstairs.
The three of them are sitting around the table doing their homework, she wandered in quietly. She listened to Ellis helping them with their maths homework, "hey" the three of them look up, "how are you feeling?" Ellis asks.
"I bit more human now, thanks," she smiled, "good, we are going to finish up here, and I'll start on dinner"
"Oh...you don't have to do that. I don't want to put you out"
"Dad is making chicken korma, Mum" Arlo tells her, "oh well if that's the case you're welcome to stay. Do you want me to do anything?"
"You could show me where everything is in the kitchen?" she nods, "ok, I'm just going to get a glass of water" she walked into the kitchen, filling a glass, "so where's the pans?" she heard him behind her.
"Oh in this cupboard" she moves passed him, his aftershave fills the air around her, reminding her of all the times he would wear that scent. She opens the cupboard, "anything else?" he reaches into the cupboard pulling out the biggest pan, "chopping board?"
She moves over to another cupboard pulling out the chopping board and placing it against the counter, "there you go," he smiles at her, "thanks, now go relax and let me cook" she rolls her eyes at him, but makes her way into the living room where the boys are.
Twenty minutes later she wanders into the kitchen where he is cooking, she pulls a bottle of wine out of the fridge "wanna glass?" she nudges him as he is stirring his curry, "just one, I need to drive home"
"Lightweight!" she teases him, handing him the glass, "said the woman that got drunk on Bucks fizz Christmas morning," he nudges her, "hey! That was because I couldn't drink for months being pregnant," he chuckles "do you remember when you were craving black olives at eleven o'clock at night?"
She laughs, "yep and you drove around for three hours in search for them!" she laughs at the memory, "in the end, I went to a Domino's ordered a pizza and got them to put loads of black olive on it. You got your olives and I had a pizza!"
She pours herself a glass, "hair of the dog?" he teases her, "just one, you can take the bottle home if you want?"
"How was girls' night anyway?" he looks at her and he starts dishing up, "well, I came home drunk, so it must be a good night," he chuckles, "right dinner is ready" he hands her a plate.
After dinner...
"See I told you that your Mum could dance!" he nudges the boys as they watch her play Just Dance, "Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah. Roma, roma-ma. Gaga, ooh-la-la. Want your bad romance" the song plays as she hits every move, her hips sway to the music.
At the corner of her eye, she saw his were fixed on her, she hits the last few moves, "eighty nine percent! YES" she jumps up and down, "right, duo!" Ellis jumps up from the sofa, picking the song Girls just want to have fun by Cyndi Lauper. She laughs at him wiggling his hips to the beat, that was one thing about him, he knew how to dance every time they got on the dance floor, he'd give her a look that made her feel like the only girl in the world.
The pair are laughing as they hit the steps, "you still know how to move!" she teases him, "I thought you knew the answer to that already!" he winks at her.
She rolls her eyes at him, "smug git!" she thought, missing her moves, when the song finally came to an end, Ellis won making him cheer, the boys gave him a high five.
"Right, bedtime you two!" Dana told their boys, "b-b-but Mum!" Arlo protested, "you have school in the morning!" she reminded him, "fine, but did you ask Dad about Tuesday?" he looked at her, "no, but I will. Now go to bed!"
Arlo sighed, looking to his Dad, "I thought after what you said last night, you'd have more time now? So you can come right?"
"Come? Come to what buddy?" Ellis crouched down to his smaller son, "sports day, I asked Mum to ask you. I'm sure Grandad won't mind?!" Ellis nods, "I'll be there, but only if you do as your Mum told you and go to bed!"
Arlo is beaming, "ok! Night Mum! Night Dad!" Arlo rushes off, Myles gets up from the sofa, "I'll make sure he brushes his teeth! Night" Myles follows his brother upstairs. "Night! I love you!" Dana calls after them, "Night boys!" Ellis shouts up at them.
Dana turns to him, "I'm sorry about Arlo, but what did he mean when he said you have more time?" she quirks a brow at him, he lets out a long sigh, "I was going to tell you this morning, but you were hung over, so I thought it was best to wait till you were feeling better...."
She looks at him waiting, "...I-I..er...I quit!" she narrows here eyes at him not quite believing his words, "you quit?" she repeated his words, "yeah, two months ago actually. I wanted to find my feet before I told you and the boys, but now I have I thought you all deserved to know!"
She let out a light chuckle, "what's funny?" he looks at her, "heard it all before!" she walks away towards the kitchen, he follows her, "it's true!" he pulls out his phone looking through his emails.
"It was true the last time..." she pours herself another glass of wine, "look!" he slides his phone over the kitchen island to her "read that and look at the date!" her stubbornness kicks in, glancing at the phone she saw the Sussex Police header, she skimmed through the resignation email that was dated three months earlier.
"You said you quit two months ago, this is dated back three months?" he looks at her, "I had to give a months notice" her eyes meet his, "so what are you doing now?"
His hands run down his face, "I...er...I'm working with my Dad!" she knew that was the last thing he'd want to do, "you always said you didn't want to work in the family business. Why would you do a job that makes you so unhappy?" she looks at him over the top of her glass.
His eyes bore into hers never breaking contact, "because doing what I love means I can't be with the woman I love!"
She clamped her eyes shut and let out a breath before she caught his gaze, "not this again! I can't do this!" she set her glass down on the counter. "You've always said action speak louder than words, these are my action to keep you happy!" he looks at her the way he used to when he wanted to make up.
"But it's not just about where you work, I want you to love your job! But it's not just about that and you know that!" he huffs.
This wasn't the reaction he wanted or was hoping for, "are you going to Arlo's sports day?" he asked, wanting to change the subject, she nods, "he wants us both there"
"Specking of..are you going to Priya and Jason's wedding?" he cautiously asks "I don't think that's a good idea. I think you should just take the boys"
He bows his head, "I was kinda hoping you would come?" he looks up at her, "I don't think that's a good idea, plus I got Cherry to do the photos, so I didn't have to go!"
"It's just a wedding, you've known Jason for years, and you get on well with Priya...I don't see the problem?" he quirks a brow at her, "I don't want to confuse the boys!"
"Confuse them? How would going to a wedding together confuse them?" he looks at her, "because us, doing things together is confusing! Even for me!"
"But you are their Mum and a part of the family. To be honest with you, I was hoping you'd come to keep my Mum off my back," she chuckles knowing she could handle his Mum just like he could handle hers.
"Fine...if we are going together, it's just as friends that's it!" he nods, hoping this was a step forward...
Two and a half years earlier...
She pressed the brakes in vain, "MUM!" Arlo cried out before the world faded to black!
@secretaryunpaid​ @aussieez​ @munstysmind​ @palmaviolet​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @reallyloudstudent​ @pixie-b​ @wombatsxkookaburras​
Chapter 3 - Sport Day
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pixie88 · 2 years
Eight months later...
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Chapter 1 - Enough.
A/N | I’m a little nervous about releasing this series, it was never suppose to see the light of day because it was just a fic I wrote for myself when I got bored or stuck on writing for my published fics. But now it’s out there, I hope you like it. I will be doing weekly chapters just, so there is no pressure on me or you guys to keep up. I am still adding/editing this fic.
Summary | It’s Dana’s parents anniversary dinner...
Word count | 1.5k
Warnings | 18 + Only!
Disclaimer | This is a @pixie88​ original story and character.
The series Master list can be found here which includes the face claims, characters back stories and the Enough playlist.
Pairings | Ellis x Dana.
Reblogs make us happy!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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"Boys have you packed your overnight bag?" Dana shouts up from the bottom of the stairs, she heard them both grumble, "nearly!" Myles calls down to his Mum. She shook her head at them, looking up at the time. He will be here in fourteen minutes, if he is on time, she thought, then her phoned rang out.
"This better not be you cancelling again!" she muttered under her breath making her way to the kitchen where her phone was against the counter, the screen is lit up, thankfully Domenica's name flashed up on her screen.
"Hey Dom, you alright?"
"Hiya, I'm going to cut to the chase because I'm in the toilets at work. Ian is on my back about making personal calls at work, but listen girls' night at mine tomorrow six pm!"
"Dom, I can't! I've got the boys tomorrow night."
"Get Ellis to have them another night! Please!"
She knew if she asked him, he would probably say yes, "fine, I'll ask him!" Domenica squealed on the other end of the phone "right, I gotta go! See you tomorrow, bye!"
"Bye!" she hung up placing her phone on the counter as she saw him pull into the driveway through the kitchen window, "Boys your Dad is here!" she calls up. Soon she heard the rumble of them racing down the stairs, they open the door before he gets to it, "Dad!" Arlo excitably calls out as he rushes his Dad wrapping his arms around him.
"Hey kiddo!" Ellis smiles, pulling his shades off and placing them on top of his head, Myles is standing in the doorway waiting shyly.
"Hey, you! Not going to give ya old man a hug?" Ellis looks over at Myles, who slowly moves forward. Dana is still standing in the kitchen staring out at them, it was always awkward when he would collect or drop off the boys, they had gone from greeting each other with a kiss when he came home to just a wave from a distance as he picked up the boys.
She took a deep breath and wander into the hallway, he looked up at her "Hi, you look nice," he looks over her outfit, she lets out a little laugh "thanks, I'm heading over to my parents for their anniversary. They are having some people over"
"Oh, did you not want to take the boys? I can always have them tomorrow night instead?" he smiles softly at her, "no, it's fine, I doubt the boys want to sit round a table with a load of boring adults, but if you want to have the boys for an extra night I wouldn't say no to you having them an extra night...Dom is having a girls night...I was hoping to go"
"Yes, of course. You didn't even have to ask, an extra night with these monkeys. I'm up for that!" Arlo cheers finding out he is spending another night with their Dad, "you two better go upstairs and grab your bags!" she tells them, they run past her and up the stairs.
Ellis wandered over to his car, opening the passenger side before grabbing something and making his way back to the house, "Here's a card for your parents," he hands her an envelope "Oh, you remembered?!" she seemed surprised, he nods with a smile, "yup, I put in a restaurant voucher in there for them"
"Thanks they will really appreciate that," she felt warmed by the gesture, the boys come thundering down the stairs "did you pack extra for tomorrow night?" she nags the boys, "Yep!" Arlo begins to put his shoes on, Myles wanders out the house to the car.
"Hey buddy! We brought you are with better manners than that! Come back and say bye to your mother!" Ellis orders him back over, Myles sulks walking back to the house, he hugs his Mum and kisses her cheek, "have fun and behave for your Dad, ok?!" Myles nods as Arlo wraps his arms around her hip, she hugs them both tightly, "I'll see you both Sunday! I love you!"
"Love you too, Mum!" Myles makes his way to the car, "Love you Mummy!" Arlo runs off to the car, she looks towards Ellis, "I know any problems, I'll call!" he smiles sweetly, "thanks, make sure yo..." he stops her mid sentence, "remind Arlo to take his inhaler before bed. Yes, I will! Have fun tonight, say hi to your parents from me!" she nods with a smile as he walks over to the car.
He turns back to her halfway, "oh, if you get drunk enough to booty call me again, Shane's over tonight for a few beers, so no need to worry about a babysitter!" he winks making her shake her head and turns walking back into the house.
Later that evening...
"Mum, will you just stop! Ellis and I are over!" she hissed.
Every time she visited her parents since the split her Mum - Daisy would remind her what a stupid mistake she made letting Ellis go. Of course her Mum would say that Dana hadn't told her the real reason why they split, she fed them the same lie, she fed everyone else, they fell out of love which was the furthest thing from the truth. Sixteen years down the drain, he hadn't cheated, but he did lie as well as never keeping his promises which it all got on top of her.
She believed the real reason was between them and no one else.
"You won't find another man like him!" she let out a breath, rolling her eyes at her Mum, "also if you are over why aren't you filing for divorce?!" she asked her daughter, this was a question not even Dana the answer too, "I haven't got round to it!" she says as she helped her Mum prepare a salad bowl.
"Because you know once you filed for divorce that means it's really over!"
"What's really over?" Harley came in questioning them both, "your sisters relationship!"
"Well done Sherlock! It's been over for months!" Harley teases their Mum "thank you, Harley!" Dana says looking over her shoulder at him, "plus what goes on between a married couple is between them, isn't what you always tell us?" Harley reminds their mother.
"But she's not with him anymore!" Harley puts his hand up to stop her talking, "Mum, just stop. Let's enjoy the night without arguing"
"Here! Here, son!" Jonah wanders into the kitchen, "J, do you want your daughter to be alone all her life?!" Daisy hisses at her husband, Jonah huffs "if being alone makes her happy then I'm happy. She not alone, she has two boys and Ellis, he might not be in her life full time, but he's not one to just turn his back on her because they aren't together anymore."
"That reminds me, he sent you both a card," she reaches for her bag and hands the card to her Dad, "did you tell him that he was invited?" Daisy says, "no! I didn't!" Daisy lets out a long huff, "why not?"
"Because I didn't want to sit with my ex husband with people whispering about it all night!" Dana groaned at her mother with annoyance, "Aww bless him, he sent us a voucher a generous lad that one. Now come on the food is getting cold!" Jonah orders them out.
At the dinner table, they were all in couples, she was the odd one out. She heard her phone, "Dana turn that off!" Daisy calls over, "Sorry Mum, it's the boys!" she moves away from the table.
"Hey the boys just wanted to say Goodnight. How's it going?"
She softly sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Eye rolling bad, huh?" he tried to sound neutral, but she could detect the hit of smugness in his tone, he knew how over baring her mother was, he was the only one that ever got her through these family gatherings. "You know how she would always sing your praises before, well, she's doubling her efforts now"
He chuckles "I can always make an excuse saying one of the boys are ill and want their Mum?" she grinned at the fact he was still willing to help her, "no, it's fine! Plus there's wine, so it makes it bearable"
"Dad, is that Mum?" she heard Arlo in the background, "Yeah, I'll pass her over. Enjoy your night, D!"
"Hey Mum! How's Nana and Gramps?"
"They're great sweetheart, what have you been up to this evening?"
"We beat Dad at Fortnite..," she laughed at him, "has he played before?"
"No!" Arlo laughs smugly, "that's not very fair!" she laughs at them winning when Ellis had no idea how to play, "all's fair in love and Fortnite! Mum, I'm going to put Myles on. Night, I love you"
"Goodnight sweetheart! I love you!"
"Hi Mum!"
"You alright pudding?" Myles groans at his nickname, "I'm great, I am just in the middle of my homework"
"Oh, ok. I'll let you get back to it then"
"Cool, see ya Sunday. Love you!"
"See you then, I love you more!" Myles hung up the phone, "how are my two favourite nephews?" Harley said, she hadn't seen him sneak up behind her. "They're fine, Mum told you to come over and get me off the phone?"
"And Ellis? No, she didn't," she rolls her eyes at him, "eh, he's ok! Come on, let's back before Mum sends the search party!" she pulls him back to the table.
She couldn't wait for tonight to be over she needed to let off some steam with the girls...
Chapter 2 - Girls Night
@secretaryunpaid​ @aussieez​ @munstysmind​ @palmaviolet​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @reallyloudstudent​ @pixie-b​ @wombatsxkookaburras​
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pixie88 · 2 years
Enough - Meet the characters.
Here are the face claims and the back stories of each character of Enough. I will update as new characters appear 💜
Ellis Beck
Ellis (Joseph Cannata) was the older brother of three, he had two younger brothers Zack and Jason. Ellis met Shane at primary school at first the two didn't get along, but soon became good friends, their parents knew if they weren't at home they were at the others' house. In Secondary school they had girls falling over them, no one caught his eye until Shane's sister Domenica brought home the new girl in her year group Dana Lucas.
He was smitten from the start, but she didn't make it easy for him, when they finally got together they were inseparable. With Ellis being a year older he left school a year before her and enrolled with the police, six years later he finally finished his training.
Dana Beck (Lucas)
Dana (Nina Dobrev) moved to Hastings when she was fifteen with her younger brother Harley and her parents Daisy and Jonah, after her dad Jonah got promoted to area manager of the major supermarket. She met Selina in art class, she introduced her to Domenica, Melissa, Nancy and Kellie, Dana quickly became a part of the group.
Dana always had a passion for photography, she only agreed to go on a date with Ellis if he agreed to let her take photos of him for her final exam. She went on to study photography in college before she got a job as a photographer for the local newspaper, soon her career took off, and she started taking photos for weddings.
On her nineteenth birthday Ellis got down on one knee and she said yes. Six months later the two of them ran off and got married in secret with just Selina and Shane as their witnesses. Daisy had taken over the whole wedding and turned it into one either of them wanted, so a secret wedding was the perfect idea.
Nine months later she gave born to their first son Myles, six years later Arlo came along completing their family. The following year Dana decides to set up her own business, which was a success clients were coming in thick and fast.
Arlo was four years old when the unimaginable happened, this lead to Dana rethinking their lives. She thought Ellis was on the same page for two years, then his lie caught up with him and she found out the truth that torn them apart.
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Myles Beck
Myles (Joshua Colley) is the eldest child (thirteen), the split of their parents' hit him hard. At first he blamed his mum for kicking out his dad, but Ellis sat him down and talk to him through why they were splitting and that he would still see him as much as he did when he lived in the family home. Coming into his teenage years, he is growing into a young man and wants to be the man his dad will be proud of.
Arlo Beck
Arlo (Sonny Kendall) is the baby of the family (six), he causes mischief, he even set his parents up on a date hoping this would bring them back together. Arlo is pretty much a mummy's boy, he can wrap her round his little finger. The split didn't faze him much until a boy in his class teases him about it, when he came out of school crying that day Myles had a word with the boy that upset his brother and the teasing stopped. Arlo loves football, Ellis is even the towns under elevens football coach.
Daisy Lucas
Daisy (Michelle Pfeiffer) met husband (Jonah) at her own engagement party, she said yes because she didn't want to upset Brian, but their relationship had become stale and when his work friend Jonah arrived he flirted with her at the bar not realizing she was in fact the bride to be.
A few weeks later she called off the wedding, and just by chance she ran into him in a small cafe in Brighton, a year later they said their I do's while Daisy was five months pregnant with Dana. Once the kids started school, she went back to work as a dinner lady in the kids' school, Dana hated it, but Harley saw the plus side to it - extra servings.
She went on to work in a few of the top restaurants and eventually opened her own cafe in Hastings after the move where the kids used to hang out after school.
Jonah Lucas
Jonah (Shane Richie) he's always been a lad's lad and a bit of a joker, him and Daisy are like chalk and cheese, but there was something about her that hooked him. After Brian found out about the pair he changed job's and never spoke to Jonah again, but he wouldn't change a thing.
Having his bambino's was his greatest achievement, he adores his kids and even helped deliver Arlo on Dana's kitchen floor. He climbed the management ladder in one of the biggest supermarkets in the UK.
Growing up was hard, his dad used his Mum Pauline as a punching bag, and it wasn't long after he turned ten he was his next target until his Uncle Steve found out what had been happening over the years. He knocked seven bells out of his brother before he left Pauline with Jonah, Jonah wanted to be a Dad, Roy never was, when he hit thirty's he found out Roy was serving a twenty year sentence at his majesty's pleasure.
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Harley Lucas
Harley (Daniel K Palmer) has never been one to play by the rules, he calls himself a free spirit, he plans on never growing up never settling down because that is for people like his sister and friends not him. He's in and out of jobs all the time when he isn't traveling.
Domenica Dawson
Domenica (Julia Goulding) is a female version of Harley, she tried the whole marriage thing once because of her Italian boyfriend at the time family pushed for it, but a few months in, it was all too much for her. She was her own person, but they wanted to be a woman that looked after her husband, gave him children and give up her career while he went to work. She ran away and filed for divorce, two years later she came back to Hastings a newly divorced and free woman.
Cohen Beck
Cohen (Craig Fairbrass) married his first wife at eighteen years old, more through convenience because it helped his family business image. He was married to Pippa for ten years before he met twenty year old Stella, what she didn't know he had never actually slept with his wife and even caught her cheating on him a handful of times. Every time she would remind him, they were married for an image and any time she would try to seduce him, he just wasn't interested.
But with Stella things were different he fell hard for her quickly, he knew she wouldn't put up with being the other woman for long and once he told his parent, she was expecting his child something they were longing for from Pippa there was no going back. They would favour Stella over Pippa, he never told them about Pippa's endless affairs and made it look as if he was the one doing the dirty all along.
Stella Beck
Stella (Claire King) she met Cohen at work he was her married older boss, when she fell pregnant with Ellis two and a half years later she gave Cohen an ultimatum he either left his wife of ten years or he'd never see her or their unborn child again. She knew he loved her and how much he wanted a child his wife couldn't give him and used it against him, he called her vindictive, but she called it making a choice. Once he divorced his first wife, Stella quickly popped the question on a leap year, which he said yes before the had Jason and Zack.
Out of the two of them, she is the more stubborn and strict one.
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Zack Beck
Zack (James Farrar) believes living a single life is the best life with a few one night stands to throw in now and again. His advice is to "hump em and dump em!" being a barman he pretty much doesn't need to make much of an effort other than throw them a free drink now and again.
Jason Beck
Jason (Michael Trevino) is the opposite to his brother Zack, he wants what his older brother Ellis had a soulmate. He thought he found that in his girlfriend Molly, but when he got down on one knee she turned him down flat. He wanted answers, so he chased after her to find out she was in love with his brother Zack, and she had admitted her feeling to Zack in a panic earlier that evening after finding the ring in Jason's coat pocket, but Zack had told her, he didn't feel the same even if he did he wouldn't do that to his brother.
Six months later he met his Fiancee Priya.
Kellie Franks
Kellie Franks (Kimberly Hart-Simpson) grew up with a alcoholic mother, she never knew who her Dad was, she only knew he worked on the buses what her Mum remembered from that drunken shack up. On the surface she acts as if she doesn't care, but the girls know her too well she has a soft centre. Not growing up with a real family, she saw her friends as the family she never had. Each of the girls would have her over most nights knowing she would go home to nothing to eat while her Mum was necking a bottle of vodka on the sofa.
One day she came home from school to find they were homeless, her Mum hadn't been paying the rent, "it's a dog eat dog world, sweets and it's about time you learned that!" her Mum hiss tapping her on the back as she walked off.
With nowhere to live the Domenica's parents took her in, she hoped her Mum would come back sober for her but she never did.
Five years later she got a phone call to say her Mum had been involved in a hit and run and didn't make it.
She felt lost and alone, her life has been up and down ever since.
Priya Bailey
Priya (Ella Balinska) moved to Hastings from Sheffield to live with her Aunt when her parents moved to Portugal. She met Jason on route to work, waiting for the bus each morning, six months after Molly turned him down. The pair got talking, and he took her number down, four years later the pair are planning their wedding.
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Liam Norris
Liam (Taylor John Smith) met Selina on a girls night out, Selina kept giving him the eye, but was too scared to go over herself. Eventually Dana got fed up with her friend not making a move and went over to him ask him to buy Selina a drink and take it over to her since then they have been together seven years, married for five and have been trying for a baby for over two years.
Selina Norris
Selina's (Selina Chhaur) parents moved to Hastings from Australia when she was eight years old, after her Nan on her Dad's side became ill. He moved back to take care of her, Domenica was the first girl Selina spoke to when she started school. She went on to study hairdressing in college, even though they are best friends Dana has never told her the real reason for the split.
Jacob Sullivan
Jacob (Dan Holmes) is Melissa's latest husband, he owns his own car dealership in Hastings, or though the girls felt sorry for him when he first got involved with Melissa but they quickly saw he could handle her and stand his ground when he knew she was in the wrong.
Melissa Sullivan
Melissa (Jacqueline Jossa) always had a crush on Ellis, she would endlessly ask him out, but he would always make the excuse he didn't want a girlfriend at the time then Dana came along and Melissa could see he was smitten. Upset, she took a disliking to Dana believing her arrival stole her chance with him. Since then, she guarded herself from fall in love with anyone so went after guys for power or money, her marriages never stuck until Jacob.
He brought down her walls and she fell in love, she still loves to wind up the girls now and again.
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Shane Dawson
Shane (Michael Karim Malarkey) met Ellis in primary school, where ever Ellis was Shane wasn't far behind. They are more like brothers than best friends, they would cover for each other, no questions asked. Shane owns a small estate agent in the town, he met Nancy when she came in looking for a flat to rent, that evening he asked her out for drinks, he fell for her and hard.  
Nancy (Maddy Hill) grew up in Hastings, she comes from a big family with four older sisters she knows how to stand her ground. She was flat hunting when she walked into Shane's estate agents, she fell for his charm and the pair married a year later. She quickly fitted in with the girls, so when she lost her job Melissa quickly found her one at Jacob car dealership, the pair are looking to start a family soon.
Nancy Dawson
Cherry Attwood
Cherry (Debby Ryan) was looking for work experience for her college photography course taking a chance she strolled into Dana's studio confident. Wanting to test her Dana let her take on her following photo shoot, she quickly impressed her.
When the two weeks work experience was over Dana offered her a permanent job which meant Dana wasn't a one woman band anymore so she'd have more time with the kids.
Emily Newport
Emily (Arielle Kebbel) she met Dana on Tommy's first day of school Dana handed her a tissue when the pair stood outside their little ones class room crying that their babies have grow up.
Amelia and Grace befriended the pair, but they both learned the hard way that Amelia and Grace were the "mean Mum's" of the school runs.
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Annabelle Palmer
Annabelle (Kat Graham) is Jacques fiancée she worked the first desk at the police station. When new trainee Jacques start she thought he was just another cocky newbie quickly she leaned there was more behind the confident copper. She met Dana at the first works Christmas party she went to, she sat at the end of the table next to her quiet, Dana was used to these police do's she had been to enough by then. She could tell she felt out of place amongst a table full of copper, so Dana asked her if she wanted to get a drink at the bar.
By the time Ellis found the pair, they were drunk and everyone had gone home, that was Dana party trick she could make friends anywhere.
Jacques Fraser
Jacques (Austin Butler) enrolled with the police at twenty years old, wanting to break the mould from his criminal family. It was a fight he had to proud him self a little more because the name Fraser was a well known name with the police. He showed confidence and resilience when he passed his police trainer which got him noticed. Within three years he was a DC working along side Ellis who at first thought he was a pain in the arse, but he soon saw potential that the DCI did.
The two soon worked more and more cases together.
When everything went down two years ago, it was Jacques who wouldn't go home and who was by Ellis's side until the end.
The situation made him realize what he wanted in life, a week later he got down on one knee, thankfully Annabelle said yes!
The two have been planning their wedding, but with the death of Jacques Dad it was push back.
Tag squad (tagging those that asked): @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @pixie-b
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pixie88 · 2 years
Sports Day
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Chapter 3 - Enough.
A/N | It has been a while sorry, please don't hate me for the ending 😘
Summary | It’s sports and it’s hard to tell who the grown ups are...
Word count | 1.9k
Warnings | 18 + Only! Fluff & a little bit of Angst.
Disclaimer | This is a @pixie88 original story and character.
The series Master list can be found here, which includes previous chapters, face claims, characters back stories and the Enough playlist.
Pairings | Ellis x Dana.
Reblogs make us happy!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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"Come on, Arlo!!" she cheers her son on as she looks at the time, "late again!" she hisses under her breath, she claps as he comes second in the sack race. She could see Arlo searching too, she couldn't believe he had let him down again, she pulls out her phone calling him, it rings and rings.
Finally, he answers, she moves away from the group of parents, "where are you?!" she hissed, "what do you mean?" he asks, confused "you're late! Sports day started forty three minutes ago!" she groaned, "w-what do you mean it started forty three minutes ago? You told me eleven o'clock?!"
"What? No, I didn't! It was ten!" she hissed down the phone at him, "no, you text me eleven!" she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the text, she did text him eleven. "Oh, I-I..er, I'm sorry, it's my mistake!" he chuckles, "it's fine, I'm on my way!"
"Ok, I'll see you when you get here!" she hung up, she wandered over to Arlo, he looked down at his feet, "Arlo?" he looked up, she stooped down to his level, "Mummy, where's Dad?" he looks at her with pleading eyes, "Arlo, it's my fault I sent him the wrong time, but he's on his way!" Arlo's face lights up, "you promise?"
She kisses the top of his head, "I pinky l promise!" she holds out her little finger.
Ten minutes later...
"Hey!" he says as meets Dana on the school field, "hiya, he's over there!" she points over to where Arlo is, Arlo waves smiling as Ellis waves over. "Sorry, I must have hit one instead of zero!" she begrudgingly admits, "it's ok! Don't worry!" she sighed, "he has another counselling session tomorrow, he doesn't want to go. I don't suppose you could talk to him?" he nods silently.
"Thank you, he should be up again soon!" Ellis looks round at the other parents, "great, how comes you aren't standing with Amelia and Grace?" he questions her, Dana rolls her eyes, "have you girls fallen out?"
"Amelia's boy Freddy teased Arlo about us splitting up, I guess kids pick things up from their parents. I overheard her slagging me off to the other parents saying she never understood what a guy like you saw in a uptight bitch like me!" he clenches his jaw, which she notices, "she realizes she's no oil painting in looks and her personality, right?" Dana lets out a snort. 
"So how's working for your Dad going?" she asks, he lets out a low sigh, "not great actually, but I may have something else lined up"
"Really? Like what?"
"This time, it's for real. I'm working for Shane in sales and the head of the finance department." she narrowed her eyes at him not quite believing him, "I know that look, but this time I'm telling the truth, I'm trying to be better!"
"I just hope you can stick to it, oh and congratulations on the new job!" she grins, "thanks!" he returns the smile, "Arlo's up!" she nods over to the track, "COME ON ARLO!!" Ellis cups his mouth to yell, Arlo is beaming as he stands next to Freddy, Dana sends him a knowing wink.
Their teacher, Mrs Wright blows the whistle signalling the race starts, Arlo starts sprinting ahead of his five other classmate, "Go Arlo!!" Dana squeaks as Ellis claps for his son. Soon Arlo crosses the Finish Line in first place with Leo in second and Noah in fourth place, Dana jumps up and down proudly, while Ellis gives him a thumbs up.
He leans over to her, "am I a bad parent for thinking that win was even sweeter because both Amelia's or Grace's boys came last?" she laughs, "well if you are I am too!" the pair laugh.
An hour later...
After all the races were over the kids got to have a picnic with their parents on the field, Arlo picks a spot near the edge of the field, Dana had packed a few extra bits just in case Ellis did show up, "hey do you mind if we sit with you guys?" Tommy's Mum Emily asked, "yeah, sure!" Dana smiles.
"Thanks, how great did these two do! Both got first place!" Emily smiles at the boys, "they did do brilliantly!" Dana replied, "oh, sorry Emily this is Arlo's Dad, Ellis. Ellis this is Tommy and Emily," she introduces them, "nice to meet you both! Is this Tommy the kid that shot me on Fortnite at the weekend?" Ellis asks with a smile, Tommy goes shy, "I'm messing, but I want a rematch!" Ellis teases, Tommy nods.
Emily looks over her shoulder, "hey, I know it's not a competition and it's all about the taking part, but anyone else cheered on the inside when Amelia lost in the Mum's race?" Emily winked at Dana, who came second, "I think you've been hanging around with this one for too long!" Ellis says to Emily as her nods at Dana, "hey, I resent that! She was that evil before we started hanging out!" Dana throws an apple at him "ouch!" he groans as it hits him in the stomach.
"Mum, they have the ice lollies out! Can I go get one?" Tommy asks making the three adults look over, "I'll get em!" Ellis gets up, "you girls want anything?" he looks down at them, both shook their heads "you boys coming?" Tommy and Arlo get up and follow Ellis across the field to Bill the caretaker selling ice lollies.
Amelia smiles as Ellis and the boys approaches, "Ellis how are you?" she flutters her eyelashes at him, "Amelia! I'm alright, actually there was something I wanted to speak to you about. Boys go and pick an ice lollies you want" the boys rush off, Amelia looks at him with a smile, "I appreciate it if you would keep you vile and nasty little comments about my wife to yourself! You know I think your little minion is right you do look like a bulldog chewing on a wasp" Amelia's face drops.
"Anyway, nice to see you again!" he throws her a bright smile before catching up with the boys.
After the picnic the kids needed to go back to class, "why don't we go out for dinner tonight to celebrate your win?" Ellis asks Arlo, Arlo looks to his Mum, "can I go? Please?" he looks at her pleading, "actually kiddo, I was thinking we could all go?" Ellis looks up at her.
"I-I er...ok, I don't see why not!" she nods awkwardly, "we'll see you later!" she kisses Arlo on the cheek, "ok, bye Mum! Bye Dad!" he says before running off, "I hope you don't mind?" Ellis clears his throat. "No, it's fine! So, I'll see you after school," she starts to walk off out the school gate, "do you want to grab a coffee?" he asks her with a shy smile.
She turns, "I don't think that's a good idea!"
"Why not?! Come on, it's just coffee!"
"But it's what the coffee means!" she sighed, "what? Don't you trust yourself?" she laughs, "fine! Let's go, I wouldn't want to boost your ego thinking I can't handle a coffee with you!" he chuckles, "come on my car is over here!" he leads her to the car park.
In the car park they see Amelia arguing with Grace, "I wonder what that is about?!" she looks to Ellis, who's smiles smugly, "I may have told her Grace said she looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp!" Dana looks at him, "you didn't?" he nodded, "we may not be together, but no one insults the mother of my children!"
She didn't admit it to him, but she was a little touched by his actions.
Twenty eight minutes later...
"When do you start at Dawson's properties?" she asks sipping her caramel latte, "next Monday and I can't wait!" he sits back in his seat, "Dad's place not doing it for ya?!" she knew he hated working for his Dad.
"It pays the bill's which is great, but I hate working with him. Plus never been one for architects" he sighed, "Saturday I was thinking of getting a room at the hotel where the wedding reception is, so I don't have to drive back. I thought if we get a room with two single beds and a double, maybe you and Arlo could take the double and Myles and I could take the two singles?"
She didn't think about getting home and it would be easier for the boys just to head up, "sounds like a good plan actually!" he smiles softly, "great, I'll get it booked! Thank you for agreeing to come, it means my Mum will be off my back now," she laughs, "I was always her favourite even above you" she teases him, he laughs, "I would argue if it wasn't true" she smirks.
"I'll speak to Arlo about counselling, maybe I could take him tomorrow?" she thought his idea over, "would you mind?"
"No, of course not!" she felt relieved.
Later after dinner...
Ellis pulls onto the drive way, they get out and head inside, "Mum can Dad read me a book?" Arlo asks "if that's ok with him and if you brush your teeth" Arlo looks to his Dad, "like your Mum said brush your teeth!" Arlo runs upstairs with Ellis following after him.
Twenty minutes later...
She's making a coffee as Ellis wanders downstairs, "he's asleep two books later"
"He saw you coming!" she teases him, "do you want a coffee?"
"Yeah, I'll have a latte macchiato" she rolls her eyes at him, he knows she can't work the coffee machine, he grins, "I'll do it!" he nudges her out of the way. She jumps up to sit on the counter, shaking her head at him, "you could never work this thing"
"It was you who ordered the damn thing, all I wanted was machine that made black coffee, but you had to get some fancy thing!" she rolled her eyes, "if I remember rightly you love a caffe latte?" he quirks his brow at her, she narrows her eyes at him over the top of her mug, "I did, when you did them now, I have no idea how to work the bloody thing!"
He laughs at her, "come here, I'll show you!" she jumps down, still keeping her distance, he points at the button on the machine, "you press this one, use the arrows, go down to caffe latte and press ok! See it's not rocket science" he teases her, "whatever!" she says playfully.
"Thanks for dinner, I can't remember the last time I laughed so much!" he nods with an easy smile, "it was good night," he leans against the counter next to her, "what time is Arlo's appointment tomorrow?"
"Four thirty, you know the place," he nods, she sighs he could see the worry on her face that made him feel even more guilty, "he will get through it you know!" she presses her lips into a thin line, "I know!" she looks down at her coffee, letting out a long breath, he hooks his finger under her chin, bring her eyes to meet his, "it's going to take time but he will get through it, especially if he's anything like his mother!"
Her lips upturn into a smile, he looks between her eyes and leans in, for a second she's tempted to lean into, but she pulls away, "Ellis, I can't!" he frowns, "sorry..I should go" he places his mug on the counter and walks out leaving her confused....
Two and a half years earlier...
He slams his phone against his desk, his breath quickened, everything around him started to spin, he couldn't hold his angry in any longer.
He threw his phone across the office until it shattered into pieces, grabbing the attention of his fellow DC's.
Jacques rushes over "Ellis, what is it?!"
"He got Dana and Arlo!" the tears roll down his face.
@secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind​ @palmaviolet​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @reallyloudstudent​ @pixie-b​ @wombatsxkookaburras​
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pixie88 · 2 years
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Forget Sunday Six @aussieez came up with Saturday Seven 🙌 joining with her in ripping up the rule book 💜 😘
The Neighbour
He's making her breakfast, his eyes keep flicking to her sat at the kitchen bar watching him cook, "do I have something on my face?" she reaches for a paper towel to wipe her face, "no, I-I haven't cooked breakfast for a girl in a while"
A bright smile appears on her face, "you forgetting the pancake war only a few weeks ago"
"That was us cooking together...." he reminded her, "so I'm special?" she teases him, "you're something alright!" she pretends to be offered.
She took a deep breath and wander into the hallway, he looked up at her "Hi, you look nice," he looks over her outfit, she lets out a little laugh "thanks, I'm heading over to my parents for their anniversary. They are having some people over for dinner"
"Oh, did you not want to take the boys? I can always have them tomorrow night instead?" he smiles softly at her, "no, it's fine, I doubt the boys want to sit round a table with a load of boring adults, but if you want to have the boys for an extra night I wouldn't say no to you having them...Dom is having a girls night...I was hoping to go"
@aussieez @secretaryunpaid @munstysmind @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @reallyloudstudent @deandreamernp @rookiemartin @leigh70 @peonierose @pixie-b
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pixie88 · 2 years
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I forgot to take part in Saturday Sneaky Seven, so I thought I'd do Sneaky Sunday 😘
A scene from chapter 2 - Girls Night
"I guess it's my turn, never have I ever slept with an ex after splitting up with them" Dom had said this so Melissa had to drink again, Dana raises her glass to her lips as well as Kellie and Melissa. Dom looks at Dana in horrible, "what?! When?!"
"After the last girls night, it had been five months. I called Ellis and he was happy to oblige" Dom's jaw dropped, "how did we not know about this?" she asked her.
"I knew, Shane told me, he saw Ellis the day after and Shane said he had a spring in his step and a huge smile on his face" Nancy winks at her, "sorry, I knew too, but we are best friends so!" Selina shrugs.
"Moving on, never have I ever had a fans only page!" Melissa gives Kellie the side eye, knowing Kellie will have to drink, "so what?!" Dom roll her eyes at Melissa as Kellie drinks, "my body, my choice!" Kellie shrugs.
The Neighbour
A scene from chapter 14 - January 24th
Dean is sitting on a bar stool at the bar, Alana stood between his legs when Dean isn't looking she gives Sam the nod and he rushes into the kitchen. A few minutes later the lights go out and every starts to sing, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Dean, happy birthday to you!" Sam stands there with his cake.
"Make a wish!" Alana nods towards it, Dean is grinning ear to ear, he blows out the candles and everyone cheers. The lights come back on she smiles at him, "what did you wish for?" her hands drape over his shoulders, his hands rest on her hips, "you know I couldn't think of a damn thing I wanted...I have everything I need" he winks making her blush.
Tagging: @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind @palmaviolet @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @deandreamernp @leigh70 @rookiemartin @reallyloudstudent @peonierose @pixie-b
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pixie88 · 2 years
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It's that time again, Saturday Sneaky Seven 🥳
Enough- Sports day.
"Come on, Arlo!!" she cheers her son on as she looked at the time, "late again!" she hisses under her breath, she claps as he comes second in the sack race. She could see Arlo searching too, she couldn't believe he had let him down again, she pulls out her phone calling him, it rings and rings.
Finally, he answers, she moves away from the group of parents, "where are you?!" she hissed, "what do you mean?" he asks, confused, "you're late! Sports day started forty three minutes ago!" she groaned, "w-what do you mean it started forty three minutes ago? You told me eleven o'clock?!"
"What? No, I didn't! It was ten!" she hissed down the phone at him, "no, you text me eleven!" she pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the text, she did text him eleven. "Oh, I-I..er, I'm sorry, its my mistake!" he chuckles, "it's fine, I'm on my way!"
"Ok, I'll see you when you get here!" she hung up, she wandered over to Arlo, he looked down at his feet, "Arlo?" he looked up, she stooped down to his level, "Mummy, where's Dad?" he looks at her with pleading eyes, "Arlo, it's my fault I sent him the wrong time but he's on his way!" Arlo's face lights up, "you promise?"
She kisses the top of his head, "I promise!"
The Neighbour - Dinner at the Winchesters.
"It worked then, Alana got laid! How was it? Wait, don't tell me, I'm gonna put you on speaker phone and pull up a photo of Dean!" the line goes quiet for a few second before she speaks again "long nose with a medium flare, so large head and small shaft!"
"What?" Alana's confused, "the nose theory! You can tell what a guys dick is like by their nose! Was it good?" Alana shook her head, "yes, it was amazing and the best sex I've had in a long time! Now can we just talk about last night? He said he loved me!"
"What did you say?" Lola already knew the answer, "I loved him too!" Lola squeaked through the phone, "I knew it!!! Have you spoke to him about it?"
"No, he's still asleep, do I bring it up?" she asks her friend, "I would but I know you! You won't, you will wait till he does!" she was right....
@secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind @palmaviolet @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @reallyloudstudent @deandreamernp @leigh70 @rookiemartin @peonierose @pixie-b @wombatsxkookaburras
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