#@turning rad anon oh yeah definitely
izacore · 2 years
Harries on twitter be like “he’ll do a residency in Las Vegas omg he’s getting richer day by day slay king 😍”
personally I think he should just give some of that money to me
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
hi um saw ur intro post and fair quick warning, the “who i write for” and “do’s and don’t’s” are linked to the same page, so u might wanna fix that!!
anyway, onto an actual request, maaaaayhaps hcs for giacomo figuring out he has a crush on pyschic type trainer reader, and reader’s pyschic type pokemon are being little jerks (affectionate) to giacomo? like “oooo u gotta crush on him gayass. OOO U KNOW WHAT’D BE FUNNY IF WE WERE TO TELL HIM-”
also im claming the 🪲 anon tyyyyy
thanks for letting me know!! I know I fixed it some time ago, when I originally got this ask, but thank you again :)
And yeah I love Pokemon being little meddlers!!! I just kinda chose some random psychic types, I hope you don’t mind the specifics that are here. Giacomo is someone I need more practice writing lol
And welcome on in bug anon!!
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Super Effective — Giacomo x Psychic Trainer Reader
🔈 — With the STAR training centers up and running, the more the word about them has gotten out, the more interesting challengers have come to challenge the Star bosses, Giacomo included.
🔈 — When he was informed that his current incoming challenger was a pure psychic-type trainer, he was admittedly a little confused. All of his Pokemon didn’t just have the advantage against psychic-types, they were completely immune to psychic moves. Training against your weaknesses was one thing, but if you were running a sole psychic team, it just seemed like you were asking for more outright hell than a challenge. But okay.
🔈 — And then when he came riding out on the Starmobile to meet your challenge after you finished fighting his underlings. Oh lord. You were as handsome, mysterious, almost mystical as the type you fought with. You reminded him of some videos he’d seen showcasing mega evolution in the Hoenn region, the way Gallade looked when it mega evolved—like an enchanted warrior. Oh, it’s over for him the moment he sees you. You look like you need your own theme song. Maybe he’ll make a mix on it after this.
🔈 — It’s doubly over when your battle starts, because he’s not ready for how prepared you were for this. You might be at a major disadvantage, but you kitted your Pokemon out with all the moves to counter his. Armarogue, Espeon, Espathra, Slowking, Hypno, Gallade, all of them are threats and even if he gets some solid hits and KOs on you, you still win by a decent margin.
🔈 — He’s never been that invested in battling, certainly not like everyone else in Team Star, but he’s taken getting stronger more seriously since being put in charge of the STC, and you still crush him.
🔈 — He definitely doesn’t crush you, but by the end of the battle, he’s totally crushing on you. You’ve got your whole aesthetic together and battling is a clearly a big performance for you, and he respects your commitment to your own personal brand. The battle was extra fun for him, because you were clearly having fun just being there. You remind him a bit of his friends in Team Star with that passion for something you clearly live. You’re an amazing battler like Eri, passionate like Mela, theatrical and stylish like Atticus, brainy like Ortega, and leader to your Pokemon as good as Penny was to them.
🔈 — He actually kind of forgets his script as he hops down from the Starmobile to shake your hand. He’d been standing above you on that platform the whole battle, and now that he’s actually level with you you’re even more otherworldly. But he recovers pretty quickly—a DJ has to be good at talking on the fly, anyway—and thanks you for a rad battle that gave him way more of a challenge than he was ready for.
🔈 — But you’re impressed too! You recognized a while ago that while psychic Pokemon were you pride and joy, you’re fully aware the dark type is something you can’t hit with your usual attacks and you visited the STC to test out some strategies. This turned out to be a great place for training, especially fighting against him.
🔈 — Which is how you started frequenting his STC at least once a week. And he’s not gonna seem so uncool that he’s like, waiting for you or anything, but he kinda is. Battling isn’t even his favorite thing, but with you it’s different. It’s an exciting challenge, and also you’re there. You’ve been giving him good inspiration for mixes, but he’s not gonna say anything about that.
🔈 — While you two grow closer, you hang out more beyond training. With all the vending machines around and open field space, the training centers offer a good spot to take a break while letting your Pokemon stretch their legs after working so hard. So you guys establish a routine of battling, then grabbing some sodas and hanging out afterwards.
🔈 — Then that turned into talking longer afterwards, which turned into sharing earbuds as Giacomo plays some of his music for you, which to him is like. Oh god. Maybe you don’t realize how far gone he is, or how, I don’t know, literally no one who visits the facility gets this kind of attention from him, but your Pokemon know exactly what’s going on. Psychic types are smart, after all, and it doesn’t take long for them to start harassing Giacomo about it.
🔈 — He hears your Gallade snicker and click when he offers you an earbud during your rest breaks, and he doesn’t miss the knowing look your Hypno starts giving him when it notices he’s memorized what your favorite soda is in the machine. Your Espeon stares so intently at him when you guys relax on the benches together, like it’s trying to burn a hole through his head. Armarogue keeps standing in front of you two, pointing its head from one of you to the other, back and forth, back and forth.
🔈 — Damn, is he being that obvious? The way that your Pokemon treat him, he must be. And they can’t talk, but the longer this goes on, the more it feels like they’re trying to put some kind of pressure on the two of you—but mostly him.
🔈 — Your Espathra not-at-all-subtly shoves you into him one time, and he fumbles to catch you before you both trip over each other’s feet. The two of you nervously laugh it off, apologizing to one another, but his face goes bright red when he has his arms around you, oh god, but you don’t seem to notice. Or maybe you’re ignoring it on purpose.
🔈 — On a particularly cold day, Espeon and Espathra steal his coat and book it, prompting you to laugh and take off your own jacket to give to him while you go chase your misbehaving Pokemon down, and he just about dies.
🔈 — Your Pokemon kind of break the record for trying to shove you two together in the most asshole-ish ways possible when he’s sharing some of his newer mixes with you, and one of your Pokemon—he could never tell which one, and if he did, he’d throttle them—starts manipulating his laptop with its psychic powers.
🔈 — While he’s playing you some samples from his audio editing software, the Pokemon opens whatever the Pokemon world equivalent of Spotify is in the background and keeps flicking through every overplayed pop-y love song in the book. Of course, he doesn’t actually know what‘s going on but it feels like Arceus itself has suddenly decided to out him just because it felt like it. You’re laughing every time he gets increasingly flustered trying to shut the cheesy love songs off.
🔈 — And your Pokemon responsible for this, who is trying so hard, then drops the hail mary and opens something that isn’t the radio app, but instead one of his unfinished project files. Which is the mix inspired by you he was working on. Which he titled the file YOUR NAME.
🔈 — And you both just kind of. Stare at the computer screen. Giacomo feels his soul leave his body. He does not know how to recover from this one.
🔈 — “Um…” you finally pipe up. “Are you… working on a mix related to me, or…?”
🔈 — Well, shit, he can’t keep lying. Wearily, he explains exactly what the mix is. That yes, it totally is related to you, it’s about you, you were just so striking to him from the moment you two met, you had such a presence, it was giving him so many ideas. And as the days hanging out went on, he just got more and more ideas and got more enthusiastic about working on the mix, which is… long now. Almost enough for a full set at a normal gig.
🔈 — He’s not outright SAYING he likes you in a romantic way, but he’s definitely skirting around it. Calling you unique, striking, one of a kind, complimenting your battle style and fashion sense and saying your personality is captivating, good lord, he’s saying everything BUT “I kind of have the biggest crush on you”.
🔈 — But you find it all sweet. You’re really touched by his words, and by his gesture, even if you weren’t supposed to know about it. He flatters you immensely, and the thing I said about him saying everything but outright confessing to having a crush? You pick up on that. And teasingly, you lean against him and deliver a snarky:
🔈 — “Wow, Giacomo, that’s so sweet. Really… I’ve never had anyone do something like this for me. But the way you’re talking, it’s, uh…” you grin at him. “…pretty gay.”
🔈 — Before he can even react to being called out like that, you throw an arm around him, happy to have some kind of confirmation about his feelings that were, you know, not at all subtle to begin with. But you wanted to be cautious. “Good thing I’m ALSO pretty gay. So, can we listen to this?”
🔈 — What
🔈 — The story of how you guys started dating is now an in-joke between you anymore. For the sake of Giacomo’s dignity, you don’t give all the embarrassing details about him being called out for weeks for being gay on main by your Pokemon.
🔈 — He’s still adding to that mix he made inspired by you. But now, he’s got your input directly.
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rebloggingrexan · 3 months
i dreamed i was being eaten by two polar bears last night. have you ever had a dangerous encounter with an animal? if so, how did you get away?
oh dang, anon, that's not a pleasant dream. sorry you had that. i hope you were able to have an alright day after you woke up -- i know bad dreams can sometimes throw off at least a day's start
regarding dangerous animal encounters, the ones i can think of right now are coming across some rattlesnakes. once i was hiking with a group, and a baby rattlesnake was curled up and seemingly sleeping to the side of the path. likely i noticed it because it was a weird-looking circle, i took a step closer to get a better look and i realized what it was and let the group know and we found a ten-foot-long stick and poked it until it slithered away from the path
that's probably not the best way to deal with something like that
actually. -googles- OKAY YEAH. that's definitely not the recommended thing. the recommendations are:
at least ten paces away from the snake, shuffle around and stomp your feet to alert it to your presence (snakes "hear" through ground vibrations) (rattlesnakes can lunge about 2/3 of its body length, so, especially with an adult, you REALLY want to keep your distance. better to even be farther than you think you need to be)
wait for it to move out of the way
just turn around lol
copy-pasting this again to emphasize: rattlesnakes can lunge about 2/3 of its body length, so, especially with an adult, you REALLY want to keep your distance. better to even be farther than you think you need to be
rattlesnakes aren't aggressive and don't look for fights (they only attack when they feel it's a last resort -- their rattling tail warning is a way to avoid fights), so just letting it know you're nearby should be enough to get it to leave
baby rattlesnakes are still incredibly dangerous, so don't mess around even with a small rattlesnake "just because it's a baby"
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(photo from here)
and another snake story!! i used to live out in some canyons in southern California with my parents, and a lot of snakes are out there. so many, actually, that there are... ?free? i don't remember if they're free. but they're pretty common: there are "snake training" classes for people's dogs, where dogs get trained to avoid snakes. otherwise, a dog is likely to go up and try to smell a snake and get bit, and it's of course especially bad if that snake is venomous like a rattlesnake
we'd just driven up to the house late at night. since there's no street lights for possibly a mile, it's usually super dark out in the canyons until the house's porch light turns on
the porch light hadn't turned on, and i was almost to the front door. or maybe we didn't have a porch light yet. i 'unno. but anyway, i saw i almost stepped on something like a striped rope laid across the door's base. i step back and keep my distance as i run that "red on black, venom lack. red on yellow, kill a fellow" rhyme through my head to figure out if the snake is harmless or something to avoid.
but before i could put together both the rhyme's info and the order of the dark-to-light stripes on this mystery snake, it moved and emitted a sharp shushing sound which i realized was a snake's rattle.
not a harmless king snake OR a venomous coral snake. THAT WAS A RATTLESNAKE
i quickly backed away and told my family that a rattlesnake was blocking the door but it was moving, and we should wait over here away from it lol
after that night around that house, when it's dark, i've always had the porch light on at night or to at least had some light source in hand, and i shuffle my feet through the gravel surrounding the property
i still think rattlesnakes are super cool and rad. it's just both rattlesnakes and i would prefer we keep a distance from each other lol
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frogecstacy · 4 years
MA'AM may I please request MC getting a new lipstick and goes around kissing the brothers (or just Mammon if all 7 is too much) and leaving lipstick marks on them and the brother's walk around with the lip marks without noticing????? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Thank youuuu
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting this.
I did them all separately I hope this is ok
I am always open to asks or like if you have questions about me or how I write or me> I just love getting asks
The Obey Me brothers not noticing your lipstick on them
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You had recently bought a new lipstick and wanted to wear it to RAD one morning.
At the act of wearing your new lipstick, it had come to his attention
Was it him or were your lips just looking absolutely amazing today
Did this lipstick have a spell on it because he wanted to kiss your lips pretty bad right now
During the day at RAD he couldn’t contain himself and he pulled you aside and starting kissing you
Your plush lips peppered his face
You kissed his lips and cheeks, before heading to class
However you having to leave quickly and Lucifer not noticing. He had a whole face of lipstick marks
Walking around RAD felt strange as he was getting some stares from lower level demons
He didn’t really think about it till he met up diavolo
Diavolo chuckled and said “you and MC must have been busy.”
Lucifer gave a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”
“Have you looked in the mirror lately.” Diavolo now finding this hilarious and snapping a photo of Lucifer
Lucifer now rushing to a mirror, his face turning red of embarrassment
His face and especially his lips were covered with bright lipstick marks
For once in your life you’ll probably see Lucifer pass away but at the same time rise from Pride
I mean after getting over the lipsticks marks, he basically just showed everyone he is an active relationship that sure as hell is doing good
 He’ll feel better about himself and make sure to show off your marks next time
However as gift back to you he’ll shower your neck with some hickeys to show the other demons you belong to someone
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Okay so this man definitely just lives for your kisses
Like if he could sell his soul for your kisses he would
Now this man is shy so I think he’ll just steal you while your just walking by a classroom
Like you’ll be walking and all of a sudden someone is grabbing your waist and you are being dragged into an empty classroom
In such classroom is your lovely boyfriend Mammon having a pouty face
He’ll be standing there like 👉👈🥺
Totally expecting to just know what he wants
He’ll start to tug at your sleeves and whispers so faintly “I missed ya kisses”
Okay so if you wanted to tease him you’ll be like “Sorry, what was that Mammon? I didn’t quite get it” with a cocky grin plastered on your face
And then all of a sudden he just blurts out “Gah humans! Are ya going deaf. I want kisses alright. Are ya satisfied?”
Now being satisfied with yourself you whisper “yes” quietly into his ear and you will than start kissing his cheek and make your way to the corner of his mouth
He’ll be a blushing mess saying he doesn’t like it but the redness on his ears say otherwise
Now you had totally forgotten that you were wearing a new lipstick and forgot to mention to Mammon that he should wipe his face before leaving
However the bell had rang already and you were going your separate ways assuming Mammon would look into a mirror before class
This man did his whole class with your lipsticks marks over his face
Now he was getting stares but he just assumed The Great Mammon was finally getting noticed
IT wasn’t until after class that Levi said “Ugh you normies and making out. Wow Mammon looks like you finally got some action”
He should talk
This confused Mammon. There was something on his face?
He went to the mirror and... 
He almost had to catch himself from embarrassment
Now he didn’t want to show his vulnerability so he used this to his advantage and was like “Yeah MC are making out. You got a problem with that”
Now just showing off he was in a relationship he was more than happy to boast
After he’ll ask if you can do that again because puppy just loves attention
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Okay so we already know Levi does a lot of online schooling
On the rare occasions he does go into school to write a test he was particularly nervous
You being the amazing S/O you are just shower him with kisses
I mean I think you just killed him
He’s just standing there like 🧍🏼
It will take a moment and than he’ll be like “OH MY GOSH!!”
And this startles you so you’re like “What’s wrong? Did you not like?”
His neck and ears are just fully red and he’s like no I saw a couple do this at RAD one day. Is this how normies feel?”
After realising you kissed him he’s quiet now and he’s silently hinting he wants some more kisses
And again since you are so amazing you’ll be like of course bb
Now smothering him with kisses and forgetting that you are wearing a new lipstick
He just walks into the classroom feeling confident without the knowledge that he has lipstick all over his face
Now he’s getting stares in class but he just knocks it up as he doesn’t go into class often his classmates are just wondering why he’s here
It isn’t until he gets home and starts streaming with his camera on that someone points out that he has lipstick all over his face
He just faints and the comment section blows up saying their boi Levi finally getting some action
He ends the live right there from embarrassment 
It isn’t until you get home and see him and you’re like “What’s wrong?”
Now thinking back on the memory gets to embarrassed to talk about it he just says “I like your new lipstick”
 “Oh thanks for noticing” you cheerily reply
He over all loves your kisses to he’d rather have your kisses than be getting none of your kisses
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Okay so another cocky mf who loves you and your lips
He’ll probably be reading in the library at school
You’ll show up for your daily chat
You and Satan often meet up in the library for private time to chat quietly
You would meet in the library at the House of Lamentation, but you’re always bound to be interrupted by one of the brothers
So you say your greetings and you’ll kiss Satan on the cheek and you saw the lipstick mark
Now thinking he looked cute you didn’t bother to tell him about it
You guys start to study soon after your catch up and Satan notices you keep staring at his lips and cheek
A sly grin makes it way on his face and he’s like “MC do I have something on my face?”
And not wanting to tell him about the lipstick mark  your like “N-no”
This mf just beckons you over to his lap and you sit down
Now staring at each other you start smiling
Man just initiates takeout session 
I want to make out with Satan in a library
Mid make out you get a call from Mammon to hurry over he needs your help
Satan has an annoyed expression on his face
You tell him you’ll continue this when you see him at home
If you know what I mean
You had forgotten to tell Satan he had lipstick marks on his face so it wasn’t until he goes to check out some books that the lady at the desk goes “Ooh Satan! I guess you must've been busy reading someone’s lips”
Satan blushing wondering if the librarian had seen you two
He decided to go to the washroom before he left and he noticed all the marks on him
He was a blushing mess
He was definitely going to give you twice as many marks and litter your neck
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Okay so he probably was the one he got you this new lipstick
And when your trying it on he’s like out it looks so good, you should wear it at RAD tomorrow
Little did you know he just wanted to make out with you at school tomorrow 
So you’re at school and Asmo kinda just shows up and he’s ask “Do you want to go for a walk with me on the field”
And you love spending time with your boyfriend 
So your walking on the field and he has his hand on your lower back 
He is guiding you to the back of the field 
When you get to the back he turns to you and lifts your chin
He goes “I see you are wearing the new lipstick”
You smile and nod hoping he would have noticed
It’s Asmo I pretty sure he can read you easily when it comes to looks and attention 
So he just holding your chin up and he slowly leans into kissing you
At this act, if you don’t object or show any signs of discomfort he literally picks you up and lays you on the ground to be more comfortable
Damn his clothes when i comes to your lips
As soon as you hear the bell for you next class, Asmo leans away and you’re red in the face
You notice the lipstick marks and your about to say something about it and apologise because he usually doesn’t like messing up his look
He shushes you and says “I like it when you mark me up”
So he just walks around RAD for the rest of the day with your lipstick marks on him
Boy does he make Mammon jealous when he shows Mammon all your lipstick marks
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Alright so this man is always hungry 
And what does he do when he can’t have food
He satisfies his hunger with your kisses
Okay so you and Beel we’re studying and he starts to get hungry and you here his stomach grumble
A literal earthquake might I add
And Beel’s like “baby I’m so hungry”
Of course you don’t like to see your big bear boyfriend upset
However he finished the whole fridge yesterday and Lucifer told him if he touched anything in the fridge until dinner he wouldn’t eat dinner
This man is the cause of world hunger
But he’s your cause of world hunger
So when he gets to hungry to continue studying you ask “is there anyway I can help”
Beel thinks for a minute and he says “your kisses always distract me when I’m nervous. Maybe they’ll do the same.”
So he literally just picks you up like your a feather puts you on his lap
He start to kiss up his neck and than the corners of his mouth
And make your way to his eyelids and you lightly kiss them
At this rate your going to drive Beel mad for your kisses
So he just kinda pushes himself onto your lips and he kisses them till their so puffy
Beel sometimes forget humans need much more air than demons so we he pulls away he sees you are out breath
This reminds you still have work so he puts you down and says “I’ll see you later baby. You helped a lot thanks”
You didn’t have a chance to properly look at his face when he leaves so none of you noticed the amount of lipstick marks on his face
He goes to hang out with Belphie and he’s like “Did you eat MC’s lipstick or something?”
Beel goes to look in the mirror and see’s are your lipstick marks
Now the hunger had subsided and he feels every spot that has been touched
He loves your kisses
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Okay so you and Belphie often nap a lot
So one day you guys come together from RAD and are absolutely exhausted 
At this feeling Belphie suggests you two take a nap in the attic
After you guys lay down on the huge pile of pillows and blankets 
Belphie is already knocked out when you turn to look at him
You think he looks so cute when he sleeps
You couldn’t help yourself and kisses his forehead
Quietly snuggling into his embrace you fall asleep
It wasn’t until Belphie had woken up he saw your sleeping figure beside and kissed your cheek
He still had some homework to finish so he thought he would wake you up when he’s done
When he goes downstairs to get hi stuff Mammon goes “Woah that’s some mark you got there”
Belphie now has a confused look and is like “What do you mean?”
“Go look in the mirror”
Belphie heads over to the washroom and sees your lipstick mark flat on his forehead
He gets embarrassed and think its must’ve been when he fell asleep 
It calms his heart to when thinking about your act of affection
And he was heading right back up to show you how much he loves you
I hope ya’ll liked it
I literally wrote Levi’s four times because it wasn’t saving
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gloryofluv · 3 years
How do you think the brothers would react to walking into MC’s room after looking for them to find them lying on bed, headphones in with a full face mask on? I’m talking cucumber slices on the eyes the whole deal. (Obviously Beel is gonna eat the cucumber but hey 😅)
Ah, thanks anon for a fun one! Self care is soooo important! Makes me want to go do a face mask now. Especially if my favorite boys are going to be there.
The Brothers Walking in on MC Enjoying a Face Mask and Self Care
Busy demon boy. He knocks but is a bit concerned when he doesn’t hear an answer. Actually, a bit perturbed, if we’re honest! (Solely believes you should definitely answer him at whatever time he spends the time to do a welfare check)
Stops at the door when he sees MC lounging on their bed. Amused. Amusement turns to warm fuzzies. There they are, the affliction of his wounded heart, relaxing and listening to music, completely oblivious to watchful eyes.
The face mask even adds a pleasant smell to the room. Well, well, aren’t they a gorgeous, flawed mess? Won’t admit to wanting to encourage this in his personal space. Most certainly won’t confess to wanting to slurp up the peaceful energy of said self-care either.
Instead, he slips into the kitchen, being positive to not being seen. He prepares a relaxing herbal tea that always refreshes him on the off chance of a moment of peace. Once that is brewed to perfection, he will, with deadly silence, sneak into MC’s room and set the cup down.
They manage to peel the cucumbers off just before watching his silent escape. The warm tea is steaming next to them on the night table.
Cute. Stalkery, but cute.
"I enjoy thoroughly that you don't need to be instructed to take care of yourself."
Never knocks. Don’t expect it now. Even after he heard Asmo gave MC an excellent something or other to have some personal time. MC’s time is his time.
He barges into the room with his usual bravado, to note that MC hadn’t even commented. He glances over to see this goopy mess with cucumbers and a towel around their hair. Ugh. Asmo has them into that stupid self-care crap he’s been shoving!
Pouty boy. Wants attention and their attention to be real. He slumps on the bed and removes a cucumber from MC’s eyes. Starts talking regardless of if MC can hear. Then blames MC for not paying attention when they take off their headphones.
Starts a nonsense conversation. Doesn’t care about the topic, but he will continue it as long as MC gives him attention. Will be a blushing mess if MC asks if he wants them to do a mask for him.
Mammon snorts and deflects about that being Asmo’s thing. However, if MC offers to do the whole pampering effect that comes with the face mask… well, he might, ya know, be alright, maybe? Blushy blushy mess.
MC kisses his cheek, and he’s done for, even if he jumps up and spits out about it being gross and crackly from the mask. Has to leave. Cuteness overload. Poor baby boi doesn’t know how to handle soft feelings so well.
“Yeah, well, I gotta go. Maybe when you clean that crap off, you can come to my room. We’ll do something, ya know, together?”
Knocks twice. Pissed MC didn’t answer. Glances in and blinks. Oh, they looked so peaceful. Is that the Rui-chan plushie he gave them? Oh, MC is tugging at his heart like an anime trope!
Slides inside and debates on bothering them. Just wants to admire MC a moment while he’s blushing and his brain is sputtering. MC had the plushie against their chest while relaxing on the bed.
Fiddles with his fingers and knows he should leave but likes this. A lot. Wants no one else to bother them. This moment is his. Cute. MC is a cute, adorable anime story waiting to be told. The only thing missing…
MC shifts and peels off a cucumber to reach for the boba tea he bought them earlier. Cue, nervous, mortified otaku!
However, MC doesn’t get upset and waves before taking off their headphones. They say they were just enjoying the TSL soundtrack. Even more blushing??! He can’t handle it and covers his face.
Sputtering about some streaming he needed to do, he tells them not to forget to meet him after dinner for their friendship dailies! Runs, not walks, out of the room.
Clutches his heart the whole way up the stairs and even hides his face from Mammon as he passes him on the stairs. It was just like that anime. I fell in love with a witch, and she didn’t even realize it because I can’t speak. The scene was remarkably similar.
“Ah, yeah, well, I just wanted t-to be sure you’re still coming t-tonight. You are right? I mean, I don’t want to bother you with it, y-yeah?”
Knocks three times. Patiently waits. Until he’s not patient. Not happy to be ignored without even a response as to why MC isn’t answering.
Opens the door to see MC on their bed in a face mask. Aww, that’s cute. He likes cute things, and MC is equated to a cat sunbathing in a window. Walks over and touches MC’s shoulder.
MC jerks, but as the cucumber is removed, they smile and pat the bed. He is so pleased. Sitting down toward the center of the mattress, he assists MC to relax against his lap. Without removing their headphones, they comply.
He then opens his book and begins to read while removing the towel around MC’s hair. Ah, yes, this was peaceful and relaxing in so many ways. He was able to stroke MC’s hair and read with them while they indulged in self-care.
Perfection. He even offers to help them clean their face. Sweet little nerd. Knows why self-care is so important and relishes that MC doesn't mind his presence while doing so.
“I know you can’t hear me, but I thoroughly enjoy it when you take care of yourself. It makes me want to take care of you more.”
Barges in. Knows exactly what they're doing when he sees MC. Actually, knows it’s a great idea and skips up to his bathroom for his face mask! Has it prepped and ready to go with his own set of cucumbers.
Races into the room and tucks onto the bed next to MC. They remove the cucumbers and smile with a nod before taking off their headphones. He is so happy! Place the cucumbers on his own eyes.
Talk. Real talk, honey. Will go on about his Devilgram, what he saw at RAD, and even his brothers. All of it is light and airy. No bitching in a pamper session. This is all about that dopamine and good feels.
Insists that they continue with this pamper session with massages and manicures. Won’t mind at all if MC says they want to start doing this weekly. He is there, baby!
It becomes routine, and no one is going to disturb them! Encourages MC to try different masks and will be the guru of making them look as great as they make him feel! Expect cuddles and lots of kisses after the mask comes off!
“Oh! I’m so happy you want to do this! If we can do a whole session instead of just the mask, I will make you feel almost as great as I look!”
Hungry boi. Wants to invite MC out for a snack, but no answer to his knocking? Are they alright? He saw them go into their room earlier.
He walks in to see MC on the bed, headphones on, and a mud mask? That’s what Asmo calls them, right? It smells waaaay too good to be mud. Walks over and eyes MC with confused interest.
Had no idea they liked putting food on their face. Food. Sits down on the bed and grabs one of the cucumbers. Tastes just like the sweetness of MC and food. Loves it.
MC smiles and hands him the other before taking off their headphones. Happy boi asks what they’re doing. They answer with a simple answer of self-care. The long day at RAD made them feel tired.
Asks if the mask is edible, to which MC replies and laughing negative. Oh, that makes no sense. It smells good. They offer to do a mask for him but doubt he’d be able to not eat it.
He laughs and nods before asking if they were almost done. He now has a craving for ice cream and maybe a half-dozen of burgers. MC sits up and kisses his cheek before nodding.
He is glowing with happiness and kisses their masked cheek. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help it and licks their face. Definitely doesn’t taste as great as it smells. MC laughs and pats his shoulder, saying they’ll be out in a few minutes so they can get a snack.
“You always taste good, but that mud doesn’t. You still look cute.”
Not a knocker. Doesn’t care to knock. MC is his human, and love knows no bounds. That includes doors.
Walks in to see MC on the bed with headphones and a mask. Cute. Adorable. Cuddly. Now his whole plan of going to the attic is out the window.
Slumps on the bed and buries his face in MC’s chest. Looks up to see they peel a cucumber off to see it’s him and smiles. Thump. Thump. His heart is growing by the second.
MC sighs and starts running their fingers through his hair after placing the cucumber back on their eye. Happy, sleepy boi. Cuddles closer and nuzzles with the equivalent of a sadistic sleepy cat.
MC has to beg him to let them go so they can remove it. He pouts and waits for them to return, only to entrap them in his arms and claim they smell too good to let go, and they feel so peaceful. Time for a nap.
“I love that you smell so wonderful and refreshing. Next time tell me when you’re going to do this so I can enjoy the whole thing.”
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
ps, idk what the biker/college bucky story will include but i can throw out the idea of doing the modern day army veteran Bucky as a one shot or something? or whatever you don't include in the series lol
Summary: You barely even expected to get a conversation out of Steve’s reclusive roommate, never mind anything more than that.
Pairing: Modern Veteran!Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Language, smut references, references to military service
Author’s Note: You bet your butt I can do that for you anon. This one really got out of hand idk what happened man I couldn’t stop.
You’d been living with your friend Sharon for a couple of years now, and it was still going pretty well.
Your ground-floor apartment was very compact, but she was so considerate and easy to get on with, you barely even noticed the lack of space. She cooked for you occasionally, always paid rent on time, even did your laundry without being asked.
You just couldn’t help thinking that things were much more fun when you were both single.
Nothing much had changed in your life, you were still a lone wolf, but she’d been with Steve for almost six months now and you barely ever saw her anymore. 
Most nights you were just left to your own devices, clattering around the apartment like some sad old spinster.
It got to the point where, one Friday when you got home from work, you heard Steve and Sharon talking in the kitchen and got excited at the prospect of just having some company for the evening.
Sharon almost jumped on you as soon as you walked in. ‘Y/n! Are you free tonight?’
‘Yeah, totally, completely. You guys sticking around?’
‘You think he’d ever agree to that?.’
‘We were actually thinking of going out for some drinks. You in?’ You contemplated for a second, not wanting to come across too eager, then gave her an enthusiastic nod.
As she grinned back at you, you saw an idea dawn on her. ‘Steve, you should totally bring Bucky.’
Sharon frowned in resignation. You had no idea who they were talking about, their conversation going completely over your head.
Steve went home to change, leaving you and Sharon with a couple hours to get ready before heading out, so you thought you might as well try to probe a little deeper.
‘Who’s Bucky?’ You asked casually, sitting on her bed, watching her hold dress after dress up to herself in the mirror.  
‘Steve’s roommate.’
‘I didn’t know Steve had a roommate?’
‘I’d be more surprised if you did.’ She turned towards you. ‘In six months I’ve only met him twice.’
Your eyebrows darted up. She spent so much time at Steve’s place, that made no sense at all. 
‘What? Why?’
‘I’m pretty sure he makes a point to avoid people generally.’ She flopped herself down next to you on the bed, her tone lowering to one of deep sincerity. ‘He was in the army with Steve. Apparently he just really struggled to adapt when they got back, collapsed in on himself for a while. I think he’s a mechanic now but Steve is still the only person he really speaks to.’
‘Shit, that’s awful.’
She gave a grim nod and shrugged slightly, before standing back up and starting to get changed. 
You figured you should do the same, shuffling back to your room and finally taking off your work clothes, relieved at the thought of getting out of the apartment for the evening.
Just as you were about to leave, Sharon’s phone pinged.
‘Holy shit.’
‘What?’ You’d never seen her look so shocked. She put her index finger up at you while quickly typing something back. ‘You’re killing me here Sharon, what the hell is going on?’
‘Bucky’s coming.’
You managed to find a cramped table in the back of the bar. Sharon made you wait for Steve to arrive before ordering drinks, because for some reason he always insisted on buying the first round.
About ten minutes after you arrived, she glanced over to the door, grinned and waved her hand above her head. Following her gaze, you saw Steve pushing through the crowd, followed closely by a statuesque, tower of a man.
Studying him intently as he approached, you noticed how visibly uncomfortable he was, his jaw clenched tight and his hands folded into slowly whitening fists. You let your eyes dance over his huge shoulders and wide chest, feeling your stomach flip a little as he got closer.
‘Hey guys. Sharon, you remember Buck?’ Steve gave his friend a proud pat on the shoulder. Sharon nodded and grinned at Bucky, getting only a short, tight smile in return. ‘And this is y/n.’
Looking up to his face, his sharp blue eyes briefly met yours, prompting you to quickly avert your gaze. He looked tense enough without you gawping at him.
‘Nice to meet you.’ You adopted the friendliest tone possible, doing your best to put him at ease.
Steve went to grab some drinks and Sharon volunteered to help him, leaving you at the table with Bucky, bracing yourself for some intensely awkward small talk.
‘So, you’re a mechanic?’ He nodded. ‘Do you enjoy it?’ Another nod.
Alright, he obviously wasn’t in the mood for chatting. 
Christ. If you didn’t break free from this spinster shit soon, that’s exactly where you’d end up.
You didn’t want to force it if he wasn’t comfortable, you could happily sit in silence if that’s what he’d prefer.
You moved your eyes to scan the room, eventually landing on an older woman propping herself up at the bar, downing martinis, eyeing up young men and wobbling on her insanely high heels.
‘What do you do?’
It was barely a mumble, you hardly heard it over the bar’s background music. 
Your eyes returned to Bucky’s face, meeting his hesitant gaze.
‘I work in HR, so boring admin stuff mainly.’ He nodded slightly, his eyes flicking nervously between the table and your face. ‘But occasionally I get to use the shredder, which is pretty rad.’
He cracked a brief smile, the sight of it giving you a wave of goosebumps. ‘Sounds thrilling.’
‘I’ve never been here before, have you?’ You were determined to keep this conversation going, especially if there was a chance that you’d be able to make him smile again.
‘No. I haven’t been to any bars recently.’
‘You’ve got quite a bit of catching up to do then.’
Resting your head on your hand, you gave him a mischievous smirk, and felt a little smug as you noticed his shoulders relax slightly and the corners of his mouth curl upwards.
Hours passed, the bar called last orders, and the four of you traipsed out to begin walking home.
Then Steve and Sharon came back with the drinks, pretty effectively ruining the moment you’d been setting up.
Bucky went quiet again, keeping to himself for most of the evening, only speaking when spoken to. You felt his gaze fall on you occasionally, but each time you tried to meet his eyes they were quickly averted.
‘Oh hey, I forgot to ask.’ Steve gestured towards you. ‘Sharon said you went to visit your parents last weekend? How was that?’
‘I couldn’t go in the end, my car's fucked. It’s my own fault, everyday there was a new rattling sound but just ignored it.’
‘I’ll take a look at it.’ Your eyes snapped over to Bucky, a little shocked at how enthusiastically he’d come out with that. ‘If you want.’
You gave him a wide smile. ‘Wow, yeah, that’d be amazing. Thank you.’
A few days later, you were faced with another evening alone while Sharon was at Steve’s.
You unenthusiastically pulled a ready meal out of the fridge and poked some holes in the plastic, shoving it in the microwave and reaching for the half-empty bottle of wine on the counter.
‘Hi. Sorry. I was coming this way and Sharon said you’d be in, I thought I could take a look at your car?’
Just as you went to grab a glass out of the cupboard, you were stopped by a faint knock at the front door.
Shuffling over and yanking it open, you saw Bucky standing on your doorstep, looking just as uncomfortable as he did walking into that bar.
You were a little embarrassed that he’d caught in your pyjamas at 6:30, but that feeling was hugely outweighed with how pleased you were to see him.
‘Yeah, great.’ You gave him a warm smile. ‘I’ll just grab my keys.’
You found your gaze pretty quickly drawn to his arms, propping him up as he leant over the machinery like thick, hefty tree trunks. It was amazing how entranced you were by them, but considering how long it’d been since you’d even brushed past an attractive male, it made sense. God the things you’d let him do, if he-
You slipped on your shoes and led him over to the rustbucket, badly parked on the street outside. He flicked open the bonnet and immediately started tinkering.
You had less than no idea what was happening, but it looked very impressive.
‘Could you start it up?’ His deep voice pulled you out of your hazy fantasies.
‘Hmm? Oh, yeah.’
You tried your best to hide how flustered you were as you climbed into the driver's seat and turned the key. An intense rattling started, which he listened to for a second before signalling for you to turn it off and closing the bonnet.
‘You were right, it needs a lot of work. It’s definitely not safe to drive.’
‘Shit, stuck with the bus then.’ You sighed and climbed out, slamming the door behind you. ‘Thank you so much, you really didn’t have to do this. I appreciate it.’
‘Anytime.’ He smiled politely, taking a couple steps backwards before turning, dropping his head and starting to walk away.
‘You can come in for a drink if you want?’ You called after him, a little shocked at your boldness but not at all mad about it. He spun round. ‘It’s the least I can do.’
He took a sip and turned himself slightly to face you. ‘Look, if you bring your car to the shop where I work, I can probably keep the price down.’
His polite smile evolved into a wide grin as he nodded, following you inside.
You grabbed him a beer from the fridge and gestured for him to join you on the couch, smiling to yourself at how nervous he seemed as he balanced himself right on the edge of the seat.
‘Are you sure?’ He nodded. ‘That's so nice, you barely even know me.’
He looked a little sheepish at that, scurrying around for his words. ‘Sharon was pretty keen for me to come take a look, it’s probably best to keep Steve’s girlfriend on side, y’know.’
‘Oh I do know, Sharon can be terrifying.’ You both chuckled as Bucky edged back, settling himself into the couch a little more. ��So you and Steve met in the army?’
‘We’ve been friends since we were kids, we signed up together.’
‘That’s nice.’ You tilted your head at him, deciding to take a slight gamble on your next question. ‘Do you miss it?’
He fixed his eyes on the ground and faintly shook his head, nervously starting to pick at the label on his bottle.
Shit, you really didn’t mean to make him uncomfortable, you were just curious.
A swift subject change remedied the situation somewhat, and after a while you sensed him beginning to relax again.
You finished off your glass of wine and checked your phone, your hand shooting up to your forehead in shock when you saw that it was close to midnight.
Over the next couple hours he slowly came out of his shell even further, eventually chatting and laughing with you like you were his good friend. The two of you unconsciously edged towards each other throughout the evening, ending up face to face with legs folded up on the couch, as close as you could get without touching.
‘Shit, I have work tomorrow.’
‘I’m really sorry.’ He put his bottle on the coffee table and stood up quickly. ‘I didn’t mean to keep you up.’
‘Oh you don’t have to apologise, it’s not your fault. I had a really nice evening.’
‘Me too.’ He smiled and buried his hands in his pockets, following you to the front door. ‘I’m working every day this week, you can come in whenever.’
‘Friday would be great? I have the day off.’
‘See you then.’
You watched him disappear down the street, feeling your limbs tingle with excitement at the prospect of seeing him again so soon.
You usually used your days off to sleep in till midday, but on Friday the tow truck showed up at 7am to take your car to the shop. You didn’t even get up that early on workdays. A pint of coffee was barely enough to keep you from passing out on the ride there.
He eventually noticed you stood there, staring, and your face immediately heated up as he approached.
You hurried inside the garage, scanning the room and eventually spotting Bucky underneath a hoisted truck, reaching up to work on it. His arms were glistening with oil and sweat and his shirt was riding up, exposing the faint trail of hair starting underneath his bellybutton.
Lord in heaven, what a view.
‘Sorry, didn’t want to interrupt.’
‘That’s alright.’ He pulled a dirty rag out of his pocket and roughly wiped his hands. ‘Did you bring the deathtrap?’
‘Yep, just outside.’
‘It’s gonna be a while. I finish at four, d’you wanna come back then?’
You walked up the driveway ten minutes early, which you thought was reasonable, and asked the very intimidating guy out front for Bucky. He just eyed you up and down and gestured vaguely to the side of the building.
On the way home you kept accidentally walking into roads, your mind completely occupied with Bucky’s midriff.
The whole day dragged. In your boredom you ended up leaving for the garage about an hour too early, meaning you had to loiter in an off-license, probably looking like you were shoplifting.
Turning the corner, you were met with a pretty impressive, cinematic wide shot of Bucky’s arse as he was leaning over the inside of your bonnet.
You should probably say something. Tell him you were there. Say hello.
Yeah, probably should.
You sighed and reluctantly shuffled towards the car.
‘How’s it-’ Bucky jumped and whacked his head against the propped-up bonnet. ‘Fuck! I’m so sorry, are you alright?’
He smiled at you, standing up and rubbing the back of his head. ‘Yeah, all good. Happens all the time.’
‘Oh, really? In that case you might want to consider a career change, could end up with some permanent damage.’ Chuckling, he reached up and slammed the bonnet with one powerful movement. ‘How’s it looking?’
‘Not bad. Want to take it for a spin?’
‘Sure.’ He held up the keys and you grabbed them out of his hand, excitedly hopping in the driver’s seat while he walked around and got in the passenger side. ‘You coming?’
‘Can’t just let you drive off without paying, you might never come back.’
You shot him a wide smile as you fired up the engine, amazed at how smooth it sounded, and pulled away from the garage.
‘I can’t believe it, it didn’t even run this good when I first got it.’ He smirked a little and nodded. ‘Thank you, Buck.’
You were already in the outskirts of the city, so you decided to drive out into the sticks a little, eventually pulling up into a dusty layby on a narrow side road.
Glancing to your side, you saw that Bucky was struggling not to look very pleased with himself.
As he began stroking his thumb along your knuckles, he cautiously pulled his gaze up to your face, looking at you like you’d just told him he’d won the lottery.
His hands were resting on his thighs and, almost unconsciously, you reached out to grab the one closest to you and squeeze it lightly.
He stared down at it for a few seconds, eventually turning his hand over and squeezing back.
You could barely even remember what happened next. You remember the back of your neck tingling, your stomach tightening almost to the point of becoming painful, the feeling of Bucky’s rough, calloused hand against your cheek and the way your heart jumped when he leaned towards you and pressed his mouth against yours.
Eventually pulling away, he buried his face in your neck, planting short kisses along your jawline between laboured breaths. You pushed his head back against the seat and pressed your forehead to his, closing your eyes and letting your hands dance down his chest.
It was slow and tender at first, but it quickly picked up, becoming feverish and passionate.
He threw his arms around your waist and roughly pulled you over onto his lap, holding you so tight to his chest that you couldn’t tell whose heart you could feel thumping like a steam engine.
‘It’s been a while since I’ve done that.’ He sighed, bringing a hand up to bury itself in your hair.
‘Me too.’ Your mouth curled into a smile. ‘It’s been even longer for other stuff.’
Melting into each other in a cacophony of limbs and flesh and tearing clothes, both of you eventually found the release you so desperately needed. 
There was a loaded silence, you opened your eyes to see Bucky staring at you intently, wearing an expression that made your toes curl.
You dived clumsily into the backseat and pulled him after you, giggling as you both adjusted yourselves, trying to get even slightly comfortable in such a tight space.
And both of you did all you could to savour the feeling of finally having someone to hold close.
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ichigo-daifuku · 4 years
"close your eyes and hold out your hands" with Levi? Please?
LEVIATHAAAAAN!!! Thank you for giving me an excuse to write about him again, Anon. I hope you’ll enjoy this! (ꈍᴗꈍ)
Level 100 Celebration ☆
Azuki-tan [Leviathan/GN!Reader]
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Anidaemon had been an adventure, as always. Something about the excited chatter of fellow anime and game enthusiasts, the neon signages and bright lights inside the stores, and the endless rows of merchandise of all shapes and sizes never failed to leave such a lasting impression on your mind. This time had been the same, your excursion almost perfect except for one very significant aspect it lacked: the company of your favorite otaku.
A few weeks ago, you and Leviathan had planned your trip to Anidaemon in order to acquire limited edition Azuki-tan charms in a gacha event that would only be available for a single day. He found out about it in an online advertisement which he immediately took a screenshot of and sent you, inviting you to join him in his quest of adding more items in his The Magical Ruri-hana: Demon Girl shrine. Despite the two of you adjusting your schedules to accommodate your outing, three days prior to the day of the gacha event, Leviathan was unexpectedly invited to do an interview with the RAD Newspaper Club for a feature on the Hell’s Navy.
“I’d rather go to Anidaemon with you,” Leviathan whined after he read the message from the RAD Newspaper Club with a frown, his shoulders slumping in disappointment. He had been looking forward to your trip, and so were you, but things didn’t always go according to plan. 
“Yeah, I was really excited about it,” you admitted. “It’s alright, though. Duty calls for the Grand Admiral, right? I’ll definitely be reading that article!” 
Flustered, he covered his face with the back of his hand. “D’aaah! Don’t say that… It’s making me more nervous. Who knows? I might say the wrong thing and embarrass myself… and the entire Hell’s Navy!”
“You won’t. Most likely, it’ll be Mephistopheles who’s going to interview you, at least you know him already.” You patted his back with a reassuring smile. “I’m sure everything will turn out okay. You’ve got this!”
He withdrew his hand from his face and looked at you, only to avert his gaze the next second. “Oh… Um, thanks… I needed to hear that.”
“Anytime,” you said. “By the way, I’m still free during that day, so if you’d like, I can go to Anidaemon and get that limited-edition merchandise for us.”
“Y-You’d do that?” he clarified and met your gaze again, all of his earlier shyness seemingly gone for the moment.
“Of course!”
“Then, yes, please! You’re a lifesaver—no, an angel! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!”
“No problem! It’ll be something for you to look forward to after the interview.”
“I’m already looking forward to it! I’m giving you all my gacha luck and counting on you!”
“Leave it to me!”
Although Leviathan hadn't been by your side when you lined up in the queue, all of his wishes for your good luck had been in your hands as you spun the knob of the gacha machine. With a skip on your steps, you made your way back to the House of Lamentation, a pair of precious charms inside your coat pocket. Surprisingly, you arrived home before Leviathan, so you decided to spend your idle time in your bedroom while you waited for him.
As you scrolled through Devilgram and commented on a few of your friends’ posts, the sound of rapid footsteps in the hallway followed by a knock on your door caught your attention at once. You stood and opened it, pleased by the sight of Leviathan, excitement rolling off him in waves despite his attempt to keep his cool.
“Welcome back! How did the interview go?” you asked.
“Good, I think,” he replied, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly. “Mephisto asked me about an update on Lotan. LOL!”
You chuckled, remembering his account of the incident involving him and Lotan during the Spirit Week celebration of the previous academic year. “Sounds interesting.”
“How was your trip to Anidaemon? Did you manage to get the goods?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” you teased. “It was great, and the line was longer than how we expected it’d be, but… I did! I got them!”
“OMG! Which ones were you able to get?! Any chance for the cute winky face SSR ones? Actually, SR ones are okay, too. Hell, I’ll even take an N one. Anything from that collection is fine!”
“I can give it to you now,” you began, placing your hand in your coat pocket to get the item, “but you have to close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
“Okay, okay! Ah, I’m so excited! The suspense is killing meeeee!!!”
Giddily, Leviathan shut his eyes and reached out to you with his palms open, waiting. You pulled one of the charms from your pocket and placed it over his hands. The way his fingers quivered once the item touched his skin was so Leviathan, and this—his presence, quirks and all—was one of the things you missed during your earlier trip to Anidaemon.
“Can I see it now?”
“Alright, open your eyes,” you replied, hoping he’d like it.
His eyes fluttered open and widened once he saw which Azuki-tan variation he was holding. “U-U-Ultra Rare! It’s the UR Azuki-tan charm!” 
“Indeed, it is.” You smiled slyly, twiddling with the other charm hidden inside your coat pocket. “But wait, there’s more!”
“Huh? More?!”
“Well, I wasn’t able to pull the Taichi-senpai charm, but I did get something interesting.”
“What is it?”
You revealed your other hand and showed him the extra item you were able to snag from the gacha miraculously. “Ta-da! Isn’t it cool?”
“Is that…?”
“Yep.” You took his hand in yours to demonstrate how the two charms work together. “Look, when you put them together like this…”
As you shifted the bases together, the markings on the back of the two imagawayaki charms connected.
“No way... It’s Azuki-tan’s other half!” Leviathan cried out, sounding emotional. “Wait… Both of these are UR, though? HOW?!”
“I’m not sure how I did it as well,” you admitted, “but surprise! Great job on the interview!”
Leviathan’s face reddened, and he opened his mouth to give you a reply, but his gaze zeroed in on your hands. You and he were still holding the charms together, your fingertips touching. “W-What are you—I mean—what are we doing? Are you… This is nice, but—UGH!” 
Before you could ask him what was the matter, he had pulled you in his embrace and buried his head on your shoulder. “T-Thank you for doing this! I just… I’m so happy!”
“Anything for you.” You laughed. “Do you want to keep both of them for your Ruri-chan shrine? I don’t mind.”
“No, I… I want you to keep the other half.”
“Oh… Okay, thank you, Levi.” You nodded against his chest, smiling as you wrapped your arms around him in return. “I missed you while I was there. Anidaemon wasn’t the same without you, you know?”
He sighed contentedly and held you tighter. “Let’s go there again next time.”
Even though it remained unspoken, the two of you mused over the same thing: like Azuki-tan, both of you had found your other half, and to be in each other’s arms was just what you needed after a long, long day apart.
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Obey Me! Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hey!! May I request headcanons for azula and mai (separate) with a female s/o who has a death note that’s basically Ryuk’s death note pwease! Basically I thought that if the death note was a thing in atla it would of been a relic from the spirit world and it would kill anybody except for the avatar (cause they’ll just get reincarnated)
fem!s/o with a death note
[a/n: this is such a rad crossover request, thank you anon! It was incredibly hard to find gifs of mai without zuko in them but anyways, enjoy! -your truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
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✧ she never believed that the death notes actually existed
✧ Uncle Iroh had told her and Zuko stories of the elusive death note and how they were heavily gate kept by spirit gods of death
✧ she shrugged off the silly ghost stories and went on with her life
✧ that was until she met you
✧ “Ryuk, I’ve already given you more than enough apples for today.” You sighed
✧ “oh come on! Just gimme one more, they’re just so juicy.” the deep and gravelly voice had caught her off guard
✧ “Okay, fine.”
✧ when she rounded the corner, there you were stood all alone...looking up at a floating apple? that was slowly disappearing???
✧ “Now that you’ve got your treat, focus. Zuko said that we needed to write General Zhao’s name in the death note before sunset.” Her eyes widened when a...well when a monster had appeared in front of you and finished off the apple
✧ “Why’re we working with that little twerp anyways?”
✧ “Cause if you want to keep eating those delicious apples, I need money. So come on.”
✧ there was a couple of things running through her mind: you were absolutely gorgeous, death notes were real, she just saw a shinigami creature, and her brother was in town
✧ she had seen you once again a couple of days after General Zhao’s sudden and untimely demise, you were at the market picking out some apples
✧ “Those apples seem like a fine choice.” You jumped at he sudden presence beside you
✧ “O-Oh well yes, they’re quite delicious.” you glanced upwards, just above her head
✧ ‘azula, 85 years’
✧ “Isn’t that the twerps’ sister?” Ryuk asked from besides you
✧ “Well I would assume so, seeing as your friend enjoys them so much.” She smirked when she saw you tense up
✧ “What?! There’s no way she can see me!” The shinigami in question crossed his arms skeptically
✧ she leaned in close to you, “I know you have a death note, I saw your friend the other day too. The ugly looking one.”
✧ “Ugly?!” Both you and Ryuk shouted in unison
✧ “Who are you callin’ ugly?!” he growled
✧ at first, Azula just wanted to use her for her own bidding but as she started to actually get to know you...she fell in love with you
✧ she learned about how the relic had been passed down to you and how you only used it on people that truly deserved it which she respected
✧ she’d always ask if you’d write her brother’s name in it, to which you always declined
✧ “You can see how long I’ll live right? How much time do I’ve got left?”
✧ “Baby, you know I can’t tell you that.” she would always pout when you said that
✧ dating you also meant she was basically dating Ryuk
✧ “Hey Azula?”
✧ “What is it Ryuk?” she didn’t bother looking up from her book
✧ “Would ya’ so me a favor and buy some apples...we ran out.”
✧ “Hmm...no.”
✧ “Oh come on~ I’ll tell ya’ how many years you’ve got~”
✧ she had never gotten up quicker in her life, of course Ryuk never told her though, claiming that he had no idea of any such deal
✧ you know what happened to her when she was younger and the psychological trauma it caused her
✧ you would 1000/10 write her dad’s name in the book and make him die a very slow and painful death
✧ a messenger hawk sent by Zuko had arrived to inform the both of you that Ozai died while in prison
✧ “Oh dear...that sounds horrible.” you patted her back, cue Ryuk chuckling somewhere in the background
✧ “You didn’t have anything to do with this (y/n)...did you?” She had a tiny smirk on her lips
✧ “Hmm? Uhm nope, no I uh-I don’t think so.” She held your face in her hands and smashing her lips against yours in a heated kiss, taking you by surprise
✧ “So, does this mean you’re not mad?” You asked as you both breathlessly pulled away
✧ “Quite the opposite really.” She sat back against the couch and pulled you onto her lap, “Why don’t I show you how I feel about it.” She held the back of your head and pulled you into another kiss
✧ “Really? You have to do that now?”
✧ “RYUK!!”
✧ “Yeah, yeah...I’ll go.”
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☸ despite her disinterested attitude, she’s very interested in the notion of the death note
☸ “Where are you taking me Ty Lee?”
☸ “You’ll see.” She rolled her eyes at her bubbly friend but let herself be tugged along to Azula’s meeting room
☸ once inside, her eyes landed on the most beautiful human being she had ever seen
☸ you were lazily leaning back against the seat, feet thrown up on the table and talking to Azula about something
☸ “Oh Mai, there you are! This is (y/n), she’s gonna be apart of our team from here on out.”
☸ when you looked up, you pulled your legs off of the table and sat up straight, eyes widening and a pink tint ever so present on your cheeks
☸ both Ty Lee and Azula noticed instantly
☸ well...so did Ryuk
☸ “OOH~ look at you, somebody has a crush~” This made your cheeks a flaming read color
☸ she loved your aesthetic, even if you were in fire nation clothes, you made it look so goth/alt (lowkey Misa vibe) she also really liked Ryuk
☸ it was a mistake ever introducing the two
☸ Azula would put the two of you (again, technically three cause of baby boy Ryuk) on missions together
☸ “I know what you’re trying to Azula and it’s not gonna work, so knock it off!”
☸ “I have no idea what you’re talking about Mai.” She feigned innocence as she called you over.
☸ “Yeah?”
☸ “Oh nothing really, I was just wondering if you could go with Mai to pick up more supplies?”
☸ “Oh, of course. Sounds like fun.” When  you grinned, Mai turned a deep shade of pink
☸ she hated running errands with you because it felt so domestic
☸ she finally had enough
☸ when you were picking up some fruit, mainly apples, and placing them in your basket, she tapped your shoulder
☸ “(y/n)..”
☸ “Yes Mai?” You looked up at her with those doe eyes and she just couldn’t control herself, she gripped your chin between her index finger and thumb to tilt your head upward
☸ you blushed but didn’t make a move to get out of her grip, your eyes giving her the ‘go ahead’ and she timidly leaned down and softly placed her lips against yours
☸ her heart was beating even faster when she felt your velvety lips move against hers
☸ the two of you would be such witchy/cottagecore lesbians(or bisexuals), don’t @ me
☸ once the two of you left that toxic little group, she’d very much enjoy having her own adventures with you
☸ she’s not a very PDA person so don’t expect too much from her in public but she has no problem giving you all the kisses you want while closed doors
☸I think the both of you would have such a chill/fun relationship
☸ she would definitely bring you to the jasmine dragon for no other purpose than to show you off and make Zuko jealous
☸ boy did that backfire
☸ you end up being good buddies with him and Iroh
☸ “You’re not jealous, are you?” You asked, amusement clear in your voice
☸ “Of course not.” She huffed, crossing her arms. “I’m not stupid. Why would I be jealous?”
☸ You saw through it and chuckled softly at her pouty face, leaning forward and placing a sweet kiss on he puffed out lips
☸ “I’ll always love you and always you, Mai. Don’t over forget that.” She blushed and looked away
☸ “God you guys are so mushy, I’m gonna throw up.”
☸ “Shut up Ryuk, go bother Zuko or something.” Mai scoffed as she leaned forward for another kiss
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
#37 with Jamie O but it's during game 7 of the Stanley Cup :D
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So I got a bit carried away with this one because I really loved the idea. Thanks anon
The timing of your pregnancy couldn’t have been worse. If this would’ve been last year or the year before, hell if it would’ve been ten years ago; you would’ve been fine, but this year the Stars were in the Stanley Cup playoffs. Jamie was freaking out about leaving for the away games, completely afraid you’d go into labor, which thankfully you didn’t. You weren’t allowed to fly, so you would sit at home during games three, four and six, with a pint of ice cream and yell at the television. When they lost game six, pushing the series to a game seven you thought you were going to lose your mind. You’d been so torn, wanting Jamie and the guys to win, but then also selfishly not wanting them to win because you couldn’t be there.
It was the morning of game seven and you’d been to the doctor’s office in the morning. He assured you, that you could go into labor at any day now. Before you walked into the house, you had a little chat with the baby. “Ok little one, you’ve got to stay inside until daddy wins the cup, that’s all I’m asking.” The baby kicked in response, well probably not response since you seemed to be getting kidney shots regularly, but you liked to believe that your baby somehow heard you.
 “How’d the doctor’s appointment go?” Jamie asked as he got up from his nap.
 “Good, I’m only dilated a centimeter still, so the doctor said it could be a day or a week. Just gotta hang in there and wait till this one's ready.” You tried to downplay everything so that Jamie wouldn’t worry when his mind should be on the game.
 “Well that sounds good, but maybe you shouldn’t go to the game tonight.”
 “What why?” Jamie’s family was already here and you’d all made plans to go together. Whatever the turn out of this game seven was, you knew Jamie would need you.
 “Well just in case babe. It’s best to be safe.”
 “Jamie, we’ll be fine.”
 “Well you have all the numbers, if you start into labor at any time, you better call and have them take me off the ice.” You already knew that if that happened you wouldn’t be doing that, but Jamie didn’t need to know that.
 “I do, but baby and I are going to be cheering for you at the game tonight and we plan on seeing you win. Now go grab a shower, you’ve got to be at the arena soon.” He got out of bed, taking you in his arms and kissing you, before heading off to get ready.
 You were in the kitchen with his mom, the two of you whipping up something to eat when Jamie was finally ready. His head came down on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around you and baby. “Mom, promise me you’ll call me if (Y/N) goes into labor?”
 His mom, god love her, backed you up. “Relax Jamie, (Y/N) is going to be fine. And if, and I mean if, she goes into labor, I will rush her to the hospital and call you on the way.”
 “Ok.” He snuck a few fries off your plate.
 “Jame, we’re fine. Now go, and get us a win, because I plan on drinking champagne out of that cup once this one’s out of me.” You turned in his arms and planted a good luck kiss on his lips. “I love you, babe.”
 “I love you (Y/N).” He leaned down and placed a kiss on your bump. “I love you too little one, stay in there.” With that, he headed out the door.
 Game seven had to be the most stressful thing you ever lived through. No one scored in the first period and your heart was literally in your throat every play. When Tampa Bay scored the first goal in the second, you felt sick to your stomach. The Stars seemed like they couldn’t buy a goal, the puck hit the post or the crossbar, anything but the back of the net. Thankfully only twenty-two seconds into the third Guri finally tied the game up. Everyone in the arena went wild, including you. You thought you felt a little twinge with the baby, but when it didn’t happen again you dusted it off. As time ticked down, it seemed that the game was really going to go into overtime. Jamie was playing an awesome game defensively blocking shots and making checks left and right. There were only two minutes left in the game when Rads got a breakaway pass from Jamie and sprinted down the ice to put the Stars ahead. They were going to win, they were really going to do it.
 You had chills running up and down your arms as the second ticked away. All the guys on the bench were on their feet along with all the fans. Jamie was on the last shift, and you could feel every nerve on your body on edge. When the buzzer sounded, the crowd went wild, and all the players jumped out on the ice, piling on each other with so much joy. You were hugging Jamie’s mom, then his dad and his sister. There were tears of joy streaming down your face. Jamie had done it, he’d won the Stanley Cup. Everyone in the family section made their way down to the ice and you waited patiently until you could see your husband, bouncing on the balls of your feet with so much happiness.
 Finally, after all the ceremonial stuff they let you all out on the ice. You could see your extremely tall husband searching the crowd for you. As soon as he found you, he made a beeline in your direction. “We did it baby.” He exclaimed lifting you up. When he finally put you down, that when you felt it. Your legs felt warm, from your water breaking and then a contraction hit. Jamie had no idea until you said. “Oh my god, I’m going into labor. What do we do now?”
 “You’re what?”
 “My water just broke. I think I’m in labor Jame.” A strong contraction hit you then and you grimaced in pain. “Yep, it’s definitely labor.”
 His family had just reached the two of you then. “Mom, (Y/N)’s in labor, we gotta go.” He lifted you up then, not thinking about anything but getting out of the arena. He pushed passed all his teammates and their families to get you into the locker room. Chubbs the only one stopping him to see what was wrong. “My wife’s in labor, man.”
 “Holy shit, Rig. What do you need?”
 “Just to get her to the hospital.” You were already halfway down the ramp when Jamie answered him. Jamie tore his skates and pads off, not caring that there was media everywhere in the locker room, and soon the two of you were headed to the hospital.
 By the time you got settled into your room, you were dilated ten centimeters. The doctor chuckled as he came in to deliver the baby. “Big night for you two huh?”
 “Yeah,” Jamie breathed out as he was wearing sweats and his Stanley Cup Championship t-shirt. “You’re doing great babe, keep breathing.”
 “Alright (Y/N) time to push.” The doctor’s voice interrupted. It took you a good five or six tries before, the doctor finally said. “That’s it, I see the head. Just one more big push, ok?”
 You nodded, as Jamie wiped the sweat off your forehead. “Come, babe, you can do this. Just one more.” You looked into his eyes and took a deep breath, then pushed with everything you had in you.
 “That’s it.” The doctor encouraged and soon you heard the soft little wails of your newborn. “It’s a boy. You want to cut the cord dad?”
 “Yeah…a yeah, I do.” Jamie stuttered out, in as much awe as you were that you had a little boy. The doctor clamped off the cord, then handed a pair of scissor-like instrument to Jamie, who’s hands were trembling. When he was done, he came back up to you while you waited patiently to see your little boy. “You did it, babe, we have a boy.” There were tears in his eyes, as he leaned down to gently place a kiss on your lips.
 It took a minute, but soon the nurse was handing off your little one to you. “Oh my god, Jamie, he’s perfect.” Jamie was sitting on the bed beside you now, leaning close to see the baby.
 “Yeah (Y/N), he really is.” There were more tears now. “Thank you, thank you so much for giving me the best thing in my life, you and this guy.”
 Tears were running down your face, and you lifted the baby up so Jamie could hold him. He looked so tiny in Jamie’s big arms, and you couldn’t take your eyes off your boys. A knock on the door, had you both looking over to find not only Jamie’s family but a couple of the guys from the team as well. Jamie Benn carrying the Stanley Cup inside.
 “Thought we’d bring the cup to the newest member of the Star’s team.” Your heart swelled as you saw the smile on your husband’s face. “Welcome to the family Baby Rig.” Your husband placed the baby in the cup, and everyone went crazy, causing your newborn to cry.
 “I think this little guy wants his mommy.” He handed the baby back. “This is literally the best day of my life.” He whispered for your ears only.
 “Me too Jame, me too.”
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snarkwrites · 4 years
also, speaking of fun button ups, i feel like their partners bought them a few. cause you know someone has made a joke like “your girlfriend buy you those?” and they get so offended like “yes, cause she loves me” - ❤️
Anyway... I’m so freakin excited that someone else has thought of this too? like!! This is my time to shine. Let me just do this.
Today? Nah. Probably just comedy / fluff...
To be polite Because I’m most likely going to go into great detail / little scenarios in my head, I’m gonna put the answer below a readmore. I hope you like this anon!!! <3 LOVE YOU FOR SENDING THIS.
GREG SANDERS + those funky shirts;
“ Your girlfriend buy you that, Greggo?” - the question came in a lazy drawl from Nick’s mouth. Greg bristled, but more at Nick even having the audacity to ask than anything. His brow raised as he studied the taller Texan.
“What if she did? She bought it because she loves me. The skulls are badass, huh?” Greg smirked, nodding to the subtle gray skulls against deep black fabric.
“I knew it! It wasn’t some obnoxious and loud pattern like the ones you pick for yourself.” Nick smiled and Greg shot him the middle finger when his back was turned, chuckling as he smiled to himself and got back to work. 
But Nick wasn’t done, not by a long shot. As the team gathered in the break room, frantically pumping themselves with caffeine just to stay awake even a little longer, Nick spoke up again, a teasing smirk. Greg was sitting in the corner, eating a microwave cup of ramen and texting back and forth with you.
“You textin her right now, Greggo?”
“That is... not your business.” Greg gave Nick a dirty look and Nick smirked. “Tell her she’s in charge of your wardrobe from now on. Also.. Might not want to tell her that that girl from the club hit on you like crazy tonight... lady killer.”
“Asshat.” Greg muttered, chuckling to himself. He’d known Nick for years at this point, he was used to the good natured teasing. And currently, he was far too happy to be bothered by it. Nick chuckled and added as a last resort, “First it’s the shirts... Next thing you know man, she’ll have you making room in a drawer for her stuff... Leaving a toothbrush over at your place.”
Greg chuckled and spoke up, a calm smirk playing at his face, “Since you’re going there, Nick... She actually already has her own space in a drawer. And a toothbrush at my place. And she bought me this shirt because she loves me.”
Nick chuckled, mimicking the sound of a whip cracking as Warrick spoke up thoughtfully. “You do know that she’s gonna wind up stealing that shirt right back, right? She already stole your Manson concert shirt.”
“Leave him alone, you two. We all know you’re both jealous.” Catherine butted in, flashing Greg a teasing grin of her own. “You gave her her own drawer, hm?”
Greg nodded, smiling fondly at the thought of you. “I did.”
“That’s a big step. I’m happy for you. Also, thank her for me... That’s an interesting shirt.”
TIM SPEEDLE + button ups, 
“That is... definitely an interesting shirt, man.” Eric’s hand dragged over his hair as he surveyed his longtime best friend and the bright blue button up. Tim was more of a dark colors kind of guy. The day before, he’d come in wearing an orange button up.
A pretty damn nice one at that. Fitted to him.
Some of the girls down at the front desk had definitely taken notice of that one. Guy had been beating them away with a stick all morning and it didn’t look like that was letting up today. Eric reached for his soda can and took a few sips. “I mean there’s no way you picked that yourself, man. It actually fits you.” a smirk formed as it clicked into place for him.
“Your girl bought you that shirt, didn’t she?”
Tim eyed Eric and shrugged. “So? What if she did?” Tim pretended to take offense at Eric’s question.
Eric’s mouth opened and closed. “All the girls working down at the front desk have been hitting on you all day. Including that new one Irene I’ve been trying to talk to for a week now. Damn.” Eric chuckled at the fact that Tim didn’t even seem to notice or particularly care. He smiled to himself because he was happy for his best friend. “Kinda nice to see you not drowning in your shirt for once, man. Think your girlfriend would buy me a..” he went quiet because Tim’s dirty look silenced him and Tim chuckled.
“Yeah, I don’t think so, Delko. My girl. You stick to Irene down in reception.” Tim chuckled. After a minute or two he spoke up again, “And just what the hell is wrong with the shirts I picked anyway, huh? Maybe some of us don’t like our entire upper body being squeezed until we almost can’t breathe, Delko.” mocking offense at what Eric said seconds before.
“Like I said man. You purposely buy shit too big. And there’s more colors out there than black, gray, white or denim, buddy.”
“Oh hahahaha fuck you, Delko. At least I can fit my clothes.” Tim called out to the door as Eric hurried out of it, intent on escaping Tim’s cranky wrath. Tim smirked to himself and muttered quietly, “He���s just jealous because my girl loves me and buys me rad shit. Poor idiot.” as he gazed at a framed photo of the two of you sitting on his desk, grinning softly and shaking his head at Eric’s whole tangent about the shirts.
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thisisnthunk · 6 years
Ask masterpost part 1 under the cut! I wanted to do them all but im tired and I want to write, so stick around for part 2 tomorrow
Anon said: Oi fam, be a ledge and come down for a nandos and some banter with me and the lads ye? Don't worry about price yeah we'll spare a tenner, mans got bare P's don't stress innit. See we were gonna get chippie but my mate David Attembanter ain't into that chip cob life because he's a right knob jockey and Ryan ain't feelin kebab so we're getting some proper cheeky chicken and getting well smashed after, you get me?
-I get you but I also hate you
Anon said:why did u gotta go and do that... I'm cryinh now…
Anon said;I’m not crying you’re crying. 😭😭
-get a hot choclate and wrap yourself up in a blanket anon, we have a wild ride ahead of us
@mybutylki said: Congrats with 2000! Thanks for this amazing au♥♥♥ Just btw what do you think about leakira?
@river-night said:thoughts on leakira? (also congrats on 2k!!! you deserve it xx)
-its rad, I haven’t really looked into it that much yet but honestly whenever fans take things into their own hands it’s super cool
(also thank you! <3)
-thats what I was going for so thank you dearly
Anon said:
fuuuuccccckkkk im sobbing, ive been in a scarily similar situation to where lance is and fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck its so realistic and beautiful! you are obviously an incredible writer *hugs you* but now i must go get ready for work lol
-thank you! I hope everything worked out okay, and I hope you had a good day at work
I’ve never really been in a situation like it so im glad its coming off as realistic
Anon said:
I found your texting au (I don’t know what you’re calling it) and holy SHIT it’s so good! Course, I had spoilers from finding the most recent one first.
-You can call it anything you like, thank you! Though it sucks that you were spoiled during one of the more hectic parts of the plot line
@random-dorky-kid said:
Ow my heart -it’ll be okay just hang in there
@dissapointedagain said:
i deadass need a friend like keith cause i have none lmfao
- yeah I dont think many people do? People treat breakdowns brought own by somebodies own actions as if they deserve it but like, if a neurotypical person doesn't have to go through that somebody with a mental health issue shouldn't either
OBVIOUSLY friends cant do what therapists do, a lot of people just cant deal with somebody in a bad state and thats alright, but being gentle with somebody going through a lot is the least you can do
@wild-springflower said-
Oh holy shit!! Okay, glad Lance isn't going to be alone. That is really really good. I haven't been reading the behind the scenes thing you're doing yet, but if the scene between Lance and Keith is going to be in it I'm gonna have to! So Good!!! 😄
-I have my laptop back now so the behind the scenes chapters will be able to come out faster than usual, so there should be Klance on it a lot sooner than expected! Woo!
@loveryder said-
Deadass i cant handle angst like at all so if this doenst get happy fast im so screwed but i know i wont stop reading cause its so good😭
-it depends what your definition of happy is in regards to how fast itll get happy but it will get happy eventually
@kabi-kinoko said-
aaahhh!good thing I came on time to see both updates, hehe xD oh man, what a nice turn of events, everything simultaniously, like in real lvie haha. looking forward to the comfort and consequences :)
Anon said-
Our blue boi is stupid but god damn he needs a hug
-He’ll be hugged dont worry
@odalys-salinas said-
Ahhhhhh!!! I just find your blog and your Au, and i'm screaming!!! Is so good!!! Keep the good work, sorry poor my bad english, the question is, lance will open the dore to keith?
-You’ll see in the next update ;) thank you! I love hearing how people enjoy my au
Anon said-
me, reading the update: that shit hurted
Anon said-
To the latest thingy- oOf
thespeckofstardust said-
-Im so glad! I hope you enjoy the rest
Anon said:
i appreciate that keith isn’t going to just let lance get away with what he did but is still helping him through panic attacks !!! thats so great you’re doing an amazing job i love this so much
-Keith is a great guy, in a way I imagine Lance sort of wishes Keith wouldnt comfort him though, you know?
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
OH HELL YEAH BESTIE PLS DROP THE LINK TO YOUR BOBA FETT FIC WHENEVER U POST IT bc tbh I have never read any boba fett fics just bc I don’t usually see his character that way cuz he is older but I have 100% read your mandalorian fic (and he’s older too so no excuse tbh but oh I LOVE Din) and have read all of your Loki fics on ao3 so yeah I definitely wanna read the BF fic I loveeeeee everything I’ve read by you!! Actually tbh this is really funny bc I found u through the archetype I’m relatively new to your writing (I think I found you in like March or april of 2021 so holy shit happy 1 year anniversary of me loving your fics) but anyway I fell in love with that fic and then LOVED ssh but I didn’t read asis for the LONGEST time bc the age gap threw me off I thought it would make me uncomfy but I eventually started reading and I binged all of the asis chapters that were out at the time in like one night and now here I am and asis is like one of my all time favorite fics ever so YEAH IM EXCITED FOR A BOBA FETT FIC obviously take your time and rest n recuperate after asis ends but whenever that fic goes up let me know :) -BC Anon
YESSSS I can't imagine it will be out before October 2022 because as much as I adore asis and Loki and writing I'm experiencing burnout in all aspects of my life and I need to take a sizeable break from having a writing schedule or else I will lose my fucking mind yikes
ANYWAY if it helps Boba will be anywhere from 46-48 (he isn't entirely sure) in the fic, only a few years older than Loki in asis!! Still an age gap but he won't be a senior citizen lmao. The chapters will also be SUPER long and detailed, it'll only update once or twice month. The writing is kinda crazy and it's absolutely going to be my best work - the scenes I have written are already polished and the best writing I'm capable of producing. And AUGH I'm so glad you read my Mando fic?? Fun fact I wrote that before I had even seen the show. I had just looked at gif sets and was waiting on a friend to give me their disney+ login.
Also... the way I feel when I hear that people read The Archetype is indescribable. It didn't pick up the way She Shall Have (which I try very hard not to think about lol) did, but I LOVE The Archetype. Like I've said, not many people read it so it feels like those who did are all in a cute lil bookclub with me and we all just chill and hang out in the abandoned corner of the local library it's great it's rad even.
I also totally get being thrown by the professor AU that asis is. Remember how Emma Watson talked about figuring out from a feminist perspective if she was comfortable starring in Beauty and the Beast? I feel similarly about asis. I actually had a bit of crisis this week because I realized it doesn't pass the Bechdel test lol. But it's not for everyone and it is intimidating. I feel like the only reason it's not uncomfortable is because the fact their relationship has the potential to be unbalanced is acknowledged - which I don't think many other professor AUs do. Which is totally fair btw, it's a fantasy so it makes sense. My goal with asis was to explore grey areas and this is a great trope to do that through. I also wanted dilf! Loki. I'm glad you ended up liking asis though and I have so much fun going over theories + talking to you!!
Anyway you have me hyped now and also we are buddies so the opening scene of my Boba Fett fic is under the cut ;) lmk what you think, I hope you like it!
Boba Fett could care less about being dangerous.
There were lots of dangerous people he had faced in his life. Jabba the Hutt. Moff Gideon. He could even tack the Sarlacc onto that list, having earned the title as the only being in the galaxy to face off with such a creature and live to tell the tale. Boba Fett fought and he fought, and even now, he just kept winning.
Heads turned when he entered bars, paths cleared wherever he walked. Other bounty hunters backed off when they heard the legendary Boba Fett was hunting the same target as them. When it came to Boba Fett, those around him knew their place.
That was what he enjoyed. Respect. He demanded it, in fact, and wasn’t afraid to take it when it was not given.
Of course, it had been awhile since anyone had stood up to Boba, denied him the respect he so obviously deserved.
That is, until you came around.
Yeah the premise is that y/n accidentally helps one of Boba's bounties escape him. When Boba tells the reader about the horrible crimes the bounty is wanted for, she teams up with him to travel the galaxy and capture the criminal - even though it's her first time being off planet.
0 notes
resonatingfern · 4 years
I couldn't go on anon but as you know I think your blog is rad and you're one of my fave writers on here and really inspire me to try and write my own stuff! Also you make soap?? Which is really cool??
oh gosh yeah I just checked all my side blogs and apparently they had all been turned to not allow anon which I... definitely did not do. Tumblr why
Anyway! Thank you <3 <3 I’m so happy to inspire, I can’t wait to read anything you put out.
0 notes
spuriusbrocoli · 8 years
Oh dashingly handsome spuriusbrocoli (whom I most certainly am not), for the album ask, could you please do "Silent Shout" by The Knife? I thank you greatly for your pains, my most humble lord.
Most magnificent Anon, I know not who you are, but I thank thee for thy humble-yet-radiant offering. As requested, I, The Most Modest and Selfless of All Tumblr Users, shall oblige. (Okay but seriously guys, send me albums; I really like this game).
1. “Silent Shout”: Yeah, I know it’s the title track, but it’s such. a. good. song. you guys. It just has such absolute control of its own atmosphere and layering. It’s full of just tiny half-measures of great sounds that come together perfectly. The darkness of its underlying beat is spine-tingling in the best, and the frenetic melody releases emotions I didn’t even know I had. Seriously, this is one of the best songs made by human hands, and a fitting name for a fan-fucking-tastic album.
2. “We Share Our Mother’s Health”: Like Franz Ferdinand’s self-titled, this is a hard album to rank because there are so many great songs that could vie for the second place. I ultimately decided to be wholly and unapologetically arbitrary and choose the first song I had heard off the album which got me to give The Knife a second listen after having been turned off by “Shaking the Habitual” (which I’m only just coming around to after years). So many thanks to Kathleen De Vere of LoadingReadyRun for playing this on one of her first streams and insisting that I give them a second listen. (She hadn’t been speaking to me specifically, but she may as well have been.)
3. “Forest Families”: Dark, atmospheric beats and fast-paced synth melodies are gonna be recurring themes in the top “half” (it’s more than half) of this list. Like with “Silent Shout”, this song awakes the nascent desire to make films. Probably never gonna pursue that beyond some web content, but still. The Knife make a hell of a case for just it just ‘cause. Also, I love how wistful this song is with its chorus. In the midst of all hell in the song’s universe breaking loose, it feels like a plea for something simpler, purer.
4. “Neverland”: This is currently in my dance playlist, which I think says a lot about me. It’s such a dark, oppressive beat, the sort of dancing you do out of desperation. This song just has hands, long clammy and grasping, both overly long and rail-thin, yet with sagging flesh drooping off their bones. It’s basically a horror song. Fitting, given that it’s about coerced sex work.
5. “Like a Pen”: Speaking of danceable songs, This and CocoRosie’s “Gravedigress” are what convinced me to make a second dance playlist, reworking the current one to be more strictly happy, and putting this and “Neverland” into the new dark dance one. Seriously though, I want to see what a professional choreographer would to with this song. I can’t dance (at least not at a professional level; I’m okay), but goddamn does this song make me wish I could.
6. “The Captain”: This song had a bit of a learning curve with that 2-minute-plus intro and a bass line that actually hurts my inner ears (my ears are fucked; it’s a miracle I’m not deaf), but it has so many songs put into it and makes the most out of all of them. Much as I like The Knife’s fast-paced songs, they can make one hell of a slower track.
7. “Still Light”: Speaking of slower tracks, “Still Light” taps into some of the same wistfulness that “Forest Families”. This song is like a death at the end of a long journey. It’s almost a relief, powerful and cathartic. This is a fitting end to a truly fantastic album. The only area it really loses points for me is the trailing off at the very end. Instead of bringing it down quietly, it has a different riff out of nowhere that seems to be hinting at another song playing, but nope! end of the album.
8. “Marble House”: Slow buildup by adding multiple, overlapping layers? Hell fucking yes. This is a great intro. That said, the verses follow through with that trend, but they’re by far the (relatively) weak link of this song. The chorus is still pretty rad, though, as is the outro.
9. “From Off to On”: I define “nightmusic” as songs that are slow and contemplative, but have a dreamlike illogic to them, and “From Off to On” is most definitely that. It’s a song to play as you fall asleep in a slowly-gurgling brook.
10. “One Hit”: I placed “One Hit” so low in no small part because “Forest Families” would make a perfect ending, and “One Hit” comes immediately after it in the album without even really following up the logic of it. Moreover, “Still Light” follows up “Forest Families” really damn well, but “One Hit” intervenes with that. That said, if it were on a different album–or just put in a different place on the album–I would rate it as a pretty good song in its own right. I consider it the “worst” of “Silent Shout”’s great songs. And yes, I do in fact consider ten out of the eleven songs on this album to be great. Fite me.
11. “Na Na Na”: Yeah, much as I gush bout the rest of “Silent Shout”, “Na Na Na” is pretty obnoxious, and it’s not intricate enough to really forgive it. Still, a “bad” Knife song can still run circles around most musicians’ best works, and there is some nice layering in the latter half; it’s just too little too late to save the overall song.
So yeah, “Silent Shout” is legit my all-time favorite album. I don’t know if the eponymous song is my all-time favorite song, but damn do I love it.
That said, if you’ve never heard The Knife before, and especially if you’re not already wild about electronica, I wouldn’t recommend you start listening to “Silent Shout”. “Deep Cuts” is a serious step down from “Silent Shout”, but it’s a great album in its own right. Check out “Heartbeats” and “Pass This On”. If you like those, absolutely give “Silent Shout” a listen.
They’re not for everyone, but goddamn I love them.
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