#you just start noticing the passive aggressive remarks here and there and then they just let go
izacore · 2 years
Harries on twitter be like “he’ll do a residency in Las Vegas omg he’s getting richer day by day slay king 😍”
personally I think he should just give some of that money to me
0 notes
awritesthings1 · 6 months
Good Taste
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby / Wife reader
Summary: You get made fun of for wearing your sapphire necklace to the foundation dinner. Tommy always finds a way to make things better.
Warnings: swearing, implied smut.
ao3 link
“She was making fun of me!”
“Yeah? And when has that ever bothered you before, my darling?”
“Since all the bloody country wives started debating whether my jewelry was in fashion or not, Tommy,” you huffed at your husband, who was having no luck pinching away the creases between his eyebrows.
Tommy sighed deeply, not really bothered to continue the conversation but irked because the wives down the lane had gotten under your skin, and if you were unhappy, then he was unhappy. He fueled his throbbing head with a cigarette, chain-smoking them back-to-back while he hunched over on the settee.
You were sitting at the vanity, fingers tangled hopelessly at the stubborn latch of your necklace that just wouldn’t let, when you saw how Tommy was beginning to fold in on himself. Guilt consumed you immediately. It wasn’t that you actually cared all that much about what people said, but when you were around Tommy, your guard slipped, and all the things that made you tick during the day would come cluttering out of your mouth like an unwanted clash of symbols and noise. Tommy would sit there and listen, hum, nod, and completely detach himself from the world.
You ran each other around like clockwork. He leaned back, you forward. Lust swelled in his eyes, concern in yours, a tug at your hip, and a gasp from your throat. You smiled sympathetically, apologetically. He kept quiet, forgivingly holding your gaze, until a defeated sigh broke the tension, and you both understood how silly the whole ordeal was. Here was Thomas Shelby, a man of great power, slumped against the settee, utterly exhausted.
“Darling, this is fucking Birmingham. Good taste is for people that can’t afford sapphires.”
That brought a smirk to your lips.
“Oh?” You muse, watching him through your vanity mirror.
Tommy huffs, but it’s more out of amusement than agitation. The cigarette between his lips twitches as a smile graces his face. He hums in affirmation.
You give up on trying to unlatch the sapphire necklace around your neck. You’re far too distracted by the way Tommy leans back on the settee like he knows it’s his damn right, spreading his legs, chain-smoking cigarettes, and blowing the smoke towards the ceiling. He’s completely in the wrong if he thinks you are going to keep your hands tangled up in a necklace when they would be much more useful somewhere else…
When your chair screeches against the wood as you push it back to stand, his head snaps to attention. He has a faraway look to his eye, haunted even, but he swallows when you sink to your knees between his legs, and something else begins to swell other than his pupils.
You run your hands up his knees to his thighs and back again.
“I know it’s stupid. They just get under my skin sometimes,” you resign.
He clears his throat and reaches past your head to set his cigarette on the ash tray. He stays there, bent forward, a breath apart, and begins caressing your face with the back of his fingers. A faint smile softens his features and warms his skin.
You laugh because it really is ridiculous. For marrying someone who spends most of their life buried in their head, you sure have picked up on his tendencies.
“Do you think I’m becoming obsessed?”
He doesn’t even try to hide his amusement. “No.”
You were; he was just treading carefully. Because while he wandered off to speak to god knows who at the foundation dinner, your feathers were being ruffled by stuck-up old women who were too busy being stuck up to notice their husbands’ lingering eyes. However, being able to defend your vanity was another thing compared to dealing with Shelby Company Limited business. And if it came to surviving passive aggressive remarks from old women or being led into another room to talk with Mr. Thomas Shelby, head of the Peaky Blinders, you would sneer rudely at Margaret any day.
You voice the thought at Tommy, “I take it your night wasn’t as successful as mine?”
He exhales and raises his eyebrows playfully, more or less confirming your suspicions.
“And should I ask you about it like a good wife?”
He hums, “no.”
He’s so entranced in running his fingers up and down your jaw, around your chin, and thumbing your lips that you’ll just have to forgive him later.
You pull a face. You’re not mad at him. Far from it. Those fingers of his dancing across your face are your weakness.
“You’re not listening to me.” You lean in closer.
“Yes, I am,” he smiles.
You try to pull back in faux skepticism, but with his hand holding your face so close to his,
“Where are you going, eh?” Tommy leans forward to steal a kiss, and he feels your laughter against his lips, a pleasant sensation.
“Oh, Mr. Shelby,” you jest.
Together, you fall back onto the settee with you astride his lap. Your hair falls over his face like a curtain, keeping him safe from the outside world. He doesn’t want to move; no, he will stay here for the next couple of months, transfixed inside this moment. The gun tucked away in the holster beneath his arm feels less heavy, and the clock ticking above his head slows. He can breathe. He can gingerly stroke your jaw with his thumb in the way you adore. So he does, and the shuttering thoughts that occupy so much of his head stutter in fear because they know they come second to you.
Then there’s that pretty sapphire necklace hanging from your neck. The one that got you both in this position in the first place. Those fucking people, eh? Those fucking people with their fancy palaces and prim and proper manners judging you, his wife, refusing you, his wife? That got him going.
You can tell he is in his head by the way his eyes linger on your sapphire necklace. He looks irked.
“What’s wrong, Tommy?”
He shakes his head lazily.
“Speak to me, love,” you insist.
Fuck em. Fuck the bastards that made his wife feel unworthy. They wouldn’t know taste if it hit them like a fucking train. He won’t let them bring her down.
Tommy clears his throat. “I’m sorry for being in my head, Mrs. Shelby.”
His apology is soothed into your skin with a gentle brush of his thumb at the end of your chin. He tilts it down to lay a kiss on the corner of your mouth. He always knows how to make you smile.
You press more of your weight into him and deepen the kiss, to which he grunts. It stirs a honey warmth in your stomach.
As for Tommy, the need to be closer to you is suffocating; he’d rather just lock you both in this room and throw away the key. He’d rather the stifling walls close in on you both until he can’t even open his lungs, and even then, it wouldn’t be enough. He needs to be in your skin, in your thoughts, but most importantly, right now, in your underwear.
It’s your goddamn nails clawing at his scalp that do it for him. It winds him up like a fucking pocket watch, boils his blood like good whiskey, and fuels the fires.
He urges your name in warning because he’s so strung up he might just rip the seams of your pretty dress, and you make the mistake of swallowing his plea with a huff and a tangle of tongues.
“The necklace, Thomas,” you gasp.
It would really be a pity if he accidentally broke it in the rush to remove your dress. It slows him down momentarily removing it, and his fingers can’t quite function being away from your skin but he knows ever since he gifted it to you, there’s been nothing you loved more. When the latch finally unclasps, he parts from your lips to gently lower it to the coffee table where it remains unscathed for the rest of the night. The same couldn’t be said about your dress.
Taglist: (i was drunk when I posted this so I forgot to add it lol).
@maliceofwonderland @fairytale07 @goblinjnr @ilovepeoplesdads @multidimensionalslut @blogforficslol @elenavampire21
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1d1195 · 1 year
Love and Dryer Sheets I
I haven't figured out how long this will be just yet but I anticipate at least three parts. This is where I'll keep the rest of it: Love and Dryer Sheets
~3.6k words (I know it's shorter. I just want to post and get some more ideas flowing)
Warnings: Harry is VERY grumpy/angry, right person, wrong place.
“I never miss the opportunity to say I told you so,” she giggled.
Harry snorted as he chuckled. “Your boyfriend mus’ love that,” he mumbled.
“Very smooth, Harry.”
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The door slapped open and hit against the wall loudly so that she had no choice but to look up. The sound was followed by a tall man entering the room with a scowl on his face. He looked like he was having an internal argument with someone that wasn’t even privy to the conversation. She glanced away from the page she was reading briefly at the noise but turned right back to the book to give the grumpy person their own space. But it didn’t stop her from discreetly peeking up from the novel to catch sight of how pretty the man was. The first thing she noticed was his height and his scowl. But his hair was the color of chocolate twisting around his head in the softest, gentlest curls she had ever seen on a man. His skin was tanned, and he looked like he should be a model for sweatpants. Below the scowl, she could just make out that his eyes were green, but she was too far away to make out much more.
Except that he was very beautiful.
So beautiful that not even his crankiness could take her mind away from the idea of him. It seemed wrong that he was so angry. Someone as attractive as he was shouldn’t have been that upset. Especially about laundry. The anger had to be misplaced.
Stop analyzing a stranger just because he’s hot. Her brain yelled at her.
“Can’t even...” he grumbled. “Fucking laundry,” he slammed the washer lid shut and continued his angry mumbles.
She pretended not to hear and stopped stealing glances. It seemed he only just realized he was doing laundry because he muttered something unintelligible about detergent as he made his way over to the little dispensary machine containing fabric softener and the like. He dropped five quarters in it, grumbling the entire time, and twisted the knob. But unfortunately, there was nothing. No detergent fell from the space the way it was supposed to. She had only watched this man for all of a minute, but she already knew the inconvenience was going to be bad for his already crummy mood.
He slammed the side of his fist into the machine causing a loud metallic clang to echo through the room. Loud enough to be heard over the sound of the washers and dryers running throughout the room. “Jesus fucking Christ!” He ran a hand over his face. She wondered what his next move was going to be but without her really realizing, she started to speak.
“Hey, I have detergent if you need some,” she offered kindly. Smooth. Her internal voice rolled its eyes. Interact with the maybe psychopath yelling at laundry. Honestly, she did it more as a favor to herself than to the stranger. Conflict was one of her least favorite things. Even if he was having conflict with an inanimate object. Growing up in a household where her parents displayed argument after argument as if it were normal for two people who “loved” each other to constantly talk in terms of passive aggressive remarks and angry tones for hours of her childhood did a number on her. As it was with the laundry debacle here, it felt like it was her responsibility to mediate the argument. Reduce the tension. Find a solution.
He only just seemed to realize he wasn’t alone in the communal laundry room. It was a bit naïve on his part to forget it, even. The laundry room was often one of the busiest spaces in the apartment building. Moreover, there were about five or six washers and dryers going at any one time—like right now. Usually, people just left their stuff but here was this girl sitting on top of the washer, one leg propped up so she could lean her book against it while the other dangled over the front of the machine and rested on the top of her overturned tall basket.
The angry air left him in a heavy sigh. He turned more directly toward her. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he sounded a bit shy. Embarrassed by his outburst it seemed. She slid off the washer and lifted her basket right side up to reveal the jug of detergent and a bag with folders and papers in it. Briefly he wondered what they were, but it was none of his business and it was weird he wanted to know. He hadn’t even learned her name yet.
“S’okay. Laundry can be intense, I get it,” she joked.
He smirked, feeling the annoyance leave him the longer he looked at her. She was so pretty. He shouldn’t have thought that way. Not at all. But it was impossible not to notice. Her hair was in a ponytail and pieces were falling around her face like she meant for it to frame her features. It was like the little strands were pointing directly at her with the intention of drawing his eyes across her kind face. The slope of her lips, the way her cheeks bloomed as she smiled gently at him, how the corners of her eyes crinkled and her lashes brushed against her cheeks when she blinked.
Stop. It. His brain hissed at him.
“Thanks,” he said taking the jug from her and moved over to his washer. He felt all the anger that was rattling his body disappear as he undid the cap, poured the liquid into it, and started the washer. He returned the detergent back to her. “Sorry, ‘bout m’slamming around,” he said sheepishly. “S’jus’...been a day,” he rubbed a hand on the back of his head awkwardly, feeling bad that he looked like an idiot. She shrugged.
“S’okay, doesn’t bother me,” she reached out and grabbed his hand effortlessly. She turned it over as if she randomly grabbed strangers’ hands all the time. “Thought you might have hurt yourself,” she murmured and then dropped his hand. He wished she didn’t, though. Her gentle touch felt like heaven.
He cleared his throat because he absolutely could not find himself losing his mind over a girl he had met for thirty seconds. “M’Harry,” he said.
“Nice to meet you,” she smiled introducing herself. “I just moved in... third floor, just a little under a week ago.”
Harry nodded. “Welcome,” it sounded a little sarcastic, but not in a mean way. “M’on the fifth floor,” he said. Tell her. Tell her right now. His conscience shouted at him. She hopped back into her position on top of the washer and resumed her reading position. “You don’t have t’stay with your clothes,” he told her as he checked the dials on the machine he was using.
“Hold over from college. My last apartment building was also not very good about it,” she shrugged. “I don’t trust it, but I don’t mind. I have a good book.”
Harry glanced at the title, committing it to memory so he could go purchase his own. No. Don’t. Stop it. You can’t do that. His conscience was screaming but he simply ignored it. It was the first time he didn’t feel angry in hours. She was just this bright little spot in the basement of the apartment building. It was a rainy Saturday and the only light coming in was from the egress windows. It wasn’t very light at all; merely the sun trying to force it’s way through the clouds above but getting trapped among the rain drops. Harry was feeling angry and the weather wasn’t helping.
But there was this...kind and lovely angel just sitting on a washing machine. Inspecting his hand for injury. Pure, gentle, perfect sunlight.
“Gotcha,” he murmured. “Well...m’doing other chores and things...I’ll be back down later.”
“Okay, nice meeting you, Harry,” she smiled. “I hope your day gets better,” her words were warm with kindness. It made him feel off kilter. He had been so angry all day that he nearly forgot what it was like to feel...happy.
He managed to smile at her, give a little wave, and left without another word.
Shortly after he left, she found herself a little flustered by the interaction. She was surprised she inspected his hand like that. It was totally out of character to be so forward—offering detergent and help, checking for injury. But really, taking his hand allowed her to admire the tattoos that lined his wrist and forearm and how the veins in his hand looked like the prettiest spiderweb she’d ever seen. Part of her hoped she would run into Harry again while doing laundry. Smiling, she returned her attention to her book and thought she really wouldn’t mind being around Harry for a longer time period.
Harry’s anger was renewed as he headed back to the laundry room. His chest was achy with the feeling of anxiety and a pressure forming from the annoyance he felt in his life. Part of him thought he should have just stayed in the laundry room with the girl that reminded him of sunshine.
That’s a stupid idea, and you know it.
He was really beginning to hate his conscience.
But his anger skyrocketed further as he entered the laundry room to see piles of laundry on top of washers. First, he was irritated because he was going to be livid if someone touched his clothing. This hadn’t happened in the year and a half he had lived there. But of course, it was going to happen on a day that he was simmering in anger over everything. Maybe more importantly, he thought he had given poor advice to Sunshine, and he was not happy that he did that.
Did you seriously just call her SUNSHINE? His brain was having independent thoughts, but Harry ignored it.
He was practically shaking with anger as he marched over to the washer that he had used earlier in the day. Other washers had piles of wet, crumpled clothing items on top of them waiting for the person to find them and be just as bitter and annoyed as Harry was. But instead, Harry found the washer he was using and none of his clothes had been moved. He felt his face pinch in confusion. That didn’t seem right.
But in place of a lump of wet clothes, was a piece of paper. He felt the confusion deepen. At the very least it made him forget how angry he was. At least for a few minutes. Scrawled across the paper read:
Out of Order. Do NOT use. -Management
Harry felt a new wave of anger wash over him almost instantly. If his clothes were damaged or stuck or something he might lose his mind. But he opened the washer and found his clothes were perfectly spun out. Smelled like the air after it had just rained. The confusion he felt continued as he pulled the items out of the washer and dropped them into the basket so he could throw them in a dryer next. He reread the note on the lid trying to figure out why the apartment management would say the washer was broken when it very obviously wasn’t.
He pulled the paper off the washer allowing someone else to use it now. As he did, he caught sight of writing on the back.
Told you so :) -304
Harry felt the urge to run out of the laundry room, wet basket of clothes and all, and knock on the door labeled 304 until she answered. He wanted to read beside her. Ask to use one of her dryer sheets or whatever it was that made her laundry smell so good. Her little knowing “told you so” didn’t even bother his already fragile, grumpy state. In fact, it only made him like her more.
STOP IT. His brain shouted. Shaking his head, Harry rid himself of his thoughts of Sunshine. What else am I supposed to call her? He asked rhetorically to his conscience. Instead, he tried not to think about her. He had only chatted with her for all of four minutes and that couldn’t have been nearly enough time to think he was already falling for her...right?
Today she was laying across two washers, a book above her head. She didn’t notice when people filtered in or out and no one paid any mind to her either.
Until Harry showed up.
“More laundry?” He asked.
She smiled, folding the corner of her page down and sitting up so she looked less crazy. Harry had a basket at his hip, and she noted there was a jug of detergent on top of the pile of laundry inside. “I love laundry,” she shrugged.
He wrinkled his nose at her in distaste. “M’least favorite,” he murmured.
“Aw, that’s too bad,” she frowned.
“Thanks for saving m’washer the other day,” he said dumping the items into the washer along the back wall—opposite of where she was seated.
She smiled down at the book in her lap and then looked up at the back of his head. “I never miss the opportunity to say I told you so,” she giggled.
Harry snorted as he chuckled. “Your boyfriend mus’ love that,” he mumbled.
“Very smooth, Harry. Unlike my ex-boyfriend, my imaginary one thinks that my perfectionism and tendency to be right is admirable. He clings to my every thought and word,” she fluttered her eyelashes cutely. If she were magic, she would have made a halo appear above her head.
He rolled his eyes at her and nodded. Tell her! His conscience yelled. RIGHT now. He ignored it as he had been since the last time he saw her. “A new book?” He asked instead.
She nodded, flipping the book over in her hands inspecting the front and back cover carefully. “Yeah...I try to read three books a month. The last one was a little dense but this one is a quick read. Entertaining, ya know?” She smirked. “It’s a little cheesy but it’s cute. It makes me happy,” she shrugged.
Harry thought that was sweet. He wanted her to be happy.
Stop. It.
She watched Harry throw everything in the washer in one load. “You should separate the light and dark stuff.”
“I’ve never had a problem with it before,” he shrugged. “S’this you trying t’be right again?”
She laughed and looked at her lap. The heat rose to her cheeks. “No, actually. Told you, just really like laundry. I notice a difference in my own stuff. But if you don’t obviously it’ll be fine,” she shrugged back. “I just really like laundry,” she repeated.
Part of him wanted to do exactly as she said. But even Harry, not just his conscience, thought it would be too much. She watched as he poured in the detergent, closed the lid, and then he hopped on top of his washer just like her. They were facing one another. She could see how green his eyes were now, a little bloodshot around the iris, she wondered if he had a late night and what from. His smile was sweet, a deep dimple dented the middle of his cheek depending on which side of his lips lifted when he smirked. But right now, he was smiling completely, making him look so innocent and boyish. It made her stomach flutter.
“So...are you in school still? Or do you have a job?” She asked.
“M’gainfully employed. Work in the financial district.”
“A corporate sellout,” she remarked neutrally.
Harry smiled again shaking his head at her banter. “Oh? And you, Sunshine? Y’work for the Lollipop League?”
“It’s the Lollipop Guild, and Lullaby League, actually. But no,” she snorted. “I work in the hospital as a counselor,” she said. “I can see how you would think it’s like being on the set of The Wizard of Oz.”
Harry tapped his fingers against the washing machine and pursed his lips at her. “Mus’ be a tough job,” he murmured.
She nodded. “It’s rewarding though. Gives me a cathartic cry about once a week,” she opened her book back up to where she stopped. She felt Harry watching her though and she realized she probably shouldn’t have admitted to an almost stranger that she cried so often.
Harry hated the idea of her sadness. She was the embodiment of sunshine. Tears shouldn’t have been allowed in her eyes nor on her face. His conscience was angry and loud. Harry Styles stop it.
She let the silence wash over them and Harry didn’t seem to mind. They both went to their books and read silently for a while. She giggled cutely every so often and Harry thought it was an adorable sound. He wished he could ask what she had read. He wanted to recite things to her that made him think of her.
Harry was properly and crazily losing his mind.
The words on the pages of her book blended together. She thought Harry was meant to just be looked at for hours upon hours. He was so insanely beautiful it made her mind turn to mush.
He had to be her soulmate, surely. He mentioned her favorite movie and book completely unprompted. She wanted to ask if he had ever read the book or if he liked the movie. If he would ever want to watch it with her in her apartment cozied up on the couch with apple cider. Growing up, her dad read the twenty-four chapters in a loop over the course of months and years. She found Oz completely magical. It was unbelievable that a total stranger would bring it up.
It had to be fate, right?
She could probably recite the book from memory. When she found out about the movie, she watched it on VHS and then DVD and now streamed it at least once a month or played it in the background when she did chores. It was something she had little ones watch at the hospital and she dressed up as a different character every Halloween to pass out candy to the little ones when trapped in their hospital rooms.
Fortunately, her washer buzzed, alerting her she was done, and Harry glanced up briefly and gave another cute little smirk that she was beginning to think was simply meant to keep her up at night—and maybe looking for things to wash.
“So...s’jus’ you in apartment 304?” He asked.
She smiled to herself. If this was his way of flirting it was lame. “Yeah, just me.”
“Awful lot of laundry you’re doing,” he muttered.
She threw her stuff into a dryer, tossing in the scented beads that made her clothes smell good along with a dryer sheet. “I told you I do laundry the right way.”
He chuckled and she thought that his laugh might have been her new favorite sound. “S’fair, I suppose,” he remarked. Slipping off his washer, he inspected her new book and the back cover. He mentally wrote the title down once more. “Do y’have a favorite book?” He asked.
She nodded. “S’kind of silly. It’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. My dad used to read it to me before bed. And I like history and there’s theories on the symbolism for the populist movement—I don’t know. It just makes me think of my childhood and of course the movie was just—” She stopped suddenly, and Harry was completely riveted by the beginning of her explanation.
“What, Sunshine?” He asked so gently. It felt like he was wrapping her in his arms and whispering in her ear. It was like he was trying to reach into her chest and hold her heart in his hands himself. It was sweet and she hated how nice it felt after they had spoken in total for maybe seven minutes since meeting.
She didn’t turn around to look at him. But she could feel his gaze warming her as he watched her fiddle with the dryer. “Just...don’t want to bore you about The Wizard of Oz.”
He ignored what his conscience was shouting at him once more. “I don’t think y’could bore me,” he murmured.
She turned then, looked at him with these beautiful round eyes that he swore were little suns and brightened the whole room as she met his gaze. “Guess the only way we’ll find out is if we keep chatting. Tell me about your book,” she suggested gently. It was an invitation and Harry didn’t really know what to say because the book hardly made any sense over the last few minutes. He was intently focused on her when he was supposed to be reading. He managed to make up something about how it wasn’t much of a page-turner yet but liked it well enough and thought it would get better.
Eventually, Harry’s washer signaled it was time to switch to the dryer and he worried their time was truly limited because before he knew it, her dryer was done. She stayed to fold her stuff, and they continued reading and chatting casually.
She was falling hard for Harry. It seemed it was inevitable. Between the gentleness he showed her in such a short time, the mention of her favorite story, and simply being there during her favorite chore, it was like Harry was meant to meet her. Meant to find her in the laundry room and befriend her so quickly.
There was no use denying she hoped it would escalate to something more.
Harry’s conscience continued to tell him what a terrible idea it was to keep up this...pretense with her. But his heart was saying that he needed warmth, needed the kindness she showed in just the little bit of time he had been around her.
Sunshine was his cure.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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you’re like a dream
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pairing: dealer!ellie x fem reader
also… i feel like people portray dealer!ellie as a stone cold meany, but i took a different approach with this one ;) hope you guys still like it.
a/n: okay this is actually the worst thing i’ve ever written but it’s been in the drafts for too long and i need it away from me so here you go i guess. i was gonna add smut but i physically cannot do it right now so i’m open to doing a part two filled with filth but this is it for now. let me know :)
content warnings: weed, kissing, toxic/cheating ex, alcohol, college party?… i think that’s it. pretty tame.
as you stood in the middle of the crowded living room, solo cup filled with whatever liquor dina decided to give you, music blaring so loudly that you couldn’t even hear your own thoughts, lights so low that you could barely see 5 feet in front of you, and the smell - god, the smell - you wondered: how in the hell did i get here?
and the answer was dina. fucking dina. always dragging you to parties that you didn’t belong at. however, this one felt different than all the others that you had been to. your ex girlfriend, of whom you despised with all your heart, got cheated on by her new girl of the week. and that - that was something to celebrate. you danced all night to the mediocre music, stopping occasionally to refill your drink, and smiling for the first time in forever. it felt like you could finally exhale. it was weird how happy you were that your bitch of an ex got what she deserved.
you took a sip of your drink and noticed that it was nearly empty, so you left the rioting living room to get your next refill. you waltzed to the kitchen, stumbling occasionally from the alcohol in your system, and filled your cup with whatever was closest. you quickly realized that you were drenched in sweat from dancing amongst the crowd, so you stomped up the stairs, hoping to find a quiet room to relax in and drink alone.
“oh my gosh! y/n?” you heard from a familiar voice behind you. your ex girlfriend, cat.
“what the hell do you want, cat? go back to your bitch. oh, wait…” you snapped, rolling your eyes and innocently trailing off as your pretended to forget what happened with her and her partner.
“what’s with the hostility? i miss you.” she exclaimed, clearly drunk or high or a mix of both.
“i’m sure you do.” you replied. quickly, she hopped in front of you and blocked your way up the stairs.
“move, i cant deal with this right now” you demanded.
“make me” cat replied, “let’s have a quick chat. i just want you to hear me out.”
not allowing you to answer, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an empty bedroom.
“what the f-“ you started before she connected her lips with yours. she kissed you roughly with her chapped lips. she quickly grabbed your ass in attempt to get you to kiss her back, forcing her tongue into your mouth. suddenly, you were catapulted back to months ago when you walked in on her with her whore. a tear ran down your cheek, remembering the state you were in at that time in your life. you threw her off of you at the first chance you could get.
“what the hell was that? get off of me, you bitch!” you yelled at her, delivering a slap across her face. she gasped, holding her face. it was difficult to ignore the sting in your hand, but you couldn’t show any weakness, especially not in front of her.
“everything okay in here?” you heard an angry voice and turned to see someone standing in the doorway of the sliding door, which led to a deck outside of the room.
“yes, everything is fine. just some good ole lovers quarrel” cat passive aggressively stated, still clutching her cheek. you gave the girl a pleading look, one that showed that everything was definitely not fine.
“get the fuck out!” you shouted at cat.
“fine, fine. if you change your mind, i’ll be downstairs” she slyly remarked with a wink as she left the room and closed the door behind her.
you turned to the girl who was still standing in the doorway of the slider. she took a step forward, allowing you to get a better look at her. she had gorgeous auburn hair and freckles sprinkled across her cheeks. her hair was pulled halfway up, and she wore a windbreaker, jeans that revealed her built figure, and an old pair of converse that were extremely worn. she held a joint in between her pointer and middle fingers, taking a hit and allowing the smoke to disappear into the air. she was astonishingly pretty.
“sorry about that. i didn’t know you were in here. i can go…” you explained.
“looks like your having a bit of a rough night. want something to take the edge off?” she asked.
“what do you have?”
she pulled out a canister of joints from her pocket, her veiny hands grasping onto the box.
“yeah, sure. how much?” you questioned.
“free, for you.”
“no shit! cmon that’s not fair to you” you remarked.
“anything for a pretty girl like you who’s having a shitty night. wanna share mine? you can save these for later.” she explained as she handed you the canister, your hands brushing for only a second, but long enough to sober you up from the alcohol that had been traveling through your system for the past few hours.
she gestured for you to join her outside on the deck. you followed her and sat next to her, both of your feet dangling off the ledge. the moonlight shone on her face, and her eyes sparkled as the clouds revealed the night sky. she handed you her joint and you put it to your lips. she took out her lighter and lit the tip. you took a deep inhale, enjoying the release that you felt go through your body.
“what’s your name?” you asked.
“i’m ellie. you’re y/n, right?”
“yeah, that’s me. how’d you know my name?”
“dina buys weed from me. she talks about you all the time. it’s cool to meet you. you’re kinda famous, you know.”
you immediately realized who ellie was when she mentioned that she deals to dina, who had previously described her to you as a crazy drug addict with the best shit in town. however, ellie didn’t seem like how dina had said she was. as you looked into her eyes, into her, you saw an innocent girl, you saw yourself.
“you have really pretty eyes, ellie,” you pointed out, regretting it instantly.
she looked down at her hands, twiddling her thumbs. was she nervous about something? the two of you sat in silence for a little bit, passing the joint back and forth, enjoying the cool breeze and the scent of the woods.
“you okay?” you asked.
“yeah, i’m just surprised. i never saw you as the stoner type. i’ve seen you around a lot and you never really seemed that way. i always wanted to talk to you, but never did.”
“well, why didn’t you?”
“i dunno.”
another beat or two of silence passed, more comfortable than the past few.
“what was that whole thing about earlier?” she wondered, breaking the silence. you took a long hit of the joint, contemplating whether or not to tell this stranger about your love life. as the smoke left your lungs, your worries began to dissipate. you felt like you could trust her. you wanted to.
“that was my ex girlfriend, cat. she cheated on me a few months ago and i’ve been hung up over it since. this past week, her new girlfriend cheated on her, so i guess karma finally but her in the ass. she was trying to get back with me. she seemed pretty wasted, i doubt she’ll even remember it tomorrow.”
“damn. sounds like you’re better off without her. i never even knew you liked girls.” she stated nervously.
“yeah, i mean, i’ve never even been with a man. how about you?” you laughed.
“me neither. women are way better. men are assholes, and dicks are weird. they’re all veiny and there’s so much skin and it’s just a lot.”
you laughed at ellie’s disgusted face while she talked about the male anatomy.
“is talking about dicks your weird way of flirting with me, ellie?”
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Hello, hello!
That's our boy special holiday, the Let Papyrus says Fuck day! Here goes a little something I wrote especially for the occasion, because Papyrus is not a child and can fight your local Karen everyday.
The story is under the cut. You can read it too on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47914330
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Papyrus rarely lost his patience. He considered himself being a pretty open guy, about all sorts of things, even the one he didn't really want to hear but that people told to him anyways because he was suffering the syndrome of the "cute friendly face". But today? Today was too much.
He knew the second they moved in this part of the town that this Karen neighbor was going to be a problem. Sans said he was paranoid, that she was really sweet with him and that maybe he was thinking this too much. Yes, maybe she was nice with Sans (everyone was nice to Sans for some reason), but she surely had something against him specifically. He didn't understand why, he never did anything to that woman, but she simply hated his non-existent guts. How rude.
Papyrus tried everything to make friends: inviting her home for dinner, baking cute little cupcakes, even letting her borrow his washing machine when hers died, but was only rewarded with sassy remarks, dark stares and criticisms. "You know Papyrus, those cupcakes are pretty good for a child. A bit messy, but you know how children are. Oh sorry, Frisk did them, right?" She knew they did not. "Maybe you should use a smaller washing machine, since your are only two at home. You probably don't need that much clothes since you're a skeleton." Well, she clearly never had to go through one of Sans' ketchup wars to judge like that. "You could have way more friends if you put a little effort into it, Papyrus", "You should take exemple on my lawn, Papyrus", "Ah, yes, your car is twenty years old, right, Papyrus?".
Papyrus this, Papyrus that, Papyrus was going hecking crazy and no one seemed to notice. He was at his limit for a long time already.
But this, this was too much.
He just entered his car at 7 am in the morning, because Sans had a night hunger and emptied the whole fridge, and now there was nothing for breakfast. He just wanted to go to the grocery store, buy what he needed, and leave. He barely started the engine that, in the corner of his eye sockets, he noticed his neighbor coming at him, visibly furious. She was dragging two huge trash cans that she put in his alley, to prevent him from leaving the house. Papyrus grinned his teeth together, sighed deeply and rolled his eyes, before opening the window and forcing a false-friendly:
"Of course I need something! It is 7 in the morning and I worked late in the night! Your devilish machine is roaring like a dying truck! You awakened the whole neighborhood! Don't you know there's children sleeping so early in the morning! They have school soon. Can't you show a little respect or is it too much to ask Mr Papyrus?!"
Papyrus screamed internally. He literally just started his car, and it was obvious she was already waiting for him outside, searching for an excuse to come at him so soon in the morning. His car was electric and perfectly silent. She just wanted to scream at something, and that something was obviously him. Papyrus smiled patiently.
"ARE YOU FINISHED? CAN I LEAVE NOW?" he asked in a cold passive-aggressive tone that wasn't Papyrus-like at all. He didn't like to talk like this to people, but some people just deserved it.
"Didn't you hear what I just said? Cut the engine before I call the cops! You think you can do what you want? I lived in this street for 25 years and before you monsters came, it was a respectable side of the town. Now you are scaring the children, and making noise in the morning, and not even taking care properly of your house. Look at that lawn, it's disgusting! The old owners at least knew how to clean a wall! Yours is getting green!"
"Are you mocking me? You think I can't scream at you because you're a monster?! I am older than you! You need to respect the elders! I lived in this street for 25 years!"
"Excuse me?! How dare you! I am not a racist! I have a monster friend! You can't call people like that, it's illegal. I am going to report you, you hear me? I am calling the cops right now!"
She suddenly angrily punched the front of his car, leaving a big mark on it. Papyrus' jaw stayed open, in shock. He slowly turned his head to hers. That's it, he was pissed off. And done with this shit. He opened his door. The neighbor suddenly threw herself on the ground, screaming like she was getting murdered. Papyrus looked at her blankly. What the-. He didn't have time for this! He angrily stomped to the end of the alley and kicked at full force the two trash cans, making them fall on the ground, and out of the way. Her neighbor kept screaming, the phone in her hand, and she apparently called the police. Greaaaaaaat.
Papyrus got close to her again. She screamed at him to stay away. He walked to her anyway and picked her phone up.
"Papyrus?" A raspy sleepy familiar voice answers. "The hell is happening? Someone called and then she was just screaming and I have a headache now."
"Oh, ok. Do you need hel-"
He hung up. The neighbor looked at him in bewilderment. He gave her back the phone.
"What are you even talking about?"
He got into his car, put it into reverse gear, and sped it. The car violently crashed into the neighbor's wall, not hard enough to hurt his precious car, but enough to create a large crack in the house.
"WOOPS!" he screamed from his window. "PEOPLE REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE IN THIS CITY!"
Papyrus waved goodbye to his speechless neighbor, showing his magnificent and best middle finger, and left for his grocery trip, a huge smile on his face. He never felt more satisfied in his life.
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lustfulcat · 2 years
The main theme, the emotion that drives most of the action in Saezuru Chapter 50, is jealousy. 
Before I start rambling, I want to point out the big takeaway here: If Doumeki and Yashiro didn’t have feelings for each other then they wouldn’t be jealous. They’re jealous because they care...but hoboy that jealousy makes them both possessive and wild. And that’s why we have all kinds of action in Chapter 50.
Let’s begin with the title page; it smacks of possession, Doumeki reaching out to grasp Yashiro’s throat but not quite connecting. To me, it symbolizes Doumeki wanting to control Yashiro, hold him close, hold him down, but he can’t quite do it because Yashiro is like a feral cat. The phrase is “Everything is about to break.” And that is soooo significant for many reasons: back in chapter 25, Yashiro begged Doumeki not to break him and Doumeki said he wouldn’t - he would never break Yashiro - but he hasn’t keep his word. Because Doumeki did break Yashiro, he ruined him for all other men to the point that Yashiro is currently impotent, and his body only reacts to Doumeki. Also, “don’t break me” is Yashiro asking for Doumeki to not be so gentle because it will break down the walls Yashiro has built around his psyche, the walls that block off his childhood abuse and the torrent of emotions he’s been holding back forever. The tender way Doumeki treated him in chapter 25 put a crack in those walls but with the Hirata situation and the timeskip Yashiro was able to keep running, to try and cope the way he used to, even if it wasn’t working and the cracks began to spider out. Once Doumeki reentered his life those cracks became bigger and bigger, because Doumeki won’t let Yashiro run to others and cope. He’s possessive, he keeps manhandling Yashiro and dragging him around, not letting him be Volume One Yashiro. In Doumeki’s eyes, Yashiro hasn’t changed. He’s still lascivious, promiscuous, dealing with dangerous people and acting out.
But parts of Doumeki have changed. The fog of his family trauma and prison life has left him. He’s stronger now, the sharpness he had before the timeskip has been honed to a fine point and he now has a powerful sense of self. Like I said in my last meta, Doumeki is an asset and he’s not going to stand by and watch like he did in chapter 2, he’s going to try and control Yashiro, break his walls down, break them apart.
Chapter 50 starts off where Chapter 49 ended: with Doumeki looming over Yashiro in bed. There’s a lot of give and take. Doumeki notices marks on Yashiro’s arms that Inami left behind and we all know that Doumeki is jealous of Inami. He is insistent on taking Yashiro away from him and makes little passive aggressive remarks about Yashiro’s relationship with that scumbag. From there he seductively takes off his tie just like he did with his glove in chapter 46 (like seriously Doumeki who taught you how to striptease?) And he attempts to tie Yashiro up with it, thinking that Yashiro still likes it rough but when Yashiro halfheartedly resists thinks…maybe he wants it gentle? 
That sparks Yashiro’s memory and he recalls the time he slept in Doumeki’s lap in chapter one, thinking that he did want gentleness at some point. But, of course, Yashiro doesn’t give Doumeki a straight answer because - well - he never does so Doumeki gives him three fingers.
I’d like to point out that Yashiro – who is super impotent – comes like crazy from the fingering alone which is further proof that Doumeki does it for him. Yashiro is 90% undressed by the end but Doumeki only lost the tie and gloves DAMMIT I was hoping for a back reveal I’m still wondering if he has a tattoo. 
SIGH I guess we’ll have to wait.
I’m not sure if Nanahara shows up later or the next morning but he knocks on Yashiro’s door. When Doumeki answers it, Nanahara’s face is pure gold and he wants to know what Doumeki is doing there but gets distracted because Yashiro just casually strolls out naked into the living room like he owns the place. Um, well, technically HE DOES OWN THE PLACE but that is exactly why I love My Flawless Son. I can only hope to give exactly zero fucks like that. I especially love how he reads the paper while Nanahara is having a heart attack. Anyway, Nanahara is like WHAT DID YOU TWO DO???? They tell him they didn’t sleep together but Nanahara ain’t really buying it.
They end up talking about yakuza drama for a bit and then Nanahara, Yashiro, and Doumeki take a little drive. Their first stop is the Club Madam’s place where Kamiya is chillin (Nanahara’s face is gold here too, he should never play poker.)
Apparently, money was stolen from her business and she’s pretty sure that it’s because of Okuyama’s group. Doumeki has a suspect in mind but he isn’t letting on yet...and I wonder if it’s the woman who he visited in chapter 47. Club Madam acts very friendly and familiar with Doumeki, calling him Chikara, but as far as I know there isn’t anything between them. Doumeki always turns the women down at bars and soaplands when he’s out with Kamiya, and both Kamiya and Tsunakawa comment on it, so I think they’re friends and they provide each other with information. Now, Yashiro believes that Doumeki does have a woman from their heated interaction back in chapter 46; when asked, Doumeki gave Yashiro a sarcastic answer about it that Yashiro took seriously. So when Nanahara says something about Doumeki and Club Madam to further Yashiro’s suspicions, Yashiro gets JEALOUS.
We haven’t seen a jealous Yashiro since chapter 6, when Doumeki was hanging out with Kuga.
And why is Yashiro jealous? Because he’s in looooove.
But we all know that Yashiro still can’t process his emotions well. Especially emotions that have to do with Doumeki. So after Club Madam’s place, the four of them go out to eat like it’s some kind of double date asjlhalhs and when Doumeki mentions something about treating women gently, Yashiro mind goes back to the beginning of the chapter - where Doumeki offered to be gentle to him - and it scrambles. All confused and upset and not really knowing why or how to deal, Yashiro excuses himself to “go to the restroom” when he actually fucks off and goes to where Kido is hiding. Him and Kido used to have a thing (no surprise there) so Yashiro shows up, asks Kido to assault him in a very desperate way, and starts blowing him. It gets pretty wild but Yashiro can’t get it up, which Kido comments on like WHY ARE WE EVEN DOING THIS.
But why Kido? Yashiro could pick up any man he wanted. Most likely it was to piss off Doumeki in some misguided way of making him jealous, so he would feel how Yashiro feels, instead of, you know, TALKING THINGS OUT.  
But before Kido can even say another word, a black-gloved hand grabs the back of his shirt and Doumeki tosses him aside. It’s interesting how Doumeki knew exactly what Yashiro was up to; like I’ve been saying, he’s super sharp now. I wonder if he followed him from the restaurant and I also wonder if he heard Kido’s comment about Yashiro’s impotence asdkajdhagsk.
Yashiro looks pretty remorseful and I think he actually feels badly about what he did because Doumeki is ripping pissed. Once again, Doumeki drags Yashiro away (as he has done in several chapters now, back to the possession. And back to jealousy.) 
A sexy source on twitter told me that Yashiro’s thinking about Doumeki and his rage as: “a face i've never seen. insane strength. unconcealed anger in his voice.”
And why wouldn’t Doumeki be furious? He’s asked Yashiro not to fuck around and Yashiro is like “nope, I’m still going to try and do it with Inami and also with your group’s prisoner.” Which sooo complicates things on yakuza and emotional levels.
And as Doumeki drags Yashiro away he asks “would you be happy if I assaulted you?” because he knows that Yashiro is just randomly choosing people and he’s so tired of it. Doumeki wants to be the one. The one to possess, the one to control, the one to bring all those hidden emotions out of Yashiro - he always has. The love he felt from the moment he saw Yashiro in that doorway has only grown. It’s been over four years and he won’t leave the yakuza world because Yashiro is still in it. He won’t let Yashiro give himself to anyone anymore. And he’s pushing Yashiro until the walls crack wide open and he breaks so he can be the one to pick up the pieces.
This is the last chapter of volume 8 and Yoneda Kou usually takes a 4 month hiatus in between volumes, which is consistent with the fact that she’s not listed for the next ihrHertz in Jan 2023, so we will be waiting until March for chapter 51.
Until then, here is a song that sums up Yashiro and Doumeki’s feelings during this chapter:  Pet Shop Boys - Jealousy
Special thanks to Lyuba, gays_in_hiace, and the saezuru discord for all their insight, translations, and general awesomeness.
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First time requesting someone~ buttt can you do a oneshot on how the rottmnt bros react to gn!reader having a white tatoo on their back..?
Feel free to deny this request, I dont mind!
Afterall there are other ideas Ive been wanting to share soon but this idea has been on my mind so goodluck and have fun?? Hehe, have a nice day/evening too boo.💗💗
When I read this, I was honestly pretty excited to write this, this was also pretty fun to write!! I hope you enjoy! (Also, sorry for any misspelled words or poor Grammer, I was sick for one half of this, kinda forgot this existed, and then started to continue writing this at 12 am and I'm trying to finish as many Requests as I can!! But they keep piling up and now I have 34 requests to do ;-;
All Dialogue is colored to corresponding mask, meanwhile reader is Pink (Regardless of gender) for the purpose to help people with reading difficulties and reading disabilities to have an easier time reading
ROTTMNT Boys x Reader with a white back tattoo (Separate, One shot)
It was a hot summer day in the lair. Leo, (like the middle child he is) was horsing around and had broken the AC. Donnie, being the tech-wiz brother he is, was tasked with fixing the AC. In the meantime, the lair was heating up and heating up fast, and it was daytime so the brothers had no chance to just escape the humid temperature, so that's where you come in. You had heard of the boys delema and decided to gather up any fans within your house, and bring it over to the lair for them to borrow. Sure, they were heavy as shit, but you knew those boys were probably miserable there. You arrived at the boys home in a Black, Wife Beater (yes that's the actual name of the tank top)
"There you are!! Pass over the fans, we're getting cooked over here!" Whined Mikey as he took the box shaped floor fan from you and began to plug it into the wall, cranking it on the highest setting and sitting infront of it, which was the calling of Leo, April, and along with Splinter...who was in nothing but his underwear and most of his fur had been poorly shaven....ok, list of things to do when you get home, 1: bleach your eyes. Raph had walked over, he looked like he was sweating buckets.
"Hey! G-glad you could make it," he was panting, probably from how hot it is. "We should probably lend one to Donnie, seeing as he's working on the AC that SOMEBODY HAD TO BREAK!!"
A passive aggressive comment which added Leo holding up a thumbs up, obviously sarcasm.
"Was already plannin on it."
You gave a small pat to his arm with your one free hand. He takes the last fan in your hands and walks with you to where Donnie was high up, using his battle shell as a jetpack to levitate himself in the air and fix the AC.
"Yo! Donnie! Y/N brought you a fan!! Where should we put it?"
Donnie let out some remark about how he already has so many fans on YouTube or something before pointing over to an area which was pointing in his direction. You and Raph walked over and Raph lay the cooling device onto the floor.
"Here, lemme get this."
You say as you begin to get on your knees to plug the device into the wall, but the outlet was covered by all this junk and boxes that took you a while to get through to the plug.
Raph nods and looks at Donnie as he's in the sky, his big brother senses tingling, afraid he might fall, or mess up and everyone be cooked, or scratch his hand, OR-!! He was overthinking once again as normal, but it all seemed to stop when he looked down at you and noticed something, on your back, past the black tank top was something....white? Due to the darkness of the shirt, the white really stood out, but he couldn't see much, before you stood abruptly, startling Raph a bit.
"Woooo! That should do it, how does that feel Don?" Don gave a silent thumbs up as he continued to work. This gave you the impression that you and Raph we're free to go.
You began to walk back to the others, but something was kinda..weird? Raph trailed behind you, staring at something? You tried to catch him at what he was peaking at, but he seemed to always look away at the correct time, you played this little game of his as he looked and then looking away, then looked, then looked away when you turned around, before long, you eventually caught him. You both stopped walking and you looked up at your Gigantic boyfriend.
"Alright big guy, what're you looking at? Leo didn't stick a sign to my back now, did he?"
You brought a hand to feel of your back, not feeling anything, you brought your hand back down.
"Whattt, I d-dont know what you're talking about, me? I would never- you see the reason- now I don't know-."
He began to ramble, starting and stopping in the middle of his own answers. You smiled to yourself and attempted to put a hand on his shoulder (I say attempted cause have you SEEN THIS GIANT TEDDY BEAR??? HES TALL, OK?).
"Raph, Big Guy, My Knight In Shining Armor, My Dearest Darling, I'm gonna need you to use your words," you chuckled as this must have snapped him out of his rambling.
He tapped the tip of his fingers (👉🏻👈🏻) together as he looked down, his face slightly flushing a deeper red.
"C-can I see your back? I-I KNOW IT'S WEIRD!! B-but I think I saw something..white? I'm not really sure? Y-you don't have to if you don't want to!! I-Im just c-curiou-"
"Ohh, you wanna see my back tattoo? Why didn't you just say so?"
"Y-you have a tattoo?!"
God this lovable goof ball couldn't get anymore shocked.
"Yeah, you wanna see?"
Raph had so many questions, but he did have to admit, he wanted to see what tattoo you got.
You turned around and lifted the back of your shirt, holding the front in place so your front wouldn't show. There, lay inked into your skin, was a fake, very detailed, tattoo of two, folded, white, bird wings, that stretched all the way down to your lower back.
Raph's face was flushed and in awe, it took every bone in his body to not touch and trace each tatted line on your back. His eyes were wide, and you swear, when you looked back, you could see stars in his eyes. He was about to ask so many questions, before... You both heard a gasp from the blue turtle, standing in the hall, with a dumb, mischievous grin on his face.
He knew they weren't showing that to Raph, but oh, how fun it was to pick on his older brother.
Splinter was yelling in the other room.
Raph's face was as red as his mask as he began to chase his younger sibling into the living room, you let your shirt in the back come down as you watched Raph chase Leo as Splinter tried to chase Raph
You had made it to the bottom of the ladder to the sewer and we're IMMEDIATELY hit with humid heat, and you immediately knew there was going to be so much drama. Because the thing with Leo is, he HATES the heat, he gets so cranky, he hates how sweaty and how unfocused he is during the heat and would do literally anything besides get hot, cause he was already hot, pun intended. So, this was gonna be a long day. Before you even entered their living space, you could hear the bickering from outside the door.
"Mikeyyyy, stop singing that songg!"
"What? This is my jam! I can't just shut it off, you can't stop the groove Leo!"
"Raphhh, make Mikey stop playing that poor excuse of a song!"
"Excuuuuse you!"
"Mikey, he asked you to stop, and I for one don't wanna hear his whining anymore, so please, shut it off."
"He'll have to make me!"
"Is that a challenge? Because if it is, you're on hermanõ!!"
Both Mikey and Leo started to chase each other, Mikey more giggly, while Leo a bit more angry, dang, good thing you were here with the fans.
You cleared your throat, at first no one heard you. Then you dramatically cleared your throat with much more volume. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you, except for Donnie. Leo lept at you, hugging you despite the many fans in your hands.
"My hero!"
"L-Leo! Hang on, lemme put these down first!" You laugh, trying to wiggle your way out of his arms, he let's go and immediately takes one of the fans.
"Leo! Share the fan!" Raph yelled, Leo rolled his eyes and eventually put the fan down and pouted, as you plugged it in, you heard the fan blades from Donnie's jet back whir down as he landed on the ground with grace.
"I'm taking a break, but just a little more work on the danged thing, and it should be up and running soon enough, save your applause." He took off his battle shell, and lay on the floor like a pancake, along with his brothers who sat in front of the fan to catch the cool breeze.
Still holding another fan, you looked at Leo, who was leaning against you.
"Wanna go hang in my room? I don't wanna hang around with these boozos anymore," he said jokingly as Donnie stuck his tongue out at Leo, along with Mikey. You nodded and you carried the fan to his room and plugged it into the wall, turning it up as high as it can go.
"Much better, this room should be cool in no time, you really are a life saver, ya know that?"
He said as he sat in front of the fan, you plopped down next to him, leaning forward to catch the wind.
"Yeah yeah, I know, you'd be a goner without me."
You puffed out a breath as you wiped the now cooling sweat off of your forehead. Your shirt raised a bit in the back but you didn't care, if anything, you decided to keep it that way since it just showed more skin to be cooled down.
Leo sat criss cross as he leaned backwards on his hands. For a while he stared at the fan as you two talked about things like your day, and how the AC got busted, and what you two can do when the AC is finally fixed, but then something caught Leo's eyes. He had the perfect view of your back, and something stood out against the black tank top on your body, something white. He tilted his head, trying to get a better angle, but the clothing his to much of your back for him to fully see.
"Hey, can I ask you something weird?"
"Don't you always have something weird up your sleeve?"
"Well then, something weirder than normal."
"Depends, but ask away."
"What's on your back? See, cause I've been staring at it for a bit, not in a weird way or anything, but I can't see the full thing on it."
"Yeah, anyway you asked, that would have been weird."
"See, told you, soooo, tell me, what is it?"
"Ah, just a tattoo I got."
"Daaaaang, a tattoo? Dad would KILL me if I got a tattoo, can I see?"
You nodded and turned your back to Leo so he could see it better. You lifted your Black Wife Beater on your back, and kept your arms in front to keep your front shirt from lifting. Detailed upon your skin was a white tattoo of your bones on your back, specifically, your spinal cord, it reached all the way from the back of your neck to your lower half and probably further. How Leo didn't see this before astounded him. He gave a whistle.
"Niceee, diggin' the detail on it!"
He touches your back, about to trace the lines on your back, before he was met with a very wet and sweaty back.
"Ewwwww, you're back's all wet!" He took the hand he used to touch your back and wiped it on your shorts.
"Well yeah, it's sweat, what'd you expect?? It's still hot in here, no thanks to you know who!"
You turned around and joked, and punched his shoulder lightly. He dramatically rubbed it.
"Hey! It was an accident!"
"Yeah, an accident you caused!"
You both chuckled and laughed, joking with each other for the next hour.
He would definitely have to look more at it later.
After hearing what Leo did, you knew it would be up to your genius boyfriend to fix it up. You brought extra fans, hoping they would cool them all down, and the extra one, you bought just before you got down there, you knew he was pretty paranoid about his Softshell and how it could make him "weak" but how he would complain on how hot it gets regardless. So, you knew he would either have to take off the battle shell, or get another fan, and really, you doubt you would ever talk him into taking off the shell. Once your feet hit the dirty concrete floor, you could already feel the air sucking heat. Going down the usual corridors, you made it to the lair. You saw the brothers feet away from each other, to sweaty to even try to stand up, the only brother not there being your lovable, goofy boyfriend.
Mikey screamed, rushing towards you to give you a big hug, before taking one of the many fans you had in your hands, and plugging it into the wall, the other two then seemed to run up to it, pushing and shoving each other to get the cool breeze the fan produced. You rolled your eyes playfully before looking around.
"Hey uh, where's -"
"Don's fixing the AC, he should be in the big ol'e storage thingie"
You nodded, thanked Raph, before heading down the corridors, taking lefts and rights, before finally reaching the room, if anything, it was just this big room with many layers, like the atrium, except this place just had a bunch of junk and old heavy crates and boxes. This place was even hotter than the other rooms. You looked around, trying to find your favorite turtle, before you heard a clank right beside you, a wire cutter lay next to your feet. Jeez, good thing you were stand that extra foot to the left, or else you woulda been toast.
"Mind getting that for me darling?"
You looked up to see Donnie with his battle shell on the ceiling, using 4 mechanical arms to hold him up while he held onto many tools. That's gotta be a disaster waiting to happen.
"How about you come down here for a bit? I got some fans, so you don't heat up."
Donnie started slowly climbing down with the robo arms staring at you as he wall climbed down.
"Ah, but oh my starlight, what you fail to realize is that, you, my dear, you are my biggest fan- ooo, you have the little mini fans!"
He grabbed one from you, sticking it to his battle shell, the tiny fan went back and forth, bringing his neck a graze of cool bliss. He breathed a sigh of relief.
"You have no idea how much I needed this, it's been killer having to work under these conditions."
"I know, you'd be undoubtedly deceased without my help."
You said dramatically, flailing a hand on your forehead while giving your best 'sad actors' face. He gave a sarcastic laugh, helping you set up the other fans you had brought, you even brought a tiny fan for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N :).
"So, do you mind to tell me why you bought so many fans?"
"I've had these fans forever? What do you mean bought?"
He held up one of the fans, the price sticker was still on it.
"Now, care to explain thine self?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes, you didn't want to point out his insecurities, but you knew if you didn't, he'd be hounding you all day.
"Sooo, ya know how you don't really take off your shell? Your battle shell I mean."
"Obviously, what of it?"
"Welllll, I thought how since you wouldn't take it off, how you would over heat, and I didn't want you to burn up, but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable and paranoid with your shell out, so I made for some accomodations if you say."
You said your words fast, using your hands to make motions as you talked, not looking him directly in the eye. He seemed to just blink at this. He seemed, confused?
"So, what you're saying is, you bought, all these fans, just because you knew how I don't like being around without my battle shell on? Just for me?"
The words just for me stood out to you, he seemed touched, and he laid a hand on his front Plastron near his heart to insinuate himself.
"Of course I did, you big goof-"
He corrected, you sighed.
"Of course I did you big genius, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I don't want you to be turned into fried turtle, how would I be able to look at your brilliant inventions, and handsome face on the floor when you're just laying there like a cooked pancake?"
You joked, rubbing his shoulder, you knew he didn't like being touched all that much, so you only rubbed it gently so he could brush you off if needed be. He actually laughed, flapping his hands up and down a bit, which surprised you since he often only did things sarcastically and often didn't show much emotions physically, sure, you've seen him stim before an abundance of times, but you've never seen him actually laugh much.
"A pancake, really? To all the things you can compare me to, a pancake is what you chose?"
"Yes, and I shall demonstrate"
You laid on your stomach, giving some sad look as you rolled side to side a bit.
"Ohhh, poor me, poor Othello Von Ryan, I lay on the floor as miserable as I am, because my loving lover, as lovely as they may be, have not brought me an extra fan, so, I shall lay here, until the end of time, cooking like a pancake, only to be flipped over when I have cooked fully on one side, blehhhhhhhh."
You gave your best dead face, if your eyes could go like crosses, they would. He laughed harder. Having a hand on his knee, but then, in the middle of the laughing, something caught his eye, something white, upon your back, behind the black tank top. Your shirt, after laying on the cool concrete, lifted in the back just right to see what it was. It was a tattoo, of white gears that intermingled with the back of your rib cage, giving the impression that the white gears were inside your skin, each gear was artistically hand made each, along with the shading of your ivory bones. It was beautiful art work, mesmerizing even. When he laughing died down and turned into small hums, you turned your head to look at him.
"See something you like love?"
You joked, until you realized what he was looking at, he was looking at your back, more specifically, your tattoo. He crouched down to get a better look at it before turning his head to the side a bit.
"You didn't tell me you had a tattoo"
"Hm? Oh, that's probably cause I got it pretty recently, I was gonna surprise you when the swelling went down, when it would look better."
You were right, there was a tiny bit of swelling from the needle that tattooed you, though, it wasn't much, if you didn't mention it, he probably wouldn't have noticed it.
"It's beautiful."
You snorted.
"Maybe you should get one too, so we can be matching."
A shiver ran up his shell as he took visibly shivered imagining it.
"Absolutely NOT!!"
You rolled over on your back as you bellied over with laughter, as he explained to you with big hand motions the sensitivity of his shell and how that would never work in a good way.
Getting down to the lair, you felt like melting. How were the boys even surviving this heat?? You were only down there for a couple seconds and you already wanted to leave, but alas, your boyfriend and his brothers needed you.
You walked into the room, fans in hands.
"Any turtles call for a savior?"
You joked. Leo gave a quick thanks before running to go get a fan and plug it into the wall. You looked around for your orange boyfriend, before you felt a weight go slack on top of you. It was your boyfriend, laying his skin and plastron on your back, draping his arms at your sides.
He whined, sweat beading down on his forehead.
"M-Mikey haha, let me put these down! You're sweaty!!"
You both chuckled as you put some fans down. Once you did, he grabbed one.
"C'mon! Let's go to my room! I've got a special surprise in there!"
"Annnddd, what is this surprised?"
"Well I can't tell you, or else it wouldn't be a surprise! Duh."
You playfully rolled your eyes as you followed the energetic turtle to his room. His room was covered head to toe in paintings and drawings and memorabilia. He set up the fan in his room, each turn the fan made back and forth made the papers shake and rise in the wind of the fan. He sat you down on the floor.
"One sec! I gotta go get it!"
He raised his finger and went to leave his room. Minutes later, he came back with his hands behind his back.
"Pick a hand!"
You laughed at his over dramatic-ness as he leaned side to side, shaking one arm before shaking the other, trying to confuse and mis direct you. You pointed at his left hand. He smiled and handed you...what the fuck is this? It was an ice cream that looked like that cartoon rabbit if he was possessed and melted, with black gumball eyes, and around those "eyes", the dye on the gum seemed to melt off into the ice cream. Mickey pulled out his own ice cream, except it looked like that one yellow cartoon bird, with the blue gumball eyes doing the same thing.
"Tada! Ice creams! You're lucky I was able to keep them from my brothers! I always keep stuff like this for emergency situations, and this, is def one of those times!!"
He started to lick his ice cream. You laugh.
"Mine looks possessed!"
"And what if he is? Don't judge, let the ghost do what he wants to do."
He said joking, holding up his ice cream and waving it around like a fake ghost.
"Why would you insult me this way Y/N? Whyyy, what have I ever down?"
He was trying to stay in character, trying not to laugh. You played along.
"Oh dear Mr ghost! I'm so very sorry, I didn't expect you to haunt something like kids ice cream! Forgive me for my ignorance."
You lay a hand on you forehead and leaned away dramatically.
"Hm, I shall forgive you one time, in exchange for a kiss"
"A-a wha?"
You blushed a bit, until you realized that Mikey was making funny kissy faces and he slowly inched the the ice cream near your face. You also leaned, forward, expecting to kiss the ice cream, until you took a huge bite from the forehead. Mikey made a cartoon scream as he shock the ice cream.
"How could you!? My face, my gorgeous face! Oh the world be so cruel!"
Mikey fell backwards, flailing the ice cream with a lose hand, causing the ice cream to accidentally be dragged along your back, you gave a shiver at the new cooler sensation. Mikey broke outta character. Still laughing slightly.
"Omigosh! Sorry Y/N! Here, let me."
He grabbed some paper towels from his drawing desk in his room, art was messy, so he always came prepared! He began to wipe your back, accidentally shifting your shirt up a bit. As soon as he got the ice cream off, your back caught his eyes. You had these tattooed white cracks that cracked all the way from your neck, to your lower back. He sat there in awe for a second, staring and mesmerizing the shapes they made.
"Omigosh! Omigosh!"
"Wow, two 'omigosh's'. You ok there Mike?"
"Why didn't you tell me about your sweet tattoo!? It's beautiful!"
"Oh, that, must've forgotten to mention that, sorry!"
You chuckled, turning your face to be met with Mikey, gazing at your back, rocking back and forth with stars in his eyes.
"You HAVE to let me paint the spaces in-between the cracks! I could turn this into a true masterpiece!"
You chuckled at his amusement, you could practically see a million ideas that flowed through his head on what to paint in-between the white cracks and gapes.
"Sure, only if I can get another bite of your "mister ghost" ice cream. "
He nodded and passed you his ice cream.
"His death will be a noble sacrifice."
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twistifiedz · 11 months
🌈, 🔥, and 👁 for the ask game !
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👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
“If we’re talking in a magical sense… I am most definitely a psychic. The girls always make fun of me when I say this!” Hyerim tries to stifle a laugh as she looks towards the members who all sigh dramatically as she begins to ramble about astrology and her spiritual powers. Sohye immediately intervenes before the girls are here for hours being told about their birth chart. 
“Please do not get Hyerim started about powers. She will claim that she had dejavu at the smallest situations ever…” Sohye laughs, playfully shoving Hyerim in the chair. 
“It’s true! I had dejavu when we were at Inkigayo and we got our first win! I was told I was delusional!” A loud Hyerim emerges in the room, standing up from the chair. She begins to point at the members, specifically Sohye and Chaeyoung. It was one of Hyerim’s many perks, to get loud and defensive. Chaeyoung audibly gasps as she wasn’t expecting to be brought into this little debacle. “That’s because who expects a 1 day old rookie group to their first win in 10 days?! Be realistic!” Matching Hyerim’s volume, the youngest two begin to get into a debate.
Mina suddenly speaks up, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden chaos in the room, she tries to everyone to a reasonable volume. “Well, to answer the first question… We all have brown eyes!” Stating the obvious, she hears laughter from the three other members.
“Why thank you, Catherine Obvious!” Sohye blurts out, despite having the incorrect saying. Providing even more laughter from Chaeyoung and Hyerim, the group’s lovely maknaes.
“Don’t you mean Captain Obvious?” Hyerim, now in tears of laughter, says as she holds onto Chaeyoung for more laughter. “Where in the world did you get Catherine from?!” Chaeyoung yells, her face is way beyond baffled. This was a new low for Sohye, who is now sitting flustered in her seat. Her cheeks are red and she covers her face in peak embarrassment.
“Shut up! I said what I said!” Sohye yells in defense, she folds her arms and turns her cheek to the girls. “Yeah, and you definitely said it wrong.” Mina makes a remark as she looks at the live comments.
“Well, as you can see, Sohye gets red in the face when she is embarrassed!”
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
“Self destruction is this one’s middle name.” Sohye points to Hyerim, completely throwing the maknae under the bus. So much for loyalty, huh? Hyerim rolls her eyes and completely shrugs off Sohye’s remarks. 
“Let’s not talk about self destruction when you’ve destroyed every relationship with a man that you’ve come across!” A passive aggressive Hyerim smiles as she pours herself some tea. A loud silence falls amongst the girls. This was pretty common between Sohye and Hyerim. There was a slight competition between the two behind the scenes. Quite frankly, it was an annoying thing to deal with if you have lived with them for multiple years.
“I may be self-destructive in my relationships, but aren’t you the one who destroys actual prior existing ones? If I recall, weren’t you just crying about being called a homewrecker?” Sohye questions. Leaving Mina and Chaeyoung in complete shock and having to clean up the mess that takes place after.
The comments are going insane, in the meantime. “I can’t help but be attractive to those who come across me. I’ve done nothing but exist and men with audacity feel the need to offer me things! Sohye, that’s what happens when you have a pleasant personality!” Hyerim chimes, her voice lowers as she leaves her tea on the counter.
“Please do not be alarmed, guys! This is just them joking with each other.. As you can see it gets really intense here, aha!” Mina, now feeling secondhand embarrassment and wanting to shut the livestream off. She can only imagine the rumors and possible controversy that can come out of this.
“Umm, I personally tend to overthink my work and critique myself way too much! I’ve deleted a lot of unreleased music because of this.” Chaeyoung switches the topic as she looks at the comments with Mina. Noticing the worried look upon her leader’s face, Chaeyoung squeezes her hand unbeknownst to the average viewer’s knowledge.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
“What advice would you give your younger self, guys?” Mina cheers up as she looks at this particular question in the comments. She looks to her members for approval before she answers.
“You know? I would honestly start a bakery or get into cooking at a younger age. Baking is just very peaceful to me.” Chaeyoung smiles, her eyes twinkling as she begins to think about what could have been a nice alternate future for her. “You love baking. I’ve had some of Chae’s cookies, they’re really good!” Hyerim agrees with Chaeyoung as she recalls a memory.
“Oh, yes! Chaeyoung actually made a cake for my older brother’s wedding. Everyone loved it!” Mina exclaims, nodding her head in excitement.
“I would take up modeling. I can easily do that now, but I’ve always wanted to be in the children's beauty pageants, my parents on the other hand…” Sohye sighs. She shudders at the mere thought of that small part of her childhood where she actually lived with her parents.
“For me, I would grow a backbone early on and actually defend myself. I’m too timid as of now.” Mina gets candid for a bit. She believed she found herself to be a pushover and a bit weak at times. She often questions her leader role, as well. Especially when it becomes hard to tell if her members are fighting or playing, she finds herself wondering… Can she really do this?
“I would tell myself that I can do anything I want! Technically speaking, I’m already doing that. But I mean in the sense that I can major in Psychology as I’m also an idol. You know, multitasking! I have a deep love for psychology!” Hyerim stirs her tea and takes another sip. She found herself wanting to ramble about the human mind and the influences of society.
Noticing the comments still mentioning the questionable tension between Sohye and Hyerim, Mina finds that it is time to end the livestream. Mina puts on a forced smile, “Well, that’ll be all for today, guys! We actually have to go to rehearsal soon! Oops, did I mention rehearsal?” Mina giggles, she internally pats herself on the back for shifting the focus onto something that really matters.
The girls say their respective farewells to the livestream and it soon ends. Leaving the girls to look at each other in silence. Mina slowly becomes furious, but she would never let it show.
“You two need to get it together. I know you both read the comments. There’s no reason that little stunt should have taken the focus of the whole livestream. You are aware that people are going to think there’s tension, right?” Mina sighs once again, her voice starts to fluctuate between several volumes. This might have been the angriest the members have seen their leader.
“Unnie, it’s okay. You did a great job on distracting the comments! They actually think there’s music coming and me being me, I can fix that.” Chaeyoung places her hands on Mina’s shoulders, trying to ease her leader’s stress. 
“Sohye started first! She shouldn’t have said that I’m self destructive. I simply pointed out facts.” Hyerim retorted. “It’s actually hilarious that I can get under your skin like that,” Sohye smiles as she leaves the three, going into her room. She knew she would be hearing Mina’s mouth for the rest of the day. 
Mina’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe Sohye had the audacity to leave the room in the middle of a group meeting. Immediately rising from her chair, Mina follows Sohye into her room.
“How dare you! You have the nerve to leave when I’m in the middle of letting you guys know that the idiocy taking place is ridiculous?!” Mina yells, this was her first time even calling the members out their name. Sohye’s heart might have dropped just a teensy bit. She’s lived with Mina for four years, and hearing the insult being hurled from the leader was shocking.
“You’re not excluded from the lecture, Sohye! It’s not solely Hyerim’s fault, this is yours too! Do you know how serious bully accusations are?!” Mina’s voice gets louder, she knew the general public weren’t fond of bullies. Hell, they’ll petition for both Sohye and Hyerim to leave, leaving the rest of Twist to fend for themselves. Mina valued her career, and she knew Chaeyoung did too.
Sohye, still silent, begins to paint her toenails as she dismisses Mina’s need to yell. “Mina, please. It was a joke. Don’t you think you’re overthinking, a bit?” Shrugging Mina’s worries off, Sohye finally looks to her leader. Deep down, Sohye was not joking. It was a bit fun doing whatever she was doing to Hyerim. It’s not exactly a competition, but the banter is indeed fun. 
As the older two of the group are arguing amongst themselves, Chaeyoung doing damage control, has uploaded a song to the group’s soundcloud. Hyerim, sitting next to her, witnesses the moment right before her eyes. “I cannot believe you just did that, thank you.” Hyerim says as she looks towards Chaeyoung.
Slowly regretting her prior remarks to Sohye earlier, Hyerim did not like seeing Mina in such an angered state. Chaeyoung on the other hand, did not take any offense to Sohye and Hyerim’s continuous banter. Did it become too much at times? Yes. But she also understood why her leader was under panic.
After a few minutes of yelling from Mina, she heads back to the living room and sits in silence. She finally notices the soundcloud notification on her phone; ‘Twist have uploaded a new track. Listen here.’ Slightly easing her previous anxiety, Mina sighs in relief. She knew there wasn’t much that could be done about Sohye and Hyerim in the current moment, but as long as fans were focused on something else for the time being, she was fine.
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oc emoji ask game here !
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lolamarlowe65 · 2 years
𝓘𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 //James Hetfield
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"The house next door was just sold, i hope the new neighbour will be nice."
part two of ? part one
disclaimers : smut, age gap (modern day james), slow burn shit, smoking, probably drinking, anyway big girls shit kids dni. (warnings will be more specific when smut will be there)
Wattpad link
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
Chapter 2 - Sold
It was the middle of the day at work. I was sweeping the entrance of the pharmacy down in the aisles. The medicines reminded me too much of my mom. Everybody would be wondering how the hell I am working at a pharmacy if it reminds me too much about my mom. I didn't get it to make myself miserable on purpose. I needed the job. It's truly not what I want to do with my life. It was just necessary. I was always getting my mom's medication from here. I was there part time even before being a part timer here. I just got the job because Pamela and I get along well.
Pamela is the owner of the pharmacy. She has known my grandparents for years, and she got to know my mom too before she died. It's just as monotone as it sounds. She took pity on me and all the money I would have to get for the only people I had left and one Monday morning I was there, sweeping the floor.
"-Ann !" shouted Pamela.
I was gone too far in my mind. Fuck.
"-Oh! I'm sorry Pam!" i said, stressed.
"- Well sorry for scaring you Ann, but please be more aware of your surroundings." she said, pointing to the bottles that fell down the shelves while i was in my thoughts.
Always on the moon or somewhere around. That's my thing. My life is not so exciting, there's not a lot going on for me and I spend most my time worrying about my grandmother's health. It's only natural that I started daydreaming more and more. Pamela made the remark multiple times in the past two weeks. That's never a lot, I daydream here and there when my mind needs to get out. I daydream mostly about my mom, her hugging me tightly and telling me everything's gonna be okay. But sometimes I daydream about what I could do with my life if I wasn't so stressed of flying away and of showing who I am. I can't now anyway. Also sometimes, I daydream about sex. Hey, I'm a young woman with desires and needs. I'd love a good fuck from time to time, it would help me relax perhaps. But I don't want to do that with a random stranger who's not gonna know what the fuck they are doing. Sometimes I pray to pass along the way of the hottest man I would have ever seen and just know that he would make me grip the sheets. However, that's certainly not on my to do list now. Apart from taking care of my grandma, I don't really think there's anything more on this list anyway. It's funny because if my mom was here she would tell me with this sweet voice of hers "Have fun sweetheart! You're young and pretty, you should enjoy it!" She was pretty open about that, she gave me the whole discussion when I was 14. She said "Never too young!" I hope she understands, wherever she is that I'm not in the mood to look for that at the moment. If it comes, then the universe really wants me to get railed.
"- I'm sorry Pam." i apologies again.
"- Don't apologise, put that back." she says with a slight smile.
I swear sometimes this woman gets on my nerves. Even more lately, I don't know what is going on with her but I'm tired of this passive aggressive tone.
Fuck it.
I put the broom aside and I kneel down to fix the shelf. "You are aware of your surroundings Ann." I repeat myself this sentence over and over while I put the stuff back on the shelf. I couldn't see around me as I was focused on the shelf but I definitely knew what was going on around me. Pamela was on the phone with a customer. I heard the bell of the door ring, somebody's there. I heard the sound of their footsteps going to the counter. I don't think they noticed me. Pamela saw them and hung up the phone. Her attention was on the costumer. I still have to organise the tags, Pamela can take care of the customer, I can go back to my business. Still, I'm a curious cat, I can listen to their conversation and still do my job right?
"- Good afternoon sir. How may I help you?" Pam asked.
"- Well, I just need something for my migraines." the customer said.
Their voice.
"- Well I have Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin is stronger. Otherwise it's on prescription, if the pain is persistent i'd advise you to see a doctor sir. That's all I can get you." said Pamela in a serious tone.
"- There's a time I would have solved it with a bottle of Jack!" he joked. "Give me Excedrin man, that'll be fine."
Pamela bagged the medicine and the customer paid and was heading out the store. At the same moment, i stood up. My surroundings. Fuck. I bumped into the customer.
"- Shit!... I apologise sir!" i said rapidly, knowing Pam was about to kill me.
The customer helped me to get my balance back. They quickly put their hand on my arm to help me and put it away as soon as if they didn't know if I was comfortable being touched.
Their hand... This hand.
I think the tattoo on it will stay engraved on my mind forever.
"- It's okay." he said.
Again. This voice.
I looked up at them.
I had never seen such a beautiful man. He was stunning. I have never felt something like that, mostly towards someone older. The blue eyes, the well trimmed hair, the tats. He was older but he could beat any guy my age. Here he was, the hottest man I had ever crossed my path with. I was looking at his eyes. So was he.
"- Sorry for that sir. Have a nice rest of your day." said Pamela, getting me out of my fixation.
"- No problem man! Goodbye... Ann." he smiled looking at my badge.
"- Goodbye." i said, startled.
He smiled at me one last time and got out.
"- Ann i swear. I understand that you can be out sometimes with everything going on for you but you really need to focus." she said, obviously pissed off. "Mostly with people like him." she added.
"- What do you mean?" i asked.
"- You didn't recognise him?" she said like it was obvious.
"- No. Who's he?"
Pam walked back behind the counter, smirking, happy she knew something i didn't.
"- Whatever Pam. I have to go."
I was finished with my work, i was exhausted and i needed to go home. I'll get Pam to tell me who was this guy on my next shift.
In the short drive I had to go home, I still had the time to think about this man. It's not about who he could be, but this encounter. Something was in the air, I could tell when he looked at me. Maybe it was just my mind. And maybe it's because I'm touch depraved but the way his hand touched me was electric. God I'm so horny. But there also was something so peaceful and calm about this. Argh! Whatever, I guess he will just wander in my mind from time to time before I realise it was just a normal encounter between two people and I was down bad for nothing.
When I arrived home, I looked over at the house next door. The open house sign was covered.
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
A/N : writing slow burn makes me as horny and delusional than it makes me want to throw my head against a wall. Chapter 3 is done anyway. Love <3
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whumpy-tiime · 1 year
Shifting Shapes - #1
Here is my first little thing of this story! This is honestly an introduction to the main character, if even that lmaoo
No warnings as this is just a silly little thing, though future ones will definitely have warnings :D
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It had been about 6 months since Norman had officially joined Team Tarantula, though he still felt like a complete stranger to his team. He hated the feeling of intrusion he felt whenever he walked into a room the others were in and they gave him that look.
The look that told him they hated him, despised him, wanted nothing more than to kill him. The look that told him that if it weren’t for their boss, he would have been left for dead.
The loud, joyful conversations that turned to harsh whispers the second he stepped within vicinity.
The passive aggressive jabs at his past and present mistakes.
The impatient remarks of a team that didn’t want to deal with teaching him, helping him.
He was used to it, his old team made sure of that, but he couldn’t help the hurt his teammates brought him.
He did all that he could to please them. He had taken up doing most of the household work, though he had to admit it might’ve been more for himself than the team.
Doing as many chores as possible made him feel fulfilled, even if his team tried to ignore him, he noticed the doing of his work. Not only could he prove he was useful in a domestic setting, not just a battle setting, but he got a nice, distracting routine.
Routine is all he needs; it helped him get through being with his old team and it’ll help him get through being with his new one.
Vacuuming was one of his favorite things to do. Just a repetitive movement to space out too while getting a job done. Though apparently he isn’t allowed peace for too long as multiple of his muscles constrict and contract, making him stumble while trying to process the sudden pain.
Norman rolled his eyes before turning off the vacuum and looking around himself, making sure none of his teammates were around. When he decided it was safe to do so, he allowed himself to slowly shift those muscles.
His body ached to find relief as soon as possible though, and, much to Norman’s dismay, the second tension was released from the muscles, he fell to the ground. His body melted, not being able to support himself.
He was soon a pile of dark sludge. Relief flooded his body, or, what was left of it.
Being a human was tiring, or at least holding the form was.
Being a shapeshifter had a lot of pros but tended to have more cons. Though he could hold certain forms for a long time, if he didn’t take a break, his body would fight to change.
He hated it. Why couldn’t he just be a person? Why couldn’t he just be a guy? Why couldn’t he just be a regular human that had regular human problems, instead of whatever the fuck he was doing right now? Why did he ever leave the tank?
“What the fuck, man,” a voice tore Norman from his sulking session and he quickly reformed into a person.
“Sorry, Axle,” the shifter looked at the man that had suddenly entered the room as his newly formed face warmed up in embarrassment.
“It’s, uh, it’s… fine. Just, can you not do that in the lounge area?” Axle grimaced at the guy in front of him.
“Yeah, no, no problem, sorry,” Norman brought his hands together to fidget with his fingers as he nodded to the other.
“…Alright,” Axle slowly turned and walked out of the room.
‘Well, that fucking sucked,’ Norman thought as he sighed, deciding enough chores have been done.
He had plenty to do in his room anyway.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I hope this tiny little snippet was an enjoyable start :D
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killerchickadee · 10 months
My boss at Michael's is such a fucking asshole. Like things that made me look for a new job include him not scheduling enough people (even though we have the hours) and not helping out, and doing a shitty halfassed job, and just being a passive-aggressive asshole. So I worked today and I went in and the store was a disaster, and surprise he didn't do anything, and I spent half my shift on register because his stupid ass only scheduled one cashier on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, which is when people really start ramping up their Christmas shopping.
And he spent the ENTIRE day making digs at me and making shitty remarks about my other job.
As I was leaving I told him I can't work next Saturday cause I'm at my other job, and he was like, "You can work Sunday though, right?" And I was like. Idk probably not? And he was like what am I going to do with you. Literally half the people at the store come in late and miss shifts all the goddamn time and it's no problem, but I can't work a day (even after I told him I'd only be able to work here and there) and he acts like he's going to fire me.
Buddy it's not my fault you're so bad at your fucking job that you haven't replaced me yet. He supposedly had a guy lined up and then probably didn't follow through with it like he's done with every other fucking person he's hired. I'm still in the system as a manager even though he was supposed to change that over a week ago (not that I mind, I'll keep my extra money lol).
Like. Do you understand that I was giving you my two weeks notice and I stayed on one day a week to do YOU a favor? Somehow him not having enough staff or enough managers is my fault. Fucking piece of shit.
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icharchivist · 1 year
honestly Belial having a "nobody can insult my baby brother but me" thing towards Lucifer would potentially put kind of a funny spin on the fact that Sandalphon was completely unaffiliated with the Fallen Angels during the rebellion despite causing Problems on his own, especially given Belial seems to have much more genuine animosity towards Sandalphon than Lucifer (which makes sense given he envies Sandalphon's lack of inborn purpose to follow and has no reason to have any attachment towards him like with Lucifer)
(come to think of it, Sandalphon and Belial would probably be the worst in-laws ever lmao. i'm picturing LuciSan and SariBeli going to lunch somewhere or something and Belial spending the entire time making snide passive-aggressive remarks back and forth with Sandalphon until he ends up diving across the table to try to strangle him)
Shipping LuciSan because of the romantic tension between them: basic, surface level, basic drama
Shipping LuciSan for the in-laws drama between Sandalphon and Belial: inspired, sacred, the funniest fucking alternative
I love what you say in the first paragraph yes!! Like Belial was tolerating the guy as long as he was making his little brother happy but now, he's making him miserable and it's not even Belial's fault??? wtf!! (and yeah also for the parenthesis, there's a lot of reasons Belial's animosity toward Sandalphon is manifesting that way, i'll also add, how Belial would do anything to be loved by Lucilius and doesn't get this love, meanwhile he can see his devotion in Sandalphon, and see that Lucifer loved him unconditionally, some jealousy can sneak in here)
And as for the rest YESSSS this is exactly how i picture it. Belial would CONSTANTLY try to provoke Sandalphon and i would totally see Lucifer not even really noticing bc well. that's just how his brother is, and he tends to lack the ability to pick up when behaviors upset people. So the situation would escalate on Belial's side and Lucifer will not exactly notice until Sandalphon suddenly starts throwing hands. Granted from this point Lucifer will side with Sandalphon like "idk what really happened but Belial stop provoking my boyfriend" while Belial is just "he's the one who assaulted me????" "i didn't understand everything but i'm almost certain you probably deserved it" "WOW."
Still Lucifer invites Belial for meals because he likes to see his big brother and every single time Sandalphon is dreading.
They'd be the messiest inlaws i want it.
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bajibitch · 2 years
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Here we are again with polyamory headcanons. Yandere!
Emma & Nahoya, Izana & Shuji, South & Taiju,
warnings: mentioned noncon
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◆◇Emma & Nahoya◇◆
He tried to help Emma in more ways than one when it came to getting your attention and along the way, he started feeling the same. Seeing you in this new light nearly made him betray Emma, but instead, he promised to make the two of you a thing if she agreed to try a vee relationship. It wouldn't be fair to him if he handed over the person he loved to satisfy someone else. She agreed since she wasn't sure how to get you on her own when it took her more than a decade to confess to someone she knew from childhood.
Nahoya enables Emma’s behavior and even helps her when you're fighting against her since he knows that you're more terrified of him, but when she’s feeling upset about the way things are she’ll go to your defense in hopes that she’ll get you to herself for a short while. Eventually, he notices that she only does it when she isn't the focus of either of you at the moment and he has a conversation about how she needs to work on it before he messes things up.
Nahoya can understand when he’s taken things too far or is being inconsiderate of those he’s with, he can admit his faults and even tries to make up for them. Emma is the kind of person who will say they were wrong but then start to bring up things that she feels were worse than the bad things she's done so the two of them end up butting heads. He feels if he can take accountability for what he's done then she should do it without making a big deal when it's her turn.
Emma isn't the strongest so she’ll try to make you weaker by getting you sick with nonfatal poisoning if your behavior becomes too much and remind you that no matter how bad things get, she’ll always be there to take care of you. When you’re complaining about your situation she rolls her eyes saying you must have it bad, being in a house with two people who want to spend their life loving you. She calls you ungrateful for not seeing how good you have it and spends the rest of the day making passive-aggressive remarks. Since you aren’t allowed in the kitchen she’ll wait until the last minute to make you something to eat and make sure it won’t be enough to hold you through the night.
Nahoya isn’t as violent as he would be if you were only his because he wants to be considerate of Emma’s feelings. Even though she may have tampered with your food and made degrading comments, she hated seeing the wounds he left on you because she felt it was overkill since he already made it impossible for you to leave him. So he doesn't do things that’ll leave noticeable bruising, though he has his days. He does things like taking a fistful of your hair and saying what he prefers to do, wrapping his arm around your throat saying how you’ve been testing his patience, and shoving/kicking you around. Emma wasn't pleased walking into the living room and seeing him suffocate you with a couch pillow, but he feels like he's too lenient for her sake when you keep making the same mistakes. It's frustrating when he has to hold himself back.
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◆◇Izana & Shuji◇◆
Shuji noticed the way Izana would light up even with the most basic conversations like he was just happy to spend a short moment with you. He knew Izana was the one following you home but didn't feel alarmed since he figured Izana was just making sure you got back to him safely. Even though Izana wanted to confess his feelings, he never went that far because he appreciated what he already had. If Shuji never allowed him to see how far the two of you could get then he would’ve kept his love bottled up.
Shuji thought Izana was too quick to hurt you and told him to start asking you about the event that makes him think you're doing something wrong. Too often Izana jumped to conclusions and it ended with you being wrongfully disciplined, of course, he gave an apology but Shuji didn't like it when he made that kind of mistake.
Shuji didn't want to push you to the point where you’d be walking on eggshells rather than treating his place like your home. If Izana continued to be irrational then he’d ruin the comfortable atmosphere Shuji created because he didn't want you to feel like things were good if you acted like a puppet, only doing what he approved of.
Shuji wouldn't do anything that ended with you needing medical attention unless you were being unfaithful. He wants the relationship to be healthy even though it started with him forcing you into it. He knows that going so far for the simplest mistakes would only cause you to resent him so he just discusses any problems he has at the moment. If the discussion gets to the point where you're both screaming at one another then he takes time to himself, leaving you to do the same.
Since Shuji never had you close off your other relationships, you were still able to maintain your social life but Izana didn't like the idea of you spending so much time with them. He’ll make a scene of accusing your friends of trying to have an intimate relationship when you're texting them throughout the day as some friends do. It’ll escalate to the point where he's harassing said friends and driving them away from you because he wants to protect what the both of you have even if you’re against it.
When you rekindle your bonds and start to hang out with them without letting him know it’s enough for him to believe his suspicions were true. He’ll interrupt your moment with them, calling you all types of bitches and whores while yanking you from your seat. He doesn't care to beat you in front of people, so it turns into him fighting them if they have a problem and knocking you around. It's times like this that make Shuji decide to keep you away from Izana.
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◆◇South & Taiju◇◆
South never cared to let you go out since he could find you with little effort and handle whatever problem you created for him, but this time you managed to get a bodyguard, Taiju, who fell in love and wanted to help you out of your awful relationship. Even though Taiju lost the fight he didn't let up because he loved you too much to let you go back with someone who made you miserable and South found it respectable. He agreed to let Taiju be a part of your relationship but swore to kill him if he ever kept you from him again.
You're mostly over at Taiju’s house since South has his gang activities to take care of. They both like it this way because it puts you in a better position and now the only gang members that may come around are Kokonki and Seishu. You found out quickly that your Knight in shining armor was pretty strict and controlling when you asked if he had plans to keep you to himself. Now you could no longer go out whenever you pleased unless you were staying with South. South comes to see you often during his busy times but takes you back to his home when he's not doing much at the moment. He laughs about the situation you’re now in because he’s aware that you were trying to find a strong enough person to defeat him, he loves you all the same though.
South doesn't care if Taiju wants to express his anger by yelling and maybe handling you a bit rough but he doesn't want him covering you with scars. The two of them ended up fighting over it because South doesn’t even put his hands on you so he hates that the guy he let into the relationship is causing the most damage, so the issue went on until Taiju eased up.
Taiju understood that South would be taking you back to his place, especially since you were with him first, it's a given but he would appreciate it if he got a warning because South will take you for a month without warning and since Taiju has no idea where he lives he's just forced to wait for you to be brought back. That isn't fair when South visits his house whenever he wants to check in on you. It's almost as if he chooses to not make a compromise because he had you first.
South wouldn't throw punches at you anytime soon, but he can still be aggressive. If you're trying to turn your back when he's talking then he’ll have a bruising grip on your arm until he's finished saying his point, which is hypocritical because when you're expressing yourself he shuts you down if he doesn't like where it's going. When you succeed in pissing him off he’ll bring up the fact that he could handle you rough and has you get on your knees apologizing, promising that you won't make the same mistake. He’ll spare you the beating and instead limit what you can do. That means no more things like going out with him even if it's just on the porch and using things that he paid for (phones, games, sewing machines, art sets, laptops, apps like Netflix/Disney+, etc.).
Taiju prefers harsh discipline, if you're going to piss him off make sure South is visiting at the time. Even though South made it clear physical punishment wasn't something he was okay with, Taiju being the stubborn man he is continues to do it because just like South he has the right to handle you how he sees fit. Harsh punishments lead to quicker results, every slick comment is met with a slap because sooner or later you’ll learn to keep your nasty comments to yourself. If you threw your food down around him he’ll have you eating it off the floor because then you wouldn't feel confident doing it again. If you can't finish it then he forces it into your mouth until the mess is gone. You're breaking things when you're out of a job? He has you make the money back by giving you more chores than usual and even has you doing sexual favors because you owe it to him.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i need richie and eddie to get into a college roommate situation where they find each other on craigslist and they only move in together because the rent is going to clean their bank accounts if they don’t find someone to live with.
when they first start living together, it’s kind of awkward. richie is a bit too loud and extroverted for eddie’s liking, so eddie spends most of his time alone in his room. richie was glad to finally have a roommate so that he wouldn’t be so alone all the time, and he gets kinda grumpy when his cute roommate never leaves his room.
richie doesn’t mind having eddie as a roommate. eddie likes to do the cleaning, and sure there are passive-aggressive remarks here and there about richie’s way of living, but nothing richie can’t handle with his own sharp tongue.
the one thing that richie does notice, though, is eddie’s eating habits. all of the takeout containers from that ‘health bar’ down the street in their garbage and the fact that the only time richie has ever seen eddie in the kitchen is when he’s making coffee, richie thinks it can’t be good to constantly live off of takeout, especially if eddie’s only eating those kinds of meals that are marketed as ‘healthy’ but are crazy expensive.
richie considers himself a decent cook, his parents had taught him a good few recipes before he moved out and he’s always been comfortable in the kitchen. so one night richie makes extra of the meal he’s making himself for dinner, and when it’s ready he goes and knocks on eddie’s door. when he hears eddie’s ‘come in’, richie opens the door and places the plate of food on eddie’s desk. “i accidentally made too much,” he lies. “thought you might like some.”
at first, eddie is surprised. this is the same guy who leaves his socks on the living room floor and annoys eddie with his loud music and makes digs at eddie’s extensive weekend cleaning routine- and now he’s making eddie dinner? eddie accepts the food, and he’s even more surprised at how delicious it is.
not too long after, eddie stops eating in his room. whether it’s takeout or something richie cooked, the two start eating their meals at the kitchen table (that before was pretty much never used) together. eventually, richie starts cooking dinner for two every night. eddie tries to help, once, but richie soon realizes why eddie always ordered takeout for himself, and tells eddie to stick to just cleaning the dishes.
eddie finds a certain comfort in richie’s food. growing up, the meals that his mother would make him would be bland, boring, and lazily thrown together. but richie’s food was delicious, made with care, and it tasted even better when the two of them ate together. it isn’t long after that that eddie realizes that it’s not just richie’s cooking that he finds comfort in, but richie’s voice, asking how he’s feeling after a long day. richie’s laugh, contagious and instantly being able to brighten eddie’s mood. richie’s touch, when his fingers gently brush eddie’s as he shows eddie the correct way to chop an onion. just… richie.
maybe having a roommate isn’t so bad after all.
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keisurou · 3 years
(ft. suguru getō)
for @kenzumekodma‘s audvent collab <3 thank you aurelia for hosting this and letting my join !! this is just a short drabble featuring a meet cute (?) between mechanic!getō and reader. please check out all the other works here!
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Suguru Getō likes to play the nice guy. 
Scratch that—he’s excellent at playing the nice guy. It's another reason why he teams up so well with Satoru, for all his relentless teasing because Satoru was born to frustrate the living daylights out of anyone with his sarcastic remarks and passive-aggressiveness. 
But Suguru is far from just being nice. 
Of course, he has his moments; like today, for example. He notices you before you see him. It takes you a while to find him amongst all the cars and machinery; he blends in with the lines, curving into each corner and crevice of his workshop before he finally comes out to the front desk. 
You only catch a glimpse of his attire—the way his tank sticks to his skin in the sweltering heat, temptingly highlighting the ridges of his muscles underneath. 
“Can I help you?” 
You blink, focusing on his face. The corners of his lips curve up into a slow smile and you feel the warmth of it flutter along your skin all the way to your fingertips. “I need help with my car. It’s—it’s just parked outside but I can wait if—” the words die on your tongue as he leans forward, craning his neck until he can see the dark blue body of your car basking under the sun. You take a step back, and will your gaze to strictly stay above his shoulders. “I mean, if you’re busy, I can come by later.” 
“No, it’s fine,” You unlock the car for him, and he hops into the vehicle. It’s a tight fit, and he has to push the seat back all the way before he can bend his legs comfortably. He starts the engine, and it comes to life unceremoniously before sputtering sounds erupted from beneath the hood. There’s a furrow between his eyebrows as he visibly cringes. “When was the last time you got it serviced?”
“I don’t—I mean, it’s not really mine..” He raises an eyebrow, and you trip over your words in your haste to answer him. “I stole it from my ex-boyfriend,”
This time, both eyebrows shoot up and you can feel the heat rush to your cheeks and you squirm under his gaze. “You stole it.. from your boyfriend..?”
“Ex. Ex-boyfriend.” You feel the need to correct him, and it’s baffling. You let out a little nervous laugh and it comes out a bit more jittery than you’d like it to be. “I’m not crazy enough to actually steal from my boyfriend.”
There’s a beat of silence. He steps out, and drops the keys into your palm. “Listen, I want to help, really but I don’t want to be fixing a car for a..” he trails off, takes in the glassy-ness of your red-rimmed eyes and frowns. “..a runaway? Is that—is it safe to call you that?” 
You can’t help the wobble of your lips, and you hate how pathetic you must look right now. “I‘m not. It was my car but—” mortifyingly enough, you can hear a crack in your voice. “I’ll pay whatever it is. Can you fix it?”
He blinks. You can’t tell what he’s thinking; his expression gives absolutely nothing away but you’re blown away by how beautiful he is. It makes you terribly self-conscious, and you can’t help but wonder just how much of a mess you look like right now; how much of a loser you look like right now.
You are a loser. The memory of opening your front door to find your ex-boyfriend fucking your roommate rises to the surface, unbidden and without warning. The betrayal is still raw and the sting makes you bristle. You can’t help but cringe at your poor taste in men or maybe you were actually that unappealing.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll fix it but it’s going to take a while. You alright with waiting?”
“How long is a while?” You had looked around at the rest of the town before locating the garage. The lack of motels was worrisome. “Do you know if there’s any places to stay around here?”
You notice the way Suguru’s lips quirk up into a smirk; the way he leans back to take you in again, eyes giving you a lazy once over before he focuses on your face again. Your hands fly to your hair, smoothing or any lumps or bumps that may have been sticking out awkwardly. He breaks out into a smile, and now you’re a hundred percent certain that you definitely do look like a mess.
“I’m sure I can lend out my spare room for a few days.”
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taglist -> @dabinby, @sohya, @lukehemmingsfan101, @jadasz, @namyari, @dylansbabushkaa, @toobsessedsstuff, @cemeiia, @noblesavagex, @theselfieofdoriangrayy, @katsukichu​, @little-aruma, @Dontmindme:), @potaytopothato.
— those in italics couldn’t be tagged.
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spitdrunken · 3 years
notes: isabela x reader, humiliation / bullying, masochism. technically sfw but fucked up nonetheless.
so. :) since we’ve been talking abt a version where bruno is a lot creepier have my take on... meaner isabela. or, well, isabela who is just meaner to you. (pre movie events.) this is not supposed to represent a healthy relationship / dynamic whatsoever, it’s inherently abusive in nature, dead dove, dldr yadda yadda
she’s always so perfect around everyone, you’ve looked up to isabela for years. but... somewhere along the way, you became like her emotional punching bag. there’s so much frustration bubbling underneath her smile. maybe it’s because you were such an easy target, that it slipped into your interactions. you’ never fail to be brimming with admiration, more of a loyal dog than an actual friend. lapping up whatever she does. you’re like a living, breathing incarnation of what she hates. a constant reminder of the expectations she has to live up to.
if she knows anything though, it’s that you won’t tell.
it doesn’t matter what she does. isabela knows she could spit in your face and it wouldn’t change your feelings. but that’s not what she prefers. it’s all words, when it comes to her. that doesn’t change a thing, when her tongue is so sharp it can leave you trembling. over time, it’s festered into this. it started with just a passive aggressive remark here in there, hardly noticeable. now, when everyone’s backs are turned... she’ll tell you how lucky you are that she’s wasting her time with someone like you, that the only reason she’s still here is because of how much she pities you. you’re... nothing compared to her, and you never will be! (and of course she notices how it has you squirming still. creep.) 
you’re not good enough to marry her. for even a sliver of her affections. how often have you dirtied her in your thoughts...? no, wait. don’t answer that. she really doesn’t want to know. but most of all; her family would never approve of you being together. it’s a favourite saying of hers, because it never fails to make you flinch. at this point, you’re more than aware that if her family doesn’t want her to do something, she won’t.
she’s constantly chastising you for your behaviour. since everyone considers you so ‘close’, anything you do would reflect back on her. isabela starts holding you to near the same impossible standards as she holds herself. no one can be actually perfect, though. neither of you are. maybe you’ll try. and for a little bit, you can uphold the weight of it all. isabela is so sweet to you then, making the prettiest, cloying flowers blossom for you, fingers gentle as she helps you to look the best you can. if you can’t keep up, however... she’ll threaten to leave you behind entirely if you don’t shape up.
but... she never does. no matter how outrageously you might act, she could never, ever abandon you. you’ve always come back to her, after all. it twists her feelings ever further, vines sneaking around her heart and wringing it dry. no matter how hard she pushes you away, you come bounching right back. she doesn’t... hate you, no matter how much she likes to believe otherwise. neither is it loathing. because how could she hate the only person who has seen her for who she is. to whom she has laid bare the most ugly, revolting parts of herself, and who still comes crawling back for more...? who hungrily accepts every part of her?
maybe... maybe she loves you.
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