#[ chats with elora. ]
giant-cat-thing · 1 year
*Kit and Airk in the womb fighting for who gets the braincells*
Braincells: *fall*
Kit: ... Good job, brother.
Airk: YOU let them fall.
Kit: Guess I'll use Jade's.
Airk: And whose will I use? Elora's?
Kit: Elora won't even have a full one.
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micah-weber · 2 years
New Message (!) Contact: @elora-opulence
[TEXT] Hey, just wanted to say thanks for sticking around and checking on me at the gala.  [TEXT] I’m sorry if it took away from your night.  [TEXT] Did you have a good time?
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loftylockjaw · 2 months
@contemporarybardess (continued from here):
Well that's a good point, I guess. Someone has to do it after all. I keep forgetting Wicked's Rest has such an active night life. This way at least people leaving the bars will have a cabby so they don't feel the need to do anything stupid.
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Shockin, I know. But then, I suppose there ain't much else to do round here but get drunk and wonder where the fuck you went wrong livin in a town with giants legs stickin out the ground and skyquakes and oozy, gooey flats.
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Alright Willow 2022 did a decent job throwing me back to my childhood.
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ramonag-if · 6 months
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Happy New Year's everyone 🥳️
To celebrate the start of a new year, why don't you play the updated demo for Crown of Exile?
Play the game here.
Please RESTART the game before playing. Old saves will cause errors and carry old bugs.
New to the update (Version 1.8) are the following:
The entirety of Chapter Eight;
Bidding farewell to those in Ishari;
Setting sail to the Southern Islands;
Chatting to your companions about Salyra, the voyage ahead and some romance;
Arriving in the Southern Islands;
Reuniting with Dena and a bitter foe from your past - Emos;
Alliance talks with Dena;
Choose to accompany Dena and Elora to secure an alliance; OR
Remain behind because politics aren't your thing and spend it with a companion of your choice;
Learn more about Dena's reasons for joining an alliance;
Deal with the weight of Dena's secrets;
Celebrate or worry about the success of the alliance;
Dance with one of four companions;
Smooch, hug or chat with one of your four companions;
Choose to stay the night with Prince Irus or Queen Elora; and
Optional explicit NSFW, fade-to-black or fluff scenes with Prince Irus or Queen Elora.
There are a lot of scenes that I didn't include in the chapter due to time constraints. Please note that while there are 'missing scenes', all choices are complete and won't lead you to a blank page. The major scenes of Chapter Eight are currently included in the demo. Chapter Eight Word Count: approximately 139 663 words. Total Word Count: approximately 585 173 words.
Chapter Eight is the last chapter of the public demo. Future chapters, including the epilogue, will be shared only with my Patrons until the game is released. The game will be a paid game, however, a price has yet to be set and I will announce that closer to the game's completion. While this is the final chapter of the public demo, I will still be very active on Tumblr so feel free to ask any questions and look out for previews and updates.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past year! I would never have come this far without any of you. Here's to a wonderful 2024 together ❤️️
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tragedybunny · 4 months
Stitches in Time
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A triple drabble reflecting on Astarion and Serafina's relationship
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings / Tags༻ Angst , Hurt no comfort
༺Word Count༻ 300
༺A/N༻ I went into a trance a wrote this between DnD combat rounds. I don't know what it is. Silly probably.
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He's 239 years old, he's sewing Serafina's shirt in a tent after a battle. A wound that wasn't serious but caused his stomach to drop anyway. A feeling he doesn't know what to do with yet. 
He's 241 years old, and he's hastily repairing the lace on his cuff. If Sera finds out it tore an hour before the wedding, she'll have a nervous fit. 
He's 242 years old, and he's working in secret while Sera sleeps. Her favorite dress no longer fits around the growing bump they've named Estelle. 
He's 247 years old, and he's sewing the eye back on a stuffed bear while somehow also comforting the crying girl in his lap. Her every tear is a knife in his heart, and he'd do anything to soothe her. 
He's 267 years old, and he's stitching a wound shut on Estelle's pale skin. “I won't tell your mother if you promise to stop living like this,” he warns the ambitious little criminal. 
He's 278 years old, and he's working elaborate beading onto a dress in the morning light, while he and Sera chat. Tomorrow he'll surprise his little girl for her birthday. She's come so far, a magistrate herself,with political ambition. 
He's 295 years old, and he's sewing a tiny little dress. A grandchild, him, did the gods take leave of their senses one day. The thought makes him giddy. 
He's 359 years old, and he's embroidering violets into a handkerchief, a futile gesture, something pretty to catch the blood. She's far too young and no one knows why, damage from the tadpole they guess with haunted looks. 
He's 361 years old, and he's stitching black lace onto diaphanous fabric. The last gift he'll ever give her. One she'll take with her into the cold, dark ground tomorrow.
Tag list
@micropoe10  @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
 @tallymonster  @dependsonthedream @sunfire-ancunin 
@bambamwolf87 @fayeriess @lumienyx @lisrelly
@elora-the-slutty-songstress @bhaalbaaby @spacebarbarianweird
@satanicspinosaurus @darlingxdragon @wanderingisobel @astarionsbeloved
@vixstarria @claryvoyantfray @misscrissfemmefatale @bg3obsessedsideblog @captainaceofspades @wickedwitchofthewilds @asterordinary @talented-bitch
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mango-mya · 1 month
I was wondering if you make a shipchild design for the elora and peepers shipchild? And curious to know how it turns out or would look like. And who would/which one take after their parents..
I can't really ever picture them having kids, but..... IF THEY WERE TO.......
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TEEHEE this is Victoria :33 She's a flashlight fish!!! She's probably a little spoiled, but smart and charming nonetheless!!!
Siggghhhhh chat I'm sorry is this the end for me
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knight-princess · 9 months
Still adore the fact that Kit not only blurts out to Elora “I blew it with Jade” but when Elora goes “wait were you going to ask my advice?” with the fondest smug look I’ve ever seen, Kit defies the literal it’s-impossible-to-speak-anything-but-the-truth plums to vehemently deny it. Just two dorks leaning against a tree having an honest chat while one attempts to ask for help without actually having to ask for help and then asking for help anyway and literally chasing after the other bc she needs more advice. God I love those two. Still think about that scene every now and then
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eyesthatroll · 2 years
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pairing: dad!bradley x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, established-relationship, lower-case intended, not really edited. i need girl dad bradley right now
word count: 1.2k
summary: you never realized how possessive of bradley your daughter was until you attend a birthday party.
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it's 2pm on a saturday. you, bradley, and your four year old daughter elora were attending a birthday party for one of her classmates at the park.
the party was in full swing. you, sitting and chatting with some of the moms, close enough to the playground to be able to keep an eye on your daughter, but far enough so you wouldn't have kids surrounding you. bradley, grown bored of small talk with the dads, now chasing the kids around the playground like a maniac.
"he's so good with the kids." leslie, one of the moms sitting at your table, comments, her eyes following bradley at the end of the slide.
you chuckled, shaking your head. "yeah, he's great."
you weren't lying, bradley was great with kids, phenomenal with elora. everything you wished your dad had been for you, he was for her. it made your chest swell with pride and happiness, knowing that you were able to raise your daughter in a healthy home.
"you would never catch adam playing with the kids like that." kaylee says, speaking of her ex-boyfriend.
you frowned at her words, you'd felt bad for her, remembering all the sad updates she'd sent the groupchat regarding her children's absentee father.
the conversation shifted from your husband to how shitty kaylee's baby daddy is, to gossip about a wide range of celebrities. 
you sat quietly, sipping on your drink, chiming in when you wanted to. it was a beautiful, sunny day out, and you wanted to enjoy it as much as you could, knowing the next few days it was predicted to rain.
bradley runs around the slide, catching elora in his arms, holding her up as he runs, zooming her around like an 'airplane'. she erupts in screams and fits of giggles.
elora was a spitting image of her daddy. the same nose, eyes, lips, everything. and while elora had bradley all over her, on the inside, she was all you. reckless, adventurous, sassy, the four year old wasn't afraid of anything.
that scared bradley. all he wanted to do was keep her safe and protected.
he sets her down gently, and martha's little girl, jayda, tugs bradley on the shirt from behind. "do me, do me!"
bradley goes to lift the little girl up, when elora steps forward in a rush and shoves her to the ground. "no, my daddy!"
jayda hits the woodchips with a thud, releasing an over-exaggerated cry, which alerts the moms at your table.
the women around you gasp, you and martha quickly making your way over to the situation.
"elora-jane, no, that's not nice!" bradley scolds her immediately, shocking elora. 
bradley rarely ever raised his voice with her. and when did, he apologized immediately after, un-doing any authority he had used.
not that you had roles, but bradley was definitely the good cop of the two of you. most of her discipline came from you, and bradley had had such a soft spot for elora that it sometimes led to him caving on punishments and spoiling her.
if you said no to something, she'd ask her daddy and he'd more than likely say yes.
you've already had a talk with him about this, about how him treating her as if she can do no wrong is going to turn her into a spoiled brat, but it seemed to go in one ear and out the other.
"i'm gone a lot for work, i just want her to know that i love her."
on one hand, you could sympathize and understand what your husband was saying, but on the other hand, you absolutely did not condone brushing off your daughters bad behavior.
you'd also never realized how possessive of bradley your daughter had become, until today.
you couldn't imagine how she would react if you'd had another baby, it worried you a little bit just thinking about it.
elora flinches at her daddy's words, before blubbering into a fit of tears, immediately running over to you.
bradley frowns.
she jumps into your arms, sobbing into your shoulder. sighing, you turned over to martha. "is she okay?"
martha wipes the tears from jayda's face, letting out a small laugh. "she's fine, always kids with the production value."
you smiled at her, excusing yourself from the group to talk to elora alone. bradley goes to follow you, but you shake your head no, telling him to give you a few minutes.
"how bout' that airplane, kid?" he tears his eyes away from the two of you.
"yay!" the little girl cheers, now seemingly perfectly fine. 
your daughter on the other hand, was still bawling to her hearts content, making a scene throughout the park as you walked back to the car.
you opened the passenger seat door, and sat with her in your lap.
"stop crying, elora." you wiped her tears, and moved the few strands of hair that strayed from her pigtails out of her face.
it takes a few minutes, but she settles down. you uncap the water bottle sitting in the cup holder next to you, and hand it to her.
she downs half the small bottle before handing it back to you.
"you do not push other people elora, not unless they push you first, okay?"
"but he's my daddy." she says, her nose scrunching as she begins to cry again.
"yes, he is baby, he'll always be your daddy. but sometimes you have to share, okay?"
"i don't want to share."
bradley approaches the truck, leaning down in front of the two of you.
"why are you crying, babydoll?" he speaks softly to elora.
"y-you don't love me n-no more." she sobs.
a pained expression sets on bradley's face. "why do you say that?"
"because you yelled at me."
bradley takes elora from your lap and sits her on his knee.
he wipes her tears and wraps her in a tight hug. "i will always love you, elora, even when i yell at you."
he soothingly rubs her back as she calms down. she sticks out her pinky for him. "p-promise?"
he wraps his around hers and kisses her hand.
"i promise."
"i'm sorry, daddy." her bottom lip pouts, her hands playing with the dogs tags around bradley's neck, something she did quite frequently.
"you need to say sorry to jayda too, alright? no more pushing."
bradley moves elora off his knee, standing back up. he sticks out his hand for elora to grab. "c'mon, sweet girl."
the three of you make it back to the party, the food now being served, the prior incident being forgot about.
elora apologizes to jayda, and the two of them sit together laughing while they eat, as if nothing happened.
"such a drama queen, she gets that from you, ya know." you tease bradley as the two of you make your way down the food table.
"please, have you met your mother, she invented the term crocodile tears." the two of you burst into laughter.
he was right and you knew it.
"seriously, though, we gotta nip this sharing issue in the bud if we want more kids."
he smirks. "so what i'm hearing, is you want me to put another baby in you."
you smiled sweetly at him, before smacking him on the back of the head. "oops."
a/n; this idea was heavily inspired by that one episode of modern family, if i remember which episode i'll edit this and link it later but um, it took a mind of it's own i guess. not sure if i like it or if it's a mess. as usual constructive criticism or any writing tips are super appreciated. i have my my pharm exam tomorrow, and wrote this while i should've been studying. oops. anyways, that's it. hope you enjoyed:)
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i really need more willow modern aus, because most of the fics on ao3 are canon compliant (which are GREAT do not get me wrong) but the potential that tanthamore has for modern aus... hear me out:
actor au: where both of them are very famous actresses who HATE each other. Jade hates how Kit is a nepobaby and she has gotten to act in some of the greatest films in the last year, she believes it's just because she's the daughter of Sorsha (old Hollywood star). Jade hasn't actually stopped and watched any of Kit's films so she doesn't know that Kit is actually a great actress. Jade on the contrary had to do everything on her own, she has built her career slowly but gaining a great reputation. Kit on the other hand, wouldn't use the word HATE to describe what she feels for Jade, she feels a bit of anger because every time she has tried to interact with her, Jade was a bit rude (not in a mean way, more like in an indifferent kind) and she was a bit disappointed because everyone always says how Jade Claymore is the nicest actress in Hollywood. So she has built this resentment towards Jade. And this is where the fun part starts, both of them get casted in this fantasy show (winky face) where they play girlfriends, and rumors start to appear about how "JADE CLAYMORE AND KIT TANTHAMORE RIVALS ON SET LOVERS ON FILM????" "TENSION ON THE WILLOW SET", which according to their publicists is. not. good. So, behind Jade and Kit they decide that the girls have to start a fake relationship, obviously at the beginning both of them refuse but they know rumors in Hollywood fly fast, and that's not good for their careers. And they have no other choice but to accept. And so many things happen but I do not have that much imagination rn to finish it but you get the memo.
lovers to strangers: kit tanthamore and jade claymore were the ones who were supposed to make it after high school and became the so called high school sweethearts, or that’s what the people on their yearbook said. They didn't though. They broke up at the end of the summer after high school, no one knows why but them. One day they were together and the next Jade was leaving Tir Asleen and Kit was starting business school to help her mom with the family business. They stopped talking, Jade barely answered texts from their group and Kit stayed. At the end, trying to talk to Jade got harder and harder so they (Airk, Elora and Graydon) stopped trying. Five years later and Elora and Graydon are getting married, they started dating a year after they started college and year and few months after Elora and Airk's break up where they realized they loved each other just not romantically. They didn't want to do that to Airk but the chemistry was there and it happened so naturally (they hid it for a few months [kit knew from the beginning] and one day Airk caught them and said "omg finally I thought you two were never going to realize" to which Graydon and Elora are actually SHOCKED because "what do you mean????" and Airk was like "??? you two have been in love for almost a year didn’t you know?" to "WE THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT WANT US TO??" to "why wouldn’t I??? ... ohhhh, yeah idc babes") and even though they haven't talked to Jade in almost 5 years, they send her an invitation just in case, kit is not going to find out she’s obviously not gonna com- oh shit she said she’s coming. And she does, she comes back the week before the wedding with a very pretty girl (she brought a plus one?) and kit is one day just walking around town and she sees her and she is texting the group chat "I need to go to the doctor I think I just saw jade around town lol" and the other three are like "... you might want to sit down for this one" so chaos begins. Kit has never gotten over Jade, and neither has Jade, but none of them know that because there's a girl with her, but the girl is obviously Scorpia???? she brought her to have someone to help her through the week of coming back to her hometown, seeing her ex (the one she dated in high school and has never gotten over her because she thought she was the love of her life), and her old friends without crumbling down. This fic would be the type of fanfic that has lots of flashbacks to high school and throughout those five years. Also Scorpia would be seen flirting with Boorman (that one guy Kit met while working with her mother who is a bit weird but everyone loves him) and they’re like "How dare she flirt with Jade in front of her" and Jades is totally unfazed because obviously doesn’t care ???
These two are the ones i think about the most so yeah :D might try one day to write them but probably not because writting is not my strongest suit.
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storyspinner91 · 1 year
Willow Month, Day 2: Favorite Relationship
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It would be easy (and correct) for me to say my favorite relationship is Kit and Jade. And yes, that one is probably my simple favorite. But because there’s no shortage of Tanthamore love in this fandom, I want to dig into a relationship that’s super interesting to me right now: Kit and Graydon!
I really enjoy the arc that Kit and Graydon go on in this show, even though it’s not central-central to either of their characters. Graydon is initially set up as a pure obstacle for Kit - he’s the loser prince she has to marry, whom she doesn’t know, and now he’s on this quest with her and it doesn’t seem like he knows what he’s doing. And Kit gives him plenty of shit - but Graydon being there also gives us our first glimpse of Kit’s growth and complexity. When she apologizes for being such a jerk to him the night before, we get to understand that she’s not just a jerk; she knows that she flew off the handle, and fundamentally knows that this situation isn’t Graydon’s fault. They have an actually really productive chat about the future and how neither of them is in a situation of their choosing, and while it may be my imagination, I don’t think Kit gives Graydon quite as much shit as she does Boorman or Elora afterward.
There’s an odd sort of camaraderie between the two that I think is a result of being both the only royals on the quest and yes, being engaged to each other despite their will. They don’t always know how to express it; early in the show it comes out as Graydon telling Boorman to make sure “his fiancee” survives, and Kit being like “I will 100% mercy-kill Graydon if I must.” But it’s there, and though they have fewer significant scenes together later in the show (ironically because both of their separate relationships with Elora become primary) I really would be curious to see how their relationship could be built out further! 
(Thank you to @you-cant-make-me for the screenshot, it is really hard to find pis of these two together!)
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will-york · 1 month
Legacy Part 2 // Self-Para
It wasn't until the sun was peaking through the window and he heard the birds singing outside that he knew he had actually managed to fall asleep. He had been pacing for hours after dinner, trying to distract himself with anything but nothing worked. He smiled to himself as he woke up with his phone still clutched in his hand as he thought about how he had actually fallen asleep. He hadn't expected Penny to reach out but she had and what had started as a text turned into a phone call where he told her all about how nervous he was. She shared her perspective, asked him all the right questions and before he knew it, he had finally relaxed. He had barely mumbled a goodbye before falling asleep on her and he felt his cheeks get hot at the thought of it. Her voice on the other end of the line had been calming and as he thought of her words of encouragement, he was finally able to push himself out of bed.
He put his phone to charge and made a cup of the shitty hotel room coffee. He had insisted on going on his own, staying at somewhere easy. But he wouldn't have been surprised if his father's had also found a place to stay nearby just in case. The thought made him laugh as he washed his face and combed his hair. He hummed to himself as he got dressed and once he was done, he sat on the edge of the bed and drank his coffee while flipping through the morning news.
He was supposed to meet her at a diner nearby at 10am. Her suggestion. It was neutral ground. She hadn't wanted him to feel uncomfortable going to her house right away. It was considerate, though Will wasn't eager about having the moment witnessed by other people. Still, it was only 7am and Will was already up and ready. He sighed as he turned off the TV, discarded his cup and then shrugged on his coat. He felt more at ease as he stepped out into the cool morning air as he walked through the parking lot. The town he had seen when he had driven in last night had seemed half alive, but now there were people out and about on the streets. School buses passing by on their way to pick up kids for school. It reminded him a little but of Tonopah Valley, just greyer and wetter.
He passed the time by getting himself a better cup of coffee and a pastry. He chatted with the barista there, asking questions about the town until the morning rush came in and he went back on his way. Time seemed to be moving so slowly but he made the most of it. He stopped in a nearby store and got something for a few of his friends. He knew Theo wouldn't accept not having at least a small souvenir. He sat on a bench for a little while and watched the birds fly by. He took deep breathes. He thought about texting Penny again but texted Lydia and Logan instead, smiling at his phone as they sent encouraging messages.
And finally, at 9:45, he got to the diner. He wondered if he was still too early. If she was a generally late person or if she might have already been waiting. But his question was answered as soon as he stepped into the diner and looked to his left.
She looked just like him. Or rather he looked just like her. She looked younger than she had in his mind, her hair much longer and when she stood as soon as she saw him, he saw how short shit was. It made him smile and he caught himself, his expression shifting as he started towards her. She seemed emotional already and he tried not to let that get to him as he looked at her. It was clear she wanted to hug him but he didn't know how to receive that.
She seemed to notice and took a seat and he followed.
They both laughed nervously as they greeted each other, avoiding eye contact as the waitress brought them coffee.
Thankfully, she spoke first. "I can't believe how big you are. So handsome, so tall. Just like your father." She caught herself at the admission and shook her head. "I'm not sure how to do this. I guess I should start with hi, I'm Elora. Your mother. I know you probably have so many questions, and I'd like to answer all of them. I'm so happy you're here. So happy," she told him and reached out to squeeze his hands.
Will swallowed thickly and looked down at their hands clasped together, not entirely sure how to feel about it but he didn't pull away. "Hi," he stared softly, finally looking up to meet her eyes. "I'm William. Your son." Both of their eyes seemed to be tearing and Elora gave Will's hands a pat.
"Now," she started, "How about we start at the beginning?"
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argowrites · 2 months
Love and Legacy, Chapter 5!
“Councilor Talis is here to see you,” Elora said delicately.
“Oh. I see,” Mel replied, hand tightening around her pallet.
She paused a moment. It would be satisfying to send him away, refuse to even hear him out, but she’d lose an ally she’d put on the council herself. And, if nothing else, Jayce was a good man. He’d want to apologize. If she was gracious, they could move past this whole embarrassing mess and on to a more professional relationship.
“Send him in. I’ll receive him here,” she said, turning back to her painting, the harbor in the Noxian capital, warships leaving for battle. It was a memory from her early childhood, before she’d been made to accompany her mother on military campaigns. She’d gone with her meek father to watch her mother depart, trying to stand tall and proud instead of crying. Medardas were not sentimental either.
Jayce entered, a moment later, penitent, and already apologizing. Mel only half listened. She was still angry, even if she refused to show it. She had made up her mind to play nice, a gracious woman who could forgive and forget, but she hadn’t decided if she actually would yet. Besides, she was certain whatever his explanation he gave wouldn’t be enough and then he gave it.
“Viktor is dying,” Jayce said in a choked-up sort of voice, and it all made sense.
Act IV of my Viktor Quartet Series
Fandom: Arcane: League of Legends
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Viktor, Singed, Silco, Jinx, Ekko, Jayce, Mel, Heimerdinger, Caitlyn, Vi
Relationships: Jayce/Viktor, Jayce/Mel, Jayce/Mel/Viktor, Singed & Viktor, Silco & Viktor, Jinx & Viktor, Ekko & Viktor, Jayce & Caitlyn, Silco & Jinx, Minor Cait/Vi
Additional Tags: Angst, Viktor-centric, Author knows a little about League lore, Divorce Era (but short)
Next time: Viktor and Mel chat!
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ramonag-if · 6 months
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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're having a lovely Christmas with those you love ❤️️
The link to the demo can be found here.
New to the update are the following (things in bold are new to the Patreon demo):
The entirety of Chapter Eight;
Bidding farewell to those in Ishari;
Setting sail to the Southern Islands;
Chatting to your companions about Salyra, the voyage ahead and some romance;
Arriving in the Southern Islands;
Reuniting with Dena and a bitter foe from your past - Emos;
Alliance talks with Dena;
Choose to accompany Dena and Elora to secure an alliance; OR
Remain behind because politics aren't your thing and spend it with a companion of your choice;
Learn more about Dena's reasons for joining an alliance;
Deal with the weight of Dena's secrets;
Celebrate or worry about the success of the alliance;
Dance with one of your four companions;
Smooch, hug or chat with one of your four companions;
Choose to stay the night with Prince Irus or Queen Elora; and
Optional explicit NSFW, fade-to-black or fluff scenes with Prince Irus or Queen Elora.
Chapter Eight word count: approximately 139 663 words. Total word count: approximately 585 173 words.
The demo is currently available to Cyre Tier Patrons and up. It will be available for Nomad Tier Patrons on the 28th of December 2023. It will be available to the public on the 1st of January 2024.
Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy it! 🎄
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swashbucklery · 1 year
So this OT3 fic is now 20K which is not a long fic for some people but for me is the longest single story I’ve written in a GOOD while, and I’m super proud of myself. 🥰 I’m pivoting to the Kit/Elora feelings sections; if anyone wants to send me (non-shitty*) asks about Kit and Elora I’d love to chat about them more to get my writing feelings going!!!
(*as in, asks that are in good faith and not “why do you want [other character] to be sad forever, this ship is for jerks.” OR WHATEVER. I am not judging the quality of the asks.)
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mango-mya · 1 month
Elora voice claims for the bajillionth time because I'm INDECISIVE!!!!!
Chat which one do we like best⁉️
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