#[ fuck you. ]
yippie-mutilation · 2 days
people need to stop acting like self harm is such an abnormal thing, its really not. many mammals self harm, it's just a part of being human. its normal.
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txttletale · 9 months
hey so i’m not trying to come at you or anything but just thought i’d bring it to your attention that a screenshot of your response to @toonimal is going around. it was kink discourse and, well i wouldn’t say you said anything definitely bad but toonimal has since been outed as an actual pedophile supporter and associating with proud pedophiles. and so it’s not a great look and some people are grouping you in with them. just thought you should know.
i think i will bring to your attention that if a tme person gets outed for supporting child sex abuse and your immediate reaction is to go find a trans woman who had literally one interaction with him in her life to tell her its "not a great look" then you should log off in a permanent and irreversible way.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 7 months
If you assign homework over breaks fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
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scrollonso · 8 days
"but carlos didnt-" "but checo-" I DONT FUCKING CARE.
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primeval-texture · 1 month
"I can't donate!!!!!!!!!" Yes you fucking can you just don't want to do it come fucking on now.
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ardentpoop · 3 months
late-spn script directions: “sam worried for poor dean.” “sam looks at lucifer.” “sam reassures jack.”
late-spn sam dialogue: “how can I help.”
jared: bleeding at the viewer through his eyes, gasping for breath, wrestling with ancient fury, ribs cracking under the weight of it all
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peachdues · 4 months
No one is permitted to invoke my name to tear down other writers. Fuck off and unfollow me if you do.
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mokeonn · 7 months
I think the most upsetting thing about being a recovering addict is seeing how other people talk about addicts. A vast majority of Americans fucking DESPISE addicts and they are constantly demonized at every turn, God forbid that addict is homeless. It's honestly shocking to see how fast addicts are brought up as a "gotcha" to shoot down arguments for social or housing programs.
Like damn, I'm already dealing with trying not to abuse this substance and getting my life together, which is hard enough on its own, I don't need the knowledge that the average person thinks I am the scum of the Earth. I don't like knowing that if I am ever homeless or in a tough living situation, I will be one of the first people thrown under the bus. I'm already going through enough, I'm already the victim of a very upsetting illness, I don't need to deal with the vile hatred of the average person in my country, too.
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sparky-is-spiders · 3 months
Imagine Archivist Jonsasha Compelling as one. The Archivist channeling all its curiosity and terror and desire for knowledge through its two minds. Two bodies. Two mouths.
The force of their Question. The echoing overlap of their voices, rebounding again and again until it sounds as if every archivist who has ever lived is speaking through them. The way it would shatter their victims defenses, tear the whole of their mind open to be Seen and Known and Judged. Just. Just imagine it.
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thatguylucass · 28 days
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Your pregnant @denjisbeanbag
i guess bunnies do like to fuck a lot huh.
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cafecitoeddie · 4 months
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the second you sit on your ass and write out the highlighted words is the second i shake my head, click the little meatball menu and i BLOCK your stupid ass.
"STOP MISINTERPRETING RYAN'S WORDS!~ HE SAID EDDIE WAS HETERO SO MANY TIMES!" - someone who is willingly and deliberately MISINTERPRETING RYAN'S ENTIRE PERSONALITY / CHARACTER to push this narrative of ryan himself being the sole reason why eddie is not queer. go ahead and just call him homophobic, why don't you.
deep fucking sigh.
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libraryfag · 10 months
"we've got like 5 more seasons before we get the heartwarming epilogue that makes it canon"
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killing-machine · 28 days
Found a box to send ur Garfield shirt in >:] it's only a matter of time friend.
huffing and gripping you
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ughgoaway · 3 months
As a trans person you shouldn't be associating yourself with people who feed into a transphobic and sexist narrative and are proud of it
she might not understand what she's doing, and that's on her, but I hope you realise how fucked up what she's doing is and tell her that instead of blindly supporting her because you like her porn.
i'm sad to see what 75 tumblr's come to, and i wish we could all get a sense of awareness back. not all kink is good and dandy, especially not what lena and other people are doing. As a trans person, you should be standing up against this type of behaviour, not condoning or endorsing it
okay, I'm gonna break this bullshit down piece by piece.
(paragraph 1)
"As a trans person you shouldn't be associating yourself with people who feed into a transphobic and sexist narrative and are proud of it"
I am proudly a trans person and proudly a supporter of lena. you branding her as transphobic with no actual understanding of the term or how it feels to be called a "fucking tranny" to your face do NOT get to tell me, a trans person, who to associate with. and if you are a trans person saying this? I am so disappointed in you. you projecting your complex relationship with femininity onto another person and calling them transphobic when trans people are being murdered and killing themselves because of actual transphobia is despicable.
lena's writing is in no way transphobic, and I will happily explain why. (next paragraph, sorry to make you read so much, I know it's exhausting for your 3 brain cells, but try and stay with me, babe)
(paragraph 2)
"she might not understand what she's doing, and that's on her, but I hope you realise how fucked up what she's doing is and tell her that instead of blindly supporting her because you like her porn."
right, what she's doing is not fucked up. if anything, it's progressive. lena is writing A MAN act/dress in a way that society deems "feminine" but the key thing is, he's still a man. having sex with a man and wearing a skirt does not make someone a trans woman. gender expression vs gender identity are two drastically different things. how you express your gender does not tell us what your gender is. if you see someone who identifies as a woman wearing trousers, is she a trans man? or what about me, a non binary person. what should I wear? if clothing dictates gender, I'm fucked because I don't have one. do you want me roaming around naked??? trans people want freedom of expression for EVERYONE. cis men embracing societally female things is not shameful, it's something to strive for.
Furthermore, if anyone is sexist, it's YOU. you have continually spoken as if being feminine is inherently wrong and disgusting. women are not wrong, and being a woman is not a bad thing. you're acting as if being feminine is a crime, when really it's something that should be respected and praised.
(paragraph 3)
"i'm sad to see what 75 tumblr's come to, and i wish we could all get a sense of awareness back. not all kink is good and dandy, especially not what lena and other people are doing. As a trans person, you should be standing up against this type of behaviour, not condoning or endorsing it"
I'm sad what 75blr has come to also because of awful people like you. you are a truly misinformed and miserable person. I hope you can eventually break down your issues with womenhood and femininity in your life because it's clear your relationship is extremely complicated.
kink is a fantasy, an expression of someone's inate desires. if they are performing kink in safe, consensual, and caring spaces- it's fine. kink isn't meant for society, it's private and therefore none of your fucking business.
I will quite happily stand with lena on the side of trans liberation, not with you as you break down and attack true allies. if you genuinely care about transphobia like you claim to, do something real about it. go to protests, fight to change laws, fight to keep trans people safe. no matter where you are in the world, trans people are being prosecuted, and you playing social justice warrior on tumblr isn't doing shit.
grow up and fuck off.
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biomic · 9 months
we gotta let companions start kicking daleks again
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alluralater · 1 month
some of ya’ll i can’t stand cause i’ve seen the way you act when you think no one’s gonna know what you did
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