#[ gonna try and get some behind the scenes writing done today ]
once-was-muses · 11 months
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Who of you aren't cowards and willing to let the Wraith stalk you- Not in a weird, creepy way, just to try and figure out what that feeling is he gets whenever he sees you.
Assuming you catch him doing it, of course. He's not doing anything wrong, so he doesn't really need to ask first... Right?
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tvrningout-a · 11 months
i gotta stop drinking coffee bc it ends up making my anxiety worse but 😔 taste good 😔
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turbulentscrawl · 10 months
Most-to-Least Protective: Survivor Guys
I had less time to write before work today, but some good inspo so I whipped up this example for the ranking requests I take! For this one I just used the ten who came to mind and who im probably most familiar with
This is meant in general terms, not just for in Matches. The primary situations I considered for this are heated arguments, physical altercations, and near-death experiences. The ranking considers their responses to these situations, as well as how strong their protective feelings are.
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Naib would do just about anything in defense of a loved one. Argue, fight, kill, anything. It’s not like he hasn’t done it all before anyway. Naib refuses to lose anyone else, it’s not even an option to him. If someone tried to make it happen anyway? He’s enraged beyond giving his usual mercy of a quick death. He’s gonna make it hurt.
Andrew is not super likely to argue on your behalf, unless you count cussing someone out as “arguing.” In which case it’s like 50/50. He’s more willing to step in physically. He doesn’t want to be a glorified meat-shield, but if your life were in danger he would 100% crack someone over the head with his shovel. He won’t intentionally kill someone for you but it may happen, depending on how that shovel lands. He won’t feel bad about it either way. He’s already an angry guy, and it’s even more intense when you’re in danger.
Kevin would initiate an argument on your behalf. Also very willing to throw hands on your behalf and doesn’t care if he gets hurt. He really doesn’t want to kill anyone, but if there’s no other choice he will. Your safety as his loved one comes before anyone else’s, even his own. Surprisingly, he becomes more level-headed and calculating as the danger to you increases. In other words, he’s at his most emotional in a verbal argument.
Norton mostly trusts you to handle your own issues, but if you’re obviously uncomfortable or intimidated he’ll place himself between you and the threat. Might get into a fight for you if it were serious, but his preferred way to handle things would be dealing petty revenge behind the scenes. (or, during a personality flip, violent revenge.) He would kill someone for you if there was no other way. His feelings are more intense than his actions normally suggest, but he’s concerned about going too far like he did in the mining accident.
William is a large, strong guy, who’s very rough in his sports but not so much outside them. He’ll gladly speak up for you if someone’s being a jerk, but he may or may not make the best arguments. He’s happy to be your shield and willing to throw a punch or two if someone else strikes first but, again, he’d rather wrap things up before getting to that point. If he had to, he’d probably kill to protect you, but it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He’s very hot-headed in regards to your safety.
If Victor is one thing, it’s brave. He’s not likely to speak on your behalf, or try to hurt someone for you, but he’s more than willing to place himself in harm’s way if it means he has even a chance of getting you out of it. He always lingers close by if there’s tension in the air so he can pull you behind him at a moment’s notice.
Luca is very likely to step into an argument on your behalf—though in his case it’s more him trying to end the argument rather than engage it. He’s willing to step into danger to guide you out of it, but not to attempt violence. Not because he doesn’t care, but because he knows he’s too weak to be helpful in that way. He’s quite calm up until your life is in immediate danger, at which point he would beg his more-capable friends to save you.
Aesop is not protective in the moment at all. He won’t step in to argue or fight for you, and isn’t very likely to step into life-threatening danger, either. His self-appointed role is healing and comforting you after the fact. And, secretly, plotting revenge. No one ever suspects Aesop as being the type to hold a grudge. But I stand by what I said in his general HCs: if we go by canon, he’s easily one of the most dangerous people in the manor.
Edgar is pretty unhelpful. Listen, listen…you’re supposed to be the tough cookie in this relationship. Edgar has venom for days; he’ll run his mouth off if you want him to, sure, but he’s not throwing himself into danger just because you can’t handle it. If you almost die…well, you’re one of the few things he cares about anymore, so the line must be drawn. If they’re within reach, the culprit ought to watch their backs for a while. And maybe not eat or drink anything they didn’t prepare themselves.
Joker is a lot like Aesop, but there’s like a 90% chance of it being without the revenge bit. He does, in fact, hold grudges, but he’s still not likely to attempt anything against someone. If they did something really horrible to you he’ll look into whatever form of public justice can be dealt to them, even if that just means trying to rally the other members of the manor into shunning them. Unlike Aesop, he’s somewhat likely to try to stop a verbal altercation, but he’s not very assertive and ends up not being much help.
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that-one-xachster · 4 months
Megumi x Childhood Bestie!Reader Hcs part two
ok I'm continuing this lmfao
so lets get to the part after go/joe kidnaps itadori
and you're just chilling with megumi in his room questioning all life choices
and he's questioning life itself
"crabs probably think fish can fly"
"...what did you eat today"
"tuna mayo"
"istg if you pull the Inumaki crap-"
"bean bags are boneless sofas"
"...I want a beanbag."
*audibly sighs*
so yeah very fun
and you have a sleepover with him bc like
why not
and drama
so let's say todays that very special once in a lifetime day that you fall asleep INSTANTLY
and like just boom "I'm tired" you're knocked out
and megumi's just there like "gurl??"
my bro is absolutely done cause you're like taking up most of his bed
and personal space
give the man a break 😔✋
so he tries shoving you a lil to the side
keyword: tries
but you're a stubborn person so you don't budge
also you're gripping the bed for dear life in your sLEEP-
you haven't grown out of it lmao
megumi pulls his iconic face and is just
absolutely done at this point
he's known you since childhood anyway right
and you're asleep right
so you won't mind if he just plops on top of you and cuddle-spoons you while your sleeping to create space right 😊
just to create space
you don't mind even when you're awake but megumi doesn't know that-
so yes he lies on top of you- wraps an arm around your waist- and spoons you while he falls asleep-
im giggling squealing kicking my feet writing this don't mind me
so yes he's still spooning you while you're asleep-
and in the morning he wakes up first ehe-
bc sleep = none or sleep = all
"all's well thats well for me"
but you're still sleeping
and its like 7:30 am
its too early for this shit
so he just stays in bed cuddling you
and boom half an hour later you wake up
but you pretend to be sleeping heh
so you two are technically cuddling rn and then my bro realizes that your awake-
and hes like
"oh good morning"
yeah we're totally gonna gaslight
"good morning to you too"
we're gonna keep up the gaslighting
so you turn around and you're facing megumi and you're like what time is it he's like 8:30 am or sum
so you both get up bleh the boring stuff
so then megumi walks out of the room but you're still inside cause why not
and then itadori and megumi have some bro talk and you just pop up behind megumi-
itadori sHRIEKS
gojos like 'did u two have a sleepover 😼'
and megumi ofc is like 'why do you care'
and itadori goes-
the way your faces heat up so fast
and hes like 'what the f no i'm not dating this idiot here'
you're like 'i wish 😔'
no this does not go unnoticed by gojo and he whips out his phone faster than lightning mcqueen and bombards him with pictures
'smile for the camera megumi~'
'boy if you don't shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and Y chromosome hormone friend zone Sylvester Stallone Sierra loan autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass up-'
yes I had to
anyway y'all gotta go pick up the other first year aka nobara
and you're like
"hehe you'll see"
so you make all of them speed to wherever the hell yer picking her up
idt I mentioned you slept in the car and your head was on megumis shoulder eheh
itadori kept teasing him and won't let him live it down fr
so yk nobara and her iconic scene
you have no shame
and you drink your respect women juice
im trying to make this gender neutral ����
you see the uniform and you're cheering her on so much like
and shes like tf is this crazy bish doing
but you're just really excited to have another person in the group cause being around the same uh 7-8 people can get boring
so you meet her and you're pretty excited
"be glad boys, you're getting another girl in the group."
now that drops your opinion
so you have a smol idea
to uh
you whisper something in her ear and the wAY HER EXPRESSION DROPS
guess what you said <3 bc ik ofc I wanna see what y'all think
anyhoo so then shes like WHAT THE HELL and drops it
and boom you pull your feminine/masculine/nonbinary wiles and she's now your bestie
and gojo says we're going sOmEwHeRe
and nobara and itadori get so excited
yk the EJWRHTKWJEHTAUIETHR and the hugging gojo
you're standing next to megumi though cause you know whats coming
the way their face drops when y'all go to that messed up school- was it a school?
anyway yuji and nobara go in and you're outside with megumi and gojo
y'all are sitting down nearby
you're tired af with this shit so you just plop your head down in megumi's lap and no questions he just lets you
and hes running his fingers through your HAIRRRRR
so you have some lovey-dovey time and gojo sneaks a picture cause he low-key ships you two
and after the two come out y'all just walk back very nice day
okay moving on from the boring stuff he goes back to his dorm
is developing a crush ehe
so hes just lying in bed thinking like
poor guys conflicted
but good for you hehe
sigh I'm tired ill write a part 3 later lmao
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gibbysoup · 1 month
Birds of a feather
Reader x the tornado wranglers (platonic)
(This takes place pre movie)
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“I knew you in another life.”
Description: When you first met Tyler owes, you thought it was just gonna be another camera tech gig you’d had done several times in your life. The last thing you expected was to become a critical member of his wrangling squad.
Warnings: slight innuendos
A/n: this is the first time I’m writing for twisters so I’m still getting used to it, but I wanna get into it more! Specifically I wanna write more for Boone bc he deserves it
“Boone, what bagel do you want?” You shouted at him as you, lily and Dani were about to get some breakfast for the rest of the crew. The whole entire team had been on the road super early and people were starting to get hungry and a bit crappy. So everyone made the executive choice to stop at a rest stop and get some food, along with some other snacks.
“Plan with cream cheese!” Boone shouted back, not even looking up at you due to him messing with some of his materials he used to make his rockets. He said he had something big planned for today’s stream, and what that meant could literally mean anything. You just hoped he didn’t blow his hand off in the process.
“Borning..” you said back. He looked up from his supplies and flipped you off, which you immediately reciprocated.
Dani and lily both laughed at the interaction before you three headed into the little shop to retrieve the food. “I like how you said he was boring but you’re literally about to get the same thing as him.” Dani pointed out.
“Hey I have to mess with him a little bit..” you said, opening the door and letting Dani and lily go in before you.
“Yeah but not when he has explosives in his hand.” Lily said, causing you to chuckle a bit.
Once all the orders were placed, you paid with Tyler’s card. he always insisted on paying for food for all of you, and you were complaining. Tyler took good care of all of his crew and it always showed.
Well you waited, Dani pulled out a camera to start filming some footage for the behind the scenes vlog that would be posted on the channel later that week. “Y/n, you excited about today?” She asked you.
You looked at the camera. “Of course I am, I’m about to get a bagel.” You replied, knowing that’s obviously not what she meant.
She playfully rolled her eyes. “No like, about chasing today.” She said, trying to get some good content to put in the vlog.
“Oh yeah, I guess that’s cool too.” You said, taking a sip of your orange juice that you had gotten. Dani panned the camera over to Lily and she said. “It’s hard to get anything out of her this early in the morning.” She said.
Once all the food was done, you grabbed the bag and headed back out to the trucks that were parked and being filled up with gas. “The girlies are back!!” You said, holding the bags and heading back over to Boone and Dexter, who were sitting on the back of the truck.
“Finally..” Boone said, reaching into the bag, but quickly swatted his hand away.
“I’m handing them out..” you told him sternly, Boone put his hands up in defense as he took his hand away.
You handed Dexter his order, then Lily, then Dani, and last but not least Boone. Tyler was still pumping gas so you would give him his breakfast later. “Here I also got you a slim Jim.” You said, reaching into the bag and throwing it at Boone.
He flinched at the snack hitting him. In retaliation, he picked it up and threw it at you. You picked it up off the ground. “Boone stop throwing your meat stick at me!” You said to him, throwing it back at him, hitting his chest this time. And just then Tyler walked over, clearly confused as to what was happening.
“Boones doing what?!” Tyler raised his eyebrow, looking between you and Boone.
Tyler’s confusion and question make the whole crew laugh. “Oh my god I’m so glad Dani was filming that..” you said in between laugh, holding your stomach.
Once the laughed died down, Tyler spoke. “Alright we got a big storm headed east so we gotta get on the road, so pack it up team!” He said, clapping his hands together. The crew packed up and got in their respective vehicles.
Although sometimes chasing tornados was a stressful job, the people around you made it much easier one.
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v--143 · 6 months
SINCE YOU MISS WRITING, can i request lee changbin? call me crazy but i love him so much and he's super underrated, i would love to see how you write him in your style! Go crazy with the prompt, I'd love anything you write, have a nice day ! </3
< Arm Wrestle >
[Lee! Changbin]
[Ler! Lee Know]
Changbin must’ve known he was done for the moment he opened the door. He was just coming back to the dorms from the gym. The same gym he went to after beating me in an arm wrestling match. That doesn’t sound bad at all in hindsight, and maybe if I had forgotten how he laughed in my face when he won, or how he began flexing his biceps in front of the camera as I stood there like an idiot, or even when he tickled my thighs under the table so I would lose; then we could have peace. Well, it’s his turn. We’re gonna be making some unreleased behind the scenes.
Changbin was in 3racha, and I was in Danceracha. Whatever, no biggie. I know the younger’s body well. I worked out with him frequently, and I’m his dance teacher. I know his body better than anyone, something I plan on exploiting tonight.
I heard the dorms front door open and checked the time.
8:38pm. Most members were out completing schedules and whatnot, perfect. Though, I wouldn’t mind if they were here to hear what’s about to happen. Maybe that’ll give them some encouragement to not do me the same.
I was sprawled out on Bin’s bed. With my back to the mattress, I turned my head to the doorframe where he stood.
“I- hyung” He said nervously.
“Yes?” I answered as I eyed his body up and down.
He stifled a laugh as he dropped his head and shook it.
“Get off of my bed”
The sudden attitude caught me off guard. So he’s choosing to be an ass today.. I’ve dealt with brats before. It’s more fun for me anyway.
“Aren’t you supposed to be telling me something?” I said.
“Like what-?” He paused, “…Ohh, that’s what this is about”
I nodded slowly as I turned my head up to the ceiling and breathed out, loud and slow, before getting up on my feet.
“Close the door behind you, would you? Wouldn’t want to wake up the entire floor”
Changbin pushed his tongue against his cheek.
“And why are you so riled up now?” Bin asked. As if he hasn’t embarrassed me in front of thousands of our fans. Though, he and I both know I’ve been wanting an excuse to get him for the longest time.
“You know why. Shut the door, Bin”
He did right as he threw his belongings on the ground.
“Fine” he said, “I’m sorry for-“
I pulled his arm over my shoulder and slammed him down on his bed. It was surprisingly easy, probably since he didn’t expect it, and I half didn’t either.
“Get off me!!” He said with a smile.
“I just want to make you happy Binnie!” I ruffled his hair between our tangled mess of limbs and bedsheets, “Let hyung give you a reward for winning today~ you barely congratulated yourself!” I said as I secure both his wrists in one hand and held them beside his head.
“You put up a good fight! Yet, now we’re here? Wonder how that happened even though you ‘beat’ me today?” I teased in his face. He still held that cocky smile.
I tsked at him.
“I only got weak in the moment because I didn’t expect you to cheat,” I said, “Let me show you how to do it right”
His eyes widened. Now we’re getting somewhere.
“No wait- pleaseplease I was only kiddiahaha!”
Bin began giggling as I shoved my thumb into the crevices between his ribcage while my other fingers dug into the back of his ribs. He was shutting his eyes, hard, as he tried to stifle any sounds coming out his mouth. He knew I liked it when I got a reaction out of him, or any of the members for that matter. Asshole.
“Aww” I cooed, “are you trying to take all the fun away? I’ll make you scream no matter what” I sneered into his ear as I dug my entire hand into his armpit.
Changbin yelled loudly as I ran up and down his sides, digging my fingers under his arm for a few seconds only to vibrate my hand under his hip bone the next. He was kicking and shaking his head so hard as he tried to keep quiet.
“Please pleahehease stop!!”
“Doooon’t wanna hear it. Cheater” I tickled the lower fat on his stomach, right between his hip bones. He widened his eyes as he looked down at my hand dangerously close to a death spot.
I decided to quickly let his wrists go as I sat on his stomach.
“Say, I’m sure you’re familiar with this spot.” I cooed as I turned my head around to see his terrified red-faced expression.
He tried to squeeze at my sides from the back. Damn cheater. I couldn’t help but laugh and almost fall to the side, but I placed my hand on his inner thigh and got him to stop real quick. As I said, I know his body better than anyone else.
“Please. Hyuhung,” Changbin said through nervous giggles, “I didn’t mean to, reall-AAHAHA”
He jolted as I squeezed his kneecap, “Oh come on I barely touched you. Good to know you’re still just as sensitive as before though” I teased, “and don’t lie to me. You did mean to. Say it how it is and maybe I’ll be nicer” I smirked where he could see me.
“I..” he breathed, “I just wanted to winnn come onnn! I didn’t think you were still that ticklish, it was just gonna be a little joke!” He said as he slapped his hands over his reddened face.
“Ohh I get it!” I said as he looked at me, hope in his eyes, “you just wanted to do a little joke! Well then.. me too!”
His eyes widened and I heard him begin to beg as I turned back around.
His torso and legs shook under my body.
“No, no- NO! Hyung I’m seherious- ah!”
I spidered my fingers up and down both his thighs. With my legs out in front of me, I was able to separate his thighs and give myself space to work. I felt like an artist with an empty canvas sitting in front of me, waiting and begging to be touched. I tickled the sides of a single thigh before switching legs, making them shiver and tremble one at a time, until I took both hands and skittered them on the insides of both thighs. He begged and begged, mixtures of, “please stop!”, “I CAHAN’T take it!!”, screams, and groans/moans escaped his mouth. I didn’t care, and he clearly didn’t either considering he could safeword out if he really felt the need to. His mind was probably so blurry now that he’s in the clouds, judging by his inability to form actual words at this point.
I was sitting on his stomach as I did this, so I decided to scoot back and sit on his chest instead. I wanted to tease him a bit more before going in for the kill. I tickled along his hips and grabbed at his ribcage on both sides of his body. He began trying to cover his mouth and red face with his hands. Cute.
All throughout this I was laughing along with him. His loud voice resonates with his loud laughter, bouncing off the walls of the room as I couldn’t help but to laugh too. It was contagious, he sounded so happy yet desperate at the same time. The way he swung his head around and slammed it on the mattress, how he breathed fast and then screamed before laughing again.. it was so fun. Though, I did feel like he could get out of this if he really wanted to. Binnie’s never been one to give in so fast.. unless it’s me, and we’re in this situation.
“Coochie coo-“
“STOP! Ahaha please!” Bin choked out through his laughter.
“StOp pLeAsE” I mocked him. I couldn’t help but laugh hard when he made a “EUGH?” shocked sound back at me, and I almost toppled over. I decided to give him a short break as I regained my own composure from the constant strain we’ve both been putting on our abs for the past couple of minutes.
“Yohou’re so awful!” He yelled behind me. I forget my back’s facing him until he begins to tickle me too, which almost always gets me, but now I’m more determined. I jolt, but then regain my composure and go back to his hips.
“I’m nohot done yet, that was a little break before the actual finale. You should know this by now, Bin!” I said as I scoot forward again.
“No, wait no, hyung don’t you-“
I went in. The space riiiiight at the top of his thighs. That little spot where thigh and hip meet, except not on the outside of the leg, on the inside. That was his death spot, and it was also mine. He needed a taste of what he made me feel while being filmed.
“IM SORRY! PLEHEASE!” He begged the loudest now as I, with just a sliver of white having grown on my nails (perfect for this), tickled my fingers ever so lightly up this spot on his inner thigh. Both his legs shook like never before, making the wood of the bed frame shake too. The lightness of my touch, the way I was grazing his skin just enough for him to feel it and either want more or want it to end, drove him mad.
I began tapping lightly with my nails on the highest part of his inner thighs. He started making groaning and struggling noises as he tried to move further away from me, failing. Then, I got rough.
“No no nohoho pleHEASE! PLEHAAHA~”
It took only 15 seconds until he fell into silent laughter. It felt like I was riding a mechanical bull the whole time, except this bull had human hands that were smacking at my back and scribbling at my sides to get me to fall off.
I rolled off his body and hit the ground with a thud. As I rolled up into a ball of giggles, I heard Bin above me still trying to regain his breath.
“Yahaha” he couldn’t even get a proper “You” out.
“Mhhmhm?” I giggled.
He just laughed deeply and rolled up into a ball too, eventually falling off the bed and landing on me. I heaved out at the sudden weight and laughed as he buried his mouth into the crevice between my neck and shoulder. I didn’t even have the energy myself to get him off. I could deal with a few neck tingles, it was comforting.
We stayed laying there. It was almost 9:00pm anyway, no use in me going back to my room. With the door and windows already shut, I extended my hand to grab a blanket and throw over us.
“Just so you knohow… I managed to make you scream. I keep my promis-AH!” He interrupted my final speech of victory with a bite to my collarbone, shutting me up with my own laugh. Touché.
“Fuck you. Goodnight” he said with a groggy smile. I giggled and fell into deep sleep too.
AH I’ve missed it I have I have omg I haven’t written in what feels like forever and this one’s in first person so I hope it’s good! ^^ thank you to ALLL of you who are so so incredibly patient and kind and always here, you really are amazing I love u all!! I’m trying a different format without a photo of the members, lmk if it’s good or I should keep the picture in! ^^ THANK U FOR THE REQUESTTTT
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hii, i love yours stories
I would like to make a request. melissa/reader.
Where the reader is in a toxic relationship with a guy, but she and Melissa are visibly in love with each other, but only they don't see it.
The reader had tried to break up with him many times but never succeeded, so one day Melissa decides to work it out.
That's it, thank you, I hope you understood♡
Thank you! So kind of you to ask for more of my writing (I know I've said it before but it will never not surprise me!)
Okay...so I hope I understood what you were looking for? This took me a while and wasn't an easy write, but I hope it comes close to what you were hoping for!
Melissa isn’t trying to eavesdrop.  She’s actively trying not to, actually, but when she hears the strained tone to your voice, she can’t just walk away.  She’s seen you with your guy before.  Seen the way he treats you, always wanting you at his beck and call, too busy spouting off his own opinions to listen to anything you ever had to say.  To say she’s never liked him would be an understatement.
“I just…I don’t like who I am when I’m with you,” you say honestly, your gaze firmly fixed on your feet.  You don’t dare look up.  You know he’s not going to like those words.  You hadn’t asked for him to come here today.  But then again you hadn’t messaged to say you were staying late to set up a few things for your lessons on Monday, so his appearance shouldn’t have come as a surprise.
“But I like who you are with me.”
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath.  “That’s not the same thing,” you breathe, shaking your head.
“So what are you saying?”
There’s a hardness to his tone that scares you.  You’ve been here before.  You’ve had this conversation before.  You can’t have it again.  You need to do this.  To see it through.  “I’m saying I’m done.”
“We’re not done!”
You look up at his raised voice in time to see him reach out to grab your arm.  The next thing you see is a blaze of red.  Melissa, you realise.
“Hey!” she snaps, coming to stand by you, a half step ahead so you’re partially hidden behind her shoulder.  “She’s saying she’s done, so you’re done.  You wanna walk away now.”
“Or what?”
At the threat in his tone Melissa steps fully in front of you, creating a physical barrier between you and him.  “You don’t want me to answer that.”
He scoffs, shaking his head.  “You’re gonna regret this,” he snarls at you over the red head’s shoulder before storming off across the car park. 
You watch him go, the car door slamming behind him before he takes off with enough speed to leave tyre marks.  You don’t realise you’re trembling until Melissa places a gentle hand on your arm.  Turning to look at her, you find your vision slightly blurred by the tears in your eyes.  “Sorry,” you manage in a whisper.  “I didn’t mean to make such a scene.  I just...I wanted out.”
The red head gently guides you into her arms, holding you firmly against her as your breath comes in stuttered hiccups.  “He’s gone,” she says softly, her hands rubbing up and down your back.  “You’re safe.”
She must feel you stiffen in her arms, as she pulls back, looking at you with concern.
“What if he tries to come over,” you admit.  You want to believe her words.  That he’s really gone and that you’re safe, but you know it’s not that simple.  Not with him.
“He got keys to your place?” she asks, a frown developing on her features as you nod.  “Okay, then the first thing we do is go get those locks changed, then you pick up some stuff and you stay at my place tonight.”
You immediately shake your head.  “No, I can’t ask that.”
“You’re not askin’,” she says softly, her hands rubbing up and down your arms.  “I’m tellin’ ya,” she smiles.  “Come on, I’ll drive.”
You feel like such an incapable idiot.  You can’t even break up with your shitty boyfriend on your own and now she’s helping you clear up the mess you’ve made.  The hand that takes your own feels too much like a lifeline to let go, though. 
You keep trying to apologise on the drive over to your apartment, but Melissa is having none of it.  She tells you there is nothing to apologise for, but you’re pretty sure she has better things to be doing than sorting out your mess.  Still, she acts as if it’s nothing as she calls a locksmith, waiting with you while he changes the locks.  She waves off your attempt to pay the guy, telling you he owed her a favour anyway.
There’s a huge part of you that wants to tell her that she’s done enough.  That everything she’s already done is too much, even.  The other part of you, the selfish part, you fear, however, doesn’t want to be here if he comes back.  With the locks changed you know he can’t get in, but you also know how persistent he can be. 
As you disappear into your bedroom to pack a bag, Melissa finds herself restless.  She doesn’t want to snoop, but she figures she’s allowed to wander through to your kitchen.  She frowns as her eyes land on the photos on your fridge.  There are plenty of them, some clearly of you and your friends and family.  There are a few too many, however, for her liking of the asshole from the car park.  Glancing over her shoulder to make sure you’re still busy, she quickly removes those from the fridge, tossing them into the trash. 
Pleased with her work, she returns to the living room, her eyes scanning for any more pictures she might need to get rid of.  The pictures she finds here, however, are all in frames and it seems more time and thought has gone into choosing them.  She finds herself smiling as she takes in the images of places you’ve visited, pets you’ve clearly loved, friends you look happy and comfortable with, family gatherings, and to her surprise, a recent photograph of the two of you.
The last staff night out, she realises, recognising her outfit.  You’re grinning at her as she looks to the camera that she’s clearly holding.  You look happy, she thinks.  Happier than you did in the photos with him. 
“You hungry?”
You shake your head.  You don’t think you could stomach anything right now.  That and you don’t want her to go to any more trouble than she already has. 
Melissa pauses for a moment.  She’s heard your stomach growling so he knows you’re lying. “Well I could do with something, so I’m just gonna put a few bits together.”
It’s when she’s in the kitchen that your phone starts ringing.  You know without looking it’s going to be him.  You ignore it.  And the next one.  And the one after that.  When your phone rings again, you turn it to silent. 
You don’t want to speak to him.  You know if you do he’ll only either be angry or try to persuade you you’ve made the wrong decision. A few moments later your phone screen as it lights up with another call.  You look away from the screen, taking a moment to appreciate the soft sounds of Melissa moving around in her kitchen.  To be thankful for the fact that you’re not home at your apartment where he’s probably making a scene and hammering on the door. 
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Melissa is making quick work of putting together a plate of nibbles she hopes she can entice you to share.  She jumps when her phone rings, cursing as she sees Barb’s name flash up on the display.  She had meant to call to cancel her plans with the other woman at your apartment.
Barb, ever gracious, quickly accepts the red head’s apology, reassuring her that she had barely even begun to get ready.  There were always other evenings. 
“Yeah, shit went down in the car park,” offers by way of an explanation.  “That guy she’s been seeing was outside waiting for her.  She finally broke it off with him.  Well, sorta, with a little help.”
“Let me guess,” says Barb, the smirk audible down the phone line.  “You were the knight to her damsel in distress?”
“What?” scoffs Melissa.  “No!  I just did what anyone would do.”
The older woman lets it drop.  “Well, I’m glad you did.  I never did like that man, or the way he treated her.”
“Yeah, me neither,” grumbles Melissa.  “Good riddance to him.  Anyway, she’s staying here tonight.  She didn’t want to be at home in case he came over.”
“Schemmenti to the rescue,” smiles Barb. 
“What was I meant to do?  Let her stay at her apartment terrified he was gonna come kick the door in?”
“Like you ever would,” says the Kindergarten teacher softly.  “I hope she’s okay.”
“She will be,” nods Melissa, her tone certain, even as she looks through the open doorway to see you sitting with a sullen expression.  “I’ll make sure of it.”
“I’m sure you will.”
There’s something in Barb’s tone that makes Melissa blush.  “Anyway,” she says quickly.  “I’m in the middle of putting together something to eat.  I’ll call soon though, we can rearrange?” 
Quickly ending the call she tucks her phone away and picks up the plate she’s made.  It’s nothing fancy, just tasty little bits and pieces she hopes you might find the appetite to pick away at.  Entering the living room, she finds you with your phone in your hand, a male voice blaring through the speaker even though it’s clear you haven’t set the device to speakerphone. 
“Maybe we’d still be a thing if you weren’t so in love with fucking Jolene!  You know what?  I hope the two of you are fucking happy together, you little bitch!  Better off without you!”
You knew he’d be vicious.  There’s probably worse to come.  You sniffle, wiping at the tears in your eyes.
“You okay, hon?” asks Melissa as she sits on the sofa next to you, placing the plate on the table. 
“Yeah,” you answer honestly.  “I’m not even sad,” you admit.  “Just…angry it took so long.  That it took you being involved.”  Letting out a long sigh, you turn to the red head.  “I guess you heard that, huh?”
“Kinda hard not to,” she shrugs.
“He used to call you Jolene.”
That takes a moment to sink in.  For both of you.
“I’m never going to be able to pay you back for this,” you say finally.  “All of it. Any of it.  Breaking up with him when it’s all I’ve wanted to do for months.  I kept trying but I just…I couldn’t…I wanted out and I just couldn’t make it happen.  Thank you for helping make it happen.  For making me feel safe.”
You don’t resist as she slips an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her side.  “You don’t need to thank me.  I’m just glad I was there to help send that idiot packing.”
“Not a chance!”
You sigh.  You’d asked Melissa to take your phone the night before, not wanting to succumb to a moment of weakness and reply to one of his increasingly saccharine messages.  He’d moved on from the angry voicemails around midnight.  She was now refusing to give you it back.  It was perhaps not surprising now she knew what she knew. 
You hadn’t really told anyone the truth of your relationship.  Had been too embarrassed.  Too scared he’d find out and punish you for it.  Tucked into Melissa’s side, however, her arm wrapped around you, you’d finally found the courage to admit it out loud.  She had stayed silent, held you close and when you were done, calmly told you that if he ever came within six feet of you ever again he was a dead man.  Apparently some crimes were worth the time.
“You know you really should password protect this thing.”
Looking up you see her waving your phone in her hand, a devilish smirk on her face.  “You didn’t!”  You’re not entirely sure what there was to find on your phone, but it made your cheeks flame scarlet regardless.
She doesn’t reply for a moment, instead devoting her attention to flipping a pancake.  “I didn’t.  Not really…I just deleted all his messages and voicemails.  Oh, and blocked his number.  And gave you a better screensaver.” 
You watch as she places your phone on the counter in front of you, her hand still holding the device. 
“We’re still going out and getting you a new number today,” she tells you.  “But I’m sure you have other people worried about you so…”  She lets go of your phone, turning back to the stove.  “You try to message him though and I swear I’m throwing that thing in the blender.”
Tapping the screen, you can’t help but smile as Melissa’s face greets you, blowing you a kiss from the screen.  A huge improvement on the awkward selfie of you and him he’d always complain if you changed. 
“I’m telling you, it looks great,” grins Melissa from across the table.  “You look amazing!”
It seemed the red head was intent on keeping a blush on your cheeks permanently.  She’d barely left your side the whole day and your smile had barely left your lips as a result. 
Looking down at the new dress you’d bought today in celebration of your newfound freedom, you let yourself believe her words.  It’s something he’d never have let you wear.  You love it. 
You lie in bed that night in Melissa’s spare room, the smile still on your face.  You could barely recall the last time you’d had quite so much fun.  Saturday plans were not usually yours to make.  After working all week, he had always wanted you to spend the day with him.  Inevitably, this meant doing precisely what he wanted.  Today, however, the red head had insisted you were to choose. 
You’d never quite realised how little freedom you’d had before Melissa set you free. 
“Fancy meeting you two here.”
You turn at the familiar voice, smiling up at Barb.  After Melissa had made you breakfast the day before you had insisted on taking her out today in thanks.  She had protested that no such thank you was required, but after much pouting and puppy dog eyes you had managed to persuade her. 
“Hey!” smiles Melissa.  “I didn’t realise you’d be here.  You should come and sit.”
“Oh no!” Barb shakes her head.  “I wouldn’t want to interrupt.  I’m just here picking up a little treat for Gerald and I.  We’re going on a little drive, get out of the city for a while.”
“You’d hardly be interrupting!” you reassure her. 
“Yeah, go get Ger,” agrees Melissa.
Barb holds up her hands.  “It’s very kind of you to offer, but I already ordered to go.  Besides, you should enjoy this,” she smiles, gesturing at the two of you. 
She looks up as the server calls her order.  “That’ll be me.  I’ll see you both tomorrow!”
You both watch as she collects her order and leaves with an odd little wave at the two of you. 
“I don’t know what she thinks she’s interrupting,” you shrug.  “It’s breakfast.”
Melissa shakes her head.  “Honestly, she’s too polite for her own good sometimes.”
By the time Monday morning rolls around it almost feels normal to share your morning routine with Melissa.  It’s not that you weren’t friends before the events of Friday, but spending a solid 48 in her company, it’s served to make you more comfortable in each other’s presence than you ever were before.  There’s a deeper understanding, an ease in each other’s personal space. 
After checking your car is indeed still in the car park, and that it remains intact, you both walk to the break room.  You’ve barely had a chance to make a cup of tea before Ava comes charging in the door.
“Whoa, where’s the fire?” you ask. 
“Yeah, what’s got you in so early?”
“Well somebody gotta clear this up,” she exclaims, gesturing between you and Melissa.  “Because I am hearing things.  Girl, you were single for all of ten minutes?”
“What?” you ask, frowning.  “No.  I am single,” you tell her, pleased with the fact.  “Have been since Friday after school.”
“So you?” asks Ava, gesturing at the red head.
Melissa shrugs.  “I was just there.  Helped sort a few things out, made sure she wasn’t moping around in her apartment all weekend in case he came over.”
“So when Janine saw you two out for dinner you weren’t flirting?”
You and Melissa frown at each other, earning an exaggerated eye roll from Ava.  Neither of you even realised Janine had seen you out for dinner, never mind understand how she’s been able to apparently tell everyone before the bell has even rung.
“Girl, from what I heard you were dressed to kill, and you,” she turns to Melissa.  “Were dying for a piece of it.”
“So I paid her a compliment?” says Melissa.  “You would too if you saw her!”
You look up to find Melissa leaning in the doorway of your classroom.  “Hey you,” you smile.  “What’s up?”
“Funny thing,” she says, slowly making her way to your desks, her hands tucked in her pockets.  “I keep hearing from people that apparently we’re in love with each other.”
She doesn’t look repulsed by the idea.  “Yeah, I heard that rumour too.”  You’d been hearing it all day, in fact.  It had come to light that there was a rather gossipy group chat that neither you nor Melissa were part of, and yet seemed to be the subject of more frequently than either of you could have guessed. 
Standing in front of your desk, she shrugs.  “You maybe wanna, I don’t know, grab dinner?”  She plucks up the courage to look up at you, the apprehension on her face clear.  “Maybe you could wear that dress again?  And I’ll try more than a friendly compliment?”
You feel the blush creep up your cheeks, aware you’re grinning like an idiot, your heart hammering in your chest.  “That…sounds great,” you finally manage.  You want to say more, but your brain can’t seem to organise the thoughts in your head enough to let your tongue put them into words.  Instead, you gaze up at her in wonder.    
“You know, I usually think this lot are a buncha idiots.  But maybe they got this one right?”
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lucielitta · 1 month
Stained Memories
Memories lasts forever.
A Haitani brothers x sister reader One shot.
Length: 1,666 words
This is my first time in years since I started writing again so I'm starting to try to get comfortable with this.
It's messy but I tried.
Oh- and I accept Haitani x platonic or sister reader requests so if you have anything you want, I'll make it. :3
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"Don't you think it's also time?" The eldest peered in, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips; his voice trailing off the moment he looked forward.
⋆┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈⋆
"Nevermind," He dismissed with a soft chuckle, returning his gaze at the crimson red that was in his hand. "You're never sure of your answers anyways." The sound of the knife carefully peeling the skin off of the apple was quiet, steady.
"No, no," the middle mused, his smirk never leaving his face as he leaned on the wall beside his elder brother. "She's not one to decide on anything at all." His chuckle was a hint of fondness and humor as he thought about their sister. "She always has to have someone else tell her what to do."
"Yeah, that sounds about right." Ran hummed at Rindou's words with a small smile on his lips, finding it humorous. He snickered; reminiscing the time when they were younger.
When the evening scene would fall and the siblings snuck away from the harsh reality of living and escaped to the nearby playground, the empty expanse of the area served as their sanctuary. They would swing on the swings with reckless abandon, chased each other through the shadows in a game of tag, and fill the cold air with their laughter and fun, embracing the simple joy of being just kids.
"Not this time!" She ran as fast as her legs could go as she rounded a corner with fixed street lights. Her brothers followed behind as one stopped a halt. Holding her knee, she caught her breath. "That-that was fun!" She spoke between ragged breaths, smiling wildly. Though, Rindou was more worried than happy. "ARE YOU INSANE?!-" he practically yelled. Sure, he had his fun. But she surprised him with the sudden dash. Before he could say another mouth full of worry, his sister calmly spoke.
"Hey! Rin-nii, come on! It's okay. I mean," raising her hand, she softly pats him on the shoulder reassuringly. "When was the last time we've done something like this?" She expressed. It was true. It's been a long time since they have last done this. Ever since their involvements with a dangerous community, they haven't had much fun like this. All they did was wait, wait, and wait. Be there for each other and avoid danger at all times. But not today. This day, they're going to have fun.
No busy schedule, tiring days, or worry will stop her from having fun once in a while.
"Nii-chan-really. It's okay! Stop worrying so much. Come on. Let's have some fun," reassuring her anxious brother.
Sweat was running down his frowed brows and fogged his glasses. "Even just for a little bit." Wanting to let this slip, even just for once. As she looked at her brother, pleadingly.
"Fine... I give in." Rindou sighed heavily. Finally: giving in, cracking a slight nervous yet mischievous smile on his face. "Finally. You're so lame all the time." The girl teased, laughing lightly while he playfully rolled his eyes at her, adjusting his tilted glasses.
"Oi! You two!" An angry voice yelled behind, running after the two with urgency and worry. "Where are you going?!" The silhouette stepped into the light, casting the veins on his forehead. "You either get back here or else!" He warned.
The girl laughed in amusement as she grabbed Rindou's shaky hand, turning their backs on Ran and dashed for it. "I'M- I'M SORRY!!" The brother screamed, his coolness went away as fear took over him while he let his sister lead him away from the unavoidable trouble they faced.
He wondered, just what are they gonna do once Ran catches up to them?
The girl laughed nervously, a blurred mix of fear, adrenaline, and fun filled her senses. Her brother, Rindou, beside her, looked up at Ran with regret and fear in his eyes.
Ran snickered, laughter bursts out of his calm facade, "It's either that or she just freezes up and leave or do everything at once." He snickered at the memory, "It was so damn hilarious."
"I can't believe she just did that!" Rindou spoke with disbelief and nervousness in his face as he pointed at their sister, "I was just trying to catch her before you come back but- She just grabbed my hand and ran away!" He explained hurriedly to their older brother who wore a frustrated expression on his face. His two braided hair slightly disheveled from the chase.
"You..." Ran's voice trailed to a low grumble, burying his face into the palm of his hand before looking down on her, sighing. "I know you want to have fun but you have to let me know next time." He spoke to her, looking between Rindou and the girl. Even he can't handle her wild attitude.
Sweat ran down her forehead as she looked up their older brother with nervousness. Rindou, stepped back away from the tension with a apologetic look on his face for her.
"And next time..." His voice dropping na octave lower, a hint of warning in his tone. "Don't. Cause. Trouble."
"I'm..." She gulped, "Sorry..." She smiled nervously, standing still as his worried and frustrated figure walked towards hers.
His knife made its way around it's skin, separating it's flesh, it followed by a crisp snap that broke away from the flesh of the apple; snapping both the brothers thoughts away from the memories that kept them away, away from the recent incident that occurred because of themselves.
A quarrel between the Haitani's, a rare occurrence for them began in their residence. Harsh words were hurled at between the two; each word threatening their bond and loyalty towards one another as inner turmoil fogged the mind of the eldest's calm facade.
"Nii-chan! Just what is going on? Why are you doing this?? Why leave?!" Rindou let out a yell, slowly approaching him from the door, a mix of anger and confusion in his voice as he stared at Ran who turned his back on them.
"You two... Are well off in where you are. I don't want to bring any more danger in our family."
His response bubbled up emotions within Rindou. Worry, fear, and the unsureness of this sudden decision. "Do you even hear yourself?! We've always lived this kind of life- and you- you're just gonna leave when everything's going on our way?!" He questioned, seeking an explanation from his older brother's behavior. "You're being unreasonable! Maybe you should listen to us instead of trying to control everything yourself!"
Muffled voices rang in Ran's ears as his vision fogged up.
He had always thought that as long as they have each other, they can get through anything. Being the driving force behind their rise, that influence and power would allow them survival and living. But the moment he led them into the life of delinquency, danger loomed behind them like a cloud of raining disaster and that was then he knew that it was no longer enough.
With their sister's presence, he realized how fragile their lives were more fragile that he had thought. He couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them, and he knew that his own actions and choices had led them down a dangerous path.
However, he realized that this life was his and his alone. His siblings did not belong in this world, no matter how skilled or resilient they were. It was a dangerous and unpredictable life, and he wanted to keep them as far away from it as possible. And so, he decided to distance himself now that he knows that they are well off by themselves. Away from the danger that he's carrying.
But how could they understand that when it's engraved in their minds about their loyalty and bond with one another?
His fists were clenched to his sides and as he spun around to beat some sense into his little brother. The time suddenly slowed down yet he couldn't stop his fist from swinging once from the sudden realization.
The girl stumbled backwards, her head crashed into the sharp corner of the ground with a sickening thud and crack. A gasp escaped her lips, her vision swimming as she crumpled to the ground. It left her dazed and disoriented. And within a few seconds, she let out a pained cry, her hand instinctively flying to the back of her head where a lump was starting to form.
The sound of her pain echoed throughout the room, snapping the brothers' horror-filled gazes of their sister on the ground. Ran rushed to her side as Rindou stumbled his way on her other, unsure of what to do while worry and fear overtook his mind.
Ran reached down to carefully lift her pained head up from the ground and placed her head on his lap while reassuring her that she'll be fine.
"Rindou! What are you doing there- call an ambulance!" Ran called, his voice breaking Rindou out of his shock as his hand shakily dialed the number and called the operator.
The elder brother looked down as sweat dripped down his forehead and onto her shaking form. Her blood was so red, it mixed with his hands' as her skin turned cold and pale.
It was in his hand-The pale unsliced innards of the apple were laid upon their eyes, leaving a reminder of their sister's current state.
She laid on her bed of white, skin; pale. The monitors hooked on her body made a rhythmic intervals that broke the stillness that sounded the room. Each a quiet, reassuring soft hissed whisper reassured her waiting brothers that she still clung onto to life.
He looked down at his hand, mind still in the past, feeling the slick warmth and seeing the vivid reddened hue staining his skin. Ran wondered if it was her blood or just the lingering heat from the apple that still clung to his palm. Perhaps it was both.
⋆┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈⋆
Did I do this Tumblr thing right?
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lacyscabinet · 1 year
hi there, 1st of all, really like all your fics, they are really enjoyable!
2nd of all, i hope you still are taking requests (feel free to ignore this if not!),
may I request a good old angsty filled rollercoaster ride where it's the reader that picks out the queen card instead of Nat?
obvs reader and Nat have some kind of relationship, will leave that up to you how serious it would be!
And all giving you free reign whether the reader survives, or javi still dies for the reader (could be pretty fun if the mistyxnat situation would happen, but it would be Nat dragging reader away from saving Javi), or reader dies and gets eaten, whatever you'll feel like writing when the idea sparks♡
thank you so much in advance and have a lovely rest of the week
A/N: OMG!? thank you sm for taking the time to write such a polite and detailed request!! I love this idea and I hope you'll enjoy the one-shot I wrote!!
Warnings: literally the hunt scene from yellowjackets, basic yellowjackets warnings
Hunters and queens
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It all happened so fast.
After the "accident" with Lottie and Shauna the whole cabin was concerned, Lottie was in terrible conditions and, just like everybody else, extremely undernourished.
Nat and Travis couldn't find any game even after searching and searching for miles on their long hunts.
Something had to be done.
And just like that, you all stood in a big circle inside the dimly lit living room, Van was mixing the cards, holding up the queen card and showing it to the others.
Natalie's hand tightly clasped in yours, her eyes lingering on you, while you looked back at her. Scared.
And then it all started.
Everyone took a card out of the deck, when it was Javi's turn he was trembling, picking a card, and once realized he was safe, running into his brother's arms. That made you faintly smile, happy that the poor boy was saved.
But the little glimpse of relief didn't last long, because soon, it was Natalie's turn, her hand cautiously picking up the card, you heard her take a deep breath and then, she showed it to the group, seven of diamonds.
She was safe, she was okay.
But now, it was your turn.
Like everyone else did, you took a card and the moment you turned it around to reveal your fate, an horrified expression formed on your face, silently, a tear slipped out from your eye, and even before you showed the card, Natalie knew what was coming.
The Queen of hearts.
Everyone looked at you, not sure how to proceed, that's when Shauna stepped up "Come here" she said
Before you could do anything you felt a hand on your shoulder "That's insane, you aren't going to kill her, you can't kill her" it was Natalie, her voice firm, terrified, but firm.
"Back off Nat" Shauna spat at her, Natalie simply stepped forward, keeping you behind her.
Your mind wasn't there at that moment, you were frozen on your spot, shaking. The moment Natalie was torn away from you by Van was the moment you realized that it was really the end for you
"Turn around" was the last thing you heard, paired with the feeling of a cold blade placed at your neck. The last thing you heard before a loud thud on the ground followed by yelling and shouting "Run y/n, go! It'll be alright, just run!" , Natalie.
You did as she said, slamming the door open and diving into the snow, deep into the wilderness, you could hear howling and grunting, another day your mind could've thought those were wolves, but today, that didn't even cross your mind, those were your friends, and you, were their pray.
Suddenly, while you were running, someone grabbed your forearms and steadied you, instantly, you screamed
"No no no shhhhh" Natalie shushed you, it was just her, trying to protect you like she always did "Nat..." you whispered with tears streaming down your face, she was crying too but she was also trying her best to be strong for you "I know" she tried to reassure you "Javi...he told me about this place, it's like a cave, I'm gonna bring you there" in that moment you realized that Javi was there too, looking as scared as the both of you.
Then you three ran, faster than ever, until you reached a land with no trees "We are near" Javi announced and walked in front of you and Natalie, while running her hand tightly held yours, afraid that someone could separate the two of you again.
Crack. You furrowed your brows, and one second later, just feet away from you, the surface under Javi's feet broke.
It wasn't a land, it was the lake.
"JAVI!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, yanking you hand away from Nat's and running to him.
"Hold my hand!" You yelled while offering your freezing limb to him "y/n!" He begged "Help!", your two hands clasped and in a moment of weakness, you slipped, ending up in the cold icy water.
And just like him, you were gasping for air and slowly freezing to death for what felt like forever. Then, when you were barely conscious, you were pulled away from the water and back up to the surface.
You instantly felt a pair of arms wrapping around your shaking frame and brushing your wet hair away from your face
"Javi!" You cried out, sobbing, "it's okay, shhhh, you're safe... you're safe baby" Natalie mumbled pulling you to her chest.
You looked around, the other girls were there too, but they weren't even looking at you, they took Javi out of the lake, "thank God" you thought, but then you noticed his blue skin and his wide open eyes, he was gone.
It should've been you.
You were so tired, and soon even the strength to cry left your body, so you just relaxed in your girlfriend's arms, knowing that whatever happened to Javi was your fault and your fault only.
That night everyone ate, but you didn't, you stayed in a corner by the fire, still feeling shivers all over your body and deep inside your bones, and only half of them were from the cold.
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mickittotheman · 6 months
hello new friend! ✨️
saw that post about random questions for your stories, i am yet to read much of your works besides the most recent galladrabble!
so help me get started, what's your favourite fic you've written? maybe your favourite line even? what inspired it?
New friend❗️❗️❗️❗️ 💫✨️ Thank you so much for the ask, I've been waiting to get home from work ALL DAY so I can answer this lol.
So, I do have some (very old) works floating around from past fandoms, but so far the only gallavich fics I've posted have been my drabbles.
But! I have been working on a gallavich fic since like a few weeks before I even made this sideblog, and by "working on", I mean "like over 100k into it so far and not even close to done"
Posting full chapters before I'm done with the entire fic always makes me nervous because what if i have a new idea and need to go back and change something, but I'm always happy to share scenes in the meantime!
Basic premise is it's a vaguely canon-compliant-ish au except they never met growing up. Ian is in his EMT post- Caleb era, and Mickey is newly escaped from the Milkovich House of Horrors and working as a bartender. Inspiration wise, I got this idea for one specific line (from IGGY of all people. like don't get me wrong Iggy is cool and all, but I honestly never thought about him that much until my need to write a stupid pun overcame me) and it somehow snowballed into an Entire Plot.
Anyways, long ramble aside, I have included one of the earlier scenes below if you are interested but if not of course that's fine okay byyyyeeeee 🫣 🤐 😶
“Third drink of the night, Red,” Mickey says, sliding the newly filled glass of sprite back over to him. “Gonna hafta cut you off soon.”
“Ha fucking ha,” Red grumbles. Glares. Doesn't even try to hide the amused sparkle in his eyes.
He’s been acting weird today, though. Weirder than he usually is, and he’s already usually pretty fucking weird, so that's saying something. 
He keeps shooting Mickey these little looks. Scrunching his brows together. Fiddling with his glass.
Mickey braces himself when Red suddenly takes a deep breath and opens his mouth, dreading what the guy might say. Might ask.
“Why do you call me Red?”
Mickey blinks. Out of all the questions he’d been steeling himself for, that hadn't been one of them. He’s not expecting it. Not expecting the serious look on Red’s face as he asks it. “Uh. Your hair. It’s red,” Mickey says like an idiot, as if the guy isn’t fucking aware of that fact.
Red huffs and rolls his eyes. Squints at Mickey suspiciously. Fiddles with his drink again. “Kinda starting to feel like you just don’t know what my name is.”
“Yeah, I don’t,” Mickey snorts.
Red falters. Nearly tips his glass over. “Seriously?” he asks. Looks a bit put out, a bit annoyed, a bit hurt, and over all really fucking ridiculous. “You don’t remember my name?”
Mickey cocks his brows. “You never fucking told me it, man.”
“I did! I–” Red’s eyes dart around, and Mickey assumes he’s flitting through his memories, trying and failing to find the moment he introduced himself. His skin goes all flushed (and Mickey doesn't think its adorable, because it’s fucking not) and he buries his face in his hands dramatically. “Oh my god. I am such an idiot.”
Mickey bites at his lower lip to reign in the smile threatening to pop up. Raps a fist on the bartop. “You good? You’re looking kinda red there, Red.”
Red splays out his fingers and aims a glare at Mickey from behind them. “Ian. My name’s Ian.”
Mickey rolls it around in his head, on his tongue, getting used to the flavor of it. Ian. It’s good. Short and sweet, just like ‘Red’. Same amount of letters and everything. Flows better, though, the kind of name that sounds good when it's drawn out long and slow in a groan.
Holy fuck does Mickey need to get it together, this shit is getting fucking ridiculous. 
Red– Ian– has regrouped himself while Mickey’s brain was falling to shambles. His pouty glare is back to full strength as he crosses his fucking treetrunk arms across his wide chest and fucking focus, Milkovich. “You didn’t think to fucking ask me what it was? This whole time?”
Mickey shrugs. Rubs at his lip. “Figured if you wanted me to know you would’ve told me.”
Ian uncrosses his arms to flail his hands around. Nearly knocks over his drink again. Mickey sagely reaches over and pushes it out of the danger zone. “Of course I wanted you to know! You think I wanted you to refer to me in your head by the color of my hair every time you think about me?”
“Who the fuck says I spend anytime thinking about your sorry ass?” Mickey shoots out, immediately on the defensive, because yeah, maybe he does spend too much fucking time thinking of Ian, but he’s not just gonna fucking admit to that.
Ian perks up at that. Grins that fucking grin that Mickey knows by now means trouble. “Didn’t say they had to be thoughts about my ass, specifically, but–”
“Shut the fuck up, Red–”
“Ian,” Mickey mocks. He doesn't think he’s entirely imagining the way something sparks in Ian at the sound of his name in Mickey’s mouth, but he could just be confusing it with the way something in his own body gets set ablaze. 
They both swallow. Mickey can see Ian’s adam's apple bob with it. He forces himself to tear his gaze away from Ian’s throat.
He thinks maybe Ian might be flirting with him sometimes. Maybe. But he’s not sure. Isn’t used to this. 
Before, he’d always scope out his options, settle on a guy who seemed safe enough. Wouldn't have to say a word. Would just catch their eye, cock his brow, and jerk his head towards an exit. If they followed, great. If not, whatever. No skin off Mickey’s back.
He’s never done whatever this shit is. If this shit even is anything. Which, again, it could be.
Probably isn’t. He’s probably just gone too long without getting his dick wet. Is probably just pining like some fucking school girl after the unattainable quarterback, seeing signs that aren’t there. Fucking pathetic.
It ain't right. Mickey’s not fucking pathetic. He’s just not.
That’s what he tells himself, at least, when he’s leaning his back against his front door hours later. Breath still panting, hand still shoved down his now sticky boxers, tongue still tasting Ian’s name, not even having made it to his fucking bed in his rush to get in and get off.
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bomberqueen17 · 11 months
assorted, and snippet
it is a rainy sunday. we had a glorious last-gasp-of-summer week, 70s and sunny and lovely, and then last night as the sun went down it suddenly got cold and is going to stay that way.
today's my late father's birthday. he'd've been 79 today. farmsister asked the family groupchat if we wanted to do anything special but like, what? no, so we're just having our normal sunday family dinner. she decided to make enchiladas because while the tomatoes are done, there are still tomatillos, so she's roasting those. i decided to thaw a pork butt and i'll make a sort of al pastor kind of pulled pork for the filling, later. but at the moment i'm out in my cabin, which is a disaster area and needs cleaning. but at the moment i'm just listening to the rain on the metal roof, and i have the propane stove on to get it up to room temperature in here, and i'm dying to take a nap but probably won't.
i told myself i could sit for an hour and maybe write. I sorta don't want to write, I sorta want to fuck around and nap, lol. I'm at a bit in Peace-Tied where I'm trying to fold in stuff I wrote ahead that doesn't quite fit now, so that's complicated-- I've been resorting to using two monitors to have the old doc open in a window so I don't have to tab back and forth. But Fit For Thrones is also in an awkward spot where I wrote stuff ahead and like not a lot has changed, but I realized there needed to be a new thread introduced, so I've got to work that in, and I'm realizing a scene I wrote ages ago that was just fluffy and didn't show a lot of character development is going to have to get overhauled to fit the new concept in, which at this point is just a slight complication but later I wanna hang like a whole plot off it, so it's gotta be here-- if I put it in later it won't have any support and might not really properly hold all the weight it needs to, so. And this scene was just fluff anyway and needs more stuff in it. So that's fine. But it's hard. Because of course all I want to do is skip ahead and write the juicy weighty scene this is gonna support. But if I do that (again, as i've been doing a lot in this series, ugh) i'll get there and it won't fit and i'll have to do more of this fiddly kind of work.
I did only miss Friday's update because I was physically too busy at the time, though. It's the wind-down of the farm season but that just means people have started to peel away to do other things, there's not actually a lot less work, and so those of us left are kind of juggling a lot more balls, even if they're less heavy than they were. (more wittering specifically about FFP behind the cut, and a snippet)
So I have a bunch of stuff allllllmost ready to post, but a bunch of tricky work to do for the continuations of them. There has been a spate lately of very nice comments, some rereaders and some new readers, and I appreciate all of you and it keeps me going, really it does.
I can't find the one, though, someone commented on the latest FFT that they thought Morvran might wind up a bit subby perhaps, and I literally cackled out loud. (Someone else was speculating that he's more traumatized/demi/gray than pure ace, which I also have been trying to convey-- he's ace-spec for sure but gray, is where I'm headed with him.)
I don't think Ciri is going to wind up being particularly domme-y in her preferences-- she also would like a pretty lady to push her around please-- but understand she was raised by a bunch of dommes all around, so I had a very early slightly-cracky notion that she thinks this is how het relationships have to work (this did bear fruit in an outside-of-series published work on AO3 thanks to the Smubbles folks, here: What Every Young Woman Needs)-- but there's an excerpt here I haven't quite yet fit into the FFP continuity, which I suppose I'll put here for everyone's delectation (Ciri POV, of Morvran):
He glanced up only briefly at her arrival, flashing her a quick smile but returning to whatever he was writing, clearly intently focused. She propped a hip on the edge of the desk, waiting, and he finished writing the line and looked up at her.  There was something about the way he looked up at her, like this, something open in his expression that usually wasn’t. It sort of made her want to pull his hair, and made her suddenly understand some things about the way her-- Geralt and Yennefer had acted, around one another. She’d always thought Yennefer was perhaps too mean to Geralt, but she could suddenly understand Yennefer’s perspective, and see that maybe it… well maybe it wasn’t being mean.  But. She didn’t know Morvran near well enough to offer to pull his hair.
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heloflor · 10 months
Probably my hottest Mario take: I might actually like the 1986 Anime Movie more than the 2023 Movie. Yes the 2023 one is a better movie overall while the 86 Anime didn’t age well and is filled with plot conveniences and random things happening just because, along with the bad animation, questionable voice acting, weird soundtrack and sound design, but idk I still really like it.
It’s just that there’s something very charming about that movie. It came out a single year after the first Super Mario Bros, back when there was little to no lore about the Mushroom Kingdom, and it really shows in the way enemies are used and random characters exist but also you can tell they made an effort with the little they had. It’s like watching the very beginning of the franchise, way before it became the phenomenon it is today, and there’s something about it I really like.
I’m also fascinated by the way Peach and Bowser were written in it. This was the first time these two were given a personality past “evil bad guy” and “damsel in distress”. And not only are they both great in the little screentime they have, but these new personality traits, given one single year after the creation of those characters, remain to this day their personality, albeit with a few small tweaks (Bowser being a dad becoming a huge part of his character, Peach losing her temper in most versions). Kinda funny how these two are the biggest highlight of the movie despite only being in it for like 5 minutes, but still, love what was done with them.
And when it comes to comparing it to the 2023 Movie, I actually find it hilarious how many similarities the two have, including having the exact same skeleton for their story. It’s been 37 years yet Nintendo is still writing the same thing, I love it (more on the comparison here).
Oh yeah and because I just know there are some people who will go “the hell you like about this movie?!”, here’s an actual list!
- Literally everything about the intro is great once you get past the weirdness of the Mushroom people coming out the TV. We get Mario playing the Famicom, Peach managing to defend herself for a while before getting overwhelmed, Mario being hilariously chill about all of this, Mario more than willing to fight Bowser until he sees just how enormous Bowser is and gets intimidated, the back and forth between Peach and Mario hiding behind each other, that moment where Bowser gets rid of Mario with one finger and then smiles about it followed by a beat and then Peach starts throwing furniture at him, the Game Over screen, Luigi reacting like you’d expect. Just. Everything about this scene is great!
- The wooden title cards look amazing. It’s a small thing, but I love the “fairytale” vibe it gives the movie. And now that I think about it, that might also be why I’m being so nice with this movie, since fairytales do tend to be small stories with little going on and not always making sense, making it easier to forgive its flaws.
- The shop scene is also very solid in showing us who Mario and Luigi are as people and how they play off of each-other. On that note, I like their dynamic. It’s a bit of the usual bickering siblings who would still do anything for each other, but it works.
- The meeting with the wizard guy is also solid with the way Mario and Luigi react to things. It’s a bit of an exposition dump, but you can tell they try to make it entertaining. Plus, it works for how simplistic the story is (yes I’m giving this movie a lot of slack).
- The travel montages...yeah I’m gonna be honest with this one, it sucks. I do like how they use them to show the different power-ups they get, but it’s still very boring and I skip them when watching the movie. Except for the last one on the airship, that one is pleasant.
- Luigi tripping on mushrooms. Do I even need to say more? But yeah that whole sequence with the paratroopa is nice (once you get past the fact that a turtle made a bunch of birds). And I like how clever Mario gets to save himself and Luigi from the babies.
- I’m not one to care about people drawing smut of cartoon characters, but the internet is sleeping on those Toads. That’d actually be hilarious if the main takeaway the fandom had of this movie were to be the Toad girls. And on an unrelated note, their designs is more original than the Toads we get now!
- The whole sequence with the Piranha plants and the Lakitu honestly bores me and drags on a bit. The Piranhas might also be the worst animated part of this whole thing. I do like how much of a selfish bitch the Lakitu is though. Idk, that’s a fun character in their shittiness.
- The scene in the cavern is fine. I like how the Hammer Bros is used as that intimidating guard, and we get to see Luigi be the one to solve the issue this time around! On that note, I love that Luigi’s love for money isn’t only for jokes but is at times used as a plot point (him later on flooding the castle and finding Mario’s star). Mario’s daydream is also pretty cute.
- I probably watched that scene between Peach and Bowser a dozen times since I re-discovered this movie this year. I adore the way they are characterized, especially in the context of this being the first time they’ve been written this way. Bonus points for Bowser who has no rights being as adorable as he is in this. Ultimately this scene doesn’t really advance the story, but I still love that we got some insight on who these two are at such an early stage of the franchise’s existence.
- The underwater scene is also a slug to go through, though it’s interesting to see how they used the Cheep Cheep. Also Mario dressing up as a ballerina while the dog references that one queer music star is a yes.
- I find the third act of this movie to be honestly solid. Sure there are some contrivances with the fire platforms room and the water somehow destroying the castle, but I still like it. Granted it might be due to how much screentime Bowser gets here. Speaking of which, it’s actually surprising that Bowser turns down Peach when she promises to marry him if he lets Mario alone, with Bowser refusing because he knows Mario might be trouble since he already ate two of the power-ups. This is probably top five smartest things Bowser has done in the entire franchise. This isn’t an insult to Games Bowser btw, I fucking love this dumbass, and he is kind of a dumbass when interacting with Peach in this movie as well!
- While the ending is hated for a reason and I do find it dumb as well, it’s still incredibly sweet how Mario accepts it and wishes happiness on Peach.
So overall, is the 86 Anime good? Ehh, not really. But if you’re able to get past all the weird shit going on, it’s very charming as a piece of Mario history, and it’s especially funny to see all the small things that end up becoming a core part of the franchise. And because of that, I can’t help but like it more than the 2023 Movie, even if the 2023 one is an overall better movie (I’d give the 86 Anime a 4,5/10 and the 2023 one a 6/10 in terms of movie quality; but in terms of enjoyment the 86 Anime is above the 2023 Movie for me)
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mitano-omori · 2 months
This is definitely a little late, but... For SunKel week (on Twitter and Instagram), I'll be posting some oneshots for our Mitaño Mod!! These writing snippets are canon events for our mod, it's just typically behind the scenes! Eventually, I'll be posting these oneshots to an ao3 fic to keep them all together, but for now... They're here!!
Sunny walked back and forth across his room, picking up pillows, blankets, and various objects to put in the center of the room between his and Mari's beds. When was the last time he made a pillow fort like this? It had to have been before they lost Hero. After that, the group of friends never really hung out together. So it felt kind of right to be doing this again after all this time.
The dark-haired teen glanced behind him when he heard the door open, expecting to see his sister. But instead, it was Kel. The corner of his mouth twitched up just a bit. It was a bit jarring to be around Kel at first, what with how different he looked and how much he was clearly trying to emulate his past self. It was fine for him to be different now. No one was expecting him to be okay after losing his brother like that. But despite that, Sunny was getting used to this new version of him. He may be different, but he was still Kel.
"You're already starting on the fort, huh?" Kel asked as he approached Sunny, who nodded in response. "Mari's still talking to your mom by the way." He grabbed some of the random objects Sunny accumulated to use as support beams and started to put together the frame for the fort.
Sunny quickly walked up to him, grabbing his hand to stop him. "Wait, you're the guest. You don't have to help with this. I can do it," he told Kel, who only grinned in response. It lacked the light it used to have.
"Yeah, but you never liked putting together the forts," Kel retorted. That may be right, but things were different now. Kel and Hero were usually the ones to built the forts, and now... Things were different. Besides, it was just Sunny, Kel, and Mari this time. That meant a smaller fort, and Sunny was capable of taking care of it. That didn't mean he liked it, but it was worth the effort for Kel.
The taller teen must have noticed the hesitation still remaining on Sunny's face, so he spoke again as he continued to work. "Look, you're not gonna be able to stop me, so might as well let me help you, right?"
Sunny sighed, but he finally gave in. The two then worked on the fort together quietly. Being near Kel of all people and working in silence was still a very strange situation to Sunny. For once, it made him want to fill the silence, just as Kel would have done when they were kids. But Sunny didn't know what to talk about, so he didn't say anything. At least he could still enjoy Kel's presence.
Today was difficult. If Mari hadn't arrived when she did, Sunny might've shoved Basil into the water himself. And Kel and Aubrey... Sunny tried not to think about that. What mattered was the fact that Mari did show up, and she fixed everything just as she always does. At least with Sunny alone with Kel, he felt his earlier rage towards Basil slipping away. He didn't like being furious. He didn't like feeling any particularly strong emotions, actually. It felt nice to just be calm.
"Do you think Aubrey's okay?" Sunny asked, finally finding something worthwhile to talk about.
Kel seemed to stop for a moment as he thought about the answer. When he looked back at Sunny, he was smiling--Sunny wished he could see his real smile again. "Yeah, I'm sure she's fine. Aubrey's always been tough, right? She can handle anything."
Sunny lowered his gaze and sat down on his bed. "Aubrey's...different now," he told Kel.
Kel lost his smile and kept working, his back to Sunny. "Yeah... I know."
"I don't think she's okay."
"I know."
There was a pause between them, this silence much heavier than the last. Sunny was happy he was able to help Mari and eventually Kel out of their darkness, but Aubrey still pushed everyone away. He tried to be her friend again, but she didn't seem to want him. She wasn't alright... But now that Sunny, Kel, and Mari were together again, they could help her too, right? Then they could be friends like before. But... Could they really do that before Kel moved away? They'll have to check on Aubrey tomorrow. Maybe they could get her to join them like Sunny did with Kel today and the day before.
"I'm glad you came outside," Sunny said as he watched Kel.
"You already told me that," Kel replied as he glanced back at the shorter of the two.
Sunny fidgeted with his sleeve just a bit. "I mean it. It's nice to have you around again. I missed you."
Kel paused his work and turned to face Sunny. For a moment, Sunny could have sworn the smile that tugged on the edges of his lips was genuine, or at least a sliver of what it used to be. It made Sunny feel warm inside, seeing that smile. Kel may be different now, but Sunny really didn't mind that. He knew Kel was different. He just wished he was more open about those differences.
"I missed you too," Kel admitted. Sunny could tell that there was more to it than just that, something he knew Kel would never elaborate on. Who knew what went on inside his head? But that's alright. At least Sunny knew that it was genuine.
So, Sunny felt himself smiling just a bit back at his friend. Maybe Kel's sunlight was dimmer now, but it was still there. That's all Sunny needed.
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robsterskellington · 7 months
That should do it for the polls for now, though I've gotta thank everyone who got involved- special thanks to @izartn, @dreadeves, @someonebeatmetotheseusernames and @canethatssecretlyasword for giving reasons as to why Vanitas would get along with certain characters.
The polls are for a fic that my cousin and I have been working on for around 2 years, and will continue to work on, since a lot of said progress was deleted; we wrote our stories, scenarios and plans via FB Messenger and thanks to an update, most of the plans and texts got deleted.
The basic premise is that after Vanitas is "killed" by Noé at the end of VNC, he is teleported by Luna via the Book of Vanitas to the world of BSD, and specifically to Yokohama. Because we started writing this when the last manga chapter for BSD was 101, so before S4 was aired, certain things have been changed: Chuuya *did* turn into a Vampire, most of the Port Mafia (and Jouno) remained as Vampires, Fukuchi and Fyodor are still alive, but circumstances meant that they had to drop certain plans, Sigma did not end up joining the Agency, etc.
I'm gonna leave a snippet here for anyone interested, otherwise thank you all so much for the help and letting me ramble lol.
"Man, today is sooooo boring!" Dazai was leaning back in his chair, his desk acting like a footrest, all of his work neglected. Normal day for him, it seemed.
"Maybe if you actually bothered to work, time would pass by faster..." Kunikida muttered, though he knew it was futile. And unfortunately, even *his* work was incredibly dull. The Agency and the Port Mafia were still in some semblance of a truce, and nobody was happy about it, really.
After the mess with the Decay of Angels, Yokohama were still struggling to trust both the Agency and the Military Police- it wasn't surprising, considering the Hunting Dog's Leader, and the Leader of the Decay of Angels, were one and the same. Dazai had his crimes expunged, so he could at least live outside of his prison cell and go back to the Agency; after all, he had been the one to discover that the best way to break the Vampires created by Bram Stoker's control, was to simply douse them in a shit ton of water. He still smirked at remembering the Chibi leaving Fyodor behind to save Dazai and Sigma from dying.
That being said, they still lost: Sigma ended up back in Fyodor and Nikolai's clutches, Fukuchi was on the run after the other Hunting Dog's found out about his betrayal, and all the Vampires? Despite having their minds and free will again, they still *remained* as Vampires. None of them reverted back to being Human.
Although, with that said and done, it was probably a good thing that it was at least a little bit peaceful- Dazai had been a little more social, (which translated to disappearing to go and pissing off Chuuya without anyone else's knowledge), and attempting to spend a bit of time with Akutagawa, much to Atsushi's chargrin; that was a futile effort, though...
Akutagawa had mostly stayed locked in his personal room in the Port Mafia base, only letting Gin come in to bring him food, which he barely ate. His lung disease still persisted, and he was running out of time. Other Vampires within the Port Mafia were stronger, and didn't have Abilities that could lose control, like Rashōmon- because of that, Mori had no qualms about sending them out to do jobs.
A slight rumble made the pair snap to attention; the others were either out on the town or investigating little things like shoplifters- so when the pair of them saw a shining blue light in the sky and a figure falling from it? They knew that everyone saw from where they all were and that they would rush to the scene. Kunikida immediately got on the phone for everyone to either return to the Agency or try to rescue the person falling.
Atsushi was fast enough to catch the person, using his Weretiger Ability to make his legs faster. He leaped up and caught them in his arms, landing perfectly atop a building, holding the figure close and panting softly, "I-I got you. You okay?" He got no response, and the stench of blood hit him like a train, so he looked down at the person he'd caught.
It was a young man, maybe around Atsushi's age, with dark blue hair. His clothes were very old fashioned and torn, but Atsushi had no time to dwell on that- the boy was bloodied, unconscious, and *wasn't breathing!!* He practically threw himself back to the Agency, where thankfully Yosano was already waiting in the infirmary after Kunikida’s call. She took him from Atsushi and locked herself in the infirmary, leaving Dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi to await the others to discuss what happened.
Everyone had been horrified, the boy had looked in awful shape. Dazai put a hand on Atsushi's shoulder and assured him that he was as fast as he could have been. Naomi and Jun'ichiro burst into the room, followed by Kenji, Kyouka and Ranpo, all of whom had seen Atsushi's heroic rescue of someone *falling from the sky*- the siblings having been in town, the others in the café. Fukuzawa had been on the roof, and came down knowing that an update would be provided sooner or later, commending Atsushi's quick reflexes.
But Atsushi didn't care about that. The boy was obviously no older than 18, maybe a month or so older than himself. He'd felt scars beneath his clothing, so maybe he had also been abused, or maybe tortured? They wouldn't know until Yosano finished her examination, and even then... she wouldn't compromise a patient's privacy unless given express permission.
Yosano only slipped out after an hour or so, to give everyone an update that scared everyone: "I didn't even *need* to bring that poor boy to the brink of death. He was already there, his heart had all but stopped." She gave Ranpo his belongings and personal effects, and he examined all of them.
The clothes were approximately 18th or 19th century attire, torn by what could only have been claws from some type of wild beast. The boy's blood had caked most of them, except for the ribbon from around his neck, and the ribbon from around his waist. The knife he had was definitely used to defend himself, though only by slashing and not stabbing; only the blades edge had blood on it, there was no trace of blood on the rest of it.
The most interesting thing was a book. It had pure black pages, a clockwork cover with a cracked but beautiful blue gemstone adorning it, a long chain attached. Always interested by books, Ranpo examined it; there was no words on the front, so he couldn't determine the book's title, and he quickly discovered that he couldn't open it! It must have been bound by some sort of magical energy. However, it might also be a case of the lock in front being jammed, so he handed the book to Kenji first.
No matter his strength, Kenji couldn't break the lock or tear open the cover to reveal the pages. It was different, being unable to open a simple book. Dazai smirked- perhaps the boy was an Ability User like them, and the book was a part of it, like Kyouka's phone or Q's hideous doll. He took the book in his hands... *and nothing happened*.
"What the Hell..?" He murmured. This was an Ability he *couldn't* nullify? Everyone grew tense at that fact; was this boy that powerful? If so, it was too dangerous to allow him to have the book back. However, Fukuzawa seemed to disagree and took the book from Dazai, "Is that really smart? What if he immediately tries to attack us?"
"I will not return it to him until I have determined for myself what sort of person he is. Yosano, please stay by the boy's side. Then call me as soon as he awakens so that I may speak to him." She nodded and did as she was ordered. "The rest of you, feel free to go back out or stay and work. The boy will be alright, do not fret." He left without another word, no doubt back onto the roof.
Dazai sat at his desk, unable to hide his frown or pretend he didn't care; he'd *always* been able to nullify a person's Ability before, its what made him instrumental to the Port Mafia when it came to having to use Chuuya. And now this boy comes out of nowhere, with a book practically bubbling with energy, and he couldn't do anything to stop it?
Nobody worked, or left to go into town. Ranpo was still looking at the clothes before instructing Naomi and Jun'ichiro to get some new clothes for the boy- there was no way in Hell that these could be fixed up, though he kept the ribbons for the boy to wear since they weren't completely shredded or bloody.
Kyouka examined the knife and nodded, "He takes good care of it. It's perfectly sharp. I think his gloves are weapons as well." Ranpo picked up one of the gloves and nodded in agreement, they had metal in each fingertip to act as claws in order to deal unsuspected damage. This boy was a fighter, no doubt about that. "I think that chain is long enough to strangle someone if thrown. The book itself also has a concealed blade."
"We just can't see it because we can't open it," Ranpo mumbled. He'd already learned a lot about this boy: he was an Ability User, probably not from this world or dimension if that light, likely a portal, had anything to do with his arrival. He was barely 18, born in February. He hadn't seen the boy yet, but judging from the clothes, he was underweight though had a strong stature from fighting, and was about 5'9". The gloves were used to conceal his arms, yet his sleeves were baggy and rolled up. Even his coat didn't seem to have had its sleeves used recently.
There was something else. Ranpo knew that look in Yosano's eyes, it was the same look she'd had after she first examined Atsushi's body: the boy was very literally scarred. Judging from how pale she was, it must have been a lot, and they were old. Just what had happened to this child? And who was cruel enough to inflict such damage?
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kingshimura4872 · 1 year
Don't you Remember?
A/N: Howdy chitlinsss
This ones a couple hours late but I forgot I snoozed my alarm lmao. Anyways, enjoy whatever I actually ended up writing this week lol.
Word count : 1.2k
Warnings: None rlly, just Mic being annoyingly loud and bestie status
“Alright, kiddos! Today we’re gonna play a little game of tag!” Present Mic was as loud as ever, sunlight reflecting off the edge of his sunglasses and slightly blinding some of the students.
It’d been two weeks since you joined class 2-A and for the most part, you couldn’t complain about much. Everyone had their own personalities and apart from Ashido slowly trying to pull you into her social clique, everyone left you alone unless they needed to do otherwise. Your class and class and class 2-B had paired up again for the day. Vlad King, class B’s teacher stood idly by with your own as the loud blonde continued to explain today’s training activity.
   “We’ll have two taggers each round, and all the rest of ya’s will be the tagees. The taggers will have twenty-five minutes to tag as many people as possible. If you’ve been tagged, which we will see so don’t try and sneak out of it - you’ll head to the out area. If you can’t find it immediately, there are painted trails all over the training course to help you in the right direction. The taggers are drawn at random from the box Aizawa’s holding over there. Any questions?”
One student from class B raised their hand to which Mic nodded in his direction.
   “What happens if someone gets caught trying to go back into the game after being tagged?”
   “That’s for your teacher to decide, but just know there will be one. Anything else?” 
Everyone else in the large group shook their heads and Aizawa took it as his cue to step up.
   “The first tagger of this round is…” He reached his hand into the box and took out a small folded paper slip, glancing down at it. “Pony.” 
A shorter girl from B class cheered out in excitement. You took it as she was Pony. 
   Interesting name. You thought to yourself.
   “The second tagger of this round is…Shinsou. Everyone get to the starting line. You’ll have sixty seconds to get running and find a place to evade. If you’re not tagged by the end of the timer, you’ll get an extra free period with the other winners in Mic’s class sometime later this week. He’ll have something for you all.” Aizawa explained, stepping back and waiting for the unnamed students as they lined up on the thick yellow line stretching across the concrete. You took the time you had before running to inspect your terrain. There were large pipes and cement blocks winding every which way in an arena bigger than a sports stadium. You took it as an easy win since you knew you were versatile enough to slide past your opponent. 
   “Ready!” Aizawa shouted, holding up his arm. Everyone got into their own running position, as did you.
   “GO!” Mic finished, all three teachers and your taggers watched as everyone scattered like flies into the area. You took off straight, climbing over pipes and around blocks like it was nothing. The deep blue training uniform every student had definitely made you stand out in the monochrome gray scene, but you could make it work.
   Twenty-Five minutes. That’s it. Just stay around their vision and you’re done. You said to yourself. 
You ducked behind a large pair of pipes, listening silently for indications of life close to you. You heard footsteps from a few separate individuals going different directions around you, but one thing caught the corner of your eye. A spark of red and black landed against another pair of pipes a few feet away from you and let out a sigh. 
He took a moment to catch his breath before checking his surroundings and inevitably noticing you as well. He shot you a friendly smile and after once again checking around him, ran over to you.
   “Hey.” He greeted, voice hushed.
   “Stay quiet. I need to hear.” You hushed him, holding a hand to his mouth and once again listening in to the area around the both of you. He nodded, staying still minus the glances at the places behind you.
I’m more vulnerable with him around, but he can at least check my back while he’s here. You thought to yourself.
You perked up at the sound of light tapping against the metal above you a couple yards away. You swiftly gazed downward to look for a better place to hide, spotting a small crevice with pipes encompassing it. 
   “Hurry, get down.” You ordered, pulling his wrist to the spot and ducking in. He followed without objection, looking around for the threat you sensed.
   “Who is it?”
   “Pony’s.” You hummed, looking all around for her to pass.
   “How can you tell?”
   “Footsteps. Now hush.”
He did as told, pulling you a bit further back into the space to hide the both of you better. And just as you predicted, you both watched as Pony jumped from an overhead pipe right where you originally were.
   “Gosh, where did they go? I could have sworn I saw someone go this way.” She sighed, looking around and running off in a different direction. Kirishima opened his mouth to speak but you immediately placed your hand over his mouth again, shaking your head at him. 
Just as quickly as it had started, the first round ended and of course you and Kirishima were part of the small group that won, the other students consisting of Bakugou, Kendo, Iida, Tsu, and Tetsutetsu. Apparently, according to you accidentally overhearing, Tetsutetsu winning was purely a fluke due to Pony letting him get away just before the timer ended. She felt bad for him since it was only a few seconds away so she turned around and reached out for another student.
You all got a few minutes to recuperate before the second pair of taggers were pulled.
   “Our first tagger is….Monoma.” Aizawa called.
   “Ah, yes! Of course, this match will be over quickly then.” The rowdy blonde of class 2-B laughed heartily. Everyone rolled their eyes at his outburst and began lining up.
   “Second is…. Sero.”
   “Yeah! This’ll be so fun!” Sero, your class’ resident comedian cheered, jogging off to stand beside his teacher. Everyone got into their positions and raced off again at the sound of Present Mic’s shout.
And so for the next two and a half hours, six more rounds came and went. Everyone was spent and thanks to some hand of fate, Kirishima somehow kept finding you and you would use him as an extra pair of admittedly unneeded eyes. And each time, the both of you came out victorious.
One detail Aizawa left out for what you believed to be purposeful, in order to be in this small group of winners, you had to win every round. So, at the end of the very last round, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, Bakugou, and yourself were given small slips of yellow paper to give when the elusive free period was scheduled. Everyone else were left with nothing but fun laughs between one another over certain things that happened during each round and you were all sent back to change and go back to your dorms. 
You walked behind everyone, changing as fast as you could when you got into the changing rooms and leaving first as everyone chatted away. Walking down the hallway, you trudged in silence. You glanced down at the slip. 
Do I really need this? Maybe I can just give it to someone else. You wondered.
   “Hey, Kid!”
You looked up slowly, a small groan escaping from between your lips. A small brush of bright red feathers enveloped you and you couldn’t help but relax in their breeze.
   “Hey, Hawks.”
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who says you're not getting an ask? because I'm giving you one right now!
anyway, I'm curious about Burn Fast, Burn Bright. not anything specific really, just surprise me ig. I love that fic of yours a whole lot as I'm sure I've stated to you before.
CAN WE GET ON WITH THIS?? TY!!! fic in question, which is OLD as HELL and I got second hand embarrassment from all the things I could’ve done better MAN. here are my thoughts before we get into it;
- this was the second fic I’d written for stanuary, and one of the longer fics I’ve written Ever actually. 15k words. I don’t know how I was able to produce so many words for these events ngl I hope I can redo that this year ANYWAY. first impressions? shallow angst. I think that’s what this is gonna be TO ME, because I’m the author and I hate myself. this was written almost a year ago… ough
- the descriptions will be Okay, but could be Better. I think I’ve gotten better at those hopefully.
- I was writing a lot of 80s angst during this time period and this was the second in that bunch. loose ties and ends, that one kid from jersey, unfortunate ends, like?? I was on a roll. what was wrong with me (still wrong with me)
- the gnomes are here? damn. I like gnomes
- oh that summary. already fucking me up
- I’m going in with the mindset that even at the time I knew that there was improvement to be had. This is my growing. I’m STILL growing. we can do this. I was still trying to find my groove. NOW LETS GOOOOOO
He’s left the damned duffel bag.
The one thing he had to take, and he’s left it behind. Stan has nothing to curse but his own self, because how is he so stupid as to not notice for a whole day? He’d spent the whole day driving through Oregon, hopping from gas station to gas station and it’s only now, the next morning, that he realizes there are no extra clothes to change into?
already onto a great start /genuine. an earlier draft had this to be a Lot more aggressive—using exclamation points and harsher language and shit, but once I realized that it would be a little odd that we start so strong, I toned it down. I think it gives a bit more of ‘resonate despondence’, which is very (sometimes) stan
Ford had always been bad at explaining things. He always expected the listener to know exactly what he’s talking about, be at his exact intelligence level, so that his ‘explaining’ could be understood with just a few words. 100% of the time, that isn’t the case.
literally me. best but of ford characterization someone could have conjured fr
okay already a detour but did you guys know I read my fics in my head in a VERY SPECIFIC tone, and that’s why most of the italicizations and em dashes exist? that’s why they’re there because if someone doesn’t read it the way I do I slowly die inside /silly I still do it today and I have to remind myself that I shouldn’t have to do everything for my reader. I should trust them.
(Yeah, Stan wants to let his anger out, but he’s not gonna kill the guy. Ford looks fragile enough as it is, and if he fights any harder he’ll probably break his leg or a rib. No point in damaging him, really.)
yes that’s so nice stan. you’re such a good brother dude oh my GOD IM—
this whole ford pleading scene here. here’s some bits;
“It…” Ford inhales deeply. “It’s not forever. I just need it away.”
“I don’t—Stan, I don’t want you to sail away to the ends of the Earth.”
“This—this, right here, I can’t do it.” Ford gestures to the portal wildly, giving it a scowl that could give Stan a run for his money. He almost thinks it’s directed at him, since he stands in front of the machine’s eye. “I can’t fix this!”
oh I’m feeling the feelings what the fuck. I can hear the last dialogue SO WELL. I remember vividly rewatching atots like four times just to listen to the fight and I’m still not desensitized. like the way ford delivers such a genuinely misguided request and seeing nothing wrong with how it might be worded which ALSO being on the verge of snapping? yeah ford I’ll give you a pass you’re going through shit. I’m so glad it still reads!!!
“I’m already too far gone, Stanley, an-and I can’t think of anyone else, anyone who would want to help.”
ohhhhhi can hear this too. it’s a Hint you know. it’s supposed to tip you off; something is REALLY wrong….
okay I’m restraining myself from pasting this entire ford exchange but it’s so GOOD. I’m flattering myself. And I didn’t even take that long on it I remember I wrote most of chapter one in a single burst. everything you see? barely edited. all put on at once. threw up on a page. I was feeling things
Ford sets the Journal aside. He, aside from the glaring obvious, does not look shaken up. “Yes, I know. Never… see me again.”
He sounds bitter. Almost too bitter for his liking. It’s almost contagious, from how it seems to roll off him and outwardly.
“You…” Stan has to phrase this kindly. “You know I don’t want that, right?”
Ford doesn’t relax. Instead, his gaze only darkens. “I know.”
i remember crying. I was tearing UP. that’s them. that’s something I would say if I were stan. make sure they know that I don’t want that. I…!!!!
Stan wonders what Stan will say.
one of the few bits I was smiling for when writing this….
So he should be here.
I forgot the name for this literary device even though I started using it religiously after this BUT YEAHHHHHHHH GET OUR FEELINGS BABE
not gonna paste it but what ford(‘s body) is hiding by. I’m gonna be honest despite watching atots so much I forgot where the portal opened. like dead ass, so I made it up. the bookshelf is supposed to be the portal. I think the fic ‘by the skin of your teeth’ was still severely affecting me and that was the portal in that fic. this is what you get when you don’t check your references. it literally happened to me yesterday! I was finishing up chapter six of do you remember hanging up the stars and it was about aziraphale and crowley on the ark back in 3000 bc right. I forgot what the ark looked like other than a Single Memory so I bullshitted it. I then remembered I had a Resource, Checked, and it was. well I completely forgot about where the humans would’ve gone. lol
I can’t paste it all bc it’s like the whole fic but Stan’s DENIAL. the way he’s sooooo deep in it that it’s a physical jarring when he’s ripped out of it. he’s literally such a denial grieved it’s SICK and I can’t believe I wrote it so easily. Ahem. that says things I think whether good or bad is up to your interpretation
some of these dialogues are weirdly cut off. I think Stan’s a lot more of a run on sentencer. hm
okay now I’m getting into the secondhand embarrassment that would probably be extreme heartbreak had into created this. I think at this point I was very emotionally worn down; not just from writing but Life too. there’s not much to say. it just Exists
oh that fucking letter. fucking letters. I love ford letters you know that they’re so delectable especially when he’s allowed to make them long. this WHOLE THING. wow. and the way he OPENS IT. classic ‘we don’t have much time’ action type beat *writes a two paged letter*. also the crossing out things. I’m a fucking genius. augh
I don’t know if you would like to stay in Gravity Falls after this, but I would like you to do two things, the two things I could not.
UHM EXCUSE ME YOU REALLY THINK SO?? LIKE GENUINELY??? woah buddy. anyways this hurts me because I know he’s being genuine about this he DOESNT know if Stan would like to stay. he doesn’t know. HE DOESNT KNOW—
Unless there is an afterlife, this is Stanford Pines, your brother, signing off.
(Thank you, Stan. For everything.)
THAT. THAT? I was kicking my little evil feet oh I WAS. I was thinking ‘what could I do in character that could REALLY fuck you up?’ and I landed there. I loved it so much I literally used the thank you ploy again for a recent whumptober entry and it STILL HIT FOR ME. like. ford and thank yous. always painful 🥹
Two: After all this?
Stan isn’t planning to last a week.
see look it’s funny because. because the summary is about stan always following through with his plans. it was a parallel. he went through with a plan and it resulted in ford fucking off the face of the earth. so now he’s got a new one. new mission, new plan, new end. I loved thatshit…..
He didn’t expect for the pawn off to be so violent.
I had a very different opening here; it was something with bill watching everything before unfold and THEN cut to ford going through with the plan? but then I decided ‘hey wait a sec we never see stan LEAVE after that little flashback. how did that leaving go?’ and now we’re here. damn I even had an alt opening
now that we know ford’s suicide is inevitable (and that we’re in his head) I start slathering that foreshadowing everywhere….
“Okay. Okay, I’ll go. But I’m comin’ back, ya hear me? I’m not leavin’ you again.”
it’s giving crowley saying ‘I’m coming back, I won’t leave you alone’. hehehe
It does untangle, after a few seconds of frantic pulling and Ford’s shouting beforehand.
Stan doesn’t have the decency to apologize. He flaps his palm as if he got burned. “Yeesh. Your hair’s a mess.”
look it’s funny because. because. well you know. hair untangling. corpse
“And get some fucking sleep! You look half-dead!”
There it is.
yeahhhhhhh I was just being mean. stan babygirl he’s already going to do it. don’t add insult to injury
It was time to enact Plan A. If Plan A didn’t work (which it had to. He didn’t even have a Plan B) then it’d be time to panic.
the original title for this fic (like the FIRST ONE. not when I turned this into a two parter) was called ‘Plan B’, because 1) plan A indeed does not work and plan b is suicide, and 2) B for Bill. :)
But knowing Stanley, he’d find a way to show just how pissed off he was at Ford even if he was in the afterlife.
:) x2. still proud of this
When Fiddleford first learned of the gnomes, he was more than disturbed. Almost spooked. Ford had insisted that as long as you had bug spray and mushrooms, they would be manageable. Sadly, Fiddleford had thought mushrooms ‘takin’ care of the problem’ would be in warding them away, that mushrooms were a repellant of some kind.
FIDDLEFORD MY BELOVED!!!! I love writing beats like this I still do. it’s just so nice to take random hcs and put them in the most tense and matter of fact situations just to distract us a little. make us look away, but not entirely. ough
He wants to shake on it.
it’s the little traumas that break our hearts.
okayyyyyy I’ll be honest ford leaving the portal for someone else to kill it is Very ooc. I’ll admit that. but I need my Scenario!!!!! I don’t regret it. just know that I acknowledge it. *cries*
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the ‘method’. oh ‘the method’. fucking kills me. he debated ont his. rationally. RATIONALLY I WAS LITERALLY THAT ONE MEME THATS SCREAMING AT MY CHARACTERS TO STOP BUT IM THE ONE WHOS PUTTING THEM THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE—
ough. the bullet points. okay I’m running out of commentary steam but let me say this. I asked for hcs on my blog right? so I could put some of those here because even I run out of hcs eventually, and people DELIVERED. I loved them. I put every single one in at least One point, and seeing these tiny memories just spring up at he’s doing this is like that thing with the fiddleford/mushrooms bit. he’s distracting himself. making th situation less scary in his eyes. OUGH
Ford had considered being a doctor for some time while in elementary school. It was a given, considering his intelligence and avid nature towards sciences. His love for the supernatural always gave in however, and it has won every battle. But for a long time after, a part of him wanted to be a chemist, a manufacturer, a creator. Sure, it soon became a pipe dream, but for a while it was a genuine choice.
But Ford is an experimenter. He realized early on that he wouldn’t be able to resist pouring the components and chemicals on his skin, if only to see how they would react to human flesh.
motherfucker.that guy is literally me
btw these spaces after the em dashes are killing my soul. I remember once that I thought everyone else was wrong with no spaces and I was right. Oh, past me. No.
How could you not love someone like that?
God, he’s never going to see him again.
4.5 million humans in the world. 230 million humans in America. 7 million in New Jersey. 2 million in Oregon. Around sixty or seventy species of anomalies in Gravity Falls alone. And that doesn’t even account past Earth, if Crash Site Omega was accounted for.
I had to look all that shit up I don’t even know if it’s right. at first it’d been modern day stats but THEN I remembered that we’re in the fucking 1980s so ofc it’s different. ALSO LOOOK I FUCKED UP IT SAYS MILLION NOT BILLIONS. IM GONNA DIE. FUCK. either way we stay silly we stay silly!!! just know that little paragraph has caused me so much grief.
Ford always hated funerals.
this was the beginning of the ‘we hate funerals’ saga. still do hate them. I hate them, ford hates them, crowley hates them, ALL OF THE HOMIES HATE THEM 🫵🫵 /j
Mania is a feeling he knows well, and this is not that.
lmao name drop *i was on the verge of tears*
It’s Ford, the snow, and his candle, which has no more wax to burn.
the spacing. the html gave me sooooo much trouble but it was worth it!!!! every space was deliberated and checked and shit. ough. OUGH
okayyyy im capping it here because I’m so so tired. but!!! here it is. I just. wow. Less yet more corny than I thought this would be. I hope you enjoyed that little roller coaster, and I’m off on Life Adventures. Which means Errands. fuck…..
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