#[ gotta give love to the best dog first he c c -- ]
thewritersaddictions · 8 months
Drabbles: Resident Evil 4- Body Talk
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How might they react when they find out you don't like something about yourself?
Leon S. Kennedy
Leon is the sunshine, optimist, glass half full in your relationship. He's even like that when you tell him you're pregnant; even if he's gotta be the government work dog, he won't let that stop him from having a family. Your pregnancy goes bad; your baby comes out with all ten fingers and ten toes. The problem is it doesn't go to plan. You had been hoping for an at-home birth, but plans changed. Instead, your baby girl had decided that she didn't want to come out before her due date or even on her due date. She had opted to put you in a whole day's worth of labor, and that's when the doctors had called it. "We need to do a c-section." The plea of shock and unpreparedness was written all over your face, and your husband could see it.
"If that's what's best." He had said, and squeezed your hand. "it will be okay, baby." He had noted into your sweaty forehead. You don't remember much from your emergency c-section. You remember hearing your daughter scream and how beautiful she was when you saw her for the first time. Weeks later, you still think the same thing. It not until you're showering a month later does the reality of how fucked your body looks now hit you like a semi-truck into a brick wall.
You stand there in your panties and supportive bra. You aren't staring at yourself in the mirror. You're just staring at your no longer large belly. The c-section wound is still exposed to the air around, and you hold your hand over your belly. It aches and hurts. Leon comes in with your daughter in his arms. Lola, your whole world alerts you to their presence, and you try to grab your robe quickly. "What's wrong, baby?" Your husband acts like you; he reads people for a living, really, so you aren't surprised that you aren't able to just walk away from it. "Just lookin' at myself is all." You say as you tie the knot of your robe covering your body from him.
"You don't have to hide from me, ya know." Leon's words are soft and calming, but still, you can't imagine him looking at you the same ever again. That's because you don't see yourself the same way anymore. "Where do you keep going? Talk to me, love." Leon says as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed. Lola babbling in her sleep. You swallow hard as the tears you've been trying to keep at bay strike their revenge on you. "My body isn't normal anymore, my tummy won't ever be falt again, and I'll always have this damn scar, Leon." You ramble on, "I hate this feeling. You're doing all the work. I want to help, but I can't." Leon just listens and waits for you to finish. When you huff with frustration he knows you're done. "Baby, will you take a breath for a second." He says, and you do take a breath a deep inhale and exhale.
"Now, will you listen to me when I say what I'm about to say?" You nod, "You are beautiful to me, and I know that's not how you view yourself. I also know that you grew our baby girl here. You literally made a life." You interrupt him, "Hey, you helped too." You say giving your husband credit. Leon rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I did, but I don't want you to worry about trying to help right now. You need to heal, and like I said, you did all the work to get her here in the world. So please worry about healing and taking the time you need. I'm tellin' you right now, though, and I'll still keep lovin' your body no matter what." Leon admits to you. You bite your lower lip to hold the tears back. He gets up from the edge of the bed and walks over to you, kissing your lips. "Day by day, honey." You nod and kiss him back.
Albert Wesker
Albert had a strict dress code for working with him. White button-ups, paired with a black pencil skirt, expect you didn't fit the dress code. The dress code had been there for years before you arrived; you almost laughed in Alberts's face when he hired you as his secretary. Of course, it had grown into something else when he had asked you on a date and then another. Before you knew it, he asked you to move in with him. Still, you worked as his secretary. He liked how you filled out a pair of jeans, so he didn't mind spending your lunch break with him at a fancy restaurant or delivering meals.
The dress code only bothers you once you hear the other women working in the office commenting and talking about you. Their words are hurtful and strike something in your core. "She's such a charity case. That's the only reason he's with her. He feels bad for her." "I know, right? He could do so much better. Hell, she doesn't even follow the damn dress code." "It's because of her weight. You can see how fat she is in her face." You bee-line back to your desk outside of Albert's office. You shake your head as you sit in your chair. They might be right, though all your jeans are worn out between the thighs. Maybe you are just a charity case to Albert.
"Come on, darling, it's time to go home," Albert says as he exits his office. "Okay." You murmur quietly. You're quick to grab your things, and Albert waits for you patiently at the elevator doors. Waiting only causes more panic to settle in your body. "I think we should take the stairs." You say quickly. "why?" Albert asks, almost offended you'd suggest the stairs compared to the elevator. "I just thought it would be good for both of us since we've been cooped up in the office." You say but are distracted by the ding of the elevator doors opening. "Maybe next time, darling." When you arrive home, Albert tells you that he's making dinner. But you aren't listening, opting for listening to the words playing ring around the rosey in your head.
"Darling, dinners done," Albert yells across the large apartment. He has to come find you. You're sitting in your closet. Jeans and clothes surrounding you. "Did you not hear me?" "Huh." "Come to eat dinner with me." He says once more before reaching his hand for you to grab. You don't take it and push yourself up from the ground. Your whole demeanor sets all the alarms off for Albert, but he's trying not to guess the worst thing first. He follows you tot he dinning room, and when you play with your food instead of eating it sets off my alarms.
"Are you feeling alright, darling?" He asks, worried. "I'm alright, just not hungry tonight, is all." You tell him, "Okay." Albert says, even if he doesn't believe you. The next day, when he calls you into his office and offers you lunch, you deny him again, and before he can't a word in edgewise, you're back out at your desk. This morning had also been different. You had worn something less you to work. You had stiffed through all your clothes in search of a pencil skirt and a nice blouse. It's when he ventures out and hears his employyees talking amoungest themselves and hears your name that it clicks.
"Did you see she tried today, at least?" "yeah, but it's not like she looks good." "Mr. Wesker probably wasn't gonna take it much longer, and she is trying to get back in his good graces." "Well, let's be honest, nothing will fit her lookin' as fat as she does." Albert is seething, itching to catch them in the middle of gossiping, but he's far more concerned about where you are. That's when you come popping out of the stairwell. "My office now!" he demands the second he sees you. You scramble to get together and to his office before his door slams. "what's wrong, Albert?" Worry is etched in your voice. "what's wrong? What's wrong? You haven't been eating for the past two days, and what are you wearing?" About way too many questions are hurdled in your direction. "What do you mean? I told you I haven't been hungry, and I'm wearing what's in the dress code for the company." I say.
"That's such bullshit. What happened to your comfy jeans and t-shirts?" You shrugged, not really knowing what to say to him. "I guess I… wanted to change it up." You offer, but Albert shakes his head. "No, I know you; I know that wearing those fucking pencil skirts gives you horrible chub rub between your thighs and that you feel ten times better in your own jeans. So you are going to tell me the truth about why you're suddenly not eating and changing everything about yourself." Albert demands you. You fumble with your hands, "I overheard some girls talking about you and me and how you might think I'm a charity case, along with my weight being an issue. I thought maybe I could get better. Change a few things so you wouldn't wanna leave me."
Your words are raw, and so is the look of utter anger steaming under the sadness of you thinking you are enough for him. "Listen to me and listen real good. I like… no, I love the way your body is, and I like the fact that you don't wear all the preppy shit the others wear. I want your ass in a good pair of jeans and an old college t-shirt. I love you when you're comfortable, and about the leaving part, that's never happening. Because unlike those dimwits out there with their personality shoved up their asses. You've got everything I need."
You smile wide as you walk across his office and hug him. He hugs you back, "I know you wanna go fire thoses people, but you can't." You say into his ear, "No, but I can fuck right here and let you be as loud as you want so everyone you belong to me." Albert offers, you blush hard, "You can fire one of them!" "Nah, they're not worth it anyways."
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Completed on: 11/16/23
Posted on: 02/04/24
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
im stubborn and i like talking here's the reasons i put every character i did in side a into the tourney. I'll do side b later cause i gotta go to bed soon
important first note, quite a few of my decisions were because i was trying to get women in here and it was getting desperate because i had to cut out a lot of women for only being "just some guy" because they were written by a misogynist that made her sit on the sidelines and cheer for the male leads. The Woman Situation Is Always So Fucking Dire.
anyways on to the actual contestants im gonna start with the characters that have been causing the most people to start up shit about them not being just some guy
barry bluejeans (taz balance): 2 submissions, personal bias. i think a lot of people are misunderstanding what this tournament is tbh. this isnt about the "normal" characters, tho normalcy does play a factor in it. this is about dudes who are just some guy. there is a difference. barry is a dnd npc who wears blue jeans in a fantasy world and he loves his wife. yes he is a lich. yes he is involved in the main plot. he's also just chillin. like if the plot didn't happen the way it did barry would be playing sudoku or crosswords. he'd be an average man in a very fantasy world. he is so average and human its funny. he is just some guy
tommy (hlvrai): 1 submission, personal bias. his just some guy energy is so there. he gets a propeller hat that does nothing when all of his crew is getting cool guns and upgrades. his life goal is to go home and take his dog for a walk. he gets a chuck e cheese birthday party. he sounds like he's going to burst into tears at any moment. compared to the rest of the crew, tommy is comedically just some guy
ulala (persona 2): 1 submission, description swayed me. it described the list of characters in persona 2 and ulala was just "your roommate that wanted to go to a party". that's hilarious. also i was getting fucking desperate for women that didn't suck ass as i stated above
apollo (ace attorney): 2 submissions, personal bias, descriptions swayed me. yall the submissions for him were so fucking funny. he's just a lawyer. he just wants to do his job but he lives in the ace attorney universe so everything is fucked all the time. he would've been a normal lawyer if he hadn't met phoenix wright. he's just chillin.
ok now here's every other character
sasha james (tma): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. i asked r if i should put her in because they know tma and they said yes. submission described her as loving to organize and avoided many monsters by being just some guy.
reigen arataka (mp100): 2 submissions. i thought it'd be funny and i was right. he is also just a normal man pretending he's not and he refuses to give up the bit he 100% deserves to be here
joy (underworld office): 1 submission, friend bias. the mc is going through wild ghost related problems and she's just going . hey man. you good??? r's sister submitted her and im not letting her down dude she's awesome
junpei (zero escape): 3 submissions, personal bias. he is literally the only character who has no connection to the larger mystery he's just there because he loves 1 girl. he's PAINFULLY and VITALLY just a dude. i need him
horse (centaurworld): 1 submission. i thought it'd be really funny to include just a horse. her name is horse. thats fucking awesome dude
phone guy (fnaf): 2 submissions. he was the only character from fnaf that got more than 1 submission and there were like 9 fnaf submissions i kinda felt bad tbh. he was also the best example of just some guy out of all the fnaf submissions
gordon freeman (hlvrai): 1 submission. he is a guy playing a video game. he is the straight man to the rest of the crews antics and by god he plays his role well
joshua gillespie (tma): 4 submissions, friend bias, hilarious descriptions. he avoids getting killed because he's so good at following instructions despite him clearly supposed to be dying here. they said don't open the coffin so he didn't. simply don't tuesday
namari (dungeon meshi): 1 submission, personal bias. i like her c: she's pretty level headed compared to like. everyone else in laios's crew. she seems like somebody i could just be friends with and hang out with
shez (fire emblem): 3 submissions, hilarious descriptions. i might try getting into fire emblem because of this. ok so they got murdered in a previous game off screen and now they're the playable character of a new game in a new timeline and they're fucking everything up because they're just supposed to be some guy? thats so fucking funny holy shit i want to know more
henry stickmin (henry stickmin): 1 submission. henry stickmin. like idk i dont feel like i gotta explain this one he's a stickman
stanley (tsp): guaranteed entry
whole (chonny jash): 1 submission, friend bias. tbh i saw him and went oh fuck yeah thats the thing my friends like and then i put him in there. i dont actually know enough about chonny jash to say anything on this but i fully trust the submitter knew what they were doing
larry (pokemon): guaranteed entry
luke carder (inscryption): 1 submission, friend bias, good description. he is just a normal youtuber in the lore of the game. he fucking love card game. good for him man good for him
leorio (hxh): 3 submissions, friend bias, good descriptions. idk a lot about hxh but the descriptions of him compared to the other main characters was pretty convincing
barry the quokka (sonic): guaranteed entry
april o'neil (tmnt): 1 submission, friend bias. absolutely normal girl that just happens to be the one that found the turtles and become their friend
tsuzuru (a3!): 3 submissions, friend bias. descriptions definitely made him feel like a good fit. he's so good at being just some guy i actually thought he was a different character and was shocked when i went to grab images for the tourney and he wasnt the guy i thought he was. which is really funny. like who the fuck is he then. this didn't change my opinion or anything it was just so good
matt (woe.begone): 1 submission. woe.begone fans have ALWAYS been kind to me so they got some mod bias sprinkled in. i dont know what this guys deal is but in the dbtn tourney the guy who got in there had a giant fucking list of things that are happening to him all the time and apparently thats just what woe.begone is like so i believe it when told matt is normal in comparison. everything else is so batshit wild I Just Believe You
gilear (fantasy high): 2 submissions. he seems to be just a dad. wasn't going to get in at first tbh just for personal reasons but i was running out of characters that i felt actually fit the tournament well so ultimately he got in
emmet (lego movie): 4 submissions. honestly with the number of submissions we got, 4 submissions was basically a guaranteed entry. and emmet's whole story is about being just some guy
stahl (fire emblem): 1 submission, hilarious description. fire emblem fans are so funny. what do you mean he can only be perfectly average because everyone else improves/gets worse with him to keep him perfectly average. what the fuck. thats so good
doug (wolf359): 2 entries. i dont know jack shit about wolf359 and honestly the submissions didn't tell me a lot but it was enough to figure he qualifies and i was running out of characters that felt good for the tourney. i trust you wolf359 fans
jack townsend (tales from the gas station): 1 submission, good description. he works at an evil gas station and the description gave me no follow up on what an evil gas station is which is awesome. apparently the horrors are constantly happening and he's just kinda staring at them. he's not paid enough for this
frisk (undertale): guaranteed entry
brian pasternack (yuppie psycho): 1 submission. im gonna be super honest with you here. i dont remember. i know he qualifies but i have 0 thoughts about him. maybe thats a good thing in this tourney. he's an average office worker who has now been tasked with killing The Witch.
trevor (american arcadia): 4 submissions, personal bias, good descriptions. dude i fucking love american arcadia it's so fucking good what a nightmare. he's so normal they were going to kill him for not being entertaining enough
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abcwordsurge · 5 months
hello my good friend mx surge! what kind of music do you like/prefer, genre-wise? got any favorite songs? and then can i get some favorite lyrics? smile! and. tell me what characters/stuff the lyrics make you think of if you'd like to go that far! doesn't have to be any characters I'd know about or even any at all. i am Curious <- all /nf! do as much as you like. i love asking questions and hearing your thoughts 🫡🫡 —marley
hello my wonderful friend marley! eeee I love talking about music. this is gonna be a long one
(disclaimer: I am admittedly Very Bad at genres, so I'm gonna give you artists and maybe you can decide for yourself what genres they are)
AJR is a big one, I could talk for days about AJR. they're one of the only bands I've been to a concert for (very very good concert, very fun, very dramatic, highly recommend, they are clearly showmen, not just musicians, and that makes for entertaining shows). I'm unironically following someone on tumblr who posts ONLY AJR stuff because every time I see the name "AJR" it's like a visceral reaction that makes me grin. ooh, also Twenty One Pilots. I love then. looking forward to their new album
I listen to a lot of broadway. some of my favorites are Be More Chill, Mean Girls, Six, and Titanic the Musical, just to name a few. I love seeing live shows especially- I saw Something Rotten not too long ago, and the Nick was BRILLIANT it. was, admittedly, a high school production, but nonetheless. he danced a lot, even unchoreographed dancing in the background, just like, vibing, and it was so obvious that he was just having a good time and enjoyed being there (the actor, that is, not the character) and I just liked watching him
oh, and Sleeping at Last! I first discovered them by their Atlas: Enneagram album, because I'm a nerd and adore personality tests (I'm an INTP and a 5 in case anyone was wondering), but I've been slowly absorbing the rest of their music, and it's all so beautiful
favorite songs... hm. I can't not say "2085," the closer to AJR's most recent album, and perhaps the most emotionally devastating song they have released as of yet (which is really saying something). best lyrics from that song are undoubtedly the last bit, where they say "you gotta get better, you've all that I got," then it gets softer and the lyrics change to "I gotta get better, I'm all that I've got." HEARTBREAKING /pos. I mean, I like that part enough that I wrote a whole fic inspired by it. one of my very few angst fics. "All That I've Got," a Minnesconsin fic (link here if you're curious). by the way, the first song of that album, "Maybe Man," is also a banger, highly recommend
I love "96000" from "In the Heights" (I think it's only in the movie version, not the musical version? not 100% sure though). ooh this song makes me crazy. this song... ok. I can't talk about this song without being a bit weird about it, but stick with me. this song always makes me think of the people on the Titanic. I read a book once with fictionalized versions of a few of the Titanic's officers and crew members, and once I was listening to this song and when it got to Sonny's verse, all I could think about was how exactly it matched fifth officer Harold Lowe's vibes. it's not really the lyrics, but several of the verses just remind me of various crew members' vibes. and it's. it's just a great song
"Air Catcher" by TOP. that's another wonderful song. always makes me think of Iowa to Wisconsin, for no particular reason. best lyric is "I don't believe in talking just to breathe," which is an idea that always appealed to me
Tyler Joseph is a BRILLIANT lyricist, actually. other great lyrics by him:
"our words are loud but now I'm talking action" (Neon Gravestones)
"for us to think is to be alive / and I will try with every rhyme / to come across like I am dying / to let you know you need to try to think" (Car Radio)
"death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit" (Heavydirtysoul)
"haunted by a couple big mistakes / she covers all the dents with the way she decorates" (Redecorate)
"like an "I love you" / that isn't words / like a song he wrote that's never heard" (Shy Away)
I love "despair" by leo. always makes me think of florida talking to loui (in a queerplatonic way, of course). another great floui song is "Tightrope" from The Greatest Showman, but I picture this one as loui to florida
holy moly this is even longer than expected. I'll leave you with this for now. you've probably gotten a good grasp of my taste by now haha. thank you sm for the ask, I had a delightful time answering :D
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trashbag-baby666 · 7 months
It’s Always Been Just Him and Me-Buck/Bucky
Summary: Buck keeps needing an out from his dates and Bucky is always a call away.
WC: 3,430
C/W: Bucky says a slur, mentions of drug use (weed), slight mentions of Bucky having an ED.
MOTA Masterlist!
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Buck felt as if he was finally able to breath as he opened the door of Bucky's car. He was finally free of Curt’s strawberry vape and Nicki Minaj’s Pink Friday Two blasting through the speakers.
Truth be told he would rather be stuck in the car than having to go inside on this date. Buck always had a hard time telling people no, one of his downfalls. So when this girl from school kept asking out Buck and he finally had given in. He knew it was going to be awkward and uncomfortable.
“Goodluck, Buck!” Curt clapped him on the shoulder as he got out of the back to get in the front.
“Remember don’t fuck on the first date.” Bucky leaned over to the open door to look at him, “If it goes bad you can give me a call. I’m gonna take Curt to work then just drive around till you’re done.”
This was something that happened a lot, almost like a pattern Buck could recognize. Giving into someone asking him on a date, he’d go and get uncomfortable and text Bucky to call him so he could leave.
“You need any?” Curt opened up his wallet showing Buck the condoms tucked in by the dollar bills.
“You just carry those with you?” Buck furrowed his eyebrows looking down at Curt.
“You don’t?”
“Your loss,” Curt chuckled and elbowed Bucks side, “Have fun though, really.”
“I’ll try my best,” Buck clenched his teeth sucking in a breath nervously, his hands jammed into his jacket pockets. He was weighing his options of just jumping back into Bucky's car and telling him to drive away like this was a crime.
But then he remembered then he’d have to come up with some story of why he couldn’t make it. Sorry my bird died? Sorry Bucky got a flat tire and we were stuck on the side of the road? But then he’d have to defend his answer of why Bucky was giving him a ride and he wasn’t just taking himself there. So into the shitty Olive Garden he went taking one last glance at the silver SUV as he opened the door going in.
Bucky was serenading his heart out to All American Bitch as he drove down the ‘speed bump road’ gunning down on the gas pedal everytime he hit one. He was almost expecting it as his music stopped and the obnoxious ringtone came through. Bucky quickly picked his phone up from the cup holder. “Well it's been almost 20 minutes. Are you ready for me to come back?”
“Please, I’m hiding in the bathroom.”
“That bad?”
“That bad.”
“Alright, I just dropped Curt off. I'll call you back when I'm in the parking lot.” Bucky sighed as he hung up and whipped an illegal U turn at a stoplight. Waving his hand a little as a car honked at him.
Buck sat at the table keeping his eyes focused on the half eaten, stale breadstick in front of him. He was uncomfortable and could feel the girl's eyes on him, his heart skipped a beat as his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. Buck scrambled for his phone out of his bomber jacket.
“Hi, sweetie, it's your grandma. I fell while fetching myself some candy and I was wondering if you’d come help me up.” Buck turned red as he heard Bucky's voice on the other end putting on his best female voice. But alas he played along with it because this certainly was not the first time this happened. One time Bucky went as far as coming into the restaurant and saying that his dog got out. When the girl offered to help Bucky blurted out ‘oh he hates women’ then tugged Buck right out of the situation.
“Of course Grandma, I’ll be there soon, I love you, bye.” Buck hung up fast and met the girl's worried green eyes, “I gotta go, my grandma fell and I gotta help her up. But I’ll text you when I get home?”
“Oh yeah, sure I had a good time.” The girl with the auburn hair smiled awkwardly as Buck got up and set a $10 bill on the table for the waiter. Buck offered a smile before making a beeline for the door.
Bucky sat in his car laughing like a crazy person as Buck walked over and shook his head with a smirk opening the door. “I’m gonna call my actual Grandma next time if you keep doing that.” Buck snickered as he buckled up.
“Oh poor Grandma Ethel will be so disappointed you’re leaving a date with a girl to go play with your best friend.” Bucky teased poking Bucks' side. Buck rolled his eyes, swatting at the others hand, “Maybe she’ll call you a faggot to your face this time.”
Bucky felt the air get a little tense as he glanced over at Buck, he wasn’t wrong by any means. His grandparents were very active in the church and it was true his grandma had called him that
“Well did you get a chance to eat?” Bucky glanced over at him as they came up on a red light.
“No, I kept stalling so I could leave.” Buck shrugged, “I don’t like pasta.”
And Bucky could’ve told him that.
“I know, well do you wanna get something? I don’t necessarily want to go home tonight.”
And Buck knew what that meant, his parents were probably fighting again.
“Yes please, I’m starving.” Buck had finally become aware of the grumbling in his stomach and remembered the two joints in his pocket.
“Well where do you wanna go?” Bucky knew the answer as soon as he looked over at Buck. His head leaned back against the headrest that stupid guilty smirk on his face.
“Jesus christ,” Bucky rolled his eyes as he took the next turn back in the other direction, “But I am not eating that.”
“I’ll pay for your food?” Buck smirked, but Bucky knew that was just a ploy to get him to eat. So if he was going to eat he was going to get something he enjoyed.
“No, I’m getting Taco Bell.” Bucky shook his head as they turned into the Chik Fil A parking lot. It was Buck's favorite, guilty pleasure food and even if Bucky didn’t agree with that he was here to make Buck happy.
“Are you going to do your Grandma Ethel impression again?” Buck asked as they pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru.
“Should I sing instead?”
“Welcome to Taco Bell, order when you’re ready.” Curts voice came through the speaker full of annoyance that certainly made this a hundred times funnier to Bucky.
Bucky cleared his throat, “Hello can I get two doritos-”
“Locos tacos, nacho fries and a large baja blast freeze?” Curt finished his order.
“How do you know every damn time!?” Bucky grumbled as they pulled up to the window.
“So the date didn’t go well?” Curt asked as he snatched Buckys card from him looking over at Buck. He also knew just as well as Bucky that Buck didn’t like these girls; he just felt bad saying no.
“No, I think I really should just stop going on dates.”
“Or maybe you can take me out for a nice meal!” Bucky put his hand on his chest smiling his cheesy smile, “Since you always end up back in my car eating your stupid Christian chicken sandwich.”
“Take us both out for a nice dinner. If I have to eat fucking Taco Bell for dinner one more fucking time. I’m gonna fucking lose my shit.” Curt grumbled as he handed the card back. Curt knew if he didn’t eat at work though he’d probably go hungry for the night. He didn’t come from much money and he worked to help keep a roof over his mother and little brother's head.
“Hey who are we mind fucking?” Dickie poked his head around the corner from the kitchen.
“Dickie!” Bucky cheered unbuckling and basically leaned his entire body inside the window.
“What’s up? Oh my god it’s Buck and Fuck!” Dickie jogged over to the window shouldering Curt out of the way, “Hambone!”
“The whole team is here I see,” Bucky snickered as the other blonde came over, “This place wouldn’t run without you guys.”
“Yeah, literally our manager quit this morning. So yeah Curts in charge of the evening shifts.” Hambone clapped him on the shoulder then took his hat running off to the front.
“Fuckin’ hell!” Curt grumbled, “Would love to continue our conversation but I gotta go play fuckin’ boss.”
“Enjoy it, Curt. Make them your bitches!” Bucky laughed as he took the drink and bag of food from him, handing it off to Buck.
“Now get the hell out of my drive thru!”
“Love you too Curt!” Buck yelled as Bucky drove off.
“That place would burn to the ground without him. Dickie would leave something somewhere and walk away from it next thing you know the best Taco Bell around exploded.” Bucky laughed as he made an exploding sound popping his lips.
“Maybe, or they could hire a competent adult to manage it.” Buck shook his head as he chewed on the straw of his drink.
“But what's the fun in that? Think about how funny it is to hear that Taco Bell is run by three high school boys who barely know their left from their right.”
“This is the economy we live in now.” Buck shook his head, “Are we going to the usual? I got some joints with me?”
“Yep, do you wanna smoke first or eat?” Bucky hummed as he pulled into the big empty parking lot of what once was a KMart. This had become their spot of escaping Bucks dates and eating shitty fast food and just talking.
“Eat, I’m too hungry.” Buck unbuckled his seatbelt and moved his seat back, getting comfortable.
“Sounds good to me,” Bucky shrugged as he turned the car off and Buck was finally able to have a break of what had been Nicki Minaj song after song. Bucky reached over the center console and grabbed his Taco Bell bag off the floor.
“So what were the fatal flaws of this girl, Buck?” Bucky asked while fishing a taco from the bag.
She wasn’t you.
“I don’t know, she just kept talking about herself. I don’t know, I only said yes to her because I felt bad saying no.” Buck couldn’t explain to anyone in particular why he never was really interested in women. Sure he’s had his fair amount of sexual encounters and lots of kissing with them. He thought it was just because he hadn’t met the right one. “And yeah I know I need to learn to say no it’s just hard.”
“I’m not used to being the level headed reasonable one here, but it’s not fair to you or the girls.” Buck knew that Bucky was making sense and he had fallen into some alternative universe where Buck and Bucky swapped bodies.
“I know this is weird for me, it’s like Freaky Friday.” Buck just wanted to get off the topic of his botched dates. He just wanted to enjoy his chicken sandwich and smoke a joint with his best friend.
“I’m gonna be Jamie Lee Curtis then, you can be Lindsey.”
“I’m too sober to think about this.” Buck set his half eaten sandwich down and pulled the small plastic tube out of his pocket.
“You used the pink paper I got you?” Bucky perked up excited seeing the two joints with the pink wrapping paper.
“Why wouldn’t I? Pink makes everything better.” Buck glanced over at Bucky; everything was dark besides a lamp post in the parking lot slightly illuminating the car; Although, Buck believed Bucky's big, silly smile illuminated them. When he looked at him it was just this different feeling, but he didn’t know what that feeling was.
Bucky watched as Buck put the joint between his lips and fought with his lighter to get it to go. But then it lit and he watched as Buck closed his eyes and took a hit waiting a moment before exhaling. “Okay, don’t hit it too hard, okay?”
“I know,” Bucky stuck out his tongue at him like a child and took the pink joint. It never took much to get Bucky high, he rarely smoked and if he did it was with Buck. He’d get fidgety and nervous around others then start to panic the few times he smoked at one of Bucks parties.
Buck took the joint from Bucky fast as he exhaled and the coughing began. Bucky's face turned slightly red as he coughed into his elbow.
“Here, take a drink.” Buck grabbed his water bottle off the floor and opened it for him.
“No, I'm still choking.” Bucky's voice raspy as he continued coughing, opening the door to spit out the nastiness, “Let me have another hit.”
“In a moment, after you drink some water.” Bucky took the water bottle reluctantly, taking a few sips of water and settling himself, “Okay now just take it easy.”
Bucky swapped the metal water bottle for the joint back and took a smaller hit. Buck almost had forgotten his sandwich as he just watched the other. Buck could watch him do anything and be amazed. There were so many football practices or games where he just would get so distracted from just watching Bucky. His large, veiny hands gripped around the football. The way the football pants really accentuated his ass.
“Wow,” Bucky handed the joint back, coming to full realization he was stupid high from three hits. He rubbed his eyes and Buck could see the redness already setting in.
“I’m gonna finish this off now and eat your tacos that Dickie slaved away making for you.” Buck snickered as he relit the joint, “How’d your test go?”
“I dunno, I don’t do fractions, probably not good.” Bucky rambled through his bites of taco, “Do you want some nacho fries?”
“I don’t know how you eat those.” Buck pushed away Bucky's hand that was holding out an orange fry with too much seasoning on it.
“These are so much better than your church fries. Oh my god the body of christ.” Bucky laughed, grabbing onto Buck's shoulder and shaking him a bit, “Listen if these are the body of christ I’m going to start going to church with Croz.”
Both had finished eating and Bucky reclined his seat back, his hands behind his head as he stared out the sunroof, “Do you think we’ll get married someday?”
“What?” Buck felt his heart skip a beat as he reclined his seat back and looked over at Bucky.
“No I mean like…I don’t know I meant like what if by the time we are 30 and were still not married we should marry each other. Like for the benefits you know?”
“Okay,” Buck snickered, “Would we still have a wedding?”
“I think we should, why waste the opportunity. But I don’t think Grandma Ethel would be very supportive of it. She’d probably say something silly about you starting on fire if you ever entered the church again. Would we get married in a church? I don’t think we should…well I guess if you wanted to or well your parents would want maybe? We could go to one of those progressive churches, like the one Croz goes to that has nacho fries communion.” Bucky rambled with no particular thought behind him.
Buck stared blankly at Bucky. He was absolutely gorgeous, his jawline sharp and that silly, goofy smile still spread on his face.
“I think Croz should get ordained too then he can marry us, or maybe by the time 30 were 30. Dogs can be ordained ministers then Meatball can marry us, he can wear a little suit.”
“I don’t know if Meatball will still be around by the time we're 30.”
“I’m telling you he’s a vampire, he’s gonna colonize Mars.” Bucky hummed, “I’m gonna sing at our weddings too you can’t tell me no, what should I sing? Maybe a love song? I got my drivers license last week.” Bucky started singing and Buck reached over cupping his hand over his mouth to shut him up.
Bucky laughed as he pushed off Buck, “Just like we always talked about!”
“I’d rather listen to Croz sing.”
“You’re such a liar I can see it on your face,” Bucky rolled his eyes poking the others cheek and rolled back onto his back and let his hand linger a little before finding Bucks and interlocking their fingers, “So maybe if we're married we could save some more money and buy a house together. I mean we don’t have to share a bed or anything like that but we could maybe get one with the in-laws sweet. I can live in the in-laws sweet, it’ll be like a bachelor pad. Or we could just live in a house with separate rooms I don’t know. Do you think Croz and Bubbles are gonna get married?”
“Definitely do you say the way they look at each other. Everytime Croz sees him his pupils turn into hearts like a cartoon.”
“For sure, Bubbles is probably the best guy to ever be in a relationship with. Croz tells me that he brings him flowers when they go on dates. You know what if they become our neighbors? They would be like a nuclear 50’s couple. Except I don’t think Croz would be a housewife? But I bet they would buy a house together, that's the house next to ours. But they would for sure have like two ankle biters and live this life. Croz would for sure be in the PTA.” He stopped as Buck gently cradled Bucky's face and ran his thumb over his bottom lip gently.
Bucky felt his cheeks turn bright red as he stared into the others beautiful, blue eyes.
He felt the butterflies beginning to slap around in his stomach as Buck leaned over. He could feel Bucks' breath as their lips were dangerously close.
Then his phone began to ring.
“Shit, it’s my mom.” Buck rolled his eyes, sitting up and answering it. Bucky felt like he had lost all the heat and he was cold again. They’d only ever kissed once before. It was while they were high one time out in the woods behind Bucks house. There was a little creek with a small bridge. They were sitting on the bridge and it had just happened. It wasn’t anything long, but Bucky wanted to do it again and again.
“Sorry I lost track of time, I'll be home soon. Okay bye.” Buck let out a sigh and rubbed his eyes, “How’re you feeling? I can drive, it's worn off for me.”
“I’m feeling fine, do you have eye drops? There’s Axe in the glove compartment.
“Only time your nasty boy perfume comes in handy.” Buck handed the eye drops over to Bucky.
“See you’re thanking me now and you’ll thank me later when Mary Cleven doesn’t know you were off smoking weed with me.” Bucky rolled down the windows and dropped the eye drops into his eyes.
“Don’t count on it,” Buck sprayed the air with axe and then himself, “God it reeks of teenage boy.”
“Not all of us can afford Johnny Depp Dior cologne.” Bucky started the car and turned on Drivers License. Look it was stuck in his head
“Goddamnit,” Buck tilted his head into the headrest.
“You know you love it!” Bucky laughed as he began to sing and Buck couldn’t help but sing along with him.
“And I know we weren’t perfect but I’ve never felt this way for no one!” The two sang Bucky with one hand on the steering wheel, the other conducting his imaginary band as they drove back to Bucks. He knew he’d probably get chewed out by his mom but it was worth it in his opinion to get to spend time with Bucky.
Sure they hung out all the time but no one knew him the way Bucky knew him. They had become each other's safe spaces. If Bucky needed away from his parents he could go to Buck.
If Buck needed a break from studying and doing homework all the time he knew who to call. And maybe he could call if he needed a good someone to kiss.
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bubble-popping · 5 months
into the fore au has the darkest trio ever and it's sad and interesting at the same time. I like this au :D does ctechno grow found of cpunz like he did with cdream?
Thank you, dear anon! I'm glad you like it haha. It's definitely one of the darkest au's I have. Would you believe I'm mostly a fluff writer? XDD
To answer though, he does, sort of!
(read more)
I should say, it's a gradual process. Since c!Dream has to spend a lot of time to train c!Punz (Pup), c!Techno gets, well, jealous. Really jealous. At first, he just sees the dog as competition.
Dream tries his best to bridge the gap between them, having Techno come down to feed them and give them treats so Pup trusts him. And, logically, Techno knows he should be friendlier. Pup needs to like him too since they're no use to him if they don't like him enough to use the Revive Book when he wants them to. But, all he thinks about is how he's taking up his and Dream's precious time together.
So, one day when Dream's busy with housework, Techno goes down to taunt them. He reminds them how much work it must've taken to find his beloved Dream only to become a prisoner himself. Pup gets worked up, that's what Techno wants. He even gets purposely close to the kennel and sticks his hand in so Pup bites him. It's nothing compared to what Techno's been through, but he kicks up a huge fuss and yells for Dream to get down there.
Dream is horrified to learn what happened. He deals with Techno's injured hand first, then deals with Pup. They need to be put in time-out. And when he gets revived, Dream has strapped a muzzle around their face. All the progress he'd made, all the privileges he'd gotten up to that point are taken away. Techno watches it all go down with a vicious satisfaction :)
But eventually, Techno tolerates him and even starts to like him. Obviously not to the same degree as he likes Dream, but Pup can be fun in his own way. Plus, he feels a little obligated since Dream cares about them so much. In that 'it's not my dog but my partner loves them so I gotta be nice' kinda way, yk?
But yeah, like everything else in this au, it'll take a while and the road will be very bumpy lol
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havenmoodz · 1 year
Julian sfw Alphabet!!
a/n: we’re gonna ignore how I’ve been dead silent, I’m back to posting! 🥳
cw: Mentions of untreated mental illness, mentions of past abuse, yandere shenanigans, unhealthy living habits.
(gn reader)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate and clingy! Likes doing activities with you, like crafts, feeding strays, and taking walks. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
They’re the shopping bag friend. Trailing behind while being suffocated with shopping bags. Doesn’t have scary dog privileges, but does accidentally uses his customer service front when casually talking to people, which usually weirds them out. As of how you guys met, probably a friend of a friend situation and you guys just gradually got closer. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
LOVES CUDDLES!! Well, it’s more like him clinging onto your leg when you have to go to work/run some errands. He’ll get pouty when you pry him off, but will eventually get off with a sigh. Likes cuddling on the couch while watching a tv show or movie with you! Laying across the couch while you lay on top of him. Easier to give you smooches that way ^^
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If making drinks counts as cooking, then he’s amazing! Otherwise? Uh…maybe not? He could make simple meals though, or maybe bar snacks, but nothing that actually “counts as a meal” (from Julian themself).  
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
WILL cry about it. What did they do wrong? Why isn’t this working out? :( I mean, they did kidnap you, but he was gentle about it! Would probably use his connections to keep eyes and ears on you, and will eventually get you back, wether you like it or not. Although, you better get used to their basement, you’re gonna be there for a while. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Will unironically propose to you at a concert. If not, he’ll probably plan one of those over-the-top proposals, getting someone to call you and tell you that they’ve been hit by a truck or something, then when you get to the hospital he gets down on one knee. Unless you wanna propose, he’s not totally opposed to it. It would take a good while for you two to tie the knot, though. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Hm…very gentle. But they’re really emotionally sensitive, so you gotta be careful of that. Your makeshift therapist, if you don’t already have one. They will make you drinks while you sit there and vent about your daily problems. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs from behind>>> Does it as often as you allow him to. Not afraid to show PDA, wants to let EVERYONE know. Their hugs are gentle but firm, keeping you in his embrace for as long as possible. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The second he gets you, “I love you darling..” When you wake up, “Ah! Darling! Welcome! I love you ;)” when you’re asleep, “Love ya, mwah”. I think you get the point, says it a fuck ton. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Hmmmm, not really. He’s more obsessive than possessive, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous. They understand that you need to have a social life, but they get to decide when it’s too much. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses you on the lips, neck, and tip of the ears. Their kisses are passionate and deep, whenever. He honestly doesn’t care where you kiss him, he just loves the fact that you’re kissing him in the first place :)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Very good with children 👍 Although he isn’t expecting a family with you, he DOES like playing hide and seek with kids 🫶 Honestly, you don’t know how they do it, they’re just effortlessly good with the lil ones 🤷
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Not a morning person, absolutely despises it. A “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my morning drink coffee” type of person. He gets kinda grumpy too, but will eventually soften up 15 ish minutes after he wakes up. Spends most of his time with you in the morning, since he works night shifts starting at 6 pm. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Gets home from work pretty late, usually around 1-2 am, so you’ll be better off going to bed and waking up with them beside you! Although, you COULD stay up and wait for him instead, but he usually admonishes you for staying up this late and ruining your sleep schedule. He works the night shift, so most of the night, you’d be alone. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Hm….can read you like an open book, is a closed book himself. It doesn’t take long for him to open up though, they think that you shouldn’t have to hear about their problems or information about them in general…it’s all about you, after all! If you seem genuinely concerned, though, wether it’s from him being happy and jolly 24/7, or something else, he’ll spill the beans. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Well- you’ll never know. When he’s annoyed, or god forbid mad, he’ll just huff and puff a little bit and bottle it up inside for another day, preferably when you’re not there to catch him have a mental breakdown…Although, he never really gets mad, just really annoyed. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s terrified of forgetting, keeps a little diary that has everything he’s learned about you since day 1. Reads it over at least once a week and revises, like it’s some kind of exam he could fail. Also writes down everything you’ve ever wanted but couldn’t get, like something you passed by at the store, but was over the budget. He’ll go out and buy everything at once and give it to you! 
“I remembered that you said you wanted this, so…I got it for you! :D”
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Doesn’t have a favourite moment, EVERY moment with you is his favourite <3 Doesn’t care if it’s a good or bad experience from your part, it’s you, so it can’t be bad. Unless you guys break up or something…they’ll find a way. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
“Back off, they’re mine” type of person. Keeps a pocket knife just in case, they don’t mind getting a little bloody for you ^^ They don’t reaaallyyy have enough self-worth to want, or need you to protect them. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
oooo! He hates planning, but they’ll endure it for you <3 Honestly, doesn’t forget, but puts it off until a few days before the event, then speedruns the whole planning process and it still ends up being alright and amazing :D Tries to keep everyday tasks as minimal effort as possible. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Has pretty low self image, always gets you to take care of yourself or else he makes you, but when it comes to them, they don’t really…well…care? They have a family history of depression, but never got properly diagnosed. Most of the time, the only thing motivating him is you. They’re afraid you’ll be disgusted with them and think they’re gross. They keep that in mind while deep cleaning the kitchen :^ 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
VERY. Cozy dark academia style, overdresses to everything. Takes at least 30 minutes for them to get ready to go pick something up at the store (tbh, same)…it’s curbside pickup, they aren’t even gonna leave the car. Most of this, again, comes from his immense fear of getting judged by you. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yep, as I mentioned before, WILL cry about it. He’ll do everything in his power to get you back, they’ll  even do some…sketchy…stuff, if they have to. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Crochets with you!! Also likes making matching bracelets, the cheesy cute ones with each others’
initials. Unironically gets you meme shirts, also unironically has a “Cisn’t” shirt. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Tbh, they’ve been in too many toxic environments to tell if something’s putting them off. Will just go with it; it takes them a lot of effort to tell you though, if they gather up the willpower to accept that they don’t like something about you in the first place. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Kinda snores, but it’s really soft. You’ll most likely wake up to them being on the opposite side of the bed. Sleeps in positions that look really uncomfortable, but still insists to twist and turn until he’s “comfortable”. 
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fern1e · 1 year
I love adventure time. I adore it and the sequels we've been getting. However, I think the final season was terrible and the finale was the worst of it all. It had buildup and resolve for plots it only just introduced a handful of episodes prior, and the only plot point it had that was from prior was the one tied in with golb and Betty, which I think would have been better WITHOUT the gum war plot. We didn't need the gum war plot. I love PBs relatives as characters in theory but in practice they came out of NOWHERE.
I also love Fern, but because of how scattered and stunted his storyline was I really can't say he ended on a good creative note either. He had six major appearances, 10 minor (non-100+ tree) appearances that kept him solely in the background, and was mentioned twice. (Which, since I'm writing this, Gumbald had four major and three non-candified minor appearances in the series but was a major player in the finale. Chicle was more iconic as Crunchy, and even was turned back to that form because he was ALREADY established to still be in it in the 1000+ episode, and Lolly, while left unscathed, has NOT been shown in any post-series content in any way, was ALSO shown to be more iconic as Manfred, however I do respect that bigender swag.) Because of this, I almost feel like the emphasis they put on his plotline (originally having preboot and reboot as the finale and premiere of two seasons!) was a bit too much, especially with how quick he was shelved within the season itself, and how inconsistently he was portrayed across his appearances without a ton of on screen explanation for some of his actions. This isn't always a bad thing, because Betty herself shows us a good character with good story that MOSTLY OCCURS OFF SCREEN, which Fern, as well as Bonnie's relatives, all LACK.
The giant get together of every big character for the sake of the war was dumb. I think come along with me sucked. I try to think otherwise sometimes but it never works. The bubbline scene was poorly placed and stiff, the interactions in the episode were all rushed, the plots they resolved were too new to matter to me, and the matter of defeating golb was silly! It harkens back to the lich's original defeat with the sweater, but after seeing season closers of the past (Finn the human/Jake the dog being some of the best here, though all of the prismo-adjacent episodes near the climax of plot points were pretty good) which had far greater emotional and thematic impacts, watching everyone sing a song to bore a hole a beast that sat around and did nothing was dumb. Time adventure is a good song, but in the context it was brought up I don't like it! I think the only things I can come to appreciate are the moments between Simon and Betty, because I get the feeling these were some of the only moments that even had a sliver of past planning behind them seeing as Simon's plot was going on since as early as season 3, and Betty's first appearance physically was in season 5, which gives us at minimum five seasons of buildup for that.
(I gotta say, I'm almost certain if s7 remained from Bonnie and Neddy to Reboot with it's original selection of that 42ish episode run, and S8 remained from Two Swords to Three Buckets (which is 28 episodes, more reminiscent of early seasons), and season 9 matched s8, of even better yet both of them matched s7, i feel like I'd be less pissed. I'm glad for f&c right now because it's saving the show as a collective whole for me.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Yellow time :D I’m watching Aimsey
I know it’s a fakeout but the c!Aimsey cosplay is cute!!!
Not a fakeout I’m a fool
Their lil bag and the high waisted pants!!!! Hand over the gender!!!!
“My girlfriend’s dead… I don’t have a home… but I’m a silly little guy!!” So true!!!! The silliest <333
Aimsey calling himself the only welsh person to ever exist, I’d believe it
I know Ran probably told her in advance, but it would be so much funnier if they knew absolutely nothing about the Garfieldfan bit and just freaking went with it as soon as he saw their stream
Aimsey talking about getting out all their swears, don’t think that’s how it works king
“I should get bonus points because I’m a lesbian, moving on” So true
“Is Jimmy ready to game?” Well he is Mr Gaming
I’m so excited to Jimmy and Aimsey interactions, you have no idea :)))
“I’m going to try my absolute best, if I do slip up I will push myself down the stairs” Jimmy sounded so concerned help 😭
Nevermind he is now offering to shove xem down the stairs
Jimmy laughing about the mental image of throwing Aimsey down the stairs several minutes later 😂
They’re so silly :D
The way they both were so confused my TrueSymmetry
Aimsey and Jimmy asked to team with each other this event??? :(( that’s so sweet I love them
“What are you doing here?” “What are you doing here?” When they run into each other at the place they all said they were going 😂
Jimmy saying Phil has something different in mind every time someone suggests something and him laughing and saying “a little bit of chaos”
I love this team’s energy so much you don’t understand
Aimsey and Jimmy screaming no to bingo and Phil just laughing
Bingo But Fast
Phil woke up and chose violence chaos
Phil and Aimsey’s synchronized gasp when they notice the elytra
Jimmy what are you talking about, you’ve played bingo
They’re just crying about the old textures, valid
Aimsey and Blushi :))
They tried to crit out Bad, I’m crying
“Can anyone get some clay?” “I’m currently in the… uh, thingymajiggy” “Perfect!” Blushi 😂
“I love flying, this is so fun! Oh and I fell, nevermind, no longer fun” and Phil just shrieking
Blushi trying to actually game while Phil is just losing his mind and Aimsey is enabling him
“Sam broke my crafting table!!” Blushi sounded so sibling right there 😭
Already planning to throw for loser dodgebolt after game 1 my beloved
Blushi giving Aims a chicken and it just testing itself out the tube 😂
Aimsey screaming at Jimmy when he missed his miss
Battle Box
Blushi being Aimsey’s hypeman my beloved
This team is so scuffed help 😂
High key thought Phil was referencing MCM there 👀
Phil went “ooo weapon >:D”
What even happened lmao
Jimmy’s little “We’re doing this on purpose, right?” 😭😭😭
“We won the battle, now it’s time to win the war” SO TRUE BLUSHI!!
“I’m overstimulated” “Someone just said we’re the Distracted Dogs, that’s our new game name” just back to back lol
“I’m having too much fun, I can’t” Phil is dying
Hole in the Wall
Aimsey talking about himself like she’s some kind of robot and/or sim is so
Jimmy and Aimsey taking “If we go down, we go down together” to a whole new level”
See kids? If you eat your veggies you too can become a minecraft streamer!!
“We’re pulling it back!!” “We can’t pull it back too much guys, we gotta get last” so true Blushi, so true
“For the sake of Jimmy’s mental health”
Survival Games
Aimsey legit sounds so sad
Aimsey narrating documentary-style 😂
Phil embracing his inner bird is the best thing to happen to this community lol
“I’m gonna get a drink and it’s gonna be ALCOHOL!!!” Phil 😭
Aimsey hyping up Blushi :))
Aimsey and Phil continuing the halftime show, as they should
“NO!!! I hate people” valid
Them all just screaming 😂
Noooo Aimsey would’ve been first :((
Philza my most inconsist canon player my beloved <333 (Jimmy’s the most overall lol)
Sands of Time
I love how much xey love SoT <333
Aimsey saying hi to H and Phil underestimating how much this man loves sands
Phil noticing the chimes being off so fast is actually insane, this man plays too much minecraft /lh
Aimsey’s confidence is everything <333
“We’re the great, we’re the best, we’re actually the best there’s ever been… oh we’re still tenth though” “It’s rigged!! I am telling you, it rigged!!”
“We were too silly!!”
Big Sales at Build Mart
Aimsey and Phil’s energy is everything
“You need white stained glass” “I have black stained glass” “That doesn’t help, you loser, good job though” AIMSEY 😂😭😭
Phil just keeps getting sassed 😂😂😂
“Guys, do you think we’re making it to dodgebolt, I think we do” “A HUNDO PERCENT!!”
Who hurt Jimmy???? Well, skyblockle, but…
Who gave them permission to be this funny???
“Can we make a pickaxe real quick?” “No” “… PLEASE!!” 😭😭😭
“Forget the pig, keep mining!!!” Jimmy 😂
They’re just playing a game of telephone 😂😂😂
They did really well!! I spaced out and now they’re in 6th lol
“It’s so silly” “The silly meter on it is crazy” “Shut up!!!” Aimsey and Jimmy my beloveds <333
Oli and Jimmy <3333
Aimsey and Krinios intense eye contact my beloved
“Guys I feel sick” JIMMY 😭😭😭
This is so chaotic I’m dying /pos
“Guys, there’s friendly fire, just to let you know, there is friendly fire” thank you Jimmy
“Beky I’m in you” “Good.” Why did she say it like that 😭
I need an Aimsey and Oli team STAT
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ivettel · 2 years
you’re giving me f1 driver anakin brainworms and i’m entirely here for it. i would honestly love to hear more of your thoughts on it because this is now all i will think about for the next three to five business days.
HI KAYLA. thank you for asking about this! sorry for taking literally forever, i had a great many thoughts.. and i shall attempt to summarize them without writing a dissertation!
ANAKIN AS A RED BULL DRIVER okay so like right off the bat we literally have hayden in rbr merch. and he calls them the dark side (and cheers for them in their worst race of the season/lifetime at that point LMAOO) and so there’s a case to be made about red bull anakin. i see it. in that instance i rlly think he’d be like red bull seb where his whole ~fall to the dark side~ is a) because he’s a petty queen b) he doesn’t know when to quit c) the sound of « multi twenty-one, anakin. yeah. multi twenty-one. » like cmon. child prodigy. brilliant driver. caring to a fault. cocky little brat. god’s (schumi’s/schumi equivalent's) chosen one. who else?
(some people in my mentions were like oh anakin would be like max and. no??? first of all my boy LIKES to race. secondly anakin has a personality. thirdly and most importantly imo: one of the most fundamental parts of anakin’s character is that he was a slave. he was Fucked Up By The World, Severely. he turns his back on the jedi bc he thinks they’re self-serving sanctimonious bastards who only uphold ‘order’ insofar as it benefits the wealthy/powerful. if anakin was real he’d be a white leftist. SORRY getting sidetracked)
ANAKIN AS A FERRARI DRIVER so hear me out because he’s the furthest thing from a ferrari driver but i have done enough mental gymnastics to justify this to myself. he’s the chosen one to bring ferrari back to schumi/schumi equivalent glory days. he lives and breathes ferrari/the force, seems to have been birthed by it. haha. he’s the most talented the sport has seen in forever, and he also has the work ethic to back it up (yes sw anakin’s work ethic is fuelled by his abandonment issues and desperate need to be accepted but we’ll skip over that. i’m lusional about this. he works hard because he loves it. whatever).
this leads me to OBI-WAN AS A FERRARI DRIVER wherein: qui-gon and schumi.. well. but obi-wan is also assigned tifoso at birth and he loves ferrari and believes in it so much. and he tries his hardest to make things work but he’s negotiating just to survive team politics among the higherups. and it Sucks. he wants to restore order glory to ferrari! and he does his best!! he’s just… never enough on his own. and he sees anakin come on board like i resent you wholly because you represent all my failures but i recognize your talent and believe the team comes first so i will tolerate and work with/mentor you. and anakin is like Actually i’m a selfish prick and better than you and i’m going to fuck over the last bit of your career and step over your corpse if it means i can be a champion with ferrari. if this sounds like 2019 ferrari no it doesn’t look away.
the most important part of this entire shtick is him and padmé btw. she’s a strategist at like sauber when he first enters the sport and anytime anakin interacts with her he becomes a blushing mess. she thinks he’s hopeless but she admits he isn’t so bad a driver and if going on a date will make him focus more on the job and less on impressing her then like FINE she’ll go out with him. in secret because there can’t be any conflicts of interest. also if she marries him when he goes to red bull or ferrari nobody’s gotta know except HR and lawyers. Whatever!
ANYWAY. bottom line is that anakin is the firecracker with the weight of destiny on his shoulders, whether that be in red bull where he’s propelling the team to greatness in the most dominant years of the sport’s history or in ferrari where he’s ruthless in becoming top dog. he is, also, a malewife and babygirl. i hope this answer was satisfactory!
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silvormoon · 2 years
💕 how about for your favorite fandom? c:
Do I have a favorite fandom? I have a lot of fandoms and they are all my favorite, so I'm just going to ramble about Tiger & Bunny for a bit because they're new here and I haven't had a lot of chances to talk about them yet.
Kotetsu T. "Wild Tiger" Kaubragi / Barnaby "Bunny" Brooks Jr. - I mean, they're the ones the show is named after, right? If you're not invested in their relationship there's really no reason to watch the show. On the surface they're the classic Red Oni/Blue Oni combo: Kotetsu is the reckless, fun-loving, personable guy who trusts in his gut because he sure can't rely on his brain, the lovable loser who keeps trying even though nothing ever seems to go right for him, and Barnaby is the calm, controlled, rational-thinking problem solver who seems to have it all together. Then you get to know them and realize that Barnaby is just a bundle of emotions and doubts held together by sheer determination who needs an emtional support like Kotetsu every bit as much as Kotetsu needs somebody to help him channel his reckless energy into a useful direction. They bring out the best in each other. They've both been marked by tragedy and loss and they've risen above it with each other's help. They are partners, best friends, they bicker like an old married couple, and they would absolutely lay down their lives for each other if it was ever necessary. Favroite moment: When Kotetsu is talking about how the first time Barnaby called him by his real name, he was so happy he stayed up all night celebrating.
Nathan "Fire Emblem" Seymour / Keith "Sky High" Goodman - Not something I thought I'd end up shipping but the idea has really grown on me. They do have a good balance! Keith is superficially very "socially acceptable" - blue eyed, blond, handsome, likes pizza and dogs. If he didn't live in the city he would definitely live in a suburb with a two-car garage and a picket fence. He's known as the "king of heroes", and yet off camera he's a shy, self-effacing person who can't figure out how to communicate to save his life (hence his habit of repeating everything twice out of fear that he won't get his point across) and who constantly worries about being good enough. So of course he gets partnered with this flamboyantly effeminate gay man who, we know from the movie, has suffered a lot of discrimination and rejection in the past, and has taken all that and decided the best way to deal with it is to be himself AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE and if the rest of the world doesn't like it, they can just suck it up and deal with it. And the two of them click! Nathan has the social skills, so he can help guide Keith through the choppy waters of interpersonal communication, and Keith gives Nathan all the unconditional devotion of the Golden Retriever he so resembles. In their own words, they feel safe with each other, and I think that's something they both need. Favorite moment: Nathan telling Keith that if everything goes south and they have to give up the hero business for good, Keith can come work for him as his secretary, and Keith being immediately on board with the idea.
Ryan "Golden Ryan" Goldsmith / Karina "Blue Rose" Lyle - I gotta say, thank goodness someone on the writing staff realized Karina needed a love interest closer to her own age, because no matter how wonderful a guy Kotetsu is, she is a teenager and he's in his late thirties and that was never going to work. So it's a good thing Ryan is here. Actually I really have learned to love Ryan - he's become one of my favorite characters. When you first meet him, he seems like a real jerk - possibly even a villain - and then you get to know him and realize he's just a big doofus who's afraid nobody really likes him so he feels like he needs to pre-emptively pump up his own ego. But he's really sweet to Karina in his way - taking her to her friend's concert, trying to protect her from Fugan and Mugan by distancing himself from her because her identity was still secret and his wasn't and he didn't want them getting to her through him, comforting her after she confronted the fact that Tiger's just not into her that way… She's good for him too; she stands up to him when he's putting on his "I'm so awesome" act and gives him someone he feels safe being emotionally vulnerable around. I feel like both of them know how it feels to get so caught up in their public persona that they don't know how to be their genuine selves sometimes, so it's nice that they're learning to be genuine around each other. Favorite moment: Ryan offering Karina his sunglasses so she can have a cry without being seen.
Antonio "Rock Bison" Lopez / Ivan "Origami Cyclone" Karelin - It is so cute how dedicated these two are to their partnership. They don't have much in common, they don't have the neat synchronicity in battle that, say, team KidCat or team FireSky have, and they keep getting things wrong, but by golly they are determined to make this thing work! And they are making it work by sheer determination, because at the end of the day the two of them have a genuine respect and liking for each other and they really seem to enjoy being able to make each other happy, and what else do you really need? Favorite moment: Antonio picking Ivan up and spinning him around after foiling a bank robbery.
Subaru "Mr. Black" Sengoku / Thomas "HIT" Taurus - Okay, yeah, they're "Tiger & Bunny Lite" but they're still cute. Thomas is just this deeply damaged guy, and he comes close to destroying himself out of bitterness and lack of trust. It's heartwarming watching Subaru go from "boy, this guy is annoying, I wish I didn't have to work with him" to being overjoyed to the point of tears to see Thomas finally putting his life back together again. Watching them fighting in sync for the first time was a beautiful thing. Favorite moment: Lasagna?! I wish I had been there to see the day Thomas finally took Subaru up on that offer.
Antonio Lopez / Agnes Joubert - This came totally out of left field in the very last episode. I honestly don't remember if we ever see them interact beyond the usual "Bonjour, heroes!" I have no idea if or how this is going to work out. The idea of them just pushes some of the same buttons for me that Ushio/Mikage did back in my 5Ds days and I think it's funny. Good luck, Antonio. You are probably going to need it.
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uramichislefttiddie · 3 years
Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan Alphabet
||Contains: Uramichi Omota + Iketeru Daga||
||Warnings: NSFW||
Reminder! Please don’t comment anything that implies your age, I cannot stop who reads this unfortunately but I can at the very least give out a warning that this contains nsfw content.⚠️
please forgive me I could not stop laughing whilst writing this, I had to skip specific words because it did not sound right to me and my childish behaviour😭
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Uramichi Omota:
A: Aftercare (how they treat you afterwards)
If anything all this man will want to do is try and get a good nights rest even if it means only a couple hours of sleep. He will make sure however you are cleaned up and are alright before he deals with himself. He’d never leave you to care for yourself, he always makes sure he cares for you first. He’s very touch starved meaning he makes sure he gets cuddles and kisses before you both drift off into a slumber!
B: Body (his fav part of his body and yours)
His favourite body part on himself most likely would be his muscles specifically his toned arms, I mean he’s a former gymnast so what can you expect? On you his favourite part would be either ass or thighs, the reason mainly being it’s something he can rest on, or another reason being he loves to mark your thighs up not caring if anyone can see, also he just genuinely likes groping your ass however he’ll only do that in privacy, he’d rather not have the risk of someone having just witnessed him groping your ass in public. In make out sessions always expect his hands to be roaming either along your thighs or ass there’s no other option it could be.
C: Cum (well I’m pretty sure you can gather what I mean)
Majority of the time he will make sure to not cum inside you meaning hell either do it over your face or body, however once in awhile if you allow him he will not pass up the opportunity to cum inside you. When I say once in awhile, Uramichi will try and make it near enough every time that you allow him to cum inside, he just loves the idea of having the risk you could end up with having his children. (Russian roulette type beat/j) and a plus to him is that if he can cum in you it means less cleaning to do.
D: Dirty Secret (a secret of theirs that they haven’t told)
Now I get a strong sense that this man really wants to try bondage with ropes especially, wether it be you that’s tied up or him he doesn’t care either way he really wants to try it. But he doesn’t want to scare you off by asking so he still hasn’t mentioned it and he doesn’t want you to start making fun off him about it💀 however you’ve had an inkling for awhile that he’s got something about being tied up.
E: Experiance (Do they know what they’re doing?)
Now he may be 31 years of age but this man has never gone past kissing someone before he met you. You were his first and oh boy he had no clue what he was doing, mainly because he was nervous and couldn’t comprehend what was truly happening. He has watched his fair share of porn etc but when it came down to actually doing it himself he mind had become fog. Overtime though he’s come to learn what you like best and least and has took that into account and now it’s as if he’s been doing it for years.
F: Favourite Position (which he prefers to do)
Now he’ll most likely switch between a mating press or doggy style. The reasoning for mating press is it allows him to be more face to face to you and he can see your face during it which turns him on even more. And let’s be real he more than likely has a breeding kink. So mating press + breeding kink = heaven to him. Now the reason for doggy style is because he loves having your bare ass slam against him and watching it jiggle when he slaps it. He also loves leaving marks on your hips meaning doggy style makes that all the easier.
G: Goofy (do they laugh or are they the serious type)
Uramichi is probably the type of be serious, he might laugh there and than every so often if something a bit funny happens but overall he’s pretty much serious and that’s just him.
H: Hairy (shave? Unshaven?)
Unshaven, however he will trim it if you ask him to, but seeing as he’s 31 I think he couldn’t care less about body hair as it’s normal and he just sees it as a waste of time to have to repeatedly shave.
I: Intamicy (how they’re like in bed)
80% of the time he will be rough, releasing out all the pent up anger and frustration, but he still makes sure your ok. Although there will be them days where he just wants to be more romantic than rough and his whole demeanour will have flipped upside down and he’ll be acting all lovey dovey. Plus most definitely a switch.
J: Jack Off (Do they? Or not?)
Nah, not really, if he’s in that type of mood and your not with him he’ll either wait or come meet you wherever you are so he can get relief.
K: Kink (What kinks they have)
Gagging, Breeding, Bondage, Dacryphilia, cockwarming
L: Length (how big they are)
He’s more girthy than long, he’s probably about 6 inches which is a good length all in all.
M: Motivation (what gets them going)
When you start whining at him for attention or if you raise your voice at him because oh boy that really does set off something in him when you raise your voice.
N: No (something they will not do)
Knife play or anything that could seriously harm you even by accidental.
O: Oral (which they prefer)
He prefers giving than receiving but once in awhile he’d just want you to be the one giving it to him and making him fall under your touch.
P: Pace (how fast they go)
He’s not necessarily fast but rather hard. By that I mean he will go full force into you where both yours skins slap against each other and where he will grunt a lot which oh boy is hot.
Q: Quicke (do they do them?)
Surprisingly he does them a lot seeing as he has work 6 days a week which really only leaves him with one day where it can just be you and him all day. So either he’ll do one in the morning or at night but it depends if he’s feeling too tired after work.
R: Risk (are they one for taking a risk?)
Now he’ll hate someone interrupting so he always makes sure you both do it where the chances of getting interrupted are reduced drastically, plus it’d be very embarrassing for someone to walk in. Usahara now always make sure to knock before making his grand entrance into his apartment. The risk of you getting pregnant kinda excites him in a way so you gotta watch out with this man.
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
On an average he can last around 2-3 rounds but on a very good day it feels like it’s never ending, he just needs that motivation if you get me.
T: Toys (do they use them)
No. He’s never really been into them and they’ve never sparked his interest.
U: Unfair (are they fair)
He’s quite fair to be honest, he makes sure you both equally get what you both want but there can be times he can be a tease when he’s in one of them type of moods.
V: Volume (how loud they are)
Majority of the time he lets out grunts rather than moans, he gets embarrassed if he moans however after the time you told him you like it when does he doesn’t hold back anymore but like I said most of the time he grunts and breathes heavily.
X: X-ray (what they’re like under there)
Like I said, more girthy than long.
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
It’s shockingly quite high, although it may not show when he’s near you expect him to be quite touchy most of the time waiting for you to get the signal. In simple terms he’s quite the horn dog.
Z: Zzz (how fast they go to sleep afterwards)
I’ll say it straight. He goes to sleep incredibly fast, but he won’t before he makes sure your cleaned up and settled down!
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Iketeru Daga
A: Aftercare (how they treat you afterwards)
This boy will give you the best aftercare ever. You hungry? Ok he’ll go make something for you. You want to go for a drive? Ok he’ll take you for a drive. You want a shower/bath? Ok he’ll go prepare you one. You understand me now. He will double check your ok and cleaned up as best as possible. Will always make sure you’ve gone to the toilet afterwards and have had some water. Will fall asleep with you in his arms always whilst reading to you.
B: Body (his fav part of his body and yours)
His favourite part of his body will be his hands, not only because they’re pleasing to the eye but because he knows his long fingers can make you come undone very quickly and easily and that gives him somewhat of a boost. His favourite part of your body to him will be your lips, he loves the feeling of them when he kisses you or when your kissing him anywhere (😏 /j)
C: Cum (well I’m pretty sure you can gather what I mean)
He loves seeing his cum dripping down your face, the way it leaves a shine along your face just looks so pretty to him. So he prefers to cum over your face or in your mouth to where he can see it dripping down yourself. Don’t get me wrong he’d love to cum in you but he’s responsible and would rather wait until you both want a child so he doesn’t need to worry about getting you pregnant.
D: Dirty Secret (a secret of theirs that they haven’t told)
He likes to be choked. Awhile back you had no clue until you accidentally did and that’s when the game got even more interesting. He really just overall loves seeing you in charge.
E: Experiance (Do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s had a few girlfriends in the past but never gone as far as to do more than make out with them, he’s always said he’d save it for the when the right person comes along and he knows it the right person. But he very much does know what he’s doing, he knows how to make you feel good, he’s done plenty of research.
F: Favourite Position (which he prefers to do)
Reverse cowgirl. He absolutely loves you riding him and if it means reverse cowgirl it allows him to smack your ass and fondle it, also allows him to easily guide you with your hips. Damn he goes berserk when your in this position I tell you.
G: Goofy (do they laugh or are they the serious type)
Do I even need to say? Of course he’s going to be goofy, the man laughs at dick jokes. However once he starts laughing that’s it, he won’t be able to stop for awhile, it’s honestly become uncontrollable.
H: Hairy (shave? Unshaven?)
Honestly, he leaves it down to you and what you prefer, he doesn’t mind if you prefer shaven or not either way he’ll go with what you like.
I: Intamicy (how they’re like in bed)
Probably the slow but long stroke type of guy. He loves the way you start to become impatient and fidgety. He loves the look in your eyes when he’s facing you.
J: Jack Off (Do they? Or not?)
He only will if he hasn’t seen you for a few days or hasn’t been able to do anything with you. He prefers doing it with you actually.
K: Kink (What kinks they have)
Choking, Food Play, Cockwarming, Spit, Praise
L: Length (how big they are)
Longer than girthy, he reaches about 7.5 inches, he can definitely reach the high spots.
M: Motivation (what gets them going)
When you start to praise him, especially with “good boy” that will get him going almost immediately, it just switches something on in his mind so very quickly.
N: No (something they will not do)
He’s willing to try most things as long as you feel safe and he feels safe and you both know to be careful and know how far to go with everything.
O: Oral (which they prefer)
He prefers receiving than giving, he just loves being able to watch you go down on him and struggle. But when you want some he will be more than happy to give.
P: Pace (how fast they go)
Life I previously said, he’s the type of guy that goes slow but he makes sure he’s hitting all the right spots that you like and that gets you going.
Q: Quicke (do they do them?)
He prefers to not have them but if it comes down to it and you really want one he will do so, but don’t expect it to become a regular thing.
R: Risk (are they one for taking a risk?)
Oh he’s scarred many peoples eyes and mind because he simply “forgot” to lock the door and close the curtains/blinds. Poor Uramichi as if he hadn’t enough going on. He doesn’t really want to risk getting you pregnant though, so he will use a condom.
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
He can go for a straight 3 or more rounds, it normally stops when it’s you that can’t take anymore not the other way round, he always waits until you’ve had your pleasure before he’ll stop.
T: Toys (do they use them)
Now he’d never admit it, but before you two started being sexual he had quite the few toys. He most likely had a flashlight, tenga egg and a cock ring for example. Them type of ones.
U: Unfair (are they fair)
He’s the fairest of them all, he’d make sure your getting what you need and than sort himself out, he’s never once been unfair to you.
V: Volume (how loud they are)
Now…this mans a full on moaner and he has no shame about it. He honestly has that type of pretty moan too, where he whimpers at the same time and he will not look away either. Oh and if your the one sucking him off, be prepared because he can’t hold back at all, it’s honestly like heaven to him.
X: X-ray (what they’re like under there)
As already said he’s quite long compared to others, he reaches about 7.5 inches.
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Probably around average but if you get him going well-
Z: Zzz (how fast they go to sleep afterwards)
Will not go to sleep no matter what before you, it always has to be you that falls asleep first before he can fall into a slumber. He always wants to know your safe. And plus if you’ve fallen asleep he will clean you up if you haven’t already, and will leave some water and paracetamol next to you for when you wake up and if he leaves before you in the morning or wakes up before you he’ll always leave a little note next to you too.
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
if this is a weird ask im sorry...but i gotta know what a PTA (parent teacher conference) between estinien, aymeric, haurchefant and zenos would go (we love dads on this time line xD)
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A/N: I don't find this to be a weird request at all! All of them together? Or separately? I'mma assume the first one.
Context: The four of them are in a relationship with the reader. Let's just say that the reader adopted their child from infancy (come on, we all know the four would argue if one was the biological father) and they help raise the child. So ofc, the child considers them all to be their dads. And one day, the reader can't make it to their child's parent-teacher meeting, so the four men have to go in their place.
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Haurchefant and Aymeric are happy to go
they can't wait to hear how their child has improved
Zenos has no intention of going along with these three
if you were going, that'd be a different story
but the fact that he has to sit in a room with these three?
He'd rather be elsewhere
what convinces him to go is actually the puppy-dog eyes his child gives him
and he can never resist
Estinien doesn't really want to go at all either
especially if Zenos is there
how can you date that guy, Y/N?
What do you see in him?
It's Aymeric who has to almost drag him all the way to their destination
it won't be so crazy at the meeting right?
oh heavens, when they arrive there, they look as if they are the body guards to this tiny elementary school kid
all the other parents who are there are staring and whispering
Estinien just wants to go back home
Zenos just rolls his eyes
he knows he's hot but does everyone really need to stare
and he supposes that the other three are quite handsome as well
but it's mostly him
when a random mother of another child asks which one of them is Y/C/N's father, Aymeric doesn't know how to respond
how could he word it in a proper way?
Haurchefant confidently answers, "All of us are Y/C/N's fathers" and doesn't waver from his good mood when the mother looks at him as if he had three heads
Y/C/N takes Zenos' hand and takes him down the hallway where their class' artwork is showcased while the wait
Zenos is naturally very proud of his artistic child and gives them a high praise
Estinien is very petty that he wasn't the first one that Y/C/N showed his artwork to
"I helped them draw that, you know." (Estinien)
"You drew a very wiggly circle." (Aymeric)
"You try to draw with a very hyper five year old and see how wiggly your circles are." (Estinien)
once Y/C/N's teacher calls for them, they're surprised when all four of them start walking towards the door
"Are you all with Y/C/N?"
"We're their proud fathers." (Haurchefant)
"Fathers. Right. Come in."
Honestly Estinien would sit as far away from Zenos as possible and honestly he would probably sit on his chair backwards
Zenos would rest his feet up on a desk
Haurchefant would have brought hot chocolate for the teacher as well as everyone else and hand them out before he sat down next to Estinien
Aymeric would honestly apologize to the teacher for Estinien & Zenos' behaviour before sitting down, waiting for the teacher to speak
Y/C/N would honestly sit with Haurchefant since he's got their hot chocolate and their favorite snack
"Y/C/N is one of my best students this year-"
"Of course they are. They're my kid after all." (Zenos)
"Yours? Ours." (Estinien)
Haurchefant just ignores those two without batting an eye as he listens to the teacher explain how well Y/C/N's done in their academics
Aymeric on the other hand is trying to not to lose to insanity
"Although, I will have to mention that they have a tendency of getting in the middle of fights."
"That's my kid." (Estinien/Zenos)
"Fights?" (Aymeric)
Aymeric's heart practically stops in his chest
why in the world would Y/C/N be fighting? why was he not told of this?
Haurchefant was sure that there was a reasonable explanation for this
"Say it isn't so. Y/C/N, have you been fighting?" (Haurchefant)
"No papa."
"Allow me to explain. Y/C/N hasn't been fighting per say, but they have been getting in the middle of fights. Literally. They protect and shield others from getting hurt."
this sounded familiar
Zenos rolls his eyes
of course Y/C/N had to be like the hero
very much like you and Haurchefant
Haurchefant was quite guilty about this
his ideals of protecting others passed down to his child was getting them hurt
Aymeric was pretty proud that Y/C/N was protecting other kids
"Y/C/N, don't let bullies hit you even if you're protecting others."
"Yeah, hit the bullies back next time." (Estinien)
"And make sure you win." (Zenos)
"Don't agree with me. I don't like it." (Estinien)
Cue Aymeric's incoming headache if it wasn't already there
at the the end of the meeting, Haurchefant would thank the teacher for their time before he takes Y/C/N's hand and leaves
Zenos would follow behind them before catching up and taking Y/C/N's other hand
Estinien would get up and wait at the door frame for Aymeric who was asking the teacher some last moment questions
not to mention, apologizing yet again
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Reader's relationship with Baji
Summary: Continuation of Medic!Reader idea, but with my best boy: B A J I
Relationship: Mostly platonic, could be read as something more
Warnings: Slight mentions of math and homework.
Other Links: (Original Post) (Mikey) (Draken) (Emma) (Mitsuya)
Prepare for trouble...
And make it double!!
Because, let's be honest, Baji is a menace on his own
With your brain
and his brawns
You're an
u n s t o p p a b l e
f o r c e o f
p u r e
e v i l
At first, he's pretty sceptical about you joining because
look at the size of it
i could squish it
and it would die
But then you hold your ground in a fight
And prove that you're worth your metal
And his vicious mode turns into
p r o t e c m o d e
The entire gang is hell bent on protecting you
But when it comes down to it,
Baji is like your guard dog
You guys are like the vine that goes;
"gEt YoUr fUcKiNG dOG BITCH!!!" "it don't bite" "yES IT DO!!!"
give me Protector Baji™ any day of the week my good friends
He’s a total dumbass but you love him so much
Would totally share his peyoung yakisoba with you and Chifuyu would tag along
There would be less for each individual, but with all the conversation and the laughter, it somehow took you guys so much longer to finish it
Now, as far as he's always been concerned, the only way to beat your enemies is with you fists
But then you introduce him to blackmailing and his eyes are officially
o p e n e d
With you now able to pick his battles for him, he is able to get the maximum degradation out of the punks that are foolish enough to stand against him
Would ask you to help study with him
Would try his absolute best
bless his heart (T-T)/<3
But he wouldn't be able to understand half of what you're saying
Would enthusiastically be like:
But wouldn't
And you've gotta be like
baby </3
yes i love you T-T
but no
And his face drops momentarily along with the shattered pieces of your heart
But then he gets right back into studying the question and trying to understand it
protect this large child at any costs
It's really good practice for you and when you become a doctor, because you have to be able to evaluate what it is your patient is feeling and understand it in smart doctor-terms, then you have to be able to dumb it down to a level that the patient will be able to understand
Luckily you're a quick learner and pick up on how to explain whatever it is that Baji doesn't understand in a way that he will
Be patient, he's really trying his best
It's something about the way that you remain calm and keep coming up with new ways to explain things to him which really helps him to keep a level head
He can get really stressed about his grades but your constantly calm and positive attitude really helps him out
You guys would totally end up having several study sessions a week and Chifuyu would be there to ofc
Absolutely a hype man
Will treat you like the deity that you are
You wanna go bash these dudes up
Where are my pom-poms I got cheering to do
You wanna go drown this dude
He's already standing at the beach waiting
You wanna stab this dude
Here's a freshly sharpened knife just give me a moment whilst I go grab my camera
You're a part of the LGBTQ+ community
Bitch wait a moment, I'm ironing my flag
You wanna join the BLM protest
Here's a plane ticket, let's go fuck up some Americans
Would totally let you braid his hair
LIVES for the feeling of your hands in his hair
Because you’ve always got to be gentle but fast with medical care, you’re incredibly skilled when it comes to intricate designs and threading
Comes out looking like he belongs on Hot Topic
Would beat up anyone who says it isn't cool
Wears that shit with style
After you braid his hair, you would warn him that he shouldn't leave his hair in like that overnight
Would leave it in anyway
You wake up the next morning to 1000+ messages from Baji frantically wondering why his hair is now wavy, with 35% of the messages being images of him doing his morning routine but with his hair curly (i.e. brushing teeth mirror photos, cooking breakfast, eating breakfast, shirtless, just got changed, etc.)
And you would yell at him over the phone about how you warned him not to wear it overnight
And he would yell back that you didn't tell him this was going to happen and that he thought you were joking
You both look like maniacs to the other people on the streets screeching into your phones about braids and hair - especially Baji
"I SAID 'Make sure you don't leave that in over night Baji.' AND YOU SAID 'Sure thing y/n!"
Then Chifuyu, who's walking with Baji and sick of hearing you two yell would butt in,
"WHAT!!" You both simultaneously yell.
"Sorry Chifuyu.." You quickly slip in afterwards and Baji mumbles an apology afterwards as well.
"It's fine, look, it doesn't matter who's fault it is, all we can do now is try to fix it."
You realise Chifuyu's right, so you ask Baji what he's done to try and fix the situation so far, figuring that you could bring a straightener or put it in a design or smth
"Oh, well I just finished brushing it, but that didn't seem to help."
So that's how you ended up spending that morning
Needless to say, from that day forward, whenever you braided his hair, he made sure to take it out after only an hour each time just to make sure, even when you assured him it was fine
"That's how I ended up in the situation to begin with."
Cue another argument
He's still salty and will never get over it
Would go shopping with you but totally end up getting you kicked out no matter where you go
You're lucky you haven't been arrested yet
The boys have decided to keep a running tally of the amount of times that you've had to fix them up
Baji is loosing
Or, as he likes to look at it, winning by a mile
He is currently the MOST frequent of your patients
Just, every other day he wanders in covered in some injury or another, sometimes leaning on or being dragged in by Chifuyu, but with the most shit eating grin on his face like,
"You will not be able to believe what I just did."
And you stand there like,
"Yeah, I think I can."
So he sits down and gives you the most animated story of your life about some dude that got on his bad side
Or a snake he thought would make a fun pet
Or that car that was just begging to be set on fire and you're like
"Huh, sue Baji. I'm sure that's exactly the correct way to approach that situation... moron."
And he's all enthusiastic about his story
Then you gently turn his face towards yours to begin patching him up and he is complete putty in your hands
the gentle touches
the dabbing of the cleaning cloth
the way your face scrunches in concentration
the softly whispered words of comfort
the way you wince every time you slip the needle into his skin, as if you can feel the pain rather than him
how you always tell him what you're going to do before you do it, so that he's prepared, so that it doesn't hurt as bad
his energy slowly dies down until he has is eyelids half closed
world only filled with your careful touch
just- urgh
give this man some soft attention
he really needs it
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pascalpanic · 3 years
Lovely Josie! Can I request a Frankie piece? Where reader is part of the friend group and really into Frankie. She knows he's also into her but just typical insecure Frankie. So she flirts with him and tries to seduce him every chance she gets until one day she's had enough and really goes for it. And if course Frankie likes it 😇 Merci!
Spicy-Sweet (Frankie Catfish Morales x f!Reader)
summary: ^^
W/C: 4.3K
Warnings: lots of talk of alcohol, food, god Frankie’s an idiot but a cute one, so much pining and flirting, implied age gap and Frankie’s insecure over it, Frankie has a brief and mild anxiety attack but is comforted
A/N: this is one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, I really hope you guys enjoy it!
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Bucky- that was what the men called you. When you’d first joined the group of men, it’d been as Pope’s friend, a shock to all of them; you weren’t sleeping together, weren’t sneaking around. Just friends. That threw them for a loop. You were always at his side, his right-hand wing-woman. Frankie had been a little put off at first that he’d been replaced, but he grew to like you just as much as the other men. That’s how you’d earned Bucky: Cap’s sidekick, Pope’s sidekick.
When you finally bonded with the rest of them, became friends with them, you were less Pope’s sidekick and more yourself. You grew to love the men for different things. Benny was always there to cheer you up, full of bad jokes and energy. He’d take you out when a date stood you up, buy you a beer on your shittiest days. Will Miller was a shoulder to cry on. He was smart, strong, emotionally intelligent. Wise beyond his years, Ironhead always had the best advice for you. Pope was the partier, and was the one who got things done. Organizing plans was his forte. He loved getting the group together to hang out, and was the only one who could rally the group.
Frankie was all of that and more. Everything. Frankie had caught your eye the moment Pope introduced you to the men. Frankie was the quietest, even quieter than Will. He never enjoyed the spotlight, especially when you were new, but he loved making his friends laugh. He was comforting and helpful, lending you a jacket or helping you with a manual labor task you couldn’t quite get.
Frankie is the one you have a crush on. All of the men have their attributes, and you have to admit that any of them would make a good boyfriend and surely a good lover, but they are and always have been brotherly first. Frankie was something different. You wanted to stay in his arms forever, wanted to kiss the bald patch on his jaw and steal his Hawaiian shirts. You tease him endlessly to hide your feelings, though never in a mean way at all. Always soft and joking, always reciprocated by the teddy bear of a man.
You were the same to him; the first time he saw you, he thought he wanted to marry you someday. He loves your laugh and your humor, loves the way you nudge his side and even though it’s a little painful, wants you to do it again just so he can feel your body touching his. He loves how you can hold court over the men with your stories, can get them to agree on the most divisive of issues. He’d even proposed once that you become Cap, not Bucky. You were clearly a leader. But Santiago brushed it off by saying that Bucky was getting his own show now, so he’s just fine, and besides pendejo, you can’t change a nickname once it's been given.
Emotionally constipated Frankie is just fine to sit to the sidelines. If he has one principle with love and friends, it’s that he’d rather have you as a friend than not have you at all. That’s why he doesn’t necessarily openly flirt with you, why he suppresses his feelings until it’s late at night and he’s alone and can daydream about your pretty face and tight jeans and the crinkle of your nose when you smile.
You’re different. You wear that green shirt you know Frankie always ogles you in when it’s a night out. You buy him a drink or two. You insist he dance with you, take him on errands with you on a Saturday morning. You can read the man; you’re pretty damn sure he likes you too, but you don’t want to ruin it. Rushing him is the last thing on your mind.
As you wander through the farmer’s market on a spring Sunday morning, you shiver as the breeze rushes past your bare arms. Frankie doesn’t notice; he’s too busy admiring a booth selling hot honey. You can’t help but laugh as he delightedly samples a spoon of the syrupy-sweet-spicy product, and turns to you with wide eyes. “Bucky, you gotta try this,” he insists, handing you a sample spoon.
Nodding, you give in and taste it. The flavor on your tongue reminds you of Frankie if he were a flavor: a little spicy, but more of a warm feeling. Infinitely sticky-sweet, floral and tasting of sunshine. There’s heat, just a little, enough to awaken your tastebuds and mingle with the honey perfectly. “That’s good shit. How much is it?” You ask the vendor.
A few minutes later, you walk away with two bottles. You hand one to Frankie. “Here. This is for you,” you tell him with an earnest smile.
Frankie’s brows slide together beneath the brim of his favorite ball cap. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” you shrug and pat his cheek, your path curving to the right as you approach a bakery stall.
The morning is sunny and just slightly cold, making you shiver every so often. Sweet Frankie walks dutifully at your side like the dogs and their owners similarly strolling the tent-lined sidewalk. His eyes light up as he sees breads and flowers, homemade jerky and beautiful jewelry. The variety is exciting, and you often hear Frankie shouting for you from a new booth.
While you admire the jewelry made of local stones, something warm and soft covers your shoulders. You look down to find that it’s Frankie’s suede brown jacket. “You looked cold,” he tells you and turns a little pink before patting your shoulder and wandering off.
At the end of the day, you have a full reusable bag, brimming with goodies: a small bright bouquet, two loaves of bread, cookies, fresh berries, and a bottle of hot honey. Frankie’s is similarly stuffed, though it’s with much more unhealthy choices. The two of you sit on a grassy hill, munching on a pack of thumbprint cookies Frankie purchased.
The morning sun is just starting to warm up, but the jacket you’re now wearing is cozy. You lean your head on Frankie’s shoulder as the two of you rest there without words, lost in your own thoughts.
God, he’s so cute. So sweet. A little stupid. Just how I like them. Is my flirting not obvious enough to him? You wonder internally.
Frankie’s thoughts are similar but different. She’s so sweet. She’s so nice to me. I wonder if she’d ever like me like that.
Partying is Pope’s favorite pastime. The man enjoys getting shitfaced and taking a similarly drunk date home. Lord knows what they do; you’re glad you don’t. That leaves you and the Millers and Frankie. You and Benny dance and sing karaoke, twirling and shouting the lyrics to the song blasting in the bar. Frankie and Will sit on the sidelines.
That’s exactly where tonight has found you. A surprisingly sober Pope has gone home with a pretty girl he flirted with briefly before she tugged him by the jacket sleeve. He shot a look of excitement at the four of you before leaving.
Now, Benny requested his favorite song through the pay-per-tune machine in the corner. You’d squealed and dragged him out, dancing with him on the wooden floor the bar provides. Frankie can’t help but think the two of you would make a good couple. The two of you are full of sarcasm and energy at most times, around the same age. Frankie’s a bit older, and he can’t help but think that it would be weird for you, that it would prevent him from liking you. If only he knew.
Benny does, actually. He’s annoyed that your group doesn’t give him enough credit for his smarts. He might be mostly muscle, but he’s packing brains too. He’s great at observing social interactions, and he can especially tell that there’s something between the two of you. He’s learned his best friend like he knows how to drive or what his own phone number is. Benny knows Frankie, and he knows he won’t make the first move for fear of upsetting you. That’s why he’s taken it upon himself to be your blonde, blue eyed Cupid and queued up Frankie’s favorite song next.
You know it’s his favorite song. Of course you do. When it comes on, you turn to the bar with wide eyes and wave to catch Frankie’s attention, then wave him over. Benny says something or another and wanders off. It takes some nonverbal persuading, some pleading eyes and pouting to the man, but Frankie eventually adjusts his jeans and gets up, leaving that suede jacket behind on his barstool.
“It’s your song!” you exclaim as you throw your arms around him, starting to dance along with him. He moves back with you, though nowhere near as fluid or free.
He shakes his head but smiles, and you flick the brim of his cap. “Oh come on, you love this song. Don’t be such a dope,” you tease and grab his hips, forcing him to move them a little more than the stiff motions he’s making.
“I am a dope,” he mumbles and you roll your eyes, moving in a way that invites Frankie to move back against it. It’s a two-person dance, and you’re starting to get him moving.
Chuckling, you look up at him. “You ever seen Footloose?” you ask him.
He blows a raspberry into the air, laughing. “Of course I have. It’s my favorite movie.”
“Then how come you can’t dance?” You tease.
Frankie makes a noise of mock-injury, clutching his chest. “Damn, Bucky. Right in the heart.”
You giggle and rest your head on his shoulder. “I was going to say that you remind me of Willard. I guess that’s fitting though. You can’t dance.”
His scent is the only thing you can think about, the way his cologne is spicy and sweet on his flushed skin, warm from having you in such close proximity. “Does that make Pope Ren?”
“And it makes me whatever the girl who dates Willard is named,” you shamelessly flirt, swaying him to the side as the song changes in keys.
If there was anything in Frankie’s mouth right now, he’d be choking. Maybe it’s just because you’re dancing together, he rationalizes. Maybe it’s just because you wouldn’t want to date Pope. It can’t be because you like him. That’s not even a thought that crosses his mind. “Ha. Sure,” he shakes his head, taking off his cap and teasingly placing it backwards on your head.
It’s loose on your head, and you laugh as you look up at him. Frankie has that feeling again in his gut: he’s going to marry you someday. It can’t be the alcohol, not in either of you. You’ve both only had a drink each. No, in this moment he realizes the depth of how bad he wants you, but he cannot comprehend that you want him too. There’s no way you could ever love a man like Francisco Morales, he tells himself. But he wants you to. He aches for you to.
The song ends and the ache only grows. Frankie is not a dancer. This is his time to retire to the barstool. “Well, thank you for holding my hat,” he teases you and steals it back, putting it on himself and patting your side before wandering back to his spot next to Will.
You frown, but then Benny finds you again and the energy returns somewhat. You long to feel Frankie’s arms around you again, to dance with him and whisper jokes next to his ear so that you can feel the way his laugh buzzes in his chest. You consider buying another play of Frankie’s song later, but that would be suspicious. You’ll have to find another way, but you have to do it soon; you’re not sure how much longer you can last before you combust from not getting to kiss his soft lips, to feel his scruff beneath your fingertips as you cup his face and finally close the gap between the two of you.
Frankie is much too old for parties. He’d decided that even a few years ago now, that that sort of thing was best left to the young bucks who could drink endlessly and awaken with only a mild headache. How the hell Benny had talked him into attending this party, he wasn’t sure, but he knew that you’d be there and that was enough for him.
You’re not a big partier either; you can get wild, but only around your friends, usually only with Benny there to egg you on and hand you shot after shot. You don’t particularly like getting drunk, just enough alcohol to make things a bit lighter. Benny and Santiago were the ones who’d insisted you and Frankie come along to this party a mutual friend of theirs is hosting.
Of course, the boys wanted you two there but had failed to mention they were each bringing dates. When you wandered in with Benny and a girl flung herself onto him, peppering his blonde stubble with kisses, you’d quickly learned that you weren’t going to get a good night with your favorite guys. Santiago was similarly taken, a girl draped across his lap in a busy living room, each of them holding a drink. He’d given you a two-finger salute as you wandered to the kitchen, kind of annoyed.
You’d dressed a little nicer, though nothing too special, and you immediately hoped at least Frankie and Will would be around tonight to hang out with. Will’s not a big partier, though he’s a little more social than you and Frankie. Your phone buzzes in your back pocket and your face falls as you read the text.
Ironhead: sorry guys. Not gonna make it out tonight.
He provides no explanation why; Will never does. You know better than to question it. Your only hope now is that Frankie doesn’t blow you off.
Frankie could never. The promise of you being at the party was enough for him to meticulously shave and spray that cologne he knows you love on his flannel, which you’ll surely ask for because you’re always cold. He’s not here yet, so you lean against the kitchen counter and crack open a hard seltzer as you look around. Bringing your drink with you, you hit the bathroom and when you return, there’s a familiar ball cap poking above the crowd, labeled with Standard Heating & Oil. Frankie.
Sneaking up behind him, you snatch the cap from his head and put it on yourself. “Hey, pilot,” you sing as he turns and his face lights up to see you. His hair is still slightly damp from the shower, leaving an indent in those curls from where the cap was.
“Goddamnit, Buck,” he laughs and tries to steal it back, but you dodge out of the way.
“Looks like it’s just us tonight, flyboy,” you sigh as you prop an elbow on his shoulder and look around, finding Benny and his girl making out on the dance floor and Santiago playing with a woman’s hair on the couch.
Frankie has to admit he’s okay with that. “They didn’t tell me they’d be bringing dates,” you grumble. Frankie holds back a chuckle. This was most definitely planned, Wingman Benny embracing his role in forcing the two of you together. Frankie couldn’t say he was too upset about it, in all honesty. “Come on, let’s get you a drink,” you shake your head and grab Frankie by the bicep, trying not to shiver at how muscular his arms are.
In the kitchen, you toy with the hem of his shirt as he mixes himself an old fashioned from the vast cocktail bar. “I love this one,” you murmur absentmindedly, admiring the worn fabric and the ripping seams at the hem. It’s so perfectly Frankie: an old black Fleetwood Mac shirt, nearly falling apart. There are holes in the hems and under the left armpit but it always smells sweet and spicy, just like him, and feels like a security blanket. “Looks good on you.”
“Looks like a piece of shit. I need to just throw it out, but I can’t bring myself to,” he chuckles as he finally takes a sip of his drink. He knows the reason he can’t: you love it too much.
“Good,” you nod and set down your hard seltzer, making yourself a drink.
“What you got there?” he asks as he watches you stir up a concoction.
“Essentially the same as you. Old fashioned but with Fireball instead of regular whiskey.”
“You seem to like the spicy-sweet thing, don’t you?” he teases.
God, if only he knew. “Spicy-sweet, just like someone else I know,” you tease him and nudge your shoulder with his. “Maybe that’s why I like you so much.”
Frankie’s heart does several backflips in a row, complete with a roundoff and a cartwheel. He’d earn the gold in the Olympics, the way his heart tumbles and turns in his chest. “Ha,” he laughs dryly, looking down at his own drink, swishing it and watching the ultra-sweet cherry spin through the dark liquid.
The music gets louder from the other room as you and Frankie drink in silence, both of you leaning against the kitchen counter as the amount of alcohol per cup steadily decreases. “I’m gonna go see if I can find Pope,” Frankie finally speaks over the loudening noise, nodding to the living room where everyone is clustered.
“Sure,” you call back, even though he’s just a few feet from you.
It’s practically a maze, trying to find his way through the people. They’re all moving and bouncing, the sound overwhelming him. It’s like a goddamn mosh pit, he thinks, or how it must feel to be buried inside one. How did this party become something like this, and why the hell is he here? Frankie wanders through, getting turned around as the group moves and sways.
His breathing gets heavier, and suddenly Frankie feels suffocated. His primary objective no longer is finding Pope, it’s getting the fuck out of here before this herd stampedes him to death. He feels pathetic and small, like a single fish in a giant school wandering through an abysmally deep sea.
When the tide loosens its hold, when Frankie sees a path, he takes it out. He’s not sure how long he was trapped in there- 20 seconds, a minute, five minutes, but he’s overwhelmed and his head is spinning, his drink somehow gone and lost in the shuffle.
You see him stumble out, looking terrified, and rush over. “Hey, hey, Frankie,” you murmur as you grab his forearms. “Are you okay? Did you find Pope?” You ask, your thumbs tracing over his pulsing veins.
He shakes his head, and you take it as a no for both. “Okay, come on, did you drive here? Is your truck out there?”
He nods and grabs his keys, putting them in your hand. “Alright, pilot, come on. Let’s get you out of here.” You stick the hat back on his head and hope it could maybe bring a sense of normalcy back to him.
Frankie’s head feels like radio static as you bring him to the truck, unlocking it and sliding in first across the bench seat. He follows in after you and closes the door, and he turns the air conditioning on full-blast, feeling desperately hot.
“Hey, hey. Talk to me,” you beg of him, cupping the side of his face with one hand. You shiver under the quick breeze of the vents, the cold air immediately filling the cab of his truck. “What happened?” You ask, just above a whisper, fingers tracing the stubble of his jaw.
His eyes are getting more normal, less panicked and more sane. He must’ve had some kind of anxiety or PTSD moment in the crowd. “Just… thought I was gonna get crushed,” he murmurs, not looking at you.
“Frankie. Let’s breathe together, okay? Look at me.” His eyes find yours and you smile. “Good. Follow me.”
You ground him nearly instantly, your chilled skin under his hands as he grips your upper arms, your soft lips parting to breathe in and out. The flutter of your eyelashes when you close those beautiful eyes, the one that have such a distinct unique color. He would kiss you right now if he had the courage.
He breathes along with you and is calm enough by the second breath to think rationally again. The wave has passed, leaving his body feeling tired and limp. “I-I’m good,” he assures you, tracing his fingers across your skin. “Bucky, you’re freezing.”
“Frankie,” you give a sad chuckle. “I’m supposed to be calming you, and-“
“I’m super hot, please, take this,” he says as he shucks his flannel and hands it to you. “It would help me,” he says simply, enjoying the way the air conditioning more directly contacts his skin without it on.
“Well, okay,” you laugh and slip it on, breathing in the warm scent that is Frankie and sighing contentedly. “See? I love the sweet and spicy thing, like your cologne.”
He shakes his head and looks away. “Oh, stop. You don’t mean that.”
You frown at him. “Frankie. You’re thinking straight again, right?”
He nods.
“Then how aren’t you processing how in love with you I am?” You ask with a soft laugh, resting your head against his shoulder. “I flirt with you endlessly, and it feels like you never pick up on it. So now I’m just going to say it: I like you, Frankie.”
Biting his lip, Frankie looks down at you with slight confusion. “Really?”
You laugh incredulously, burying your face in his neck. “Yes, Frankie, really. I like you a lot. I have since the moment I met you. And I’d like to think you like me too.”
There’s a beat of silence and he nods, taking one of your hands in his and lacing the fingers together. “I really like you too. I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met, Buck,” he admits, wide brown eyes looking down at you with all of the love in his massive heart. “I just… didn’t want to assume anything. You’re so good to me, but you’re so good to the other guys too.”
“Do I buy the other men bottles of hot honey? Have I ever brought a date around like the other guys do?” You ask, lovingly and hoping he sees your point. “I’ve been pining for you for so long, Morales. I just want you to get it through your thick skull that I care for you and I’ve been in love with you for quite a while.”
“I feel stupid,” he mumbles, ears turning pink at the tips. “It was pretty obvious. You’re right.”
“Hey, you’re not stupid,” you assure him and squeeze his fingers. “I personally think it’s fucking adorable that you didn’t want to assume that. I like that, that you didn’t want to do anything first without knowing the same about you. I like all of you, Frankie, from that scruffy beard to these cozy flannels you always let me borrow.”
His heart melts in his chest, reducing him to a puddle. “Then I guess I should ask if you’d be my girl.”
His girl? If you thought he couldn’t get any cuter, you were wrong. You can’t hold back any longer and you swing your leg across his lap, straddling him in the bench seat of his truck. “Can I kiss you, Frankie?” You ask, gently removing his cap and setting it aside.
“God, yes please,” he practically whines as he cups your face in both of his big hands, kissing you deeply and breathing out heavily through his nose.
It’s the best thing you’ve ever felt, Frankie’s body pressed to yours as your lips meet. You both taste that perfect spicy-sweet flavor, the way that’s so Frankie in your head. This might be the sweetest and softest man alive, you think to yourself, and goddamn, you’re lucky, Bucky.
His body radiates the heat of his love and stress and everything, completely melting into yours. You’re never going to stop doing this now that you’ve started. You’re never going a day without holding Frankie like this.
Your legs are firmly planted on either side of him, and Frankie moves his hands to grip your waist and pull you in closer. Shivering at the way he practically manhandles you, you moan into his lips, murmuring his name breathlessly. It’s like the most perfect melody, the way you say it. He mumbles your name back, your real name. Not Bucky.
Your arms wrap around his neck and you press yourself tight against him, running one hand through the soft curls at the nape of his neck. He tastes like heaven, just as perfect as you’ve dreamed about for as long as you’ve known him. When you break away, you smile softly, admiring the way he’s panting beneath you. His head is tilted back to look at you on top of him, his eyes glazed over and cheeks warmed with pounding blood. You gulp and trace the side of his face with feather-light fingertips, admiring his beauty. “God, Francisco,” you murmur. “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles
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stylistiquements · 3 years
Day 9 : Scronch'love.
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𐐪𐑂 Pairing : Sapnap x fem!reader {Playlist}
𐐪𐑂 Summary : a lovely afternoon and an ancestral question; when are you going to join the dream smp?
𐐪𐑂 Word count : 1.5k
𐐪𐑂 Warning : swearing
Masterlist | Previous | Next
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・   .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
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“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
“Have you been here for a long time?”
Time bends and twists into unknowns shapes when well spent. So, you’re so not sure. Long enough for your fairy garden to start looking like at least a proper garden, long enough for your feet to start fidgeting, brushing against the soft fabric of the blanket ever so slightly and softly.
“Can you share your screen?”
“I’m just picking flowers, there’s nothing much to see,” you warn but it never does the proper job.
“That’s fine, I like watching you play.”
“Oh, do you now?”
“Yeah. You’ve been playing for years and you’re still dog water. It's almost soothing,” you hear him grin through the silkiness of his voice.
You smile evasively, palm gripping the mouse and executing on memory. Soon, Sapnap’s satisfied noises hovers and everything is just how it’s supposed to be. You spend a while humming the music of days and nights of the game while building your project. Sap helps from time to time, giving advice when his attention is there and leaving trails of compliments on his way. You don’t think the garden is necessarily that good, you don’t mind either.
“Do you think the tree should go on the left or the right of the pond?” You ask, fingers drumming back and forth between the two options. Right he says. "What about the roses, do I plant some or not?"
“It’s just a detail, don’t hurt your brain too much on that,” he says in a light tone, but you disagree.
“Details are what make things important. Like when you remember I prefer warm pillows so you give me yours, it’s just a detail but it makes me happy.”
“Of course I do; you’re a baby,” he murmurs teasingly.
With an arched eyebrow, you retort, “says you,” and silence follows for a second as you plant the tree on the right of the pond.
“Yeah, Dream already made sure I was aware of that.”
“Not sure why the piss baby thinks he’s qualified to have this conversation, buddy,” you note and Sap chuckles are as vivid as contagious. “Why would he call you a baby anyway? What have you done?”
“I-I’m not telling you.” As soon as the mumbles fades, your phone sends loud vibrations on your desk. You abandon your character to the night and the wildness, picking the phone as you murmur a low oh, okay. Whether it’s to your phone or Sapnap, that, isn’t really clear. Still, Sapnap’s words sound more distant, more of what wonders are made of. On the screen, a twitter notification of a certain Karl Jacobs.
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“You’re not even listening to me anymore,” Sapnap whines.
“I don’t listen to whiny babies, sorry.”
“We’re on the verge of divorce, yn and it’s your fault.”
A scoff skitters out through teasing lips, “But you still talk about me all the time, don’t you?” Your voice drags through different lands, unknown and musky.
“So what?” He splutters all awkward like it’s some kind of confidence that shouldn’t have left his thoughts and, somehow, you’re surprised the almighty confidence has left the game. “Who said that?”
“Doesn’t matter. You’re obsessed with me, admit it,” you demand and though you don’t notice it, too tangled with the moment, the atmosphere is tinted with a different nuance like it’s suddenly dawn at the end of a summer party.
“So are you.”
Now, your heart drums a strange yet familiar rhythm. Something made of secrets and uncertainty, something you decided to leave unnamed a long time ago. Sapnap, you reason, can’t be lied to. He knows better than words half meant, half made up and it’s annoying, really, but he just does somehow. If you dare to lie, he would know and then it would be even more annoying.
“Yeah, you’re living in my head rent free but at least I’m not trying to hide it.” No answer. You peek at the game, you’ve been slain by a spider. “Karl said that,” you resign yourself. “He said he was about to join the vc by the way.”
Before the conversation can carry on, the sound of Karl joining the call resonates. Being in this Discord server is like living in a house with 10 siblings, that’s what you understand from the way Sap exhales heavily.
“Oh, I am interrupting something?” Karl says, struck by a peculiar energy.
“Besties time Karl, besties time,” Sapnap mumbles beneath his breath and it chimes a little like disappointment.
“Well, too bad I guess,” Karl exclaims. “It's about time I meet miss Bunnyshow.”
Karl is like that gif of a cat sitting in a tiny box with the caption “if it fits, I sit”.
“Does that mean our passive aggressive subweet arc is over?” You ask, faking the dejection when your smile grows wide.
“Oh god, I hope not. That’s my favorite part of the day.”
"It means a lot to me. Especially coming from my comfort streamer Karl Jacobs," you confess.
Satisfied, your attention gets back on the game; flowers rooting gracefully into the dirt and hives ready to host the beloved honey bugs as Karl and Sap catch up on time being apart. Everything is quiet and peaceful like the end of an afternoon well spent.
“I like your garden,” Karl points out and you hum a thank you beneath your breath.
“So you can take Karl’s compliments but not mine.”
“We’re besties you’re honor. Sapnap you can leave now, thank you,” Karl giggles and you follow along.
“Sorry Karl, there’s only room for one man in my heart and that has to be Sapnap.”
He fakes a cry to keep the theatrics before adding without transitions, “You know if you asked Dream he’d probably let you on the SMP.”
“No thanks,” you grin.
“Sapnap, your girl doesn’t want to play with us.”
“She’s already been whitelisted for months now,” Sapnap informs but fails to comment on the first part of the complaint.
He’s not lying, but you feel like it says more about Dream’s stubbornness than it says about you. As for your best friend, he understands better than anyone that wish for privacy and it’s something made of respect like yours for his career. You’d rather see him shaped by all the light than being touched by a glimpse of it. He does, after all, deserves it all. So, that’s the contract you made with yourself because it made sense; being a supportive shadow. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you’ve never considered streaming before. It’s that it’s his world more than yours.
Karl, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to think the same way, “This is unacceptable, I gotta send a few texts.”
“Lost cause, dude, lost cause,” you grin but stubbornness seems to be a pre required trait for those mcyts.
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Before you have time to find a suitable comment about the newborn group chat, a new person joins the call and Sapnap's annoyance is even more palpable, "No fucking way dude. We can't even have a second of peace on this server."
"Why would you be in a discord call if you want peace. You're just dumb," Quackity retorts with an energy he and he only can ever own.
Then George joins and Dream follows on his heels and soon your ears are filled with conversations that are as loud as scattered. Your shoulders sink in the back of your chair as soft fingers try to brush the upcoming migraine away. This is why you can't join the SMP; -not really but still- too much energy that has to be processed at all time. And you should know better, being friend with a very chaotic boy for the last 15 years, but you're not somehow.
"No, fuck that," Sapnap mutters. "I'm out."
"You can't leave now we have things to discuss," George exclaims. "Bunny, explain to me how Sapnap's proposition is more appealing than mine."
"Because I know her more than you do," he defends, and he's right. Money isn't of you interest. Love, on the other hand...
"Because she's like scronch'love," Karl giggles mindlessly.
"The fuck does scronch'love mean?" You ask, amused.
"It's very simple," Quackity intervenes. "If I offered you the same thing, would you even consider it?"
"Of course I would. What kind of question is that?"
"Fine. So, if Sapnap keeps his offer, here is mine; you become the president of Las Nevadas in addition to what he said."
"What?" Sapnap takes offense.
The call brims with an agitated confusion as you smile deviously, heels rooted into the floor to make your chair spin lightly and your fingers drum on your desk.
"I don't think you wanna do that," George corrects.
"Yeah, you absolutely don't," you confirm.
"Fine," he retorts. "So Sapnap's offer plus a Las Nevadas citizenship. How does that sound?"
"Like an offer I'll confider," you sigh. "So who's scronch'love now?"
"Still you," Dream answers. "Except you're also a big dummy."
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・   .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
A/N : helloooo,, how are you??? this part very self indulgent and I think this fic will be in general but I hope you liked it anyway. I love the idea of c!quackity always being too much and always having something to add to be even more over the top. I'm having more trouble than I thought about Bunny's and Sap's friendship because I want them to have a very special friendship but I hope it appears as such. idk. lmk what you think and thank you for reading it it makes me very happy <3 Until next time (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Taglist : @open-minded-chip-101 ; @itsoakaa ; @gaysludge ; @tinyegg ; @qnfdnf​ ; @paintingpetalsforyou ; @notjennaleigh ; @victoria-a567 ; @washy-washy ; @moneybagmarvel ;
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beomglocks · 4 years
what yeonjun is like as a boyfriend
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warnings & other: no warnings except for falling in love with yeonjun, but is that so bad?, side note: no body asked for this but between college stress aka finals and daily life struggles this is the only thing i could manage to come up with so plz enjoy.
w/c: 2 more words and its 1K
jesus take the wheel
when you first meet him he’s flirting
biting his lips and licking them
raising his eyebrows and all like
calm down i don’t even know your name yet
very bold
so shameless when you first meet him
“you look like someone”
“oh really who?”
“my future partner ;)”
ngl you would be so put off by his confidence
but he knows when to tone it down and you’re like
“oh you’re actually tolerable!”
if youre shy then rip you
always trying to get you out of your comfort zone
probably does extra shit in public and you just have to laugh along nervously
then when yall are alone you scold him for embarrasing you and he’s like
“ok ok im sorry” *hug*
if youre confident like him youre both annoying
just kidding but thats real couple goals
everyone is jealous of yall
he’s so cocky
always showing you off
“hi everyone this is my partner!”
“yeonjun...we know...we’ve known ever since you introduced them 5 months ago”
thinks you’re the most beautiful human to ever grace the earth and it’s not even close
“seriously how did i end up with someone like you”
seems like the type of boyfriend to kiss the ground you walk on
*not to be confused with a simp*
yeonjun does not simp
he has morals
so you know how he tends to say “baby” a lot
thats his fav nickname for you and vise versa
omg he loves that nickname forreal
like i know i said beomgyu and skinship was a huge thing
but my god
yeonjun is on a whole other level
just comes up to you and annoys you with wanting to be close
hes so clingy
but will probrably pout and whine when youre clingy with him
“ahhh y/n you like me sooo much look at you clinging to me like this, leave me aloooooone”
obviously he doesnt mean it like cmon youre each others batteries
kissing you in public
im talking full on makeout sessions
“we’re in public...”
“ok and?”
literally just always all up on you
if youre someone who needs their space yall will CLASH
might even get into arguments because of this
serious arguments where you call him annoying
i feel like he will take it to heart if you call him that
nobody likes being called annoying :(
wont touch or talk to you for days
thats dog years in your relationship
you have to apologize and really mean it
he’ll accept it if you kiss him
omg he’s so jealous
doesn’t want people looking at you too long
dont try to make him jealous he will fight the other person
ok maybe just giving them the stank eye then he’ll pull up like
“hey im standing right here have some damn respect”
you guys definitely fight
sometimes over petty shit but sometimes it gets serious
always threatning to break up but never doing it 
you both know you’re bluffing but it still hurts everytime
but your relationship is strong
i feel like yeonjun wouldnt get into a relationship if he knew he wouldnt have a strong connection with the person
he values communication
tell him how you feel
he’ll always listen
if he’s feeling down you better buy him his favorite foods and run your hands through his hair ok!
speaking of food
best food runs
like will just randomly be like 
“hey wanna go to this one place with me?”
and it’s like 2am 
but he insists the food is worth it
best dates too
either a restaurant date
(doesnt have to be expensive, just gotta have good food)
or he cooks for the both of you
he cooks surprisingly good????
you’re like there’s no way you made this
he’s like damn you hate me that much
but no like actually can cook but he’s clumsy you know
you gotta be monitering him
which he doesnt mind, he likes having your presence in the kitchen with him
PLEASE i feel like he doesn’t like being alone when he’s doing everyday tasks idk
like if he’s brushing his teeth or if you’re brushing your teeth
he’s right there back hugging you ugh
the type to walk on the side of the sidewalk where cars are closer to <3
if you’re younger than him he kinda has a superiority complex
not in a condescending way
he just tends to baby you more
if you’re older he still tries to act older in some ways
“yeonjun im going to the grocery store!”
“actually i made that exact same grocery list and went 3 days ago”
“the only thing on the list was rice?”
but he likes being babied
coo at him and he’ll get shy and tell you to stop
meeting the other members isn’t too bad
“this is my significant other! arent they just so etheral?”
everyone nods because if they dont yeonjun will probably give them some choice words later
you gotta compliment him a lot
he thrives off compliments honestly
you: “you looked good in that one scene”
him: “yeah but i looked good in all the scenes though right?”
you CANNOT C A N N O T compliment anyone else
you: “soobi-”
him: glaring at you “what about him?”
just to mess with him youre like “soobin killed this scene too”
pouts and whines
“nooooo what do you mean he killed this scene?? i’m the scene too pay attention to me!”
studio sessions with him are a vibe
he likes rnb so yall would just be chilling on days where he doesnt have schedules. 
plays his rnb playlist and yall just vibe out 
youre both laying down on the studio couch with his head in your neck and he’s dozing off *broken heart emoji”
wait ok i know i’ve said this before but
he’s the type to tease you during arguments
“you wanna kiss me so bad”
and when you do he’s all smug about it
“my baby just can’t stay mad at me for long huh”
your friends think he’s hot
they probably think he’s way too good looking to be dating you
so you doubt yourself
but he’s like nah our looks are on par that’s why we’re perfect together fuck them
always wants you to watch him dance
during practice or not, he wants you there
after hours at the practice room is just him playing some random song and freestyling
but you love it because he looks so happy and free
probably does some cheesy shit like ask you to dance with him
or if you’re sitting down on your phone he’ll come up to you dancing just to bother you then just laugh
he’s the best boyfriend
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