#[ hhhMMMMM. ]
hs-killjam · 8 months
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journal-three · 8 months
well now I'm thinking. what exactly does Zestial mean by saying that Alastor "fell to holy arms?"
at first I thought it was figurative, that he had been somehow making trips to heaven, or involved with the angels in some way. but now I'm realizing what makes more sense, is if it was literal.
Was Alastor injured in one of the past exterminations?
and is that why he's taken such an interest to the hotel?
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ivyithink · 7 months
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some kiddies
translation from ukr (last pic): "Rubik's Cube, seriously, Odasaku!? I'm not 3 y.o! Come up with something more interesting!"
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
that new figure of mk looks right in the middle of swk and maq with the black fur and the swk face, and i know sets arent canon for design but im still staring PRETTY hard at the idea that:
1. the stone is supposed to absorb magic from the surrounding area
2. swk and maq were two powerful magic users who (presumably) lived next to it
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erisaxolotl · 4 months
fan art of @inka-boi
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There a bit blushy lol
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annieqattheperipheral · 11 months
at a party trapped inside a cutesy couple's foreplay in the kitchen and i cannot escape they're blocking the exit
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merakiui · 2 years
mera!! i loved the idol concept and just wanted to add something!
like what if you got injured during practice/(or sadly) on stage while performing? unfortunately Jade can’t hold Floyd back from running on stage to comfort you and Azul can’t stop the show fast enough to get you medical attention. thankfully your fans are understanding and clear the way for EMS. Floyd considers delaying his plan, of drugging you, until you get out of the hospital but any later than that and you’ll be itching to get back on stage.
or consider you having a stalker that the tweels somehow doesn’t know about but they (Azul and Floyd especially, for extremely differing reasons) start to worry when you don’t show up for practice one morning. Azul sends the tweels to your apartment and when they get there, Jade practically has to stop Floyd from breaking down your door and when they get inside it’s a complete mess. papers strewn about, knocked over furniture, broken objects, etc… they can’t find any sign that you’ve been here in the last few hours and also according to Floyd you are missing various items of clothing.
Thank you for enjoying it!!! :D and these additions are so good!
It works in Floyd's favor because the fans are too worried about you to notice his lingering touches, and since most are aware that he's your bodyguard it makes sense for him to leap in to help. He was trained to protect, after all. He's just reacting to the situation in the way he's meant to, which means he can get away with putting his hands on you and gathering you in his arms to guide you backstage to where medical help awaits while Azul and Jade are quick to settle the panicked audience. He's devastated you're hurt. This is exactly what he was complaining about to Azul. Azul works you too hard and this is the result of that! He keeps saying you ought to be granted more patience and leniency, but Azul never listens—says you're doing just fine with your current regimen. He's so frustrated. He really wants to kick someone's ass, but for now he has to focus on comforting you. Bloodying his knuckles can wait.
Floyd hates seeing you in pain; that's mainly why he knows he has to drug you, otherwise there's no other way you'll accept him. And it would break his poor heart if you cried because of him. But with this new turn of events, thoughts of drugging and knocking you up slip to the back of his mind. He can't do any of that right now—at least not while you're recovering. Floyd visits you every day in the hospital (often staying late until he's forced out), pushing past throngs of fans and reporters until he's granted special access to your room. Sometimes Jade's there, helping you sit up and offering to feed you (he's babying you; that annoying ass. It should be Floyd spoon-feeding you, not his charming, put-together, always suave twin brother). Other times Azul is there. He brings flowers; it's a courtesy or an apology or...something else entirely. Your room smells beautifully of fresh blossoms. Floyd wonders what sort of flowers he'd want at his wedding. Truthfully, he doesn't care so long as you like it.
Floyd pulls up a chair and sits at your bedside, sometimes resting his head on the mattress, his hand so ready to slip into yours (he never holds it; he wants to). You blame yourself for the accident, saying stupid things like, "If I wasn't so careless..." or "If I'd just practiced the choreography a little more..." Floyd tells you it's not your fault (it never is and it never will be); you never believe him. And this is precisely why he wants to steal you away. It's too dangerous. Your life is so precious. Why are you throwing it away just to be everyone's idol? He'd dye his hair, change his name, start a new life if it meant the both of you could live quietly, peacefully, preferably at the edge of the world by the sea (always the sea; the smell of it is a comfort, a reminder of home, and one day it will be your home). But in the back of his mind he thinks you wouldn't want that. Some days Floyd doesn't know what you want. But he knows that you deserve happiness. He'll give it to you. One day. Hopefully soon.
- - -
Omg if you were kidnapped by your stalker... Floyd is beyond distraught. He's ready to turn your residence upside down in his desperate search, but Jade stops him. This is technically a crime scene; it's best not to disturb any potential evidence. "Fuck the evidence! Shrimpy's missin'! We gotta find Shrimpy!" he's saying, voice thick with hurt, his mind reeling, his fingers scrabbling for something, a neck or a wrist or anything he can break, snap, maim, kill. Floyd has to be dragged from out of the property, has to be slapped across the face so he can get it together, but Floyd can't. It's his job to protect you from harm and he failed and you're gone and he may never see you again and you could be hurt or worse and he's never going to forgive himself and— It's a relief Jade is there, otherwise he might do something violently rash. It's Jade who informs Azul of the situation, who discusses where to go from there while Floyd paces restlessly outside as they wait for the authorities to arrive to cordon off the area and conduct a thorough search.
He has no idea where you could be or how long it's been since you were taken. There was a struggle; that much is obvious. Did you know this person? Are they a complete stranger? Where could they have taken you? Did they hurt you? Threaten you? The more Floyd thinks, the more despairing he becomes. His Shrimpy... His sweet, lovable, wonderful Shrimpy must be so scared. So alone... He has to find you. The police can be incompetent and slow and Floyd hates the idea of someone else coming to your rescue. It ought to be him. And when he gets his hands on the one who kidnapped you... Floyd hasn't talked to his father in a while; he prefers chatting with his mama because his old man can be such a nag at times. But his father has connections and now Floyd needs them, and he's a mere call away.
He'll find you. He can't lose you. And when he does, he's taking you to a safer, better place—a place far from the grimy limelight of the stage. This is why you shouldn't be an idol. It's dangerous. This is why he has to keep you safe. It's his job, but most importantly it's because he loves you. So even if he has to lock you away for your own good, force domesticity on you in the name of protection, he has to ensure you're safe. At the end of the day, that's all that matters to him.
(I like to imagine your stalker is Rollo, but it's fun to picture other characters in that place hehe.)
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pearlfacts · 5 months
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krshush · 11 months
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how did I manage this already,
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kimmkitsuragi · 3 months
today is the Anxious Day. but im sure it will be fine
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rainswept · 9 months
penacony looks like a mix of vegas and fontaine. which i am really really excited for. fontaine🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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sexysilverstrider · 6 months
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hellshoard · 8 months
Oop I lost power. Idk when it'll turn back on
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gloryseized · 1 year
ooc;; * arrives in a cold sweat * villain au for link (minor spoilers for totk)
What if instead of Zelda being the one to reach out to link during his time in the shrine of resurrection, it’s ganon from under the castle? And then he molds the memory-less link into his champion rather than Zelda’s
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transgender-catboy · 1 year
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Are you seeing this shit.
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Forgive the tags
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aerendil · 1 year
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