#[ i'm very bad with titles but i'll try to come up with something! though if you do get one in mind
gotham-daydreams · 1 year
How would it have gone differently if Reader didn't try to be an "overachiever" and instead just stayed quiet and didn't interact with anyone besides Alfred until they left? Their room they left being mostly blank, with only the music journals? Giving up on trying to get their attention.
I think what's so funny about this ask, to me, is that I already have a concept like this written down (along with 3 others since the current reader I'm writing for the "Not [ ]" series is one of them but with a few missing details), so this'll be fun!
I guess it generally goes how you'd expect? Which is different for the most part, but the reader's perspective on what's happening is also different.
Granted, I would like to point out that, at least for this particular concept and the idea I have for it of how this would go, does have more stuff going on pre-Batfam that do affect how they perceive what's happening, and that's what makes things interesting in my opinion. Because someone can be naturally shy or just overall more reserved either out of nature or because they feel a certain way, but still feel bad about being neglected and, despite their lack of effort, feel that pain just as much as someone who's tried. Which is valid! Besides, someone's definition of 'trying' can vary as well.
Everyone should have a chance to have a family, and form some kind of connection with people. Just because you aren't going above and beyond for one person, doesn't mean you're undeserving of certain things. Especially not a chance to have a family, or feel like you have one. That's what I think anyway.
Nevertheless, back to the reader!
From the original concept, I will be tweaking a few things to fit the ask, but the same general outcome remains! Though again, the reader's perspective on things is a tad different. But how about this- I'll show two versions of the reader.
One that's quiet and more reserved because they gave up much earlier, or just generally hopeless really early on because maybe they felt as if anything they'd do just wouldn't be enough, who'll be accurately named Quiet!Reader. With the other being more closely related to the concept I wrote for such an idea, that we'll refer to as Waiting!Reader.
Quiet!Reader would change up things quite a bit! I won't lie!
They might already have bad self-esteem that's quick to develop at the start of things, which is something to note as that doesn't get better with time. They grow more cold and distant from the family at a quicker pace both from personal and external reasons.
Put simply, they don't feel good enough, and even if they did- anything they could do to get the Batfam's attention would never be enough in their eyes. To which, they see very early on when they try to engage and do some things with the family, only to be turned down. What doesn't help is when Quiet!Reader sees Damian get adopted and almost immediately showered with love, (compared to them) and that really cements some ideas that were already developing in their head about the family.
When Damian comes into the picture, they feel replaced. Seeing him as someone to fill in the 'youngest Wayne' role instead of them, so that Bruce and the others actually have someone to acknowledge for such a title. Just someone else to further take away the little they had.
So, they further step out of the way, glaring at the Batfam with tired eyes before that eventually stops too. Envy clawing at their heart, hatred being sent through waves of pain all throughout their body. Hurt unmatched. Yet they still remain invisible. Quiet as ever. Unnoticed. Everything they ever felt dies down, and forms a cold numbness that they begin to associate with the family.
Maybe through that, they feel closer to the family in some twisted way. Now just as cold as them. Just as talkative, and just as engaging. Almost mirroring them, but they're honest about how they feel. Honest about what they think, and therefore better. At least when compared to the Batfam- and to them, even if it wasn't a high bar to reach anyway, at least it counts for something.
It was never Damian's fault, or really about Damian at all. It could've been anyone else and Quiet!Reader would've still reacted the same way, they know that. Though just seeing the Batfam show love and care to him and not them just makes them feel... worse.
Clearly they're capable of love, and can notice new additions to the family (to which they may have mostly believed that the Batfam's neglect was just something the family did for whatever reason, and thought that them being the youngest had something to do with it for a while) and that breaks the reader. It doesn't hurt, not as much as it would've, maybe, but whatever hurt is there dies down quickly as Quiet!Reader, well, quietly accepts their fate.
The Batfam clearly wants nothing to do with them, so why should they try to do all of these things for them? It's simple, they shouldn't. So they don't. Quiet!Reader gives up, and continues to live their life without them.
The Manor just becomes a place they sleep in, and nothing else. It isn't anything close to a home, and not even Alfred can help with that.
It's because of that little fact, however, that Quiet!Reader leaves much sooner than the reader in the "Not [ ]" series. Maybe once they get a friend they can trust, they essentially end up living with said friend, hence why their room remains so empty. The notebooks they even keep in the room they have in the Manor is from when they were way younger, instead of just being from a few months ago or so. We're talking years since Quiet!Reader has touched those things now.
Maybe they do 'officially' leave a month or so before they usually would as an overachiever in the "Not [ ]" series, having only bothered to return so often before because of Alfred. Though even then, they'd forget to return most nights- only being reminded to even try and go back once Alfred would personally call them, and ask them where they were.
However now, after a while of just the time between them basically living with their friend and sleeping at the manor, they stop returning altogether. Though this time around they instead personally go to Alfred to say they're goodbyes. Not explaining much, but just saying that while they might still try to come and visit him sometimes, they don't live in the Manor anymore. Alfred already knows this, and the embrace they share fully hammers in that fact.
Yet when Quiet!Reader turns away, and leaves the Manor for good- even through the front door at that. Alfred can't help but just... miss them already.
You see, while Quiet!Reader is indeed quieter and more reserved, especially towards the Batfam, with Alfred really being the only exception, they still made music.
Maybe they didn't have as many concerts or physical, grand, live performances compared to the reader in the "Not [ ]" series, they not only started earlier, but may have actually started out on a social platform such a youtube. They really started out small, but were able to find and start their passion much earlier!
Most of what they played was when they were in the Manor, but slowly they started to get involved with things music related outside of the Manor and in Gotham- and from there were able to build themselves up even more. Hell, I'd even say that Quiet!Reader is a little more well-known and popular than the reader in the "Not [ ]" series because of the amount of extra time they dedicated to their passion.
So basically, Alfred this time around has more recordings and such of Quiet!Reader actually doing something they love than with the one in the series. However! Funnily enough, they're gone for a shorter amount of time despite having left earlier than normal.
Alfred is just, extra fed up with this nonsense, and so pulls his tricks more early on, but also make them hit harder.
He doesn't clean Quiet!Reader's room to show how long they've been gone, adding onto the emptiness and almost abandoned feeling the room itself gives off because of how bare and empty it is. They're music haunts the halls, subtle, sure, but still noticeable- especially to those who are hyper aware all the time. Pictures of Quiet!Reader and Alfred begin to be hung up, and if he can manage- some with Quiet!Reader and their friends during important parts of their life.
No one is safe from the guilt and anguish Alfred seeks to cause to not only have the Batfam look for you, but most importantly, to finally notice you.
Let's just say, things work out a little too well.
As for Waiting!Reader? Oh man, I've been wanting to rant about them for a while!
Unlike the reader in the "Not [ ]" series and Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader had some semblance of a life before getting adopted into the Batfam. Though the idea and character themself isn't musically inclined/involved in music, or even all that interested in music for that matter- for the sake of this ask, lets say they are!
I won't dabble too much into the life Waiting!Reader had before the Batfam, as if I do end up writing them I'd also like to keep some details vague (for the sake of leaving it up to interpretation and everything), but just know that during the time they were still with their original family, they were essentially taught that they should 'wait their turn', and eventually their parents would spend time with them and care for them. Hence the little name I've given them.
So! When they get to the Manor and are officially adopted, only to be neglected and ignored during their first few attempts- because of their young age, they immediately think "oh! they're just like mom and dad!" So they 'wait' for 'their turn', believing that eventually, should they wait long enough, they'll be rewarded with bonding and such from the Batfam just as they were with their previous parents.
This mindset changes what they do as well, as Waiting!Reader even goes out of their way to not bother anyone, or "get in the way" of whatever they could be doing. Waiting!Reader treats the situation so much like their previous home life, that sometimes they might even forget that the Batfam are completely different people from their parents. The only real difference that they can think of is that they're not acknowledged at all and it seems like their 'turn' never comes. Though for a while that doesn't get them down. The Batfam is busy like they're parents were! Waiting!Reader is sure that when things die down then they'll have their time.
... Hopefully.
I can imagine that part of the reason why Waiting!Reader holds on to hope for so long is because, again, their own parents constantly reassured them that they would have their time eventually. That if they behaved, and stayed out of the way, then they would go somewhere fun with their parents and essentially be rewarded for their efforts. They were conditioned to wait, to be patient, and just comply until those around them decided to actually take care of them, and spend time with them.
Of course, as they grow up the reality of the situation does hit them eventually, but during that time they do try.
Waiting!Reader helps Alfred around the house, and so they mostly bond over doing chores, among other things. They are also more mindful, and try to keep the amount of noise they back down— so they actually don't play at the Manor all that often, and instead play literally anywhere else. If and when they do play outside, around the area of the Manor like in the gardens or something, they make sure no one is around before even thinking of playing.
Alfred does help them break a few of their habits that they got while living with their parents, but the one thing he can't seem to 'fix' is how absolutely quiet Waiting!Reader is when they walk around. Which, as on can imagine, doesn't exactly help in a situation where the whole family, except for the butler, is neglecting you.
The amount of times Waiting!Reader has caught Alfred off guard is more then you'd think for someone that works with the Dark Knight, and his various sidekicks and such, over the years. Which does say something, sure, but it's also funny!
Regardless, similar to Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader is able to start their musical career earlier than normal, and thuse becomes a little more popular than they would originally. However, they're more known for their live performances and giving back to the community. Seemingly just like Bruce as they attend charity event after charity event, and try to do good by the people.
Waiting!Reader also does genuinely try to become a vigilante as well, but they do so in a way where they only take care of the smaller/medium guys, and leave the bigger ones to the rest of the Batfam. This is because they want to remove possible distractions for their family, and while they would try to take on "bigger guys", they don't think they're skilled enough or experienced enough to even think about it. So they don't even try. (They also don't have the same theme as the Batfam- since they don't want to 'ruin' their reputation with what they're doing or something. Which does hell them further detach themself from the family later on.)
I'd say that with Waiting!Reader, the difference between them and the Batfam is more clear to them? Like, to them, the Batfam are just so good at what they do that they have no hope of reaching them. So instead of trying to reach for them, they just do their own thing and try to help in their own way.
Because Waiting!Reader takes care of smaller guys, they are kind of closer to Waiting!Reader as a vigilante.
The best way I can put it is that while the community trusts Batman and the members of the Batfam to save their city, they trust Waiting!Reader to save their homes.
So basically- Batfam is the bigger picture while Waiting!Reader focuses on the smaller picture.
Nevertheless! Also like Quiet!Reader, Waiting!Reader actually leaves earlier. Except when they leave, they leave.
Waiting!Reader straight up leaves Gotham City to attend the college that they want to go to, in an area that has more opportunity for them, that isn't close to where the Batfam lives or patrols.
So they not only leave earlier, but it also takes the Batfam longer to find them. Especially because Waiting!Reader does still do some things in Gotham, they just don't live there anymore.
I feel like out of all three readers, Waiting!Reader definitely feels like the kind of person that someone would assume is some kind of "Phantom of the Wayne Manor," y'know?
So Alfred definitely tries to make the Batfam feel bad like he does with Quiet!Reader. Except how anyone in the Batfam is reminded that Waiting!Reader even exists, and that they've been gone for a while now is through a letter that is accidentally sent to the Wayne Manor from one of Waiting!Reader's fans. From there, some research does start and the more the Batfam learns, the more they want to go and find the reader- you know the deal.
I hope this answered your question even if I really did ramble on this time- if you'd like me to clarify anything or go into more detail on a specific part, feel free to send in an ask!
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
Can you write something with Johnnie you guys are best friends and you have the biggest crush on him and everyone knows but him
Tear in my Heart.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
title inspired by twenty one pilots
word count:
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"What's up, chat?" You greeted your stream. you squinted at the comments. "Hi, everyone!"
You pulled your knees to your chest. "'Do I have a special guest today?' How'd you know?"
"'Because you posted about it on your story,' okay, well yeah. anyway, I'm waiting for him to get here. we're going to try these tacos from a fast food restaurant, I forgot where." You tucked your hair behind your ears. "So, how's everyone's day going?"
you read through the chat that was filling quickly. "Good, good. for those of you having a bad day, I'm glad me and Johnnie are here to entertain you."
the chat freaked out whenever you mentioned Johnnie. hundreds of questions started flooding in. "'How do I feel about Johnnie?' What do you mean? he's my best friend, that's how I feel about Johnnie." You rolled your eyes.
the chat started booing. "Oh, whatever. I don't think Johnnie is interested in me like that. end of story. next question."
you purposely ignored the questions about how you feel about Johnnie. you weren't very good at lying.
"Chat, act normal. act casual, Johnnies here." You joked as you hopped out of your chair to go get the front door for him.
you walked back into your room with Johnnie following behind you. the chat greeted you both. Johnnie set the bag of food down on the table.
he waved at the camera. "What's up?" he pulled up your extra chair and sat next to you. You stared as Johnnies eyes ran through the chat.
your face heated up as you watched the comments awing the two of you. they were always on point, even clocking you whenever you began to blush.
"oookay, let's get into it, yeah?" Your eyes never left him.
"Yeah. we have the new Jack in the Box tacos." he smelled inside of the bag and then held it up to your face. "they smell okay."
you pursed your lips together and shrugged. "Yeah, they smell fine." Your eyes locked. you turned away, wanting to avoid eye contact. if you looked at him for too long, your mind would wander.
you two took your first bite of taco. Johnnie looked towards you as he scrunched up his nose to make a disgusted face. you choked on your food as you laughed at him before spitting out the food because it really was bad.
you guys gave your opinion on the food, which was far from a good rating, and conversated with the chat.
"'What are our plans tonight?'" Johnnie read. "we're going to a party with Tara and Jake after this."
"Oh, yeah." You checked your phone to see the time. "Speaking of, we gotta go soon to get ready for that."
"i'll post pictures of me and y/n on my instagram story, so watch for that." he smiled at the camera.
you spent the rest of the time you had updating chat on what videos are coming up. the videos included recording with Jake, Johnnie, and Tara.
you checked the time on your phone once more. "shit, okay, guys. we have to go, we'll post pictures and shit though." You flashed a smile. Johnnie waved goodbye as you ended the stream. you got up and began to get ready for the party.
Johnnie laid back on your bed, his eyes on you as you started your makeup. "Do you know anybody else who's going to this party?" Johnnie asked.
you hummed. "No, i don't think so. not that i know of." you muttered as you blended in the concealer around your nose. "Do you?"
"Yeah, actually." he twiddled his thumbs.
"Are you gonna ditch me during the party?" you asked, looking at him through the mirror.
"What? no, of course not." he laughed. you two were always a pair during parties.
"Good," you sighed, starting on your eyes. "i'm excited to get fucked up. thank god were ubering there." you joked. "why has it been so long since we've gone to a party?"
he shrugged. "i don't know. Tara and Jake are always the ones planning shit. i miss going out with you all the time. you actually make parties enjoyable."
you blushed. "i know, i miss it too." you couldn't come up with what to say to his compliment.
you walked back into the room in your dress and shoes. Johnnies eyes lingered on you. "you look great." he flashed you a smile and got up off the bed. "ready to go?"
you held back your excitement at the compliment. "yeah, let's go."
you two ordered the Uber, which didn't take too long to arrive. the two of you were meeting Jake and Tara at the party, but you knew the four of you would end up splitting up eventually.
you arrived at the party and walked inside with Johnnie. after texting with Tara for a few minutes, the four of you finally found eachother.
"hey, cutie!" she smiled and hugged you. "you look so good."
you giggled, "you look even better!"
Tara pulled you off to the side. "did anything happen with Johnnie earlier?"
you sighed, "no. everything is how it usually is, unsurprisingly. I really don't think he likes me in that way."
while you spoke to Tara, Johnnie was off to the side speaking to Jake.
"did you finally make a move?" Jake asked Johnnie with crossed arms.
"Not yet, I just didn't find the right time. I really don't know what I'm fucking doing." he laughed nervously.
"whatever," Jake rolled his eyes.
you and Tara walked back over to join them, interrupting the conversation. "where the fuck are the drinks?" you asked.
your small group wandered around the party and searched for the drinks. evidently, they were in the kitchen.  
everyone filled up a cup with a drink of their choice. you and Johnnie ended up wandering off on your own, lost in conversation.
you were on your second redbull vodka (made with the redbull you had been drinking earlier) when your mood started to change. you never had a bad time whenever you were drinking, so this was new to you.
everyone's eyes seemed to bore into you. the spaghetti straps on your dress and your cleavage made you feel exposed, and you hated it.
you wrapped your arms around your waist as you kept talking to Johnnie. he noticed how your whole demeanor changed.
"you okay?" he asked, his voice a whisper compared to the blasting music.
"yeah, this dress just feels a little much. I don't know if it's the alcohol or if people are actually staring at me.
he slid the leather jacket he was wearing off and handed it to you. "Here, put this on. maybe it'll help." he gave you a kind smile, which seemed to drown out all of your insecurities.
your face grew extremely hot. "thank you."
in that moment, Johnnie wished the two of you were sober. he would've asked you out right then and there if you were.
you clung the jacket to yourself tightly. it smelled faintly of Johnnies cologne and the cigarette he had shared with Jake previously.
your mood improved. you felt sage with Johnnie and not so "out there" in his jacket.
at the end of the night, you and Johnnie ubered back to your apartment. in the backseat of the Uber, you took off his jacket and offered it to him.
"thank you for letting me borrow it, it means a lot."
he pushed the jacket away. "keep it."
"are you sure?" you asked cautiously. he wore that specific jacket all the time.
"yeah, of course." he furrowed his eyebrows together. "it looks better on you, anyway."
without thinking, you responded, "You should stay the night."
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vbecker10 · 4 months
Can you do one where reader and Loki have a really bad day and get into an arguement over the phone before they get home then someone attacks reader and she is stuck in an alleyway. Loki starts getting worried because she wasn't home for dinner so Loki goes to look for her and asks his brother and the avengers if they have seen her. He later finds her in an alley right outside unconscious? Ends in fluff?? Or something like that?
Running into Trouble
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: You and Loki have recently started dating and get into a fight after you have both had a long, stressful day. You go out for a run to clear your head and end up being attacked, which is Loki's worst fear.
Warnings: arguing, very protective Loki, getting mugged / attacked (not shown), minor injuries, feeling weak, but not to worry there is a fluffy ending as requested
A/N: I love this request! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it. Also, I think running is evil but I'm this way about going for walks after work so that's kinda where the idea came from. Thanks so much for sending this! I hope you like it! 💚
Thanks @soubi001 for the title and letting me bounce ideas for the end off you! 🙂
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"Come in," Loki answers when you knock on his office door. He looks up from the papers on his desk and smiles when he sees you. "Hello darling," he says happily as he gets up to meet you.
"I missed you," you tell him, putting your arms around him.
He chuckles, "I saw you half an hour ago."
"And yet, I still miss you," you smile up at him.
One of his hands rests on your lower back and he leans down, bringing his lips to yours. Your fingers gripping the fabric of his black dress shirt, you may have seen him a few times today but this is the first time you've kissed him since you left his room this morning.
"I should have you reassigned as my case agent," Loki offers with a smirk. "Then you will be stuck with me."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" you ask, raising your eyebrow.
"A bit of both I imagine," he jokes. "I need to finish up a few things and then we can get dinner," he says, letting go of you to walk back towards his desk.
"Take your time, I'm gonna go for a short run," you say, adjusting your backpack to hint that your running clothes are inside.
"I wish you wouldn't," his playful tone vanishing instantly as he faces you again.
"I'll be fine," you wave off his concern like you always do. "The park is only a few blocks from here and it's not even dark yet."
"It will be dark by the time you are finished. Why can't you use the incredibly large, state of the art gym Stark is constantly raving about? It seems to be good enough for the super soldiers," he tries harder than usual to sell you the idea of the gym.
"You know I hate running inside. Treadmills are so boring, I feel like a hamster," you try not to whine but you're tired of having this conversation.
He chuckles at your reference and shakes his head. "They do have a track," he suggests even though he knows you dislike that too.
"Loki, it's sweet that you worry about me but you don't need to. I'll make it short, just half an hour," you walk slowly towards him but he seems unconvinced. "Then a quick shower and I'll be all yours," you put your arms around his neck and look up at him.
"All mine?" he asks, his smirk returning as his hands settle on your waist, pulling you close to him.
You giggle and hold eye contact with Loki, "Yep, all yours."
He leans down to kiss you, his hands keeping your body flush to his as his lips move against yours. When you break the kiss he touches your cheek lightly and says, "I will always worry about you, love. Please be safe and enjoy your run."
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You check your watch for the third time and although it's already 5:45, it seems as if this meeting will never come to an end. It's your seventh and thankfully final meeting of the day but you aren't sure how much longer you can sit here for. Another hour later, Steve finally dismisses everyone and you head straight to the locker rooms in the gym. All you can think about is going outside, listening to music and running as hard as you can to let go of the stress that has built up throughout the day.
You get changed quickly then call Loki on speaker phone while putting on your sneakers. "Hello darling," he answers, the usual excitement you hear is missing from his voice.
"Hi Loki," you reply and take him off speaker as you get up from the bench. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, sorry it's just been a very long day," he replies.
"Same," you tell him, checking that your keys and wallet are in your bag before putting it into the locker. "Do you want to get dinner when I'm back from my run?"
"You're going for a run now?" he asks. "It's almost 7."
You turn back suddenly and open the locker again to retrieve the gift Loki gave you last week, slipping it into your hoodie's pocket as you leave the room. "I know it's late but that last meeting went way over. Steve asked if anyone had questions and Scott had a ton, most of which were completely off topic of course," you complain, rolling your eyes. "It'll be short I promise. I just need to be outside for a bit."
"Y/N, just skip it tonight," he insists, sounding more annoyed than worried. "It's already dark."
"The park has lights," you reply quickly. You walk to the elevators and zip up your thin hoodie.
"I'm tired of you fighting me on this. Just run in the gym," his tone is stern, making it sound like an order not a suggestion.
"I don't like to run inside. You know that so stop telling me to do it," you feel aggravated by the conversation and his attitude towards you. When the elevator arrives you get in and tell him, "I'll be back in an hour, you can eat without me if you don't want to wait."
"I don't care about what time we eat, I care about you listening to me," he says firmly.
"I am listening to you but you aren't listening to me," you counter, your voice raising to match his. "You don't get it. I spend all day sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen, the window in my office doesn't even open. I need to go outside. I want to feel the breeze and see the sky so I can unwind."
"You are being ridiculous," he says, you can tell he is not going to give up his side of the argument any time soon.
"Seriously, I'm the one being ridiculous?" you ask as you reach the ground floor.
"Yes. What would you prefer? That I not worry about you?" he asks.
"Ugh! No, of course not but you can't just force me to stay inside," you try not to scream as you enter the lobby. "Why are you making this so difficult tonight?"
"Fine, I will make it easy for you. You want to run, go run," he says and you stop walking, shocked by his words and harsh tone. "You repeatedly ignore my concerns and dismiss my suggestions without a moment of consideration so why should I continue to voice my thoughts to you? Do whatever you want Y/N, you always do."
Before you can respond, Loki ends the call.
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You look down at your phone, gripping it tightly. Your first instinct is to call Loki back and yell at him for hanging up on you, instead you take a deep breath and set your phone to do not disturb. Putting on your headphones, you select one of your favorite playlists and hit shuffle as you step out onto the sidewalk. You feel the cool fall breeze on your face and turn south towards the park.
Jogging slowly, you gradually make the music louder and louder to drown out your racing thoughts and Loki's harsh words. Your headphones beep when you adjust them again to alert you that they have reached their maximum volume. You sigh, leaving them as is for the first time in months, typically you made sure you limited the volume so you could still hear your surroundings but you want to block everything out tonight.
You enter the park from the same entrance as always and when your feet hit the loose gravel you pick up speed. The route you take through the park varies daily, picking random turns and directions based on how crowded it is or which path seems to call to you at the moment. You force away the meetings that filled your day, the piles of paperwork waiting for you in the morning and your fight with Loki. Your mind drifts, focusing on the music blasting through your headphones, the ground under your feet and how hard you are breathing in the brisk air.
Unfortunately, what you are not focused on is the three men who have been following you since your last turn.
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Loki gets up from his couch and paces back and forth with his phone in his hand. You have only been gone for ten minutes but he knew the second he hung up that he had made a terrible mistake. He sighs, running his fingers through his hair then he texts you.
<I'm so sorry I spoke to you like that and I never should have hung up on you. I did not mean to start a fight. Can we talk when you get back? Please be safe.>
He hits send and stares at the screen waiting for you to reply. He knows your headphones can read you text messages and you always responded back using the voice to text function. It never failed to make him laugh, the texts you replied with were usually just a bit off since your phone could never quite understand you while you were running.
Another ten minutes pass without a reply from you so he tries again.
<Y/N, I understand you are upset with me and you should be. I am sorry for how I behaved and I will apologize again and again when you get back but please respond to me. I just want to make sure you are okay.>
There was another reason he grew to like the voice to text function, you always responded immediately. You know how much he worries about you, so being able to quickly tell him where you were or when you were coming back put him at ease.
He sits heavily on his couch and after only two minutes pass, he stands up and calls you. Pacing again, he listens to it ring once then go directly to voicemail. His stomach drops instantly, you had either declined his call the second it rang or your phone was off.
He shakes his head, knowing your phone would never be off, you always listened to music when you ran. He calls you a second time but again it goes straight to voicemail. He doesn't bother to leave you a message, instead he leaves his room and heads down the hall as he tries for a third time to reach you.
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"Thor, I need your help," Loki says with a touch of panic in his voice when he reaches the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" Thor asks, turning from his snack on the island.
"Y/N went for a run and she's not answering me," he tells his brother.
"Did you do something stupid?" Tony jokes as he closes the fridge.
"Yes, but that is not the point," Loki snaps, turning towards him. Tony's smile fades when he sees how serious Loki is. "She always answers, always. Something is wrong, I know it."
"Alright, just calm down," Tony says, trying to hide his growing concern. "She's probably just mad at you for whatever it is you did. Let me call her." Loki nods, hoping Tony is right but after only a few seconds, he looks at his phone and shakes his head. "She didn't answer," he confirms Loki's fear.
"J.A.R.V.I.S.," he wakes up the computer system in the Tower, "Get me a location for Y/N's phone now."
"Searching," it responds, Loki holds his breath nervously as it works. A moment later it answers, "The last known location for Y/N's phone is from 10 minutes ago. I cannot find a current location. The device has been switched off."
"No, she wouldn't do that," Loki insists, looking at his brother. "We need to find her."
"We will," Thor assures him, resting a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him.
"J.A.R.V.I.S., get the team down here. We have an emergency," Tony tells the computer system. "Bring up a map of the park and Y/N's last known location. Overlay that with the route she takes when she runs." A large holographic map of the park appears in the air in front of Tony as he talks to the program.
"She takes a different route each time," Loki interrupts Tony and he nods.
"Ok, use the data from her phone's history to show the last three weeks on the map," he corrects himself. "Maybe we can see a pattern in where she runs, it would help us find her quicker than searching the whole damn park."
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The team enters the park from the same entrance you use every day and then they quickly make their way towards your last known location. Thor and Loki turn south while Steve and Tony head north, calling your name as they move down each path. Clint, Scott and Natasha take the trail that leads east. SHIELD agents spilt off to show your picture to people in the park in the hopes that someone saw you.
"Loki, look," Thor stops suddenly and points to a thin trail of blood droplets.
"Y/N!" Loki calls again as they both pick up their pace, following the blood trail deeper into the park. The blood drops continue across the gravel and Loki's heart begins to pound wildly in his chest as they approach one of the stone tunnels. Just before the entrance to the underground pathway is a small pool of blood and Loki nearly trips at the sight of it under one of the street lights.
The two brothers slow their pace cautiously and Loki calls for you once more as they enter the tunnel. "Gods, she's here!" Loki tells Thor who immediately radios everyone your location and tells them they need to send the medical team.
Loki kneels next to your unconscious body, terrified that the blood they had followed is yours. He checks you carefully for injuries but you don't appear to be bleeding.
He breaths a small sigh of relief when you blink your eyes open and mumble, "Loki."
"I'm here," he whispers to you, your eyes briefly focus on him. "You're safe now, we're going to take you home." You try to nod but slowly slip back into unconsciousness. His hand moves to hold yours and he sees the small dagger he had given you still clutched tightly in your hand. The tip is covered in blood, but not yours and Loki is thankful for that.
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You open your eyes slowly, unsure of where you are for a moment, the room seems so bright. You blink a few times until the room comes into focus, you realize your in the infirmary back at the Tower. Someone squeezes your hand gently and turn your head to see Loki sitting on a chair next to the bed.
"Hello darling," he says quietly. He smiles but you can see his eyes are full of worry. "How are you feeling?" You try to sit up and he puts his hand carefully on your shoulder to help. "Slowly," he tells you and you nod which causes the room to spin momentarily. "You don't have a concussion but Strange said you may be dizzy still from being knocked unconscious," he tells you when you close your eyes.
"What happened?" you open your eyes and ask instead of answering his initial question. Your memory of the night is filled with holes, fuzzy images and disconnected voices. The last thing you remember clearly was Loki hanging up on you in anger.
You watch nervously as his jaw tightens before he answers, "You were attacked in the park." You look away from him, feeling a wave of mixed emotions hit you at once. "There were three of them, we think. They stole your phone. J.A.R.V.I.S. is still sifting through the security footage from around the park, there were no cameras in the section where I found you," he says.
You don't respond to the knowledge that you had been attacked in the one place you felt most relaxed in the city. Slowly, you pull your hand free from Loki's as your thoughts begin to race. He had been right, you realize.
"Y/N, look at me, please," he says, trying to get your attention.
"Why?" you ask, looking up, your memory of his last words to you blend with your own negative thoughts. "So you can tell me that I should have listened to you? Fine, you were right. I'm just some weak human and I can't protect myself. Are you happy now?"
He touches your arm and you fight the urge to pull away again. "Y/N, how could you possibly think this would make me happy? I never wished for you to be hurt. This isn't a game and it is not some sort of win for me," he tells you and you can hear the hurt in his voice.
"You did win though, cause now I'll never run there again. I'll use the stupid gym like you always tell me to," you inform him, crossing your arms against your chest. You uncross them and look at your hands for the first time since you woke up, seeing a few small bruises forming along your knuckles. You raise your hand to lightly touch where your cheek is the most painful and Loki stops you, taking your hand carefully in his.
"You have quite a substantial bruise there, it will take a few weeks to heal," he tells you. "You didn't need any stitches though," he adds. "Your ribs and back have bruises as well, so it may hurt to sit up or lay down for the time being. Thankfully you don't have any severe injuries, Strange assured me that you only need rest and you will feel better in a few days."
While he describes your injuries, you let him continue to hold your hand but you avoid his eyes. "That's good," you mumble in response.
"You will be running again in no time," he says encouragingly.
"Loki, just stop it. I'm tired. Please, just say you told me so and get it over with so I can rest," you tell him.
He sighs, "No." You slowly lift your head then he continues, "I cannot describe the sheer panic I felt when I couldn't reach you. My worst fear is that something might happen to you while you are away from me and then it did and..." his voice trails off and he takes a deep breath.
"I was not right about anything," he tells you.
"What do you mean?" you ask.
"We both know you will be unhappy running inside," he says and you nod in agreement.
"I didn't realize how much running through the park means to you, especially after such a long day. I know you need it to unwind and calm you, I shouldn't have kept trying to change that part of you. The last thing I want is for you to give up something you love because of me," he tells you. "Or because of those pathetic mortals who hurt you."
"At least I would be safe running in the gym," you feel like giving up.
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"So what am I supposed to do?" you ask him.
Loki is quiet for a few moments then he smiles and offers, "How about I run with you?"
"You hate running," you laugh and it makes your side ache.
"I do," he quickly agrees, "But I like you."
You pretend to be surprised, "You like me?"
"Very, very much," he clarifies and kisses your forehead.
"I appreciate the offer but it will be no fun if you're miserable," you say, squeezing his hand. "And stop making me laugh, it hurts."
You laugh again, holding your side in pain and smack his arm lightly. "Are you kidding? Do you know how fast they jog? At a full sprint I wouldn't be able to keep up."
"Sorry," he kisses the back of your hand. "How about you take a super soldier with you? They seem to enjoy it."
"You already gave me one of these," you remind him.
"Fair point," he says then he is quiet again and you can almost see his mind working to come up with a solution. "How about this?" He holds out his hand and a small dagger with a black leather handle appears in a flash of green light.
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"Yes and from what we can tell so far, you used it exceptionally well," he praises you, making you blush.
"I think I did okay for having no idea what I was doing," you respond.
"Which is why I want to train you on how to use it properly. And I need you to promise that you will always answer me when you are running."
"I can do that," you smile and he smiles in return. "Now I need you to do one thing for me."
"Anything, darling," he promises.
"Can you hold me?" you ask. "I really am very tired."
"Of course," he answers. He carefully climbs onto the bed next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes. "I'm so glad you are okay," he says then he waves his hand to turn off the brightest of the over head lights. He pulls the sheet up to cover you better and you snuggle against him as best you can without hurting your side.
You listen to Loki's slow, steady breathing and feel yourself drifting off quickly. His fingers run slowly through your hair and for the first time in your relationship, he whispers, "I love you."
You smile against his shoulder and whisper back, "I love you, too."
The next afternoon Loki leaves the Tower and begins the twenty minute walk south, following the directions he received from J.A.R.V.I.S. He enters the apartment building and climbs the five flights with his fists clenched. Checking the address again, he turns left down the hall, looking around at the peeling paint and worn carpet. He pauses in front of the door at the end of the hall, listening to the raised voices inside.
"Here's your cut," a man with deep voice says. "I know it's not much but that's all I could get for the phone."
"This is bullshit," someone else responds. "All those tourists and we jump the only person who didn't even have a wallet."
A third voice complains, "I still think I should get more than you two idiots. That bitch stabbed me and I'm only gonna get fifty freaking bucks."
Loki's dark green dress shirt and black pants are replaced by his leather armor and gold horned crown in a cloud of green smoke. The man tries to slam the door shut but Loki catches it easily with one hand. Your attacker backs into the apartment and Loki follows slowly.
A smile slowly spreads across Loki's lips, knowing that he is in the right place. He knocks on the door and waits. A tall, thin man opens it, his attention focused on the other men inside still talking. "Shut up," the one at the door says then he turns to Loki and he goes still in an instant.
Once inside, he slams the door shut with a wave of his hand as the other two men get up. "What the fu-" one of them starts to ask but Loki shakes his head and silences him.
"You three hurt someone I care for very deeply, and that simply won't do," he says. The green glow from his magic seeps out from under the door and out into the hallway.
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biscuitboba · 6 months
Hii, do you have some zolu/luzo ff rec??
Hii!!, uhh i have over 100 zolu/luzo fics downloaded YES OF COURSE, i'll try and list down some (many) fics with one chapter only cuz i'm not sure if i can stop recommending if i include multi chaptered fics... (But if you want some rec for the multi chaptered fics just let me know!! Ohh and maybe some ongoing fics?)
This is gonna be a very long post😭🙏
Bleed like an Idiot by Augment [13k words]
Rating: Mature (for mild gore/torture)
Something something about their fear of disappointing/failing each other, the perfect amount of angst, so good
Not that Luffy wouldn’t die for each and every one of his crew, and he knows, though he will make sure it never ever happens, that they would die for him. But to supersede Zoro’s dream like this, that makes Luffy feel so hideously guilty it locks up his lungs, and his jaw, and he can’t speak, touch Zoro, anything.
The salt & the sea by novks (thychesters) [25k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Modern setting, reincarnation au. Zoro being the last person to regain his memories (of his past life) and luffy being lowkey annoyed by it lol
It’s like with Nami, hitting him full force, but it’s so much more than that as the reality of it all comes crashing down around him. Zoro, his (first mate, first friend in this world of pirates, first crew member and first one he swore an oath with), his—he isn’t even sure what to call him. There’s too much but too little to describe him.
Zoro. Zoro, who—no, no, no offense to Nami—should have been first. Zoro, who’s a constant, and he’s practically vibrating with the need to reach and touch him, make sure he’s really real. His tongue darts out to wet his lip as he steps forward, crowding into his personal space and finally grinning because I found you!
Luffy wants to call him an idiot, because it figures he would get lost finding his way home.
But Zoro just blinks at him, flushes, one eye still framed by a familiar scar and says, “Oh, sorry,” and makes it so much worse when he says, “Do I know you?
Of First Mates and Duty by Whatev3rs [14k] 
Rating: General Audiences
Zoro's bad at feelings, but he is trying ok!! 
“First mates… we devote our lives to our captains. Our entire beings. We live for them, breathe for them. And they expect us not to fall in love?” He smiles, small and knowing.
Zoro’s eyes widen and he sputters, trying to muster a response. The man only laughs more.
Being a good first mate was easy enough for Zoro. That is, until the… feelings.
If I Had to Give a Reason by MiniPandaBuns [5k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Tooth-rotting fluff, Zoro and his view of luffy, #feelings, love confession, idiots in loveee
“I wonder what you see in him.”
"Too much." He'd say. "It's endless. All of my reasons can't be condensed into words."
I love him simply because he exists. Because Luffy is Luffy, limitless and free.
Inseparable on the face of Impossibility by the11thhour [25k]
Rating: Not Rated
Luffy is taken by some bad guy, his boyfriend and family (crew) to the rescue! #superworriedzoro:(
A fun trip to a new island takes a turn for the worse when a mysterious group of pirates cause trouble and Luffy goes missing. The crew led by Zoro embark on a mission to get their captain back while his vivre card burns away.
When the Dew Falls Up by louluna [10k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Time travel au, there are two zoros!!
As the bright light enveloped his body, Zoro knew his day had gone to absolute shit.
New year's kiss by grimsoul [4k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Post wano, the title is pretty self explanatory i guess.. fluff, very sweet!! 
Luffy didn’t understand back then but the couple seemed so happy. Kissing someone to strengthen a relationship must have really worked.
It’s been long since that time so Luffy had almost forgotten about it. But then as he sails again now with his crew—the title of an Emperor latched to his name, their journey getting closer and closer to the One Piece, to his dream—a new year approaches them.
Found in the Crack of Your Palm by The_Furthest_City_Light [11k]
Rating: General Audiences
#luffybeingsuperdemisexualatzorofor11k (personally demi luffy is my favorite headcanon of him!)
Zoro’s hands are big, thick and knuckly and covered in calluses from his swords. He has a strong grip, too, and strong muscles because he trains them to be strong.
None of it explains the way Luffy’s body lights up when Zoro clasps the back of his neck, like every nerve is alight and trained on the palm cupping the baby hairs at the back of his skull. His stomach knots over itself and he wants to eat everything in Sanji’s kitchen. Zoro’s skin is a little rough and sweaty from fighting and warm.
Zoro is close, his forehead nearly butting Luffy’s and Luffy couldn’t move if he wanted to, trapped there by the closeness and the touch that makes him aware of Zoro’s skin against his in a way he’s never been before.
Zoro’s eyes bore into his, digging deep into Luffy and dragging out—something, buried in the base of his spine. He feels like the earth is tilting, and freefall seems like it might be fun.
the moon asks a question by d_s_writes [1k]
Rating: General Audiences
A very short fic, but can't stop thinking about the rest of strawhats and their idea of love vs luffy's, like- he really gagged me here😭
Zoro doesn’t understand—how can he feel all the things that the others had spoken of, yet none of it the same time? He felt that each of their versions of love were merely motions of love, rather than love itself.
He doesn’t get it. Love has never been a word, or a sense of belonging, or any of those things. He had only ever really thought of love when he looked at Luffy.
OR: An investigation of the lives and loves of the Strawhat Pirates.
Robin knows by leopardgeckoz [3k]
Rating: General Audiences
Oh moment for both zoro and luffy but especially for the oblivious captain
In which Nico Robin has always known how her captain and first mate feel for one another, and the scenario's in which the rest of the crew discover it.
"Every passing hour of Luffy's silence drove Zoro further and further into madness. He wanted Luffy's smile, his laugh, his chatter, but his captain had spent the better part of the day on the complete opposite sides of the ship as Zoro. Out of sight, but most certainly not out of mind. If anything, his absence plagued Zoro's even more."
step 1: die by swordsmans [11k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Roronoa zoro and his unstoppable self  destru sacrificing tendency for his one and only captain (featuring sanji!)
After two years with Ivankov, Sanji knows something about Luffy that Zoro does not.
ship to wreck by novks (thychesters) [9k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Zoro and luffy but from nami's perspective?? Mutual pinning and luffy's oh moment
Nami is the first one to notice something is amiss, but then given her current competition is Luffy and Zoro, it isn’t surprising.
“Do you love Zoro?” She doesn’t bother beating around the bush. Doesn’t bother with easing into it with any metaphors or small talk, one of which Luffy would have little interest in, and the other of which would go over his head.
He stares back at her, and for a split second she feels like she’s gone and shoved her foot right into her mouth. Something flickers through his eyes, but she doesn’t have time to fully study it before his features shutter again.
Luffy tilts his head. “Of course I do.”
Part of her wants to cheer, shout aha! because she knew it, dammit, but then he proceeds to barrel right over that.
“I love you too,” to which she freezes, and then: “And Usopp, and Sanji, I guess. You guys are my friends.”
She wants to scream.
But Patience Boasts by Augment [9k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Ughh i love the way this fic portray zoro and sanji's dynamic… anyways, lowkey wingman sanji!
Sanji and Zoro have very different love languages.
Kizuna by YokoHogawa [5k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
#nakamaship, basically 
Usopp carefully watches Luffy over the sandwich he is biting into, and he can’t help but worry.
Sanji has an anxiety problem.
Something wakes Zoro at the crack of dawn.
Half a step (into the sun) by TheOctopusofWriting [29k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Demon prince zoro, that's it, that's the point.
Zoro was the exiled prince of an island of demons. He spent the first portion of his life wandering from island to island without any place to really call home, that is until he follows a boy in a strawhat out to sea and finds the home he'd been looking for
to cut your teeth on love by freckledshoulderblades [10k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Smth smth the bond between captain and first mate...
Zoro meets Luffy and gives himself over wholeheartedly the instant Wadō is placed between his teeth again. Luffy meets Zoro and decides in a heartbeat that Zoro is his
Take Me Out to Sea by MiniPandaBuns [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audience
Just them being all sweet and wholesome<3
Luffy and Zoro take a pleasant little swim together, despite the fact that Luffy can't swim and Zoro told him no. Many times.
He just can't refuse his Captain. Even if he does, Luffy still wins, because he's just Luffy and that's how it goes.
everybody wants your time by dwaal [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Uhh abo au, omega zoro and alpha luffy, jealousy, bonded mates, making out, y knoww~
An unclaimed omega on the seas can be a liability. It's commonplace for captains to bite any of their crew to prevent any incidents, but the marks are usually temporary.
Zoro is intensely aware of this, as Boa Hancock proceeds to make herself at home on the arm of his captain's chair
it's an ambush! by tuhituhi [3k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Zoro meeting his bf's brothers for the first time!
Luffy's middle name should be B. for Blindside the way he's constantly taking Zoro off guard. Or maybe the D. stood for Devious, or Devil- any of them would fit, considering the Situations this man has put him through. OR
Zoro meets Luffy's brothers. Was he expecting this? Technically. Was he prepared for this?
Not in the slightest
end of summer (now i know) by taka0 [2k]
Rating: Mature
Just luffy being very sappy (and a tiny bit horny) about his zoro<3
Luffy loves all of Zoro while they lie in a hammock.
Ocean theology by swordsmans [40k]
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Reincarnation au, yearning and devotion, symbolism-
“Did you know?” he repeats, desperate, and Luffy just looks at him. And he wonders, then, how much of this has been preordained—how much of this is real, how much of this is him. How much of what he’s felt since they were wedged side-to-side in a shitty wooden boat on the East Blue has actually mattered, and how much has been the universe pressing him down into the mold of someone else's heart.
And then Luffy is gripping his horns, bringing his forehead down to meet his, repeating, “Zoro? Zoro?” like his name is a mantra, like he’s gone somewhere far away and gotten lost on his way back.
And Zoro blinks at him, then, and sees both of them at once—both of them—and he grips Luffy’s face in his own hands (claws) and presses his lips (violent, full of teeth) against his. Because this is who he has been waiting a thousand years for, the brightest and most beautiful of them all, the one thing he could never have—could never see, not if (Luffy, Joyboy, Nika) had made different (worse) choices—the thing that could never thrive in the darkness, just like he could never (has been unable to for centuries) survive without it—
let thy sword be thy tongue by queerweather [14k]
Rating: Mature
Sword language, sword personification, swords- zoro not being so normal about his captain, whats new?
It’s strangely exhilarating, imagining himself on his knees in front of Luffy, blindfolded. Like he really is getting executed this time. All of Zoro’s senses stand at attention and his mouth fills with saliva.
The flat of Kitetsu’s blade presses cold against Zoro’s cheek. “Zoro,” Luffy scolds. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and Zoro is not afraid of Luffy handling his swords; Zoro is afraid of how Luffy handling his swords might unravel him.
The only animal by batman [10k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content)
 It's about roronoa zoro and how he pines for his captain
It wasn't until Kuraigana that he realised how the world had split into two kinds of touch: swords and hands.
Luffy's hands.
(In a stolen week between islands, Luffy touches Zoro again.)
Sunward bound by iffervescent [13k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top zoro)
Ace luffy & sex positive luffy!!
Zoro's a pirate bounty hunter, which means he's used to going after the pirate he wants and getting them. Except this time the pirate he wants is his captain and now he has no fucking clue what to do.
Expressions by Leoporidae_Lagomorpha [2k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy)
Them being disgustingly in love whats new?, sexy times (plot what plot) 
Monkey D. Luffy knows, that despite popular opinion, Roronoa Zoro is a man of many expressions.
hanabi | 花火 by narramin [8k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy)
Just the captain and his first mate being silly while enjoying their date in wano (eventual smut)
firework /ˈfʌɪəwəːk/
plural noun: fireworks
• a device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals which causes spectacular effects and explosions when ignited, used for display or in celebrations.
• a display of great skill or energy.
Luffy and Zoro finally reunite in Wano, visit a gambling den and go on a less than traditional festival date night.
a tale of two gods by grimsoul [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top zoro, implied switching)
Sun of God x God of death. a fiery tryst between two gods
“Ne, Zoro, come with me,” Luffy said, giggling, pulling him closer. “You’re going to be a part of my court.”
Contrary to what most people believed, hell was a rather cold place. Zoro had been quite used to it, the lack of light, the vast glaciers, his body no longer as fragile as it was eons ago, and so a simple touch like this from Luffy, from the sun, made him feel like his flesh was scorched—melting away easily like winter in summer’s heat.
They were close, so close that their foreheads were almost touching, and despite the burn of it, Zoro didn’t push him away. He smirked, his one eye glowing just as red as Luffy’s.
“Don’t decide something on your own, idiot.”
running just to keep my hands on you by nevermordor [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, switching)
They are so competitive in pretty much everything lol
The thing they do is kind of like a game, because Luffy likes games, but it’s also kind of a competition because Zoro can’t not turn anything and everything into a competition. It doesn’t have a name and there are only two rules, because more than two would just be making things boring and overcomplicated.
1. Whoever takes out the most guys in a fight is the winner
2. Whoever is the loser has to do whatever the winner says
“Why’s it gotta be a whole game and stuff," Luffy says. "That’s gonna take too long.”
“It makes sex more fun," Zoro explains. "You gotta win it, you gotta earn it. Like anything good in life. Like pirate king or greatest swordsman.”
Luffy considers this.
One on one by EclecticIsMyMiddleName [6k]
Rating: Explicit (sexual content, top luffy) 
Post canon, domestic married luffy and zoro my beloved… they are so in love?? It's sickening
Zoro's just trying to get ready for the day, but Luffy has other plans
Prayers Carried on Waves Reach the Sun by anarchycox [8k]
Rating: Mature (sexual content, switching)
Sun god luffy & demon zoro ftw
Luffy is the sun god, Nika. Zoro is a demon. And his boyfriend. They make it work. On earth the Thousand Sunny is the ship of worship for the sun god, the crew Nika's priests. When they call for help, Luffy and Zoro go to their aid.
Luffy decides they should stay a while, and Zoro loves him enough to do so.
Being human is a pain and stupid, but for his Luffy, he'll endure it.
Ok i need to stop here cuz it's getting way too longgg, but i'm just so ill about the two of them sorry not sorry😭😭
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pavlovianfuckery · 7 months
catch me if you can or whatever
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linky for those AO3-ly inclined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45256873
basically what it says in the title. make silly bets, get silly prizes, like creature-dick and the worst cardio session ever
2.8k of Dream when he fucking gets you under the cut :)
This is a nightmare. Your lungs are burning and your legs ache, but still, you run. If you had known that one childish impulse would get out of hand like this, you might have thought twice before teasing him the way you had.
It had started as something silly, trying to pry him away from his work for a few minutes, nothing more. A quip about him needing to lighten up hadn't been quite enough, so in the spur of the moment, you had simply snatched the book he'd been reading right out of his hands, absconding deeper into the library with a barely suppressed laugh. You hadn't expected him to chase you, though. Granted, it wasn't in any great hurry but pursue you he did, finally cornering you between the towering bookshelves.
"That was juvenile, even for you. Do I truly bore you so?" The way he'd chided you lacked any real heat though.
"Is it so terrible to want your attention for a few minutes? You have all the time in the world to work." Fiddling with the folds in his coat, you gently nipped at his bottom lip. "Surely you can do the rest later?" It was not much use though.
"As much as I'd like to indulge you, I cannot, not tonight. Although..." he'd paused, thinking for a moment, "if a chase is what you're after, why not make it something a bit more exciting than these childish antics in my library?"
"I'm listening."
"How about a small wager? If you can evade me until sun-up tomorrow, by any means you can imagine, you may ask me for anything you would like." That piqued your interest. He'd humour you from time to time, that wasn't uncommon in itself, but he was usually so serious.
"That doesn't sound so hard. What's the catch? With you, there is always one of those." Which was true, for all that he might have accommodated you in the past, he would usually find some way to be a bit of an ass about it. If you didn't know better, you might have mistaken him for a fae. Your scepticism seemed to amuse him.
"Should you fail, I will do with you as I will, whatever that might entail." That hadn't sounded bad at all, butterflies filling your stomach at the way he'd smiled at you, just a hint too sharp."It may not be as pleasant as what you might be imagining, I'm afraid. After all, what would be the point of this little game if you were simply planning to let me win?"
"I'll make you work for it, don't worry." The words had come out a lot more confident than you felt, but you weren't going to let him know that.
"Good. I will even give you a headstart." You'd started protesting about not needing him to do you any favours, but he'd simply covered your mouth with his, cutting you off. Judging by the way he had kissed you until your knees felt like jelly, he perhaps hadn't minded being pulled away from his work for a while, after all. When he finally let you up for air, you'd noticed that he'd stolen his book back.
"I'll be waiting. Now, wake up."
In hindsight you're kicking yourself for agreeing, it had been so stupid. At first, you simply tried to hide, mostly to see what he would do. By any means you can think of, he had said, and being in the Dreaming made it easy to let your imagination run free. It seemed like as good a start as any, disguising yourself as a butterfly and joining one of the great swarms in the palace gardens, doing your best to blend in. Evidently, it was not as smart as you had thought, because he found you in barely any time at all.
"That's very clever, my love. You will have to do better than that, though." He paused, considering. "I did promise you a head start, did I not? Five minutes should be plenty, I believe."
Did he think you were that slow? Your dismay must have been apparent even in this form, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.
"Which is it going to be, my sweet? Are you going to waste time sulking, or are you going to run?"
You run. Or fly, rather. You're not quite sure what exactly you turned into this time other than "bird", but you're small and fast, and that's all that matters. In no time at all, Dream is nothing but a dark smudge against the grass, rapidly shrinking. The speed is exhilarating and for a moment you forget the bet, the silly little game, all of it. Not for long though. Silhouetted against the sky like this you make an easy target, so you dash for the only cover you can find.
In the Waking, it would be cold and wet and miserable, but not here. Here the clouds are warm, covering you like a soft blanket as you make for the nearby forest, the treetops barely visible through the mist like an untidy fence off in the distance. It's not too far, and if you hurry you will have enough hiding places to have a fighting chance, so you pick up the pace. And then something moves above you, dark wings parting the mist in great rolling waves. It's hard to see much, but you can tell that it's big, whatever it is.
"Is this the best you can do? I was expecting you to take this a bit more seriously." There is no way that it has been 5 minutes already, but before you can call him out for cheating, great talons are raking through the air. They miss you with barely an inch to spare, ruffling your tail feathers. He is seconds away from catching you and by the sound of it, you might get a bit more than you bargained for if you let him do that. You dive.
Despite the breakneck speed, he's all but nipping at your heels the entire way down, leaving you no choice but to hit the ground running. The grass is slippery with dew, turning your landing into a slide and making you lose your footing. Not for long though, strong hind legs and claws of your own giving you grip and a burst of speed as you launch yourself into the tall grass. A hare might not have been your first pick, but it's not like you had time to think. It makes gaining ground easy though, darting this way and that towards the treeline, narrowly evading the grasping talons.
You make it into the forest, the dense undergrowth giving you enough cover to shake him off. The thick layer of fallen leaves deadens every sound, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that he's not behind you anymore. In fact, you can't see or hear him at all. It's not likely that he would have given up that easily, but your legs feel like over-cooked noodles so you stop to catch your breath. Finally yourself again, you sit down heavily on a tree stump, lungs still heaving like bellows. Since this is all technically a dream, it feels deeply unfair that you get winded at all. You remind yourself to ask him about that later, but you suspect that running in your dreams does not count as cardio.
Dawn is still hours away, and you have no clue how you're going to make it until then. At this point, it feels like you might as well give up. You're pretty sure he wouldn't do anything too bad, and there is no way you can keep this pace up for much longer. The sound of a dead branch breaking nearby is loud, taking you by surprise.
At first, you're not entirely sure what you're looking at, except that it's not any kind of animal that you know. It's pale, with a starved look about it, all sinew and bone. Between the dark tufts of fur and the gangly, oddly proportioned limbs, it is entirely alien. Even the way it moves is unsettling as its antlered head swivels in your direction, its eyes fixed on you. Black eyes.
As it turns out, you do have the energy to keep running after all.
For a few fleeting seconds, you almost think he might let you go. But then he chases after you, more branches breaking. It's over in less than a minute. If you hadn't tripped it might have been one and a half, maybe even two. But soon, a clawed hand pushes you down onto the ground, leaving you splayed out like so much prey. Wriggling only makes him put more of his weight on you, claws pricking your skin.
"Be still." His voice is almost felt rather than heard, reminding you of gravel being ground underfoot and the bubbling of mud, nothing like his usual smooth velvet. There is a gibbering at the back of your mind, every base instinct telling you to flee, to get away by any means possible before you're eaten."Or would you deny me my prize?"
For a moment you consider it, calling it off. He hasn't held that against you in the past, and he wouldn't now. And despite appearances, you're pretty sure he wouldn't actually eat you. This close you can't help noticing the disconcerting amount of sharp-looking teeth though, so you take a deep breath to try and calm yourself.
"No." Your voice isn't quite as steady as you would have liked it to be but you reach out to touch him all the same. His skin is warm and dusted with fine, almost invisible hair. It's a strange, almost sticky feeling, and when he pulls away to move down your body, you half expect it to coat your fingers like moth scales. When he reaches the apex of your thighs he nuzzles there, drawing your scent deep into his lungs with a low rumbling sound.
The way he picks at your clothes with the tips of his claws is almost dainty, the fabric giving with little ripping sounds as he works your legs free, leaving you bare. When he spreads your lips to expose you to him it's with the gentlest touch, careful not to scratch you. Aside from his eyes, the way he works your clit is the only familiar thing tonight, teasing you until you can hardly stand it. When the tip of his tongue probes your entrance your eyes drift shut, anticipating what's to come.
"No, look at me." Once he's satisfied that you're watching he slides his tongue into you, inch by slick inch, not stopping until his teeth prick your skin. He could swallow your entire cunt whole like this, easily fitting all of it in his mouth with room to spare.
The movement of his tongue is a slow, undulating thing as he fucks you with it, drinking down every drop of your juices as he massages every sweet spot at once. It's a wholly new sensation and it's got you craving more of it, making you grab hold of his antlers to better grind yourself against him, but he just gives a low growl and splays one huge hand across your stomach, keeping you still as he feasts on you. Craning your neck you can only just glimpse his length, massive and ridged, the broad head already leaking and turning the dark fur between his legs sticky.
"Gods, Dream, you're not planning to fuck me with that?" He doesn't respond right away, so intent on devouring you, not stopping until you're trembling.
"Remember the agreement, my love. Do not refuse me now." His expression is harder to read like this, but the want in his voice is plain enough. Stroking your sides soothingly, his voice turns almost cajoling as he continues, "Turn over."
Perhaps against your better judgement, you do as he asks, your stomach fluttering with equal parts desire and trepidation. The smell of decaying leaves and trampled undergrowth is thick in your nose as he puts you on your hands and knees, face nearly touching the forest floor. It's hard to stay still as he starts slowly pushing inside, careful not to crush you under his weight as he mounts you. He makes it less than an inch before you tense, certain that he's going to split you in half somehow.
"Wait, I don't know if..."
"You can take me." He presses against you another fraction of an inch, not bothering to let you finish talking. "You will."
At first, it feels like he's demanding the impossible, but gradually you manage to relax. He takes his time working his way inside of you and when he finally bottoms out it's with a guttural sound, his breath ruffling your hair as he pants against the back of your neck. You half expect some form of "I told you so" but it never comes. Instead, you simply breathe together for a few moments as he gives you time to adjust.
When he moves it's so slowly, like he could break you somehow. When you don't, he gets bolder, pulling nearly all the way out and then thrusting back in, making sure you feel every ridge and bump. Every noise you make seems to egg him on until his teeth are at the back of your neck, not quite drawing blood.
He takes his time, holding you steady as he claims you utterly. Even when his teeth nick your skin he doesn't falter, probing at the cut with his tongue until saliva dribbles down your neck. Even the way he tightens his grip on you is entirely other, leaving you unable to do anything but wriggle in the dirt, black spots dancing across your vision.
"Dream, please!" Everything is pressure and a gasp is all you can manage. You can feel him swell inside of you in response to your pleading, and then one huge finger settles over your neglected clit, the claws a reminder of just how easily he could rip you apart like this.
In a way he does, rubbing at you until your release is so close that you can nearly taste it. Teetering right on the precipice, you're not sure if there is even room for you to come, he's got you stretched so wide. He's insistent though, trapping you between his hand and his cock, not letting you squirm away no matter how much you try.
In the end, he reaches his peak first, jaws locked like a steel trap around your neck as he spills deep inside of you. It feels as if it might never end as he pulses over and over until his release is running down your legs, black like tar. Even then he manages to keep up the slow, full strokes, refusing to stop until you hurtle over the edge.
When you finally do, it knocks the breath out of you, leaving you no air to even scream. The girth of him makes your cunt struggle to clench and as he fucks you through it, he very nearly gets pushed out. He doesn't let up until you almost collapse under his weight, utterly spent. Even as he lays you down on your side he doesn't withdraw, just pulls you close and curls in around you with a sound that while strange, sounds content enough. It's oddly cosy like this, his deep rumbling breaths against your back, and for a few moments neither of you says anything. As the light-headedness starts lifting and your heart stops pounding like you've run a marathon, you can't quite hold back a sigh.
"Something troubling you, my love?" Even distorted, the amusement in his voice is apparent.
"Were you ever going to give me a fair chance to win?" With the soreness setting in, it's difficult to keep some irritation out of your voice.
"Perhaps." This time he doesn't bother to disguise it, and you're grateful that you have your back turned so you don't have to see the smug expression on his face. "As I recall, you agreed to the terms."
"You cheated!" You emphasize the words with an elbow to where his stomach should be, though not very hard. It barely connects, and you're too worn out to stay annoyed. There is a crick in your neck and you wince, hoping it won't follow you into the waking world. "Next time, remind me not to interrupt while you're working."
At first, he doesn't respond and you think he might be having a coughing fit. For a second you wonder if an Endless can even get sick, or if something else is wrong. Then he nuzzles your neck and you realize that the dreadful noise is him laughing at you. Not very loudly, but still. By the time you wake up, you still haven't decided whether you should be annoyed at the cheek of him, or just be happy that you heard him laugh for the first time.
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quigonswife8 · 2 months
Saved her first: Leon Kennedy x reader
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After he saved her first, you fight.
A/N: thank you for 90 something likes on my last fic, that means so much to me SOBS. especially since that was the first thing I posted since last year so thank you again.
BTW I'M NOT HATING ON ADA. I love Ada she's one of my favourite characters just for this fic you kinda hate her. I can’t come up with titles i swear😭
Warnings: Angst, sad, fight, implications of more than romance in a few parts.
Gif creds: @leon-jpg
Ada Wong. The name like poison on your tongue. The red-dressed mercenary, here one minute, gone the next. The woman, always seems to linger, like shadows on a forlorn path.
The first time you and the merc met, you were fixing him up- Leon Scott Kennedy. Ada had walked over a hint of something in those eyes. She eyed you confused, then looked over at Leon a hint of familiarity in her eyes.
They know eachother?
"Hello Leon."
"Ada...." Leon had replied, low and with a quiet grunt. He wouldn't even stare her in the eyes, only keeping those eyes on you, the person he secretly loves. Ada can tell something is going on...her eyes go to his finger no ring, then they fall onto you.
This "Ada" doesn't seem annoyed by you, though you still can't help but feel insecure next to her. She's so beautiful, her outfit clinging to her like perfection, surely Leon loves that...right?
"Well i'll be going." that's it? "see you around.".
The woman gives a wink to both of you before disappearing, and Leon rolls his eyes. He's very cute you can't help but smile a little at his reaction to this woman. Though soon you grow glum and Leon, once he turns to you, notices your change in attitude.
"She's nothing more than a friend to me."
Despite only being friends Leon takes your hand in his and gives it a reassuring squeeze. His blue eyes try and meet yours and when he's successful you note the small smile on his lips. Oh how you wanna kiss those lips so bad...
"Who...is she Leon-"
"We met in racoon." He replies not meaning to cut you off. A sigh follows and he runs a hand through his messy hair, "I was 21 at the time I told you, and she came along and turned my world upside down. As cheesy as that sounds, I liked it...liked how she made me feel. Then everything...stuff happened, and I met you, and I knew I had...found my person."-
After that day, one year later to be exact, you became a thing. After a kiss in the rain, his fingers running along your cheek, a question fell from the agent's lips. "be mine?" he'd whispered so softly into your ear, so softly it was almost like he could put you to sleep- not in a bad way, of course.
After spending the night together where he held you so gently and livingly, the next day he woke you up with breakfast in bed. Things only got better after that day, they seemed to be going well. Leon had gotten a promotion, you were scheduled to meet someone big for a job, and on top of that, your romantic life was pretty good.
That was...until Ada returned.
"I'm sorry!-"
"What a lie Kennedy.", you snap, scoffing. Dragging yourself to the half-opened supply chest you take some medicine for the headache brought on by him.
"If you were sorry you would have saved me first, not your her."
It's heartbreaking; Leon swore to you that he would always choose you, he made a promise. The two of you had gotten into a serious relationship and yet as soon as she returns it's like the past.
There was a monster. A scary, uneven limbed monster that had treaded towards the three of you. It had managed to disarm you so there was no way to grab the weapon. However it also disarmed her, Leon being the only one with a weapon still. It was choosing between the two of you to kill, you had expected Leon to run over and protect you.
He...didn't . He had run over to Ada first and protected her, while you were forced to watch. It was like someone had stabbed you in the heart and ripped said heart out, that's how much it hurt. Leon realised what he had done...he had looked over and seen your reaction, his heart breaking.
"How could you-"
"I'm sorry!"
Leon repeats, pacing the room. His hand sliding through his messy hair, his eyes to the floor- those eyes that look at you with such love now contain regret and pain.
"No."- you cut him off with a scoff, your eyes full of tears. Tugging on the bandage of your right hand you shake your head.
"...no I...I need space-"
The fight only escalates from there. Leon grows angry, the two of you falling into a yelling match yet neither seem to want to say what's said. After the fight you end up storming out leaving Leon behind in tears and anger.
The house is dark when you return. The memory of playing monopoly the previous evening, nothing more than that- a memory. The stains on your cheeks evidence of the tears that have fallen for the past few hours. The house is cold, depressing, it makes you miss his arms around you despite being mad at him.
Memories of...that fight replay. You can barely even remember half of what was said. In the past, yeah, you've fought, just never this serious. Never in a way that threatened an end to your relationship.
With careful yet shaking fingers you take the phone off the wall and sit down on the leather couch. He used to hold you here, now all that occupies this space is one person- you. With those same shaky fingers you scroll to your photo gallery- your screen becomes wet as the heartbreak sets in.
That day you had been so happy...now you feel like dying.
You scream into the empty house, sobs wracking your broken body. The phone makes a thud hitting the ground, your knees coming up to your chest. It hurts, you just wish you could go back in time and prevent the argument from happening. Both of you messed up, while you blame him for the whole fight you know you messed up too.
It's pointless. Leon is never coming back to you, you'll always be lonely....although, only your brain convinces you of this. Leon never said this he only scoffed and treaded to, you're sure, the nearest bar to drown his sorrows.
Pressing your body onto the couch you close your eyes drifting off into more sorrow
Time skip
He should be at a bar, drowning his sorrows in alcohol- that's what usually happens...right? No, this time it's different. He's walking through the almost-desolate store hands full of your favorite things. "it's my fault" he says out loud not caring if he looks crazy right now.
Leon holds back his tears, while walking to the car. The non-motorbike which he would usually have, but ended up crashing, sits in the parking spot. Leon gets flashbacks of all the times you've driven around, his hand in yours, planting kisses to your cheeks.
"I'm such an idiot."
Leon loads everything into the car and hops in. Sighing softly he starts up the car and drives off to your shared home praying that you'll forgive him.
"I'm sorry."
His hands are around you, practically crushing you. His tears soak the white t-shirt that clings to you, his face buried so deeply. Leon is a mess which is rare since he doesn't like showing these types of emotions often.
"Baby please forgive me."
His hands shake, his heart racing so fast you can feel it.
"...was such a fool, I messed up. I didn't mean to- damn it" and like before he clings to you, except this time it's tighter. Leon holds you like he's holding the world, like if he lets you go then the "world" will disappear. He crushes you not even caring, the fear takes over anything else.
"You hurt me by choosing her."
"I know- I know baby I know"
Leon looks up at you, his lip quivering. He stares at you terrified of losing you. He runs a hand along that same scar, pressing forward to press a wet kiss to your cheek. "...i'll make it up to you I promise, ti amo." Leon brushes his stubble against your cheek- "Ti amo...ti amo tanto."
His Italian makes you swell, even though you're upset with him. It's like he's breaking down your defenses slowly yet surely, yet that fight still lingers. How you found out they slept together, the complicated yet intimate feelings they shared, the way they shared a kiss the night everything changed for him.
"If you really don't love her-"
"I don't! I stopped loving her when I fell for you."
Leon leans closer, wiping the tears from your cheeks- you never realized you started crying. He smiles weakly his hands taking yours.
"I love you. Always, baby."
Leon waits, he waits to see if you'll realise he's right. If you'll kiss him, hug him, hold him like before. The waterworks threaten to spill, you stare at him in silence....there's nothing but silence. The intimacy and heartbreak are the only emotions present right now....and Leon waits.
He waits...waits, hoping you'll forgive him- if you don't, he's not sure what he'll do. In one last attempt he mutters your name...the sound of your name on his lips...finally seeming to break you. With your left hand you raise it and touch his tear covered cheek...and with your right you wipe the tears away.
"I forgive you and I..." You sigh. "I'm still a bit upset at what you did but I...I messed up too. I love you."
Just like that Leon pulls you into a tight, "scared of letting you go" like before, kiss. He causes you to melt into the kiss, kissing back with such love and lust, almost causing a needy whine to fall from your lips. He holds you tight in his arms the kiss drawing out, something both of you desperately needed.
I don't know how to end fics istg but hope ya'll like this anyways :)
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citronverveine · 1 year
xie lian and identity issues
this is something i'll probably want to expand on more as i give it more thoughts later but right now i'm just. thinking.
i'm thinking of xie lian in book 2 who has to realize that he is not as invicible as he thought. he is powerful yet he cannot do enough. he is not enough. he cannot save his country, he cannot help the common people, if anything he makes it worse.
i'm thinking of xie lian in book 4 who has to get used to a life with no title, no riches, no priviledge. he has to live as no one, and if people find him out he will not be celebrated like he used to be, he will be captured, beaten, or worse, who knows.
i'm thinking of xie lian after being stabbed 100 times, so disconnected from his destroyed body that he can't recognize himself. i'm thinking of xie lian becoming white no face, hiding his face and seeking revenge, turning his back on everything he was before.
i'm thinking of xie lian after wuming's death, after changing his mind and not cursing the Yong'an people but causing the death of his last believer in the process. the distance between what he would have wanted to be and what he ended up being, doing.
i'm thinking of xie lian in mount tong'lu learning about the past of white no face and starting to think they're the same person. thinking maybe he was the one doing all this. thinking this was all meant to be.
it's just, like. young xie lian was so ambitious, and rightly so; everyone told him he could achieve anything, be anything, he ascended so early, was so powerful and so loved so early on. he started high, only to jump from heaven and land terribly low, in a 6-feet deep hole, unable to crawl out of it. the distance between what he was and what he ended up as. i know the war took a couple years to end but the change was still probably very brutal for him.
especially during his first banishment. at first it could have been alright. he had his parents. he had feng xin. he had mu qing. everything was new and unfamiliar and wrong but he had them, he knew them, they were familiar at least. even if xie lian had failed they were still with him, they still loved him.
and then mu qing left. and xie lian's view of relationships started to shatter. and then he was against mu qing on the land of cultivation and he was the one being humiliated and rejected. and then he was losing himself with the stress of white no face, becoming crazy with anguish and despair. and he couldn't provide enough for his parents, and he was afraid feng xin would leave, and he couldn't recognize himself. how had he fallen so low? how had he failed so much?
and then the temple. he wanted to fight white no face, to get rid of him once and for all. but white no face broke him without even lifting a finger. he shattered his faith in the goodness of the world by showing him how cruel it could be. and afterwards...
just think. being tortured for a whole night, used by hundreds of people for their own benefit, left torn open and raw without care. but you heal and you recover and your body hides any trace of that event. did you really go through it? did it really happen? did it happen like you think it did? was it really that bad? was the pain that severe? your body hid it all. you'll never know. the only thing you have are you memories. but can you trust them?
anyway. after that, xie lian comes back to his parents and feng xin. he steals. he doesn't care. he's angry, he's raw, he's weak. feng xin leaves. his parents leave. he's alone.
he's completely alone. he doesn't even have himself anymore. his old self is dead, his old self was nothing, his old self was naive and stupid. xie lian trying to kill himself even though it's useless is symbolic of him completely leaving his old self with his parents and what was familiar, to become someone else entirely. to abandon this part of himself.
it's explicit as white no face that xie lian completely rejects his previous identity of crown prince and god. he does not want to be called that. he does not want to be reminded of it. he hates this past self so much that being associated to it makes him feel humiliated and ridiculed.
only that old part of him is not entirely dead. xie lian still hesitates, deep down, to release the spirits. a part of him still wants to believe. he wants to be proven wrong. he wants the world to give naive xie lian another chance. it's the bamboo hat man that does that for him.
i just think the distance between xie lian, his body, and his mind, is very interesting. i didn't mention how he is completely disconnected from his body even 800 years later because i feel like it's more dissociation from the self than an identity issue (struggling to connect your thoughts to your actions and/or associate them with your perception of self, or even simply not having any definite perception of self especially when you are traumatized) but. i'll definitely make a post about that some day.
that was a bit long but i just. wanted to put some thoughts down. thx for reading up til here ??
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thebestpumkin · 7 months
- title - love letters.
- pairing - osamu dazai x reader
- word count - 353
- summary - a valentine's day love letter from your lovely osamu.
- tw - reader is referred to as belladonna but otherwise gender-neutral, kinda depressing (it's osamu, though..) but not too bad i think, also new format specifically for letters (lmk if it sucks), lmk if there are any to add!
- a/n at the bottom!
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- For Osamu Dazai's beloved's eyes ONLY!! -
- Please refrain from opening until February 14th...how cruel of me. :) -
Dearest belladonna,
I do hope you've heeded my warning and it's February 14th...otherwise this is just another love letter instead of a romantic Valentine's letter. Though I suppose I must get on with it and hope you listened.
I also hope it's not too late to ask you to be my Valentine. Just because we're dating doesn't make that automatic, my dear. It also won't stop me from constantly keeping you on my mind, nor will it stop the accompanying thought - how did I get quite so lucky? You are truly the closest thing to perfection that's ever lived, do you know that? And I'm not entirely sure what I did to have you, but I'm not gonna question it, I'm just going to enjoy the gift.
I owe you my life, belladonna, as insignificant as it is. It's laughable, really, how a mere few years ago I was trying to end everything. But then you came in - you and your eyes that shine like the star we've dubbed ours while you tell me about your day. You, and your sweet honeyed voice praising me, and holding me while I tell you how vile of a human I truly am. You, who look at me through your gorgeous lashes as if I'm worth something. You, you, you. How I love you. How I love that you've given me reason to live: I want to spend more Valentine's days with you. More days with you, simply.
I already have our day planned, my love, and I plan on saying this multiple times today - though I suppose it's different when it's written, don't you agree? - I love you. I hope you'll accept my poor soul as yours for years to come, but let's start small: Will you be my Valentine?* I'll leave you with that, belladonna. I look forward to hearing your response...and hopefully to see you dolled up for our plans tonight.
Yours very truly,
Osamu Dazai
*P.S., I must say I do hope the answer is yes, considering that I made the reservations already...maybe I should have asked sooner.
pumkin speaks: still sorry for disappearing for like 2 months..my bad 😦😦 i hope this (and the other (very few) love letters i've got) will make up for my absence (i say as if i have a double digit following). anywho! i have some referenves to my absolute most favoritest book ever in here, and since i do the opposite of gatekeeping, pleasepleasePLEASE read Almost Home by Joan Bauer. okay, that's all i have, so see you soon! hopefully it's less than 2 months this time...
as always, likes, reblogs, requests, and feedback are vv appreciated! divider credits go to r0se-designs :)
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stemmmm · 7 months
Stem's Thoughts on Harvest Moon 64
(that other title's too long so i'm cutting it down now)
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Harvest Moon 64 opens on a scene of your character walking around the street, speaking to everyone in the village who’s come to the event. You quickly piece together that this event in question is actually your grandfather’s funeral, the same grandfather who’s farm you’re about to take over. This little scene beautifully sets up both the tone of the game, and immediately shows the player that this iteration is far more focused on the story and characters. HM64 tells a story about the lives of many people in a small, dying town. It is a story about life, and it is a story about death.
A short disclaimer before we dig in: I played this game before the idea to write these essays cropped up, and have not replayed it since then, so this will be mostly vibes. I will try to do my research to make sure I’m not straight up lying though. (Also all of the images in this one are from google because I don't have a means of getting images from my N64 other than photographing the tv screen and I'm not doing that.)
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What’s new!
HM64, also called Harvest Moon 2 by HMGB2 and nothing else I’ve ever seen, is the direct sequel to HM SNES. It’s not a sequel in the usual way sequels are, where you’re continuing where you left off with the same character, but in that every main character is the descendant of their equivalent in the previous game. It’s not important to the story, in fact if you don’t already know this, you probably wouldn’t notice anything past some similarities. I played this game before I tried out SNES and it still took me a minute, plus having it directly pointed out to me to get it. Maybe I’m oblivious, who knows. 
Gameplay-wise, this iteration is home of a few series firsts: For one, your house can be upgraded to have a kitchen! You can't cook though, only collect recipes. You can also get a greenhouse where you can grow crops year-round. Sheep are introduced as barn animals that produce wool. You receive a fishing rod you can use whenever you want, but as far as I understand, the timing is nigh impossible unless you’re playing on a CRT (I am not, and never managed to catch a single fish). There’s a mine you can access in winter for something to do while you can’t grow crops (there are fall crops, but not winter) where you can find about two key items and garbage otherwise. Tool upgrades are no longer done by magic, but by leveling them up through use! Which I think is very neat and feels very natural, like you’ve just become more proficient with them as a farmer through practice. Characters can now come to visit you on the farm at random times, for either special story events or just to say hi! Your farmer can get sick from working too hard in bad weather, just like your animals, and there’s now medicine for that, just like your animals. And there’s inventory menus that I'll discuss at better length later.
What’s the same is… Most things in a basic sense. You’re on a farm with a dog, planting crops, raising livestock. You can make friends with folks in town by talking to them and giving them gifts. The livestock mechanics, as far as I could see and as far as I’ve been able to understand from online forums, are exactly the same as they were in SNES, the exception being there’s no wild beasts that can kill your animals but they’ll still get sick if they aren’t fenced overnight– and they’re not going to eat any grass unless they’re out overnight anyways.
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As for your farm, you’re set up with the usual: a small house, a barn, coop, and fodder silo, a wood bin to store debris cleared off your farm, and a big messy field that you have to clean up before you can properly use it. It starts with three new additions though; a doghouse, a bowl that you can feed your dog with by putting edible items in there, and a mailbox that you’ll occasionally receive letters and notices in! They’re small additions, but very, very charming. The one thing that’s been removed is the toolshed, now replaced by a tiny toolbox by your house.
The world outside your farm is like an enhanced version of the SNES map. Imagine the town and forest now have one or two extra sections tacked onto them, one in the town for some extra housing, and a couple in the forest to let you explore the mountain more and get you deeper into the woods. The mountain still has a cave in it (this time with Harvest Sprites, who have been removed from your farm) and a summit you can climb to for certain events, but it has been upgraded with little wild animals that wander around and can be picked up and shown to people for a few friendship points, if they like the animal. (This applies to your dog too, there’s a well known exploit to max out Karen’s friendship in one day by repeatedly showing it to her in the bar where time is stopped.) The crossroads zone is also expanded by having three new areas you can travel to– the ranch that you buy animals at, a vineyard that’s more of a story-area, and a beach that mostly comes into play for a couple of summer festivals! 
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On the visual side, this game is the series’ first venture into the new frontier of 3d graphics… kind of. The artstyle is made of isometric 3D models that are rendered into flat sprites and then projected onto the TV as if that’s not what’s happening. The game even lets you turn your farm around in 3D to face different directions, but it’s locked to only let you play in specific angles. Changing the direction made me forget where everything was and get lost on my own tiny farm, so I never touched that mechanic.
Due to the dramatic artstyle shift– not only being in 3D but also presented at a 45 degree angle, the game becomes a fair bit harder to play than either of its 2D predecessors. The controls are just a little clunky, and the bizarre shape of the N64 controller really doesn’t help. This makes the tedium of farming a little irritating to do, since it requires pretty precise inputs done over and over for every extra thing you’re trying to grow. Fortunately, you're not on the hook to ship everything before 5PM comes around like in SNES, so you get to move a little bit slower. The fickle farming experience also gets a little help from the new inventory menu that can be accessed anywhere and any time. It has multiple inventory slots for both tools and items, each type having a dedicated section so there’s no need to prioritize carrying tools versus turnips. Unfortunately, this actually ends up being a little more cumbersome than useful, as the menu takes a little longer than is comfortable to open and is pretty clunky to use. I mostly avoided it unless I was bringing gifts to people. But the addition of an inventory opens up the opportunity for something else which defines this entire game...
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Key items– a set of unique, unsellable items –are most frequently found in random, secret places around the farm and town, and they give you a reason to scour every inch of the place. They can also be given to you by NPCs when you gain relationships with them, which is convenient because their entire purpose is to help you get even better relationships with each of them, and maybe even unlock little stories with characters. For example, there’s a music box you can dig up in your field that can be given to any of the girls for a decently sized relationship bump. There’s also an old weathervane in the shape of a chicken that you can find in the little mine. If you give it to Rick, he’ll tell you that it was a precious thing that belonged to his grandmother as a cute scene to deepen the town’s lore and connect it to the first game. Key items quickly become the most important and sought after things in the game because they act as a vessel to deliver that which the game is all about: stories.
Lots of people in a little town
The narrative premise is exceedingly simple: you need to fix up your grandfather’s ruined farm and make a new life for yourself in this town within a certain amount of time, just like its predecessors. Except, this game is a lot bigger than either of them, and it didn’t fill all the extra space with new things to grow on your farm. In my entry on the SNES game, I mentioned that the introspective style of writing turned the repetitive farming gameplay into something more like meditation on things going on in the town. This game takes that idea and runs with it! The town in this game may only be slightly bigger than it was before, but it has a lot more people in it, and every single one of them has a lot more to say, more to do, more festivals to go to, and more story events to take part in. There's even a new photo album that fills in with images for reaching special events or succeeding at certain festivals! Your given goal may be to successfully revitalize your farm, but that rapidly stops being the reason why you want to play. Farming is only a means to further the narrative of the town.
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Story events are no longer a reward for reaching the highest heart level with a girl, but instead something that happens naturally in the world as you make better friends with people, or if you just happen to be in the right place at the right time. The world doesn’t only consist of you living it and things happening to you. Instead, you end up being a fly on the wall to other people’s conversations and life events, and you get to see how those events change the people around you. People will begin to say different things, go different places, live different lives without your input at all– often much better lives, as everyone in the town is pretty deeply troubled, whether they seem like it or not.
There’s an added depth, too. While the characters in this series have always been defined by their conflicts (in the first game, every big cutscene with each girl was exclusively about their major life conflicts), this game takes it further in multiple ways. Characters have conflicts with their families: you as the player have a conflict with your parents who can take you home if you fail to farm well, Lillia and Basil have conflict over their marriage and the fact that Basil leaves for half the year, and Karen’s family situation is…. A lot. Then, there are characters at conflict with things much more nebulous, like the Mayor who tells you that the town is going to die out but he can’t find any way to save it, or like the young boy Kent who wants to be a farmer just like you, but through a series of events is forced to learn that life isn’t so simple, people can’t just do whatever they would like, and it takes very hard work to get to do the things you dream of. And then there are conflicts that aren’t even necessarily conflicts unless they run into your long-term plans.
Instead of only having a bunch of girls in town who exist only as your prospective marriage candidates, there are also five boys in the town who will marry those girls instead of you, if given the chance. Like in SNES, there are 5 levels of hearts that the girls can have for you. Unlike SNES, each one of these hearts has a corresponding event you can have with the girl where there’s a chance of her liking you more afterwards, if you say the right things. In addition to that though, there are just as many events coming from the other side of the story, rival events that trigger if you happen to be good friends with the boys.
My favorite story by far is that of Harris the mailman who falls in love with the librarian, Maria, from just seeing her handwriting on the outside of all the letters that she would write. I frequently saw him in the bar at the end of the day and he would tell me the woes of his love, saying that he just needed to work up the courage to finally speak to her. Then one day, I happened to be outside of the library when he and Maria met face to face and she handed over a letter addressed to him. No longer did he sit in the bar forlorn every night, instead all he would do was excitedly tell me about Maria, and then when I visited the library, Maria would tell me about Harris!
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While I’m on the subject of these characters, I think it’s worth going in a little more depth on who these people are past the grandchildren of the characters from the last game. See, you may be familiar with names like Karen and Kai and Gray, etc., etc. from a little recently remade game called Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, which is a modern version of Friends of Mineral Town on the GameBoy Advance, which is a port of Back to Nature on the PlayStation. These are not those characters. At all. While the basic elements of these characters are intact– Popuri is cute and childish, Ann is a workaholic, Maria is shy and a little oblivious –nothing else is the same. They all work different jobs and marry different people than they are paired with in later entries, and in my humble opinion, it all works WAY better in this game, probably because of the fact that these characters were designed for this specific context!
As an example, Popuri’s exasperated mother, Lillia, runs the flower shop and Popuri was named by her father, Basil, who loves plants. She’s childish and sweet and loves flowers, but can also be a complete brat. She eventually marries Gray, Ann’s brother, who lives on the ranch run by his father, Doug, who struggles to understand his children. Gray is an angry young man who seems to have a particular dislike for you, but you don’t learn why until you discover he was a promising young jockey until he got a bad injury and had to give up the sport.
Am I gushing a bit and letting the game design part fall to the wayside? Sure probably, but I can only gush because the game does a brilliant job of making a cast of characters who, while simple on their own, have interconnected lives that come together to give every one of them so much more depth than they would have otherwise. It all builds a narrative, and while narrative design is definitely something different than game design on its own, this game is far more about the narrative so it’s impossible to not focus on.
The problems
The trouble with these events is that I nearly missed the chance to see that letter be exchanged. You have some control over the progression of the events, because you have to be decent friends with the boys in order for them to trigger at all, but unlike the girls who have a handy visual signal of how much they like you, the boys have no such thing, so you can’t really know if a new event is ready to fire off. There’s no way of knowing where or when they’ll happen either unless you look it up, and even then you have to get lucky because sometimes they just don’t trigger when you want them to. I had a lovely moment in my game where I managed to accidentally catch a cold from working too hard in the snow and lost a day to being bedridden, followed by the New Years celebration which takes a day away from you, then followed by Kai and Karen’s wedding– something that I had missed multiple events for and therefore had no idea was coming, which also took a day from me. After that three day chain of no work, I think I was extremely lucky my animals didn’t get sick and die. 
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This chain of events led directly to me never speaking to Gray again, even though he was the boy I was most interested in, because I wanted to marry Popuri and there was too much risk of him getting to her before I could. The reason why I didn’t go into more detail about the relationship between those two when I was talking about them earlier is because I straight up don’t know it, I couldn’t risk giving them a chance to get together.
The thing is, even if I hadn’t forced Gray and Popuri’s cutscenes to stop, I still wouldn’t actually know what their relationship is like, because I have not beaten this game. I know what the ending entails and I can reasonably expect I probably would not have gotten an excellent one, but I’m sure it still would have been fine. I stopped playing the game entirely before I even managed to get married. Why? Because I couldn’t get any of Popuri’s heart events to trigger. I had her hearts maxed out and had a blue feather ready to go in my pocket, so I could turn on the game and marry her right away anytime I wanted to. But I wanted to trigger the little events, even if they’re just a couple seconds of some pixels talking to me on a screen. They’re cute. And it made me sad that I couldn’t see them for some imperceptible reason. So I stopped playing and didn’t pick the game back up.
I don’t remember how close I was to the end of the game, I know I was at least in year 2, but I don’t even remember how much longer the game is after that. Probably a good amount. I had definitely gotten most of the events you could get at this point, since multiple other characters had gotten married, and the farming wasn’t something I really enjoyed so I can’t say I wasn’t at least a little bored by this point, but I wasn’t frustrated with the general mechanics of the game. The days were long enough, but not too long, that I had just enough time to go anywhere I wanted and do what I needed before night came. I could still talk to characters and go to festivals and play minigames. But I didn’t want to, because the game wasn’t doing what it seemed like it was supposed to for some arbitrary reason and that frustrated me enough to make me stop. When the fun of a game is found more in experiencing special events rather than anything else, the player feels cheated out of their good time when those events are too hard to find or can be missed outright, and that’s exactly what I experienced.
Parting Thoughts
The ending, according to what I've read, is very similar to the SNES endings, in that you’ll get different results based on all of the different things you’ve done. Whether you’re married, how many crops you shipped, how many animals you have, how well liked you are by the town… I imagine it’s not quite the victory lap that SNES’s ending was with its little cutscenes, since apparently all you get are comments on how well you performed by various people in the town, but it still seems nice and rewarding! At least like more of a reward than whatever the hell GB1 was trying to do. It seems like a perfectly good ending that it would be nice to see myself someday.
Despite all my troubles with this game, I believe HM64 is still the best one out there– at least that I’ve played yet. The events are plentiful and the content is meaty. The repetitive day to day dialogue still has the simple breath of life that SNES did, that manages to make the most out of a small amount. Don’t get me wrong, this game came out in 1999, I’m giving it a lot of praise but the characters still repeat the same line to you every day, and they still freeze in place until you leave the room. It’s revolutionary, but this is comparing it to a game on the literal Super Nintendo. Absolutely pick up this game to try it out, but keep those expectations tempered. That said, I never picked up this game nor knew a thing about it until I was well into my 20’s, but the moment I started playing, it hit me with a wave of nostalgia as if I’d known this game my whole life. At least to me, the look and feel of the game were like coming home to a childhood I never had.
 Will I pick up this game again with the intent to beat it? Maybe! Hard to say for sure when I’m trying to play decades worth of games and write about them at a comprehensive level. What I do know is that this is exactly what I want more farming games to be. It’s a game that has thoughts about life, and about death, both good and bad. And I think this is the perfect context to share those thoughts.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Hi hi! I have a question and I apologise if it's impertinent but I really didn't have anyone else to ask. I'm new to ao3 and I'm still figuring out how it works. The problem is this- when I look up a character x reader, I'll see the tag included in many works that have oneshots but since it's a side character, more often than not the oneshot for the character hasn't been written and the tag has been there for months. Is it okay to do that or is it tagging something incorrectly? They say they'll write one eventually but they never do, y'know? To me it kind of feels like they're just trying to reach a wider audience but because of this I can't even filter tags and I have to manually search through the book to check if the character is included, especially when the chapters are titled only by numbers :')
Is it okay to tag things in advance like that?
Oh boy...
Wattpad refugees do tend to use AO3 "wrong", sometimes in ways that break the rules and sometimes just in ways I find annoying and against typical AO3 culture.
I'm assuming you are coming from Wattpad based on you calling a work or a fic a "book", which is a very, very Wattpad thing to do.
I'm assuming they are coming from Wattpad given the bad behavior you're describing and the fact that they're a x reader writer.
So, here's the thing, if you start writing a fic and there's any amount of the actual fic, even if it's pretty short and bad or in a weird format or whatever, it's still a valid fanwork. Most of the time, AO3 leaves it to the author to decide how to tag (aside from a very few things like death threats in the tags or failing to use the required archive warnings).
AO3 won't stop someone from tagging a future pairing that hasn't appeared yet.
But "books" of "oneshots" are such an obnoxious Wattpad thing. This is a completely stupid use of AO3 from the "Please send me prompts" part that is usually in there to the way that unrelated fics are smashed together.
It's not against the rules, but it's a crappy use of AO3 befitting of n00bs.
Sadly, old hands at AO3 also make shitty works that are unrelated stories mashed together. They're often a whole set of kinktober fics or something where the trope tags and the ship tags are accurate, but you can't tell which ones go with which ones without searching the whole fic.
We regularly complain about that on here.
A much better way to use AO3 is to make a series titled "My x Reader Oneshots" or "All of my kinktober fics" where each separate story is its own work with its own tags.
My assumption is that this person is using the inaccurate tag both to get more eyeballs on their existing work and because they probably take prompts for that ship or something. (I'm basing this on the kinds of things people say on their oneshot books on Wattpad. Maybe they don't actually take prompts since you haven't mentioned it.)
Some people just don't care that they're annoying others and messing up the tags, but I think some actually don't realize how AO3 filtering works and have no idea this behavior is a nuisance.
On a lot of sites, both Wattpad and algorithm-driven social media, unless a post/work is very popular, it disappears out of sight. Even an inaccurate tag doesn't do that much.
On AO3, one is getting a full list of everything with the tag, going back however far. It's a library catalogue for which you should use accurate data. But this writer is probably thinking of tags more as advertising and a way to get their name out there so readers can follow them pre-emptively. They mean to write the ship in the future, so it's not really inaccurate... (And, tbh, if it were a single work and the ship just hadn't appeared yet, I would agree with them even though those are frustrating too.)
So no, they should not do this.
But it's not actually against the rules.
I would mute the annoying people who do this.
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howlingday · 2 months
Ok but imagine what would happen if Loid and Perry teamed up? No one could stop them.
Okay... Time for something new...
A Phineas and Ferb/Spy X Family One-Shot
"An extended conference overseas?"
"Yes, it's a sort of outreach programs between different countries to share different psychiatric methods." Loid explained to Yor. "I'm sorry this is so last minute. I will try to call you as soon as I get back."
Lying to Yor felt wrong, but it was a necessary evil in his life as a spy. The truth was that he was assisting in a joint operation with a foreign intelligence agency, though the whole thing felt like a bad joke to him. Whoever heard of a spy agency under the title of "The Organization Without a Cool Acronym"? Regardless of his feelings, his mission was clear. He was to rendezvous with the agent known as "The Platypus" and provide backup as required.
"Papa?" Anya, his daughter, pointed to picture in her book. Coincidentally, it was a platypus. "Is this a plassapess?"
"No, it isn't." Loid shook his head. "Just because I'll be gone for a little bit doesn't mean you're allowed to shirk on your studies. I expect nothing less than perfect marks when I return home."
"Aw..." Anya groaned.
"Loid, where is this conference being held?" Yor asked.
"I wasn't given the exact details myself, but it's in a region known as the 'Tri-State Area'."
"And that's about the gist of the assignment, Agent P." Major Monogram said through the video screen. "Find out what Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to and put a stop to it!"
"If it's evil, sir." Carl's voice said off-screen.
"Yes, yes, if it's evil, put a stop to it." Major Monogram rolled his eyes. "We're counting on you, Agent P."
Perry the Platypus gave a salute and left the briefing room.
"I thought the evil thing was implied, Carl." Major Monogram grumbled.
"It doesn't hurt to be sure, sir. Words can be confusing."
"Not as confusing as this finger trap." The major lifted his hands to reveal his fingers had been locked in a threaded snare trap for fingers"
"Did you put your fingers in that trap again, sir?"
"Carl, we've been over this; if I don't do it myself, then how will I learn when I need it most?"
Meanwhile, in the middle of a city in the tri-state area, at an oddly designed building with the logo, Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.~, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz heard a knock at his door.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He opened the door to an elderly man delivering the mail. He was fragile and hunched over. In his hands was a clipboard and a large parcel behind him. "Oh, look at you! You're so old! Why aren't you retired yet? Here, come inside and rest for a bit. I can show you what you're delivering is being used for."
The elderly man hobbled in, his left leg limping with every step. He mumbled something alike to a thank you before being seated on a large loveseat inside a laboratory. Unknown to the oddly kind-hearted doctor, the old man was actual the legendary Agent Twilight in perfect disguise. In front of him was a massive ray-gun of sorts, like in the cartoons Anya watched, with a scope and a trigger beneath. At the tip of the barrel was a missing component.
"So, you're probably wondering what it is I'm building with a mind-tapping helmet." He held out his hands. "Oh, I'm a little rusty. I usually save these backstories for my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, but here goes." Through Agent Twilight's perfect mental imagery, every word spoken became a clear picture of the very sad and tragic backstory of the target. "You see, back when I was growing up in Gimmelshtump, it's a town in Drusselstein if you didn't know, my grandparents would always say something, but mean something else. Like, they would tell me to wash the ham, but what they really meant was marinate it, but it was one of those old sayings that grandparents use and, me being a child, I didn't know what they really meant because I'd only heard it said once." He ripped open the parcel, was handed the mind-tapping helmet, and held it to the device. "And that's when I came up with this! BEHOLD, THE SAYWHAT'SONYOURMIND-INATOR!" He then climbed his way to the apex of the machine. "With this inator, people will say what's on their mind and mean what they really say! Like, say your friends want to hang out and, I don't know, do old person things, like play cards, but the way they say it makes it sound like they want to sleep all day, so they'll say what's on their mind! Here, let me try it on you!"
Faster than Agent Twilight can react, the nefarious doctor was already on the ground and using his weapon on him. He was then hit with the powerful radio waves the machine emitted. He blinked.
"I don't feel any different." He said aloud. "Did this mad scientist's machine really work-" His eyes widened as the doctor laughed for a moment.
"Hey, who are you calling a mad scientist? I'm not mad. I mean, I'm mad now, but I'm not always mad." He looked to the platypus climbing out of the parcel package. "Perry the Platypus, tell him I'm not always mad." The platypus in the fedora chittered. "See? He gets it." At this, he gasped. "PERRY THE PLATYPUS?! Wait, were you able to hear my backstory while I you were inside the- OOF!"
Perry punched Dr. Doofenshmirtz, sending him stumbling backwards into his machine. The machine fired off in a random direction before being taken into the hands of its creator.
"There's no need to fight me, Perry the Platypus. Why don't you just-" He fired the inator on Perry. "USE YOUR WORDS! AHAHAHAHA~!"
Perry winced at the sudden radio waves bombarding him. He blinked a few times. He was looked at expectantly by his nemesis.
"Oh, right. You're a platypus." He then pressed a button on his inator and a net flew out and ensnared Perry. "But I planned for that!" A punch flew in from out of nowhere, knocking the doctor over with his inator. Standing not far away was the old man from before. "What are you doing, Old Man?"
"My name," the mask ripped, revealing the spy, "is Agent Twilight, and on behalf of the good people of Westalis, I order you to surrender your weapon."
"Westalis? Where is that? Is he with you, Perry the Platypus?"
"I won't allow you to threaten the good people of the world with this strange contraption." Agent Twilight said, fully removing his disguise. "Especially while I am assigned to this joint operation."
"Well, I didn't really have anything planned for someone bigger than Perry the Platypus, but I did have this in case he escaped!" With a push of a button, another net of ribbon spewed forth. Unfortunately, the new agent was too fast to be caught and rolled his way over to Agent P, where he easily ripped apart his bindings. "No, no, don't do that! That is so unfair, fighting two against one!" He groaned. "Of all the days for Norm to take one of his 'mandatory vacation days'."
This vacation day in question included going to the mechanic for a semi-spa treatment involving oil, rags, and oily rags. Back to the fight, Agent Twilight kept the doctor on his toes, swinging fist after fist, easily overpowering his opponent. Meanwhile, Agent P was altering the inator by turning the mind-control helmet around so that the machine would reverse its effects.
"I cannot fail here. I cannot allow my emotions to get the better of me. I must keep on my toes. I need to keep applying pressure and overwhelm my opponent with quick, but meaningful strikes."
"Ugh! I regret hitting you with my inator." Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused amidst his thrashings. "Why can't you be more quiet like Perry the Platypus?"
"Chkchkchkchkt." The OWCA agent chittered from atop before swinging the inator around and firing it on himself Agent Twilight. Agent P patted himself down before giving a thumbs up to his fellow agent from afar.
"Oh, finally! I didn't think you would ever stop talking!" Dr. Doofenshmirtz groused even more.
Agent Twilight was about to go in for another punch when he was dragged away by Agent P. Looking back to the inator, he saw that there was a self-destruct device placed at the device's weak point. Jumping over the balcony, Agent P held tight to Agent Twilight, the two silently gliding through the air to a safe location. On the winds, they could hear the defeated shouting of their shared nemesis for the day.
"Excuse me, is this your platypus?"
"Huh?" Phineas turned around to see a man standing in their yard, holding Perry in his hands. "Oh, there you are, Perry!"
"I found him wandering around in your front yard, and I thought it was odd to see an animal so far from their home."
"He's not far from his home, he's simply living in a new home away from his natural habitat. We feed him four meals a day, plus treats, and give him as much comfort as possible." Ferb explained in excess.
"Oh, I... see..."
"Yeah, sorry about Ferb." Phineas explained. "He's been a lot more talkative than usual today. It's almost like some kind of radio wave went off and made him say everything that was on his mind."
"That's... quite an imaginative explanation." The man said. "But maybe this will help. I specialize in psychiatric help and this device helps ease those affected by 'radio wave' abnormalities in humans."
"Oh, you mean like brain stimulation therapy?" Phineas asked. "Isn't that controversial?"
"Yes, yes, it is." The man quirked his brow. "But I believe it may be the best way to help your friend."
"Oh, Ferb's not my friend. He's my brother!"
"Ah, excuse me. Now, may I use my device. I promise no harm will come to your brother."
"Well, okay, if you say so." Phineas stepped aside and let the man hold the device up to Ferb before pressing a button. Ferb blinked a few times before the man placed the device in his pocket. "How you feelin', Ferb?"
Ferb gave a thumbs up.
"Hey, it looks like it worked! Thank you, Mr... Huh? Where'd he go?"
"Papa! You're home~!" Anya cheered, running to the door.
"You're back already?" Yor asked. "I thought you'd be gone a lot longer, considering how far you were traveling."
"I was offered a trip on a much fast return flight than the one prior." Reaching into his doctor's bag, he pulled free a plush doll in the shape of a strange creature with a duck bill, a beaver tail and feet, and a strange greenish-blur fur color. "Anya, I found this on the way home. I remember you being curious about platypus before leaving, so I thought you'd enjoy this."
"Thank you, Papa!"
"Oh, that is so cute~! What are you going to name him?"
Anya thought for a moment, then noticed a certain look in his eyes. It was the same look he held when he was in thought of something. Focusing on him, she heard a name said over and over again.
"Percy the Plassypess?" Anya smiled, tossing her plush in the air. "Yeah! Agent Percy the Plassypess~!"
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puckleberryfinnie · 2 months
ok so ik my req might seem a bit weird butttttt.. i have been dyingggg for ray. like his body tea, i loveeee his lil accent and smile so i just wanna see like host!reader get nervous when he gets injured, him giving reader his jersey, and a lil post-game smooch 🫶🏾🫶🏾.
girll you don't understand how glad I am that someone else feels this way about him like I feel so wrong about it but?? he's such a cutie?? thank you soso much for sending this in, love this idea <33 so sorry this took so long, life took hold of meee
Beautiful Little Fools
You being a friend of Kai's, and being in several of his streams as an internet personality yourself. Of course, you meet several of his friends, including Ray. He's just using his cheesy "rizz" with Kai's encouragement, and you're laughing on to all his funny tactics.
When the Beta Squad and AMP decide to have the match, there's almost immediately an invitation for you to join in as a host, that you accept gratefully!
The days leading up to the event, you spend a lot of time hanging out with the American group, as well as meeting new people that you become fast friends with.
Ray, however, stays close to either you or Kai at most points, finding himself most comfortable with people he knows pretty well already. Everyone (thought mostly Kai) loves the relationship you two have, and joke around about it a LOT.
You, of course, enjoy his company and help him with training that they have set up for those participating the day before the real match. It's mostly just simple things, though, like returning the balls to him or mock-guarding him.
At some point during the practice, he gets slightly injured, tripping over a ball or something like that. It really isn't that bad, but you find it concerning, especially considering the big match is the following day.
He, however, reassures you, comforting you by patting your head and giving you a brief hug. He doesn't like you being worried about it, so he tried to make sure you understand he's okay.
The next day is obviously intense, and you spend a lot of time making sure Ray is safe, keeping an eye on him throughout the game. You interview him at halftime momentarily, joking around together before he has to go. You also remind him to be safe out there, yelling after him.
He clearly doesn't follow this advice too closely, however, and ends up getting tackled by some larger player (probs Niko lets be so fr) You, of course, feel incredibly scared, watching him from the sidelines all while trying to keep composure as a host.
As he gets guided to the bench to rest, you move yourself over there to talk to him, frantically making sure he's ok. You end up in his arms, him holding you tightly.
After that interaction and him assuring you plenty that he's alright, you go back to doing your job as a host, interviewing other players and such.
Post game, he comes back to see you, striding over to you with intent. It startles you for a moment, when you suddenly see him standing so close to you. He give a short hug followed by a even shorter, nervous kiss.
After a moment of staring at each other, he takes off his jersey, handing it to you with a smile. He doesn't even say anything, just holds it out for you to take.
You end up wearing that jersey on your flight back and on many occasions afterwards. <3
guys I legit don't know why but I really can't tell if I like this style of writing or not. let me know what you think, I'm soso sorry this isn't very good, I truly hope you still enjoy <33
title is a song from great gatsby the musical ofc
anyways, thank you sososo much for being my first ever request, I love you to the moon and back tbh!!
I definitely want to do more of these before school starts to make everything crazy again, so if anyone wants to send something in feel completely free and wanted within my inbox! I'll take requests about pretty much anyone (check out the list of things I love for some reference!!) or I'm for sure here to chat <33
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adventuringblind · 1 year
The Void: Chapter One
Max Verstappen x reader x Charles Leclerc
Summary: Reader and her brother Michael are hiding from their father. A man with a special ability that she inherited. When Max is in danger one night, she's forced to confront her fear to save him.
Warnings: gore if you squint, monsters?, blood, talks of murder, talks of abuse and neglect
Notes: PLEASE READ THIS! Void walking is my own original idea! I'm writing this as an experimental way of actually seeing how it would work. Please do not copy this idea!
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Sometimes, she hates that it's the rich people of the world that could get away with murder. Other times, she remembers that technically, they are the ones who pay her.
Well... they pay her brother. She just exists. Pretending to useful.
Michael had said she needs keep herself as hidden away as possible. Their father would most likely only come looking for her since she inherited his terrible ability.
He'd called it a few things; void walking, reality shifting, hell, the works. The fact she and him can see into a world that's different and yet so similar is terrifying. One moment there is no door then you simply shift realities and then the door is there for you to escape through and people are left to wonder how you just walked through the wall.
The terrible part is that the alternative is terrifying to look at. Like every odd creature and demonic figure has been placed there. Scary monsters from her nightmares and blood spatters from unknown entities.
At fist she didn't know how to control it at all. Somehow ending up in the world where things where constantly trying to kill her. But then she learned that nit all monsters are bad. Some of them do their best to help her and keep her safe or even provide things her father couldn't.
Michael had taken her and ran when he turned eighteen. He promised to start new where they could live freely. She wouldn't say this is very 'free' but it's better then living with her serial killer father.
He'd managed to worm his way into the world of F1. How? She has absolutely no idea. He did his time and moved up the ranks and is now one of the top engineers with Redbull. The garage she spends her time hiding away in.
It's not like she's elusive. She's always orbiting around her brother and helping his out even though she's not being paid.
Michael just lets her help him woth his work because it keeps her busy and out of her head. Well - out if the secondary world she lives in.
Now she finds herself aimlessly reading a book in the Redbull hospitality. Her phone lighting up with Michael's caller ID.
"Hello? You know I'm not that far away right?" She answers sarcastically. The huff in her brothers voice is less then amused.
"Yes, I know, but I need a favor."
"What kind of favor?"
"The kind where you bring me something to eat because it's past noon and I'm starving and I'll let you explore the city tonight." He proposes. Hesitant woth the way he says it. Michael rarely lets her go anywhere alone. Monaco seems like the worst place to do so but the thought of escaping his eagle eye for an hour is enough to make her not question it.
The walk down would have been swift. Had a certain Dutch driver been paying attention and she wasn't lost in her own thoughts.
Now she's frantically apologizing and he's just looking at her smiling. The stupid smile that makes her melt.
Since her brother is one of Max's highest engineers, she spends a decent amount of time around him. They'd become fast friends since they met.
They were much younger then. She was seventeen and Max was nineteen. Now Max has just turned twenty-three and is on his way to a possible title.
It's been hectic and they'd barely had time to talk as of late. So it's a bit funny that their first conversation they'd had in a couple weeks is her frantically apologizing for running straight into him.
At least she wasn't void walking and ran through him instead. That would've been awkward and hard to explain.
"Why are you apologizing so much?" He chuckles. The action only makes her more flustered.
Her choulders eat her ears in embarrassment. "Just feel bad, I guess."
"I'm assuming you're heading to the garage for your brother?"
"He's getting hangry." She rolls her eyes. Mostly just annoyed that she had to put down her book for this.
Max holds out an arm for her to take. Almost like something out of a medieval romance which does nothing good for her imagination. "Can I walk you then?"
"What's your angle, Verstappen?"
"Can I not just want to spend five minutes with my friend?"
That evening Michael makes good on his promise to let her out alone. Max had invited her over to his apartment that night if she had time to spare.
Even offered to meet her halfway. An offer she accepted because she comes to Monaco for one weekend out of the year and has a tendency to get turned around when she doesn't have a set route.
She walks around the dock waiting for him. The moon light bounces off the water as the soft sounds of the water moving about fills her ears. It's peaceful here.
Until it's not.
Shadows are the dominate species in the void. Ghastly figures that could terrify most. And most do terrify her. But not all of them are evil and she's formed a few close bonds with the kind shadows she's met.
Her father's shadows were terrifying to look at and even more terrifying to fight. She thinks this is why as a child, the shadow she effectively called Fang because her small mind saw big fangs and decided upon that, came to her aid. It bore its teeth to protect her and has done so since she was five. Sometimes when she is upset, Fang will shrink into a small soft creature and lay over her lap. Like a really demented looking dog. That doesn't mean Fang isn't cute, just the only comparison she can make.
Now Fang is attempting to get her attention. Something or someone is here and it's not anything good.
She breathes before letting her mind lets her body slip a little into the void. The red sky and dirty water make her want to vomit but the sight of Fang makes it tolerable.
She follows it's lead around the corner and she's grateful the layout of the dock is the same. Aside from it being broken and rusted of course.
The muffled shouts are what takes her off guard. She can now clearly see Max being attacked. By who she has no idea. But the world she grew up in showed her that people do crazy things for no reason other then the high.
"Hey Fang, wanna play fetch?" The shadow looks at her with a glint of excitement. The bare eyes still light up with emotion even if it's hard to see." Just don't kill anyone."
The void deals a lot in energy. If her energy surrounds something enough then she can interact without regardless of how she's seeing it. That, in turn, means Fang also can because of their bond.
The female slips out her pocket knife and walks steadily towards them. Three unknown and a Max. Simple enough.
About 6 meters away, they finally notice her. She can faintly hear Max's muffled shouts through the unknown figure clamping their hand over his mouth.
She throws the knife then shifts again to the void. She just continues walking as Fang snatches it out of the air and land directly of the figure hold max. The knife sinks into their thigh. The shifts back to check the damage and Max is now scrambling to stand up and the knife has disappeared. Still in the void with Fang.
"Let him go unless you want more!" She shouts. Her voice melding with the sound of the water.
They look at each other a debate whether it's worth it. They obviously aren't prepared for a real fight.
She can feel Fang brush against her leg. Another great thing about their bond. Being able to feel the other despite not being shifted.
The three end up running away with their tail between their legs. Then she walks to Max to make sure he's okay.
They hug as soon as their proximity is close. Her head hurts from shifting so much. She doesn't normally do it that much they quickly. Even as she's walking her vision keeps switching between navy blue and deep red.
It switch back to blue and she takes a moment to assess Max. "Are you alright? You're not hurt?"
"No and I definitely owe you one for saving me. But what was that? I mean- how did you...?" He starts to maxplain but doesn't get far as her vision switchs once again. This time revealing something terrifying.
She knows what's going to happen. She'll get stuck between worlds. This power is far from perfect and has a tendency to set somone perfectly inbetween worlds. She can feel and see Max and also the shadow with spindly claws that's approaching her.
It's not a nice shadow and she's pissed it off somehow. Probably just disturbed it.
It's arms reach around Max and it caresses her cheek drawing. It burn as it pierces her skin and draws a line across her cheek.
"Y/N? You okay?" Max is shaking her shoulders to get a response. "You're bleeding now. I watched it appear out of thin air!"
Fang is immediately in protector mode. It's massive teeth and now exponentially larger size then before makes them intimidating.
The two end up in a brawl. She can hear the whispers of other memories and entities in the void. It's never a kind place to end up and she feels for the gentle shadows who endure daily.
She sinks to the ground and clutches her ears. Her attempt at blocking them out is futile. The whispers always make it in. They creep around her skin. They paint out the ugly lies.
Then her body is being jostled. It's a miracle she can even be moved from the outside. Normally she becomes a ghost because she can only be tied to one at a time. Her body only interacting with one even if it's still see in the other.
Being stuck between makes twice as many things in the way. But here in Max's hold she tries to think about how she's safe. She thinks about how his skin is warm and how he smells like citrus and the sun.
To say Max is panicked would be an understatment. The girl in his arms keeps getting stuck on things that aren't there and he's about to lose his mind.
Whatever sort of mime work this is needs to stop. She's bleeding and hyperventilating and now her sleeve is torn open.
He needs to get her to his apartment so that they can talk about what's going on. Which is what he would've done if she didn't completely pass out in his arms.
The entire walk back is painful. It's even painful trying to get her to sit down because she's still hitting non-existent objects.
She ends up in the tub. He'll apologize later but right now is not the time. He pulls out the first aid and puts her brother on speaker. He sends a silent prayer that he's still awake.
"Max? Everything okay?" He sounds perfectly ready to take on a five mile sprint. How does he have so much energy after he worked on the car for ten hours straight?
"Actually I have you sister and I think some invisible force is trying to kill her." He realizes how stupid it sounds after he says it. The silence on the other end makes him think Michael is about to die of laughter.
"Is she awake?" His tone completely changes into something serious and Max begins to panic just a little more.
"No, she passed out halfway to my apartment."
"I need you not to panic about anything, okay? Just do as I say and then I'll explain later."
Ten minutes. It took him ten minutes to wake her up. Her screams and thrashing from the initial wake up were calmed when she realized it was him. Her brother still on speaker talking her through something.
"Y/N, I need you to relax. Is Fang there?"
"Yes." The crack in her voice hurts him. He'd known her for years now but had never seen her like this.
"Is there something attacking you?"
"Not anymore."
Attacking? Max does his best to hide the shock. Has she been getting attacked by invisible things? For some reason he feels a bit selfish for never noticing it. She noticed everything. Knew Jos was not the greatest person with a single look. She always knew how he was feeling. How had he not been able to reciprocate?
Max shakes himself of his thoughts. Hew needs to be present for her right now.
"You have to shift the balance again. I know it's hard, but I need you to lean into my voice and Max's presence."
Her eyes screw closed in concentration. Max can't help but admire the way she looks when she's concentrated because it's different from how he looks. His is angry and fierce concentration, but hers is almost curious and welcoming.
When her eyes flicker back open she heaves a sigh of relief. Her head twists around as if to fully understand where she is.
"I did it." She almost beams. Max has no idea what she did but he smiles proudly anyway. If only to be supportive of his friend.
He's never liked that word for them. Friend. He needs to get a handle on his thoughts. She almost died and he's thinking about his relationship status. But maybe this is a good thing. Daniel would say it's probably a sign he should Confess. Has told him to do so for a year now.
"So the options now are that I can explain to Max, or you can explain to Max."
She ponders for a moment. Her eyes stare into him like she's assessing something. "I will."
"Do you want me here or do you want to do it alone?"
"I'll be okay."
Max stares at her for the fifth time. She'd explained it to him multiple times and answered his questions the best she knows how.
"It's a lot to take in, I'm sorry I'm struggling to understand." He shoots her an apologetic glance.
She just shrugs in return. "To be fair, I don't even completely understand it."
"I'm also sorry about your dad."
"Not like yours is any better. No need to compare, we've both been through things." She smiles him.
They're sat on his bed, limbs sprawled out comfortably. Soft music plays in the background.
"Can I... I want to... follow me?" Max starts speaking with his hands instead and gestures to the balcony attached to his room.
The two step outside. The fresh air is nice after breathing in the ash of the void.
Max faces her. The eye contact is terrifying, but she holds it. She knows it's how he tries to communicate his feelings. "I have a confession." She nods her head to show she's listening. Max's hands tentatively sup her cheeks, but he relaxs when she lets herself lean into it. "I've loved you for a while now. Ever since last year, when you sat with me for hours, consoling me over something stupid."
"It wasn't -"
"Not the point." He shushs. "I'm trying to tell you that my heart hurts thinking you've been hurting all this time and I want to be there for you in a way that I can't as just a friend." He finally confesses.
She stares at him wide eyed but her smile is radiating. "I love you too, Max. I panicked when I saw you pinned down. Couldn't bare the thought of something terrible happening and losing you." She places a hand over his.
It happened so quickly. The feeling of his lips on hers. Then they were gone.
"I'm gonna be there for you now too. No more hiding away from me."
She finds herself getting lost in the blue of his eyes. How could she refuse him such a thing? "I promise."
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l0vergirlatheart · 2 years
affection. [TMC]
alt. title; how do the victims react to affection from you?
warnings/tws; mentions of MAD, foreshadowing, mentions of alternates
req. by; none
chars. used; Mark Heathcliff, Cesar Torres, Jonah Marshall, Adam Murray.
song of the day; Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall
a/n's; i love tally hall <333
by continuing from this point on you understand that it is your fault if you see any opinions that you do not agree with and that make you mad. you will not take it out on me or anyone else who enjoys/agrees with them, and you especially will not do anything illegal/dangerous to them or myself.
images do not belong to me and belong to their rightful owners.
by continuing from this point on you understand that it is your fault if you see any opinions that you do not agree with and that make you mad. you will not take it out on me or anyone else who enjoys/agrees with them, and you especially will not do anything illegal/dangerous to them or myself.
images do not belong to me and belong to their rightful owners.
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so imagine this;
you two are chilling on the couch, infront of the tv
it's off, of course, and we all know why
doesn't stop you two from talking though
and you guys keep talking and when you stop, you guys realize it's super late
and dark
and you shouldn't be heading outside for any reason,
so mark lets you stay over!! (what a gentleman)
and so you get prepared to sleep on the couch and everything,
but mark is like, nonono what are you doing
because he is very nice and doesn't want you sleeping on the couch
it's bad for your posture!!!
"(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asks after seeing you lay your now folded-up hoodie on the couch.
"Getting ready for bed? Why, is there something you need?" You reply, tilting your head to side, as you didn't see as what he was getting at.
"You shouldn't be sleeping on the couch, it's bad for you, you know?"
"Is there anywhere else for me to sleep?" You said, jokingly.
"Yeah, I was going to let you sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch.."
needless to say, that was unexpected
but you couldn't just take his bed and then make him sleep on the couch in his house!!
you keep declining, but he just won't give up..
"It's your house! I can't just kick you out of your own bed!" You said, trying to reason with him.
"You're not kicking me out of my own bed, I'm willingly offering it to you!" He argued back.
this went on for a while until you finally caved.
"Okay, okay! I'll sleep in your bed! It just.. I don't know.." You said, but something told you that you should not be alone. Not now. Not tonight. It also told you that Mark shouldn't be alone either.
"It's just what?" He asked, curiosity getting the best of him after a while.
"Something is... wrong, or no, will be wrong. I don't know what or when, but I just know it." You said, gripping onto your (shorts/pants.) He looked at you and then away, scratching the back of his head.
"I could... sleep in the room with you... if you'd like... Not on the bed, just next to it, on the floor.." He offered, a light blush dusting his face.
well shit
that feeling is telling you to, so obviously you do!!
so now you're in his bed, all tucked in because
who doesn't love being tucked in
but now you're just laying down and all of a sudden
you hear
soft snores
coming from the side of the bed
so you turn around and guess what!!!
it's a sleeping mark fucking heathcliff
"...Lord have mercy on my soul, this is a sight to behold..."
as you look at him longer,, you silently reach your hand out for his hair and start brushing it
he will lean into your hand contently until you fall asleep
and then when he wakes up with you fast-asleep with one hand in his hair
he just...
526 words.
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now in this case, since he's dead from he start, he's an alternate here, too
but he's friendly!!
to you only, though.
anyone else,,, :grimace:
but because he's an alternate, he hasn't actually really had any affection towards him
so this feeling is new to him
and he's not expecting it, especially not after he just finished driving someone MAD and coming home covered in blood,
so when you hold his hand and walk him to the bathroom to get cleaned up, he is extremely confused
aren't you afraid?
"Come on, now. You're like, 7 feet tall and I have shorter arms than you do, so you gotta work with me and bend down! I have ta' getcha all cleaned up!" You said, struggling to reach the alternate's face. It looked down at you and did as it was told, a small trace of shock across it's face was evident.
"...Aren't you afraid?" He asked as you wiped off the blood on his face with a paper towel.
"Afraid? Of what? You?" You replied, a smile crossing your face.
"Yes. Everyone is scared of alternates, so why aren't you acting scared?"
"Because I'm not. Don't ya' think that if I was scared of you after living with you for months now, I would've gone MAD by now?"
"Yeah, thought so. Now let's clean up that suit of yours, can't have random people's blood in our apartment, now can we?" You said, grabbing his hand once again.
"Why do you do that?"
"Hmm? Do what?"
"Grab my hand. Why?"
oh poor thing
he has no idea why you hold his hand
so when you tell him it's a form of affection,,, he just
short circuits
you, a human, is giving him, and alternate,,
he doesn't know why, but he does like it
he likes being given affection, and he tries his best to return it
but he's not used to giving nor receiving it, so it'll take a while
You feel two arms wrap around you as you put in a load of clothes into the laundry machine. You turn your head around and then upwards to see Cesar holding you.
"What's up bud?" You say, smiling up at him.
"Oh? Do you want some--"
"No, I want to return affection.. You always give others affection but I don't see others returning it a lot..."
"...oh. W-well, thank you for the hug, Cesar!"
405 words.
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this little mf will be so cocky about receiving any affection from you
like he'd be the type of person to yell out,
"hey ya'll, (Y/N) hugged me and not you, bozos!!!"
you can't tell me i'm wrong..!
imagine in the rare occasion
that he goes into the house
instead of adam, you decide to go in with him because
you're nice like that
and you have to stay there for a night or two
so you lay out your sleeping bag, but guess what?
somebody was an idiot and forgot their fucking sleeping bag.
you're a really nice person soo...
"Aww shit... I forgot my fucking sleeping bag." He sighed out and stopped rummaging through his bag.
"You could use mine. I think I'll just stay awake tonight, just in case. Plus, you seem tired, and I'm not, so it just makes sense." You offered.
"It's okay. If you don't want my sleeping bag, that's fine, but I'd recommend using it." You shrugged, stretching your arms out.
"But what about you? You shouldn't stay up late-- it's bad for you and-"
"Would you rather share the sleeping bag then?"
"GRK! WHA-- I mean-- if that's okay with you- I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.." He mumbled, his face heating up.
so now here you are,
a sleeping jonah on your lap all wrapped up in a sleeping bag
as you sit down, back pressed up against the wall as you keep an eye out for anything
...but you can't help but look at jonah,,
he's just so cute when he's sleeping!
he's so cute when he's not a little gremlin <333
you put your hands in his hair and give it a little floof
you slowly see the sun rise up through the window after hours of keeping your eyes peeled
you smile and finally let yourself drift off to sleep, but not before jonah wakes up and sees you just barely close your eyes.
as soon as you fall asleep, he slowly gets up and turns his body towards you, pulling you into a soft and warm hug.
"I told you to go to sleep, you dumbass." He whispered, rubbing your back.
394 words.
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he doesn't exactly give out physical affection all the time, it's just not really his thing, but that doesn't stop him from doing so anyways
but he is good at quality time!! (he is very good at that!!)
one time you were falling asleep in the backseat of the car with adam because jonah was mad at him and shoved him back there
so your head just started to lean and then
right on his shoulder
he was surprised, but you were half-asleep and didn't even notice
so he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you a little closer
put his head on your (head/shoulder,)
and fell asleep too.
he woke up a couple minutes later and started whispering innocent, sweet nothings into your ear.
you were still asleep, but he wanted to make sure you knew how much he cared about you.
"...you're so gorgeous. How did I get so lucky to have you right next to me?"
"and you're so brave, going after these alternates and not even catching a slight case of MAD..."
"God, you are so perfect, always here for me and others, you deserve the world... and I'm going to try my best to give it to you, no matter the cost."
to say jonah was a third wheel in this moment would be an understatement
but hey!
you two are happy,
aren't you?
enjoy it while it lasts.
238 words.
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idabbleincrazy · 2 months
The Experiment
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: E
Pairing: Clex
Word Count: 2891
Warnings: smut, pwp, s4 au, rift - what rift?, nipple play, nipple torture (but in a good way), frottage, dirty talk, first time, established relationship
Summary: Lex has a secret, Clark has a plan.
A/N: prompted by @leatafandom my perpetual cheerleader. If you can come up with a better title, lmk. The prompt: One of Us is lying + Lex has outrageously sensitive nipples. The slightest touch can be heaven or hell, depending. Perhaps Clark sucks Lex's nipples tenderly, while Lex squirms. Or perhaps Clark pinches and tortures them.
Squares Filled: One of Us is Lying ( @julybreakbingo )
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Clark had a theory, one he planned to thoroughly test. 
He and Lex hadn’t been lovers for long, their long-withheld need for each other only being admitted to barely over a week ago. Even after four years of looks and innuendo, enough foreplay to drive even the most stalwart monk beyond the line of temptation, they'd barely done more than making out…on Lex's couch in his mansion office, in Clark's loft, in the backroom of the Talon. There'd been one or two instances of their groping and kissing leading to an embarrassing need for a change of pants, but that was it. They still hadn't made it up to Lex's bedroom, hadn't even seen each other naked yet - unless you counted the brief moments that Clark used his x-ray vision to check Lex over for internal injuries after one of the multitude of meteor mutant attacks - which Clark didn't. 
But, in the course of their slow, agonizingly slow, courtship, Clark had noticed something about Lex. Well, Clark noticed everything about Lex, actually, but that was beside the point. Something that he hadn't had the chance to notice about Lex before, since Clark had never been allowed to see this more intimate side of him. 
Somehow, even though Clark was the one person Lex allowed to take such liberties with his person, the only one Lex didn't grimace at and flinch away from any of the stray casual touches, those touches had never landed near this particular part of Lex's anatomy. Until one late-night make-out session when Clark's hand had brushed up over Lex's chest, and Lex had gone rigid beneath his palm, a soft groan in his ear and a bloom of wet heat where their groins were pressed together.
Apparently, Lex had very sensitive nipples. 
Clark knew Lex well enough to know that he would never get an honest answer out of him if he just asked outright. Not without irrefutable proof right in front of both their eyes. So, he came up with a solution that would both get him his answer, and finally bring their relationship to the next level. 
Clark's parents had gone out to Granville for the weekend to offload some of their excess crops and livestock at the Lowell County Fair, so he had no curfew for the next two days, so long as all the chores got done in a timely manner. He was finally going to get to stay the night over at the castle, and it was the perfect chance to implement his plan. 
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"Lex, no! I'm not staying in a guestroom." Clark tugged Lex away from the room he was trying to lead him into, urging the older man down the hall towards Lex's bedroom. "You can't tell me you don't want this just as bad as I do. I'm eighteen, Lex, and I'll be in college in a few months. There are no legal ramifications to be considered in keeping my virtue intact, and my parents can't say a thing against it even if they do find out."
He knew Lex wouldn't need much persuasion, they'd been teasing each other since the moment Clark stepped into his office. Clark had slowly been proving his theory on Lex's sensitivity, grazing, brushing, and bumping against Lex's chest throughout the day, each slight touch resulting in a bitten back gasp of breath, a widening of pupils, an ever-growing bulge beneath charcoal slacks. 
As expected, Lex let himself be led to his own room. Let himself be pushed up against the solid wood door as it closed behind them, resigned defeat slowly taking over his features as he let Clark capture his mouth in a heated kiss.
Clark grinned against Lex's mouth, his tongue delving past parted lips as he put the next part of his experiment into action. He let his hands wander slowly up Lex's sides, too-smooth fingertips sliding over expensive cloth as he caressed, his path meandering, not making it at all clear where their destination lay. He kept Lex pressed against the oaken door as his thumbs crept closer to Lex's nipples, wanting to feel every minute reaction that the older man would try to hide. 
When he knew that Lex was thoroughly distracted, he brushed his thumbs over the tiny buds, the dual assault taking Lex by surprise. The hands threaded through Clark's hair clenched for a fraction of a second, a barely discernible shudder skated through his lithe body, his chest simultaneously arching towards and pulling away from the light touch, the barest whisper of a moan breathed into his own mouth. Clark pulled away from the kiss, eyes sparkling in triumph.
"I knew it!"
Lex gaped at him, bereft at the loss of Clark's warm bulk pressing against him. His nipples were visible beneath the thin fabric of his shirt, pants tented obscenely. He looked halfway towards thoroughly debauched already, and all Clark had done was give him one sound kiss and the hint of pressure against his skin. If this was how he looked now, Clark couldn't wait to see how hot Lex looked after he was fucked and completely sated. 
"Kn-knew what?" Lex's voice, once he'd found it, was both husky and tremulous. "Clark, what do you know?" 
Clark smirked knowingly, taking Lex's hands in his and leading them to the overly large bed that took up most of one wall of the spacious room. 
"Lex, your nipples are a major hot zone for you. Why didn't you tell me?"
Lex spluttered in indignant refusal, shaking his hands free from Clark's and taking a step back. The slightest hint of color tinted his pale cheeks; whether from anger or embarrassment, Clark couldn't be sure. Probably a mixture of both. His heartbeat sped even quicker than it had during their kissing, Clark's enhanced hearing making the perfect lie-detector. 
"They are not, Clark, don't be ridiculous!"
Clark's smirk widened as he reclosed the gap between them, easing Lex down to the plush mattress. 
"Yes, they are, Lex. You don't have to lie to me about it."
"I'm not! Why would I lie about something so banal as this?"
"Really? So, my observance of your reactions is the lie?"
"Yes. I do not have sensitive nipples, Clark. True, like with most people, it feels good when they're played with, but they're no more erogenous than any other male's."
By this point, Clark had Lex exactly where he wanted him, laid out along the length of the bed beneath him. Any trepidation Clark might once have felt about finally making it to this stage of things fled out the window in the face of the challenge Lex was so obviously issuing. 
"Hmm. Why don't we put that to the test then, Lex?" 
Lex didn't bother answering as Clark settled over him, straddling his waist. He rolled his eyes in an only slightly feigned exasperation, and stretched his arms up before tucking them beneath his head, his devil-may-care attitude back in place. 
"Fine, Clark. If you want to spend our first night together disproving your delusions, be my guest."
Clark wasn't kowed in the least; after four years of dealing with the strategic billionaire, he knew when he had him on the defensive. Instead, he simply smiled and leaned in for another kiss, his fingers coming up to trace around the collar of Lex's periwinkle button-up. Letting his fingers trail down and over to circle around one still-tightened nub, he felt Lex resist the urge to shiver, the slim body beneath him tensing, instead. 
Not lingering, Clark slid his wandering hand back to the center of Lex's chest, fingers undoing buttons as his mouth left Lex's, lips sliding along his jawline and down to his throat. Quickly enough, Lex's shirt was spread open, pale, smooth skin cool beneath his hands as he pushed the fabric over Lex's shoulders. Sitting up, Clark sped out of his own shirts, glad he no longer had to hide his abilities from the man he loved. Lex's eyes darkened just as they did every time Clark allowed himself to be truly honest about who he was, when he showed Lex how much he trusted him with this knowledge. Clark thought the show of power turned Lex on just as much as the trust, if not more.  
Clark tossed his shirts aside carelessly, staring down at the man he straddled. Long swathes of bare skin that he'd only managed quick flashes of over the years. Lithe, pale, and improbably hairless - no wonder Lex was always on the colder side - and Clark couldn't let himself feel the usual guilt that washed over him when confronted with the results of the meteor shower. Lex was too perfectly beautiful this way for him to think it a mistake. 
"Clark," there was a warning in Lex's voice as he spoke, his hips bucking up slightly to emphasize the growing need he was experiencing. 
"We have all night, Lex. Show a little patience."
Lex let out a little growl that Clark completely ignored, opting instead for bending back down to take a closer look at the pink bud of one nipple, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips. This was gonna be fun. 
Clark started his assault with the barest nudge of his nose against it, the tiny flutter along Lex's skin noticeable given how closely they were pressed together. Lex gave a melodramatic sigh of boredom. Clark chuckled.
Knowing Lex wouldn't be so easy, Clark switched tactics, flicking his tongue out over the tautening nipple, hearing the almost silent gasp of breath. Not giving Lex a chance to recover, Clark blew a cool breath over the wet skin, watching the way the skin of the areola prickled into gooseflesh. Good to know that reaction wasn't entirely dependent on the presence of hair follicles. He felt Lex gulp hard, knew he was swallowing back a groan. 
Lex's cock was insistent against his hip, the heat of it noticeable even through the layers of fabric between them. An idea struck Clark, and before Lex could even take in the shifting of the mattress, they were both completely naked. Clark wasn't sure a cock could be perfect, but if anyone's was, it was Lex's. Only slightly less pale than the rest of him, with a ruddy, plump head; long enough to require both of Clark's hands to cover the shaft, and thick enough to make Clark count his blessings that he could hold his breath for insanely long stretches of time. Circled at the base by a surprising, sparse, thatch of auburn curls. 
Wrenching his gaze from the tantalizing appendage, Clark refocused his attention back to where it was needed. He leaned down and laved his tongue over the left nipple that had, as yet, been neglected. Clark felt Lex’s cock twitch against his thigh, his skin becoming sticky as it left behind a drop of pre-come. He shifted his weight to support himself on one forearm as he slid his other hand up Lex’s side to pluck at the taut bud he’d abandoned. A low, almost silent, groan rumbled in the chest pressed up against his own. 
“Clark, this childish.” Lex’s voice was raspy, thick with held-back need, and failed to carry the chiding tone he no doubt was aiming for. “Call off your pointless experiment, and let’s do this already.”
“Not pointless if I get to prove a point, is it, Lex?” Clark breathed his words against Lex’s nipple, and was rewarded a harsh breath that heaved Lex’s chest. “Just admit it, and we can move on to other things.”
“Nothing to…admit.” 
“Really? ‘Cause, y’know, I’ve played with my own nipples before, Lex. And it’s never felt nearly as good as you’re making it seem like it feels.”  
“Do you really even count as a comparison point?”
“I’m as sensitive to my own touch as other people are to each other’s, so, yeah.”
Clark put an end to Lex’s attempt to argue his way out of the situation with a teasing, light, nip to the nipple within his reach. The move earned him the most vocalized gasp yet. Soothing his tongue over the abused nub got him an arch of back, Lex’s chest pushing against his chin as the older man silently sought out more. 
Lex’s hand snaked up into his hair, fingers clutching tightly at the strands, knowing there would be no damage. His resolve was cracking, and Clark knew it. Closing his lips over the pearl of flesh, he suckled, feeling it warm as blood was pulled to the surface. He let Lex hold him in place, knowing the older man would succumb far more readily to the truth of his self-perceived weakness if Clark could not see his face.
"Christ," Lex groaned, finally allowing his desire to be heard without enhanced hearing. "Thought I was supposed to be the evil one, here."
Clark growled at the self-deprecation; Lex knew how much Clark hated the way everyone still insisted on seeing Lex as a carbon copy of his father, despite years of the younger Luthor proving otherwise. The vibration of the sound against the sensitive flesh garnered a shocked whimper. 
"Clark! Oh, fuck it. I give! Alright? I give." Lex's fingers tightened again in Clark's hair, pressing him into his chest as he worked his mouth over and around the nipple. "I'm more sensitive there than most, okay? You win."
Clark grinned around the scrap of flesh resting on his tongue. Pleased with himself for making the older man break quicker than he had expected, Clark suckled harder, just to hear the moan the action produced. His hand pinched the right nipple again, and he felt Lex's cock press against his own as the lithe, slim body squirmed beneath him. 
"Jesus, Lex", Clark murmured around the nipple in his mouth, "you are so hot like this. The great Lex Luthor, losing control. Because of me. Wanna make you come like this, Lex."
Clark felt Lex's legs wrap around his waist, keeping their erections sliding together as he writhed. The lower half of his body bucked and twisted as he arched his back up, pushing his chest into the dual ministrations of Clark's hand and mouth. Clark could feel his own throbbing cock hardening even further, but ignored the roiling need for release. He needed to see Lex fall apart even more than he needed to come. Both of those slender hands were on him now, one tangled securely in hair, guiding him, the other clawing restlessly at his back, trying to mark the invulnerable skin. 
"Oh, God, Clark! Feels so good. Don't stop! Christ, don't fucking stop!"
Clark didn't plan to. Pinching the left nipple gently between his teeth, he tugged, a shiver of pleasure running down his spine at the keening sound he pulled from Lex's throat at the action. His cock was sticky now, with the slick-slide of Lex's pre-come as he rocked against him. 
One harder bite to the nipple in his mouth, one more pinch to the right, and Lex shouted and went rigid under him, his limbs clamping around Clark, clutching him tighter, as warm fluid splashed between their stomachs. Laving his tongue softly over the left nipple as he eased Lex through his climax, his thumb stroked soothingly over the right, gentling the older man down from the heights of his pleasure. 
As Lex unclenched from where he was wrapped around Clark's broad frame, Clark released the tortured buds from the prolonged contact, nuzzling his nose around the sensitized skin. Lex's hands relaxed their grip, scratching and tugging turned to petting, and Clark let himself focus on his own immense need. 
"That's it, Clark, come on." Lex's fingers stroked through his hair and across his shoulders, encouraging him as he began to thrust down against him, Clark's aching cock sliding smoothly against Lex's softening member. "Let me feel you come for me, baby. You just gave me one of the hottest, amazing, insane orgasms of my life, Clark. And later, you're going to fuck me, oh, yeah, that thick, hot cock of yours is gonna be so deep inside me, I'll feel it in my throat. But I need you to come for me, first. Come on me; mark me with that hot Kryptonian come, like I marked you. 'Cause I'm yours, Clark, just as you are mine. So, come for me, Clark."
Rutting against Lex's lax and sated body as the billionaire spilled hot, dirty whispers into his ear, Clark let the rush of arousal course through him and came. Great, thick ropes of come that spurted between them, mingling with Lex's, his eyelids clamped shut to block out the growing heat burning behind his eyes. 
Lex tugged Clark up the bed to settle beside him once the shudders of his orgasm had subsided, hands stroking over his body, rubbing their commingled spend into his skin. Clark mirrored the motion, his cock giving a valiant twitch as he ran his fingers through the sticky mess splattered across Lex's abs. Clutching each other closer, their lips met in a slow, sated kiss. They had all night, after all.
"Hey, Lex," Clark broke the kiss and looked down at the drowsy face. Lex hmm-ed at him and raised sleepy blue eyes to meet mischievous green. "Ever thought about getting them pierced?"
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
THAT GOJO FIC THOUGH??? an absolute masterpiece and soooo beautifully written. definitely felt super in character for him - equal parts eerie, entitled, and light-hearted? loved loved loved it.
i’m curious (not necessarily a request…unless?) just want to pick your brain about what that relationship between gojo and reader might look like as adults or a few years in the future. does his yandede tendency worsen? does reader ever try to leave or just accept how things are? what, if anything, would anger your interpretation of yan!gojo? how does he keep reader under his thumb for so many years? do others understand what he’s doing and what their relationship truly is? what even is their relationship? haha i’m so sorry i just loved your gojo so much and am foaming at the mouth for any more scraps you may have to offer
THANK YOU VERY MUUUUUUUUUCH there's something about questionable men that turns my pupils into hearts each and every time.
as for your questions, let's see... first and foremost, i've decided that the fic i discussed writing is like the 'baseline' universe with 'it's graduation, isn't it?' being a branching yandere narrative (or AU i guess)?? i came up with a backstory for the darling in IGII and thought it had enough potential to be explored further. so, all this to say that i'm working on the main story right now which will flesh out reader's relationship with shoko, geto, and gojo in particular. this'll give additional context to the relationship gojo and reader have in the yandere fic! for their time in high school, i've decided to split the story into three main arcs, each one taking place during reader's time as a first year, second year, and third year. (i have ideas for post high school-to the present day in when the main events of JJK pick up, but i'll focus on that later).
here's a general overview of the start of the fic. presently, its working title is 'golden girl.'
2005 — reader's first year arc.
takes place primarily from reader's perspective with the occasional shift to omniscient perspective. reader's from another country, so she's unfamiliar with all the politics/bureaucracy in japan's jujutsu scene. in-depth look at her first day at jujutsu tech, her initial impressions of shoko, gojo, and geto. gojo does something that reader views as irresponsible, kickstarting their decades long relationship with reader disliking him 😭
exploring the quintet's dynamic with one another. reader still thinks gojo is annoying, is okay with geto but finds something about him mildly unnerving, gets along best with shoko. gojo has intense 'kindergarden boy pulling the hair of the girl he has a crush on' energy. reader sloooooooowly warms up to him.
reader at this point has a rose-tinted view of jujutsu society. while she isn't ignorant to the reality sorcerers face when going about their jobs, she assumes everyone at the top must get along so everyone can best preserve the public's safety. can't fathom why it'd be any different. as such, the story's tone up until this point has a slice of life-esque vibe.
the first real conflict in this arc comes in the form of an assignment gojo, geto, and reader receive. a zenin sorcerer got whooped on what should've been an easy job, dirtying the family's image. to rectify this, the zenins pester jujutsu tech to send in the heavy artillery (aka gojo and geto) so it looks like the job was so difficult, some of the best sorcerers had to handle it. reader is also requested to join them for reasons that'll be revealed later.
(more under the cut because whewie this got long)
gojo and geto can pretty much see through the petty politics going on. they explain the machinations to reader, who decides to take the assignment serious regardless. gojo in particular is very blasé about the entire thing because one, that big ass ego and two, he's a teen. bad combo.
the assignment itself takes place in an abandoned nursery on the outskirts of nagoya. here, the three encounter the curse 'the caretaker' and its 'little ones.' now it's psychological horror time. gojo's arrogance exacerbated by reader's insistence on following protocol clash bad. the fight ends up not being so simple after all due to the curse's abilities. they eventually realize reader's cursed technique is Suspiciously best suited to work as a counter, but at grave risk and damage to herself. thanks zenins. ultimately, reader pulls it off, but receives heavy injuries in the process. gojo and geto are pissed about this entire thing. character development for the squad that'll play into their themes into adulthood (gojo's wish to upend the higher-ups, geto's disillusionment with jujutsu society, and a secret third thing for reader).
in what will serve as a parallel for post star plasma arc, the three are able to 'overcome' the event enough and grow closer for it. everyone's coping mechanisms kinda sucks but not to the degree it'll suck after the events of post star plasma arc.
reader's like oh boy, that was an eventful first year haha! i sure hope my second year isn't anywhere near as chaotic haha! :)
as for where the narrative would branch into a yandere AU, that'd take place mostly in reader's third year. personally, i think gojo would be a bit of an unhealthy weirdo no matter what in a romantic relationship, but just not to the Full yandere extent. so you'll see him up to some questionable shenanigans even in the main fic.
i apologize, i ended up laser focusing on gojo's relationship with reader so much that i didn't really answer your other questions GJSDKLFS i just feel like the events of the main story will go on to shape yandere and non yandere gojo's behavior with reader enough that without context, it won't make as much sense.
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