#[ merry christmas dear I love you so very much ❤️❤️❤️ ]
barmadumet · 9 months
I didn’t intend to take new pics this year; I’ve been searching for my Christmas spirit… I think I found it 😃 No sweaters this time (it’s too stressful to put those on) but I did repurpose some props from other sessions & I’m so in love 😍
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We see an unboxed gift in the gift exchange this year! Look what Obi-Wan got Anakin 😭😭😭 A model of his starfighter! And Obi is eagerly explaining all the features 🥰
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Merry Christmas, my obikin friends ❤️💚 I love you all so very much 🥲
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See last year’s photos here:
Photo Session 1
Photo Session 2
Photo Session 3 Photo Session 3 Part 2
Photo Session 4
Photo Session 5 
Photo Session 6 Photo Session 6 Part 2
Photo Session 7 Photo Session 7 Part 2
Photo Session 8
Photo Session 9 Photo Session 9 Part 2
Photo Session 10
Photo Session 11
Photo Session 12
Photo Session 13
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Helloo!! Happy Christmas, Smooches🎄🎇 (at least I hope it's Christmas for you rn, bc timezones are hard and in my country we celebrate it on 7th Jan🙇‍♀️)
Anyway--imagine being childhood friends with Arlecchino. You're around the same age as her, in House of the Hearth. Always together, at first it's simply a mitually benefical cooperation to complete the previous Knave's order swiftly and without mistakes. Even so, as you work together more and more, she can't deny how her heart clenches when you get injured or when the Knave punishes you for being too slow, making mistakes or manipulates you. Yourself, you are the same, always tending to Arlie's injures or supporting her after unpleasant meeting with the Knave
I feel like old Knave will stop sending you together on missions, trying to make sure you're as far away from each other as possible, saying that relationships such as friendship or even romance aren't necessary and mess up with your work for the Fatui. Only night meetings, short and away from everyone's gaze were comforting moments for the both of you
Eventually, Arlie succeeded the old the Knave, becoming the director of House of the Hearth now. You're her second-in-command, speaking officially and 'someone who's close to lord Arlecchino' for children there, they call you her lover only when they're sure Arlecchino can't hear it (she knows about this anyway, of course)
For orphans, you hold title of "Mother" (or "Mat' - Мать - Mother"), same as Arlie is "Otets" - Отец - Father). You know they're raise to be spies and soldiers, you're still soft on them from time to time, always attentive to them and their needs. Lyney and Lynette made a new trick? Of course you'll watch, maybe even assist if they need it. Freminet's social battery went down? You know just the perfect way he can go outside to dive, where no one will notice him and if someone needs Fremi, you'll make up an excuse.
-🥀, celebrating my Arlie plushie arriving and triple crowning Freminet
MERRY (EARLY) CHRISTMAS TO YOU 🥀 ANON!! I hope you have a wonderful time ❤️ AND YES I LOVE CHILDFRIEND FRIEND ARLECCHINO... (i also love the previous Knave slander.) CONGRATS ON YOUR ARLIE PLUSHIE... I BET SHE'S SO CUTE!! (And triple crowning Fremi??! AHH THAT'S AMAZING... i can't wait to do that with Arlie...)
When you first met Arlecchino, you didn't think she particularly cared for or liked you very much... well, to be fair, that blank look of hers was extended to everyone, not just you so, that was that. But as time went on, as you were sent out on more and more missions with her, she... warmed up to you. When you two weren't working you often tried to make conversation (though in the beginning it was rather dry) and you two became closer.
No one in the House likes the current Knave, but her hatred for them only grows from the way you are so poorly treated. You don't deserve such pain, no, not after how kind you are to her. Smiling and saying you can deal with it, and worrying about her instead. Unfortunately, the Knave catches onto the growing relationship quickly. Of course she sees the two of you as only tools, and tools shouldn't have feelings or connections. Even your rooms in the House are moved farther away, and sneaking out is hard considering how watchful the Knave is. But you two are willing to risk it anyway.
As the two of you grow older however, Arlecchino starts to gain more power in the Fatui and even the Knave can't do much about it, as their power soon dwindles... and dwindles... and Arlie is the new Knave! And so, you no longer need to worry about sneaking around to see your friend, who turned into a crush, and is now your dear lover. Everyone who knows Arlecchino knows about you, her second in command who keeps everything smoothly with or without her. (Although the lover part isn't explicitly stated, everyone knows. The older kids always have to slap their hands over the younger ones when you're around because they have a big mouth though.)
Your kind nature to the orphans makes them see you a lot as a parental figure... even though they're the Fatui soldiers you can't help but want to raise them to at least have a few good memories in their hearts... especially since the previous Knave was completely the opposite way. Piggyback rides, airplaneing the food, yes, you'll do it all. Indulging the twins' tricks, making an effort to go to as many of their shows as possible even if you're busy. Omg and giving Fremi diving recommendations... 🥹 he definitely gets embarrassed but happy at your enthusiasm! And even though Father may not like it when he cries, he can always come to you if he needs to.
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skippyv20 · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Skippy & Friends-A Christmas card of sorts from Pilgrim
The Christmas Message from The Other Side of the Coin, The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe by Angela Kelly; pages 150/151 “So many people want to see what The Queen wore to church on Christmas Day but, of course, there are many more across the country and around the world who look forward to The Queen’s Christmas Message. It’s an important part of Christmas Day for many people - something to be enjoyed after a long lunch and a time to reflect on the events of the year. It’s a privilege for me to be involved in this significant occasion.
As part of the preparations for the speech, I am in touch with the broadcasters a couple of weeks before filming. I’ve got to know them quite well over the years-at the BBC, ITV, and Sky-and we’ve developed a smooth process for making sure everything goes perfectly. Firstly, I ask what colors and decorations they’re planning to use for the scene, and they’ll give me a detailed description, including which furniture will be featured and how the tree will be decorated. I then pick out a selection of outfits for The Queen that might be suitable, based on the colors chosen for the setting. Ultimately, I leave it up to the production team to decide on the final outfit as the camera crews and producers know what will work and what won’t: red, for example, is difficult to capture on camera, and in green Her Majesty might disappear into the background, depending on the positioning of the tree.
In 2012, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Jubilee year, as well as the eightieth year since King George first broadcast his speech over the radio, the production company suggested that it might try something a bit different. The Queen is always willing to embrace technology, so it was agreed that for the first time the Christmas message would be broadcast in 3D. On the day of filming, nothing was noticeably different with the cameras, and Her Majesty was a professional as ever, with the speech captured in one take.
It’s a very rare occasion when someone else decides what The Queen will wear, particularly on such a significant day! But I trust the television crews and we work brilliantly as a team. Of course, I’ll discuss their choice with Her Majesty, but if I’m assured that it’s the right decision, she is satisfied. The only other thing left for me to do it to arrange for the make-up artist, Marilyn Widdess, to be there on the day of filming. You might be surprised to know that this is the only occasion throughout the year when Her Majesty does not do her own make-up.”
Photo caption: “The Queen recorded her Christmas Day message in 2018. The Duke of Edinburgh designed this brooch in 1966 for Her Majesty in the shape of a scarab, wrought in gold, rubies, and diamonds.”
Thank you so much!  This is so lovely!  Merry Christmas dear Pilgrim to you and yours!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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dreamofdawn · 2 years
Hi I saw your requests are open and since I’m new to this and I like your work I thought I’d ask for a simple hc with the luxiem boys and their ideal Christmas date?? If it’s too complicated you don’t have to do this, tbh I don’t know how I came up with this😅 ❤️🧡💛💙💜🎄also I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 🎄🎄🎄
✧✧You ask and you shall receive✧✧
Main pairing: Luxiem x Reader/You (separately)
Au: none
Genre: fluff
Type: [HEADCANON], One shot, or Series
Characters: Vox Akuma, Ike Eveland, Shu Yamino, Mysta Rias, Luca Kaneshiro, Reader
A/n: Heyo! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you too, and don't worry it wasn't complected at all. Thank you for the request and don't worry you will get used to this eventually!!
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Luxiem and their ideal Christmas date.
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A romantic night out in a restaurant
I see Vox taking to a restaurant after the Christmas party! Just imagine sitting on each end of the table with some candles lit and dinner being serve to both of you! Vox is very romantic so he'd like to take you out where the place is very romantic.
He could also take the dinner home, and by that I mean he would set up a table with candles with delicious food and some roses around the place.
Overall like I said Vox Akuma is very very romantic.
"I hope you enjoy this dinner my dear, and merry Christmas to you."
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A cafe! Ike would take you out for a cafe date for Christmas, because the atmosphere is so warm and cozy imagine just sitting there while taking a sip of your hot drink of choice with some desserts.
Ike loves the atmosphere in the cafe and especially loves it since his with you spending Christmas together!
Also he will bring some books so both of you can read together your favorite books or some novel he made.
Overall it's so wholesome.
"Älskling, thank you for spending this Christmas with me, merry Christmas."
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Shu Yamino would take you out for an ice skating date!
He doesn't know how to ice skate but his a fast learner! If you do know how he would love for you to teach him how to skate, if you don't then don't worry he would help you. (Although you both slip many many times.)
It was fun but romantic for both of you because you both managed to skate together. Overall very Sweet and fun.
"Spending this Christmas with you is the best thing that happened this year babe."
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Mister Rias would like to just stay indoors with you!
He just like being with you so anything you would like to go, he would of course join you. But if you'd ask him, he wyjust like to stay indoors.
Imagine just sitting near the fireplace, all cozy up and maybe playing some games or watching some YouTube with snacks on the side.
Overall very cozy and warm.
"I know staying isn't really that much, but I hope that this will be a special Christmas to you love."
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I think Luca would also take you out for a romantic dinner date, and after that he would take you out for a nice night walk.
He would take you to a very fancy and expensive restaurant, ordering your favorite food with lit candles and a very calm and romantic atmosphere. While waiting for your food both of you would talk about things.
After dinner he would take you to a nice walk, either in the park or just strolling around the city whatever you prefer.
At the end of the beautiful night he would cuddle you in your house while the fireplace is lit.
"I hope you enjoy this Christmas. This was a very POG date, thank you for spending this Christmas with me, honey."
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A/n: sorry its short and for any grammar mistakes.
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kimtaegis · 9 months
✨Dear Annie!✨
🌟I truly love your “Christmas at Annie’s” FESTIVAL of LOVE! ❤️💜💞✨✨✨
Especially now with our boys being away and everything. 🥰💜💫💗💫✨First of all, I would like to tell WONDERFUL YOU, how much I enjoy your beautiful work, wise words & your eternal kindness. 💗🦄🌟❤️✨✨Even without knowing it, you helped me through a lot in the last year. Thank you so much.☺️💞🌟 You’re forever in my ❤️, lovely Annie.✨
💗I’m also so glad having met @always-is-always on here. Dear Teresa, I‘m so grateful that I can call you my friend, even in real life, despite us living on different continents. 💜❤️🥰💗💞With Bangtan, nothing is impossible. Thank you for working with me sending light and protection to them and all in all spreading the love. You give me strength. Love you lots!❤️✨💜🌟💗💫✨
😇 Dear @sweetjikook! I‘m so happy to have met you through Bangtan. ❤️💞💫Thank you so much for your friendship, humor, wisdom and the amazing photos from SK. And for being a dog lover. 🐶 Hopefully, we can go together to one of the concerts in 2026, Hon. Love you!🥰✨✨❤️💜💫😘✨✨
💗Lovely Sky @jung-koook! ✨🌟💜💞❤️💗I‘m forever grateful for your incredible work and being here for all of us. 💜💫✨💜❤️✨It‘s so wonderful how you are keeping it all together, all of us informed, all the while being so lovely, patient and kind.☺️❤️💞💗✨💫
🌟Dear @daffyjjk! I‘m very happy and honored to have met you on here, feeling so connected through our FOREVER-LOVE for BTS. 💫❤️💫💜✨❤️🌹✨I just love it when you show glimpses of your beautiful culture. 🌸🌺🌼✨Big hug! 🌹💐🧚‍♀️
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✨Dear @jmdbjk! I sooo enjoy your beautiful write ups. Thank you so much for all you do! 💗💞💫💜❤️✨💫✨
💜My dear Artie @chikooritajjk, thank you so much for your incredible posts, full of wisdom and love. Reading you is always so enlightening and fascinating. 💗💫💐💫❤️💞🌟🧚‍♀️💞😇I‘m very grateful for our friendship. Love you so much. 🥰
😀My lovely, hilarious @bucky13, I just love your posts! So funny. ❤️💜💞🌟✨💫They singlehandedly helped me through some hard times. Thank you so much!💜💗💫🧚‍♀️🌹❤️💞
✨💗Dear Joy @joyswonderland1108! 🌹Even if you post less at the moment: I will forever be grateful for our friendship and your insight into everything Bangtan. Love you!🎄🌟💫💜❤️❤️💗✨💃✨💞✨
I also wouldn’t enjoy being an ARMY half as much if I hadn’t @mimmi1963, @andy-wm, @chimstarlight, @kanmom51, @mariajmajesty, @roo-bastmoon, @irmi3454, @akookminsupporter, @irishhorse-blog, @marengogo, @carolinamountainthyme, @jkjmbtsarmy, @bangtanboizz, @bookscandlesnbts, @atxn8, @juliapark13, @monismochi, @everkook, @julietapark, @jimin-updates, @mimikoolover, @verseziam, @kaylee9597, @jikook-married, @hon3ymo0n, @aricastmblr, @jimimn & @seoul-bros in my life. And I miss @whysojiminimnida. 🥰 Knowing you all makes the current heartbreak a bit less painful. Love you all so much! 💗 We will go through this together, waiting patiently and not so patiently for our beloved Boys to come back. Big hug!💞💫💗🥰💜🌹🌟❤️🌸✨💗✨🌸✨💫
✨Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all of you and ESPECIALLY to our AMAZING ANGEL ANNIE.😇🎄💗💫🌟✨❤️💫🌟✨🧚‍♀️
dearest janeli, what a special letter 🥺 you have such a big heart and I’m so happy for all of these amazing people to receive so much love from you, I hope it’ll always return to you to the same extent. thank you for sharing your generous kindness, it truly means a lot to have such supportive, sweet people like you here who will always go out of their way to make everyone feel happy and loved. I wish you the most wonderful christmas time, darling, you deserve all the good things in the world, no matter what time of the year! please stay healthy and keep being the incredible angel you are for all the years to come. I’m sending you all my love!!! 💖🤍🎁💝
also let me try to tag @everkook again for you, so they see this beautiful message too 💓
Participate in Christmas at Annie’s 🎁
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xflippinfrogx · 2 years
Moony’s laugh
A/N~ Heyy lovely people!! Soo I may or may not have fallen back into my marauders obsession and I have quite a few fic ideas so stick around if you love these idiots as much as I do :) and also MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!❤️
FANDOM: Harry Potter (Marauders)
LEE: Remus
LER(S): James, Sirius and Peter
🛑WARNING🛑— This is a tickle fic so if you don’t like that kind of stuff then please scroll on :)
It’s the 23rd of December 1973 and the Christmas Holidays have fallen upon the students of Hogwarts. Most have left to celebrate with their families but four gryfindor boys remained in the castle along with a few others that didn’t return home this season.
Remus was sat happily on the windowsill above the common room sofa, watching the snowflakes dance in the wind when the door bursted open.
In came three very cold but satisfied boys. They had spent the entire morning playing in the snow. Their favourite game was to see who could shove the most snow down someone else’s shirt. Remus had decided to sit that one out because he wasn’t in the mood to have hypothermia for Christmas.
He slid off his spot on the windowsill to sit on the sofa bellow while the others stripped from their wet coats. They decided to change first and then come back to bother Remus.
“Hey Moony did you see me win against those two!? I was way better than them.” Sirius exclaimed as he sprawled out on top of his friend.
“Oh shut it Padfoot you didn’t even stand a chance against us!” James chuckled.
“Yeah mate you surrendered within the first five minutes!” Peter said amidst his own laughter.
Sirius gawped at them and began his usual dramatics, complaining to Remus about how unfair they were being to him. Remus only smiled.
A few moments later of bickering between them and Sirius finally gave up. He curled slightly into Remus. “Bloody hell Moons you’re so warm” He whined. “You’re like my personal heater.”
“Oi budge over Sirius we want heater Moony too!” James and Peter joined the two on the couch and soon Remus was trapped between them all.
“Seriously can’t a guy get some personal space around here?” He didn’t actually mind. He only pretended too and the others knew this.
“But Remus we’re colddd” Peter groaned and James nodded his head.
“Yeah Moony feel my hands.” Sirius said shoving them up Remus’ shirt.
“PAHaDfoot dohont!” The atmosphere shifted as the others take in his reaction. A look of realisation washes over their faces.
“Remus Lupin, was that a giggle?” James asked raising his eyebrows. Out of the three he seemed the most excited to test out this new information.
Remus couldn’t think of an excuse for what had happened. A deep blush rose from the base of his neck to the tips of his ears. He couldn’t even speak a single word. This wasn’t good, he was utterly screwed.
“Boys, I think our dear Remus has been hiding something from his best friends all this time.” Remus began to struggle, trying to find a way out of this situation. He was completely trapped.
“I think it’s time we fix that don’t you Rem?” Peter smirked. Remus braced himself for the oncoming attack.
Almost immediately James straddled his hips and Peter grabbed his arms. Sirius wasted no time vibrating his hands into his ribs.
Straight away he was thrown into fits of giggles. He shook his head from side to side as though that would help. He never thought anything could tickle so much that you physically can’t think. It was as if his thoughts had vanished all because of a few wiggling fingers.
Peter dug into his under arms while James spidered over his sides.
“PLeahEasehe nohoho! I hahate youhu all!!” His eyes blurry with tears he continued laughing his heart out. His friends couldn’t contain their smiles as they saw their usually serious friend in pieces beneath them.
“Aw Rem your laugh is so cute! You should really consider laughing more often.” Sirius teased only forcing Remus to blush even more than before.
“Shuhut uhup SihiriUHAHAHAHAHA JAHAHAHAMESS STOHOHOHOP.” He honest to god shrieked.
Peter and Sirius turned to James, curious to see what had made Remus react in such a hysterical way. James had began circling his thumbs in the dips of Remus’ hips. His smile widened as he made eye contact with Remus.
“I think I’ve found it Rem.. I’ve found your worst spot haven’t I??” He questions, the giddiness clear in his voice. Remus didn’t even bother fighting back at this point and weakly nodded his head, giggling in anticipation.
“Lupin you are so dead” Peter remarks.
Not even a second had passed and Remus had began to scream with laughter once more. The other two just sat back laughing at their friends reaction. James was delighted with his discovery.
“JAHAHAHAHAAAMEHES PLEHEHEHEAHSE I CAHANT TAHAHAKE IHIHIT. NOHOHO *snort* JAHAHAMES!!” He finally stopped the torture of his friends hips, only because he had began laughing himself.
“Remus was that a snort!?” Sirius bellowed through fits of laughter, Peter laughing twice as hard.
“Hohow have we been friends for three years and we’re only finding this ohout now mate? You’re insanely ticklish!!” James asks helping Remus sit up.
“Ihi guehess I’m just gohood at keheeping secrets?” Remus was beginning to catch his breath. The others all smiled at their giggly friend.
“You’ve got us all Christmas now and we are so doing this again mate!!” Peter exclaims high fiving James.
“I hahate you all.” He didn’t really, he loved his friends and their silly antics. He couldn’t wait to spend Christmas with them and though he’ll never admit it, he loved when they tickled him and he was forever grateful for Sirius and his freezing cold hands that afternoon.
Merry Christmas to him<3 ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
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religious-extremist · 9 months
I have returned back to the faith after a lapse in my youth (was raised Antiochian Greek Orthodox from a mixed Arab Asian household) and have found such joy and comfort in your tumblr along others. I was wondering if you recommend any good audiobooks regarding learning more about one's Orthodox faith outside of church. I have a visual reading issue so audiobooks or podcasts appreciated. God bless you ❤️
A precious lamb has returned to the flock. It is meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this your brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost and is now found. Glory to God!
Some of my favorite audio and video Orthodox resources are the free audiobooks recorded in St. Anthony Orthodox Monastery in Arizona. (<- that is a clickable link) They have audiobooks in a multitude of languages: English, Greek, Russian, Arabic, and Romanian. I highly recommend the book about St. Joseph the Hesychast. He is my spiritual father’s spiritual father’s spiritual father. (lol) So he is like my spiritual great-grandfather? It’s a very interesting and lovely book, although I think the recording for it is not yet finished.
I also LOVE watching the lives of the saints as presented by Trisagion Films on YouTube! Youtube is trash so use an adblocker, BUT Trisagion Films makes great edifying content. They sketch Byzantine style drawings of the saints and scenes in their lives and animate them, adding music and narration.
One of my favorite videos from them is about the life of St. Gabriel the Fool-for-Christ. (link) He was a saint of recent times, most famous for when he burned a large portrait of Lenin during a communist rally.
They also have one for the life of Saint Porphyrios, another recent saint. The video is pretty much the summarized version of the book about him, which we read in the book club. St. Porphyrios, although blind, was a clairvoyant saint who was able to see with his spiritual eyes.
One of the priests at a monastery I frequent actually met Saint Porphyrios. He told me that Saint Porphyrios was so well aware of his surroundings, that the priest I know didn’t learn he was blind during their meeting until somebody else told him later on after they met.
If you would like, you can join Panagia’s Garden Book Club too! We would love to have you. We share Orthodox Christian books, hymns, and currently we are trying to read the Gospel of James before Christmas. Send me a message and I will send you the Discord invite link.
God bless you, dear friend. Please tell me your name so I can add you to my prayers.
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lovemkx · 9 months
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here’s your christmas card! 🥰
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thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart!, really. and it’s my honour to update things about miles (and maxie), i love doing this. im very very happy to know that something that i started doing just for fun, makes someone happy. seeing more and more people coming into miles’ fandom, and falling in love with him and with his work, was everything ive ever wanted (to spread the kane word), so thank you, and to everyone else who’s here! 🫶🫶
merry christmas to you dear, and wish you too a wonderful season and lots of good things, lots of love and miles (and maxie) in your life! i won’t ever get tired of your blog, and all the beautiful stories you write (you keep blessing us with those)!! 🎄❤️
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hi my dear beloved Rainbow. Not to be mushy (or creepy) but I adore you. You have been a huge influence on and comfort to me during these difficult (global) yet exciting (BJYX) times. I've composed many thank you letters to you in my head and will one day reach out and count all the ways ❤️. Meanwhile, I'd love to hear your thoughts on something I posted this morning (taking your advice and peeking out of my lurker cave 🫣) re: the possibility that Like Sunshine's composer was influenced by Ryuichi Sakamoto (RIP), specifically this piece -- https://youtu.be/1OZDaRhHHyM . I came across it a few months ago when I heard a rebroadcast of a radio interview with Sakamoto-san and immediately 👀. The idea that this music icon may have been referenced/paid homage in this beautiful song is very intriguing to me. Thanks in advance, and for all of your wisdom, generosity and guidance.
Aww, thanks so much! You're too sweet!! 🥰
I'm glad you have found anything I've written here helpful, interesting or comforting! I know how hard life can be, and turtles and GGDD have been a huge help to me as well.
As a huge David Bowie fan who has seen Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence multiple times (worth watching if you're into films), I am very familiar with the piece you've linked from Ryuichi Sakamoto (RIP 😢). This piece is very typical of Sakamoto's style.
I definitely hear some similarities, and it's very possible that the composer (Qian Lei) was influenced by Sakamoto. Sakamoto's influence is massive, he was a truly great artist.
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qkayoostudio · 2 years
devlog 6
Hi dear friends!
First of all: I hope you've all been warm and merry this holiday season, and that you get to look forward to fun celebrations with friends and/or family! And if this time of year is difficult for you -- here's an extra hug from me❤️
This mysterious visitor at the Summit gives you his regards, too:
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You'll only get to see a little bit of him in Chapter 1, so I want to keep his appearance a surprise🤭
In other exciting news: the custom save/load screens have been completed and programmed! Since I figured out all the code the about/prefs/help screens should come along shortly, too.
That's it for now!
This will also be my last devlog of the year! I can't believe 2022 is almost over. It's still my goal to publish the first chapter of The Summit Library in early-ish 2023, so I feel like I need to up my game a little... I'm looking at you, pile of unfinished backgrounds.
wishing you a very happy christmas & beautiful new year ahead,
much love,
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italeean · 2 years
I wanted to share some very cute and wholesome Christmas hcs with the moriarty the patriot characters because I love them so much ☹️
Miss Hudson, John and Sherlock decorate the flat and Sherlock likes to play around with the decorations and then accidentally trapped himself with Christmas, which John and miss Hudson took advantage off and gave him some soft tickles,, he swore to himself to never play with Christmas decorations ever again
So, in the manga, Albert makes horrible Christmas sweaters, and this year he made matching sweaters for the whole group and they all were going insane over it except Louis and Liam, they praised him hehehe
So getting ready for Christmas dinner, Liam asked Louis with the help of Moran to tidy the place up a bit, of course Moran didn't want to so Louis had to make him,, honestly Moran seems like those tough guys who are also extremely sensitive which is very silly ehehe, anyways, Louis made him suffer with tickles till he promised he'd help him clean (he ended up doing it and whining the whole time about it)
James, Fred and Moran are wearing matching Christmas hats and sweaters and they absolutely solo everyone
The Moriarty brothers made a gingerbread house together and ended up making a whole mess but that's okay, they had a very fun time (Albert ended up making the most mess)
Louis ends up overworking himself to make sure everyone has a good Christmas time, Albert and Liam heavily disagree that he overworks himself so they distract him and make him rest a bit with light tickles and Louis tries to tell them he isn't but they obviously don't believe him
This is all I hope you like theeemm~ <3
Aaaaww they're so sweet 🥹❤️
Have a merry Christmas, too, my dear 🎄❤️
@wertzunge more hcs for us ^_^
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kexing · 2 years
And at last we head into the finale with Triage ep 12-13:
Tol: If I fail this loop Tin’s gonna end up dating DEAR and not ME, this is the WORST
Jinta: Or he could still, you know, die
And we’ve come full circle with having Fang help with a matchmaking lunch, this time with Tol getting a surprisingly big brain play to directly ask her for help hitting on Tin. (With I think only one previous interaction in the bank with her. In a previous loop)
Oh don’t bother growing a spine now, Evil Gopher. It’s not like I’m gonna believe you’re suddenly not down for all the murder in your side gig.
HA, Tol is so happy about how getting the parents involved turned out. Tin’s all stunned over getting strong-armed into a study session sleepover while Tol is giddily in the corner like “That’s right, your ass just got entrapped, babe!” (also I couldn’t find anything when I looked it up, but Tol’s dad is definitely the dad from Ghost Host Ghost House right?)
You know the kisses very well might be bringing the memories back, but I find it so much funnier to think that that theory was Tin just making some romantic jot notes like he was scribbling in his diary and then Tol latched onto it with both hands all “So True Love’s Kiss will break the spell? I’M ON IT.”
Awww, Singgap get their own pinky promise moment.
Regressed!Tin’s been so angsty that Professor and Gopher are actually seeing him as a potential recruit for the side of evil.
Can Varit just catch a break? I know everybody’s going through it in this show but the boy was finally in a loop where he’s getting recognition and he wants to live and the plot still won’t leave him alone.
Oh come on it’s even worse for Varit! Poison?!
I love how all of Tol’s plans are, to put it mildly, not the most well thought out, but damn if he doesn’t throw his all into them.
Evil Professor watching Tin get thanked by the patient’s mother: ah dang it he’s getting his conscience and compassion back. This totally ruins my organ stealing job offer
Tol’s main thought process has essentially been “Can we kiss now? Or now? How’s about now? Is now good?” And when he finally has a chance of it actually working he gets INTERRUPTED CURSE YOU EVIL PROFESSOR
Everybody in this hostage situation is taking a moment to remark on how stupid Evil Gopher’s plan is.
Oh I could watch Gap conk Evil Gopher in the face with that pole 100 times.
Tin has gotta stop saying “We’re in this together and I’m not going anywhere.” He knows the universe has a twisted sense of humor and he’s basically DARING it to jinx him.
I just love Jinta so goddamn much.
Evil Professor’s dead, Evil Gopher’s snapped and locked up, Varit’s thriving, Singgap are flirting in front of patients (amusing Doi and annoying Pin), Mai’s mom woke up! Happy endings all around!
This show really set up a coy “Oh no, we’re totally gonna have a bittersweet open ending where it’s uncertain whether they’re gonna meet again~” but nope! Hella Big Damn Kiss at the magic love clock tower! Same energy as Tin rocking up all “Oh I don’t think I really remember... but maybe some of that True Love’s Kiss action will help?~” I mean I had the biggest dopiest smile on my face so I can’t complain 😁
And a little bone throw for the Manner of Death crowd, nice.
Whew! Holy cow MJ, this was a show and half of an amazing time. This is undoubtedly up there in the top tier of top tiers. I hope the holidays treat you well to match this gift you brought me 💜
yay!!!! YOU’VE MADE IT!!! merry christmas!!! ❤️💙
tol @ fang “i know we don’t talk but you GOTTA help me date your friend. please it’s a matter of life and death”
lmaooo right!! after so much shit!!!
tol’s loop is SOOOO funny akdjkskd like. at the beginning of the show he’s so cool and detached but by the end of the show he’s fake drowning to get a doctor to kiss him. so unserious
and yes!! i think it’s the same dad!!
tol was like “so is anyone going to kiss this man to break the goddamn time loop cycle???” and did not wait for an answer
singgap my beloveds!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
right 😩😩😩 wtffff
CACKLING. noooo tin! don’t get your feelings back, you’re so sexy ha ha
tol just wants to kiss that man, why’s it so hard 😩😩😩
true that tho. every time tin promises not to leave tol, the universe is like BITCH! YOU THOUGHT! and separates them
jinta, the protector of the dumbass queers. gotta love him
happy ending very well deserved!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 tho they gotta drag tintol’s happiness like PLEASE HAVE WE NOT SUFFERED ENOUGH
but aaaaaaaa YES!!! the clock tower kiss is legendary. we gotta love how they wrapped it up so nicely! NO BITTERSWEET ENDING IN THIS HOUSE NO SIR!
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mod always!!!
AAAAAAAAAAA I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED IT TOO!!! i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: triage is top 10 bls of all time. it’s just sooooo good!!!!!
thank you for watching it!!! (she says like she made the show akskaksksk) we’re here to share good things!!!
happy holidays beloved!!! may 2023 be a wonderful year for you!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙
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hellodanny-hphm · 2 years
Guys, merry Christmas! May everyone have been well on that date, with whom they love! ❤️🎄
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Hope everyone is alive or surviving by machines after this week's datamine (bensmelda 🤢)
It took me a while to make this post, but it's because life is so busy and it takes a bit of work to cut the gifs. And I also couldn't do this year's Christmas SQ yet 😬.
Anyway, finally after a couple of years of waiting I got to do the Christmas SQ at Hogwarts 😍 I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO IT and what a WONDERFUL SQ.
SQ from the first years, I missed Rowan, I also knew that he is present in this new SQ.
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Everyone is still a baby, I even put the hair I put on my MC back in the beginning hahaha
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And of course, I FINALLY GAVE THE CUTE MUSIC BOOK TO MERULA. So sweet 🥺 there's no cuter scene than this (here's a merula stan profile, my condolences, it turns into a lot from now on)
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She calling him an idiot when he went to give the present 🤣, I laughed a lot, tsundere attacks.
The MC ignores the curse and asks her to open it soon, with a beautiful smile. She opens it and says thank you with another pretty little smile.
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(me internally 🥺😍😭)
MC (from Jam City) sometimes doesn't mind Merula's prickly ways, just because he's used to it and knows that's her way. No wonder, in the current chapters, she feels more comfortable opening up to him, because she knows that he will possibly understand her.
Then she teaches him snow spell.
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And we have one more episode of dramatic scenes with Merula and MC ❤️ this "camera" going up 🤣
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A very beautiful scene, but also a very sad one. We know how lonely Merula feels, even to this day, and that sometimes she herself chooses solitude. But we also know that loneliness doesn't like it. I always remember her telling the MC at SQ Natal with the Weasleys that she panicked when she saw that he would spend Christmas away from her (the shippers died that day) 🤣
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I also find it interesting when she tells that the snow making spell was the only spell her parents taught her that "didn't hurt anyone". We all know that Merula had a golden education 😅
I freaked out over the MC talking to her that he WANTED her to be at the Christmas feast WITH HIM. MC, our good idiot for Merula always. I love it (but sometimes I hate it too)
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Our dear Merula says that she is not going to the banquet, making a dramatic speech.
But look, she appears, contradicting her speech. I wonder why? 😏 And on top of that she says "don't embarrass me" when will he cast the spell she taught him (love this)
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When these things happen, I always remember the story Dumbledore tells to explain Merula's behavior to the MC at SQ Natal with the Weasleys, after she stole a part from Arthur's car. He says at the end of the story:
Our words and actions sometimes contradict our true desires.
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I don't think there's anything that explains Merula so well. And I think that being aware of this condition in the next chapters of the story is essential.
Some may think this is Merula's stupidity, but the point is, IT IS REALLY STUPID 🤣 precisely because this behavior is typical of someone emotionally stupid. And Merula is emotionally dumb. I imagine very clearly that Merula must have received an upbringing that influenced her to ignore her feelings as they bring "weakness" 🤡. Not to mention that she herself is very proud, even because of her choleric temperament.
Anyway guys, I hate JC as much as you do, but I love how she works on Merula's more sensitive side in this Christmas SQ. And also at SQ Natal with the Weasleys. And sorry, this turned a super post 🤣
Merry Christmas, stay with Merula savoring Molly's Yorkshire pudding, who, by the way, was always very cute and welcoming with Merula, even in this Christmas SQ at Hogwarts, Molly takes care of feeding her at the feast 🤣
love you molly
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xihe1874 · 2 years
The last bonus chapter (and simply, the last chapter)!
Let's welcome our beloved king, Iceman!
Some other things:
All right everyone, though I am not quite done with this universe, I believe this is officially the end of Hang the Hangman with Love, the multi-chapter fic. There may be more fics to come in this AU, but they will be posted separately.
This is my first time to write (and finish) a multi-chapter fic in English. I have had so much fun writing this one, and I am so overwhelmingly happy for all your love for it! I am not the most confident writer, and I happen to be an introvert who work very very far away from my hometown lollll. So, your support really means a lot to me ❤️
This has been a wonderful and fantastic journey! Thanks again for all your lovely company. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do.
Till we meet again, my dear readers. All the best. And Merry Christmas in advance!!!
<3 <3
(A reminder: you probably should connect the bonus chapters with previous main text ones, then they will make more sense! You can find them on AO3 or here among my posts, tagged the fic title)
Bonus+2: Ice's Inbox
[Chat with Maverick]
Maverick: How’s your throat today babe?
Iceman: Good.
Iceman: How’s your vacation with the daggers?
Maverick: Wonderful. Those are good kids
Maverick: We are at a bar now, very similar to the O’ Club where I met you for the first time
Maverick: bring back so many golden memories of our youth
Iceman: You mean when we were one second away from strangling each other?
Iceman: Yeah, such great time
Maverick: I don’t know about you
Maverick: But I was actually thinking about another way to take your breath away then
Iceman: I miss you
Iceman: wrap up your vacation and come home now
Maverick: You are lucky that I love you, bossy asshole
Iceman: remind myself of that every single day
Maverick: While I am still away, you can make some use of this picture… 
Maverick: … of me on the beach, freshly taken today
Maverick: 😏
Maverick: [send a picture]
Iceman: …Maverick!
Iceman: I have a meeting with the President in one minute!
Maverick: You should have seen this coming when you called me dangerous and then married me on purpose
Iceman: Yeah, yeah I should
Iceman: love you
Iceman: Come home safe
Maverick: I will
Maverick: love you too
Maverick: (and three)
[Chat with Goose]
Goose: I can’t believe that so many years have passed
Goose: Mav still can’t get that song right
Goose: My tummy still hurts from laughing so hard
Iceman: There are more than one song that he can’t get right
Iceman: Actually, there are no song that he can get right
Goose: I am so relieved that Bradley doesn’t learn that from him
[Chat with Maverick]
Maverick: A little bird me tells me that the kid is now believing Cyclone is my husband
Maverick: It’s kind of half disturbing and half funny
Maverick: But I can sympathise with him
Maverick: I couldn’t believe my luck either when you said yes that day 
Iceman: Flattering
Maverick: You misspell factual, darling
Iceman: Why wouldn’t I? I mean saying yes that day
Iceman: I love you
Iceman: Even for the fact that you insisted to sing “Let it go” to me yesterday at the restaurant and cracked your voice
Maverick: That was
Maverick: That was designed! Stage effect! To deepen the emotion of the song!
Maverick: STOP LAUGHING!!!
Maverick: … Are you telling the kids that now??
Maverick: Looking at Phoenix's face I think you are
[Phoenix creates a new group chat]
[Daggers and Two COs]
Phoenix: Please join me in welcoming our beloved admiral
Maverick: (And his beloved husband)
Fanboy: Welcome, sirs
Harvard: Welcome, sirs
Coyote: Welcome, sirs
Halo: Welcome, sirs
Fritz: Thanks for the party, sir
Bob: Please tell us more about that maneuver you mentioned today, sir
Yale: Or better, show us someday, sir
Omaha: Is that true that Mav proposed to you on a jet, sir?
Payback: Hangman called you a bastard, sir
Iceman: Please, everyone, we are off duty now
Iceman: Just call me Ice
Payback: OK, ok
Payback: Ic...sir
Rooster: Well
Rooster: He tried
[Rooster and Two Old Men]
Maverick: But you are cuisine babe, and very delicious one 😋
Rooster: If you old man can’t send the message to the right chat when you are SEXTING
Rooster: DON’T SEND IT!!!
[Rooster changes the group name to “Rooster and two disgusting old men”]
Rooster: Now I have to find some memory-erasing magic
Maverick: Sorry kid
Maverick: for the mental image
Iceman: Hey, I didn’t do anything
Iceman: That’s unfair
Rooster: You married him
Rooster: That’s enough
Rooster: Now I know why my dad has ptsd
[Chat with Hangman]
Hangman: ... Admiral Kazansky, sir
Hangman: I am sincerely sorry
Iceman: For mistaking Cyclone for me?
Hangman: ...Yeah, that
Hangman: When you said it, the thing seems more stupid than it originally was, however impossible
Iceman: Like I said, relax
Iceman: I can tell that Mav likes you
Iceman: Maybe Rooster, too
Iceman: And after all, you saved their lives, technically
Hangman: Sir, I was just doing what I... Wait
Hangman: Can we go back to the Rooster maybe likes me part?
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gingerwitchhh · 2 years
Hey dear, I hope you like your gift ❤️ and you're having nice holidays without so much work shifts! Thank you very much for your nice prompt again! I wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year 💓
Merry Christmas!!!
First of all (ONCE AGAIN), sorry for taking a bit to answer and to read your gift, I wanted to read it in peace with a warm beverage so i could scream to every word, because let me tell you IT IS PERFECT FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END.
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(me ready to die)
Srsly I enjoyed EVERYTHING. The dialogs were super in character, I loved that they were young adults. AND DONT GET ME STARTED WITH THE PROMPT FR ADASFGDS. I thought it was hilarious the way kazuha was freaking out and Heiji was trying to be discreet but she couldn't focused on something else.
I have to admit that I screamed when Ran and Shinichi appeared because KAZUHA THOUGHT HEIJI WAS BEING USELESS (not really useless but not helpful).
Also, i think unintentionally, you put one of my favorite things and it is Heiji getting hurt at the most incovenient times due to him not having his omamori.
My favorite thing about it it was the idea of melting the lucky charms into rings. Like?????? IT FITS THEM SO WELL????????? iM Just------ SPEECHLEESS
Thank you so so much for your gift, i loved it 🥰 
See youuuu
(goes straight to re-read it)
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daisiesandgiggles · 2 years
Dear Santa,
I want you to bring happiness and good health to these two amazing, caring, loving, beautiful ladies! They deserve this and more. Oh one more thing. Keep all the asshats and cowards Away from them. @daisiesandgiggles @tattedthikgirl2
And I know this is supposed to be Sent anonymous. But I want the word to see the love and respect I have for them!
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Hello Mr and Mrs @lickylicky6969 Since it's Christmas and you said such kind and thoughtful words about us we will make an exception and accept your unsecret Santa. 😁Thank you so much for always being so supportive and so sweet. I am truly honored to call you my friends. Wishing you and the Mrs a very naughty and Merry Christmas. Love ya'll and Thank you for joining @tattedthikgirl2 and I for Secret Santa. Mwaaah🥰🥰🤗🤗❤️🌼🤶🎄
#Secret Sunday Pop up #Secret Santa
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