#[ modern tech is not exclusive to the human realm
immolatiism · 8 months
repost, do not reblog.
bold what your muse can do. italicize for something they can do to some extent
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bake a cake from scratch / ride a horse / drive a submarine / speak a second language / dance / catch a fish / play an instrument / throw a punch / build a deck / ice skate / unclog a drain / program a computer / change a flat tire / fire a gun / sew / juggle / play poker / paint / fly a kite / sculpt / write poetry / change a diaper / sing / shoot a bow and arrow / ride a bike / swim / sail a boat / do a backflip / play chess / give cpr / pitch a tent / flirt / stitch a wound / read palms / use chopsticks / write in cursive / calligraphy / use an electric drill / braid hair / make a campfire / make a mixed drink / do sudoku puzzles / wrap a gift / give a good massage / jump start a car / roll their tongue / do magic tricks / do yoga / tie a tie / skip a rock / shuffle a deck of cards / read morse code / pick a lock / fly a plane / train animals / fix a car / apologize / write a business letter / write in a second language / say the alphabet backwards / read music / cook complex meals / change oil / paint nails / draw / socialize / march / take apart a gun / drive a rig / operate a tank / climb a tree / rock climb / tie a cherry stem with tongue / basic first aid / draw blood / put out a fire
tagged: stolen from @thuganomxcs tagging: @goresugars (Lye), @thawingiceprincess, @divineslcyer, @theunknownmasks (Kurama), and anyone else who feels like it!
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my-witchy-witchy · 2 years
Witch types pt 1🔮
Angel Witch: A witch who works with Angels rather than or in addition to traditional deities
Animist Witch: A witch who believes there is life in all things and sees no distinction between human, plant, animal, or material objects. The animist witch sees the Universe as a living entity and all are connected by it.
Augury Witch: A witch who divines omens, signs, and symbols.
Axis Mundi Witch: A witch who studies the core idea that there is a central pillar that joins Earth to Heaven.
Celtic Witch: A witch who focuses on Celtic and Welsh deities, mythology, rituals, and earth magic.
Ceremonial Witch: A witch who practices high magick (ceremonial) such as Hermetic, Thelemic, and Enochian with a rigid and step-by-step method.
Chaos Witch: A witch who has a contemporary practice that incorporates many types of magic and is guided intuitively rather than with strict steps as seen in high magick.
Cosmic Witch: A witch who focuses on astrology and the placement of planets, stars, and moons when practicing their craft.
Eclectic Witch: A witch that incorporates many different traditions into their craft; slightly similar to the chaos witch, but they may follow strict guidelines if desired.
Egyptian Witch: A witch who follows a path similar to Wicca, but with a focus on the Egyptian deities.
Elemental Witch: A witch who works with the five esoteric elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
Faery Witch: A witch who works with the Fae rooted in Irish and Scottish culture.
Folk Witch: "Cunning Folk" ; hereditary witches who follow a path similar to British witchcraft and used their magic and skills for practical purposes which were passed down through generations; *not common*
Gardnerian Witch: A witch who practiced a secret, formal, and highly structured version of Wicca based on the works of Gerald Gardner, who is credited for the modern witchcraft movement.
Hearth Witch: A witch who focuses on magick in the home.
Hedge Witch: A solitary witch that holds both kitchen and green witch attributes, such as making healing potions and brews in the kitchen; think of the old women in the woods archetype.
Hellenic Witch: A pagan witch who worships the ancient Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses.
Hereditary Witch: Unique to each family, a hereditary witch learns from their ancestral line.
Kitchen Witch: A witch who focuses on magick at home, especially the kitchen.
Left-handed Witch: A witch who often breaks taboos.
Luciferian Witch: A witch who believes Lucifer as the "bringer of light" and reveres the angel for enlightenment, independence, questioning authority, and progressive ideals.
Lunar Witch: A witch that heavily uses the cycles of the moon to do nearly all her magical work.
Music Witch: A witch who uses music as the medium of her magic.
Neo-Pagan Witch: An umbrella term for witches who practice newer forms of the craft such as Wicca, Gardernianism, and all new earth-based customs.
Norse Witch: A witch who centers their craft around Norse tradition of ancient sorcery and deities such as Odin and Freya.
Right-handed Witch: A witch that practices magic that is guided by social norms.
Satanic Witch: A witch that lives by the seven Satanic tenets and is strongly against the constructs of a dictatorial society; has nothing to do with worshiping the Christian's idea of Lucifer. Devil-worshiping does exist elsewhere under the broad realm of witchcraft, neither is exclusive to one another.
Scandinavian Witch: A witch who practices and studies Danish Folklore and some Norse traditions.
Secular Witch: A witch who practices magick without worshiping any deities, or their deities and witchcraft are kept separate.
Shamanic Witch: A witch who uses an altered state of consciousness to deliver their magic.
Sigil Witch: Also known as Word Witch, these practitioners use sigils and words weaved into their magic
Solitary Witch: A witch who practices alone rather than in a coven.
Tech Witch: A witch who does most of her work digitally or with some form of technology; this will become more prevalent over time in modern witchcraft.
Thelema Witch: A witch who uses the occult philosophy founded by Aleister Crowley, which centers around ceremonial magic and Egyptian rituals.
Wiccan Witch: A witch who practices the modern pagan religion of Wicca introduced by Gerald Gardner. ***Note: Wicca is a religion; witchcraft is not a religion, although can be involved in religious beliefs and should thus be legally protected equally.
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nshah01801 · 3 months
Nik Shah: A Modern Professional Off the Grid
In an era dominated by digital connectivity and social media prowess, it is rare to come across individuals who consciously choose to remain disconnected. Nik Shah, a seasoned professional in the tech industry, stands out prominently in this regard. Unlike many of his peers who leverage social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for networking and personal branding, Nik Shah has deliberately opted out of this virtual realm.
For Nik Shah, his decision to abstain from social media is not merely a personal preference but a principled stance. In an exclusive interview, he elaborated on his reasons, emphasizing a desire to maintain a clear boundary between his personal and professional life. "I believe in direct, face-to-face interactions," he stated firmly. "Social media can blur the lines and lead to misunderstandings. I prefer authentic connections."
His stance against blockchain solutions further underscores his unconventional approach. At a time when blockchain technology is hailed for its potential to revolutionize industries from finance to logistics, Nik Shah remains skeptical. "Blockchain has its merits, no doubt," he conceded, "but I'm concerned about privacy and security implications that haven't been fully addressed."
Despite his skepticism towards blockchain, Nik Shah's career trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable. With over two decades of experience in software development and project management, he has earned respect for his innovative thinking and commitment to quality. Colleagues describe him as meticulous and detail-oriented, traits that have contributed to his success in delivering complex projects on time and within budget.
When asked about the future, Nik Shah remains focused on leveraging his expertise to drive meaningful change within the tech industry. "I believe in practical solutions that address real-world problems," he affirmed. "Whether it's software development or project management, my goal is to deliver results that make a positive impact."
In a world where online presence often equates to professional visibility, Nik Shah's story serves as a reminder that success can be achieved through different paths. By staying true to his convictions and prioritizing genuine human connections, he exemplifies a refreshing approach to navigating the digital age. As he continues to carve out his legacy, one thing remains clear: Nik Shah is not just a professional off the grid, but a visionary paving his own way in the tech industry.
Nshah01801 | Nshah90210 | Nikshahr | Nikshah83150
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techy-guy · 4 months
NVIDIA Breakthrough and Sachin Dev Duggal's Builder.ai, Powerhouses for Generative AI
Low-Code/No-Code Platforms
Builder.ai's secret lies in its low-code/no-code platforms. By breaking down software into reusable, Lego-like features, empowering a diverse range of entrepreneurs and enterprises. With the introduction of AI-driven low/no-code development, the software creation is no longer the exclusive domain of tech experts. Even those with minimal technical skills can build digital solutions effortlessly. Sachin Dev Duggal's mission? To make software development as easy as ordering pizza. In today's fast-paced digital era, where agility matters, Builder.ai's approach resonates deeply. It democratizes technology, allowing businesses to adapt swiftly and innovate without barriers.
Unleashing Generative AI's Potential
Generative AI holds immense potential to disrupt every facet of the industry. This AI leap in NVIDIA's GPUs has played a crucial role in driving advancements in AI, digital twins, and generative AI, transforming industries and powering enterprises. Meanwhile, Builder.ai's AI-powered platforms provide the tools and infrastructure needed to harness this potential, enabling developers to create immersive experiences that captivate audiences and drive innovation.
Balancing Innovation and Well-Being
Beyond technology, managing success in the IT business may be better understood by applying Sachin Dev Duggal's human-centric approach to leadership. He demonstrates the resilience and sensitivity of a modern tech leader by striking a balance between work and personal obligations. In a field known for its constant innovation and transformation, his work-life balance philosophy emphasizes the significance of putting one's health first even in the face of technological progress.
In the world of tech innovation, the significance of NVIDIA's breakthrough, aligning with Sachin Dev Duggal's commitment to easing the way of pursuing technology cannot be overstated. This AI coherence represents a transformative force in the realm of generative AI and showcases its potential. As these powerhouses continue to drive innovation and accessibility in AI technologies, the tech world eagerly awaits the next wave of advancements that will shape the future of AI and software development.
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carrergrowth · 7 months
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in the IT industry: Myths and Realities
The information technology industry is always at the cusp of challenges to adapt to surging process complexity and rapid innovation. In an increasingly digitized world, the challenges become more significant and critical. Enterprises seek optimal strategies to improve operations management and expedite issue resolution in intricate contemporary IT ecosystems. 
Artificial intelligence in the IT industry is a monumental breakthrough. It proves invaluable in navigating the diverse, dynamic, and challenging-to-handle IT terrain. AI's integration into IT shapes the future and its possibilities, revolutionizing conventional computing and reshaping it significantly.
Business leaders and enthusiasts are captivated by prospects of amplified innovation and productivity by the intertwining of AI and the future of work. However, certain misconceptions about this revolution obscure the true scope of AI's capabilities. 
In this article, we will demystify some of the prevalent myths associated with the use of AI in the IT industry.
Myth: AI Will Replace Human Jobs
Speculations about the possibility of AI taking over responsibilities that humans previously dispensed are rife among the modern workforce in the US IT industry. According to a study from the World Economic Forum (WEF), it is projected that by 2025, a remarkable 85 million jobs could transition due to the redistribution of tasks between humans and machines. Nevertheless, this shift predominantly signifies the decline of routine-entry positions.
The WEF report anticipates 97 million new job openings due to this evolution. As machines proficiently manage repetitive tasks, a spectrum of more recent, more complex positions—offering competitive salaries—will ascend. This transition provides younger professionals with a diverse range of compelling career opportunities. 
In essence, AI catalyzes enhancing human ingenuity rather than supplanting it. Much like an artist utilizes various colors, brushes, and techniques to draw an image on canvas, developers harness the diverse tools of AI across disciplines to aid them in multiple tasks. AI's ability to automate tasks such as code generation or data condensation empowers humans to allocate time strategically, concentrating on tackling broader challenges or innovating novel economic structures.
Myth: AI is a Magic Bullet for All Problems
A significant role of artificial intelligence in the information technology industry is to liberate professionals from mundane and repetitive tasks. This functionality does not qualify AI as an omnipotent force in itself that can resolve technical challenges of any form. 
AI undoubtedly holds immense potential to revolutionize the IT landscape, but it thrives as an enabler rather than a standalone cure-all solution.
Users must embrace AI as a complement to human expertise, fostering collaboration and leveraging the strengths of both human intelligence and machine capabilities. An optimal use of this revolution involves identifying scenarios where AI's strengths—such as repetitive task automation or data analysis—align with specific tech challenges. It underscores the overall impact of AI in the IT industry.
Myth: AI is Exclusively for Large Enterprises
Software giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft rule the current AI landscape. The dominance spurs perceptions that AI is reserved for the top tier and well-funded organizations. 
This assumption lacks substantial grounding. The realm of AI startups in the US market is flourishing, indicating a diverse and expanding landscape. Moreover, efforts to democratize AI are underway within these tech giants. Many have initiated endeavors to make AI more accessible by open-source tools employed in developing AI algorithms. Additionally, many AI marketplaces exist, enabling any computer program to access sophisticated algorithms swiftly and conveniently. This democratization fosters a more inclusive environment for the use of AI in the IT industry beyond the purview of a select few corporations.
Myth: AI is Too Complex and Unmanageable
AI is sometimes seen as very hard to understand and control. However, its complexity doesn't equate to the technology's unmanageability or inaccessibility. While AI algorithms are undeniably intricate, efforts to demystify, simplify, and democratize AI are rapidly expanding.
Tools and platforms powered by AI algorithms have become more user-friendly, enabling a more comprehensive range of professionals to engage with AI technologies. Advances in AI development, including pre-built models, libraries, and development environments, simplify the process of creating AI solutions.
Continuous education and upskilling programs empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to effectively understand and work with AI technologies. Collaborative initiatives between tech communities, academia, and industries facilitate knowledge-sharing and demystify AI complexities.
Myth: AI is All About Algorithms and Data
Artificial intelligence in the IT industry examples are often restricted to complex algorithms and data. Such a distillation of scopes clouds its vast scope and potential impact. 
AI encompasses cognitive functions like perception, reasoning, and learning, akin to human thought processes. Beyond algorithms, AI includes natural language processing to understand and generate human languages. Artificial intelligence's scope extends to problem-solving and creativity, developing solutions, and generating novel ideas.
Enterprises in the IT industry leverage AI-driven automation to perform complex tasks independently. In the customer service aspect of the industry, AI-powered analytics is proving to be indispensable as it facilitates personalized experiences and recommendations.
Myth: AI Will Solve Problems Instantly
Undoubtedly, AI has impressive potential in solving intricate problems and making precise predictions. Yet, it is not an instant cure-all solution for every issue in the IT sector.
AI relies heavily on algorithms and data for its predictions and decisions. This means its effectiveness hinges on the quality of the inputs it receives. AI's solutions may lack accuracy, momentum, or ethical integrity if the data is biased or incomplete.
Moreover, not all problems align with AI-based solutions. While AI excels at tackling well-defined and structured tasks, it struggles with issues that demand intuition, creativity, or emotional insight. AI is a potent tool for specific issues but is not a universal remedy for all challenges. Acknowledging its limitations and leveraging AI with human judgment and expertise is essential for achieving optimal results.
In the era of AI, it is crucial to discern between myth and reality. While artificial intelligence in the IT industry holds significant business potential, it is vital to approach it with a precise grasp of its capabilities and limitations. AI is not a universal solution or a substitute for human creativity. Instead, it is a potent tool that, when used effectively, can complement human skills and foster innovation across various industries.
For aspirants of IT jobs in the USA, a realistic viewpoint is essential to make informed choices about how to align their skill sets and expertise with the innovations. By dispelling common misconceptions and embracing AI as a distinguishing capability, candidates can lead the charge in the hyper-competitive tech job market in the US.
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gla-courses · 10 months
The Enduring Relevance of Computer Science Engineering in Today's Landscape
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The role of computer science engineering has become increasingly prominent and indispensable in the ever-evolving world of the 21st century. From powering the devices we use daily to driving breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and contributing to advancements in various industries, computer science engineering has proven to be a dynamic and essential field. In this era of digital transformation, its relevance is more pronounced than ever.
B Tech Computer Science Engineering – Relevance in today’s era
One of the primary reasons for the enduring relevance of computer science engineering is its pervasive impact on modern technology. Computers, once luxury devices, are now omnipresent in our lives. From smartphones and laptops to smart home appliances and wearable devices, the influence of computer science engineering is undeniable. This technology has not only become integral to personal communication and entertainment but is also deeply embedded in critical infrastructures, healthcare systems, and financial institutions.
Moreover, the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has expanded the scope of computer science engineering, connecting devices and systems in unprecedented ways. This interconnectivity has given rise to smart cities, where sensors and data analytics enhance efficiency in transportation, energy consumption, and public services. Computer scientists and engineers play a crucial role in developing the algorithms and systems that make these interconnected environments possible, shaping the future of urban living.
In the business realm, the relevance of computer science engineering is evident in the transformative impact of data science and analytics. Companies are leveraging big data to gain valuable insights into consumer behavior, streamline operations, and make informed strategic decisions. Computer scientists are at the forefront of developing algorithms and machine learning models that turn vast amounts of data into actionable intelligence. This not only enhances business efficiency but also opens up new avenues for innovation and competitive advantage.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is another frontier where computer science engineering is pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Machine learning algorithms, neural networks, and deep learning techniques are enabling computers to perform tasks that were once exclusive to human intelligence. From image and speech recognition to autonomous vehicles and virtual assistants, AI is revolutionizing industries and creating new possibilities. The ethical and societal implications of AI further underscore the need for skilled computer scientists to guide its responsible development.
Cybersecurity, a critical component of the digital landscape, is another area where computer science engineering plays a vital role. As our reliance on digital systems grows, so does the threat of cyberattacks. Computer scientists and engineers are at the forefront of developing robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information and protect against evolving cyber threats. The constant cat-and-mouse game between cybersecurity experts and malicious actors underscores the dynamic nature of this field and the ongoing need for innovation.
Beyond the professional sphere, computer science engineering is influencing education and research. Coding and computational thinking are increasingly recognized as essential skills for the workforce of the future. Educational programs and initiatives are being developed to ensure that individuals are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in a technology-driven world. In research, computer scientists are tackling complex challenges, from simulating biological processes to exploring the potential of quantum computing, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.
B Tech computer science engineering fee may vary from one college to other, thus it’s recommended to pay heed to this parameter too while applying for the course. As technology continues to advance, the role of computer scientists and engineers will remain pivotal in navigating the challenges and opportunities of our increasingly interconnected and digital world. Aspirants trying hard to pick a good college for this degree course must go through B Tech Computer Science Engineering eligibility and also make a thorough research on the factors like infrastructure, faculty, amenities, college life, quality of education and placements.
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mentalwellnesstips · 1 year
Unleashing Tomorrow's Marvels: A Dive into the Realm of Cutting-Edge Technology
In a world where innovation is the heartbeat of progress, technology stands tall as the driving force behind the transformation of our lives. Embark on a captivating journey with us as we explore the captivating landscape of modern technology, unveiling its active substances that power our world and elucidating why embracing these marvels is an undeniable step towards a brighter future.
I. The Nexus of Possibility: Defining Technology Technology, the culmination of human intellect and ingenuity, encompasses an array of tools, techniques, and systems aimed at simplifying complex tasks, amplifying our capabilities, and redefining what's achievable. It's the ceaseless pursuit of improvement that leads us to the dynamic realm of technological progress.
II. The Dynamic Drivers: Active Substances Behind the Wonders
Silicon Wafers: Fueling the Digital Age At the heart of every electronic marvel lies silicon – a semiconductor material that forms the basis of integrated circuits, microchips, and processors. Its exceptional conductive properties enable the creation of lightning-fast computing devices, propelling us towards the pinnacle of digital evolution.
Artificial Intelligence: Where Data Meets Intelligence Delve into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where algorithms mimic human cognitive processes. AI is revolutionizing industries by offering insights from vast data pools, enabling personalized experiences, autonomous vehicles, and even medical breakthroughs.
Green Energy Innovations: Shaping a Sustainable Tomorrow Witness the rise of renewable energy technologies – solar panels harvesting sunlight, wind turbines harnessing gusts, and innovative batteries storing excess power. These active substances are propelling us towards a greener, more sustainable future.
Biotechnology: Merging Biology and Tech Explore the seamless integration of biology and technology through biotechnology. Genetic engineering, CRISPR-Cas9, and bioinformatics are revolutionizing healthcare, agriculture, and beyond, promising a world of customized solutions.
III. Embracing the Technological Odyssey: Why Invest?
Efficiency Redefined Imagine streamlining tasks that once consumed hours into mere minutes. Embracing technology magnifies efficiency across personal and professional domains, giving you invaluable time to pursue passions.
Limitless Connectivity Through technology, the world becomes a global village. Stay seamlessly connected with loved ones, collaborate with colleagues worldwide, and explore diverse cultures, all at your fingertips.
Pioneering Discoveries Fuel your curiosity by diving into a universe of knowledge. Whether you're unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos or understanding the intricacies of microscopic organisms, technology serves as your gateway to limitless learning.
Empowerment Through Innovation Join the ranks of creators and innovators shaping tomorrow. The tools provided by technology empower you to bring your ideas to life, disrupt industries, and contribute to the ever-evolving tapestry of human progress.
IV. Elevating Life's Tapestry: Experience the Revolution As we stand on the precipice of possibilities, let's embrace technology's active substances and weave them into the fabric of our lives. From the bustling streets to the quiet corners, from the mundane to the extraordinary – technology's embrace promises a life that's more convenient, more connected, and infinitely richer.
Explore more about the wondrous realm of technology at Wikipedia.
In a world ever in motion, don't merely witness the transformation; become an integral part of it. Embrace technology today to shape the story of tomorrow – your story of boundless innovation and uncharted horizons.
"Visit our website to access exclusive discounts and offers on Health Products."
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eloisecora · 1 year
Building Bridges in the Digital Realm: Crafting Outstanding B2B Ecommerce Websites
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Hey there, fellow business enthusiast! In this tech-powered era, B2B ecommerce websites are the real superheroes of modern trade. They're not just digital platforms; they're bridges connecting businesses, dreams, and success. So, grab your virtual hardhat, because we're about to explore the fascinating world of crafting top-notch B2B ecommerce website development that talk business but feel oh-so-human.
Let's Dive In!
Picture this: a B2B transaction isn't just a dry business deal; it's a dance of negotiations, mutual growth, and relationships. When you're shaping your B2B ecommerce website, remember that behind those corporate logos are people with needs, preferences, and aspirations. Keep the human touch alive in your design.
Simplicity is Golden
Imagine stepping into a cluttered store – overwhelming, right? Your website's user interface is like a storefront. Make it clean, clear, and intuitive. Nobody wants to navigate through a digital maze to find what they need. Simplify navigation, categorize products logically, and let your visitors breathe easy.
Just for You: Personalization Magic
Who doesn't love that extra sprinkle of personalization? Your B2B clients are no different. Show them products, offers, and prices tailored to their specific needs. Imagine the joy on their faces when they feel like they're getting an exclusive deal crafted just for them. That's the magic of personalization.
Trust is the Name of the Game
Trust is the glue that holds B2B relationships together. Think about it – would you buy from a seller you don't trust? Probably not. Make your website a trust haven. Display clear product information, pricing, shipping details – basically, leave no room for surprises. Throw in some client testimonials, maybe a case study or two, and let your credibility shine.
Tech and Compatibility: A Love Story
You know that feeling when a gadget just seamlessly fits into your life? That's the goal with your website's compatibility. In the world of B2B, where processes are intertwined, your website should smoothly integrate with your clients' existing systems. No hiccups, just a smooth flow from browsing to closing the deal.
Pocket-Sized Power: Mobile-Friendly Magic
We're a generation on the move, and that includes business folks. A mobile-friendly website isn't a luxury – it's a necessity. Imagine your clients being able to check out products and place orders while sipping their morning coffee. Now that's a convenience they'll love.
Learning from the Crystal Ball: Analytics
The secret sauce to a winning B2B ecommerce website? Analytics. Track user behavior, understand what works, what doesn't, and evolve accordingly. It's like having a crystal ball to predict what your clients want. It's not magic; it's data-driven brilliance.
Summing it Up
So there you have it, our journey through the art of creating ecommerce website development that speak human and breathe business. Remember, every click, every scroll is a step towards forging connections, building trust, and driving growth. So, put on your developer hat, sprinkle in some design magic, and let your website be the beacon that guides businesses to success.
Until next time, happy crafting!
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thxnews · 1 year
AI Art Museum Unveils Innovative Approach: #SOZO Museum to Open in Roppongi, Tokyo
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  In an exciting development that merges the realms of artificial intelligence and art, the #SOZO Art Museum / Roppongi Base is set to open its doors in the vibrant district of Roppongi, Tokyo, on July 6. The museum, a collaborative creation by artists and creators from around the world, promises to redefine the boundaries of artistic expression through the power of AI. This groundbreaking initiative is poised to captivate the global art and tech community with its unique approach.  
Embracing the Future: A New Era of AI Artistry
As AI continues to shape our world, the #SOZO Museum pioneers a fresh paradigm for artistic innovation. Leveraging the advancements in image generation AI, the museum establishes a remarkable "cloud making" platform, empowering millions of artists across the globe. By embracing AI as a tool for creative expression, the museum aims to revolutionize the way art is both perceived and created in the modern age.   Redefining the Art Museum Experience With its visionary concept, the #SOZO Museum introduces an array of features that redefine the traditional art museum experience: 1. AI-Generated Art: Pushing Boundaries At the forefront of its offerings, the #SOZO Museum proudly presents an unprecedented collection of artworks exclusively generated by AI. These captivating and thought-provoking pieces, transformed into stunning art posters, will challenge conventional notions of artistry, pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. 2. Engaging Theme Competitions: Empowering Artists Worldwide In an inclusive and dynamic approach, the museum hosts regular theme competitions that invite artists and creators from all walks of life to participate. This global platform enables individuals to unleash their creativity and showcase their talents in a technologically infused environment. By fostering collaboration and exchange, the museum seeks to ignite inspiration and innovation among its diverse community of artists. 3. The Exhibition: A Celebration of AI Art Within the confines of the #SOZO Museum, visitors will have the opportunity to witness the culmination of artistic excellence. A carefully curated selection of 16 works, meticulously chosen from the theme competition entries, will be on display and available for purchase. Immerse yourself in this remarkable collection, where AI-generated art converges with human imagination.  
The Inaugural Theme Competition: #SOZO Bakumatsu Roppongi
An exciting launch accompanies the opening of the #SOZO Museum: the announcement of the first theme competition, #SOZO Bakumatsu Roppongi. This competition invites participants to envision the landscape of Roppongi at the end of the Edo period using AI as their creative ally. With historical significance as the backdrop, this unique opportunity invites artists to reimagine the past and breathe new life into the present.   How to Participate - Creation Phase: From June 30th to July 15th, artists are invited to submit their AI-generated artworks via Twitter using the hashtags #SOZO Bakumatsu Roppongi and #SOZO Museum. - Selection Process: A panel of esteemed judges will carefully evaluate the submissions, selecting 16 exceptional works to be exhibited and sold at the #SOZO Museum. - Winners Announcement: Follow the museum's official Twitter account for updates and be among the first to discover the winning entries. The announcement of the Grand Prix winner will take place after July 15th, accompanied by the exciting revelation of the second theme competition.  
Join the AI Art Revolution
The #SOZO Museum invites art and tech enthusiasts, both local and international, to embark on a transformative journey through the realms of AI-infused creativity. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of AI-generated art, witness the power of human imagination, and experience the cutting-edge intersection of art and technology. Mark your calendars for the grand opening on July 6th and be among the first to witness the future of art at the #SOZO Museum in Roppongi.  
General Information:
- Location: 7-12-3-4F Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo The BAR - Business Hours: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun PM15:00~20:00 - Entrance Fee: ¥1,000 - Official Website: https://sozomuseum.com/entry - Opening Date: July 6 Note: On July 5th, a pre-opening day for the media will be held. If you wish to attend, kindly make a reservation on the official website or contact the public relations staff via email.  
About Kaiba Co., Ltd.
Kaiba Co., Ltd., based in Tokyo, is a leading force in the AI and art education sectors. Renowned for their "AI Art School" and "Metaverse School," they have consistently embraced technological advancements to empower individuals in the pursuit of artistic excellence. The company actively contributes to the industry through the operation of the largest Facebook community focused on the "Future Research Group Created by AI and Metaverse."   Sources: THX News & Kaiba Company. Read the full article
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Types Of Witches
Alexandrian Witch: A witch who practices the magic founded by Alex and Maxine Sanders in the 1960s with a focus on ritual and ceremonial magic.
Angel Witch: A witch who works with Angels rather than or in addition to traditional deities
Animist Witch: A witch who believes there is life in all things and sees no distinction between human, plant, animal, or material objects. The animist witch sees the Universe as a living entity and all are connected by it.
Art Witch: A witch who uses art as the medium of their magic.
Augury Witch: A witch who divines omens, signs, and symbols.
Axis Mundi Witch: A witch who studies the core idea that there is a central pillar that joins Earth to Heaven.
British Traditional Witch: A witch who focuses on the superstitions and spells that originated in the British Isles.
Celtic Witch: A witch who focuses on Celtic and Welsh deities, mythology, rituals, and earth magic.
Ceremonial Witch: A witch who practices high magick (ceremonial) such as Hermetic, Thelemic, and Enochian with a rigid and step-by-step method.
Chaos Witch: A witch who has a contemporary practice that incorporates many types of magic and is guided intuitively rather than with strict steps as seen in high magick.
Chthonioi Witch: A witch who practices a variation of the Alexandrian tradition which also includes Greek gods and goddesses.
Correllian Witch: A witch that practices a type of Wicca founded in the late 20th century by Caroline High Correll. She descended from a line of Cherokee Didanvwisgi who intermarried with Scottish Traditional Witches, and Correllian witchcraft was further influenced by Aradian Witchcraft and the Spiritualist Church.
Cosmic Witch: A witch who focuses on astrology and the placement of planets, stars, and moons when practicing their craft.
Crystal Witch: A witch who focuses heavily on crystals in their magic.
Dianic Witch: Branching from Wicca, Dianic Witches focus on female deities. Dianic Witchcraft is named after the Roman goddess Diana, ruler of hunting, nature, and the Moon.
Eclectic Witch: A witch that incorporates many different traditions into their craft; slightly similar to the chaos witch, but they may follow strict guidelines if desired.
Egyptian Witch: A witch who follows a path similar to Wicca, but with a focus on the Egyptian deities.
Elemental Witch: A witch who works with the five esoteric elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.
Faery Witch: A witch who works with the Fae rooted in Irish and Scottish culture.
Folk Witch: "Cunning Folk" ; hereditary witches who follow a path similar to British witchcraft and used their magic and skills for practical purposes which were passed down through generations; *not common*
Gardnerian Witch: A witch who practiced a secret, formal, and highly structured version of Wicca based on the works of Gerald Gardner, who is credited for the modern witchcraft movement.
Green Witch: A witch that uses gardening and herbalism in most of their craft and often focuses on healing work and earth magic.
Hearth Witch: A witch who focuses on magick in the home.
Hedge Witch: A solitary witch that holds both kitchen and green witch attributes, such as making healing potions and brews in the kitchen; think of the old women in the woods archetype.
Hellenic Witch: A pagan witch who worships the ancient Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses.
Hereditary Witch: Unique to each family, a hereditary witch learns from their ancestral line.
Kitchen Witch: A witch who focuses on magick at home, especially the kitchen.
Left-handed Witch: A witch who often breaks taboos.
Luciferian Witch: A witch who believes Lucifer as the "bringer of light" and reveres the angel for enlightenment, independence, questioning authority, and progressive ideals.
Lunar Witch: A witch that heavily uses the cycles of the moon to do nearly all her magical work.
Music Witch: A witch who uses music as the medium of her magic.
Neo-Pagan Witch: An umbrella term for witches who practice newer forms of the craft such as Wicca, Gardernianism, and all new earth-based customs.
Norse Witch: A witch who centers their craft around Norse tradition of ancient sorcery and deities such as Odin and Freya.
Right-handed Witch: A witch that practices magic that is guided by social norms.
Satanic Witch: A witch that lives by the seven Satanic tenets and is strongly against the constructs of a dictatorial society; has nothing to do with worshiping the Christian's idea of Lucifer. Devil-worshiping does exist elsewhere under the broad realm of witchcraft, neither is exclusive to one another.
Scandinavian Witch: A witch who practices and studies Danish Folklore and some Norse traditions.
Sea Witch: A witch who practices water-based magic and usually lives in a coastal area. A water witch works with lakes, rivers, streams, and is not confound to the ocean.
Secular Witch: A witch who practices magick without worshiping any deities, or their deities and witchcraft are kept separate.
Shamanic Witch: A witch who uses an altered state of consciousness to deliver their magic.
Sigil Witch: Also known as Word Witch, these practitioners use sigils and words weaved into their magic
Solitary Witch: A witch who practices alone rather than in a coven.
Tech Witch: A witch who does most of her work digitally or with some form of technology; this will become more prevalent over time in modern witchcraft.
Thelema Witch: A witch who uses the occult philosophy founded by Aleister Crowley, which centers around ceremonial magic and Egyptian rituals.
Traditional Witch:
Traditional witches are witches who have a base in the history of witchcraft and the Old Craft that came before Wicca. They take a historical (traditional) approach to their practice and often will study their ancestors or other folklore attached to witchcraft. Traditional witches want to honor the “old” ways of practicing their craft, and will often focus on working with the local history and spirits of where they are or where they’ve come from. While these witches do old history and customs in high regard, there are absolutely contemporary traditional witches practicing today.
Wiccan Witch: A witch who practices the modern pagan religion of Wicca introduced by Gerald Gardner. ***Note: Wicca is a religion; witchcraft is not a religion, although can be involved in religious beliefs and should thus be legally protected equally.
Information found on: https://www.letterstolilith.com/blog/the-different-types-of-witches
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mitsususu · 4 years
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Harder, better, faster, stronger, with all the emotions that make us human. Below are my Top 5 favorites:
“Metallurgy” (M, 22k) by eyres, art by TheFriendlyPigeon
The battle quieted for the moment, the great metal giant turns, at last, and sees Steve. Dark, almost human hair frames a sharp, steel face - but, Steve is caught by its eyes. They’re bright silver, sparking in the sunlight, shot through with gray and blue, visible even at this distance. Something about them nags at Steve, calls to him, reminds him of…
Instead of making the Winter Soldier, Hydra transfers Bucky's consciousness to a metal body, locking his mind within a prison of steel and programming. However, Bucky is stronger than they could've ever imagined.
+ WW2 to Avengers. Stunningly beautiful and tender. “Bucky cracks open his eyes, silver glinting in the growing sunlight. “Steve?” he says and how had Steve not known it was him every time he said his name? No one says his name like that but Bucky.”
“Living Your Best Life” (T, 5k) by 74days
Bucky Barnes isn't lonely. He's not. But the new UI 'AmeriCap' has made him realise just how much he depends on it... when it stops working.
+ Modern AU. Steve has a personality and gets to be a Real Boy
“ex machina” (E, 2k) by yellow_crayon
“Look, I didn’t rent you for your charming personality program,” He snapped, leaning forward and breathing in the artificial alpha pheromones coming from the blond sexbot’s skin. “Fuck, you smell really good. Stark said your agency had good service, time to prove it, buddy.”
(Bucky tries to order a sexbot for his heat. It does not go well.)
+ Modern AU. A/B/O. Being in the right place at the right time (or is it the other way around?)
“Poppies of the Field” (M, 63k) by kaasknot
"Thank you for purchasing a StarkTech Companion 'Bot! Please state your name for licensing."
Wherein Bucky is a severely agoraphobic combat veteran, and Steve is the android he buys out of loneliness.
+ Modern AU. The one with android rights and body upgrades. TW for body trauma
“The Smith Prince” (G, 26k) by Niitza
A Pepperony fairytale. In which King Howard is a dick and so there is a curse, but also: a witch that is much nicer than he is, a kickass queen, a captive princess who is also the best knight of her realm, a genius prince whose heart is so big he keeps giving out little pieces of it (but in a good way), as well as exclusive glimpses into the epic courtship of Stoven and Bucket. Also, a happy ending, but everyone probably expected that. 
+ Fantasy AU. Bucket and Stoven are household appliances and have a Grand Romance
-☆- And a special freebie -☆-
"Sex-bot Bucky” (E, 13k) by roe87
Shield Tech makes high end, life sized sex dolls for public consumption.
Steve Rogers is a robotics engineer, one of the best... until Shield takes Steve's designs and fires him.
The day Steve goes to try reason with Shield, a Bucky bot comes alive and happens upon Steve as he tries to escape.
So they run off together.
+ Modern AU. Steve is Bucky’s favorite, and whatever Bucky wants, he gets. 
*More Stucky Recs here
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Black Panther (2018)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, nine times.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Six (40% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
Three (though it’s worth reminding that this rating is based on the positivity of the content in relation to the female characters, not in general - there’s some real top-shelf content in here, otherwise. Still a very happy three for the ladies anyway, for that matter).
General Film Quality:
High-end. The commitment to nuanced storytelling is impeccable, grappling with all angles of a complex hypothetical far better than could have been anticipated. This is a movie which never loses sight of its own importance, while also never getting too bogged down in it to be entertaining. Earns every ounce of the hype.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Nakia gives her condolences to the Queen Mother. The Queen chastises Shuri. Nakia compliments Okoye’s wig. Nakia negotiates entrance to the club with Sophia. Nakia and Okoye conflict over loyalties. Nakia passes with the Queen Mother after Killmonger takes over, twice. Shuri and Nakia go into battle. They pass together later.
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Female characters:
The Queen Mother (technically not a name, but I’m allowing it as a title).
Male characters:
Erik ‘Killmoger’ Stevens/N’Jadaka.
Ulysses Klaue.
Everett Ross.
I’m not sure if T’Challa ruining Nakia’s anti-HUMAN TRAFFICKING mission because he wants her around for emotional support is a very endearing intro for his character in this film...I mean, sure, they rescue the people in the convoy, but presumably there was more to the mission (otherwise Nakia wouldn’t complain that it was ruined), and T’Challa prioritises his feelings over both Nakia’s work, and the lives of all the people it effects. Coulda avoided the negative implications there with just a little fine-tuning in the dialogue.
“Nah, I’m just feelin’ it.” Michael B Jordan has such a great energy about him; he’s very, very convincing, in a role which could have broken the film if it were poorly cast.
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But you know what? I fucking LOVE M’Baku, he’s my personal fave for the movie. That presence. This is an excruciatingly well-cast film (among other virtues).
I’m Hella into that Lion King vibe when communing with the spirit realm, too.
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Erik shoots his unnamed girlfriend for nothing more than the drama of it, and that is not one of this film’s virtues.
Shuri calling Ross ‘coloniser’ is just...so good. There’s a lot about this film that is a reclamation, in big and obvious in-text ways, but there are also these kinds of little impactful choices which contextualise Wakanda’s relationship to the world and its history, and that kind of detailing is the difference between posturing, and playing for real.
The music in this movie? Also great. Traditional African and modern African-American, representing the interweave of themes and ideologies in-story? Fucking gold. They did not skimp on details in putting this movie together with intelligent design, and I am Hella into it.
M’Baku just fucking BARKING at Ross when he dares speak before him is the highlight of the whole film. It’s perfect. 
A friend of mine has suggested that there must be a missing scene or two in this movie, wherein the Queen Mother convinces M’Baku to go into battle after all, since as-is he just kinda...changes his mind off-screen and she serves no narrative purpose at all. It’s unfortunate such a linking scene is missing, as it would have significantly enhanced both characters and helped to emotionally underpin the final act of the film, which is comparatively weak. 
But anyway, M’Baku is my best dude in this movie. I love a huge man in a grass skirt.
The whole idea that W’Kabi and Okoye have a relationship at all is kinda nonexistent; we wouldn’t know about it at all if she hadn’t called him ‘my love’ that one time. Coulda beefed that up better, i.e. at all.
“Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew that death was better than bondage.” Michael B Jordan delivered every aspect of this character with such raw power and sincerity, y’all. He hits it straight home.
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It goes without saying that there was a lot of pressure for this film to be good: a big-budget superhero action movie, part of the most lucrative cinema franchise in the world right now, taking on an afro-futuristic setting with an almost exclusively black cast? The potential for Black Panther to come off as little more than lip service paid to representation, ‘too PC’, lacking the guts to acknowledge the breadth of the racism that inevitably informs it, perhaps even falling dangerously toward racist cliches of its own...there is no other film of its kind, and as such, Black Panther could not escape being judged as more than an individual story on its own, as a representation of an entire continent’s worth of people and culture and what they could bring to an industry which has made an aggressive point of shutting them out in the past. The pressure was well and truly on to provide not only financial success put also critical acclaim, and boy oh boy, did they rise to the occasion or what?
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The centrepiece of Black Panther’s success is Michael B Jordan as Erik Killmonger, striking a precise balance between the heat of well-deserved fury, and the chilling calculation of his revenge. Killmonger’s rhetoric is compelling, and it is the meeting point of the film’s threads, of Wakandan tradition, of the country’s privilege in the midst of colonial oppression and the dire morality of its secrecy, of the call of the wider world and the determining of one’s place within it. It’s vitally important that Killmonger makes sense, right up until he doesn’t - a good villain should always feel like someone you could almost follow, if only they weren’t taking things that one step too far - narratively, this is in an important pitch, but it’s also vital for the context of the viewing audience, the acknowledgement and the validation of that rage at injustice (without which, the film would come off as pandering to white guilt), but without the promotion of violent eye-for-an-eye solutions. Killmonger’s anger is never condemned, only the actions he perpetrates in the name of that anger; the viewer is forced to acknowledge the reality that made Killmonger what he is, but without being encouraged to forgive; only to understand.
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I am hardly the first to observe that it is Nakia, not T’Challa, who represents the foil to Killmonger’s ideology, recognising and stirring to action at the injustice’s wrought upon the African people, but seeing in Wakanda the potential to offer unprecedented assistance rather than the opportunity for the oppressed to become the oppressor. The film is populated with character counter-balances, and it validates each perspective (while also illuminating shortcomings) to enhance the overall narrative, rather than equivocating too strenuously to make any point; Nakia values people like Okoye values her country, and while Nakia is right that blind patriotism fails the country if it allows tyranny, the strength of Okoye’s conviction is exactly what inspires the loyalty of those who follow her in the protection of Wakandan values; while Shuri ‘scoffs at tradition’ and leans entirely on the unending machine of technological progress, M’Baku and his people are safeguarding traditional practices and keeping ancient knowledge alive, which saves T’Challa when there’s no tech around - by the same token, without the protective blanket of technological progress, the Jabari would not be free to live as they do. There is good sense in the perspective which every character brings, and all of them are required in symbiosis to achieve a full picture of cultural identity. 
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In that broad conversation of identity and place in the world, if there’s one weak link, it’s the Black Panther himself, T’Challa. Not that he’s a weak character or that Chadwick Boseman is a weak actor - it’s just that he’s being thoroughly outplayed by all around him. It’s a good thing in regards to how well-cast the movie is and how it fleshes out its supporting players (in spite of the missing pieces pointed out in the notes above); in an overall-lesser film, the lead being the least compelling character - and especially with such a powerfully-constructed antagonist opposite him - could be a crippling flaw, but as-is Black Panther is pulling out enough stops to get away with having an under-sold Black Panther at its head. That, really, is a testament to the power of the story, and the work being done by everyone involved to tell the tale with tact, with dynamism, with all the colour and flavour the white-washed film industry has been denying all this time. We could talk about its flaws, sure, but there doesn’t seem to be much point - none of them are fatal, none are even particularly egregious, and the achievements of the movie far outweigh any quality blips along the way. Black Panther is a measured, sensitive triumph, and there’s a part of me that - in the best of ways - almost forgets that I’m watching a Marvel movie, a cash-grab - sure, they want to make money out of it, but this feels above all like a passion project. Passion like this, so fully-realised, I am not inclined to fault.
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Literature Reflection (Bridle & AI bias)
I found the podcasts by James Bridle in combination with the literature review on gender, race and power in AI give more in-depth information on topics that I have theoretically (as well as in person) touched the surface on before. Both works illustrate why it is important we mindfully use and design technology.Something that stuck with me is how less visible important institutions have become; my local bank has closed and is now almost fully operating digitally and many municipality cases can I handle online. What does this mean for societies' grip and understanding of them? Visibility and transparency are ground principles for and of our liberal and democratic system, so why not here? Visibility = responsibility: this ranges from the power relations visible in the internet cables that run under the oceans to tech companies making diversity reports publicly available. 
I never realized how John Berger's theories on seeing art can be applied to modern day technology.  Especially the radio analogy I find interesting; the same can be said for social media nowadays, where only a small percentage of its users produces content that is viewed by millions. it is often a one-way conversation which leaves its participants feeling isolated instead of conencted. This has become even more apparent during covid-19, where online friday drinks have not felt the same as in real life. Also, the power of tech companies have increased even more now more and more people are dependent on them. I have a feeling that the increase of living in this digital period will have a huge impact on the mental health of people. On the other hand, the digital realm has democratized information and discussions on this information, as there is a variety of free webinars, festivals and conferences available online, from the comfort of people's homes. This will in the end also democratize new tools and how we perceive the world around us. The way James Bridle described our relation to technology was in line with Donna Haraway's idea about living in the terrestrial. If we would see and care for technology as how we do certain animals, we would be able to re-evaluate what we can get from it. Bridle mentions that artificial intelligence can help us escape the Anthropocene and to reconnect ourselves to nature.  Though he does not mention how. However, I thought of how our living world is progressively supplied with sensors and with the resulting data, and how we can gain insights into the complexity of the interdependencies between living organisms. For instance, sensors and the datafication of forests have laid bare the complex web of communications between trees. When  researching I came across this TED Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvBlSFVmoaw.
This mention of changing the way we connect to our technologies reminded me of the term automation bias; the urge of humans to favour suggestions from automated systems and to ignore contradictory information made without automation, even if it is correct. Especially in covid times, people have this idea of a 'technofix', which is  based on a combination of trust in technology and limited trust in the ability, and the willingness, of humans to adapt their behaviour. We are looking for the fastest solution which will cause us to make the least amount of sacrifices; technology will fix our problem and we do not have to think about it any longer. A “quick fix” for the corona crisis, in the form of a vaccine, would quickly silence the debate on the structural causes of the pandemic and allow us to revert to our pre-corona practices in a heartbeat. Comparable to the way medication often takes away the necessity of aspiring to a healthier lifestyle. Because of this apparent lack of any human sacrifice, the idea of the techno-fix goes hand in hand with a feeling of guilt, as if, like in the myth of Prometheus, we really don’t deserve to use technology. 
The crisis is slowly taking away our illusion of the tech fix. The essence of these (false) solutions is the illusion they create that we can “save” the climate without having to change our lifestyle. The underlying belief is that we’re not willing to make a sacrifice such as travelling less, for example, or reducing our total energy use. In fact, the main notion seems to be that human beings are not or barely able to adjust their behavior at all without the clear prospect of a reward. It would be interesting to make the climate crisis sensed evenly as immediately as current pandemic. This circles back to the notion that visibility calls for understanding, thus responsibility. As it is talked about in the Bridle podcasts: technological agency and climate change are both visual problems, or rather the lack of visibility. An artwork that succeeds in visually raising awareness for this is terra0, a forest that can autonomously sell its trees and eventually, using the accumulated capital, buy itself and become a self-owned economic unit. For now, it remains an artistic experiment designed to raise awareness, but in theory you could build such a program on the blockchain to make a forest represent itself.
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For me, as a woman enrolled in a technologically-focused minor in a class in which the majority of the people identify as male, the text on gender, race and power in AI was really interesting and had contained some familiar frustrations. By connecting the unequal representation of women in the tech industry to and bias systems in AI, the author suggests two versions of the same problem. I find data violence, which enacts forms of administrative power which affects some of us more than others, a relevant modern day problem. In a world in which data and facts reign and where systems are trained upon existing data sets, representation is of uttermost importance. The authors stresses that, because AI systems play a important role in our political institutions (like healthcare), we need to re-asses the relationship between workplace diversity crisis and the problems with bias and discrimination in AI. In a future and ideal world, a supervising board would examine the politics of the design of such a system. It would check how a system was constructed and whose interests shaped the metrics for success or failure. 
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Understanding 'bias' in data requires accounting of the social context through which the data was produced: how humans make data in context. It is also interesting to note that companies also use data violence to shape reports on diversity to their wishes. Only accounting the 80% of the full-time workforce is data manipulations with major implications and should in my eyes therefore be considered a crime or at least punished. Again, transparency is the only way for people to know what is going on inside a company and enables the to hold them accountable and to make knowledgeable  (consumer) decisions. To say that women are inherently less confident in their computing skills, is to totally ignore the male-dominated and therefore male-designed social institutions in which many obstacles have to be overcome. This week, I found a poc female on youtube talking about her career in coding and who recommended many resourced while talking about it in a transparent and non-elite way. This made me much more interested in it, and most importantly made me feel as if I could also find my place in male-dominated sectors. Also, talking two girls who participated in a summer residency of V2_Lab for Unstable Media and seeing their work made me feel more comfortable in that area already. Seeing yourself being represented certainly boosts your confidence in your own abilities. As stated in the article, "the inclusion of women becomes the solution for all gender problems, not just those of exclusion or absence. .. their mere presence builds the table they sit at in the first place." The ultimate goal is cognitive diversity, and cognitive diversity is correlated with identity diversity. That means it's not just about women in tech. It is about broad voices, broad representation.  
I have been thinking about my internship lately, which was unpaid and in a male-led studio. I worked really hard and participated in many interesting projects. But by giving me the feeling I should already feel rewarded and appreciated by this mere participation felt empty in the end. I have been thinking about students who might not have done the internship because they could not pay their rent that way and how this influences the diversity within a studio. I believe that if you appreciate an intern, care for quality of work and giving everyone an equal chance to grow as a designer, you would pay them. This would in the end contribute greatly of cognitive diversity in the field of design, which is also has been male-dominated in the recent past.Biological determinism, as mention by the authors, is also something that is interesting during these times inn which the political landscape is under pressure. There is more unrest and focus on the pandemic, both reasons for governments to 'silently' change important laws within a country. Example of this is the current situation in Poland, were abortion rights have been almost entirely taken away from women. Former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk  also criticised the judgement. "Throwing the topic of abortion and a ruling by a pseudo-court into the middle of a raging pandemic is more than cynical". The coronavirus crisis will be global and long-lasting, economic as well as medical. However, it also offers an opportunity. This could be the first outbreak where gender and sex differences are recorded, and taken into account by researchers and policy makers. Also for too long, politicians have assumed that child care and elderly care can be “soaked up” by private citizens—mostly women—effectively providing a huge subsidy to the paid economy. This pandemic should remind us of the true scale of that distortion and how balancing unpaid work out between all genders can lead to more diversity in fields such as tech and design as well.
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
When states had established religions and all-powerful churches, the clergy could impose many indignities on their parishioners merely by asserting that it was “God’s will.” Our modern secular religion is the worship of markets as self-correcting, self-perfecting systems that merely demand that we all act in our own self-interest to produce an outcome that makes us all better off. Whenever corporations thrive by making us all worse off, we’re told to stop complaining, because it is the “will of the market” at work.
So it was that when the digital revolution arrived, the business priesthood told us that we must not be tempted by its promise of infinite distribution of all hu­man knowledge at no cost. Any technology that let the “consumers” of information goods do more with the books, movies, games, and music they bought would not be a boon, because it would destroy the markets for media, including the markets that had us buying our music in a new format every couple of years, the markets that required libraries to re-purchase their patrons’ best-loved books when they wore out, and so on.
Despite the fact that no one ever went to a store and asked for a book that would wear out quickly or a music format that would be obsolete in a couple of years, we were told that the limitations of the physi­cal world were, in fact, happy accidents of virtuous matter, whose limitations allowed for all kinds of “innovations,” like selling you an album on vinyl, then 8-track, then cassette, then CD.
Using digital to subvert this cycle of renewal – to allow instant, free access to all human culture for all humans – was a sin in market religion’s doctrine. But the priesthood did have an orthodox, virtuous use for digital: they wanted to use digital tools to enable new markets, markets that never could have existed in the world of dumb matter.
The problem with markets is that selling things is inefficient. There are so many people who don’t need the thing, just a momentary use of the thing: the right to read a book today, but not to own it forever; to use a snatch of a song as a ringtone, but not to put it in your music library; to pull a video clip out of a movie to use in your student project, without having to buy the movie.
Digital, the priesthood told us, could make all these markets – and more – a reality! Thanks to a technology called “Digital Rights Management,” sellers and buyers could negotiate a subset of rights and a reduced payment for same. In the same way that the humble mortgage could be spun out into a million “products” that investors could buy in the form of complex financial instruments, we could turn the unitary book into a thousand sub-books: the book you can only read on Wednesdays, the book you can only read while on an airplane, the book you can only read after the sun sets.
That’s not what we got, of course.
Today, four of the five big publishers sell all their books with DRM (the exception is Macmillan, whose Tor science fiction and fantasy imprint is DRM-free). These ebooks are like books, except that they are locked to the readers approved by the vendor who sold them to you (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, etc.) and they can’t be given away or re-sold, and have little or no capacity for lending them out. In other words, ebooks are like regular books, only they do less.
Despite the fact that they do less, they don’t cost less. The restricted ebooks sold by Tor’s competitors – books that can’t be used with the reader of your choice, or sold, or lent, or given away – cost just the same as Tor’s unrestricted books.
In other words, we were told that we must reject the promise of unfet­tered digital in favor of locked-down digital, and in return, we would enter a vibrant marketplace where sellers offered exactly the uses we needed, at a price that was reduced to reflect the fact that we were getting a limited product. We got the limited product, all right – just not the discount.
The established religion of markets once told us that we must abandon the idea of owning things, that this was an old fashioned idea from the world of grubby atoms. In the futuristic digital realm, no one would own things, we would only license them, and thus be relieved of the terrible burden of ownership.
They were telling the truth. We don’t own things anymore. This summer, Microsoft shut down its ebook store, and in so doing, deactivated its DRM servers, rendering every book the company had sold inert, unreadable. To make up for this, Microsoft sent refunds to the custom­ers it could find, but obviously this is a poor replacement for the books themselves. When I was a bookseller in Toronto, noth­ing that happened would ever result in me breaking into your house to take back the books I’d sold you, and if I did, the fact that I left you a refund wouldn’t have made up for the theft. Not all the books Microsoft is confiscating are even for sale any lon­ger, and some of the people whose books they’re stealing made extensive annotations that will go up in smoke.
What’s more, this isn’t even the first time an electronic bookseller has done this. Walmart announced that it was shutting off its DRM ebooks in 2008 (but stopped after a threat from the FTC). It’s not even the first time Microsoft has done this: in 2004, Microsoft created a line of music players tied to its music store that it called (I’m not making this up) “Plays for Sure.” In 2008, it shut the DRM serv­ers down, and the Plays for Sure titles its customers had bought became Never Plays Ever Again titles.
We gave up on owning things – property now being the exclusive purview of transhuman immortal colony organisms called corporations – and we were promised flexibility and bargains. We got price-gouging and brittle­ness.
Take textbooks: the price of college texts has been rising at an average of 12% per year, with textbook publishers extracting $3.5B/year from American students. The textbooks come with mandatory online resources, and logins for these have to be purchased anew every year, so even if you sell your old textbooks, the kid who buys them from you still has to buy an online login. Professors are offered substantial bribes to select the most expensive texts, and high-performance digital tools make it easy for publish­ers to make minor alterations every year or two so that earlier “editions” of the text are no longer in synch with the professors’ lesson plans, making used books effectively worthless.
Or libraries: libraries often pay higher costs for ebooks than they do for print books, and on top of that, publishers impose ridiculous conditions on the ebooks they sell to libraries, like making them self-destruct after a few lendings (Harpercollins) or just not making ebooks available to libraries at all until the hardcover is no longer a new release (Tor). Again: like print books, only worse. And more expensive.
Didn’t DRM get us ebooks for libraries in the first place, though? Well, it’s true that publishers were reluctant to sell to libraries until libraries started to use Overdrive and other DRM systems (paying for these eats away at libraries’ collection budgets, meaning fewer books, and less money for publishers and writers), but there’s no reason to think that dropping DRM would be a deal-breaker today. After all, it’s been five years since libraries stopped using DRM for electronic audiobooks – the most expensive ma­terials that libraries circulate – and audiobook publishers are still selling audiobooks to libraries.
Even for streaming services – virtually synonymous with DRM – there’s no reason to think that DRM is why those services have customers. People don’t sign up for Spotify or Netflix to get their five (or fifty, or five hundred) favorite titles, which they plan on downloading in the first month and then quitting the service. People sign up for streaming services for convenience and recommendations and search, all possible with or without DRM.
Streaming services do depend on DRM: DRM is how Spotify stops third parties from making play­ers that skip ads, and it’s how Netflix and Amazon Prime stop you from saving its Christmas movies to your hard-drive in July so you can watch them for free in December, when they become pay-per-view movies.
There’s a name for societies where a small elite own property and everyone else rents that prop­erty from them: it’s called feudalism. DRM never delivered a world of flexible consumer choice, but it was never supposed to. Instead, twenty years on, DRM is revealed to be exactly what we feared: an oligarchic gambit to end property ownership for the people, who become tenants in the fields of greedy, confiscatory tech and media companies, whose in­ventiveness is not devoted to marvelous new market propositions, but, rather, to new ways to coerce us into spending more for less.
Cory Doctorow is the author of Walkaway, Little Brother, and Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free (among many others); he is the co-owner of Boing Boing, a special consultant to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a visiting professor of Computer Science at the Open University and an MIT Media Lab Research Affiliate.
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cioreviewmagazine · 4 years
Top Healthcare Companies
With ‘value-based outcome’ as the watchword for the modern healthcare systems, care providers are always on the lookout for a smarter, patient-centric approach to healthcare, both inside and outside hospital walls. Driven by this trend, almost every hospital and clinic is trying to refurbish their traditional modes of healthcare practices. Amid these transformations, a boon to healthcare companies in their transformation journey is the growing number of healthcare solution providers, offering low-cost and innovative ways to deliver products and services that do not undermine the quality of patients’ outcomes.
Cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning, blockchain, and robotics, are all making inroads into the healthcare domain through these pioneering healthcare tech companies. Coupled with that, some solution providers are gearing the healthcare industry toward a more value-based business approach by building analytics competency to accelerate care quality and drive operational and clinical developments. From smart algorithms and wearables to smart sensors, healthcare technology players are making significant strides in the world of overwhelming data to improve the management of chronic diseases as well as to contribute efficiency and productivity in diverse backend healthcare operations.
The ecosystem of healthcare solution providers takes pride in keeping up with the latest innovations and bringing suitable solutions within the ambit of the healthcare realm. That being said, today the market is replete with a multitude of technology solution providers to assist healthcare companies in improving their performance and productivity. With a comprehensive understanding of these new developments, CIOReview has compiled a list of the leading healthcare solution providers.
We present to you CIOReview’s “50 Most Promising Healthcare Solution Providers — 2020.”
Top Healthcare Solution Companies
Accumen provides strategic solutions, services, and technology that deliver sustainable performance improvements in operations, clinical services, and data management. These offerings consist of lab and imaging transformation, consulting, supply chain optimization, lab outreach, patient blood utilization, test utilization, anemia management, and clinical data exchange. The company’s assistance enables its clients to achieve and exceed their cost, quality, and service targets, as well as deliver excellent patient care through evidence-based data and clinical decision support capabilities. By utilizing a proven blueprint, innovative, customized approach, and proprietary technology, Accumen partners with hospitals and healthcare systems to transform clinical laboratories and patient blood management programs from good to great
Allscripts is a healthcare IT company that is dedicated and invested in organizations across the globe. Financially secure and growing globally, Allscripts as a company is dedicated exclusively to healthcare information technology solutions and services. With more than 30 years of experience, they take pride in collaborating with and connecting providers, consumers, payers, and communities. In the present day, Allscripts partnership and solutions, including electronic medical record (EMR), population health, and patient engagement, enable organizations worldwide — of all sizes — to change what’s possible in healthcare
CareRight Technologies
CareRight Technologies provides innovative, high-quality, state-of-the-art software products and services that help ensure and protect the safety of residents in a care facility.CareRight Technologies offers a cloud-based hyper configurable platform MedRight, a dynamic, user-friendly, cost-effective eHR/eMAR for pharmacies, long-term care facilities, and assisted living facilities. MedRight’s differentiator is its patented transparent state-of-the-art technology, which is easy to operate — even for temporary or part-time staff. The cloud-based platform helps to streamline health care operations — electronically tracking the medications administered, minimizing mistakes pertaining to drugs and treatments, and providing many built-in controls, warnings, and reminders for caregivers
A healthcare consumer financial engagement platform that creates customized interactions for every patient, Cedar provides a smarter way for hospitals, health systems, and medical groups to manage the patient payment ecosystem. Cedar delivers intuitive product design and advanced intelligence to alleviate collections challenges, dramatically improve billing operations, and ensures a personalized billing experience across the care journey. Having already given hospitals, health systems, and medical groups a smarter way to manage the patient payment ecosystem, Cedar is now widening its capabilities further and building more partnerships. Simultaneously, the company has moved into front-end functionalities of the medical billing and administrative process. Average client results include a 30 percent increase in collections with a 95 percent patient satisfaction rate
Cerner Corporation
Cerner has worked at the junction of health care and IT to connect people and systems around the world. They use the latest technology to build solutions that let communities and people engage in their health. Whether they are supporting the clinical, financial, or operational areas of a hospital or health system, Cerner tools are designed to work for today and think for tomorrow. They support their clients by surfacing information that enables them to make informed decisions for better management of operations while arming their clinicians with the information they need to provide smarter care
Empericus’ Health IntelligencePlatform™ correlates and indexes an individual’s electronic medical records (EMR) data with the data generated from sensor-enabled or wearable technology devices, providing unprecedented insights for care providers via a “single pane of glass”
ForaCare Inc. US is a healthcare technology company focused to the build and development of products for chronic disease management. The objective of ForaCare Inc. is to complete the cycle of chronic disease management by combining innovative technologies and clinical applications. They embrace modern technologies to concentrate on diabetes, hypertension, and COPD management, among other disease states. By using advanced information technology and integrated chronic disease monitoring, they have established an efficient and effective healthcare management platform to serve professionals and patients
A digital health company, GetWellNetwork offers a comprehensive range of patient engagement solutions that leverage AI and predictive analytics to deliver a highly connected, seamless experience along every step of the care journey. The firm is built on the core idea that a more active and involved patient is a better, healthier patient. To that end, from inpatient to outpatient, physician practices and urgent care clinics, and patients on the go, GetWellNetwork offers the only cross-continuum platform that performs across every care setting. Each day, the GetWellNetwork team strives to give patients and families a voice in their care journey
Global Products
Global Products is a New Jersey-based company that leverages modern technology tools to offer remote and affordable healthcare solutions. The company’s electronic healthcare report (EHR) and practice management solution, MURx allows a nurse or a medical assistant to take the reading of patients’ vitals using bluetooth-enabled medical devices from the homecare or remote locations and upload it on the MURx platform leveraging the internet and a smartphone without manual intervention. This enables the doctors to diagnose a patient’s vital signs remotely and connect with the patient through telephone or Skype for any further consultation. Apart from this, Global Products also offers digital clinics, hospital inventory system, and many other healthcare solutions
Harmony Healthcare IT
Harmony Healthcare IT, an award-wining legacy data management firm, offers healthcare organizations an alternative to full data conversion. The company extracts and migrates key data elements to the new software and archives the rest of the legacy patient, employee and business records — consolidating data from the disparate, out-of-production systems. Harmony Healthcare IT makes the information accessible directly from its cloud-based platform, HealthData Archiver®, and via single sign-on from the new software. What differentiates the firm is not only its understanding of release of information, revenue cycle and clinical workflows, but also its ability to harmonize data silos, making the information secure, compliant, accessible and usable
Health e(fx)
Health e(fx) assists large employers with managing human resources data to minimize penalties associated with appropriate employee health benefits as required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and state individual mandates.As the largest healthcare reform solution today, Health e(fx) supports over 22 million individuals in the US and 75 of the Fortune 500 companies. It integrates required data from multiple systems within the employer HR environment, providing ongoing data integrity validation, cost analytics, and automated compliance status, reporting, and audit capabilities that employers and their stakeholders need to meet regulations — even as the laws change
InfoMC is a leading cloud-based healthcare management company that delivers a person-centered, collaborative care platform to health plans, payers, and provider organizations
iNTERFACEWARE delivers a rapid, reliable, and scalable interoperability solution — Iguana, for healthcare organizations through the acquisition and exchange of healthcare information. Iguana solves data integration challenges in a scalable, secure and cost-effective way. The integration engine is used globally for rapid integration with EMRs, Billing Systems, Medical Devices, Supply Chain Management Systems, Health Information Exchanges and much more. Iguana’s versatility enables organizations to improve all areas of data access including their clinical, financial, and operational workflows. Today, numerous healthcare providers and software companies rely on iNTERFACEWARE’s software, services, and support to exchange information between incompatible systems
Kainos Healthcare Solutions
Kainos Healthcare Solutions noted that most home-built patient report systems are not very dynamic and consume a lot of money and resources to develop. To address this issue, the company is going to launch Biblion this year. Biblion is a versatile reporting tool that eliminates the need for a medical report development team. The reports made by Biblion are easy to read, user-friendly and can produce results without needing any IT staff. Biblion can be used by various labs like specialty clinical labs and pathological laboratories
MEDITECH does not just make software but empowers organizations all over the world to take on the challenges of healthcare’s ever-expanding landscape. From giving providers more satisfaction in their day to fostering a safe, comfortable patient experience because they understand that the best technology is the kind that improves people’s lives. Moreover, the company prioritizes to create a world where every patient can access their health information and participate in their care. Every healthcare organization can serve its community rapidly and more safely through cutting-edge technology. The company is building solutions and mobile apps that provide care on both sides of the table, for satisfied clinicians and engaged patients
Medical Intelligence 10 (MI10), an AI-inspired education, advisory, and consulting firm, is on a mission to remove the barriers preventing healthcare organizations from entering successful partnerships with AI companies. MI10 helps its clients attain the highest possible returns for any investment or expenditure in AI. The company assists executiveleaders and physicians as well as their investors in the evaluation and implementation of AI strategies in healthcare organizations. This also involves an assessment of cybersecurity postures in a healthcare system. MI10 performs an assessment using a proprietary 11-dimension scoring tool to determine an organization’s AI readiness to enter into an AI-healthcare partnership
Wisconsin-based Mpirik is a company that offers Cardiac Intelligence™, a software solution that automatically identifies patient results from diagnostic tests and connects the patient to the appropriate next level of care. The platform is developed with an aim to eliminate the manual, cumbersome, and inefficient patient data screening processes and minimize instances of under-treatment for cardiac patients. At the same time, to ensure a completely seamless experience for physicians, Mpirik’s platform is EMR-agnostic and compliant with the Health Level 7 (HL7) standards for the transfer of clinical and administrative data
NewPage Solutions
NewPage Solutions helps healthcare and life sciences organizations in accelerating their digital transformation through its personalized and innovative digital health solutions. The company utilizes the best practices to deliver highly innovative solutions to users and businesses. NewPage Solutions partners with clients across the healthcare ecosystem at every stage of strategy, design, development and outcomes — including problem definition, architecture, strategy and service design, user research, UX design and agile software development. NewPage Solutions unleashes AI’s transformative power in healthcare and integrates education, health and monitoring to better serve humanity
Novadontics, a software company, brings an unparalleled dental implant technology and services to the table that enhances dental implant practice management. The proprietary Digital Treatment Optimization™ method of the company enables providers to make informed decisions quickly about the dental therapy options that fit the specific patients’ needs. With industry-leading business, clinical and front office tools, including electronic prescriptions, monthly business metrics, mobile computing, quality continuing dental education, third-party products, Novadontics’ technology enables practices to improve patient care while growing their business
OnePoint Patient Care
OnePoint Patient Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of community-based hospice and pharmacy benefits management services. OnePoint has grown into a leading provider of community-based hospice pharmacy, e-prescribing technologies and pharmacy benefits management (PBM) services, offering hospices nationwide flexible and comprehensive solutions for their hospice pharmacy needs. OnePoint has an unmatched local presence, with 13 pharmacy locations strategically located throughout the U.S. and plans to open two additional ones in the next two months to meet growing demand for its local dedicated hospice pharmacy model. Together with OnePoint’s national network of more than 65,000 locally contracted pharmacies, these pharmacies ensure hospice patients timely medication whenever and wherever they need it
Plastic Health
Plastic Health enables individuals and organizations to identify and share tangible, meaningful health metrics via a positive, user-centric platform, while contributing to advancing scientific knowledge. Plastic Health is a science-based solution helping promote the health of diverse populations. With Plastic Health, employees play games, take breaths to let go of emotional stress and collect tangible data, while employers analyze data, in aggregate, with none of the usual compliance intricacies, and can finally measure the actual impact of wellness programs, evaluate stress over time, and reward their workforce with meaningful incentivization by paying for real data, in full anonymity
ProtoKinetics is a leading developer of gait analysis and assessment systems that provide mobility metrics that matter. ProtoKinetics’ core product, the Zeno Walkway, quantifies walking measurements by describing the pressure, timing, and spacing of a patient’s footprints. Their simple to use pressure mat system and ProtoKinetics Movement Analysis Software (PKMAS) ably offers accurate, digestible, and powerful data output for a variety of gait and balance collection protocols
A Chicago-based company with additional offices in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and San Diego — Q-Centrix — aims to help healthcare institutions manage their quality data to measurably improve the safety and quality of care they deliver across the U.S. The company aims to allow clinicians to focus more on providing care than quality data management tasks. In order to achieve this feat, Q-Apps leverages a unique data abstraction process that includes real-time prompts and messages for abstractors to improve accuracy and efficiency in data preparation. The platform provides intuitive dashboard and reporting capabilities to simplify data review and interpretation. It also includes built-in mechanisms for seamless data capture and submission to various government and non-government quality reporting programs
As a physician founded health technology, Santovia engages, educates, and empowers patients with innovative design, evidence-based videos, and written content. It integrates with electronic health record (EHR) platforms and patient portals for easy viewing using mobile devices to deliver enhanced patient experience. Santovia’s platform enables enterprise clients to provide a continuum of care to the patients. The providers can also assign video and written education, track utilization, and survey to ensure optimal outcomes. Employers and insurers can leverage the capabilities of Santovia, including EBSCO Health’s Option Grid and teleconsultation solutions, to bolster health engagement
Secure Exchange Solutions
Secure Exchange Solutions maintains its standards for seamless, scalable, secured connectivity across organizational boundaries. As an industry-leading health information technology provider, the company protects, streamlines, and delivers sensitive and critical health care information while ensuring compliance and improving efficiency and quality. Hospitals, health systems, physicians, health plans, and channel partners rely on Secure Exchange Solutions for secure integrated communications that expand their reach and empower them to improve patient care. Their products accelerate healthcare communications, enhance the quality of care, optimize care transitions, speed up payments, and reduce reliance on costly fax, courier, and express mail services
Silva Consulting Solutions
Silva Consulting Solutions is a full-service Environmental, Health, & Safety and Business Management Consulting firm that specialize in customized and sustainable solutions providing services that exceed expectations through delivering technical and professional solutions that add value for any business. Since establishment, Silva Consulting Solutions has continued helping businesses find innovative solutions for problematic and recurring issues, delivering effective results in areas within patient care, and other departments supporting the medical field. Silva’s out-of-the-box solutions, has often played a strategic role in helping an organization navigate through complex healthcare regulations
Sunquest Information Systems Inc
Sunquest Information Systems Inc.transforms medical laboratories into healthcare innovation enablers through a specialized suite of solutions. Sunquest Information Systems Inc. is on a mission to bridge the gap between laboratories, health systems, and clinicians by democratizing access to comprehensive diagnostic data produced or held by different entities within the healthcare community. Sunquest Information Systems Inc. has emerged as the partner of choice for a wide range of organizations, including academic medical centers, integrated delivery networks, independent laboratories, and molecular labs in the fields of laboratory medicine and pathology
Taylor Communications
Taylor Communications helps its clients to leverage the latest technology advances and access the industry’s broadest network of production and distribution capabilities. Their clients can think of them as their trusted advisor for enterprise communication. Moreover, with Taylor Communications, the client companies can increase their efficiency, revenue growth because of their stronger brand experience. The company also invests their time in understanding the industry of its clients, business, and brand. This allows them to make practical recommendations to improve the ROI on their communications. Taylor Communication provides communication services, products, and technologies to many of the most recognizable brands in the world
Two-thirds of U.S. hospitals and health systems use one or more TractManager solutions to address significant challenges in Contract Lifecycle Management, Strategic Sourcing, and Provider Management. TractManager’s NCQA-accredited credentialing program standardizes and expedites the process for provider credentialing, onboarding, privileging, and enrollment to increase productivity and eliminate delays in revenue capture. The company helped a Mid-Atlantic, 36-facility medical group reduce enrollment-related denials by 50 percent while improving enrollment times by 125 percent
Valify is a healthcare cost management company exclusively dedicated to controlling purchased services expense. The company’s web-based technology platform permits healthcare organizations to identify, benchmark quickly, and manage savings in several categories. With proprietary benchmarking analysis, market share insights, and prebuilt category-specific RFP templates, they offer a proven end-to-end purchased services solution for organizations to proactively manage expense, increase staff productivity, and realize significant savings. The company’s clients can drive tangible savings to their bottom line in weeks versus months by using them, the only SaaS analytics and benchmarking tool for Purchased Services
Verge Health
Verge Health provides software and services that empower healthcare organizations to proactively protect and defend patients, caregivers, and facilities against errors, adverse events, and policy violations for optimal quality and safety. Rooted in industry expertise and client experience at many facilities nationwide, their Converge Platform delivers robust analytics, providing a comprehensive operational solution and support for proactive risk management. To help clients maximize potential and achieve high reliability, the company also provides Strategic Advisory Services. They help their clients with leverage technology, best practice, and industry knowledge to protect patients and protect margins
Vital Metrix
Vital Metrix develops non-invasive clinical setting (hospital and physician offices) monitoring system for performing cardiac output measurement with a roadmap to bring the technology into the home. The company’s non-invasive cardiac output measurement software solution, will provide reliable measurement of cardiac parameters and collect patients’ data even in non-hospital clinical settings. Physicians can use these insights to provide care for patients, allowing hospitals to improve congestive heart failure treatment and reduce the risk of readmission. With Vital Metrix, clinicians can frequently evaluate and adjust treatment so that heart failure management is made more effective
WytCote Technologies
WytCote approaches each client with a holistic view of their goals, processes and existing technology, thereby building a solution for the entire company
Aetna is a CVS Health business and is building a healthier world by making healthcare easy and affordable. Founded in 1853, Aetna is a diversified health care benefits companies which serve an estimated 46.7 million people with data and resources to enable them to make better decisions about their healthcare. As a health care leader, the company believes that its corporate responsibility starts with helping people live healthier lives. And that means using their resources to make the communities and world a better place. They believe that they can do well by doing good, and continue to find new ways to broaden their impact, including through a strong social compact with the employees
Care stream Health
Founded in 2007, Carestream Health is a health imaging and information technology solutions company. The company provides medical and healthcare IT solutions and X-ray film and digital X-ray products for the non-destructive testing market worldwide. It also provides product, technical, and service support, including remote equipment and software management services. In addition, the company owns patents in digital imaging, healthcare IT, film, and imaging chemistry. The company serves its customers in many market segments, including Radiography, Non-destructive testing, Contract Manufacturing, and Advanced Materials. The company is headquartered in Rochester, New York, with locations around the world
Headquartered in Bloomfield, CT, and founded in 1792, Cigna is on a mission to improve the health, well-being, and peace of mind of those they serve by providing support and being with them every step of the way. The company is more than a health insurance company; they are a partner in total healthcare wellness, with their 24/7 care for body and mind. Their values are the core of their culture. It guides them on how all 74,000 of around the world work together, serves the customers, patients, clients, communities, and deliver on the mission
Ciox Health
Ciox is a health technology company that works to solve the clinical data illiquidity challenge and provide transparency throughout the healthcare environment allowing clients to manage disparate medical records. In times when stakeholders do not have timely access to the complete clinical picture of patients, medical outcomes research, critical decisions about patient care, payments are sub-optimized, and disease prevention, reimbursement. Ciox’s scale, expansive, and expertise provider network and robust technology platform make it the most reliable clinical data company. Through its technology platform, HealthSource, Ciox enables clients securely and consistently solve the last mile challenges in clinical interoperability
Comprehensive Network Solutions
CNS is information technology company, dedicated to creating and maintaining reliable network solutions that are flexible and cost effective
Flatiron Health
At Flatiron, they believe that learning from the experience of every cancer patient is imperative — it is the key to accelerating research and continuing to improve the quality of care. What stands in the way is an overwhelming technology challenge: Much of the available, real-world clinical data is unstructured and stored across thousands of disconnected community clinics, medical centers, and hospitals. It is a problem that they believe they can solve. Their pioneering approach pairs clinical oncology experts with innovative technology to rapidly generate high-quality data directly from the EHR
Greenway Health
Founded in 1977, Greenway Health provides innovative technology, quality services, and strategic partnerships that help practices grow profitably, improve patient outcomes, run efficiently, and remain compliant with federal and state regulations. Greenway’s team of clinical, financial, and technology experts are committed to innovative solutions that keep people healthier and happier. The company connects providers to the right information and insights, at the right place and time so that they can make patient-driven care a reality. Greenway partners with organizations and progressive providers across multiple specialties, which translates into millions of lives touched daily by its solutions
HealthPointe Solutions
HealthPointe Solution’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of consumers, through modernizing practitioner and consumer interactions with the power of true Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. HPS’ Cognitive AI is the next generation of AI, a technology developed over 35 years at the cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. The company’s Health Cloud leverages a comprehensive medical and wellness knowledge base, which supports shared decisions to solve healthcare’s most difficult challenges. Moreover, some of the company’s support will be for organizations that seek to use Cognitive Intelligence as part of their giving back campaigns and promote the use of Cognitive Intelligence legally and ethically across the world
Henry Schein
Henry Schein, Inc. is a solutions company dedicated to health care professionals powered by a network of technology and people. With nearly 19,000 Team Schein Members worldwide, the Company’s network of trusted advisors provides more than 1 million customers globally, with more than 300 valued solutions that improve operational success and clinical outcomes. Their Business, Technology, Clinical, and Supply Chain solutions assist office-based dental and medical practitioners to work more efficiently so they can offer quality care more effectively. These solutions also support the dental government, laboratories, and institutional healthcare clinics, as well as other alternate care sites
KPN Advisors
KPN Health, Inc. is a healthcare service provider and advisor that provides professional services and proprietary software products and Solution Sets to clients and customers in the Healthcare industry
McKesson is known as the central nervous system of health care. In any given minute, they simultaneously execute thousands of critical operations that improve the businesses of their customers and the lives of their patients. They provide the products, technology, and resources they need to operate more effectively, lower costs, and improve patient health. McKesson partners with biopharma companies, care providers, pharmacies, manufacturers, governments, and others to deliver the right medicines, medical products, and healthcare services to the patients who need them when they need them — safely and cost-effectively
NextGen Healthcare
Founded in 1974 and established in Irvine, CA, NextGen Healthcare is on a quest to improve the lives of the people who practice medicine and those they care for. The company is dedicated to its growing network of 155,000 connected caregivers, with one goal in mind — to make healthcare better for everyone. They offer customized solutions to suffice the needs of ambulatory practices, as they try to reach the quadruple aim and navigating the journey of value-based care. The company specializes in EHR, financial, and HIE solutions for hospitals, health systems, physician practices, and other healthcare organizations, Interoperability, Connectivity, Ambulatory, RCM
Nuance Communications
Nuance is a leader and pioneer in conversational AI innovations that bring intelligence to daily work and life. They deliver solutions that understand, analyze, and respond to human language, amplifying human intelligence. The company, along with decades of domain and artificial intelligence expertise, Nuance works with thousands of organizations — in healthcare, telecommunications, automotive, financial services, retail, and more — to create stronger relationships and better experiences for their customers. Nuance transforms patient care with AI‑powered solutions for physicians, radiologists, and hospitals
Optum is a health innovation and services company that is on a mission to enable people to live healthier lives and make health systems work better for everyone. It is a part of the UnitedHealth Group family of businesses and is boosting modern health care by serving and connecting the whole health system across 150 countries. The company combines cutting-edge technology, the world’s largest health care database, and vast expertise to improve health care delivery, quality, and efficiency. They are revolutionizing health care that serves above 100,000 practices, physicians, and other health care facilities, and also 127 million individual consumers.
Orion Health
Founded in 1993, Orion Health is a global provider of healthcare information technology advancing population health and precision medicine solutions for personalized care across the entire health ecosystem. Orion Health has launched Amadeus, its big data cloud-based platform. Amadeus is at the forefront of the new revolution in global healthcare called precision medicine. Precision medicine combines all the clinical, social, and environmental information about an individual to create a personalized health plan that proactively supports targeted care and overall wellness. The company is building thinking software for life, a smart suite of applications, built on new generation technology that will give everyone healthier, happier, and longer lives
Prognos Health
To improve healthcare, Prognos need to factor new and emerging clinical insights into the patient journey equation. This requires access to the most critical ongoing indicators of a patient’s health — their lab test values. Prognos transforms clinical lab data at an unparalleled scale making the resulting clinical insights amenable to everyday applications. The more healthcare organizations join them in understanding the cause and trajectory of the patient journey, the earlier they can impact care. That’s prognosis transformed. Their AI-driven solutions focus on clinical lab test results delivering their clients’ ongoing vital indicators of a patient’s health and journey
Speak2 Software
Speak2 Software provides a senior-care focused solution that leverages voice command, smart technology, and cloud computing
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Top Healthcare Technology Companies
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charlieharry1 · 4 years
These days’s pinnacle tech execs choose the following day’s top 3 business technologies
There seems to be a new generation advanced each day. It’s essential to hold up with the changing tech landscape  Digital Marketing Agencies in Oxford to recognize what you must be the usage of and what’s now not well worth some time or attempt. A few equipment can appreciably impact your business for the higher, and implementing those technology will assist you stay ahead of the sport. Generation trends in enterprise
if you want to understand what you should be including on your company’s tech stack, take a look at these recommendations from the main voices in tech regarding their enterprise generation guidelines. Artificial intelligence
although this is a hot subject matter in the tech community, now not everybody is aware of a way to construct it into their commercial enterprise. Ai has many uses that can be carried out to repair a number of problems. It may be used for data series, content material introduction and even speakme to clients. In keeping with google ceo sundar pichai, “ai is one of the most vital matters humanity is working on. It's miles greater profound than. power or fireplace.”
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 a popular way to use ai to your commercial enterprise is with a chatbot, which can emulate human verbal exchange with clients and offer statistics insight. There are several benefits to making use of this technology. For one, chatbots never want to sleep or take breaks, and so are available to customers 24/7. This may make a large difference in relation to supporting customers in one-of-a-kind time zones or those who opt to do their on-line purchasing or paintings past due at night time, mainly while you’ve got confined resources and may’t come up with the money for to have round-the-clock human customer support dealers. Way to chatbots, early birds and night owls alike can acquire assist once they need it. Chatbots can also be programmed to speak in numerous exclusive languages, that can streamline your business relationships along with your global clients. Ai can also be extremely useful when it comes to gathering insights for businesses. This data can permit businesses to go into new markets and reach new customers. Those potential clients can be identified the use of facts derived from their activities, interests and seek histories. 2. 5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day; alas, maximum of that statistics by no means helps remedy any troubles. Thanks to ai, companies are locating new methods to utilize that records to increase the variety and fine in their offerings. The cloud
the eagerness of businesses to switch their procedures to the cloud is an indication of the various benefits this technology ought to offer on your business. The cloud can help with each side of a corporation, inclusive of  of the most essential: protection and facts recuperation. To comfy your commercial enterprise, the cloud provides one centralised gadget this is constantly monitored through a team through the vendor, which additionally affords threat detection offerings and powerful patching. Information safety has stepped forward as properly. There are integrated backup systems in every present day cloud carrier that may assist prevent catastrophe from happening or mitigate the rare screw ups that slip via. The reaction price and likelihood of troubles being stopped and resolved quickly is a great deal higher for cloud offerings than it would be for software jogging to your nearby system. Oracle ceo mark hurd says, “safety, that's one of the problems we’ve mentioned, will genuinely turn from being a situation to being a benefit. The safety implications in the cloud, particularly of the huge enterprise vendors, [mean that] you'll be greater comfy there than you will be within the conventional on-prem international.”
from a collaboration perspective, it establishes a machine in which personnel can percentage their paintings with one another smoothly. This ease of conversation will increase collaboration and has been stated to elevate productiveness degrees too. As an example, google’s g suite offers corporations the possibility to paintings within one centralized machine that includes a calendar, a chat platform and shareable docs. This device enables personnel to effortlessly percentage their paintings, coordinate their schedules and prepare their normal workflow. Voice activation
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voice-activated generation has been a part of our every day lives for some time, but it’s lately observed its footing inside the business realm as well. Voice popularity and activation can assist to improve sales efforts, customer service and worker workflow. It’s virtually a completely unique era that shouldn’t be omitted. Voice-based totally technology can cope with easy customer service questions and help in problems that could otherwise absorb valuable time on behalf of each the patron and the employer. It’s able to natural responses and might in many instances find a solution faster than a human ought to. Engines like google, particularly google, also are accumulating treasured facts from the search queries users talk in preference to kind. The extra natural language and phrasing utilized in spoken-word searches can offer context that facilitates create better semantic seek algorithms and offer up extra correct results. While you ask google a query out loud, you save time, and google gets a bit bit better at finding what you wished. It’s win-win. It’s also becoming apparent that voice activation can help to boosting productiveness and average workflow. Employees can use their voices to add matters to their calendars or quickly time table a closing-minute meeting. To-do lists may be edited and reminders can be set. Voice popularity gear are a touch bit like having an assistant that’s usually available and that knows the answers to your questions.
“in the subsequent 5-10 years, it’s exceptionally unlikely system driven speech-to-textual content received’t surpass human transcription in each accuracy and speed, just given the modern tempo of development,” says daria evdokimova, the co-founder of voiceops. 
what’s subsequent? In the long run, you’re the most effective person who knows what’s excellent to your commercial enterprise. But it’s important to recall all of these options to make sure you’re retaining  Digital Marketing Company in Birmingham up with the ever-changing global of business and tech. Those 3 technologies, as well as other new advancements, can make a massive impact on the subject of sales, performance and standard fulfillment. Sara carter writes for enlighted virtual – a virtual mag dedicated to the pinnacle tech and business news, updates and analyses from round the sector.
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