#[ out of control (ooc) ]
midnight-mama · 2 months
I'm sad about Grace, but also not really. Everyone in Ryan's life(besides Becca) has constantly looked at him as ANYTHING but a child.
Homelander sees Ryan as His and his Do over in a sense. Ryan is HIS son and, therefore, must fall in line with Homelander's thinking constantly. Ryan straying from that, and struggling with it is often met with annoyance and dismissal from his father. When Homelander has a moment of Self awareness(Not a good one but still), he tries to fix it and does kinda. But he falls back into aggression when Ryan isn't feeling how he thinks he should. To Ryan, it comes off as performative.
As far as his being his second chance goes, Homelander literally gives Ryan everything he probably wanted as a kid. Attention, all the latest gadgets and coolest snacks. This farther pumps Homelander's feelings of entitlement to how Ryan understands things.
Butcher and Grace tried to see Ryan as a child. And for the most part, they do. But the fear of him becoming Homelander 2.0 hangs heavy over the playing field. In their defense, that's a concerning thought. But the way they go about it literally makes it more likely to happen. It's more so on Grace here, but clearly, Butcher also thinks about it because well....we see it through Joe.
To them, Ryan can be a weapon and an effective one at that. So good of an option, Grace was willing to kidnap this 12 year old boy AFTER truthbombing him about how shitty his father is. This whole scenario to Ryan is what Homelander has been doing for months. Love Bombing him to make him feel safe and happy. Then when he does, Try to force him to understand a fucked up ideal.
What sucks is I truly believe that all the adults here love Ryan. It's just that they are so wrapped in their trauma and adult matters to properly show that love to him. Even worse, Ryan is a child who didn't ask to be created and tossed into the storm. He was put there because of the choices that adults made. As an adult who was once a child that went through similar....I just want the best for Ryan tbh.
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lambmotifz · 2 months
sam can control dean emotionally by pleading & using submissive puppy dog eyes while dean has physical control over sam. you understand
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badassbarmaid · 7 months
Important note: I’m seeing so much hate online between folks who ship Cloud x Tifa versus Cloud x Aerith…
While I prefer CloTi, I will never go after someone who doesn’t. Let fans have what they like, whether it’s considered canon or not. I won’t tolerate hate for any pairings in my orbit, and as we get closer to Rebirth’s release, I anticipate it only getting worse.
Please be kind to each other out there. We should be celebrating the game and just being fans, not tearing each other down.
If you can’t do that, unfollow me right now.
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venstm · 26 days
so, for anyone who saw my previous post tonight one of our pipes burst which has caused a great deal of damage to a lot of our house. we're doing all we can to try and clean up on our own but if anyone can help by donating that would be immensely appreciated. i spent the last few hours alternating between wanting to cry and scooping water into our bath to try and minimalize the damage.
i'll add the link here and some photos under the cut so people can see what has happened.
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for Futa finding our that Yuno was lying about getting beaten up in her first interrogation?
You sure can 👀👀👀👀 Omg, I'm a fake 02-03 fan, how have I never thought about that moment before? I assumed he'd know eventually, but for someone who's so honest (and likely already has issues with a disloyal friend group) an actual confession would be so painful... Thank you so much for the request, it reminded me how much I loved writing these two ;--;
“I can’t believe it!” Fuuta laid across Yuno’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I can’t fucking believe it!”
“Ooh~ is this about Shidou-san?” Yuno stepped out of a pair of shoes, grabbing another. She walked back and forth with accessories she’d requested or borrowed from the others. After scrutinizing them in the mirror, she’d try on something else. 
“Of course it is! Why aren’t you freaking out about this?”
It was a rhetorical question, she knew. This was one of those times Fuuta wasn’t really listening to anything except the rant in his own head. It could be annoying, but between him and Mahiru, Yuno actually enjoyed the chance to sit back and let someone else take over the conversation. 
“He comes out of his interrogation, casually laughing about the warden being young and kicking him, then expects us to be okay with it? That makes four out of five interrogations someone got hurt! It’s a good thing I showed them they can’t fuck with someone like me, eh? But a pushover like Shidou gets abused and laughs! Argh!” 
Fuuta sat up suddenly, trying to find somewhere to put his anger. He caught Yuno’s eye through the mirror. “There’s no way this is legal, locking us up with some violence-crazed warden! You know what I just keep thinking about, every day?”
Yuno gave a small “hm?” knowing he’d tell her anyway. She turned her eyes away, pretending to fix the ribbon in her hair. It was becoming less and less enjoyable to sit back and let him talk, this time. She was starting to see where this conversation would end. She knew what she needed to do.
“I just keep thinking, what are we going to do about Mahiru?”
“What do you mean?”
She was met with a dumbfounded look. 
“We can’t just let her go in there by herself! Haruka and Shidou have some size and strength on Es, so like a coward they only showed a bit of force. But they know you and Muu were much smaller and weaker, so they really took it out on you both. I mean, I could hear Muu crying during her interrogation, and she came out still sniffling. Whatever the hell happened, it can’t be good. Just think of what’ll happen to Mahiru if we leave her alone in there! I’ve started thinking about what we can do.”
She laughed, picking up a headband. “Fuuta, you can’t do anything. It’s not like you’d be able to break in during the interrogation. I’m sure Mahiru-san will be just fine.”
“You can’t be sure, in a place like this. I’ve been thinking about this! I was even talking to Kotoko, and we think it’s possible to sneak in beforehand.”
“And if you get caught? What if you get Mahiru-san in more trouble?”
It was all she could think to say. She knew the truth had to come out eventually, but if there was a chance she could calm Fuuta down and avoid a fight altogether, she’d take it. Yuno wasn’t afraid of him. However, just because he was all bark and no bite didn’t make his bite any easier to handle. If she was putting the pieces together correctly, it still did end up killing someone…
Instead of slowing down, his face lit up with even more intensity. He leapt to his feet, appearing behind Yuno in the mirror. “See, that’s where my backup plan comes in! We’ll get the others involved. An interrogation will be the perfect time to stage a riot because –”
“Oh, Fuuta.”
“– I mean it! How are they and that stupid rabbit going to stop all of us, huh? It’s high time we stood up to this injustice! Give that brat a taste of their own medicine –”
“Just, listen for a second.”
“– We won’t use any violence or anything! Unlike them, we’re above that. Just give them a good scare, and demand that they –”
“What?” He sounded exasperated, but paused to let her speak. She hadn’t raised her voice; he was learning to tell when she was serious.
“There’s... something I need to tell you.” Her tone made it clear that this would be a pretty weighty confession. Annoyance flashed across his face, like is now really the time for this? 
Yuno turned to face him. She reached for his hands, knowing the wonders a bit of physical contact can do. Fuuta just rolled his eyes as he tore his hands away. She was constantly reminded that her usual tricks didn’t work on him. She also reminded herself, however, that it was a relief. She didn’t feel like holding hands now.
“I… I wasn’t honest about my interrogation. Es didn’t touch me. They were actually really calm, and we had a good conversation. They didn’t want the others to hear that and just walk all over them, so I promised to tell the story they came up with. I heard Muu talking, and she didn’t face any violence either. She was just scared.”
“You – she – what?” Fuuta sputtered on his words. His face turned a few shades redder than it already had been in his excitement.
“The lie wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, or drag out this long. Definitely not to the point of inspiring a prison riot, oh god. I felt bad that you even went after Es because of it–”
“Yeah!” His voice rose. “I stood up to them for you! I coulda gotten punished for that!”
“No, Es knew why you did it, so I’m sure they never would have –”
“You can’t be sure!” He turned to pace the cell, emotion leaking out in sudden pitches in his voice, or a hand jerking up in wild gestures. “So when were you planning on telling me? Or were you just going to lie to my face for another few months?”  She could see the gears turning in his head – all the arguments and comebacks and insults he was formulating. “And what else have you been lying to me about?” 
That’s when she noticed that the look in his eyes wasn’t one of rage. Nor was the blood in his cheeks. Though he was indeed angry, he was also dealing with the embarrassing truth of being lied to for months.
“I haven’t lied about anything else,” she assured him. She bowed her head. “And I won’t. I’m so sorry. It was supposed to be something quick that everyone forgot about. Once they had their interrogation and had their own impression of the warden, no one would think about it.”
“You expect me to believe a shitty excuse like that? Why would we all just forget?”
“Fuuta…” She smiled sadly. “Everyone did forget. You’re the only one who still talks about it. You’re the only one who’s done anything in response. I felt so guilty you’d put yourself out like that, for me, someone you barely met.” 
Yuno paused. She hadn’t meant to use any flattery to steer the conversation. She was supposed to just tell him the truth and leave it at that.
But this wasn’t flattery. She was still speaking the truth. “Everyone else did exactly what I expected, except you. You stood up for me. I don’t take that lightly, okay? I’m grateful.”
Fuuta’s eyes burned with more fury. He jabbed a pointing finger at her.
“You’re right!” 
“Those bastards didn’t do a single thing! They heard a young girl got abused and they just let it happen? They tried laughing it off? How dare they!” He whirled around. “Oh, I’m gonna give them a –”
Yuno grabbed the back of his uniform “You aren’t going to do anything. If you get everyone riled up now, it’ll be for nothing, remember? But you can’t tell. I still promised Es I’d keep their secret through the first trial.”
“Tch, you don’t owe them shit.”
“If you tell, you’ll get me in trouble. Please.” She let go of him. “Can I trust you with this?”
He kept his back to her. “You didn’t before.”
“You’re right.” She wasn’t the type to waffle around with excuses.
She started putting away her things. It was almost mealtime, and she didn’t have the heart to continue, anyway. Through the mirror, she watched Fuuta hang around the doorway. His expression shifted through emotions that Yuno couldn’t quite put her finger on. All his fire was fizzling out.
“Just… you swear it won’t happen again?” 
“I swear.”
Fuuta nodded. Then, a grin. “And you swear I can tell them off after this trial ends?”
She returned the smirk. “One promise at a time, ’kay?”
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ruegarding · 7 months
percy's treatment in hoo is especially frustrating bc in son reyna and hazel both make comments to/abt percy that are basically saying he's deceptively intelligent and take note not to underestimate him bc of his disability only for rick to turn around and start treating percy being stupid as a punchline beginning in moa. so not only is it ooc, it's ableist...in the disability representation series.
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lately i've been thinking about making an nsfw sideblog... thoughts?
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6horrors · 1 month
Plot twist where Season 4 is actually a figment of the siblings imaginations. Reginald actually kidnapped them after the season 3 finale and place them in dream simulations. They’re actually in Reginald’s lab being experimented on. Alison is the only sibling who isn’t in the dream simulator. She never lost her powers and still living with Claire and Raymond. She’s scared to confront her siblings due to guilt over how she acted in S3 and assumes her siblings haven’t reached out to her cuz they never forgave her for making a deal with Reginald. Alison continues living her family life until a powerless Sloane escaped Reginald’s lab and tracked Allison down to help her rescue their family.
Gosh, if only, man.
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heroesoath · 2 months
jean grey, telepath, watching teenage boom boom flirting with teenage rictor ( who is wearing a leather vest and no shirt )
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 11 months
✯𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟?✯
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Notes: So like... @mjtheartist04's Little Red Riding AU, amiright??? 👀 This is just a little gift for my pookie 😚🫶🏻 gotta say this one's pulling me out of a writers block, so thanks for having such a clever dream, 'Jay!! 🩶❤️🩶
"I don't believe in fairytales, Genya." Rika stated with a mear shrug, her eyes leaving the young innkeeper as she glances back at the picture etched into the aged paper of a wolf, baring its large teeth at a little girl cowering against a tree deep into dark woods. She closes the burgundy leather clad book, setting it back down atop the dark oak front desk that Genya had tapping his finger against, the tapping in sync with his anxious leg bobbing, causing small whines to leave the old floorboards.
He only grunts in response, his jaw taught as he almost seemed to be grinding his teeth behind his tight lips. It wasn't new to Rika about his behavior, but something about it of all nights felt... Off.
"What? Don't believe in the Big, Bad Wolf?" Genya stated - almost genuine, and Rika would have considered it so if it weren't for the slightly raising of his brows that implicated his comment was supposed to be taken with humor.
Rika returned it with a grin splaying across her lips, bringing a hand up to the end of her crimson colored hood, tugging at it like one would tipping a hat, the action causing some of her Prussian hair to fall at her shoulders from where it had been hidden behind the vibrant fabric. "If that were true, I wouldn't have a job, now would I?" She strides across the room, not leaving Genya's train of eyesight - both not daring to break it just yet.
"To say The Big Bad Wolf would be insinuating the folks around this village believe we're dealing with a Werewolf problem which, of course, is ridiculous." Rika says, Genya tilting his head ever so slightly, eyes squitning just a tad, as though he wasn't curious by the theory, but almost offended.
"Even then, the problem is as obvious as finding the difference between water and wine." Rika gives a lopsided grin, leaning a window at the front of the dimly lit inn.
"Sheep and other wildlife disappearing or found mangled is a simple conclusion: it's just a pack of hungry wolves - actual wolves, I mean. And they just need to be relocated or taken care of."
She turns to the window, using two of her fingers to pry open the dark fusia curtains, just enough to take a peek outside and see her horse chewing at a few weeds that had crept from a few floorboards beneath near the stone streets. For some reason, she didn't feel comfortable on the idea of leaving him out there any longer, wanting to get him to a stable soon before the sun had fully set in only a few minutes.
"Look at that moon... It's beautiful tonight." Rika spoke, her voice a little softer now, dual colored eyes trained on the full pale beauty in the night sky, glistening against her iris’s of blue and pink. "Wven in the dark of night, something about their always being a light, even behind murky clouds... It makes you feel safe, doesn't it?"
"Funny." Genya spits bitterly, his voice breathy and muttered - but Rika caught the venom, almost feeling as though it was aimed at her. "It's funny what the moon does to people." He finishes after a second of silence, now seeing he had Rika’s attention.
Genya's execcent tapping against the counter came to a halt as his nail dug into the carvings, making a small squeaking noise at the traction of his nail splintering into it. He pulls away from it, trudging toward where Rika once was, eyes trained on the book, his buckled boots dragging across the floor, making a noise that didn't bring comfort to Rika, her brows furrowing.
"For most, it brings comfort, a feeling of safety," he picked it up, flipping through the pages, his fingers skimming along the assorted jumble of paragraphs and such, matched with pictures and depictions- his dark eyes lingering on a picture of a man, almost in aogny as his body began to morph into a clawed, fanged, yellow-eyed beast.
"For others, it's a curse, an omen, a warning... For people like me." He snaps the book shut with a feirce 'crack!' As the pages collided shut once more- earning a little flinch from Rika, who had now forgotten her attention on the sky outside, and kept her cautious gaze on the man in front of her.
"Genya... You're scaring me." She speaks, her voice faltering ever so slightly to prove that point, but she still kept her ground, finding her hand slowly making its way toward the hilt of her weapon, hidden behind her cloak.
"I know."  Genya bluntly confirms, finally standing to his full height instead of hunched over the table. Something about him made him almost look taller now. "I can hear your panicked breathing."
The statement had already set enough alarm bells off in Rika’s head, enough for her to start backing away from her close friend- which she immediately regretted, cause Genya must've taken it as a challenge, and with each step she took backwards, he took a step forward.
"What good ears you have." Rika would have said it in a sarcastic dry tone if it weren't for the tremor in her voice, keeping her vocals to a mere mumble.
The pit in her stomach grew deeper and steeper with each step, unable to tear her eyes from Genya, almost in fear that if she did, he'd take that chance and jump at her. Hell. She didn't even want to blink. She felt so... Hunted.
"The better to hear your pretty little heart racing with."
In that moment, watching the cautious steps he took, the way his body almost hunched like an animal hiding in bushes and trees, his eyes trained and laser focused, not a sound coming from him other than his voice. He was like an animal stalking.
And she was prey.
"I can see it too. See your heart pounding in your ribcage... I can see it all." His eyes were like empty sockets, nothing but a blazing gold in place of iris’s that put the dim candlelight in the Inn to shame.
"W-what good eyes you have." Again, Rika stated, and with each one, she was beginning to see a side of Genya she knew she wasn't supposed to see. As a matter of fact, one she was supposed to ever find out about.
"The better to gaze at that face of yours morph into fear." Genya explained almost subtly, like it was passing conversation, his voice low and quiet - different from his usual behavior and mannerism. Rika didn't like it. This wasn't Genya. This wasn't her Genya.
It only took one final step before Rika felt the sensation of the wall, and the pit in her stomach formed so large that she was surprised it hadn't swallowed her whole. The beating in her chest started to sound louder, thundering in her ears so hard in almost hurt. The grip on her weapon stayed firm- but that's where it stayed, her body almost frozen with fear and defeat, leaving her unable to draw put and ready herself for the ever coming attack.
And now, finally unable to escape, she watched helplessly as Genya got closer - painfully slow in doing so, as if he was enjoying the sight as she realized she was cornered and unable to run. Not this time.
His lips curled into something sinister, all teeth and no smile, suddenly, pearly white fangs on display, prodding from his dark gums, his jaw tense and causing the muscles along his neck and collarbone to strain.
"W... What big teeth you have." Rika swallowed thickly, her throat feeling suddenly dry, her body both hot and cold as a sweat begins forming on the back of her neck, and a chill slithers up her spine, like daggers drawing into her skin. Her face was hot, and she thanked heaven above it was too dark to see the red shade her skin had began to become.
At this point, Genya is already too close for comfort. His now clawed hands were splayed out at each side of her face, his face far enough Rika begin could examine the new features starting to become apparent under the moonlight still creeping through the sliver of opened curtains... But he was close enough she could hear the low growl emiting from his throat with his slow rise and fall of his chest.
Genya opened his mouth as though to finish this little banter of words between them, but he simply laughs, a low, slow laugh, his head lolling to the side as he brings his face close to the side of her own, his almost manelike hair tickling against her tan skin, causing goosebumps to ripple along her shoulder.
He brings his hand down from where it was perched, his knuckle barely brushing against her cheek, the cold meeting her warmth was enough to even make him shudder. Tugging a long strand of her dark hair from where it was hidden behind her pointed ear, playing with the strand between his fingers.
"Now that you believe it," He starts, his voice gravelly and low, animalistic, something she hadn't heard out of him before. "Tell me something, Rika..." His breath was hot against her ear, making her hiss ever so slightly between her teeth, trying to cock back from the feeling, but only making contact with his other arm, caging her in.
"Are you scared of the Big, Bad Wolf?"
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demonsfate · 3 months
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okay i wanted to talk about how heartbreaking this scene is. when kazuya threatened to destroy the place, jin's FIRST reaction was to look at all the people fleeing - it shows how much jin truly cares about everyone. but i just realized what's even more fucking heartbreaking is that he specifically focuses on a mother and son. a mother and son whose lives are being threatened by a monster... this has to... this HAS to be intentional. the way jin jerks in disbelief and fear after this.. it makes this scene hurt even more. 😭
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i'm really convinced jin was about to cry here. with how much brighter his eyes suddenly got, and the way his mouth starts trembling. i really think he was about to cry.
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still caps to show how wide & bright his eyes got. but it really does look like a face of devastation. this is a man who desperately wants to be good. he aches to save lives, to help people in spite of his family lineage, in spite of his devil gene. but he can't. he fails every time. despite how hard he tries, how much pain he endures, jin is never good enough, he's never better. i think this really broke him here, i think this is a reminder to jin that he's a failure.
but jin doesn't cry. because he can't allow himself to. he always resorts to anger instead.
out of context, this was such a beautiful scene. it really establishes how much jin cares about people, how seeing people get hurt (or potentially) really affects him. i'd even call this a BRILLIANT SCENE. like the series can't convince me this was the man that started a war and lead to the death of thousands, if not millions, of people. this man is so PAINED to see even a few people get hurt - even one person. this is a man who'd do anything to protect these lives. tekken 6 wasn't what jin was, but this, this is jin kazama.
unfortunately, when they refused to retcon 6 or do more damage control than just having the character say "sorry" it just... it just makes little sense. even though this was an amazing scene, fans cannot react to it as well when it's ridiculous that a man who had dragged the world to hell, cares this much about a handful of people when he's supposedly responsible for the deaths of way more.
without thinking about the inconsistency and tek6, though. this is still so heartbreaking to me, and what jin should be.
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midnight-mama · 3 months
More thoughts I had after EP 4
Spoiler Warning
●My Sage Headcanon was confirmed. Yay. I thought she had an overall healing factor(like Kimiko), but it being just for her brain makes sense, too. Now I wonder how many times she's done this??
●Okay, so.....I know Firecracker's not gonna get fired. But if Homelander let's that nasty bitch near Ryan, I'm burning down Vought Tower. Fuck her nasty ass. Sleeping with a 15 year old when you're a grown ass woman is disgusting. The one thing Annie did right was beating her ass.
●I know Homelander is a fucked up guy. And Being real, There is no changing that. If he were a real man, I would want him dead. But he's not so Imma give him his damn flowers. Those Scientists were SICK. I understand that he was a very dangerous child but....C'mon. Nicknaming him Squirt and laughing at him for....His teenage boy activies? Making a height chart for him like yall was family? Emotionally and physically manipulating him? Jesus.
●Butcher, having a version of Mirrorlander(Ghost Becca?), was not on my Bingo card. I know she appeared before Episode 4, but whatever.
●I love Frenchie....But I don't feel bad. No one should. He was being messy as fuck and should have left Collin the fuck alone. Now it's all Ansty and....Fuck I love that.
●Butcher Titties
●Is....there version of American more conservative than our own?? Like Annie is losing popularity within Canon, but it feels like the opposite should happen. Like she might not get more favor from the opposite side, but her own would rally against Firecracker even harder.
●MM/Butcher isn't a thing? Okay, but why? Yall will ship damn near everything and not this?? I mean- it's giving Mom and Dad energy. I said what I said.
●I hope Ryan's okay.
●I want to hug Kimiko. She's really struggling with everything, and she doesn't really have time to open up about it these last few episodes. She also seems to be struggling with opening up still as well.
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piningpercussionist · 6 months
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I would like to gift you all this today.
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ranger-crow · 2 years
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‘Bout time I got around to posting this-
We got six healthy chicken nuggets! In order from oldest to youngest we have-
Jovi: Female, March 11th
Halen: Male, March 12th:
Chili: Male, March 13th
Pepper: Female, March 13th
Fleetwood: Male, March 14th
Roxie: Female, March 16th
I will definitely be breaking into the daycare over the next week to see who opens their eyes first! I’ll try to get some better pictures of them later ‘cause these guys have some very pretty colorations and spots starting to come in that isn’t done justice under the heat lamps. Fleetwood has a very heavy melanin pigment and pepper is a reddish purple that seems to grow deeper each day.
I’m holding Roxie- I ended up giving her shell a little crack since she was struggling to get a start and she’s very reactive to my voice. Despite her late start she’s easily the chunkiest of all her siblings and a lovely rosey purple color with some larger splots of white. Don’t tell anyone but I definitely have a favorite <3
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galactic-cumslut · 2 years
brave as a noun
first post on my official rick blog ahhh!! this is so exciting,, in honor of this amazing occasion i wrote some cuck!jerry bc i’m a hater
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rick is his own warning, oops he's possessive AND a perv??, same old sick shit just a new day, jerry is a cuck (accidentally) , exhibitionism
“let’s get one thing straight right now. she belongs to me jerry and only me. you will keep your grubby little hands off of my personal property” rick spoke in a monotone voice completely void of any emotion. his eyes didn’t leave jerry’s as he continued to bounce y/n on his throbbing cock. it was not an easy task to keep cool his with a pretty thing like that softly mewling in his ear.
poor jerry. he just wanted to take y/n on a nice trip since she’s been ever so helpful with morty’s tutoring. it just seemed like the right thing to do. he was dressed and ready to grab y/n and go.
but instead he was sitting in the most uncomfortable chair in the world trying to keep his eyes glued to the floor as he witnessed his father in law fuck his closest friend. it was as confusing as it was traumatic. jerry didn’t dare leave his seat though. he knew how prone rick was to having sudden outbursts that could turn violent fast.
“i want to hear you say it. she does not belong to you..say it jerry”! he snapped, wrapping his hand around the girls fragile neck.
jerry gulped. “she does not belong to me”. He was actively attempting to ignore the tightness in his pants.
rick appearance softened. he was pleased. “and who does she belong to”?
“you rick. she is all yours”.
seemingly satisfied with the mans answer his expression softened a bit. those onyx black orbs seemed to gaze upon him with kindness instead of malice.
“what do you think darling ? does he deserve my forgiveness ”? rick spoke softly , gripping her waist to keep you in place on his lap.
y/n nodded without hesitation trying to create a satisfactory amount of friction between her and rick
“okay jerry...i will let your actions slide this one time. keep your hands OFF from now on. i’d hate to be forced to create more unnecessary problems between us.”
jerry shook his head. “of course rick. this will not happen ever again”. he got up as fast as he could eager to end this daydream like nightmare. as much as he didn’t want to admit it to himself but he was going to be imaging y/n tonight. and for many nights after.
“you are dismissed. close the door on your way out if you’d be so kind”. rick spoke , using his free hand to gesture towards the exit.
“thank you for your kindness rick. see you at dinner.
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talentforlying · 1 year
time to get pissed about the fact that constantine's father's hatred for and dismissal of him extends all the way down to his fucking name.
like yeah, john is a fine & normal name. he doesn't have any strong feelings about it and neither does anyone else. but john's mother wanted him, loved him, and iirc might have already had a name picked out for him before she died. (his older sister was named cheryl, which wasn't even in the TOP 100 most common UK girl names at the time, so there was a precedent for putting a lot of thought into naming her kids!!) and then she dies, and thomas just. doesn't. care. john, number one most common UK baby name for the four preceding decades. like john smith. like john fucking doe.
how it must feel to him when people say that name with actual affection instead of rage. how rare that is in his line of work. how different it must sound when he's wanted.
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