#[ self ] – chojuro.
kyugens · 2 years
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and this is chojuro’s ‘revamped’ looks, how i envision and portray him post-war. sexy af. he’ll top you.
credits – @pocchig in every possible social media, please support her she’s the best
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hokkoshi · 1 year
✧. tag dump: chojuro
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nightingaleflow · 9 months
Fandom: Naruto Rating: T Relationships: Chojuro x Natsumi Kaioh (OC) Other Characters: Mei Terumi Word Count: 7,481 Warnings: Canon-typical violence, themes of classism.
A/N: If y'all forgot I had an OC that I pair with Chojuro...that's completely fair lol. I don't get to talk about her that much. But I really wanted to write how she and Chojuro first met.
Setting wise, this is during the time skip (post Chunin Exams). Chojuro would be 17, and Natsumi just turned 18.
I hope you enjoy. <3
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The view from the shores of Kirigakure was always spectacular. From the early morning, when the rising sun bathed the water in rich oranges and reds to noon when the bright sunlight turned the ocean into thousands of sapphires, the water was what gave Kirigakure its identity. Those who lived there said they were the luckiest in the Five Great Nations - after all, no one else had the protection of the ocean itself as a shield against invasion, not to mention the bounty of fish, seaweed, pearls, and minerals they harvested from its depths.
Chojuro was inclined to agree – to an extent. He’d be the first to admit he loved his village and the ocean both. The village was his home – it was where he’d learned to use a sword and where he’d found a purpose as a shinobi and as one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. The ocean gave him comfort on his darkest days, and he often sought out the sound of the waves against the hot sand as reassurance that things would be okay.
But he also knew that in their beauty and comfort, each had a dark side. Dangers hid throughout the depths of the ocean, from strong currents to deadly creatures, all of which would not hesitate a second before taking the life of an unsuspecting swimmer. Kirigakure was much the same, its boastful elitism unable to completely hide the harsh divide between its citizens and its willingness to shed their blood that had given it its old name of the Blood Mist Village. Even now that they had left that name behind, the rich North Side and the poor South Side remained divided, kept apart both by their bank accounts and the flowing canal that split the village in two.
Chojuro had been unlucky enough to have been born on the South Side. His earliest memories were of life in a run-down orphanage, the scornful caretakers reminding him several times a day that he was so worthless, his own parents hadn’t wanted him. Chojuro had been inclined to believe them for many years, his self-worth run so far into the ground he didn’t know if he’d ever had it. Their words had haunted him even years after he escaped, even after he was scouted to become a Swordsman and Lady Mizukage’s bodyguard.
Even now, sitting on the beach with Hiramekarei strapped to his back, he could still hear their cold words in the back of his mind, telling him he was an impostor.
He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, the salty air filling his lungs. Then back out. Again.
It was night, the moonlight dimly illuminating the beach and turning the ocean into diamonds. He’d seen a few others still on the beach when he’d arrived, swimming and cleaning fish. But the darkness and chilly air had finally chased them away, leaving him alone, just as he preferred.
He relaxed as he heard the next wave crashing onto the sand, the foam reaching just below his feet and soaking the earth. A little crab popped out of the sand, looking curiously at Chojuro before scuttling away. A genuine smile formed on his face as he watched the crab disappear into the night. Then he stood, brushing the sand off his cow print pants. He adjusted Hiramekarei on his back, then turned back toward the village.
Further down the sand, just over a rocky outcrop, something bright and orange flashed. He froze, watching as the light faded as quickly as it appeared. Then it appeared again, brighter this time. His eyes narrowing, he grabbed the handle of his sword before taking off down the beach.
When he arrived at the edge of the rocks, he squinted through the dark, unable to make out anything other than the jagged stones bathed in silvery light. Then, all around him, he felt the air boil. He leaped back into the cooler air just as a massive fireball formed. It shot out across the water, turning night into day for a few seconds before it sank into the water with a loud hiss.
Chojuro watched the light fade, then jumped back onto the rocks, readying himself for whoever was there. This time, as he looked down, he could see a small hidden beach surrounded by the rocks. In the middle of the curved sand, just above where the water reached, he could make out a dark figure. They didn’t notice his approach, instead adjusting their posture before taking a deep breath.
Chojuro stayed where he was, gritting his teeth as the air around him caught fire. Another massive fireball lit up the night, sailing through the air before joining its ancestor in the watery depths. This time, however, Chojuro was able to see the figure more clearly. It was a woman, one he didn’t recognize. She had dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders in waves, mixing in the darkness with the black halter blouse she wore. Her skin was nearly white in the moonlight, a perfect contrast to her otherwise dark appearance. Importantly, around her waist, he spotted the glimmering headband of Kiri, indicating she was a shinobi.
He sighed, silently scolding himself for getting so worked up. She was just training.
As Chojuro watched her prepare for another, a pebble flew out from under his shoe. The sound echoed as the pebble bounced down to the ground. The woman’s head snapped in his direction, and he could already feel the air boiling around him. He scrambled back, leaping free of the rocks, but not before a jet of flame lashed out at him. He hissed as it wrapped around his sleeve, instantly destroying the fabric and burning the skin underneath.
The woman landed on top of the rocks as he dunked his arm into the salty water, glaring down at him with eyes that glowed like embers. He groaned, forcing himself to stand as he prayed this wouldn’t lead to a fight.
“Who are you?” she growled, her voice low. “And what the hell do you want?”
“Chojuro,” he said, fighting to keep the pain out of his voice. “And I just wanted to find out what was going on.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Well, congratulations, you found me,” she said. “Now leave me alone.”
He intended to do just that, but as he turned to go, his arm brushed up against his sweater. He groaned as the burn throbbed, fresh waves of pain shooting through him.
The woman’s anger softened. She landed on the sand next to him and took his arm. Chojuro yelped, but she ignored him as she examined it. “Do you have aloe vera?”
“Aloe vera. It’s a plant. Almost looks like a green flower with long, spiky tendrils.”
Chojuro shook his head, his face burning along with his arm.
“Pity. It’s the best thing for burns.” She released his arm, then turned towards the village. “Run it under cool – not cold – water and clean it gently.”
A million questions exploded in Chojuro’s mind, but she disappeared into the village before he had the chance to ask. He stood there for a long moment, trying to understand any of what had just transpired. Then the throbbing in his arm forced him to head home.
He threw his ruined sweater off as soon as he walked in the door, then ran to the bathroom. Not knowing any better, he stuck his arm in the sink, letting cool water wash over it. The heat in his burn instantly began to leach out, the throbbing pain decreasing to a dull ache. He tried pulling his arm back out, but instantly regretted it as the heat rebounded. He gritted his teeth as he dried it off, wondering what he was going to do now. This injury would affect his swordsmanship, and in turn, his ability to protect the Mizukage.
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Bewildered, he went back to the front, wondering who was calling on him this late at night. When he opened the door, no one was there. He looked all around, but saw nothing except his dark yard. His shoe brushed against something. He looked down to see a small potted plant on his welcome mat. Its tendrils were long and green, with small spikes lining the edges. A note was attached to the pot, simply stating: “Break off a tendril and apply the gel within to your burn.”
He looked around again but could detect nothing in the dim moonlight. Frowning, he brought the pot inside, setting it on his kitchen table. It had to be from the woman - this perfectly matched her description of aloe vera, and he was sure they’d been alone on the beach. But could he trust her enough to follow her instructions?
His burn throbbed on his arm, and he snapped off the smallest tendril.
To his surprise, as soon as he spread the clear gel on his skin, the heat evaporated. He nearly moaned with relief, smearing more up and down his arm until the burning completely vanished. His body relaxed, and he stifled a yawn, suddenly realizing how tired he was. He patted the plant, then gave it a little water before heading to bed.
The Mizukage’s office was one of the most luxurious buildings in Kirigakure. Chojuro had been there many times, even before he was officially given the position of Mei’s bodyguard, but he’d never quite been able to feel at home surrounded by the plush carpets, manicured plants, and shining gold that accented the mahogany furniture. But Mei always welcomed him with a warm smile and treated him with respect, so he was more than happy to stand at attention, watching over her as she poured over budget reports and mission logs.
She set her pen down, lightly rubbing her temple. “Oh, Chojuro,” she said. “Do you have plans tomorrow night?”
She meant it innocently, but Chojuro still blushed as he replied, “Um, not at the moment, My Lady.”
“Good,” Mei said, turning and resting her chin on her folded hands. “Tomorrow is the birthday of one of my former students, and I’m taking her out to dinner to celebrate. Would you care to join us?”
“Um, sure,” Chojuro said, adjusting his glasses. “But do you really need a guard for a birthday dinner?”
Mei chuckled. “No, Chojuro, I’d like for you to come as a guest.”
“Oh,” Chojuro said.
“She’s very dear to me, but as of right now it’s just us, and I’m sure she’d like to have someone closer to her own age to talk to,” Mei explained. “So, what do you think?”
“Sure, I’d be happy to join you.”
“Wonderful,” Mei said, picking her pen back up. “We’re meeting at the Pearl & Coral tomorrow at 7. It’s black tie attire.”
“Understood, I’ll be there,” Chojuro promised. Then he frowned. “Have I ever met her?”
“She’s been in here a few times for missions, but I never formally introduced you,” Mei replied. “Her name is Natsumi. She was my student many years ago, long before anyone ever thought of me becoming Mizukage.”
“I see,” Chojuro said. “I can’t wait to meet her then.”
Mei beamed at him, then signed her name on the final scroll. “Finally,” she sighed. “That’s quite enough for today.” She nodded at Chojuro. “Go have some fun. I’m taking the day off tomorrow, so I’ll see you there.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Chojuro said with a salute.
He followed Mei out, a bubble of excitement building in his chest. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone out just for something fun, usually devoting his free time to training or chores. He practically hummed as he returned home. Then, right as he touched his doorknob, he froze.
“I don’t know anything about her!” he said aloud. “What am I supposed to do for a present?”
Before long, Chojuro was lost among the intricate maze of clothing, jewelry, food, and decorations of the commercial district. Pearls and opals sparkled from windows. Delicious scents from candles and fudge poured from their shops' open doors. Women posed for their friends and lovers, showing off their coats and bags. Everywhere Chojuro looked, another item tried to lure him in for a closer look. But he passed them all by, unable to decide where to start.
He strained his memory. Mei had said Natsumi had been to the office for missions, but he couldn’t recall a single thing about her - face, jutsu, family name, nothing. She definitely hadn’t been in his class at the Academy, nor had she been on any missions alongside him since he’d graduated. She was like a tulpa, only existing because Mei decided she did. And thus, he was no closer to uncovering what to give her.
A glossy rainbow caught his eye as he walked by a shop called Kaioh Gems. He looked up to see an intricate display of seven necklaces arcing above matching earrings, each a different color of the rainbow. He lingered for a moment, admiring the craftsmanship of each piece, then went inside.
A woman with wavy dark hair stepped out from behind the counter, the name “Kasumi” embossed on her nametag. “Good afternoon, Lord Chojuro,” she said, bowing. “How can I assist you?”
“I hope you can assist me,” Chojuro said, rubbing his arm. “I’m trying to buy a birthday gift for someone, but I’ve never met her before and I don’t know what she likes.”
“Ah, that does make it difficult,” Kasumi said, nodding sympathetically. “Well, we have some basic pieces in this cabinet. Have a look and see if one strikes your fancy.”
“Thank you,” Chojuro said. He approached the specified cabinet, carefully studying the silver and gold held within.
“Do you know anything at all about her?” Kasumi asked. “Favorite stone, favorite color?”
“Well, if her birthday is tomorrow, that makes her birthstone a diamond, I believe?” Chojuro said.
“That it does, but there’s no guarantee she’ll like diamonds. There are many out there who dislike their birthstone,” Kasumi said.
“Damn,” Chojuro said. “I wish I had more to work with, but this will be the first time I’ve ever met her,” he replied. “I just know that she’s a former student of the Mizukage, and her name is Natsumi.”
It was like a dark fog settled into the shop. Kasumi’s expression darkened, her nails scraping against the glass cabinet. “Natsumi?” she snarled.
Chojuro froze, unsure what he’d said that had set her off. “...Yes?”
Kasumi glared at him. “I have nothing for you.” She pointed towards the door. “Please leave.”
“What?” Chojuro asked. “But you just said-”
Kasumi stormed over and pushed the door open. “I said, leave. Now.”
Chojuro nodded and quickly stepped outside, wincing as the door slammed shut behind him. “What was that all about?” he wondered aloud.
He tried again at a flower shop and a baker, but his luck only improved enough to not have the shopkeepers throw him out. He still came up empty-handed, realizing without knowing Natsumi’s tastes, these types of gifts would be risky. He glanced through the windows of a few other places, but each shop only brought a looming sense of despair rather than inspiration.
Finally, he reached the end of the shops, the street spilling onto the beach. Chojuro sighed, then walked down the sandy slope until he was near the water. The waves brought him a little comfort, but the further he walked down the beach, the more anxious he felt. He didn’t understand why Mei hadn’t told him anything about Natsumi, nor did he understand why the shopkeeper had reacted so violently. Though, he supposed that Mei had perhaps refrained from telling him on purpose. She didn’t do things arbitrarily, so if she hadn’t said more, she had a reason for it.
He shook his head. These thoughts were getting him nowhere.
He continued to mull over the options as the sun fell lower and the ocean caught fire with orange and gold light. He grew more desperate until he reached the end of the beach, ready to kick the sand in frustration. Then he looked up, recognizing the jagged rocks from the previous night. He nearly stepped back, his ears straining for any signs that the woman had returned. But only the crashing of the waves answered him.
He leaped up onto the rocks, looking down at the small beach. He could see footprints further back in the sand, but they didn’t get very far before they had been washed away. He carefully leaped down, landing a few feet away with a crunch. When he looked down, he saw that the sand had melted, turning into shards of glass. He knelt down, rolling a shard in his palm. He had felt the heat from her flames firsthand, so it didn’t surprise him that she’d left such a mark on the sand.
He turned and looked out at the waves, the sun finally dipping below the horizon. He sighed and fell back in the sand. “Damn it,” he said.
His hand brushed against something hard, something that felt harder than the glass. Frowning, he looked down to see a dark shard sticking out of the sand. He leaned closer, brushing the sand away to reveal a silvery shark’s tooth. He pulled it free and turned it over in his hands, the rough serrations along its edges rubbing against his palms.
He’d never found one before, though it wasn’t that uncommon of an occurrence. Many of the local craftspeople utilized shark teeth in their work. He’d seen quite a few people with them in artwork, weapons, and jewelry. He’d just never felt the need to purchase any - after all, if he wanted to see teeth like this, he just had to look in the mirror. He could only imagine how it would look, a shark's tooth dangling around his neck as he went about his day.
He paused. A spark of inspiration flared in his chest. He smiled, then clutched the tooth to his chest as he hurried home.
The Pearl & Coral made the Mizukage’s office seem like a rickety shack on the furthest stretch of beach. The sparkling blue walls that wove through the restaurant like ribbons were inlaid with thousands of tiny pearls. The tables were covered in shimmering cloths the color of sand, the plates and silverware a shining gold. At the very center of the restaurant sat an enormous aquarium that rose from floor to ceiling, filled with colorful coral and fish that happily swam past patrons as they dined.
Even in the finest suit he owned, Chojuro felt severely underdressed as he passed through the golden doors. He pulled at his cobalt blue bow tie, hoping he wouldn’t start sweating. “Um, I’m here for Lady Mizukage.”
“Ah, Chojuro, there you are,” Mei said. She swept over from the waiting area, dressed in a light blue gown that contrasted nicely with her auburn hair. “I was starting to worry that you’d changed your mind.”
“No, of course not, My Lady,” Chojuro said, inclining his head.
Still smiling, Mei gestured behind her. “Chojuro, I’d like you to meet Natsumi.”
Chojuro looked past her, his eyes landing on the woman approaching. His smile instantly vanished, his mouth falling open as he fully saw her.
She was like a shadow in the brightly lit restaurant, with black hair that cascaded down her back in waves. It matched her flowing black dress, knee-length and open at the top to show off her tanned shoulders. Her eyes, the color of glowing embers, narrowed at the sight of him.
It was her.
His breath caught in his throat, and it took several seconds for him to remember how to speak. “Hello,” he managed, his voice rising an octave.
“Good evening,” Natsumi said, the heat in her gaze making him shiver.
Mei looked back and forth between them. “Have you two met?”
“Just now,” Natsumi interjected, her tone warning Chojuro not to say anything.
Mei raised an eyebrow but didn’t push the issue. “Well then, shall we?”
The hostess led them to a private room on the other side of the aquarium. They sat at a long rectangular table, Mei at the head with Natsumi and Chojuro flanking her. Chojuro smiled nervously, wondering how he was going to get through the meal with Natsumi’s eyes burning through him.
He quickly picked up the menu, hiding behind it as he struggled to absorb a single word.
“What will you be getting, Chojuro?” Mei asked, her head tilted to the side.
“Um, I’m not sure,” he replied. “I haven’t been here before, and there’s a lot to choose from.”
“There is,” Mei agreed. “Fortunately, I’ve been here a few times, and everything has always been exquisite. So you can be assured of the quality no matter what you choose.”
Chojuro nodded, but that didn’t make him feel any better. He scanned the menu a little closer, trying to make himself actually read the words. Even through the screen of the menu’s pages, he could still feel the heat coming from Natsumi, as if she could see straight through the paper. He nervously glanced over the top, and sure enough, he looked straight into her ember eyes.
“Um, what about you, Natsumi?” he asked, hoping a conversation would soothe her. “What are you having?”
Natsumi blinked, looking surprised at being directly addressed. “The reef salad,” she said after a moment.
Chojuro scanned the pages, finding her choice near the top. “That sounds delicious,” he said. “I may have that too.”
Natsumi’s eyebrows raised. She glanced at Mei, who just smiled knowingly back at her.
The waiter appeared a moment later, taking their orders with a bow. Once he disappeared, Mei reached under the table, pulling out a small square package. “Here,” she said. “I hope you like it.”
“Thank you, My Lady,” Natsumi said, accepting the package. She neatly slid open the wrapping paper, then opened the box to reveal a garden spade. The metal blade was heavy and shone even brighter than the dining room around them, the handle inlaid with Natsumi’s name.
Chojuro thought the gift was odd until Natsumi bowed her head to Mei. “Thank you,” she said, clutching the spade to her chest.
Mei beamed at her. “I remembered you saying your old one was near death. I hope this one works in its place.”
“It does,” Natsumi assured her. “Thank you so much.”
So she liked gardening. Chojuro made a note of that for next time, then paused. Next time?
Natsumi tucked the gift into the empty chair, looking much more relaxed than she had at the start. A moment later, Chojuro remembered he’d brought something for her too. He winced as he pulled the box from his pocket, doubting she’d care about it after Mei’s perfect gift. “Um, here,” he said, holding it out to her.
Natsumi looked from the package to him and back again. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know,” Chojuro said, his cheeks turning pink. “But all the same…I hope you like it.”
Natsumi gingerly took the package from him, her eyes watching him like a hawk. Then she carefully unfolded the crumpled paper concealing his gift.
He’d taken the shark tooth he’d found, then purchased some jewelry supplies on his way home. With a few hours' effort, he managed to turn them into a necklace, the silvery tooth dangling from the slim black cord, connected with a silver clasp. Natsumi’s eyes widened as she examined it, rubbing her thumb against the tooth, and Chojuro’s embarrassment came flooding back.
“I’m sorry,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “I didn’t know what to get-”
He stopped as he saw Natsumi unclasp the necklace. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her long neck, then tried to clasp the necklace together. After a few tries, she sighed, then looked at him. “Would you mind…?”
“O-oh! Of course!”
He nervously moved behind her, taking the necklace as she swept her long hair out of his way. He stared down at her, noticing for the first time that her tanned skin was dotted with scars. A few slashes and cut marks as usual for shinobi, but the majority appeared to be burn scars, the skin warped and melted. But even so, none of them detracted from her quiet beauty. And, as he leaned closer, he realized she smelled sweet, like honeysuckle at sunset.
He turned red, shaking his head as he tried to concentrate. His body betrayed him, his hands shaking like leaves as he attempted to clasp the two ends together.
Natsumi held as still as she could, but her head still turned a fraction in his direction. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, I’m sorry,” Chojuro said hastily. “I just haven’t done this before.” He somehow managed to hook the claw into the metal loop, then sighed with relief. “There we go.”
Natsumi let her hair fall back into place, adjusting the necklace until it sat just below her collarbone. As Chojuro sat back down, he couldn’t help but notice how it shone in the golden light, standing out against her dark dress.
When she looked up at him, there was a new softness there. Warmth filled her eyes, her earlier fire extinguished. ”Thank you,” she said, her tone light.
Chojuro blushed as he tried to think of a response. But then the arrival of their dinner cut him off, and he fell silent.
After the meal was over, Mei beamed at them. “Well, I think it’s about time to go home,” she said as she signed the bill.
“I agree,” Natsumi said. “It’s getting rather late. But thank you both for coming, and for your gifts.”
Mei nodded. “Chojuro, why don’t you escort Natsumi home?”
Chojuro let out a nervous chirp as Natsumi raised an eyebrow. “My Lady, I don’t need an escort. I know where I live.”
“I know,” Mei said. “I just thought it might be nice to have some company.” She winked at them. “Have a good evening, you two.”
And with that, she vanished into the night.
Chojuro turned red as Natsumi looked his way. “Um, I would be happy to take you home,” he said. “But if you don’t want me to-”
Natsumi jerked her head towards the door. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Are you sure?”
She just raised an eyebrow at him as she pushed open the door, leaving him scrambling to catch up.
He finally caught up with her a short distance from the restaurant. She gave him a quizzical look, and he laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. She continued on without a word, and Chojuro, not knowing where she was going, silently followed.
“How’s your arm?”
He hadn’t been prepared for her to speak first. “Huh?”
“Your arm,” Natsumi said. She folded her arms, not meeting his gaze. “Did the aloe vera help?”
“So that was you,” Chojuro said.
Natsumi nodded.
Chojuro pulled back his sleeve, showing her how the burn had faded to a light pink. “Yeah, it did the trick,” he said.
Natsumi froze when she saw the burn, her face contorted with guilt. She ducked her head, whispering, “I’m sorry.”
Even if Chojuro had wanted to stay mad, he couldn’t have, not with her looking so upset with herself. “Hey, it’s okay,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “I startled you, right? It’s my fault.”
“No…” Natsumi said. “That’s not it…”
“Oh, um…” Chojuro’s voice faltered.
She sighed. “Forget it, it’s not important.” She subconsciously clasped the shark tooth, rubbing her thumb against the jagged tip. “Thank you again for the necklace,” she said. “Where did you get it?”
“I made it,” Chojuro replied.
She looked up at him, one of her eyebrows raised. “Really?”
Chojuro nodded.
“I didn’t take you for a craftsman.”
“Oh, I’m not,” he said.
Natsumi frowned. “Then why go through the trouble of making it?”
“Well, that wasn’t the plan,” Chojuro replied. “But I couldn’t find anything in the stores that I thought would work. Then I ended up back at the beach where we…met…and I found that in the sand. I just thought it was a sign, so I went with it..”
Natsumi glanced down, cradling the tooth in her palm. “It’s a good thing you did,” she said. “It looks beautiful.”
Chojuro beamed, his cheeks pink from the compliment. “Yeah, it matches you.”
As Natsumi’s head snapped up, Chojuro realized what he’d just said. “I-I mean, it looks beautiful!” he said, panicking. “I mean, not that you’re not beautiful! But that’s not what I meant to say! I…” he groaned. “I’m gonna stop talking now.”
Natsumi dipped her head, hiding her mouth behind her hand. But even so, Chojuro could tell she was smiling from the slight crinkle of skin near her mouth and the sparkle in her eyes. His heart beat a little faster as he realized that even if he’d made a blunder, he hadn’t been wrong. She really was beautiful.
He snapped his head forward, rubbing his cheeks to get the burning under control.
She led him down the twisting roads, the paths spiraling and undulating like the mist the village was known for. She kept glancing at him, secretly smirking every time she conjured a fresh blush on his cheeks. It didn’t take long for Chojuro to realize not only was doing it on purpose, but she seemed to revel in his reactions. He could almost hear Mei’s laugh in the distance, wondering if she’d planned this. After all, Mei had always encouraged him to have more confidence. Maybe a night with Natsumi was just the thing to bring that out.
The next time Natsumi looked at him, Chojuro forced himself to hold her gaze. “So, tell me more about yourself,” he said, his face erupting in a fresh blush.
Natsumi looked startled. “There’s really not much to tell,” she finally said. “Why?”
Chojuro winced. He was off to a great start.
“I’m sure there’s something,” he said, rubbing his arm. In a flash, he remembered the garden spade she now clutched in a box. “You like gardening, right?”
He’d hit the nail on the head. Natsumi lit up like a candle, a genuine smile crossing her lips. “I do,” she said. “Working in my garden is my favorite thing to do when I’m home.”
“What do you grow?”
“Whatever I can,” Natsumi replied. “I just put my pepper starters in the ground, and hopefully my tomatoes will follow in a few weeks.”
“That’s really cool,” Chojuro said, relaxing and giving her a genuine smile.
Her grin grew wider. “Thank you so much.” Then her smile turned devious. “So, what do you do when you’re not not calling women beautiful?”
His blush came back with a vengeance. “N-nothing too exciting,” he said, hastily looking away. “I’m either guarding Lady Mizukage, or I’m training with my sword.”
Something about the word ‘sword’ seemed to resonate with Natsumi. “I’ve been wondering since you were introduced,” she said slowly. “Are you the same Chojuro that wields Hiramekarei?”
“Yes, that would be me.”
Natsumi nodded, a new respect in her eyes. “That’s quite a feat, especially for someone so young.”
Chojuro laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. “Thank you, but in truth, I was just lucky,” he said. “Someone noticed I could wield a sword, and I had a good set of mentors who helped me get to this point. It wasn’t me.”
“Don’t do that,” Natsumi said sharply.
“Disparage yourself like that,” she said, coming to an abrupt halt. “Perhaps part of it was luck, but they don’t just let anyone become a Swordsman. That privilege is earned, not bought or given out on a whim. So don’t talk about yourself like it is.”
The air around them increased by several degrees as she spoke. Chojuro stood rooted to the spot, bewildered and slightly terrified by her intensity. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” she said. “I’m not involved here. You need to be kinder to yourself.”
It was almost word for word what Mei had said to him when he’d expressed doubts about his ability to be her bodyguard, albeit much more forceful. Even if he hadn't already known, it was clear Natsumi had been her student, and had probably been on the receiving end of that lecture at some point.
“Is that something Lady Mizukage told you as well?” he asked.
Natsumi folded her arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, her tone warning him not to push the subject.
Chojuro sighed. Just when they’d started to get somewhere, they’d fallen back to where they started. “I’m sorry,” he said, not knowing what else to do. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t.”
He wasn’t convinced.
“Even if I didn’t,” he said. “I still said something that upset you. And I’d like to avoid that in the future.”
This time, Natsumi took a moment to gather her thoughts. She stared straight ahead, her expression conflicted. “It’s…complicated,” she finally said, her voice distant and sad.
Her voice broke Chojuro’s heart. Her earlier fire had vanished, flickering out like a candle, and he hated it. He made up his mind to get her to smile again before he left her for the night, embarrassment be damned. But before he could figure out how to make that happen, an excited voice called out, “Is that you, Lord Chojuro?”
He looked up, realizing they had made it to the canal splitting the village. Someone was running across the nearest bridge towards them, waving excitedly. He squinted, trying to make out who they were. They were a Kiri jonin, their headband wrapped around their head and their red hair flowing down either side of their face. They seemed vaguely familiar, but Chojuro couldn’t place them.
“It’s Ichigo,” the man said, skidding to a halt in front of him. “I’m the candidate for Shibuki.”
“Oh yeah, I remember now!” Chojuro said. That’s where he’d seen this man - he’d been by the office to submit the paperwork for the qualification tests. “Sorry about that.”
“No need,” Ichigo assured him, waving his hand nonchalantly. “I’m sure you have a lot on your mind. What brings you out this way?”
“I’m escorting…” Chojuro paused. He’d almost said friend, but he wasn’t sure that was the right word, nor did he think Natsumi would allow it with the way things currently were between them. He settled for her name instead. “...Natsumi home.”
Ichigo blinked, looking past Chojuro. His face instantly darkened, his hand going to the sword he had strapped to his belt. Behind him, Chojuro felt the air heat up, and when he looked back, he saw Natsumi’s expression was absolutely murderous.
“Lord Chojuro,” Ichigo said, his voice cold. “You should stay away from this one. She’s bad news.”
“You’re one to talk, Ichigo,” she said, spitting out his name like venom.
A vein protruded from Ichigo’s forehead as he pulled the sword from its sheath. “Keep your name out of my mouth, gutter trash,” he snarled. 
Natsumi scoffed. “You’re really trying to become a Swordsman?” she asked. “Don’t count on it. If someone as cowardly and two-faced as you claims the title, that means the whole system is a joke.”
Letting out a furious growl, Ichigo swung his sword at her. She gracefully leaped away, landing further down the canal as the heat around her intensified.
Chojuro looked around, but there was nothing he could use as a makeshift sword apart from a small metal pipe. Then Ichigo closed the distance, ready to take a second swing at Natsumi. Chojuro darted forward, appearing between them. He ignored Natsumi’s horrified cry behind him as he brought the pipe up, sparks flying as metal met metal. Ichigo attempted to retreat, but as he did so, Chojuro did an easy flourish with his pipe, and Ichigo’s sword went flying into the canal.
“You’ve got some explaining to do,” Chojuro warned, his voice shaking with fury. “Why the hell did you attack her like that?”
“More like why the hell are you defending her?” Ichigo spat. “Worthless gutter trash like her needs to be killed or thrown out.”
“That’s enough insults,” Chojuro said. “You need to apologize and be on your way.”
“Hell no!” Ichigo brandished his sword at Chojuro. “All that time with the Mizukage has made you soft. Now get out of my way!”
Chojuro opened his mouth to retort, but he was stopped by Natsumi’s hand gripping his shoulder. “Don’t, Chojuro,” she said, gently pulling him back. “He won’t apologize. Just let it go.”
Ichigo let out a harsh laugh. “Impressive,” he said. “I think that’s the only smart thing you’ve ever-”
He paused, his face contorting strangely. A foul scent, like burning rubber, filled the air. He looked down, the color draining from his face. He screeched, flopping to the ground and flailing madly at his shoes, which had been consumed by flames. When he failed to get them off before the fire spread to his pants, he jumped down into the canal, gurgling as he splashed into the water below.
Natsumi watched him flail in the water for a few moments, then turned and silently crossed the bridge without a word, ignoring Ichigo as he surfaced and continued to hurl insults at her.
As Chojuro followed her, he could feel the heat rolling off of her in waves, the air and ground sizzling with every step. Beads of sweat rolled down his neck as he drew alongside her. “Natsumi-!”
She quickened her pace, refusing to look at him.
“Natsumi, wait!” Chojuro pleaded.
“Why?” Natsumi murmured, the heat around her becoming almost unbearable. “So you can tell me he was right? That I’m worthless gutter trash that needs to be gotten rid of?”
Wiping the beads of sweat from his brow, Chojuro raced ahead, planting himself in front of her. She finally looked up at him, and he was stunned to see tears beading at the corners of her eyes.
“Natsumi, I have no idea what he was talking about,” Chojuro said. “But I also don’t care. He’s wrong about you.”
Natsumi laughed bitterly. “You only say that because you don’t know anything about me.”
“Then tell me. What’s so ‘wrong’ with you that would make me side with him?”
She looked away, but he could still see the tear silently trickling down her face, the indecision and fear that made her body tremble. Chojuro took her hand, silently holding it in both of his as he waited for her answer.
Finally, after an eternity she finally said, “There are three big reasons. One, I can’t use Water Release at all. Two, I can’t do even basic kenjutsu. Three, I was born on the South Side.”
Chojuro stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide as everything clicked into place. As far as he had known, every shinobi in Kiri could use Water Release, even if it wasn’t their affinity or even very strong. For Natsumi to not have it at all was extremely rare, and in the elitist society they lived in, that valued status and conformity above all else, that was basically screaming to the world that she didn’t belong there. To compound that with a lack of swordsmanship, and to have been born in the poor district…Natsumi was everything that the upper crust of Kirigakure hated.
He couldn’t imagine the hell she’d had to endure during her life here, especially if people were openly treating her this way.
He didn’t have to wonder long before she continued, “No one wanted to have anything to do with me. Teachers, fellow students and shinobi, not even my parents. At best, they said I was a disgrace to the village. At worst, they said I should be banished or killed.” Her eyes trailed back to the canal. “Ichigo was my teammate for a mission. He tried to leave me for dead in the Land of Earth, then blamed me when I reported him and he got demoted. To this day, he still wants my head.”
“That’s why you reacted so violently last night,” Chojuro said with quiet realization. “You thought I was going to kill you.”
Natsumi nodded.
Fury and sadness expanded rapidly in his chest, threatening to choke him. He took a shaking breath as he squeezed her hand. “I’m so, so sorry that happened to you.”
Natsumi didn’t move. Tears still formed in her eyes, but beyond them, there was a spark of hope.
“They were wrong about you,” Chojuro said. “Ichigo was wrong.”
“Were they?” Natsumi asked. “I failed at the three things this village prides itself in. What good does that make me?”
“Don’t,” Chojuro said.
“Don’t what?”
“You remember what you said to me?” Chojuro asked. “About not talking down about yourself?”
“Yes…” Natsumi said reluctantly.
“Well, the same goes for you,” he said. “So what if you can’t use Water or wield a sword? You have your own gifts. That fire - that was you, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Natsumi said slowly.
“And I constantly feel the air getting hot around you - that’s also your doing, isn’t it?”
She nodded again. “Fire has always been my best weapon. I don’t even need hand signs for it.”
“You’re kidding.”
Natsumi shook her head. She glanced to the side, nodding at a piece of trash. She stilled, focusing on it, and Chojuro could feel the air around them heat up like a furnace. A moment later, the trash exploded into flames. He stared at it in awe for a moment, then quickly summoned a small plume of water to extinguish it.
“I call it Incineration,” Natsumi said simply.
“That’s incredible,” Chojuro said, giving her an awed smile. “You’re incredible, Natsumi.”
She stared at him silently, a soft blush dusting her cheeks. She turned her head, nervously playing with a lock of her hair. “You’re sweet.”
Chojuro blushed too, scratching the back of his head. “Don’t ever let people like that get to you.” Lowering his voice, he added, “I know it’s hard. I was born on the South Side too. I heard a lot of similar commentary when I was younger.”
Natsumi’s eyes widened in shock. “You’re from the South Side?”
“Born and raised, if you can even call what happened to me ‘raising’.”
“Sounds like we had similar upbringings,” she said. Then she stifled a yawn, looking embarrassed as she pressed her hand against her mouth. “I’m sorry, I promise I’m listening…”
Chojuro shook his head. “It’s fine,” he said. “That story can wait for another day. For now, let’s get you home.”
They arrived at her house a few minutes later. It was a small place, tucked away at the end of a street three blocks from the canal. Only one story tall, the stone walls a natural sandy color under the dark roof. A stone wall separated the yard and house from the street, parted by a metal gate. A single outdoor light illuminated the garden, little green sprouts popping out of the dark soil in raised beds.
Natsumi hovered by the gate, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. “Thank you,” she finally said.
“For what?” Chojuro asked.
“For…everything.” She hid a yawn behind her hand. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s all right,” he assured her. “You get some rest.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
Chojuro nearly panicked, thinking he’d somehow messed things up again, but those fears were put to rest when he saw the corners of her mouth twitching and the corners of her eyes crinkle with mirth.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said.
Her smile came back. A genuine, bright smile that lit up the night and warmed him right down to his core. “You learn fast,” she said, her tone teasing.
He smiled back. “Oh, and tomorrow, I’ll be speaking to Lady Mizukage about Ichigo,” he said. “You’re right, someone like that has no business becoming a Swordsman.”
“I bet he’ll love that.” Natsumi laughed. “You’ll have to come by and tell me all about it.”
Chojuro blinked. Was she actually inviting him to visit her?
As if sensing his confusion, she casually added, “Of course, that’s if you want to spend more time with a not not beautiful woman.”
Chojuro groaned. “I’m never going to hear the end of that, am I?”
She grinned at him. “No, you are not.”
Her smile was infectious, so he couldn’t help grinning back even as he rubbed his burning face. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it then, if we’re friends.”
Natsumi’s face lit up. “Are we?”
“I’d like to be,” Chojuro replied. “If you’ll allow it.”
He offered her his hand. After a moment, Natsumi took it, squeezing his fingers. “I’d like that too.”
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @therozpoz @undersero @headcanonsmadepublic
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brozumaki-a · 2 years
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Boruto dislikes fighting for the sake of revenge. He’s had the taste of it after destroying a Funato member. He came to the realization ( idealist thinking ) that for the fighting to stop, the hatred had to be cast away. The person he thought who was the closest to him ( Ikada Funato ) gave him an ultimatum. In order for Boruto to make sure those that he loved were safe ( seeing as there was no way to get back to Chojuro ) was to throw away his headband and join the Funato. 
How does this picture fit the narrative? Well, Sarada is known to have shown feelings for her comrade, her best friend.  Like Naruto, Boruto is also her sun ( hence her MS design ). Both would do anything to protect one another even if that meant putting their life on the line. It physically hurts Boruto to make painful decisions that don’t include Sarada. His goal is to be like Sasuke; someone who protects the Hokage from within the shadows. 
His grandfather and father walked down that road, but he decided that path wasn’t for him. Boruto would do absolutely anything, however, to make sure Sarada would take that path to become the future Hokage. Their teamwork is like no other. Their bond is inseparable. The moment Boruto loses her, he loses all sense of self. The moment Sarada feels as if she’s losing him, she becomes protective. 
Her Sharingan was born out of love, breaking the Uchiha curse. Her Sharingan progresses faster when she has the guts to not give in and to keep fighting for what she loves. She’s an unstoppable force.  If Boruto were to be taken, she will put up a fight until she can no longer move. Boruto is the shield and she is the sword. To see to it that her dreams come true is his goal. He’s the one who brought her out of her anti-social shell. She’s the one who instilled confidence in him, she gives him hope. 
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Heck yes! Links to AO3 in the titles.
Title: A Little More Sword in Your Heart
Why I l rec it: Gaara has his feathers ruffled a little bit further than we see in Boruto and I love that sort of thing. And there's a lot of bird symbolism, which is fitting for Urashiki, I think.
Where Sand Meets the Sea
It's pretty short and sweet and encapsulates everything I enjoy about rare pair Chojuro and Gaara with appearances by other less seen characters. It's a good place to sample my work with little commitment.
Blossom of the Desert
It's got that kinky shit that I can't find elsewhere. Baki/Gaara (as adults). Sex pollen at it's finest and it goes from rough to kind of sweet. Read the warning tags ⚠️ on this one.
What the Water Gave Us
It was and still is a passion project. My real attempt at making Chojuro and Gaara a ship and its got drama and angst and the over a Kage desk sex. The best kind. I'm still working at it as I watch Boruto.
Of Sharks and Men
Also a passion project still very much in progress that explores more of Chojuro's background and a "what if" dynamic if Gaara and Chojuro had met before the Five Kage Summit. Chojuro is such a sweetie and it's got a totally different flavor than What the Water Gave Us.
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narutobfs · 6 years
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useless gays
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
(TW: sa?)
sorry to ask this but it’s in my mind lately, is Karin an abuser? I saw people saying she sexually harassed Sasuke… is it real? :/
Why are they making Sasuke into a UwU meek, insecure and fragile little girl, in this Regard??? I agree he has a feminine grace and traits which I pointed out in many posts... But making him into an actual damsel in distress is Ugly, Cringe and Crass at best. 
It's totally a disrespect to a Great and Strong Character, you know. I would've given a Benefit of Doubt if Sasuke was a Young Girl and has actual hints about being harassed.. But He is a Character with strong conviction who won't even hesitate to say 'No' to your face... And When it comes to Physical Skills... He is Second only to none. Only Naruto can rival him on that.
And you want me to believe that a person who is not even on par with his Skills and Strength would sexually harass him??? 
I agree that many times Karin comes off as a Total Creep with her Flirtatious Advances... Remember she said Ravage, Hug and Lick Sasuke (???)... Yikes!!! I would say she is sexually aggressive, a behaviour which would be frowned upon had the Genders were reversed. Imagine a Guy who was Head canoning about “I will ravage that Girl when she is asleep”???. 
But I think that's the extent of her limit... She could Headcanon crazy things about Sasuke but I don't think she ever crossed that Boundary set by him and even if she did, Sasuke wouldn't let her. And why do I say that?? 
Because of this...
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There’s only a limit which Sasuke could tolerate other people making sexual advance on him. Beyond that line, he would simply stop them... And also because Karin stepped back from her love for Sasuke after the War and never chased him rabidly by disrespecting his wishes. 
And I also see some stupid claims like Mizukage Mei harassed Sasuke in Pro-Sasuke tags.. (???) Like WTF. 
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Yeah... She was saying that she was going to give a Good Bye Kiss that would melt him by rubbing off her lips, It could be taken with a sexual connotations... But Chojuro was clearly explaining in the bottom right panel that Mei’s actions means a Battle stance... “Mizukage sama’s ready for a fight...”
And as expected..
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The Kiss she meant was the Lava Jutsu... And it was indeed melting his Susanoo... And she never even attempted to touch him physically unlike Karin or Sakura. 
It’s totally an indirect remark about her Battle Stance in a flirtatious way and they call these acts as Sexual Harassment??? It seems anyone who makes a remark on their poor little wallflower Sasuke-kun are harassers, eh??? *** Although I know why those stans pull Mei into this mess... Their stupid Agenda ***
This kind of non-sensical claims were spread by either Sasuke stans who hates Karin (Which I doubt very much because most of them like her) or Sakura stans disguise themselves as Neutral Fans and bash Karin (These closet Sakura stans constitutes an army) or those female Sasuke self-inserting shippers who makes him into an innocent and fragile little girl and they think that anyone who is coming close to him are harassers (Which is also where I saw these claims). 
This is totally dumbing down Sasuke’s character into a Fragile doll. WHICH HE IS NOT.
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If you are still taking requests may I humbly ask for a beta!Chojuro/omega!Gaara pairing? Bonus points for multiple attempts at getting pregnant and Chojuro feeling inadequate about not being able to knot.
Perfect! My first ship ask✨I shall happily write this ✨
Let's keep trying, ok?
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Omega!Garra x Beta!Chojuro
“I mean... The doctor said it wasn't impossible, why is this so hard!” Chojuro huffed as Garra threw another negative pregnancy test in the trash. Garra snuggled up to Chojuro where he sat on the bathroom floor.
“Calm down Chojuro... We'll just have to try again...” Garra muttered, squeezing his mate in a tight hug. Chojuro wiped a stray tear from his cheek, resting his head on Garra's shoulder.
“But it just won't stick... Maybe it's me...” Chojuro whined, tears welling up in his eyes. He just felt so guilty for not being at to have a baby with the one person he loved.
“Sweetie it's not you... Sometimes it's just harder for some people and easier for other people...” Garra muttered, pressing himself up against Chojuro while purring.
“Yeah... Like Naruto having four pups with his alpha... ON ACCIDENT! And we can't even get one...” Chojuro muttered, staring at the trash can in the corner, visibly fulled with dozens of negative tests.
“Why does it have to be harder for us...” Chojuro complained, trying his best not to cry again.
“I know it's taking a toll on you Garra... Maybe you should just find a different mate...” Chojuro mumbled, resting his head down against his mate's chest, listening to the soft purrs coming from Garra.
“I'm not leaving you because it's hard for us to have a pup right now...” Garra growled lowly, nuzzling his nose into Chojuro's neck to take in his scent.
“We're gonna get through this... Together...” Garra reassured, giving a small smile to his mate. Chojuro didn't return the smile, he just looked down in shame.
“...But what if we can't...” Chojuro whimpered quietly, squeezing Garra's hand.
“Well... We can always try other methods...”
“....” Chojuro said nothing, just looking at the floor beneath them as big fat tears ran down his cheek. Chojuro and Garra had been trying for years, each time, Chojuro's self confidence dropping down.
He self-esteem was likely all the way down to the negatives at this point...
Just like the tests...
All negative...
Because of him...
Because of... Me...
Because I can't knot like an alpha can...
Because I'm a stupid, normal Beta...
A Beta unable to knot and get his mate pregnant...
“If only I wasn't a Beta...” Chojuro muttered out loud, leaving the safety of his mind and letting his emotions freely flow out and into the air where everyone could hear.
“If only I could have been an alpha... Then I could get you what you wanted to most...”
“Why can't I just be a better mate...”
“That's enough...” Garra growled, hugging Chojuro tighter in his arms. He kissed Chojuro's nose gently, allowing some of his scent to flow into the air and calm his Beta mate down.
“You're perfect as you are Chojuro...” Garra huffed, rubbed Chojuro's head gently, playing with his soft, short blue hair in between his fingers.
“So what if you can't get me pregnant... We have Shinki... And there are always other methods and opportunities for us to have our own baby...” Garra said with a slight hint of confidence in his voice. Chojuro looked up at his mate, wiping some tears from his cheeks.
“Don't think it's your fault... Let's just keep trying and if that doesn't work, let's try something different... Ok?” Garra gave Chojuro a soft smile. Chojuro smiled back, slightly showing his sharp, shark like teeth off to his mate.
“You're right...” Chojuro mumbled, feeling a bit better but still feeling down. Just feeling inadequate and unsure of his own abilities to do anything like that. Garra sat on Chojuro's lap, sitting face to face with his mate.
“For now... Let's just relax... Ok? We can take a break for a while if you need to...” Garra purred, pressing himself firmly up against Chojuro.
“Yeah... I think I need that...”
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madara-fate · 2 years
Hi maddy! I wanted to ask for your opinion because you seem to be very neutral even if you like a character. My question isn’t meant as hate, I would just like to hear your opinion.
My question is: do you think Hinata’s character is a misogynistic stereotype? I recently saw a tiktok pointing things out and now I personally think so. I feel that she is portrayed as the perfect woman.
She’s beautiful (big breasts and hourglass figure) but not vain. She wears mostly conservative clothes as well.
She’s sweet, demure and shy.
She was always loyal/dedicated to Naruto, even when he was in love with another and even sacrificed her life for him without expecting anything in return.
She is put in situations where she’s the damsel in distress and potrayed as weak (even though I feel like she’s strong enough to be able to fight and protect herself.)
She gave up her career to become a stay at home mother, relying on Naruto (the strong successful man) to support her and their children.
I could go on but those are my main points. Again, I don’t mean this as hate nor do I think Hinata is useless/weak. Can I have your view on all this?
I don't think Hinata's character is a misogynistic stereotype at all.
I don't see how being physically attractive equates to a misogynistic stereotype. Does Sasuke's attractiveness equate to a misandristic stereotype?
I don't see how being kind and reserved equates to a misogynistic stereotype. Did Chojuro's pre Mizukage self equate to a misandristic stereotype?
I don't see how being loyal and selfless equates to a misogynistic stereotype. Naruto did those things for Sakura without expecting anything in return, Obito did those things for Rin without expecting anything in return, all while knowing the girls had feelings for other guys, just like Hinata and Naruto's situation. Does that equate to a misandristic stereotype?
I hate damsels in distress, but it's not a stereotype that has anything to do with misogyny.
She didn't give up her career, nor is being a housewife a misogynistic choice, when the choice was made by the woman herself. People will probably then tell me that Kishimoto is the one who made that choice, to which I'll say - It's not like Kishi thinks that being a housewife is all women can amount to being, as he has explicitly proven. His decision to have Hinata become a housewife, had nothing to do with misogyny.
Honestly, misogyny is another one of those terms that's always being so carelessly thrown around in the fandom, and it's quite annoying. Literally as soon as some people find something about a female character that they're not fond of, they blame it on misogyny from the author. Or as soon as they hear others criticising their favourite female characters and they don't agree with the criticisms, they'll accuse the person making the criticisms of misogyny. Why? Not every perceived negative thing regarding female characters is derived from a hatred towards or ingrained prejudice against women.
I have many problems with the way many male characters are often portrayed in romance shoujos written by women, but I'm not about to accuse all of those female authors of misandry; that's just silly. It's just that romance shoujos tend to share a lot of similar tropes due to the target audience, it's the same thing with action shounens. It's therefore not a surprise that those two genres are the ones I tend to criticise the most, because they each have tropes which irritate me.
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misttiddies · 2 years
pspsps 10, 22, 41 but the mizukage instead? for the ask game :3c
10. if you were a jounin team leader, who would you want as your genin?
hinata (no force on earth would stop me from killing hiashi if i was a shinobi. i would adopt her.) and hnn idk if i would want the rest of team 8 bc i am deathly afraid of bugs and don't love dogs but i would feel bad for breaking up her team :(
wait i have a concept: hinata, sasuke, and ranmaru. the most eyeballest team.
WAIT NO haku kimimaro and ranmaru. im silly. of course an all kiri orphan team. they are not the same age as each other but that's fine, what two traumatized fifteen year olds don't want a traumatized eight (ten??) year old to hang out with
22. favorite ninja weapon
*gestures to all of the legendary seven swords* they are all so special to me ;A; i have made just an atrocious amount of art i've made w/ them, they're on my shoes, they were in my art history homework last semester, they're in my art final this semester. they all mean a lot to me but i guess if i had to choose a fav it would be samehada. somethnig so special about a sword that is also a creature.
honorable mention to isari and seiren's weapons though. the swordfish spear is cool even if it is kind of a samehada rehash, and the manta ray sound-controlled bow o///o part of what makes it so cool is probably that the episode it was in was Really really good but it's so pretty. it's got a little heart. :)
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(images of the bow for ppl who haven't seen it, it's shaped like a ray with a heart in the middle and four gill-shaped holes radiating out from it. it has a "mouth" where the chakra "arrows" shoot from, and there's an open part behind the heart with three strings to be played like a harp.)
41. rank all 7 hokage 6 mizukage
oh boy
6. (worst) if we are to believe that the third mizukage created the bloody mist graduation system then yeah. him
5. yagura. he did a bad job but it wasn't his fault :( who knows why oh bee toes did what he did but it sure did mess with grampy's run huh
4. byakuren. we don't know anything about his policies or anything but i do not trust him
3. gengetsu. don't know what he did either. it wasn't the bloody mist though and in my head he did good things
2. i honestly didn't think chojuro would get this high a placement honestly as good a lad as he is he has made some questionable decisions as mizukage. but a) everyone before him is either an almost completely blank slate or had the worst administration in all of naruto, and b) it would be very hard for any reasonable person to do a better job given the circumstances. it kind of seems like our man keeps making plays and getting put in check. he's got plenty of time to turn it around tho.
mei. self explanatory i would say
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narutomaki · 2 years
10, 14, 19, and 42 <3
10. if you were a jounin team leader, who would you want as your genin?- which generation. Any way I want to say Hinata but I'm not touching THAT with a 10 ft pole because I'd start killing. Hm.... Sakura, Choji, and Shikamaru. Team Genius Self Esteem Issues.
14. favorite minor/background character- Chojuro. I actually have way too many so I looked up a LIST OF NARUTO CHARACTERS and saw his name and went Oh I always forget about this guy. Love him.
19. favorite akatsuki member- Obito Kisame Kakuzu and Konan are pretty much tied for first place
42. one dead character can come back—who would you choose and why? keep in mind how this would affect the series- ..... Kushina :^) right smack dab in between Narutos graduation and the Wave Arc. Naruto is dedicated enough to Kakashi to defend him. The rest of the village is fucked. :^) I think it'd be funny is she adopted Sasuke and noogied and talk-no-jutsud the angst out of him.
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mustbefunny · 4 years
The Terumi boy
In which, I can’t help myself from writing some self-indulgent AoMei with Mulan AU. Nothing serious and it probably has a lot of mistakes but oh well xD 
Mei decided that earning Captain Ao's trust after three months of arduous training that had left her at a point of exhaustion, stood out as one of her greatest achievements since joining the army.
From her first day, Ao hadn’t hidden his displeasure at having met a very disappointing heir to the Terumi family. He ignored a very important fact, that no one had heard of her father having a male son, and he immediately went to criticize her lazy posture, lack of discipline and physical weakness compared to her fellow unit members. 
Mei would’ve let his attitude make her give up if it were not for her own stubbornness and pride. 
Every night she would go to sleep feeling that her body was burning in pain from effort. She had acquired scars as days went by, result of practicing and fighting against swordsmen much more experienced than her. Chojuro was the only one to show some kindness to her. And although Zabuza and Kisame seemed to sympathize with her pitiful case, they did not hide their mocking smiles every time she ended up lying over ground again. 
But Mei would rather die during a training session than let herself be defeated. And soon, she had earned their respect, along with that of Captain Ao.
Every day before setting up her tent to sleep, Mei liked to go to wash up. A habit that unfortunately not all of her comrades shared, and from there just another reason for more teasing. The Terumi boy, delicate and clean as a girl. And yet, the Terumi boy had managed to kick Zabuza's ass in a one-on-one duel. Mei had even gloated, even though her gesture of arrogance met Ao’s disapproval. 
“That smugness will be your end on battlefield, Terumi.”
He was right. But she was already risking her neck and dignity day by day, so she only responded with a smile that managed to irritate him even more. As a reward, she had been given cleaning up duty in the makeshift kitchen after dinner. 
Mei was sure that all of  the recruits’ lives would be much easier if Captain Ao allowed himself to relax just a little bit. And for that, she had a lot of ideas. Although suggesting any of those would certainly result in a well-earned beating. 
She sighed heavily, washing her face one last time before getting out of the water and ducking into some bushes to dry off and put on her clothes. It was a true miracle that no soldier had found out that she was not a man yet. But even so, Mei was not willing to risk a moment, even if she was labeled as a prude. 
On her way back to her tent, she passed by Ao's. She stopped when she heard an argument inside between captain Ao and someone with a similar or higher military rank, to have dared to raise his voice. 
“... a few more days, sir, and there will be no need to hire mercenaries for future missions!”
“The council has made a decision, Ao. Your unit will wait at this location for further instructions, but we won't risk sending a bunch of undisciplined kids into battle.”
Mei frowned, feeling anger form in her stomach and rise up through her throat, burning her. So much training and they wouldn't even let them continue to defend their most vulnerable villages, as they’d planned to do! It was no surprise that Ao was enraged. 
“Our unit has made considerable progress. Not to mention that we have members of military families among our recruits. Momochi, Hoshigake, both Hozuki siblings, even the Terumi and Chojuro lads…!”
“My resolution is final, Ao. There will be no further discussion.”
Mei managed to hide behind some bushes just in time when someone came out of Ao's tent. Mei shuddered to find General Madara there. A man who had sworn loyalty to Kiri after deserting Konoha. Although things in their village were not good before he had become an advisor to Kagura, his presence as a high command had only made their situation worse.
Madara stopped just before abandoning his spot, and Mei could swear that he was aware of someone there, spying on them. 
“You seem very proud of your troops, Captain. But they're just a bunch of privileged kids playing at being soldiers. They are not, and will never be, prepared to be heroes. Forget about chasing your own old glory.”
Having said that, Counselor Madara turned to his horse and set off without looking back. Mei waited a few moments before coming out of hiding and peeking inside Ao’s tent, where she found him walking back and forth in rage. 
“We can still catch up with him, Captain,” she said, taking him by surprise. Mei smiled. “I'll hold him and you punch. He won't see it coming!” 
Mei had to suppress her laughter with her fist. Her comrades had commented on how feminine it sounded when she laughed. 
“Forget about Uchiha, sir. For what it’s worth, I think you a great captain.”
Ao's expression softened for a moment. Even his posture broke out of its usual stiffness for a moment, when Ao allowed himself to click his tongue. 
“Are you sure we can still reach him, then?”
Mei couldn’t contain the laughter that escaped her mouth this time, neither could Ao.
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loveoaths · 3 years
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@imsical asked: plots please + chojuro & kiba & anybody else you want, gimme gimme
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PLOTTING MEME ! ( accepting )
for chojuro:
one:     mizukage's blade. self-explanatory. chojuro is the keeper of the blades and haku is the new mizukage. chojuro could become a close friend and confidante, or an advisor, to his mizukage, who appreciates his efforts and hopefulness even in the darkest of times. perhaps some bodyguarding is involved? i dunno.
lots of political type beats are possible here... especially if we play in boruto-verse. when haku's son goes AWOL, someone is going to have to chase him down and potentially take him out. why not chojuro?
p.s. i could definitely see a one-sided crush forming on chojuro's part for his mizukage, but *sips tea*
two:     brothers in arms, take #1. ( set in haku's legendary swordsman verse ) as part of his duty as the keeper of the seven, it's chojuro's job to collect the seven legendary swords that have been scattered across the earth. he uses the scroll of seven to summon the swords back... but kubikiribocho doesn't return; it's still being wielded, and it's fond enough of its user to resist the call. chojuro hunts down its location and is surprised to find haku, hidden away from civilization, who is making their way down a kill-list of kekkei genkai collectors and other societal predators. do they
three:      brothers in arms, take #2. ( set in haku's legendary swordsman verse ) they're both swordsmen trying to rebuild the seven as a kiri institution and a symbol of power, but political intrigue, infighting, and more get in the way.
relationships:       i can see a one-sided crush, as i mentioned before, and a strong friendship between them; maybe more if the vibes are right. confidants and shoulders to lean on in times of need for sure.
for kiba, my favorite dummy:
one:     konoha-bound. basically the dynamic we discussed before, but we revamped with our up-to-date headcanons! haku does NOT like dogs and this pisses kiba off. he doesn't like haku until haku realizes kiba's 10,000 leagues in the closet. feeling bad for a repressed dog boy, haku starts subtly helping kiba be okay with not being straight. somehow, kiba thinks haku is straight during all of this, because he's a goddamn fool. anticipated arc: enemies to besties arc.
two:     wolves and dogs don't play well together. set in haku's no gen.ocide au! haku visits konoha as an ambassador from the yuki tribes ( probably around the time of the chunin exams ) and is assigned to live with the inuzuka for their stay, because someone in administration thought "wolves and dogs are the same right?" unfortunately they were incredibly wrong and everything is bad and messy for everyone involved. haku's wolf is going to try to eat akamaru and that's just the tip of the iceberg. anticipated arc: enemies to worst enemies to barely tolerated acquaintances to proximity crushes to friends to acquaintances.
three:     political refugee. similar to above. after the wave arc, haku is brought to konoha and is housed with the inuzuka, but things potentially have a better spin.
four:      bed-head-dead. someone out there wants to topple the inuzuka clan's power structure, and they've hired haku to do it. the mission is simple: bed kiba, steal relevant documents, and kill him. but when the mission doesn't quite go as planned, haku and kiba are stuck together a long way from home in dangerous territory and will have to rely on each other to get home.
for gai, the best man in the entire world:
one:    STOKE THE YOUTH IN THE YOUTH!!!! after the wave arc, konoha crush, and the retrieval arc, haku is depressed and struggling to get back on their feet. they would like to curl up in a ball and die, thank you very much. unfortunately, maito gai is volunteering his time at the hospital as an "Energizer" and goes around cheering people up and getting them active. so just imagine a depressed ass haku clinging to their rolling IV as gai does 80s style workouts and the entire time haku is barely stopping themself from beating him to death with medical equipment. an emotional whump fest becomes anger and slow healing, to, potentially, haku finding a mentor/father figure in gai at the lowest point in their life.
honorable mentions:
itachi: we're chatting on discord already <3
tsunade: healing haku? trying to understand their weird anatomy? not taking any of their depressed teen bullshit and delivering a "toughen up buttercup" talk that pisses them off but also makes them get off their feet and start moving toward "better?" dunno, lots of options here!
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
Gaara and Aki: 6
Nezumi and Lee: 11
Hifumi, Kakashi, and Gai: 16
Chojuro and Katsumi: 8
Gaara and Holly: 14
Sakura and Mariana: 15
Lee and Evie: 1
Tori and Gaara and Lee: 18
Jun and Gaara: 20
Gaara and Aki: 6
What small quirks do they love about each other?
Aki loves Gaara's scrunched up "thinking" face he makes when he thinks no one is looking. She thinks it's cute.
Gaara loves seeing Aki's experiments with her hair and beauty treatments. He doesn't think she needs them, but he likes seeing her happy.
Nezumi and Lee: 11
Who’s adorable when they’re sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
Lee is even more of a sweetie when he's tired, especially when he tries to stay awake because he doesn't want to miss anything.
Nezumi is the irritable grump when she's tired, but Lee just loves her anyway and holds her close until she falls asleep in his arms.
Hifumi, Kakashi, and Gai: 16
How do they hype each other up?
I mean you can guess how Gai does it lmao. He cheers as loudly as humanly possible and won't let up.
Hifumi is more subtle about her enthusiasm. She'll give them encouragement, but she won't get loud until they earn it.
Ahem, what was I talking about? Oh yeah.
And Kakashi's just his usual chill self. He gives them a smile and a thumbs up, and that says all he needs to say.
Chojuro and Natsumi: 8
Who gets jealous easier?
Natsumi. It wasn't a big deal in the early days, but after Chojuro was announced as the next Mizukage, he suddenly had people flocking him from all sides wanting to become his new lover. More than once, he had to stop Natsumi from setting them on fire from how brazen some of them got.
Gaara and Holly: 14
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
If they went out, they'd probably go to one of Gaara's private greenhouses.
But let's be honest, at 3 am, you'd more likely find them getting adventurous in the comfort of their own home.
Sakura and Mariana: 15
Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
Sakura, once Mariana starts teaching her pole dancing. Holly and Evie know everything about Mari, so there aren't really any secrets on her side.
Lee and Evie: 1
Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
Oh, they make each other blush. They're each other's first everything, so they make each other blush all the time. They love it though - it means a lot to both of them that they have that much effect on someone.
Tori and Gaara and Lee: 18
Which one wears the “I’m with stupid” t-shirt?
None. Kankuro gifted it to Tori once as a joke. She gave it to Omoi (his boyfriend).
Jun and Gaara: 20
Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
Gaara infodumps about cacti, being a jinchuriki, anything really - and Jun leans over the desk, listening with her head in her hands.
Thanks for the asks, Jmor! I can always count on you to get all the girls involved. <3
Ask me about my OC couples
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musaics · 3 years
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"Konoha really is a beautiful place, it's so diffrent from Kiri. I'd never seen a cherry blossom before." It was... colorful, and yet Chojuro felt something familiar. "What should we do now, Li-kun?" Unprompted from @imsical​‘s Chojuro to Li <3
“Really?” Li raised a brow in surprise.   Kirigakure did not have any cherry blossoms?  They were so common in Konoha and even in his homeland that it hadn’t occurred to him that they may not be common everywhere.  “We have a festival for them in the spring; I think you would really enjoy it.”
But that was neither here nor there: What should they do next?  Li cups his chin between his index finger and thumb, deep in thought.  Truthfully, he did not think he was the best person to ask; Li had very limited free-time, and that free-time was spent doing very limited activities: Training, cooking, tending to his pets, cleaning his mother’s koi fish pond. Sometimes he ran deliveries for the noodle shop he lived above or visit friends.  Li’s heart sank a little: His life must sound very boring and domestic to a Swordsman.  
“Chojuro-kun,” Li begins, suddenly self-conscious.  “I am afraid that I am very boring. I do not do very much besides train, cook, and take care of my pets- My rat, Kimchi, and my dog, Honeydew.”  This is followed by a shoulder slump.  “Work keeps me very busy, so I do not have much free-time.  I am sorry that my tour of Konoha is not superb.”
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
Part 2 of What the Water Gave Us is in the works!
A Little More Sword in Your Heart, Chapter 1.
SPOILER type stuff, kind of. I'm writing as I go. I've been so excited about taking things in this direction with Urashiki!
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The stranger raised his leg and set his foot squarely between Gaara's open legs, intimidating as he glowered beneath him. "I'm Urashiki Otsutsuki. I'll see to it that you remember my name."
He grabbed the Kazekage's face, gripping his jaw firmly in an unearthly pale hand, pointed fingernails digging into soft skin leaving behind bright red marks. Gaara narrowed his eyes, signaling his displeasure at being handled. The Otsutsuki's eyes roamed Gaara's face, eyes stopping along his scar. He grazed it sharply with a fingernail.
Urashiki lifted a browbone thoughtfully. "Love? Hmm. So strange, the beings are here. Alright, Love."
"That's not my name," Gaara spat angrily, leaning away from the touch. Urashiki's grip held firm and he smiled oily. He seemed to enjoy the struggle. He watched his captive's stoic expression raptly, looking for any sign of discomfort. He was rewarded with a flash of the man's fair-skinned throat bobbing up and down.
"No? Then why do you wear it so freely on your pretty face?" He seemed genuinely interested.
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