#[ answered ] – chojuro.
sociieties · 9 months
@hokkoshi said: "i miss the way you say my name." - chojuro / tadashi
he hadn't been back for long, not even a week, but chojuro's memory of him is improving -- slowly, surely, so much so that tadashi often feels as if chojuro's spoken thoughts are but needle pricked words chosen specifically to stick into his flesh and he doesn't know who is hurting more from the entire situation. again, chojuro says something that catches tadashi off guard and for the longest time, the homura responds to him with silence, only quietly moving from chair to table as he motions distant lover over. they've had better days, tadashi thinks, remembering back when tadashi would stay for a little longer or leave a little faster, before strings were attached and chojuro was something more than ass to chase, but things have changed from then to now.
now, chojuro is haunted with missing memories and lost time, marked with diluted chakra that's all but fizzled out from the past and tadashi's yet to anything about it. ( he might leave again. staying still makes him uneasy and he doesn't know what to do with the way his gut violently turns. ) eventually, chojuro meets him at the table and tadashi snakes his arms around the other, lowering his head onto shoulder and he breathes out slow, shallow breaths. " this isn't good for you, " ghost finally offers, slowly shifting just enough to look for any expression change in chojuro's face before he allows his eyes to fall closed, mouth pressed against shoulder and tadashi refuses to kiss him. " i am not good for you. "
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
The new chapter of Casino Island made me cry soooooo: 🎵 Find You by Zedd, Gaara/Chojuro
@nightingaleflow I hope this makes up for it!!! This is so sweet. I like how upbeat the song is and I think the story matches the energy. Tagging @narutorarepairjune for rare pair fun!
Find You
Pairing: Gaara x Chojuro
Rating: Gen (Fluff)
Song fic under the cut!
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I’ll run away with your footsteps
I’ll build a city that dreams for two
And if you lose yourself
I will find you
It was Lord Chojuro’s inauguration ceremony. At 27 he was taking the esteemed title of Mizukage from Lady Mei Terumi, who was more than happy to step down. He was on top of the Mizukage estate balcony, not ready to get closer to see all of the guests below. He fought back his nerves to see so many people here, for him.
Years ago, when he was a younger man, he could have never envisioned this day. He took a couple of steadying breaths, centering himself. He definitely deserved to be here. Serving by Lady Mei’s side, they had changed the course of history for the Land of the Blood Mist. It no longer held its sordid moniker. Chojuro was proud of all they accomplished, but there was still so much to do.
Make them dance
Just like you
‘Cause you make me move
Yeah, you always make me go
Yeah, you always make me go
He smiled, remembering the young man that inspired him to change. Lord Kazekage. Since their fateful encounter at their first Five Kage Summit all those years ago, Chojuro slowly learned how to become more adaptable to politics rather than only be a swordsman. They had been so young then.
Open up your skies
Turn up your night
To the speed of life
Turn up your night
Put your love in lights
Turn up your night
I will find you
Chojuro stepped closer to the balcony, looking over the edge and waving with a cheery smile. The crowd roared. Lady Mei walked out beside him, wearing her Mizukage uniform for the last time. She removed her hat, eyes sparkling with emotion as she met her protege’s eyes.
Chojuro tried hard to not to cry as he felt the swell of emotion stretch his chest. He lowered his head and felt Lady Mei place the hat on his head and sweep the veil over his shoulders. When he looked up at her his cheeks were wet.
“No tears, Lord Chojuro,” she whispered with a knowing smile.
He sniffed. “I can’t help it. I’m just so happy.”
She laughed. “Well, savor it while you can.”
She helped him into his new robes that were specially chosen and embroidered for him. He couldn’t help his wide toothy smile.
“Thank you, Lady Mei. For everything.” He hugged her tight before stepping to the balcony once more. The crowd cheered, warmly welcoming their new Mizukage.
Make them dance
Just like you
'Cause you make me move
Yeah, you always make me go
The ceremony that followed was for him and his people. He mingled with the crowd, laughing, smiling, greeting those that come to see him. Fireworks bursted with dramatic flare into the sky as night fell. There were dozens of food vendors out tonight and other booths, selling fun caricatures of himself. He couldn’t help but laugh at their warped portrayal of his features.
There was only one thing that could make this night better.
I'll run away with your footsteps
I'll build a city that dreams for two
And if you lose yourself
I will find you
“Lord Mizukage.” It was a deep voice that stirred Chojuro and made him turn around as he took a moment to breathe it all in. His veil made it difficult to see out of his periphery.
When he turned and met the source of the voice his eyes widened and he felt his cheeks go hot. “L-Lord Kazekage! You came! I didn’t think you would make it!”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” came Gaara’s reply, a small grin on his lips and his seafoam eyes bright with happiness. Kankuro and Temari were not too far behind him and waved.
“Congratulations. You made it.”
Chojuro beamed at him. “You helped. This wouldn’t have been possible without you.”
Gaara regarded his words, his expression serene, but it was obvious he was touched. “Thank you, but you are here on your own merit.”
Chojuro reached for Gaara’s hand, grasping his fingers tightly.
Turn up your night
(Go go go go)
Turn up your night
(Go go go go, turn it up turn it up)
Turn up your night
I will find you
“Enjoy this night with me,” Chojuro said quietly, his eyes alight from behind his goggles.
“I’d love that,” Gaara replied, squeezing his hand, unguarded and smiling freely.
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kyugens · 2 years
#they do own stuff like that#but they never use it
it's for the AESTHETIC
you know what, you're absolutely right
this is not what you meant but the opportunity was given to me on a silver platter and to hell if i'm not taking it but: the uchiha marriage rite!!!
what else screams UCHIHA if not showing off and knives? i've always loved the idea of them throwing a super fancy event designed to help them find their perfect match and it would last for days. and basically it consists of timed 1v1s performances - your pair would be randomly picked at the time, or you could challenge your love interest beforehand (bonus points if you wanted to build tension and do it months prior to the event).
there were no rules exactly, only that there had to have at least one sword on stage, and that they should spend the final minutes in active hand-to-hand combat. most of the couples performing already knew each other, and that was a way of proving to everyone that they were on the same level and, of course bc uchihas are romantic af, were made for each other. speaking of which, they'd take the results very seriously. should two strangers be matched and pass the test, they WOULD spend the rest of their lives together. passing meant they'd be blessed with great fortune in the future.
not signing up to the event if you were in a publicly known relationship meant you either weren't supposed to be together - as in a high ranked nin marrying a citizen - or that they were fated to live with someone that they would never fully respect and view as an equal. which, to say the least, was crazy to think about for most uchihas.
the interesting thing is that there should be no winners or losers because of course uchihas would never DARE marry someone that's beneath them. ugh, disgusting bugs. and the idea of getting together with the one who handed your ass to you? demeaning and unthinkable, no thank you. balance was everything, hence the timed performance.
although it was basically sparring matches, the show was not limited to shinobis - during those times, it was mandatory to start at least taijutsu training at a very young age anyways. and holding back was very frowned upon. having your pair pulling their punches was a big red flag and often resulted in the number being cut short bc no uchiha can stand being pitied in front of a crowd.
this is something that was lost in time as a consequence of years of war, and by the time they got together with the senju to build konoha, a lot was already lost - they had no resources, time or space to plan something that grand anymore. so they adjust and stick with the basics: showing off and knives. buying your love interest an expensive weapon was a great way to propose. challenging them for a fight was even greater, meant you were a traditionalist and was really serious about the whole thing.
now, itachi started collecting swords and kunais shortly after he made it into the ANBU. mostly for fun, he likes pretty and exotic things. but he's still an uchiha and he will try to seduce his crush during, idk, spars or missions - yes, missions, he'll kick some dude's ass to show off if necessary.
whereas for chojuro, well, he knows absolutely nothing about marriage and proposals and how to seduce people- but he knows about swords and is big on ancient weapon hunting. that only intensifies once he becomes the keeper of the seven swords, and can i get real with you? he’s 1000% sure he’ll never give them up, and he will kill anyone that challenges him for them bc it’s tradition to challenge the keeper unless the sword specifically chooses you first, and he doesn’t think anyone will ever be worthy to wield the swords again. aka you will need to pry it from his cold dead hands, screw training the next generation of swordsmen and he won’t take criticism, thank you and good bye.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Should I make Natsumi and Chojuro's son today?
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hokkoshi · 1 year
✧. tag dump: chojuro
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tempenensis · 10 months
Why does Megumi’s domain expansion have what appears to be two giant vertebra with blood vessels or maybe nerves coming out the bottom? Do they represent something?
I don't really have a definitive answer, but this seems to be the motif for some of the Zenin clan's technique; they incorporate body parts. Megumi has vertebrae motif, while Naoya is a womb in their domain expansion. There's also Chojuro and Jinichi who has hands motif in their cursed technique while Ranta has eyes. Also Ougi's technique, 焦眉之急 (shoubinokyuu) means urgency, but if you read the kanji literally, it means "eyebrows on fire" lol
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brendinoj · 1 year
Why Naruto failed as Hokage
I'm finally diving into one of my favorite series! Unfornately it's concerning a topic that doesn't paint the main character is the best light. Naruto Uzumaki is actually one of my favorite characters and when it comes to this it's more complex an argument that you would initially think as it all boils down to things just not being in his control and other priorities as well.
So why do I think Naruto has failed as Hokage? He hasn't done anything to fix the corrupt shinobi system he was born into and the five kage alliance he is now apart of is fickle. The most evidence we have of this or at least to my knowledge is in Shikamaru's light novel. In Shikamaru shinden, the Land of Flowers is about to be invaded by the land of earth on the orders of the Earth Daiymo. Due to the relations of the Hidden cloud village and Land of Flowers, it wouldn't be feasible to due this without their being or expecting conflict.
This invasion would be the precipice to starting the fifth great shinobi war, which Shikamaru foresaw. A five kage summit would before anything extreme were to happen and after the Tsuchikage would make extreme demands from Naruto, wanting all of the classified information Konoha possessed because of the actions of Sasuke Uchiha.
During this Five Kage summit, a suspicious Shikamaru's fears are confirmed when Chojuro (Mizukage) , who's on the side of the Tsuchikage Interjects and Says a world without conflict has no need for Shinobi. This causes Shikamaru to restrain every Kage in the room with his Shadow Possession jutsu and before any more action is taken Naruto puts a stop to everything with his extreme power.
This treaty between the Kage is feeble and can be broken easily under the right circumstances. It's clear the only thing keeping a hold on the treaty is Power Imbalance, Mutual Interest (when involved), and mutual threats such as the Otsutsuki Clan. There is no true peace in Naruto Era as Hokage and the shinobi system is still the same as it's always been as in the same novel Shikamaru would visit Ohnoki and he tells Shikamaru...Shinobi are Shinobi.
The shinobi system was designed to protect children and clans from dying in meaningless wars but as we know this was just never the case; when the shinobi village were established there were 4 great Ninja wars with the deaths of many children and the eradication of many clans along the way IE Uchiha Massacre which was done by one of it's own kind because of his belief within the Shinobi system and undying Loyalty to Konoha and the Uzumaki Massacre, which 4 great villages acted together just to see them disappear.
This all leads up to Boruto and how eventually even Naruto's son embodies the will of the corrupt shinobi system that Naruto failed to change. After Sasuke tells Boruto he and Naruto are willing to die for the village at any time...Boruto would willingly give his life to protect everyone....a decision he should've never had to make. With all of these reason's this is how Naruto failed as Hokage.
Naruto's main foes such as Nagato, Obito, Madara, and Sasuke all had plans to change the shinobi world and get rid of the Karmic cycle that dwelled within it, although the means to doing so was not good at all, they had answers nonetheless. Naruto was too idealistic and believed in the words of his former master Jiraiya wthout ever truly coming to an answer....just as when Nagato asked Naruto how would he bring peace and rid the shinobi world of its hatred. Naruto says he doesn't know, that he doesn't have an answer.
And we see in Boruto... he still doesn't.
Watch my video for my full thoughts on the matter. Thank you!
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“Take me with you!”
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Omega!Chojuro + Omega!Kagura
This is canon until proven otherwise...
Tiny wide eyes looked at the tall figure from behind a tree. A tall man wearing a blue striped turtleneck shirt and cream colored pants. He wore thick glasses and had a large sword strapped to his back.
The tall man bore this signature blue and white cap of the Mizukage.
The Mizukage spoke to a small group of people, he seemed to have stopped by briefly, possibly by accident since he had a small bandaged wound on his arm.
Something about the man interested the young omega, he seemed loving and friendly to Kagura. His scent, what little Kagura could smell of it, was calming and warm. It reminded Kagura of the sea.
Kagura had always heard about how wonderfully strong the current Mizukage was, the strongest of fans often said he rivaled all the previous Kage.
Kagura always wanted to live with the Mizukage, to finally have someone who loved him and show him kindness. Sure, some people were nice but that was only because they feared him.
Kagura was the grandson of the 4th Mizukage, Yagura. Many people shivered at the name and many people refused to bring up the horrible things that man did.
Being the grandson of such a ruthless man didn't come with the greatest reputation.
Kagura watched as the Mizukage said goodbye to the small cluster of people he was speaking to before turning around and leaving. Kagura slowly crept from behind the tree where he stood.
‘Maybe he'll take me with him!’ Kagura smiled to himself as he followed the Mizukage.
Kagura kept a large distance from the man as he secretly followed the Mizukage out of the village and into the forest. A tiny smile spread against his tiny face as he sheepishly followed the Mizukage.
After some time, the Mizukage kept looking back behind himself more and more. Kagura's tiny heart jumped each time he looked back but he made sure not to be seen until he was sure he was ready.
A twig snapped under Kagura's foot, making the Mizukage quickly look back in a panic. Kagura jumped and quickly hid behind a large tree with a small whimper.
“Who's there!?” The Mizukage yelled.
Kagura's ears perched up as he heard the Mizukage began to walk to his hiding spot. Kagura squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath.
But then, it stopped.
Kagura sheepishly opened his eyes and peeked out from behind the tree where he hid. He was gone.
“What are you doing...?”
Kagura chirped in surprise and fell down on his back.
‘How did he get behind me!?’ Kagura thought as he looked up at the man standing before him.
“Hello little one...” The Mizukage kneeled down in front of Kagura with a small smile. “What are you doing so far from home?”
Kagura didn't know what to say, he was a little afraid being directly confronted. So he remained silent, trembling beneath the Mizukage's gaze.
The Mizukage could tell Kagura was afraid, so he changed the subject. “What's your name little one?”
“K–Kagura...” he answered shyly. Kagura shifted, averting his gaze from the Mizukage.
“Well, my name is Chojuro!” Chojuro smiled warmly at the young boy. “Would you mind telling me why you're so far from home?”
“I–I heard that you're a super strong and kind shinobi!” Kagura said.
“I was wondering if... You would... Take me home with you..?” Kagura asked sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with Chojuro.
“I can't do that little one.” Chojuro said softly.
Kagura looked devastated. ‘The Mizukage doesn't... Want me?’
“I'm sure you have a family that's looking for you.” Chojuro said, “Do you know where your mom is...?”
“...I don't...” Kagura felt bitter tears sting his eyes as he looked up at Chojuro.
“...I don't have a mom...” tears ran down Kagura's face. “I don't have a family...”
Kagura sobbed openly, rubbing his eyes with closed fists as he sobbed loudly. Chojuro looking at Kagura fearfully and rubbed Kagura's shoulder softly.
“You don't... Have anyone...?” Chojuro asked.
Kagura shook his head and continued to sob, thick tears stained his cheeks as he cried. Chojuro wrapped his arms around the small boy, hugging Kagura protectively as Kagura sobbed.
“I suppose, if you don't have anyone to care for you... I can take care of you...” Chojuro said, tenderly stroking Kagura's head.
“You will...?” Kagura asked, looking up at Chojuro.
“Yes...” Chojuro muttered, taking Kagura into his arms and picking him up. Kagura clung onto the older man's shirt, very unprepared for being suddenly lifted off the ground.
“Come on.. Let's get you home...” Chojuro said.
Kagura smiled brightly and hugged Chojuro, purring softly against his chest. “Thank you...”
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tobiramamonmari29 · 1 year
outside perspective:
Naruto uzumaki was in his office with his adviser shikamaru nara. He was on call With the other kage talking about the disasters the war had caused. But the uzumaki and Gaara's older brother who was kankuro talked with him on his phone at the same time.
chojuro: I think it will be difficult to send experienced ninja for now.
Kurotsuchi: We have yet to find the missing ninja.
During this so much uzumaki was writing kankuro. he knew started talking together for a few months now without anyone knowing.
Gaara: what do you think Naruto?
Naruto: You are absolutely right.
Gaara: Alright, we can move on to the next topic.
Message Kuronaru:
kankuro: shit you're so hot in your hokage outfit.
Naruto: you are so hot with or without makeup.
Kankuro: shit, naruto smash me against your desk.
Naruto: oh shit, I imagine your head with your makeup scattered all over your face and body. you look like a good whore.
Kankuro: I'd lick your seal off my tongue really bad imagine that. My tongue against your belly, your abs and your navel.
Naruto: Unmentionable fantasy, I would like to suck your toes, lick your feet then caress my hands all along your leg.
kankuro (voice message): damn, so hot. I want you to take me from the front and from behind when you're doing your damn multi-cloning.
kankuro (voice message): I could drag my chakra threads anywhere on you but what I would prefer above all is to tie you up and then strangle you. And fuck you on your damn hokage chair in front of your window for more danger.
Naruto: hshsnsdhzk
naruto is writing.....
Naruto fell from his chair after a throat clearing and shikamaru's hand on his shoulder.
Gaara: ... Shit, I never wanted to hear that.
Chojuro: I... Um... Am... Han... That's embarrassing!
Kurotsuchi:... I disapprove of your reactions, we don't know anymore because of you.
Message from kankuro:
Kankuro (voice message): Naruto? You jerk off, is that why you don't answer anymore?
Omoi: oh my god!
Shikamaru: I will never judge you Naruto.
Naruto: I...I'm going to leave...
hAAAAAAAAAAAN this is fucking embarrassing.
Outside view:
Kankuro was completely naked, on the chair in the hokage's office. Naruto was the hokage currently is also naked but still dressed in his jacket. the blond delicately took his lover's leg massaging it, licking the inside of his thighs leaving a pretty purple trace. Kankuro moaned as Naruto licked his leg, small red marks were visible which made Naruto laugh who knew it was going to stay for weeks. he still massaged kankuro's foot descending lower and lower. He pulled his foot up to his mouth and began sucking toe by toe. He licked the palm of his foot then back to his toes, Kankuro was moaning it was new to him.
when kankuro, thought it was getting too much Naruto started stroking his foot against his hard member he was so wrong. Hands caressed his chest, there was a clone with them who gently nibbled his ear, teasing it. the clone lifted him up, sat down in his place on the chair, he spread kankuro's little ass and made him sit on top of him. Kankuro moved a little on the hard member that was now in his intimacy. While the other had not remained idle, starting to suck him off. kankuro was super happy right now, he started jumping as best he can on the clone. While the real one, suck it faster and faster. It was not their first rounds the clone comes faster than expected before disappearing.
Naruto looked frustrated, but Kankuro could fix that. He reversed roles, he tied Naruto's hands each to an armrest of the chair. He smiled when the blonde got harder loving being tied up himself was not indifferent to that. he turned the chair to the window then he put it under the blonde. As he had done with the clone, he spread his ass, gently sliding over the uzumaki's member. naruto, started moaning when kankuro rode up and down his cock was already wet with pre-cum close to coming any moment.
Kankuro and Naruto were moaning like two guys in need of sex. Kankuro's hands clawed at the uzumaki's shoulders as he went faster and faster. kankuro moaned again coming against his and naruto's chest. The probably dirty hokage jacket, slipped from the blonde's shoulders. Kankuro gave more blows until Naruto came into his intimacy filling him with warmth and well being.
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coming-home-soon · 3 years
Smells like precious sweet child✨
//gentle head pats//
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musaics · 3 years
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"Konoha really is a beautiful place, it's so diffrent from Kiri. I'd never seen a cherry blossom before." It was... colorful, and yet Chojuro felt something familiar. "What should we do now, Li-kun?" Unprompted from @imsical​‘s Chojuro to Li <3
“Really?” Li raised a brow in surprise.   Kirigakure did not have any cherry blossoms?  They were so common in Konoha and even in his homeland that it hadn’t occurred to him that they may not be common everywhere.  “We have a festival for them in the spring; I think you would really enjoy it.”
But that was neither here nor there: What should they do next?  Li cups his chin between his index finger and thumb, deep in thought.  Truthfully, he did not think he was the best person to ask; Li had very limited free-time, and that free-time was spent doing very limited activities: Training, cooking, tending to his pets, cleaning his mother’s koi fish pond. Sometimes he ran deliveries for the noodle shop he lived above or visit friends.  Li’s heart sank a little: His life must sound very boring and domestic to a Swordsman.  
“Chojuro-kun,” Li begins, suddenly self-conscious.  “I am afraid that I am very boring. I do not do very much besides train, cook, and take care of my pets- My rat, Kimchi, and my dog, Honeydew.”  This is followed by a shoulder slump.  “Work keeps me very busy, so I do not have much free-time.  I am sorry that my tour of Konoha is not superb.”
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sociieties · 2 years
@kyugens​: “ — How could you have been so cruel? ”  He uttered accusatorily, uncertain of where all that rage was coming from – although it was greatly eased by his incessant gasps for air. Chojuro began crying shortly after spotting the object of his worst nightmares in Kiri's busy crowd at the market street, ones he'd long forgotten about but never how miserable they'd make him. The anguish he didn't recognize or understand was overwhelming, squeezing the air out of his lungs – that stranger's perfectly still figure did little in consoling him, seemingly undisturbed even after running all the way out there. He looks around, faint flashes with blank gaps where something– someone was supposed to be, fill his mind one after another, and as quickly as they come, they go. From the corner of his eyes, Chojuro can see the other's hands, and he can feel them running up his body as they'd done countless times before in that same room. Or smell his hot breath against his shoulder, neck, lips– He rubs both of his eyes, putting enough force he sees white spots so his mind will go empty again, grasping at an unnamed thing. Inhaling deep, Chojuro looked at where the stranger's eyes would be underneath the mask, swallowing the knot in his throat to try and translate his thoughts into words. “ — Why… is there so little left of– of— I don't know, I can't understand. I don't know! But why is it just enough to hurt so badly? Why didn't you take it all with you?! ”
he didn’t mean for this to happen. not like this / not really. this only goes onto the list of reasons why he doesn’t do this. why he doesn’t bond with people / why he doesn’t love them / why he can’t stay for them. chojuro’s crying his eyes out and tadashi doesn’t know what to say or do about it, so he does nothing but idly stand there waiting for the other to calm enough to get words out and then to calm more. lost love haunts him — hurts him as he just watches consequences of past actions unfold before his very eyes. he should have stayed away longer. he shouldn’t have come back so soon / years later — he could have waited for all of chojuro’s memories to have been completely squeezed out of him, but how long would that take? after all the time spent, all the chakra and blood transferred between the two of them in their past was too hard to keep up with. tadashi’s not patient enough to try figuring it out on his own, too outcasted to ask someone within his clan / too far removed from his people to even been allowed to step foot on lands he could once call his own. here, however, he learns that even years later, this was too soon. how much of his blood did chojuro end up ingesting? how much of his own chakra did he sacrifice to the other just for it all to almost go to waste? how many years worth of his flesh, blood, and being went into trying to finally not being forgotten? what was the point of it all, anyway; efforts made just for him to up and run / let chojuro walk away because he couldn’t just say what he wanted back then. tadashi still remembers the day chojuro walked away from him. it was a storming night, not one of angry rain and calm lightning, but of heavy, chakra-laced mist and chojuro didn’t even look back as he walked out of the cabin. it’s been a few years since then, but he could still feel chojuro’s disappointment in him, still remembers the way the other clicked his teeth when tadashi said that he didn’t know what he wanted. chojuro left the cabin, tadashi stayed the night, and then he left the islands as a whole to never be seen again. never, however, ended too soon. “ i’m sorry. ” it’s his fault, after all. he should have stayed. he should have committed. tadashi, guilty, considers letting it all go as if he hadn’t been thinking about the last time he slept with someone, not for the just the pleasure, but for the same euphoric emotion he’s spent so many years running from. it had only been chojuro. he’s returned to only chojuro, no one else, not ever. chojuro once / twice / thrice / countless times despite it going against everything he’s ever done. of course he’d return once again, years later like the ghost of missing memories he’d always wanted to be. the urge to reach out and touch the other hadn’t left him since he’d seen chojuro. to hold him or take him or something, but tadashi knows better than to touch someone while they’re this distressed / not when they barely know why they’re crying / not when they’re both kiri-wired and it’s impossible to know if the response will cause one’s death. he’s not stupid, only he is because he shouldn’t have led chojuro back here just to watch him cry, just to give the world’s weakest apology. “ i just... ” first time moved since they both made it inside, it’s him reaching for his mask, pushing it to the side to reveal his face. the mask rests comfortably against his hair and ear, now exposing blue eyes so bright they could almost glow and an unscarred face. past very mild aging, he looks the same, but he doesn’t even know if chojuro remembers what his face looked like at this point. the regret chokes him, reminding him that he should have either spoken his mind those years ago, or stayed away. if anything, he should have left it so that it was always only about the sex. this churning in his stomach is what he gets for trying to dig into something as complex as emotions. “ i just had to see you again. i’m sorry. ” he can’t remember the last time he’s been this sorry. or stupid. his sense leaves him moments later, resulting in him closing the distance between the two of them, reaching out to touch him. it’s a careful gesture, slowly pressing the palm of his hand against chojuro’s cheek and he’s envious of how warm the other feels. no matter chojuro’s response, tadashi searches to catch his gaze. thumb grazes lip and he hopes on everything that chojuro bites him. “ i can’t take it from you and i can’t give it back, but... it meant something, right? it means something. i mean something. ”
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
Some cool person reached out and asked me what I like about uragaa. So I'll share the answer here for ya'll too. Come hang out with me in my wacky wonderful headcanons. :)
So I've been a Naruto fan for 15 years and I'm in my third cycle of being into it hard-core. That being said, I've dabbled with lots of pairing ideas, especially a lot of the main ones (but admittedly mostly yaoi).
So when I came back to it I wanted something fresh and new! (You might have seen some of my Chojuro x Gaara fanart, and that's another story).
But uragaa?
I saw some fanart floating on Pinterest that link back to Wattpad here before I watched Boruto:
This planted the seed.
Then as I've been watching Boruto I've decided I am on board this ship for the following reasons:
1. Celestial/mortal and predator/prey dynamics! There's not much else like that I'm aware of in the series.
2. Gaara being matched, or exceeded in strength and ability is always of great interest for me. It's always interesting to see how he handles his vulnerabilities.
3. Urashiki seems to be a little more of a black sheep in the clan, or that's how I interpret it. He seems curious, and although he hates traitors to the clan, I think he'd be very curious about why Kaguya betrayed them and would be open to learning about humans more so than Momoshiki.
4. I like to think he has a sort of fascination with Gaara, and he doesn't seem interested in killing him. I call it catch and release. :)
5. I have this headcanon where Urashiki wonders why Gaara has love etched into his forehead when that isn't his name, and teasingly calls him "Love" and Gaara just accepts it because what is he going to do about it?
6. Predator/prey dynamics! (Again!) I feel like Gaara would try to outsmart Urashiki wherever possible because he's not strong enough to take him on and Urashiki can use his sand techniques. Gaara would be concerned with protecting his family and the village and would not want him too close to those he cares about.
7. Urashiki doesn't recognize Gaara's authority as Kazekage (that's fun! Most everyone else is intimidated or very respectful of the Kazekage so this makes for a very different dynamic)
8. I love it when in fanworks we can explore a bad guy going soft for someone unexpected. What would happen if Urashiki decided to betray the clan instead? That's the big question I am looking to explore in my fanworks.
9. Gaara's reaction to being manhandled and pierced with Urashiki's pole. It's chef's kiss. Gaara would just be "!" all the time.
10. And finally, they are just hot and this pairing is clearly underserved so I set out to change that out of spite.
I have a one-shot fanfic here if you are interested in seeing what I am about:
I also have two others if you search the pairing tag on AO3.
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kyugens · 2 years
“ heeeey…. ” wakana coos softly, standing behind a table and carrying a parcel meant for the mask-makers. head tilts, ignoring the shift in weight on her face from her mask. “ you’re that one they found at the gate the other day, no? ” she knows the answer already / knows how he, nameless to the likes of her, came up searching for answers to questions he didn’t even know that he had. someone probably told him to come, she can tell by the look in his eyes that he wouldn’t have come if that wasn’t the case.
“ come here, come, ” she continues, motioning him with her free hand and not stopping until he walks over. “ come — how lost are you? ” a pause, pressing the parcel into his chest. “ how found are you? ”
@sociieties  –  unprompted  –  always accepting!
Having been a Kirigakure citizen for the entirety of his life, Chojuro was positive that, like any other person that grew up on the Island, he'd seen his fair share of freaky and haunted. He enjoyed it even, to some extent. And yet he'd still have the chills every time the breeze in that place hit him differently or when the light struck the mist and would form indistinguishable shadow-like figures on the ground – it was downright creepy. The fact that nothing really would stick with him only added to it, as in he'd lose memories so frequently that the only reason he knew they were gone in the first place is that it happens so often there's no way he wouldn't feel the gap. He knows he's wound up in the Forgotten Pit because he wanted to remember something, and perhaps someone there could help him – but who was that, or when it happened, it was all a little foggy. He sighs, still fiddling with a braided strand of hair nervously – either too lost in himself to notice the girl or yet again a victim of another weirdness that seemed to surround everyone in there. He yelped nevertheless, startled by the sudden noise filling in the silence, never mind the sluggish manner in which she spoke. Her mask and the disturbing way her head moved did little to comfort the swordsman, but besides that, nothing made him feel threatened in any way – so he gives in.  “  — I g-guess so...  ”  He answers unsure, the day of his arrival all but a blurred out picture in his mind. “  — I... don't know. Uhn, h-how lost can someone be without their h-heart?  ”  The question is genuine, although he can't understand what prompted it – those words, his heart or lack thereof.  “  — Do you think i-it can be fixed? I... have responsibilities, a-and people that rely on me! I need to be t-there for them, but...  ”
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
FMK Gaara Chojuro Kakashi
stoooppp you're killing me 😭
F: Kakashi. He was the first anime man I was attracted to and I think he's only improved with age.
M: Gaara. My sweet darling.
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ironharvests · 3 years
"It's not naive to have faith," Faith. The right word to describe Chojuro's religious devotion to Mei and her ideals. "to believe that the Mizukage-sama is going to help Kiri to the best of her abilities." Naive was to think that one can outrun their monsters- no one could outrun kirigakure's beasts. Though, Chojuro decided it would be best to keep it to himself this time.
it does when it makes you blind. it does when you fall in love with the light and turn doubt and darkness into something to be feared. when faith cannot coexist with doubt, it is not faith at all — it’s fear. when fear is denied, it turns into ignorance. and utakata can’t stand ignorance.
— but he cannot stand repeating himself more. everything he has to say was either bluntly delivered or sewn in the gaps between words, and at this point chojuro either gets it or is talking just to talk. it's 10:00 pm and utakata's seven beer bottles into his cups and barely clinging to his will to live tonight, so forgive him for not sparing energy to indulge yet another debate.
"Faith. Never had it." he sighs, rubs the sleep from his eyes, licks the liquor from his lips, rolls his jaw in its socket and ruefully brushes fingertips over the giant bruise mottling his skin like fruit rot. he's falling apart. it doesn't matter, and it should, but it doesn't, because utakata is tired, the scraps of his soul stretched thin and fraying, and this hangover might just kill him. closing his eyes against an abrupt wave of nausea, he carefully presses his face to the dirty bar countertop, golden eyes fluttering open to blearily watch chojuro's earnest expression through a misty glass of half-drank beer. the young man looks unearthly: blue hair and sea-gifted teeth, wide eyed with a face like he's waiting for something utakata can't quite remember. he looks like yagura used to when they were kids, when utakata would touch his shoulder, or — or when utakata would hide away in a dark place for days and refuse to speak or come out, and yagura would spend hours talking him out of some dark decision until utakata would slowly and sullenly dissolve the acid barrier and return to the light. a tipsy laugh bubbles past utakata's lips. hopeful. chojuro looks hopeful. he'd forgotten what hope looked like.
he really is a miserable piece of shit, isn't he. he'd be better off dead.  Don’t say that, saiken immediately pipes up. “Didn’t say anything,” utakata mutters under his liquor-soaked breath, muting the channel between them. “Thoughts’re free.”
"I don't hate you." utakata abruptly slurs. "I mean I do, but not how you think," he tries to sit up. the world spins. he gags, squeezes his eyes shut, and lays back down. okay, maybe the bartender will let him sleep here tonight. "I just, I love — you're alive. I hate that. I can, fuck, feel you thinking. I feel everything and I hate it. You want a better world that can't happen, because people like us," his father, his mother, his extended family, him. he presses his face into his palm, the other blindly signaling the bartender for another bottle. "We won't let you. Aren't you tired? Don't you want to stop? That Madara fucker had a point."
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