#[ belongings ] – chojuro.
nightingaleflow · 2 years
FMK Gaara Chojuro Kakashi
stoooppp you're killing me 😭
F: Kakashi. He was the first anime man I was attracted to and I think he's only improved with age.
M: Gaara. My sweet darling.
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hokkoshi · 1 year
✧. tag dump: chojuro
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I request a cute scenario of Chimera with his puppy quirk kid! >:)
~First Day of School~
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The sweet silence of the early morning hours lasts only for a short moment until his alarm clock lets out a shrill ringing noise. He grumbles and rolls over, slamming his hand onto the small device and surely doing damage to the mechanism. He’d made peace with the fact that he would have to replace it for a 5th time this month due to his mannerisms and heavy hand, but for now he would have to cope with getting out of the warm bed and facing the day. Chimera hadn’t even noticed your presence was missing until he’d made his way to the bedroom closet in search of his clothes. He gathered them, placed them in the bathroom, and took a moment to seek you out. His nose had found you before his eyes had the chance to. As soon as he left the bedroom his senses were bombarded by the smell of freshly cooked pancakes, eggs, bacon, and some fresh squeezed orange juice he decided to make a direct comment on to get your attention.
“Must be a special occasion for you to bring out the juicer from the top cabinet.” He poked at the sides of the machine and you turned to smile at him. “Yes, it’s special. Did you forget? Today is Chousuke’s first day of kindergarten.” You point at the empty chair that belongs to your son. Chimera tilts his head in confusion. “Where the hell is the runt at then?” He asked in confusion. You smirk and point in the direction of the hallway. “He bailed on me as soon as he finished his breakfast. Doesn’t want to go to school today. I figured if anyone can change his mind then it would be his daddy of course. Just do me a favor when you go in there Chojuro, and keep in mind to be gentle with him. He’s scared right now, and that’s understandable. Be patient with him.” You place a gentle kiss on Chimera’s snout and turn your back to start doing dishes at the sink. He stands and stares at you for a minute more in admiration before nodding to himself and heading down the hall to his pup’s bedroom. 
As soon as he opens the door, he sees a tiny shadowy figure scurry away. He sighs and turns the light on. Nothing would seem out of place had it not been for the tail end of a fluffy tushy sticking out from underneath the bed. “Give it up kid, I can see you.” Chimera enters the room as his son scurries even further underneath the bed. Chimera kneels beside the bed and lifts the ends of the blanket up to look underneath. He frowns at the sight of his pup shivering and staring at him with wide eyes, tiny hands covering the top of his head as if to protect himself from the world around him. “Kid cmon, it’s just school. You used to be so excited to go. What happened between now and then, eh?” Chimera nods his head to the side, beckoning his pup to come out. A moment of silent hesitation passed before Chousuke crawled from beneath the bed. He sat next to Chimera and crossed his legs, looking down at his hands in his lap and fiddling his fingers together nervously. Suddenly he felt a large but gentle hand atop his head. His tail wags lightly when Chimera begins to pet him lightly. 
“I know starting new things can be so scary and whatnot, but I promise it’s not all bad. You’ll get to go and make new friends while learning new things. They do all the same stuff you do here, but with more people around. You get to color, watch cartoons, and play.”
“On a real playground papa? Like the big ole’ giant one at the park?” His pup stares wide eyed and expectantly at him. Chimera smiles and nods shortly. “Yep, like the park. Do you think you can be brave for us and go get ready to head out?” His pup pauses and thinks about it before nodding quickly and balling up his little fist. “Okay, I’ll be the bravest papa!” Chimera smiles widely and stands up. “Good boy. Now go get your shoes on, we don’t wanna be late.”
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kyousei-archive · 3 years
     ❝Don’t play a fool.❞
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     Yagura sees more than he lets on; he is an observant person when not set to fire with hairpin triggers and disrespect. All he’s done to curb Kirigakure’s history into the shadows is not forgotten when he speaks to Chojuro. This is to be Mei’s choice for succession? The man can hardly speak without avoiding eye contact, or shifting his weight like he was trying to decide where to place his nerves. -- But, it is no longer Yagura’s place to form opinions. Not when the world has changed from underneath him.
     ❝There is always more to be done, feigning ignorance or apathy will get you nowhere. Maintaining whatever status quo is left to you will only turn you into a lapdog.❞
     He supposes Chojuro hadn’t asked for such brutal honesty, but a sour aftertaste had settled in his mouth with the answer he’d received. What else is there? Should he make a to-do list for the Mizukage-to-be? Yagura clicks his tongue with a narrowed stare that would send even the most hardened warriors to their knees. ❝Unless you’re planning to be overthrown, I suggest you find out what else you consider important.❞
          // @imsical​ // chojuro // x
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Some lavender to help you sleep
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Omega!Chojuro + Omega!Kagura
You thought I was done writing about them!?
Bitch you thought lol✨
“Just a few more...” Chojuro slurred, sleep swirling around in his head as he signed paper after paper after god damm paper. He yawned, tears dripping down his cheeks and dotting the paper he was signing.
“Papa... You should get some sleep...” Kagura muttered, grabbing Chojuro's shoulder and shaking him lightly. Chojuro looked up with dull, sleep filled eyes and whined.
“I can't... I have so much work...” Chojuro muttered, rubbing his eyes with closed fits and blinking a few times before grabbing a page from the large stack beside him.
“...Wrong stack...” Chojuro muttered, returning the already signed paper back to the pile and grabbing a page from the opposite stack.
“Papa... You don't even know which stack is which anymore... You need to rest...” Kagura insisted, tugging on Chojuro's shirt sleeve. Chojuro ignored Kagura's demand and reached for another paper.
“I will... Just let me finish this stack...” Chojuro muttered. Before Chojuro could begin signing another paper, Kagura snatched the rolling chair away from the desk.
“Hey...!” Chojuro growled as he was dragged away and dumped into a long purple lounge chair at the far side of the room. Chojuro yawned, leaning back.
“We're taking a break...” Kagura demanded, hugging Chojuro as he laid back against the couch. Chojuro once again was stubbornly trying to get back to work.
“But I have so much to–” Chojuro protested but stopped when a sweet smell filled his nose and the air around him. A familiar smell that only belonged to one person here.
The calming scent of lavender. Kagura's scent.
“Get some rest papa... Please...” Kagura begged, pressing himself against his father's chest and letting a soft and deep purr rumble through his throat and chest.
Kagura's purring, along with his scent was enough to render Chojuro completely weak and way beyond tired. Chojuro finally stopped resisting and held Kagura in a loose, weak hug.
“But...” Chojuro started but couldn't finish, too tired to utter another word. Chojuro weakly purred in Kagura's arms, closing his eyes.
“Good night... Pa.. Pa...” Kagura whispered. The last thing either of them could register in their minds of the scent of one another as they both slowly faded into sleep.
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anniarki · 3 years
Hey anniarki 👋 so I’m making a male kiri OC and I’m struggling with which clan he be in… and I was wondering if I can get your opinion on it to help me decide? I was thinking either Ringo or Terumī - @roki3anime
(Sorry If I’m extremely late with my answer)
And for the clan I would start with the abilities of your new OC you want him to have lava release and vapor release kekkei genkai or simply to be extremely skilled with lighting release ( considering the Terumi and Ringo clans main canon abilities)
After deciding his power, skills, his chakra nature I’ll go with his story, what’s his motive, does he agree with the kekkei genkai purges? Does he liked the bloody mist era? As well in which part of the time of Kirigakure would he exist, if it is when the purges were a big deal and he is part of the Terumi clan how is he going to hide his power? How did he survived? Or maybe he got a recessive gene of the Ringo clan and he got some sort of thunderstorm kekkei genkai idk, if he exist in the Boruto era does he agree with Chojuro’s political view or not? (You know you can ask yourself questions like that you make your character more real)
Now you may ask, “why would I need that info?” I honestly believe (and that’s how I had been creating my oc) that their actions and points of view of their environment are extremely connected with the clan and social status they have (thinking of naruto) and in the case of Kirigakure OC I truly believe that the caste they belong influenced a lot in their actions and mannerisms; we know that Kirigakure was ruled (or is still ruled) by a caste system having 3 different castes in the village; so after you had decided his purpose his reason of existing there of if he is just going to exist for fun, the answers of all those questions will help you in building his personality and how he will interact with other characters. So after all that work I would focus on his design and his color pallet.
And alsooo you can just create your OC according to the clan you like the most☺️ remember that as long as you are happy with it and you love it you are doing it perfectly fine 💕
I hoped I had helped you somehow!! If you got anymore questions or doubts you can send me a message and I will gladly answer 💕 and I hope to see that OC of yours soon!!! 💖
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shnobiway · 3 years
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   a cackle is all that escapes from the swordsmen his face deriving into a sneer but not at the fact he should take heed of his leaders threats,  but because he has seen her in action. seen her take many life for the sake of their freedom & village. he knows more about the way she will act on these threats if necessary will go. he stares off through the window upon the sheets of mist that enveloped the village in mystery, what lay beneath that mist. “ she is pretty serious, no ? “ he said with the grin of a demon, “ though doubt you were brought here to chat about the mizukage. but this should go without saying that you’re more then likely going to to kill someone.” and it could very well be someone that he could care about there was a level of concern that can be had with how simple and calmly he uttered those words. without so much as a care. how could he when he’s killed so many friends, former shinobi in arms, innocents. there was a level of regret he did feel to this day, but there was a part of him that reveled in the blood he shed.  while personally not knowing a single thing about chojuro or his upbringing, he looked like a child sitting before katashi.  “  maybe even a village? while the mizukage has done her best to change the ways our village runs in, the seven ninja swordsmen remain second in power to only the mizukage.  “ their were kirigkaures dogs of war who answer when called for no questions asked. or was this an idea of the past that he has yet to shake? after all the civil war has only ended politically, while the battle still raged on to clean out the corruption that the fourth, yagura had sown. he was still adjusting to life after the third shinobi war yet finding solace in the hunter-nin again. to fighting a civil war in the streets they all grew up in and probably played on. kids still played in kiri how unlikely it was as to games like tag, or hide ‘n seek. sure maybe but it held a darker meaning. they grew up strong.   “ there were others who before you who abandoned their duty to this village so i will be the first to state, these blades belongs to the village in word only, but it’s rightful owners are that of the seven ninja swordsmen so try not to run off on us eh? but, my name is katashi isamu, wielder of the kiba fangs. so hey it’s uh nice to meet ‘ya kid “
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ketsuekki · 4 years
about the inoue clan and kirigakure. information is extremely controlled within the village, and considering that kiri-nin during the fourth shinobi war didn’t seem to know much abt the second mizukage aside from his name and face... i doubt, generally, anyone from there younger than 35? by shippuden (which the starting age ppl would have been old enough to remember the genocide as children) knows abt the inoue clan’s history, be it as a major power during the wse, the original owners of the village land or as an exterminated clan. it’s only when mei and chojuro came into power that people could more easily access non-propaganda information abt the village / the inoue / minami, and that’s still pretty scarce and controlled tbh.
until then, most people in the younger generations didn’t know the inoue were a clan ------ even though the third mizukage, inoue kiseki (minami’s great-uncle? grandfather? idk), was litcherally a member of the ruling family. the state sanctioned history books didn’t mention him belonging to a clan and bc ‘inoue’ is such a common surname ppl didn’t question it. older generations do Know but most deeply resent them and plus they don’t wanna get in trouble with the higher ups so they don’t talk abt it publicly.
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stripesquadsideblog · 7 years
so what did kagura say to shizuma?
I know pretty much all of us stripe squad fans are annoyed by this  convo that we cant hear between shizuma and kagura. Its kind of a cheap story telling ploy to keep us interested so i kind of see why they did it but im irritated never the less.
I think given the criminally short amount of time these “bad guys” were actually on screen we really could have been doing with more information.  As it stands Buntan (and kinda Hassaku if you squint at that shark jesus scene) are the only ones with any backstory. Not even shizuma, the main antagonist , has much fleshing out other than hes a hoshigaki with a bad attitude and a personal space problem.
Of course this could all come in later arcs but we fans are not patient people.
this is a MASSIVE post so its under a cut to avoid bloking up peoples feeds
Ok first off : this, THIS RIGHT HERE, is not the face of apology.
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Shizuma is smirking and kagura looks scared, nothing fun is happening here. Jesus shizuma is behind what looks like a good 2 inches of solid glass  and poor turtle child is still afraid.  Further more shizuma is not the apologizing type. He does it sarcastically or as a means of gas lighting or emotional manipulation .
This right here is mockery. I can see shizuma saying something with a tone of “oh look the mizukages pet got free who would have seen that coming”
something rude , hurtful or other wise insulting 
I mean
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Kagura is literally recoiling in horror and fear. Hes still scared of shizuma and why shouldn’t he be? Shizuma went feral and nearly killed them all not that long ago ( time line is a wee bit dodgy here because everyone was knocked out at night . hassaku and shizuma are up and about , even if shizuma is a little bit scratched, but buntan Ichirota and possibly hebiichigo are still clearly injured so im not sure how much time has actually passed).
Kagura is freaked out and ready to leave. He cant do what he came to do because shizuma still has power of him.
That is until he realizes chojuro has his back
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Look at chojuros face. The little hand on his shoulder : thats the kind of reassuring body language you use to tell someone  “youve got this but im right behind you” .Suddenly he’s much more confident. What exactly would be so scary to kagura that he couldn’t do it alone?
He clearly came to say something. Hes not armed so hes not here to kill shizuma. The building theyre in isn’t like any prison weve seen in the naruto world( like the blood castle or karins prison during the war arc) . its very clean and the bright lights give it a medically sterile feel. I think this might be some sort of combination prison/mental hospital.
Which tbh is probably what shizuma needs, coup or no coup.
So what do i think happened?
I think for Kagura to have any kind of closure from this incident chojuro insisted he see shizuma one more time to say what he needs to say. To get some things off his chest so hes not them around with him. Chojuro has an enormous amount of faith in Kagura . hes given him 2 chances at his own expence. Kagura is clearly  unstable in some situations. Mei and chojuro have both spent the better part of 20 years sorting out the mess Yagura left behind. So why stick his neck out?
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( side note i love how all the stripe squad are just ignoring shizumas antics. Like kyoho is just stairing into space like “i wonder if i left the stove on....”)
Sorry back on track
There was very little from stopping chojuro from treating kagura like everyone else does but he doesn’t. He goes out of his way to build kagura up. Its pretty much implied that hes actively choosing Kagura as his replacement as 7th mizukage.
But for chojuro to help him achieve that goal, kagura needs to get over some stuff. So he has to confront shizuma. Yeah ok maybe Kagura needs a little help to do it but hes there none the less
 What is kagura doing?
Well i think its 1 of 3 things
The most likely answer
Option 1 ) Hes telling shizuma he forgives him.
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As i mentioned shizuma is not an apologetic person. That ladies and gents is the face of shock. Shizuma really only understands violence, like pretty much any blood mist kiri nin. So what would be more shocking to him that forgiveness? To me this shot just screams “ how could you forgive me after all i did to you.”
Furthermore do you have ANY idea how DIFFICULT it is to forgive someone who hasn’t even said they’re sorry? Lets be real here, shizuma was AWFUL to kagura. He literally called him a tool and told him hed use him till the end . he told him he was a murderer and that he was of no use to anyone but him.
I really admire people who can let stuff go like that. I had to learn through a lot of therapy but here kagura is doing it off his own bat. 
 SERIOUSLY i am really struggling to think of something that would shock  shizuma more than heartfelt forgiveness  except maybe option 2
Option 2 ) kagura is the one apologizing.
Now this seems unlikely  to me as i doubt chojuro would let kagura put any blame on himself for shizumas actions. That kind of goes against the established plot of ‘chojuro build up kagura’ by letting kagura accept blame for something that wasn’t his fault. But it could be kagura is apologizing for something else. Maybe “ im sorry it came to this. When im mizukage things will be different, ill make everyone happy” or “ im sorry shizuma but you clearly arent well, this is where you belong “
something along those lines
Yes im looking at the ninja world with rose tinted glasses here but it is a possibility. The stripe squad are disillusioned with the ninja world to the point of thinking they have nothing else to live for if they don’t succeed ( just look at hassaku “the executioners blade is all i have”). Kagura and chojuro aren’t stupid. Maybe Kagura knows this is something Shizuma needs to hear as much as he needs to say.
Option 3 ) kagura is goodbye/goodluck/im done with you.
This is another fairly likely one.Now what kind of put this one down for me was these two clips
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Look at how determined kagura is. This isn’t the most forgiving of faces but then again id hardly expect kagura to break out his best cinnamon roll impression for an abusive asshat like shizuma . its possibly hes doing some sort of “ i forgive you now lets never speak again” sort of thing.
When hes done he bows his head: maybe in relief ? maybe he just cant stand to look at shizuma anymore. We don’t know and We don’t find out .
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The second bit is this. Chojuro looks like hes ready to kill a bitch. This is his warning face: hes pulled a lot of stringers for kaguras sake and even shizumas. Like do you think if this kind of shit had happened in Yaguras kiri shizuma would still be alive and talking crazy through the glass? No hed be  buried in the flower beds nourishing the tulips before you could say  “whats the blood mist?”
The combination of orochimarus voice over and chojuros face makes things pretty damn clear :you mess with kagura again and i wont be so forgiving.
And then shizuma is just left alone. Kagura is done with him , hes gone, hes finished and by siding with chojuro and accepting his training to become hirameikaris wielder ( and possibly eventually the mizukage) hes essentially telling shizuma “ i don’t need you im stronger without you.”
And ouch thats gotta hurt someone with as many emotional issues as shizuma.
Hence sad shark boi above^^^
 I feel what would have really made this scene for me is if we got to see shizumas reaction to Kagura walking away from him. Like shizuma has demonstrated an unhealthy level of possessiveness over kagura: to see his tool walk away from him, get the better of him and be the better person would fill him with some sort of emotion.
Like did he pound on the glass screaming about how kagura needed him and how kagura was nothing without him? Did he freeze ?defeated by kaguras words, some sort of final revelation that he was in jail/ an asylum  where he belonged ? did he slide to the floor sobbing because all he’d worked for, one of the vital pieces of his plans was walking away from him and his team mates were all ignoring him? jesus did he even throw a little hissy fit???? we just dont know.
We’re missing a big piece of the puzzle here in not knowing what shizuma did after kagura left and the worst part is we’ll probably never find out
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temari-i-i · 7 years
so I wrote this thing mostly because of @caxceberxvi (mwah~) and I was going to wait to see what happens next week but actually screw canon I'm just going to post it now. I will probably also put it on ao3 sometime soon but ehh ok (also shhhhhhh what's editing lol) 
It's all over so quickly.
The mist fades into the clarity of a moonlit night and the Konoha students disappear along with Hachiya, their footsteps cheerful and light and entirely too unconcerned with everything that had just happened.
Kagura hadn't even known it was possible to be shocked by so many things in one night, but he's sitting cross-legged on the ground under Chojuro’s gaze, every fiber of his being still humming with adrenaline, and he feels so numb he almost doesn't notice something missing.
He stands up in enough of a hurry that his head swims and Chojuro gives him a worried look as he stumbles and catches his balance.
“I have to go… do something,” says Kagura in the most unconvincing half-truth he's ever told, gesturing vaguely into the vestiges of fog still hovering over the battlefield. “Excuse me, Lord Chojuro.”
“You're going to look for him after everything he did to you?” asks Chojuro, sounding more perplexed than anything. His question is blunt and it drives home everything that Shizuma had said, how he’d admitted to lying and assassinating and manipulating, but for some reason it doesn't make Kagura any less determined.
“Yes,” he says, silently daring the Mizukage to stop him.
“At least take the Hiramekarei,” says Chojuro.
“I won't need it,” Kagura politely but firmly refuses, and walks into the mist on shaky legs.
It doesn't take long to find Shizuma. He's the only thing moving in the wreckage and his very presence oozes a betrayed, bone-deep sort of pain that makes Kagura’s heart ache no matter how badly Shizuma had hurt him.
Besides, everything Shizuma had said… it felt like a desperate bid to take back control as everything crumbled around him.
“Don't try to get up just yet,” says Kagura, approaching Shizuma with some degree of caution. He can see hurt in every one of Shizuma’s movements and he winces at the pang in his chest when he thinks of Shizuma being swallowed up by his sword and turned into an indiscriminate killing machine.
Kagura knows that feeling far too well, and Shizuma’s face in that moment is burned into his memory. He'd looked so scared just then, Samehada’s betrayal just one in a series of things that had gone horribly wrong.
Kagura reaches out for Shizuma’s shoulder but to his surprise, Shizuma flinches violently away from his hand.
“Don't touch me,” snarls Shizuma, pulling away as if he'd been burned.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” says Kagura, a little bit desperately. “Shizuma-san, please. It's just me.”
Shizuma looks up and there's no anger in his ice-blue eyes, only a horrified wildness so profound that Kagura can feel it himself. His heart breaks for something like the third time this night and he holds out his hand again, only this time Shizuma doesn't rebuff him, instead letting himself be pulled closer.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” repeats Kagura. “The fight is over, I don't have any weapons. It's okay.”
It feels strange to be reassuring Shizuma after all this time, like their roles had suddenly switched. Shizuma’s gaze shifts to a point behind Kagura and Kagura sighs without turning around.
“Lord Chojuro, please leave us alone,” he says. There's a soft swish of cloth and Kagura knows his request has been honored.
“You're really going to trust me now?” says Shizuma in a tone that's just this side of hysterical, and a broken laugh claws its way out of his throat. Kagura nods, suddenly choked up for reasons he can't quite explain. Shizuma’s laugh grates on something in his soul, the harsh sound of it like broken glass, and Kagura flings his arms around Shizuma’s neck and pulls him close to his chest.
That silences Shizuma for several seconds as he freezes and his breath catches audibly in the mist.
“Shh,” says Kagura, smoothing one hand down Shizuma's back and exhaling softly against his shoulder. “It's alright. I forgive you.”
“Why?” asks Shizuma, his tone dangerously close to something like a sob. “I lied to you all this time. I used you as a tool. Why are you still being so nice to me?”
The words are there now, spoken into the open air, a confession. Shizuma hasn't made any effort to move away, and he melts against Kagura as if there’s nothing he needs more in the moment than a gentle touch and a kind reassurance.
“I want to make a place where you can belong,” says Kagura simply. They're starting over without the lies and the secrecy, or at the very least that's how it feels.
Shizuma doesn't quite cry but he takes an uneven breath and wraps his arms around Kagura, hides his face in his shoulder as he falls apart completely.
“Even if your intentions weren't true, you always protected me,” says Kagura. He doesn't say you made me feel okay or you made me feel so safe, but those truths are still there and he knows Shizuma can hear them, spoken or not. “Come back home with me. I'll talk to Chojuro and it'll be fine, alright?”
“Yeah, okay,” agrees Shizuma. He doesn't move and neither does Kagura, opting instead to stay in each other’s arms for a little while longer.
The mist is almost completely clear, and Kagura can practically see what will happen next.
It's a best case scenario, he knows, but it's hard to argue with the sudden hope that appears like the moon coming out from behind a cloud.
Maybe things will be ok, he thinks. This time, they really have a chance.
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nightingaleflow · 1 year
gaara markin' up chojurou's neck, deep hickeys that his usual turtle-neck can't/couldn't qui-ite cover -- he didn't like that body-guard of his flirting with his chojurou, his partner and lover
So, real talk, I think both Gaara and Chojuro love marking up their partners. They don't want to hurt them, obviously, but they both get a thrill from seeing the dark marks on their partner's neck and chest and knowing they're the one who put them there.
So this tracks and I love it.
Gaara would be incredibly happy to see Chojuro of course - they usually go months without seeing each other in person after all - but would have to keep his affections tucked away for later. Chojuro of course would be happy to see Gaara too - so happy in fact, that when that guy telling Chojuro he looks so handsome in his robes and his proposals for treaties were so smart.
(Gaara agrees with these sentiments but they're for him to say, not some rando who obviously should be fired for flirting with the Mizukage)
Later, once all the formalities and meetings finished, they'd sneak away and meet up in a hotel room. They'd obviously start out kissing, but as Gaara thinks about that guy, his affections become more aggressive. He kisses down Chojuro's neck, sucking on the sensitive skin while growling that Chojuro is his and only his.
And Chojuro loves every second of it. He loves how heated and forceful Gaara gets. The feeling of Gaara's lips, tongue, and teeth get him achingly hard even before Gaara's hands get involved.
Because Gaara's right, Chojuro belongs to him, just as Gaara belongs to Chojuro.
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kagutachi-blog · 7 years
STARTER: @sabakv
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                 ❛❛  KAZEKAGE-SAMA --- it’s a profound honor to be your escort this morning. chojuro-sama had assigned me to care for your belongings.  ❜❜  the spiel involved , kagura was GUSHING from the gums with words of the highest form ,  that complimented the grace of any kage from their respective nations. however , gaara of the sand was a plus sized deal. to come from the depths of hell’s rumples and back on the trek for glory ? he was an icon. the youngest of them all. their generation was so versatile.
            he rambles , beating on regard as he pays his bow. an animation unorthodox of what is typically reserved. the teenager having not worn that pep in stretches of charted time.  ❛❛  & i would like to say  ?  i'm a BIG FAN. becoming kage at such a premature age was probably challenging --- it’s a reputation i want to live up to someday.   ❜❜
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Thank you for the asks, Kiyoshy!
Here you go! Since you didn't specify one OC, you get all seven.
*cracks knuckles*
Under the cut because long post is long.
Soft OC Asks
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Aki: Favorite snack is crickets. Her favorite food of all time is steamed pork buns. She can't cook at all though - she burns water.
Nezumi: Nezumi isn't really a snacker. She likes to take her time with proper meals. Her favorite food is spicy curry, and it's her favorite thing to make as well. She's very good at cooking, though hates the dishes that come after.
Natsumi: Her favorite snacks are veggies from her garden, and her all time favorite food is roasted peppers. She likes cooking, especially when it's something she's grown or caught herself.
Hifumi: Her favorite food ever is takoyaki, but it's difficult for her to make at home, so she typically makes stir fry. She's a decent cook, but doesn't get to cook that often because she's often out in the field or being swept off her feet by her boyfriends.
Holly: Her favorite snack is beef jerky, but she hates how much is costs and only buys it on occasion. Her all-time favorite food is fried alligator, but she doesn't make that at home and just keeps it simple - meat, veggies, pasta. She's a great cook.
Mariana: Mariana loves plantains. Plantain chips for a snack, fried plantains for a side dish, just give this girl some plantains. She's an excellent cook, she just tends to include plantains in her dishes.
Evie: Tends to eat chips for snacks, especially Doritos. Her favorite food is buffalo wings, but she hates the frozen kind, so she rarely gets them at home. She's forbidden from cooking after blowing up the microwave twice.
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?
Aki: Suna. It's the place that welcomed her after wandering alone for four years, and it's where Gaara is. She was born in Konoha, but had to leave when she was ten. Obviously, the person who makes them feel at home is Gaara:
"Suna is where I live, but it isn't home without you."
Home to Aki means a place where she can go to sleep without a knife under her head.
Nezumi: Born and raised in Konoha, and it's where she considers home. It's where her friends are, it's where she learned to become a ninja, it's where she grew strong, and it's where she wants to be. And of course, the love of her life, Rock Lee, is there.
Home to Nezumi means the place that makes her feel like she belongs there.
Natsumi: Born and raised in Kiri, but she only considers it her home in the loosest terms. The people of Kiri don't like her and consider her an outsider. If it weren't for Mei (her sensei) and Chojuro (her lover), she would have left a long time ago.
Home to Natsumi is where she can simply be, without having to worry about anything else.
Hifumi: Born and raised in Konoha, Hifumi considers it her home and is fiercely loyal to it. It's the place where her mothers raised her and it's the place she protects as an ANBU captain. Of course, having Kakashi and Gai there to offer love and support also helps.
Home to Hifumi is where her heart lies, and is the place she would lay down her life to protect.
Holly: Born in Orlando, Florida, she now lives in Suna. She's caught in between the worlds - she considers them both to be her home to some extent because one raised her and let her build a career, and the other welcomed her and let her start over. Evie and Mariana could make anywhere feel like home as long as they're together. Gaara also helps fill the void.
Home to Holly is the place where she can just be herself and not have to hide any part of her.
Mariana: Born in Puerto Rico, raised in Orlando, and now lives in Konoha. She misses Orlando somewhat, but she's perfectly happy in Konoha. It's a lovely place, and she's been able to build a good life there. Holly and Evie help fill the void from coming to the Naruto world, and having Sakura by her side helps too.
Home to Mariana is the place she can truly be happy.
Evie: Born and raised in Orlando, now lives in Konoha. She's over the moon to be living in Konoha - she gets to live in her favorite anime! - but misses her parents and wishes she could visit them more often. Having Holly and Mariana there helps, and Rock Lee is always there to lend her some sunshine when she needs it.
Home to Evie is the place where she can have fun and live her best life.
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
Aki: Beauty treatments.
Nezumi: Reading.
Natsumi: Gardening.
Hifumi: Metalworking.
Holly: Tabletop games.
Mariana: Pole dancing.
Evie: Video games.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Hehehe gonna send you a bunch of songs by hitting shuffle on Spotify so now they’re even more random
Left Hand Free - Alt J
Changing of the seasons - Two door cinema club
Getaway car - Taylor swift
Cry me a river - Justin Timberlake
Satellite - Harry styles
Somewhere I belong - linkin park
So I met someone - vhs collection
Broken - lovelytheband
I’m on fire - Bruce Springsteen
Tumblr media
So. Many.
But ok, here we go!
Left Hand Free - Alt J
I…have no idea. I listened to this song a couple of times and read through the lyrics, and it doesn't really apply to any of them imo. If you forced me to pick, I guess Evie? But again, not really, it's mostly for the "your man's bigger than I am" line since her man is Rock Lee.
Changing of the seasons - Two door cinema club
Holly. This is a pretty decent look into her mindset regarding her ex-girlfriend. (Holly's the one who did the actual leaving, but still)
"And I've worn out all the reasons to keep on knocking at your door" - Holly and Mel's relationship wasn't in a good spot anyway, but Holly didn't want to break up with her, so she kept coming up with excuses until she couldn't.
"You say come back and spend the night/Come back and spend the night/With me" - Yeah that's a thing that's gonna come up.
Getaway car - Taylor swift
Holly again. Basically any breakup songs/songs about toxic relationships are going to go to her.
Cry me a river - Justin Timberlake
Holly. Not only a breakup song, but a cheating breakup song? Yep.
Satellite - Harry styles
Natsumi! (Or rather, Chojuro looking at Natsumi)
"I can see you're lonely down there/Don't you know that I am right here?" - Chojuro looking at Natsumi before they got to know each other.
Somewhere I belong - linkin park
"I wanna heal, I wanna feel like I'm close to something real/I wanna find something I've wanted all along/Somewhere I belong" - Basically the start of her character arc.
"And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed/I will never be anything 'til I break away from me/I will break away, I'll find myself today" - And would you look at that, there's the rest of her character arc.
So I met someone - vhs collection
Honestly, this feels like an Aki song. The lyrics read like something she's addressing to Konoha as a whole as well as the specific people who hurt her, such as Danzo and her father.
"Every day, you remind me/All the ways you let me down/Play the tape, and rewind it/See the reasons that I'm leaving you now" - Pretty self-explanatory honestly.
Broken - lovelytheband
Evie. Not saying it's healthy, but this song is kiiinnddaa why she gravitated so heavily towards Lee in the first place.
"I like that you're broken, broken like me/maybe that makes me a fool" - Yeah.
(Also applies to Holly with Gaara.)
I’m on fire - Bruce Springsteen
"At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet/And a freight train running through the middle of my head/Only you can cool my desire" - Ahem.
(Honestly it could apply to any of them once their romances start sparking but Nezumi is probably the most immediate)
Thanks for the asks, Jmor! <3 You know I always love talking about my OCs.
Send a random song and I’ll say which OC it fits the most
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