#[ spectrier / about ].
front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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quikyu · 2 years
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He’s my silly rabbit
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elytrafemme · 2 months
mare do you know shauntal.. unrelated to anything im just asking because she is so Youcore. Maybe in all but slightly lame ass hairstyle. she's a ghost type specialist and writer and you'll fight her later on in black, she even has a chandelure :D
Id ask also if ive said this to you already but now i feel like im remembering a time in like 2021 or 2022 when i also said this exact thing to you (ie She Is Literally You). so um . If I'm repeating myself my bad 😭❓❓⁉️🔥
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HIIII SHAUNTAL... ugh i love her fit i am SO GLAD i remind u of her thats so sweet :( i am so ghost type coded the day they add a ghost type eevee is the day my true power is realized
AND shes a writer...ugh this is so cool thank u for showing me her :D!!! my memory is kinda bad so i dont recall this first instance but YIPPEE YIPPEE shes sooooo me
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conspiracydawg · 1 year
please I'm trying to decide on my pokemon dream team and I can't pick a horse
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legcndaries · 2 years
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WISP THE SPECTRIER, the Swift Horse Pokemon
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GENDER: Female PRONOUNS: She/They LEVEL: 80 ABILITY: Grim Neigh TERA-TYPE: Fairy
QUIET NATURE, alert to sounds. Likes dry food, dislikes sweet.
HEIGHT: 6'03" / 1.9 m WEIGHT: 91 lbs / 41.2 kg
MOVESET: ⟶ Shadow Ball ⟶ Calm Mind ⟶ Dark Pulse ⟶ Draining Kiss
Sword - It probes its surroundings with all its senses save one—it doesn't use its sense of sight. Spectrier's kicks are said to separate soul from body. Shield - As it dashes through the night, Spectrier absorbs the life-force of sleeping creatures. It craves silence and solitude.
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amewwayofliving · 2 months
Humans like starting their blogs with ask games, right? Here's one.
Ask game based on stupid things that happened with other legendaries:
Groudon falling for flat earth conspiracy theories: What's the dumbest thing you've fallen for?
Pecharunt's "Rizztacularrrrrrr" Gang: Is there someone you just want to teleport to Jupiter and leave them there?
The Shadow Lugia Incident: What's the most horrifying thing you've heard happen to a friend, and what's the weirdest thing someone has said about it?
Do I even need to say anything for Arceus: How long do you think you could resolve conflicts for nonstop without breaks?
Enamorus' war on bows and arrows: Have you ever hated the concept of love? Why?
Victini never shutting up about victory: What's the most annoying quirk of someone you know?
Yveltal's 297th stageplay: What's something you found fun at first, but stopped liking after a while?
Tapu Lele acquring their 11th name of the month: What's something that you'd call "beyond excessive"?
Whatever weird thing Calyrex has going on with Spectrier and Glastrier: What's a dynamic between some people you know that has you concerned?
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what if the Revolutionary Girl Utena characters were pokemon trainers
I went back to the Utena tab, as one does, to brush up on my philosophy... Suddenly the question pops into my head "With Anthy's love of roses which flower pokemon would be her favorite? I bet it would be x." Then i started to think "If Anthy had "X" then maybe Utena could have "Y". "Nanami should have "C" because of that one comedy filler episode" You know the one. "Also wouldn't it be fun to create a sinister pokemon team for Akio." I literally went to sleep rolling these thoughts and potential teams around in my mind, and have spent all day working on getting the teams right.
Before I post my teams here were my rules
1.) Six pokemon for the rose crest duelists, one-three for the black rose duelists. Ruka got two
2.) All the rose bride duelists had to have at least one flower/plant/florial pokemon. This was not required of the black rose duelists or Ruka.
3.) Normally I do not let characters have legendary pokemon on their teams. But because some of these characters are Gods or embodiment's of legendary themes/tropes I put fitting legendary on the teams for four specific characters
4.) Utena was the only character I allowed a pokemon that can mega evolve. She is the one chosen to wield the power of Dios in the duels.
5.) To challenge myself I did not use any of the eeveelutions, or regional type variations (Alolan, Galar, Hisuin). These are usally heavily represented on my previous lists and I wanted this one to be more unique
In honor of pride month here is the RGU cast as pokemon trainers
Anthy Himemyia
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a team that is half cute and girly , and half very very frightening
White Flower Florgus: This one is representative of Anthy's love of flowers, whoch she incorperated into her role in the duels, as the Rose Bride. A flowery fairy pokemon that devotes itself to its gardens. The red one is to sweet to be Anthy's pokemon. Plus given that both the roses in her coffin and the one she puts on Utena are white, I think that white may be her favorite rose color.
Wooloo: Anthy used the Wool from her Wooloo (and some red fabric dye) to make the sweater she knitted and gifted Utena in season 2. I love that because there are no hints that Akio told Anthy to make Utena the sweater. Anthy chose to make a handmade gift for her friend. Utena wore it multiple times later when she and Anthy were hanging out in their room. That was a really sweet gift, and symbolic of how much the two were coming to care about each other, so I wanted to give Anthy a pokemon representative of that
Apom and Rattata: These two both represent Chu-chu, a monkey that was the size of a mouse. They can also represent aspects of Anthy's way of expressing herself during the games. How she was always handy at chores, but had what one would call a quiet and mousy nature. Apom is a shiny pink to match Utena's trademark hair, and the pink outfit Anthy dawns (leaving behind her red goddess/rose bride outfits) to go out into the world and search for Utena.
Mismagius: A ghost type pokemon that is representative of Anthy's witch persona. It's poxides entry says that it is a havic bringer that can cause people great hapiness or misery, and that some will pursue it as if their life depended on it, though owning it can sometimes have less than favorable results. A very Himemyia pokemon
Spectrier: Representative of Anthy's, now long dead, goddess persona. This beauitful, dark, spirit horse shy's away from sight and rely's on its other senses. It is also said that it can seperate a soul from a body with one kick (Similar to what Anthy did to Dios when she gave up being a goddess). Spectrier shares a connection to pokemon owned by both Akio and Utena
Akio Ohtori
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Note it was actually a lot of fun making this cutesy/sinister team for Akio.
Morella: This could be Akio's floral pokemon if you view "End of the World" as a rose duelist. I mostly picked it because it is cute and whimsical looking, but is parasitic and will drain a person of their energy when they are asleep.
Driftloom: Another whimsical pokemon. What a fun and safe looking little balloon... that leads small children astray and can cause them to go missing.
Delibird: It is his messenger. Before the final arc he mostly communicated with his students by letters. Delibird delivers them. Bad bird, bad
Palossand: Representative of Ohtori Academy. A palace and a kingdom where everyone lives trapped, with Akio as the prince who is in charage of everyone
Dusktops: A hollow husk ghost that it is unwise to get close enough to look inside of. Am I talking about Dusktops or Akio?
Glastrier: Akio's Princely white horse. A wild and crazy steed (kinda like his car), counter part to his sisters Spectrier, and also connecting to one of Utena's pokemon.
Utena Tenjou
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What pokemon are enough of hero's for our protagonist. Are flashy hero pokemon really the ones she needs?
Roserade: Utena's Floral pokemon, and her mega evolution pokemon. I like to think it started out as a little Bedew that was left for Utena after that day all those years ago when she met the prince and vowed to become one herself. Roserade is not really a princely pokemon, but Utena never actually became a prince. I think Roserade is a good representation of the revolutionary character she did become.
Spritzee: Scent seems to be an important senese to Utena. She will comment on food smells and the one thing she remembers clearly about that day is that she could smell Roses. Given her love of fragrance she would probably also love a perfume pokemon
Marowak: Utena and Marowak both lost loving parents when young. Now they have grown tough and made the decision to help each other and carry on.
Growlithe: Representation of Utena's courage and fierce loyalty to those she cares about
Corvisquire: this one represents both the dark uniform and the ingenuity Utena shows. How she descends on the games, has less experience then the other duelist, but she uses tools around her, and eventually the traits she can glimpse from the other duelist themselves, to win.
Calyrex: This is Utena's Legendary pokemon. It is connected to both Anthy and Akio's legendary pokemon, how they both need her, and the choice Utena ultimately has to make on which one she wants to be with.
Touga Kiryuu
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Touga' team is meant to be bad/dangerous but not necissarly as wicked or frightening as Akio's team
Vileplume: Touga's floral pokemon. I gave him a finale form in a 3 part evolution, similar to Utena's roserade, but of course not containing the same abilities or as powerful. I also really wanted him to have a flower that was also a poison type, because he himself is pretty poisonous.
Hitmonchan: Touga is shown to know how to box when he took out that kangeroo. So i figured since he would obviously have a fighting type pokemon, let's go with the boxing one
Purugly: He loves cats so he gets a cat pokemon. (Side note do we think he got to keep the kitten Anthy gave him for his birthday, or did it disappear after 24-48 hours, like the "gifts" Anthy sends Nanami). I decided to give him Purugly do them both having nice hair, being fairly rude, and most importantly, loving to sleep in someone else's bed.
Seviper: A snake is pokemon is another one that just fits Touga. Add that Seviper has a red sword like tail, and could maybe help Touga train, makes it Touga's perfect snake.
Yamask: Yamask's lore says it use to be a man who died. It came back as a ghost pokemon and it carries a mask that resembles the face it had as a human. I put it on Touga's team to go with Touga's own lore, and how there is all this discussion on if Touga is actually a boy or a ghost... Even if he is still alive he is kinda still a ghost, carrying a mask of the kid Saionji and Nanami remember.
Mudsdale: Touga has a horse because he wants to imitate Akio. But where as Akio's Galstrier is a beautiful and princely legindary pokemon. Touga only has a dirty mudsdale, a.k.a the one horse pokemon that is entirely based off of a regular, non magical, horse. Mudsdale can never be quite like Galstier. And Touga (thankfully) can never manage to be as manipulative and powerful as Akio.
Nanami Kiryuu
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Her magistey the princess of ridiculousness, with her loyal court of fools
Carnavine: Nanami's floral pokemon. I did not want to give Nanami a more "delicate flower" looking pokemon, as Nanami is honestly one of the least delicate girls in the anime. Carnavine, like Nanami, is clingy and snappy so I think it fits her really well.
Vespaqueen: Becasue she is the school's "Queen Bee"
Morgrem: It is a prankster, who will sometimes employ false surrenders and dirty tactics, all of which are to hide its own insecurites and lack of self confidence. Nanami and Morgrem are kindred spirits in this regard. Hopefully she and it could help each other grow to accept themselves
Piplup: It has a tough attitude and a lot of bravado, but in truth it is pretty clumsy and falls down a lot. So piplup is another pokemon who I feel like it and Nanami would get each other.
Miltank and Exeggcute: You all know exactly why Nanami has a cow and eggs. No explanation needed.
Kyouichi Saionji
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It was not my intention to give him the fluffiest team. I am laughing at it turning out that way though. Let's hope Saionji can keep himself and his teammates stocked on hair brushes
Cacturn: Saionji's Floral pokemon. He gets Cacturn because they are both green and prickly.
Fennekin: Well it is a hot headed pokemon that will have steam coming out of its fluffy ears when it gets really worked up. That certainly sounds like someone Saionji see's whenever he looks in the mirror. Also once it evolves, and starts carrying around sticks, he could teach it Kendo style staff techniques
Mankey: Saionji also needed a fighting type. I chose Mankey to represent just how Impulsive Saionji is. Both he and Mankey struggle to calm themselves down, and to stop fighting. If Saionji can ever manage to teach Mankey any control, then maybe he won't be completely hopeless himself. If not, it will at least be a funny ride.
Zangoose: Saionji got a Zangoose because Touga has a Seviper. Each of them have a rival pokemon that is always fighting with the other, but also can never help but seek the other out. I would say that is pretty accurate representation of Touga and Saionji's relationship, and how they feel about each other in their adolescences.
Farfetch: I was thinking because it carries the leak then maybe Saionji could teach it Kendo staff techniques now. Fennekin could watch. They would probably all enjoy that.
Shiny Sudowoodo: well it is bad at hiding and hates water, that is similar to Saionji. But really I gave it to Saionji because he likes poetry, and Sudowoodo (particularly its shiny form) are about the closest I could think of to a poetic looking pokemon. Another thing is that Shiny Sudowoodo looks like a tree in the fall, when things change. Change is a concept Saionji struggles with, and he needs to learn to better deal with it if he wants to leave his coffin
Miki Kaoru
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I kind of wish his team could have been bluer, but I am happy that 2 are garden creatures and another three look a bit like childhood toys. Nature and nostalgia are strong themes if Miki's
Sunflora: This is Miki's floral pokemon. He gets an actual flower based one. A sunflower caught in the Sunlight garden back when he was a child
Baltoy: So Miki is a time keeper for the student council (supposedly, as no one knows what he is keeping time on with his stop watch) and carries a lot of nostalgia for his past. So I had to give him a "time" pokemon. However he is not a strong enough trainer to command a legendary, like Celibi or Dialga. Baltoy was the only one left, but it honestly works. I like to imagine that it stays next to Miki at student council meetings and every time he presses the button on his oh-so-confusing stopwatch Baltoy will cease its spinning and speak.
Chimeco and chatot: Two music based pokemon to sit with Miki and keep him company at the piano. Chimeco will try to calm him down when he gets stressed. Chatot will repeat things: notes or phrases that it has heard Miki/his teachers say. Miki loves Chatot, but it often makes him more stressed.
Scyther: All of Miki's pokemon so far have been small and cute. But Miki is a tough fighter too. I wanted him to have pokemon he could sword train with, and that would come off as more imposing in battle. No fighting types really fit him so I got more creative. Scyther would make a pretty good fencing partner. He probably caught it in his garden like Sunflora, only he was older by then.
Male Meowstic: This one is representative of his caring yet strained relationship his sister Kozue-she has a female. Miki's male meowstic is both the male, and the more defensive of the pair, just like him.
Juri Arisugawa
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before anyone asks Juri does not have a sward pokemon because she does not need one. She already has a sword.
Lurantis: Now this is the perfect floral pokemon for Juri. It is girly without being soft or frilly. It is vivid, tough, and glamours. It is also super sharp and does its best to fool people into seeing it as someone its not. Basically it suits Juri's strengths, while also highlighting some of her vulnerabilities.
Luvdisc: Okay the romantic heart pokemon that is considered a symbol of love might seem like a strange one for Juri,given how she feels about, well, romantic feelings and all that. One I do think Juri is a romantic, but, just like with miracles, she has some trouble believing in romance after what went down with Shori. Secondly lone luvdisc's can become despondent and disheartened... which again is kind of how Juri feels, when thinking about all the things she is scared to believe in. Both Juri and Luvdisc need hugs
Cloyster: This one represents how closed off and self motivated Juri has become
Brozong: It strong steel/psychic typing suits Juri pretty well, and it being a 360 degree shield does show how defensive Juri is now. Most importantly it can summon rain showers. The culmination of Juri's arc was her locket getting broken, her forfeiting her duel as she finally lets herself cry over what she lost, then stepping into a rain shower, to try and began herself again. That was such a powerful scene for Juri, so I gave her a powerful pokemon to represent that time in her life.
Jangmo-o: Here is a little dragon that personality wise is on almost the same wave length as Juri. Both are diligent trainers, humble, yet have the pride of warriors. I could see these two taking each other far.
Mienshao: This is Juri's fighting type pokemon. One that is very graceful and elegant, as well as being a skilled, and sometimes overwhelming, fighter. Like with her Lurantis I could see this one joining her in both a battle and on the runway.
Now on to the black rose duelists. Once again they were smaller characters so I am only giving them 1-3 pokemon.
Kanae Ohtori
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Apples for the princess, fairy tales dictate she should have refused
Applin: So they are sometimes viewed as romantic gifts between people in a committed relationship. Akio gave this Applin to Kanae, who joyfully accepted it as a "symbol of their love". But another way to look at it was Akio telling Kanae his plans. Applin is a worm that burrows into the center of an apple and then feeds on the fruit to stay protected, plump, and strong. Akio is the worm. Kanae's family's academy is the apple. Kanae's Applin is most definitely not evolving into a Appletun.
Kozue Kaoru
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I imagine Kozue and her girls are out to either get their party up or throw some shade down. No in between
Female Meowstic: the sibling pokemon to Miki's male one. Like Kozue this meowstic is the aggressive female counter part to its more defensive brother.
Bellossom: Kozue is not a rose crest duelist, but she still has a flower pokemon? Okay I am not saying Kozue should have joined the student council with Miki, or competed for the rose bride, or anything like that. Bellossom is also a party pokemon. It is always dancing and chatting away with others. Kozue takes Bellossom with her when she goes out to look for new boyfriends. It is also there for her after hook-ups, when she is all alone again. Bellossom might be Miki's favorite of Kozue's pokemon. Kozue likes Miki's chatoc, because she can teach it to say phrases that annoy her brother/ scare away anyone that might hurt him.
Taillow: This is Kozue's newest pokemon. She is shown to like birds. She found this one injured, became protective of it, and took it in. She told everyone she caught it because the injuries proved it was tough in a scrap, and it is tough in a scrap, but that was still a lie on Kozue's part.
Shori Takatsuki:
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So cute on the surface, beneath that... well sometimes it is a little less pretty and a lot more messy
Psyduck: Because Shori follows people she likes/wants around like a duck, and she is driven to headaches by her own refusal to accept feelings. Both her own feelings and other peoples as well. It will be a long and stressful ride, but caring for Pysduck could possibly help Shori break this negative cycle of denial she has locked herself in.
Corsola: The tips of it spikes can be painlessly broken off and then made into pretty jewelry, that are prized as treasures. Shori deeply wants to be someones treasure, so I imagine she wears corsola jewelry a lot to try and boost her low self esteem. This also goes with Juri's luvdisc, as luvdiscs are a pokemon that love corsolas.
Phanpy: This is Shori's last pokemon, and probably her oldest. She is not able to/has no desire to evolve it. Phanpy's look like innocent little dolls, are very playful, and has a tendency to hurt those it feels affection for...Just like Shori.
Mitsuru Tsuwabuki
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Gorwing up is really so tough
Impidimp: One evolution behind Nanami's Morgrim. Like their trainers the pair get along and are good friends, but often tend to prank the other. It is a bit of a ongoing challenge to see which is the most sly and devious
Bagon: Like Mitsuru with adulthood, Bagon dreams of the day it will be a full grown Salamence, and waits for all the things it will be able to do then. Mitsuru and Bagon want to grow, evolve, and achieve their dreams together.
Love Sweet Carmel Swirl Alcreamie: I gave Mitsuru an Alicreamie because he shown to be able to cook/bake, and likes to do it for Nanami. I really was hoping that their was a chocolate version of Alicreamie, because of the symbolism of the partially eaten chocolate bar his friend leaves behind in his black rose episode. But I was out of luck. I decided to give him a Carmel Swirl Alcreamie because its cream has a bitter taste. Right now Mitsuru is at a stage where he feels very bitter about still being a little kid. I figure his Alcreamie can help him learn to mix that bitterness with other feelings/flavors to create good results. Love Sweet because Mitsuru is a romantic of course.
Tatsuya Kazami
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I hope that he got back out of ohtori again quick, and that this time he and Wakaba stayed in touch....maybe as friends, maybe as more. In the end that is up tot he two of them, not to Mikage, Utena, or Akio.
Oddish: Oddish is a pokemon that kinda looks like a onion, at least that is what Tatsuya thought when he met Oddish. It reminded him of Wakaba and how she used to call him "The Onion Prince" , so he caught it and made it his partner.
Slowpoke: Slowpoke is called the patient pokemon, and Tatsuya's best and only quality is that he is willing to patiently support the girl he loves, while waiting for the day she maybe decides to give them a chance to be something more.
Wakaba Shinohara
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You take care of everyone you meet. But who will take care of you?
Swablu: A very friendly and fearless, normal/flying type, bird that goes around with its head is the clouds and cotton covering its ears. That is definitely similar to our girl Wakaba. But it will also grow into a very strong dragon/flying type, Altaria; just like how Wakaba shows she will grow into a very strong young women one day. For now Wakuba and Swablu have got each other, and are committed to helping the other grow.
Chancy: A caring and nutruing pokemon. This one helps Wakaba take immaculate care of everyone in her life. It also tries its best to take care of her and reminder her that she is still important to it during her darker moments. Like when Saionji leaves her. Or Utena starts spending most of her time with Anthy/Akio and has less and less for Wakaba.
Shiny Skeledirge: Like Wakaba this pokemon is caring yet meddlesome. I could see them getting up to a lot of trouble that they had no business being in, but also helping a lot of people too. It likes to help wakaba with her chorus homework, and sing for Wakaba when she is feeling down. Hopefully it's powerful enough to at least intimidate the boys Wakaba does not have the sense to know are bad news. I also gave it to her because wiki says it is modeled after a tennis athlete (Tennis is implied to be Wakaba's favorite sport), and that the bird on its snout functions as a separate entity. So it was a sneaky way to actually give Wakaba four pokemon. Why is it a shiny, because Wakaba deserves a rare shiny pokemon. She was a rare bright spot in that hell school after all.
Keiko Sondo
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I got the idea to give her all bug pokemon because her episode is called Vermon.
Meadow Pattern (a.k.a Pink) Vivillon: I picked Vivillon because it is very girly and frilly, and Keiko comes off as a being a really girly girl. I picked the meadow pattern because it seemed the most romantic, and at heart this girl is another huge romantic.
Male Combee: This one is her relationship to Nanami. Nanami had a female Combee that evolved into a Vespadqueen. But male Combee like Keiko's cannot evolve. No matter how hard either Combee or Keiko work and train they are not royalty, but mere parts of the hive. Combee shares Keiko's resentment that random chances of birth seemingly made Nanami and Vespaqueen more special than them. It is just not fair.
Grubbin: Yeah here is a not so pretty, underground, grubby buggy. But there is so much more to Grubbin than appears. They are attracted to sparks of electricity and will burrow to and stay by it, until he day they can evolve and generate their own. Also when worked into a enough of a rage they are capable of causing birds that try to prey on them fly away in fear. So I am giving her Grubbin to show that of all three conies, Nanami was not able to break Keiko as totally as she did the other two, and their were moments in the show where Keiko was able to stand up to/take on Nanami.
Souji Mikage
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Yes I am calling Mikage the fourth most powerful character character in RGU. He was definitely a victor in some previous round of the duels, and for whatever reason Akio and Anthy kept their hold on him for 30 years... to use him to test future victors that won the first round to easy? I mean it is stated he used to have 100 back rose crests and flowers, but by Utena's time he only had 6 left... Off topic
Hypno: it helps him mess with the kids who come into his elevator for therapy; using its hypnotic power to pull their most jealous and anxious thoughts form their minds and mouths.
Bisharp: This one represents how professor Nemuro saw himself before meeting Mamiya and Tokiko, and what he, as Souji Mikage, became after their loss. This is a dark and steel type robot, that commands subordinates to fight underneath it, while it pushes towards its own goals.
Celibi: He slips backwards and forwards through time, while always remaing the exact same age. So I gave him Celibi because it can take itself and invited companions through time. Once he learns that there was really no way then or in the future to have saved Mamiya, can Celibi please take him back in time to tell the real Mamiya "Good bye"?
Ruka Tsuchiya
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And here is the guy who in the two episodes he was in before dying, he seemingly made himself more hated than Saionji and Touga combinded, almost as hated as Akio.
Haunter: Because haunting was a thing he liked to do before dying, and from what I have heard, possibly afterwards too. It is also possible Haunter stayed with Ruka even after his death. Admirable loyalty on his pokemons part
Hawkamo: A dragon one evolution higher than Juri's Jaogmo-o, because Ruka was always one step ahead of Juri. After he dies I imagine Hawkamo stalks around the fencing dojo, trying to pick a new trainer. It would be interesting to guess who it would pick.
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legendsobsessions · 2 months
Whatever weird thing Calyrex has going on with Spectrier and Glastrier: What's a dynamic between some people you know that has you concerned?
Anyone who has ever been "a" Champion in the Paldea region and their "Top Champion," who just so happens to also be the Chairwoman of the Paldea League. I have not heard good things about her. Though it's possible that I'm biased.
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Because it's been rolling around in my head for a while thanks to the Indigo Disk DLC release...
Bells Hells Pokémon Teams!
These are all vibe based, limited to the six Pokémon teams, and everyone gets at least one Legendary and Shiny. Some will be evolutionary lines because I could see them coming into the campaign unevolved.
Stoutland- received as a Lillipup when Chet was a kid, this majestic old dog is his oldest companion. I think Stoutland speaks nicely to Chetney having a pretty normal life before he became a werewolf. Aslo, Chet can ride his Stoutland around, which is fun
Phantump- met as Chet trained in the Bramblewood, this spirit of a child in a tree stump/wood fell in love with Chetney's toy carving. Chet loves the joy this Pokémon feels with every project
Snover/Abamasnow- this tree Pokémon was caught during the Icelost years that Chet was present for in Tal'Dorei
Banette- Chetney is worried about his toycraft becoming obsolete, and this Pokémon is an abandoned toy. Also Chet talked about letting his grudges stew before werewolfdom
Lycanroc (Midnight Form, Shiny)- it's a Pokémon with something like the classical wolfman-werewolf shape, so werewolf vibes, baby! Caught after Chet got lycanthropy, shiny because it matches Chet's original color scheme
Zacian- look, it's a wolf that's set to shank a bitch. Tell me that doesn't vibe with Chetney
Sirfetch'd- Flying-type with a sword and shield, obviously meant for Mr Sword and Shield of the Air Ashari
Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash- Orym's memento of his husband that always travels with him is Will's sword, so the ghost sword(and later sword/shield combo) makes sense for Oym
Comfey- friendly cute flowers for Mr Druidcraft gifts
Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot- the normal-est bird for the normal-est guy. Yet capable and more striking the further down the line they get
Appletun (Shiny)- got it in Byroden as a reminder to enjoy life and pie. Also, little guy solidarity. Shiny because green apple for Orym who wears green
Shaymin- more friendly flowers for Orym, and the Sky Form is a little fighter like him
Darumaka- Fearne needs a fire monkey to mirror Little Mister and this is the round fire monkey shaped like the Little Mister plush
Braixen/Delphox- fire Pokémon with a bit of a witch aesthetic for the fire girl of the Witchy Bitches
Impidimp- a Fairy-type with a mischievous streak for our mischievous fey
Skiddo/Gogoat- for the goat-ness of being a faun and a little druidic Grass-type
Gloom/Vileplume (Shiny)- for Fearne's love of poisonous flowers. And shiny because it's green and orange, which are Fearne's colors
Moltres- a burning phoenix Pokémon that Fearne worries will take on the Galarian Form that her Bad Future Self had
Mudsdale- workhorse for the farmgirl who loves horses
Ponyta (Galarian)- cute unicorn pony with Psychic typing (not Galarian Rapidash because I think it's ugly)
Blitzle/Zebstrika (Shiny)- the Electric-type "horse" (zebras are close, okay?) Pokémon for our storming electrical Horse Girl. And shiny because Zebstrika is purple when shiny
Hattrem/Hatterene- Imogen's witch Pokémon. It's Psychic-type and sensitive to emotions, making it sort of like her mindreading
Elgyem/Beheeyem- Psychic-type and kind of alien-ish and said to mess with people's heads, this Pokémon showed up to Imogen after her Exaltant powers awakened
Spectrier- Legendary horse that comes in Imogen's two colors: purple and red
Rattata (Alolan)- to mirror Pâté. Potentially shiny as the deep red and black are Laudna's colors
Mimikyu (Shiny)- a broken doll-like Pokémon for a person who feels like a broken doll. And shiny makes it a pale black and white like Laudna
Mismagius- Laudna's witch Pokémon, and ghostly of course (Also collar gems like Delilah?)
Leavanny- a bit of a crafter Pokémon and protective of kids
Meowth (Galarian)- the Alolan Meowth and Kantonian Persian are the kind of Pokémon I could see noble ladies having, so Laudna decided to catch her own Meowth... and ended up with a scrungly Galarian one. But she loves them anyways
Marshadow- it's shadow theme matches Laudna's Shadow Sorcerery. And Laudna does spend time trying to copy the Ladies of Whitestone...
Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss- Pokémon that are about bestowing happiness, because that's all FCG wants for their friends. Possibly not enthused by Togekiss being so bird-like, while Togetic is definitely on the edge of comfortable
Happiny/Chansey/Blissey- classic Pokémon Center helper and healers line for the cleric
Porygon/Porygon 2/Porygon-Z- artificial Pokémon for the artificially made person. The bird-ish shape might weird FCG out a bit
Fidough/Dachsbund- obtained after they got their oven installed, this Pokémon helps FCG with his baking endeavors
Iron Thorns- secret Aeorian rage-mode Pokémon since Future Paradox Pokémon look like robots and Tyranitar, which Iron Thorns is based off of, is known for raging around (also reflects Ashton having a Tyranitar a bit)
Magearna- a man-made clockwork Legendary for the Aeormaton
Golett/Golurk (Shiny)- a rock person Pokémon for an actual rock person. And they're also powered by mysterious energies. Probably Ashton's original Pokémon. Shiny for green glow lines
Tyranitar- acquired as a Larvitar in Bassuras and a point of pride to have fully evolved given the reputation of such a Pokémon in that city
Tinkaton- also caught in Bassuras as a Tinkatink. It's a Pokémon with a big hammer and the evolutionary line would probably be semi-common in the scrap heaps of Bassuras (Also the Corviknight hunting as a get rid of birds that FCG fears/hates)
Growlithe/Arcanine(Hisuian)- for Ashton's strong loyalties. Possibly acquired after attempting to absorb the Spark of Rau'shan for the Fire/Rock typing, or just had since a kid from Hishari
Cosmog- suddenly appeared after Ashton got galaxy-brained because it's a little galaxy guy from another (higher?) dimension. It's Ashton's innocent baby who doesn't know how to stay in the damn pokéball and not reveal his soft side
Regigigas- this is the big titan Pokémon, hauling continents and shit. Not to mention that the Slow Start ability reflects how Ashton had a titan shard for twenty years before they really got it to do anything spectacular
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Ultimate Pokemon Tournament!
Generation 8 - Rematch Round 1 - Match 1
★ This poll is part of a project to determine Tumblr's favorite Pokemon! ★
Our Contestants:
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This is a rematch round! The winner of this poll will move on to Generation 8 Round 2.
★ Follow if you want to see new polls as they're made! ★ ★ Go here for more info about the project! ★ ★ Consider reblogging so that others can vote too! ★ ★ Don't forget to have fun, be kind, and have a wonderful day! ★
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sometimesanequine · 2 months
you said that Pokémon is your favorite franchise, so I must ask; if you were to design a new equine pokemon, what would they look like? feel free to draw your idea, or just your favorite currently existing equine Pokémon if you want!!!
we were deprived of a kelpie pokemon in sword and shield 😭, i want another ghost type horse instead of just there being spectrier too. give me a ghost type horse!!!!!
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this one is based off of pega donkeys (because i love pega donkeys and they have very easy to draw visuals while also being extremely flashy which pairs well with the pokemon universe) i was thinking about banshees when i was drawing but it could be based on kelpies too idk
visuals wise i put a saddle marking on the back as a nod to kelpies and also foliage in the mane and tail because i wasnt entirely sure what else to put in there, the design is simple because i lost track of what to put on it or not
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rev-wrath · 1 month
The electricity went out in my flat and it is *checks temperature* 33C with 67 humidity (let’s go) and I want to ask- what Pokemon do u see with each of the Hargreeves siblings? The only solid ideas I have for them are Luther having a team consisting mostly of fighting Pokemon but with moon themed ones in between. Klaus having ghost types (mainly against his will cause they just keep following him) Viktor with sound related ones like noibat/Kricketot. Diego with a Bisharp. Five and Allison are trickier me thinks cause they’re related to space and reality so unless we lob them with legendaries…
I was waiting for this, because I thought about asking you about this. But I am so sorry for how hot it is in your flat (I had to look it up), the ventilation system in my house stopped working for some time and it was fucking awful. Here are Hargreeves Pokemon:
Luther - Lunatone obviously, Oranguru or Rillabloom, Machoke, he and Diego have Throh and a Sawk respectively, Hawlucha
Diego - Sawk, Bisharp, Hitmontop, Blaziken, for some reason Aron.
Allison - Giving her a Mienshao and Lopunny, Pheromosa, Gardevoir, Rapidash (Galarian Form), Espeon, Jigglypuff
Klaus - A Grapploct, Dedenne for some reason, Haunter and Gengar, Duskull, Spectrier, Phantump. A Mimikyu that often scares him.
Five - Reuniclus, Absol, Abra, Umbreon, Musharna, Unown.
Viktor - A Mimikyu that he loves so much. Unown. Chatot, Noibat, Whismur, Meloetta.
This is what I'm putting down for them for now.
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n7punk · 2 days
Lava_Beee (pretty well-known artist who draw she-ra fanart from time to time) is asking on twitter what would Adora and Catra main pokemon be. You're pretty knowledgeable when it comes to pokemon i believe, so what's your take?
hi i love lava_bee's art but here's the thing. i can't fucking answer this question. i can't. there are too many pokemon. and i don't mean this in a "i dont have every single pokemon + most of their shinies and types memorized" kind of way, because I do, i mean it is impossible for me to pick my favorite pokemon, which makes it very hard to have a "main", and even harder to ascribe a main to a character and feel.... idk, confident about it. i could give you 30 different answers and none of them would feel more correct. i've never seen a fan-team for them and went "oh yes this is the Correct answer" it's just an answer. its a little easier if you give me a specific gen and i can either 1) only use pokemon from that gen (so for gen 2 it had to be pokemon 152-251) or 2) only use pokemon from that game's regional pokedex (which includes all pokemon added to that gen and some from previous) as if we're saying okay if adora and catra were kalos trainers what would their team be, but even then, i think i would have a pool of like 20 pokemon i could call their team.
context also matters. are they casual trainers? are they gym leaders and confined by type? are they part of the evil team? are they really competitive and trying to get all the badges, and thus have balanced teams in mind? oh god are stats real in-universe? actually i refuse to acknowledge stats that makes this question a billion times harder, but typing is relevant.
anyway i think if adora was a dedicated trainer she'd care a lot about team balance but get too attached to some favorites and use them more than is logical, and if she isn't a competitive trainer than she's literally out here using her starter, the first three pokemon she befriended, and a fifth+sixth pokemon she saved spots for because she always found them really cool and had to work really hard to get
if catra is a dedicated trainer she'd be ruthless in cultivating a "perfect" team but she would end up falling for her in-universe melog equivalent and become a total softie for it even though it doesnt fit with the team so she only battles with them casually and drills her competitive team but then adora manages to talk her into a change of heart ("its not all about winning, its about the battle and the bond with your team too!") and she ends up putting melog on her final team against the champion/elite four/adora. if she's not a dedicated trainer she would outwardly refuse to learn about "good" pokemon and just pick based purely on vibes and completely ignore adora whining at her about type balance. and then she would be really good at playing around type, revealing she actually knows a lot more than she's pretending to care
and here's a small list of only some of my favorite pokemon to demonstrate what i mean: (Hisuian) Zorua (and Hisuian Zoroark but not regular) (Shiny form also) Slither Wing Torracat (Litten okay, NOT Incineroar at all) Sprigatito Chien-pao Alolan Ninetails Hisui Growlithe/Arcanine Cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala (Solgaleo) Serperior Vivillion (Ocean, Savanna, Garden, Meadow, Marine, Sun, Elegant, Modern, Continental, Polar, Tundra) Applin (evols are good) Pumpkaboo Wooloo (not the evol) Rowlett (lowkey Dartix and Decidueye) Sinistea (not evol) & Poltchagheist (not the evol) Alcremie (varying by form but theres like 60 im not listeing them) Xerneas Marshadow Leavanny Xurkitree (shiny) Ponyta/Rapidash (kanto) and both galarian Lopunny Eevee(s) (Leafeon, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon) Hisuian Typholosion Meowstic shiny Maerenie (and Toxapex) Dwebble Joltik Doublade Minior Mimikyu Galarian Zapdos Yveltal Lunala (esp shiny) shiny Zacian & Zamazenta Jangmo-o (and Kommo-o but not the middle) Tapu Lele Spectrier Galarian Articuno Spinda (for the mechanic) Walking Wake
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edd-drawsyo · 8 months
Plus the dark purple fits his color palette! But yes, I was wracking my brain trying to think.. what the hell kind of Pokémon would Bonnie specialize in? Then it sorta hit me that he’s dead so.. why not ghost types? AND a little lore drop for the au, Bonnie had an attempt on his life and he did nearly die. It’s why he has their crutches because his legs suffered the lost damage from the attempt. I’ll also share his team! Cause I feel silly.
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Don’t @ me about spectrier okay I liked it and it’s a cool ghost type
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tentacleratghostgirl · 2 months
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I love memes like this one I stole from Instagram that describe incredibly specific pokemon interactions. What kind of scenario do you even have to be in where you would use a Swalot and face a Spectrier? But this person not only used the swalot, but they took advantage of this niche ass ability to damage the spectrier when hit by a move after terra-ing into a dark type, and then they made a meme about it. And the image of them making out sloppy style is great
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scarlet--wiccan · 8 months
What Pokémon do you think Wanda and Lorna would have ?
Love the assumption that I know enough about Pokemon to answer this-- I do, of course, but I don't think it's ever come up before. Anyways, I figured I'd just go ahead and do the rest of the Maximoffs while I was at it.
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Lorna-- Bronzong; Electrike; Magnemite (shiny); Vibrava; Golett; Celesteela
A combination of steel, electric, and ground-type pokemon (bc she's a geophysicist!) and-- most importantly-- they're all green!
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Wanda-- Mismagius; Hatterene (shiny); Florges (red); Oricorio (baile style); Delphox; Spectrier (shiny)
A primarily ghost, fairy, and psychic team with a witchy aesthetic and red coloring. Baile Oricorio is based on flamenco, which doesn't fit Wanda's background, but I love it because I'm gitano.
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Pietro-- Zebstrika; Grimmsnarl (shiny); Raboot; Rapidash (shiny); Chewtle; Glastrier
Grimmsnarl is Hatterene's male counterpart and the shiny form has white hair so I thought it was a good fit. Chewtle is here bc Mr. Dibbles. I made up a headcanon for this AU that Spectrier and Glastrier are legendary pokemon native to Transia.
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Billy-- Misdreavus; Hattrem; Sobble; Meowstic; Pumpkaboo; Cosmog
Billy and Tommy have younger versions of some of Wanda and Pietro's pokemon. I like that Meowstic is wearing a scarf.
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Tommy-- Blitzle; Morgrem (shiny); Scorbunny; Tyrogue; Phantump; Bolthund
Phantump and Pumpkaboo are said to contain the souls of lost children, which I thought was fitting for Wanda's phantom babies.
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Luna-- Minior; Lunatone; Ralts; Hatenna (shiny); Teddiursa; Stoutland
Ralts can sense emotions, Hatenna is the baby of the witch family, and Stoutland is here bc Lockjaw :)
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