#[ tumblr ate my reply i'm crying ]
foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
hey this may be a bit of an odd ask and my apologies if this crosses a boundary (would totally understand if you just delete and don't reply) but I kind of had a sex question? Tangentially related sex question? I thought perhaps the legendary FFS, ex-sex shop worker and all round pretty knowledgeable sex enjoyer (assumedly??) could maybe help me out
Have you ever experienced/have you heard of sex migraines/headaches?? I googled it and aparantly they're a thing but it feels kind of ridiculous so I'm genuinely not sure.. I get really *freakishly* painful stabbing headaches that come on like being hit by a truck out of nowhere sometimes right before/after I orgasm and it is genuinely excruciating. I hear a lot of people saying "masturbating/sex is so relaxing !! It helps me fall asleep so easily !" and yet 4/10 I'm there curled in the fetal position trying not to cry cause (almost) orgasming gave me a splitting migraine. I'm just wondering if yourself, a slightly more experienced sex-haver, knew of this, if it's normal or if it's something I should perhaps get checked out? I know you're not a doctor or medical professional but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask? Thanks in advance and apologies if this was weird <33
Goddamn it, tumblr ate my first reply.
I have heard of this! I’ve even experienced it a few times, and a high school friend had this issue to a debilitating extant. His diagnosis was “post coital headaches”. Highly recommend seeing a doctor and my beloved adds that checking your hormone levels would be a good idea at the time. Spoiler alert- I got them before my thyroid issue was discovered and my hormones were all over the place. They no longer trouble me.
There are medications you can take to reduce or eliminate symptoms, and for my friend a lot of migraine tips helped- especially hydrating. Hydrating like a motherfucker helps all sorts of head issues.
I’m sorry you’re going through it, check in with a doctor and I hope this clears up!
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 11 months
Office sex
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
A/N hey guys I'm re-posting all my fics. Also comments, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated xoxo
Summary bucky comes to visit you at work and you get it on
Warnings fluff and Unprotected sex (use protection because you're not fictional)
It was just one of those days. Not only had you overslept but you were late for work and your boss had decided to give you extra paperwork to fill in (as if you didn’t already have enough). You spent every second until your lunch brake completing your work and decided to come back to it after eating your lunch. You reached into your bag and that’s when you realised you had forgotten your lunch. Great. Luckily your boyfriend, Bucky wasn’t on a mission so you could call him. You picked up your phone and clicked on his contact.
“Hey doll aren’t you supposed to be at work?” he questioned sounding worried.
“Don’t worry. I am. I just forgot to pick my lunch up this morning so please could you bring it in for me?”
Bucky chuckled, “anything for you doll.”
“hey its not funny.” You tried to sound angry but you couldn’t ever be angry at Bucky.
“whatever you say doll” Bucky replied with a smile on his face. “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Thank you babe, you’re a life saver. ”
You put the phone down and took a deep breath. Your day had been very stressful and forgetting your lunch had just made it worse.
Whilst you were waiting for Bucky your boss came into your office with a scowl on her face.
“Miss L/N why aren’t you doing your
work?” she questioned bitterly.
You were startled and just stared at her for a second before replying. “I’m on my lunch break but I’ll carry on after.”
“it doesn’t even look like you’ve done any work.” She said while shaking her head.
“I have I put all my completed work in that pile over there” you pointed trying to stop your hand from shaking.
“well it doesn’t look like you’ve done much at all. I expect the rest of the work to be done by the end of the day or I will have to issue you with a written warning. This business can’t afford to lose customers and money because of lazy people like you. Do you understand me?” she said sharply.
“y-y-yes I understand. It will all be on your desk by the end of the day.” You stuttered trying to stop yourself from crying.
“good” your boss said as she stormed out of the room.
Luckily a few seconds later Bucky had texted you to say that he’s outside. You quickly picked up your jacket and practically ran out of your office.
Bucky’s smile fell as he saw the look on your face.
“what happened doll?” he asked, worried.
“it’s nothing really. My boss just told me off like I was a child and called me lazy for not doing enough work and I’m sure everyone heard.” That’s when it happened. The floodgates had opened and how you were sobbing into Bucky’s chest.
“Oh doll. I’m so sorry” he said wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tightly.
“It’s ok. It’s not your fault” you replied.
“come on, let’s get you inside so you can eat and calm down.” Bucky grabbed your hand and walked you to your office.
He sat down in the spare seat you had and put your lunch on your desk.
“Thanks Buck”
Bucky smiled, “you’re welcome doll. And anyways you can’t say I’m the only unorganised one in this relationship now”
You smiled back “it’s one time. And besides you would forget your head of it wasn’t screwed on”
You and Bucky talked while you ate your lunch.
After a while, you asked Bucky to check the time. You still had 25 minutes of your lunch break left.
Bucky looked at you with a mischievous grin on his face.
“why are you giving me that look ” you asked.
“I think we should make the most of the last 25 minutes of your lunch break” Bucky replied.
“James Buchanan Barnes I am not having sex with you while I’m at work.” You replied knowing its not the first time you have had sex at work.
“you act like we’ve never done it before” Bucky said with a grin on his face.
“I swear if we get caught I’m blaming you.” You replied smiling back.
Only now had you noticed the wetness that had formed between your legs. Soaking through your panties.
You walk over to Bucky and sit in his lap. He grabs your ass while leaning in to kiss you. It was like fireworks were going off in your stomach every time you kissed Bucky. His soft lips and talented tongue.
You started to grind down on his hard member which elicited a moan from the both of you. You pulled away from the kiss and started to unbutton Bucky’s trousers. You pulled his hard cock out of his boxers and started to stroke it up and down while also twisting your hand when you got to the sensitive head.
Just as you were about to kneel on the ground Bucky stopped you.
“as much as I like to fuck your throat doll. I love fucking your pussy more.” He said as he picked you up and placed you on your desk.
He started to kiss you and make his way down your neck making sure to leave marks that show his love for you. He made his way back to your lips as he started to unbutton your trousers and stroke your pussy through your panties. He grabbed your panties and trousers and stared to pull them down your legs.
Once they were off he pounced on you. His lips met yours in a battle for dominance that he always won. He circled a finger around your entrance and just as he was about to push it in you stopped him.
He gave you a concerned look. “sorry doll did I got too far. We can stop if you want to.” He said stroking your outer thigh with his metal hand.
“You didn’t go too far babe. I just need your fat cock in my pussy right now. I’m wet enough I promise. I just need you Bucky” you said looking him in the eyes.
Bucky chuckled. “you sure do know how to sweet talk me doll.”
He lined his cock up with your entrance and pushed in. His lips were back on yours in a matter of seconds to muffle the moans you both let out. As he started to thrust into you. His hand reached down to play it your clit.
As soon as his hand reached your bundle of nerves, you let out a moan that could only be described as pornographic. Bucky smiled and carried on his ministrations on your clit.
“you feel so good around my cock baby” Bucky said breathlessly. “so good. So so good”
You grabbed Bucky’s face and brought it to yours. You started kissing him fiercely as if it was the last time you were ever going to get the chance to.
“Baby I’m so close” you moaned breaking the kiss.
“is there anything else you need baby” Bucky asked his baby blue eyes almost black with lust.
“I need your metal hand on my clit. Please baby. Please!” you moaned.
“you can have anything you want if you beg that nicely.” Bucky said while grunting. He replaced his normal hand with his metal one. And kissed you once again only this time it was more teeth and tongue than the last ones. This kiss was pure passion.
Then it happened. Your legs started to shake and you let out a moan (luckily it was muffled by the kiss) and then you came.
The pulsing of your pussy was the last push for Bucky before he stilled inside you and pumped his seed into your awaiting body while collapsing on top of you. You stayed there for a few minutes before you realised you had to get back to work.
You let out a chuckle and said “we have got to stop doing this. One day were gonna get caught.”
“but that’s the fun of it doll” Bucky replied.
He removed his soft cock from inside you and tucked it back into his boxers before doing his trousers up as well.
You stood up on wobbly legs and pulled your panties and trousers up. Bucky let out a moan knowing you were going to sit in your office for the rest of the day with his seed dripping out of you.
“well I should get back to work” you said while sorting your hair out.
“ok doll I’ll see you later” he gave you a kiss on your lips and then one on your cheek before he left.
@buckys-wintersoldier @nicoline1998enilocin
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monbons · 4 months
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WIP Wednesday
Posting actual WIPS on a Wednesday? Imagine that.
As long as we are all baring our hearts on tumblr, I have to admit that I have been struggling to write anything since I wrapped up Eternal Life (back in the first week of April). At first I figured I was simply burnt out since I wrote all 42k words of that fic in just about a month, but given that I've started three separate WIPS since then and made zero progress on any of them, I'm wondering if I am just out of stories. I hate all my words--even though I really love some of these concepts. So, as you may have noticed, I've been distracting myself with sewing projects because good progress is so clearly visible there...
Anywho, to motivate myself, I decided to post a snip of each today and hope that having bits out in the world will motivate me to finish at least ONE of them! All untitled. Set up and snips below the cut.
Very creatively titled "Party Robot," this WIP is a silly/fluffy one-shot inspired by an article I read a while ago about a growing trend in American weddings. This one is the furthest along and will likely see the light of day eventually...
A nervous bounce.  From a robot. I recognize that bounce. “I thought you said Shepard was working tonight.” My voice is tight. “He is.” Bunce replies, similarly strained. “What did you say he does again?” Panic rises in my chest.  “He’s in entertain–”  Whether Bunce trails off or I simply don’t hear the rest is irrelevant because the music has changed from easy dinner instrumentals to much-too-loud techno and the show is clearly starting. As the synths build, driving towards a crescendo, my brain reels with the growing realisation that Simon would never just abandon me at the last minute, would never send me anywhere alone, certainly not my cousin’s gay wedding, which is every kind of milestone given his Old Families lineage and Pitch blood specifically and– “PARTY PEOPLE!” The DJ booms into the mic. “Have the grooms got a treat for you!”
A multi-chapter AU I have lovingly nicknamed "Baz in a Bubble." It is sad and angsty and is proving significantly more difficult to execute (despite having a complete outline) than I once thought it would be. Who could have guessed having one home-bound character would make me too sad to write? Thanks to @thewholelemon and @hushed-chorus who've listened to more than their fair share of my griping about this one. Anyway, here's the first bit of BAZ POV:
There are exactly 297 stars in the sky above me. I count them while lying in my bed every night. They do not twinkle or flicker hello like real stars. Instead, they glow a constant yellowish-green that reminds me of the colour artists always make toxic sludge in the cartoons I grew up watching. It's the colour of superhuman villains and their evil plots. Of poison. Of danger. It's the colour of the plastic star stickers Fiona put up on my ceiling when I was 10 and spent the whole year crying and begging her to go outside. Just once. Just for a minute. Because I was starting to forget what fresh air smelled like or how it felt to have grass prickle against your bare feet or how the stars lit up the night sky in Hampshire. There are no stars in the middle of London. Not outside my window. Not in this room.
And then the WIP I have the least progress on (literally almost nothing) but I so desperately want to write and could really use a thought partner to help me brainstorm/plot/figure out what the hell I'm doing--- a canon divergence where Simon successfully exposes Baz as a vamp and Malcolm steps the fuck up as a father. Here's a bit of Simon POV:
It didn't matter anyway. Pitch Manor was empty. While [the Mage] ranted and raved, I wandered into Baz’s living room. The TV was still on. Peppa the Pig was playing. A half-dressed Barbie was splayed on the couch next to a small bowl of grapes, all cut in half. I picked up the doll and brushed her tangled hair out of her face.  Why didn’t I know Baz had a sister? A family that ate snacks together in front of the TV? Parents who loved him so dearly they fled their whole lives under cover of night? In the days that followed, I sat in meeting after meeting with the Coven, listening to The Mage. He demanded the casting of tracking spells, pushed through more dark creature reforms, and rambled about the miscarriage of justice and the dangers of harbouring monsters.  But Baz wasn’t a monster.  He was just a boy.  A scared boy.  A boy who ran because he wanted to live. 
Anyway...here's to accountability via tumblr. Maybe once I've slept for several weeks and feel more refreshed I won't be so frustrated by every word I know, or more precisely, all the beautiful ones I can’t seem to find…
Thanks for the tag @bookish-bogwitch. Cannot wait to devour the new chapter of BPD!
Hellos and high-fives to all. May your words (and art) be faring better than mine: @raenestee, @cutestkilla, @roomwithanopenfire, @facewithoutheart
@emeryhall, @artsyunderstudy, @aristocratic-otter, @larkral, @rimeswithpurple
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @shrekgogurt, @blackberrysummerblog, @iamamythologicalcreature
@run-for-chamo-miles, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @arthurkko, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold
@beastmonstertitan, @supercutedinosaurs, @rbkzz, @fiend-for-culture, @theearlgreymage
@brilla-brilla-estrellita, @skeedelvee, @ic3-que3n, @talentpiper11, @ivelovedhimthroughworse
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loud-whistling-yes · 5 months
beloved mutual loud-whistling-yes please tell me the story on how pearl found your blog I am so curious now /nf
ok its been like 2 years since this happened i barely said a word about it but ok whatever pearl probably forgot about it i think i can say it now
October 24th, 2022
Pearl announces the release of her dl plushie
It's several months after dl's finale and 2 weeks until my birthday
My mental state in this period of time was solidly parked in the Pearl Insanity Zone
I want- no, I need that plushie
It's 138 ringgit
The plushie is 138 fucking ringgit
My mother refuses to let me buy the plushie
Not even as my birthday present
Not even if I offer to pay with my own money
I was this close to chewing up the furniture
I am not allowed to chew up the furniture
I choose instead to scream and cry on tumblr about it because well where else was I gonna cry about it
In a moment of stupidity and plushie-mourning grief
I maintag the post for personal sorting reasons
October 30th, 2022
It's exactly one week until my birthday
I get an ask in my inbox
It's tumblr user pearlescentmoo
I check the blog to see if this is a troll blog or something
She says she feels bad that I can't get the plushie cause of the price
She wants to send me a discount code so I can get the plushie for free
Wait what
I distinctly remember feeling like I was gonna throw up on my laptop
Oh yeah also losing my mind on whatsapp with my irl friends who have no idea what the fuck was going on
Problem is
She sent this to me via an ask
I'm pretty sure her DMs were closed at the time
Look man I wasn't gonna blast the fact Pearl's giving out plushies for free all willy nilly like that I have standards
I tried responding to her via answering the ask privately
The answer gets sent
I never get a reply
I'm pretty sure that tumblr, in it's true tumblr fashion, ate the ask
I never got the plushie
And that's the story of why Pearl definitely knows that my blog was titled "pearl my blorbo skrunkly poor pathetic meow meow"
It's been 2 years and I still want to die
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skzstay0325brownie · 18 days
Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Lee Know comes back from a bad practice, looking to y/n for comfort. everyone was so mean to him today. but y/n had her university finals coming up and she ends up being a little bit to harsh on him. happy ending!
you've been sitting at your desk for the past 5 hours, taking notes and reading the passages over and over again, to make sure you would ace the last few tests. you're so engrossed in your work, you don't hear the front door open and close. unbeknownst to you, minho had a terrible day at practice today. everyone was so mean to him. Han and Felix started getting angry because he kept missing one of the dance moves. Then Seungmin got mad because his voice cracked and they had to restart the entire filming process. Jeongin and Changbin got upset because Lee Know ate their food. But he didn't know it was theirs! Then to top it all off, he accidentally made Chan angry. Chan wanted to just work on the songs that he had to write before a dead line. But lee know had so many questions. Then Chan had enough of interruptions and just told minho to fuck off and go home. He walked back, just wanting some love from his beautiful girlfriend.
"y/n?" minho asks, a little tremor in his voice. but you don't notice it, your head still buried in you textbooks. "hey min" you say. He tries to crawl into your lap, just wanting some attention. "min, im trying to get some work done." you tell him, a tiny bit irritated. but he doesn't listen and keeps on trying. squishing your cheeks, poking you, even blocking your computer. the final straw was when he stole your pen. "Lee Minho. GET THE FUCK OFF ME. CAN YOU NOT SEE I'M TRYING TO WORK??" you shout at him, exasperated. he looks at you in shock and doesn't say anything. then he shuffles out of your room door and into the hallway. you finish your work after about another hour. then you notice its sorta quiet. too quiet. where was minho? you call for him but no response. so you walk around the little apartment that the two of you shared. didn't take long to find him. but the scene in front of you broke your heart to a million pieces.
there, by the foot of your bed, was lee know. curled up, his head between his knees, and quietly crying. "Lee Know? whats wrong baby?" you crouch beside him, and take him into your arms. "n-nothing. you j-just want me t-to fuck off right? s-so i d-did." he replies to you, not looking up. then you realize how much it hurt him and what you said earlier. "oh minho, i am so so sorry. i was just frustrated with my finals tests, i didn't actually mean to be so rude baby." you say, caressing his hair. "ALL I WANTED WAS A HUG! MIN HAD A BAD DAY AT PRACTICE! ALL OF 'M WERE SO MEAN TO MIN! FELT SO BAD. j-just needed you!" he wails. "oh baby, its ok now. i'm here right? lets get onto the bed. then i can hug you all you want. okay? i can fix you a snack. or we can watch a movie if you'd like." you offer. "n-no. min just wants cuddles." he says softly. " alright min." you lift him up on to the bed, and pull the sheets over your bodies. Minho presses his head into your chest, and wraps his hands around your waist. Sighing contently, he smiles, and you can feel how relieved he is, finally getting love he deserves. "its okay min, tomorrow will be better. and if it isn't, i'm always here for you. just tell me next time, yeah?" you kiss his head. "mm. love you" his words muffled by your chest. "oh minnie. i love you too"
Then both of you fall asleep, happily cuddling in each others arms.
WTF GUYS THIS IS SO BAD. HELP ME. FIRST TIME WRITING ON TUMBLR. if you have any suggestions, please tell me. tysm!
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Sick Sister
First Tumblr post ever, i work on wattpad but i want to also post my stuff on here. Anyways hope you enjoy
Requested: No
Warnings: Fainting, Hospitals, and one mention of ambulances
Mattie’s Pov
“Mattie” you woke up to Jay pulling your covers off.
“Jay stop, it's so cold in here, did you turn the heat down or something?”
“No, I even turned it up last night cause I swear I could hear you shivering”. Jay said while going to feel Mattie's head.
“Gosh Mattie your burning up”
“I'm going to go grab the thermometer and call will, I'll be back”. Jay said while walking out of your room.
“Alright Mattie, I'm back”.
Jay called Will six times in the past hour taking the hint that he was busy or he just didn't want to answer so he called Connor in hopes that he would answer.
“Hello? Jay?” Connors tone confused on why his co-workers brother would call him
“Matilda has a fever of 103.1. I gave her tylenol around an hour ago and doesn't seem like it's working”.
“As her doctor im saying you should bring her in, but if you think she's ok then you can keep her at home”.
“I'm going to bring her in and-”. Jay stopped mid sentence hearing a loud thump. “Mattie, Matilda?”
Connor could hear Jay running up the stairs trying to figure out what happened.
“Jay-Jay, what's going on? Talk to me”
You felt a familiar feeling in your stomach, either it's because you're hungry or you need to throw up the crackers you ate.
As soon as you stand up get really dizzy you try to shake off the feeling but you can't, so you attempt to head down stairs but as soon as you take your next step you feel your body hit the floor and everything goes black.
According to Will and Jay you tend to faint every time you get sick but you don't remember so you just believe whatever they say and go with it.
The first time this happened Jay thought someone broke in since it was 6 in the morning. You swear you heard will yell that it was just you and not a criminal but your brushed it off thinking it was just a dream”
“It's Mattie, she fainted aging” .
“Make sure you put her feet up i'll let will know”
Before connor could finish jay hung up to call an ambulance”
“What've we got, Maggie”? Will asked as the paramedic handed over the young girl to the hospital.
“Matilda Halstead, 15 years old, found unconscious by her brother… Will you can't handle her, you the hospital protocols, I swear i didn't know”
Will was just left standing there as he watched his little sister being taken care of by other doctors.
Wills/No Ones POV
“At this point i think we should just put in the hospital with 24/7 surveillance everytime she gets sick” Will trying to make a joke
“First of all she hates hospitals and needles so that's a no, and i just realized that i forgot to tell voight i wouldn't be there. Haileys probably thought i've gone missing from not answering anyone's phone calls”.
Just then Connor walks in “Ok so she's ok now and you can see her now, she's dealurios but that will wear off soon. I wanted to run a few tests and it looks like she suffered from heat syncope. It looks like it's what causes the fainting every time she gets a high fever” .
“Thank you Connor”. Will replied
“Anytime guys, anytime”.
Mattie’s POV
Just then you saw your brothers come in and will told you to stop playing with your iv 
“Ha you two look alike for some reason”
“That's because we're brother mattie” Jay said while coming sit down next to you
“Mattie? But the doctors told me i was matilda am i impersonating someone” You whined
“No Matilda, we call you Mattie for short so you're not impersonating anyone, '' Jay said, trying to contain his laughter.
“Hey, stop laughing at me. Your so mean” You said almost crying
“Oh mattie jay just a 3 year old in an old man's body” Will sighed trying to calm down mattie
The rest of the night was filled with mattie making everyone laugh then connor discharged her
“Is she asleep?” Jay says when will comes down stairs
“Yep she finally let herself relax and sleep”
“She's just like you jay”
“And how she's more like you” Jay gasped
“She loves to be babied when she sick just like you” Will chuckled 
“Since you wanna keep coming at me like that you're in charge of waking her tomorrow morning”. Jay commented
“See you tomorrow night will”
Will sat there thinking about how he's raising two children instead of 1 little sister.
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
Oh boy~, Helluva Boss is like, 40% daddy issues. Also, since it's not tied to any big studio, they have more freedom and time to develop their characters. I understand if you're not in the mood right now.
I literally had a self Mandela effect in terms of Bella's hair. For a whole month I thought her hair had been cut off, well at least I can picture her in ponytails again.
Also, lol at Draxum crying because his niece cut her hair, and at the same time having 4 bald kids. 3, when Mikey grows his, 100% Leo asked for hair, you don't spend your whole childhood braiding your dads hair and not weighing in on how it feels.
I still have the Fallout show to watch. And The Last of Us. And House of the Dragon, I never did get around to starting that.
I've heard bad things about the ATLA remake though, so I'm very cautious of that one.
LMAO I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT. He was probably so sad when they didn't inherit the Lou Jitsu pouf and he couldn't sit on the couch brushing his kid's hair. 100% a Girl Dad at heart. He probably cried when Mikey grew hair.
*Okay apparently it's a pompadour? We called it a pouf in show choir. Maybe to be a biblically accurate pouf you need eight thousand bobby pins and a bad hair curler. Man was definitely using hairspray by the bucketload though, he'd have fit in at any show choir competition.
Also I'm 99% certain Tumblr ate an ask a few days ago. This is the last ask in my inbox so if you sent one and I haven't replied, please resend it!
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mlikobie · 2 days
Need help finding a fic!
It was an one-shot Lucifer x Reader - male reader if I recall correctly, but I'm not sure.
In a nutshell: it was about how the two of them planned to propose to the other on the same night, during their date.
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I read this one awesome fic some time ago and loved it immediately. But now... I cannot find it anywhere, nor can I remember the name or the author of it (;′⌒`)
I tried searching with different tags, search bar on tumblr and my search engine, and even by scrolling, but to no avail. And I even tried some searching techniques (also didn't help much).
So now, I need to ask for direct help.
If anyone remembers the name or the author, (hopefully) has the link to this particular fic and would send this, or even have this reblogged. I will be hundredfold thankful!! ♥♥ (More details under the cut!)
→ Some more details I remember:
• This whole fic is about how they both wanted to propose, engage to the other. Both of them planned to do this on their earlier planned night-out to Ristorante Six.
• The story started with Diavolo and MC texting. Where MC said that the date didn't went as expected or planned. Diavolo was surprised and scared that something went very badly. Then, MC started telling him the whole story - a retrospection maybe? ("retrospection" is retelling events that happened in the past; if anyone wonders).
• It begins with: for a brief moment we are in the HoL (House of Lamentation), where either Lucifer went to check if MC was ready or they were about to go out – or both of those events.
• The two of them went on a date to Ristorante Six, ate the dinner. In the middle of it, Lucifer noticed that MC was tensed, stressed, nervous about something. He asked them about it.
• Then, there was some conversation between them, but I cannot really recall it well enough. But that was the moment when Lucifer went on one knee, which shocked MC.
• After Lucifer said his whole speech, he waited for a moment to hear MC's answer, yet they didn't respond immediately. He, feeling a little defeated, said that it's alright if they won't accept it or accept it right away or at all.
• MC jumped to say that wasn't it, and then they pulled out their own engagement ring. Lucifer was surprised for a second but was happy and smiled nonetheless.
• When MC accepted the proposal, they bent to hug Lucifer. All of a sudden... BOOM - they hear a boom sound of those celebration confetti stuff. As they open their eyes they see all of the brothers in front of them. I vividly remember MC said "What the fuck are you doing here?"
• Brothers explained that they knew of Lucifer's plan all along. Mammon chimed in, how hard it was to keep all of them (brothers) in check not to ruin their date. During this interaction, Lucifer slipped the ring on MC’s finger, and admired how it looked.
• Asmo said that he would take a picture of them tagging it the best couple in Devildom or something. To which Lucifer glared at him, which shut him up lol
• After the whole re-telling of the story. We go back to Diavolo's office, who was now crying, touched by this story. A notice: he couldn't read it himself as he was crying, so he asked Barbatos to read it lol
• Diavolo said, that he was a little hurt that they didn't invite him / he wasn't event to the engagement dinner. Barbatos replied saying "family comes first", he added that they surely will ask him (Diavolo) to arrange their wedding. What cheered up Diavolo, and said that only would be fair. With that, he already started thinking about planning and arranging their wedding for them...
  • There were probably more details, but I cannot remind myself of them now 😢
If you know what happened to it, have it reblogged or have the link, remember the author or the name, remember seeing it etc I would be very thankful if you let me know! Thank you in advance for any help you can offer!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
If the author of this fic itself would see this, I, also would be happy to know if this was deleted or just lost. I really really liked the story and the writing ❤
! Notice: If they are any grammer errors, mistakes etc. You can always tell me ♥ ~ Thank you in advance :D
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boltwrites · 2 months
I am a slut for pumpkin pie ofc I want the recipe…
In other news, I ate up that whole fic. I’ve missed you so bad bolts :,]
aw, thank you! and yeah, my life has been crazy in the worst of bad ways but i don't want to trigger the people with that discussion lmao. i'm just glad to be back. anyway recipe and story about recipe under the cut lmao
fun facts about this pumpkin pie recipe: my mom and i found it while cleaning up my grandma's recipe card stack. now, my grandma was a true 1950s housewife, which meant she had a lot of written down recipes that made it look like she cooked, but really she worked a full time job and didn't have time for that shit. so this was my great-grandma's recipe that my mom couldn't remember much about other than that it was good and also a family recipe, so obviously we had to make it because uh. *vin diesel voice* family.
anyway. that first thanksgiving we start to make it. i'm like wow. huh. that seems like a lot of filling. whatever. maybe it makes two pies. i can handle that. and then - somehow i filled two crusts and there was still more. this BITCH'S recipe made THREE PIES. there are THREE PEOPLE in my family. we had pie out our ears, man. anyway:
this recipe is for ONE GODDAMN PIE which is why some of the measurements are FUCKING GODAWFUL. just try your best.
1 2/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup sugar
2 eggs (one large and one small, or whatever who cares)
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/3 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon nutmeg
1/3 teaspoon cloves
1/4 cup milk
2/3 tablespoon flour
3 tablespoons whiskey or bourbon (it does NOT have to be the good stuff. also imagine how much i had to pour in to make THREE PIES)
2/3 tablespoon vanilla
for crust: use your favorite plain flour pie crust recipe, but sub about 1/3 of the water content for vodka. or buy that shit at the store.
beat eggs well, then add sugar and spices. mix until very smooth. blend flour and milk, then add to the sugar and spice and everything nice. add "flavoring" (liquor) (and vanilla i fucking guess), mix. lastly add pumpkin and mix. pour into unbaked pie crust. bake 15 minutes at 450, then 35 minutes at 300. pie.
additional fun facts:
"but bolt!" you cry "i don't have a 1/3 teaspoon or tablespoon!" "NO ONE DOES" I shout back, shaking you by the shoulders "I'M WORKING WITH A RECIPE FOR THREE PIES HERE, PEOPLE! EYEBALL IT!"
also. the original recipe had absolutely no fucking baking instructions. no time. no temperature. that was fun!
"why add the vodka to the crust?" you ask. well, i answer, vodka doesn't freeze like water does, so when you put your crust in the fridge to chill, it'll get cold, but it won't be quite so hard to work with. i've found that the vodka makes it easier to roll out. but it also gets warmer quicker, so you gotta fucking MOVE IT when you make that crust. also no the recipe didn't come with how to make a crust. git gud.
"will this pie actually make hugh jackman and/or logan howlett fall in love with me?" you might also ask. and to that i reply FUCK no. it's just a normal pumpkin pie except THIS ONE has a funny backstory. both to me, who had to deal with THREE PIES, and also to you, who can make this for thanksgiving and when your aunt you see maybe two times a year asks you where you found it you can say "oh, a wolverine x reader fic on tumblr dot com." and she will never ask you anything ever again.
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oh i'm going to cry
tumblr ate my post again and this time ate the ask I was replying to with it
i wrote like 5 or 6 hefty paragraphs on copyright law and the tolkien legendarium. twice.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Uhh idrk if I can even ask this but anyway, if you can see this ate, thank you so much for being a role model to me as you are one of the first people I followed on Tumblr!
Anyway, my question is, how do you cope when something bad happens? I've been in a bad place recently and I'm considering asking my mom to go to a psychiatrist with me, but I'm not really comfortable with that at the moment.
I iust really needed an opinion from someone who wasn't me or my friends
hello! it's been a couple of days and I hope im not too late in replying but hmmm alright, here's my raw opinion (i'll be straightforward so as not to sugarcoat anything). whether it's the most tragic thing that could ever happen in my life or some silly fight with a loved one, here's how I cope
1. seeking a professional is always a good choice (I understand if it's not something you want atm though). Still, if you have a school guidance counselor then I highly suggest it (they're less formal than actual psychiatrists so i lean towards them more)
2. something that worked for me is rationalizing my emotions? like, I do research, analyze, self-reflect, and try to pinpoint things... it's basically self-medication but it does help when you feel like things are just too challenging to face. think of yourself as homework- the more you study yourself the easier it gets.
3. again, rationalize and understand your situation!! like "oh? of course this terrible thing happened to you, not everything can be smooth sailing. and of course you're sad about it! now go and be sad! cry everything out, cry some more, scream about it and break down over and over because you're in a terrible place trying to process such cruel emotions. go ahead and let yourself feel sad. then, enjoy the happiness of an ice cream. or calm down with the view of a sunset. rest."
3. probably the mindset that comforted me the most is the fact that we, as humans, live such colorful lives?? like, all those cheesy quotes of "life is a rollercoaster" or those films with various genres- when I'm in a really bad place, I think about how this page or chapter fits in my story.
4. if you've been following me since mid-2022 then you'd know there was this mini hiatus I had bc of some life-changing terrible moment which took me months to recover. i still grieve when I think of it. i don't think I could ever get over or move on from it, but as the saying goes; time heals all wounds (wounds will reopen, and new ones will be added, but it doesn't change the fact that time goes on). i had zero motivation to do anything for my tumblr at that time but even so, I still placed a "be back soon" in my status because i knew i loved my tumblr and the genshin fandom.
5. and lastly, this isn't exactly a mindset I would suggest but it's something that helped me during my struggle era so: you don't have to live every day with purpose or excitement– just continue to exist and that's enough. if you're living in fear or pain, then grit your teeth and live. if you're struggling or spiteful, then still, live.
i seriously hope this makes sense :,) aaah I think im rambling iwudksahjfxi
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drac-onion · 2 months
What A Waste Of Time
You're bored, but nothing at all sounds appealing. As you glance at the clock, time seems to be moving faster than you thought.
"1:38PM," the clock reads.
Doing nothing takes a long time, and you're fighting to connect the dots in your brain. "I want to do something!" your brain will cry out. "Let's play a game. Or perhaps we could make some food? What about reading?" you suggest. Each one is denied. "I don't want to do that!" your brain will reply, frustrated like a child.
So you simply do nothing. You scroll on your phone. You skip around between youtube videos that might have interested you before, but without any mental capacity to take them in, they glance off your glazed-over eyes and the dots don't connect. Sights and sounds that may as well be gibberish and tv static.
You glance at the clock, hoping that not too much time has passed while you wasted away in your chair.
"2:46PM," the clock replies.
That damn clock. There's an old saying that goes something like "time flies when you're having fun" but they must have forgotten the part where time flies even when you're not.
So you decide to scroll tumblr and see if you can't pan for dopamine like flakes of gold in a stream. The posts float past you.
A funny cat video.
Some art.
A mutual talking about their experiences with something you both enjoy.
But every time, the flakes slip by. You feel like you can see hints of that feeling you're craving, but it's just a trick of the light. The sun glinting off the water's surface as it flows by.
You glance at the clock.
"3:50PM," the clock says, shaking its head in disappointment. "You're wasting your day away, you know," it reminds you. "What a waste of time. Why did you even bother getting out of bed this morning?"
You don't have an answer.
So you sit and wait. Wait for your brain to catch up with what you want. You want to feel something again.
You stop.
Sit and stare at a point between your eyes and the screen.
You wait.
And wait.
And wait.
And wait.
You check your messages for the fifteenth time today. Nothing. The message you sent to your friend yesterday has yet to receive a reply.
"They must be busy," you think. "I'm sure they'll reply when they see it."
You tap your fingers idly against the desk.
You briefly consider getting up and making something resembling food, but you can't get your legs to move you. But that's alright, you weren't all that hungry anyway. You ate dinner last night, so you should be fine for now.
You look to the clock.
"What are you hoping to see?" the clock asks. "Time isn't going to move backwards. It only goes one way, my friend."
You know that, of course. If there was a way to go back and change things, you wouldn't be sitting here like this.
Your mind wanders. You busy your thoughts with things that can't be changed. Interactions you wish you could have handled differently. People you wish you would have appreciated more before they exited your life. Opportunities you wish you wouldn't have let pass you by.
You shake your head.
"There's no reason to try and think about what could have been," you say. "I can't change the past."
"Yes, that's true," the clock says with a sneer.
"But what if you could?" your brain interjects. "What if?"
You try not to think about it any more. It hurts too much to remember your own failings. They already cause your body to twitch at the remembrance.
You think about looking at the clock, but you decide against it. There's nothing it could possibly say that could help you right now.
You look up at the window.
It's dark outside.
You look at the clock in disbelief.
"Have you already forgotten what I said?" it shakes its head in disappointment. "Better luck tomorrow."
You pull yourself out of your chair, your legs feeling weak. You consider eating again, but you're so tired that you give up on the idea.
You climb into bed.
"Perhaps tomorrow will be different," you say.
"It won't be," your brain replies.
You've done this song and dance before. It's a vain hope that things will be different, but you feel like hope is all you have.
"But what if it was?" your brain posits. "Imagine where you would be in life?"
You try to think of the possibilities as you stare up at the ceiling. You wish things could be better, but you don't know what "better" means. Maybe better lives are for other people. People who don't waste away in their chairs all day and then go to bed, ready to do the same thing tomorrow.
People who contribute to society in some way. Not you.
"But what if?" you say. "What if?"
There's no reply.
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inchling-prince · 2 years
I don't really have any HCs to dump on you but I want to share this: I wish we got an episode where Allen was "randomly chosen" to be Duke´s new partner. I think the episode could be about how Allen seems weak and pathetic, but he actually does his job anyway, which I think is pretty brave, to get out and face the world and do your best even when everyone is making fun of you. I think it would also be nice of the show to acknowledge that Duke is brave, but like, bordering on stupid brave. He has been in a lot of situations where one wrong step would basically kill him and he often endangers civilians. Don't get me wrong, I know this stuff is just played for laughs, I just think the show is a bit too cruel to some of the more "cowardly" charachters (Also I don't think it is cool to act like people trying not to die from allergies are cowardly, but that is reading way too much into a LEGO show).
I hate tumblr. I had I nice long reply typed up and then it fucking ate it. Anyway. I think an episode like that would be absolutely disastrous for Allen. Duke is a fucking menace and needs to stay away from that boy. I'll take it that Duke was there to congratulate him on his first arrest. And I'll just keep appreciating him myself. He really is dedicated when he's not running scared. My favorite Allen scene is in The Silver Blur when Hacksaw Hank falls into his helicopter and they almost die a little bit and when it's finally back under control he's like "I'm going to have a good 10-15 minute cry, and then you're going to jail" Like... Baby boy!!! You take your 10 minutes to take care of you mental health needs and get back on it. So proud of him. Anyway, the show doesn't really address the situation with Duke except when it makes certain implications. Like in the first episode where it's pretty strongly implied that Duke's partner was injured because Duke is... like that. I'd like to see it addressed again too though. Although maybe NOT with the current show runners. I uh. I don't like season 4.
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jascurka · 2 years
NOOOO i think tumblr ate my ask???? but i was just saying that i love you i love you i love you!!!! because your art is so amazing and it sparks JOY every time i see it no matter what it is!!! obsessed wth your style it's so good im cry. i love it i love you. weeping. iit's perfect you're perfect thanks for sharing your art on the internet i love looking at it wiith my eyes it fills me up with sparkles im abt to do a magical girl transformation rn bc i saw jascurka art
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I was postponing replying to this as I could not possibly master a normal response to this INSANE amount of compliments right away dshslkh It just means so much that you enjoy my drawings!!! I cannot express how happy seeing this in my inbox made me, this made my day so much better thank you so much ;w;
Also I just recently decided to re-read Tell me somethng I don't know and I was once again blown away by the greatness of this fic, it holds a special place in my heart and before I even read it I had no idea ao3 existed. I think about it every once in a while because it had such a big impact on my ml obsession jdkf because it just felt like one of the show writers wrote this cause you portrayed the relationships so well, I will never shut up about this masterpiece of a fic you wrote and it inspired me so much to draw the blorbos in situations and I love other things you write as well so THANK YOU TOO FOR FUELING MY LIFE BASICALLY I REALLY MEAN IT THANK YOU <3
and sorry for pulling an uno reverse card on you but how else am I supposed to tell you I love everything you write or draw just as much? btw I am totally printing that message and I'm putting it in my sketchbook so I can look at it whenever I feel bad about my art!!
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softshuji · 2 years
I think it's tumbr's fault, rin anon sent an ask but you must have not received it which made them think you were mad at them. But then you didn't get any asks which made you think they were mad at you.
Tumblr really stole your ask then made you both think you were mad at each other 🤣🤣🤣
-A very amused Naoto anon
This is so Hal and Rin anon phobic 😔
I'm laughing but crying at the same time lmao. BRB gonna fight Tumblr staff 😤
I will literally always 100% of the time reply so if it ever happens again assume it's because I never received anything and Tumblr ate my ask because the staff hate us 😔
I really genuinely thought I'd fucked up just ask @haitaniapologist I've been worrying about it the last 2 days 😭😭
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lokisprettygirl22 · 2 years
I'm sending you my ghost story here because tumblr replies are limited. So I hope that's OK.
The place : Edinburgh, Scotland.
The time : october 2019.
As we were visiting the city with a friend we decided to do the underground vaults tour, which is a great way to learn about the 19th century daily life, with added gruesome tales and myths ;)
Quite rapidly after we entered the vaults I started to feel tired and cold. I dismissed those sensations. After all, we were in the place made to be cold and my friend and I already had quite a busy trip behind us. So it was normal for me to feel cold and tired, right?
But as the tour progressed I begun shivering uncontrollably. I was cold. Within. No matter the layers of clothes I had on me. Not matter that, later I stood by a cackling fire, desperate for some warmth. I was cold. Cold. And drained.
I left the vaults feeling empty. Withdrawn.
My friend noticed something was off but she waited a bit before asking me if I was OK. I was not. We found a nice place to eat but I was still so cold, so empty and I remained on the verge of crying for a while.
My friend and I ate in relative silence. And the food was...meh. Like, I could tell it was good but something prevented me to taste it properly. Which was a weird experience.
We left the restaurant (lovely place. I wish i could have enjoyed it to the fullest) and we walked back to our place. The more distance I put with the city centre, the vaults, the more like myself I felt and by the time we arrived at the house we stayed out I was back. Still a bit cold and tired, but no longer a devastated shell.
Whatever happened to me back there had happened a couple of times before, but never with this magnitude.
Anyway, here was my latest (a bit long) ghost story.
Oooh that sounds spooky and I had an experience like that once, you know they say that if malevolent spirit is around you feel cold and trapped in a space, like the walls feel as if it's closing in on you. It's really an awful feeling and I'm sure you must have been scared.
Thank you for sharing with me it's 1:30 am here and I'm spooked 😳
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