#[“howd you guys meet?”]
suppenzeit · 10 months
ok while i do kinda agree that avss doesnt need a season 3 because season 2 wrapped everything up pretty nicely.
but. perhaps a movie. a avss movie exploring the aftermath of everything would be so so so fun. or fuck it. prequel movie about jacquard, calot & moulinier meeting for the first time and becoming friends. i just want something more.
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bkgml · 1 year
“i want you” part 2!!
part 1
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katsuki wakes up late.
feeling his girl wrapped in his arms, he peels open his swollen eyes.
you’re still asleep, still peaceful. it’s as if you have no idea what happened the night before.
and he wants you to stay this peaceful. even if it’s just for awhile longer.
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“hey man, you okay?” kirishima asks as katsuki exits his bedroom.
katsuki looks awful, and he knows it.
“memory’s back.” he mumbles, grabbing the coffee pot from kirishimas hand.
he feels a hand patting his back.
“howd she take it?”
katsuki answers with nothing but a sigh, heavy with sorrow.
“i’m sorry.” kirishima says.
“i don’t know what to do.” katsuki whispers.
he can feel tears in his eyes but he refuses to let them fall.
“go see her. enjoy the last moments you have with her.” kirishima responds.
katsuki nods slowly.
on shaky legs, he inches towards his bedroom.
he opens the door and you’re still sleeping soundly.
he inhales deeply before shutting the door and taking one last look at kirishima. kirishima sends an awkward wave and a smile his way while watching the door close.
katsuki turns to you and watches you stir slightly as he climbs into bed.
wrapping his warm arms around your waist and pulling the blanket higher on your bodies, kisses your face softly before finally taking a deep inhale of your hair and falling asleep.
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“why is this happening? we love each other isn’t that enough for them?!” your voice, muffled and filled with anguish reaches katsuki’s ears behind the closed doors.
he frowns, burying himself deeper into the comfort of your scent on his sheets.
“i know. the commission does what they want though. they can’t have the number 2 heroes girl go missing, then no civilians will feel safe.” kirishima reasons.
“he keeps me safe! don’t they have any trust in him?! if they trust him enough to do his job then they can stay the fuck out of my business!” you yell and katsuki hears your voice break.
jumping out of bed and opening his door he sees you crying with your face in your hands and kirishima awkwardly standing to the side.
katsuki engulfs you in his arms and you fist his shirt.
“don’t cry, sweetness. they’re not worth it.” he says, rubbing your back.
“you’re worth it. we’re worth it katsuki, don’t you get that?” you look up at him with furrowed brows.
he threads his fingers through your hair and looks at you softly.
“of course i get that.” he says, kissing your forehead.
you tuck your face into his chest and sob quietly.
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kirishima paces the room in distress.
“i don’t know what to do. i don’t know how to help you guys.”
you and katsuki look up from your spot on the couch, you in his lap and his arms caging you in.
katsuki hears a small whimper of defeat from beside him and he shushes you, pressing small kisses to your face.
you look to him, tears filling your eyes.
“are you going to kick me out?” you whisper, hand clutching his shirt.
“don’t worry about that right now. we’re going to fix this i promise.” he says, reaching his hand behind your head and pulling you closer to him.
the three of you spend the day inside, ordering food and discussing plans to propose a deal with the commission.
katsuki looks over at you, eyes drooping and your face resting in the palm of your hand.
he reaches for your thigh and you perk up a little, eyes meeting his.
“go take a nap, okay? i’ll be right here when you wake up.” he assures you.
you rest your head on his shoulder.
“you promise?” you ask meekly, hand reaching out for his.
he squeezes your hand and thigh in affirmation.
pressing his forehead to your temple, he nods against your head.
“go sleep.” he says softly.
“yeah yn, you deserve a good rest right now.” kiri chimes in with a smile.
you nod and hug katsuki before walking to his bedroom and sending a wave to the two of them.
the men continue talking and you fall asleep quickly in katsuki’s bed.
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you open your eyes and look to the clock, 4:00am.
you smile as you feel katsuki’s arms tighten around your waist.
turning in his grip, you admire his peaceful face.
“i love you more than anything.” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his nose.
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peeling your eyes open, you admire the chirps of birds outside katsuki’s open window.
you don’t feel katsuki beside you so you stretch a little before swinging your legs over the bed and walking towards the door.
as you open it, you hear the lack of chatter between the two men and see the empty apartment.
“…kats?” you call into the open air.
“katsuki??” you say walking into the empty kitchen and pacing.
“katsuki? kirishima?” you call more urgently, practically running into the living room.
“kats?!” you call, voice breaking.
you’re panting now, hyperventilating. he wouldn’t leave you like this. not this way.
“baby?? hey. i heard you calling for me.” katsuki says, jogging into his living room.
you whine, running to him.
“katsuki.” you whimper, jumping into his arms, limbs wrapped around him tightly.
“hey. hey. what’s wrong?” he soothes, eyes and hands running over your body to check if anything’s physically wrong.
“where were you?” you sputter.
“i thought you left me again. you promised you’d be at the table when i woke up.” you cry, pressing grateful kisses over his face between your words.
he walks you over to the couch, sitting with you in his lap.
“i’m sorry, sweetness. i had to pee. kirishima went to get us breakfast.” he says, running his hands over your arms.
“i thought-“ you hiccup.
“i thought you left me. i’m being so irrational.” you says through tears.
“i’m not leaving you. never again. i promise.” he says, his own eyes a little teary.
he kisses you sweetly until your tears stop.
“do you wanna take a shower before kirishima gets back?” he says softly against your lips.
you nod in reply and he takes you to the shower. where he shampoos your head for you and drags a loofa over your skin, pressing kisses over your skin in the process.
by the time the two of you are done, freshly cleaned and in new clothes. kirishima has breakfast laid out for the three of you.
“hey guys. let’s eat!” he says cheerily, sitting down and digging in.
the three of you eat together, finally laughing just like old times.
after you finished eating, you all joined together to wash, dry and put away the dishes, still laughing.
“should we watch tv?” kirishima asks and katsuki nods, the two of them starting to walk to the living room.
you stand still, confused.
“but what about making a plan for the commission?” you ask.
they turn back to look at you.
katsuki reaching his hand out and kirishima grinning.
“we made the plan before bed last night.” kirishima says, grin never faltering.
you hesitate, confused. but eventually take katsuki’s hand anyway. watching tv with them until sundown.
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“you’re tired.” katsuki says, watching you stifle a yawn.
you shake your head in protest but lean forward to rest your head on his chest anyways.
you yawn again and he grins.
“sleepy girl.” he teases.
“no… no i’m not.” you mumble sleepily.
he pats your arms before standing, forcing your head to fall back onto the couch.
you groan, trying to get comfortable again.
“come on. kirishimas already asleep. let’s go sleep.” he says, soothing your protests and lifting you over his shoulder.
you look to your red headed friend and seeing that he is-in fact asleep.
katsuki pushes kirishimas head until his falls onto the other end of the couch, allowing him to lie down with only the slightest bit of uncomfortableness.
“night kiri.” you say slowly, tiredly. as you watch over him from your spot on katsuki’s shoulder.
“alright. there you go.” katsuki says, placing you down on his bed. the bed that’s been your home for the last three days.
“come.” you whine, making the slightest grabby hands at him.
he laughs, climbing into bed with you.
you shuffle close to him and wrap yourself completely around him. giving him no chance of escape. not that he wants to, he’s perfectly happy in the prison of your warm limbs.
“missed you.” you say quietly, tracing his face with your finger. as gently as you can, following the curve of his nose and lips, his cheekbones and brushing up his hair to see his cute forehead.
“missed your face.” you whisper, eyes meeting his.
he looks perfectly content.
“missed you too, sweets. you and your face.”
you hum, tucking your face into his neck to place warm kisses to his collarbones and allowing your hand to slip under his shirt to trace his chest and his abs.
“are you nervous about tomorrow..?” you ask, eyes refusing to meet his.
he brings his own hand up his sweater that you’re wearing to trace your spine slowly, the rhythm making your eyes flutter closed.
“no. me and kirishima made a great plan. it’s gonna work.” he says firmly, hoping to convince you.
you release a shaky breath. worry evident in your tone you ask,
“but what if it doesn’t?”
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“hey guys! i didn’t hear you go to bed last night.” kirishima says, greeting the two of you with a fresh pot of coffee.
“yeah? that’s cause you were conked out before 8.” katsuki retorts and you giggle.
kirishima laughs too and pours three cups of coffee for the three of you to enjoy.
“alright guys. todays the day.” kirishima announces.
katsuki nods, taking a sip from his mug. and you tap your fingers on your own mug.
“so why don’t i know of this plan?” you ask, finger tracing the rim before you take a sip.
the two men look at each other.
“cause i like teasin you. making you nervous.” katsuki grins, mischievously.
you groan. glaring at him.
“it’s working a little too well. don’t i need to do anything to prepare? anything i can help with?” you say.
“you have to go back to your apartment and get dressed in clothes other than mine.” katsuki replies, pinching the baggy arm of his sweatshirt your body.
you laugh but a question plagues your mind.
“you aren’t gonna come with me..?” you ask.
he cups your face and you lean into his hand.
“the press would be broadcasting a sighting of the two of you before we’d get a chance to even talk to the commission.” kirishima answers, face apologetic.
you huff but you understand.
“you’re gonna meet us at the commissions office at noon, okay?” katsuki says as he bids you farewell at the door.
you nod. his arms are around your waist and you don’t want to leave them. you know it’s silly, but you just got him back. you don’t want to risk never getting held by him like this again.
“promise this plans going to work.” you say, holding out your pinky as a silent request.
he rolls his eyes before linking his pinky with yours.
“so childish.” he says.
you step onto your tippy toes and press your lips to his as a farewell.
you press all your emotions into him while your lips move together slowly.
“noon.” you confirm as you pull away.
he nods, releasing his arms from around you.
“bye kirishima.” you say, hugging him right.
“bye yn. see you there.” he replies.
you step out the door and begin your walk to your apartment.
*incoming call from ‘katsu’*
“hi, suki. i’m walking into my apartment building right now.” you said calmly.
“have you seen the news??” he asks, a little panicked.
your brows pull together in confusion, your step pattern faltering slightly.
“…no, why?”
your phone dings as a new message comes in.
katsu: ARTICLE: pro hero dynamites ex girlfriend last seen wearing men’s clothing while exiting his apartment building. have the two come together once more?
“shit.” you say, palm coming to cover your mouth.
“what does this mean, will the commission still meet with us?” you ask nervously.
“i hope so. just focus on getting there, okay?” he replies and the two of you say your goodbyes and hang up.
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standing outside the commissions office, you feel dread creeping up the back of your neck.
“we’re gonna be okay.” katsuki assures you.
“yeah yn, our plan is gonna work.” kiri chimes in.
the three of you walk into the building together and you grab katsuki’s hand.
as he looks at you, he feels the need to protect you and shield you from these people.
you feel his grip tighten on your hand and you smile up at him with an unsure look on your face.
“don’t show them you’re scared.” he whispers lowly to you.
you nod in reply and straighten your back a little more, lift your chin a little higher.
you all walk through the corridors and your head goes fuzzy, you know you see katsuki talking to the receptionist and you know you watch as the commission greets you all coldly but it’s like you’re not even there at all.
you stand in that office across from the conference table of people for hours as katsuki and kirishima argue with them.
finally, katsuki is fed up and slams his fist on the table, silencing everyone.
you come out of your trance then and hear the quiet murmurs of the commission and katsuki’s heavy breathing.
“if you people don’t get your shit together and stay the fuck out of my business. i’m quitting.”
you gasp, eyes flying towards him in protest but he puts his hand up to shush you.
you watch as the commission attempts to mask their shock and play it off.
“please. you wouldn’t quit. and besides, even if you did we still have plenty of hero’s. the world doesn’t need dynamite.” someone retorts.
you feel white hot anger bubbling up through your veins but katsuki and kirishima don’t seem fazed.
“then i’ll quit too.” kirishima says.
you hear noises from outside in the hallway before the door opens.
“and i’ll quit too.” mina says, stepping into the room.
“same here.” kaminari says.
“i will also quit.” todoroki nods.
suddenly you see around 20 hero’s walking through the door, all announcing they’re quitting.
finally, izuku, the number one hero steps into the room.
“and i’ll quit too.” he declares.
the whole conference table of commission members shift uncomfortably in their seats.
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“WE DID IT!!” kirishima screams.
the whole sidewalk of pro hero’s erupt in cheers and hollers.
some hug you, others pat katsuki on the back.
you feel overjoyed and jump into katsuki’s arms, the two of you sharing a kiss.
“let’s go home.” katsuki says.
you nod quickly, dropping back onto the ground.
while you’re sitting in bed that night, there’s increased touches and sweet kisses shared between you.
“i love you more than anything.” you whisper while being held tight in his arms.
“not as much as i love you.” he grins, arms tightening around you and he kisses your temple.
“i guess we should thank that villain that took away your memory, huh?” you say giggling.
he rolls his eyes playfully before biting your nose.
“just go to bed.”
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mirkoluvs · 11 months
notes: these are actually sm fun to make omg 😭 request box has been opened again !!
→ geto ver. !!
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♥︎ liked by thestrongest, yuj1tadori, shokoko, kenton, and others…
y/nstivies: meet our son !
tagged: thestrongest
thestrongest: im such a proud father 😭😭😭🥺🤍
shokoko: this is disgusting i feel sick
↳ thestrongest: good thing you’re a nurse you hater.
↳ shokoko: i lost my diploma
↳ thestrongest: ok.
yuj1tadori: IM AN UNCLE 🎉🎉🎉🎉
liked by y/nstivites and thestrongest
↳ itgirlsaki: would that make you megumis uncle
↳ megumifushiguro: do not.
↳ yuj1tadori: i could be if he wants
↳ megumifushiguro: i promise you i don’t want that
kenton: don’t you already have a kid?
↳ thestrongest: no???
↳ kenton: fushiguro???
↳ thestrongest: i pushed this one out of my womb tho
↳ kenton: deleting this whole thread.
megumifushiguro: are you replacing me with a stuffed animal rn
↳ y/nstivies: megumi this is your new sibling!
↳ megumifushiguro: stop.
itgirlsaki: ugly ass kid
↳ itgirlsaki: the way you never defend megumi this hard when i call him ugly
↳ thestrongest: i defend him mentally
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♥︎ liked by thestrongest, utahim3, shokoko, kenton, and others…
tagged: thestrongest
utahim3: how much do you wanna bet hes just going to go pick up mcdonalds
↳ shokoko: LMFAOOAO
↳ y/nstivies: howd you know 😕
↳ utahim3: because it’s gojo.
↳ y/nstivies: yeah you have a point
↳ thestrongest: WDYM SHE HAS A POINT???
liked by y/nstivies, shokoko, and utahim3
shokoko: he does not need that waist
↳ shokoko: this is unjust…
yuj1tadori: i want to be gojo when i grow up
liked by thestrongest
↳ megumifushiguro: you need to dream bigger
↳ thestrongest: you guys are the meanest students ever.
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♥︎ liked by yuj1tadori, megumifushiguro, shokoko, itgirlsaki, and others…
thestrongest: i love my gf more than any other man could love their gf (thanks nanami) 😜
tagged: y/nstivies
itgirlsaki: no way you made nanami third wheel on your date
↳ thestrongest: he actually took this by his own will because he adores me and y/n
↳ kenton: no i didnt.
↳ thestrongest: notice how he didn’t deny that he adores us
↳ kenton: i like y/n, not you.
↳ thestrongest: ignoring that we love you too nanami 🤍
shokoko: you don’t even drink??
↳ y/nstivies: he ordered water in shot glasses the whole time 🙁
↳ shokoko: LMFAOOAOOO
↳ y/nstivies: oops (you have to forgive me)
↳ thestrongest: …
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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⭑⌗ 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐂𝐒 + 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✶ let's go ahead and clear that idea that ellie wouldn't be like. immediately obsessed with you and giving you secret discounts on the weed.
✶ she met you five seconds ago and she was like. why would she ever pay for anything?? she's literally my reason for breathing?? (ok babe 😭) so you're getting that stuff for lowest price she can possibly make it. and if you flirt a little?? she's wondering why she's not just handing you the bag for free.
✶ when you guys get closer, she notices you're kinda into pink so when she sees pink papers???? she's SLAMMING that card, best believe. when you're freaking and like HOWD YOU GET THIS she's trying to pretend to be all cool like oh idk just found 'em and thought it'd be funny but if you like 'em you can have them ... i guess 😒
✶ if you're a little inexperienced with it she's a little protective and is like oh i don't think you should try that this one's way better and gives it to you on the house like?? you're trying to pay for it and she's like noooo it's for you just take it even though that was some of her good weed and she never gives that out. but you're nice and sweet and her bestest customer so who is she to charge you??
✶ when y'all are closer she literally just starts buying shit for you. you're like oh my gosh this bracelet is literally so pretty and next time you come over she's like so.. guess what and there's the bracelet in a box under two pretty pre-rolls (that she's also not letting you pay for btw)
✶ n you're so worried about breaking her bank when she does it but she's literally living lavish because she's everyone's dealer and no one with weed isn't getting it from her. (charismatic queen tbh)
✶ plus if you think this is gonna kill her wallet just wait until you guys start actually dating. she's not even waiting for you to ask for shit, she's telling you to put your cart on public so she can surprise you all the time.
✶ you're like babe how am i gonna pay you back and she's like just .. be pretty for me, yeah? 's not hard for you at all. (just flustered myself give me a minute)
✶ and some random things i just think she'd do:
✶ texting you high out of her mind about dinosaur facts because she just knows too much and needs to get it out immediately (she's such a nerd I love it 😭)
✶ trying to shotgun with you but she sees your face lookin' all pretty n dazed, chokes on the smoke, and just simply never does it after that. (give her a week, she'll be back)
✶ reading a shit ton of sci-fi. she compulsively reads savage starlight all the time but she's actually obsessed with the whole genre n can't exist without it atp (she DEFINITELY owns a few space cowboy books and before meeting you she would always imagine she was the lead guy with the hot love interest who was definitely some kind of alien. don't question it.)
✶ if you're a plushie girlie (me fr) she's ALWAYS buying you plushies. but she always buys one that matches yours for herself so you guys are "always together" or something. idk she's a little bit of a loser.
✶ she's so bad at keeping up with skincare but now she just weaponises that and makes you do it for her. literally rolling her eyes and pouting if you do yours without her, mumbling shit like "oh yeah, just forget about ellie, huh? that's what they all do" until you're like babe what??? 😭
✶ also i know that everyone says this but she really does own some weird ass shirts 😭😭 she'll get high and buy weird shit like that shirt that just says tomatoes it's so wild going through her closet lmaoo
✶ and because of her high shopping she also has some weird ass bongs like. seriously. there's a an astronaut one with octopus legs for sure, i can feel it.
✶ high ellie tweets>> she's actually so out of pocket sometimes 😭 some of her greatest hits would probs be
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✶ also she was so nervous around you and wouldn't look you in the eye for too long because she didn't wanna scare you but then she got a little bold when she found out you liked girls and then was just straight up cocky when she realised you liked her, too (that blunt flick when dina said she wanted her to kiss her .. yeah that ellie)
✶ she's just the bestest, silliest, nerdiest girl ever and the best girlfriend literally anyone could ask for 💞💞
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hey guys back with another banger hope you guys enjoyed make sure to like follow and subscribe‼️ no but seriously give me opinions because i love hearing you guys have little convos and the reposts are always so wild 😭😭 thank you new jersey, and goodnight (also don't look at the tags im shy) as alwaysss creds to @ cafekitsune bc these dividers are so mf cute
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augustfuckinggay · 5 days
howd they get married, who proposed, when, and where? what does the fam think of the marraige? what do they think of the whole thing? does bill have a human form and does he use it, and what happened with fiddleford?
sorry if this is too many questions! I just like the new aus coming out and didn't know if you had been asked about many things yet.
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when you and ur bf fight:
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Sorry for the wait!! This was a big one, it was really fun to answer all of those questions... Also meet my au Stanley :] (she/her). Text under the cut!
Oh boy… That’s a lot of questions!
Well.. I’ll try to answer all of them!
Question 1: How’d they get married? Who proposed, when, and where?
Bill: I proposed first. We were taking a break between universes,
on some crushed altar or something, and i just… decided it was the perfect moment. Best day of my life.
After that we both proposed to fiddleford. Figuring our how to double-propose was… an interesting task, but I’d like to think it went really well (especially with Fiddleford agreeing to both immortality AND marrige in the spot… this guy didn’t even think! Sixer had to ponder for a few months before he accepted immortality)
Question 2: What does the fam think of the marriage? What do they think of the whole thing?
She’s okay with it. Bill redeemed himself in her eyes after the incident (Stanley)
He still doesn’t REALLY trust Bill… But he trusts Ford so he’s coming to terms with the whole thing (Dipper)
She’s SOOOOO excited for the whole thing! Mabel is the one who bonded with Bill the most, so she’s ecstatic to see him happy! (Mabel)
Question 3: Does Bill have a human form?
Question 4: What happened to Fiddleford?
Immortal makeover!
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lwtqts · 7 months
mission abort !
it was monday again, first day of the school week, worst day of the week. you guess you were looking forward to seeing eunseok.
you entered start walking around the campus before heading to my class. while walking around listening to music a specific figure caught my eye
eunseok? with a girl?
wait im not jealous right
you shrug it off and just head up to my class but you cant get that image out of my head.
after my first class, you walk around to find eunseok to figure out what his class before lunch is but you cant seem to find him. by the time you found him you was heading up to my next class but there he was with the same girl again, maybe its just a friend right?
finally its lunch time and then i can go home and relax, you go to where eunseok wanted to meet and you see him.
“hi” you smile at him and he smiles back while saying hi, you two start walking around campus in silence for a while and then eunseok speaks up.
“so howd you and sohee meet?” he asked and you chuckled before explaining that we grew up together and we’re childhood friends
“well we basically came out of the womb together, we grew up together and have been friends since then, i really love having him as my friend.” he smiles and pays attention to what you saying, no one ever payed attention to you like that.
“what about you?” you ask
“it was through seunghan, seunghan asked me to go out and meet new people and he brought sohee and yea” you smile while walking out the campus.
“uh do you need a ride home?” you look up as if you’re saying ‘me?’ and chuckle awkwardly and bow
“ah no its okay i have to stop to make an errand before i go home, thank you for the offer tho, ill see you when i see you” you quickly replied and walk away waving not even waiting for a response, god seriously y/n??
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previous | masterlist | next
a/n: just a reminder that this is based off of true events and the guy eunseok is based off of is dating his exes sister☺️ (wont happen in the fic tho!)
taglist; @nmmsmari @istphanie @nakam00t @bonbo4ngl3s @chweverni @ryujnworld @tjbamrayg @sungchan-for-life @sseastar-main @molensworld @brachioswrld @wonychu @dodot04lover @calumsfringe @wccycc @wontonforlifeu @poemzcheng @111ada @zero0xsstuff @makeleesbigfatass @s9nwoo @so-lychee @euiioo @rksbae @lecheugo @manooffline @addorations @bambisnc @haechology
bold couldnt be tagged!
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astro-naut9 · 9 days
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context: astro and bryan relationship
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i got lazy drawing astro's body so you get a floating eye instead. ALRIGHT, so HERE IT GOES BUD
as we know, or not, Astro is (one of) the God(s) in the Multiverse. He is sometimes known in Astrylis as the "All-Seeing" or the "Guardian Of Astrums" (Astrums are what people living in Astrylis are called). So, he's a god, right? He's this VEERYY overpowered being, allowed to do whatever he wants, be it good or bad, it doesn't matter.
Spoiler Alert: HE'S AN ASSHOLE
And Bryan is this 38 year old guy who's living in a cottage in the woods. He actually works as a lumberjack and living in the woods just makes his job easier. He uhh graduated college pretty early cuz he's smart n all but didn't really pursue it much and just earned a degree in mechanical engineering.
SO, here come's Astro, bored off his ass one day and decided to stalk people. He followed everyone who seem to capture his interest buuut it doesnt last long and he moves to another person. BUT THEN.THENTHEN THEN HE SEES THIS GUY.
he's like 30 the time Astro meets him
Bryan, just casually pullin up his truck and going in a store for uh wood or something, and then Astro got curious and he followed him to his cottage.
He then saw Bryan working on some mechanical stuff, whatever it was. Bryan's got a lot of machines and science shit in his basement and some blueprints for machines to make his life easier and Astro's like 'Wow this guy is smart' and then it goes on for days just basically looking at him and then one time he visited him in his dreams and was like
'yo ur interesting wanna work w me'
nn bryan was like 'GOD??!??! no'
so then astro was like 'but this is gonna make astrylis more advanced i mean u could probs use ur machines to help society right /gen'
BUT BRYAN IS LITERALLY THIS SELFISH PRICK SO HE'S LIKE 'no??? i dont wanna help society now go bugger off' cuz he wont swear
then Astro thought bro was interesting (FOR ABSOLUTELY ALMOST NO REASON???) so then he disguised himself as human and started conversations with him n then those convos began to be flirty (cuz astro would keep on mentioning bryan's interest and bryan's like wow someone interested in my interest like ok wow) BUT LIKE THE THING IS
BRYAN DOESN'T KNOW THE HUMAN IS ASTRO BECAUSE ASTRO DIDNT USE HIS PURPLE COLORED FORM!!! ASTRO LOOKED LIKE ANY OTHER GUY EVER and Bryan being the bisexual king himself he just went w the flow and SLOOWWLLYYY fell in love w him but didnt mention it
also Astro was in BIIIIG denial cuz like, he's a god, no love for mortals!!!
and Bryan hates Astro but not Human Astro so their dynamic is pretty funny to think about thats whjy they plague me
and then w Astro's denial, he began terrorizing Bryan's dreams aka just annoying him really and then sometimes makes himself visible to Bryan and Bryan only and fucks w him a lot like metnioning their interactions w human astro and bryan's like 'howd u know that'
like do u get what i mean
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headmate-packages · 15 days
A package has arrived for you! Open it?
Shipping #00010011
Package Number: 00010011 (19)
Name(s): Carcass
Nickname(s): Carter, Corpse-Adjacent
Orientation: Questioning
Pronouns: he/it/crypt/muse/corpse/death
Species: ghost
Age/range: Immortally 26
Gender: hauntgender masculine
Role: N/A
Interests: sensory deprivation tanks, musical scripting
Frontcalls: N/A
Likes: surfing, ocean, brain eating amoeba
Dislikes: The GhostBusters
Appearance: Appears slightly blue, often with drenched clothes and hair. His eyes are pale blue and it has brown, curly hair that appears moreso wavy because its wet.
Extra: Often complains of feeling cold, has made his peace with the ocean, but not with the cold. Pre-death name was Carter, but he’s changed it to what he finds cooler. Calls itself “Corpse-Adjacent” instead of saying crypts name
Sign off: 🫧
Kins: Poor Unfortunate Souls (The Little Mermaid)
Happy place: oceans and childhood homes
Hobbies: song writing, swimming
Passion: technical elements of play (specifically musical) writing and blocking and such
Favorite memory: Eating Breakfast with his mom the morning of his death
Headspace Room:
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Image ID: A very blue room with built in a pixel room maker. There are two surfboars, a bed, water on the floor with a wet floor sign, floating jellyfish a neon moon sign, and a neon bubbles sign
Best friends: A black boy with an Afro named Jamir. Would get along with Beetlejuice if corpse knew him
Family: doesn't really have any anymore
Cause of death: drowned circa 2018. (The brain eating amoeba would have gotten muse anyways)
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Image ID: Blue pen cursive writing on lined paper. I have NO CLUE what it says but its about a paragraph long, signed, and has 2 hashtags on the bottom
Letter: Hey folks! Won’t tell you my name but I will say it stats with C and is Corpse-adjacent. Good luck with that ;] Anyways, sorry to barge in, but heard you were looking for some info on the whole, you know, being dead thing. Lucky for you I know a guy who knows a guy and that guy is me. I can show you what comes next long as you dont freak. “Howd you die?” Well we havent even met yet but sure, I’ll tell yeah. Used to go surfing like 8 times a week. Oof.Yeah, Its whatever though, you can relax cause I’m fine, and while I could keep going I kind of don’t feel like it, so when we do finally meet, I’ll give you a whole show about death
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its--beautiful · 3 months
im bored if u guys arent gay then wtf are you howd u meet
..Friends? He's someone I know and "hang out with".
Well- We met when I was first put on a case for Jack. He was told to do a psychological profile on me. I did not take to that very well. He was then brought onto the case we were working on and everything descended from there.
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soft-persephone · 3 months
You wake up in a forest. It is night time and practically pitch dark. You can't see your hand in front of you type of dark. There are crickets chirping, birds humming, and a shift of a leaf every few moments.
You get to your feet, urged by panic and fear that you don't know how you got there and you don't know who or what brought you there. You must move. NOW.
You move through this forest, the trees getting lighter the further you walk. The trees are less dense, allowing the moonlight to filter in. A wolf howls in the distance, echoing, and letting you know that you're not alone.
You come upon a clearing that's actually a fork in the trees. One on side, there's Jake Johnson as Nick Miller. His plaid shirt is a bit torn and he looks like he's scared. He's waving to you to come closer, to hurry, to pull you close. He's begging you to run to him. You take a step forward but on the other side of the fork, there's Jake Johnson as Doug from the Minx.
He's waiting beside a car, tapping the hood of the car, urging you to come on. He has blood on his shirt and his face is bruised. His eyes widen, shaking, as he pleads and pleads for you to join him.
Why are they scared 👀 howd you get there 👀 who you gonna pick 👀
(This can be a fic or just an ask, wherever your heart takes you 👀)
This is so bizarre! I had to read it like 15 times to understand what is going on and what the question even is.
You are a fucking menace!
Your head was pounding. Your heart racing.
You could barely see or hear, but you stumbled after Nick. He wasn’t too far ahead of you. You had to beg him to run while he could. It would be harder for this thing to kill you both.
He was driving you both home from your camping trip.
His dad had always promised to take him, and you had never been.
It was perfect, but on this full mooned night something ran out in front of the car. Something big and hair with fangs, unstuarlky large and grotesque.
The car flipped. Everything happened so fast yet so slow, holding onto one another, you and Nick feared for the worst.
Both of you bleeding, so so much.
“Get up,” Nick grabbed onto you, attempting to pull you out the car, “you have to get up now!” He pleaded.
“No, I’ll play dead. He’ll probably leave me alone and it will buy you some time.”
“No, it—“
“Nick, go!”
A tear running down his cheek, he kissed you on the forehead and then ran.
It thought you were dead like you predicted, but sir some reason it didn’t go straight after him.
Sisterly it smelled the trail of blood, but while it wondered off in some direction, you closed your eyes tight and waited.
Once it was silent, You shimmied out of your sweet. Falling to the roof of the car put your seatbelt.
You swallowed of cry of pain as you fell on the glass. Your right foot felt a little funny, but it was enough to keep going.
You shifted through the trees, remembering what Nick taught you, you followed the trees and how thick they were can lead to more spread out trees. You followed the pattern until it got clearer and clearer, meeting a fork and a large pool of blood at your feet, you saw him.
But it wasn’t just him.
There was another man, in a late 60s style Roll’s Royce and a suit to match. Long thick hair s beard, there was winching familiar about him.
He was just as beat up and bloody as you and Nick.
Nick’s clothes were all ripped up.
His eyes scanning the trees frantically. You waved your arms in the air, and he gave you a tired pathetic smile of relief.
He waved back, calling your name.
“Come on! I think there’s a service station not far from here. We could get help!”
You took a step towards him, but that’s when the other man called out your name, insistently tapping his car.
His brow furrowed with worry as you started walking towards Nick.
“Sweetheart, where are you going?” He called after you, “I got the engine fixed, we need to hurrry and get out of here before that thing gets back!”
You put a hand to your head. Was this guy even real or in your head.
Nick called your name again. You shook your head and began to follow, but then the other man called.
Their voices alike, started blending into one another. Instead of two voices you began hearing one.
“Nick I thinks something wrong. I keep seeing—“
A howl filled the air.
“Baby, we gotta go!”
You started running. Your vision started blurring and the fork started to looo like one path. Nick and this other guy started to overlap.
Once you finally made it into his arms you cried out in pain.
“My ankle. I think something wrong with my ankle.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll go straight into the hospital.” He rushed you towards the car.
You wanted to stop. To freeze, but your need to get way from the monster first was too strong.
“W-who are you?” Your teeth were clattering. From the fear of the monster or what this could possibly means you don’t know.
As he sped away, his eyebrows drew together. He ran a hand through his hair and you fight the urge to follow it with your own.
Could Nick’s hair grow just as long as this stranger’s who looked just like him?
He said your name with a frown.
“What are you talking about? Did that thing hit your head in the accident too hard?” His voice rose up again in a way you were familiar with, but it wasn’t as high pitched and anxiety inducing as Nick’s. It was much warmer and firmer. Like he might hurt somebody about it.
You swallowed.
“It’s me, Doug,” his fingers tapped nervously on the wheel a bit, “Doug Renetti. Douglass” he added with a chuckle.
“But you already know no one calls me that.”
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Doug Renetti, I choose you!!! (Pokemon trainer voice)
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mochiimiiki · 1 year
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| Vanderwood Route |
Summary: The sirens echoed around you, drowning out the now muffled screams of pain, fear and anger. A part of you was unsure if any of the sounds were coming from you as you dragged yourself across the floor, inexplicably burning up. Everything around you was fiery hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Just how did you get yourself into this predicament? 
A/N: Okay! Hi guys, so sorry for not posting but here have the first chapter for this Vanderwood fic, that will have 11 Chapters (maybe a bonus too) in total! Enjoy my crappy fic :)
Spoilers for Another Story etc.
Warnings: innuendos, trigger warnings of blood, death, violence, gunshots scenes, Vandy swears
If any of these make you uncomfortable then feel free to skip said scenes or to ignore this! 
{Day One}
Your eyes narrowed at the phone. It wasn’t overly old, definitely an iphone of sorts but certainly was one of the older bands. You double checked the address that flared up at you. Practically demanding you to open the door. A gut wrenching feeling of uncertainty settled in your stomach as you stared at the apartment before you. So far the only off putting thing about the scenario was the slightly creepy vibes that you got off of the ‘unknown’ guy. Having one last final debate with yourself you typed in the password and stepped inside.
The apartment was as clean as a crisp, it had the appearance of one of those set-up walk in homes that were trying to make a sell on the real estate market. For a moment you feared this might be a set up to some show. “Hello?” You called meekly, sheepishly peaking your head inside. “Uh, I have your phone?” No answer.
Suddenly, the phone in question buzzed incessantly.
You had just entered a new chat, with people (or so you presumed it was people) who were unaware of your presence. That was until the one labelled 707 started spamming the chat with a string of ‘AAAAH’s. 
707: HOWD ZOU GRT HERE!!!!!!!
yoosung ☆: typos lolol
yoosung ☆: seven wht u on- OMG STRANGER DANGER?!
Jumin Han: ?
Jaehee: ? seconded
ZEN: Seven did you let... someone in?
707: NO IDNT
ZEN: typos... again.
You watched the chaos unfold in the chat, utterly bewildered. Just who were these... people? Why did it matter you entered their chatroom, it was just a chatroom? Besides it was clear that this phone had the app on it before, so you were just using their phone surely it wasn’t such a surprise... It was the same name after all, right?
MC: Uh... hi?
yoosung ☆: EEP! It talks!!!!!!!
Jumin Han: How did you gain access to our messenger? Luciel?
Cameras? You gasped and spun around to the door, searching for the cameras, surely they weren’t spying on you? That’s when your face dropped. There placed perfectly above the door was a small black camera, hidden in the corner of the hallway, unnoticeable if not pointed out. You gave the camera a sheepish wave and held up the phone before typing in the chat.
MC: Sorry to barge in! I was given the address and code to return this phone I found um... who owns this phone?
707: No way... guys she accessed Rika’s apartment. She’s standing there right now in the hallway. 
yoosung ☆: SHEWHAYT!?
*V has entered the chatroom*
Jumin Han: V? Do you know this girl?
Your mind, to say the least, was fried. You hadn’t intended on causing such a ruckus today. In fact, all you wanted to do today was search for a new apartment while you tried to escape the clutches of your crazed, lunatic of a roommate. However, looking at the situation here made you double back on your decisions and debate on retreating to the psycho you deemed your roommate.
MC: UM... look i really mean no bother I really was trying to return this, the guy on the phone told me to come here... does Rika own the phone can I give it to her?
V: MC... is it? Listen there is a cafe down the street from you, would you mind meeting me there? I’ll be there in about ten minutes.
V: Luciel.
707: ...ye?
V: Call me.
*V has left the chatroom*
You stood there dazed. What... just happened? You didn’t even get a chance to interject. The members each seemed just as dazed as you were, still debating with themselves whilst you had an internal argument on the plan to go see this mysterious guy you just met on the internet or bail this crazy scheme entirely. 
Feeling no less unnerved than you had when you arrived you decided your best bet would be to put up with this crazy half thought out plan. Nothing terrible could truly happen. You were meeting him in a public place after all. After bidding these new members a strange farewell you grabbed your bag that lay halfheartedly against the too painfully white walls and headed out in pursuit of this cafe the mysterious V had mentioned. 
You checked the address that V had forwarded to you, making sure once again that this was the place you had arranged. You sat down apprehensively, jumping in the swivel stool as each person entered. You had no idea what he looked like, and until now just realised you had been in fact guessing he was a he, the little icon from your previous chat provided little leeway for your guesses. Your thoughts disturbed when a quiet voice snapped your spiralling queries.
“Hello, I hope you’re MC?” 
Your eyes lifted from your phone taking in the person before you. Your guesses were right; he was a man, and certainly not just any man… he had the face of a model! You could’ve sworn an inaudible ‘wow’ escaped your lips as you took in his dishevelled turquoise locks that curled perfectly into his face and framed his defined cheekbones. And the way in which his eyes slanted ever so slightly, provided him a look belonging to the wise. Oh and his eyes, he had such gentle, kind eyes. Immediately you felt a tension lift from your shoulders (one you hadn’t realise had settled there), as he took away your worries with a soft hum and warm eyes. 
“May I take a seat?”
V ran through a bunch of things, things that left you sitting there utterly bewildered once more. The day just gradually became more and more confusing.
“I would like something to ask of you, MC?”
“Hm?” You hummed politely glancing up to meet his soft gaze from your steaming coffee. “I hope...” He began, voice akin to his kind eyes. “That you would join the R.F.A.”
At that you choked on your sip, dismissing V’s worried hands as he tried to comfort your coughing fit. You? Join them? You didn’t even know these people! It comforted you even less when he insisted you stay in the apartment. Especially after learning that it belonged to his ex-fiancee. You didn’t know how to process this information, much less relay your reluctance about the whole idea to the head of the organisation, no less. However long you took to answer V sat back with a gentle smile, patience evident through his body language. He really did appear like an angel to you. 
“Um... while I appreciate your offer... sir, I really did just want to return the phone.”
“I completely understand.” He returned, same level of confidence and patience unwavering in his words. “I just feel that because of such... unusual circumstances in which you came to find our little app it may prove to be an issue for you.”
“Issue?” You echoed, confusion written in bold letters across your furrowed brows.
“Only a hunch.” He smiled back, once again his warmth evaporating any worries that may have previously infested your mind. Your fingers itched and your knee bounced anxiously beneath the table. “Alright...” You began slowly, swallowing your coffee as you allowed his words to truly sink in. “May I at least think on it, like have a nights sleep and... uhm tell you tomorrow? Or something?” 
“I wouldn’t ask anything more of you.” He nodded contemplating your request. For a moment you feared that he wouldn’t let you go and would kidnap you to be apart of this charity organisation, as though it were a kind of cult. But you were quickly reminded that this was not in fact a movie or soap opera, or drama thing of any kind and in reality things such as cults and kidnappings didn’t happen to ordinary people such as yourself. 
V pushed the little rickety french chair away from the table, the cafe he had chosen seemed to fit him so well. It was petite and had a frenchesque style, something that seemed very befitting to a man so beautiful. “Reach out to me tomorrow, I’ll tell Luciel to grant you access. And for now I welcome you temporarily to the R.F.A, until you’ve made your decision.”
And with that the two of you departed, shaking hands like old friends do.
You slumped back in the chair allowing your brain to catch up with the speed of events. In just three hours you found yourself with a new phone, an apartment to rest in and a job of sorts.
You debated whether or not pinching yourself would bring you any kind of consolation or just a little bruise. Sipping the rest of your coffee you decided to make your way back to the pristine apartment, which to V’s request you would sleep in until you came to your decision. Maybe it was naive of you to trust his kind smile and warm-hearted words. But suddenly you felt a perk to your walk and thought that maybe life could get more sunny afterall.
- - - Vanderwood - - -
Kicking the gravel from under his foot Vanderwood stalked up the driveway with a scowl etched onto his handsome features. He was furious. How was it his job to be involved with the stupid red headed brat? It wasn’t like he was the lazy one mucking about. But alas, ever since they’d assigned him to the weird red head kid Vanderwood’s life had been utter chaos. More so than the usual.
Vanderwood banged on the door. “Yo Seven, open this damn thing.” Briefly the air went still and time froze. Raising a fist to continue pounding the gate finally clicked and slowly opened. Vanderwood scoffed. “Trust him to only let me in when he thinks I’m gonna wreck his precious creation.”
Seven spun around to face Vanderwood with a wicked grin. “Oh Mary have you come to look little ol’ me?” He blinked, feigning innocence. Vanderwood folded his arms - thoroughly unimpressed.
“No, I’ve come to tase some sense into that thick skull of yours.” Seven mumbles something unintelligible as her turned back to his screens. Vanderwood momentarily cringed. He truly thought that staring at those screens all day might one day give Seven square eyes. “Jesus, would you look at the state of this place?”
“Mary!” Seven gasped. “That is utter blasphemy.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“To think you’d use such language.” Seven tutted, shaking his red locks to and fro as his fingers stilled. Vanderwood scowled, glaring daggers into the backs of his head. “It’s shameful, Mary.”
“Not my name.” Vanderwood’s eyes lazily drawled over his screens, observing with little interest just what Seven was up to. With an audible sigh Vanderwood realised just why the red had been slacking off. “Are you shitting me? The charity shit? Seven - fuck - I told you before, I’m only letting it slide if you actually do your work.”
Seven remained quiet, his body tensed. Vanderwood knew immediately that Seven was guilty. It didn’t take a genius to read body language. Vanderwood toed a packet of filthy crisps away, he felt a headache coming on. Slipping out his cigarette packet he was determined to let off some steam, figuratively and literally.
“Oh no you don’t.” Seven cut in, spinning in his chair to face Vanderwood with a rare scowl. “If you’re going to do that, smoke it outside.”
“It’s cold.” He retorted.
“Don’t care. My house, my rules.” He waved Vanderwood off, making the latter grumble out in protest. Before the two could begin arguing Seven’s computer bleeped.
“Is that the work for your man? Is it done?” Vanderwood stuffed the cigs back into his pocket, determined to sneak one later.
Seven shook his head. “No, I’m running a background test on someone.” He rubbed his neck sheepishly, mouse clicking across the screen.
“MC…” Vanderwood read her full name aloud, eyes scanning over the rest of her features. Age details, family, job, hobbies. At first glance she appeared to be any other girl, simple and ordinary. He frowned. What did she have to do with anything? Unless she worked for a rivalry agency?
“She’s just regular.” Seven tutted, as though reading Vanderwood’s thoughts. “As suspected… but how’d she even manage to get in then?”
“The chatroom.”
“Damn it! You’re doing personal shit? Seven-”. The screen flashed and was replaced with a black reflection. The two exchanged glances before suddenly green code sprung up with a message - I’ll Hack It All. Vanderwood stared blankly, before scoffing. “Did you go and get yourself an arch nemesis? Congrats you can be that Dames Bond you rave about.”
“Vanderwood.” Seven cut in, incredibly serious for a change of pace. Vanderwood raised a brow, debating how likely it would be the younger agent might actually kill him if he smoked in his place.
“I need a favour.”
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flowerboy-barista · 6 months
Literally shaking looking at everyone on your team.. such a big grass type fan >< ive never seen a pokemon like cider before though! Can you tell me more about them? Howd you guys meet? :3
HI HI!! I FUCKING LOVE GRASS TYPES- Uh in case you couldn't tell, ehe~
Cider is a Hydrapple!! Definitely not native to Unova (which is where I'm from). However, I have traveled to quite a few regions throughout the years. OH but anyways!! I met Cider when he was just an Applin in Galar!! However, in order to evolve an Applin into a Dipplin, and consequentially into a Hydrapple, you gotta travel to Kitakami!!
You see, when I decided I was gonna battle professionally, I already KNEW what team I wanted to use!! So of course, with my mind made up, I traveled to build up my dream team!!
...Oops I've started to ramble a little bit. Sorry about that!! Long story short, Hydrapple take some effort to actually evolve and train, so they're a little uncommon to see!!
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Sparks 18+
1,000,000,000 Berry Woman, some mistakes, Goro Goro No Mi, Law x f.Reader, a sex scene, a date with Law Sabaody, four years with the Heart Pirates, Sabaody Auction House, fiance Law
Your alone when you met Law and Bepo he tests you and you pass becoming his girlfriend and part of the crew. There is a sex scene. Then Law takes you on a date on Sabaody later you all go to the auction house where you meet the other of the worst generation then escape from the marines.
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"Hey there pretty thang come over here" a huge thug pirate says to you.
"What are you gonna buy me a drink?" You say snarkly.
"Not with that attitude, maybe if you came back with me to my inn. I'll let you have as much as you want" he says laughing to his other mates.
"Ya I dont think so bye" you wave as their all shocked with electricity and fall flat on their asses as you leave the bar bottle in hand. As you make your way to port you see a sub, polar bear in orange, and a guy wearing a yellow and black sweatshirt with a white and black hat. Feeling in a more friendly mood, not about to kill someone, you wave to them but they didnt see you. So you walk up to the deck.
"You look familiar but I just can't place it" you say as the man in black and yellow turns to you. Making eye contact some of your sparks fly up into the sky. He just looks shocked as he speaks
"Your (n) arnt you?" While you go
"Yea howd you know?" You ask quizzically wondering how the hell he knew who you were. He flashes a blue sphere around you all then pops a wanted poster into his hands as the blue sphere dissapears.
"See" he hands you your own wanted poster. 1,000,000,000 Wanted Dead or Alive (n) D. (LN). You look at it in shock.
"Wow I've never actually seen it before that's so cool!" You exclaim as the polar bear peeks over your shoulder.
"Wow that's alot of berries" the polar bear says which takes you aback.
"What you can talk?!" You squeal.
"Yes hello um" he looks at the poster again then says
"Hello (n) your sure worth a lot of berries" he says but your enamored with this gaint fluff ball.
"Must hug must hug!" You pounce on the polar bear hugging up and petting him making him blush under his fur.
"You are just the cutest thing ever!" You say giggling.
"Hey get off my mink go find your own"
"Well I would if I could I've been around the world all ready and haven't found no mink sir."
"By the way what are your names? I'm (n) but you allready knew that" handing back the wanted poster the blue sphere appears the wanted poster dissapears then the blue sphere dissapears again.
"I'm Trafalgar D Water Law, and this mink is Bepo" Law states blankly.
"You guys will do, let me join your crew!" You excitedly ask.
"No. Your too much trouble with your bounty being so high. I dont want any trouble" Law states coldly. You frown as he says that.
"First I have an incurable disease now I cant be apart of any crew cause their scared of me what's next? Maybe I should just kill myself!" You walk off the deck onto the pier and sit on the pier turned away from them. You hear then bickering between eachother. With a deep sigh you hear
"What kind of disease?"he asks
You turn and say
"Fibromyalgia or Fibro for short" as you stare at Law he comes over and stands next to you but a good distance enough away.
"And why should I let you join my crew?" He says coldly.
"Um because I'd be a great asset and I can blow an entire island off the map with my Goro Goro No Mi" you state happily wondering if youd get a crew.
"Tell you what if you can make it to my sub, without opening the door, and it being underwater I'll let you join my crew. Hell I'll even consider you my girlfriend" he sports with confidence.
"Okay challenge accepted!" You yell. As Law walks back onto the deck of his sub he yells for everyone to get inside as there about to submerge.
'Nows my chance to show him what I can do bet he wont be expecting this' you think to yourself as the sub allready went underwater.
"Oh shit quickly now" using observation haki you pin point the sub if you fuck this up you could end up in a wall.
Laws POV
"Look I dont want her to join my crew much less be my girlfriend. Her powers must only be linear. Theres no other devil fruit that can teleport Bepo so shes gone no-" you felt a tap on your shoulder from behind. Turning only to see
"(N)?! But how?!" Law shutters at the thought.
"I'm made of electricity I can teleport duh" (n) says nonchalantly.
"... I can teleport duh" you say nonchalantly.
"Theres only one thing though Captain" you say cutely.
"What's that?" Law asks shaken.
"Are you a man of your word?" You whisper in his ear causing him to shiver. Since his bounty is way lower than yours, he can be intimidated slightly.
"Yes I am a man of my word" he grumbles.
"Yay! But I'm not wearing that" you point to the boiler suit.
"Fine anything else I should know?" Law grumbles even more.
"We share a room ... boyfriend" you let the last word slip slowly through your tounge.
"What no way! I cant let a stranger I just met share my room like that!" Law yells pinching the bridge of his nose.
"But where is your girlfriend supposed to sleep?" You press further.
"Okay fine, only if itll get you to shutup!" Law snaps angrily.
"Ouu scary" you play with him. He turns to Bepo and says
"Not a single word of this to anyone. I'll make an announcement later" he says to the cute giggling Bepo.
"Yes Captain" and Bepo walks away down the hall.
"So going to give me the tour?" You say calmly.
"Fine come on since your all ready here" Law states annoyed.
"You should know I'll protect what I love, not saying I love you but I'll protect what's close to me" you say with calm (c) eyes. He turns his head then looks forward clearly thinking.
After a minute of walking
"This is my office through that door over in the back is my bedroom." Law says coldly.
"Dont you mean our bedroom Captain?" You say seductively as he gains a slight blush pulling his hat down slightly you could just tell though. He shakes his head as you both walk down the hall the other way to see a lunch room?
"This is the mess hall where you get food" then walking back and around to a place with lots of buttons.
"This is the control room I repeat do not under any circumstances press anything" he points directly at me.
"Why would I do that I'm silly, not stupid" you say crossing your arms.
"One more place come with me" Law says while walking down the hallway even further to a room with beds and electrical equipment.
"This is the med bay dont touch any-"
"Ya ya dont touch anything I got it boyfriend" you state trying to rile him up.
"And that right there has to stop no calling eachother boyfriend and girlfriend the crew must not know" Law states coldly. You reach up and pinch his cheek.
"Oh come now boyfriend surely you dont hate me that much" he slaps your hand away.
"You have to be insane" he states confused as to why his life is this way now.
"No I just like teasing you Trafalgar my sweet" you say sweetly.
"How did you know I wasnt going to rape you or chain you with sea prisim stone cuffs?" Law asks seriously. You look him in the eyes and say
"I know a good person when I see one Trafalgar Law. I've been around the world and back I have 1,000,000,000 berries on my head, and you think you know better than me?" You question which hes taken a back and thinks for a minute.
"You do have a point I suppose if you wanted us dead you would have done so allready" Law states. You just laugh
"Want you dead? I only just met you silly and as long as you stick to your side of the bed then will be fine" you say laughing with makes him blush slightly. You notice and say
"Oh? Is someone falling for me right away?"
"Oh shutup I am not" Law states.
Four Years Later
Having grown quite close to Law you finally gotten him to call you his girlfriend and you call him your boyfriend. Most if not all the crew knows but also know never to speak of it. You've had many battles with Law and you've had many night of cuddling with him as well. You became his medical assistant and fighter.
"Please oh please can we go to Sabaody Law? You never take me on any dates" You plead as your on the floor of his office head in his lap.
"Okay damn (n) well go to Sabaody I'm curious of something too"
"Hmm?" You pick yourself up go to your shared bedroom and fall on the bed.
"I need cuddles!" You yell as you hear him say
"Room Shambles, Shambles" then he reappeared in your shared room and slides into bed with you. Wrapping an arm behind your head holding you close.
"I told the crew to redirect the sub to Sabaody" you look up at his gorgeous grey eyes and say
"Thank you Trafalgar" as you kiss him on the lips he reciprocates kissing you back but deeper using his tounge to fight for dominance which he always wins. After some time you both break for air, panting you hug him close giving butterfly kisses to his neck causing him to shiver with pleasure.
"Remember how we first met?" You whisper as he nods slowly.
"You were that crazy girl who wanted desperately to be apart of a crew, so I took you in" Law says quietly.
"I think your forgetting the part where you wanted nothing to do with me love" you state quietly as well.
"Okay you wore me down then" he retorts. You giggle as he looks at you.
"You'll never admit it will you my dear boyfriend?" You coo to him as he nods then pulls you close hugging you from behind now.
"I'll admit your the best thing that's ever happened to me yes" he whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. Holding his hands in mine I decided to mess with him putting both his hands on my breasts. And hugging his hands. He exhales sharply into my ear.
"What feel somethin you like?" You tease as he grinds his bottom against you you feel something stiff.
"Oh so you wanna play with me?" You question knowing the answer. You flip around replacing his hands back on your breasts. Slowly getting undressed you undress him. Both blushing hot and ready. He takes a hand places it at your entrance to feel the wetness you have created making you wiggle with every stroke. You place a hand on his member and start to pump sensually with your thumb on his tip making him moan softly. As he inserts a finger into you your pump a little harder making you both moan in pleasure. He inserts two fingers when you've dilated causing you to moan out
"Trafalgar!" As you keep pumping he inserts a third finger as he embraces you in a kiss your tounges fight for dominance. Precum on your hand you knew he was ready.
"Oh (n) look your so wet do you want me that bad?" Law asks pulling his fingers out causing you to frown and cry out
"Please fuck me Trafalgar I cant wait anymore" you say as he bends his hand out to your mouth you open and tounge his finger with your wet on them until you suck it clean.
"Good girl now I will help you" Law states pulling his member from your hand he positions himself at your entrance and slowly going in making sure you adjust to his size. Moaning as he slowly fills you, him moaning as your entrance tightens around his cock then releases to move more inside. You both are loving this sensuality. Playing with his hair he shoves the rest of his length into you causing you to moan loudly. He leans down to your ear
"Shh sweetheart can't let them know what's happening now can we?" He coos into your ear.
"Oh.. right.." you managed to say before he starts pumping his member inside you first slowly then he picks up his pace. You tried desperately to snuffle your moans by biting your tounge but they slipped through as he thrusted harder and faster. You bit your hand to snuffle the noises but the bed was creaking more than you were moaning. He leans down still thrusting and kisses you to make your moans more silent. Tounges flicking back and forth. Hands in his hair tugging slightly. Breaking for air you semi yell
"I can't hold it I'm gonna cum Trafalgar"
"And here I thought with a bounty of one billion you would last longer" he says snarkly smirking wide.
"I can hold it dear" you say as he continues thrusting for what seems like an eternity. Your eyes gloss over as you start to drool a little as your snapped out of your trance.
"Im.. gonna.. cum.. (n) get ready" you hear Trafalgar say into your ear. You grinding against him and him thrusting inside you you both finally reach climax
"Trafalgar!" Huffing and panting he stays deep inside of you, soaking it all in. Hes raised over you in a pushup position your hands playing with his hair.
"Wow Trafalgar your good" you say quietly in his ear.
"Well you are my first so I hope I did well for you" Law states huffing.
"You are always amazing sweetheart" you say sweetly to him and kiss his lips. After a minute he slides out of you slowly causing your whole body to tremble. He stands by the bed extending a hand to you.
"Come on let's get cleaned up (n)" you swing your legs off the bed and try to stand but your a bit wobbly. Law supports you until you can walk then you both head to the shower. Once in you close the sliding glass door and he turns on the water.
"Did I rip you? Are you hurt at all?" He asks concerned but you shake your head.
"Really dear I'm fine you were wow! Just wonderful" you say as you hug him close pierced breasts clinging onto his chest.
"It will be at least five days until we reach Sabaody love" Law states blankly as you nod soaping up and getting his back.
"Ah that feels good" he says almost moaning at the feeling but grunting instead. Once done cleaning up you both wash off then get out and dry off. You stealing his sweatshirt and sweatpants. Him dressing in his regular attire.
Five days later
Every night you had marvelous sex and then cuddles after cleaning up. Eventually you arrive at Sabaody with the whole crew excited.
"Bepo, Penguin, Sachi and (n) come with me" you exclaim for the crew to hear as some sad awees are passed around but they understand why. Law cant protect everyone if need be. After the chosen crew assembled on deck Law says
"Do what you want for a couple of hours I have business with (n)" as they all nod and walk in the direction of the theme park.
"Ah great..."Law states.
"What's wrong dear?" You say while squeezing his hand.
"Nothing let's go (n)" he says pulling you by your hand in the same direction. Your wearing a white short ruffled at the bottom dress with spaghetti straps and pearls hanging off the shoulders. With beige platform wedges. As you are being pulled by Law to the theme park he goes up and buys tickets for rides and gives them to you.
"Here choose a ride" Law sighs deeply knowing what you really want. With eyes sparkling you walk around holding his hand as you were about to walk up to a ride you bump into Sachi and Penguin, they look you both up and down seeing your holding hands.
"Ouu Captain is out on a date with (n)!" They exclaim.
"Shh! Dont tell anyone else or else" Law commands them they just nod.
"Yes Captain!" And run off to ride more rides.
"I want to ride the rollar coaster Law!" You point at a gaint rollar coaster in front of you while holding his hand gently yanking him forward.
"Finee" Law relents as you both wait in line then becoming next he admits
"I uh dont like rollar coasters (n)"
"Well too bad? It's all ready our turn get in" you say with the evil eye and push him into the seat as others sit in the rest of the cart.
"Are you ready?" You say as Law says
"No" "No -No!" As the rollar coaster swings downward Laws yells in fear as you yell
"Yesss!!!! Whoohoo!!" As the ride comes to a stop he realized he lost his hat on the ride.
"Room Shambles" poof his hat returns to his hand as he puts is back on. You pull Law to all of the exciting rides as he grumbles but agrees, then after you see the tea cup ride.
'This will be a good break' you think to yourself.
"Let's go over here!" You pull Law over to the tea cup ride and then get into a gaint teacup. Still holding one of his hands you spin the tea cup with one hand then see a familiar white and orange bear.
"Heyyy Captain! Heyy (n) Are you on a date?!" Bepo yells over to us twirling the cup.
Law and you say at the same time before he relents.
"Yes! Okay it's a date!" Law yells as the ride ends. Realizing he yelled out that last bit he gets off the ride and pulls his hat down hiding his embarrassment. Holding back onto his hand Bepo says
"Awee you both are so cute together. I'm so glad your taking time for yourselves"
"Awe thank you so much Bepo but I'm sure Law has had more than enough for today though" you say to Bepo.
"Dont tell anyone Bepo" Law says to Bepo. Waving goodbye to Bepo you take Law to the food stands getting corn dogs, and cotton candy. Him having to wipe off food off your cheeks, him blushing thinking hard about something it seems.
"Whatcha thinking bout handsome?" You question him.
"Hmm? Oh nothing" He says and looks away blushing squeezing your hand as you squeeze back. Smiling wide your fulfilled.
"Okay I'm done Trafalgar" saying to him. Surprised he nods and says
"All right theres one place I want to go so now you stay close to me okay?" Curious you agree
"Sure Law whatever you want" you say to him while he pulls you to the meeting spot for the gang to meet up. You break hands before the gang shows up. After a short time Sachi, Penguin, and Bepo show up.
"Ready everyone? Let's go" Law says cooly. As you all head to the auction house you find seats and sit down, Law next to you, arm behind you. While the rest of the gang sits behind you both. As the show begins you whisper to Law
"What is this?" He whispers back
"Its a human and creature auction house, shh dont draw attention to yourself (n)" you see celestial dragons sit down up front and see Captain Kidds crew on the right. After awhile of seeing lame devilfruit users, fish men, and humans. You see a gaint glass bowl with the figure of a mermaid under the light. Then suddenly other pirates come running into the auction house yelling something about the mermaid while other Pirates burst through the roof. Suddenly the short black haired man with the strawhat punches the celestial dragon straight in the face breaking his glass bowl on his head. As they go to the stage to recuse the mermaid. Then Laws crew and you walk out the front door along with Kidds crew and the Strawhats crew. Suddenly there are marines everywhere as all the Captains get in battle stance you just chill right behind Law not attracting attention to yourself. After the Captains start playing around with the marines, some spot you and tell their Captain from the marines. "Its (n) D. (LN) the 1,000,000,000 woman!" Some small marines say.
"Capture her at any cost!" Their Captain yells as marines run toward you all. The pirate Captains fight of marines as they all break apart. Law takes your hand and runs with his crew to the sub.
"Everyone grab on to (n)!" Law states
"Room Shambles" and you all appear by the sub and run on board and close the door.
"Room Shambles" Law dissapears.
'Hes probably telling the guys in the control room to submerge' you think as you walk to your shared bedroom and plop down on the bed. Looking at the bracelet that Law had won for you from a stall game. Its babyblue with pearls and shells on it.
"Shambles" Law appears in your shared bedroom.
"Are we okay?" You ask him.
"Yea were deep enough the cannon balls cant reach us now"Law says blankly. Law sighs then says to you
" I wanted to do this at the theme park but their were too many people.. please stand (n)" Law asks politely. You curious, stand in front of him.
"Yes??" You ask. Law gets down on one knee slides a little box out of his pocket and opens it up to you.
"(N) D. (LN)I know I've never said it but I'm ready now. I love you (n) Will you marry me?" He gulps.
'Wow hes putting his heart on his sleeve for me oh my gosh!' You think to yourself as you say
"I love you too! Of course I'll marry you Trafalgar!" You blush as he blushes deeper as he slides the ring on your finger.
"I've been thinking about it for a long time (n)" Law gently says to you as you nod. You hug him close as he wraps his arms around you.
"I never thought I'd find true love Trafalgar Law" you smile into the bottom of his neck.
"Well now your soon to be (n) D. Water Law. How do you feel about that?" He asks.
"I love it like I love you cutie" you say while nuzzling his neck. Kissing up and down his neck causing him to shiver.
"Let me get this beautiful dress off you now" Law smirks widely as he starts to undress you for another adventure safe deep under the sea.
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maddiehu7 · 7 months
Honorable | Elijah Mikealson
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Chapter 2
So in the past 30 minutes of talking to Damon and Elena I've learned original vampires are real and one named Elijah Mikaelson was here but they killed him apparently and he has a crazy brother klaus....well that's great
"I don't see why you need my help if he's dead" I say confused looking at Damon and Elena
"Your a vampire hunter and a good one if you were able to trick Damon therefor you could help get information" Elena says
"Trick is a strong word" Damon says back to her she just rolls her eyes not looking at him I smile at there dynamic
"So will you help?" Elena asks hopefully I think for a minute before making one dumbass decision
"Yeah why not...but for you not him" I say looking at Damon smiling fakely he just rolls his eyes
"Yes! Thank you" Elena comes over putting her hand on my upper arm which makes me wretch away from her
"Oh um I'm sorry" she says apologetically
"It's-it's fine just not a big toucher with strangers" I say a little embarrassed of my reaction I just haven't had human contact in forever
"Oh yeah that makes sense" she says smiling reassuringly
"So what's first" I ask looking at them
~~~time skip~~~
It's the next day and I'm unfortunately teamed up with Damon and some vamp named rose to go talk to some guy about Elijah and klaus
"Why'd I get stuck with you" I groan out looking at Damon as we walk into the meeting place
"Your just lucky I guess" he smirks back at me I roll my eyes
"That's slate over there let's go" rose says pointing to a scrawny looking guy walking up to him
"Hello slate" rose says smiling slate smiles back
"Well let's get straight into it then" Damon says clasping his hands together
"One question first, your sure Elijah's dead?" The guy asks clearly scared
"Beyond dead" Damon confirms all of us walking over to a table sitting down
"Trever was a good man helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the baroque period, I was going for my psych phd" slate says I sense hes angry just hiding it so I put up my guards
"Slates been in college sense '74" rose says getting comfortable
"When I was turned, I have 18 degrees, 3 masters, and 4 phds" he brags
"The point" I say annoyed
"Exactly I mean what is the point, what should I be doing with eternity, if you have an answer please enlighten me" slate says looking at me hostilely
"We need your help, If someone wanted to get in touch with klaus , howd you hook them up?" Rose deflects from the stare down with me and slate
"Craigslist" he responds which makes me roll my eyes
"Right" I say look at him bitchly
"Seriously I respond to a personal ad that gets sent to somebody who knows somebody who knows Elijah who's dead and that's where my connection ends" he finishes sitting back in his chair
"Here's what I don't get Elijah moved around during the day which means the original people knew the secret of the day ring, why would klaus wanna lift the curse of the sun and the moon?" Damon questions
"To keep the werewolf's from lifting it, if a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolf's are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa" slate answers
"But werewolf's are all extinct?" Rose says confused
"Well true I've never seen one but rumor has it" slate says smiling
"Not such a rumor" Damon confirms
"Mystic falls?" He questions Damon nods back
"God, I've got to l visit this place it sounds awesome" slate smiles but I feel weird all of a sudden like we're being watched or something I look around as they continue talking I see a man looking towards us outside I look at him questionably when he looks back straight into my eyes I sense somethings off about him he starts doing something with his hands and then throws something towards us completely smashing the windows glass shattering everywhere I duck down but can feel glass pricking my skin I look up and see rose and slate screaming in pain from the sun
"Who the hell is that?" I shout towards Damon
"Elijah" he says looking back at me shocked I look at him in confusion he's suppose to be dead?!
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trashworldblog · 1 year
in a "how did it go?" way: it was awesome!! my anxiety melted quite a bit while shane was talkin to us for the qna. (ryan was doin sound check i think the theater was a lil wonky but he came over later) i gave them my painting and bracelets and they were super nice and said the brushstrokes were very artistic (kdnkdkfks thank u) and after some chatting with the group we got in line to take pictures and i handed lizzie the 1 million bracelets i made for team watcher, and my camera for pictures. told shane about us columbia folk, and had shane write "if im gonna stop, this looks like a really wonderful place to do it" for my tattoo, told them about how their bts content inspires me (ryan was like ? really? i feel like i talk about chips or something. which was funny like... yeah. but also just hearing how its made is always cool [i didnt say that my words were getting mixed up in my head]) then they signed my book and we took pics !!!
im definetly forgetting details but once i get out of the im so excited im constantly stimming out of joy itll come back to me lol. also it was so hard for me to make eye contact (tism) but when i did it was really cool
hopefully i can do m&g next year if they do another round of tour and ill be a little more relaxed and conversational cus i lost words and got lost in conversation a little
super nice understanding guys! down to earth, after a few minutes i was like yeah these are just some guys that make really fun and good videos, and i happen to look up to alot [tall/short joke here].
tldr: it good
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ringrandie · 6 months
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Hi I’m quartz!
and I was just wondering how you guys met?
Hello Quartz!
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Me and Bill meeting was actually kinda out-of-the-blue.
In between my "loops" as I call them, I had maybe a few minutes in whatever realm the Axolotl lurks in (I never found out what it's called) before I got sent to my next life. In one of these breaks, I met Bill. He pretty much just came up to me and asked to make a deal.
At the time, I didn't know what the deal was or who he even was. But I had a feeling making a deal with him was a good idea. Turns out the deal he made with me was to break me out of the eternal recurrence. Not sure what was on his end of the deal was though, if there was anything.
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There's also a comic on this if you'd like to check it out: https://www.tumblr.com/ringrandie/739929015042949120/sooooo-howd-you-get-out-of-your-loop?source=share
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