#[Woah why is this tag. Empty?!]
wishluc · 1 year
HSR made my crush on Himeko worse. Based off a dream I had
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Himeko's gentle smile falters. "Go?" Her thumb caresses the back of your hand, "Where to, my darling?"
Your breath hitches; there's something delightful about the way she looks at you, so filled with love—at least, you think it's love. Though these days, her affectionate gaze is accompanied by a dark glint of something you can't quite put your finger on. A tingling sensation erupts wherever her delicate touch strays, and your heart pounds when she whispers the syllables of your name like it is her most treasured secret.
"To Jarilo-VI," you reply, managing to shake yourself out of the trance, "with the others." Her lips curl disapprovingly, and her grasp tightens momentarily, "And why do you want to go?" Her question stills you. Why? Though the words sound as lovely as anything else she says, they're laced with something dangerous, and it feels more like her demanding your answer rather than asking you. "I'm with the Nameless too," you say, "I should be going with them." Himeko's lips quirk up, but instead of filling you with warmth, her beautiful smile sends chills down your spine. Before saying anything, she gestures over to the table she had set up for the two of you, and you sit down in the empty seat. Himeko makes her way to the other, and you can't help but be envious of her. Her every step is purposeful and confident. It's no wonder everyone is so enamoured with her.
But you're the one she smiles at like this, so you should feel lucky, right?
"Coffee?" She doesn't wait for your reply before serving you hot coffee in a dainty cup—from her personal collection, you note—not a ripple breaking the still surface of the dark, aromatic liquid. It'll be too bitter for your tastes, as always, but your complaints will be brushed off with a soft laugh. At the very least, you are now able to finish your cup and stomach the flavor thanks to Himeko's relentless generosity.
"I think three is a good number," You can make out a hint of something unfamiliar in her voice, though she doesn't look bothered at all, nonchalantly pouring herself a cup, "you should relax, and not worry for them. They can take care of themselves."
"I can take care of myself, too."
She puts the pot aside to look at you, "i know."
"And Himeko," your own smile feels weak now, "I've been cooped up in here for ages."
A perfectly poised eyebrow raises, "surely my company isn't that unbearable?"
"No—" Your protest is cut short when you notice how Himeko's eyes twinkle with mirth, as the tension from before almost dissipates, but you can't bring yourself to give up yet, "you know that's not what I meant."
"I know, darling. You seemed a little tense."
You stare into the cup, seeing your own hazy reflection staring back at you, "But you will consider, won't you? About going to Jarilo-VI?"
"Since you're so insistent," she sighs, "I'll arrange something for the the both of us soon. What do you say?" "...Not in Jarilo-VI?" She blinks at you, before chuckling softly, "dear, no. Somewhere else," She tilts her head to the side, as though in silent contemplation, "I don't have anything particular in mind, but I'm sure something will come along."
"So, I'll have to sit this one out?" The bitterness in your voice comes second only to the coffee Himeko drinks, but she doesn't look perturbed at the slightest. "We," she corrects you gently, "will be staying together on the Express."
Himeko reaches over the table to grab your hand before moving it towards her lips, softly kissing it. She looks up at you from underneath her eyelashes, as though gauging your expression.
"You won't be missing out on any fun just because you're staying on board, you know. I'll make sure our time together is just as...exciting."
You take another sip of coffee, ignoring her coy smile.
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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Copy that
Written for @steddiesmuttyseptember, week 3
Prompts: Lingerie & Sneaking Around
Words: 1,273
Rated: E
Tags: Office AU; Janitor Eddie; Junior Boss Steve; Secret Relationship; Semi-public sex; Steve in lingerie; Groping; Manhandling; Dirty talk; Dry humping; Inappropriate treatment of office equipment
Notes: Set in the same universe as this one
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Eddie can tell what kind of day it'll be the second he walks into the office. Chrissy looks up from the files she's organizing on the reception desk and smiles ruefully.
“Hey, Eddie,” she calls. “Good thing you're here. The copy machine on the second floor is broken.”
“Jesus,” Eddie groans as he hands over her usual styrofoam cup of coffee. “It isn’t even nine yet and there’s another copier literally one floor above that. Did that not occur to those corporate dumbfucks?” 
She giggles and draws a breath to reply, but is interrupted by the phone on her desk ringing. 
“I bet that's Steve again,” she sighs.
Eddie’s stomach does a weird little flip. 
“Harrington Junior? I thought he was in New York this week.” 
She shrugs. “His conference got canceled. Listen, can you go check on this? I don't know why he needs those copies so urgently, but this is the fourth time he's called about it.”
As he steps into the elevator, Eddie wonders why he keeps putting up with this shit. He isn't being paid enough to deal with entitled tie-wearers who think the entire universe revolves around them. 
The second floor is still mostly empty, only a few miserable employees settling into their cubicles. At the sound of Eddie’s boots thudding closer, Steve steps out of the copying room, frowning and flushed pink with annoyance. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Eddie says. “I’m here now, aint’ I? No need to get your panties in a twist.” 
“Finally,” he snaps. “Do you have any idea for how long I’ve-”
Something twitches across Steve’s face, something that looks suspiciously like a smirk, but it’s gone as quick as it came as he grabs Eddie by the elbow to steer him into the copying room. 
While Steve clicks the door shut behind them, Eddie walks over to the copier. He peeps into the gap between the machine and the wall, sighs, and bends down to retrieve the pulled plug. 
“Seriously?” he asks. “Again? You need to start coming up with new excuses, because this is getting-” 
And that's as far as he gets before two large hands shove him against the machine and a warm, slick tongue pushes past his lips. Eddie hums a half-hearted protest and tries to pull out of the kiss, but Steve growls and grabs his face in both hands to hold him in place. The copier rattles as he wedges a leg between Eddie’s thighs. 
“Woah, princess,” Eddie gasps as those lips leave his mouth, blazing a hot trail down his jaw and throat. A look towards the door reveals three large cartons of paper stacked in front of it, but he doubts they'll withstand one or two hearty pushes. “Hold on. There's people out there, anyone could-”
“Better make it quick then,” Steve says, breath leaving warm puffs against the hollow of his throat. The seams of Eddie’s overalls groan dangerously as he yanks them off his shoulders. “If you'd have been here sooner, we wouldn't be in this situation. Now c’mon, or are you scared?” 
Eddie growls. Steve’s self-satisfied grin only serves to fuel his rage as he spins them both around and bends him over the copier. 
“I'll show you scared, you little brat,” he says, nudging Steve's legs apart and pinning his arms behind his back with one hand, the other opening his expensive leather belt with practiced motions. He bends and bites down at the base of that long neck, just long enough to feel Steve’s answering moan rattle in his own chest, then straightens back up and yanks Steve’s dress pants down in one violent motion. 
And then he freezes. 
Steve Harrington's glorious ass is covered in shiny, delicate lace. It stretches over it in a pattern of pretty flowers and little hearts, golden skin and dark moles shining through the see-through fabric. 
It is red. 
Jesus Christ on a fucking motorbike. 
“What's the matter?” Steve asks. He's craning his neck to take in Eddie’s reaction, face unbearably smug and flushed as red as the lace of his panties. “You planning on doing something or are you just gonna stand there and catch flies?” 
“You might wanna get going soon,” Steve singsongs. “There’s people out there, y’know?” 
He rolls his hips, grinding his ass against the rapidly growing bulge in Eddie’s overalls. His pants slip further down as he does. There's garters. Red, lacy garters hugging thick, muscled thighs and Eddie is not going to survive, is he?
“Oh my God, you're such a slut,” Eddie mutters, and surges in. Steve moans again as he fists a hand into the hair at the base of his neck, pushing him face-first onto the copier. Eddie has a fleeting thought that it's simultaneously lucky and a pity that the thing isn't plugged in because man, those copies would be something to look at. 
“God, baby,” he growls, yanking Steve’s head up by the hair, forcing his back into an obscene arch. “You're gonna kill me one day, you know that?” 
“Hope not,” Steve gasps, fingers digging into the edge of the machine for dear life. Glass creaks and metal rattles as Eddie rocks his hips, grinding their bodies together. “I really like your cock.” 
Eddie laughs, the words igniting a firework of want low in his abdomen. Steve shivers under him as he blankets him with his weight, pressing him down against the hard surface of the machine so that he can whisper right into his ear. 
“Oh, yeah? That what you want, princess? Well, be my guest. I’m gonna stuff you so full, you’ll feel it all day. You gonna walk out of this room and back to your stupid meetings, and all you’ll be able to think of is how good it felt, getting fucked by me. How all you wanna do is go back and take my cock again, you greedy little-” 
“Steve? You in there? What is wrong with the door?” 
Steve is out from under him and on his way to the door before Eddie manages to fully process his shock. 
“Hold on a sec, Tommy! I think it’s stuck.” 
Steve smiles while he pulls up his pants and fixes his hair, like he has all the time in the world. Eddie is so busy bemoaning the loss of the panties and garters that it takes him a second to remember his own disheveled state. He has hardly shrugged back into his overall sleeves and pulled the zipper up when Steve shoves the boxes out of the way and Hagan from Sales stomps into the room, a stack of papers in hand and a scowl on his face. 
“Oh, sorry,” Steve says, full of genuine regret. “The copier’s broken. Eddie and I were just looking into it.” 
Steve shrugs exasperatedly. “I know, right? Looks like someone needs a refresher course on how to treat company property.” 
“Man, does anything in this company work?” Hagan grumbles, stalking past Eddie to flip open the lid of the machine. “Who the fuck did this? There’s cracks all over the place!”
Hagan groans, slamming the lid shut and turning back towards the door. “Whatever, I’m using the one upstairs. Oh, by the way, your dad wants you in his office. Something about New York?” 
“On it,” Steve calls after him. “Thanks for letting me know.” 
As he brushes past Eddie and out of the door, he shoots him a coy smile. “I guess we'll need to conclude this meeting later. Come to my office around lunch?” 
Eddie really, really isn't getting paid enough for this shit. Luckily, the job comes with other benefits. 
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More smutty September
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blackwidownat2814 · 2 months
Steal My Thunder (T.Owens)
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x female reader, Tyler Owens x shy!reader, Tyler Owens x insecure!reader
Word Count: 462
A/N: Welcome to my first Tyler Owens fic! I was throwing fic ideas around before I even saw the movie. I watched several interviews and other stuff on YouTube and took notes even. Then after seeing it the third time, I started working on this story. I don't anticipate this being a real long story, but I also will be a little slow to update because of work or writer's block or working on a crochet project I really need to finish. What I'm really saying is please be patient with me. Secondly, like in my other works, I'd planned to make this with a plus size!reader in mind, but I decided to go with insecure because I want to try and be a little more inclusive. Also, unless otherwise stated, my readers are always female readers. Lastly, I'm already working on Chapter 1, so keep an eye out for that. However, if you really like this, please let me know and I can tag you in future updates. And as always, I will be crossposting this to AO3. If you see this story anywhere besides AO3 or Tumblr, it's stolen Kthxbye! PS: Thanks to KJ & Jordyn for their help in beta-ing and title/chapter ideas! Love y'all!
You were a Lead Meteorologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  You should not be handling school age tour groups.  You were just about DONE with being treated like a secretary.  The rest of them thought that just because Kate was gone that they could go back to treating you like they did before her.
You were quiet, shy, and someone whose love language was acts of service, so you loved to help people out.  The problem was that your co-workers abused that part of you.  They asked to lead the school groups, bring everyone coffee, put together packets for meetings, etc.  Complete nonsense…and you were done.
It was then, as you mentally typed up your resignation, that you received a serendipitous call from Kate herself.
“I believe the sayin’ is ‘No man left behind’.”
“You’re not an US Army Ranger, B.”
“Yeah, well…”  You trailed off, not wanting to burden your friend with your issues.  Kate always told you that it was okay to talk to her when you needed someone, but you were stubborn.  You were very much of the ‘friends aren’t therapists’ mindset.
“Talk to me B.”
“I’m happy for you, ya know?  You’re back to doing’ something I know you loved.  I can see it in your eyes with each video or stream I watch.”
“Okay, keep your secrets…and thank you.  I am happy.”
“So…what can I do for ya?  Why are you botherin’ me on my lunch hour?”
“Damn!  Sorry about that B.”
“You know I don’t actually care.  Tell me what’s up.”
“I’m callin’ with a job off-”
“I’ll take it.”
“Woah, I haven’t even said what it-”
“I don’t care.  Ever since you left, and because I’m a huge push over, everyone’s been walking all over me.  You know I had to do three tours today?”
“We’ve talked about this.”
“I know Kate.  Just…what’s the job anyway?”  Your friend was silent for a moment, before you heard her exhale.
“It’s storm data analysis really.”
“We’re trying to really get down to the nitty gritty with the data from the EF-5 we got to dissipate last season and see where to improve, how to catalog it in our info database, etc.”
“I’m in”, you said.  “Y’all won’t treat me like some secretary, I’ll be close to home again, and I’ll get to spend all my time with you.”
“We most definitely will not treat you like some secretary.  We’re equal opportunity storm chasers out here.”
You tossed your empty sandwich bag into the trash and pulled up Word to start drafting your resignation letter.
“Say, what are the benefits as a Tornado Wrangler?”  Before Kate could reply, you heard Boonie baby! Woo! in the background.
With that enthusiasm, what could possibly go wrong?
Tagging: @buckysdollforlife @13braincellsonly
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thewinchestah · 8 months
"Good things come for those who wait" - Alastor x reader fic
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Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Tags: ,18+, Smut, NSFW, edging, BDSM, Alastor does what he wants, there's plot if you squint really hard, alastor in heat, breeding kink, Possesive! Alastor, Jealous!Alastor, Protective!Alastor, spanking,degradation kink, praise kink, Angst with a happy ending, fluff, I didn't proof read this, english isn't my first language, no beta we die like men here, etc etc etc
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Word Count: there's no point guys. I can't stop talking.
A/N: WOAH!! Hello everyone!! What the fuck?? I wasn't expecting my "debut fic" to blow up like that! Thank you so so much to everyone who took the time to read it and leave a comment! I'm truly flattered by your praise. So, I hope this sequel to "PREY" does it justice! (but it can also be read as a standalone). Let me know if you guys like it, and if you have anymore ideas/suggestions! I'm tagging everyone who asked me to, so if you want to be tagged on my next fics let me know! Without further due, here comes that mostrosity of a fic! Hope you like it <3! (UPDATE: PART 3 IS NOW UP!!)
Part I  | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @smallershorteranduncut @markster666 @jyoongim @stygianoir  @pepperycookie @fraspent @aether-th3-enby 
It all started, as many things do, with a joke and a simple misunderstanding. Dying and instantly going to hell is not easy. Being in hell and not understanding why the FUCK you are in hell is confusing, frustrating and sometimes drawright ridiculous. There’s no guidebook for the hellish afterlife, and more often than not you felt lost at sea, drowning. Until you found your questionable lifeline, the Radio Demon. 
Somehow said demon clocked really early on that you were completely infatuated with him, but too scared to act on it. And oh, how he gave you enough reason to be infatuated, enough reason to be scared. Luring you into the most delicious trap, Alastor had claimed you as his. His to breed during the height of his heat, his to care for, his to inflict the most heavenly torture. 
Being caught up in the middle of the living myth that was the Radio Demon was a dangerous thing, you had been warned over and over again. So of course that you had to almost fuck everything up in the silliest way possible.
The obnoxious TV set, also known as Vox, had just started another round of his futile attempts to win Alastor’s attention by airing the most absurd reality tv character assassination ever. You would put money on the fact that the obsessive flat screen was a deceased TLC producer. Usually, any of his pompous i-hate-alastor-so-so-much!!! fits would be met with enthusiasm around the Hotel. Everyone would cramp in front of the TV and make fun of the entire ordeal. Even Alastor would tag along and make a private edition of his radio show while he counter-narrated that nonsense. It became a fun bonding activity for everyone involved, it was a nice thing. But there’s a reason why you can’t have nice things.
Today the Hotel was mostly empty:, only you, Angel and a very on edge, sexually frustrated, irritated Alastor haunted its posh walls. Still, you and Angel carried on with the little tradition sitting side by side in front of the tv not knowing what to expect from today’s “My Strange Addiction - Alastor’s Version” episode. It was truly a laughable attempt of a character assassination, actors who could not act saying things like “Alastor isn’t even as bad as everyone says, his torture tactics are not that special either. My mom’s aunt was tortured by him and was going to work 10 hours later”, “i walked down the street today and alastor didn’t even try to kill me when he saw me crossing the street, he’s all talk” “i have video footage of the self-proclaimed cannibal eating a chocolate covered strawberry. He’s cannibalbaiting.”
“no self-respecting overlord would go out wearing those ridiculous out-of fashion clothes”. 
Angel was having the time of his life leading the daily Vox roast session, the spider was funny and you couldn’t hold the laughs. The camera cut to a close-up of Vox, babbling on about technology and the anti-Radio Demon speech you knew by heart at this point. As if on cue, Alastor entered the room. But the pair of you remained oblivious to his presence. 
“Toots, you totally should apply for this show! I mean it!. I’m sure Vox will buy literally anything you say. Anything! If you say Alastor likes to eat red nail polish cause it looks like blood he would believe it! You laughed at his words, what a ridiculous thing to say. You loved red nail polish, alastor drinking it because it looks like blood is absurd. “I mean, look at you!! Look at this face, these eyes!! This body!!!” Angel gave your thighs a playful slap. “If you say hell is actually cold using all that i would eat it right up. Vox will be too busy staring at your boobs to notice you dropping that even the oldest radio looks better than that fucking flat face”. The thought that you were the mind-numbing type of beautiful made you laugh. Sometimes you felt like your friends were being way too kind with the flattery about you. You were nothing special at all. It was nice of them to be kind to you, adapting to your new lifestyle was taking a visible tool, anyone could tell. Their efforts were honorable and sweet, but you just couldn’t let yourself believe what in your heart, you knew was a lie. A beautiful, comfortable lie, but still a lie. You weren’t much, you were just lucky. You started to laugh even harder, out of pure nervousness as your brain started to snowball into all the things you weren’t. 
“ Seriously Angel, you have the strangest ideas ever!” you tried to sound normal, putting up a confident facade. That helped, a lot. You had picked that up during your days with Alastor. 
Speaking of the devil, Alastor wasn’t amused by your little display. Standing on the corner of the room as you laughed, he made himself known by walking out of the room, in hurried steps. If it were anyone else, they wouldn’t think much of it. But you weren’t anyone else. You were Alastor’s. 
And that’s why he was seething with rage. His rut always drove him, an already unpredictable man, to the brink of true, pure instinctual insanity. He had to grip his marvelous constructed self control painfully hard. Since your paths crossed, the most chaotic part of his existence seemed in control, your pretty little body always ready to take him, your eyes always holding his gaze in a maddening  comfortable way, the way you would push your limits just for him. 
Only for him.
And the worst part was your softness when it was all done. Alastor would fuck you rentless, for hours, making you take all the mess of his most animalistic desires without a second thought. Both of you would be spent, bathing in the afterglow, room smelling like sex, and you would ask him if he needed anything. Him, that just fucked you so hard so won’t walk straight for a week, that feasted on the blood of the love bites he inflicted, him that covered you in a painting of bruises. 
How could he not want to just lock you inside his lavish room and give you all the rings of hell? to carve his name deep into your soul? to dote on you? to make him the only thing on your mind as he makes you his time and time again in the most sinful ways?
It was simple really, why he was shaking with anger: how you, who was his, was even thinking of being in the same vicinity of that scum of creation?  LAUGHING AT THIS ABSURD CONCEPT. Vox thinking of you was already a crime punishable by painful death, but Vox looking at you was heresy, and the entirety of hell would pay for his transgressions. 
As Alastor stormed off towards the Hotel’s large room corridors, he took several calming breaths. Losing control like this wouldn’t do anyone any favors. In the troubled waters of his mind, Alastor could only think of 3 things: you, fucking you and murdering someone.
 So he didn’t even realize your hurried steps trying to catch up with his long strides.
“Hey sugartits! Don’t take too long doing whatever you need to do! there’s a woman going live after the break saying she saw Alastor eating an entire packet of PAPER TOWELS!!! HAHA! This shit is too good to be true!” you heard angel scream.
Adding insult to injury, nice.
Trying desperately to reach your demon lover gait, you could only think about how bad you had messed up. Alastor was your only true respite in hell. He was a blessing in a mist of the worst humankind could offer. He made you feel hope, more than making you feel alive, he made you feel glad you’re dead. The Radio Demon felt like coming home. You just wanted to make it up to him. You could not lose this, lose him. You were not sure you would survive it. And who knew where you went after dying in hell? 
It doesn’t matter where you go after hell, it doesn’t matter at all if Alastor is not there. Your brain added to your inner monologue. True.
“Alastor! Wait” you shouted. He stops dead on his feet.
Finally, those long long legs of his do not make chasing after your love any easier.
“Alastor, I'm so so sorry. Angel gets way out of line sometimes and I was nervous” he is perfectly still, ears pinned back, listening. But doesn’t say anything back.
“Al I’m truly sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, at all. Look, let’s try to do something to make your day better. I know how hard this season is on you, I know you feel like you are losing contr-
Uh oh.
oh shit.
You used the two forbidden words together. The temperature in the room drops, Alastor snaps towards you. You feel something gripping your throat mercilessly, as you fall to the ground. Looking at the other end of the corridor Alastor has you on a leash of his magic. Eyes burning red, forehead marked “x” he grips your chains hard, pushing you towards him.
“That was a brilliant speech, little doe. Truly marvelous! I’m sure your television debut will be quite the show you were planning!”
His antlers were growing, his demon form showing itself as he becomes taller and taller over you. All bared teeth and flashing red eyes. This is what everyone warned you about. Don’t get in the Radio Demon’s way, he is dangerous and insane. You will regret it.
Hot. your brain thinks. He pulls your leash even tighter, and you feel wetness pooling on your core.
“Do you have any idea what I was about to do before I heard you so selflessly offer your services to that pathetic excuse of a demon?” Dragging you by the magic chains, his towering frame comes down to meet you at eye level. You can’t say anything back, your brain short circuits and goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“You know better than leaving me waiting for an answer at this point, pet” He grips your face using his sharp claws,the pressure threatening to break skin. “But you seem so hellbent on being a bad girl today, I shouldn’t expect your usually good girl’s behavior, should I?”
You are, once again nothing but a doe caught in the headlights of his eyes
“One should always know better than expecting their fantasies to be true”
His sclera goes black, only the tiny blazing red radio dials devouring you as he stares so deep into you, you feel feverish. 
“But since we are already here. I. Will. Tell. You.” static picks up around the room and surrounds you both, the corridor is illuminated by an eerie green light. You start to kinda fear for your life, but Alastor has you completely hypnotized by the radio dials on his eyes. You shiver in anticipation. 
 “I was coming to ask you, to please, spare me a part of your day, away from you friends. Because the only thing on my mind has been you. Fucking you. Sinking my cock so deep into your tight, wet cunt it would mark your soul. Because you are the only one who can take me like this, who deserves being bred by me, who deserves every drop of my seed”
You feel the wetness on your panties grow until it runs down your thighs. There’s nothing right about this, but your dear Alastor showed you long ago how the concepts of right and wrong are meant to be skewed.
“But oh well, you seem to have your affections directed elsewhere…” he tsks at you using that delicious mocking tone. “But, you can’t blame a desperate man for trying” he goes from 100 to 0 really fast, his voice softens so much in a way that’s almost too heavy to hear after all that. Even with his demon form still very much present  “Do you still want to make my day better, pet?”
you are at a loss of words, but you manage to nod desperately. The anticipation of what he is going to do to you makes you giddy. 
He manhandles your leash until you are on your knees in front of him, tugging on the chains so you look up towards his crotch. He makes quick work of his pants, pulling his cock out. Hard, angry hot red coloured. Angry because of you, angry for you. 
“Open wide, little one” and without much more warning, Alastor is fucking your face, hard and fast. 
You position your arms behind your back as quickly as you can.  You know how hard it is for him to be touched when his rut is peaking. The overwhelming need for relief mixing with his ever present desire for control. This is about him asserting his dominance over you, making sure you don’t ever forget where you belong: In the warmth of his burning gaze, under him, on your knees, while he merciless fucks your throat into compliance. He’s taking it out on you, and you fucking love it.
He’s not saying anything, only growling like he’s about to murder someone. He grabs fistfuls of your velvety hair, but never leaves the white knuckle grip on your chains. You can only resist the urge of playing with your pussy while he thrusts so deep you feel his monster cock. hitting the back of your throat. This is about him, and you want to give him this so badly your cunt is throbbing with desire
Tears wet your cheeks, your lips around his cock are the definition of renaissance art to Alastor. He’s almost over the edge now, the head of his cock twitches on top of your tongue as a warning of his approaching orgasm. It’s hard, it’s hot, it’s fast and it’s angry.
Alastor cums, you swallow as much as you can, but he takes his cock out and spills everywhere, coating your hair,  your face. It’s so deliciously erotic Alastor can’t resist catching some of his cum and running his hands throughout your velvet locks, bathing you in his essence, marking you once more. There’s still a bit of cum on the tip of his claw, he feeds it to you, and your lips wrap around his fingers as you take as much of him you can take, gladly. 
“Oh how beautiful you are when you ruin yourself like this for me, my little doe” You look up at him with adoration and a lustful gaze, his eyes hold an equally lustful gaze and… something more. Something that you are sure will drive you insane. 
Alastor notices the pooling mess underneath your tights, he knows how desperate you are for relief, but he still wants to self indulge on you. He’s certain you still don’t understand the reality of what he is feeling. Swiftly he topples you down the corridor’s carpet and places himself between your legs, his crawled finger tearing your lacy panties away. 
Then, he feasts on you like a starving man, and he might be, because you taste like the ambrosia of the gods and he can’t get enough of it. Of how you make a mess of yourself for him and there’s still something for him to take. You just taste so sweet, what a perfect meal your nectar makes. His wicked silver tongue polishes you, aided by your whispered sighs, his name moaned like a prayer on your lips. You are so so close, alastor sucks on your throbbing clit you are already seeing stars, all you need is a gentle push.
 Grinning like a devil, Alastor looks up, tilts his head, gives you the most wicked-and-douchey look in existence. He gets up, your leash dissipating into the air and walks away in perfect composure, like nothing happened. Nothing at all.
“Well, I think that’s my cue!!” he says in his usually chirpy tone. You just stay there, flabbergasted. “I just remembered I still have a lot to do today! Work never stops when you maintain a facility like this in tip-top condition!” Already halfway across the corridor, Alastor’s head turns towards you “Still want to make my day good my dear? Be a doll and clean this mess up, will you?” you just stare at him, too fucking stunned to speak. You can’t believe it. That fucking devil. He’s about to make the turn towards the elevator and disappear when his eyes flash red as he warns you “Oh! and don’t you dare make yourself cum without my permission. If you cum before I say so, you won’t be cumming for a week. Choose wisely!Let’s see who loses control first Ha Ha! This will be fun!”
 Alastor can be a psychopathic demon in heat, but before all that he still is a psychopathic demon who loves torture. 
And he just left you all hot and bothered. 
Alastor knew better than believing in such things as heaven or holiness. In fact, Alastor was positively sure nothing was sacred. The concept of sacredness was non-existent in his book.
But his skeptic mind danced on the edge of belief when he touched you. To be inside you felt heavenly, heavenly in a type of way that should not even be allowed in this place. The way your lush body burned underneath his wicked gaze was sacred.The way you always presented yourself to him, with selfless abandon was sacred. Somehow, someone allowed him, of all people, access to a soul he frankly didn’t understand what was doing in hell in the first place. He never was the better man. He was never giving that up.
In all of his nature, Alastor felt the most sinful pleasure in defiling your sacredness. He wanted nothing but to take the heavenly thing you were and taint it with his darkness. 
He was well acquainted to torture and had no shame in inflicting the most delicious and depraved type of it on you ,until all of your holiness was irrevocably marked by him, down to the core of your soul.  Of course Alastor didn’t buy your soul. He didn’t need to use those means to completely own you. He did it effortlessly, because you craved it. Because he craved it.
That’s why the thought of Vox even looking in your way was heretic, and not in a good way. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you to Vox. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. Period. You were his.
 But adding that man into the equation just made everything more intolerable. The things he would do if he found out about you… Found out that not only you were his but how you could make someone feel. How precious and undeserving of anything less than good you were… 
You were made to be cherished and protected. Protected by him.
 In fact, it took all of the Radio Demon’s willpower to restrain from walking to the Vees building, and kill Vox for something he didn’t do. Because Alastor wouldn’t allow the thought to even cross his mind. All that, a messy display of his desperation and loss of control. Giving that prick the smug satisfaction of knowing somehow he got to him, in his last moments. 
Damn, his rut truly did make him on edge.
Suppressing his murderous thoughts, Alastor focused his mind into something he as actually good at: torture. Yours specifically. He still wanted to punish you for making him feel like this. He still wanted to make you understand.
And he just thought of the sweetest way to do it.
After cleaning up the mess on the corridor, and yourself (you did it all on autopilot, still trying to understand what the FUCK happened) you still had to give Angel a satisfaction about why you didn’t come back. You must’ve looked really miserable cause Angel just hugged you really tight and ordered you to bed. When in reality all of your efforts were now focused on masking your humiliating arousal. So you find yourself lying in your bed, trying not to think anything Radio Demon related. You’re totally not thinking about the way he looked at you while he fucked you. The way his eyes would search yours in a crowded room, winking playfully at you. An inside joke. A promise.The way you both playfully banter at the dinner table over silly things. You are also totally not thinking about how he takes you, how you love to hear him saying “good girl” to you after you push your limits again, only for him. Not thinking at all about how his cock fills you so perfectly, you truly feel empty without it. Who’s thinking about what hides behind his eyes when he his voice goes all soft in the middle of a rough fucking? Ha ha!! Definitely not you. 
You punch yourself with your pillow. 
C’mon don’t think thoughts of Alastor now…
You are so fucked, and not in a sexy way. The worst part is that you want to endure it, you want to be good for him. Your pussy is aching to be touched, your mind begging you to have thoughts of Alastor while your pussy is being touched. But right now you would give everything in this world to hear him praise you again. You know how hard his rut is on him… He already carries a lot alone, the Hotel, the doomsday clock of extermination ticking closer and closer everyday. Plus the other things… You know there’s something more, something that haunts his nights, but it’s not your place to ask. Hell, you are too scared to ask. You just hope, you just pray that when it happens you are beside him. You don’t ever expect the Radio Demon to ever ask for help, or open up. Or seek comfort. Oh, he’s anything but comfortable. But you like to think that in time, he would feel comfortable enough around you he could let something slip, a tiny detail to add to your “The Mystery of the Radio Demon” clue board. Something that would let you show him he doesn’t need to pick himself apart, carry all these burdens alone.
Great, you are doing amazing at the “not thinking any Alastor thoughts” game. 
You hug your pillow closer and look across you window as you start saying out loud a list of things you need to do around the Hotel. Maybe this will take your mind off the devil.
Tend to the Venus Fly traps of the gardens. (You could ask Nifty for the bugs)
Write the thank you letters to the new guests that agreed to help with hotel chores.
Tell charlie about your book club idea using cool flashcards 
It’s your turn to organize “Theme nights”, maybe Alastor would enjoy a “great gatsby” theme, right?
Great, Alastor again. You sighed. 
Suddenly a red note written with perfect penmanship flies next to your spot on the bed.
“My darling doe, I’m waiting for you in my chambers.
Don’t take your time, we have much to discuss.-
Yours, Alastor.
You take your time, though, to thank anyone who’s listening as you sprint towards Alastor’s lavish room. You feel dizzy, anticipation like butterflies in your stomach. You don’t have to knock more than once for him to let you in. 
He’s on the edge of the bed, looking like his normal self (as normal as it gets for Alastor)
The taps the spot next to him on the the bed
“Come here, you darling thing!”
you don’t waste a second, and as quickly as you are sitting on his bed, you are sitting on lap. Holding you close, in a vice like grip with one of his arms, Alastor starts talking 
“How was the rest of your day, my dear?” you open your mouth to start talking, you have so much to say to him. That you were a good girl, that you were ready to do anything to make up for laughing at Angel’s stupid idea of seducing Vox. You are ready to beg for your release. to ask how his day was. But you don’t get to utter a word. 
Alastor quickly and swiftly maneuvers you: now your feet are dangling from the bed, your ass and  legs sprawled out across his lap. A powerful arm locking you to him by the small of your back.
Holy fuck.
“Well my day was downright awful! You see I overheard my pretty pet laughing at the prospect of seducing one of my most infuriating enemies. I’m in the peak of my unforgiving rut ,and all I wanted was the shared pleasure of our bodies as I fuck the darling thing senseless!” he pinches the back of your thigh, hard. You blur out a soft, desperate sigh. 
“Of course, the good girl she is, she went begging for my forgiveness. I didn’t fully give it, of course. That was a harsh offense, what my little doe did. But I did have my fill with her” You try to spea-
Alastor audibly shushes you.
“I did leave her all hot and bothered after spilling my cum all over her maddening little body, of course. I contenplated murdering the bastard demon so he wouldn’t get a chance of even knowing about her existence and what she does to me. But I still suffered with the hellish need of fucking her into oblivion, and pondered a lot about divine justice. So, if I had to suffer this entire day because of her offenses I think it’s only right for that darling doe to get her fill of suffering and punishment hmmmm?
 You try to look back to his face, but you feel the familiar sensation of magic wrapping around your throat. The leash, you are so so fucked. You couldn’t be happier about it.
He tugs at the chain, so your skirt rides up and your ass is totally bare for him and your head is buried in one of his fluffy pillows. With a snap of his fingers your panties disintegrate.
You shiver at the thought of what’s happening next, a delicious sensation that flows across your back and ends up inside your cunt, beginning to turn into a wet mess. He’s gonna spank you like the bad girl you were. He’s not going to be gentle about it either. You can’t wait. It’s gonna hurt, it’s gonna sting, it will leave you bruised. It will be deliciously wicked, like all of Alastor’s punishments. 
You feel another surge of magic, behind the powerful green glow something materializes.
Your horsegirl days back on earth don’t let you down. You recognise it instantly. On his previous free hand he’s holding a riding crop. A big, leather pointed riding crop. 
He’s going to literally whip you into submission. You squirm inside his arm. You can’t fucking wait. You’ve made yourself come a few times after the thought of being literally tamed, broke by alastor. 
You whimper. Alastor’s laugh fills the room.
“So this is how this is going to go, pet. I’m going to whip you lovely ass like the ungrateful slut you are and you are going to thank me for it after every crack of the whip. I’m gonna do this as many times as I see fit. Until your ass is as red as my hair. Until you understand what you did. By the time I’m done you will be begging to be punished more. Are we clear?
You can’t look back at him, but you can feel how his red irises make your skin burn. You like to imagine that his eyes did the thing where they soften for a heartbeat, if you blink you miss it. Waiting for your permission, even now. You are able to muffle a “yes, oh please Alastor, yes”. 
He didn’t even gave you time to process. The whip lands hard on the back of your left thigh. You let out a scream.
“Well?” he asks impatiently as he waits for your “thank you”. Seeing the way the spot where the whip landed turn a lovely shade of scarlet isn’t helping him hold his resolve either.
You wanna do this right, you need this as much as he needs it.
crack. the whip lands on your right thigh, a little lower.
 He whips you even harder, cutting the wind as it lands twice on your left buttcheek. Only four cracks down and you are a whimpering mess. You wiggle instinctively on his lap, seeking some friction, some relief. It hurts so bad, but it feels so good. You don’t know if you can take more. You want it anyway. “thank you, thank you” you whimper. Tears wet your face, arousal wets your core adding to the mess from before he even started.
crack. crack.
 He mirrors his movements to your right buttcheek. “thank yo- Holy fuck Alastor”
one more hit, now hitting both of your buttcheks. 
“I’ve told you many times before pet, there’s nothing holy about what I do to you. I’m gonna break you and then breed you. I won’t give you a moment of respite. And maybe by the end, when your legs are shaking from holding that orgasm you have been desperately chasing since this afternoon, I will be merciful and let you find your release. And we will know who’s really losing control here”
How can he do this to you with only his voice? You are not sure you’ve ever been so aroused in your entire life. You’re so wet, you’re staining Alastor’s pants. As close as you will get to marking him.
There’s a draft coming from the forest of his room, it softly kisses your abused skin, making it sting. You want to see the state of your lower body so badly. The way you’re submitting to him right now, the most sweet form degradation possible. Your eyes are clouded with tears, that line between pain and pleasure being blurred in ways only someone like the Radio Demon could cross. He tugs on your leash, to attract your attention from the sinful, unholy sensations you are feeling so openly, back to him.
Alastor drags the leather point of the whip across your throbbing cunt, collecting the obscene amount of wetness there. “By the 7 rings of hell, what do you have here? Are you such a slut that you are creaming at being whipped into compliance? I could do this all night long. Your ass is already red with regret for your actions but I’m not sure you learned your lesson yet.”
crack. The whip this time lands on your juicy cunt. Your hips trash with the sensation, your demon lover’s name escaping your lips like a prayer.You forget to thank him this time, despite your best efforts. 
“Are you so big of an ungrateful brat that you want this sinful punishment to continue? Not even bothering to thank me, in hopes it will end sooner. You know what you are. Nothing but a hungry greedy whore for the Radio Demon” 
crack, crack. One hit on each cheek. “But I already knew that” and with that mocking tone Alastor lands a  masterful final hit on both of your cheeks. He does have a way of proving his point.
You are fucking sobbing now. Tears coat your cheeks, now a colour so vibrant as the rich scarlet the covers your ass. Alastor knows everything that makes you tick. He knows how close you are to cumming. Cumming for only his masterfully inflicted punishment and his voice. Incoherent whimpers leave your lips “please please please” and soft “ohh and aaah, alastor”
He tugs on your leash again, he knows your body like the palm of his hand, and that you are probably entering the mind numbing phase of the pain and the pleasure. But he still wants your undivided attention. He has whipped you into submission, he still needs to fuck you into submission. 
“And you even made the mess of yourself stain my pants! My god, you are pathetic. Delightfully pathetic” 
Alastor gently runs his clawed hands across your ass, the sharp edges making you hiss. He looks in adoration at the masterpiece he inflicted on you. Your ass and thighs a shade of scarlet to rival his hair, the wetness between your thighs a heavenly invitation. Beautiful. Sinful.  Sacred. He will never forget this, and he will make sure that you never forget it too.
“Now, now, we are done with this my little doe” his voice goes extra soft because you can’t see him with your face buried in a soft pillow. “you were so good for me, you always are” 
The softness and sweetness of his praise makes you sob even harder. It’s maddening. 
He gently maneuvers you further into the bed, making space for himself. 
“But now I’m painfully hard, and I still need to bury myself inside that tight throbbing cunt of yours, so deep it will mark. your. soul.” static picks up around you, a delicious omen of what is about to happen. 
Alastor positions himself behind you, immediately entering you and bottoming out. 
His first thrusts are sharp and deep, as to make his promise of marking yourself from the inside real. He pulls your chains so your scarlet ass is presenting itself to him like the most sinful gift. 
Alastor picks up that breakneck pace of fucking, common to him, specially during his rut. He fucks you like he hates you. As hard as he possibly can, to make you know that you are his and his only. That even thinking of someone else, even as a joke, will not be tolerated. You wanted all of him didn’t you? You’ve made that clear, with words, with actions, with the things your body endures for him. So he makes sure to give you that. 
Moans drip from your lips in a crescendo, you are screaming now, you don’t know how long you will last. It feels so good. That delayed gratification drowning you in maddening pleasure. 
“Who do you think is losing control here?” he asks after a painfully sharp thrust. “Me, or the mess of a slut underneath me? That is screaming my name loud enough for the entire pride ring to know how she loves being fucked like a common whore for the Radio Demon,hmm?” 
One hand pulls your leash upwards, the other your hips. He’s even deeper now, you can feel him in your core.
You don’t reply to the question even though you want to, even though you know the answer. 
“Again, since you like being bred like that so much you are not hearing me” he takes all of his cock out and enters you at once. “Who’s losing control here? Me, or my little plaything with the scarlet ass from being whipped into compliance like the pretty little brat she is?” 
You don’t forget to answer him now, you need to cum, desperately. You withheld your building orgasm  for an entire day, you wanted to be good for Alastor. You wanted to be able to take everything he gives you. The pleasure, the pain, the sinful, delicious depraved torture. “Me, I am!” you scream out. 
Alastor’s pace is becoming erratic, you feel the shadows of his growing antlers cover you.
“Again” he tugs at your collars. Another sharp, deep thrust. 
“Me, i’m losing control” 
“And what are you?” his voice is filled with static now, he’s close too.
“Yours! I’m yours Alastor, yours to fuck, to break, to punish” you cry out in sweet pain and pleasure. 
Another tug, Another painfully sharp thrust 
“I’m only yours Alastor” you finish. 
“Good. girl.” he spaces the words out between thrusts, knowing how you relish in them. 
“You can come now” 
Your orgasm comes crashing down. You grip the sheets like a maniac, your legs shaking so hard Alastor needs to hold them in place. You scream so loud you are sure they can hear you in heaven. You hope they can, so they know. So they know this man owns you. So they know you love him. 
Alastor is not far behind, your cunt tightening around him like a vice. He fucks you specially hard and deep know, delayed gratification hitting all at once. He cums so hard inside you, he’s sure he finally marked your soul. The feeling of his cock twitching and spilling inside you, adding to the indescriptible sensation. You are completely over the edge now, you feel weightless, free falling. 
You know Alastor will catch you.
“Ah! There she is” you open your eyes and feel a soft kiss on your cheek. You are lying on top of Alastor’s chest, he cuddles you gently, making lazy circles on your hipbone but still buried to the hilt inside you. He still plans to give you all of his cum, all he has during his rut,after all. 
“woah, that was… amazing” you say after a while.
“Well, I did whip and fuck you to the brink of insanity my dear. And you came so beautifully for me, you passed out. You’re such a sight pet. I will never forget it.” you blush at his words. You feel so happy. 
Alastor kisses your cheek again, and with a final thrust he leaves you with a obscenely wet noise. You are dripping with his cum, it’s running down your thighs, staining the sheets. 
You whimper in complaint. 
“Ah ,don’t be like that” he laughs, is a genuinely happy laugh. “There’s still plenty of where that came from, but I need my darling doe to rest first” he says. He’s lying you gently on the bed as he gets up. “Don’t leave” you whisper. 
He’s out of the bed anyways, and seems to be on his way to do something. You don’t care, you want him back here, holding you. You don't want him to ever let you go.
“Al, i’m truly sorry about today. You know that, right?” You know that I love you, right?  You want to say, but you are scared that confession is a little much for today. You see where he’s headed now. He opens the bathroom door.
“Don’t even think about it, my dear. It’s all water under the bridge” he says in his usual chirpy tone, louder than the noise of the bath running. “Now you just need to promise me that you will never even let the thought of that pathetic demon cross your mind, my love”
my love.
“And if he ever does, you will let me know. So I can fuck those wretched ideas out of your mind” Alastor is walking back to the bed now. He picks you up bridal style and carries you across the room. You can’t help the hiss that escape your lips as your irritated skin touches him. “I know, I know my dear. We will fix that right up. I can’t have my favourite doe hurting. We still have a long way to go until the end of my rut, dearest” you don’t reply, you are just happy. perfectly happy. You could hear Alastor’s voice for days without complaining. “But you did look so perfect with that scarlet ass on my lap. Crying from how much you love what I do to you. I hope you never forget that” 
You both reach the bathtub, he drops you with all the care in the world inside the water.
“I’m so proud of you. I truly am” the water is warm. The soap smells so nice. He lit candles too. You give in to the soothing sensations. You might have tuned out for a bit, cause you hear alastor calling your name so softly… He says it again, slow, soft, gentle, pleading. As to catch your attention, he has something important to say. “You know how precious you are to me, don’t you my little doe?” “yes” you respond, trying to fight the tears that begin to spill down your face ‘
“Oh my darling girl, why are you crying? There’s nothing to cry about. You are here, safe with me. As you will always be, as is your place.”
“Alastor I-I-” your heart swells, you want to say something. You want to say everything you are feeling. How consuming, in the best way possible, your feelings are for him.
But Alastor is always 10 steps ahead. 
“I know, I know darling” he kisses your hand “I feel it too.” he says. It feels like a confession, it sounds like a confession. The look on his eyes is the one of that mystery that hides there every time his voice in the midst of your passion. 
When you,know you know. your mind reiterates. 
“Let me help you dry those tears. Save them for another day” He holds your face and kiss your lips. “The only thing you need to worry about right now is resting and recovering that luscious body of yours, as well as your brilliant, witty mind”
He hands you a sparkly fancy pink soap, and gets up to find the softest sponge he has stored. 
“Now, I hope you like the smell of these candles, cause I’m not letting you out of my sight for at least the next four days!” 
Alastor continues to chat away sweet nothings as he helps you bathe. Maybe it will take a while for the Radio Demon to say those 4 words out loud. He has enough reason for that, inside that beautiful, complicated mind of his. His actions always speak louder than words, your relationship was proof of that. 
Until then, you will always have sacred moments in crowded rooms, you will always have jokes that only the both of you understand. He will always keep sweeping you off your feet in the most deliciously wicked ways possible. 
Right now, you have him by your side after everything that happened, you have his heart too. You are sure of that. So you don’t mind waiting for him.
Good things come for those who wait.
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sixeyesgojo · 1 year
all good things come in threes
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☾ Summary: Winning a bet against Gojo ‘big ass ego’ Satoru isn't as easy as you thought. But you can't complain either. ☾ Characters: highschool!Gojo Satoru x reader ☾ Word count: 6k ☾ Content warning: use of petnames, implied height difference, tooth-rotting fluff, Gojo's a little shit and has negative rizz ☾ Author's note: My heart was going through STUFF. ☾ Tags: @nagumoan @heresan @peachsayshi @trueformsukuna @gojos-princesa @cursedmoonchild
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White tufts of hair. Round sunglasses. An annoying facial expression directed at you. That was your view. You let out an exasperated sigh. Out of everyone available at the time, they just had to choose you to partner up with Satoru. It was to make sure the young conceited sorcerer wouldn’t go overboard or well, get ahead of himself. Sure, his abilities were extraordinary and even at a young age, he had already displayed an astonishing understanding of his cursed techniques and various other battle-related skills. Everyone knew that Satoru was set to be a pioneer and that he didn’t exactly need a partner to fulfill his missions. You knew about his abilities, how they worked and his modus operandi, already having had experience partnering up with him on various missions. But those had been wildly different as they required a partner, a second person. This one clearly didn’t. Yet they still sent you with him, knowing full well that he could handle it himself. These damn fossils.
It was understandable that Satoru had his own opinions about this rather unexpected turn of events. After having heard his initial protestations, which contained the words “no faith”, “incompetent” and how he was “not some random weakling”, you’ve had enough and it began to annoy you. Neither of you were responsible for orders being passed down as they were; and both of you knew that some of them did not make sense, some of them were plain unreasonable and some of them just seemed antiquated, obsolete, outdated. If anyone had enough power to object orders from above, it was the young sorcerer in front of you. However, he didn’t bother to do so. As for you, you had questioned the intent behind the task assigned to you, but simply accepted it as it was. There was no helping it anyway. In the end, you were just a cog in a giant and screwed system.
And so, you were stuck with him on a mission to rescue civilians and eliminate a first grade curse. “I still don’t understand why I need a partner for this. Do I look like a total wimp?” he complained and pulled a grimace.
You rolled your eyes at him, clearly displeased at the situation yourself, “I bet they assigned me to keep your big ass ego in check.”
For someone who had grumbled that much about you being his partner this time around, Satoru certainly seemed entertained in one way or another. At least, a small part of him seemed to revel in the situation. “And I’m sure you will do an excellent job at keeping my ‘big ass ego’ at bay,” he retorted sarcastically, all while giving you that damn smirk. No one else in the world could look so smug while being a prick. So what if you found him attractive? So what if his teasing made your heart skip one or two beats? So what if the smirk made you want to kiss it off of his stupid face? His personality was foul enough. At that moment, all you wanted to do was to smack him but you knew exactly that his bothersome Infinity wouldn’t let you.
“Ugh, I don’t exactly enjoy being stuck with someone who constantly complains either. I’ll just get this mission done as quickly as I can and then we’re both free from each other. Deal?” you rambled. Your keenness to end this all as soon as possible made his ears perk up and upon hearing this, the white-haired teenager dropped his empty can on the ground, “Woah woah woah, hold your horses. I am pretty sure you can’t even defeat the curse as fast as I can, so who’s stuck with who?”
You shrugged as you picked up the metal can, ever so trusting in your abilities. Although you knew he was the strongest, that didn’t mean you couldn’t beat him to it, right? You just had to be clever about it. “Fine, let’s make a bet then. Whoever lands the finishing blow on the curse wins,” you suggested and tossed the metallic container into a trashcan. Satoru raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Loser has to do whatever the winner wants,” the sorcerer decided. He seemed interested enough.
“Fine by me. Don’t cry about it when I win,” you said, grinning at him. He grinned back at you, all too confident in his victory already, “I’m afraid I’ll be the one wiping your tears.”
Days passed. Finally, the fateful day was here.
“Will you hurry up?” he urged you. “I’m already on my way,” you replied, annoyed at being rushed by him. Why were you two walking to the scene in the first place? “Come on, we don’t have all day,” he continued. You rolled your eyes. Not everybody had the privilege of having stilts for legs. Still, you sped up in order to catch up to him.
“This is the place,” Satoru pointed out, stopping abruptly. He held his arm out in front of you, as if to keep you out… if one was delusional enough, the gesture could have been interpreted as a protective one. Promptly, you shook your head. There was no time for such thoughts. You could daydream later—focus was more important now.
“There are still people inside. We need to evacuate them first,” he inferred, looking into your eyes. Your mind then switched to mission mode immediately.  “Then we can take it down together.”
You nodded; even without verbal communication, the allocation of tasks was successfully conveyed. Vanishing from his sight, you were off to evacuate anyone that was left in the vicinity. Sure, Satoru could find the curse and get rid of it on his own. Then he would have won the bet easily. However, something in your gut told you that he wouldn’t do that. He could be fair… sometimes—even if it was for his own enjoyment. Admittedly, he wasn’t a bad partner on missions; he just wasn’t the greatest personality-wise. But he certainly had a charm to him. That’s how he unknowingly wrapped you around his finger…
The evacuation went as smooth as it could—with one or two stray bullets that would not listen, as per usual. Since you had already done this lots of times, you were able to finish up quickly and get the civilians to safety with the help of the assistants: the Windows.
“I’m here,” you announced to him as soon as you were back. And you were right! He just leaned against a wall, waiting for you. “About time. I almost thought you wouldn’t come anymore because you got scared shitless. You ready to take this thing down?” He asked. You smirked at him, “You bet I am. Ready to kick your sorry ass.”
Chuckling, he swung himself into a proper standing position. “Alright. I see you’re being as feisty as ever. Remember: The loser will have to do whatever the other person wants after all this is over,” the tall teenager reminded you with a cocky grin. Oh, he was so sure that he would win. His eyes gleamed with excitement and he was ready to fight this curse to ensure his oh-so-sweet victory over you. Of course, he had already thought of his prospective prize.
As if on cue, the curse appeared behind him and roared. In the blink of an eye, two giant claws came swinging at Satoru. You didn’t hesitate to activate your own cursed technique, successfully blocking the slash attack at frightening speed.
“Mark me impressed,” Satoru laughed. It wasn’t his first time seeing you in action but he couldn’t help but tease you, “You’re still not on my level but it’ll do.”
You rolled your eyes, “You say this every time we’re partnered up. Doesn’t it get old?”
He simply laughed as you both dodged an incoming blow. The two of you continued to face off with the curse. Before long, both of you had landed blows on the enemy. He was holding back for some reason—that’s what you thought—otherwise you were sure that this level of curse would have been taken care of by his hands already. It was neither weak nor was it anything drastically above your level. There was one thing you were sure about: He was stalling—and you played right into his games. But your pride wouldn’t let you drop out of the bet. 
It wasn’t long until the curse crumbled to dust. You panted a little, looking at the white-haired sorcerer. The enemy was gone now but he didn’t look like he had broken a single sweat. He dusted himself off and straightened his posture.
“Now about that winner and loser thing…” he began, “I think you can guess the winner.”
You huffed. Damn. Despite holding out well, your plan was a failure. But a bet was a bet, right? “Fine, what do you want me to do?” you probed. He wouldn’t ask you to do bizarre things for him, right?
Satoru tapped his chin, pretending to think, when in reality he had already known before the fight even started. You looked like you poured your whole heart into winning, so he couldn’t help but hold back a little.
“Then… how about going out for ice cream? It’s on me. I think I deserve ice cream after working so hard,” he finally spoke. At first, you thought your brain was playing pranks on you. “Wait,” you paused, “Are you asking me out as your prize for winning the bet?”
A playful grin spread on his face. “You could definitely say that.” He specified, “But I also just really like ice cream on a summer day and I think we deserve some. What, are you chickening out now?”
You looked at him quizzically, questioning whether this was a joke on his part. You felt your heart speed up and the tips of your ears became warmer by the second. “Fair. A win is a win. I guess I’ll go have ice cream with you,” you muttered. Was he scheming something? Did he… perhaps like—
He chuckled and proceeded with a half-teasing tone, “You guess?” The laughter that followed after was soft. “We gotta report back first and then we can go.” Without further ado, he turned on his heel and walked away. The grin that was on his face was not visible to you. “Ugh, shut up,” you grumbled, still somewhat flustered. Nevertheless, you followed him. This damn heart wouldn’t let you rest.
The briefing didn’t take long at all—the mission was a success. After making a report, the two of you headed to a nearby ice cream store. As you stood in line waiting for your sweet cold treat, you looked at his face. He was even better looking than you originally thought. Come to think of it, you might have never looked at him from up close. Suddenly, he turned to you. “What flavor are you getting?” Satoru asked curiously.
You looked at him and answered, “Lime with mint.” It was one of your favorite flavors.
“Lime with mint, huh?” he repeated and looked towards the sky as if you had just asked him a deeply philosophical question he needed to ponder about. “Not a bad choice. I’m getting mango. Can’t go wrong with that.” He paid for the ice cream, as promised, and guided both of you to a nearby bench so you could enjoy the treat. His eyes were positively gleaming with delight after he sat down. It was happiness that resembled yours whenever you got ice cream. “Why lime with mint?” Satoru wondered. With a shrug, you replied, “I just like lime. With mint in it, it’s more refreshing in summer. Have you ever tried?”
Satoru shook his head, so you allowed him to have a taste. You could pinpoint the exact moment when he realized that your statement was the truth: It was nice and refreshing indeed. He made a mental note that your ice cream taste was impeccable. “Any other flavor you enjoy?” he probed. It took a moment of thinking until you came up with something, “Matcha ice cream. I like mango too.”
“Good call. Mango is one of my favorites for sure,” he said as he took a bite of his scoop of ice cream.
“I’m wondering,” you said aloud, “why did you choose to ask me out as your reward? I expected… actually, I don’t know what I expected but it was definitely something else.”
The sorcerer pondered, thinking about how to phrase it. “Like what?” he asked. “I don’t know. Maybe kissing your ass, being your accomplice for pranks or something like that. That would be on-brand for you,” you joked. You would have never expected such a turn of events.
“That would have been an amazing idea, actually,” the guy mused. In retrospect, it would have been better if you hadn’t said anything to not fuel his dumb ideas. “You absolute jackass! Nobody wants to kiss your ass!”
Even though you should have expected such a reply coming from him, you couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit scandalized at the mental image of you kissing his rear. Gross. You shook your head to get rid of the imagery.
And yet, your curiosity hadn’t been quenched at all. As impatient as you were about his reply, you further probed him on the matter, “So… about my question…?”
As if to hide any embarrassing feelings, your opposite snickered. “Right… about that…” he cleared his throat, “I just kinda like our banter a lot… and you. So I figured that I should just shoot my shot. ‘What are they gonna say? No?’ was what I thought but see, a bet’s a bet! And I won!”
Oh. Oh.
Your eyes widened. So it was like that. 
Gojo Satoru? The Gojo Satoru? The conceited prick Satoru? Your crush Satoru? And you? Together? Never in a hundred years. But… it’s not like you had any right to complain about it, seeing as your heart was threatening to break out of its bony confinement.
“Hey, hey, hey. No need to look so surprised. I’ve been trying to get closer to you, didn’t you notice?” he asked, tilting his head to the left side, as if to get a better glimpse of your surprised expression.
“You thought being the most annoying prick to ever walk on Earth would do the trick?” Your jaw dropped. A strange expression of surprise flitted across your face for a split second. He shrugged his shoulders, “Well, it definitely worked—after all I got your undivided attention, didn’t I?”
Flabbergasted—that’s what you were. However, your composure quickly made a comeback and you could only laugh. A million-watt grin greeted you. Damn this man. He knew how to charm you, intentionally or not. “It sure did, you know! But not in the most positive light… Instead of calling me weak, you could have asked me what my favorite color is, what my favorite food is or something like that… Things normal people do!” you told him truthfully. Rather than arguing back, Satoru raised his free hand in defense, “I didn’t say you were weak, I just said you’re not on my level!”
You couldn’t help but raise your eyebrow and he quickly dropped the topic. Deciding to take your advice to heart, he asked you about your favorite cake and any ‘hidden gems and recommendations’, as he called them. The sudden change in topic threw you off a little, but as long as he tried, right? You were almost inclined to reward him with a good noodle star. Not that you’d do that. In place of that, you opted to go with the alternative: provide him with the information he asked for. So you thought about it carefully before answering him. He listened intently.
“I’ll keep those in mind. Making a mental list for the next time we hang out,” he grinned at you, tapping his temple. “You want to hang out again? I’m not boring you out of your mind yet?” you asked puzzledly, still in disbelief that he showed actual interest in you outside of work. “Why wouldn’t I want to?” He seemed slightly confused and raised a white eyebrow.
“Do you not want to?” He glanced at you with his bright, sparkling eyes. The notion of spending more time with you excited him. The enthusiasm was reflected in his cerulean eyes. When you thought about it, it only made sense, considering he had just confessed that he found you intriguing. “I just assumed you couldn’t stand me because I wasn’t as strong as you because you kept being mean to me,” you admitted somewhat shyly.
“I’m not that mean!” He said, acting shocked, though you noticed he was trying to hide a chuckle.
After a few seconds, Satoru sighed and clarified, “I can be a bit mean at times but I promise I never hated you or anything.” He smiled and you swore it was a smile that could threaten to make your knees a bit weak. Lucky for you that you were sitting on a bench. It was almost unfair how blessed he was with good looks. He continued, “I actually enjoy your company. You’re interesting and fun and I can tell you’re not afraid to bite back but you can be friendly if you want to. If anything, I like that a lot about you.”
A slight feeling of abashment prompted you to avoid his gaze. This was unusual. You weren’t used to him being so openly kind. “You know, I’d think I prefer you teasing me… without being straight up rude,” you confessed. His eyes widened briefly. Yet, a smirk soon returned to his face, “I see. You’re a masochist. Just kidding! I can definitely do that. It’ll be interesting to see how you react to me teasing you.”
Of course, you wouldn’t let that sit on you and you bit back, “Don’t expect me not to fight back, though.” And there it was, the slightly awkward atmosphere from earlier dissipated and everything returned to your usual banter.
Satoru clicked his tongue, “Trust me, I don’t expect you to be anyone but yourself. But I’m still looking forward to what you’ll do when I tease you, though.” He winked. “Not only are you an interesting person, but you’re fairly cute too.”
Who? You? “Huh?” you blurted out, baffled at the sudden compliment. With the way he was grinning at you, he had to be messing with you since he enjoyed seeing your reactions. “Did I say something wrong? I wasn’t lying. You’re adorable. Do you think you’re not?” Oh, he was definitely messing with you.
“Not really,” you shot back. You knew you weren’t ugly but hearing a compliment from someone as stunning as Satoru was something else. But cute and adorable…? That wasn’t exactly the best way to compliment someone you wanted to get attention from. If anything, it fueled something almost akin to spite within you. You felt the urge to tease him back.
“Come on, it was a genuine compliment from me. That’s gotta count for something, doesn’t it?” he pouted. You couldn’t detect any kind of indication that he was lying. “Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself,” you complimented him back. “Really?” he let out a gasp that was obviously fake, “I’m not so bad?”
You nodded, prompting the white-haired man to raise his eyebrow as he contemplated. “You’re right, I’m not bad,” he nodded in agreement with you. 
“I am great,” he said, a smirk forming on his face.
You chuckled, “You know. I think if it wasn’t for your foul personality, I would have fallen for you long ago.”
“Foul personality?” Satoru gasped as he brought a hand to his chest to grab it. “Maybe you’re just as mean as I am!” A laugh escaped from your throat and it was like music to his ears. “I never said I was nice, did I?” you fired back at him and he couldn’t help but grin. “See? I think I like you more when you're sassy. Maybe we're not as different as you thought,” he spoke. After a moment, he added, “I wouldn't mind if you treated me like this all the time. I could even get used to it.”
“So the great Gojo Satoru likes being degraded, I see. Noted,” you teased him again. One of his hands moved to his mouth to cover it, pretending to be horrified. He leaned forward and you could see a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I don’t think ‘degradation’ is the right term here; I just enjoy teasing you and... being teased by you. Is that so bad?” he asked. “Then,” you began and stood up, the ice cream was long finished. You placed your index finger beneath his chin, moving it up so he was facing you as you got closer to his face. He could feel your breath. “Do you like this?” you asked. Your goal was to get back at him for flustering you earlier. So why was your heart beating so fast?
“I think I do,” he simply said. His pale blue eyes seemed to peer at you, piercing you, as if looking for an answer to a question that had been left unasked. Despite being in a sitting position, he still radiated a confident aura. Suddenly the closeness you had created between the two of you was too much for you. Your body backed away automatically but you found yourself unable to move any farther from him—he didn’t let you. Instead, he reduced the gap between the two of you even more, slowly coming closer to you.
His fingers had already sneakily encircled your left forearm without you noticing. Mesmerizing eyes robbed you of your ability to move. You didn’t notice you held your breath until you needed to inhale sharply. Who was teasing who now? Caught like a deer in headlights, adrenaline rushed through your veins as anticipation clouded your mind. That was the moment you realized that you were into him more than you’d like to admit. You swore you could hear your heartbeat pounding loudly in your ears. The tension became too much and the ringing in your ears amplified and—
And then he closed the gap between you. Your brain blacked out. All you could think about was his lips on yours. Saying that you didn’t like his lips melting into yours was a lie. Satoru was leaving a sweet hint of his mango-flavored ice cream for you to taste, as if to claim you as his.
After a few seconds, Satoru broke the kiss. The shit-eating grin on his face was telling. “I think I liked this more though. You should let me do that more often. Maybe every day,” he winked at you. He looked at your frozen expression and chuckled; he genuinely had fun flirting with you. Still dazed from the kiss, your brain was unable to conjure any thoughts. All you knew was that you wanted—no, it was a need to kiss him again. As if your body would be set ablaze if you didn’t listen to your desire, your lips chased his and you kissed him again.
Satoru blinked. He was a bit taken aback at first but quickly returned the kiss, closing his eyes. After all, he had just boldly said that he wanted to do it more often. When you broke the kiss, he leaned forward before speaking. You noticed that the tip of his ears were a little red. It was a cute detail that you wouldn’t have noticed from afar.
“Damn, you’re a really good kisser,” the sorcerer said in a low voice, smiling at you. “Can I try again?” he asked, the smile still adorning his face. “All good things come in threes, I suppose,” you smiled back at him and leaned in again. Who would have thought that you would kiss this guy?
Without hesitation, the sitting Satoru pulled you into his lap and he kissed you again, heart beating faster with each passing second. After a few moments, he pulled away.
“Yeah, three sounds like a good number… but I prefer Infinity,” he said breathlessly. His cheeks were slightly flushed, a sign that he was enjoying himself. The white-haired adolescent reached up and pulled a stray strand of hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. He playfully added, “We should do this more often. Don't you agree?”
“Now you’re just being greedy!” you joked as you hit his chest playfully. It was only now that you noticed that his Limitless technique wasn’t in effect. “Greedy? Who? Me? Never!” he gasped again, pretending to be hurt over your accusation. “You hit me pretty hard there. I could have gotten hurt…” He glanced at the hand you used to hit him, “Do you want me to hit you too? Or maybe I should ask for damage compensation?”
You could tell he wasn’t serious by the way he smiled. “If you go on and hit me with your lips, then sure. Alternatively, I can offer lip service as compensation. Choose your poison, choose your hell.”
For a moment, he looked at you with mock horror. Then, he broke out in laughter at your statement. “Actually, that first one sounds like a good idea. I’ll go ahead and hit you with my lips then. But gently. Because I’m a gentleman.” He tenderly placed his two hands at the side of your face and slowly pulled you closer to him. Tilting his head slightly, he leaned in until your lips met. It was very gentle and your heart was filled with excitement, with exhilaration, as he kissed you. As your hands gripped his uniform tightly, you slowly lost yourself in the kiss, getting drunk on his lips. Maybe you should curse him for being a good kisser.
Satoru ended the kiss with a peck on the corner of your mouth and looked at you with a soft gaze, the softest you had ever seen on him. The dazed look on your face made him laugh again, “Don’t get too drunk on my kisses.” Stroking your cheeks with his long fingers, he laughed once again when he saw your pouting face, “You’re adorable, you know that?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re not entirely unaffected by kissing me,” you stated as-a-matter-of-factly and raised an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms. Being called out like this was embarrassing but it was pretty clear that you weren’t the only one affected with how the tips of his ears became slightly redder with each time you touched lips.
His lips formed a smile, “They’re addictive, if I’m being honest. I don’t… I don’t want to stop kissing you. I could do this all day, every day.” 
“If kissing me is addictive, then I think I’m doing a great job at affecting you,” you chuckled. The way your mouth moved as you spoke and the way the corners moved upwards to form a cheeky smile; he couldn’t take his eyes off. His heart thumped loudly in his chest, his thumb moved along the corner of your mouth. He couldn’t stop staring, the urge to lay his lips on yours once more strong. “You’re fun to be around. I like you, a lot. I’m enjoying how I feel when I’m close to you. I love whatever effect you have on me,” he spoke clearly.
He was fixated, enchanted, spell-bound even. “Is… Is this a confession?” you asked, hopeful eyes peering up at his. You took notice of the entranced look on his face. He blurted out, “I think I already fell for you a while ago.” As he realized what he had done, his eyes widened in shock and he wanted to slap his palms on his mouth, but he didn’t because that meant letting go of you. This time, it wasn’t fake shock but he genuinely didn’t think he’d blurt it out like that. But it was okay, because you liked him too. What was the use of pretending you didn’t?
“I think that makes two of us then,” as you admitted it, you felt your ears blazing with heat. “I’m saying that I like you too.” 
It took him a moment to process in his brain. Despite being academically clever and praised for his intelligence and wit in battles, you found it took him rather long to work out the meaning behind your words. “I knew you liked me, despite your sass.” No need to hide it now that he’d taken a look inside your heart. “We’re a dangerous duo,” the sorcerer noted, amused by his realization. You agreed with him, “Just two flirty kids who give trouble a run for its money.”
“Hey,” he suddenly began after a few moments, “Have you ever dated someone before? Are there any current or ex boyfriends I need to be worried about?” Satoru’s voice came out softly and he looked at you, awaiting an answer that would please him… because if not… he felt his heart drop at the thought. You wouldn’t… right?
Uncertainty clouded his mind as he looked at your face. “I have dated someone before but it didn’t work out. I’m not seeing anyone at the moment,” you clarified and wagged your index finger at him. “And honestly, even if there was… I think you’d do a great job at keeping them away,” you added.
And then, relief washed over him. With hindsight, he should have asked that before kissing you—a small part inside him admonished him for it but his heart couldn’t help but leap at your words. Quickly recomposing himself, he grinned back at you, “I bet with all the sass, sarcasm and cheekiness you’ve got, you can keep them away just as easily by yourself.”
Obviously, you had a comeback up your sleeve, “I never said I couldn’t. But you’d do a decent job at it. Because anyone would be scared of a tall white-haired dude who is full of himself.”
A hearty laugh came out of his throat; he expected nothing less from you. You were good at getting back at him in the most entertaining and beautiful ways. There was no doubt that you were able to handle his ‘foul’ personality well. “So we’re both good at keeping guys away from us, huh? You really do think I’m full of myself, don’t you? So why didn’t you reject me before?” he questioned. “Judging from what happened earlier… I might not be that good at keeping guys like you away from me. I wasn’t born with your technique after all. And I’m not sure if I want to keep away a guy named Gojo Satoru from me,” you grin at him and pinch his cheek gently.
“I’m flattered,” he fake-sniffed and then he leaned even closer, “So did I hear that correctly? You don’t want to keep a tall, almighty and handsome guy like me away from you? Hm?”
“No, I don’t want to keep you away from me. But I think if we dated, we’d be dangerous to other people. Our superiors wouldn’t approve of it, I am sure,” you mused. It was logical but Satoru gave you a bizarre look, “And you care about what some old farts have to say? Strange thing to be worried about when you’re someone who usually fires back right away.”
“I was just saying. I don’t care about what they think; I like playing dangerously. Wouldn’t be in this line of work if that wasn’t the case,” the words coming out of your mouth made him feel delighted. The smug look on your face only added to it.
“That makes us a dangerous duo, huh? The perfect pair to take down curses and cause trouble, I kinda like that,” he clicked his tongue as he finished speaking. The thought of the two of you wreaking havoc was fun and thrilling, admittedly. Principal Yaga was sure to get white hair at this rate—not that Satoru cared too much about it, as long as the old man didn’t die of shock or cardiac arrest.
“You bet,” you shot him a cheeky smile. “Then it’s settled, wouldn’t you say? You and I are an amazing partner match, sweetheart. Just a danger to society,” Satoru established.
“That’s sort of ironic, considering that our job is to protect society as it is,” you remarked. And yet, it didn’t matter to you at all. All you felt at the moment was the pleasantness of the world, of Gojo Satoru’s presence and coming clean with your feelings.
“Hey, since you brought it up already… I’m going to assume that you’re fine with dating me…?” He briefly looked at the ground, then back at you. The little bit of uncertainty in his tone was almost cute to you. For the first time, the usually cocky and confident platinum—haired sorcerer wasn’t so sure about his words in front of you. Seeing him like this wasn’t so bad, you noticed.
You got on your tiptoes to gently place a peck on his cheek. Your actions were contradictory to your following question: “What makes you think you’re worthy of being my boyfriend?”
You were only teasing him, hoping that your sweet kiss was answer enough. Part of you hoped that he got the playful tone in your voice. But when he glanced down at you as you struggled to reach his lips on your tiptoes, a wide grin spread across his face as you leaned in and kissed him. His heart raced as he snaked his two arms around your waist to steady you.
With an eye smile so boyish that it made you blink once, twice, Satoru was quick to respond, “Opposite day already passed, you brat. I think it’s only fair to deduce that if I’m worthy of your kiss, I’m most likely good enough to be your boyfriend.”
“Hmmm, you think so?” you grin mischievously at him and slung your arms around his neck. Your goal was to rile him up a little, it was in your nature to be a little annoying about it.
“I’d say a kiss is a good sign, sugar,” he retorted with a sassy tone in his voice. He tightened his arms around your waist, effectively hugging you closer to him. There was no escape for you—not that you wanted to flee from him anyways. On the contrary: You rested your head on his shoulder.
“Then I think it’s in order that my official boyfriend kisses me now and goes on a date with me,” you murmured into his ear. A slight movement indicated that he was reacting to your whisper. He gulped and swiftly got his cool back. “That can be arranged,” Satoru smiled as he moved his hands to the sides of your face and closed the gap once more. After separating from your lips, his arms moved back to their original spot.
He snickered to himself, “I can’t believe you’re so cheeky and smooth.”
You stuck your tongue out at him—and to him, you looked so adorable doing it. “Being a menace who is cheeky and smooth is my forte,” you claimed brazenly. “How does it feel to be my boyfriend?”
“Being handsome and strong is part of my job as the notorious kid from the Gojo clan. But being your official boyfriend was not in the job description when I signed up to be a sorcerer. I’ll take my incentive bonus payment in the form of love and affection from you,” he joked and nuzzled your nose. Satoru’s warm hands found yours and he didn’t hesitate to intertwine your fingers.
“Then I guess our first date will be a salary negotiation,” you laughed back at him. This was the start of something beautiful, but also the start of double trouble for some poor souls. Not that any of you cared anyway.
White tufts of hair and round sunglasses would accompany you more frequently from now on.
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c0smiclatt3 · 2 months
i said 'i love you,', you say nothing back.
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☾₊ ⊹ TAGS: angst no comfort, friends to lovers, reader and satoru were classmates, reader defected, post-suguru's death, not proofread yet pls be patient w me i just had this in my drafts for too long
after ten years, you meet again; only this time he's here to kill you - whether he can bear to face you or not.
wc: 4.3k (woah)
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You look the same as you did the day you left, and Satoru really wishes you didn’t. Maybe this would be easier for him if your days as a curse user and Jujutsu Tech defector somehow disfigured you beyond recognition. If you’d taken advantage of some other curse user you knew and donned some glamour or disguise.
But no. You look the same as he remembered you. Your name rung in his ears when he saw you from his vantage point atop the abandoned school building, echoing just as it had haunted him since he left.
She’s here. She’s here. She’s—
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
“She’s gone.”
Satoru felt like he was going to choke. The door to your dorm was ajar, Shoko standing beside it somber, an unreadable expression on her face.
The door hinges squealed as it slowly slid open. Lo and behold: A half empty bottle of tea on your desk. Empty bags of your favorite chips in your desk trash bin. The curtains fluttering in the open window like they always did because you liked the breeze while you slept. Your bedsheets made, just as they were every morning when you four set off for the day’s missions and drills for the last few years.
And your uniform, folded neatly on your bed, unworn.
Satoru’s mouth went dry, his hand went slack, uncurling from the fist he’d locked it in as he stormed over moments prior. “No. She’s coming back, she left her tea—“
Shoko interrupts him, "Satoru."
“She wouldn’t just up and leave, she—“
“Did Suguru rope her into this? Shoko, you haven’t seen them talking have you? Sure I was a bit preoccupied but maybe—“
“Satoru,” Shoko said, firm but resigned. “She’s gone.”
The longer he looked the more it set in: your bag missing from its hook. Your things missing from your desk. A photo of all of you Jujutsu sorcerers beaming at the camera unpinned from your cork board and fluttered to the floor, wrinkled at the corners from drops of water.
“I see.”
Shoko slipped a hand into her coat pocket.
Satoru turned on his heel and walked off down the hallway.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
That’s a word he’s said so much of in the last few years that he doesn’t remember anymore how to say hello. What does he say? What does he say, knowing the reason he was here now — that he was sent to kill you for once and for all?
Satoru had tracked you all the way out here. You’d gotten sloppy after Suguru’s death. The higher ups didn’t think a dirty defector like you had the capacity to mourn like that - they were convinced it was bait. It's why they sent their silver bullet himself. But Satoru knew otherwise. He knew you were too careful, too sharp to make a mistake like that any other day, and here he found you - in an abandoned school building in a small town by the countryside.
You sat in the crumbling classroom, knees to your chest on a rickety chair covered in cobwebs, tracing patterns on the dust on the desk surface. You look up, your expression neutral. You weren't surprised to see him here, like you expected him, even knowing that meant certain death. It almost made him want to laugh.
So you were feeling nostalgic, huh?
It was sunset on a quiet late summer evening, the clouds streaking along the horizon like pink and golden brushstrokes against a violet sky. What a beautiful day to die, you think to yourself. Pink. Gold. Violet.
And there he stood, silhouetted save for his eyes.
Blue. Stunningly blue.
Perhaps this is mercy, then.
You speak first.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Hands at your side, you bow deeply and snap back up to attention. Your mother coached you extensively before you departed for Tokyo on how to be respectful to the city folk, and you rehearsed the self-introduction she taught you to a tee. Fresh-faced, thirteen and bright-eyed, from the moment the train stopped at Tokyo station you put on your brave face.
The boy standing in front of you, however, was not terribly impressed. He stared at you blankly for a few moments.
“Right,” he mumbled, before turning on his heel to walk away.
“H-hey!” you go red in the face, “I wasn’t done-“
He holds his hand up. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard enough.”
You scoff at his bluntness. Well this was no way to start off a relationship with someone she was meant to call her classmate. “You’re not going to bother telling me who you are?” You call out after him. He stops.
“… You’re being serious?” he looks at her over her shoulder. His eyes flash blue - blue enough to rival the hue of the sky above them. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen eyes that blue before.
“… Well yeah-“
“Damn,” he turns back around, though rather than venom in his voice there's almost a sense of amusement and curiosity. “They weren’t kidding. You really are a country bumpkin.”
Regardless, you felt a burning in your chest as you clenched a fist. “I’ll show ya a country bumpkin,” you muttered.
“Huh? Couldn’t understand your accent, country girl,” he called out over his shoulder. You grit your teeth.
“Oi!” you call out after him, “At least give me your name so I know what to call ya while I kick ‘yer ass!”
There was something endearing to him about someone who actually didn’t know who he was for once. Who didn’t approach him like some god or some weapon. He mutters your surname to himself. He remembers Yaga-sensei telling him something about how you came from an insignificant family of sorcerers in the countryside. Out of your entire lineage, only you turned out with a technique that could actually be useful. Of course you wouldn’t know much about Jujutsu clan politics or the heavyweight names. Alright. He’ll bite.
“Won’t need it. I’ll have your ass in the dirt first, kid.”
“Who ‘ya callin’ kid!” Your fists clenched at your sides. He raised an eyebrow.
“You gonna punch me, kid?”
“I’m the same damn age as you, don’t act cocky!” In your twintail braids and with your tiny stature it was hard to take you as a serious threat.
“You’re a little thing. Why would I be scared of you?”
You threw a punch. You didn’t know what would be coming next - of course you didn’t. Your hand hit an invisible wall and you yelped, withdrawing your hand back and feeling the stinging pain in your knuckles. You look at him with a sense of challenge, but also a sense of amazement. Who the hell was this guy?
“You wanted my name? Well, here it is, kid—“
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
As if understanding just how his name coming from your lips made him feel, the clouds parted to allow a stream of sunlight to illuminate you like a spotlight. The doomed antiheroine of today’s tale, in all her tragic glory, looking up listless like the soul had long been drained from her eyes.
Why, oh why did you have to say his name like that?
“I think we both know why I’m here.”
You nod. You look away from him. You’re not sure if you can bear to look at him now. “It’s been a while since we’ve sparred, Satoru.”
He swallows. “That it has.”
“Maybe today is the day I finally catch up to you after all these years.”
He shrugs. Somewhere in that nonchalant shrug is the unbothered kid you knew all those years ago. “You can try.”
But you both knew how this ended and somewhere deep inside you knew you deserved it anyway for your sins.
You can’t stop yourself from cracking a bitter smile. “Well, then,” you drop your satchel to the ground, laying out your knives before you, and as if pulled by strings they rise around you on guard. “One last spar. For old time’s sake.”
Satoru’s lips curl into a smirk.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
“You’re on.”
You crack your knuckles. The other Jujutsu sorcerers may underestimate your technique, you remember your mother saying. Don’t let them. You put your hands on your hips and grin.
“Don’t underestimate me, though!”
“Can’t make any promises, country girl!”
You raise your fist and Satoru stands at the ready —
But your fist slams on the window behind you instead, shattering the glass. Satoru looks at you, confused —
And then the shards begin to levitate, forming a circlet around you.
“You think some stupid glass is gonna protect you?” Satoru scoffs. “You’ve got no idea what you’re up against here, squirt.”
You grit your teeth, close your eyes and concentrate. The shards go flying at Satoru. He’s got his eyes on you, his eyes on the shards —
And then your figure flickers. It flickers then it’s gone. He looks around, sensing that the cursed energy thrumming in the shards has grown stronger, almost humming with immense power. One shard passes just in front of his face, another just behind him, but rather than his own reflection in the glass he sees you.
You and a proud smile. You flicker behind him, and—
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
The first punch is thrown.
His movements are fluid. Graceful. Like conducting the orchestra of life and matter itself. He’s gotten even better since you left. You didn’t even know that was possible.
Your glass knives go zinging around him just as he remembered, but your technique was no match for a man who could see everything. All you had to do to try to keep up was to be faster. Faster. Faster.
But you were fighting a hopeless battle and you knew it. This was Satoru Gojo and at the end of the day you were a curse user. You knew how this ended. At this point the back and forth was just a formality.
His punches landed like they always did, the familiar blasts of red and blue that you learned to dodge all those years ago — only something was different. Something was off. His punches just barely you, just close enough to feel the breeze around his enclosed fists. He was holding back. You knew him well enough to know that.
Your grit your teeth, “Don’t go soft on me now, Satoru.”
“Who said I was?”
What a horrible liar.
“Terrible time for you to suddenly grow a conscience,” the quips are bittersweet in your mouth, rolling over your tongue like the tooth-rotting sugar of a childhood candy. Something in this back and forth felt nostalgic. Something in this back and forth made your heart lurch. Something in this back and forth made you feel as if any minute now you would dust the dirt off your pants, sigh in defeat, and walk off with him and. the rest of your class for a popsicle at the 7-eleven nearby. But this wasn't what this was. Suguru was dead. Yuu was dead. You defected years ago. And Satoru was sent with a mission that he was going to finish, no matter how much it pained him to. You just prayed it would be over quickly.
You grit your teeth, "I thought I was fighting the strongest!" Another blast just barely misses you.
"You are," his palm extends outward, a thundering force tunnelling along the concrete to your position, stopping just there before your feet.
God, this would be easier for you if he could just kill you like a cold-blooded killer. If in the last few years since you left the Satoru you knew had been successfully replaced with the sharpened knife the higher ups spent their whole life training him to be. But the hesitation in his attacks said otherwise in the most heartbreaking way possible. The words left unsaid over the last ten years came through in every missed attack, every pulled punch. Even now, even after everything, he was protecting you.
"Then hit me like you mean it!"
Like you mean it. If Satoru did anything right now the way he meant it this would be going a lot differently. If he could do this the way he meant it he would've stopped a long time ago. He would have extended his hand, flashing that arrogant smile he knew annoyed you to no end and helped you back to your feet.
But you want a fair fight and you'll get it. It'd be an insult to the sorcerer you'd grown into for him to hold back now at this crucial moment. All those hours, all those extra missions you took on while you were peers, all those promises and challenges, if you were going out you wanted to go out right. That was the least he could give you after all, wasn't it?
And so what did it mean when his attacks began to ripple through the concrete, forcing you to jump and weave around his blasts until you could feel your legs giving out? When his attacks forced you to concentrate all your energy into whizzing around between your blades, the sheer focus of reading his attacks and focusing your cursed energy draining your mind? That he acknowledged you. That he would fight you here and now as the sorcerer he respected. As the sorcerer he admired.
Your movements are angles, refractions, jets of blinding light and flickering reflections against his tremendous power. Slivers of light streams shooting between each blade - here, then here, then here - distributing your cursed energy across them so it would be more difficult for him to detect, David against Goliath. A battle of light against matter.
Until you shattered.
You lay on the concrete and hear the crunching of Satoru's shoes as he walks toward you. He walks slowly. He's giving you more time on purpose and you can tell, as if willing you to get up and fight, if only to prolong the inevitable. So he could avoid it for just a minute longer. He could have killed you long ago. But he hasn't.
The ground seems to simmer, rumbling with the sheer intensity of Satoru's cursed energy as the dust clears. He'd shot you down to the ground and here you were again.
"Barely even a scratch and you're on the ground already?" The quip is obviously meant to get a rise out of you but his voice is tinged with sadness. Get up. Get up, please.
You cough once. Twice. You feel something warm trickle from your lips and the taste of iron. "Cut the pleasantries, Satoru. We both know how this ends."
The sun sets below the horizon as he walks over, casting a shadow on your crumpled figure. You spit blood onto the concrete and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, lip stained scarlet. You're the picture of a pathetic and battered curse user, and you hope that the sight he sees before him now would be alien enough to him, that he wouldn't prolong this torture any longer. That his muscle memory would activate seeing something cowered before him and he would lift his hand and finish you off sooner or later. You hoped this way you wouldn't need to face him in this state, wouldn't need to get a torturously close look at the man you could have known in some other life had you chosen a different life.
The man you could have had.
To your anguish, he speaks. "I didn't want it to end like this."
You look away. You can scarcely bear to look at him right now without your heart aching. "...I know."
"I always hoped you'd come back on your own."
But that was wishful thinking. A sorcerer like you, after all that you' had done, would never be allowed to waltz right back into Jujutsu society, to return to that world and it's secrets and privileges as if you had never done the things you did when you followed Suguru all those years ago. No matter how much you might have daydreamed about it on occasion, no matter how many times you found yourself stopping by those campus gates and wondering what would happen if you walked your way back inside. Whether the key you kept in your pocket, a useless memento now, would still slot into your old dorm room. If your pictures would still be up on the wall, the hung up receipts from weekends out at the mall with Ieiri and Iori, the sticky notes Satoru had thrown at you in the middle of classes, ticket stubs from past missions.
And Satoru would be lying if he didn't say the same, if he didn't spend the first few weeks you left stopping by the freezer on his 7-eleven runs to reach for your favorite ice cream before remembering there was nobody to hand it off to. If he didn't learn a new trick or technique and didn't run to the dorm building to show you before stopping himself. If he didn't watch his students sparring from the bleachers, wondering if you would have been sitting by his side watching them too.
"They'd send me straight for the execution chamber and you know that-"
"You never should've left," he speaks bitterly, regretfully, as if his voice was straining just saying the words, "You should've stayed at Jujutsu Tech, you should've been there with the rest of us, we could've-"
You cut him off before he keeps talking and makes either of you ache any longer. "It's over now, Satoru."
"It didn't have to be, I -" he looks down, his mouth fumbling for words he can't find. His mind scrambles for any idea he could possibly have for bringing you back, and just as quickly as they come they form they dissipate, like a fistful of powder.
He squeezes his eyes shut, his voice breaking. "What am I supposed to do with you now..."
Your next words are spoken with finality. "Exactly what you were told to do."
The words make your throat tighten, make your arms tremble and struggle to hold yourself up. You keep your head down.
After a few moments he finally mutters a few words. "You're making this difficult."
"I'm sorry."
"Why," he whispers, "why did you do it?" His voice breaks. "Why did you leave me?"
Your face burns. You don't have the heart to tell him that when Suguru spoke, he spoke so convincingly. That after you saw the dead eyes of Riko Amanai in her shroud, young enough to be your classmate, young enough to be your sister, then walked back out into the swarming Tokyo streets wondering what she died for you wanted to throw up.
When you saw Satoru walk around like a living corpse, when you saw him have to force himself back into his usual self, that life had to somehow go on after all that had happened, you felt sick - sick.
So in your youth you thought that Suguru had found an answer. Some way that would bring us anywhere but here. Some world where you and everyone you loved wouldn't have to live and die like this.
"I thought I was doing the right thing-"
"You were one of the few good things I had left."
A silence settles between you two. Your eyes meet his.
Once upon a time he looked at you with the twinkle of a challenge in his eye, waking up in the morning looking forward to whatever stupid shenanigans you and the rest of your classmates would get up to that day. The way he looks at you now, with ten years in between your last meeting, since the last time you saw those eyes truly full of light and hope, he looks at you with the eyes of a dead man.
You couldn't live. You shouldn't. Or those eyes would haunt you forever.
When people look into the eyes of Satoru Gojo, they practically look into the eyes of God. The man who holds the balance of life in his very sight. Jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits alike cowered under his icy gaze.
But just as you had all those years ago, when you looked at him you only saw a boy. A boy whose heart left with you ten years ago.
You reach your hand up, sliding your fingers between his, and before he can even process it, his hand gently squeezes yours.
Please. Please.
For a moment he is quiet. For a moment his pulse jumps in his throat. For a moment he almost believes all those delusions in his head, that there was some way for you to return to Jujutsu. Return to him.
Your fingers fold around his, sliding and twisting his hand into a point directed straight to your forehead. You close your eyes.
His name sounds devastating on your lips, the way you speak his name knowing it may be one of the last things you say and, God, if there was the right final word let it be his name.
Your name passes from his lips like a whisper in return. You two refuse to say anything more. You know if you say what you want to you run the risk of cursing him, and your shadow has loomed on him for long enough. Yours and many others'.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The words sit, shapeless on your tongue. You don't dare speak them - for his sake. As much as it will kill you. As much as it would kill him either way.
Those unspoken words hang in the air, and Satoru breaks the silence.
"I said don't-"
HIs voice begins to rise. "Please just say it, say something, anything-"
"You know what would happen if I do."
"I do! And does it look like I give a damn?! Don't leave me again, God, don't leave, stay with me this time. Give me that much, just don't go-"
"No," you say firmly, and you want to crumble when you feel the way he winces at your interruption. "... Please."
Satoru's hand trembles.
He swallows.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
“Another win for yours truly,” Satoru grinned, his hand held out to you. “Seriously, you’d think in three years you’d learn a thing or two,” he pouts pitifully.
“I’ve learned you’re an asshole!” You cross your arms over your chest, rolling onto your side. You huffed, a puff of dirt rising as you did. You hated meeting his eyes when he was gloating, he was always so full of himself after a match.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” he throws his head back laughing as he leaned over you, nudging you with his hand, “get up and let’s to already. You’re covered in dirt, country girl. I mean look at yourself,” he picks up one of your glass shards and holds it up to your face so you can see your reflection. He sticks his tongue out and mock gags. “Uuuugly.”
“Shut up, Satoru!”
He laughs again, a sound warm like the sunshine itself.
“Come on, come on. I’ll buy you an ice cream.”
You turn onto your other side and huff again. He rolls his eyes, exasperated, but smiles at your stubbornness. He shrugs and lays down beside you. “Or is the dirt that comfortable?”
The two of you lay there for a moment under the setting sun, wrapped in the warm of the golden hour. His eyes meet yours and he’s stumped into a pause. It’s been three years since you arrived at Jujutsu Tech and you both have grown since then - him into a young man and you into a young lady of your own right. The light strikes your eyes just so, making them glitter like the sunlight on the sea. Had your eyes always been so beautiful? Had your hair always fallen perfectly around your eyes? Had the little sun freckles on your skin from your childhood in the fields always been so endearing to him?
His heart flutters.
His silence stuns you too. Satoru Gojo was never quiet. When you turn over you see his perpetually smug expression soften, lips parted, eyebrows relaxed, opening those famous blue eyes to you. A breeze passes, the wind rustling the trees above you, and you realize your so close that some of your hair could brush his cheek from here. His silence makes you feel compelled to whisper.
In that moment he almost feels compelled to say something stupid. So stupid. With your face this close to him his head is filled with stupid questions. Stupid thoughts.
Instead he flicks your forehead. You yelp and your hand flies to rub that spot.
“What in the world was that for?” you cry out.
“For making me lie on the dirt when it actually sucks.”
“I didn’ make you do anythin’!” There was that little accent slipping out again. He laughs to himself as he gets up and stands over you again, waiting for you to join him. You look up at him and look up at the sky.
"One day," you huff, "one day we'll settle this for once and for all. And I'm gonna win."
He smiles down at you. "I'll be waiting."
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writing masterlist | bot masterlist
☾₊ ⊹ AN: omg about time i got this out of my drafts. i wrote like 80% of this on the plane and then had no idea how to actually end it, so i sat on it for a few days and hopefully this ended up working out idk. this is definitely longer compared to the other stuff i've done so i really appreciate it if you did end up reading all this way. byyyye!
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rainforest-daisies · 1 year
Day 13|Car sex
Character: Billy Hargrove x afab!reader
Tags: car sex, kinda exhibitionism, fingering, PIV, reader wearing a skirt.
A/n: kinktober is so stressful what..
kinktober masterlist
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“C’mon baby, get on top of me.” his finger tips traced shapes on your thigh, feeling conscious of every move he made, closely watching through the windows, making sure it was truly an empty parking lot like he had promised. your eyes glazed over your panties discarded on the dashboard, sucking in a breath when his hand lifted from your thigh. “I don't know what to do.”
“It's okay, I'll show you. You trust me, don’t you?” Your head quickly nodded, goosebumps forming on your skin as his fingers lifted your skirt and his cold rings met your bare hip, pulling your body over the console, and pressing your thighs to straddle his spread legs.
Your back reclined against the steering wheel as his finger nudged at your slit, causing the car to honk, making you jump. Billy's tongue pressed against his cheek, chuckling against your neck, “Gotta be quiet, right hun? Don't wanna get caught today.” he softly bit the flesh of your neck, quick to soothe the pain with a kiss. ”unzip my pants for me.” your palm met his crotch feeling the hardness through his dark denim jeans. you did as he asked, unzipping and unbuttoning them, “Why don't you pull my cock out, hm?” again, you obeyed his orders, playing with the waistband of his boxers before pulling him out. his fingers pressed into your cunt, wetness sucking him in with ease, guiding your hand to stroke him.
“You ready, baby? You ready for me?” your head quickly nodded, whimpering when his fingers left your cunt, but pleasure filled your body as his wet fingers rubbed against your clit, pushing his dick into your cunt, groaning at the feeling of you clenched around him. The constant stimulation of your clit was catching up to you, chest heaving with every circle he rubbed, “I'm getting really, really close. Don't stop, please.”
“That's a good girl. get real close for me.” your hips hesitated their moves, but Billy quickly put a stop to it. “I'm not afraid of a mess, baby. cum on my dick.” your cunt clenched around his cock, holding the back of his neck as his fore and middle fingers rubbed your clit. your orgasm was white-hot-pleasure, praising the fact that the windows were somewhat fogged up as his fingers trailed up your navel, making their way to your lips, as he shoved them into your mouth.
His other hand wiped a single tear that left your eye, overstimulation making a sob leave your lips as you gagged around his digits. “shhh. yeah, ride that cock.” his hands ground your hips against his, whispering so you could just barely hear him, as if you were even listening.
His body began growing impatient, thrusting himself into you, making whimpers fall from your mouth. with a loud, bellowing groan, his seed spilled into your wet pussy, gasping against your shoulder when your body kept bouncing after his body relaxed.
“Woah, woah, calm down, hun.” his hands grabbed your hips again, holding your body flesh against his pelvis.
“You keep moving like that, you're gonna get me hard again.”
487 notes · View notes
taiyaki-o · 6 months
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read pt 1 here!
synopsis: you and Megumi grow even closer, and some new developments have your life changing for the better
tags: gojo x gn!reader, fluff, non curse au
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A few days pass, and you’re making breakfast when you hear a knock at the door. You dust off your hands as you answer.
“Hm? Oh, Megumi! It’s you!” You smile as you spot the boy, and he’s clutching the stack of books. He looks away a bit bashful and attempts to hold out the stack.
“I finished them. You can have them back,” he mumbles. You chuckle and take the books out of his hands before he drops them all.
“Did you enjoy them? Which one was your favorite?”
“I liked the book on sea animals a lot.”
“That’s one of my favorites too! The diagrams are really interesting, don’t you think?”
He nods. You notice that his gaze lingers on said book a little wistfully.
“Do you…want to keep it?”
Your heart melts a bit at the way his eyes light up.
“Really?” He asks shyly.
“Of course! I haven’t touched it for some time anyway. I think it’ll be better off with you.” You smile and give the book back to him, and he hesitates, but then grabs the book with two hands and hugs it to his chest.
You let out a soft grunt as he softly tackles you in a hug, and you quickly lift the books that are still in your arms out of the way.
“Woah, easy there!” You laugh. You find a space to dump the books and bend down a bit to hug him back.
“Thank you,” He mumbles softly but earnestly. You smile softly.
He brings his head back suddenly, his nose wrinkling.
“What’s that smell?”
You look up to see smoke coming from what should be your breakfast.
“Hm? Oh shit-“
After you’ve fanned away the smoke and thrown out your now burnt breakfast, you invite Megumi to come inside instead of just stand outside your door.
“Sorry about that, kid. Forgot to turn the stove off, silly me,” you say as you put the pans in the sink. A smile ghosts across Megumi’s face as well, and he sits politely on the edge of your couch.
It’s then that you notice something else.
“Where’s Gojo? Does he know you’re here?” You ask.
Megumi shakes his head. “He went out to buy some food. He’s probably coming back soon, though.”
“Well, do you have his phone number or anything? I think I should let him know that you’re here in case he comes back to an empty house,” you laugh.
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You sit down on the couch next to Megumi, shutting off your phone.
“Do you watch any TV? Or is it just books?” you ask.
“A couple,” Megumi replies. “But mostly books.”
“Which ones?”
You end up putting on a few episodes of Pokémon, and Megumi curls up on your couch as you two sit together in comfortable silence.
Gojo groans as he hits his head against the steering wheel of his car, an angry red welt already forming on his forehead.
“That goddamned brat-!” Gojo seethes. He stares forlornly at the red light in front of him, dreading the interaction to come. Not only had Megumi forced him to be in your *angelic, beautiful* presence again, but the kid had the audacity to give you his number?! The mere thought of it made his cheeks turn cherry red.
He taps his fingers against the wheel, and looks over at the takeout bag sitting in the passengers seat. He sighs, rubbing his temples. Getting a new job, taking care of Megumi, moving to a new apartment…it was starting to get to him. Being a single father definitely wasn’t in his life plan.
Ten minutes later, he stood in front of your door, steeling himself for what was going to come.
He wants to tear his hair out. Why was he so nervous? This wasn’t anything special. He would open the door, pick up the brat, and go home. That’s it. He takes a deep breath.
knock knock knock!
The door opens, and Gojo immediately feels all the air escape from his lungs.
“Hey! Good to see you again,” You smile up at him, and he thinks heart might burst from inside his chest.
“Yeah, I just went to grab some takeout. Is, uh-is Megumi still here?” He rubs the back of his neck.
Megumi pops out from behind your legs, and you chuckle.
“Um-the restaurant gave me way more food than I expected-do you want some?” Gojo asks nervously.
(This is a lie. The second he saw your message he turned his car around and ordered another portion of food in hopes that he’d have an excuse to talk to you.)
“Oh! Are you sure?” You ask. He nods earnestly. “Well, do you want to come inside then? We were just watching Pokémon.” You ruffle Megumi’s hair a bit with a chuckle.
“Digimon is way better.” Gojo blurts out without thinking. He mentally smacks himself upside the head.
Stop being a fucking nerd, Satoru! No one wants to hear your opinions on Digimon!
You scoff in fake indignation. “It is not! Digimon wishes it was half as iconic as Pokémon.”
“Digimon is so much cooler though.”
“Is not.”
“Is too.”
“Are you coming inside or not?” You laugh. He blushes again, but steps inside your apartment. He does his best to ignore the familiar scent of your perfume in the air.
You grab some plates as Gojo unpacks the food, and soon the smell of Chinese takeout fills your apartment. Megumi retreats to the couch again to continue watching while you and Gojo sit at the kitchen counter.
“The kid give you any trouble?” Gojo chuckles.
“Not at all. He’s been great.”
“I think he’s taken a liking to you. At least more so than me.”
“Come on, I’m sure you’re great company.”
“Ahh, not really. ‘Specially because it’s just us. I don’t know what goes through his head sometimes.”
You desperately want to ask about the nature of their relationship, but you bite your tongue. You barely know these people, after all. No matter how much you enjoy their presence, you’d never pry into their private lives like that.
Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you view it), Gojo notices and he chuckles.
“I know what you’re thinking. And no, the kids not mine. Not biologically speaking. His mom passed away and his dad…isn’t in a good enough place to take care of him.”
Gojo sighs, throwing a look over his shoulder at the boy. “I’m all he’s got.”
You swear you see a pained expression on his face, but by the time he turns back it’s gone. “Pretty shitty to get stuck with me, huh? I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t a little shit.”
“Watch your mouth, mister. I might have to call the cops for child abuse.” You snicker as you point your knife at him jokingly. You feel a pang of sadness, however, as you process the information.
“I’d imagine it’s tough for the both of you…” you sigh. “I mean, did you plan on having kids?”
“Not a damn bit,” Gojo confirms. “Kinda feels like my life’s done a complete one eighty overnight.”
“You guys just moved here too, right? Where’d you come from?”
“Kyoto. Got a new job as a teacher at some school nearby. The kid seemed to want a fresh start anyway.”
Your eyes widen. “No way! I’m a teacher too! I teach at a school nearby!”
“Well, would you look at that! You wanna trade tips later?” Gojo jokes. “Wow, that’s…that’s a really crazy coincidence. Where do you teach?”
“Tokyo Tech. Or Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School, if you have a stick up your ass.”
Now it’s Gojo’s turn to widen his eyes. “That’s where my new job is!”
The two of you sit in stunned silence for a moment, before bursting out into laughter.
“Small world, huh?” You say as you catch your breath.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Gojo says as an ecstatic smile stretches across his face.
“I take it you’re the new janitor?”
“Oh shut up, you.”
“Can you two please keep it down? I can’t hear the TV,” Megumi looks over at you and Gojo with a slight scowl on his face. Gojo sticks his tongue out at Megumi, who simply rolls his eyes and returns his attention to the screen.
You let out another one of your angelic laughs, and Gojo physically kicks himself under the table to keep himself sane. He’s barely been keeping it together since he realized you two would be coworkers. The blush that’s fighting to travel up his neck takes all his effort to control. The thought that you’d be his coworker, that he’d be seeing you every day…saying hi to you in the halls…grading papers together….growing closer….
“Hellooo? Earth to Gojo?” You wave a hand in front of his face.
“H-huh? Oh, sorry!” He snaps out of his mini trance. “Zoned out there for a second, haha…”
He shoves a spoonful of rice into his mouth to give himself time to think before he embarrasses himself.
I really am a mess…
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a/n: part 2! didn’t expect this to turn into a series, but ig it’s happening lol
pt 3 here!
feel free to message me/leave a comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @96jnie
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doctor-loki-lannister · 2 months
Hozier x Plus Size Reader
rated: E (18+, MDNI)
tags: Plus Size Reader, Jealousy, PIV Sex, Unprotected Sex (wrap it folks), Semi Public, Oral (f-receiving), Riding, Friends to Lovers, Alcohol, Reader Jerks him off, Dom/Sub, Andrew and reader are both switches
words: 10k+
You can read it through the link above or under the cut
You could feel the thrum of the bass as you moved through the crowd, arms raised above your head trying to keep your drinks from spilling on your way back to your friend.
“Did I ever tell you how much I hate crowds” you yelled once you reached the lanky auburn-haired man you left standing against the wall to go retrieve drink refills. A vodka soda for him, and a whiskey sour light on the sour mix just the way you liked it for you.
“Only every time we’re in a crowd” he chuckled reaching out to take the proffered drink from your hands.
“Why did we do this again” you sighed leaning back against the wall with him deciding there wasn’t enough alcohol in your system to dance just yet.
“Because we’re masochists” he chuckled raising his glass to you “sláinte” he cheered clinking his glass with your
“sláinte” you replied before tipping your drink back and finishing half of it in one go.
“Woah easy there killer” Andrew chuckled swallowing his sip “what’s the rush Sour Patch” he asked bumping his shoulder into yours playfully
“My publicist is on my ass to finish this next book, and I’m stuck on the last chapter” you shrugged before tossing back the rest of your drink. “I just can’t get past this one fucking scene” you groaned. You could already feel the tension easing from your joints as the amber alcohol pumped through your system.
“Ah gotta love deadlines” he replied before taking another sip of his drink, turning he took your now empty glass from your hands offering to get the next one.
You watched him walk into the crowd you’d just come from. Sighing, you pushed your hand through your multicolored short curly locks. The auburn, purple and blue strands flowing like water through your fingers as you tried to focus on the thrumming music flowing through the air around you. Leaning back against the wall you close your eyes centering yourself in the moment, allowing time to pass in front of your closed eyelids.
A few minutes later your jolted back into reality when Andrew nudges your foot with his to get your attention. You open your eyes to see another whiskey sour just the way you liked it, this time he ordered you a double.
“Did I ever tell you how much I love you Bear” you hummed before taking a sip from the proffered drink.
“Only every time we get together, your standards are abhorrently low you know that Sour Patch” his face lit up in a cheeky smile, baring his teeth to you.
“you’re a cheeky bollocks you know that” you chuckled shaking your head tossing back your drink again to hide your grin.
“Wuv you” he grinned shimmying his shoulder before playfully bumping into you again.
“Yeah yeah, ya big goof love you too” you chuckled taking another sip from your drink before grabbing his hand and dragging him into the fray “let’s dance” you called behind you, raising your glass into the air allowing the music to flow through you, you began to sway your hips to thrum of the bass.
Andrew wasn’t a dancer, and you knew that, so you learned to accept his awkward stance on the dance floor. His job when you went out together was to keep the drinks flowing and the creeps away. But tonight was different, tonight you were celebrating the completion of Andrews third album. You wanted him to have as good of a time as you were, after all if it weren’t for him, you’d be stuck at home sitting in your office staring at your computer screen willing the last chapters of your book to finish writing themselves.
Tossing back the rest of your drink you excused yourself to the bar to get a replacement for both of you, you were bound and determined to get Andrew to loosen up. Standing at the bar waiting for your drink you turned around to face the crowd. You spotted Andy almost instantly towering over most of the crowd. You watched as a blonde woman started to grind against him Andrew raised his hand in the air trying to back away from her, but she kept following him. You chuckled to yourself knowing that as soon as you had your drink and headed back into the crowd, you were going to crush her dreams.
“Now what is a pretty little lady such as yourself doing at a bar all alone on a Friday night” you heard a rich American southern drawl come from your right.
Rolling your eyes to yourself you turned to your right with a bright smile plastered on your face. “Who said I was alone” you replied saccharine sweetness dripping from your lips.
“Well, you’re standing here all by your lonesome no fella in sight” he replied leaning against the bar top.
“Who said I like men” you replied smiling sweetly at him running a hand through your hair nonchalantly pulling it to one side of your head, you left your hand there to keep it from twitching in your annoyance.
“Oh, you’re a spicy one aren’t you” he grinned not getting the clear hint that you weren’t interested.
“Here ya go lass” that bartender said sliding yours and Andy’s drinks across the bar top into your waiting hands
“Cheers” you replied lifting your drinks from the bar top before turning to wade back into the crowd. You didn’t make it two steps before you felt a hand on your arm, your skin crawling at the contact. Forcing back the urge to turn around and punch whoever felt they had the right to touch you, you plastered a false smile on your face turning to look at the man who was a good four inches shorter than you.
“Can I help you mate” you replied refusing to conceal the annoyance in your voice anymore.
“Listen I’m only here for a couple days on a work trip but I was just wonderin’ if I could get your number so I could maybe I don’t know take you out for dinner sometime while I’m here.” He asked, pulling his hand back raising it in the air as an apology for touching you.
Deciding to not ruin a perfectly good night out by pissing off this random stranger keep your false smile plastered on your face as your eye twitched involuntarily. “Sure, why not” you replied sarcasm dripping from your voice before you rattled off Andrew’s number knowing once you explained to him why some random guy had his number, he’d quickly forgive you.
“Thank sugar, oh and one more thing you’re a fine piece of ass Baby Doll” he drawled moving like he was going to slap your ass.
“I wouldn’t recommend that if I were you Mate” you replied teeth grinding together as you reminded yourself that you need a good night out and to not drop your drinks so you could deck this cocky son of a bitch.
Pulling his arm back to his side swallowing in horror as he did, you smirked “That’s a good boy no go away”
Throwing one final smile over your shoulder you turned and walked away. Making your way back to Andrew who was still trying to politely get the blonde woman to leave him alone.
“Hey babe” you called arm outstretched to hand him his drink. Turning to acknowledge the blonde “can I help you” you asked sickeningly sweet. Resting your free hand on Andrews chest staking your imaginary claim to him. His heartrate picking up at the feel of your hand pressed up against him.
“Oh, I’m sorry… I… I didn’t realize” she stuttered eyes wide as she turned to leave.
Turning to Andrew after she left you smiled up at him “you really need to learn how to tell women you’re not interested Bear” you chuckled stepping out of his personal space, a shiver going down your spine at the physical loss of his touch.
“I know I know” he chuckled before taking a sip from his drink gently swaying back and forth to the music, a big goofy grin plastered to his face as he watched you dance around screaming the lyrics to every song you knew which admittedly was most of them. It had been a long time since he saw you this carefree it was a nice change to the stressed out, emotionally withdrawn woman you had become during lockdown.
Two drinks and three shots later you had finally gotten Andrew loosened up enough to dance along with you.
Shape of you by Ed Sheeran came on causing you to squeal with unadulterated glee. Reaching your hands towards Andrew flexing your fingers in a grabbing motion until he got the hint and reached out to grab your hands. You pulled him towards you swaying your hips in a low sultry way, you began to scream the lyrics pushing and pulling Andrew away in time with the lyrics. His head was thrown back in glee as you raised your hands above your head sinking down to a crouched position before making your way slowly back up brushing up against his body as you went.
Andrew looked down at you swallowing the sudden urge he had to pull you up into his arms. You had been friends since college, and he’d loved you since you’d let him borrow your favorite black pen with the squishy blue t-rex on top. You’d met in your intro to classic literature class. You’d been inseparable ever since, even when he dropped out and Take Me to Church took off. He took you on tour whenever you could manage the free time. When he came home from the first tour your career had just taken off with your first books sales sky rocketing, you’d been whisked away on your book tour before he got a chance to tell you. Over the years he pushed his feelings to the side, deciding he would rather have you as a best friend than not at all.
“God, I love that song” you grinned yelling over the music. You were standing away from him again you’d dropped his hands as the song flowed into the next.
“I know” he replied a cheeky smile plastered on his face as he watched your hips settle into the beat of the next song.
A few moments later you were dancing with your back to Andrew, hands raised in the air as you swayed to the thrum of the base.
Andrew watched as you ground your ass back against him, he felt his cock stir in his pants, panic washed over him as he tried to keep you from feeling it. Throwing his hands up in the air to keep from grabbing at your hips the way he so desperately wanted to, he started backing up away from you. Except the universe had it out for him because despite the large size of his feet he had zero balancing skills in a good moment and this was decidedly not one of his best, he tripped over his conversed feet falling ass first to the pub floor.
“Fuck” you heard Andrew cry before you felt someone fall into you.
“Oh fuck are you alright Bear” you yelled over the thrum, as you turned around to face Andrew only to find him kneeling on the ground below you his head bent down his hair hiding him from your view. You reached down brushing your knuckles across his cheek before cupping his jaw in your hand, you forced him to look up at you.
Upon lifting his head his hair fell gracefully across his face caressing his cheekbones, he refused to open his eyes to look at you. He was too embarrassed at having fallen while dancing. “Look at me pretty boy” you murmured the alcohol coursing through your system loosening your tongue.
Upon your command his eyes fluttered open, his mouth fell open in a gasp. “I’m…… I’m alright” he stuttered out his gaze locking on yours.
“Are you sure Baby” you cooed brushing his hair off his face gently.
“I’m sure just hurt my pride is all” he chuckled nervously his eye fluttering up to look at you.
“Stand up for me Pretty Boy” you commanded biting your lip as you held his gaze, using your hold on his chin to guide him to a standing position once again. Your free hand grabbed at the collar of his t-shirt using it as leverage to pull him into you. You kissed him like your life depended on it. He placed his hands on your waist pulling your hips flush against him, forcing a whimper from you.
“God I’ve wanted to do that since Trinity” you murmured pulling away from the kiss long enough to catch your breath before leaning back in for more.
“what” he mumbled shocked, suddenly all he could hear was a high-pitched ringing in his ears. The world around him slowed his fight or flight response kicking in he turned from you and ran out of the pub.
“Andrew wait” you called after him taking off through the crowd your long legs working in your favor to just about keep pace with him.
Bursting through the main doors Andrew made a right dashing into the alleyway adjacent to the pub you were coming out of. Fearing the worst, you slowed your pace to follow him into the alleyway. “Andy” you gently called finding him crouched on the ground his head between his legs shaking.
“I… I… I just need a moment Niamh” he stuttered in reply his voice muffled by his legs.
“We can just forget it happened, blame it on the drink, I’ve been hiding this for over fifteen years I can keep doing it if that’s what you want or……or need Andy” You replied crouching down to his level
“I don’t want to forget” he mumbled barely audible
“Bear I can’t understand you with your head between your legs” you sighed standing back up before you lost your balance.
“I said I don’t want to forget Niamh” Andrew said lifting his head to look directly at you “I never want to forget the feel of your lips on my lips, the feeling of home I get each time you are near, and I especially don’t want to forget the feel of your body pressed against mine” he was on his knees now having lost his balance in his haste to look up at you “I’ve love you since you lent me your favorite dinosaur pen in Professor Higgins’ class freshman year of college, I was just too much of a coward to tell you”
“Oh Andy” you murmured looking down at him your hand reaching out to rest against his jaw. “Do I make you nervous Pretty Boy” you murmured brushing your thumb against his bottom lip.
“I get so nervous when your near” he whimpered nodding his head against the palm of your hand. “I’ve had so many fantasies about how this moment would play out, but I never imagined that it would happen because we got drunk, and I fell trying to dance with you” he chuckled nuzzling his face into the palm of your hand.
“Show me one of your fantasies of us like the good little boy I know you are” you command moving your hand from his cheek to his hair pulling just enough to tilt his head back further to look at you.
“Yes Goddess” he mumbled moving his hand to the hem of your dress were it rested against the middle of your thigh. It was a black silk dress with a cowl neckline, the back consisted of a mesh butterfly that’s wings connected to thin spaghetti straps the only thing holding it in place.
“Good Boy” you praised, eliciting a moan from Andrews parted lips.
Placing a tentative kiss on the inside of each knee against the fabric of your fishnet thigh highs, Andrew gently pushed at your waist effectively backing you up into the brick wall behind you. “Can I taste you Goddess” he murmured before sucking a mark into your bare thigh “Please let me taste you” he begged moving to press more kisses into your other thigh around the leather strap of your garters.
“If you promise to be a good boy and make me cum” you replied your voice dropping a few octaves in lust.
In reply Andrew hooked his fingers around the bands of your string bikini underwear pulling them down your legs over your garters and fishnets before shoving them in his pocket with a growl “these are mine now”
“Gods Andrew” you moaned at the possessive tone of his voice.
Lifting your legs one after the other to rest on his shoulders, he licked a strip around the edge of your stockings nipping at the straps of your black leather garters. Dipping his tongue into the metal ring that attached the garter to the garter strap the taste of metal flooded his mouth mixing with the salty taste of your sweat-soaked skin. One hand bunching the lower half of your dress up revealing your bare cunt to him.
“Gods Baby you’ve such a pretty little cunt” He groaned at the site of you. Andrew nuzzled his nose against your bare cunt, the tip of his nose brushing against your clit causing a shiver to run up your spine.
“Gods Andy” you cried your back arching off the stone wall behind you.
Your cries spurred him on darting his tongue out to tentatively lick a strip up your pussy before sucking your clit into his mouth. Letting go of your dress Andrew moved his hand to press his middle finger into your opening. Pressing his finger all the way up to his knuckle. Andrew continued to alternate between pressing his nose into your clit and pressing the flat of his tongue against you as he pumped his finger in and out of you.
Your grip on his hair tightened when he decided to add another finger curling them against your g spot. “oh” you moaned you back arching off the brick wall behind you “your doing so well for me baby” you groaned looking down at the man between your thighs.
“Am I being a good boy Goddess, please tell me I’m being a good boy” he whimpered his mossing green eyes locking with your as he pulled away from you long enough to beg before diving back nose first into your sopping cunt.
“Gods you’re being such a good boy for me Andy” you moaned your eyes fluttering close as you felt the familiar coil of release building in your gut. Your hips rutting against his face unconsciously.
Groaning into your cunt, Andrews hips flexed up involuntarily hoping for any friction he could get against his hardened cock. The pain mixing with the pleasure, his free hand reaching down to press into his cock so he could grind against himself. The taste and smell of you filling his senses.
“Ah, ah, ah” you tsked at him “did I say you could touch yourself Pretty Boy” you cooed dropping your right leg from his shoulder so you could pull his head back allowing his fingers to continue their ministrations but depriving him of what he wanted most the taste of you.
“I’m sorry Goddess” he mewled moving his hand away from his stiff cock. “I… I promise I’ll be good just please let me taste you again” he whimpered his pupils blown with lust.
“You don’t get to touch what belongs to me and the pretty little cock is mine” you growl taking his jaw into your hand forcing him to look at you. “You can touch what is mine when I tell you too, do you understand Pretty Boy” he you ask tilting your head to the side as your stared down into his eyes.
Nodding his head eagerly Andrew whimpered tugging his head against the grip you had on his hair desperate to taste you once more.
“Use your words like a good boy” you commanded tightening your grip on his hair as his fingers continued to pump in and out of you his thumb subconsciously moving to apply pressure to your clit.
“Yes, Goddess I understand” he mewled “Please let me taste you again” he begged his free hand gripping at your hip in an effort to keep it off himself.
Loosening your grip on his hair you allowed him to move back over your cunt. “Thank you, Goddess,” her mumble into your warm wet heat. He rubbed his nose against your clit again as he moved his tongue to lap at your slit, feasting on you like a man starved. His free hand traveled from your hip up to cup your breasts through the fabric of your dress, finding your nipple he pinched it rolling it between his fingers tugging he drew another moan from your lips.
“Just like that baby you’re doing so well for me I’m so close” you groaned out rutting your hips against his face. Your clit rubbing against his nose causing a delicious ripple of pleasure to course through your body.
“gah baby right there” you gasped as he crooked his finger against you once more “Gods I’m gonna cum” you cry feeling your climax flood over you.
Groaning into you Andrew lapped up everything you had to give. His hips involuntarily jutting up, as he felt his release crash into him. Spilling into his jeans Andrew continued to pump his fingers in and out of you allowing you to ride out your orgasm. “too much baby” you groaned as you pushed him away from your overtly sensitive cunt.
Relaxing back against the wall trying to catch your breath, you moved your left leg from his shoulder, planting both feet firmly on the ground; you looked down at him. Watching as he removed his digits from your sopping cunt before he stuck them into his mouth to clean them, he groaned at the salty musk that flooded his tongue once more.
Noticing the wet patch on his jeans you tsked at him “did you make a mess pretty boy” you cooed resting your hand on his cheeks once more. Brushing your thumb across his high cheek bone you brought his gaze up to look at you.
“I… I think so” he chuckled looking down at his crotch he reached down to adjust himself.
“Alright big boy let’s get you home and clean you up” you murmured dragging him to his feet once more, you walked him out to the road making sure to stay in front of his lanky frame to hide the wet patch on the front of his jeans.
Flagging down a cab you ushered Andrew in first following right after him. Giving the cabbie the address to your Airbnb before settling back into your seat.
Laying your head on his shoulders a dopey grin spread across your cheeks. Humming in contentment you nuzzled your head into his shoulder soaking in the warmth of him.
“You comfy there Sour Patch” he chuckled reaching his hand out and placing it on your bare thigh, fingers moving in nondescript patterns against your skin occasionally bumping against the leather straps of your garter.
“mhm” you hummed placing a gentle kiss against his shoulder.
“don’t get too comfy Love we’ve only got a few more minutes till we’re back at the Airbnb” he chuckled placing a kiss on your forehead resting his lips against your warm skin breathing in the scent of your floral shampoo. You smelled like home, and he never wanted to forget this moment.
A few minutes later the cab pulled up to the curb of an old red brick cottage with a sage green front door and matching gutters, two white trimmed windows flanking the door.
Hauling yourself out of the cab, you turned to find Andrew already out of the cab and bent to over, paying the driver.
“You know for an uncoordinated gangly man you sure did get out of that cab fast” you snickered hands on your hips
“Well, when you’re as desperate as I am to get out of the clothes your wearing because the most gorgeous woman on this planet made you cum in your pants just from the taste of her pussy, you’d also find a way to get out of the back of a cab as fast as possible” he chuckled low and sultry into your ear, he wrapped his arms around your to grope at your ass.
“Oh, the most gorgeous you say” you mock reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck carding your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Gorgeous is an understatement really” he murmurs pressing his lips against yours in a gentle kiss. “But it’s the best my inebriated mind could do” he chuckled pecking your lips three more times “Come on let’s get inside” he stepped back to guide you towards the front door.
The door had barely latched shut before he was on you again, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises. You’d worry about those later when the delicious pressure of his tongue battling yours for dominance was gone.
“We should move this to the shower Love” he groaned in between kisses “my pants are stiff and not in the fun way” he chuckled. Taking your ass in his hands he nuzzled his nose against the pulse point on your throat.
Getting the hint you jumped wrapping your legs around his waist. “Glad to know all that heavy lifting of musical equipment is paying off” you giggled burring your face in his neck breathing in his woodsy scent.
“I’ll have you know that just because I’m built like a string bean does not mean I can’t lift your gorgeous ass” He chuckled groaning as you took his earlobe between your teeth tugging gently before suck at the soft skin behind it.
Failing to resist the urge you started placing open mouthed kisses on any bare section of skin you could reach distracting him enough that he ran into several walls. “distracted” you taunted nipping at his jawline before kissing the mark soothing it.
“God yes” he groaned in response. His grip on your ass tightening as he backed up into the bedroom door. Moving into the room he bumped into the light switch with his elbow before he moved towards the ensuite. Nudging the light switch with his elbow once more he gently sat you down on the countertop, your thighs spreading as the made contact with the countertop.
Keeping your legs wrapped around him you started tugging at the bottom of his T-shirt pulling it from the waist of his blue jeans.
“Off” you growled frustrated you couldn’t pull it off fast enough.
“Easy there killer” he chuckled stepping back from the confines of your legs still wrapped tightly around him to pull his forest green t-shirt over his head.
Hooking your fingers in his belt loops you tugged him back to you “C’mere” you groaned slamming your lips into his pressing your tongue against his lips seeking entrance as your plush thighs encompassed his waist once more.
Parting his lips, his tongue battled with yours for dominance once more. Your hands moved to scratch your nails down his chest, stopping to tweak his nipples pulling a groan from deep in his throat. Pulling away from his lips you trailed kisses down his throat alternating between kissing and biting his alabaster skin. Making your way to his collarbones you dip your tongue into the valley found there before biting at the protruding bone.
“God Niamh” he groaned his hands trailing up under the silk hem of your dress, his head throne back in pleasure as he gripped your thighs.
Continuing your path down his chest you took his nipple into your mouth swirling your tongue around it before gently nipping at it. Pulling a groan from deep in his chest. “Just like that darlin” he moaned head thrown back one of his hands moving from under your dress to grip the hair at the base of your neck. Your lips moved to the side of his chest nipping gently at the slight swell of his chest before soothing the mark with your tongue.
Your hands made their way to his soft stomach gently scratching below his navel drawing a purr from deep in his chest. “Have I ever told you how much I love your little tummy” you hum pulling away to focus on undoing his belt desperate to get his pants off.
“Oh” he chuckled hands moving back to your hips underneath your dress slowly pushing it furth up your body.
“Yeah, it’s so cute I just wanna bite it” you replied pulling his belt free from the loops. Throwing the belt through the doorway you start undoing his light wash blue jeans.
At that he let out a deep belly laugh, his head falling forward into your chest trying to hide his face. You felt his body jolt with each chuckle, his hand moving to rest softly against your waist. His thumbs pressing into your skin as he rubbed soothing circles against your plush hips trying to catch his breath.
“Hey, I’m just speaking my truth Bear” you chuckled running your hand through his hair placing a soft gentle kiss against his temple.
Finally catching his breath, he started placing open mouthed kisses along your shoulder working his way up your neck to your jaw, nipping gently at your flesh as he went. Finally, he pressed his soft lips against yours in a passionate kiss. Groaning, he deepened the kiss pressing his tongue into your mouth, the sound of teeth clashing against teeth filled your ears. Suddenly his hands where pushing your dress up once more. “off” he growled against your mouth.
You lift your hands from his hair long enough for him to slip your dress over your head. You clashed back together like magnets drawn to each other.
“we” kiss “really” kiss “should” kiss “get” kiss “in” kiss “the” kiss “shower” you mumbled your hands going back to working on getting his jeans off.
“mhm” he groaned his hand trailing down your leg picking your foot up to rest on his thigh so he could untie your black leather converse boots. Once he had your boots off, he moved his hands up to work on taking your garters and thigh high fishnet stockings off. Gently unstrapping each leather garter, he pulled them off your thighs leaving kisses on each thigh were the metal of the garter left marks. He moved on to your black fishnets slowly rolling each one down your leg placing gentle kisses along the path his hands traveled. Once he had you bare to him, he looked up at you from his position kneeling before you on the dark green tile of the bathroom floor, he kissed each knee before standing once more.
Stepping back, he bent down to remove his white converse high tops before pushing his jeans down his legs before stepping out of them. Standing in only his navy boxer briefs, Andrew moved towards the shower turning it on, he checked the temperature making sure it was just right before turning back to you.
“For the holy sake of fuck, you’re gorgeous” he groaned taking you in for the first time fully naked. Unable to stop himself, his hands splayed across your ribs traveling over the ridges and bumps that made up your plush frame to cup your breasts in his large hands squeezing slightly watching as the flesh flooded between his fingers. He leaned forward to bite at the flesh not in his hand before placing an open-mouthed kiss against the angry flesh, drawing a deep guttural moan from your parted lips.
“As much as I’m enjoying this Bear, I need to at least rinse myself off before I can even think about falling asleep” you chuckled gently tugging his head away from your chest.
Groaning his displeasure Andrew stepped back so he could step out of his stiff and ruined boxers, his hard cock springing free from its confines slapping against his lower abdomen.
“oh” you murmured biting your lip taking him in. He was large but not uncomfortably so, the head of his cock an angry red and leaking precum from the tip, it curved slightly to the left. You drooled just looking at it, God you wanted to taste it.
Blushing Andrew moved to cover himself suddenly shy “is that a good oh” he mumbled bashfully
“God yes, please don’t cover yourself up baby I wanna see you” you cooed reaching your hands out to him urging him back into your embrace. You felt his cock twitch against your stomach as he came to rest in your arms once more. “Now let’s get cleaned up baby” you murmured placing a delicate kiss against his cheek before leaning in to kiss his lips once more.
“I can think of better things to do with our time in the shower” he rumbled nipping playfully at your jaw as he hoisted you into his arms again.
“Oh yeah” you hummed preening at his touch. “Why don’t you show me Handsome” you purred
“Hmm you’d like that wouldn’t you” he chuckled against the skin of your jaw as he stepped into the shower with you still secure in his arms.
It was a small standing room only shower causing you to be pressed up against each other as the warm water cascaded over you. Ever so gently he sat you on your feet, moving to place you under the stream to wash away the stickiness of the night.
Humming, you tipped your head back feeling the warm water rush over you. The feeling of Andrew’s large hands gripping your hips keeping your lower half flush to his body, his still hard cock pressed against your stomachs. Your arms slung around his neck as you continued to bask in the flow of water over your face.
“Gods your gorgeous” he murmurs mesmerized by your naked form standing in front of him water caressing every bare inch of your skin, he’d never been more jealous of water in his life. He watched a droplet rush down the slope of your flushed cheeks, pooling at the corner of your lips before cresting over the plush pink pillow and rushing down the elegant slope of your neck. His eyes followed as it caressed the swell of your ample breasts, leaving a trail in its wake to the rosy peak of your hardened nipple. Unable to hold himself back any longer he surged forward taking your nipple into his mouth he swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud before gently nipping at it with his teeth pulling a moan from your startled lips. Smirking to himself at the knowledge of what he was doing to you he moved to your other nipple giving it the same amount of attention as the first.
“Andy” you moaned carding your fingers into his hair you tugged at the strands. “C’mere Baby” you moaned glancing down at him water dripping from your face onto his, he pulled away from your breast tugging your sensitive bud with his teeth as he went.
“Hey” he murmured standing back to his full height his head bent just enough to look you directly in the eyes.
“Hey” you chuckled lightly placing a chaste kiss against his lips.
“Have I ever told you how utterly gorgeous you are” he muttered hands caressing the skin of your bare back, dipping into every curve your plush form had to offer him, allowing his fingers to trail up your sides committing the feel of your soft plump form as it gave way to his touch to memory, he was intoxicated at the feel of you.
“I think you might need to get your prescription check there Bear” you chuckled self deprecatingly.
“I was just at the eye doctor the other day my prescription hasn’t changed smart ass” he murmured taking your face in his large, calloused hands, he placed a kiss on your forehead before trailing down to your cheeks, then your chin, then finally he placed a feather light kiss on the tip on your nose before brushing his own against it. He rested his forehead against yours “please never doubt how gorgeous you are to me Niamh, I love every inch of you, every little flaw you’re so convinced you have is near and dear to my cynical old heart so please never doubt how much beauty I see every time my eyes are graced with your glorious form” he lamented placing a gentle but passionate kiss against your lips.
“Andrew” you whined bashfully trying to hide your face from his mossy green gaze.
“Look at me pretty girl” he demanded his right hand moving to grip your jaw forcing you to look up at him. “I want you to say it, and you better mean it pretty girl” he half growled wrapping his left arm around your waist tugging your flush against him so you couldn’t hide from his gaze.
“I… I’m gorgeous” you muttered looking past him
“Ah ah, like you mean it Darlin’” he tsked pinching your chin between his thumb and forefinger
“I’m gorgeous” you stated your warm hazel eyes locked on to his seafoam green ones.
“that’s a good girl” he murmured releasing your chin with a satisfied hum. His hands traveled down your back landing on the globe of your ass gripping at the soft flesh he found there.
Your preened at the praise pulling your bottom lip into your mouth you bit down stifling a moan.
“Ah ah ah” he tsked bring his hand up to pull your bottom lip from in between your teeth “I want to hear the pretty noises you make while I pleasure you” he admonished before trailing his right hand up your left thigh brushing against the skull zippo lighter tattoo you had there. He traced the outline of the lighter trailing up to the smoke floating from the wick of the lighter, it was intertwined with yours and Andrew’s birth flower daffodils and honeybees, both beautiful yet resilient creations.
You’d gotten it in college as a reminder on your resilience in life, it had partially inspired Andrews song from his debut EP, Arsonist’s Lullaby, but he’d never told you that. If he was being completely honest with himself, you have and still do inspire a lot of his songs simply by existing.
“You should get more of these you know” he muttered against your jaw nipping his way to your shoulder.
“Oh yeah” you gasped in question your head thrown back baring your throat to him.
“Gods yes” he groaned into your collarbone as his other hand moved to caress the flaming sword on your right thigh the phrase “I am no lady” displayed on the hilt.
“I’ll get more when you do Andy” you chuckled carding your hand into his hair holding him close to you.
“Consider it done” he mumbled into your breasts trailing kisses down to your plush stomach nipping at the plump flesh as he went. Pausing briefly at your stomach he laid gentle kisses along the slopes of your skin, he alternated to trailing his tongue along the sharp yet gentle ridges that made their home in your skin. “Gods, I love your body” he groaned into your flesh nuzzling his nose in the dip of your belly button taking a moment just to bask in your form. In your presence he felt as though he was a mere peasant bathing in the light of a divine Goddess in her truest form.
You placed your hands on the sides of his face trying to pull his attention away from your stomach and the stretch marks that painted your skin with their beauty.
“Ah ah pretty girl, let me bask in you” he chuckled nipping at your stomach before pressing soothing kisses into the irritated flesh.
“Andy” you whined trying to cover yourself once more.
“I said stop covering yourself pretty girl” Andrew commanded prying your hands from your stomach guiding them to his head, allowing you to card your fingers in his hair. “Now be my good girl and let me worship you” he ground out pressing feather light kisses against your flesh.
He nuzzled his face into your soft flesh breathing in the gentle flowery sweet scent of your skin. Making his way to your thighs he nipped at the flesh he found there. Licking a stripe from your knee to the apex of your thighs he nuzzled his nose into the fleshy mound found there, breathing in your musky sweet scent. Groaning into your flesh he placed a kiss there before licking a strip from your mound to your hipbone nipping at the plump flesh he found there.
“Andy” you whined carding your fingers into his hair trying to force him back to where you needed him most.
“Patience Pretty Girl” Andrew tsked moving to do the same thing to your neglected hip bone, before kissing his way down your leg his hands brushing along your side caressing your tattoos in reverence.
“Andy please I need you” you begged tugging at his hair.
“Patience Dove” he murmured biting at the plump flesh of your thigh.
The water still cascaded down your body flooding Andrews face as he finally dove nose first where you needed him most. He couldn’t care less all he cared about was tasting you again. He pressed his nose into your tight bundle of nerves before flattening his tongue against your slit.
“Gods Andrew” you moaned your head flying back as the sensations flooded you.
Reaching down you carded your fingers in his wet curls you tugged trying to pull him closer to you. He grunted into you the vibration sending a shock up your spine. One of his hands made its way up your legs stopping to caress each mark of ink he found as he traveled up your leg. His hand reaching its destination, he pressed his middle and ring fingers against your opening, he pulled back far enough for you to see a line a spit fall from his lips to your already drenched cunt. “God you’re so wet for me Princess” he groaned as he unashamedly watched his fingers sink into your cunt “taste so fucking good too” he mewled.
“Ah” you gasped feeling his fingers hook up and press against a sensitive spot that you didn’t even know existed.
“You take me so well baby, this pussy was made just for me” he groaned continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you at a gradual pace.
“Gods right there Angel” you whined your hips bucking of their own volition
Pressing his thumb into your clit he smirked watching as your head bucked backwards at the sensation “that’s my good girl, you’re doing so well for me”
“Oh, fuck Andrew” you panted writhing as he slipped your other leg onto his shoulder keeping you from hitting the ground as your climax grew closer.
“Come on Darlin’” he groaned hooking his fingers inside of you with each stroke while his thumb moved to spell his name against your swollen clit. “Show me who this pussy belongs too and cum on my fingers like my good girl” he instructs nipping at your thigh as you clench around him.
“FUCK” you cry your hips bucking into him once more before your cum dripped down his fingers as your climax crashed over you.
“that’s it baby” he cooed placing gentle kisses against your skin continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you.
Whining at the oversensitivity you tried to push him away “Andy it’s too much” you whined even as your hips continued to grind against him.
“You can give me one more baby” He purred breathing in the sweet musky scent of your cum letting it flood his senses, drowning in the squelching wet sounds of his fingers sinking into you over and over and over again.
“No, I can’t baby I can’t” you whined tears rolling down your cheeks as the overstimulation slowly morphed from pain to pleasure, your third climax of the night beginning to build deep in your gut.
“Yes, you can Mo Chroί” he cooed before nudging his nose against your clit again. “Just give me one more then we’re done for the night, and you can rest” he murmured before pressing his tongue against you, groaning as the taste of you filled his mouth once again. He was drunk on the sounds of your whimpers and moans as they flooded his ears to mix with wet sounds coming from his mouth.
Groaning he wrapped his lips around your swollen clit sucking it into his mouth, he gently scraped his teeth against it, pulling a shiver from you. “Gah Andrew I…I’m gonna cum” you gasped your orgasm creeping up on you faster than it ever has before.
“Cum for me Niamh, cum on my tongue, paint my face with your pretty pink pussy” he groaned into your cunt, feeling your walls clench around his fingers once more.
Within seconds you were seeing stars, your vision blurring around the edges. “FUCKING GODS ANDREW” you cried bucking into him once more as you squirted around his fingers. Your cum dripping down the side of his face as you came.
He drank up every drop, desperate for anything you had to give. Slowly bringing you down from your high he pulled away from you, licking his lips not wanting to waste a drop.
Looking down at him with half lidded eyes you watched as he sucked his fingers into his mouth cleaning every trace of you from his long slender digits. His muddy green latching on to your foggy grey. He pulled his fingers from his mouth with a pop before gently moving your legs from his shoulders making sure to keep you upright.
“You did so good for me pretty girl” he cooed standing to his full height bracing you against the wall with his hands on your waist, your legs where too shaky to keep you up right on your own. “So fookin’ good for me darlin’ so fookin’ good” he groaned nuzzling into your neck he pressed his lips against your pulse point feeling your heart rate slow back down to normal. He turns around to shut off the water, deciding you won’t be finishing your shower tonight. He places his hands under your ass hauling you up into his arms he stepped out of the shower and placed you on the countertop once more before moving to grab a towel and begin the process of drying both of you.
Finally catching your breath, you skimmed your hand down his sides stopping long enough to scratch your freshly manicured nails across his lower stomach, pulling a purr from deep in Andrews chest. “Oh, you like that don’t you handsome” you murmured against his ear nipping gently at the lobe.
“Gods yes” he pants his head falling forward to rest in the crook of your neck, his cock twitching against your parted thighs.
Eventually you move on to glide your nails up and down the tops of his thighs pulling a needy whimper from deep in his throat. “Please Niamh” he whimpers against your collarbone dropping the towel he was using to the ground, he braced himself against the countertop effectively pinning you against the counter in the cage of his long arms.
“Please what baby” you asked brushing your lips against his ear your tongue darting out to lick it before taking it between your teeth and tugging gently.
“Please touch me baby” he whimpers his hands moving to grip your hips tugging you against him unconsciously rutting his cock into you.
“Only because you asked so nicely” you cooed wrapping your hand around the base of his angry red cock, pulling a gasp from him as his head flew back in rapture. You smirked your head tilting back and to the side to get a better look at him.
“Gods Niamh” he groans his hips bucking against you hand involuntarily.
“So eager for me baby” you cooed experimentally tugging at his cock, you swirled your thumb across the head allowing his precum to coat your hand.
Hissing his hips bucked into your hand again as he bit down on your shoulder trying to muffle the sounds coming from his mouth.
“Ah ah ah baby I wanna hear the pretty noises you make for me” you cooed into his ear your free hand coming up to grip the hair at the back of his head pulling his head back away from your shoulder forcing his neck back. “Now I want you to use me to get yourself off baby, do you think you can do that for me” you asked tilting your head to the side.
Gasping his jaw slackened “fuck……yes” he groaned slamming his hips forward into the palm of your hand. He pulled back with a shutter before thrusting into you again. As he found his rhythm you released your hold on his hair.
“that’s it baby, your doing so well for me” you cooed as his hands found their way to your hips using you as leverage to keep up his fast and punishing pace.
“Fuck Niamh” he groans rolling his hips into your hand,
Reaching down with your free hand you cup his balls giving them an experimental tug. You stretched your middle finger to press into the soft spot directly behind his balls pulling a surprised groan from Andrew. “Oh, you like that don’t you baby” you whispered into his ear before sucking a mark into the sensitive spot directly behind it.
“s’good so fookin’ good” he growled his hips faltering in their pace as he grew closer and closer to his climax.
“What about this” you asked bringing your hand up to his mouth “open up baby” you requested before pushing two fingers inside letting him coat them in his spit before you brought them back down to his ass pressing against his opening there. “Can I baby” you asked leaving your fingers to rest against him.
“Gah ha……Yes” he gasped continuing to buck into you as he felt his climax build in the base of his stomach.
Placing a gentle kiss against his jaw line you pressed your finger into him as he groaned in shock. “Relax baby” you cooed allowing him a moment to adjust to the sensation before pressing down against his g-spot.
“Fook Niamh, I……I’m gonna cum” he whimpered thrusting into you.
“Do it baby, cum for me like my good little boy, paint me in your seed, claim me as yours” you murmured against his ear as he thrusted once twice more before his cum shot from his aching cock, covering your stomach in his milky white seed.
“Fuck baby” you moaned removing your hand from his softening cock you brought it to your stomach collecting some of his cum and bring it to your lips. Making eye contact with Andrew you stuck your cum covered fingers in your mouth moaning at the salty musk that coated your tongue.
“Fook baby” he groaned his hips bucking one last time at the sight of you covered in him, tasting him. He collapsed into you panting into your sweat-soaked skin as he felt his heart rate slow down to its normal pace.
“You did so good for me baby so good” you cooed rubbing your hand up and down his back.
You stayed like that for a few minutes before he moved to wet a washcloth to clean his spend from your stomach. After disposing of the ruined washcloth Andrew made his way back over to you wrapping your arms and legs around him once more you allowed him to pick you up and carry you to bed. Your head resting lazily against his shoulder as you fought off your exhaustion.
Placing you gently down on the mattress he pulled your feet up onto the bed before pulling the comforter up over your shoulders. He turned moving to turn off the room light “Bear” you whined arms reaching out for him as he walked away.
“Hold on baby I’m just gonna go grab some water for us” he replied before moving back over to you and placing a gentle kiss against your outstretched palm, before turning and making his out of the room.
A few minutes later he returned with a glass of water, upon noticing you fighting off sleep he placed it on your nightstand before crawling into bed with you. “Mhm Bear” you mumbled rolling onto your side curling into him.
“c’mere” he murmured hooking his arm between your legs his palm flattening on your back before he hauled you to rest on top of him. Your head nestled into the crook of his neck, he pressed a kiss against your forehead “I love you, A Chuisle Mo Chroί Sour Patch” he murmured his nose pressed into your hair line as he breathed in the sweet flowery scent of you.
“A Chuisle Mo Chroί, Bear” you mumbled back pressing a kiss against his pulse point. You allowed his warmth and gentle heartbeat to lull you into a deep sleep.
You were awakened by a warm ray of sun peaking in through the dark green blinds you groaned softly. Burrowing your face into Andrew’s neck once more you shifted trying to get comfortable again. Your hips stiff from laying on top of Andrew all night. You groaned as you sat up trying to loosen your joints up.
Stilling as you felt something long and hard poke you in the ass, shifting your hips experimentally you felt him twitch underneath you.
“Niamh” he groaned in his sleep, his fingers absentmindedly gripping your hips hard. “Fuck me already” he groaned still deep in confines of sleep.
“If you say so Baby” you smirk pushing up on your knees before reaching down between you two to line his already hard cock up with your entrance you sank down on him. Groaning at the sensation of him filling you to the brim, you gave yourself a moment to adjust before experimentally rolling your hips watching as Andrew’s eyes slowly fluttered open. Shock crossing his features before a groan passed his lips when you pulled far enough off his cock to leave just the tip of him in your entrance before slamming back down on him.
“Gods Niamh” Andrew groaned his eyes flying open as he woke up fully. Bracing his feet, so his legs were spread behind you giving him leverage to buck his hip up into yours on instinct, pulling a strangled moan from your lips.
“Fuck Andrew you feel so good” you moan meeting him thrust for thrust. Reaching back to brace yourself against his strong muscular thighs.
Throwing your head back drunk on the feel of his hard cock filling you, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the large mirror above the headboard you moaned as you saw one of his hands inch up your body to palm your breast. You watched as your hips rolled over him slamming into his, his fingers pinching and rolling you nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Fuck baby” you groan.
Catching on to the fact that your eyes latched onto something above him. Andrew forced his eyes away from the gorgeous view of your writhing form in his lap to look above him catching sight of the mirror he smirked “Oh” he gasped filing this kink away for future use. He removed his hand from your breast, bring it up to your lips he pressed his thumb against your lower lip “Open up baby” he demanded.
Moaning you obeyed him sucking his thumb into your mouth you watch as it sunk past your teeth and your tongue stuck out to wrap around it. “Good Girl” he praised pulling his thumb away from you with a pop, bringing it down to press against your clit.
When suddenly his phone rang “who the fook is calling at eight in the morning on a fooking Saturday” he groaned his hand leaving your hip to reach out and grab his phone. Not bothering to check the caller ID he angrily answers the call “who the fook is this” growl not stilling his movement on your clit as you continued to grind against him biting your lip to keep silent.
“It’s Tim from the bar last night” he replied confusion lacing his voice “Who’s this?” he grunts “I was calling for a Niamh she gave me this number last night while we were getting drinks” slowly he got frustrated.
“Oh, Tim from the pub yeah she told me all about you.” Andrew growled “this is Andrew her boyfriend, but I have Niamh right here she wants to say hi” he smirks pulling the phone from his ear he turned the speaker on before pointing it at you.
He pinched your clit pulling a gasp from your already parted lips “Fuck baby that feels so good” you moaned continuing to rut against him climbing towards your peak.
“that’s my good girl” Andrew praised before bringing the phone back to his ear “Now I suggest you lose this number and maybe stop being a creep to women in pubs especially when they clearly want nothing to do with you” Andrew growled “If you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to” he grinds out before hanging up and throwing his phone on the nightstand.
“Fuck baby that was hot” you whine rolling your hips against him, the sound of skin slapping on skin filling the room as you chased your highs together.
“Gods Darlin’ you feel so good” he groans feeling your walls clench around him.
“I’m gonna cum baby” you whine your hips faltering more and more the closer you got to your climax “Fuck” you cried.
“Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock” he growls pinching your clit once more sending you over the edge.
“Fuck Baby” he groaned continuing to rut into you chasing his own high now.
Reaching down you tweaked his nipples as you continued to roll your hips into him your second orgasm quickly approaching.
“Fuck Darlin” he groaned back arching off the bed “I’m gonna cum, tell me where you want me Goddess” he growled pressing into your clit once more.
“Gods cum inside me Andy, I want you to fill me up” you moaned feeling his hips falters at your words. Smirking you lean down to his ear “Fuck a baby into me Andrew” you groaned biting at his ear.
“Fuck Niamh” he cried bucking up into you sending you both over the edge his warm seed shooting into you mixing you’re your release before flooding down around his cock. You followed him over the edge white hot stars flooding your vision as you squirted around him.
Collapsing on top of him you felt his cock soften inside of you. Liking the sense of completeness it gave you, you decided to stay put as you came down from your high. “Good morning” you sighed tiredly into his ear.
“Good Fucking morning indeed” he chuckled his hands squeezing your ass as he placed a kiss against your cheek.
A few minutes later once both of you had calmed down Andrew suddenly started chuckling.
“what’s so funny Bear” you giggled propping your chin on his chest looking up at him.
“I can’t fucking believe we just did that” he chuckled craning his neck to look at you before bringing it back down to the rest on his pillow.
“To be fair that phone call was pretty hot, I’ve never found a jealous man attractive but for all things holy and unholy that was fucking hot” you chuckled.
Sitting up you moved to lie down beside him, both of you groaning at the feel of him slipping from your warm wet walls.
“Well, I was never really the jealous type until you Sour Patch” he murmured turning to face you as he brought your leg up to wrap around his hip wanting to stay as close to you as possible.
“Mmm, I like that your protective of me” you mutter burrowing your head into his chest.
“Good because I don’t think I can turn that off” he murmured kissing your temple.
“I love you; you know that right” you say out a few minutes later. “I’m not always the best with words when it comes to this type of stuff, but I do love you Bear, I have since you accidental tripped into Professors Higgin’s class that first day of college”
“I know Darlin’, I love you too, A Chuisle Mo Chroί” he replied cupping your chin in his hand pulling your lips up to meet his.
Chuckling as you held back tears. “So, about that breeding kink” you giggled changing the topic away from your emotions before you cried and ruined the moment.
“Hey, I wasn’t the one getting off by watching myself in the mirror” he chuckled in mock indignation.
The End (for now)
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neteyamslovrr · 2 years
KXANI - pt4
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summary: you have never fit in with the scientists, but on the night jake was lost in the forest so were you. staying with the people was your one true dream, yet when you are anything but welcome and jake get's to experience the people. you find yourself seeking comfort in tsu'tey
contents: 2.4k words, fem!avatar reader angst, lots of angst, reader is upset, tsu'tey is stupid, grace redemption arc, avatar 2009, tsu'tey not being as ooc LMAO
authors note: sorry it took so long y'all, ya girl has been working her ass off trying not to fail, also soz in advance for the angst. and if ur tag didn't work L idk how to fix that (i love u all) tara i see u🧍‍♀️
all parts - next part
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Jake woke from his link ready to harass you with a million questions. As the link pod opened he was already sitting up.
“Y/N! Are you going to explain why Tsu’tey was about to slit my throat cause of you?” Jake was wide-eyed and furious. He hopped himself back into his wheelchair so he could speak to you without yelling across the shuttle.
“What? What do you mean?” You were beyond confused. Tsu’tey did what? For you?
“He came up to me yelling about some shit! That I disrespected you and that I’d be better dead! Had his knife at me and everything!” Grace had walked into the commotion immediately taking action between you two yelling colleagues.
“Woah, woah, woah. Ok calm down before we lose another scientist.” She put her hands between the space between you and made space between the two of you.
“I didn’t tell Tsu’tey to do that! I have no idea why he acted like that.” Anxiety was cursing through your body as you switched between the fuming Jake and the confused Grace. Why did Tsu’tey do this? Was it to spite you? To get a rise out of Jake?
“You obviously told him something!” He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air. Grace looked at you for confirmation, but you were persistently shaking your head.
“No. No! I just talked about being a scientist. That’s all.” Jake scoffed at you as Grace’s features grew even more concerned.
“Oh yeah, because the life of a scientist is totally enough to be THREATENED BY A WARRIOR. For fuck sake Y/N!” You were cowering from the man below you, you wanted to escape desperately, his fierce glares and Grace’s pained ones were all too much.
“Enough. We have research to log. Hurry up. Go!” Grace pulled Jake’s chair away as she stared at you to walk away from Jake. And that’s exactly what you did.
Rushing to the bunk bed you shared with Norm you climbed up and planted harshly onto the rough sheets. Curling yourself up into a ball, you tried to slow down your fast breathing as thoughts were rapidly entering your mind. You had to ask Tsu’tey.
Rushing through Hometree you couldn’t find him anywhere. You had rummaged through ever crevice of the tree and you were left empty-handed.
Why would Tsu’tey do this? You understood he hated Jake, but you thought he’d at least be understanding. So why was he so adamant on ‘a dead Jakesully, is a good Jakesully.’ You had to understand his actions, you had to.
Your fast pace and concentrated look made the people give you a mountain of odd looks. You were growing frustrated, why was he nowhere to be seen?
Not being aware of your surroundings you ran headfirst into a firm body. There Neytiri stood looking down at you slightly as she tilted her head in confusion. “Why are you stomping around like a child?”
“Oh!...I’m looking for Tsu’tey, have you seen him?” Neytiri scanned the room before her eyes went back to you.
“I believe he’s at the river, not in his best mood.” Frowning at her comment, you wondered what had upset him so much.
“Thankyou.” Bowing at her before you started rushing through the forest. You didn’t intend on running there but it just seemed to occur as your breath grew shaky and your heart beat faster.
You had now learnt your way through the forest. The endless vegetation no longer taking you for a loop. Now you knew exactly how to get to the man you demanded answers from.
There he sat at the edge of the riverbed. He was calm, peaceful. He stared up into the sky letting out a relaxed sigh.
Watching silently a seed of the tree of souls landed on his shoulder, he watched as it flew in front of him turning his gaze into the direction of you, a frown growing on his face.
“Why are you here? Go back.” He flicked his hand as his voice rumbled, he sounded angry, it wasn’t like you heard before though, it was directly at you.  
“I need to talk to you. I was looking everywhere” Your breath still shaky as you panted out your words etching closer to him. He grimaced at your state as he contemplated his response.
“You shouldn’t have.” It was sharp and hurtful. He meant to say it like that, but watching the way your relieved expression faltered into a hurt one pained him.
“Well…you shouldn’t have threatened Jake.” You didn’t imagine you would ever step up to the tall man in front of you. But recently you felt as if he was someone you could share your concerns with, even those concerning him.
“Who are you to question my actions demon.” His lanky arms crossed against his toned body as his stature grew taller. His presence becoming more intimidating as his nostrils flared in anger.
“You upset him Tsu’tey! And you upset me.” He faltered at your words, it was a split second your saw guilt in his eyes before it flashed away again. You had never seen him so upset, he was growing more and more irritated by the second. It felt as if you were getting whiplash compared to his affection towards you yesterday.
“Why should I care what a demon feels?” He felt pained, and so did you. His words were growing harsher as was his glare. You started to back away from him, regretting ever opening your mouth.
“Well… I thought that you might of cared about me.” It was a quiet confession. One that as soon as you let it out you wanted to take it back immediately. To Tsu’tey it felt like a blade stabbing him in his heart as it escaped your mouth. His harsh glare faltered once again as he blinked rapidly. He did care. Eywa, he cared so fucking much. That’s why he was doing this. He can’t let his heart overrule his mind.
“And why would I think that? You are a demon. Bringing nothing but destruction and death.” You felt yourself shrinking as you watched him etch closer and closer to you.
“then why did you go after Jake then? If you don’t care about me!” It felt as if your heart was a pane of glass that was smashed against the floor.
He had no excuse for his behaviour towards Jake. He was angry, he was angry at Jake for treating you badly. He took your words and used them as a weapon towards Jake. He was angry because he cared about you.
“Such a demon thing to think the world revolves around you!” His voice was booming, he was seeing red but not with anger, it was his heart bleeding. “Go back. You don’t belong here.”
He saw it on your face. The slow blink to get rid of your tears. The shake in your chest and the way your swallowed any words you might of retaliated back. He saw the way you looked at him with betrayal.
“What was yesterday then?” Your voice cracked as you stared up at the stone faced man.
“A mistake.” Your lips quivered as you sucked your cheeks. He felt that familiar pang, but it wasn’t a pang anymore. It was a thrash.
He watched you turn with such speed that you almost toppled over. He watched you leave as fast as you came. He heard your sobs rack through the forest as you walked further and further away.
Soon they were washed away by the sound of rain pouring down. A sound he would usually cherish as it calmed him. But it no longer felt calming, it was deafening.
Running back to Hometree you were tear-stricken. Your throat ached and so did your heart. You knew it was rich of you to assume he enjoyed your company, but it felt so nice to be appreciated.
Your disarray brought on the stares of hundreds including Grace’s. While she may have not been the kindest to you and she was aware of that. She was also aware how she underestimated you and dismissed you as your contributions were nothing compared to Jake’s. Yet, this morning she realised just how much she had underestimated you. You had cracked open the shell of Tsu’tey and she respected you for it.
So, when she saw you dishevelled, she couldn’t deny her concern.
“Y/N? What the hell happened?” Her fingers gripped onto your shoulder to bring you back down.
“Nothing. I just…I am alright.” She gave you the look.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
“NO! No. Please just let me go.” Grace sighed giving you a pat on the back.
“C’mon kid, somethings bothering you.”
“Why would you care? You never did before?” Grace knew this was coming. She knew that she also deserved it.
“You’re crying. That’s why.” You scoffed at her, swatting her hand off you.
“I don’t need your pity. I just wanted your acknowledgement. And…the one person who was giving me that, has decided it was a mistake. So, I’d just appreciate if you don’t make that ‘mistake’ either.”
“Are you talking about Tsu’tey?” Grace was growing more concerned, she didn’t even realise the two of you had developed a special bond.  
“I’ll see you in the lab, Dr. Augustine.” You spat at her, venom dripping off your tongue as you rushed off in the same direction you came, apologising to the people you had barged into in your fit of despair.
What had you done to deserve this? Were you truly unworthy of friendship? Were you imagining all those moments with Tsu’tey. The intimate silences, the small touches, the deep conversations and the concern he had for you. Where had they gone? Did he hit his head the night before?
Or maybe it was just as he said. You were a parasite. Maybe he never felt any of those things, you just took them from him. Was this all that you were? A parasite in a fake body.
But this body was most dear to you. You felt so connected to the people and the nature. What if it was just to Tsu’tey. Had you been greedy? Been like every other sky-person and taken this worlds beauty for your own benefit.
Tears fell as you were consumed by your thoughts. You were so conflicted. How did you belong nowhere? Not with humans, not with Na’vi and not with anyone.
Disrupted from your thoughts you heard two voices in the distance. Rushing to hide up in a tree you saw the bodies of the voices.  
There was Jake and Neytiri, walking close together, talking as they planned there hunt. You watched the way they grazed upon each other. The way they would look at each other so lovingly, sharing giggles and touches. Waves of jealously crashed upon you.  
You watched them both and couldn’t help but imagine it was you and Tsu’tey. That it was you two sharing glances and loving touches.  
Your heart ached as you continued to watch them from afar. Your throat was tight the more they bonded, the more they loved. The ache in your heart was strong, the sting in your eyes was harsh as your fists were clenched.
At one point your feelings overtook you, because you were no longer fixated on the couple in front of you but the quiet words that left Neytiri’s mouth. “A clean kill…you are ready.”  
You watched the two share a look, a look of knowing and a look of accomplishment. You couldn’t help but feel your chest thrash, he was ready?
Jake was becoming Omaticaya while you are being thrown out by the future Olo’eyktan. This wasn’t fair! This wasn’t right! Your mind was foggy, and your heart stung. You had to leave. You couldn’t stay watching him succeeded right in front of you.
Leaving quietly, you returned to Hometree to lay in your hammock. You had enough of this day, it was best if you could just end it now.
Tsu’tey laid in his hammock wide awake. The ache in his heart hadn’t gone way like he thought it would. He couldn’t love a demon, what would that make him? A traitor to his kind.
But the way you smiled, the way you cheered at the most minute things, the way you continued to love everything about him while he gave you nothing in return. He didn’t deserve the kindness you had bestowed upon him.
He longed for you. He longed to hold you and tell you he was sorry. That he confronted Jake because he was angry for you. That it was never a mistake, he loved every minute with you.
He wanted you so badly that it ached. That his heart felt bruised in your absence. Tsu’tey couldn’t help but think of your soft fingers wrapped around his torso. He couldn’t help but dream of that flight with you. He couldn’t help but mourn that it was the last time he’d ever feel your touch, or feel your love.
It was his own doing. He pushed you away. But he craved your touch and he craved your smile. He craved every single part of you, but he can’t have you.
He can’t feel this way. He is not allowed to feel this way. He has a mate, he has a duty, and he has people to serve. A demon can’t take that from him no matter how much he wanted that demon.
The sobs of your broken heart rung in his ears as he tried to fall asleep, but they didn’t escape him. He just wanted to forget this. Forget you.
He knew that you were hurting. He knew that the sky-people also hurt you just like they hurt him. He knew that he hurt you too.
 He knew that you longed to be a Omaticaya, that you wanted nothing more to be able to provide and be useful.
He could see it in the way you paid attention to every syllable that exited his mouth. It was admirable how much you wanted to provide. He saw himself in you the way you wanted to serve. It made him recoil in on himself.
To be similar to a demon like you. But you weren’t a demon. Eywa, you were a beauty, a kind soul, the purest of spirits. You reminded him of a sacred seed. But you couldn’t be, and you would never be.
You weren’t Navi, you weren’t one of the people. You never could be with the way he wanted you.
└────── ⋆☆⋆ ──────┘
tags/closed: @koolaidmanscaresme @suntizme @forestcottage @avatarlover21 @mechformers @jennielune @dilfs-bitch @simplefools @merla123 @awkward-halfhug @atwow699 @scarlettisconfusedd @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @elegantkidfansoull @tarrynightss @randxmthxughts @ronalsgirl @gardenofvows @zitarcis @i-thirsty-boii @lin0leum @lovekeehoo @notyurdad @supercoolusernamesblog @cupidddd-d @im-in-a-pansexual-panikanik @saltedcoffeescotch @jakesullysslutttt @valentineheartzz @eywas-heir @perilous-pasta @fanboyluvr @asd3ku @atsukiswrld @moonpie3000 @coffeeaddictednymph @anangelwhodidntfall @snips-501 @dangerouslittlefairy @chaos-in-person @rebeccao03 @adaydreamaway08 @jellybeanstacey0519 @graykageyama @aracelikara
(sorry if i didn't get u, or if it didn't work)
reblogs + replies appreciated!! i'll give u a big ole smooch and a imaginary teddy bear
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kingconia · 1 year
hello! i was wondering if you could write prompt #2 with jamil? your one from just the other day is so good (and slightly heartbreaking), thank you in advance if you do!
Gn!Reader x Jamil Viper
2. “Why are you mad?”
”I'm not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
”So, truth or dare, Y/n?”
You stared at the empty bottle between you and Cater, trying to understand how you found yourself at this point of your life.
This kind of parties, loud and overwhelming ones, never were your favourites. But, still, you tagged along with others this time. Just hoping to see a certain someone.
A certain someone, who was indifferently staring at the ceiling, while he was sitting on the coach with his housewarden.
A very certain Jamil Viper.
”Dare,” you decided boldly, others supporting such a reckless decision—you could never trust Cater in these games, really—with low whistles. ”I am waiting, Cay-Cay. Do your worst.”
You always liked Jamil. And once, it seemed, he liked you, too. At least, he was willing to spend time with you, offer you some consolation, and share meals, if he had some time.
But then, he overbolted.
”Bold as always, aren't ya?” Cater leaned closer to you, eyes narrowing curiously. ”I dare you to...”
And everything went down the hill.
Suddenly, he started to ignore you completely, and if he didn't, you wish he did, because his mean words hurt you all the same.
”...Kiss the one guy, who you would trust your drink with.”
At first, you even thought about forgetting him. It seemed healthy. But it didn't seem right.
So, instead, you played dirty. By catching his attention and doing something stupid or questionable in an attempt to see when will he snap. Snap enough to look at you. To see you.
”That's easy,” you smiled, turning on your left, to Diasomnia students. ”Silver, can I kiss you?”
”Wait, wait, why him?!”
”Damn, I hoped they would choose me...”
Silver's cheeks blushed as he furrowed slightly to your suggestion. Your smile grew wider, when you noticed how dangerously tight Jamil's grip got on his cup.
”I mean, you can. It is the game, after all,” Silver reassured you in a beat.
You beamed. Not wasting any more minute, you leaned closer to him, and pressed your palms to his cheeks, slowly connecting your lips. He gasped in your mouth, almost out of surprise, and you moved even deeper, stroking his cheeks gently.
”Ouch, Jamil!”
You didn't need to turn away to see what happened.
But Silver shuddered from a sudden sound, and so, you parted.
Jamil broke his glass.
”I apologise,” he muttered, never liking to much attention to his persona. ”I will be out in a minute.”
He caught your gaze accidentally, and when your eyes met, you slowly wiped your lips from the kiss.
And that was it.
That was the last straw.
It was now or never.
”Well, why are you mad?” You hummed tauntingly, baring your teeth in a smirk.
Jamil avoided meeting face to face with you.
He stopped in front of the table and you instantly appeared in front of him. He tried to leave kitchen, and you invaded in his space again by stopping in the doors. He turned around to open the fridge, and you pressed your back to its cold surface by blocking it.
He gave up eventually.
”I am not mad,” he said, almost sounding calm. ”I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
”Who, for example?” You caught him by the collar gently, just to make sure you will not come out with another creative idea of leaving. ”You?”
But to your surprise, he became gloomier.
”No,” Jamil muttered under his breath. ”I don't think you need to trust me with anything at all, let alone a drink.”
A sigh escaped your lips.
Truly, when you tried to break his stride, you wished to see him angry; anger was a good way to express bottled up emotions. What you couldn't expect, it was to see him even more devastated than before.
Helplessly, you scooted him closer.
”Perhaps, I wouldn't trust you with a drink,” you murmured in his thinned lips, ”not when you broke the glass like that.”
He scoffed.
”But I would trust you with my life. I only wish you could trust me with your heart in return.”
In this very moment, you witnessed Jamil being so... Shatteringly astonished for the first time. His face was ever soft, with watery eyes staring in your soul, and lips, slightly opened.
”I did everything to make you leave.” He whispered.
“It didn't work.”
”I can see that,” he sighed, slowly hiding in the crook of your neck. ”I am merely wondering why?”
”Because you never actually wanted me to leave.”
And that was it. That was the truth.
Whatever Jamil said or did, all of it, for you was only about his fear. His fear to be replaced and abandoned. His fear to hurt you. To be left alone.
You knew it all along, but he failed to realise that you did.
That he didn't need to hide anymore.
”Y/n,” he murmured softly against your skin, before detaching from you slowly. ”Take it.”
You hummed.
Jamil took one of your hands in his, and pressed it to his chest, where the heart beated mercilessly.
”Take it,” he repeated, offering you a small smile. ”I think, you will take care of it better than I ever did.”
You shoved him down for a kiss, and late tears of understanding, and a relief that you got him back, finally touched your flushed cheeks.
You never realised how truly tiring it was, fighting for him all alone this time, without a hope to keep doing that.
”Jamil, just stay.”
It was a plea.
Gladly, his next words were an oath.
”I am not going anywhere. How else could I guard your life, then?”
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lilac-5ky · 1 year
Roommates from Hell, pt.2 (Toji x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 2: 2912
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Story Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: Thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed the first part of the story! I'll do my best to update every 1-2 weeks and to keep things interesting. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome, and if anyone wants to be notified for updates, drop your name in the comments and I'll gladly tag your @.
Warning: Flashback, mentions of violence, blood, and sex toys (odd combo, I know)
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Deft fingers punched in the numbers on the door’s keypad, a practiced crescendo of beeps and bops granting you access to your flat. Hesitant fingers that dropped to the handle, but refused to push forward, instead anchoring you there. Not yet, you mumbled, your eyes squeezing shut as soon as your forehead hit the frame.
Today has been a long day. So long that you barely had a moment to process the line of rapid escalations as it brought you to this very doorstep, with the ghost of your former scarf dangling from your neck. Some people would rather be glued to the little screens of their little phones than discipline their eight-year-old brats who, for some reason, thought playing tug of war with others’ scarves while they busted their gut to make a leaving to be of utmost entertainment.
Some people ought to keep their genes to themselves, you exasperated, untying the fabric from your neck and then balled it inside your bag, zipping the bunny across the seam.
The bunny…
It was becoming a habit of yours to follow up his name with a sigh. Sometimes a sigh that meant “What am I going to do with you?” and others coming from a place of deep longing and frustration, meaning “What am I going to do without you?”
He said he’d be home after “snipping some loose ends,” which in his dictionary either referred to him breaking some poor woman’s heart, or quite literally stabbing some equally unfortunate man’s heart out of his body at his job’s demand. Depending on the plausibility of each scenario, you were given a minimum of four and a maximum of six hours to try and make sense of his actions and devise a plan to make this cohabitation work.
You licked your lips for the millionth time that day, gnawing at the chapped flesh with the edge of your teeth. No lip balm could aspire to salvage their sorry-ass state, aggravated by the low temperatures and honed by your continuous munching on them. You’d become so conscious of their existence, that it seemed as if you were trying hard to erase it before he had the chance to realize his goal of kissing them— even when that was a common goal shared by the both of you.
The taste of metal pooled in the hollow of your mouth, your teeth sinking a tad too deep. There wasn’t much reason to keep contemplating that which never happened and that which, perhaps, would never come. You wiped your shoes on the crooked doormat (was it always crooked?) and walked inside, your legs nearly giving out at the sight of two knees dangling from your beloved couch’s armrest.
“Woah, keep it down, won’t ya?”
None other than the voice of Toji reprimanded you as you screamed at the top of your lungs. His body was spilled across your couch, the expanse of muscles barely fitting upon the three azure-colored pillows. A soda —your soda— nested in his palm, while a bag of empty potato chips —your chips— lay on the kotatsu.
“What the hell are you doing here?!?” A trembling hand reached out to where your heart supposedly was, checking whether it was still in its place.
“Watching some travel show about Chikura,” he answered, unfazed and undisturbed. “You like abalone, right? Why don’t we-”
“I’m asking, how the fuck did you get in here?”
“Oh, that,” Toji smirked, lowering the TV’s volume just when the travel host was about to devour a platter full of steaming hot seafood—mouthwatering enough to divert your attention for a second. “Sayaka let me in.”
“Flat hair, narrow eyes— kinda like Izumi Pinko. Walks around with a cane twice her size. Rings a bell?”
“Talking about Ogawa-san?” you asked, a caricature of your crabby landlady taking shape before your very eyes. “She never lets in anyone without a key, though. Last time I forgot mine, she acted as if she didn’t know me and went right past. Had to phone a locksmith,” you sighed, murmuring under your breath about the extravagant sum of money you were forced to pay. “How did you do it? Convince her to open up?”
“How else ya think?” His chin rotated leisurely atop his knuckles.
“You can’t be serious! Y-you fucked her?” Your eyes went wide like saucers, the notion sounding both feasible and surreal.
His smirk sharpened into a sly grin as he stood up, a slight slouch on his shoulders carrying him to your eye level. You couldn’t exactly look away from this proximity, so you began quietly analyzing him. The tight-fitting black tee and baggy training pants that greatly accentuated his hips and shoulders; his work outfit. The overgrown hair that curtained the dark circles of his eyes; evidence of a sleepless night. The absence of scent, not even of dirt, sweat, or struggle. He must’ve actually been working on a bounty, you deduced, your final thought of rationale as he invaded the last bit of personal space you’d left.
“You really think the worst of me, huh?” His tongue circled his lips, prompting yours to do the same as you sheepishly shook your head, the sultry sound of his voice as hypnotizing as his hooded green eyes were.
“You think I go ‘round spreading the legs of everything that moves?” Toji asked again, his tone growing more condescending by the second. “ ‘fraid that ain’t the case, princess. I’m not into goodwill. Don’t do things without merit, either. She asked who I was, got all perky when I said I’m moving in, and then handed me these,” he paused, throwing a bundle of creased envelopes at your feet.
You kneeled awkwardly, seeking the sender’s origin in each logo seal. Water company. Electricity company. Phone company. Insurance company. Even the bills from that one debit card Hinata issued in your name in case of an emergency.
“Could say I paid my way in,” he scoffed, his eyes searching for an inkling of appreciation that he failed to find in your stubborn squint.
“I could’ve handled these myself.”
“Thought you’d say this, that’s why I saved this one,” he tossed another, smaller yellow-tinted paper onto the pile. “Eviction notice. My, you have it quite hard, don’tcha?”
“I don’t need classes on financial handling from someone whose living conditions are entirely dependent on ‘the bimbo of the week’,” you snapped, rising back to your feet with the bills in hand.
Maybe things were a bit tighter these past few months than you’d accounted for, but you weren’t like him. Sooner or later, you paid all expenses through sheer work and effort— a concept foreign to him, who’d rather be thrown into the streets than save a dime.
You weren’t like Toji. Not one bit. You knew that if he hadn’t run into your landlady, you would have definitely paid all your debts off in a month’s time or two, even if that meant devolving your breakfast’s nutritional value to that of instant ramen. You could take care of yourself, just like you’d done for 14 years now. He had no right to interfere because, come next month, you’d—
But the overdue deadlines at the top of each paper spoke louder than your inner thoughts and bravado did. The next month would never come for you. Not in this house, at least.
Defeated, you unfolded the paper, straightening the creases your fingernails had helped create. You hated feeling this way— indebted. The last thing you wanted was for this to turn into just another transactional relationship with an expiration date dependent on the other’s wage.
“Thank you, and,” you mumbled, your stare hiking up his body and stopping at his chest —right about where the difference in your height manifested— “….sorry, I guess. Just thought that with the way you look, and all that-”
“The way I look…?” A winsome smile tugged at his dimples, his left hand weaving through his hair as if he were oblivious to how effortlessly attractive he appeared in his work clothes, every single crevice of his body visible under the little piece of fabric.
“N-never mind.” You tore your eyes away, cheeks flushing bright red at thoughts a friend shouldn’t be having. “How was work?”
“Pretty dead,” he shrugged, using the same hand to rub some of the tension around the crook of his neck. “Don’t see a real challenge rising until that Gojo kid hatches from his egg. Rest die like flies.”
As a regular person with about an average percentage of cursed energy running through your system, you had little understanding of the mystical world of Jujutsu and its sorcerers, all the information you had acquired being bits and pieces that Toji had shared with you over the years. He never went into too much detail about his job but never hid anything either. He killed sorcerers with the same ease he spread butter on his bread.
You really didn’t understand much, and perhaps the keywords “kills for a living” ought to ring an alarm or two, but an outsider like you who didn’t abide by their rules had no right judging those who broke them. Besides, with the way his family had disposed of him as if he were a chewed piece of gum stuck on the back of their sole, things weren’t as black and white as one would assume.
“Gojo, you say,” the name sounding awfully familiar on your tongue. “Is that one of the three big clans?”
Toji nodded, his arms folding over his chest. “Special grade when he ain’t grown any pubes yet,” he scoffed, voice twisting in an unnatural way that could have tricked you into thinking he was jealous of the young boy.
“Are you gonna kill him?”
His brows knitted together, clearly not expecting such bluntness. “Question is, can I? Answer being, for the right price,” the frown he wore subdued into a crooked smile. “maybe. Kid should fetch one good wad of cash. I’m sure many want the six eyes out of the picture.”
Six eyes?
“Just make sure you save some of it,” you mindlessly said, eyes dancing around the room for the first time since you’d entered the house.
There were no real signs of his presence. The duffel bag seemed to be nowhere in sight either. Only his shoes were left by the door right next to yours, a sign you’d completely missed upon entering.
“What happened to your things, by the way? Don’t see ‘em.”
“Took the liberty of sorting them out,” Toji said. “You had a lot more empty space than you made it sound earlier.”
Somehow that statement terrified you— not because you were some overbearing control freak who didn’t want others interfering with their stuff, but because you feared the misplaced items he might have found casually lying around, providing him with all the excuse he needed to tease you to an excruciatingly slow and shameful death.
You went on a parade through the rooms, Toji following in your steps like a well-trained puppy, letting you freely inspect the new “changes”.
In the living room, you spotted a pair of dumbbells lying by the window, heavy enough that when you tried to pick one of them up, it resulted in one loud, unintentional shriek as your feet were nearly crushed, much to Toji’s vile amusement. Then in the bathroom, you found a second toothbrush that shared the exact same color yours did, along with a black fuzzy towel and a men’s deodorant that was missing its lid. You’d have to get another cup for his toothbrush, you noted, and moved along, eventually making it to your apartment’s sole bedroom.
“Where are your clothes?” you asked, Toji nodding in your closet’s direction.
You opened the first door, finding a series of dark-colored shirts, sweaters, and cardigans hanging from the previously vacant racks. You didn’t wear much color yourself, but when comparing the disparity between his almost exclusively black side of the space and the creamier pastels that predominated yours, the clash in taste was indisputable.
Absentmindedly, you run your fingers through his clothes, stopping at the dark blue parka you’d gotten him for his 21st birthday. He wasn’t the type to keep gifts from women, but seeing he’d preserved yours in mint condition filled you with a strange sense of pride.
“Not bad,” you exclaimed, satisfied with how aptly his clothes were displayed until a new worry surfaced. “What about your underwear?”
He glanced toward the bottom drawer, his instep gently kicking against it. You weren’t too sure if that was necessary, and under different circumstances, you’d rather avoid such overt embarrassment, but this was your house first and foremost. Your closet, your drawer, and—
“The bottom drawer…?” The realization struck like a ton of bricks, your pupils widening and then trembling as a breath hitched up your throat, remaining there.
The bottom drawer is where you kept it, perhaps the only thing in this entire household that you’d rather he didn’t see, at the cost of your own life, even. A rabbit, whose little ears tapped in excitement every time it saw you. A rabbit vastly different from the ones that hopped around happily in fields or the one that was weaved through the zipper of your handbag. A rabbit that had kept you company in his place many nights and knew the sound of his name better than Toji himself did.
Sinking to your knees, you felt his shadow loom over you like the shadow of imminent death. You let go of that breath and yanked the drawer open, eyes squinting at the sight of neatly stacked black boxers, their size big enough to make you arch a brow, yet not big enough to completely conceal 6 inches of hot pink. You were safe.
“Looking for this?” A light buzz rang in your ear, your head tilting to meet Toji’s namesake.
“G-give it back!” You dived forward, gracelessly collapsing at his feet when he pulled it out of reach.
“Come and get it,” Toji retorted, wiggling it before your very eyes.
Piecing a loose strand of hair behind your ear, you pounced at him, fingers locking around the silicone and his hand, while he refused to surrender, his thrilled expression revealing just how much he enjoyed the demand in your tone as you bossed him into handing back the vibrator.
“What will I get in return?”
“Wha— why would you get anything?” You gritted your teeth, stumbling forward as he dragged you to him.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” he shook his forefinger playfully. “Finders keepers, losers weepers. If ya really want it, better compensate me first. Oh, look, it has multiple speeds, huh….” he said semi-impressed, revving up the rabbit’s switch to its second and third speeds.
“…What do you want?” You practically begged, seeking a way out of this humiliation.
“Now we talking,” Toji smirked, barely restraining himself from ruffling the hair of the ferocious, albeit cute, beast that attacked him. “2912. What do the numbers mean? Tried your birthday first, but seems like you do have a few brain cells in there,” he tapped at your temple with his free hand, frustration pooling in your eyes. “Then your mom’s death anniversary, your sis’ birthday, that brat’s too— even mine, but no good.
“So, what’s 2912 to you? Indulge me, and I’ll let you have it.”
2912, or more accurately, 29/12. It didn’t surprise you that he didn’t remember. After all, it wasn’t an important date, just another winter’s day from many, many years ago. A day that was all but erased under the thick blanket of snow as it engulfed your tender memories.
A heavy sigh parted your lips, and at that moment, you knew you’d already lost.
“You really wanna know?”
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It was the 27th of December.
The 27th morning of a month whose sole notable event was the week-long blizzard that’d condemned the entire nation to a period of absolute and unfaltering inertia. Well, as unfaltering as the in-between downpours let it be, snow washing over the streets in a diluted mixture of ice and mud every two days— streets turning into a dangerous minefield, and hospital beds quickly filling up with broken-boned smarty pants who thought wandering out and about in the heart of winter would be as inconsequential as those dull days were.
You were one of those idiots. Not quite, but you were on your way to join their ranks, every step you took across the frozen pavements of Tokyo threatening to leave you with a bad case of a sprained ankle, or worse, a cracked skull. You regretted wearing those worn-out boots today of all days, but then again, your wardrobe choices were limited to whatever clothing you’d grown out of, and the clothes your mother left behind.
This old suede pair was hers, too. A gift from back when your house was still open to crowds and birthday parties— when it wasn’t just an empty carcass of termite-eaten joists and web-infested corners that could barely welcome, let alone host, the final of its residents: yourself.
Returning to the reason why you’d chosen today as the day to stride across Shibuya —a thermos of soothing Butajiru soup gripped tightly between your mitten-clad palms and a backpack full of advertising fliers for your afternoon job attached to your back— and consequentially, the reason why you sported your mother’s beloved shoes: you had a job interview. Your first non-canceled interview in over two months since your personal inertia began when you were suddenly and unjustifiably laid off.
Those were tough times. The entire country was dipped in despair over the biggest economic recession they’d known. Left and right, people had their jobs snatched from within their grasp in the name of meek excuses such as cost reduction, or merging and buyouts, or even staff redundancy, and who could blame those small enterprise owners, really?
In any case, the cost of running your previous employer’s rathole of a convenience store might have been reduced, but your living expenses weren’t, and the supplementary funds the state provided were running dry. No one wanted to hire an inexperienced, uninsured high schooler. It was too much of a gamble, especially when the contenders were overqualified college graduates desperate enough to work menial jobs for the same breadcrumbs a part-timer would.
You were at your wit’s end. Out of luck and starved for something other than vending machine onigiri. Thirsty for a life you’d probably never be able to obtain. But today wasn’t about wallowing in self-pity. No, today was the day you’d take your first step toward normality and dignity. Today, you marched proudly in your mother’s most prized possession, and today you felt her comforting scent linger in the breeze, giving you the much-needed push to achieve what you’d set out to do.
Live. That was the final request that left her lips, and that was exactly what you were planning to do. You’d live. No matter what, against all odds, you would live.
The headlights at the bustling intersection shone a brilliant green as the herd of sharply dressed businessmen and casually dressed students on their day off pushed forward like a troop of toy soldiers, sweeping you past Shibuya River, where the crystallized waters from below its bridge stilled your grimacing reflection.
It’d been so long since the last time you’d genuinely smiled that your facial muscles barely remembered how to. It looked awkward and forced. Foreign. You’d practiced your introduction days ahead, but that damn smile stood in the way. If only there was a “smiles for dummies” playbook, though you doubted it’d help. Those without a reason to smile could only second-guess the happiness of those who were blessed with it.
As if to further test your theory, today’s misfortune came pedaling right in your direction, a hasty biker knocking the thermos off your hands and onto the water with a faint “sorry” echoing in his stead. You ducked over the handrail, spotting the silver shine a couple of meters away from the river’s brink. You sighed in relief, grateful that the impact hadn’t shattered the ice and that you still had about 45 minutes to catch your interview— more than enough time for you to carry out your flask’s impromptu rescue operation.
You walked over to the bridge’s sideline, where, in place of stairs, an overgrown cherry tree cast its shadow. This was far from sensible, but the cliff wasn’t steep enough to dissuade you. You looped your scarf around a leaning branch and began your descent, the non-existent friction between your tattered soles and the slippery cement sending you to meet your maker as you tumbled down the slope and hit the ground. Shit.
Once you were done lamenting your sheer idiocy, your faulty shoes, the tree branch, the weather forecast, and every Shinto deity’s name you could remember off the top of your head, you pushed yourself onto your knees, carefully rotating each ankle around itself. Not broken. Thank those aforementioned gods you cursed, or else you’d never be able to afford the medical bills.
You shook the snow off your clothes and stood up, stretching both arms over your head, only to realize your blunder had become a lonesome spectator’s object of amusement. The man —assuming that the creature behind you was a man and not some wild beast with the way his jacket fluffed over his skull— was bent in half, knees to his chest, and arms coiled around, the sole distinctive trait that of his sparkling green eyes zeroing in on your plainer orbs.
You could have sworn you heard a chuckle, too, but you weren’t about to start a fight with some unhinged bum at the bottom of a bridge— not when you were one missed bill away from sharing his fate.
Deciding to temporarily forsake his presence, you located the now broken branch and attempted to fish your bottle out, moving as close to the ice as you could. Desperate lunges pushed the thermos further in, your hold on the wood relaxing with each failed attempt until you barely had a grip.
“Excuse me!” you turned at your last resort. “Hi, um… could you please help me out here? I dropped this into the water, and it’s really important I get it back, but my arms can’t reach and the ice is so thin and slippery I just might fall.”
An uncomfortable chuckle failed to appease its tough crowd, with the man remaining lost in his thoughts, his eyes blinking slower than traffic lights during rush hours. It seemed like you’d found the worst person to exercise your communication skills with.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
“Shut up.”
It was your turn to blink in surprise, your jaw dropping at the man’s barking. You were too shocked to be offended and too offended to question if it was you he addressed, but his next sentence left no real room for misunderstanding.
“I said, shut the fuck up and take it elsewhere. You were the one who dropped it. If it was that important to you, then shoulda taken better care of it instead of avalanching your way down here and disturbing my peace.”
Clapping your hands over your agape mouth, you muttered an apology and faced away from him, coming to your senses a minute later when you realized you weren’t in the wrong. Sure, he could be dealing with some lachrymose life-shattering situation you knew nothing about, but that wasn’t an excuse for him to act like a complete jerk to a fellow stranger in need.
You weren’t sure why you held back from flipping him off. Maybe you’d accepted that dealing with douchebags was going to become part of your new reality as a service worker, or maybe it was because you really didn’t want any trouble with a guy who looked this intimidating even while seated. Either way, you whipped out your trusty branch again and neared the brink, this time using it as a cane to help you tread the frozen waters and snatch your thermos.
You didn’t even get a chance at a victorious cheer when you felt the ice shatter beneath your feet, eager to swallow you into the depths of its bottomless abyss. Or that’s what would have happened if the river didn’t cap at 2 meters, and if a hand didn’t yank you by the scruff of your neck, hurling you back to the shore as if you weighed no more than a snowflake.
“The hell you think you are doing? Got a death wish or something?” the brass voice of your savior accused, belonging to a much more pleasant and youthful face than one would have expected.
The boy was more or less your age, about a head taller with broad shoulders and a toned physique his baggy clothes undermined— much stronger than your average high-schooler, judging by the sheer strength he’d flung your body with. Messy raven black hair rained down to his ears, sloppily chopped into shape by their owner himself. Eyes as green as a thousand springs gone by, and as fiery as the blazing fury scorching them. The only discord in his features was that of a scar on the right side of his lips, begrudgingly moving with each profanity he spat.
Your second apology came as a knee-jerk reaction to his outburst, encouraged by the temporal trance his good looks had subjected you to. You wouldn’t say you had a type, and even if you did, you doubted that a no-good, rude bridge inhabitant was it. However, the only way for you to tear your gaze off of him was to physically force yourself away. The guy murmured something under his breath and moved back to his original spot, arms dangling over his spread thighs.
You were unsure of what to do. The time for your interview was closing in, and no one guaranteed he wouldn’t rip the vocal cords off your throat if you tried to verbally thank him. You had a very bad feeling about this guy, and perhaps you should have listened to your gut rather than nullifying the distance with a peace offering.
“Here,” you prodded a spare cup of soup into the empty space between you.
He arched a brow at your gesture, his irritation gradually melting into curiosity and then acceptance as he brought the cup to his lips and took a hesitant sip.
“Hmm,” he hummed, gulping down some more after he’d made sure you weren’t trying to poison him.
You expected something else to follow, but it seemed like his outburst exhausted his vocabulary. You could always ask what he thought of it, but the thought alone was as scary as going for another suicide dive. So you said nothing, and he did the same. Just two strangers who barely tolerated each other sharing a moment of silence in the snowy landscape.
A short while later, the boy shoved the cup toward you and dug his hand in his jacket’s front pocket, dropping about six crumpled ten-thousand yen bills at your feet.
“For the soup,” he explained as if the notion of spending such an extravagant sum on half a cup of pork loin soup made sense.
“Are you outta your mind?” You pushed the bills back at him, lest your greed take over. “How much do you think this cost to make?”
“Dunno,” he shrugged, no real hurry to reclaim his cash.
Your initial impression was completely false. No bum would ever wave ten-thousand bills around as if they were nothing. No, this guy ought to at least be some troubled conglomerate heir that’d run away from his five-bedroom mansion.
“I’m sure you don’t know how dangerous this neighborhood is,” you said, placing your hand against your heart. “But as a born and raised local, allow me to say that if you keep flaunting wads of cash in people’s faces so recklessly, it won’t be long before you get mugged. It’s your lucky day you ran into me and not some sleazy money grabber, but trust me, not every day’s lucky, and not everyone’s as nice.”
Something about what you said must have resonated with him, considering his frown cracked into a simper.
“I’d like to see them try,” he spoke in a cocky tone that reeked of confidence. “How much for seconds then?”
“Not for sale,” you answered, throwing the thermos inside your backpack.
His weight shifted in your direction, chin balancing against his elbow. “Why not?”
“You see, I’m on my way to a job interview. Figured if I don’t cut it, then the soup will,” quickly adding, “It’s my trump card.”
“What a dumb plan,” he sneered. “If ya wanna bribe someone, better make an offer they can’t refuse. Couple of these work like a charm.”
He waved the money again, successfully drawing your interest when you noticed tiny splotches of red on one of the bills. Blood.
Picking up on the change in your expression, he hurriedly stuffed the cash inside his pocket, his thumbs sticking out in a relaxed grip so as to hide his discomfort. The air grew heavy once more, albeit for a different reason.
Every guess you’d made regarding this guy’s identity clashed with the next one. He was rude, but he’d jumped to your rescue. He looked unkempt yet strikingly handsome. He’d taken refuge under a bridge but was damn loaded. A walking (more like seated) contradiction of a man that intrigued you in more ways than he repulsed you.
“So, what are you doing out here? Did you also fall from up there?” You chuckled nervously while pointing upward.
He smiled.
“That’s a pretty old-school pickup line, if ya ask me.”
“That’s not what I meant!” Your chest pounded against your fleece jacket, hands quick to dispute him. “Did something happen? Why did you end up here?”
He shook his head.
“Did you run away from home?”
He shook his head again.
“Did you get into a fight with someone?”
He thought about shaking his head a third time, but instead, he opted for a groan and hissed about how he should have let you drown.
Your tongue embarrassed you yet again, as you mumbled an apology and cowered in your corner. For some reason, you couldn’t stop apologizing to him, and if that was enough to frustrate you, then it was definitely enough to annoy him. Maybe the time to leave had come. You’d done your part in thanking him, and it was really none of your business to pry into his sad character backstory.
“Well then. It was nice knowing you, and all. Hope you have a Happy New Year’s and a nice life, and let’s never see each other again for as long as we-”
“What if I told you I just killed someone?”
The blood in your veins froze for a reason separate from the cold. You were left staring at him with wide-open eyes and a wide-open mouth that refused to form anything other than a soundless “What?!”
“Thought so,” he scoffed as if he expected the outcome, sorrow lingering in his voice. “Go away if ya don’t wanna end up the same way. I’m still getting the hang of it, and I’m afraid it’d hurt more than drowning.”
But you didn’t leave. Even when that little voice of reason thrashed and begged for you to seize the opportunity and get the fuck away from this place, your legs refused to take another step. Instead, you settled back upon the snowy blanket and stilled your gaze on his face, watching a glimmer of something tune in the green of his eyes.
“W-Who was it?” You feigned calmness.
“Does it matter?” he shrugged.
“Why did you kill him?”
“Does it really matter?” he sighed, reconsidering his answer. “Dunno. Money, I guess. Not as if I had a personal grudge or anything. Didn’t even know the dude up until three days ago. Took him out with a single bullet to his brain. T’was instant since he didn’t move. Painless, too.” He tried to humanize his actions.
You weren’t entirely sold on his story, but on the off chance he was telling the truth, that made him a murderer and you a witness to his crime. Worse, if you didn’t rat on him, it made you an accomplice, and as far as you were concerned, neither was less illegal than the other.
Your hands cupped your mouth completely as you pretended to blow hot air, the reality being that you didn’t want to spew anything too backhanded before thinking things through. Oddly, it all made sense. The reason he sat down there like a puppy kicked by his owners. His devil-may-care attitude and rude comments that meant to throw you off. The blood on the bills and the stain on the hem of his jacket that you’d previously overlooked.
That was all the incriminating evidence one needed to possibly sentence him, and yet you sensed no real danger in his presence. Only a deep sadness that stemmed from his lifeless eyes, making you believe that his so-called victim was none other than himself. He looked as if he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep in God knows how long, the light in his eyes reduced to a murky shade of jade now that everything was laid bare.
There was so much you didn’t know about this boy, his name included. But you knew that look of despair all too well. If it was because of money, then maybe, just this once, you wouldn’t mind giving him the benefit of the doubt.
“How much did you make?” You lowered your palms.
Your question surprised him more than he thought possible, and his stupefied expression was a telltale sign of that. He flipped both pockets inside out and let the money fall onto the snow, revealing twice the amount he’d held before— a total of 120.000 yen.
“Minus a grand. Felt hungry after,” he admitted.
“Must be nice… With that amount of money, I could have rice to last me until the end of the year.”
“You’d kill for rice…?”
Glancing at his face, you couldn’t help yourself from snorting. You were both too deep inside the twilight zone to be questioning each other’s motives.
“Why act surprised? People like us do all sorts of things to get out of our predicaments, don’t we?” you asked, deciding there were more things you had in common than things that divided you. “Is ‘just money’ a better reason than rice?”
“Nah,” he shook his head. “But if I were you, I’d get myself a pair of boots that ain’t a death trap of its own. Gotta be a special kind of idiot to wear crappy shoes in the snow.”
“These were my mother’s!” you objected, and he smirked. “What about you? Where do you plan on spending all that money?”
“Roppongi probably. Or Kabukicho. Heard the right price fetches you the right type of fun there.”
He couldn’t be serious. Those were two of the most renowned bad districts in the history of bad districts. Drugs, gambling, prostitution— you name it.
“How old are you again?”
“Older than you,” he childishly retorted.
“What’s your name?”
“So you can snitch?” His tongue wet the scar below his bottom lip. “Toji.”
“Last name?”
He contemplated his answer for a bit before proudly stating that he didn’t have one —that he didn’t need one— and then he asked you the same.
“Y/N.” You smiled faintly. “I do have a last name, but doubt the one who gave it wants me to have it. Would’ve asked it back if it had any real value.”
“So we are two fuck-ups,” he— Toji, declared.
“I suppose we are.”
The two of you shared a quiet laugh, the kind that wasn’t heard but felt through the eyes of two kindred spirits entirely content with each other’s presence. Ever since your mother passed, you lived in a sphere separate from other people. Your classmates and those who tried to be your friends could afford the luxury of sharing takoyaki on a school day and going karaoke singing the next. They could attend field trips and leave memories on a string of Polaroid frames.
You didn’t. You couldn’t. There wasn’t a single moment in your life when you hadn’t thought about the cost of milk and the value of one-plus-one deals you convinced yourself you didn’t need. Such were the concerns you had at seventeen. Not boys, no friendships, no university entrance exams, no nothing. You couldn’t afford the price tag of a dream, let alone a tomorrow. You lived for today and for making ends meet, so how could someone like you ever aspire to be understood? How could you ever view yourself as something other than the zeros at the bottom of your meager paycheck?
Your self-exile had no room for others, yet somehow, this foul-mouthed stranger had barged his way in and given you a moment that you couldn’t price. A moment that neither loan sharks nor the bank could ever steal. A moment of your youth.
The thick fingers of a calloused hand came to tap at your knee softly, making you wonder whether you’d missed something during your short period of contemplation.
“When’s the interview?” Toji asked.
“Uhm.” You rolled your sleeve to check your watch. “Ten minutes? There’s still time; the place’s right around the corner.”
“Somethin’ tells me getting your ass over there will take longer than that.” Suddenly, the hand that was on your leg hovered above your head, prompting you to grab it as Toji towered over you. “Let’s go.”
“You coming with?”
“You think I’d rather sit down here like some bridge troll that reels in defenseless damsels in distress?”
You were tempted to answer “yes” to see his reaction, but he resumed talking before you could utter a word. “Won’t say it again. Let’s go.”
And with that, you followed Toji to the other end of the bridge, where the stairs you previously failed to locate mocked you with every little squeak your heels produced, until you stood back at the top of civilization, finding it, unsurprisingly, the same as you’d left it. Thoroughly white and eerily quiet.
Just as you thought your ways would part, Toji took your hand in his rather forcefully and picked up a steady gait that you were made to keep up with, your shoes leaving deep imprints in the snow.
He held your hand all the way to the diner, and although you were truly curious as to why he did that, you didn’t dare ask. You walked side by side in silence, occasional fleeting gazes catching his warm breath clashing with the cold. It was then that you realized how warm his palm felt, despite it being all bare. Warm, strong, and certain. So this is what holding a guy’s hand feels like, you giddily mused.
By the time you reached the front door, you were more reluctant to let go than you’d been to grab his hand, thinking that this was the first and last time the two of you were saying goodbye. Sweat made your fingers slippery. You were anxious. You slid your mittens off your fingers and, on a whim, pressed them tight against his palms, making him the recipient of the first gift you’d ever given. He shot the pink-colored wool a funny look —maybe because the prospect of him accepting such a girly-looking accessory puzzled him— and then lingered for a moment or two before he turned around and waved at you over his shoulder.
“Aren’t you gonna wish me good luck?” You asked when the distance between you began to increase.
“You won’t need it,” you heard him say. “The soup will do.”
And with those final words exchanged, you traded the frigid cold for the diner’s artificial heat and the presence of a prospective friend for that of your boss-to-be.
Just like Toji predicted, you didn’t need luck, and you didn’t need that lukewarm soup either. The man hired you almost as fast as he saw you, sternly announcing that you start come Monday. You thanked him from the bottom of your heart and ran back outside, searching through the various white-painted buildings for that stubborn hint of black you’d not too long ago parted with— which you quickly spotted a couple of alleyways ahead.
“I got the job! You hear me, Toji?” You yelled in utter glee, sensibility alone keeping you from springing upward like a jack-in-the-box. “I’m not a fuck-up anymore; I got it! I got the job!”
You weren’t even sure whether that shadow really belonged to him and whether he’d actually made sense of all your frantic cries, but maybe if you’d hushed a little, then you could have heard a distant voice chiming, “I knew you would.”
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It was the 27th of December when we first met, but it was on the 29th that I fell in love with you— the scruffy boy with the snow-laced hair and emptied pockets who ordered the cheapest fries off the menu as my company’s fee.
You had your answer locked and loaded— a trigger waiting to be pulled. A clear shot. One bullet was all it’d take to end it. One word, and the farce you called friendship would fizzle right then and there. A sadistic impulse uncoiled deep within your stomach, hitching up your throat like a vile serpent of temptation spurring your chaste tongue to commit the greatest sin imaginable.
I hate being your friend. I don’t want to do this anymore. Do you have any idea how hard it is?
All synonyms for the same emotion. A gut-wrenching, soul-crushing, and above all, self-destructive unrequited love that made your heart clench at the mere sight of him, pound at the sound of his voice, and hammer at the ghost of his touch. If you could reach deep within your chest and cut that useless thing off the strings that held it in its cavity, you certainly would. You’d hand it over to him and gladly watch him stomp on it with the biggest smile contorting the final expression on your face. You wanted to rid yourself of this pointless emotion, but you knew very well that to destroy yourself meant to destroy him.
The 18-year-old Toji that held your hand on a cold winter’s day as if it were the most precious thing to him. The 20-year-old Toji that came along to meet the sister and nephew you didn’t know you had. The 22-year-old Toji that said he was proud of you when you paid off your parents’ house’s mortgage. The 24-year-old Toji that came to your graduation from state college with blood-stained lilies in his hand, again letting slip how proud he was. The 26-year-old Toji that didn’t hesitate to knock the teeth right out of a handsy prick’s jaw, spending his first and last night in a holding cell. The Toji from the last ten years of your life that never strayed too far away from your sight and always managed to return in time for lunch.
Standing in front of the 28-year-old Toji, you felt more apologetic than ever, wishing that you wouldn’t have let your love for him fester into something so selfish and consuming. Because if Toji left, then you’d still have your sister and her family, but if you left, Toji would have none.
And that was why you could never tell him what that day meant. It was impossible to speak of it with any less fondness than the one depicted in your memories, and as dense as Toji could be at times, he was no idiot. So rather than giving him the answer he thought himself to seek, you retracted your hand and took a step back, forcing the meekest smile your guilty conscience could muster.
“How about an offer you’d never refuse?”
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tags: @absoluteindulgence
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fandoms-in-law · 2 months
Arranged Husband
Summary/My Idea prompt for today: "Hey Robin? Apparently I'm marrying Hagan next week. Get Nance and Jon. Eddie's already on his way"
Steve is an only child so far as he knows, heir to his parents wealth, kept in Hawkins for safety. Then they tell him they've arranged a marriange to a man in town and all that paperwork they keep in Hawkins Will Tell Steve Why. and he will use it for his advantage as well as Robin's
Author's Note: I'm pretty sure this idea came from a tumblr post I saw months back about arranged marriages not making sense with how they're used in fic and ways to make them reasonable. If anyone can find that post please tell me/ tag me on it so I can link it here.
“Hey Robin?” Steve said as soon as she got to the phone, “Apparently I’m marrying Hagan next week. Get Nance and Jon. Eddie’s already on his way.” He hung up before she could ask more, knowing that he’d be talking until well after Eddie arrived if he didn’t and he really preferred to discuss this fully with everyone in person.
The parcel had been delivered about an hour earlier and he’d been struggling to comprehend it the entire time. He’d read the letter attached and grown confused enough that the parcel was still sitting unopened and Steve dreaded to open it and see what his parents thought needed sending along with the letter.
“Woah, what’s in the box, Stevie?” Eddie called, looking at the parcel curious, hands clearly itching to open it. “You getting me extravagant gifts without asking me out?”
Steve laughed, an empty sound given how worried he was about opening that after the revelations of the latter. “Not quite and I don’t know or really want to know. We’ll open it when the others get here though.”
“Others? I wasn’t the only one to get a call demanding I come over?” Eddie asked, lifting the box up to shake it as if that would reveal the contents. “Sounds like clothing of some sort.”
He groaned, “With the letter that got me to call you that is not a good thing.”
“So why are we here? Robin said something about you getting married.” Nancy asked once Steve had got drinks and snacks for them all.
He met their eyes, sighing heavily, “I need help to go through my parents paperwork, because I got this letter and that package this morning.”
A glance holding the letter up was met with a nod so Nancy began reading:
‘Dear Steven,
As you are aware, a Harrington must meet the expectations of society. Given you have failed to find an appropriate match at this point in your life we have arranged one for you.
Next week on Saturday you shall be married to your friend Thomas Hagan. All arrangements have been made already so you need not concern yourself with any attempt to plan.
We shall visit after your honeymoon to explain what is expected of you in the future.
Sincerely your Parents, Diana and Richard Harrington’
“Are you the sole heir to the Harrington’s? Why are they making you marry a man?” Nancy asked once she’d finished reading.
Steve shrugged, “That’s why I need help. I want to turn their office and anywhere else paperwork might have been hidden in this house inside out until we’ve got all the details and can get out of this arrangement.”
“Easy solution, I’ll marry you.” Eddie said an hour into their discussion of the arranged marriage.
Steve shook his head, “I’m not marrying you out of convenience, and we’re not even dating.”
“Yeah, if anyone gets that option, it should be me. Free me from my controlling family, Steven.” Robin laughed, leaning into him as if she’d faint.
“It’s unlikely a lover could be half as important as you are, so sure.” Steve agreed, stunning her and getting laughs from everyone else. “Will have to be a courthouse wedding though, there’s no time to arrange your fantasies, especially the one with the horse and carriage.”
They’d both said it through the morning, mentioned dating or marriage in half serious contexts. It was repeating in Steve’s mind that they could actually make something together.
“I’ve found the honeymoon tickets. Looks like the names need confirming as we board the flight and the hotel room is a king bed.” Steve called. He’d remembered the shelf his parents usually told him to check for birthday presents had been filled on their last visit and had moved to investigating that while Nancy and Jonathan went through family documentation like birth certificates, as well as newspaper articles that had been saved.
Robin groaned. “I’m not sharing a honeymoon suite with you. Take Eddie to shock the hotel staff expecting to swoon over newly weds.”
“Oh, we going to have a romantic dream away, Stevie?” Eddie cooed, coming to look over his shoulder at the pages.
“Are you going to ask me out at some point or just make allusions to a romance we could be having?” Steve countered, leaning back into him.
Eddie blinked at him for a moment before his grin melted into something softer. “Of course, Stevie, Light of my life, Hero of Hawkins, Destroyer of Demobats, would you do the honour of dating this humble bard?”
“I will, and you do have a passport, right? This is in Greece.” Steve held up the flights again.
“Oh, Wayne insisted I get one just in case I need to flee town completely.” Eddie brightened to explain it, “And now I get a honeymoon without the wedding. How will I cope with an unfaithful boyfriend?”
Steve and Robin laughed, poking his sides, “That’s not what’s happening and you know it.”
“I’ve found your brother.” Nancy called from Steve’s parents room. “Richard Harrington II, born two years before you and sent to boarding school almost as soon as he could be. No articles about him beyond that.”
Steve hurried through to her, taking the articles, “But why wasn’t I informed of this, or anyone in Hawkins aware of it?”
“The announcements were for Chicago. Your birth announcement is also but followed soon after by this in the Hawkins Post.” She pointed out, handing over the article titled ‘Harrington’s return to Hawkins’. It described the families return for a safe place to raise Steve, calling him the heir he’d thought he was.
“So they meant for nobody here to realise Richard II was their heir. They are jerks.” He stated.
“Hey Steve? Thought we should catch up now you’ve finally been told about our marriage next week.” Tommy called through the house, letting himself in and getting the five already there to rush to the stairs landing.
“That’s not going to happen.” Nancy called back.
Eddie leant over the banister, “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend, not yours.”
“And going to be my husband.” Robin added, elbowing Eddie.
Steve laughed at the pair, actually heading down the stairs, “I don’t want to marry an asshole like you, so that’s not going ahead.”
“Contracts have been signed. It’s happening, Harrington. You can’t refuse it.” Tommy sneered, but faltered at the sharp gazes directed at him now, especially when Eddie threw himself onto the bannister to slide down and get in his face.
“We’ve gone against far scarier things than paperwork and rich gits before, Hagan. Maybe get the fuck out before you find out how we dealt with them.” He loomed over the other, “Steve isn’t marrying you.”
Tommy slapped a few pages onto Eddie’s chest. “These say he is. Don’t worry, you won’t be invited.”
“Tommy.” Steve had the warning tone, usually used before he insisted on getting the kids home. “Maybe turn around and see how my family agrees with that. My parents don’t have the right to sign contracts on my behalf any more.”
Behind him Joyce and Hopper had just pulled up, most of the kids with them since they’d had a sleepover the night before. Steve hadn’t explained anything to them yet, but Robin had said that if they were actually going to have a courthouse wedding that day all the party should be there too.
Tommy looked at them and was quick to leave, calling back “I’ll see you at the wedding then, begging to be forgiven for this nonsense.”
“Wedding?” Hopper asked, looking back to Steve curiously. “That’s what you called us for?”
“Yep, Steve and I are going to the courthouse and want everyone there. Please ignore the arrangement his parents made as we all are.” Robin nodded, grinning as if that made everything make sense.
Jonathan looked over at her with narrowed eyes, “Wait, if Eddie is now Steve’s boyfriend then why is he still marrying you?”
“Harder for the Harrington’s to argue with it if Steve can carry on his family.” Nancy explained. “By law, their contract could be enforced on Steve if a judge decides the marriage he took first wasn’t between equals or was less viable than the one proposed by the arrangement, so marrying Robin is better. Also her parents insist that she can only marry a man and had that written up in a contract so this way she fulfils it and if she decides she wants to marry a woman in the future then Steve’s the one who can agree to it.”
Robin span to face her, stunned. “I didn’t tell you about that. Also how do you know the divorce thing?”
“Mrs Harrington wrote up the contract for them apparently and kept a copy for some reason. I did wonder if you might’ve been an option for their arranged marriage after finding it but there were some insulting letters from your parents received after that was done, essentially saying they never should have done that.” Nancy explained. “I thought you knew where it came from.”
“I did know that. Dad mentioned it when he was criticising me for getting a job specifically to remain working with you. That they’d sorted the contract out I mean.” Steve added, “It’s actually part of why I agreed to your joking suggestion.”
“Dingus.” Robin said fondly, “Such a thoughtful dingus who failed to tell me information about my own life. Let’s get the rest of the kids and get to that courthouse.”
“Seriously? You finally get Robin to marry you and you aren’t even dating? Come on Steve, she’s perfect for you.” Dustin exclaimed, getting out of Hopper’s truck and hurrying over to hit him on the arm.
Both Steve and Robin laughed, while Eddie shoved down on Dustin’s head. “I happen to think I’m perfect for him instead. Stop deciding you know our relationships better than us.”
Shoving him off, Dustin shook his head, “But they like read each others minds, insist on not parting. How can you not see it?”
“Oh we see it alright, that’s why we’re getting married. Just don’t see it as romantic or anything other than platonic.” Steve sniped back. “Now are you being a best man, or are you bitching from the back row? Decide while I raid my parents room for suitable rings.”
“I’m not letting you decide that alone, Dingus. Show me the jewellery boxes.” Robin called, following as he headed back into the house.
El emerged from the truck now, smiling a little, “Are we really having a wedding today? Movies make them seem fun but difficult to arrange.”
Joyce hummed a little. “They can be; Most people have distant friends or relatives to invite and want specific locations that need booking far in advance, but people can just as easily go to a courthouse for a small ceremony to file a marriage which doesn’t take long at all to do.”
“But why would they do it?” El innocently asked. “There’s nothing they’d need to rush for, is there?”
Jonathan shook his head, “There is, El. Steve found out this morning that his parents have arranged a marriage for him. Either he needs to marry someone before it or he’ll be made to marry Thomas Hagan, one of his old school friends who was far more of a bully than Steve ever was.”
“It’s an outdated thing but annoyingly legal. Why wouldn’t they want their heir to-” Hopper began to ask but broke off, seeing the kids curious gazes turn to him. If the kids hadn’t learnt how the wealthy viewed sexualities he didn’t want to start that explanation right now.
“He isn’t the heir and that was hidden from Steve and all of Hawkins. I’ve not uncovered a reason why in their documents left here.” Nancy replied regardless.
Will leant out of the car to call, “Do we need fancy outfits for the wedding or is casual good enough?”
“We’re all going for casual but Steve’s insisting on wearing the suit his parents sent.” Eddie yelled back. “I think we should celebrate tonight by throwing all the paint we can at it so it looks less stuffy. You got some old paints we could use for that?”
Laughter echoed his call, everyone relaxing now they knew what was going on, at least until Lucas pointed out Erica and Max definitely needed fetching for the wedding or they’d raise hell about getting left out.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
this is why we can’t have nice things - (r.c)
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summary: You have no intentions of telling Rafe that he got you pregnant, but someone else tells him for you.
This can be read as a stand-alone but it's technically a part three to getaway car and big reputation
pairing: rafe x reader
wc: 2.6k
tags/warnings: mean!kook!reader, bullying i guess?, highschool!au, swearing, teen pregnancy (STAY SAFE Y'ALL), fighting, implied sexual content (but definitely nothing explicit)
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You shuffle quickly down the empty hallway, clutching your bag to your chest out of anxiety. This isn't a feeling you're overly familiar with. You look back over your shoulder and you quickly make your way towards Bella's classroom, remembering she has math this period. It's just after lunch, and you couldn't make it in the morning, you just weren't feeling very well. Something felt off. That's when it hit you.
You knock on the open door frame, scanning the room for your best friend when your eyes land on Rafe. Fuck, you forgot he was in this class. He gives you a smug smile and a wink, making you cringe inwardly at the situation as the teacher acknowledges you. "Miss Y/L/N. Something I can do for you?"
"Sorry to interrupt, I need to borrow Bella." You say, glancing over at her. She can sense that something is off, and she's already grabbing her stuff and standing up.
"Woah, did I say you could go?" He says to her and she freezes.
"It's really important." You cut in before Bella has to. "It's, uh, girl stuff. I just need to grab something from her locker." You lie, avoiding eye contact in attempt to feign embarrassment.
The teacher sighs, nodding at Bella who resumes packing up her stuff. "Don't be long." He says, and you avoid Rafe's eyes on you as Bella makes her way up to the door, quickly following you away.
"What's wrong?" Bella whispers as you quickly walk down the hallway, heading towards the girls locker rooms. No one uses those during class time, so you like to have meetings there when you have something urgent to discuss. Something like this.
"Shh, wait." You whisper back, walking down the stairs into a smaller section of hallway and into the locker room, closing the door and locking it behind you.
"Please, Y/N/N. You're scaring me a little." Bella asks again and you throw your bag down.
"I'm pregnant." You say, locking eyes with her as her jaw drops.
"Wait, I- you're sure? Because we've both had scares before-" Bella tries to rationalize it and you shake your head, reaching into your bag and pulling out the ziplock with the three positive tests you took this morning, practically shoving it into her hands. You can't even look.
"Shit..." Bella mumbles, looking all of them over carefully. "..Rafe?"
You swallow thickly and nod, chewing on your nails. "Yeah, yeah it has to be." You confirm, continuously nodding to yourself.
"Are you gonna tell him?"
"No! No- definitely not." You are quick to shoot that down. "I mean, do I have to?"
"I don't think so." Bella agrees, putting the small plastic bag down on the bench next to her. "Not unless you plan to keep it."
"Oh, god no!" You scoff, pacing back and forth now.
"I didn't think so, no..." Bella nods a little, thinking it over herself. "This weekend we'll get you to a clinic. Is that soon enough? When did you sleep with him last? We just need to do a bit of math."
"Like, a month ago? We only like, actually did it once. After that party. So... yeah, three and a half weeks, ish." You tell her.
"Okay, that's plenty of time. You're fine. I'll take you to the mainland this weekend, it'll be like a little girlies trip! We'll go to that cute coffee place, maybe Target, make an adventure out of it, yeah?" Bella suggests, smiling as she tries to make you feel better.
"Yeah! Yeah. We'll do that. I'll sleep at yours?" You say, smiling at her knowingly.
"And I'll sleep at yours." She nods, reaching out and you do your handshake, one you made up a few years ago.
You pull her into a hug, and she rubs your back gently. "You'll be okay. I won't tell a soul." She assures you, knowing you well enough to see how scary this is for you even if you have a solid plan on how to handle it.
"Thanks, Bells." You sigh, pulling away and quickly fixing your hair in the mirror, grabbing your backpack and following her out.
"We'll get coffee after school, right?" You say, dropping Bella at her math class.
"Yeah! Can't wait." She smiles. "Should we invite Rafe?" She whispers, nudging you gently.
"No thanks." You giggle, waving as she walks into the room. This time you're definitely avoiding looking at Rafe, especially now that someone else knows. You can feel his eyes on you as you stand briefly in the doorway, giving Bella a quick wave and nodding a thank you to their math teacher before walking away. You know Bella will be able to play it cool, even around Rafe. She'll take all your secrets to the grave.
You straighten your uniform as you walk and quickly make your way to your class, anxiously waiting on the weekend to come.
The next morning, everything seems to be going well. You slept well knowing you and Bella had a plan, and honestly you did look forward to the weekend and getting to have a "girlies weekend", as Bella put it.
You get to school just on time, rolling up your skirt and fumbling to pull up your socks as you approach the doors with your bag over your shoulder and a coffee in your free hand.
"Hey! Hey, hey, Y/N! Wait!" You hear someone calling out to you, looking around and cursing internally when you realize it's Rafe, running towards you across the parking lot.
"Hey, Rafe." You call back, giving him a quick wave and trying to continue on your way.
"Hey, uh, can we talk, real quick?" He asks as he makes it up next to you, gently grabbing your arm to stop you.
"Uh, yeah, course..." You agree, eyeing him suspiciously. There's no way he knows, right?
Rafe nods a little, looking around before pulling you away from the door and just behind the building. "I, uh- shit. Uhm... So..." He stammers and you roll your eyes.
"Well, this has been riveting. Always a pleasure, Rafe Cameron!" You grin, turning on your heel to walk away. You don't need to be late to class again.
"You're pregnant?" He gets out just as you get to the corner of the building, and it came out weaker, more concerned than he intended to sound. He had this plan to try and be cool about it, not take it that serious, but he honestly was a little hurt that you didn't reach out to him. You freeze, sighing and groaning as you turn back to face him.
"Maybe." You answer, avoiding eye contact with him. "Well, yeah. Uh, I am." You mumble, realizing you at least owe him honesty.
"Right..." Rafe nods, tilting his head at you. "And you think it's mine?"
"Oh, god-" You laugh, shaking your head and making a disgusted face.  "Don't say it like that, it's not- it's not like, alive. But do I think you're responsible? Yeah. Definitely."
"Are you sure?" Rafe asks, raising an eyebrow at you and you gasp dramatically, covering your mouth with one hand.
"Wow, Rafe, are you 'slut-shaming' me?" You ask, hardly able to stifle a laugh.
"I don't know what a pretty girl like you gets up to in her free time! I was just wondering!" Rafe says with a smirk, raising his hands defensively. You're honestly glad you can playfully bicker through this rather than it being any kind of serious.
"Well, thank you for thinking I'm pretty, but unfortunately you are the only boy I've slept with in the last three months so yeah, I'm pretty sure." You reply, taking a sip of your coffee. "How did you find out? I had no intention of telling you."
"Ouch." Rafe chuckles, clutching a hand over his heart. "Well, I'm glad you're sure because at three am I got a ransom demand for your right to privacy about it and I paid someone a grand to not tell anyone."
Your jaw drops at this, and you almost drop your coffee. "I'm sorry- what?"
"Listen if it was you, you can just ask me for money if you need it I'm more than happy to help-"
"Of course it wasn't me! God, no, I'd never-" You quickly defend, absolutely in shock at the situation. "I'd never do that to you. I'll pay you back, it was never meant to be your problem, like I said I wasn't even going to tell you-"
"Hey, no, it's okay. It's okay." Rafe assures you, stepping closer now and resting a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down. "I'm not mad. I don't give a fuck about the money, I want to help." He insists, nodding at you slowly.
"Sorry, sorry this is embarrassing.." You laugh slightly as you realize you're starting to hyperventilate. You were cool about this whole situation up until now, but suddenly you're overwhelmingly terrified, especially since someone knows. "My parents can’t find out- they'll kill me, they'll kill you! God, I just-"
"No, you're fine. We'll figure this out." Rafe says, gently rubbing your shoulder and taking your coffee from you before gently placing it on the ground.  You just nod a little bit, closing your eyes and desperately trying to regulate your breathing. "We just.. we need to figure out who it was, yeah?"
You nod frantically, taking slow breaths and trying not to panic. "Did you tell anyone?" He asks.
"Only Bella," You say, nodding a little bit. "And Bella didn't tell anyone, obviously."
"Obviously.” He agrees. “So, how could someone else find out?"
Then it dawns on you as your stomach drops. "Oh, shit... The tests- we left them in the locker room yesterday." You say, shaking your head and laughing a little at your own stupidity.
"Yeah, yeah they sent me a picture of them. But they could be anyone's, come on, in this school that means nothing." Rafe chuckles, trying to cheer you up. "They must have heard you."
He's right, someone must have been in there. They should have cleared the room before she spoke, but you were panicking, at the time it didn't even cross your mind to check all the shower stalls that sat vacant at the back of the room, rarely ever used. "Yeah.. they must have. I've got an idea, though."
By third period, it's time to put your plan into action. Rafe agreed to meet you outside the girls locker room exactly thirty-five minutes into class, both of you coming up with a good excuse to leave.
You walk up to where Rafe is leaning against the wall next to the door in the secluded hallway, gesturing for him to follow you as you open the door, letting him in and quickly locking it behind you.
"Woah, I've never been in here before." Rafe chuckles, looking around.
"We're not here for fun." You say back quickly, starting to shuffle through the bags of all the same girls who would have been in gym yesterday, looking for the tests. Rafe just stands there staring at you. "Are you gonna help? There's like forty bags and we only have a few minutes."
"Oh, right-" He nods, looking around before deciding to start on the opposite side of the room. "I don't feel right going through girls bags." He laughs a little, already onto the second one.
"It's fine, we're only looking for one thing." You reply, tossing another bag to the side. No luck so far. About ten minutes and thirty bags later, you're starting to stress that you won't find it, that they weren't dumb enough to bring them back to school, when Rafe laughs.
"Hey! Here!" He says, and just as you turn his tossing the ziplock bag at you and you fumble to catch it.
"Which bag was it?" You ask, rushing over as he hands it to you and you start to basically tear it apart to find some kind of identification for who owns it. You find a wallet and smile, quickly opening it and checking the ID.
"Ally." You scoff, dropping her bag on the ground.
"What a cunt." Rafe mutters, kicking it to the side. You quickly shove the tests into your bag at your side and take a few bills out of her wallet, handing half to Rafe and pocketing the rest before zipping it shut and throwing it on top of her bag.
"We're stealing now?" He smirks, putting the money in his wallet anyways.
"What? No, that's your money. She's just paying you back, like, partially." You shrug, smiling back up at him. "And for me it's damages."
"Right, fair enough." He chuckles, looking down at his watch. "We've got twenty minutes left before class ends, want to..?"
"No! I'm not fucking you in the girl's locker room." You shove him back playfully. "Also that was a one-time thing."
"Whatever you say, Y/N/N." Rafe chuckles. "Just thought I'd offer."
"You lost that privilege when you got me pregnant." You giggle, crossing your arms as you stare at him.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" He defends. "Won't happen again. I swear."
“Yeah, it won’t.” You roll your eyes and head for the door, stopping abruptly as Rafe reaches in front of you and grabs the handle first. You turn your head to look up at him and you don't get the chance to before his lips are pressed against yours, his free hand landing on your hip and holding you against the cold, blue-painted metal of the door.
Despite your protests earlier, you don't hesitate to kiss him back. You're quick to bring your hands up to his cheeks, pulling him closer for a moment before moving your head back and gently pushing him away. "One-time thing, huh?" He chuckles and you nod, biting your lip. 
"Yep, not happening again." You confirm, turning and unlocking the door before pushing it open and walking off down the hall.
"Wait, what are we gonna do about Ally?" He says as you walk away and you turn, pacing backward to look at him when you respond.
"I've got it from here. Thanks, Cameron."
When Rafe walks out of the building later that afternoon, he stares in confusion at the small crowd that's formed just on the other side of the fence marking the edge of school property. "Rafe! Rafe, help!" He hears Bella before he sees her, pushing her way through the crowd and frantically waving for him to come over.
He picks up his pace as he jogs over, dropping his bag and pushing his way through again after her. He's met with you straddling Ally's back as she screams and cries, you holding her face down into the dirt by her hair. "Say you're sorry! Say it!" You scream in her ear, absolutely irate at this point as everyone watches in horror. Rafe is quick on his feet to wrap his arms around you and lift you off of her, grabbing your hand and tearing her hair out of your grasp. He’s holding you back as you continue to yell over her sobs, and you struggle to get back to her shaking body on the ground.
"Hey, hey! She's had enough, Y/N/N." Rafe chuckles, holding tightly to your waist. 
You push your hair out of your face, both of you watching as some of Ally's minions are quick to try and help her up. Her nose is bloody, makeup and uniform absolutely ruined. You smile as you look at her state. "Not gonna tell anyone now, right?" You ask her bitterly, Rafe finally letting you go.
"God, you are crazy! You'll be hearing from my lawyer, you psycho!" She cries out, wiping her face.
You lunge at her again and she's lucky that Rafe noticed this the second before you moved, grabbing you again and pulling you into his chest. "Hey, woah, don't bother." He says to you.
"Yeah, muzzle your fucking dog." Ally mutters, brushing off her clothes. 
"Says you, you actually look like one so watch your mouth.” He scoffs at her, spitting at her feet. “Extortion is a crime too, by the way." He adds cooly, raising an eyebrow. "So I think we can keep legal out of this, don't you?"
Ally huffs and quickly walks away, pushing her way past everyone gathered there to grab her bag which you had thrown into the street during the confrontation. Bella quickly runs up to you, grabbing your face to look you over the second Rafe lets you go. "Are you okay? God- that was scary!" She exclaims, satisfied though that you only have minor scratches and bruises.
"I'm fine." You smile at her, shaking your head a little. "Sorry, I just kind of blacked out for a minute." You joke, gently hugging her.
"Yeah, it was hot." Rafe adds, arms crossed as he stands behind you. You roll your eyes at him, hiding your blush in Bella's shirt.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy@madelynie, @mutual-mendes, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @urfaveluvr, @chenslucy, @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea
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n0v4t33z · 1 year
Dark Desires: Chapter I - The Cat's Out of the Bag
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Pairings: VampireCatHybrid~Seonghwa x Female Reader, VampireCatHybrid~Ateez x Female Reader
Genre: Horror, Angst, Romance, Vampire Ateez, Paranormal?
Word Count: 7.6k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions blood, Magic, Fantasy, Some Fluff, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: kidnapping, non-sexual nudity, flirting, blood, lying?
Author's Note💌: Hi! So this is the first chapter of a story that I've been working on for a while, long ago when "The Black Cat Nero" first came out and since it's October I figured it would be nice for me to post I also just wanted to join the other fic writers posting a Halloween themed fic but since I cannot write smut for the life of me for Kinktober I decided to just post this instead. I haven't fully edited this story so I'm sorry if it's cringe in some parts but I'll try my best to fix those parts eventually. In the meantime I hope you guys like it! Please be kind! 🌙🐈‍⬛
Spotify Playlist 🩸
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
On a chilly autumn night right after an exhausting shift at work, I close the store and bid goodbye to my co workers for the day. It was dark outside now and the sky was awfully empty tonight except for the moon, it wasn’t a full moon just yet but just as beautiful. So while walking to my bus stop, I come across a black cat with mesmerizing amethyst colored eyes. "Woah, I've never seen a purple eyed cat...hm that’s so weird. Is it maybe my eyes playing a trick on me?" I blink and slowly walk over to the cat and turn on the flashlight on my phone “Come here kitty are you hungry?” I look at the cat’s eyes and they were indeed a beautiful amethyst color. Wow, that’s so cool. It must be some sort of rare defect. The cat walks over to me purring and rubbing its tiny little head on me. I put down my phone on the ground gently pet its soft black fur while reaching into my purse with my other hand "You're so cute…Look, I’ve got a snack!"
I grab the Tupperware containing the leftover meat from lunch and set it in front of the cat so that it could eat. I happily watch the cat eat the meat in the small bowl while gently petting its tiny little head. Suddenly behind me I hear metal scraping on the floor and to my surprise I turn to see a man whose eyes are almost a dead like hue of greyish blue, with scratches on his chest and cheek area along with a huge bruise on his left cheek. He was wearing a velvet jacket and a black silk shirt exposing most of his chest and his ash brown hair was pulled up with a few hairs framing his pale lifeless face. Without saying anything he smirks raising the shovel above his head and before I'm able to scream he brings down the shovel and hits me behind the head making everything go black.
 I slowly open my eyes holding my head in my hands tightly only to feel a throbbing headache, when I look around I see I’m in some sort of abandoned church with 8 very handsome deathly pale guys looking straight at me with one of them being the same man from before with the shovel. I noticed that one of them had purple eyes, kind of like the same ones that stray cat that I fed on the street. Could it be that guy was the cat I saw? No. It can’t be. That’s physically impossible. When it finally dawns on me the severe situation I’m in I sit up and I scoot away from them sensing a bit of tension in the room "Wait. Who are you guys? Why am I here…" The man with the velvet jacket (Who was no longer wearing it) walks up to me and kneels on one knee and with his ice cold hand lifting up my chin and smirks in satisfaction "You my dear, are going to be working for us. So forget the life you had before because you have a new one here and it's to serve us." 
My bottom lip trembles and my eyes well up with tears, almost in an instant warm tears stream down my cheeks. The pale man in front of me wipes away my tears and says in a slight menacing tone "Don't cry, we're not going to hurt you. right guys?" Not believing a word he says I shake my head and begin to cry "No. Please, let me go….I swear I’ll do anything."  He chuckles while he strokes my cheek with his thumb "Will you?…" he clicks his tongue "Or are you just lying because you’re scared right now? Look at you, you’re shaking.." I glance down at my hands and notice they were in fact shaking. I feel kind of weak, I feel nauseous, I don't feel so good. "Let me introduce myself I'm Hongjoong, pleased to meet you Miss..." he raises his eyebrow waiting for an answer "I, uh- I'm y/n." I stammer causing him to smile "That's a beautiful name, well Miss y/n you are to address all 8 of us as your Masters at all times." He turns around and looks at one of the guys "Seonghwa, can you please get Miss y/n cleaned up and dressed. Out of everyone here I trust you won't try to pull anything stupid since you're the eldest here and are more in control of your erm...urges." A tall and slender man with hair a beautiful shade of silver, dressed all in black with a black velvet jacket and a long black satin cape, his eyes being that of a dark emerald green hue with a light golden ring around the pupil steps up next to me. He was beautiful, tall and unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. His demeanor seemed very cold with a very intimidating gaze but as soon as his eyes met mine they softened. "Come, let's get you cleaned up. Hongjoong left you so dirty."
He gently takes my trembling hand and leads me to a dark room and turns on the light and a few candles. He closes the door behind us and he walks over to the bathtub to run a bath then turns to me and warmly smiles "Your bath is ready, don't worry I'm not going to look I'll wait outside for a few minutes then I'll bring you some warm towels." I nod and wait until he was gone. Maybe if I cooperate they’ll let me go? Actually, something doesn’t feel right. The energy here feels wrong, something evil is here and I can feel it. 
I get in the warm bubbly bath and let out a deep sigh still shook up from the whole situation. I’m starting to feel homesick. I didn’t even get to tell my mom goodbye,  My eyes well up in tears again and I silently begin to cry. I miss home. I had no idea where I was much less know when I'd be able to see my family again. I hear a sudden knock at my door and see the beautiful man walk in with some towels and some folded up clothes he then lets out a small gasp and puts down the towels and clothes on the bench next to the bathtub he  sits down and reaches over and wipes my tears away "Sweetheart, don't cry. I know it's scary being put in a place you don't know with people you've never met but I promise they won't hurt you and if anyone tries to you let me know and I'll handle it." I sniffle "I just want to go home Master Seonghwa, I'm scared and I miss my family." He furrows his brows and gently strokes my hair "I'm sorry, but you can't leave my dear." My eyes glistened with tears "Why not?" He looks away then looks back at me with sadness in his eyes while he continues to stroke my hair trying not to meet my eyes "I just can't."
It was silent for a few minutes after that so after I calm down a bit I decided that in order to try and get rid of the awkward ambience I should at least try to get to know this man since he was being very friendly so far and not some weird perv gawking at me. So, in the middle of him washing my hair I ask "So, how long have you been alive?" He thinks for a bit while he rinses my hair "Hmm, about 400 years." I audibly gasp "Wait, what? 400 years?! That's a really long time you're a living history book!” he chuckles "Yeah I am, a very lonely one at that." I turn to him and furrow my brows "That can’t be..There must have been someone who must have caught your eye, you’re just so beautiful. Have you ever been in love? Or have a tiny little crush on someone?" He nods his head slightly sad then looks at me and forces a faint smile. "Somewhat, yes but enough of me. What about you Miss y/n?" I sigh and I look down "Yeah I was, it was the worst mistake I've ever done. He ended up cheating on me and eventually left me for his co worker. Almost 3 years of my life just wasted. It's been almost a year since that happened but I'm still kind of upset about it." He worriedly looks at me "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that situation, I'm sure one day you'll find love." I shake my head "I doubt it since I'm pretty sure I'm going to be stuck here for the rest of my life." He looks at me fondly for a good second and lets out a soft sigh "Well- ah...Um I'll let you finish washing up I'll be right back." he gets up and wipes his hands on a hand towel near the sink and closes the door behind him. That was weird, he just left so suddenly...
When I finish washing myself and drying myself I look through the pile he brought until I find some undergarments. When I finish putting them on I connect the long thigh high white socks to the garter and put on a long sleeve collared black and white knee length maid's dress. On the apron on the bottom right corner was a tiny black cat shaped stitch, and for shoes some black shoes to match. A few minutes later after finishing the beautiful emerald eyed vampire brushes my hair and helps me put on a white ruffled headpiece with 2 thin ribbon bows on each side. He hands me a set of keys and smiles "Now you can go about your chores. Don't worry about dinner for me and your Masters, we go out to feed when needed so just worry about keeping the house clean and doing the laundry. Also, don't ever go inside the white door with the black crest on it. That is strongly forbidden. So if you need me I'll be in my work office down the hall or in my room." I obediently nod "Yes Master." in return he gives me a warm smile and walks off.
 Later, while dusting off the picture frames on the main room of the house, I notice a painting of a very handsome looking man, judging from his clothing the painting must have been old though. Maybe? Was it someone’s family member or someone’s grandfather? I hear laughing coming from the corridor behind me and notice it was 2 of the guys from earlier one of them had a scar on his chest peeking out of his sheer patterned button up shirt, he was wearing black pants and black boots to match his jet black hair and the other one with the beautiful amethyst eyes, a piercing on his lip with his earring being connected his piercing, his buttoned up black vest covering some type of tattoo on his chest but letting his pale muscular arms in full view. Along with black leather pants and black boots to match his beautiful Raven hair. Looking at them in better lighting and up close, as handsome as they looked it looked like they haven’t slept in years, their eyes looking really bloodshot.
Immediately after making eye contact with me they both walk over to me, I notice this and I stop what I'm doing and stiffly bow "Hello Masters… I- Umm I'm sorry but I was never told your names." The one with the purple eyes smirks then reaches over and takes my hand, places his ice cold lips on the back of it and gently places a kiss on it. He looks up at me and says "My name is San, you were the beautiful girl who stopped to feed me. You know, if Hongjoong hadn't kidnapped you and brought you here I would have let you take me home." My face begins to feel really hot and involuntarily I let out a nervous laugh. The one with the scar on his chest shoots San with a very annoyed expression then he looks back at me with a small smile "I'm Wooyoung, it's nice meeting you." I nod then I give him a small wave "It's a pleasure meeting you both Master San and Master Wooyoung. If you guys need anything at all I'm here to help." San gently boops my nose and says in a low voice "Thank you Miss y/n we'll definitely keep that in mind." Both San and Wooyoung walk away presumably to their rooms but not before they take one last good look at me. Umm, I’m hoping they’re not eyeing me to take my blood or something.. Once they’re completely gone I let out a long sigh and rest my head on the wall. My god they’re so scary..I just wanna go home.
When I finish cleaning the main room, I walk over to the main corridor of the house and while walking by I hear singing coming from one of the rooms there. I have to find out who was the one singing. Suddenly, from a distance I see a tall man with bright ruby red eyes emerge from his room, he wore a sheer print button up shirt with a long silk blazer, black pants and slicked back light brown hair, he looked as if he had recently fed on blood. He also had a wound on his cheek and on the side of his temple. He looks at me with a very cold gaze that I immediately stop on my tracks and I bow "Master umm…." He quickly interjects "Mingi." Then I nod and forcefully smile. If I said I wasn't terrified of this man I'd be lying. He looked very handsome but he also looked lethal. He walks past me but before he could walk away very far I muster up the courage to say "It was a pleasure meeting you Master Mingi, please have a good rest of your day." He proceeds to walk away without saying another word. After he walks far enough I let out a sigh of relief.
Luckily, the hauntingly beautiful singing continues and as I walk closer it gets louder until I'm led to a door with a single golden music note on it. As soon as I step in front of the door the singing stops and I silently gasp and before I'm able to react and run away the door swings open to find a tall strong build guy with light blue eyes, Auburn hair with a really expensive looking suit. "I-I uh…. I'm so sorry but your singing was beautiful. I've never in my life have heard such beautiful singing in person." He warmly smiles and takes my hand and sits me down on the piano bench and without another work he just begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful tune. Mesmerized, I stare at the man before me singing at an incredible range. When he's done I happily clap and smile "That was beautiful Master, um… You never introduced yourself so I have yet to know your name." He slowly walks over to me until he stands in front of me and kneels down to my level. "My name is Jongho, but you may call me Master Jongho if you’d like.." he smiles and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear "Well, it's nice to meet you Master Jongho you have a beautiful voice. I’m y/n." He sits next to me and and turns to me "Thank you, and you're beautiful yourself." I nervously fidget with my hands "So Master Jongho, how'd you learn to sing so beautifully?" He looks up at the ceiling as if he was trying to recall his answer ���Hm, I've always wanted to sing but as a human I just never got around to doing it from all the work I’d have to do to help my mother out. So when I turned into this, I had alot more time on my hands so In all honesty. It actually only took me a few years to achieve my goal with constant practice. Seeing as you're here now though I'll be able to sing to someone again since you enjoy my singing."
He gently takes my hand in his and deeply looks into my eyes "Feeling your humanly warmth makes me miss being alive. I died and was turned into this pretty young when I was around 20 human years old." I quietly gasp "Oh I'm so sorry Master Jongho, if it means anything as long as I'm alive I'll always cheer you on even though I don't know you very well I can still tell you have a big heart." He chuckles and holds both of my hands "Do you promise?" I nod and gently squeeze his ice cold hands "Of course Master, I've got no reason to lie." we both exchange warm smiles until I decide that maybe I should go. I'm probably distracting him, more or so he's probably getting hungry... I get up and lower my head "I’m so sorry Master, I have to go now. I don't want to interfere with your practice time but if you need anything at all please let me know." He gives me a soft smile “There’s no need, but I see you might be very busy with house work my apologies Miss y/n.” He waves goodbye “If you have a question don’t hesitate to look for me I’ll gladly help.”  I nod and slowly close the door behind me. Wow, he was so nice! His singing is as sweet as his personality. Wait, I just hope it’s genuine kindness and not the manipulative kind so that they can feed on my blood.. I’m still so uncomfortable here knowing that they can easily turn me into an appetizer. Actually, no I don’t even want to think about it.
 After leaving Jongho's practice room, I walk around downstairs until I come across the same chapel from when I arrived. After entering, I realize how dusty this place really is. so I decide to run to the kitchen and retrieve cleaning supplies. When I get back to the chapel I noticed a tall black hooded figure hunched over the altar, I slowly walk over to the figure and assuming it was another one of my masters I stand behind him and say "Master, are you ok?" Surprised, he turns and looks at me with his dead looking grey eyes and covers his arm with his cape as if hiding something. He silently nods keeping his gaze away from mine. In the distance I see a beautiful blonde man wearing a black and white patterned blazer with a black v neck t shirt with a distinctive small red neck scarf. He was holding a wine glass filled with presumably blood because of the viscosity of the liquid while sitting on the window sill of the circular stained glass window.
After seeing me, he slowly sets down his glass and turns into a cat right before my eyes. Wha- this is most definitely not normal. He jumps down and turns back into his previous form then says "Hello Miss y/n what brings you in here?" Still shocked from having seen a man just turn into a cat and then back to a man, I stammer a bit and say "Well, I saw that the chapel here was a bit dusty and dirty and I wanted to clean it up for you guys." He nods "Oh, thank you Miss y/n. By the way I'm Yeosang and this tall guy over here is Yunho." I bow giving them both a curt smile "it's nice to meet you Master Yeosang and Master Yunho." Yunho stands up and extends his hand in my direction causing me to look up at him and smile "I love your cape Master Yunho, it fits you well." I shake his hand and he smiles "Thank you so much Miss y/n. I can help you clean up the chapel, I'd feel terrible if you had to clean all of this by yourself, it'd take you hours to finish here." I shake my head "Oh no Master that's why I'm here to clean, you don't have to worry about it. I've got it." He shakes his head firmly and gently pats my head "No, I insist." He takes off his cape and Yeosang sits down on one of the pews and makes his glass of blood appear in his hand with a book in his other hand "I'll watch you guys, I'm exhausted." I turn to him with a playful smile "Let us know if we did a good job Master Yeosang." He chuckles and raises his glass "Of course sweetheart."
A couple of hours pass until eventually Yunho and I finish cleaning up the chapel and we both sit down on a pew next to Yeosang. "So how'd we do?" I look over excitedly at Yeosang who looks around slowly "Hm, It looks so nice, It's been years since I've seen this place look this clean." Yeosang glances over at Yunho and says "Also, I didn't know you cleaned up so well, maybe you should do it more often?" Yunho gives Yeosang a look and shakes his head "No, I'm going to be cleaning up after you." Yeosang pouts and says "Hmm, fine I'm sure y/n here would help me with that right?" Yeosang looks over at me with a pleading gaze causing me to laugh and nod "Of course Master Yeosang." Yeosang swirls the blood in his glass and gives me a faint smile "Care to join us for drinks?" Woah, what? He's offering me a drink? What does he mean by "drinks"? Does he mean alcohol or actual blood? The bile of my empty stomach slightly rises causing me to get a bit nauseous.
I think it is now my queue to leave.. I get up and gather up the cleaning supplies "Oh, actualy thank you for offering but I have to go now. it was nice meeting you Masters Yeosang and Yunho. I'll let you guys enjoy the clean chapel now! Master Jongho is probably waiting for me to bring him his tea.." Yeosang tilts his head and blinks "But Jongho never drinks tea.." Yunho, Yoesang and I stare at each other for a few moments then I swallow the big ass knot in my throat triggering my stomach to grumble "My apologies, tea for myself not Master Jongho. I'm just a bit hungry now which is why I'm not making any sense since I feel a bit weak." Yunho's eyebrows draw together and reaches over to get the supplies from my hands "Oh no, do you need help?" I shake my head "I'm okay, with a bit of food I'll feel much better. Now, If you may excuse me I'll get going now." I give them a small smile and chime "I also hope you guys enjoy your new clean space I'm sure it makes a huge difference, let me know if any of you need anything else." I slightly bow my head, Yeosang raises his glass slightly to acknowledge me. Meanwhile Yunho waves goodbye and says “We most definitely will you don’t need to worry Miss y/n.”
I close the chapel door behind me and I sit on the floor exhausted. Man, I'm beat.. I wonder how long it's been since that chapel was last cleaned? I'm almost positive it's been more than fifty years. While I sit there motionless trying to regain a bit of strength to head over to the kitchen I recollect Yunho hiding something in his cape when I entered. I wonder what he could be hiding. Seonghwa happens to pass by and sees me sitting on the ground. He walks over to me "Miss y/n are you ok? Why are you on the floor?" I quickly get up "Oh, I'm sorry Master Seonghwa. I'm really tired I just finished cleaning the chapel, Master Yunho insisted on helping me too but it was still alot of work." Seonghwa reaches over and pats my head "I'm sure you did an amazing job. I was actually just looking for you, did you meet all of your Masters?" I nod while I fidget with my hands "Yes but out of all of them I think Master Mingi doesn't really like me. Like at all." He gently strokes my cheek with his ice cold finger "Give him time Miss y/n, it takes a while for him to warm up to others you did nothing wrong I promise." He checks his pocket watch then looks back at me "I'll tuck you in to bed before we all head out to feed okay?" I give him a slightly confused look "You'll what? Oh, no Master there's no need for you to tuck me in, I'm a grown woman I can do it myself I'm not a child." I nervously laugh which causes him to chuckle "You're right, I just want to make sure you'll actually be asleep when we leave." I raise my eyebrows in slight worry "Why is that?" He presses his lips into a kind smile with the corner of his eyes slightly crinkled "I feel like a human like you should never have to witness a vampire feeding, it's not very pretty. In fact it's something I always tend to do in private because of how gruesome it can be to those who've never witnessed it." My stomach flips causing my nausea to come back "Oh.." He gently cups my cheeks and gently squeezes them "You're so cute. but please don't worry you'll be okay I promise you no one will hurt you. This is more just so you can have the peace of mind of not witnessing anything you shouldn't." Something tells me I really should just listen to him and stop doubting it. "I'll see you later then okay?" I quietly nod and he gently runs his fingers through a lock of my hair and walks away leaving me in slight shock. Yeah, maybe I should do what he tells me to even though a part of me is panicking making me think he actually wants me to sleep so I can be his next meal. He's probably just testing me if i listen or not.. Gosh my brain isn't making sense, I need food.
I pick up the cleaning supplies and head to the kitchen, I put up the supplies, wash my hands. and walk towards the refrigerator "I'm starving, I wonder if there's food here." I open the refrigerator and pantry, and to my surprise there were fresh groceries and meat. Weird. I thought they didn’t eat human food? So how did these get here? I shrug and go on and prepare some dinner for myself then Master San, struts into the kitchen sits on the counter next to me and meows. I glance over at him and pet him playing with him for a bit until he begins to purr "Ahh, I know what you want…You want some meat don't you?" He meows and turns into his regular form, he sits on the counter and looks at me and smirks I then look over at him and say "Let me finish cooking the meat, I don't want you to get sick." Luckily San sits there patiently waitng for me to finish until eventually I finish cooking the meat then I go to the fridge, cut open a small bag of blood and generously coat the meat in the blood. I plate the meat with some rice for San and I put it on the table "Here you go Master San I slightly fixed this dish to fit your tastes" I sit down next to him with my own plate of food. He takes a bite out of the meat and throws his head back closing his eyes in pure bliss "Miss y/n this is delicious! Can I eat with you from now on?" I take a bite out of my food and nod "Sure you can if you want to  but I thought vampires couldn't eat human food?" He shakes his head while shoveling meat and some rice in his mouth, he sits there chewing for a few seconds until he finally speaks "Well, we can actually it's just that human food won't benefit us at all and won't satisfy the hunger that blood does. Vampire hunger is much different and painful than human hunger."
A disembodied voice interrupts San and I slightly making me jump from how sudden it was "I'm sorry but I smelled something really good, I'm still not used to someone actually cooking in here it's been ages since I've eaten actual food" Shortly after Wooyoung walks into the kitchen with his hands in his pockets. San motions Wooyoung to come over and says "Here try this, Miss y/n is a genius this is delicious I don't know why we never tried this." he shovels rice and some of the meat coated in blood into Wooyoung's mouth, while chewing his eyebrows raise forming a surprised expression on his face then he turns to me in awe "Wow, that's actually pretty good… Can I please have a plate?" I nod and get up from my seat "Oh of course Master, sit down I'll bring it to you in a few seconds" I prepare a plate for Wooyoung but before I sit down I turn to San and say "Would you like seconds Master?" He nods and gives me a smile so big his eyes turn into little crescents, then I prepare him another bowl and set it down in front of him. With the leftover blood still in the bags I use them to make an earl grey tea infused with blood, I set down the tea cups next to their plates while they devour their food. I set the tea kettle in the middle of the table then I sit down and eat. "So when we found you that night, where were you coming from that you had yummy food with you?" San asks nonchalantly, Wooyoung glares at San and shakes his head then apologetically looks over at me "You don't have to answer that." I shake my head and smile "Nah, it's okay. I was just walking home from work is all." San blinks "Wow, that reminds me I haven't worked in years.." Wooyoung nods "Yeah me either, the last time I worked was when we'd get paid in grain." I gasp "No way you're that old.." He smirks "I am, and proud of it." San smacks Wooyoung's arm "Stop rubbing your immortality in Miss y/n's face that's rude" I giggle and shake my head "It's okay Master San, I actually find it pretty cool you guys have been alive all these years. If it's okay for me to ask, what was your former jobs like?" Wooyoung looks at the wall behind for a few seconds presumably to try and recall his past until he responds "My father was a merchant, I helped him load up our carts and stuff like that to and from the markets. It was pretty heavy work but nonetheless I enjoyed it because I got to spend time with my father." My eyebrows rise "Woah, that's definitely hard work but I'm glad it was hard work with someone whom you cherish that makes it much more worth it." Wooyoung nods with a slight smile "Yeah, I helped him till the very end, same with my mother. I helped my whole family until they were gone." I reach over and gently pat Wooyoung's shoulder "I'm sorry, outliving your own family must have been extremely sad." San glances at Wooyoung gently squeezing the back of his neck and slightly frowns "It is, it's one of the most painful things of being a vampire. It really messes you up for a while." I look at both San and Wooyoung and give them a comforting smile "I know maybe this is weird considering my days are numbered as a human but just know your family is probably happy knowing you're living your life well. Maybe in a very unorthodox way but none the less you're keeping their memories alive." Both San and Wooyoung glance at each other and look down at the table.
Did I say something wrong? "My apologies, for the unwanted advice." Wooyoung shakes his head and smiles "No need, we just remembered something is all." There's something they aren't telling me. "Oh, okay." I awkwardly look at the window behind them and take a sip of my tea "What about you San, what was your job?" San smiles "Guess." I tap my index finger on my chin and look at his physique. Considering how broad his shoulders are and how toned his body is, he probably did some sort of manual labor as well or maybe that could have also been his vampire power up. "Miss y/n?" I hum and look in San's general direction "I was thinking sorry, but I think I have a pretty good idea. You were probably a lumberjack right?" Wooyoung's eyebrows rise in amusement and he reaches over and pats San's back "It's those shoulders isn't it?" I nod and nervously smile "Ah, yeah..." San plays with the piercing on his lip with his tongue then looks into my eyes and smirks "Close, I was actually the son of a farmer so my family owned a farm. Funnily enough I didn't look anything like this when I was alive. These muscles are a product of what I turned into, unfortunately I was always very small so I was always in charge of feeding the animals with my sister while my father and his other employees did the heavier stuff. " I swallow hard and look at the tea kettle in front of us "Oh I see, do you at least have fond memories of your old self?" San nods "Of course, my old self was me as I was meant to live my human life and this version of myself is I, as I meant to live it as a vampire." Wow, he's very confident and wise, I guess he really doesn't mind being a vampire. "It's like you guys get a second chance at life, does that mean you fully embrace being undead?."
Wooyoung slightly frowns "I can't speak for the others but, it's kind of complicated. Like with everything in life it comes with its downsides. Unfortunately this life is a bit more brutal than our previous lives were. which kind of makes us miss our mortality sometimes." Hm, I don't want to bring up memories they're trying to bury besides I don't want them to think I'm being nosy. I look at their empty plates and get up causing a wave of confusion between them both. Almost like they knew what I was thinking San says "Thank you so much for the food and tea Miss y/n it was delicious." I warmly smile and begin to pick up their dishes "Of course you're very welcome Master San and Master Wooyoung, it was nice being able to sit down and have a conversation with you two." They both wave goodbye and before they exit the kitchen San turns to me "Miss y/n I'll see you tomorrow again right?" I hum queueing them to make their way out of the kitchen.
A while later while cleaning up the kitchen I hear footsteps approaching and I slightly tense up until I hear the footsteps come to a halt. I turn around and see Mingi, I quickly bow and say "Master Mingi, hello do you need anything?" He nods and hands me a basket full of bloodied clothes "This is my laundry, just came to drop this off for you." I walk over to him and take the basket from his arms "Thank you Master, I'll have this clean in no time." He turns and walks away without saying a word, I then sigh. I can't force someone to like me, so I might as well just deal with it at least everyone else is ok with me being here so far. I walk over to the laundry room and set down the basket of laundry, sorting though all of the clothes making sure none of them are left without spot cleaning. So a few hours later of scrubbing bloodied clothes, and drying it in an actual dryer as opposed to air-dried Mingi's laundry is finally finished. So when I walk over to his room and I knock on the door with no answer.  Something in my gut told me he wasn't in his room so I decide to knock again, but again no answer. I slowly open the door and see that no one is in there. Oh no.
I quietly close the door behind me and I set the basket on his bed, his room is filled with alot of displayed weapons from different times in history from the medieval "Morning Star" to the 1920's "Tommy Gun" I silently gasp and whisper to myself "He is lethal...who is he? Who are these vampire guys." I look behind me towards the door "I better get out of here before he comes back." I run out of the room and down the corridor while I look behind me to make sure no one saw. Everything seems like it's going okay until I run into Hongjoong causing him to grab me by both my arms tightly "Miss y/n, there you are. Seonghwa is looking for you."  His bloodshot dead grey eyes look down at me "Master Hongjoong I'm so sorry, I just got startled by something I'm so sorry." He cocks an eyebrow and slowly a huge smirk appears on his face clearly getting a kick out of my panic "You better not be causing trouble sweetheart, I don't want to end up having to punish you." I quickly shake my head "No, I promise I'm being good Master Hongjoong." He grabs my arm and walks me over to Seonghwa who was already waiting for me in the bathroom "Seonghwa, I found her." He meets my eyes and smiles "Hello there Miss y/n, time for me to get you ready for bed and tuck you in." This is so embarrassing, is there really a reason for this? Does he really have to keep an eye on me that close? Haven't I proven myself yet?
 Once Seonghwa gets the bath ready and leaves to get some towels and clothes I get in the warm bath making my mind begin to wander. All of those weapons. Are they planning on killing me? Is they why everyone just acts kind of weird? I mean, I know they're all vampires but what's with the tucking me in thing? Gosh, I wish I could be at home. None of this makes sense as to why I'm here, why does Master Seonghwa insist on me being asleep before they leave. My thoughts are interrupted by Seonghwa walking in with the towels and clothes, he sits down on the bench next to the bathtub "Miss y/n did you start washing your hair?" I quietly shake my head too scared to speak up, he then furrows his brows then puts the back of his ice cold hand on my forehead "What's wrong? Are you ok? You've been quiet since Hongjoong brought you to me."  I nod and faintly say "I'm fine, just tired." He rolls his sleeves and proceeds to wash my hair "You must have worked very hard on your first day today, let's get you cleaned up so you can get some rest." He then rinses my hair and smiles "I hope this can cheer you up but, Jongho told me you discovered his beautiful singing and that you couldn't get enough of it. So, we decided he was going to help me tuck you into bed." I look up at Seonghwa, his beautiful smile, his gorgeous slicked back silver hair with a few stray hairs that fell ever so slightly over his eyes. He's so gorgeous he makes me feel so nervous. His emerald and gold eyes look for a reaction written somewhere along my face, so he fondly and intently stares back at me. I was so fixated on his hauntingly gorgeous features I almost forgot I wasn't looking at a photo of him until I quickly snap back to reality "Wait, he's going to sing?" Seonghwa smiles "Yes, he is." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands "Are you sure he's okay with that? Wouldn't it be a bother?" He shakes his head "I promise you it's not a bother he insisted." He reassures me, he then absentmindedly begins to wash my body, his ice cold hands touch my warm skin and I shiver. I shyly look up at him he and he gasps.
"I'm so sorry I forgot how cold my hands are, my apologies if it made you uncomfortable. I'll wait outside for a few minutes so you can finish bathing and changing" he gets up and scoots the towel closer to the bathtub, once he leaves I finish bathing and drying off. I slip on my soft nightgown, it was a nice shade of pale pink almost white and it fit me perfectly. I put on some slippers then I hear whispering outside of the door. Hmm, this should be good. I slowly walk over to the door to take a listen, from the sound of it it's Hongjoong and Seonghwa. I undo a couple of buttons on my nightgown for a cover in case anyone opens the door. "No, I already told you we need more time, it's too soon. She hasn't even been here one night."  Says Seonghwa in a low whispering tone "Do you know how impatient Draven is getting?! Seonghwa please don't tell me you're already attached to this girl? How is she any different from the girls before her?" Hongjoong adds slightly irritated "I told you, it’s her and all I know is that we need more time, stop talking about this here...I’ll tell you later."
As soon as the talking stops I tip toe closer to the bathtub then seconds later the door opens and I start to button up the undone buttons from my nightgown. I see Seonghwa carefully peaking into the bathroom "Done?" I hum running my fingers through my wet hair "Alright, now let's get you tucked in." Seonghwa walks me to a room with a sigil on the door, I noticed the same sigil under the bed only that it was big that it slightly peeks out out over the edges of the bed. "This is your room, get yourself comfortable, I'll go get Jongho." I climb onto the bed and surprisingly it was very comfortable. I get under the fluffy pink covers and remember that many girls have probably been here before me then I feel a pit in my stomach begin to grow and I begin to feel a bit uneasy knowing this is a literal death bed.
Seonghwa and Jongho come in and close the door behind them, now that I think about it 2 vampires and 1 girl in the same room doesn't sound very safe. Jongho pulls up the chair next to the bed while Seonghwa sits at the edge of the bed then Jongho says "Hi Miss y/n, I'm going to sing some songs for you." I lay down and they briefly look at each other then Jongho begins to sing, the song was so eerily beautiful that by the 2nd song I slowly started drifting off to sleep. Today was so exhausting and my body really felt it. Eventually I fall asleep, but unfortunately a really loud thump wakes me up and I lay there in bed trying to process if what I heard was a dream or if it was real. Deeming it something from my sleep I ignore it then half asleep my mind begins to wander. Why on Earth am I being treated like a child? A grown ass woman getting a bath and getting tucked in to bed from a 400 year old handsome vampire guy? Not to mention he picks out my clothes and my undergarments too? And what did they mean when Seonghwa said they needed more time? MIngi’s room was a whole weapon museum, what? This was too much, it was all a bit weird.
A blood curdling scream interrupts my thoughts causing me to quickly shoot up from the bed. In almost an instant my palms become sweaty, so I get up and I try to open the door but it's locked. My breathing quickens while I try to open the door again but it was in fact locked, I'm screwed. I hear footsteps quickly approaching so I quietly run back to the bed and lay back down.  A few seconds later I hear a click of the door being unlocked. I close my eyes and the footsteps come close to me then they sit down at the edge of the bed "I bought more time for us." Seonghwa gently rests his hand on my leg over the covers "Even at that, when we run out of time I won't let anyone hurt you. I've waited for you for hundreds of years, and I'm not going to let some greedy demon ruin the moment for me." He scoots over next to me and although I couldn't see him staring at me, I could feel it. He leans in and gently kisses the top of my head. I can't think, wait. What's going on?! I feel him get up from the bed followed by slow footsteps until the door closes once again and locking the door behind him. When I open my eyes and lay there in shock, I pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I realize now that this was far from a dream and as weird as it sounded to think that a very handsome 400 year old vampire was in love with me, it might actually be true. Somehow. 
☽ ──── ༺𖤐༻ ──── ☾
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midethefangirl · 8 months
out of control
tags: bireena, the closest you will get to a love confession, jealousy, one-sided tomas/sareena, jealousy, bi han being a dickhead, actually bi han as a warning tag himself, internal conflict (on sareena's part), spy!sareena, lin kuei!sareena, bi han not knowing how to properly express his emotions, fem!cyrax (her name is bontle in this fic), morning after (more like weeks after), sexual tension (kinda)
summary: (inspired by @ladybug023's spy!sareena headcanons) bi han finds himself strung out after that night at the shack and seeks closure. sareena, on the other hand, has to deal with her feelings for a certain cryomancer and the internal conflict she faces.
part ii of "i'm weak so what is wrong with that". part i can be found here.
word count => 2.5k words
also cross posted on AO3.
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Not that he was not always in a bad mood but leaving Zhāofēi’s study room had him in a particular state of mind where he might actually murder anyone who was unfortunate to cross his path. 
That was unusual as while most of his morning discussions with his father were marked by their constant disagreement on him taking on the role of grandmaster, this particular one was intense, to say the least. 
Ever since coming back from the Tengu, he had noticed how sour his temperament got and he could only pin it on one person and one person only. 
How can one woman affect you so greatly?  
A huff of annoyance escaped him as he walked down the thankfully empty hallway. It was as if the elder gods had chosen to keep any unsuspecting Lin Kuei initiate out of his way today. 
A small unnoticeable smile fell on his face until it dropped once his ears picked up a voice from one of the rooms. 
He was so quick to turn his head, in recognition of Tomas’ voice squealing at something like he was a teenage girl. That was soon accompanied by that lilt he had come to missed. 
What was she doing with him? Of all people . 
He had no time for questions as he followed in the direction. It seemed to be coming from Bontle’s room. 
What are they doing in Cyrax’s room? Was the next question that dominated the cryomancer’s mind as that now-familiar emotion reared its ugly head. 
Soon, he was close to the room, opting to stay hidden and away from where any of them could see him. He hated how pathetic he looked right now, eavesdropping on a conversation that probably had nothing to do with him. 
“-woah, it’s cool, isn’t it?” That was Tomas, his voice tinged with child-like wonder. At that point, Bi Han decided he was going to also observe and there she was. 
Sareena . 
She had that look he had never seen before - like she was just discovering something she had never seen before. 
“What magic is this?” She asked, her fingers going through the holographic image. 
“Oh, this?” Bi Han’s head snapped towards the other direction and that was when he noticed Bontle, her elbows on the workbench as she watched the other two admire her new invention. 
“Sektor and I have spent years building this prototype,” she continued. “It is not magic by the way.” 
A heady chuckle escaped Sareena as she toyed with the control, causing the hologram to rotate. 
“This looks like those things I see in those American movies of yours, Tomas.”
What the-? A frown was now etched on the cryomancer’s face. She watches those stupid movies with this fool?!
It was then his treacherous mind took him to a certain dark path. Was she also sleeping with him? Was that why she acted like that night at the shack did not exist? 
“Those ones are CGI effects,” Bontle chipped in. “This one here is the real deal. Sektor and I are still working on this, it is just a beta for now.”
“Would Sareena and I be treated to seeing more of your inventions again?” Tomas asked, and it was at this point that Bi Han decided he was making his presence known as he stepped into the room. 
It took a few seconds before the three would realize that they had an extra presence in the room with them. Bontle immediately stood up straight, a wide smile plastered on her face as she acknowledged him. 
“Bi Han!” The dark-skinned assassin greeted. “We did not expect to have you here. We were just-.”
He seemed to be distracted as his eyes fell on Sareena who carefully placed the holographic projector on the workbench. It was as if she was doing everything within her power to avoid making eye contact with him but it was all a matter of minutes when her eyes finally met his. 
His eyes did not miss the way Tomas’ hand was at her back and Bi Han could only clench his fists when his jealousy came slithering in again. He was starting to not appreciate the way the typhokinetic was getting handsy with Sareena. Or the fact that she goes into his room to participate in such foolish drivel . 
“Is anything the matter, Bi Han?” The gray ninja just had to open his mouth and worsen his already sour mood. 
But, for some reason, his gaze did not waver from Sareena’s, holding eyes contact for as long as possible. Their communication required no words as his eyes said all it needed to send across to her. 
“The training grounds at 7.”
He watched as her eyes widened, it started with shock before finally taking the form of latent rage. 
“Today was supposed to be my day-off!”
If she was any other Lin Kuei initiate, he would have put her in her place but her defiance sparked something dark within him and he would entertain that for as long as possible if he had to. 
“You would defy my commands?” He questioned, his gravelly voice carrying a threatening undertone with it and his eyes watched as she seemed to battle whether to stand her ground or comply. They might have spent a night of passion together but she would not dare do that, right? 
In his peripheral vision, Bontle and Tomas exchanged cautious looks between each other. Everything about their exchanged glances screamed worry for his protégée as they observed their interaction silently. 
Time seemed to slowly move before Sareena finally made her decision, her shoulders now relaxed but that hardened stare did not leave her face. 
“No, Shifu, I would not. I will be there.”
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“Is there anything going on between you and Bi Han?” Tomas had asked once he was sure the cryomancer was out of earshot. 
“I was about to ask the same,” Bontle had asked. “I could have cut through that tension with a knife.”
If only they knew…
She was not the one to kiss and tell, not in the Netherrealm and especially not here. She preferred to keep her escapades to herself, they were personal, after all. 
However, she had not expected Bi Han to be the one who would want to talk about it. Why else had he asked her to be at their usual training room at a time where everyone was supposed to wind down at the common area? 
Here she was, with Tomas by her side as they walked down the stony pavement to where the training grounds stood at. The 6’5 tall Czech had her arm linked to his, holding her and Sareena could not help but wonder how things would have gone if she reciprocated his feelings instead. 
He was a genuine gentleman and had been among the first to welcome her into the Lin Kuei, even going as far as inviting her to sit with him and the rest of the group during her first week. 
Even after telling him that she did not feel the same way about him, he remained her friend. And right now, she appreciated his presence - it kept her grounded for the time being as the thought of being alone with Bi Han had her feeling jittery. 
It just had to be cliche that she found herself pining after the cryomancer. Like those classic American movies, the good girl pining after the bad boy . 
Who was she kidding? Maybe she and Bi Han shared more similarities than she gave herself credit for. She was no good girl, considering the reason why she was in this clan in the first place. 
How would they feel when the truth comes out? When they finally find out that I am a spy and a demon? That I lied to them?
Ever since that night at the shack, those thoughts grew more frequent. She had fallen in too deep and now she was scrambling her way to get out of this mess. She had to find a way to extend this lie for as long as possible, even if it meant groveling before Quan Chi-.
She felt herself snap out of her reverie, her eyes meeting the dark brown hardwood door. Tomas stood by her side, a reassuring smile on his face. 
“I guess this is where I leave, right?” His hand reached to scratch lightly at the back of his neck. His eyes seemed to read that he was reluctant to leave her with Bi Han all alone and for good reasons.
Every interaction between the two assassins felt like walking around eggshells, one single misstep and things would go down to the Netherrealm. 
“Yeah, thank you, Tomas,” she said softly, prompting him to leave, yet, he lingered. “I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
Letting out a sigh, she nodded in the affirmative.
“I will see you tomorrow at breakfast then,” he replied, his body turning in the opposite direction and she watched as his figure grew smaller in the distance. 
Now facing the door, Sareena’s heart rate accelerated as her hand reached forward for the knob. She hesitated midway, eying the knob when the door opened suddenly and a hand reached out, pulling her into the room.
She yelped and winced the moment her back met the wall. She was definitely leaving this place with a terrible bruise on her back and she had only one person to blame for that. 
This asshole-.
“Took you long enough.”
A low growl erupted from the back of her throat as she pushed against him, “What the fuck, Bi Han?!”
He did not budge, his body holding her against the wall and it had her wondering for a moment: how long had he been within these four walls waiting patiently for Tomas to leave her alone so that he could manhandle her? 
The way he has been doing these past two-going-on-three years? 
She hated his stealth and all that came with it and she could already sense a lecture from him on how she should always be on alert. 
“Why was he here with you?”
The hell-?!
“I owe you no explanation, Bi Han,” she replied, her eyes blazing with fury. He had quite the audacity bringing her out here and tossing her like she was a little rag doll. This was one of the many times she cursed the limitations of her human disguise. 
If she was in her demonic form, she would not be the only one leaving this room with a bruising back. 
She could already see the moment the cryomancer’s features morphed into that familiar emotion which manifested each time he had his authority challenged. 
His eyes darkened and his grip on her tightened, an obvious sign that he was doing everything in his power to restrain himself. 
Yet, it was not enough to stop his next words which came spilling. 
“Are you fucking him too?” His accusation revealing his jealousy. “Is that why you act as if that night never existed? You’re fucking Tomas?”
Her eyes widened in realization, it became more obvious why he called her here. He wanted closure. 
The urge to laugh at the ridicule of this situation was almost overpowering. If only he knew…
But, watching the cryomancer lose control was the entertainment in itself and what were demons known for? Mischief and she could only indulge in her nature for the time being.
Her eyes held that mirth and she could see how it affected him, his brows furrowed as his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.
“Jealous, are we, Sub Zero?” her voice held a playful tone mixed with a tinge of the need to push as many buttons of his as possible. 
He might be the future grandmaster of the Lin Kuei but she held all the control in her hands. 
“What the fuck are you playing at, Sareena?” His voice was now a dangerous whisper and her heart raced at the way he said her name.
She was definitely playing with fire.
“I don’t know, Bi Han. You are the one who is almost losing it, so you tell me,” she shot back at him, holding his gaze. “We slept together for one night and you act like we’re suddenly exclusive.”
“What if I do not want that night to be a one-time thing? What if I want us to be exclusive?”
His admission had her heart skipping a beat, it had her momentarily stunned as her lips parted slightly, her mouth now dry.
It was his turn to look away, a faint blush adorning his cheeks, his eyes avoiding hers as he let go of her, stepping away, a frown now etched on his face.
Her fingers came to touch her arms where he had gripped her earlier, her eyes observing the man standing a few feet away from her.
Was that his way of telling her that he liked her?
“Bi Han-,” her voice was now soft but he turned away from her. 
A groan of frustration escaped him, “I cannot stop thinking about that night, Sareena. I have done everything to forget about it and yet-.”
His confession was left hanging in the air and her heart was racing in her chest. The tension in the room had shifted to something else, the air was electric and her breathing became labored.
What was this?
Bi Han snorted again as he paced before turning back to her. His cold hands cupped her cheeks and Sareena felt herself shiver slightly. 
“What enchantment have you used on me?” His voice was a rough whisper and she could only shake her head.
How could she answer that question when she had no idea?
The next thing she felt were his lips on hers, gentle and tentative. It took a moment before he pulled away, his forehead now against hers.
“I- I do not know why I feel this way yet I would give everything up if it meant being with you.”
At that, Sareena’s eyes flew open to gaze at Bi Han and it was no joke at all. Knowing the kind of man he was, this was probably the closest to a love confession he would make and it unsettled her. 
She was going to break his heart once he found out the truth. Quan Chi might not have shown up yet but she knew it was a matter of time. 
She shook her head, pulling away from his embrace. 
“Don’t- don’t do that because of me, Bi Han. I- I am not worth all that,” she tried to tell him, her eyes avoiding his.
"That is not going to change my mind,” he said with an air of finality. 
Sareena could only let out a humorless laugh, she was not going to change his mind at this rate. She nodded. 
Maybe she could keep up with this for as long as she could. She could try to buy more time and confess the truth to Bi Han. In this moment, she could not let him know the truth. No matter how badly she wanted him to. Maybe another time.
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I am not really satisfied with how the ending came to be but I hope it is good to your liking. also, Bi Han may be a bit ooc but hear me out, he would not be the type to outrightly express his feelings and shit like that. and yeah, I added a one-sided Tomas/Sareena bit cause why not? that being said, constructive criticism is always welcome.
tagging: @livingdeadgirly
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