#[already tried with cordelia it was fun ngl
convxction · 6 months
ooc. Imagine you like this post for an ask from kid chrom?
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I'm so ready for this chapter
I'm a simple person. I see David, I get automatically happy. I'm a little late cause yesterday I couldn't find the time, but here I am once again:
"The London Institute stood before him, all glorious and redeemed – once again holding a beautiful love story of its own." Its only the beginning and David thinking poetry is my reason to live. ALSO, YESSS LONDON INSTITUTE
Ah yes, Kit running the London Institute is just amazing
"At moments like this, David wished he had magic too. He wished he could protect Max from all the people who tried to hurt him. He had seen the way people had hurt Max’s brother and his father. He would never let that happen to Max." My heart beats in Mavid!!
“Are you two sharing a room?”  “I won’t tell the Consul," And " He didn’t think sharing a room with his son would do him any favours." had me laughing so hard 😂😂
"It was not easy to get accepted into Columbia University, but Rafael had managed since he was one of the smartest people David knew." I'm so proud of my baby!! 🥺🥺
“I bought you some scones.”jseyjwiwjdh 😏
"He was in David’s arms. His face buried in David’s neck." OH MY GOD. I JUST CANT WITH TO MUCH CUTENESS!!
Ok, I won't quote it but the scene where David saw the portraits is just so beautiful like... Ugh I love my Herondales and David so much!!
Okayy, I dont know who this guy is, so I'll keep my mind open
"Because I know you, David wanted to say. I just wish I knew what’s in your heart too." Ysgsksubdn THIS!  Could I possibly love David more than I love him already??
"Of course I do. My Bapa would be personally offended otherwise.” Yup, I can confirm it
"Max often pretended like people’s words didn’t hurt him - just as he pretend that fire doesn’t burn or wounds don’t bleed.
But David knew, just beyond the surface, Max burned and bled like everyone else.
Despite his reputation as a ‘drama queen’ Max never let other people see his pain. He used humour and theatrics to hide it away." I feel this on a personal level
The mundane illnesses around shadowhunters is getting me worried ngl
"Until that, their only hope was Catarina Loss. David hoped someone sent that woman a fruit basket every single day for she went above and beyond to help shadowhunters affected by the mundane illnesses." She is such a Queen. Just. RESPECT
"Jackson Hayward" Mmm, I feel like I should know that name but I dont remember
“I’m not judging,” David smiled as he adjusted Max’s beanie. “You look very cute.” Max,’s cheeks turned purple again. David wondered why. He wondered if it had something to do with him. (David, I love you, but seriously???)
"Of course, the 'fun' mostly entailed Rafael stopping Georgia from drinking random potions she found in the stalls, Selena stopping Lexi from opening a psychic booth to help people talk to Raziel and of course David stopping Max from running to the gambling booths." 😂 I love how Selena, Rafael and David are the responsables and Max, Gigi and Lexi are the chaotic ones
“Perhaps an unpublished snippet from the Beautiful Cordelia?” and “I do have a correspondence between an Iblis demon and Christopher Lightwood" just got me like: 😮😮
Oh god the necklace!!
"Most importantly, he didn’t want to cover his scar. He didn’t want to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of it. It wasn’t a mark of a victim. It was the mark of a survivor." I'm so proud of David 💙
“I never wanted to be protected,” David had replied. “I only ever wanted to be loved.” 💙💙 this just hits so much
"Magnus Bane carried so much love inside himself you could literally feel it through him." YEAH, I would like to add this to the book of the two million reasons why I love Magnus Bane
That escalated quickly. Like... Jackson hit Max? And David hit Jackson? What?
“This is what I get for falling for a Lightwood-Bane,” I mean... Honey you knew what you were getting into
“I do love it when the quiet ones go feral," and “David! Is your hand okay?” just describes Magnus and Jace perfectly 😂
“Well, technically they are residents of the institute,” Tiberius pushed back his glasses. “So, as the Head of the insti-” “Babe, no!” Kit shushed his boyfriend. (OH GOD THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!! 💙)
“It’s alright, Chouchou,” Mr Herondale ran a hand through David’s hair. “Next time, just-” “Use my words?” David asked. “Just don’t get caught,” the man winked. “Jace!” the Consul hissed. “What do you want me to say to him, Alec?” the man demanded. “Be nice? This is David we are talking about! You can’t get nicer than this!” “David, I appreciate you standing up for Max,” the Consul said. “But next time, please try not to punch anyone in the face.” “Yes, sir,” David nodded. “Because it’s wrong.” “Because it means more paperwork for me,” the Consul groaned and then straightened up. “But yes. Absolutely. Very wrong. No punching people!” (I'm sorry, I just had to quote all of it cause I laughed way to hard😂)
I knew that name was familiar!! Oh, god this is a plot twist. Oh my precious boy must be protected at all cost!!! HE DESERVES HAPPINES!
"It made David want to kiss him. But then the Consul spoke, and David reminded himself he didn’t want to be the third person to get punched in the face this evening." David fearing Alec never fails to make me laugh 😂😂
But if he tries to hurt you-” “You will unleash hell?” David chuckled. “Worse,” the other man grinned. “I will unleash Lexi.” It was definitely much worse. (Hell yeah, she is amazing!)
FUCK, now I want to protect Jackson with my whole soul  from the nightmares and everything else🥺🥺
Wow. I feel like I should quote lots of things from all that scene, but its just that it was all so amazing and I wouldn't finish. Like... The story, telling each other their past, talking about therapy. (Kit is right, shadowhunter need therapy!!) They would really be an amazing group
Also, David reading to Jackson was so wholesome 🥺🥺 and the whole scene was deep and beautiful!!
Yess, my boys going to therapy giving priority to their mental health is my sterotonine supply
"Well, I hope it works out well for you,” Jackson grinned. “What is that supposed to mean?” “You know what it means,” Jackson grinned harder. “Also, if that wanker tries to break your heart, I will break his face.” “You know he is the Consul’s son?” David giggled.“I’ve done it once and I will do it again,” Jackson shrugged. “He better treat you right.” “Stop it!” David had blushed and hugged him tighter, saying goodbye once more. (I STAN THIS FRIENDSHIP!!)
"Selena had broken the news that she was enrolling into Scholomance next month.This family was his soul." YESS, SELENA IS A QUEEN
"After the twins went to bed, David stepped out of the institute and went looking for his heart." ajkeyejdodj he is just to pure 🥺🥺
"At first it had felt odd. A little unsteady. And then somewhere along the way, Max’s heartbeat had become the steadiest thing in David’s life. Max, with all his chaos and drama and danger, had become the steadiest thing in David’s life." Thanks, I'm emo 🥺💙💙
"Even if Max loved him…Could Max possibly love him as much David loved the other boy?" MY HEART!!
"His love for Max was endless and impossible. Did Max love him like that? Impossibly?" JDHWJSUDH🥺🥺
“Maxwell Lightwood-Bane,” David whispered. “Love is your birth right.”
"One minute he had been laughing at the portal, his heart full of pride. The next, he was in Max’s arms, kissing the other boy." HOLY SHIT THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL!! ALL OF IT!! AND DAVID FALLING TO THE POND? *LOTS OF CHEF KISSES*
Anyway, David is beautiful. I stan Mavid and we love Jackson 💙💙
This was so beautiful. I love how much you and appreciate David 🥺 It makes so emotional send help 😭😭😭😭
Also this is David Tiktok 🤣🤭😎
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laufire · 4 years
obviously I get why a lot of people would have difficulty or outright hate Angel’s 4th season; Cordelia’s plot is a travesty (once you find out the truth it ~softens the blow, at least for me, but by that time the character’s already gone through some shit™), and I could’ve done without the Gunn-Fred-Wesley triangle drama, ngl. but to me all that becomes background noise to everything I love about it:
further exploration of Angel’s character and all of his relationships (I love his dynamic with Connor especially, btw. What an interesting mess). it’s why I’m here at all! this show goes all in with him and I freaking love it.
on that vein: Angelus’ return!! I prefer the approach they took on Buffy, if I’m honest; he felt more ~menacing there. but I have a lot of fun with him here, with how they bring him out, with how he threaten-hits on Faith and Wesley xDD. and I love how he figured out and went about killing the Beast.
EVERYTHING in between Angel, Faith, and Wesley, all together or in pairs (and ofc their individual arcs, Faith’s especially). I love each of those dynamics to pieces and this season kept me extraordinarily well-fed. I really need to go look for fic.
LILAH AND WESLEY. I just watched that final scene (“it means something that you tried”) and I am heartbroken all over again. Why, oh why couldn’t she be the liason for the team in season 5... I need fic for that too.
my girl Gwen!! the Gunn-Gwen heist episode!!! I love how they helped each other there, and I wish she’d appeared in the show again.
Jasmine was objectively terrible and all, but damn if I don’t love seeing Gina Torres as an all-powerful adored goddess xDD. She’s one of those actors that’s a blessing when it comes to having a character everyone is supposed to fall over themselves for lmao.
and frankly, I do enjoy quite a lot on a plot level, seeing it all tie and come together, the development with W&H... it works, it’s tight. story-wise, it’s an incredibly interesting season of tv.
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Hiya babe! So i know people usually buy bouquets for hc bUT what if our bby boi Peter decide to buy a ring.? Like a blue one. Nothing expensive. But a beautiful blue ring? And he lets it slip while textlng? Pleasee? ilu ♡♡♡
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My loves! It has been almost two months since I’ve written a set of headcanons for you! I cannot begin to express how sorry I am, life caught up with me and said nO
So I had to take some time for myself to figure everything out :’) I’m pretty sure most of you have mentally unfollowed me even if you haven’t physically done it, but here’s something for those who have stuck around
Peter has no idea what he’s doing to be completely honest
He asked you to homecoming and you said yes and he was so happy
Even though you’d been dating for almost a year
He thought you might say no :’)
So you said yes and he’s like okay now uh
What do I do
He ends up on page eight of his google search (the deep web)
‘How do homecoming’
A lot of wikihows come up ngl
Most of them include sex at the end and he blushes bright red and closes the tab and erases his history
He’s such a baby
It’s on page eight (the deep web) of google that he finds his answer
Except it’s about prom 
And in russian
He has to translate the page first
Then he finds his answer
Every single one he’s read so far is like gEt ThEm FlOwErS but this one is like no be different stand out to them so that they notice you more
Peter logically knows that you’ve been ‘noticing’ him for almost a year but his brain is like oh no do I stand out enough
He’s the Spider-Man of course he-
So he goes out to target and is like ooookay fun date things let’s see
He finds
Target really lets him down
Then next door there’s a fun little store that sells clothes jewelry and accessories
He’s like fine what the heck I don’t have any other options
He says after he’s tried one store
He goes in and starts browsing the aisles
He’s very overwhelmed
He is not used to this many things
He stumbles across a bowl of rings and they were actually decently priced
One immediately catches his eye
Because it’s the exact same shade of blue that’s on his suit
He says oh!! That one!!
He literally like runs to the cashier and is like hello yes I would like to purchase this here ring
She’s like aw is this a promise ring he’s like uh no I just didn’t want to get them some crusty flowers
He walks out with his wallet still almost full like did I really just find that for that price
So he’s really excited about this deal
He immediately goes to text May
He’d already texted her with eighty-seven exclamation points about you saying yes and she’s like duh 
So he’s like oh May guess what I bought her a pretty ring it’s bLuEee heehee
but he forgets to check who he’s texting smh loser
He forgets that he texted you while in the store to show you a stupid t-shirt he found with a pun on it
So he ends up texting you
You’re sitting on your couch and you get a text you’re like oh god Peter why do you do this 
And you read it and die laughing 
You text back and you’re like ‘Peter that’s great! But dude, check who you’re texting.”
He literally almost cries
“I didn’t mean to text you that!!!!!!!”
“Please forget that I told you that!”
When he ends up giving you the ring at homecoming you go all out you gasp and make a huge show he’s like bro ur the worst heck you
By the end of the night you’ve promised him to never take it off
Which might end up being problematic but it was sweet okay 
I love Peter
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ettadunham · 5 years
A Buffy rewatch 3x19 Choices
aka everyone’s just dying to give each other a piece of their mind
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and rant about it in 10-3k words. What you can expect: long run-on sentences and disjointed observations, often focused on one tiny detail about the episode. What you shouldn’t be expecting: actual reviews that make sense.
And I’ve been waiting forever for today’s episode to finally discuss some quality Willow and Faith feelings... And it turns out that it was just a 2-minute-scene all along? Still, we’ll be making the best out of those 2 minutes, folks.
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There’s actually a lot going on in Choices, but I want to get the main rant out first, before I get lost in all the small details of it.
So... Willow and Faith.
Fun fact, did you know that that is actually the 5th most popular BtVS F/F pairing tag on Ao3? Right after the popular canon, the popular “it’s basically canon and you can fucking sue me” ship, the pairing of the two main female characters (shout out to the Wuffys, I got you) and the less popular canon ship.
Which... wasn’t really what I was expecting? I mean, I also wasn’t expecting #6 being Faith/Dawn (having a 2 fic-lead on the ultimate OTP because you’re all heathens), so I guess I know nothing.
Some of those switch though if you filter for the F/F category, look, I have charts:
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(Meanwhile Buffy/Kendra has like 12 fics, you really are all heathens.)
Anywho, thanks for coming to my Ted talk about the math of Buffy femslash. Now, back to Willow and Faith specifically.
Once I thought about it, it did make sense that this is actually a popular fandom pairing I guess? On one hand, it’s a common denominator situation, as in note which characters pop up consistently on that chart... On the other hand, in this episode alone Willow taunts Faith to which she responds by punching her and threatening her with a knife... And that’s pretty much how foreplay works as far as Faith’s concerned.
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Faith just likes it rough, okay? Remember the screencap I used for Consequences after Buffy punches her?
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I rest my case.
But I’m already way off topic here. Because what I was actually planning on talking about initially was how Willow felt about Faith, and the source of those feelings.
I already pointed this out, but I feel it’s worth repeating - Willow’s dislike of Faith goes back to two episodes in particular: Bad Girls and Consequences. As far as I was able to discern this time during my rewatch, there were no previous signs of animosity between the two preceding that two-parter.
In Bad Girls, Buffy blows Willow off for their study session to go out with Faith, and starts rambling about how Willow and Xander wouldn’t understand anyway what she and Faith do.
Willow is deeply hurt and jealous... She actually blows Buffy off too in return when she tries talking to her at school in the next episode, and only listens once Buffy shows up crying at her doorstep not knowing what to do about the whole Faith killed a guy situation.
In the same episode, Xander lets it slip that he and Faith had sex... And Willow is once again obviously hurt and jealous. She even has a good cry about it in the bathroom.
And I guess that that seems like a stronger emotional response than how she reacts to Faith stealing away Buffy from her, but it’s still coming from the same place. Note her line in that episode when she acknowledges her biases:
I'm not the most objective, I know. I kind of have an issue with Faith sharing my people.
“Sharing my people” - she’s pointedly talking about both Xander and Buffy here.
And there is a specific kind of betrayal that she feels from Xander, and that’s going to translate to pretty much all of Xander’s relationship... But at this point, it’s not really about her wanting that relationship with Xander. She had the option and she rejected it.
Still, if Xander has that with someone else, that makes their shared experiences feel less special. It makes her feel like less special in his life. (Which unfortunately tracks with a lot of Xander’s behavior about how he’s always chasing the new, shiny and unattainable thing in his life.)
Meanwhile with Buffy, Willow is mostly supportive of her relationships... up until to the point that she feels like they’re taking up the space that she occupies in Buffy’s life. And that very much happens with Faith in those moments, as Buffy suddenly feels like she can’t share with Willow what she and Faith has. (I swear, I’m not even trying, these sentences just turn out this way.)
So... yeah. Willow is super pissed at Faith for having the audacity to try and take away her people from her, and then hurting the both of them.
And I guess we can see some of that same kind of jealousy with Faith (I can and I will read parallels into Willow and Faith’s characters, just you wait) and her whole thing with Buffy and Angel in Choices... Except it’s weirdly misdirected? Like is the Mayor and the show seriously trying to tell us that Faith is jealous about Angel not wanting to make out with her, when that whole thing was all about Buffy in the first place?
Really, Mayor Wilkins? Really?
Well, I guess he is evil.
Back to Willow though, we have this scene where she gets taken hostage, and after she murders her vampire guard with a pencil (amazing), she decides to get comfortable in the Mayor’s office and read through all 5 tomes of the Books of Ascension??? It’s such a delightful nonsense.
Of course, I’m definitely with her on the whole “knowledge is power” notion. Even if they were to prevent the Mayor from having this Box of MacGuffin, there’s no way to tell if that would actually stop the Ascension. But knowing what’s to come and what they could do about it? That’s a definite win.
The issue is that as Faith puts it, being caught red-handed while gaining that knowledge makes Willow some very strong murder material for the bad guys. She could’ve just put the books in a bag, and tried escaping with them, or get the hell out there the moment she discovered those sensitive pages.
But do you know what I think? I think Willow just wanted to have the chance to confront Faith. She was ready to die just to give her a piece of her mind.
Willow: It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends in your life like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer and now you're nothing. You're just a big selfish, worthless waste.
That’s commitment.
Notice also how she highlights Faith having Buffy in her life and not appreciating it enough to keep fighting. I do feel like Willow is deeply offended by that. I talk about her jealousy a lot, but her commitment to the people she loves is usually her more dominant character trait. Feeling like Faith stole her friends from her hurt her; but her anger mostly comes from the fact that Faith hurt Buffy and Xander in unimaginable ways.
I guess this episode did give me a lot of Willow feelings.
Someone else who shared Willow’s need to impart some wisdom in the most inconvenient times was the Mayor. And honestly? I didn’t care a whole lot about it. Angel and Buffy has a million other conflicts that come before him being immortal.
Like, I get that it’s supposed to shake them out of their own little bubble a bit, and face the fact that they don’t really see a future together. I believe the phrasing I previously used was that being together prevents them from becoming the people they want to be.
Their initial exchange at the graveyard is kinda hilarious though. “You never take me to any place new” - I’m still laughing, ngl.
At the same time, Xander and Cordelia still appear to be having their bitter verbal conflicts. Which is weird, especially after Earshot, an episode that I praised for including Cordelia in the group once again. (I guess maybe Earshot was written with a different place in the season in mind for it initially? I know that it didn’t air when it was supposed to too, because of the school shooting aspect...)
Here, the two of them are once again out to get each other. Even Buffy ends up in the crossfires, as Cordelia aims one of her pointedly cruel jabs at her. Yikes.
But we also find out here that Cordelia is working in a dress shop now, so there’s that.
And this episode of course is also about everyone’s futures. Willow decides that despite being accepted into literally every school ever, she’s going to attend UC Sunnydale with Buffy. Not just to be with her, but because she enjoys saving the world and all that jazz.
Oh, Willow, if you only knew...
This of course also presents a welcome contrast for Buffy, who feels like she doesn’t have a choice but to stay in Sunnydale. It’s a really nice moment between them, as Buffy realizes herself that she too very much made that choice herself. Because that’s who Buffy is. Someone who could never turn her back on the people who need her.
Buffy:  I kinda love you.
We all do, Buffy. Just ask Oz, and his decisive ingredient smashing move that annihilated the whole argument about whether or not they should rescue Willow. (”That’s your future wife!” - me @ Alexis Denisof in that scene.)
Also, shout out at that whole Mission Impossible heist premise we got going on in this episode. I always appreciate a weird clash of genres.
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rorykillmore · 6 years
are there any other potentials you've been considering lately? if so, which ones and why?
hmmmm... most of the characters that i haven’t tried yet/or at least haven’t claimed yet are still very much in hypothetical/potential territory but tbh i’m always kind of engaging myself in brainstorming how creative new additions to my roster would work out even if i never ultimately go through with it so! here are some upcoming possibilities.
i’ve talked about this a bit before but maybe irina derevko from alias. the reason i keep saying that and then waiting 200 years is that i keep getting distracted from rewatching alias and she doesn’t show up until season 2, but still!! i’ve always really loved her and found her so compelling as kind of. someone who was pretty idealistic about a cause when she was younger and then realized it was a pretty fucked up situation and went rogue into a kinda freelance criminal life. and as an antagonist (Sometimes, at any rate she definitely was in this specific situation) who was just supposed to be using the protagonists for something but then ended up legitimately caring about them because i love that trope. and as someone who’s pretty composed and charismatic and always has shifting motives that you’re at the edge of your seat trying to figure out because i love THAT trope. anyways yeah basically she’s a great character and i don’t really have anyone else like her on my roster rn.
i’m also still considering my suspiria oc, charlene! who’d be fun because she’d let me do some darker, more villainous stuff, but also because she’s a lot more secretive about her supernatural identity than like, most of my characters honestly. so i find the idea of balancing these two really opposite extremes (her life as a witch with very dark powers vs. her normal, unassuming life) to be really interesting. and the fact that unlike cordelia or like, really most of the other nonhuman or not-quite-normal human characters i play (besides i guess sophie), charlene can induct other characters into witchcraft and give them powers which is always an interesting thing to see in rp.
BUT as more information on the suspiria remake has come out i’ve honestly been lowkey a little bit like “[thinking emoji] what if i want to rp one of the characters from that” because susie and sara and madame blanc all sound REALLY interesting for completely different reasons i won’t spoil for now since some people aren’t as nosy as i am, but,
that would be cool
and also ngl - although this is pretty predictable for whoever knows me - but i am pretty excited about the charmed remake and i’ve been wondering whether i may like it and its characters enough to decide to pick one of them up OR if not whether it would at least inspire me to just properly app someone from original charmed again. it’s too early to tell anything for sure but. i guess my entire roster is just gonna be witches now!,
okay and a couple of very vague video game potentials -- as you know i’ve always LOVED bianca from spyro: year of the dragon, though i’ve never really had sufficient muse to rp her. maybe the reignited trilogy will inspire me though, who knows!! i’ve always been very inspired by the spyro games’ setting at the very least. aaand also maybe red dead redemption 2 will tempt me to try someone from it because there’ve definitely been characters from the first game i’ve considered and there are definitely some in this game that have already snagged my attention.
and some from a more distant future: laura moon from american gods! lbr she’s always been a fave. there’s something so... i dunno. i’ve always been kind of fascinated by/drawn to “dead girl narratives” even though i also have a lot of problems with them and laura kind of. throws all the usual tropes about them back in your face. she’s the dead girl who REFUSES to leave the narrative. and she’s also so unapologetically, i don’t know, just such an upstart smarmy asshole in a way female characters are not allowed to be and her arc in the book is something i love a lot / am really looking forward to seeing being adapted for the show. but i probably wouldn’t pick her up again until season 2 (which i’m so excited was finally announced!!!) comes out
and the other one is something fate and i have only discussed very briefly but, possibly poison ivy from dc because like... we joke sometimes about how her and harley quinn are the most Our Type characters to ever exist but we’ve never been able to pick a satisfactory medium to rp them from. but now there’s a SHOW centered around them coming out so like.... it’s tempting,
i don’t know how i’ll be feeling about my dc burnout by then but it’d be fun to make denny even MORE gay with those two around,
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fehecks-blog · 6 years
How does a Sumidelia family spend their Summer?
i see you’re one with good tastes. i hope i didn’t ramble too much, aha !
the beach, the park, drinking lemonade and eating whatever ylisse has for popsicles
just really stereotypical BUT super sweet summer girlfriends
ngl they probably have matching swimsuits, what icons.
if they have severa and cynthia, you can bet they do super fun things!! cordelia will take the kids wherever they wanna go, while sumia tries her hardest to manage things! 
cynthia and severa probably hang out with the other kids though
severa complains their parents are “gross and embarrassing”
cynthia will tag along with her moms for a bit, but decides to leave them be and enjoy their break together
SUMIA AND CORDELIA PROBABLY HANG OUT AT A HOT SPRING THOUGH?? everyones a little confused because its already SUPER HOT OUT but gfs will be gfs.
“mom?? why the hell are you two in a hot spring?? its already a thousand degrees!” - severa 
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