#[bird and braincell]
dragonflavoredcake · 2 months
Scar: You know, the way Disney puts Mickey Mouse ears on everything in the parks, I wonder if they'll ever put them on corn dogs or something.
Grian: Scar, just take a minute to picture a corn dog with Mickey Mouse ears in your mind, very clearly picture it.
Scar: Okay, yeah, I—oh. Oh no, it looks like a bad thing.
Mumbo: *laughing*
Grian, also laughing: Scar, this is why you're not a product designer.
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clouvu · 5 months
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Acorn x Wobin thoughts on the brain rn
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Jesper: A goose hissed at Wylan so he instinctively hissed back… Bad move
Jesper: Now he’s suck up a tree with an apex predator circling him and its not like we can both die so he’s on his own
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no but the way miles would jokingly refer to hobie as the tower of london Once and hobie would still be laughing about it ten years later 🤣🤣💀💀
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jet-teeth · 10 months
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"The Raven King"
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icenineporcupine · 6 months
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Mathias Shaw (WoW) as Tav (BG3)
i.e. a beautiful, stabby man making priceless facial expressions...
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callmegaith · 1 month
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Huge fan of whatever is going on in the rusty lake extended universe with the moots rn
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tofangirlonly · 1 month
Should I name my bird Jack Kelly?
Yes. I thought so too.
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mo-ok · 9 months
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dream sentai team, I have dubbed them
Super Sentaisuke
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Teba: Honey?
Saki: What?
Teba: Where're my arrows?
Saki: What?
Teba: Where - are - my - arrows?!
Saki: I, uh, put 'em away!
Teba: Where?
Saki: Why do you need to know?
Teba: I need them!
Saki: Absolutely not! Don't you think about running off doing no derring-do! We've been planning this dinner for two months!
Teba: Hyrule is in danger!
Saki: My evening's in danger!
Teba: Tell me where they are, Saki! We are talking about the greater good!
Saki: 'Greater good?' I am your wife! I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna get!
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dragonflavoredcake · 5 months
Scar: Hey, wanna see your best friend chug a bottle of hot sauce? Grian: Mumbo would never do that. Scar, tearing up: That's cold, man
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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no notes! The perfect boy✨❤️
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birdinabowl · 3 months
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she’s so dumb looking I love her
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just-another-wren · 16 days
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Hello fellow camper! Sector 1 Cabin 1 lets gooooo! You ready for the @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion?
"I don't think I was supposed to hear about it anyway. Sorry! Still, thank you for the bracelets!!!"
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thegreatyin · 2 months
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? - celestial trio (individual answers but. those 3)
okay see the thing is the person altair and canis have been avoiding is rigel and the person rigel has been avoiding is. well. okay altair and canis as well but a highly specific character related to his secret emo backstory works too
altair would simply do what he does in any social interaction!!!!!!!!! aka stand to the wayside and say absolutely nothing unless directly prompted and just kinda look vaguely uncomfortable and scary the whole time. if he had to make small talk he'd keep his words curt and to the point and probably with no small amount of aggression in his tone (9 times out of 10 he doesn't necessarily mean it) (he's not good at small talk) (someone please help him)
canis, by contrast, is a lot more actively sociable and open to conversation! whilst being very awkward and maybe too overly-enthusiastic about it. he's the type to try and make the best out of a bad situation and unless he's refuted he'll be attempting to get along with/tolerate the other person until they're both free. hi im the king of sanctus you've probably heard of me, how are you doing, how's your day been, etc etc. he leaves the scene with suspiciously even more enthusiasm afterwards but at least he can walk the walk about it
rigel is not spending one single minute in this situation. he is prioritizing Leaving. he is simply ripping the door off its hinges and walking away. if he can't do that because it's some sort of social thing or (god forbid) the door is rigel-proof he's going to start metaphorically eating the walls. possibly actually. he's absolutely not going to be the one prompting conversation but unlike altair he will respond and carry it along once it starts. he probably has the raw charisma multiplier to manage for maybe half an hour tops but any longer and he will start trailing off and making bad excuses to leave and stop talking
as a bonus, if all three of them were stuck together with This One Hypothetical Guy they'd all be trying to avoid, canis would be the hard carry of this situation. altair is being altair in the corner and rigel's staying quiet for once in his life going ^u^ and inside he is screaming in a thousand ancient languages nobody who's alive can even understand anymore. canis pastes the biggest smile on his face he can muster (that nobody can even see behind his mask) and acts like everything's fine and dandy for all three of them and then the minute they're each allowed to leave they all scatter to the winds in different directions like lemmings
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gonguji · 4 months
@shinoteien ; .... You may not. They are extinct. Unfortunate, yes, we know, but it's alright. We can cherish that actual living felines of this era.
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