#[electrocutes you]
binalakarchive · 1 year
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nothing in the world is mine for free
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answermywearyquery · 3 months
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happy vegaspete day!
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lesiasmadness · 2 months
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Consider: chaos emerald assisted necromancy
No context for this one, just having fun with an edgy idea
Here's some more:
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greghatecrimes · 9 months
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More Kutner love
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tutterypuff · 1 year
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also, everyone is talking about how Simon has this huge capacity for empathy this this and that about how empathy is so integral to his character as if this guy didn't just spend the first two episodes of this show torturing a goose to death
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gaylenin · 11 months
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zionists after immediately and uncritically spreading the 40 decapitated babies lie and still pearlclutching after it turned out to be a lie just to turn around and "um ackshually" the actual bombing of an actual hospital bc they refuse to believe that what israel is doing is a genocide
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skyward-floored · 3 months
HEY @thepinklink HERE IS YOUR PROMISED LEGEND WHUMP! I hope you were able to get some sleep last night despite the evil cockroach. I would come get rid of it for you if I could but I hope this at least makes your day better 💖
Wild hated thunder blades.
He never used to— in fact, they used to be one of his favorite weapons he’d find. They were great for quickly incapacitating monsters, especially if you were trying to steal weapons, and their attack power wasn’t bad either, which made them great in Wild’s book.
But that was before he’d seen Legend get stabbed straight through the shoulder with one.
His scream was oddly clear through the cacophony of the battle, and Wild heard at least one person yell Legend’s name in a panic. He shot a stalfos through the head, and cast this gaze around for the veteran, gasping as he caught sight of him.
A moblin had somehow managed to stab Legend straight through his shoulder, its weapon a thunderblade, of course, and it’s face twisted in an ugly grin as its sword pumped electricity through the veteran.
Wild dove off of his perch, shooting the moblin that had gotten the lucky hit in straight through its skull.
It died with a snarl, and Wild bolted across the battlefield, his boots sloshing through the marshy area they’d been fighting in.
“Legend,” he gasped as he arrived, and the veteran managed to meet his eyes before another jolt of electricity spasmed through him, making him scream.
Wild lunged for the hilt of the sword and yanked, not even thinking about how he should probably leave it in. Legend cried out, but no matter how hard Wild tugged, the blade wouldn’t come out.
The moblin had slammed it deep into Legend’s shoulder, almost up to the hilt. It had gone straight into the tree behind Legend, and was now keeping him pinned there, all while electricity continued to shoot through his veins.
Wild let go of the sword, mind going into overdrive as Legend continued to writhe in place. He had to get the blade out, that was the immediate problem, but Legend’s continuing screams were making it hard to focus on anything except the need to help him now.
The charge of the blade couldn’t last forever though, and suddenly Legend’s screams died, the veteran slumping as much as he could.
“Legend?” Wild asked frantically, and he managed to raise his head, still trembling from leftover electricity.
“G-get it out,” he croaked, and if Wild hadn’t known better, he would almost think the words ended with a bit of a sob.
“Yeah, I know, I know I’m thinking Legend, I can’t pull it out by myself,” Wild said, pushing his brain to think of a solution. The thunderblade was still recharging, but he had less than a minute until it replenished itself and it was full of electricity again.
Legend was barely conscious now. Wild wasn’t sure what yet another bout of electrocution would do to him.
A shout came from behind, and Wild whirled around just in time to see Sky kill a monster that had been about to sneak up on him. He nodded a quick thanks, and Sky’s face went pale as he saw Legend pinned to the tree.
“Oh Hylia, Vet,” he gasped, and joined Wild’s side immediately. “We have to get him out!”
“It’s in so deep I can’t pull it out” Wild reported miserably, still trying to think of something else they could do. “It’s stuck too, I don’t know if even the Rancher could get it out.”
Legend clawed a jittery hand at the weapon, face agonized, and Sky took his hand, giving it a bracing squeeze.
“Easy Vet, we’re working on it,” he soothed, running his fingers over his palm. Legend didn’t relax much, but he looked a little less frantic at the contact, holding Sky’s hand in return.
Wild watched him, thinking through the blade, the tree, what gear he and Sky had...
And then suddenly he had an idea.
“Wait, I think I can get it out!” Wild realized, and he yanked out his slate, scrolling through the options with fingers he wished were steady.
Warriors ran up to them as he scrolled, blood running down his neck. Sky gave him a look, but he ignored it as he knelt beside Legend, eyes darting calculatingly over the veteran.
“I have a potion, but we’ll have to get that out first,” he said, and Wild nodded, finally getting his slate set to the magnesis rune.
“I think I have a way. It won’t be the prettiest, but it should work. The electricity is about to kick back in though, I don’t know if—”
He hadn’t even finished speaking when the blade turned bright yellow again, and the pain in Legend’s eyes turned to pure fear.
Then yellow-green electricity tore across his body and he screamed, back arching as it seized him again.
“Stand back!” Wild shouted, and Sky and Warriors listened, though neither of them looked like they wanted to pull away from the thrashing veteran.
Wild locked on to the blade’s metal, praying this would work, and didn’t wait a second longer.
He gave his slate a harsh yank, and magnesis tore the blade from Legend’s shoulder with a gut-churning sound of metal through flesh. Legend screamed again, but the sound was weaker as Sky and Warriors ran forward to catch him, body collapsing in a bloody, jittering heap.
Wild flung the sword into the bushes, then ran to their sides, Legend’s shoulder bleeding violently, his limbs still jerking with electricity.
“Easy Vet, it’s okay,” Sky soothed, his voice remarkably steady while Warriors tried to staunch the bleeding. Legend thrashed against their hold, eyes wide and panicked, and Wild moved to help the two hold him down.
Warriors directed Sky to the potion in his bag, and Wild flinched as Legend let out a very un-Legend-like whimper.
“Legend, you need to drink this,” Sky coaxed as he uncorked the potion. “Can you do that?”
The veteran didn’t reply, eyes half-lidded, breathing erratic. He choked on a shaky breath, the sound more like a sob, and Wild took his hand, trying to meet his eyes.
“His heartbeat’s off,” Warriors noted grimly, Legend gasping when he tightened his grip on his shoulder. “He needs to drink that potion, now.”
Wild nodded and took the potion from Sky, the other knight carefully tilting Legend’s head up and holding it still. He pressed the glass to Legend’s lips, carefully pouring some of it into his mouth, and Sky rubbed two fingers on his throat in order to coax him to swallow.
Legend sputtered, but some must have gone down since his eyes brightened a little. He leaned forward just a bit, and Wild helped him slowly drink more of the potion, emptying it more than half before he went limp in Sky’s hold.
“Legend?!” Wild asked frantically, and Warriors waved a hand, calming him.
“He’s okay, he’s okay. That was enough. His shoulder’s going to need attention, but that fixed most of the electrocution issues,” he sighed, running a hand through Legend’s sweaty bangs. “I’m impressed he stayed conscious that long.”
Wild nodded, his brain suddenly registering the sharp smell of blood and burnt flesh in the air. He swallowed, fighting down the urge to gag, and squeezed Legend’s hand again, his screams still echoing in his ears.
Sky looked similarly queasy and shaken, but he helped Warriors pull Legend’s layers away so they could bandage the much shallower wound in his shoulder anyway.
Wild did what he could to help, but Sky and Warriors were already doing the legwork. All he could really do was hold Legend’s hand, and hold him still when a tremble ran through him.
Warriors and Sky finally finished, and Sky pulled Legend up into his arms, the veteran still horribly pale. The battle had ended while they’d worked, and the others gathered around Sky, Hyrule and Twilight especially persistent in their checking that Legend was okay.
Wild stood back a few paces, feeling relieved, but also... still nauseated.
Legend’s head flopped bonelessly against Sky’s shoulder as Hyrule tilted it to look at his eyes, and Wild swallowed, his own heart still pounding from the franticness of the past several minutes.
“He’ll be okay, Champion,” Warriors assured from beside him, his voice quiet. “That was some quick thinking with your slate.”
“Thanks,” Wild replied, though his heart wasn’t in it. Legend had still spent a long time with an electric blade piercing his shoulder and pinning him to a tree, and the memory of his screams made him shudder. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Legend always seemed tense when it came to thunderstorms— Wild could only guess because of the lightning. Which made the whole thing even worse.
Warriors squeezed his shoulder, and Wild breathed out, leaning into the touch a little.
He looked over at Legend again, and though the veteran’s face was pained even in unconsciousness, he was already looking a little less pale. Sky ran a slow hand over his head as Hyrule checked him, and gently thumbed away the tear tracks on his cheeks.
Wild exhaled again, trying to calm his heart. Legend would be fine.
...he really, really hoped so.
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purplepixel · 1 year
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Only Donnie was close enough, and he was useless. “No,” Donnie whispered, his heart hammering. “Leon! You can’t! Stop! Please!” His brother glanced back at him, his beak pressed so tightly shut that it looked painful. He was openly quivering, meeting Donnie’s eyes one more time before his gaze slid off of him and to the side. Draxum smirked. “After you,” the sheep yokai smoothly said. Leo bowed his head, shaking it slightly. Donnie thought he saw liquid drip off of his chin. “Now,” Draxum said, this time colder. Donnie’s brother’s shoulders tensed, but the red-eared slider had turned to face the portal, glanced over his shoulder once more, and then vanished into nothingness.
- Like Father Like Son Ch. 13
Sometimes I think about how things would’ve been different if they did manage to save leo in this moment.
This has been sitting on my ipad for almost a year now. Finally sharing it. One of my first attempts at a style match of the show. Check out the original fic by @eternalglitch ! If you like slow burn hurt/comfort THIS IS YOUR FIC. Being able to make me go “holy crap how are these characters gonna make it out of >insert situation<“ has only been done once before this fic (funnily enough, another slow burn hurt/comfort fic but for the mcu). There's something to be said about reading media where you genuinely fear for the main characters bc it usually goes hand in hand with villains who dont make stupid mistakes for the sake of the plot. So thank you and your writing prowess, glitch! https://archiveofourown.org/works/22166836/chapters/52916926
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tiabwwtws-art · 4 months
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Cute ideas from @hydraposeidon
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being-of-rain · 4 months
My girlfriend 3 minutes into watching An Unearthly Child for the first time: Oh these teachers are fucking
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synthinforever · 10 months
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super sonic
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asurrogateblog · 1 month
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okay the “….And He Did” playlist was a BAD idea why would I do this
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padawansuggest · 22 days
Anakin: *taking a call from Space CERN or some shit asking him to help them fix a machine and a hard equation* -listen, I’m sorry, I can’t actually travel all the way out to SPERN (Space CERN) right now, my grandkids are teething and my daughter’s husband is in over his head, I found him crying and panic eating cake last night-
SPERN employee: No, Master Skywalker-
Anakin: *flinches, shields going up because he doesn’t want the kiddo on his shoulder to feel it* Please, call me Jedi, I don’t like that term.
SPERN employee: *through gritted teeth* Jedi Skywalker, I ask you; do you know the purpose of the machine you are helping us fix?
Anakin: I don’t know; trying to find god or something?
SPREN employee: The Higgs Boson is what we call it; but it’s essentially a way to detect the force through gravitational waves-
Anakin: Yeah, that seems about right.
SPERN employee: -and the machine is constantly tracking you. Like a constant lock on your location. It’s- we would like you to come in and do some tests, is all.
Anakin: *sighing to the force for making him deal with this AND teething twins at the same time, for the second time, even* And as I have said, I don’t really have the time to travel to your planet. Now, do you need any other assistance with recalibration?
SPERN employee: -_- no. Thank you for your time, Jedi Skywalker.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 month
This can't be a fic it has to use cinnamon toraphy to achieve my dream but if I was writing a deancas body swap episode I'd have them both in their respective new bodies in their own rooms really sheepish in front of the mirror. Split screen. Saying (or trying to get out, and only managing once, in Dean's case) "I love you" in their best approximation of the other's voice and then getting SO embarrassed that they have to hide from their own mirrors. And both interrupted by whoever their respective b-plot partner is (who's going 🤨)
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eriexplosion · 5 months
If they ever did actually bring Tech back I'm sure he would be somewhere completely different, but I think that they should still bring him back as CX-2 needing to be unbrainwashed because. I would almost forgive them for jerking us around for over a year if they did something as funny as death faking the man twice.
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 1 month
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dirk would love (or hate) those tv shows where people get slime dumped on them
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