#[i gUESS]
onlycosmere · 1 day
Trump just got convicted of 34 felonies
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serataph · 3 days
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this came from a joke made in vc
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plistommy · 2 days
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dailyboatboys · 2 days
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[82] icon for the boat boys discord server 👍 (dm if u wanna join btw)
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doctahchang · 1 day
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girls when horrors are never-ending
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loveyouanyway · 2 days
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you can have my back any day
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mieczyhale · 2 days
Hargreeves Home for Wayward BOYS?
Viktor the bartender???
Ben what did you DO
Diego looks like he's cosplaying as Gomez Addams
They all look so fucking tired and Done sldflksd love that they're basically all comfy looking and then you have Five
listen. Listen. i LIKE klaus's hair in the trailer. i've wanted short haired klaus back since we lost him after the war. is it as good as his s1 hair?? no. but it's not as bad as the s2 short wig or the cult leader hair so god fucking bless
"we're back we're back we're back everyone get out of the way we're back" "FIRST MISSION BACK" THIS MADE ME SO HYPE
i'm sorry was that viktor beating someone up??!
the use of the final countdown was a little silly but then again this is the A Little Silly show so it works
LOVED the use of Hargreeves dialogue from the flashback in s1e1. bringing it full circle, baby!!!
DANCE SCENE. CANNOT have a season without one
did they just get weapons from a fast food place???
five finally gets a hug, which i love, but it being lila and he's clearly comforting her?? okay. not what i wanted for him but whatever
the umbrella tattoo is back!!
klaus not having his palm tattoos makes me sad. bitch we are supposed to MATCH
very quick glimpse of something that looks like it came from a marvel movie. not idea what's happening there but it's gonna be cool. i think. maybe.
still tentatively excited for the final season but definitely a little more excited and a little less tentative. i don't want to get my hopes too high tho. i think one reason i loved s3 so much is because i went in with such low expectations after being so disappointed by s2 and i don't want the end of this show to be another s2. it HAS to go well or i'm not going to be well
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i wonder if sonic ever talked to shadow about what happened with other shadow...
sonics not a huge "talking about feelings" guy, but i imagine seeing shadow---even a fake version version of him---begging him for help as he deteriorates, would mess him up a bit
when the others ask where sonics been for the past few days, he brushes it off. free as the wind, remember! he does his own thing! but i dont think shadow would buy it.
he probably brashly interrogates sonic, assuming he was off being irresponsible. when sonic snaps that no one would believe him if he told them, that catches shadows attention.
he probably softens, just by a hair, and demands to know what REALLY kept him away. when sonic describes the Other world, shadow doesnt laugh, or tell him off for making up lies like sonic expected him to. and when he brings up the other maria, any trace of irritation in shadows demeanor is replaced with quiet shock.
little blurb under the cut. (i lied its like a whole ass chapter)
"...Told ya you wouldn't believe me," Sonic huffed a humorless laugh. "Chaos, it sounds even more insane when I say it out-"
"I believe you."
Sonic's hand paused where it was exasperatedly wiping down his face. Emerald eyes blinked up at Shadow, the gloved hand now hovering aimlessly in midair.
"Don't give me that idiotic look, hedgehog," Shadow seemed to snap, but his voice lacked any sharp, incriminating edge, "You're not remotely creative enough to come up with a lie that elaborate."
"There's a compliment hidden in there somewhere, I can feel it."
Shadow's round ear flicked in irritation, his eyes rolling and his shoulders heaving as he sighed. Ruby eyes closed, brows furrowed, carefully planning his next words.
"I know how you behave when you lie. This is not one of those instances."
There was silence, save for the far-off twittering of Flickies, muffled by the canopy of the forest. The sun was sinking now, casting orange flares in both hedgehogs' eyes. Sonic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Well, nothing to do about it now," he mumbled, "I'm sorry I said anything. Doesn't have anything to do with you guys-"
"You said this world seemed to be some exaggerated form of paradise for you, to some extent?"
The blue hedgehog was a bit taken aback by how calmly and objectively Shadow was going about this, but... hey, it was Shadow. He balked for a moment, stammering his explanation.
"I... I mean, I-I guess? I'm not sure how creepy button eyes is an ideal lifestyle but-"
"I'm serious, hedgehog."
Sonic sighed again, averting his eyes to the ground.
"I..." Sonic laughed shortly, devoid of warmth, and threw his hand up in surrender, "Sure, yeah. I guess that's what the thing was going for, but obviously that creepy doll hellscape thing is not my idea of paradise. But Shadow, why is this-"
"Do you think I would be happier if Maria was here?"
Sonic's heart dropped to his feet, and he felt his veins run cold. His body was still for a moment, then he shrugged. Then he started to speak. Then he cut himself off. Then he put a hand to his face and stared at the grass through his fingers. The hedgehog noted how close the toe of his shoe was to crushing a small pink flower. He took a step backwards, then looked up.
"I-I don't know, would you?"
"I'm asking you, Sonic."
The blue hedgehog gave a huff through his nose, shoulders slumping in defeat.
"I mean," he spoke quietly, digging a fang into his lip, "I guess so? I feel like it's pretty natural to wish we didn't have to lose people we care about."
Sonic's thoughts flitted to his parents. He brushed it away for now.
Shadow looked thoughtful, deadpan, brows furrowed and eyes staring vaguely at the grass in front of him. Sonic didn't know why he felt like he was poking a grizzly bear. He knew he and Shadow had a tendency to compete rather than talk, so he supposed he expected the black hedgehog to dart off or hurl a Chaos Spear at his skull.
"I don't think I would be."
Sonic blinked in surprise, the tension dropping from his shoulders from when he'd braced himself for an attack. Shadow seemed surprised at his own answer.
"As dear as Maria is to me," the hybrid continued slowly, as if his words were an elaborate chess strategy, "As much as she would've loved this planet, and you---" Sonic felt a pang in his chest. "--what's done is done. If I could speak to her one last time, I would do so in an instant. But..."
Shadow looked solemn. He sighed again.
"It would be selfish of me, to undo the permanence of death. This planet is as dangerous and ruthless as it is beautiful. If people did not have mercy on the ARK, it would be no different here. Her illness would be expedited, and there would be nothing for me to do."
"But what if--"
"The best thing that I can do for Maria is keep this planet safe in her name. That is all."
Twilight now stained the sky softly purple, the faintest glimpse of stars beginning to flicker into existence, and the sinking light cast sunken shadows on the black hedgehog's tired face. Sonic figured talking like this was a fairly herculean effort. The chilled wind softly ruffled their quills. Instinctively, Sonic wanted to lighten the mood by making a jab about Doctor Frankenstein, or Night of the Living Dead, but taking one look at Shadow's exhausted face, he knew it wasn't the time.
The silence was tenuous, both hedgehogs unsure what to do with their feelings out in the open.
Sonic thought about how wrong the Other world had been, how uncanny and fundamentally terrifying it all was. He knew that thing, the puppet made of string and buttons and false fur...it wasn't really Shadow. But it still tried to help him. It was still Shadow's voice begging him not to leave, not to do this to him, not again. He knew the pain in its expression as the little girl in the blue dress unraveled was far from fake. As much as that fake world tried to create happiness, the only real, raw thing? Had been that pain.
Deep down, Sonic thought Shadow deserved to be a bit selfish, at least in this hypothetical, fantastic situation they'd created. And Sonic had the feeling that Shadow really, really wants to be as well. But, ever the realist, he doesn't even allow himself the fantasy. At least that's Sonic's guess. Maybe he's just projecting his savior complex again.
"Race ya home, faker?"
But Sonic also knows that living in a past as painful as Shadow's can be dangerous.
"You mean my home, or the fox's lab you sleep on the floor of?" Shadow smirks challengingly.
He's watched it consume Shadow before.
"That's a low blow!"
It's probably better off for both of them to just live in the present.
"Last one to Rouge's buys drinks?"
Shadow may not have his sister with him anymore, but, maybe the new normal isn't horrible.
"Oh, you're so on! I can taste my victory Shirley Temple already!"
"A Shirley Temple, are you a child?"
Maybe this freedom is what Maria wanted for him all along.
"You're gonna be crying like one when you lose!"
Shadow hmph's with a grin as his skates spark to life, glowing even brighter beneath the now inky black sky. With no warning, he darts off, leaving billowing ripples in the grass behind him. Sonic gapes for a moment, before his mind catches up and he peels away with an eager smile.
The blue hedgehog slows up near the end of their race, if only to see Shadow's victorious expression as Rouge opens the club door.
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hadesisqueer · 9 hours
Jurassic World Chaos Theory season 1 textposts part 4
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theministersdoom · 3 days
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these two images being next to each other in my camera roll is kinda funny
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chiperti · 2 days
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mettamay day 29 - ending
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benji-art-blog · 3 days
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laughably bad......... but i was bored..................................
hes the birthday boy!!!!!!!!!! fnaf..... yea.h........ uncensored version under the CUT!!!!!
hes unreasonable guys hes LOPSING HIS HEAD ahahha
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lanafofana · 24 hours
(belated) WIP wednesday
I had this thought for a real angst fest of a fic where Gale loved Tav but had to stand by while she romanced Astarion and Halsin. After Tav becomes illithid her lovers leave her and, unwilling to let herself become a threat to anyone, kills herself quietly in solitude. This is a tiny excerpt where the tadfools reunite after finding out what happened.
“Well, you understand, Halsin,” Astarion says, looking for an ally. “You left her too.” 
“That was different.” 
A soft voice rises in challenge. “Was it indeed?” Gale, three sheets to the wind, isn’t looking at any of them. He’s spent the night alternating between staring out the window or into the depths of his whiskey. 
“Of course, I still loved her. Her form didn’t change that.” 
Gale’s bleary gaze finds Halsin’s and the accusation in them is scorching. “Your love,” he scoffs. “Your love didn’t stop you from leaving her alone though did it? How’s that haven you’ve been building out in the wilderness, eh? What a grand idea, I’m sure she was so happy for you too. Wouldn’t have even dreamed of imposing but, then, you didn’t even think to ask her to come with you did you?”
Halsin is the first to look away, something like shame coiling in his chest. It was true. He’d been thinking about how difficult her future was going to be, how grim to face such circumstances alone. Comforting her with assurances that nature would provide a place for her. And then he had left her to her fate all the while carving out a place for those seeking shelter and community. “The people–” he begins to explain but Gale’s eyes are bright and his tone is vicious. 
“You didn’t even try.” 
Astarion rolls his eyes. “It’s not like we could even be sure it was still her in there.”
“I was,” says Gale. "I was sure." There is no disguising the sheen of unshed tears in his eyes as he turns away, back to his corner by the window, gazing out at the night sky. “I did my duty, as she advised, I returned the crown to Mystra, and I came back to help my...my dear friend. I was going to invite her to Waterdeep for a spell, if her lovers could bear the separation so soon after our…victory.” Disgust colors his tone. “But I was too late.” He drains his glass and sniffs. “Always too fucking late.” 
His glass smashes against the wall. Halsin flinches but Astarion is cool, composed. Disaffected. Gale has the insane urge to claw his eyes out. 
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kitmay05 · 3 days
Writing somehow feels like the most satisfying and most useless thing to do at the same time.
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okay so I have a carnal need for someone to write a tma time travel fix-it but the second s5 Jon walks into the Archive and sees Tim, he starts crying and gives him the tightest, most air constricting hug ever.
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