#[oh noes he goes deep]
ranaitsan · 1 year
i had to call him sensei!- chp 19
where am I? Why is it dark in here! What is this door? Where does it lead? As usual, I opened the door without realizing the dangers of doing so, and a warm breeze hit me and a strong, golden light shone! It's a lovely warm feeling! It's sunshine! Beautiful green meadow and blue sky decorated with white clouds! This is magical! Is that a tree? It's a beautiful big tree! I see that some people are sitting under it. I will approach him and ask them where we are! Maybe they have an idea how I got here!
I approached them. There was a group of people sitting around someone as if they were listening to his lecture. I approached them a little and then asked them, calling them:
hey! Can you tell me where we are?
The person in the middle turned around and smiled at me, then motioned for me to approach him! His red hair looks familiar! I approached it cautiously when suddenly winds blew, carrying with it black ash. The beautiful world I was seeing evaporated, and flames appeared everywhere, a black sky, and everything burning. Then burnt and torn bodies appeared, piled on top of each other, with a person sitting on his knees in front of them. It's…it's the same person who was under the tree but his face is bleeding, he's familiar! No sooner had he looked at me than a scary ghost attacked me!
And so I woke up panting to discover that it was a dream, rather it was a confused and terrifying nightmare, but… where am I! This is not my room at home with the inventor! It's kind of like one of the rooms of that palace in Althus Paris. Moment! Altos! Ruthven! He had attacked me! And Noy attacked! Am I dreaming now! I can't dream unless I'm alive! If I were alive, what actually happened to me? What happened to Noe!! If I wasn't dreaming, why am I here!!
While I was deep in thought, the one who caused this chaos appeared! It's Ruthven standing next to a bed!
Hey… what are you planning to do?
You seem to remember everything! You never stop surprising me!
He looked at me with a piercing look and red eyes, and my heart suddenly beat violently, painfully, as if a bullet had penetrated it and paralyzed me again. I felt suffocated, as if he was tying my neck with a rope. I remembered for a moment that this feeling was similar to when that mark appeared on my neck in the cafe. Is this because of his powers!!! He grabbed my arm and pushed me violently onto the bed, tightening his grip on my arm and I was helpless and unable to confront him:
What are you planning?
Who are you? You have strange powers! You was able to break the Queen's Fang formula as well as my fire formula! You can match the speed of a high-class vampire! The curse barely worked, and on top of that, you can still remember the oath! Who are you! I order you to disclose everything!
It's a curse then! he's the reason my body goes crazy! So I can't control my body! And he can paralyze me! And again my mouth moved to say everything!
No, I don't know, because I have no memories of this body before I woke up in it! I don't know who I am! And who is the owner of this body?
What do you mean before you wake up?
Oh, my God! He's forcing me to talk. I should be silent! I mustn't reveal everything! I must resist! Resist! Don't tell him everything!!!
I don't know! I suddenly woke up to find myself on the street! I didn't know who I was! And where am I!
How long has that been going on?
Almost five years
So you would like to say that you have no memory of what happened to you five years ago that you have lived until now, and you do not remember anything, even if it was a small sign! What about the smell of your blood? How did you know about it, how did you get the necklace, and where?
I was attacked many times by vampires, and I complained about this to one of our customers, and he sold me the necklace.
Did he explain to you the reason for the smell of your blood?
No, just tell me that the reason they attacked me was because of the smell of my blood
Who was this customer?
He's an alchemist!
What makes you claim to be human?
I cannot write or see formulas, and my eyes are not affected by hunter bombs that confuse the sight of vampires! I don't feel like drinking blood!
My resistance is of no use. I can barely hold in some words! I have to turn the situation around, I have to stop him from interrogating me! What will he do to me after he finishes interrogating me! He will kill me! But if he wanted to, he would have forced me to swear to tell him everything then and kill me! But he made my services unlimited by swearing to obey all his orders! It's a lifetime contract!
Your resistance is futile! Although this is confusing too, child! Your matter is controversial!
What-what are you planning!? Are you for or against vampires!? I don't know who you are! But your actions are suspicious as a member of the Senate! When you tried to assassinate Mr. Luca! Why would you help that deranged doctor!? Why did you send those charlatans to steal my invention! What is your relationship with Nenya!!!
You're not the only one who has several questions! Either now or never chance I know in the future! If I live!!! He grabbed my neck violently and said:
It seems that you have more doubts and accusations than you should, little girl! But your hostility is useless!
He bit me again and started drinking my blood! It's painful and numbing, it makes me feel uncomfortable! I hate this situation! It's insulting! And my body also responds to this in a strange way! I'm making strange noises! It's actually shameful! I try to suppress it but it comes out against my will! And after I lost my ability to speak, he whispered in my ear:
It's no use, you're my pawn now! I order you not to reveal anything about me! Forget what you lived through in the past five years! Starting from today you will live here! As my student! remember this!
what! What is he saying! Student! for whom! I hate him! I hate this! I am his prisoner! I can not resistance! Helpless! I hate this!
My feelings of hatred disappeared along with my sense of reality after that! I lost consciousness after I heard his orders! I have been his prisoner since today! I hate him so much! I won't let him get away with this!
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I am now like, three hours poat surgery. I demand some cutsey head canons. Din+Corin requested most, but I'll take any couple.
Oh noes, I hope you are doing well and that you recover at the speed of light! *big hugs for you*
I may have to work a bit on the head canons, but I hope a Din/Corin one-shot might bribe you into not hating me...!
Trust me
The first time Corin notices it is when the little bean is playing with some village kids and suddenly an android walks into the room. In a heartbeat, Din is in battle-mode, his right hand on the hilt of his blaster, and he is about to riddle the droid with holes when Corin steps between them and grabs Din's wrist to prevent him from drawing the weapon.
“Din.” Corin blurts out. “It's just a nanny droid.” He'd seen the falleen child react with delight at the sight of the android and put the pieces together at the same time as Din went into battle-mode. “It's not going to hurt him. It's just here to pick up the other kid.”
To his surprise, he can feel Din relaxing under his touch. And then there is a terse nod.
Corin blinks, awkwardly letting go, wondering why Din calmed so quickly when he knows how much his Mandalorian hates droids. Strange...
The next time, Corin senses Din is getting increasingly angry in a town square where their possible client is being a jerk. Before Corin really knows what he's doing, he's placed a discrete hand on Din's back, under the cloak, below his backplate, making sure he's touching fabric rather than Beskar, meaning to ground him a little, and is surprised to feel Din lean into the touch. And when Din speaks again, he sounds calmer. Wait, what?
A couple of experiments later, Corin concludes with what he struggles to believe; his touch seems to have a calming effect on Din. As odd and impossible as that seems, it's the only conclusion he can draw after having tested it on several occasions. He might not understand why his touch has that effect, but it certainly seems like it does.
The ultimate test and confirmation comes when the Razor Crest has a malfunctioning and they are forced to land on a moon that is basically rock and lava and little else to do repairs. Din has been on high alert ever since some bounty hunters had eyed both the little bean and Corin a little too much for his liking two planets ago and no matter what Corin says, Din has not relaxed since.
The day goes by with Din working on the ship while Corin and the little bean has tried to help and been more in the way than not. It's late, the suns have been down for hours and the little bean asleep for at least one of them, when Corin decides to drag Din out of the ship by hand if he has to.
“You need to rest a little.” He begs.
Din is not pleased. His silence is unnerving, but not enough to make Corin change his mind.
Soon Din sitting with his back against the mountain wall and his visor locked on to the fire Corin has lit up outside of the Razor Crest, and Corin is just about to interpret it as a victory until he realizes by the tense pose that the man is clearly preparing to be on guard duty.
And this is the guy who claims Corin doesn't look after himself enough??
Checking on the little bean a final time, smiling at the peacefully snoozing bundle, Corin then takes a deep breath and walks over to Din. The man is tense as a statue. Okay, time for the ultimate test.
“What are you...?” Din sounds puzzled, but not angry, as he's forced to scoot forward a little when Corin eases himself down to sit behind Din, one leg on either side of him.
“I'm cold.” Corin lies. They both know he's never cold.
“Oh.” Din doesn't call him out on it, even though he must know it is a dirty, dirty lie. Which is interesting by itself and might be used at a later time. “You want my cloak?”
“No. This is good.” Corin says, easing Din into leaning back against him, which he does after a moment of hesitation. “Or isn't this okay?”
“This is okay.” Din is quick to reassure him, yet he makes a half-hearted attempt to sit back up again. “But it's not safe to...”
“I'll keep an eye out.” Corin reassures him. He runs a hand down Din's arm, finds that enticing gap between his jacket and the glove to absently run his thumb over the skin there. “You relax for a while, okay?”
Din is quiet for a couple of seconds, but his visor is now looking down at their hands instead of staring at the fire. “You might not want to do that then...”
Confused, Corin doesn't understand at first, but then he feels how Din is now even more tense and how his pulse is thrumming away under his touch, and he shifts his touch up to give his gloved hand an apologetic squeeze. “Sorry.”
Din makes a non-committing hum, but his fingers seek out his and a little awkwardly braid them together. “Are you sure you don't want to get some sleep? I don't mind keeping watch.” “You've been awake for three days, Din.” Corin refuses to acknowledge the five minute naps Din has had while he and the child have been snoring away for hours. “Rest. Close your eyes. I'll keep watch. Trust me.” He night not be a good son or a good man, but he was a good soldier and keeping watch is something he knows he can do. He can be useful for once. Din finally relaxes against him, his tense muscles easing down and allowing him to shape himself to Corin's body, his helmet tipping over to rest by his shoulder, and then he tucks Corin's hand protectively/possessively against himself. “Wake me when you start feeling tired. Roger that?”
Corin smiles a little. It's always so sweet when Din speaks to him in 'his' language. “Affirmative.” But moments later, when he hears and feels Din's breathing evening out and Corin realizes the man is not only resting but actually asleep, it squeezes his heart so hard it hurts.
To find out his touch could calm Din, ground him a little, was one thing, but that he trusts him so much that Din allows himself to fall asleep in his arms in unfamiliar territory?
“I love you...” Corin whispers, overwhelmed by feelings and knowing nobody but him and the flames will hear it.
But maybe one day he'll be able to say it out loud? Even if it is the last thing he'll ever say, even if it is said as a goodbye, Corin hopes that he'll be able to tell him one day...
- I'll carry you with me in my heart forever.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi, your metas are super interesting, and even if I really enjoy fanon twilight, it's really cool to read opinions based only on canon too!
So my question is about the sexual orientation of the Cullens, do you think they all straight?
For example i saw someone saying that Edward maybe was demisexual and it left me thinking, so i just wanted to know your opinions about it :)
In short, no.
In alphabetical order:
Alice is with a man, but without getting into the mess that is Alice/Jasper here, I don’t think theirs is a particularly physical relationship. I mean, if Alice wanted to get laid, she could just decide to fuck Jasper, enjoy the vision, and bam. Itch scratched. Thanks, Jazz. Alright, I’ll be serious. Alice and Jasper are with each other because the other represents salvation, not so much because of a personal or physical attraction but because of mysticism. So to me that doesn’t really say much about Alice’s preference. All the same I can’t see Alice having a particular preference, she’s too... Alice. Although it is easier to picture her with women. She is also the second half of the Alice/Bella homoerotic extravaganza, which makes heterosexual Alice even more farfetched to me. So, bisexual or lesbian Alice.
Bella shows clear attraction to women as well as men. She’s attracted to Rosalie, Alice, Edward, and Carlisle. I’ll just give you guys quotes: Of the three boys, one was big — muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even teachers here rather than students. The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction. (Twilight, page 9) This is the Cullens’ introduction. I won’t spend much time on it, just notice the difference between Rosalie and the others. Rosalie is highlighted in a way Alice is not, and Edward is at first glance only the boyish one of the guys. Rosalie was the Cullen whose beauty immediately stood out to Bella. It was hard to decide who was the most beautiful — maybe the perfect blond girl, or the bronze-haired boy. (sic.) Bella has realized by now that Edward’s a grade A hottie, but she’s still torn between him and Rosalie. Bella then gets to know Alice, and they become friends who take showers together(!). Rosalie may be the most attractive Cullen woman, but Alice is the one Bella gets emotionally close to. We get this in New Moon:  UNNATURALLY STILL AND WHITE, WITH LARGE BLACK EYES intent on my face, my visitor waited perfectly motionless in the center of the halt, beautiful beyond imagining.  (...) I locked my arms around her, gasping to inhale as much of the scent of her skin as possible. It wasn't like anything else—not floral or spice, citrus or musk. No perfume in the world could compare. My memory hadn't done it justice. (New Moon, page 191) Bella never thought she’d never see any of the Cullens again, so for her to be hysterical and ecstatic upon seeing her second favorite is not by itself damning. I’m sure she’d be ecstatic to see Emmett too. It’s that fact that she’d missed Alice’s scent that’s interesting. The scent of her skin was something Bella was aware of before they parted. And while it may be tempting to say “it’s because they’re vampires, Bella’s admiring them like she would a work of art!”, Bella never dwells on Esme, Jasper, or Emmett in this way. Jasper and Emmett especially are not admired beyond the introduction of their characters. We never hear about what any of them smell like, nor does Bella remark upon their beauty after waking up a vampire. Carlisle and Edward, by comparison, are men she keeps noticing. Bella finds Carlisle blindingly beautiful when she first sees him as a vampire, and there’s this from New Moon: Though it erased the sting, it reminded me of the gash, and I watched Carlisle's face carefully to distract me from what his hands were doing. His hair gleamed gold in the bright light as he bent over my arm. (New Moon, page 18) There’s thinking someone is pretty, and then there’s gazing lovingly upon their face instead of pain killers. Bella is bisexual.
Carlisle moved in with a very gay man, had a close relationship with him, lived with him for the sake of his company for decades, and only left because of dietary differences. We don’t know for sure whether they actually had an affair or not, but the fact remains that of all the Cullens, Carlisle is the one who is implied to have had a homosexual relationship in canon. He loses his straight card based on that alone. Also gonna link this clip, because I’m Mac listening to Edward talk about how young Carlisle lived with this sexy Mycenaean Greek for a few decades when he was young. Aro is all the santas. Carlisle is bisexual.
Edward... oh boy. His brain is supposedly seventeen, and yet this very interesting thing happens in his relationship with Bella where he never notices her body. Not ever. By body I mean curves. Edward notices Bella’s skin, her frailty, her humanity. He praises her blushes, her doe-like eyes, her warmth, her softness, her swan-like neck, her delicious scent. The feminine aesthetic. He does not once notice her tits. The only tits he is on record noticing belong to Siobhan, and it’s because she has an impossible to ignore rack: She was profoundly female in shape—aggressively, forcefully female. (Midnight Sun, chapter Probability) It’s one thing for him to be old-fashioned and too quintessentially Edward to even think the word “boob”, but in 700+ pages of Midnight Sun there’s just this absence of this seventeen-year-old noticing her curves. More damningly, when seeing Alice’s vision of vampire!Bella, Edward is horrified at the sight of his love cold and hard. He doesn’t describe vampire!Bella by any of the positives, like “flawless”. Edward is attracted to the human, not the woman. What that means for his sexuality... well, I’m going to go ahead and point out that he is very weird about Carlisle, and it’s damning that the personality he projects onto Bella is so similar to Carlisle. I hesitate to apply a label here, but in my own, personal, headcanon we’re veering towards homosexual. Deeeeeeply closeted homosexual.
Emmett is straight. Straightest guy ever to straight.
Esme is pretty clearly taken with Carlisle. Though if she were to feel attracted towards another woman, I imagine she’d have no idea what to make of that, if she even recognized it for what it was. She’s from a very different time and still living in that time, and she continues to be very sheltered. Still, as per my personal headcanon, I see her as straight.
Jasper, who knows. Though if he’s into guys, he has probably gone for it in the past. I suppose I should write a meta on vampires and sexual norms in general, but in short I don’t think they all live monogamously like the Cullens. STDs and pregnancies are unheard of, as is social ostracizing. Vampires are hedonistic, Twilight vampires more so than any other. Which in turn means I don’t think Maria and Jasper were monogamous. A couple, sure, but I don’t think Maria would say “oh noes, I can’t, I’m with Jasper!” if someone she was attracted to made an overture, and same goes for Jasper. So, if Jasper was into guys, then sure. I can see Jasper/Peter happening, or even Charlotte/Jasper/Peter. Jasper is certainly into women, with the possibility of guys as well. And if so, then it’s probably happened.
Rosalie I’m shocked is with a guy in the first place, everything about her screams lesbian. However, she’s clearly into Emmett, so apparently she’s bisexual.
(I’m not including Renesmée in this, since she’s three months old by the time the series conclude.)
This all being said, several of these people are from very different times and wouldn’t have the same concepts of sexuality internalized as we do, so how they’d identify is a very different matter.
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saijspellhart · 3 years
Saij’s YGO Fanfic Recommendations:
Tales from Domino Bay - by NaughtyOrgel
Atem is a flirty Merman, and Yugi is his unsuspecting prey. Until the feels start happening of course. Love this fic. I can’t recommend it enough. Puzzleshipping.
Soft Power - by Actualskeleton
A super cute Boundshipping fic. Characters are written so great. It’s so good it will rot your teeth out from the sweetness. Nothing more to say.
Crescendo - by Kudalyn
Yugi is a Dj and Atem happens to catch one of his sets and just falls, hard. This one is short, but hot, and an absolute treat to read. The writer is super good. And the steamy stuff is excellently written. Puzzleshipping.
His Touch - by Renk3r
Yugi is a little oblivious, and Yami is incredibly jealous and possessive about who should be allowed to touch Yugi. Spoilers, it’s him. A spicy, and wonderfully written oneshot that is sure to satisfy cravings for the jealousy/possessive trope. Puzzleshipping.
Hide and Seek - by Natoya
A fun and steamy Mobiumshipping oneshot. Yugi decides to play hide and seek with Yami and Atem inside the puzzle. But they wager stakes on the game that get downright naughty.
Wizard’s Shop - by CannibalPieChan
Yugi wanders into a wizard’s shop and accidentally breaks a magical golden puzzle. Puzzleshipping goodness. Sweet, cute, and fun.
Keep the Light Shining - by Clydeside
The best kind of Puzzleshipping. The spooky kind. Yugi gets a job as a lighthouse keeper, and meets a mysterious specter haunting the island. Is the ghost malicious? Dangerous? Or just a drop-dead gorgeous sweetheart? (No pun intended. I lie. Totally intended). The writing style is spectacular. The atmosphere is intense, and the mystery and suspense of the whole story will keep you on your toes.
Bridging the Gap Between Us - by Sitabethel
Bakura gets injured while protecting Ryou and Yugi, and the boys make it their mission to take care of him while he’s on the mend. Except Bakura starts getting the feels for Yugi. A steamy, sweet, and cute Kleptoshipping fanfic. An absolute delight to read.
Strip Me With Your Eyes - by Saoirse_Ilysi
Ryuji bullies Atem into filling in for one of his dancer’s at his strip club. Atem begrudgingly dances, but ends up to catching the eye of one of the club patrons, Yugi. Oh noes, Atem is catching feels. Yugi caught feels. Feels are happening. Feels all around. Also Marik is a delight. Love this AU. Love the story. Puzzleshipping.
Reflections in the Water - by Pyromanicofthesea
Ryou bought a house. That tells you everything you need to know about this story, because if Ryou bought a house you can bet your ass it’s haunted. But WAIT! It’s not just haunted by one ghost. Delightful wonderful cute spooky shenanigans. Not sure where all the ships are going in this fic, but I like the Ryou x YMarik chemistry. And I also like the Ryou x Yugi chemistry. So I can’t wait to see how this one unfolds.
Underwater Chrysalis - by Prettiugli
Seto catches a merman during a deep sea mining excursion, and decides to study him. Because that’s just such a Seto thing to do. Meanwhile the merman, Atem, decides to have some fun. This is a long fic, it gets all kinds of kinky, and is a helluva trip to read. Loved it, from start to finish. Seto is written perfectly. Probably the best written Seto I’ve ever seen. The fic is very Kaiba-centric, so I highly recommend if you LOVE Seto Kaiba. Prideshipping out the wazoo.
The Missing Puzzle Piece to Your Heart - by ThePancake
A canon compliant Ancient Egypt AU. Yugi goes back in time to live with Atem in ancient Egypt after the events of the show. (Don’t think too hard about how this works without disrupting history and time. Just enjoy it.) This story is sweet, and steamy, and spicy, and dramatic. The author is super talented, and writes all the characters so well. And the story was so much fun to read. Reading this fic had my heart doing acrobatics when the angst and drama went full tilt. All the feels in the best ways. So much Puzzleshipping.
Haunted House sweet Home - by InkFlavored
Because I can never get enough of the haunted house trope. I highly recommend reading this fic if you need more Puzzleshipping ghost fix. Yugi moves into a new place only to discover a golden Egyptian diadem left abandoned inside the apartment. Atem is a spirit tethered to said diadem. Cue the cutest friendship turn slow burn romance ever. It’s an absolute thrill of a read. Sweet, fluffy, but also full of suspense and spooks.
Fuzzy Handcuffs - by Sitabethel
Probably one of my all time favorite Deathshipping fics. With the help of Marik and Yugi, Ryou brings back all the Yamis using dark magic. Yugi gets reunited with Atem, and Marik with Bakura. But YMarik got brought back with no one to love him... unless. The fic is hilarious, spicy, and a treat to read.
Creepy Hide & Seek - by Sitabethel
Bet you can’t tell who’s my favorite author yet. This fic is mostly Deathshipping with a sumptuous side of Thiefshipping. Two of my favorite ships. Ryou figures out how to bring back YBakura and eventually YMarik by playing a dangerous rendition of Hide and Seek. The consequences of playing the game wrong turn out to be much more grave than he ever imagined though.
Red string - by Renk3r
Mobiumshipping perfection. Yami recovers his memories, but not in the way he expected. The memories come in the form of his former self, Atem. And now his soul is split in two. Yami and Atem inhabit the puzzle together, both vying for Yugi’s attention and affection, and neither wants to share. This is hands down my second favorite fanfic. And my favorite Mobium fic. A MUST read.
Playing Card Games is Just like Making Love - by ChaosRocket
Marik recovers the millennium ring, and manages to bring Bakura back. The two strike up a bargain to get what they both want, but their partnership blooms into a tentative friendship, that starts encroaching on deeper feelings. Especially when they start betting sexual favors on card games. An excellent Thiefshipping romp. So many feels, so well written. It’s ruined me for any other Thiefshipping fic. This one set the bar so high.
Silent Mind - by LadyGodess
The Deathshipping fic, that probably got me into Deathshipping in the first place. The OG Death fic. YMarik finds a broken Ryou, and takes him home. The two become friends as YMarik helps patch him up, and Ryou starts to see a different side to the infamous Yami.
Only Mine - by Natoya
Atem, Pharaoh of Egypt, gets a curse cast upon him by a scorned Princess. The curse forces him to become an immortal pleasure slave tethered to a golden box. The stipulations of the curse? To remain a pleasure slave until he finds true love. Fast forward several thousand years to the present, and Yugi happens upon an ancient golden box that just might contain the man of his dreams. This fic is an oldie but goody. A fun romantic romp, with great humor, spicy romance, and indulgent tropes/cliches of the best kind. A very fun read. Puzzleshipping.
Royal Tricks - by L.C.Burrows
Yugi is a prince betrothed to a Princess from a neighboring Kingdom. Atem is King Solomon’s best Knight. When Atem is assigned to train/tutor Prince Yugi in combat, the two begin discovering feelings for the other. Forbidden feelings. Prince/Knight romance. Just one of my all time favs. Gave me all the feels, and took me on the best ride. Puzzleshipping all the way.
Lessons in Fear - by Milessqueak
Yugi takes a temporary gig, working at a summer camp in the spring to get it cleaned and set up for use in the summer. He meets a stranger named Atem, who is oddly enough, also there to clean up the camp. Amidst paranormal and suspicious happenings the two manage to become friends and uncover the sordid history of the camp, including the string of murders that took place over the last decade. But who is responsible, and is Yugi in danger now? This fic is fantastic, has incredible atmosphere and setting descriptions. The tension and spookiness are off the charts. I wouldn’t describe it as outright horror, but it’s definitely in the Chiller category. And great Puzzleshipping romance to boot.
Fear is Only Skin Deep - Tsurenaii
Yugi loses a bet and ends up in a Tattoo shop to get his ears pierced. But oh no, the guy running the shop is hot and Yugi’s at his mercy. Excellent characterization in this fic, brilliant writing, even lovelier dialogue. This fic is amazing, and you should check it out. I couldn’t recommend this one enough. Some top notch Puzzleshipping.
So… - QueenBastest
A feel good slice of life story. Yugi and Atem explore their new relationship both emotionally and physically. It’s a delightful romp, fluffy, and sweet, and spicy. Lots of sexy moments. The exact type of story I like to comfort read. Starts off fluffy and sweet and gets a little turbulent with drama when Yugi starts working on a secret project with his friends, a surprise for Atem. Love this story. Major Puzzleshipping.
Only Ghosts - Thepigeonqueen
A beautiful story about Shadi taking a trip inside Pegasus’s soul room. The two end up stranded in there when Funny Bunny steals Shadi’s key, and along the way make discoveries about themselves and each other. It’s delightful seeing Pegasus both grow and having grown as a character. And PigeonQueen writes the best damn version of Shadi I’ve ever seen. Like their interpretation of him 100% changed my feelings toward the character. It’s a fun and amazing story, and you should check it out. Definitely the first and most favorite Twistedshipping fic I’ve ever read.
Boundingshipping AU - by Sadistikitteh
Bakura has a huge fight with Malik, and ends up staying with Yugi because he has nowhere else to go. Yugi, the sweet little bean that he is, gives Bakura a place to crash and starts to learn more about Bakura as things get sweet and cute. Then FEELS start happening. It’s so good. And I love this series to death. Boundshipping.
Egyptology Exercises - by Nedjemet
A spectacular retelling of Yu-Gi-Oh! DM, but with 90% less card games and 90% more Egyptology and accuracy. Also it’s Puzzleshipping, and gives you all the wholesome and romantic interactions between the puzzle boys you were longing for in the original YGO. I’m loving this fic, and it really breaths new life and perspective into the series.
I’ll update this list as I find/rediscover more fics to add.
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z1ggy2003 · 3 years
Max Mayfield Storyline Predictions Part 2
Snowball Flashback Rumors
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I'm really excited for this scene cuz it's fucking horrifying to experience in real life.
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Max is in the mindscape. Not Peter's memories, but using her own memories. Peter trapped Max in her most treasured memories, and Snowball is one of those.
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If it's actually gonna be a dream sequence, maybe this leads to Max's coma (Much like Joey in NOES III, he's lured) Peter uses someone to lure Max. She bites in, cause maybe Peter made it like that person is gonna save her. Max followed that person which she ends up going to different places, a complete nightmare.
She went deep into the Mindscape that she was literally just confused of what's real or not. It's obviously all in her head, but mind powers are more fatal than we think. Our mind is powerful as fuck. Especially for an actual superhuman.
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Peter's a VILLAIN. Peter's literally a MONSTER. He doesn't care, especially if he's possessed by Vecna and died a long time ago. He's not a human anymore. Peter Ballard DIED the moment they got flayed, same as Billy. But I'm taking a guess that maybe Peter's case is different. That he died in a human form. But Vecna used his body. So clearly, he wasn't flayed, his body was entered by Vecna. That Vecna didn't literally kill him.
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avengers age of ultron is one of the movies the writers listed. and i believe it's because of the scenes of wanda controlling the avengers' minds
So I think Peter catches Max first in her physical form. He can't put her into the Mindscape while the gang is there. I believe it's just gonna be the two of them.
Enter Hounds of Love. It's I guess basically foreshadows Max's fate. Vecna's following her, and she's exactly captured in the forest. Maybe she got lost from the gang. They were devastated that Max is taken by Vecna. So they create a plan. But at this point, they're really tired. And the military arrives exactly that's why they were taken to the school. They told about what happened. Military looks for Max.
Now hounds of love are hunting. I've always been a coward, And I don't know what's good for me.
Here I go! It's coming for me through the trees. Help me, someone! Help me, please!
Take my shoes off, And throw them in the lake, And I'll be Two steps on the water.
The real reason why Peter does this is still unknown. Like what's his reason for wanting to fuck up these kids. Like he can just release all of TUD creatures out of nowhere if he wants to take over Hawkins but why the hell he even bothers to kidnap and kill teenagers. What does Peter/Vecna/001 wants? I fear it'll remain unanswered until ST5.
Back to the "dream sequence", Max goes in the Snowball '84.
The moment it happens it clearly is very dreamy, nightmarish. It's unrealistic. Scenes pop out of nowhere, someone pops out out of nowhere.
This song is perfect for Max held captive in the mindscape. Asking her to wake up... But it's not gonna be simple.
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Max is confused. She walks through the crowd still processing what the hell is happening. Exactly like Cap's reaction. He doesn't have lines, but expresses confusion.
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She walks in the middle. Observing everyone, processing everything. Then Lucas '84 pops behind her back.
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He takes her hand, she's even more confused. Just like the moment Lucas asks her if she wants to dance. They'll dance exactly like the way they did, or we'll see a flashback.
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But it immediately shifts to Max's position before the dance scene. The dance wasn't real.
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Again, Lucas shows behind her back. But this time, he asks her something else. And it's obviously Vecna's. It's meant to lure Max. Like what Peggy said to Cap, “The war is over, Steve. We can go home."
After Lucas says something, maybe like Vecna uses Max's sadness to make her stay there. He tricks Max that it's much better to stay there than the reality. So Max slowly loses control of her own body and gets trapped in the mindscape.
The look on Cap's eyes says everything. He's in love with Peggy. He wants to be with her. But it's not possible because it's all in the past. This is the point for Max's decision. Should I stay or should I go? She's depressed and maybe suicidal. So will she choose the made-up place than the reality?
I really think Vecna wants Max to stay in the mindscape. To lure El because he can use Max. So Vecna wants her to stay alive, for thr meantime. All he needs is to take full control of Max's mind. Her physical body doesn't matter to him, so when the Military or the gang finds her unconscious, he lets it happen. He clearly wants them to know that Max is now in his hands.
The Military or the gang takes her to the school, which is now the evacuation center. Lucas reads Max the wonder woman comics she love... while hoping and waiting for her to wake up.
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tenaflyviper · 4 years
Just stumbled upon the work of Emily Youcis, and I'm not quite sure what to make of her. She's apparently alt-right, but so much so that it almost seems like an act for the sake of controversy.
"Alfred Alfer" is clearly the product of someone with deep-seated issues, or someone trying way too hard to be "edgy". I love dark humor and horror, but particularly the first two episodes of her work are transparent attempts to invoke disgust: Gross for the sake of being gross, and awash in painfully annoying repetition meant to convey mental illness. To her credit, it is unsettling, which is likely the point.
Around the third episode is when a wild narrative appears. There's honest development. As a VA, when actually taking on important dialogue, Emily does an admittedly decent job. There's a twisted but interesting dynamic between traumatized dog "Alfred", and his alter ego created out of hatred, passion for revenge, and a thirst for power.
Emily does exhibit a genuine knack for incorporating music into her work in a purposeful way. Her choice of a G.G. Allin track in one short continues to speak of her white nationalist leanings (which do seep into her work later on, but again--it's so over the top that it comes off more like parody, which again leaves me to question the validity of her affiliations).
On the one hand, the extreme taboos and deviancy in her work might be seen as "cringe" to many nowadays. It's easy to take it at face value, and dismiss it as such. On the other hand, there are the seeds of something legitimately different and compelling there. Her work is a descent into madness that somewhat justifies its actions. When the titular pooch begins delving into necrophilia (which is...not held back in the slightest. Again, this is some truly warped animation) the implication is that he--not unlike Jeffrey Dahmer--just wants someone to love him, and never leave.
Emily has showed marked improvement in animation, style, and technique over time, including branching out into other mediums (I'm as-yet unsure if this is only her doing, as there are others listed in the credits). She had apparently been working on a full "Alfred Alfer" film, and released it in chunks on Newgrounds (in no discernible order). From what I've seen, there is real talent at work here, but between the subject matter and the creator's personal views, it's hard to know how to feel about it.
"Alfred Alfer" makes Salad Fingers look like a Disney cartoon. Does it go too far? Oh, yeah. Like... I could definitely do without the scenes with "The Littles" and Alfred's other imaginary friends sexually violating him (scenes which are simultaneously sad, considering the "playhouse" is supposed to be his escape/comfort/safe space, yet even there, he isn't safe from abuse). If the aim is to disturb, it is certainly accomplished in spades. In the end, one gets the impression that Emily herself may be carrying a few personal demons.
I cannot fault the highly graphic and disturbing nature of the material, as it has a purpose. Her unsavory beliefs notwithstanding, I support the right of art to take dark turns into even darker territory, even into unimaginable places--hence why I defend the work of such auteurs as Fred Vogel, Marian Dora, Gaspar Noe, and other directors known to dabble in extreme cinema.
What instantly sets Youcis apart from these others is the dedication to not just filming, but animating atrocity, giving it an entirely different impact. Animation has no boundaries--nothing to stop it from becoming as depraved and inhumane as possible. It's also the medium least expected to do so (that's not to say no predecessors exist--Mike Grimshaw is one animator that springs to mind, as does the infamous Mike Diana, who contributed an animated short to 1999's Hospital Brut). I could go on longer about Mike Diana, but his most controversial work was on the comic book page, and goes far beyond Youcis in terms of graphically disturbing content (which he was famously prosecuted for in 1994).
Reviewing material like that of any of these creators is walking a fine line: "Why would you watch that? Why would you want to see that?". That's harder to answer. Morbid curiosity, perhaps? "Do you support the acts portrayed? Do you support the artist's ideology?" Christ, no. I myself am more fascinated by the fact that someone allowed it to escape from the confines of their brain, and leak out into "polite society". Better yet--what made them even think of such things? What does that say about them? About US? And how do you approach content whose creator's values not only clash dramatically with your own, but are ultimately harmful to society at large?
I suppose that's a conversation for another day.
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
vanitas episode 2 reactions
imma do this for the whole series yes bc it’s fun. spoilers ahead obviously
every time i watch this show that sexy vampire song plays in my head bc it’s accurate. but i left my cross & garlic at home on purpose, personally
girl help the sky is fucking cracked to hell???
i really don’t like that there’s parallels to pandora hearts with this curse-bearer shit it makes me nervous. any other series having pandora hearts parallels is like HELL YEAH I LOVE IT HERE THIS IS SICK but a mochijun series paralleling pandora hearts??? in Two ways cause us being warned abt vanitas’ death at the end v much mirrors knowing abt break’s death ahead of time... i’m scared. she’s gonna rip me to shreds and i’m gonna let her but will that spare me from being fucked up in a manner i will never recover from once again? absolutely not
oh shit it’s she (?) i. i think. 
omg pretty water?! god im such a fucking huge slut for pretty animated water tkjkrj i watched the first two seasons of the swiming anime just for that
why is dr being suggested again stop calling me out on my bullshit
the. the moon is leaking.... or crying?! IS THE MOON CRYING?? WHO HURT THE MOON ILL FUCK YOU UP
the op is a never skip kinda op i adore this bitch. the gay rights? the groove? unparalleled. i think only the first carole & tuesday op can rival the gay since it’s literally called kiss me u know lol but this bitch is pretty close. the ending is just as good & gay & unskippable
“my dear noe” you are gay.
“partners in crime” just kiss him already god :/
being in a jail cell together p damn gay too ngl
idk y’all his wording Clearly lends to him wanting you to just give the book a vibe check it’s really not that deep
kiss him kiss him right now you gay fool
ah......................... tsundere................ justlikearthurfromarthur
noe you hurt his feelings ktjtrjt
WHOM the FUCK is count orlock what kinda name is that
th... the host club....
these backgrounds are really pretty this is a mochijun anime im gonna cry
yall going somewhere with “valentine” in the name?? bc you’re fucking gay??? and on a date???????
humankind instead of mankind :) 
dont smugly smile like that u bastard ur literally making my heart skip beats i loathfully love u
murrdurr strikes again
someone please help noe he is having a panic attack. me too when ppl yell around me noe
he’s blushing now that his bf stopped being a tsundere. cute.
:/...... im gay for noe thats all im saying
“penultimate partner” shut your gay fucking mouth oh my GOD
he not over his tsundere shit nvm
vanitas is such a fucking bastard i love him
i wuv u batbi ur my favorite character now
omg inuyasha and kagome??? is that u???
and who is this gay bitch
i love when he goes sonic kin <3 nyoom bitch <3
batbi squeaks ;-; <33
sh... sharon????
ah clearly not sharon as i expected but she does look exactly like her in that one unfortunate omake
yuki kaijura talent peaking
their faces tkjtkjrkjrkjtrekreje
“hurray!!! :>” gay
vanitas is such a fucking expressive character he’s great
love how that woman who looks like sharon is just. standing there. watching. enjoying the show. i mean i’d probably stay watching too if a bunch of vampires were in front of me too to be fair
me too vanitas & noe holy shit hello ma’am
y.. yeet??????????
stop making those faces at me vanitas u asshole im too gay for you as it is
i had a dream about being with a vampire and i was very sad when i woke up to not having one so this satisfied me for now. excited for more~ <3
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🍵🍵🍵🍵 i heard we were here for tea and came as fast as i could
Salty Sunday
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1. Okay this one is a DEEBEEDEE salt 'cause I'm on twitter and life is hell.
It sure just kinda makes me ... :) when I see people talk about Legion and write Susie as like.. A baby girl. Which. SHE IS, MIND YOU. She is a soft baby BUT PEOPLE FORGET... THAT FRANK ESPECIALLY FUCKING BULLIED THE SHIT OUTTA HER. DKFJG Like Susie is baby. But Legion doesn't treat her like it. Frank yelled at her and forced her to stab the janitor. The only one on any good terms with Susie is Julie, and Julie is close to Frank and iirc I don't think Julie stood up for Susie but just kinda agreed with Frank on Susie needing to stab the guy.
People write them as all really close hashtag BESTIES and while some of it is in good fun it just seems people sure forget that they really fucking told Susie she needed to kill a guy or she's a pussy ass coward bitch KAJSDF
2. Mkay I talked about this before but when do I ever shut the fuck up.
SO. SOOOOOO tired of people portraying Angel as basically a sexual assaulter/predator. ESPECIALLY considering the backstory we know now it's just. Sickening and I'm tired of it.
Like. Angel doesn't have boundaries a lot, he doesn't, but he never goes far with it. He hit on Husk, smooshed his face, but that was it. He never tried to grab ass or throw himself on him. It's just relentless flirting. He didn't even flirt with Alastor he was just being a smart ass- KASDJF
Like stop making Angel out to be the guy to grab ass someone or shove porn in Alastor's face or stick his dick in someone's mouth just for the lulz like PLEASE GOD IN HEAVEN I'M BEGGING--
Alright speaking of Alastor being a fucking bitch -- AKSJDF And as I said I've bitched this PLENTY but when will I stop? Never. <3
Fandom GOTTA stop playing this fucking 'feminist Alastor' charade with him because not only is it WRONG but it's SO fucking harmful. And also? As an abuse survivor and someone who has faced a lot of shit from esp men through her life? This just raises serious red flags and makes me physically ill.
Alastor is manipulative. Abusive. Gaslighting. A SERIAL KILLER.
Just because he was 'gentlemanly' to Charlie at some points doesn't mean shit. Don't forget him laughing in her fucking face and trying to trick her into making a deal with him and ALSO trying to isolate her one fucking beacon of support and sense of fucking voice of reason, Vaggie, from her. Speaking of, Remember how he sexually and physically assaulted her? Constantly berating her? He SAW her give ONE sliver of weakness and he fucking POUNCED ON IT like a hungry fucking animal.
Just because he is friends with Rosie and was nice to the ladies in CANNIBAL TOWN by saying fucking 'hello' and saving that lamb demon doesn't mean SHIT.
Alastor has a moral code, that's it. It wasn't because the lamb was femme coded it wasn't because he is a 'vigilante hero' or some shit. It doesn't change shit.
Like I can go on and honestly I'd say it's cause I don't think I have to, but obviously I do, but I won't because it's just exhausting and redundant. KASJDF
I never wanna hear the term 'elevated horror' ever again. AOSDKIFJ
LIKE WHO GIVES A SHIT I DONT WANT ALL MY HORROR TO BE SYMBOLIC AND 'ARTFUL' and also having such a high up fucking nose being like: heem heem this is beneath me kinda shit with horror like oh my god come on. OASKDJF
Like I'm so tired of the idea horror has to be like. metaphorical or artful or polished to hell and back to even be considered a good movie or anything worth of a viewing or even recognized as an art form.
like if you think you're too good to watch a NOES movie or a Saw movie because you only watch shit like 'Midsommar' and fcking 'Get Out' then I want nothing to do with you. KSDJF
Mind you also. I love these movies!
But jesus christ the fact the narrative of horror having to be NOTHING but this is so ... :|
I haven't seen a good slasher film come out in years.
The closest I can think is 'Hush' and while it was good it just. Doesn't hit the same like Halloween or Scream or NOES or something like I miss it.
And I'm tired of pretentious art assholes coming into this genre with their high horses. OASKDJ
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duhragonball · 4 years
For the Ask Game: Son Goku
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: Goku is the main character in Dragon Ball Z, an anime that I have enjoyed tremendously for over 20 years.  He kicks aliens really fast and hard, and he eats wolves and bugs and clouds, and he’s very cool and good.   
That may sound kind of basic, maybe even borderline sarcastic, but I’m not sure how else to put it.    I’ve gotten so used to liking Goku that it’s hard to articulate why.   
Like, okay, you know that one episode during the Cell Games, where he’s gonna pick apples from his favorite apple tree?   And he does the special karate punch that makes the apples all fall out of the branches without really hurting the tree?    In the dub, he says to the tree “Ready for one more round, old timer?”  Or something like that, and then after he hits it, he’s like “See?  That didn’t hurt a bit.”  I’m not getting the lines right, but you get the idea.    That’s some choice Goku right there.    He’s friends with that tree!   
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Why I don’t: hE gAvE mOrO a SeNzU bEaN-- ha ha just kidding, but can you imagine not liking Goku?   Because of something he did in some horseshit fancomic that doesn’t even count?
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of guff from people about Goku showing mercy to his enemies.   This is humorous to me, because I’d bet you dollars to donuts that they’re fans of Vegeta and/or Piccolo, and that only happened because Goku decided to have mercy on their stank asses.    “Well I like Vegeta because he kills people.”  He only gets to do that because Goku allowed him to live.    Best Green Dad doesn’t happen without Goku, period, end of sentence, new paragraph.   
I’m not a lore expert like that guy on Twitter who only watched DBZ Abridged, but here’s some cool trivia for you: Cell could have self-destructed and destroyed the Earth at any time.    It literally does not matter that Goku gave Cell a senzu bean before Gohan fought him, because Cell would have done the same thing no matter who beat him or how.     If Gohan had wiped him out quickly, that nucleus would have survived and regenerated, and he would come back even stronger.   The senzu bean just delayed the inevitable outcome, and not even by that much, because Cell wasn’t that worn out in the first place.   The whole thing with the senzu bean was Goku playing headgames with Cell and no one seems to understand that but me.   
But what about Moro, you ask?   Hey, come here.  
Closer.    No, closer.   
Listen to me.   I love you, okay?    But the Dragon Ball Super manga isn’t canon.   Hating Goku over something he did in Super is like hating Superman for something he did in a Mad Magazine bit.      
“Blargle blargle he doesn’t kiss his wife bad father, tournament of power--” I super mega don’t care about any of these ice cold takes.      Every day I go on YouTube and it recommends me the dirt worst Star Wars commentary videos.   “Maybe the SITH were actually the GOOD GUYS and the JEDI were the BAD GUYS!  Huh?  Did I just BLOW your MIND?   Be sure to like and subscribe!”  Every dope with a keyboard seems to think they can flip the script and pretend they’re some kind of genius.    “Thanos was right!”  “Magneto was right!” “Dr. Doom was right!” “Antifa are the real fascists when you stop and think about it!”  “Masks and vaccines are bullshit, COVID-19 is a hoax, but if it were real, maybe it’s the good guy in this situation!”
I didn’t mean to go off on a rant here, but the whole point of Goku is that he’s a pretty cool guy, and the hero of his particular adventure, and you see all these people trying to outsmart that somehow, like it’s not the premise of the character.   It’s like all those fan theories about how every show is really one character having a coma dream in the hospital.    It’s fake-deep, like when Will Smith’s kid goes on the internet and says something like “Water isn’t wet when you stop and think about it.”  
I’m not saying everyone has to like Goku, but I don’t get the hate-boner people have for him.    I don’t like cole slaw, it’s soggy and insipid and I don’t understand it, but I don’t go around trying to convince people it’s not made out of cabbage.  
Anyway, Goku’s awesome. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): It’s hard to choose, but DBZ #248 always fucks me up.   I looked it up in my liveblog archive to get the episode number right, and the first line of that post: This one always fucks me up.
Moving on.
Favorite season/movie: In Dragon Ball terms, I guess this refers to the sagas, so I’ll go with Cell Games.    Goku goes into the battle with this flawed, touch-and-go plan, and it works.    He defeats perfection with imperfection, and it’s glorious.  
Favorite line: “What I represent can never be destroyed,” is one of the most metal lines ever uttered, anywhere.   It’s a threat and a moral lesson all in one.   
Favorite outfit: Two answers for this one.  
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Shu’s outfit in the Fortuneteller Baba Saga was awesome.    I used to wear yellow T-shirts to work, so when I put on my blue labcoat I would see myself in the restroom mirror and think: yeaaaaahhhhhh.
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I’m also big into Goku’s look during the Cell Games, classic orange outfit, blue shirt, with the Super Saiyan form ready to go.    That may sound obvious, since this is kind of Goku’s default look, but it takes a while to get all of this together.  For me, it was a big deal to see Goku in action as a Super Saiyan in his standard fighting gear, because the whole time he was SSJ on Namek his shirt was ruined.   Against Gero and 19 he was sick, but starting with the Cell Games, we get him fresh as a daisy, and it’s worth the wait.   Harder to stealth cosplay, though.
OTP: Gochi.   Come on.    I don’t even care that much about ships, but they’re adorable on the show, and the internet backlash against Gochi only intensifies my defiance.   
Brotp: I wrote a fanfic with Goku and Yamcha just joyriding in the desert, and that seemed pretty awesome, so maybe we need more of that.   
I dunno, maybe I’m giving this to Bulma.   They don’t get a ton of screen time together after a certain point in the show, but the bond between them is this really sublime thing.    In the same fanfic, I wrote Bulma and Goku interacting, and that was just a pleasure to write.
Head Canon: I think Goku being an alien orphan matters more to him than he lets on.   Early on, he knew he had parents but he didn’t know why they left him in the woods.   Pretty much every interaction he has with the outside world is about him being different.   Then he finds out he’s a Saiyan and all the Saiyans hate him for being weak and sentimental and so on.   He can kick all their asses, but that doesn’t make him any less of an outcast.   
I think becoming a Super Saiyan is a bigger deal to him than he lets on.   That moment kind of serves as this unspoken proof that there’s more to being a “true” Saiyan than Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz ever knew.   That maybe, if his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great granny could see him, she might approve.
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Unpopular opinion:
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Yukio Ebisawa is underrated. 
A wish: I always wanted to see Goku style on Broly ‘93.   It seemed unfair to me that they kept bringing Broly back, and even teased a rematch with Goku in Movie 11, only to not deliver on it.    I wanted Goku to turn Super Saiyan 2 and Broly’d be all “oh noes!” and Goku would look at him and be all “Yeah.   What now, bitch?    That green shit won’t cut it anymore.”
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I think my darkest fear about the Dragon Ball franchise is that it’ll get bastardized like Superman, where some giant multimedia corporation owns it, has no idea how to tell new stories with it, and refuses to let it lapse into the public domain.   I have no idea how public domain works in Japan, but “Disney Toei’s Dragon Ball KH” doesn’t sit well with me.    Hopefully I’ll be dead by the time that happens.  
Like, Rise of Skywalker wasn’t that bad.   But it did lead me to worry that they really have no idea how to make Star Wars work.    They got it right enough, but the part where Rose is going to stay and guard the base or whatever, it just made me realize they’re only guessing, and they just happen to guess right often enough to succeed.   And it’s not like you can jump over to some other studio and see how they handle a Star Wars movie.
5 words to best describe them: Ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.
My nickname for them: Geeko.    Ha ha, just kidding.  
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ilovefanfic86 · 4 years
Supernatural S15E20 “Carry On” Series Finale
Warning!!! I am going to be very emotional in this post. I kinda still am. There will also be plenty side noes. 
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I knew they would play that version. (Grabs tissues)
They were babies. 
Bobby will always be the dad the boys desrved.
Sam was so damn buff in “Lazurus Rising”.
I like how we get to the old characters/actors.
It feels like they wanted to make us cry before the actual episode.
Here we go...
 *Deep breaths*
Lol!! “Ordinary Life”
Dean kept Miracle!
I’m Sam making the bed.
I loved this montage of Sam and Dean living a free life.
The title card for the last time.
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Pie Fest!! 
Finally Someone brought up Castiel.
*Side Note*
 What Dean said makes sense. Them honoring Cas’s sacrifice by being happy and free is what the should do, but fuck that.
What is this purge shit?!
Haven’t seen John’s journal in forever. Its beautiful to see that they still have to use it.
Evil mimes = Vamp mimes Thank you Dean.
Well its clear that Jack brought back everyone. Good cause I was worried about Garth.
I don’t trust this plan.
Dean and his ninja stars are too funny.
Yea, clearly a trap.
*Side Note 2*
I am feeling a little let down with the “MOTW” storyline. It’s not what I was expecting. Hopefully this goes somewhere.
Damn! Sam got his ass scooped up.
Wait... What? Jenny? I barely remember her.
Oh... Well bye Jenny.
DAMN IT DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dean telling Sam that he is proud of him.
I am truly speechless right now. Dean is really dead.
Poor Sam. He had a hunter’s funeral with just the dog.
My heart is really broken right now.
Thank you Donna.
*Side Note 3*
I noticed that the call is from Texas. Like “Walker: Texas Ranger” Lol!!
I am having anxiety watching Sam leaving the bunker. 
The Table...
*Side Note 3*
How did Dean fight the universe’s ultimate badasses and was taken out by a FUCKING NAIL!!?!?!?!?! 
Dean and Cas deserved better.
Dean is in heaven. 
Wait... What did Jack do?
So, no more reliving life’s greatest hits?
Rufus is with Aretha Franklin and John and Mary live up the road.
Harvelle’s Roadhouse.
Except... WHERE THE FUCK IS CAS?!?!?!?
There’s Baby! With the original license plate.
Sam had a baby and named him Dean!
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I can’t see the woman on the porch? Is that Eileen?
Little Dean has the possession tatt.
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An acoustic version of “Carry On...” Who said that this was okay?!!!!
Is he going to meet Dean on the bridge?!!
“Heya Sammy.” 
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After watching the episode a few more times and reading the lastest gossip about the finale. I do have some opinions on the matter. Some of you may agree and some may not. These are my opinions and thoughts. 
Given all that has happened this year I am grateful that they filmed anything. They risked their health and the health of their familes, to get us the finale. I appreciate that. However, there is clearly somethings that were amiss. 
First, Dean. (a.)At first I was just completely hurt about his death. I was so mad that he was killed by rebar because of a lame ass vampire. I get the angle that they were going for with it. Now that Chuck isn’t writing their lives anymore, they don’t have plot armour anymore. Basic shit can hurt them now. Just like when the didn’t have any “luck”, regular people shit happened to them. So, if you fight in a barn around random ass rebar sticking out, you’re bound to get hurt. 
(b.)Social Media. I get on Twitter and Supernatural is trending. But, not because of high praise. No. It was because a lot of the fandom felt cheated by the finale. Which is how i felt at the time.Then that Jensen did not like the ending. That he thought that the ending was going to be different than what we got. Granted that they couldn’t go full out because of the virus. If I am correct, Jensen said that they would go out “Butch and the Sundance Kid” style. Plus they edited so much of the episode “Despair” that him and Misha felt that the charaters were cheated. Also Jo (Alona Tol) and Ellen (Samatha Ferris) Harvelle were not asked back. Which I thought was strange. 
(c.) What happened to all of Dean’s earthly possessions?
Seceond, Sam. (a.)Sam’s life. I am glad that Sam got to live a long life and have the family that he always wanted. I know that because of the pandemic we couldn’t shoot everyone together. That being said, Did Sam marry Eileen? We don’t see or hear from her. The only glimpse of his wife is on the porch and its so far away we can’t tell who it is. Also in Sam’s montage, we see a lot of pictures inside his house. But not one of his wife. It just seems rushed is all. 
(b.)Sam’s aging. I am not okay with the wig that they had Jared wear. It looked like a Party City wig. Again, rushed production. But, I do forgive them for a shirtless Sam/Jared. THANK YOU!
(c.)Sam’s heaven. This may go into the plotholes area. When Sam goes to heaven will he see Jess again? Jess was the love of his life and he said that he still thinks about her.
Third, Castiel. (a.) Misha Collins did a amazing job as Castiel. His performance in “Despair” really broke me. That being said, Cas deserved better than the show gave him. A few mentions in the last episode. But no one is really talking about the fact that Cas confessed his love for Dean and it was completely ignored. We just know that Jack got Cas out the Empty and they both made a new heaven for Dean. Does Cas and Dean ever see eah other?
(b.)Destiel/CasDean. DESTIEL BECAME CANON! This was a huge thing for the SPN fandom. People who have never watched the show were interested by this. This made 2020 a little more enjoyable. Now, I know that there are some that are against Destiel. That is your right and opinion. However, it is now plain to see that Cas has always had the feelings toward Dean. And they are not on a platonic level. There has been years of evidence to this. Sam and Cas’s relationship is not the same as his and Dean’s. Naomi programmed Cas to kil Dean but couldn’t once the time came. From angel to demon, Devil and God has all said at one point or another that Castiel was in love wth Dean.. Whenever Cas died on the show, Dean spirals out of control. He always tries to find something else to get his mind off the fact that Cas is gone. Does Dean feel the same for Cas? I’m not sure, but I lean more to that he does. I have always believed that Dean was Bisexual. He’s been seen checking out men on the show. I just wsh that they would at least acknowledged it. 
Fourth, Plotholes.(a) There are so many plotholes after the finale that I need answers to. I have too many to put on here. I will put those in a different post. 
For what the finale was, I liked it. It did fall a little flat, but if I just focus on the fact that they both got the ending they deserved.
 2 brothers, hunters, Archangels vessels, Men of Letters, Legacies, Knight of Hell, Boy!King, ‘Messengers of God’s Destruction’, Dads, Heros. Thank you.
Sam and Dean Winchester... There is peace, now you’re done.
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little-lily-w · 4 years
Asa Emory x Eve (their story)
A/N: After two days I managed to put all the pieces together. This is a story we’ve been creating with @asa-emory-the-collector (mun is @vannahhere or @slassher-addict) It tells how their lives met and how their relationship grew. Eve is my muse. You can find her on @hisbluemonarch. 
Warnings: the ones you can expect in a world ruled by a sadist and a person who fell in love with her kidnapper. 
Words: 30k+ (and we will continue writing it). Give the story some time cuz at first we were figuring out our muses functioning together but then they become clearly defined. 
My parts are marked with “E” and Vann Vann’s parts are marked with “A”. 
You know one of my attributes as an angel is living to please you, right? Even if what you're thinking involves some sort of... knife to my disgrace.
Fascinating little pet…
*Episode visiting Jesse*
*Comes running to you* Asa, one of the Shepherds is chasing me to bite me 😭
What exactly did you do? Or did they just see you?
 Ummm... 👉👈 I saw them and I thought it'd be nice to pet them so I went to one of them and released him from his chain... 👉👈 He seemed nice when I was doing that but as soon as he was free he started growling. Oh no, here he comes
You’re fine now, just stand behind me a little. Don’t do it again, they’re chained for a reason. They aren’t your average dogs.
Thank you and... I'm sorry 👉👈 I won't do that again. Promise.
Unless you want to get torn to pieces.
Sometimes, when I spy your work on the down floor I understand why you enjoy silence. If you try to turn low the sound of the new victims' screams, you look like a paintor or an orchestra conductor
A conductor? That’s interesting..
The story starts to have shape from here (Eve realizes she likes Asa but Asa doesn’t trust her yet):
Can I borrow your black garment? I appreciate not having to sleep in a box anymore but I feel a bit alone in this room. 😔
Do you want to join me? You’ll be on the other side of the room though.
You mean me sleeping outside your room? It'd be nice. Since this place is so quiet I'd dream that I hear your heartbeat from the distance
No, you’ll be inside of the room, chained to the wall by the couch.
Oh my god, having a comfy place to sleep and being in your presence is such a privilege. I don't know how I could be grateful enough but I'll behave so good you'll think you have me better trained than the Shepherds.
I’m not so sure about that, but sure.
*sleeps quietly all night. Wakes up at the sound of Asa getting up but pretends to be asleep so she can look at him from the corner of her eye*
Do you know, that your breathing changes once you wake up? 
*leans down to look closely at your face*
*Yelps at the sudden image of his aracnid eyes* S-sorry *the chain clanks with her tiny whimper*
*stares a bit long* *walks away without saying a word*
*Hours pass by. From that room, nothing is audible, not even the horrible screams of the "zombies". She looks around. The chain is clean but old. She doesn't even try to pull from it knowing it's well secured, nor that she wants to go anywhere. Was it true? She spent the night in his room? Thirst and hunger start to have their effects on her but even if she is dizzy and her members become weak, she doesn't complain. The image of him sleeping so close was enough nourishment.*
*walks into the room to observe your state*
Would my little bug like to eat? I’m sure you’re hungry.
*nods exaggeratedly* please *tries to move closer unconciously but the chain pulls her back and she falls on her butt*
*smirks before leaving back out of the room. Shortly comes back in with a sandwich and water*
*places it in from of you. Then watch you eat*
She eats ravenously. Food always has a moist taste but it's not particularly disgusting since by now she doesn't have taste buds anymore. In her head it could be like dinner at a fancy restaurante. After all, he is there watching her and she is there watching him, his eyes, his parted lips, his knife hanging from his hips... Sometimes its shine makes her have a flash of her old life but it gets lost when she notices the butterfly design he's been carving in her forearm.
He just watches her until she finish, he grabbed the plate and leaves out of the room.
He comes back in to take her out of the room, leading her to another room. He throws her in, closing the door, locking it.
She sighs and sits right in the corner, hugging her legs. What did she do wrong? Is he never inviting her back to his room? At least she still has the chain attached to her neck as a reminder. Suddenly, a loud noise comes from outside and then the sound of a key. Was it him? To her surprise it's a blonde guy who locks the door back and approaches her in a heartbeat. "Who are you?!" He shushes her violently and starts pulling from the chain (1/2)
 “No, what are you doing?!” She screams at him. “Come on, we need to find a way out”. “No! Stop!” She screams again, and this time the struggle ends up breaking the chain and it comes off of her collar. “WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!” The guy then decides to step back and hide behind an old armchair. She stays there screaming babbling noes trying uselessly to connect the chain again. (2/2)
Asa watches through one of the peep holes, already setting the traps in the hall and vents. They weren’t getting out of the room. He watches the boy hide behind the chair, it’s useless, and he knows that.
Tired of waiting around, Asa opens the door but remains out of sight. Hearing the movement inside of the room, he saw the two emerge from the room.
Running through the halls, the boy triggers the trap. Lucky enough, the girl trips and falls, avoiding the spears coming out of the wall. She needs to move carefully, or else she’ll trigger another trap.
Asa watches as the girl looks around, trying to make her way back to her given room.
"Asshole", she yells once again in her room. Her heart beats like she's on a rollercoaster. What if Asa saw that guy dragging her and thought she was trying to escape? She was lucky enough to avoid the trapps, mostly because he taught her about them some time ago but of course he could have set new ones and that was a high risk she wasn't enthusiastic about. (1/2)
 What’s worse is that she is now back in the room looking at the broken chain like she has lost a treasure, not even realizing she is covered in the blood that has splashed all over her face and right side from the destroyed body of that man. Her angelic features still manage to peek from that filth but they’re nowhere as attractive as they were just a moment before. “Fucking asshole” she yells again and starts kicking madly the armchair with an anger she hasn’t felt in a very long time (2/2)
Asa stands in the doorway, watching the fit of anger with amusement. He waits until she feels his presence, before he motions her closer to him.
The image of him surprises her like a cold shower. Stopping all action, she takes a deep breath and walks to him at his motion. ´He is going to stab me´, she thinks so she moves like she knows best: slowly and with her head down but preparing for the worst.
Once she’s close enough, he circles behind her. Moving her hair, he looked at the now broken chain on the collar. Deeming it useless, he takes it off, observing the bruise.
He leaves her in the room, walking into the hall and into another room. This room looked way better than the rest, excluding Asa’s. He went to the bathroom and ran some water.
Going back to the trembling girl, he threw her over his shoulder. Weaving his way through the hall, avoiding the traps.
He sets her down in the bathroom. He waits for her reaction….
Even after he removed the item from her neck, she still didn't know what to expect but when she threw her over his shoulder, her anger has vanished; it's impossible to be angry in such a pathetic position. She always has to resist the urge to squirm, it has earned her harsh spanks in the past, not the ones you see in the movies but the ones behind the knee that make the joint burn inside the flesh. It isn't the first time she is inside the tidy bathroom. (1/2)
 Things have evolved from him throwing buckets with iced water and bleach at her to earn his trust and be left alone in this big room of the hotel. Despite that, Asa is still there watching her trembling being. She wants to scream at him that she didn’t had to do with what happened but it’s not wise to break silence at this point so she goes to the tub and puts her fingers in the water: it’s warm, and it’s then when she realizes about the blood covering her. She looks at him waiting a command
Get undressed, get into the tub.
A deep breath and a shaky exhalation come after that. In her lost mind, this moment of her getting naked in front of him was always a nice fantasy but god, the real situation was different, she was so fucking small before him, and the bathroom was also enormous to make her feel like an actual bug. Slowly, her fingers fidget with the fabric of her shirt before removing it, hands covering poorly her breasts not knowing if she was supposed to do that. (1/2)
 When the turn of her wasted skirt comes, she can’t stand the shame and turns her back at him. Then she gets into the tub, still on her feet and facing the wall.
Sit down, look towards the faucet.
She obeys, taking advantage of the position to hug her legs and cover more surface although the water is actually pretty relaxing.
Asa grabs the sponge, dipping it in the water. Slowly washing the blood off, the water started to turn pink.
Instructing her to tilt her head back, he rinsed off her hair as well.
He leaves the bathroom for a minute, shortly returning, draining the water. Holding a towel out for her to step into, effectively covering her body.
Both of you leave the bathroom, but Asa is a few paces ahead. Leaving the girl in the locked room, clothes lying on the bed.
A black, long sleeved dressed and a pair of normal black, cotton underwear.
It looks like she's finally able to breathe, out of a moment that felt like eternity. Back in the bedroom alone, she notices the clothes. 'Such a classy taste'. She removes the towel, taking a moment to caress the soft fresh skin of her arms as a way to treasure the path that the sponge has created. Then she changes into the underwear and dress, the long sleeve covering the scars of the butterfly design. Too lost in adoration, she never wonders where the clothes come from (1/2)
although the sudden pain in her neck delivers her quickly to reality. The bruise is already purple and makes her unable to move her head too much. At least if she has long sleeves, he may not continue with the knife. Because even if they weren’t deep cuts, they were still as painful as the bloodish mark on her neck. ‘Am I going to sleep alone today?’ She looks down. The dress suits her almost perfectly but soon it gets a bit wrinkled due to her starting to fall asleep on the bed.(2/2)
Asa enters the room to find the girl sleep, so he leaves the jug of water at the end of the table. He sits in the chair in the corner of the room, a little out of site.
Watching her sleep….
 The story evolves (Eve muse has a name and a more defined personality. Asa slowly gets closer to her)
A few hours later, Eve wakes up. Hissing a little at the touch of the sheets against the bruise on her neck, she scrubs her eyes and steps out of the bed, fixing the elegant dress. As she walks a few steps, she notices Asa in the corner and jumps. ´Breathing changes when you're awake but he must not breathe at all', she thinks to herself. "What happened before... I don't even know what happened, he came here and and...", she starts.
He stood up, making her go quiet, walking towards her. Putting his finger to his lips, then putting his hands through her hair.
He pulled her hair back slightly, looking at the bruise on her neck.
“Hmm, too bad.” He thought to himself.
Releasing her hair, he walked towards the door.
“Relax while you can, I have something for you later.”
He left out, closing the door, locking it.
As soon as he has his finger on her lips she shuts up, opposing no resistance when he tilts her head back. His hot breath near her neck sends shivers down her spine and she would have no problem to be bitten even if that meant an even harsher amount of pain on that spot. When Asa leaves, she stays there, trembling at his phrase; even after all this time she still doesn't know what to expect from him. Noticing the jug of water but no glass, she rapidly picks it and gulps it down her throat.
Asa returns to the room 2 hours later. Putting a blind fold on her, he throws her over his shoulder once more.
Quickly walking through the halls, he got to one of his favorite rooms. Laying her down on the freshly changed bed, he cuffs her wrist and ankles to the bed post.
“I did say I’d let you lay down the next time.” He whispered in her ear.
He walked around the room, purposely getting her nervous.
Grabbing the riding crop, he ran it down her arms.
Her stomach.
Her thighs.
Slapping it across her chest.
Then across her legs.
Right above her pubic bone.
Prepping her for what was to come next….
Eve is used to being carried like a rag doll but the blindfold is something new, something that makes her feel even more vulnerable, if that is possible, with her senses hyper aware of her surroundings. When she's left on the bed, she is grateful for the soft mattress but then the cuffs come and all of a sudden she's like a gift presented with a beautiful black ribbon, unable to move and unable to speak, not because she's gagged but because she knows better. (1/2)
 Asa’s steps already make her breathing unsteady although when the crop touches her skin, a loud yelp comes out. It’s a cold sensation that quickly gets warmed with the first smacks. Painful but tingly, harsh but delicious, to the point where she doesn’t know if to writhe or curl her toes. Most likely she does both at the same time, especially when he whispers in her ear. By the time the crop stops, she’s unable to think straight and breaks silence. “Pl- please…”, she gasps agitated like a mess
Grabbing a knife, Asa made very, very shallow cuts across her skin. Enough to sting, but heals easier and quicker, no pain. The crop helped her blood rise to the surface. The cuts have small dots of blood peaking through.
He wanted to mess with her. So he stood completely still next to her. After a moment, he blew inside her ear, chuckling silently.
He grabbed some ice and a candle that was burning. Dripping the wax, then dripping the cold water onto her skin. Repeating this action over and over.
He didn’t want to be too mean to his favorite pet. He grabbed the aloe gel, rubbing it all over the shallow cut marks, as well as on her neck. Uncuffing her, he picked her back up, taking her back to her room. Leaving her neck bare, he left the bucket of ice. He then left to go get her a juice with another sandwich. Leaving her once again, locking the door.
When she's back on her room, her whole body is shaking and aching, not out of pain but out of the heaven she has just experienced. That's why, by the time Asa comes with the food, she has already collapsed asleep on bed, all energy she could have left was drained out of her. After a long peaceful sleep, the first thing she notices is the ice bucket although it's already melted but she picks it up and drinks it anyways. Then she notices that there's actually juice waiting for her and chuckles(1/2
She looks in the mirror of the corner. The bruise on her neck is still there although less painful by now thanks to the aloe. But what catches her attention the most are some tiny pieces of wax still adorning her pale skin. She leaves them there, not only because they make her glow but because that was the most exquisite night she could have never dreamed about. If Eve was devoted to him, now she was burning too. He could ask her anything and she would have no moral left.
Asa wasn’t sure what he wanted his next game to be. For once, he had no plans, although after all of that cleaning, he was exhausted. Coffee couldn’t save him this time.
He checked in on his favorite pet, finding her asleep. He scooped her out of the bed, she stirred a little, but her breathing evened back out. He carried her to his room, laying her on the bed. Taking his mask off, he used her stomach as a pillow and was out like a light.
Eve squirms a little bit before waking up. When her foggy vision finally allows her to see what the weight on her stomach is about, she has to suppress a loud yelp. Asa looks so beautiful and relaxed that at first she bites her nails to not do it but then ends up surrendering to temptation and moves her hand down to caress his hair. Luckily, he seems still asleep. After a few seconds, something on the night table catches her attention. It's a newspaper. She carefully goes through the pages,(1/2)
mostly out of boredom, but ends up stopping on one that has her face printed on it. ‘Eve case: the unsolved disappearence’ says the title. She keeps reading a bit more: 'The family doesn’t lose hope. Police has settled a team to resume the searching after some found evidence of her being alive’. Eve’s breathing becomes shaky. Her brain seems split in two: one rational part that remembers slight moments from her past and one irrational part that wants to scream. 'Which fucking evidence?!’ (2/3)
She thinks to herself. Heartbeat pounding in her head. 'Was it when I went to Jesse’s? Someone saw me? But I was covered!’. A big wave of fear appears in her stomach, contracting it and making Asa’s pillow a bit hard. “Fuck this!”,she says out loud and throws the newspaper away on the floor. (End)
Asa instantly woke up and wrapped his hand around the girl’s neck. The other hand pining both of her arms above her head. Studying her face, watching her intentions….
The grip on her neck is so strong that she's barely able to breathe. But she doesn't care at the moment. She is scared and her eyes start watering not because of the man above her but because of the possibility of being taken away from the same man she looks up in adoration. "Please don't let them take me away" she tries to articulate with poor sound, sobbing like a mess.
He knew that she saw the newspaper, she was just worried. Releasing her neck and laying back down on her. What she didn’t know is that their sources were wrong. Whether they saw her or not, it was in another state on the other side of the country. They didn’t even think that he, The Collector, had her.
He reached up and pet her head a bit, before getting frustrated. He was comfortable and didn’t want to get up. He growled a loudly before snatching his mask off the nightstand. He put it on, making sure he had everything he needed.
He doubled back to his pet and picked her up, taking her to he designated room for during the day. Making a mental note to feed her.
The early hours of afternoon find Eve walking from side to side of her designated room. Heavy, nervous steps that match her worry. Family is by now, thanks to Asa's mind manipulation, a word associated with negative things. After all, if she is his property, she doesn't want to lose her owner. What would a lost puppy like her do? (1/2)
That’s why, when the door is open again and Asa is in front of her, Eve falls on her knees like a beautiful bowing with gold locks of hair covering her face. “Tell me”, she begs, “Tell me what I have to do to stay here and I’ll do it. It doesn’t matter what it is. I will”. (2/2)
Asa smirked at her worrying little head. He decided that he’d let her know the truth anyway since they’ve updated the case she saw.
Under the slice of pizza ((not actually on the pizza, under the plate)) was an article.
‘Missing Girl from California FOUND ALIVE’
He just watches her as she read the article.
“Just keep being my good little butterfly.” He tilted her chin up, so he could look her in the eyes.
"I will", she says with a smile from ear to ear. Eve was so happy, so so happy that even if she had someone to talk profoundly about it, she wouldn't have the words to express that much joy. By the time Asa laves her there, all she can do is dance around but taking care of singing with a very low voice. The excercise suits her well after being so quiet and almost motionless in her given room. She wasn't exactly a dancer but her movements weren't clumsy. (1/2)
She moved delicately, almost like a flying butterfly. She was, instead, a very good cooker but she never had the chance to show him so. In fact, being constantly fed by him was an honor, but at some point she would like to gift him some of all that attention back. (2/2)
After being gone for a few days, he’s been making repairs to the hotel, which has been time consuming.
It’s been very hot the last few days as well as having severe thunderstorms.
Asa looked in the room and watched his pet sleep. Sitting down in the corner, his usual seat. He noticed the bruise on her neck was looking better, and the shallow cuts very practically invisible on her skin. She would soon be ready again for the next play session.
Soon she woke up, but she didn’t notice his maskless face in the corner….
God, Eve hated thunders. She was okay with the suffocating temperatures but the loud sounds always managed to get through the majestic hotel and they made her jump every time. But what she hated the most was his absence. She enjoyed his company, his calmness, his quietude. Eve woke up, stil a bit sleepy from the poor rest she had and, scrubbing her eyes, she went to take her dress from the chair. Long sleeves with hot weather wasn't comfortable but it had been his gift and she loved it (1/2)
A moment later a thunder was heard again and, within her jump, she found Asa seating in the corner. After her yelp, she smiled from ear to ear. “Master!”, she gasped, her big black eyes widening in joy. “You’re back”. She had to resist the urge to run towards him. Instead, she stayed there, fingers dancing happily behind her back while she bowed her head slightly in respect. (2/2. - @hisbluemonarch [Eve])
He had a smirk of amusement plastered on his face. Watching the girl move around the room without noticing him. Jumping at the lightening outside, he realized you were scared of the weather. But not him.
The hotel was going to be cold again in a few hours, but he was a little tired of seeing you in that dress. He’ll have to look out for something else.
He grabbed her wrist, leading her out to the hall, taking her to his room. He had some steaks delivered and we was waiting to eat. He tapped the chair across from him, telling the girl to sit. It was only one steak, but he fed her himself.
Once he finished eating he got up to go take a shower. Not really caring that she’s there. Purposely leaving the door open…
Eve sat obediently on the chair. The smell of steak was appetizing enough to make her stomach growl since she had not eaten sufficiently in the past days, mostly because she was worried about him. About Asa, who could even fight death with a stare but yet he was the focus of her adoration. When he went into the bathroom, she looked around. The dishes were empty but she still felt that urge to gift him something back. She found a pen and, not wanting to mess with his papers, (1/2)
she wrote on a napkin: “May I cook for you one day?”, leaving it on the table. Then she heard the sound of the shower, steam coming out of the bathroom more appetizing than the food was. She got up and walked a pair of circles in her place, completely nervous. Oh, Eve was so tempted after how much she had missed him. But he didn’t exactly give her permission to do so and, being an enthusiastic about his rules, she couldn’t make a proper decission. Eventually, her primal instincts woke up (2/3) and she couldn’t resist it anymore. She walked to the bathroom door, covering her mouth in a poor attempt to hide her shaky and clearly agitated breathing and made a pair of steps in. The closer she got, the more shaking her members became and at one point, she thought she would explode in a million flames. The curtain was almost covering the whole picture but there was a little bit clear from where she spied. The vision was foggy because of the steam, but the skin of one arm was visible. (¾)
And Eve looked and licked her lips while her jaw fell a little open like watching a dream come true. From the distance she looked like an adorable little sheep who never thought she could be so close to the wolf. And something was certain: she didn’t care anymore if she got in trouble. In fact, she wanted to see more. (4/4) 
Asa knew she wouldn’t be able to resist, and he’ll have to punish her later for it. For now though, he just pulled the curtain back, grabbing her by her dress. He pulled her forward, ripping the dress off of her, leaving her bare. 
He pulled her in the shower, bringing her in front of him, letting the stream fall on the both of them. He grabbed the soap, lathering it in his hands, washing her body with his bare hands. He felt her shaking, and smirked at the thought. 
He stood, letting the suds rinse off of her body. He then just wrapped his arms around her torso, resting his head on top of hers. Enjoying the skin-to-skin contact with someone. 
That moment was shortly lived, he turned the water off stepping out wrapping a towel around himself. He went to his room, and quickly got dressed in his typical black long sleeve. 
He sat himself on the bed, waiting for the girl to come out of the bathroom, to give her the well deserved punishment…
 A second. All it took was a second and Eve's world was upside down. She was tempted but she wasn't preared to be actually dragged into temptation all of a sudden and she was left only with the possibility of whimpering while her dress was ripped off of her. She was there but she couldn't understand what was happening at first. Explanations were futile and when she felt his hands taking care of washing her whole body, she came back to reality and wondered what she could do first (1/2)
If to treasure the image of his body, if to close her eyes to retain in her memory the sensation of mixed skin and soap or if to faint right there because her legs were shaking so much she thought she’d fall. Then Eve was able to look him in the eyes and babble something similar to “I’m sorry” with poor articulation. When he wrapped his arms around her, she knew that whatever was going to come next, it didn’t matter at the moment. She was, in a way, safe, and that allowed her (2/3)
to let the weight of her legs rest, bending the knees a bit, knowing Asa’s arms were strong enough to support her. After he left the bathroom, the story was a bit different. Wrapped in the towel, she slowly walked out, looking at her toes like they were the most interesting thing in the world. My god, what did she just do…? (3/3)
He beckoned her forward with his hand, letting her get close. Once she was on arms distance, he pulled her forward harshly across his knee. Pinning her hands down with one hand, he looked at the water that still glistened on her skin.
He leaned down and said one word in her ear.
“Count.”  He felt her shiver, he wasn’t sure if it was because she was still wet or because of her soon to be punishment.
Rubbing her backside, then coming down with a harsh slap. “One!” she yelped out.
By the time she got to 8 she was sobbing, but Asa spoke up that she needed to count or he’ll start over. She had to count to 30, she was red and almost blistered.
Asa laid her down on the bed, stomach down, and cuffed her wrist to the post. He left out of the room to get the riding crop again. He hit her all over her back, making her arch her back. 
This was a punishment after all..
He then grabbed some ice, putting it all over her backside, then going back over with the riding crop.
“My little pet has been forgetting her place. Did you ask if you could join me?” Asa pulled her head back by her hair.
“No!” She cried out.
“No, what?” He growled in her ear.
“No Master!” She corrected herself.
He let her head fall back to the bed, pulling the sheet over her naked form. He left her in the room stomach down, wrist still tied to the post.
The nice sensation of Asa's hand on her skin vanished in a second with the first smacks. His hands were so heavy that it felt like being spanked with a hard solid material, and the fact that they were enormous didn't help either. In a minute Eve's whole backside was burning. She begged, she cried, she screamed, but he kept going. Even when the ice was there, letting her think that everything was over, he continued. By the time he had actually finished and left the room, (1/2)
she truly was a sobbing mess. Having to lay on her stomach, she was grateful for not having anything else than the sheet covering her but the grattitude was meaningless in comparison to her pain. Not only physical pain (by now she couldn’t even feel the rough cuff on her wrist) but also emotional because even if she had had the possibility of seeing him naked for the very first time, she failed him. That was a test for her and she was silly enough to spoil it (2/3)
Being obsessed with his rules, she stayed there babbling “I’m sorry” again, eyes watering and wetting the pillow. Another thunder made her jump once more; the delicate muscle lines of her back contracting in fear. Eve was about to break in tears, she pressed her forehead against the pillow to prevent it but a new thunder came in and that was the point of no return. (3/3)
Asa didn’t return to the room for hours, but when he got back. His pet was lying on the bed, hiccuping, no longer crying. He sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair.
“Did my little butterfly learn her lesson?” He said very lowly.
She spoke as if she regretted even thinking about doing it. Apologizes spilling from her mouth, he put a finger to her lips, silencing her. He took another quick shower then released her wrists. In exchange he cuffed one of her ankles. 
He laid on the other side of the bed, still punishing her, but not quite being too harsh for now. He still was allowing her to be in his room and in his bed. 
The rain outside lulling him to sleep, the thunder never bothered him…
The thunders went along all night. Eve kept shaking in a poor sleep state, wishing she could get closer to him, in need for his body heat. But something told her that wouldn't be a smart move, especially when she knew he was focused on reinforcing discipline. By the time morning came, the storm had stopped and Eve's black eyes were open and reedish.
She took a look at him but then turned her head to the other side, watching the wall. Her regret was beating his head in an unforgivable way and she couldn’t do anything but to get frustrated at herself, even angry. But this time she had nothing to kick and didn’t even want to make an abrupt move in case she got in more trouble. God, how she wished she could fix that mistake. Eve had put something clear in her mind: today she’d treat him like a king. (2/2)
Asa woke up to the feeling of the cold AC, satisfied because it was supposed to reach the 90s. He looked over to his pet, seeing that she was already awake. Yet not noticing that he woke up now, she seemed in a daze.
He reached out grabbing her arm, tracing his finger over the butterfly he craved in her arm. It was healing nicely, but still had scabs.
He got up and uncuffed her from the bed. He blindfolded her, so she won’t see the path they were taking. He sat her down and took her blindfold off.
“Cook us breakfast.” He sat back in the chair to watch her.
Eve walked all the way to the kitchen. She trusted Asa enough to not hesitate anymore about her path. Just grabbing his thumb (big enough for her whole hand) or laying her fingers on his elbow was what's needed to serve as guidance. With the warm sheet around her body, only a few shivers from the AC were visible on her. As soon as Asa commanded her, she felt that fulfillment in her chest again although wondering what food she could prepare to satisfy him with the ingredients that could be(1/2)
 ‘Not too sweet for sure’ she though 'but not salty either’. Eve walked around a little opening the cupboards and the fridge seeking permission with her gaze for every action. 'He’s a strong man. Most likely he enjoys a bit of a challenge. I bet spicy would be right". Eve wanted it to be the most satisfying meal he could have tasted but knew that she was limítated by the options so she went for originality. Taking a pair of carrots, flour, some sugar and, of course, ginger, she mixed it all(2/3)
together to cook a carrot pie. Once it came out of the oven, its smell was subtle but its appearance was appetizing enough. She was sure Asa had never tasted something like that and, although nervous, she had confidence in her abilities (3/3)
Asa looked as she placed the dish in front of him. Eyeing the pie, he pushed it towards her.
“Eat” was all he told her.
When he pushed the pie, at first Eve thought he was rejecting it so she swallowed a lump in her throat but not wanting to disobey him, she still managed to cut a portion and eat it with a shaky fork. She looked at him shyly with glowy pitiful eyes. "It was a bad idea, I'm sorry you didn't like it". She looked down again at the crumbs biting the inner part of her bottom lip.
“Grab it and follow me.” Asa said standing up. He walked towards a doorway, but turned around to wait for her.
She had to gather the sheet up, so she won’t trip over it. She followed behind him until they reached another room. He closed the door and locked it. It was pitch black in the room, she could barley see. He snatched the sheet off of her body, enjoying the gasp coming from her lips.
He turned the lights on then went into a closet. Grabbing one of his turtlenecks, he threw it at her. He took the food from her hands as she put on the turtleneck.
It stopped in the middle of her thighs, completely dwarfing her in size. He beckoned her forward, to sit next to him.
His next command was completely unexpected.
“Feed me.”
As he grabbed the newspaper…
Eve took a seat where he indicated. At first she couldn't process the order well but since Asa didn't say anything else, she didn't question it. She took the fork and got a little piece. It was still warm from the oven, she could feel it in the metal. Blowing gently on it, she moved it to his mouth with poor balance but with clear determination on not spoiling his clothes with any crumbs. The action was repeated over and over again, it was almost a maternal act, sweet, dedicated, caring. (1/2)
And there was something magical at the light brush of her fingers against his cheek every time she delivered the pie, something as warm and nurturing like the food itself. When she finished, there was a long silence filling the room. It made her a little nervous, not knowing if she did good, and her feet started to dance very slightly on the floor. It was then when she noticed his boots weren’t as shiny and black as always. She cleared her throat with innocence: “may I take care of them?”(2/2)
At first Asa didn’t know what she was referring to, but he noticed her gaze. Looking down at his boots, he didn’t really care because they were going to be dirty again. He was going to let her, but he didn’t want to be barefoot in the hotel. He could leave them on, and have her sit on the floor. With her sitting on the floor and the state of her ass would be uncomfortable. He ended up just putting his feet on the couch they were on, and let her do whatever it is she was trying to do. Still reading his newspaper, glancing at her every now and then.
After asking him for a rag to use, the idea of having offered to do that task for him wasn't as nice as when it crossed her mind. As soon as the still red skin touched the floor, a little whine escape her lips. She looked up at Asa to see if she could move to a more comfortable place but finding him too focused on the newspaper was clear enough to make her understand that she was supposed to deal with her situation. She swallowed all the whining, only tiny whimpers coming out (1/2)
and with each minute that passed, she had to squirm on the floor to balance her weight trying to let some skin area rest. Eve rubbed the leather with a surprising strength coming out of her. Despite that, it didn’t result in a professional job but at least it was decent. She thought, for a moment, that the gift had been more for her to be able to have in her hands some part of him, especially the part which he made every path with. “I think it’s done, Master” she said with that familiar tiny voice, begging with his gaze to be allowed to stand up.
Asa moved the newspaper so he could see her, not even paying his shoes any mind. He smirked at her and tilted his head.
“Why are you sitting on the floor?” You could hear the amusement in his voice.
Before she could explain herself, he picked her up, placing her in his lap.
“I have my next game ready for you, do you think you can handle it? Or should I wait another day for you to recover? It’s something different, you may enjoy it actually.” he whispered in her ear..
He had everything set up, he was going to show her sooner. If it weren’t for her acting out a bit the day before.
A whole wave of electricity ran through Eve's body. God, the effects his voice had on her when he was that close, that low, that manly. She curled her toes slightly, fingers fidgeting with the bottom of the turtleneck as she seated on his lap. Again, another new thing she hadn't experienced before and had her heart on a rollercoaster, yet Asa was calm and determined. "I'm ready for whatever you wish, Master, it doesn't matter if it pleases me or not".
First and foremost, if you succeed I have something for you. If you don’t I’ll have a punishment for you. You have 30 minutes to stay hidden from me, if I catch you, you lose. If you set off any traps, you’re dead, so don’t hit any traps. My dogs are caged up so you don’t have to worry about them.
Once again, if I catch you, you lose, understand?
I’ll give you a two minute head start, starting….
Eve was astonished at the game proposal. All she could hear was the sound of her hearbeat galloping in her ears and it took him counting till 15 for her to react and start running. Yes, she had to run because he was going to be unforgivable if he caught her and she couldn't handle another punishment like that. Maybe she should have asked for him to wait but it was too late. Too late and actually she couldn't run as fast as she wanted because she had to be alert for traps. (1/2)
The ones on that floor were easy to sort, mostly because she had observed Asa avoiding to go to certain places. But the ones after that were new because of the blindfold he always used on her. She used the best of her ability, though, and one little thing she had in her advantage was that adoration she had for him because from observing him with dedication for so long, she may have guessed where he liked to place the threads. But still, Eve prayed for luck to be on her side. Eventually, she ended up in the main hall. Tall recipients with bodies standing majestic in the centre. Only the blue from the water they contained was lightening the space. She looked everywhere; by now, Asa had fininshed his count for sure. Then something on the wall caught her attention. Lots of thick large kind of nails were half way fixed through the wall and then she saw a scroll of a thick material, most likely the onde that hided the body of a redhead that was killed a long time ago and she hadn’t met(3
She did what she could to climb to the nails, helping herself with a near furniture and stepped on them praying for them to support her. As there were four, the other two on the upper part were used by his hands gripping them tightly before she decided to pull from the scroll to be covered with the thick plastic. Then it all was controlling her breathing, hoping that for the first time he didn’t hear it with his hunter ears.
Asa watched as she scurried out of his lap and into the hall. Once he stopped hearing her footsteps, he stopped counting. He fixed his clothes and put on his mask, making sure to take his time. He went into the hallway and followed the path of her footsteps… He looked in different rooms, hoping she wasn’t that stupid. He went up stairs, wondering if that’s where she went.
15 minutes wasted, maybe she could win after all…
Eve didn't know how much time had passed. Since she didn't hear his footsteps, she took advantage to inhale deeply a few times, the plastic over her body suffocating enough to start sweating. It was so uncomfortable. Her hands were also sweaty and she wondered how long she would last with a strong grip on the rough nails. Her feet weren't in better condition either. There soil hurt from the thin base they were on. She started to count herself "1...10...60" to have an estimated idea in her mind,
Asa decided to go to the main hall where his encased specimens were. As he looked around, he noticed something was off. So he stood still and listened, he did hear something. Coming closer to the noise, it sounded like labored breathing…
As soon as Eve heard him coming, she held her breath. Not sure for how long she could stand it, but her body was absolutely frozen under under the plastic. She prayed for any sort of entity to help her. Asa was there. Asa was right there, mere inches away from her and managed to dig her nails into her palms to keep still. "1..2...10...40...60... We have to be on twenty or twenty five, hopefully more", she thought.
As Asa got closer to the noise, he pulled the covering back to reveal that one of his new ‘dogs’ got loose. 
Knowing he had to take care of this first instead of Eve.
Growling while grabbing the man by his collar, he drug him upstairs and strapped him to the table. He quickly went downstairs to see where Eve had hidden herself on the cameras.
Smirking at how close he was to finding her, he did applaud her for her effort. He just wish it wasn’t interrupted. 
He walked to the plastic she was underneath and scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder…
When the "dog" appeared in sight, she had to repress a loud yelp but Asa walking away was a relief at that moment. She took advantage to recover her breath and waited and waited. She started to think about surrendering, limbs getting weaker with every minute. But all of a sudden, Asa had uncovered her. With no time to react, Eve was thrown over his shoulder as she wondered if she actually won or if she would have to face the consequences...
Carrying her back to his room, he threw her on the bed, cuffing her ankle.
Just staring at her…
Once in the bed, she kept gasping a little more. Asa's eyes shined in the dim light, his whole appeareance in black was dangerously intimidating. Unconciously, she attempted to pull from the cuff on her ankle but after a second she did her best to remain still. Now it was her the one studying him, trying to see any expression under the mask that could tell her if she did right... or not. Her stomach was contracted in adrenaline and her tiny fingers were gripping the sheets, (1/2)
preparing for what was to come. But Asa was taking his time and she knew he wanted to make her like this, to bring her to the edge of nervousness. He enjoyed that. Being the hunter for that little sheep. And, oh boy, despite her situation, she enjoyed being his prey too. (2/2)
After a minute of staring at Eve, he took his mask off. A deep chuckle leaving his chest as he ran his ringers through his hair. 
Damn dog, he thought. 
His eyes landed back on the confused girl in the bed… wondering if he should torture her a little longer before he blindfold her…
Eve looked at his face, trying to beg for mercy with her glowy eyes. "Please...", she whimpered after his chuckle, trying to end the mental torture. His fingers so close to her, so tender and so dangerous at the same time. He could caress her or spank her. He could tickle every spot or get her black and blue at this point. "Please", she whimpered once more like a lost little bird under the storm.
Asa laughed at her words, which caught her off guard. Once he stopped laughing, he gave her a smirk. He saw the color drain from her face, and he pulled her towards the edge of the bed.
 He blindfolded her as he said he would. Uncuffing her, he made sure she couldn’t see. Thinking over it again, because why not, he gagged her as well, then placed her back over his shoulder. 
He left out of the room, going down a path he rarely takes. Overall, it takes about 5 minutes to get to the destination, it was a little bright from the light, but that’s what makes this all the more fun. He took the gag out of her mouth, but left the blindfold on.. 
Leaving her guessing as he walked away from her, looking at his new project that he need her to help him finish. It was almost complete…..
And the little dolly went along over his shoulder, already dizzy from so many sensations of nervousness and shakiness and then the restrained senses. Her standing on her feet in this new place was something new. She didn't have cuffs but didn't dare to take off her blindfold. Asa was right there. She could feel him by his body heat but the place seemed somehow unfamiliar.
Standing back up, Asa walked over to Eve taking her blindfold off.
When she opened her eyes all she saw was…
Butterflies and colorful flowers, thats when she realized she was outside, on a rooftop.
“I need some help planting the rest of these and placing rocks down in the bird bath, so they have water.” Asa had a butterfly on his finger.
“Do anything stupid, and I’ll throw you off the roof.” His eyes were dark as he spoke.
Tempted to do such act, but not to her…
When the blindfold was taken off, Eve had to blink fastly to accomodate her sight to the sun rays. It had been so long since she last saw the light of day that it hurt to watch directly at it. But then she looked around. It wasn't possible. No, it wasn't. Not only marvelous orange monarchs were dancing around and surrounding them but also those were flowers. Jazmines, yellow roses, daisies and were those... violets? (1/2)
 She had to move a bit closer to believe her favourite kind was there. First thing she did was smelling, letting the perfumed aroma fill her lungs. It felt like rebirth, memories from her own garden flying in her head. She missed it. She missed it so much. And then there was Asa standing there. Eve had to look twice at him to fight the urges to go back to her garden, not because she wanted to leave him but because she wanted to do what she did best. (2/3)
Asa’s threat called her back to reality It hurt when he talked like that to her. She has proved herself many times except for that bathroom scene), yet he didn’t trust her. And Eve was a another sensitive butterfly at the moment, surrounded with colours and fragances. ´Okay´, she thought, ´I’ll do this. This is my passion. Maybe I won’t miss my home anymore´. She walked closer to him. “I’ll need some sticks or solid brunches, or something to keep that bonsai straight or it’ll bend looking (¾)
for the sun. As for that one, it’s a pothos. It doesn’t belong here. If you want it to live, bring it back inside”. Eve talked, confidence coming up her ankles. It felt good. She was, at last, back again in her sea… and with the man she wanted. (4/4)
“You can move them if you want, I didn’t feel like it, nor care about those. Everything else you should need should be over there. If you need anything else, I’ll be back in a hour.”
By the time Asa came back, the sky was getting orange and gold, typical from summer sunsets, especially after the storm of the day before. Eve's hands were full of dirt but she didn't care. Pretty proud of her work, not only she was done with what needed to be planted, she also managed to splash the leaves from the other flowers with water to help them improve and the rocks on the bird bath were also shiny from how clean she left them. Perfectly placed, ready for birds to enjoy in the (1/2)
near future. She saw Asa and tried to scrub her nose with the back of her hand since she was holding a small shovel and left a cute dirt spot on the tip of her nose. “Master”, she smiled, wishing he would find her work attractive and needing some water but Eve was not going to ask at the moment. (2/2)
Lets go get you cleaned up, how much more do you need to do?
"I'm pretty sure, unless you want me to move those plants inside, that my work is done, Master", she smiled.
It doesn’t matter, those plants. But come on, it’s more traps up here than you think…
Eve walked all the way to the bathroom, scrubbing the sweat out of her forehead and leaving more dirt on her skin in the process. She opened the door and carefully got inside: Asa was apparently not going to join her. She swallowed. Was he still mad? And, most important, did she really want to be all nervous and shaky when naked in front of him again? Yes, she wanted, but was not going to ask. In fact, that shyness was what got her in trouble the day before. Eve let the door half closed, (1/2)
hoping he’d decide to come in, but a minute later, just when she was about to undress, she got distracted with the mirror. Seeing the patterns of dirt all over her, she had a good laugh. It didn’t mind her after having had the possibility of doing what she loved but his turtleneck she was wearing was already spoiled. “He’ll get mad”, she said in a very low tone, chuckling again. After all, he had lots of the same type. “Eve what did you do?”, she imitated him, straightening her posture. (2/3)
“Wash it”, she continued, contracting her tiny bicep muscle to create a more similar pose. Eve was having so much fun that she was about to crack up but repressed herself to not be loud. “Bad pet. Disobeying Master…” she went along and lost herself in the game.
The giggles didn’t go unnoticed to Asa’s ears as he listened to his pet. He looked through the crack she left open. Chuckling silently at her different poses and how she tried to make her voice deeper. Opening the door more, that’s when he spoke.
“Is that what you think of me, little pet?”
Eve jumped abruptly, turning around and almost losing balance. Her eyes were wide open and her legs started to tremble. She walked surreptitiously backwards, moving her hands a bit to her bum without even realizing, fearing another punishment. "I'm... I'm...", she babbled still doing small steps away, soon to reach the wall with her back.
Watching her take steps back made Asa predator instincts kick in.
Slowly, Asa walked towards her, eyes getting darker with each step he took…
The poor sheep didn't know what was crossing Asa's mind so since she wasn't grabbing her, she unconciously kept walking away, using her hand to lightly tap the wall for guidance, circling half of the bathroom. "S-s-sorry...", she whimpered in anticipation.
Asa kept stalking towards her, until she couldn’t make it any further, so he trapped her with his arms.
“What did I tell you to come in here and do?”
"T-to-to come here a-and and have a bath... and get clean ", she corrected herself.
And what were you actually doing?
"I was... loking in the mirror and...I was about to do it... The tub is filled, see?", she attempted to turn his attention away.
So, ‘bad pet, disobeying Master’, that was a figment of my imagination? You flexing in the mirror? Deepening your voice?
"No...", she looked down, unable to stand his gaze. "I'm sorry... won't happen again, I promise", she whimpered.
Asa leaned in closer, making her look him in the eye.
“Get in the tub…” Asa says very lowly..
Eve walked to the tub trying to recover her breath now that Asa wasn't trapping here but his presence was dangerous. She knew that. She crossed the line again having fun and she was already regretting everything. Stepping into the tub, she didn't even take off the turtleneck without permission. Just staying on her feet with a pale face.
Take off the shirt…
Eve did what she was told. Leaving the turtleneck perfectly folded on the floor as if it wasn't already wasted. She looked at Asa. Now she wasn't sure if having him there was a nice thing after what she did.
Is there something you want to ask me, little butterfly?
Asa tilted his head…
Eve thought her words wisely. "Forgiveness, Master? Please?" She whimpered again.
Is that your only question?
Eve looked to the floor, exhaling with a shaky breathing. A beautiful color red was blooming in her cheeks. She couldn't do it the day before and now was maybe not the context because of her mischief but she couldn't. It was too much for her to bare Asa so majestic, so intimidating, That mix of fear and burning desires. It was pure adrenaline. So she let out in a barely audible voice: "may I have the privilege of you joining me, Master?"
Asa grasped her jaw, not painfully but forcefully. He pulled her closer to him, looking her in the eyes, then whispering in her ear.
“Was that so hard?”
He released her and made her look forward. Getting out of her sight, he took his clothes off and stepped in the tub behind her.
Grasping her waist, he made the both of them sit down in the water. It spilled over the side of the tub a bit, but Asa didn’t care.
“Wash me…”
Was all he said before he leaned back in the tub…
Eve was astonished. She couldn't believe the scenario. Grabbing water with shaky hands, she wet her face to understand the fact that Asa was actually entering the tub naked again. She delayed a bit in responding to his order. How was she supposed to do that? How would he like it? And most importantly, how would she survive it when her body temperature had escalated to the roof? Taking the sponge and rubbing it against the soap, she managed to reach Asa's chest. (1/2)
She tried to remain calm but it was too much and she dropped the sponge many times, excusing herself every time before she actually reached braveness and started washing him properly. It was more of a caress than an act of cleaning skin but it was peaceful and she was sure it provided a warm sensation. Continuing with the rest of his body, washing with dedication even the spaces between his fingers, then the inner part of his thighs… By the time she finished, her whole face was boling.
What else do you want, little pet?
Asa finally opened his eyes, making eye contact with her.
Eve looked at the man in front of her. She felt like a child in a candy store where she could ask freely although not knowing if it was going to be responded. She was tempted with everything in sight, even the slow up and down motion seemed like something she could ask for to lay her head there. But there was something else, something she was craving all those days but never had the courage to ask. "A kiss, please?" and her little black eyes shined more than ever.
Asa grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on her palm. Pulling her closer, placing a kiss on her neck. On her forehead. And lastly on her temple.
“Sit back..”
Eve breathed every kiss, melting in his touch, but then it stopped and the kiss she wanted the most never came. She couldn't understand him. If this was a game or not, it didn't matter. He was there, naked in front of her, allowing her to touch him but he just wouldn't kiss her on her lips. Maybe it was too much of a tender act to ask for. And Eve sighed, enjoying what she coud get but with her heart hurting inside.
Asa made quick work of cleaning her. He was getting tired and didn’t want to be in the tub much longer.
He got up once she was clean, dragging her with him. He put on some pants and laid in the bed, wondering how to toy with her next.
Eve stayed there watching Asa half-naked on bed, trying to be dissembled. The few drops she still had on her were sending shivers through her spine. But this time it was new. She was concious he was enjoying having her there like a lost gazelle. once she realized that, she started looking around in an attempt to make the nervousness disappear.
Go in the closet and pick something to wear… Don’t touch my mask, pretending to be me..
Asa smirked at the memory from moments ago…
Eve walked to the closet, examining his clothes. Black, black... more black there, oh! black stuff in there too. She huffed, after all, she was a girl of colours, especially sky blue ones. She picked a long sleeved shirt and put it on, the big size making it go down to her thighs. But she wasn't satisfied, always having to use a manly style if he didn't bring her clothes. So she rolled the bottom part and make a knot at her waist, then picked a pair of black boxers that suited her like a short
She was pretty, actually sexy considering the context. So, with a very shy attitude, she turned around to face him and posed a little, one hand on her hip, the other resting against the closet door. Oh, well, if he wasn’t going to kiss her, he’d at least be as tempted as her.
Are you trying to seduce me, little butterfly?
He smirked.
"Why? Do you feel seduced, Master?", she smiled playfully, a cute crimson red on her cheeks.
No, I feel tired. Come on, get in bed..
Eve's smile was erased in a second, her shoulders coming down quickly with a notorious huff. She walked in big strides to the bed. At this point, she didn't care much about a punishment if that meant to have his hands running along her body. But Asa was "tired". ´Fuck that´, she thought, laying on the bed next to him and pulling the sheet up till it covered almost her entire head. But this time she didn't looked for a way to be closer to him. Eve just gave her back at The Collector and (1/2)
closed her eyes with clenched teeth. God…, she was in a hell of a mood. (2/2)
Asa hand quickly came to her throat, her attitude not going unnoticed. She opened her eyes to stare back at him. He squeezed his hand tighter around her throat until she started grabbing at his hands. He released her, but only so she can catch her breathe.
“My, my, someone has been really bold as of lately.”
Asa hand was still on her throat, but allowing her to breathe.
“I think someone needs to learn another lesson.”
Asa quickly pulled her up and over his knee. Giving her slaps on her already tender backside. He didn’t allow her time to recover before he cuffed her hands to the headboard.
His hands trailed all over her body, giving her slaps everywhere. He then ripped the boxers off of her, placing his hands on her thighs, exposing her. Placing his hands on her heat, she had a long night ahead of her. He edged her on until she was practically begging. Giving her what she wanted, he didn’t stop until she passed out. He got a rag to clean her up, and to clean off his hands. Realizing he wouldn’t be able to sleep, he uncuffed her. Putting the rest of his clothes on, he left the room to go punish the dog that got loose.
At first the hand on her throat didn’t seem threatening enough, mostly because she was used to that action and it was more the abrupt of it than anything else. But when Asa started squeezing more, it got serious to the point she started scratching his hands. Luckily, he allowed her to breathe but Eve knew she was going to pay for her attitude.
 Before he pulled her over his knee, the idea wasn’t so bad, half of her had wanted him to react, even if it was that way, but soon her pain receptors made her well aware of how sore she still was and how sore she was going to be. His hand was something like pourring boiling water over her delicate skin over and over again till tears spilled from the corner of her eyes. Despite that, begging was just the beginning. She had a lot more to experience through the night. 
Eve cried, screamed, kept begging for mercy. She let out “Master” multiple times, whining and aching. And then, when she got what she wanted, the whole cycle started again to stop his actions. Overstimulated to the point of no return, her eyelids became heavier and heavier till all she saw was a confusing fog and then, darkness consuming her exhausted being. 
When the morning came, Eve’s members felt as heavy as a pile of rocks. She pressed her forehead into the pillow trying to wake herself up. She didn’t hear Asa? Eve turned her head to the side scanning the bed. Where was he? Had he left without saying anything after all that happened? She tapped lightly his side, her mind spinning around in questions. Why did it have to be a punishment? Was she greedy for questioning it? Wouldn’t it have been easier if he just took her when she was all nice and smiling? Why did he always have to be like that and play with her? Eve knew she wasn’t supposed to protest for her Master’s ways, after all, his will should be her most important command and Asa was never known for being loving or tender, but she still craved something, something that was easier and it didn’t cost any work. Well, at least not for her. Eve wanted to be kissed, Eve wanted to be special for him, and it wasn’t happening and she was hurt. She had had everything others would have paid for, but she just wanted his loving lips. 
Asa was in another part of the hotel, standing over a freshly made corpse. The dog that got loose, Asa just decided that he was no longer worth keeping.
Taking his time extracting each organ, placing them in a jar next to the table.
Being distracted with his pet, he’s been neglecting his other pets. Going to each of their rooms, making sure they have enough to survive. Disciplining each of them as he see fit….. 
 With the next few days and his abscence, Eve was feeling more nostalgia and regret. She didn’t know if Asa was busy or if he was still mad at her, and in spite of the handprints adorning her body becoming less and less painful, they were disappearing and she started to crave him more and more picturing him in fantasies she never thought could have.
The afternoon of the third day found her eating a sandwich at her own room but suddenly the door was opened and the image of a tall muscular guy alarmed her.
“Who are you?”, she asked jumping out of bed.
Asa was tired from all of the repairs he had to do. He was ready to take a shower, and go to sleep.
First, he had to check on his pet, which he hasn’t seen for days.
Walking towards her room, he heard someone talking.
Staying out of sight, he listened…
“I’m not gonna hurt you, okay?”, the guy talked to Eve trying to calm her down.
“How did you get out? Did he let you out?”
“No, but we have to be quiet. He could surprise us”.
“Surprise us, what do you mean…? WHAT’S THAT?”, Eve’s voice went loud when she saw the thick blade the man was holding on his right hand.
“Keep quiet”, he responded with nervousness. “I’m planning to surprise him first. I could have a chance of killing him. Come with me, I’ll help you escape. If we find others in good condition, they could help us as well”.
Eve eyed him up and down. He had serious bloodish cuts all over his arms and she was sure there were more wounds underneath his clothes. But his frame scared her. He was almost as big as Asa and if he represented a danger in her mind, she had to make sure she kept an eye on him for the safety of her Master.
Taking his hand with liar fingers, they both left the room.
Watching the two leave the room, he made eye contact with Eve as she looked around.
Quiet yet quickly, Asa made his way over to them…
Both black eyes of Eve and her Master’s met each other. But the victim who escaped realized very quickly about The Collector’s presence and stood in guard position of fighting with knife on hand, pushing Eve behind him attempting to protect her. 
Eve look at both men with her heart about to explode from her chest thinking Asa could be hurt by this guy who seemed so confident and determined so she couldn’t repress her nervousness anymore and spoke up:
“No, Master, no! He has a knife!”. 
It all happened in a second: she located the thread of a trap in the wall and pushed the man towards it taking advantage of him not paying attention to her actions. But the person was heavier than she thought so she had to push with all her body, not having enough time to separate from him when the blade hidden on the wall came out. The weapon pierced the man’s stomach but got past her right side too. 
Eve managed to pull her body out of the blade, turning to look at The Collector with watery blurred eyes.
“Master… I-”
Her knees bent as blood came out of her mouth. Convulsing.
Asa came to her side, avoiding the follow up trap protruding from the ground. Putting pressure to her side, he gathered her in his arms.
Doing something he hope he didn’t regret… 
 The story evolves (Asa realizes he is liking Eve. Eve realizes she is in love with Asa).
When Eve opened her eyes, all she could see was a shiny white light. She attempted to stand up, struggling to understand her new reality but as soon as she moved her head to the left, the rest of her muscles failed her. They just didn't respond, frozen as solid ice. There was someone seating a meter away from her but it was all blurry. Her tiny fingers twitched, trying to speak without success. (~@hisbluemonarch)
Asa noticed Eve trying to wake up, he slowly approached her. He noticed her eyes couldn’t focus on him.
He just spoke one word.
That deep raspy voice... Was it a reverie? She blinked a few times and found that slight curling up of his lips. She couldn't understand where she was or what had happened but that half-smile was something she would always be able to remember. She tried to say "Master"; in her head it came out with sound but in reality she only managed to smack her lips together with just a mere sound of an "M".
He petted her hair back, away from her face. He grasped her chin, running his thumb on her lower lip. He leaned in slowly, pressing a soft yet firm kiss to her lips.
“Rest, little butterfly.” He whispered in her ear.
Asa put a necklace in her hand, the pendant was a blue butterfly.
Eve woke up a few hours later, this time with clear comprehension about her surroundings. It was obvious she was at the hospital and that now she was able to remember the blade coming out of the wall. But there were two things that escaped her understanding: one, the fact that there had been a kiss with Asa that took plce right there and could have possibly been part of her imagination and the second one, that there were people watching her from the distance. 
She felt something heavy in her hand and, confused by the moment she experimented when her lips were burning in love, she hid it under the sheet covering her without looking at it, worried about the silouhettes coming closer. 
“Eve?!” a broken female voice approached her. “My sunlight”, she cried 
“Mother? Father?”, she asked, blinking to adapt her vision. 
“No, no, no, sunshine don’t move”, the older woman stopped her, taking the same seat Asa had taken hours before. “What happened to you?”, her mother inquired grabbing her hand and noticing the carved butterfly in her forearm too while the father hugged her. 
“I think I had an accident”. 
“We are not talking about this, mio caro”, the man said. “These four months without knowing anything about you? We searched for you everywhere!” 
“Yes, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I had an accident back then and I lost my memory”, Eve lied, biting the inner part of her cheek. “I had to adapt”. 
“You lost your memory? What are you talking about?”
“I remembered everything when I woke up a few hours ago. I’m still shocked”, Eve started to cry. 
“No, mia bella, don’t, it’s okay”, the father tried to comfort her so she didn’t move too much. “I can’t understand. What kind of life were you having that you had these sort of accidents?” 
“I guess it was just bad luck”, Eve sighed, flashes of Asa and the dead bodies, and the blood and the flesh and the dogs going through her mind, even the chlorine scent coming up her nostrils filling her in a twisted comfortable way. 
“There are some people here. They want to talk to you”. 
“Who?” Eve’s black eyes widened hoping innocently for Asa to be there. 
“They want to know what happend, just like us.”
“How did they find me? How did YOU find me?”
“The nurse said that the person who brought you here told them your name and when they entered it in the system, it alarmed the police because we had made a case about a missing peson”. 
“My name? Eve Stewart?”
“Yes. But you don’t have to worry about that. You’ll come back to our home in just a few days”: 
“No, that’s not going to be possible”, Eve said, alarmed. “I… Like I said, I created a new life. There’s someone waiting for me”. 
“What do you mean?”, the mother asked, still with surprised watery eyes to have her daughter there.
“I’m… I have a… relationship with someone. He lives outside the city. I live outside the city too now, with him…” 
“But Eve…”
“I’m sorry, that’s how it is”. 
The next few days were lived just answering more questions and recieving doctos’ visits, Police closed her case and family finally accepted her decission of coming back to “her new home” not knowing much about it or about this new person although Eve tried to create a convincent story to make Asa seem like a boyfriend. 
She had a moment where she laughed about it, being alone, but it also turned quickly into sadness because Asa had not visited her nor once and she didn’t knew if he actually kissed her and gifted her that necklace or, even if that had been true, if he still remembered her. 
With the blue butterfly around her neck and a bandage that covered a large area under her ribs, she was finally told she could leave. So Eve kissed goodbye her parents, telling them she was going to catch a bus and them knowing she didn’t like goodbyes, they respected her decission of traveling alone, making her swear she was going to come back and visit them. 
Well, that was the version she gave. Reality was for Eve a totally different story. She started to walk in circles, around the main square that was a few streets away from the hotel not knowing what to do. She was a lost butterfly and for certainly, didn’t know how to manage freedom. In fact, she hated it, because the comfort she had been loking all those days was not the meds but his presence. She wanted to be held in his arms until the world disappeared but the only thing that had disappeared was The Collector. 
So, taking a seat in one of the benches, Eve put her elbows on her knees and hid her face in her palms while crying her heart out, not minding the pain of the after-surgery. 
Asa was back at the hotel, fixing up a room. After a few days, he checked the tracker.
“She’s out of the hospital now.” Asa thought to himself.
Noticing her path, she was clearly down the street, walking in circles. Getting dressed in some normal clothes. Asa drove down the street to Eve, seeing her on a bench.
Getting out of the car, he walked up to her. Not saying anything until she looked up at him….
Eve noticed the black boots first and then her eyes continued the way to Asa's face. She jumped off the bench, not because she was scared but because she couldn't believe it. In fact, she had to move slowly her hand to touch his face to feel it real, her eyes closing as a sigh left her chest. Then Eve brough her hand to her mouth, posing it over her lips to treasure the moment. "Is your collection complete?", she asked in a low voice.
It will never be complete…
What are you doing walking in circles?
"I'm uh...Honestly I didn't know what to do", she scrubbed her eyes to wipe the tears away. "I was lost... until now", she whispered.
Well, are you coming with me?
"You still want me?", Eve smiled. "I'm technically a broken-wing butterfly now", she said looking down at her ribs.
It’s easy to fix butterfly wings, Eve. Plus, I butterfly with no wings is still a butterfly.
Eve yelped, looking to the side and biting her bottom lip hard to not keep crying. "I'm sorry, I'm a little... sensitive after everything that happened". She took a deep breath to face back at him. "If you are willing, I'll let you fix and mold every single part of me to your own taste, Master".
You have to heal first, are you ready to go back to the hotel?
"Absolutely yes", Eve said, a smile appearing in her face from ear to ear. "I'm a little scared about traps now, though. I know they're meant to be scary but... you know", she chuckles.
Get in the car…
Eve obeyed. Once at the hotel, she took a Deep breath. Everything seemed new, almost refreshing. Then she remembered her bedroom was upstairs. "Master, I asume you may like me to be in my room again although I'm still not able to walk the stairs". Eve sighed, she didn't want to start with the wrong foot but she was left with no option. And if Asa threw her over his shoulder again, her wound would be in trouble.
Asa already pieced all of these small details together, which she didn’t realize. Asa picked her up, bridal style, then walking an different route, up many flights of stairs. Unlocking many different gates and doors on the way to the destinastion unknown to her. Placing her down, he opened the door to the room he’s been working on the days she has been in the hospital.
Opening the door to what would be the ‘presidential suite’. He showed her around, the 2 bathrooms, the fully stocked kitchen, the big balcony and even the Californian king sized bed in the master bedroom. The closet was full of clothes for her, mainly dark shades, with the occasional orange and blue. He also had some of his clothes in the closet.
“You should have no reason to leave this room unless I’m with you.” He turned to her.
“Each door way up here is full of traps, so don’t try to explore. No one else but me can get to you. It’s only one stair case leading to up here.” He went to the hallway, showing her the lethal traps.
“The floor above you is the garden I’ll show you how to get there once you’re healed enough. If you go to the balcony, you’ll see the butterflies.” He went to show her the balcony again.
“Try not to get on the balcony much during the day, unless you’re sitting down. At night is fine, as long as no one can see you.” He walked back into the living room area.
“The TV works, but that’s all you’ll be getting. Don’t have it too loud.” He looked at her to see if she had any questions…
What Eve thought was one of the most beautiful moments of her life resting her head on Asa's shoulder while he carried upstairs, was overwhelmed once she entered the suite. She listened to every detail and instruction he gave her, looking around with her heart melting as soon as she saw the blue between the clothes. 'He selected all of this for me', she thought. The sunset was viisible from the distance through the balcony along with Aporia crotaegi butterflies enjoying the fresh daisies. (1/2)
Eve looked at the bed, comfy neat white sheets waiting for her. Seeking permission in Asa’s face, she took a sit on the mattress, soft and gentle to her body. She looked up at Asa again wanting to express gratittude but it was all too much and too new so she just whispered “Why?” (2/2)
“You willingly came back, that’s enough for me to know that..
I own your mind and body now.
You will be treated as such…
That can be good or bad, depends on you…”
"It's not as important to me what I recieve in exchange for my actions as what you recieve for them. If you are pleased to have me here, then what else could I ask for?, Eve said, leaning back onto the matress and trying to find a comfortable position; she couldn't rest on her right side but luckily Asa was at her left. "There's indeed something I'd like to ask you but first I have something to give you", Eve took out of her pocket a mobile phone. "I hope you can see it as another form (1/2)
of trust because this was given to me by my parents. I won’t use it if it displeases you but you have to know that they are expecting me to contact them from time to time. I had to lie to them and I know they represent trouble in your eyes but if you kill them, you’ll be taken away my soul and then I won’t mind dying because I know there’ll be no butterfly you could appreciate". (2/2)
Call them now, let them know you’re home safe but you can’t talk, you’re going to rest… Then give me the phone…
Eve called her mum, the sweet voice of the woman was a caress to her ears. Eve tried to provide calm to them, reassuring them that she was safe and that she was going to take care of herself although it all was very brief since she knew Asa wouldn't like her talking too much. "Yes, mum, I'm home. Yes... I'm with that boy I love", she smiled looking askance at The Collector since the lie she told her parents was actually half-true. Then she handled the phone to Asa and her eyelids (1/2)
got heavier and heavier until she was consumed by a profound sleep state. (2/2)
Getting the phone back, Asa eyed the number, putting it in his memory. Letting her fall asleep on the bed, he looked at her.
Watching her sleep for a few minutes before he left the suite.
Letting the dogs out on the lower floor, making sure all the security defenses are still up. 
It took a minute to do his rounds throughout the hotel. When he got back, Eve was still sleeping. 
He got inside the shower, his muscles were sore from the heavy lifting inside the hotel. Getting out of the shower, forgetting the towel, he walked to the closet to put some sweat pants on…
Eve squirmed a little, opening her eyes to see Asa walking in his glory naked state to the closet. She bit the sheets to not make any sound just so she could appreciate how the lines of his back muscles moved when he changed into his pants. Unwillingly, a sigh escaped her lips. That man was a Roman god, and she was sure not even the ancient authors could have described someone as him.
“Whenever you are hungry, you’re free to cook.”
Asa turned his head, smirking at the girl under the sheets.
"Thank you", Eve whispered blushing like strawberries. "I think...", she had to clear her throat to regain composure "I think I'll leave that for the morning if Master is not hungry". Eve stayed silent for moment, fidgeting with the butterfly pendant in her neck. " May I ask how you found me? You knew I was walking in circles..."
I have my ways, little butterfly. Once again, you’re mines, always have been.
Eve smiled. There was something twisted about him talking about her like property that felt almost charming. She kept quiet for a few more seconds, hesitating about expressing what was dancing around her mind. "You know? I had a dream when I was at the hospital. I don't if it was a dream because you gave me this necklace in it and then I had it in my palm but... before that I was... You were...You k...", Eve shook her head, (1/2)
“No, forget about it. It’s impossible. I think I was a little confused after surgery, it’s impossible that you…” she kept blabbering (2/2)
Asa got closer to her, grasping her chin.
“Impossible that I wouldn’t do what, little bug?”
Asa smirked at her..
"...kiss me", Eve whimpered, melting at The Collector's touch
If that’s the case, how’d you get the necklace?
"I don't know...", she swallowed. "Maybe that part was created by my mind", she sighed. "Don't mind me, Master".
"Hmmm.." Asa ran his thumb over her bottom lip.
He leaned in closer, his lips barely touching hers.
"Go get me some water, with ice." He whispered on her lips.
"Yes..., Master". Eve had to fight with all her strength to be able to separate from him. With a little more effort she managed to ignore the pain at flexing her belly to get up. She walked to the fridge and took some ice from the freezer, putting the cubes inside a glass with water.
Even though she was shaking like a leaf at his burning proximity, she managed to deliver the glass to him. "Do you want me to serve you some drink with this, Master?"
Just water, then come lay back down. Where are the medications that the hospital gave you?
"I bought none..., I got out of the hospital and came here They said I could use pain meds if I needed them and that I had to change the bandages every day cleaning the area with antiseptic.", Eve went to the bed to lie down again. "I'm okay with the pain, it's not too much. As for the bandages..." Eve stopped talking, bringing her hand to cover them, ashamed of revealing the appearance underneath it.
“You think I haven’t seen a wound before? I’ve decapitate people, this is nothing. Let me change it, and I’ll give you something for the pain that’ll help you sleep like a rock.”
Slowly, Eve moved her fingers away, letting him do. She turned her head to the side, focusing on the pillow, not daring to look at it. "It's not what you saw on others. It's what you see in me. I'm hand in hand with vanity now but... this is not pretty anymore. I'm not...", Eve stopped talking again. She was never a ffriend of shallowness but there was an overwhelming feeling of shame inside.
Asa continued to change the wrap on her side making sure to carefully clean it.
“You think, I never been stabbed.” Asa stood to show her the stab wound on his side. He showed her the ones on his back that already healed but you could still see.
“Yet you still marvel at me, you don’t notice all these scars. If you do, you don’t care.” Asa went to grab a shirt to put on, as well as the medicine he was going to give her.
“A butterfly with no wings, is still a butter fly. Now, open your mouth.”
Asa held the glass of water and the pill…
Eve smiled. That was a refreshing confident air. It was all she needed. If he didn't care, she wouldn't either. Obediently, she opened her mouth to recieve the pill. At this point, Asa could give her anything and she wouldn't even mind watching what it was. "So... this will make me sleep like a rock?", she asked, getting comfortable under the sheets again. "I hope I'm able to wake up before you disappear", she whispered barely audible to herself.
“Yes, you may sleep until the afternoon, so it’s a chance I won’t be here.” Asa sipped from the water.
He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers,letting the ice cube cool her lips, then fall into her mouth… 
Eve's mouth fell open; she had to pay attention to not choke on the cube but at the same time the surprise seemed to have attacked all her senses. She looked at Asa while licking slightly her lips which by now felt all tingly. After a moment, sleep was coming to get her. "This is good for you. From now on, I'll always be speechless", was the last thing she said.
Asa smirked at her comment, she did have a point. Although, Eve doesn’t talk a lot. Shortly after, Eve was sleep, and Asa laid down next to her. He didn’t grab her, or lay on her, due to her wound, so he let her be. It was a little hot anyway, due to the AC not being on in this room. It should be cold in here come morning.
Eve woke up by the afternoon as Asa told her she would. Luckily, she felt rested eough, although still experimenting typical discomfort of the after surgery. She looked to the side, Asa was not there. Her stomach was grumbling. She got up and walked to the kitchen stopping for a moment to contemplate the glass with a bit water from the melted ice cubes.
FLASHBACK: It was a rainy night, with a similar temperature to the current one. Eve was running along the desert streets, escaping from Tomas, the man who used to be her boyfriend many months ago. He had called her to talk after stalking her with calls, leaving notes and rotten flowers at her door and even unexpected visits which used to turn violent quickly and required help from neighbours. Eve didn’t want to worry her parents so she always lied to them and this time, she thought innocently, if she talked to him and tried to be kind, he would stop. But he didn’t, and even when she gently told him to stop, that the relationship was over, he insisted and began to grab her arms to shake her. He even took her umbrella and threatened to hit her so by the time he let go of her for a second and she managed to run away, all of her clothes were spoiled by the rain. She kept running and running till she lost sense of where she was, looking everywhere for someone who seemed friendly to talk to or ask for help but find no one. Afraid that Tomas could be chasing her, she saw the abandoned hotel and decided to hide inside till the morning came. To her surprise the back door seemed lock but after pulling from it with all her strength, it complied and she got in. All of a sudden, an alarm went on so iimagining that there would actually be people inside she fearfully called out: “Hello? I-I don’t want any trouble. I’m just lost. Is anybody there? I just need a phone, please”, she kept walking along the corridor. (
Asa heard the alarm going off, something he wasn’t expecting. Checking the cameras, he saw the girl looking around, poor thing don’t know what she just got herself into.
Asa went to her location, baiting her with noises. Eventually she turned around and saw the tall man wearing all black, including the black mask. She started to talk, but the words went unprocessed to the behemoth’s ears. Reaching up to one of his traps, he threw it at her ankle. It turning her upside down, she started to scream out. Asa pushed her to one of the rooms.
Asa looked at the cameras again, seeing a man running down the street, looking around, with a closed umbrella. Locking the doors up again, he went to go find the new part of his collection. Drugging her, Asa took her down, and threw her inside of a blue box….
End of flashback
Eve looked inside the cupboard for something to eat. There was some past and luckily, some tomatoes in the fridge so she decided to cook what she liked the most: italian food. Waiting for the sauce to be done, she lost herself in the aroma of the herbs, especially in the fragance of rosemary.
FLASHBACK: An hour later, she woke up inside the blue box and of course, all she noticed first was darkness as well as a suffocating heat from lack of oxygen. She started to cry hugging her knees to find comfort for her fear. What happened? Who was that man? Since she was already broken by Tomas, she didn’t scream again. She just stood there saying pitiful “Hello” and begging to be left out of the box with a tiny voice. “I just want to go back home”.
 It’s been 2 weeks since his newest piece came to his door.
Asa answered her cries with a kick to the box, effectively silencing her.
He had to track her down, to see where she came from.
After hacking the street cameras, Asa saw her running from the man with the umbrella. Looking into her address, Asa found out she lived alone. Yet a missing person report was made for someone of her description. 
The main suspect was Tomas Little, witnesses saw him chasing after her. Police has been looking for him, but he hasn’t been found yet.
Eve Stewart; born June 20th, 1994; lives alone; likes to garden; close to her parents…
Asa reviewed over the missing persons report and his own findings. Until a certain smell hit his nose.
Looking down at the box he was sitting on, had a mildew smell coming from it. Then it dawned on Asa, she was wet when she arrived. 
Gathering some bleach and water in a bucket, unlocking the box, he dragged her out of it, he threw the contents of the bucket on her. Not forcing her back in the box. He locked her in a room….
End of flashback
Pasta and sauce were cooked so Eve took two plates and served the food. She turned around to look at the door. Was he not coming back? She was starving but didn't want to eat without him so she stayed there fixing the bay leaves to make it seem as a decent decoration.
 Asa purposely let the time go by, and before he knew it, it was the afternoon. Heading up the flights of stairs, entering all the pass codes. He entered the room to the pleasant smell of food. It was perfect timing because Asa was hungry. Walking over to sit down, he looked at Eve standing over the two plates.
He started to wonder if she even heard him enter the room.
“How do you feel?”…
Eve smiled like her favourite person came in, well, he was actually that. "I'm... ̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ starving", she said, taking one of the plates and walking to him. She extended one arm but keeping her gaze down in respect to see if he accepted the offering.
Asa grabbed the plate from her, waiting for her to sit down. He started to eat, but the look on Eve’s face was amusing to him at the moment.
“What is it, little butterfly?”
"I'm...", Eve realized she was forgetting to eat while watching him so she picked up her fork and started playing with the pasta while trying to hide her smile. "I don't know, sometimes I can't believe I have you so close. It's like having Shakespeare in front of me", she giggled lightly and shook her head to avoid the blushing.
“Ironic.” Asa said smirking at her, knowing she hasn’t looked through the room yet.
Eve looked up at him, not wanting to question what he said to mantain the silence while they ate but with a clear intrigued expression.
Asa waited, wanting her to find the little gift on her own. Asa continued to eat, but once he finished he asked her a question.
“Do you want to go to the garden today?”
"Oh, that'd be lovely, Master", Eve's eyes widened with enthusiasm, eating the few bites of food that remained on her plate.
FLASHBACK: It's been an hour since she was locked in the room. She walked around it, trying to find a way out, pulling from the wooden boards fixed on the walls without avail . A moment later, the door was abruptly opened to reveal The Collector's image. Eve walked backwards, scared and intimidated at his presence. He looked like Mars itself even though she would have the god of war so close. Eve ended up in the corner of the room, hands behind her back, trying to disappear through the wall, unable to speak and with her heart about to explode from her chest.
Pushing the girl into the blue box, he pushed it to the lab. Setting up the lab table, making sure the straps were durable.
He snatched her out of the box, quickly putting her on the table. Strapping her in the spread eagle position. He wasn’t going to muffle her, he wanted to hear screams.
She was a special catch, mainly because he didn’t have to catch her at all.
Getting his knife, he started to carve into her forearm. Asa made sure not to cut any arteries. 
After screaming her lungs out, the girl eventually passed out. Asa finished the carving, wrapping it, so it didn’t get infected. This wasn’t a pet he wanted to kill right off… He put her back in the room from before, along with her blue box…
She was still passed out, but he left her stale bread and water for when she gets up….
End of flashback
Once in the garden, Eve had to seat in a chair to be comfortable and avoid the pain from her wound but it was still enjoyable to have sunlight directly on her pace, its warming touch was a caress to her heart. She spent most of the time watching Asa working on some gardening stuff, wishing she could be working again or at least lean down to smell the violets. But her nostalgia went away when butterflies surrounded her, especially when a precious yellow one landed on the tip of her nose(1/2)
Eve stood up slowly to not scare it and, giggling slightly, she walked to Asa. “Master, look”, she showed him as an angelic painting that came to life. (2/2)
Asa looked over at Eve, admiring the butterfly on her nose.
Yet those words stuck out to Asa….
Asa brought Eve back to the lab, leaving her box behind. He was looking at her carving, seeing if he should add more detail to it. She probably would never notice the detail, but As decided to add some details to the wings. Putting a 3 on one and a E on the other, making it follow the outline of the wings. When he finished, Asa realized she wasn’t vocalizing her pain.
“Master, look! Behind you!” She whimpered weakly.
Asa looked over his shoulder to see the door opening up some. Someone was trying to crawl away while Eve as being tortured. 
Asa turned to look back at the girl, did she really just tell on someone. That’s a first, someone to actual do it, without him telling them to.
Abby was obedient, but she never cared if she saw someone out of their box. It’s been one too many times she has been caught lingering the halls with someone trying to escape.. ((RIP Abby, that bitch got on my nerves.. YoU’rE aLL gOnNa dIeE..))
Just when Asa thought Eve couldn’t get any more special…..  
Eve was almost dozed by the pain. In a way it was better because she didn't have the energy to scream. At the same time, something started to intrigue her about The Collector. There was method In his craziness. He wasn't a mad sadist who wanted to see blood everywhere. Asa was selective with his designs, even with people. To each canvass, each drawing. She stayed for a while looking at him, examining his mask, his clothes, his knife by his hips. It was sinister, yet fascinating.
Eve didn’t even know when alerting him about the victim escaping crossed her mind but she diid and at that moment, something clicked inside her. Once The Collector was back to the butterfly, she tried to move her head closer to his arm, forehead touching slightly the fabric of his jumper. It was cold but fresh and clean and it suited perfectly her exhausted being.
End of flashback
The sunset was already visible in the sky, and the temperature became cooler. A slight breeze made her rub her arms wishing Asa was finished soon to go back inside. Her legs were cramped all the way up to her knee due to the lack of excercise and being seated all afternoon in a chair didn’t help either. Yet, she didn’t complain, she just tapped the floor lightly with her toes to see if the cramps disappeared and to warm up the rest of her body.
Asa just got finished with setting up the different water stations for the butterflies. Looking over to his pet, he noticed the goosebumps on her arms. Standing tall, he stretched his arms above his head. His back let out a loud but relieving pop.
“Come on, lets go. It’s getting late, and I need to change those bandages.”
Once more comfortable inside, Eve went to the wardrobe to grab a black sweater Asa had left between the new clothes. She looked into the mirror, checking happily how this one was her perfect size although wearing her Master's shirts was still warmer. She lie down on the bed pulling up the bottom part of her garments to allow him to change the bandages. "Is your back sore, Master? I can massage it if you desire".
I’m going to go take a hot shower, if it’s still tight, I’ll let you. Do you want me to run you a bath? It’ll have to be shallow because of your bandages.
"Oh, yes, please, Master, that sounds lovely. I'd die for a bath", Eve smirked sweetly at Asa. "Well, not literally".
Hmm, you’d die for one?
Asa smirked. Then turned to go to the bathroom, running the water in both the shower and the bathtub.
Eve took off the sweater, now useless and replaced by the comfortable steam that came out of the bathroom. She walked closer to the door to watch Asa running the water but, lesson learned, didn't come in till invited to.
Asa watched the girl stand in the doorway, he waved her inside. Carefully helping her into the large bathtub. Once she was situated, Asa took his clothes off and stepped into the shower…
Eve already knew she wasn't supposed to run after surgery but when Asa took off his clothes, her heart felt like she was fighting to be the first place in a marathon. She still wasn't able to avoid blushing every time she saw him like that even though she already knew every detail of his nakedness. She tried to control her breathing to get back to a steady pace.
Asa got in the shower and turned around. Looking through the glass to his pet. He only said one word.
Eve blinked fastly and came back to reality. She took the sponge and started washing her body taking care to not wet the bandages. Then Eve continued with her hair and once finished, she was in trouble when attempted to stand up. Not wanting to bother him, she tried to push herself up gripping the sides of the tub but ended up sitting again and hissing at the pain.
Asa heard the water splashing, hearing the sponge drip with water. Then he heard the rubbing of skin trying to get traction.
Turning around, he had to wipe the fog off the glass.
“Sit down.”
Asa squinted at her, but he doubt she could see it. He finished his shower and stepped out. He grabbed a towel wrapping it around his waist. He drained the water from the tub and grabbed a towel for Eve. Scooping Eve out of the water, he dried her off, then threw the towel on her head.
Stepping out of the bathroom, Asa got dresses in a black tank top and black sweats.
“Get dressed.” He told her when he noticed she was still standing there with wet hair.
Eve went to the closet to pick one of the blue dresses and put on the black sweater she had left on the bed. She was frustrated, unable to move properly or do simple tasks such as walking stairs. She almost felt like a baby who didn't have to be fed because her two arms were still functioning, yet Asa wasn't complaining about doing everything she couldn't do on her own. Eve went to the bed to take a seat and let out a small sigh. She was owing him so much that she didn't know how to pay him.
Asa grabbed the blow dryer from the bathroom. It was wireless, so he just lugged it out of the bathroom with no hassle. Turning it on, he blew the warm air directly into her face. 
Running his fingers through her hair, to get rid of the tangles. He blow dried her hair until it was flying all over the place and she looked like she’s been electrocuted. Asa was doing this on purpose, he thought it was funny. 
Eventually he handed her a brush and a rubber band, letting her do as she pleased with her hair.
“What else do you want to do tonight?”
The warm air was so welcome on Eve's hair, not to mention The Collector's fingers running along it erasing her coldness. Eve furrowed her brows, looking up at his face to find out what he was actually doing when blowing air directly at her face. Once seeing in the mirror, she started laughing at the Tina Turner aesthetic he had created. It felt so good she forgot her recent past mood. Brushing it with dedication, she let the blonde locks fall down to her shoulders creating a sensuous wave at the side of her face, putting the band around her wrist to not lose it for later and, especially, to not look down on it coming from him. Then she heard his question. It was a dangerous ask, not for him but obviously for her. She had dreamed so much about kissing him again, even being bitten by him, that being honest with her answer was hard. “I… I’d like to alleviate your back if you still feel it sore, Master”.
What I meant is, what do you want to do that don’t include me? But if you want, there is some oils in the bathroom.
"Oh! Um...". This was new. All of her plans and wishes have always included him mostly because being part of this world he created made him her only company and her favourite one. "I've always wanted to read Romeo and Juliet for a hundredth time. But I don't think you have it here".
I understand why you haven’t looked around, but it’s in this room. You find it in 1 minute, I’ll read it to you. If not, I’ll just go watch TV, not nothing to punishing, hmm? I’ll let you stand up first, then the timer will start…
Another game. He always managed to come up with ideas even if she was in recovery. Yet Eve was fascinated by it, it was a form of adrenalinic recreation she had become addicted to. She scanned the room. Tempted to go to the book shelf but that would have been too predictable and what he was expecting her to do: to search in all the books to lose time. So no, she decided to look in the most unexpected places: the wardrobe, the fridge, but she already knew them till finally she found something peeking from the upper part of the kitchen cupboard. “I think I found it, Master, but I can’t reach it”, she chuckled. “It’s there and I can’t believe it’s actually there”, Eve pointed with her index finger smiling and anxiously waiting for him to grab she adored the most (2/2)
Smirking at her reaching for a book, he went to the kitchen and pulled the book down. Only to reveal it to be ‘How to Kill a Mocking Bird’. 
Eve face fell once she realized it was a decoy.
Asa grabbed her hand, pulling her to the bed, where she once was standing. Opening the night stand draw, revealing the book she wanted. He handed her the book, and helped her get comfortable in the bed.
“Next time, I’ll read to you.” Asa patted her head.
Asa went to the TV, turning it on, watching the news, as always…
Eve's jaw fell open, her smile was erased in a second. She got under the sheets pouting although Asa couldn't watch her since he was focused on the TV. At least she had Shakespeare's book so she first caressed its cover, glad that it was in her hands. After 20 minutes, she was already immerse in the reading and sighing silently at the way Romeo expressed himself.
Asa was done watching the news, so he turned around to see what is pet was doing. 
Watching her eyes move across the pages, he took the opportunity to sneak up on her. Very slowly moving closer to the bed, he launched himself forward, letting a growl escape his lips. Effectively scaring the shit out of her. Smirking at her reaction, Asa offered to read to her. 
Although she was still recovering from the heart attack. Making Asa chuckle, he waited for her answer…
Eve brought a hand to her chest feeling it bounce underneath it. Once she recovered her breath, although still shaky, she handled the book to him. "Y-yes, please", she gasped.
Asa took the book from her, and began at the beginning of the page she left off on. Pulling her close to him his plan was to lull her to sleep. 
He wasn’t going to be sleeping long, he had to get up and tend to other things in the hotel. 
As soon as she was sleep, he pried her sleeping form off of him, and went to sleep himself…
Eve woke up the next morning, the light of sun entering the room from the balcony. She scrubbed her eyes a little, noticing Asa was still asleep. She slowly moved her hand towards his pillow but stopped a milimeter away from his hair, not daring to touch him without his permission but wanting to be as close to him as she could. He wasn't soft while sleeping but his image was the one of a warrior who was taking a rest. Eve bit her bottom lip admiring it like a painting. All of a sudden, Asa opened his eyes and growled at her scaring even the last lock on her hair. “Nooo”, Eve whined in protest when she was able to speak and pulled the sheets up to cover her entire head, getting away from him to the edge of the bed.
Asa felt the hand lingering near his head. He wasn’t the one that wanted to be touched without permission. Rolling over to his back, he spoke to Eve.
“Make something simple to eat, I have to do some more repairs.”
When the night came, Eve had hidden Giacomo, the snowball kitten she found in the balcony, inside the bathroom. She was worried. Although she had given some canned fish to it, she didn't want Asa to find out, unsure if he was going to let her keep it or... if he was going to harm it. Eve knew sooner or later he'd find out but till she was able to make a proper decision, she left him inside the tub and prayed for her Master not to see him when he came back and for the kitten to be quiet.
Asa came into the room, knowing Eve was hiding the cat. Just to see how she would react, and respond to the situation.
“Go run me a bath, hot water.”
"A... a bath?",Eve asked nervously but tried to avoid making it notorious. "Yes... sure, Master". She entered the bathroom and surreptitiously closed the door behind her. Taking the kitten out of the tub and looking around just to figure out what to do, she started shushing at the animal like he was a baby to make him remain silent. Eve turned the hot water on while she thought and finally decided to hide the kitten on the elastic band of her skirt, covering his head with the shirt she had on but of course when she came out of the bathroom, her body was rigid trying to hold the kitten in place. “It’s ready Master”, she smiled forcefully, a drop of sweat running down her forehead. (2/2)
Asa ignored the lump in her shirt, to see where she’ll hide the cat next.
Asa stripped and got in the tub, but leaving the bathroom door open, so he could see Eve.
While Asa was in the bathroom, Eve started hissing. The little kitten was scratching her belly in an attempt to come out. Worried about the animal could scratch her bandages, she looked around again and, coming out of bathroom sight, she hid the snowball inside the cupboard, leaving it a bit open so he could breathe and scrubbing her forehead in an attempt to calm down. Her plan was to hide the baby inside the tub again once Asa came out.
Asa looked in amusement, watching Eve keep looking towards the bathroom. Asa heard the cabinet in the kitchen open. The thought made him chuckle.
He got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around his waist. Going to the closet, he put on his sweats and tank top. Watching Eve closely…
“Have you changed your bandage already?”
Eve yelped at the sight of Asa surprising her but cleared her throat to keep composure. "Y-yes", she lied. If she had to remove her shirt, he'd find out she two scratches. "Are you going to stay here tonight, Master?", she asked, her head turning to the side to watch if any of the kitten's paws peeked out.
“Where else would I go?”
Asa turned to see what she was looking at, he saw the cabinet slightly ajar. Smirking, knowing that’s where she put the kitten. He slowly walked to the kitchen to see if she’ll say anything.
"Uh... Umm..." Eve babbled, getting in Asa's way till she ended with her back against the counter. "I-If you want to eat something, I-I can cook for you. You must be tired", she said, her voice quivering.
Is there something I should know about, pet of mines?
She giggled nervously. "N-no, Master...". Then Giacomo let out a tiny meow from inside the cupboard and Eve immediately sneezed in a poor attempt to cover the sound. But after a mere second she realized sooner or later he'd find out so she sighed and said "Wait, Master...", she took a deep breath. "Yes, there's something...". Eve opened the cabinet door and took Giacomo out embracing him towards her chest to protect him from any reaction Asa could have."I'm sorry, I just wanted to keep him safe"
“Keep him save from what?” Asa tilted his head at Eve.
"Just look at him", Eve replied with tenderness in her voice, petting the snowball's head. "I couldn't leave him out. He is a baby, he wouldn't survive the streets. If he came outside this room, he could have getting hurt and... I didn't know if you'd like him", she whispered that last part.
“If I wouldn’t like the cat that I picked out?”
Asa arched his eyebrows at the girl.
“Is there anything else you want to tell me before I make up my mind?”
"What?", Eve said with wide eyes, astonished. "You picked this cat?", Eve chuckled relieved. "I can't believe it. So this means I can keep him?", she moved her head closer to Giacomo and planted a kiss on his head. Then remembered Asa's other question. "Oh..., yes, the bandages", Eve came back to reality in a second, gulping. "I-I... haven't changed them", she whispered again.
Asa took the little kitten from her hands, placing it on the ground. Asa grabbed Eve’s neck, slowly apply pressure until he noticed her gasping for air. He waited purposely, waiting for her vision to start to fade from her, until he leaned closer to her, whispering in her ear.
“Don’t lie to me again.”
He released the pressure, but held her up so she won’t fall on the ground.
“Go change your bandages, unless you want to get an infection.”
Eve coughed, inhaling air quickly to fill her lungs. Her life was in Asa's hands, a clear demonstration by his action, yet she had granted herself the privilege of lying to him. Once she recovered balance again, she started to change her bandages as he told her. Not saying a word, she got under the sheets. Giacomo followed her, climbing up the bed, and she embraced him in her hands although looking at Asa to see if he approved...
Asa didn’t want the cat in the bed, the look on his face made that clear…
Immediately, Eve put the cat on the floor, taking care of making him staying there. She pulled the sheets up and rubbed her neck slightly. Asa had left a bruise for sure but she didn't complain. She turned onto her left side avoiding to face him and closed tightly her eyes. She didn't have anything to say to him and she was sure that if she looked at him again, she'd cry. Once again, she misbehaved when he came back. She started to think if it wasn't an unwilling act of protest for missing him so much but there was nothing she could do.
Asa looked at Eve upset, but didn’t really care. He did not want fur all over the bed. He laid down, feeling his spine relax from being hunched over all day. It didn’t take him long to go to sleep, he was going to take advantage of it while he could. Considering he knew he would be up in a few hours.
By the time Asa came back, Eve was smiling like always although with clear dark circles under her eyes from the sleep deprivation of the night before. "Master, good evening", she said, yawning a little.
Movies again?
Asa smirked at her, hearing the infamous movie when checking in on her earlier that day.
"Oh, I was looking for an old one but I came across The Conjuring. I'm not watching a modern movie again". Eve looked to the side at the sound of Giacomo meowing. The kitten started to pee in the corner of the room so Eve was quick to take a rag and bleach to clean it. She looked at Asa not wanting to be demanding but spoke anyways: "Master, I think he needs a litter box and some cat food".
“I guess I should make it clear that you are free to move around the suite.”
Asa moved towards the pantry in the suite, opening the door. On the floor was a litter box with a big bag of litter inside of it. Next to it on the ground was the bottles and milk needed to feed the kitten. On the other side was cases of canned cat food.
There also was a little bin of small cat toys and a blue collar…
"Oh!", Eve chuckled at the fact that she has ignored there was everything the cat needed so near. But what caught her attention the most was the blue collar. It was perfect, not only for the kitten, but for her personal taste too, "Come here, caro mio", she called the animal and put the item around his neck. "Now you are cute snowball blessed with a fragment of sky", she said in regards to the color blue. Then stood straight again, realizing she felt no pain lately while leaning down.
Asa noticed her not wincing when bending down. Although it has been a little while from her injury, she still wasn’t completely healed.
“I’m hungry, once you finish tending to the cat, make us burgers and fries.”
After placing the box in the corner and some proper food and water for Giacomo, Eve walked to the kitchen and washed her hands dedicately. Once the meat and the potatoes were being cooked, she turned her head to the side, watching the wardrobe in the distance. She wasn't as scared as yesterday now that Asa was there but she was still very sleepy and balancing in place to stay awake. A nice aroma of tasty food took over the suite. Eve served the fries and the burgers on two plates not minding the hot drop of oil that splashed on her hand because she was used to that happening when cooking. Walking to Asa, she delivered the plates to the table, grabbing two glasses with water for the meal to be complete.
“Have you ever seen, As Above, So Below?”
Asa don’t remember how he came across the movie, but he found himself watching it. It was rather interesting, the concept of the movie.
"No, I haven't", Eve answered shyly. "It sounds like a religious movie". Eve furrowed her brows. Asa didn't seem like the type who watched those type of movies but she was interested in him sharing something of his personal taste.
I think you may like it, Asa managed to put it on the TV.. smirking knowing she may not like the movie at all..
A while into the movie, Eve started to cover her face with the hamburguer bread, pretending she was eating. All those people underground awoke a claustrophobia she didn't know she had, not even when locked in a box. 'Another night awake', she guessed.
Asa almost laughed at her attempt to hide her face. The movie wasn’t that bad, he could’ve shown her Terrifier, the movie that catered to his sadistic side on another level.
When the movie ended, Eve was more than ready to stand up and walk away from the television. "May I take your plate to wash it, Master?", she asked.
Asa smirked at his spooked pet.
Once Eve finished with the dishes, she checked on Giacomo. The baby was already sleeping on a cushion on the floor. She petted her head for a second before changing her bandages for the last time of the day. Then she walked to the bed and got under the blankets, silently pulling the sheets up to cover her entire head praying for the light to stay on.
Asa purposely turned the lights off…
“What are you so afraid of?”
How Eve answered his question determined his actions for the night….
"It's pretty ridiculous considering they don't exist but... I can't get that witch from The Conjuring out of my head...", Eve talked against the sheets, still hidden. "Will you make fun of me for it, Master?", she whispered.
Asa nodded at her reply, but not for an answer.
“No I won’t make fun of you. But I will question your logic about it….
You share a bed with a sadistic, serial killer, and won’t lose any sleep.
Yet, you let a movie keep you up at night?
I must not be a threat to you, hmm. Is that it?”
Asa was in close proximity to her face, he could practically feel her breathe, but he got no closer….
Eve let out a shaky breath. She knew Asa was close but that was not the reason behind it. Taking account of what he asked, she realized her own words could have been percieved as lack of respect for him even though it wasn't her intention. "I'm... It's different", Eve answered, moving the sheets down to look him in the eyes. "I know you are dangerous. As lethal as a venomous scorpion, but I can't help but melt for you", she whispered shyly managing to keep her gaze on him.
I think you just need some sleep…
Asa saw the panic in her eyes, yet the adoration…
"That's easier said than done", she chuckled nervously, her eyes redish, open like two big plates in the darkness.
I know all too well butterfly…
Asa scooped her up in his arms, allowing her to lay on his chest. Since he couldn’t lay on her due to her wound…
As soon as Asa had her between his arms, Eve sighed relieved. It almost felt like a heavy bag was taken off of her shoulders and in spite of her wanting to stay awake just to keep feeling her Master's chest going up and down with each breath, she fell asleep almost a minute later.
Asa slowly moved Eve off of his chest due to her slobbing. He took his shirt off, going without it because he didn’t feel like getting another one.
Being careful of her side, he draped an arm around her. Eventually Asa eyes grew tired, and he went to sleep.
Eve woke up the next day but unfortunately, Asa wasn't by her side. Despite that, she felt really rested and somehow, the image of Batsheeba witch was quickly replaced by her Master's strong arms. After feeding Giacomo, she went to the bathroom to have a shower. She had picked one of the orange dresses Asa had left in the wardrobe, this time wanting to take a break from blue. It looked almost vintage on her, with delicate tiny buttons at the side and for that, she loved it, So Eve was getting dressed when suddenly, a black moving item next to the tub caught her attention. She leaned down, grateful for being painless, and noticed it was a tarantula, possibly looking for a way out. She took it in her hand, already knowing it wasn’t venomous since Asa’s books were full of aracnids information and brought it close to her face to examine if it wasn’t hurt. “How did you get in here?”, she started talking. “You are not supposed to be here. You are going to be in trouble”.
Asa heard the water running when he entered the suite, so he went to to kitchen. Getting something to drink, he heard Eve speak, but not towards him. He slowly stalked to the bathroom, knife in hand…
Pushing the door open slowly, once he saw no person. He was disappointed yet relieved….
“What are you talking to?”
Eve yelped at the sudden sound of Asa. She turned around, the tarantula was now on the crook of her neck and its little frontal legs were resting on her cheek. "I'm sorry, Master. It was this little guy. I think he was looking for you", she smiled pointing at the spider she had on with her eyes.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, it may not be lethal, but it leave you paralyzed for a few little while…”
Asa got the spider off of Eve, looking to see how it got out of it’s encasing. Going back to the study area of the suite, he put the spider away.
“You may want to make sure your kitten hasn’t gotten bit. Something that little could go into cardiac arrest from such bite.”
Eve yelped. How did that information escaped her mind?! As soon as Asa mentioned him, she ran out of the bathroom, merely avoiding to push Asa by accident when passing by. Giacomo was all happy finishing his meal but Eve picked him up anyway to examine him. After checking every single bit of white fur, she hugged him close to her chest, kissing the top of his head many times, relieved.
Hmm, either way, do you think you can manage a little things on the garden? Few weeds that needs to be pulled, but nothing too big.
"Of course, whatever you wish", Eve replied excited about working in the garden again.
“Don’t overwork yourself.”
Asa lead Eve upstairs to the rooftop garden.
Eve walked upstairs slowly but steady. She felt no pain but without the possibility to do excercise, she was already tired when they reached the garden. Luckily, what she needed to do was not that hard. Seated on the floor, she was able to pull all the weeds, leaving the plants all clean again. Eve appreciated the time alone. Although Asa was her favourite company, she had time to talk to the violets, something she may not have done if he was present out of shame.
Asa watched Eve talk to the plants. Supposedly, it helps the plants but Asa still found it amusing. He remembered why he came up in the first place. Placing the kitten down, it clumsily made it’s way over to Eve….
Eve felt the soft hairs on her ankle and looked down finding Giacomo there. She saw her hands dirty but couldn't resist the little kitten so she picked him up, kissing his nose many times. "You missed me, mio angelo?", she talked sweetly to him but then remembered the animal was in the suite before. "How did you get here?", she got alarmed at the thought of the kitten getting hurt in his way to there.
Asa slightly chuckled at the thought that Eve didn’t notice him. Eve was often clueless…
Eve was so lost petting the cat and talking sweetly to him that when she finally saw Asa a few meters away, she got confused for a second: "Bab... Master", she corrected herself immediately, yelping at her mistake.
Asa raised an eyebrow at Eve, debating if he should let that slide or warn her.
Not feeling like disciplining her, he leaned down, holding the back side of his hand to the ground.
The kitten made its way out of Eve’s grasp and into Asa’s palm.
“Let’s go, you need to clean yourself up..”
Eve followed Asa back to the suite, watching Giacomo so calm in his hands and, for a moment, she saw a bit of resemblance with herself. There was something charming about him, almost hypnotic. She went to the bathroom to run a warm bath, noticing the orange dress was of no longer use, at least for the moment.
Asa sat the cat down in the bed Eve failed to realize was there. He then turned to the kitchen, not really minding what Eve did in the moment.
Asa put a pizza in the oven due to simplicity.
Eve emerged from the bathroom as Asa laid on the bed, face down….
Eve got out of the bathroom changed into a simple black dress. The smell of pizza was enticing and she knew it was already cooked so she took it out of the oven. She was about to serve it in two plates but the picture of Asa caught her attention. "Master", she whispered. "Are you okay?"
That’s all he said, exhausted from moving people filled boxes throughout the hotel that day. His muscles ached, but he was used to it by now.
Getting off the bed, he turned around, kicking his boots off, he saw Eve had the pizza ready, so he got up to sit at the table…
Eve was delivering the food when she saw Giacomo sleeping on a new pet bed next to their bed. It was impossible to repress a smile from ear to ear so she left the plates on the table and taking a seat in front of Asa, she genuinely said "Thank you".
“No need to thank me, you just didn’t see it.”
Asa ate his pizza in silence, once he finished he ran some bath water. Going to the cabinet in the bathroom, he located the Epsom salt, and put some in the hot water.
Stripping off his clothes, the hot water felt soothing… He made sure he got all of his work done today because he knew he had to plan something else……
Eve heard the water running but she took a deep breath to avoid temptation. She didn't want to end up sore again at least if being painless was the only thing she could granted for herself as a birthday present for the next day. Eve chuckled a little sad and walked to Giacomo. "He is not going to remember, is he?", she talked to the kitten, petting his head.
Asa heard Eve talking to the kitten, but not really caring to listen to what she said. That’s when he summoned her to the bathroom.
Eve gulped. She turned her head to the side to look into the bathroom direction, her hand failing to keep petting Giacomo. Walking to it, she stopped at the half-open door, moving her foot precisely for it to be considered outside. She turned to the side too, not wanting to look inside remembering past punishments and with a shaky voice, she asked "What do you wish, Master?"
Put a sheet and a towel on the bed, and light a candle, you can pick which one…
"Um..., sure Master". Eve walked away of the bathroom to put the items on bed. Giacomo was curious about her movements but Eve was even more intrigued about the request. She went to kitchen to look inside one of the drawers for a candle. Long ones, colored, aromatics... She ended up picking a small one with flowery scent, sure that it was rose fragance, and left it on the night table, nervously trying to find a proper position for it.
Asa got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around his waist. Watching Eve fumble with the candle.
“If you can’t decide where to put the candle, you really won’t be able to decide what to massage first… ”
Asa smirked at he got in the bed, laying down on his stomach. Towel still wrapped around his waist….
"It's perfect there" Eve let out, leaving the candle in a second with no more interest in it. She bit her lip watching Asa's back still with a few drops of water running down his spine. Rubbing her hands together to make sure they were warm, she placed them on each scapula, properly letting both skins connect. Then she started doing soft circles with her palm but quickly using her knuckles to apply pressure. Asa's back muscles were so contracted that she was amused at him not complaining in a daily basis. Eve moved down using her thumbs at both sides of his spine careful not to press any disc and then ended up at his sacrum, kneeling at his side to be able to apply harder pressure. After that, she stopped although not abruptly. She gently moved her fingers to his head, finishing with a soft circling to his temples.
Asa wanted to fall asleep while Eve rubbed his back, but the neat freak in him wouldn’t let that happen.
Once she finished, he put on some shorts and put away the sheet and towel. Making sure it wasn’t nothing else that needed to be done. He went back to the bed, wrapping an arm around Eve, going to sleep.
Eve woke up at the sound of "O mio babbino caro" playing in the distance but the song sounded almost robotic. She wanted to get up to inspect but Asa's arm was keeping her in place by its weight and by its hypnotizing effect. The song lasted around 20 seconds and then she turned to the other side to see if he had noticed, realizing the pressure on the wound was no longer as painful as before. She wanted to check if he had woken up, his eyes were close but Eve knew sometimes he liked teasing her. Despite that, once she looked at him, she forgot about the song. “Oh god”, she whispered at the beautiful picture of him holding her. What a way to start her birthday.
Asa was still tired, but his body wouldn’t let him sleep any longer…
“Go put another dress on, I need you to do something today, but you have to look presentable.”
Asa didn’t have to open his eyes to know that she was awake. Probably sensed the confusion on her face as well….
Eve was more than intrigued at the request. She got up, already missing being by his side, and went to the wardrobe to pick something. If it was a special day, at least for her, she'd make it special so she obviously chose a blue dress with sort of long sleeves. She brushed her hair, fixing the necklace around her neck and put on a pair of black shoes. Smiling, she stood by the wardrobe door wanting to ask him if he liked the look but the song started playing again for another 20 seconds.
“I’m going to throw your phone off that balcony.”
Asa groaned, as he got up himself. He got dressed not paying any attention to Eve much I until he was ready.
He blindfolded her, then picked her up.. it’s been a while since she left the suite…..
Eve giggled nervously. "It's because today is...", she said while he was carrying her downstairs but stopped before ending the phrase. If he didn't mind or remembered it, it wouldn't do any difference if she told him.
Asa kept Eve blindfolded when placed her in the back of the van. Closing the doors, he got in the driver’s seat. Driving to the nearest McDonald’s he picked up breakfast for the both of them.
Driving to his destination, he handed Eve the bag with food. Taking her out of the back of the van he took the blindfold off.
“Call your phone when you’re ready, if not. I’m getting you at 9 tonight.” Was all Asa said.
He got back in the van and drove away….
The kidnapping
Eve was silent all the way. She quickly realized she was in the van but never dared to remove her blindfold. She didn’t mind it either. The fact that Asa was driving to an unknown place with her awoke her curiosity but she enjoyed it like she could: smelling the chlorine impregnated in the vehicle, hearing the noise of the city and being grateful for the AC.
After Asa took the blindfold off of her and let her get out of the van, she looked at the bag in her hands and smiled. She thought they were going to have breakfast right there, which was a bit strange, but then realized the surroundings were familiar. She looked past him and the bag almost slipped off of her hands at the sight of her parents’ house. 
Asa’s words were very clear in her mind, though. If she didn’t call before 9…, she didn’t want to risk anyone getting hurt or murdered. Eve watched him leave. What does this mean? He clearly has to remember my birthday. But he didn’t say anything. Well, he never does.
Meeting her parents was an emotional moment. They both missed her and neither of them were expecting to see each other. They shared a tasty meal and asked lots of questions, which she had to lie to their replies in the majority of cases. 
Once the reunion was over, Eve called Asa to pick her up, arranging that he was going to do so a few streets away. She convinced her parents to not accompany her, not wanting Asa to be seen to avoid more questions and trouble. She walked the streets and waited like he told her. Suddenly, a white van, similar to Asa’s one stopped by. Confidently, and wanting to be quick, she opened the back door and got inside. 
She didn’t had time to get out before the van accelerated and unluckily, the scenario inside the vehicle was not what she expected. Tomas Little and four other men were there and her ex-boyfriend was fast to grab her and pin her down. 
“You really keep being a distracted little sheep”, he commented, covering her mouth to muffle her screams and holding her struggles with his own weight. “You put it easier than I thought. What the fuck were you thinking when you opened this door? You little little dumb sheep”, he continued, gesturing one of the other men to bring the tape, putting it on her mouth and around her wrists and feet. “I’m not complaining, though. I love it when I don’t have to work”, he started palpating her body. “Hm… no phone. What? I can’t understand you with that thing on your mouth. How did I find you? It’s your birthday sweetheart. Of course you were going to be visiting your parents. Don’t worry, the party has just started. Happy birthday, my little sheep”, Tomas said, kissing her forehead.  
Asa was just a block down when he saw Eve disappear into the van. He already knew what to expect. So slowly he followed behind the van, yet staying a good distance behind.
Typing on his phone, he looked up the car information. To which he came to the conclusion he already had.
Tomas Little was a very stupid boy.
The van stopped and Tomas tried to throw Eve over his shoulder but failed. One of his “friends” helped him took her inside and carried her to the basement. Eve kept trying to scream through the tape but Tomas took out a knife and brought it close to her face. 
“I’m going to take this off. Don’t make me hurt you. But if you scream, I will”. 
Eve nodded yes with her head, taking a big mouthful of air when the tape was off and looked at Tomas with watery eyes. 
“Wow”, he commented, tilting his head to the side. “I thought you were going to scream”.
“It’s not productive now that we are in here but I don’t think you know the value of silence”, she replied. “Besides, where are we, Tomas? In your own house?”, she chuckled. 
“What’s so funny about it? No one is going to hear you here”. 
“You are so dead. You don’t even know”. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Nothing”, Eve said looking to the side, not wanting to bring up Asa into the conversation. 
“Leave us alone”, Tomas ordered to the men. 
Asa watched as Tomas pulled up to his home. He remembered the location, going back to his hotel. Gathering all the equipment he needed, he headed back towards Tomas house. Making sure to bring a box as well…
“Why you look so upset?”, Tomas asked, leaning down to be close to Eve’s face. “We are together again”. 
“That’s what’s upsetting me. How many times do I have to tell you that what we had is over?”.
“I can have you again”.
“Like this?”, Eve sobbed. “It’s my birthday for God’s sake. You are ruining it”.
“Ruining it? What were you panning to do?”, he inquired but Eve didn’t respond. “Ohh, that’s it then. Someone was waiting for you. That’s why you don’t live at your pretty little house anymore.”, Tomas clenched his teeth and grasped her chin forcing her to look at him. “Who is the moron expecting you to come home to?”
Eve’s chest was bouncing with anger too at his lack of respect. 
“That moron is the one who is going to gut you and your friends when he finds me, you fucking idiot”
Eve spat his face for him to release her. Her terms were surprising too because she was never the one to insult other person. Unluckily, Tomas didn’t take that well and hit her face with the back of his knuckles, violently throwing her to the floor at the impact. He moved on top of her, pulling from the neck part of her dress to rip it to the side. 
“You think I’m scared of your stupid boyfriend? I’ll take care of him too. He is no one, you little dumb sheep. I am your boyfriend and I will always be”, he kissed her mouth and grasped her breast while Eve squirmed. “I just have to remind you of it”. 
Tomas was about to rip her dress in half when he saw the butterfly scars peeking through out the fabric of the sleeve. 
“What is that?”
Asa approached the house, and amusingly enough, the back door was open. He closed it, making sure to lock it.
Leaning down, Asa took the leashes off the dogs. He followed their lead, until one stopped and stared. Asa gripped the knife in his hand, turning the corner to see two of them sitting on the couch.
They were talking, but the words went unnoticed to Asa’s ears. Tapping the dog on it’s back, it charged at the two men. Effectively going for the throat. Asa waited for another one to come, to see what was happening.
The boy shouted, but was shortly lived when Asa pierced his throat.
Asa finished the two men on the couch before he let the dogs lead him to the basement door…..
“Who did that to you?”, Tomas had asked, moving the sleeve upwards, disgusted at the sight. Eve couldn’t cover it because of her tied wrists but kept struggling to be released. “WHO?!”, Tomas yelled. 
“Him. And it’s part of our intimacy”. 
“INTIMACY?!”, he yelled again, his face horrified. “Do you call this intimacy? What the fuck is going on?”
“It’s a design because I’m special for him.”
“Oh, so you let this idiot cut you? Is that it?”
“I never criticized the lion you got tattoed in your hip bone even though you made it striped like a tiger because you don’t have a single idea about wild fauna”. 
Tomas repressed his wish to hit her again. 
“Okay. So you like being cut as a form of love”, he turned his head to the basement stairs. “Mario, come here”, he called the man who was watching the basement cover. 
Once the man came downstairs, Tomas instructed him to hold Eve down while he used the knife to cut her dress. Eve couldn’t move even if she wanted but the purpose of Tomas was to cut her skin too, perfectly carving his two letters, “TL”, under her right collarbone.
Eve screamed in agony while he broke her flesh, blood appearing quickly on the cut lines. 
“This is fucked up”, Mario commented.
“You shut up. I don’t pay you for your opinion”. 
Once Tomas finished, both men released her. She was sobbing like a mess, lost in the contemplation of the wall, with the right side of her blue dress now stained in red.  
“Now you are loved. Loved by me”, Tomas said. And he was about to make Mario go look for a bandage when they heard noise outside. Paying attention, they realized there was a fight upstairs and that the other men were screaming. 
“What the fuck?”
The noise made Eve blinked and come back to reality with a tiny smile. Tomas noticed it and leaned down again towards her. 
“What the fuck is going on?”
“He came for me”, she replied, tears running down her cheeks. 
“Who’s your fucking boyfriend?” 
Eve smiled showing her teeth. 
“The Collector”. 
Tomas walked away of her.
“FUCK, FUCK!!!!”, he started gasping. “Mario, how many bullets do you have there?”
“You better use them well or we are going to be fucked”. 
Eve started laughing. 
“You, come here”, Tomas said making her stand on her feet still with her limbs tied together. Using her as protection, he moved the knife to her neck, waiting for Asa to find them, realizing he had made his own trap. 
Asa heard the panicked voices coming from the basement and knew they’re in there. He smirked, but knowing he had to be precise for his next move.
Asa grabbed his bag, pulling out his infamous trigger wire. Attaching it to a knife thrower he made for impromptu break-ins.
Opening the door to the basement, he listened to their reaction.
“Go check it out.” A hushed voice said.
“No way, I’m not going up there.” The other one said.
Asa peaked around the corner and he saw their feet. Noticing how Eve was close to one of them, it’s a chance he was holding her, that had to be Tomas.
Asa whistled but held his hand up, the dogs came to him but stopped.
“Shit did you hear that?” Mario said.
Asa liked creating suspense, so he got up, jumping out of a back window. He turned the power to the house off. It would only stay off for 5 minutes. Then entered once again, quickly yet silently.
He listened out for them, Asa eyes were used to seeing in the dark, it wasn’t completely dark though.
Asa made some more noise to lure Mario out of the basement.
“Okay all of us are going up. She’s going first, move it!” That was Tomas.
Asa saw them coming up the stairs, he was right in front of them, but they didn’t see him. Asa saw that Eve had some blood on her, which made him growl a bit.
Mario fired a shot right in front of them, but missed.
4 shots.
As they approached the doorway, Eve movement halted.
She felt the wire on her leg.
Carefully she stepped over it without Tomas noticing.
“Go in front of us.” Tomas said.
As Mario got in front of them, Eve felt him trigger the trap, so she fucked, managing to get out of Tomas trap.
The knife was lodged in Mario’s head, coincidentally the lights came back on, on impact.
Asa was right in front of them, Eve being ducked, Asa pushed Tomas down the stairs…
Eve kept laughing at their desperation, not matter how angrily Tomas gripped her arm. Once she heard Asa’s whistle, she took a deep breath. They didn’t know but it was obvious for her that the dogs were waiting and she prayed for them to differ between her body and the rest. 
When the lights went off, Eve calmed down. It was the opposite of their reaction but it meant that Asa was determined to get her and god, how she loved his suspense. Despite that, she stayed alert, sure that the Collector had designed one trap nearby if not more. Somehow, it was like playing Hide and Seek, so her mind switched into a calculated one. 
She felt the wire and silently chuckled, a mannerism she got from her Master. Stepping over it with confidence while the two men were shitting in their pants and Mario was shooting to the air, it didnt take long for the last one to activate the trap. 
Once Tomas was pushed. his knife flying off downstairs too, Eve looked at Asa with the lights back on. He was so powerful in his black clothes that she smirked relieved and attracted to him. 
She stood there, wanting to hug him, but looking at the floor in respect. 
Asa looked over towards Eve, noticing hey hands tied together. He grabbed her hands, slicing through the rope, he set her arms free.
Turning his attention to the man getting up in the basement. Asa matched down the stairs, reaching a hand out towards Eve. Letting her know that he wants her down there too.
Tomas stood with the knife in his hand, he was spitting words at Asa, but Asa wasn’t paying attention. When Tomas went to swing, Asa swiftly dodged it. Smirking at the small man.
When Tomas swung the next time, Asa grabbed his wrist twisting and pulling him forwards. Taking his forearm in both hands, he smashed it with his knee. His arm made a loud popping noise, music to Asa’s ears.
Tomas held his arm in agony, Asa leaned over him, watching his face.
Asa stood and whistled for the dogs to come to the basement. They say, both on each side of Eve, watching Tomas.
Knowing he could walk out, Asa went through the front door so he could get the box. Bringing it back to the basement, he didn’t put Tomas in it just yet.
He kicked him around the floor, and made him stand. Tomas tried to swing, but he was too weak to do so. Asa shoved him in the box, before he got the chance to close it, he heard Eve speak.
“Master, may I do it?” She asked.
Something Asa wasn’t expecting, so he stood back and gestured for Eve to do so…..
It was the first time Eve felt confident next to Asa’s dogs. They were there, watching, making sure Tomas remained still and, in a sense, that Eve was protected. 
The boy stood whining on the floor, talking to Eve, begging her to stop what was happening. But she moved her index finger to her lips, commanding silence. 
Once Asa was back, of course she couldn’t resist locking that bastard inside the red box. She had been gentle many times in her life before. He had abuse her kindness and this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She wasn’t going to be gentle anymore.
With The Collector’s permission, and seeing that Tomas’ hand was trying to peek out the box, she smashed the cover against his fingers two times, breaking a few tiny bones before Tomas screamed and brought his fingers inside. 
With the boy locked properly, she looked at Asa taking a deep breath. She wasnt healed properly yet but at least, she felt satisfied. 
“Don’t over work yourself, butterfly.” Asa smirked at her.
Asa pushed and manage to get the box up the stairs. He placed the box in the trunk, and helped Eve inside the van as well. Handing Eve the blindfold, she did it herself.
Asa drove to the hotel, going through the underground garage. He put the box in an empty room, wanting to deal with Tomas tomorrow, when they both would have more energy….
Eve was left by Asa inside the suite while he went to take care of Tomas. What had happened? She had been so tense that now all the adrenaline accumulated was starting to have its effects on her. Yet, she tried to remain calm. She went to run a bath for herself, using the sponge many times to scrub her skin. Tomas' kiss and his hands on her coming like violent flashes to her mind. She shook her head, not wanting to pay attention to the disgust she felt. The cuts were not bleeding anymore but they still hurt. She took time to wet her face, letting the shower wash everything away and she felt sure enough that she was recovered. But when she got out of the tub and her reflection in the mirror caught her glance, she started to tremble. Walking closer to the glass, she moved the wet hair out of her collar bone, revealing the scars. They were horrible. Bloodish lines forming the letters of the man’s name she hated by now. If the surgery scar worried her when it came to Asa’s opinion, the meaning of these letter was three times worse. Tears started to fill her eyes, running down the slight bruises on her cheek. Eve had to touch the wall to support her weight for a moment but eventually sat down in the corner, hugging her knees. She brought her forehead to them too, trying to muffle the sound of her crying, not wanting Asa to come in and hear her. 3/3
Asa made his way up to the suite, ready to take a shower, eat, then sleep.
When he entered the bathroom, he saw Eve in the ground. He already knew what was happening. He kneeled down beside her, stroking the top of her head.
Asa got up and turned the shower on, stripping out of all his clothes. He got in and washed himself quickly. Stepping out wrapping a towel around him. He scooped Eve up of the floor, taking her to the room. He put some food out for the cat, while he made the two of them something light to eat.
Giacomo joined him on his journey to the room. He handed Eve the grilled cheese and tomato soup.
Asa looked at her collar bone, noticing the pinkish lines. Indicating they weren’t deep, so Asa grabbed the aloe.
He also grabbed the property bandages to place in her side as well.
“I have good news and bad news.” Asa spoke.
Eve turned her attention to Asa.
“Good news is that, those lines won’t be there long. Bad news, I had to reschedule our dinner reservations for tomorrow. Unless you don’t want to go anymore….”
Asa handled her the soup but Eve wasn't eating; instead she was playing with the spoon. Then his words caught her attention. Bad news weren't bad news at all. She was so happy at what she heard, yet so surprised too, that she started crying again, bringing her hands to her face to hide her puffy cheeks. "Yes..., I...", she babbled, unable to articulate properly. "I just wanted to spend time with you.", she let out very sweetly.
“Well first we have to take care of your ‘boyfriend’. Then we’d have until 8:30 tomorrow… Or do you have other plans?” Asa teased.
He took their bowls to the kitchen then climbed into the bed. Grabbing Eve, tucking her head underneath his chin, he held her with both arms.
As Asa relaxed, he realized his arms were a little sore. Ignoring it, he went to sleep…
Despite her concerns, Eve was quick to close her eyes. Asa's chest always had that effect of putting her to sleep in just a few minutes, his warmth like a shelter for the storm. The next morning found them both still in bed. Eve woke up and squirmed a little in his arms, pressing her forehead tighter to his chest. She didn't want to get up. She was still tired and most important, she felt comfortable and safe. The idea of Tomas being still alive in the hotel moved different emotions in her.
There was fear but there was also a big curiosity. At least she wanted to be present when Asa dealt with him. Eve looked up, finding Asa’s face with eyes closed. She observed him for a few seconds, with loving eyes lost in his features, and she spoke with a very low voice: “Do you know, that your breathing changes when you wake up?”, she smiled at the slight joke of repeating his own words, realizing how much fullness he represented for her heart.
“Well of course I’m awake, you’ve been tossing and turning for the last 13 minutes.” Asa kept his eyes closed.
After a minute of debating, Asa got out of the bed. Getting dressed in his normal ‘Collector’ attire.
“Do you want to go now, or come get you on 10 minutes?”
Eve got up, walking a bit around the room to stretch her muscles, especially her arms after the events. Once The Collector was dressed in his attire, she had already changed into a classy sleeveless black dress. Then he spoke. Go where?, she thought, but of course if it meant going with him, the place didn't matter. "I'm ready", she replied intrigued and fiixing the blonde locks of hair.
“You want to torture Tomas in that?” Asa arched his eyebrow at Eve.
Eve yelped, delaying a moment to react. What did he just say? She was supposed to torture Tomas? Eve's brain process her ethics on one side: she always considered herself a good person yet the day before, it felt like poetic justice when she broke his fingers. The ex who stalked her, hit her, humiliated her, ruined her birthday, cut her... Eve smirked at Asa in slow motion. "You are right, there's something missing, Master", she moved the butterfly pendant out of her dress, letting it show over the fabric. “Now I feel absolutely gorgeous for the occasion”.
“You’re insane.”
“Let’s go, and be careful. I put new traps out, throughout the whole building.
Eve followed Asa all the way down to the lab, paying special attention to follow each and every one of his steps at the idea of new traps nearby. It was a glorious thing in her mind that she wasn't blindfolded although she would have wished for it to hold his thumb as guidance. When the scenario of the lab was in front her, the smell of chlorine products was much stronger than the one in his van. The memories of her being tied in that same steel stretcher were cut by the red box in the corner.
She looked at Asa to see what he was planning on doing, sure that Tomas was inside of it.
Asa went over to the wall of hanging instruments used for his sadistic torture. Making sure Eve was next to him, telling her to pick out what she wanted. Asa was yet to get Tomas from the room. He was going to once Eve was ready….
Eve's jaw fell a bit open when she saw the hanging instruments. They were so neat, so shiny that the handles of many of them reflected the lab. She raised her tempted to touch them, imagining how good the cold metal would feel, but refrained herself. Being a woman of classy taste, she went for the small delicate ones. "I like that one", she pointed at one particular silver scalpel in the corner. "And this one too", she pointed at some pilers. "But what is this one for?"
“It’s for pulling off small parts.”
“Do you want me to go get him?”
"Oh"; Eve smiled, she loved learning new things. "Yes, please, Master".
Asa left the room, pushing the box to the lab they were in. Kicking it, Tomas made a startled sound. Opening the box quickly, Asa drug him out and punched him in the face.
Effectively dazing him, Asa strapped him to the lab table. Stepping back, Asa looked at Eve.
At first, Eve breathing became agitated at the sight of her ex. It was real. He was strapped to the table at her mercy and somehow all the fear she could have about seeing him again was vanished by Asa's presence by her side. She seeked permission in his face to take the instruments she mentioned and then stopped for a second to look at The Collector. "Master, do you have one of your recorders here?"
Asa pointed to a corner in the ceiling, but then tilted his head.
“Do you want something hand held?”
"Yes, please", Eve replied watching Asa leave the room a moment later. She looked at Tomas, he was clearly dazed, not only by his punch but also with clear dehydration signs. "Eve...", he murmured the best he could. "Eve what is this?". "The end of the birthday party you started", she answered still keeping distance from the stretcher he was on. "Eve, please, don't do this. You were a nice person. I made a mistake. Please.. I'm sorry!", he sobbed. But Eve's eyes were of a darker shade.
“Shut up. You talk too much and it annoys me”
Asa entered the room, already knowing Tomas said something. Handing Eve the camera, he walked to Tomas. Grabbing his throat, Asa choked him.
Not letting him pass out, Asa smirked at his poor attempt of a threat. Asa then gestured to Eve, she could take over while Asa watched.
Torture and restaurant scenes not narrated.
Isolated red riding hood scene
*waits behind the suite door with her home made custome* "Boo!" (~Eve)
“You’ve been busy I see.” Asa smirked.
Eve smiles: "But grandmother! What big eyes you have!"
Asa snarls, but only to better help her set up for the next line.
Seeing he didn't object anything, she continued: "But grandmother, what big ears you have!"
“You can’t even see them, butterfly.”
Asa broke character briefly, before continuing to walk inside the suite.
Eve giggled at his comment, seeing he was being nice in his own way. She posed again in character. "But grandmother! What big teeth you have!"
Asa turned towards Eve, slowly stalking towards her…
She removed the hood, letting the rest of the blanket rest on her shoulders. "And that's the end, I think. I don't have any more lines". She giggled a bit nervous at Asa walking towards her.
Asa grabbed Eve’s throat, but not in a threatening manner. He tilted her head up to look her in the eye.
“I’ll show you a big, bad wolf.” Asa said lowly.
Eve yelped, swallowing against his hand. "I-I... um... This is the part were she called for help, right?"
“No, this is the part where you feed the big, bad wolf.” Asa released her, taking his mask off.
The story evolves (First fight.  First time together. Eve is completely healed from surgery. Asa starts to train her)
"Master, I'm forced to notify you that you have a big debt. I've done the maths and it turns out you owe me 120 kisses"
Oh really? How did I accumulate such debt?
"Oh, you see, I estimate that you give me one kiss a month but I need one kiss a day. I've been here for 6 months but let's say I'm generous and only count 4 of them. That leaves us a total of 120 not given kisses."
And how many of those days did you have a bed?
"So no kisses for Eve.
But if someone else kissed me, you'd get mad. That's what I don't understand", Eve sighs.
Did I say that?
Don't test me, butterfly.
"Well, let's say I've been in the suite for a month and a half, that's 45 days. And there weren't any kisses here", Eve stops for a second. Is she really putting up a tantrum towards something like that? "It doesn't matter. You're still not going to do it because you know I want that. So I understand. I'm going to try to not want that anymore ".
Asa approached Eve slowly, not appreciating her tone. Grabbing her jaw, and part of her neck, tilting her head back. He leaned down, giving her one of the 45 kisses she requested.
He leaned towards her ear and spoke with a very calm voice.
“Lay on the bed, stomach down…”
 The charming feeling of the kiss ended sooner than expected. At his command, Eve gulped.
"Umm...", she hesitated for a second but obeyed anyways. "I can't be sorry for speaking the truth. When I start hating your kisses, that's when you are going to kiss me. But you know what? That's never going to happen. I'm never going to hate them. So... I guess, punish me", she said very lowly, a bit of resignation in her voice.
“What else have I done that you hate besides punishment? Because from the way you talk, you think I want you miserable. It sounds as if you are being a bit ungrateful to me. I suppose you’re fine with being back in the old room. Your first room, with your box. As long as you get your 44 kisses…. Is that what you want? Trust me, I’m willing to oblige in a pet that’s obedient. ”
Asa pushed her head down into the mattress, speaking viciously in her ear.. waiting for her response…
In a way it was a good thing that Asa pushed her head into the mattress because Eve closed her eyes tightly and despite that, a few tears spilled from their corners. "I...", she felt dizzy, confused, not knowing what to say. Asa didn't want to kiss her and at the same time he had brought her all these facilities and offered her good moments so she couldn't understand. She didn't want to go back to a box yet she didn't want to wait for eternity for him to be inspired and kiss her. And also he was getting angry and that wasn't even the point of what started as a joke. "I don't know!", she exclaimed breaking in tears. "What do you want from me? I'm giving you everything that I am, that I have, and I enjoy doing so. But I too feel that it's not enough for you. You don't know how much that hurts. I lov... I-I...", she turned her head to look at him with a puffy face. "Do whatever you want with me. I'm always going to feel yours even if you put me back in that box, even if you ignore me for the rest of your life. Or even if you kill me right now".
Asa grabbed her head, planting his lips to hers once again.
He released her with a slight push on the bed, leaving the room. If he had punished her, her last option she stated may not have been to far, from how he was feeling.
He left. He always leaves. Nothing was ever going to change.
Eve pulled the sheets up, covering her whole head, turning into a phetal position. She was so sad that she didn't even have strength to keep crying. Remembering what brought her comfort when she was a child, she started to sing very low.
'Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro
Lì anche la notte meno oscura
Io sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere
Come le nuvole che volano
Pien d'umanità'
After half an hour tears have dried on her cheeks and she was already falling asleep.
Asa came back to the suite, at who knows what time. He was covered in blood from head to toe. The slam of the door jolted Eve awake. He took his boots and mask of by the door, considering they are dripping in blood.
"Clean this up.."
Asa didn't even spare a glance at her as he walked to the bathroom.
Taking the blood soaked clothes off he took a long shower. After 45 minutes, Asa left the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.
Grabbing her jaw, like always, he just stared at Eve's face.
"Don't make me mad again, Eve..."
When Asa came out of the bathroom, Eve had already washed his clothes. God, they were a bloody mess and she knew he had taken out his anger on someone else but at this point, her head was too dizzy to really care.
When he spoke to her and she felt his touch again... that was another story. Her brain became fully awake again.
"I'm sorry, Master. I'm being sincere here, I feel really ungrateful. I just wanted... it doesn't matter now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorr-"
Asa got tired of her rambling, giving her another kiss to shut her up.
"Why don't you show me how sorry you are?" Asa said against her lips.
A little yelp escaped Eve's mouth. Was he meaning what she was thinking? She looked at him with curious black eyes but after a few seconds she couldn't resist it anymore. This time Eve was the one kissing him, her shaky fingers coming up to caress his hair. She was already fascinated because she had never had the possibility to appreciate how good his features felt to the touch of her palm. She barely stopped kissing him to gasp for air but, as a moth to the fire, Eve moved onto his lap, hands coming down to his bare back, grateful for him not complaining. His sore muscles, the rough texture of his skin, the scars... it was all like a map in braille.
Soon her own body betrayed what remained of her shyness and her hips started to move for touch. She only had the time to let out a little moan before she was pinned to the mattress...
Asa lost count for how many times she came undone, but there was one thing he did know.
"27.." he whispered on a tired Eve's lips.
Hating how the room looked, Asa cleaned up a bit before he put some clothes on.
Looking at Giacomo, he was starting to get bigger and may need another bed soon. As well as a scratching post...
Asa wasn't a cat person....
Eve woke up the next day after a profound sleep. She was exhausted and full of energy at the same time. She was used to fights when it came to Tomas but this time she was the one claiming something. Despite that, her ex-boyfriend could never be as fascinating as a lover as Asa was and she felt that in every inch of her skin.
She got up, alone once again, and hold Giacomo in her arms. He was notoriously heavier but as fluffy as always. She kissed the top of his head many times. There was happiness but there was also a big feeling of guilt, somehow familiar now, that came every time she displeased him.
Leaving Giacomo on the floor, she started to cook, noticing how hungry she was. Oatmeal cookies. That was a good idea. She knew he loved them and thought it was a way to start the day with the right foot. Once they were ready, she placed them on the table and went to the bathroom to wash her teeth, taking time to practice lip pressing against lip to inspire her to keep her mouth shut for the rest of the week.
Asa came back to the room, he needed to grab some salt. Only to see Eve in the mirror…
“What are you doing?” He said.
Before Eve could even say anything, he just put his hand up to stop her from talking. It didn’t matter why she was doing it.
“Take Giacomo to the roof with you whenever you’re done with whatever you’re doing. The traps are deactivated. To the roof, not to this floor so don’t go exploring. I need to go do something in a few, and I’ll be gone for a while.”
Eve spent the afternoon in the garden, taking care of leaving the flowers as possible, watching Giacomo every time he got too close to a plant to avoid damage... and more trouble. "Little snowball angel", she said lovingly to him while petting his back. She sighed, inhaling back the fresh sweet air of the garden. "What a day, caro mio".
Asa spent the day cleaning the lower levels and the fumes from the chemicals tend to get throughout the vents.
Seeing the redness to Eve’s face, he frowned a bit.
“Why didn’t you use sunscreen, or at least go back inside?”
"Um... I just wanted to obey you and stay here. I'm sorry...", Eve touched her nose, it burned a bit. "It'll be okay", she said a little distant and went inside, passing by him, to come back to the suite.
“Don’t touch your face, and go to the bathroom.”
Asa grabbed Giacomo because he was still trying to get in the dirt.
Eve opened the bathroom door, leaving it open while she cleaned her hands. She stayed there, though, looking at Asa leaving Giacomo on the floor. "What do you wish me to do here, Master?", she said with low enthusiasm.
“Just stay right there.” Asa told her.
He went to the kitchen to get the aloe out of the refrigerator. Cutting it up and open, he went to the bathroom with it. Slathering the cool substance on her face, especially her nose.
“Run us a bath..”
Eve let him do, controlling her breathing in the process. Then she turned both taps on, taking care of the water temperature being nice to the touch and after the tub was filled, she looked at him back again, making a step backwards to allow him space. "Ready, Master..."
Asa came back to the bathroom and stripped his clothes. Climbing into the tub…
For the first time, Eve turned around when he undressed, placing her hand at both sides of the sink to repress the urge to look at him. She stood there, silent and nervous...
“Are you going to stand there until the water get cold, or are you going to get in?”
Eve took a deep breath and turned around. She walked to the tub, stepping in, realizing she had not taken her dress off. "Sorry", she whispered, flustered for being so clumsy and took the wet garment off, leaving it on the floor. She looked down at the water, suddenly the most interesting thing in the room.
Asa looked at her amused, wondering how long she’s going to keep this up.
He picked her up, turning her around, so her back was towards his chest. Grabbing the loofah, he started to wash her back…
Eve let out a shaky breath, not realizing it became a moan. She was already burning, Asa was like an unforgivable fire, yet she tried to keep still, not a single word escaping her mouth, playing with the water with her fingers in a very subtle way to not focus on how he was melting her
Asa smirked behind her, she was slowly breaking. Placing a kiss on the back of the her neck.
“Turn around..”
Eve didn't know where she got the strength to turn around. Her limbs felt weak, shaky. It was like being in hell and heaven at the same time. But she did although not looking at him. "Should I... grab a towel, Master?"
Go ahead…
Eve was as quick as a plane to get out the tub and wrap herself in a towel. She grabbed the dress twisting it and washing it carelessly with a bit of water and left it hanging there before almost running out of the bathroom.
Asa watched Eve move frantically…
Asa got out of the tub and got dressed. Asa was starving, so he went to the kitchen. Cooking some chicken Alfredo.
“Come over and eat..”
Dinner was silent for Eve. She regained some of her composure and was again quick to take the dishes and do them in the kitchen sink. In a way, it was a great activity because she was giving her back at him and she could get her attention into scrubbing with the sponge.
Asa came from behind her, trapping her between him and the sink.
“You can’t act like this forever…” Asa whispered in her ear.
He then moved to the bed, laying down, getting ready for bed…
Eve almost jumped when Asa trapped her. He was always so unexpected, honoring his spider-nature. She sighed after he released her, knowing all too well that she couldn't keep up his game for too long but that was more exasperating. She gave Giacomo some food, trying to buy time, but she knew she had to sleep sooner or later. Eve walked to the bed, placing herself unnder the sheets but stood right in the edge of the mattress.
Asa waited for Eve to fall asleep before he for so himself. He just laid still in bed waiting….
After a little while, Eve softly turned her head to the side. He seemed asleep and his breathing was very quiet so she surreptitiously moved the sheets down and get up to lie down again but this time on he floor. Not that it was a very appetizing option but her head was still spinning around in circles and she felt unworthy of sharing his bed after how mad he got the other day and she thought that was the place pets should use to sleep. Because she was just that in his eyes, just a pet.
Asa felt the bed move, it sounded as if she settled on the floor. Shifting his weight carefully, he looked over the side of the bed. Staring at her laying on the floor.
“You want to know something?”
Eve let out a little scream at the sudden picture of Asa, bringing her hands to her mouth as she jumped. She stood lying down, though, calming down after a few seconds and looked at him. "What, Master?"
Guess how I got the idea for my collection?
"I have no idea, Master", she whispered.
Well, let’s just say, one day. A little boy’s father decided to murder the whole family, all except for one.
The little boy..
Eve yelped and her eyes went watery. Gulping down, she moved her nails to the mouth, nervously scratching her lip. "And what... what did the little boy do?"
The little boy grew up and decided to take after his father, study Entomology. Also have a hobby of killing everyone but one person. That one person becoming apart of his collection. With a few exceptions of course…
"Why are you telling me this, Master?", Eve asked with a low voice at the fatality of the story; now sitting on the floor, goosebumps visible along her arms from its coldness.
Why not? Now get off of the floor, even your cat doesn’t sleep on the floor.
Eve got up and moved again to the bed, covering herself again with the sheets letting out a little trembling till her body temperature went back to normal. She looked at him with soft inquiring eyes. "Can I tell you something now?"
"I'm never going to harm you. Not only because you are much bigger and stronger but because even if one day I had the possibility, I'm not going to do it", she paused, love was shining through her black eyes. "And I'm sorry for making you mad yesterday. I just wish you'd give me the chance to make you happy as a woman and not just as a pet from your collection. I'd still call you Master, though. I know you like that", Eve let out a tiny chuckle shrugging her shoulders in a shy way.
I already know that, you’ve been given multiple chances to kill me. You just haven’t realized it because that’s not your intensions.
And I’m also aware of that, but what you want is asking a lot from me.. You’ve asked me things before, not demand, now 32, kisses..
I feel offended that you’d rather sleep on the floor, but I’ll choose to ignore that for now..
Regardless, you know how to ask for things in the right way,
"You don't owe me anything. You never did but honestly the kisses demand is over. If you ever wish to do so, then you know I'll be happy about it. If not... I'll just have to press lip with lip together like you saw me doing in the mirror. As for the floor matter.... I felt sort of unworthy. I'm actually relieved that you stil allow me to sleep here”.
I’ll consider it….
If I didn’t want you sleeping here, you’d be back in your old room.
Eve let out a tiny smile before she closed her eyes, ready to sleep. The next day she woke up with The Collector not there so she had breakfast with the oatmeal cookies she did the day before before deciding to throw the rest away since they weren't too tasty by now. A few hours passed by and she started to get bored so she chose to play with Giacomo, motivating him to learn a new trick of standing on his two paws. She was surprised at him learning so fast (mostly because the cat was interested in the piece of food she was raising in the air). Then she looked around and accidentally found a tiny camera she hadn't noticed on the roof.
Not knowing if he was watching, she still moved Giacomo to that angle and like a circus introducer, she did a funny mimic, making the cat stand on his paws a few times and clapping before blowing a tender kiss to the camera.
Asa was indeed looking at Eve through the camera although, the one she was looking at was a decoy camera. Either way, it was amusing looking at her trying to train Giacomo.
Little did she know, Giacomo knows how to bite and scratch at someone’s eyes and throat. You’d be surprised how many times Asa took Giacomo without Eve noticing. But he’ll let her have her innocent moment.
By the time Asa came back to the room, Eve was already waiting in her circus compere position. "Welcome to Catland, the place where cats walk like men!", she said funny. "Today's entertainment: the amazing Giacomo". She called the cat towards her and grabbing a piece of his food, she moved it up in the air for the cat to stand on his two paws. "Applause, please, the beast has conquered mankind". She said and did a little jumping to celebrate the animal.
Asa gave her and the cat a little applause, but soon after Asa squatted down.
He held his arm out in front of him and muttered a simple word.
Giacomo ran towards Asa, quickly running up his arm. Giacomo started to claw at Asa’s face, as well as trying to bite.
“Down.” Asa said.
Giacomo hopped down from Asa, then made his way back over to Eve. Rubbing his fur against her legs.
“You know it was fairly easy to train him. I could train you, if you want.. it shouldn’t be no harder than Giacomo. Considering you’ll have a weapon and can understand me. ”
What was Eve being happy and proud at her Master's applause, soon changed into a giant surprise. When did he train Giacomo? And more intriguing: HOW did he do it? "Master, you always have an az up your sleeve", she complimented him but then realized about his offering. "Umm...", Eve looked at Asa not understanding. "W-what do you mean? You training me to... to fight?", she giggled, feeling herself ridiculous, fighiting was never proper of her. "Well, it could be interesting".
Well, it could be more so defending yourself, but yes you could say it that way. It’ll take time, but as long as you stick to it, you’ll be fine.
"Oh...", Eve replied. She was always a woman of constancy so she was intrigued. "And when are we starting?"
Whenever you’re ready, but not today, I’ve been doing a lot today.
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schnickledooger · 4 years
*deep newscaster's voice* on this week's episode of Digimon: Digital Monsters...
Me: *expecting old adventure nonsense as usual* TK, why do you go off and put yourself into danger? Now Matt's gonna hafta abandon the fight and rescue you. *sighs*
TK: Hey, Im actually much braver and independent this reboot and MATT, LOOK, I MADE THIS GIANT TURTLE MY NEW FRIEND! CAN I BRING ME HOME WITH ME?!
Eldoradimon: *literally opens doors to the castle* GET IN LOSERS! LET'S GO KILL DEVIMON!!!
Me: Wow, WTF...
Also me: Oh noes, MetalGreymon is getting beaten badly and now Tai is gonna freak and do something reckless, yup, there he goes.
*MetalGreymon's black side starts cracking golden*
Me: oh, now he's gonna digivolve into WarGreymon and everything will be OK.
Me: ... well, didnt see that coming * breathes into paper bag*
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bisexual-horror-fan · 4 years
u said in a FvJ post that Lori was near the bottom of your personal fave Final NOES girls. Could u tell us who ur faves/least faves are?
Oh hell yeah great question here Anon! Big thanks for asking this!
1. Nancy Thompson. Like DUH! Literal Queen, my top, top, fave final girl of all like deadass. She is THAT bitch. She is not helpless at all, like there is this moment where she shifts and is just DONE just OVER IT and I LIVE! Like the shit of setting up the traps (Kevin McCallister WISHES!) and lighting Freddy on fire? Like she DID that, bitch was a fighter, the fucking rage she has and also the power move and the big dick energy of saying that Freddy is nothing? Is shit? Fuck off, that is amazing. I love her look, her attitude just all of her, she is fucking wonderful. I love her in dream warriors too. Final Girl royalty. Nancy shows us how it is fucking done. 
2. Jesse Walsh. Ah yes the rare Final Boy, I adore him. I feel he goes through the most shit in the whole ANOES series. I love his storyline, he is funny, and sweet and deep and tragic and just so many things. I just really fucking love him, the vibes are immaculate with him I dunno what it is in particular but he hits. Also the whole ANOES 2 being the gayest horror movies ever and all the subtext brings so much depth too. Fun fact my ultimate dream cosplay is to do Jesse Walsh halfway through Freddy possessing him, but it would require some complex make up and rigging. 
3. Heather Langenkamp Herself. New Nightmare counts. Bitch goes through it in that movie, the meta-ness, the complexity, how much shit she endures like God-damn. I love her so fucking much. She is so fucking cool and again doesn’t really take shit when she knows what is up, she FIGHTS!
And for my two least fave’s are 2010 remake Nancy (GAG!) not much to say about her other than the movie sucks and she iS BORING, LAME AND ONE DEMINSONAL! And her art sucks.
But Lori. Lori is for sure my least favorite. 
I LOVE Freddy Vs Jason so much. I have watched it over and over and can quote it endlessly but I just do not give a fuck about Lori at all. She is just such a nothing character, and I hate her motivation like “Ooh nooooo your fucking boyfriend from when you were 14 left and you are still hung up on him-GET OVER IT!” she is just so boring to me.
But honestly this was such a fun ask! Thank you so much for asking this! 
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
Daniel Michaelson: Beaten/Numb
(for @whumptober2019 - combining yesterday and today’s themes of Beaten and Numb - plus @pinkcupboardwitch’s excellent suggestion of psychological whump/mind games. TW: Serious injury/violence and physical abuse, noncon touching, noncon kissing, implied/referenced torture, implied/referenced noncon, I really cannot emphasize enough that Abraham Denner is a bad bad man)
Abraham’s voice echoes across the small clearing and Daniel’s head jerks up instantly where he kneels in the dirt, a bit of red hair flopping over one eye, wincing as the sudden motion aggravates the new bruises around his neck from last night.
“Come here, boy!”
I’m not your fucking dog, you piece of shit. I am twenty… something years old - how old am I? I don’t remember anymore, why don’t I remember how old I am… 
No. Stop it. Those aren’t the right thoughts. Be good, Red. It doesn’t matter that you can’t remember things. All that matters is that he wants you now.
You have to be good.
You want to be good.
He’s been carefully looking over the last few carrots from the spring planting, trying to decide just by looking at the thin green tops if they’re ready to pull for tonight. Abraham has a venison roast out of the freezer thawing in the sink - he likes roasts if you put onions, carrots, and potatoes in and cook it forever, until all the vegetables have gone soft and taste like the meat and the venison is as soft as beef.
Daniel knows how to cook everything just the way he likes. He can’t remember if he likes roasts or not - there’s never enough food, and he takes what Abraham will give him and he’s grateful for it.
Thank you for letting me eat, Abraham.
He lets his fingers trail across some carrot leaves, frowning at the lack of sensation he feels. After living here and being forced to use harsh cleaning chemicals and bury his hands in boiling water - after Abraham’s knives and the barbed wire and worse - Daniel can’t really feel much with his hands at all. 
It doesn’t matter. His hands work well enough for gardening and cleaning and cooking and worse - and sometimes the lack of feeling is a relief. None of it matters, nothing matters, just that Abraham is calling, and he needs to stand up, but he doesn’t want to.
He doesn’t want to go.
Because he’s not a fucking dog.
Part of him still wants to refuse, even knowing what happens when he does, even knowing there are worse things than a little bit of cutting that can be done to him.
His heart is speeding up with his anger, pounding into his chest, and that’s not good; Abraham wants him to want to be his good boy, to be happy to be called, not pissed off.
He practices breathing in: inhale - I’m not a person, just the puppy - hold for five, exhale - no one wants me but Abraham now - inhale - My family thinks I’m dead and no one is looking for me - hold for five, exhale - I love Abraham and I want to be good - and feels his heart start to slow, a little, the dangerous anger starts to fade out, replaced by the way Abraham wants him to think.
Part of his brain wails that none of it is true, the thoughts Abraham feeds into his mind with the breathing exercises, at the end of a knife, licking the blood from his throat. Part of his brain wants to scream that there has to be some way out of this hell, but he tries not to listen, because there isn’t, and telling himself there is might make him less numb.
His body isn’t his own. His life doesn’t belong to him. If he starts trying to fight that knowledge again, he’ll scream and scream and never stop.
Be good. Be Red.
Red is numb.
Red is a good boy.
“Oh, little Reeeeeed… come here, boy…” Abraham’s voice is a singsong, but he doesn’t like to call twice. If he has to call three times, that’s breaking a rule.
Always answer when Abraham calls.
“Coming, Abraham! I’ll, um, I’ll be right there!” He glances over at Nate, who is wearing waterproof boots, real pants meant for the outdoors, a heavy shirt to protect against the hint of chill in the spring air, and gardening gloves, digging up some potatoes and tossing them into a basket next to him.
Nate moves slower than he does, thanks to the one busted hand. He has to dig with the little shovel, lay it to the side, pick out the potato, and then pick the shovel up and do it again, since the other can’t quite close enough to grip.
The two of them meet eyes, warm blue on mossy, faded green, uncertainty and more than a little worry written across both of their faces. “Wh-what do you think he wants?” Daniel asks, in a low voice he knows won’t carry far.
With Nate, he’s still a person, just for a few seconds at a time - in stolen kisses and touches while checking traps together, in furtive moments when Abraham sleeps and Nate comes to lay with him on the living room floor, in the old movies they watch sometimes and laugh along with.
On the best days - when Abraham leaves them alone while he goes on supply runs (Danny still securely chained to the living room wall, he’s not going anywhere, and Nate won’t ever leave again, they all know that now) and Nate teaches Danny how to waltz, to tango, to do all kinds of dancing with his chain scraping the floor.
Sometimes they talk about Nate’s career as a professor and how Danny wanted to be an anthropologist. They break the rules and think about a life other than this.
Then, and only then, does Daniel let himself stop being good and really just let himself be Daniel, the person that used to live in his body, when he didn’t have to be good, when he didn’t want to be.
When he lets the careful numbness crack and tries to find happiness, because he’s going to be here until he dies and if he can’t sometimes be happy he’ll lose his fucking mind.
But then Abraham always comes back, and his voice is back in Danny’s head and his hands are on his body, the body that doesn’t belong to him, it belongs to Abrahm Denner because Daniel Michaelson doesn’t exist any longer, just Red - and Red only exists for Abraham, to be hurt whatever way he wants, forever.
Nate only looks away from him, back to the potatoes. There’s a moment where his jaw becomes a hard line and the green eyes go flinty and angry. Then he slumps forward and goes back to work, slowly shaking his head. “D-d-doesn’t matter. You h-have to a-a-answer.”
“I don’t want to,” Daniel whispers, because he can say disobedient things to Nate and know that he’ll never tell Abraham he said them, thought the wrong way, didn’t want to be good. “I don’t ever want to, Nate. I don’t… I don’t want to try harder.” He drops his voice to a whisper, says the words he’s never, ever allowed to say. “I fucking hate him.”
“I kn-know, Danny-” Nate catches himself with a wince, even though there’s no way they were overheard. “R-R-Red. Sorry. I’m w-w-w-working on it, oh-okay? I’m t-trying to f-f-figure it out I, I h-h-have an idea, but… Go on b-before he g-g-gets mad.”
Working on what? What are you figuring out? He doesn’t dare ask. Nate might be having disobedient thoughts, too, fighting the same anger deep within himself that Daniel fights each and every day, the person he used to be screaming to get back out.
Daniel shoves that person even further away, buries him under the puppy. The puppy doesn’t think the wrong things, the puppy wants to be good. Abraham will know if he’s not being the puppy, he’ll know, and then the memory of last night’s fingers squeezing the air from his throat will be the least of his problems.
He hops up to his feet, turning and half-jogging across the yard, trying to be visible to Abraham as soon as possible, to prove that he really is answering the order immediately, just the way he wants. His throat aches as he takes in deeper breaths but he ignores it. He’s good at ignoring it by now, at letting all the different places he feels pain run together into a comforting nothing-feeling.
He’s good at it, but the person-thoughts trickle back in.
I used to be a person. I used to be more than this. There used to be more to living than trying to figure out the next way he’s going to hurt me. I have a little brother, he’s still out there somewhere looking for me.
Stop it. Never think of any life before or after this one. This is all there is. No one is looking. Noe one cares. Everyone thinks you’re dead. You know the rules, Red, remember the rules.
Never think of any home but this.
There used to be a home other than this.
God damn it, no, there isn’t any home other than this, not for me, not ever again.
“I’m, I’m right here, I’m coming right away, Abraham, I’m coming!”
Abraham laughs, the braying sound bouncing off the trees, and Daniel winces but doesn’t slow down as it settles into his bones, crawls under his skin, until he can feel the echo in his fingernails and down to his half-frozen numb toes in the wet grass.
Abraham can turn even obedience into something to laugh at - make out of his willingness to do as he was told a joke about the phrasing of his words, and he feels the grime that lives eternally on his skin all over again.
Dirty and empty and hollow but that’s okay, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that Abraham wants him right now and he needs to be good.
The metal cuff on his ankle shifts as he moves, a flash of old pain as the metal rubs against the skin that’s been some version of raw or open or scarred since he came here, and he can feel the slightest chill in the air right through the threadbare T-shirt and pants he always wears. He’s barefoot - it’s warm enough not to waste boots on the puppy, Abraham said this morning, and even though his feet and his toes are so cold they’ve gone numb, he doesn’t dare disagree.
If he’s good, he can get his feet close to the fireplace and warm them up later, maybe. Or at least take a bath, but Daniel doesn’t like baths, because Abraham always watches him. Makes comments. Sometimes pushes his head under the water in the giant old clawfoot tub. Sometimes does worse than that.
He’s not really supposed to not like it, because he’s supposed to want whatever Abraham wants, even though he hates it - hates his eyes and his hands and his fucking mouth - and…
Daniel stops himself from thinking, slowing to a trot, trying to breathe.
He has to force himself to focus, to think of the ache in his left side, the bruising around his throat. Focus on it, use it to settle his heart, to push away the anger that might otherwise boil out of him and end with being in trouble again. If he can’t calm down, there would be more ways he could be hurt, there would be worse than what’s already been done.
He can be made worse than broken.
There are so many things worse than dead, and Abraham knows them all.
I will never leave here.
Hold for five counts.
I want to be good.
Abraham is standing over along the side of the cabin, near the cellar, and Daniel skids to a stop twenty feet away, his face carefully set into his usual eager-to-please nervousness, trying to hide the disobedient, roiling thoughts underneath the surface.
The cellar doors are open.
I don’t like the cellar. The cellar is dark. I don’t like the dark.
“Wh-why, um, why is the cellar, the-…” He trails off, voice cracking. “Abraham, I-… why are you, I don’t like to see those doors open, I don’t want-”
all alone in the dark, all alone all alone all alone
“No one gives a fuck what you like or want, puppy. Why did you stop so far away?” Abraham has his head tilted slightly to bask in the weakly warm sunlight of spring. The yellow sunshine make his skin seem even whiter, less human than it normally does - brings out the suggestion of deep shadows underneath the high cheekbones, turns his light eyes into glittering opaque glass Daniel cannot read, like the sheen of ice on a lake.
There are things underneath the ice in Abraham Denner’s eyes. Dark things that drag Danny under into the cold water, to keep him there forever.
“I, um, I stopped because I saw the cellar-”
“Why would that bother you, puppy?” Abraham smiles, a bright smile that shows his teeth, only a shade whiter than his skin. It’s never a good sign when he smiles like that. It’s never a good sign when he doesn’t, either.
“It, um, I don’t… I don’t like the cellar-… when you put me in the, the cellar, you, um, you leave me there.”
“Only when you’re bad, little Red. Are you going to be bad today?”
“No! No, I won’t!” Danny swallows back revulsion at the nervous fearful whine in his own voice, twisting his fingers into the fabric of his T-shirt in a helpless, childlike way he can’t seem to stop. “I won’t. I’ll be good. I want to be good for you, Abraham, you know, you know I want to be good now. J-just like Lyken says, in the show, I want to be good.”
Please please please not the cellar, please
“Hmmm… you’re so good at saying what I want to hear, aren’t you? But you’re still too far away. I said come here, Red.” Abraham holds out one hand, white fingers curled slightly, a clear command, invitation, and thread all in one.
Don’t hesitate, never hesitate, never reject a touch.
Daniel’s body jerks into automatic motion before his brain can catch up and remind him that he hates this - this place, this man, the breathing exercises, every single fucking thing about his life but Nate - and instead he keeps his eyes on the open cellar, on the yawning gaping black hole in the ground, the first few rickety steps visible, maybe a patch of the dirt floor beneath if he stood close enough.
He doesn’t want to stand close enough.
alone in the dark
Never hesitate when Abraham wants you, his brain shrieks the reminder, alarm bells ringing. He made him call twice already, he stopped too far away, he’s courting disaster if he hesitates now. He steps forward and ducks his head, leaning his face into Abraham’s touch.
A cold palm rests against his cheek, Abraham’s thumb pressing just a little into the scar that curves over his cheekbone, long fingers just brushing his earlobe. He swallows against the surge of nausea, forces it back before it can make him go any paler than he already is.
Puppies don’t get sick at their owner’s touch.
“Good boy,” Abraham says in a low, pleased rumble, and Daniel tries to feel reassured by it and not dirty and ashamed. For a second, there’s only silence and the vaguest hint of breeze moving his hair, the chill that seems to slip right through the thin cotton of his clothing, raising goosebumps on his arms and making him shiver. “That’s my very good boy. I want to ask you something, little Red - and it’s very, very important that you be honest with me.” Daniel tries to breathe.
I love Abraham and I want to be good.
No one will ever find me here.
“Wh-what do you want to ask?” Abraham’s hand slips down from his face and drops slowly to his throat, curling around, fingers placing themselves perfectly over the bruises, following the map laid out of exactly where Abraham had cut off his air last night.
The barest bit of pressure against the mottled bruising makes a fresh new wave of fear run through him as he gasps, and he’s not choking - he’s drowning. It’s not the lack of air - it’s the overwhelming frozen touch, the look in those odd nearly-colorless eyes, that pulls him under the water for the dark things to devour and holds him there.  
“Pl-please don’t-… don’t do that again,” Daniel whispers. “D-Don’t take my air, please, Abraham, I, I need the air…” He’s taking in what breath he can, hands clenching into fists to keep himself from trying to grab at Abraham and pull himself free.
It won’t work, and he’ll just get in trouble for breaking the rules.
“I don’t have to, if you answer my question. Little Red, would you like to go in the cellar today? Just for four hours or so?”
every time he puts me down there, they go, they’re gone for weeks and it’s harder and I get so weak, I get so hungry, I ran out of water last time, I don’t want to be alone, I don’t, I can’t, please no, please not the dark
“No!” It’s more an exhalation than a sound, whistling air around the grip on his throat, the aching of the bruises. He’s taller than Abraham, but staring into his eyes always makes Danny feel so fucking small. “I don’t, I don’t want to go down there, please, Abraham, please don’t make me.”
“No? Only for four hours and you say no?” The hand leaves his throat, sliding along the edge of his shirt’s neckline, trailing along his shoulder. Daniel shivers and holds himself still, dropping his eyes down to the ground, hands still at his sides.
“I, but-…” But what if you’re lying and you leave again. He can’t say the words, because suggesting Abraham is lying is disobedient, but sometimes he does lie. Lies and puts Nate in the car and leaves Danny in the cellar with his hands tied for a month until he runs out of food and begs and begs and begs and somehow Abraham always seems to know when Danny is about to lose his mind from the isolation and hunger and thirst and reappears to take him back up the stairs, dirty and frightened and full of the need, the deep deep need, to be so good it never happens again. “But I, I can’t go down there, I hate it-”
“Poor thing, you’re so scared of the cellar, aren’t you?” Abraham’s voice is sweet, and loving, and Daniel hates this voice most of all - it’s a lie, Abraham hates him, only loves hurting him, because there are things like Danny in the world that only exist to be hurt. “What kind of grown-ass man is scared of the dark, little Red?”
He knows what Abraham wants him to say. He knows, and he hates it, and the person part of his brain tells him to spit in his face, punch him, give him another black eye and take his punishment afterward. But the person-voice is getting very, very small and weak compared to the, to the…
“I’m not a grown-ass man,” Daniel mumbles down at his feet. “I’m just the puppy.”
There’s a silence, and he glances up from behind a curtain of wavy red hair to see Abraham smiling at him, a wide and beaming, proud smile. Danny had, after all, just done a perfect trick. Like putting up his paws to beg for a treat. Roll over, sit, stay, that’s what’s left of Daniel Michaelson.
Daniel’s face burns with humiliation.
“That’s my good boy,” Abraham breathes, and Daniel shudders at the joy in his voice, the way the touch of his fingers changes, becomes more intense somehow, more purposeful.
Daniel turns his head to the side when Abraham’s hand slides up into the back of his hair. He never pushes him away. He never fights back. He closes his eyes, slowly, trying to focus on the way his eyes feel when closed, how his eyelashes are long enough that he can almost feel them brush his skin - he tries to deaden his skin to Abraham’s touch, to not even notice any longer.
Be numb. Be good. Go away in his head and come back when it’s over, when whatever it is Abraham intends to do is over.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” Abraham murmurs. “I know what you’re up to, and you know I don’t like that. No escape for you.” The fingers tighten suddenly in his hair, he’s gripped on until Daniel can feel a flash of pain in his scalp and the velcro-like rip of a bunch of hair being pulled out of his skin, yanking his head backwards hard until his back is arched and his eyes fly open to stare up into the blue sky above.
Breathe. See the sky? The sky is still there, no matter what happens to him. No matter how small or inhuman or broken he gets, the sky is still there.
Let him do whatever he wants. Be good.
No one is coming to save you.
“I was thinking I would give you a choice,” Abraham spoke mildly, as though he wasn’t tearing Daniel’s hair out with the strength of his grip, slowly forcing his head further and further back until Danny finally realized what he wanted and buckled his knees, dropping like a stone to kneel in the dirt.
Cold damp from the wet grass began immediately to soak into the knees of his pajama pants, along the front of the shins. He kept his hands carefully at his sides, and now, staring up from the ground, he wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking right into Abraham’s face as the man leaned over him.
“I’m bored and I want to play a game. You don’t get choices very often, do you?”
Danny tried to shake his head but it only pulled on the grip on his hair and he hissed in pain and went still again, swallowing, his throat aching as if to remind him that his hair wasn’t the only injured place right now.
There was never just one injured place, really.
“N-No Abraham, puppies don’t get choices. They, they like when their owners choose. I b-b-belong to you, so you, um-… You choose because you, you own me, my body, um… I’m just the puppy.“ He recites the words automatically, rewarded with a loosening of Abraham’s fingers, breathing a sigh of relief as sharp pain went back to a dull ache. “What, um, what kind of choice are you going to give me? What’s the game?”
He didn’t want to make a choice. If he didn’t have to make a choice, he felt safer, none of it was his fault or his responsibility. It was all being done to him, and Daniel had learned how to handle that, to go away in his head and let it happen to someone else.
Making a choice made him part of it.
“You’ll like this, puppy. You can choose to go in the cellar for four hours…”
Daniel whines in the back of his throat, a helpless unconscious sound of fear, shifting where he kneels in the dirt. The yawning darkness along the side of the cabin has a physical weight in the back of his mind, a constant drumbeat of panic and the dark things and the pressure he knows will settle over him down there, the buzzing static nothing, the dwindling apples and water day by day by day until it’s gone and still he’s all alone…
“Not your favorite option? Well, maybe you’ll need to think that over. You can go in the cellar for four hours, unharmed, just put your handcuffs on… or… We can learn about something else.”
“Wh-what?” Daniel will do anything, anything to stay out of the cellar, anything at all, and he looks up with a desperate plea in his eyes. “I, whatever it is, Abraham, if you, if you’ll let me choose, I-”
“Ever had your shoulder dislocated?”
Daniel blinks, and the fingers finally leave his hair entirely and brush down the back of his neck, along the line of his shoulder, then back down to his shoulder blades, rubbing at it through the fabric of his shirt. “Uh, um, I… n-no, no I haven’t.”
“Oh, let’s find out, shall we? Last night when I put my hands around your neck you pulled away from me. You’ll know better than to pull away from me next time, won’t you?”
Daniel takes in a deep breath - or tries, but he can’t manage more than a gasp. “I, um. You’re going to- to pull out my shoulder?”
“Dislocate it. Then I’m going to hang you by your arms in the smokehouse until the sun goes down. It’s only nine-thirty, Red. That’s a lot of hours to hang by a dislocated shoulder. Or… four hours in the cellar. That’s not so long, is it, to live in the dark?” Abraham’s hand wraps around the ball of his shoulder and Danny starts to shake, unable to stop himself, to hold still like he’s supposed to.
“That’s your choice,” Abraham says, in a voice that’s nearly a purr. “Do you want to go in the cellar, or do you want to dislocate your shoulder and hang out in the smokehouse for a few hours? You choose, Red. All on you.”
If I choose the cellar he’ll leave for days again, he and Nate, and I’ll be alone in the dark.
“N-No, I don’t, I don’t want to, I don’t want to choose-”
“Sssshhhhhh. No one gives a fuck what you want.” Abraham leans down as close as he can get, licks along the shell of Daniel’s ear with his cold, cold tongue. Daniel groans unwillingly - it’s an awful feeling, the wet and the cold - but Abraham mistakes it for something else and laughs at him, breaths of cool air against his dampened skin. “Oh, you like that, huh? We can learn more about that little response later. First, make your choice. I’ll count to ten. If you don’t choose by then, I’ll come up with something even worse.”
There is always something worse that Abraham can do to him.
Daniel tries to breathe, to practice his breathing exercises, but nothing comes. Instead he only gasps, half-chokes on his own fear, staring at the blackness of the cellar, then up into Abraham’s delighted, dancing eyes.
“I, I don’t want to, I can’t choose, Abraham, please, please you choose, please don’t make me-”
“One… two… three… four…”
I love Abraham and I want to be good. Making a choice is good. Making a choice is what he wants.
I don’t want to go into the cellar, I don’t want to be alone in the dark.
Please no, please no, I don’t want to hang by my shoulder, I don’t want to do that either.
“Five… six… seven… running out of time, little Red…”
Not the dark, not alone in the dark, please God don’t leave me alone in the dark again
My shoulder’s going to hurt so much, so much
If I don’t choose he’ll do something even worse, so much worse, he can always do something worse
“Eight… nine…”
“M-my shoulder!” Danny bursts out, nearly a shout, reaching up without thinking to grab onto Abraham’s arms in supplication, staring up at him with wide, panicked blue eyes glittering with tears. “Pl-please, Abraham, I can be good, I’ll be so good for you, please just don’t make me go down in the cellar again. Please, my shoulder, we’ll do my shoulder!”
“Good choice.” Abraham presses a kiss to the top of his head, then to the side of his temples, against his cheek where the line of the scar is, licks at the notch in his jaw, down to the pulse beating wildly in his neck. “That’s my very good boy. You try very hard for me, don’t you, Red?”
“I-I do, I can try harder, I’ll try harder-”
“Good. Good, good boy. Now.” Abraham disentangles himself from Danny’s grip, steps back and puts one hand on his shoulder, the other gripping his upper arm in an implacable frozen steel clamping. “Count to five out loud. On the count of five, I’m going to make you so fucking sorry you pulled away from me last night. And you keep your eyes open and on me the whole fucking time.”
Danny nods, slowly, raising his eyes to meet Abraham’s again, trying to practice his breathing, desperately trying to cling on to some calm, some sanity, as his mind screams at him to disobey, to be a person, to fucking run.
But he can’t run. He can’t fight. He can’t do anything, except what Abraham wants.
Inhale. No tears, no tears, no tears. Stay calm.
“One… t-two…”
He can feel the tears in his throat, knows they’ll come out in his voice. Abraham’s grip tightens.
Exhale - shaky air, but Abraham doesn’t seem to mind. He doesn’t say anything, anyway, only stares right into Daniel’s terrified eyes.
Danny can feel the cellar pulling at him, wishing it had been his choice, all alone in the dark might have been better, only four hours…
But it’s never only four hours, it would be days, and he can’t be alone in the dark again.
Be good be good be good.
I don’t want to be in the dark.
“F-Four… oh god, Abraham, I can’t, I can’t, please-”
“One more, Red.” Abraham’s voice is gentle, loving, soft with affection, soothing his jangled frightened nerves. “Be my good boy and just one more number… if you take this well I won’t even leave you all day, that’s how good I am to you.“
“F-f-f-five, please, I’m so sorry I pulled away, I won’t do it again, I can try harder to be good please don’t-”
There’s a sudden horrifying pressure on his arm and shoulder, cracking and grinding somewhere deep within him, then a pop as Abraham pulls his arm apart with inhuman strength and a smile as wide as the sky. There’s a moment where Danny’s arm feels strange and loose, a half-second of horrified anticipation, and then - and then the pain hits and his brain bursts into an agonized explosion.
Danny tries to twist away from it, but that only pulls his shoulder more in Abraham’s steady iron grip, and he hears the sound of a horrible wailing scream tearing apart the air before he realizes the sound is coming from him.
The things that live behind Abraham’s eyes are pulling him down, pulling him under, and they’ll feed and feed and feed on his pain.
He is screaming so loud he cannot hear the lust in Abraham’s voice as he pets into his hair, murmuring, “That’s my good fucking boy, little Red, I wonder what else makes you scream like that…” His fingers card through the wavy red hair as Danny curls around himself, gasping - he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe, the ends of his fingers on that side are tingling and half-numbed and the pain throbs and throbs into his lungs, he can’t breathe.  
“Pl-please, God, please, I’m so sorry, Abraham, I’m so fucking sorry, I don’t, I won’t ever pull away again, please make it go back in, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’ll be good, I’ll be good-… oh god, oh god it fucking hurts, I’m so sorry-”
“I love you so fucking much, puppy,” Abraham speaks in a thick, throaty voice, pulling Danny to his feet as he screams again, pulling him close, nuzzling through the tears tracks and against the scars, pressing kisses as Danny cries in heaving sobs, but he doesn’t pull away.
He’s too lost in the pain and the strange way his whole arm feels loose, like it could just fall off of him at any moment, the way he can’t take a deep breath, the way every nerve-ending in his body is somehow connected to his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” Danny whispers with Abraham’s lips on his scars, cold tongue licking up his tears. “I’m so sorry I’ll never, I’ll never, I’ll be good I want to be good, please, I want to be good…”
When Abraham kisses him, Danny’s mouth is open as he tries to gasp in breath to beg some more, and Abraham’s mouth on his is so fucking cold and steals all of what little air he can find.
But he doesn’t - he can’t - pull away.
Abraham finally pulls back, smiling at him, touching the side of his face with an expression like a proud father. “You’re so gorgeous,” He says softly, the words buzzing and dancing and bursting around and through the white noise in Danny’s head. “You’re so fucking beautiful when you’re hurting for me, my sweet little Red. Just two hours in the smokehouse, I think, that’s my good boy. Then I’ll help you…” Abraham presses a kiss to his forehead, laughing at the wide blue eyes that barely see him, the audible whistling gasps for breath around the ache. “And you, my darling, my sweet boy, my good puppy, can help me. You don’t need a working arm for that.”
Then he drags him by his dislocated arm towards the smokehouse across the yard, laughing every time Danny stumbles and cries out at the new flash of agony.
Nate, still working in the garden, hears the scream and jerks his head up, jaw hardening into that straight line again, teeth ground together so hard they hurt. He can only stare, hearing Danny’s pleading and begging and continued pained shrieking, Abraham’s wild, joyful laughter, braying and echoing around and bouncing off the trees.
Then he looks back down at his work, digging the next potato out of the earth with furious zeal, digging and digging and digging until his fingernails are caked with dirt and the basket is nearly full and still, still Danny is screaming.
The screams eventually coalesce into slurred words, occasional shrieks.
Nate knows what"s happening in there. Daniel, after all, isn’t the first man Abraham’s played a game like that with. Bram rigs the game, he always wins. Anyone stuck playing is always, always beaten.
Last time it was Nate - and his choice was a broken knee (I love you so much… you’ll never fucking run again, will you, baby?) or Ashley choosing what part of him to bury her knife in… and Ashley’s eyes had been staring far too long at Nate’s pelvis.
Nate swallows hard as he listens to Danny’s throaty wail, begging Abraham’s forgiveness for what he’s done wrong, promising to do better, try harder, be good, if only he’ll let him out and make it stop.
His knee begins to throb, a very old pain, in time with Danny’s pleading.
The sound of the smokehouse door slamming shut - and Bram’s joyful laughter as he heads back into the house - muffles Danny’s wailing until it sounds like nothing more than wind, until it quiets down to hopeless, hoarse sobbing.
The sun goes on shining and the sky is a beautiful, bright, clear blue.
It’s going to be a gorgeous spring, and Nate is running out of time.
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hypexion · 4 years
The Almost People is an episode about the futility of fighting yourself. So if you get cloned, team up with your clone instead of fighting your clone, because your clone is almost you and knows all your moves.
So the best bit about The Almost People is how the Doctor grabs the opportunity to team up with himself for great victory. Matt Smith manages to play off... himself in a strangly excellent way, with the two Doctors bouncing half-finished ideas between themselves, to the rest of the cast’s confusion. It’s also a perfect example of Eleven’s rampant egomania, since he’s the only modern Doctor I can really see this dynamic working with.
The rest of the episode is full on Gangers versus Humans. There’s some decent ideas going on, as each side tries to outwit the other. It feels like a bit of a copout for there to only be one version of each person by the end of the episode, but I guess it makes the ending a little cleaner. Really, this is another episode where the day is saved by The Power of Human Decency, and at the moment it’s the kind of idea that’s nice to see.
Of course, there’s also Jennifer. Unlike the other Gangers, who just want to not die, Jennifer is... off. She wants to do a Ganger revolution, a position which is made questionable by the fact she’s kind of totally evil. Like, she straight up eats a person. When the rest of the Gangers decide that melting people is wrong, Jennifer goes completely off the deep end, then transforms into a weird monster for... some... reason. Honestly, the ending feels a tad rushed, with the characters going from general distrust to “okay we are friends now“.
This episode then has a post-resolution cliffhanger. Amy was a remoted-controlled Ganger all along! Oh noes! The weird Eyepatch Lady has kidnapped her, and Amy is about to have a baby! What a twist! I sure hope there’s a statisfying conclusion. (spoiler: hahahahahahahahahaha no there isn’t).
So yeah, The Almost People. It’s almost a great episode, with an interesting atomosphere, some clever ideas, but it’s bundled in with some dodgy ones. It manages to be better than Cold Blood, since this time only one person is irrationally evil. Which is not a high bar to clearly, really. I think it ultimately gets confused by the end, since it’s never really made clear if Jennifer is right or wrong. It’s just a little disatisfying. But don’t worry - next time is worse!
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little-murmaider · 5 years
Fic: Drift
From @cynicalginger‘s prompt: Nathan and Skwisgaar having a conversation about wine and what the crop is like in Champagne Country this year while getting super drunk off boxed wine and eating crisps. Thank you pal!
“No, fuck, don’t, you can’t just suck on it.”
Skwisgaar lifted his finger from the valve, lips wrapped around the nozzle, rosé dribbling down his chin.
“But de wines ams in de bags, and I wants it ins my body.”
“But you gotta slap the bag first!”
“Because!” Nathan dragged his nails across the bottom of his bag of chips, fingers catching in the aluminum seam. He tossed it aside and tore into another. “It uhhhhh. Released the uh. Tannins. Or whatever you just gotta do it slap the bag Skwisgaar slap it good.”
“Alrights! Fine! I slaps it!”
Shifting one hand to grip the bag’s back corner, Skwisgaar locked eyes with Nathan, then tepidly tapped the side with the ends of his fingers. The liquid sloshed in its plastic constraints. Satisfied, Nathan nodded sagely, and Skwisgaar drained the thing in one go.
“Did you know,” Nathan said, “champagne can only be made in the Champagne region of France?”
Skwisgaar coughed as he struggled at the flap of another box of wine. “Dis amn’ts Cham-Pag-Ney.”
Nathan leaned over from his perch on the couch and ripped the cardboard in half. “I know but it’s in the family.”
Skwisgaar pulled out the bag of wine, swung at it, missed, squinted, then connected with the flat of his palm.
“I don’t have a lot of opportunities to share my wine fun facts.”
“Where dis stuff from?”
“Uh.” He held the box close to his face. “Champaign, Illinois.”
Skwisgaar tipped his head back, unaware he was still applying pressure to the wine bag’s valve. A steady pink stream ran down his front.
“Dat’s de same, rights?”
“Oh yeah, totally the same. Champaign is the Box Wine capital of the midwest. Pickles can confirm that. PICKLES.” He looked around. “Damn, Pickles isn’t here.”
Skwisgaar’s tongue lashed out, waggling wildly from side to side. Eventually it found the stream, and he guzzled like a long-stranded prospector. Nathan’s attention returned to his snack. He munched with abandon, fingers coated in a cheesy, oddly-green film. The spice sparked on his tastebuds. This was the good stuff. Kettle cooked. Lightly salted. None of that Kirkland shit. Glancing down his nose he saw crumbles and crumbs that had escaped his grasp smattered across his chest. He snatched each bit with his fingertips and returned them to his mouth.
Skwisgaar giggled.
“You laughing at me?”
“Noes!” He set down the bag.  “Well, ja, but it’s cause.”
His breathy laughter cut him off.
“Just say it!”
“You’s like a sea otter!”
“The FUCK you call me?”
Skwisgaar wheezed, rolling out of his cross-legged position to sprawl into a lounge.
“Sea otters, dey floats on dey backs, ands dey breaks clams on dey bodies, and dey eats dem rights off dey chests.” He mimed the action. “Just like yous!”
Nathan looked down at the chip fragments still dusting his shirt. He brushed them off.
“That’s a cool fact.”
“I knows a lots of cool facts!”
“Tell me another one.”
Skwisgaar frowned.
“Nows I can’ts t’inks of any, cause you asked mes to tells to you ones.” He clambered up to the couch and flopped beside Nathan. “You can’ts just ask a guys to tells you facts. Dat’s just rudes.”
“S’okays.” He melted into the cushions, eyelids fluttering. “Waits. I gots another ones. It’s about sea otters agains.”
“You know a lot about sea otters.”
“I knows at least two t’ings about sea otters.” He sighed, eyes drawing closed. “Whens sea otters goes to be asleeps in de waters, dey holds hands.”
“It so dey don’t drift aways from each others.”
“Oh my God that’s adorable.”
“It so adorables! Let me shows to yous.” He withdrew his phone and stared at it with one eye screwed shut. He pawed his wrist across the screen, pouted, and let it fall limply from his grip. “I show you tomorrows.”
Skwisgaar sunk deep into the couch, sleepy drunkeness weighting his limbs. His hand laid open as a blossom beside Nathan’s, alabaster fingers unfurling toward gnarled, discolored ones. Nathan touched the callous at the end of Skwisgaar’s middle finger. Then he closed his hand around his middle finger. And his index. And his ring.
“Whutcha doings?” Skwisgaar mumbled. Nathan slid his palm down to suction against Skwisgaar’s.
“Making sure you don’t drift away.”
A smile ghosted across Skwissgaar’s lips. His hand wrapped around Nathan’s.
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