#[so ...this is your chance isaac lmao
convxction · 2 years
@isaaccecilbryant​ liked for halloweeny starter~
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“Trick or treat, correct? I heard Hope tell Lucina about it. Does that mean if someone does not give you treats they have to do a trick?”
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jonathan-samuel-smith · 5 months
TW bipolar discussion and nonconsensual kissing, mental health discussion
So about Saturn Girl kissing Jon without his ability to consent to it: I get that she isn't actively deciding to mind control the people around her, but she does have a choice in the matter. Her family wanted her to stay home until she could control her mind control powers, but she didn't want to and left. To me that's like if I noticed I was manic (not hypomanic) and didn't go to the mental hospital... Like I can't control my bipolar but I have the choice to stay away from others when it would harm them. That's not even a good comparison though because my judgement isn't clear enough to consistently do that when I'm manic, whereas she is at baseline and is able to think rationally. I wouldn't blame someone with bipolar because they have no choice, but I'm just saying the obvious choice would be to keep yourself away from others even if it's not fun for you. I feel like I can blame her, because she has a choice.
I do sympathize with her, but I really think she's hurting others disproportionately to the distress she feels stuck at home, and that's not okay.
If you look back on the events with the knowledge that she can't turn off her mind control, you see how manipulative she is, especially to Jon, and she does high-control group tactics: love bombing, isolation, guilt tripping, not letting him have rest alone where he would have time to realize he didn't want this.
I don't like the JonDami narrative that Jon was an asshole for leaving Damian in the past or was running away from his problems, because in my view he was dragged into a cult and I can't blame him for that, especially because he was extremely vulnerable at the time. I also don't believe Jon would have left in the first place if he knew up front that he couldn't bring Damian to at least visit him.
Jon had been in a state of fight or flight for around 6 years (not just talking about the volcano because there was also his verbally abusive grandpa and their deadly adventures and being trapped in space, and then him struggling to survive on the streets and trying to find a way home after he escaped) and the first time he really got a chance to cool down was when he was talking with Damian. He really needs a long break, therapy, and medication because what he went through can't be treated with therapy alone as the stress has chemical effects in the brain that need to be adjusted.
The writers don't care about how Jon should be extremely hypervigilant and defensive and anxious. I guess that's just not brave enough for a superhero, nevermind that leaving the house and getting treatment for these things, learning to trust again, and letting people help you is so much braver than punching guys when you have superpowers. It's natural to fight when your fight or flight is activated in a protective manner, but doing the logical thing when every signal in your body is telling you not to is really damn hard. The only coward is DC for giving Jon trauma and not actually writing a traumatized character.
That all being said, Damian clearly doesn't see how Jon is being manipulated, probably because his head is full of self hatred & doubting & repressed desires to ask Jon to stay, and thinks he needs to go against his abandonment trauma by swinging the pendulum too far in the opposite direction in his speech. With his c-ptsd and abandonment issues I can see him becoming bitter towards Jon for going to the future.
That could make for a really complex fanfiction, don't you think? The conflict coming from their unique life experiences and traumas, and them learning to understand each other like they're always doing. This misunderstanding of intentions born not out of something dumb like hearing the wrong thing or being unclear in language, but from their different points of view.
My jondami au where Jon leaves the legion early is calling me lmao "Isaac we have more problems for you to fix~"
That being said I have no exclusivity to these ideas for writing.
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Long Time Coming I Chapter Two I Tell Me About You
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Summary: Being hired as the first female assistant coach in the league was a challenge of it itself. Being a football protigy and University Football Legend was easy enough. Coaching Jamie Tartt was a challenge all on its own.
Word Count: 2481
Warning: I have literally no clue how football works. Enemies to lovers. First Person. Minimal Y/N.
A/N: LMAO I LOVE THIS GIF One of my favorite chapters! Hope y'all are enjoying!
Prologue One
Nearing a year later, I was outside the club, again, in the early morning. After being regulated at the end of last season, I had blamed myself. Ted assured me that it wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault. Just bad luck. But I took it as a chance to do better. To be better.
But recently I’ve been having a mental blockage. I couldn’t picture myself playing the game anymore. I was struggling to coach and to train on my own. I know they hadn’t said anything, but I could tell the other coaches had noticed. With Nate being promoted I was worried that I was going to be let go or replaced. It didn’t go unnoticed to me that I was having the same insecurity that Jamie had been feeling before he left.
But still, here I was looking down the field trying to shove all those feelings of fear and insecurity aside so I could just train. I took a breath and closed my eyes, slowing my heart so I could focus on the game. With a deep intake of crisp morning air, I pulled back my foot and-
            “’Morning (Y/N)!”
I whiffed my foot right over the ball and stumbled a few feet before whipping around to see who caused the distraction.
            “Oh, good morning, Ted,” I sighed. There was no way I could be cross with him. I kicked the ball up into my hands.
            “Sorry, I didn’t interrupt you, did I?” Ted apologized as he approached.
            “No, no. I was just finishing up,” I conceded. I spun the ball in my hands wishing I could feel the same magnetism to it I had when I started the job.
Ted took a long look at me before speaking again. “Ya know… when I was little, I had this puzzle. I loved this puzzle more than anything. I would take it apart and put it together over and over, excited to see the same photo every time I put it together.  But one day, when I put it together, it felt off. Different. I tried everything to get that feeling back. The excitement to see that photo again. But eventually, I realized I had outgrown that puzzle. That it was time to move on.”
My stomach dropped. This was it, this was the moment he was going to tell me I was being let go.
            “Are you firing me, Ted?” I asked, my voice shaky with fear.
            “What? Oh, good heavens no!” he exclaimed, throwing his hands up.
I let out a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. “Oh my god. You scared me. I thought that was what you were saying. With the whole puzzle metaphor.”
            “Yeah, I can see how you would think that, but most certainly not.” He chuckled and made a dramatic sweat wiping motion with his hand.
After our laughter died down a moment, I twisted the ball in my hands again before looking at him to continue. “What were you trying to say then?
            “I’m just saying that sometimes it time to try a new challenge,” he paused. “I wanted to get your thoughts on bringing Jamie back.”
My eyes widened in surprise. As far as I knew, Jamie wasn’t even an option. He had quite a fall from grace after he left Man City and had his brief stint on ‘Lust Conquers All’. Sam and Isaac had hosted quite a few watch parties to watch his floundering attempt at finding love on the dating show. As expected, he was kicked off early in the game after double crossing one of the girls on the show. It was fun to watch, especially after what he had said about me in the press.
Yesterday, Sam had come to me, showing me a photo of Ted and Jamie together. He was nervous about Jamie coming back, scared of how he might ruin the good vibes that the team had now with Ted in charge. But Ted had assured us both that Jamie was not coming back. He had told Jamie no. I couldn’t lie and say that brining back Jamie wouldn’t have its pluses. The boy was talented and that’s a fact. But was that talent enough to outweigh the team dynamic.
            “Jamie?” I echoed. “I thought you said that you had told him no.”
Ted shrugged sliding, his hands in his pockets. “I did. But it’s been nagging me anyways. He’s going through a tough spot right now.”
            “Oh, really, he’s going through a ‘tough spot’?” I couldn’t help but laugh.
            “I know, I know, but there is something different about him, I swear.” Ted continued. “It takes a lot for a guy like that to come asking for help. And I’m thinking he might deserve another chance.”
I skewed my lips to the side in thought. “Jamie is… talented. But you saw Sam. He wasn’t just angry he was scared. Scared of how Jamie would treat him when he came back. It’s not about talent. It’s about… personality.”
            “So, you think it’s a bad idea,” he clarified.
Is that what I was saying? The truth was bringing Jamie back could be just what we need to push forward in the league. Get out of the tie streak and start getting back to promotion. That, or we could be stuck in the Championship League forever. And I would be known as the coach that ruined AFC Richmond. But how could I know that if we didn’t try. Something had to change. I couldn’t just keep putting together the same puzzle, hoping it would excite me every time.
            “No, I don’t,” I decided, looking at Ted. “I think we just need to be careful.”
Ted sent me a dazzling smile. “Good, cause I’m putting you on Jamie duty.”
            “Jamie duty?”
            “Yeah, cause he’s coming back today!”
            “Today- TED!”
That’s how I got stuck waiting for Jamie in the locker room. Ted thought it would be a good idea to start him slow. Get the team used to him being back, make him earn his spot.  I leaned against the doorframe, waiting for him to finish changing. Out he came, bouncing from foot to foot, punching the air occasionally.
            “’Morning! Ready for a great day of trainin’” He exclaimed, seemingly unable to stop bouncing.
I didn’t react, fighting the urge to roll my eyes. “Alright then, let’s go.”
I pushed myself off the wall and headed towards the pitch. But as I walked past him, he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.
            “Wait, before we go, I just wanted to tell you that I’m different now, yeah? I’m not a prick, like I was,” he told me sincerely.
I glanced between him and where his hand touched my arm. For some stupid, idiotic, unbelievable reason, it made my heart skip a beat. His eyes looked so desperate for me to hear him. I pursed my lips and gave him a sympathetic, albeit somewhat sarcastic smile.
            “Sure, Jamie, whatever you say.” I gave him a pat on his hand, signaling for him to let go. He withdrew his hand, looking for something more from me. A sign that I had forgiven him for everything. I rolled my eyes at him. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Practice was a mess to say the least. All the lads seemed determined to bring Jamie down as far as they could. Ted told me it was my job to make sure Jamie felt comfortable coming back to practice, but it was really hard when watching Colin and Sam take their revenge was just a little too sweet.
            “Hey (Y/N), why don’t you stick around a bit after practice, give Jamie some one-on-one training to get him back into the sense of what we’re doing around here,” Ted suggested after watching Jamie flub yet another pass.
            “You want me to what?!” I blurted out before I had a chance to think.
            “Yeah! Just give him the run around. Ya’ know, literally!” He smiled at me, like it was the most amazing idea in the world. “Give you a chance to catch up on that personal training you missed this morning.” 
Ted was about to be ded. As in dead. This whole Jamie thing was HIS idea and yet here he was shoving it on me! He’s a shover.
            “Ooooh she’s looking at you with her angry eyes,” Beard cautioned, lowering his sunglasses.
            “That’s actually quite scary,” Nate chimed in.
            “Ted, I swear to god, I better not be your new puzzle,” I sneered at him.
            “New puzzle?” Nate questioned, turning to Beard.
            “Oh, the puzzle metaphor…” Beard whistled lowly. “He’s really trying something out.”
            “You know the puzzle metaphor?” I accused, narrowing my eyes at him.
            “Oh, yeah I know the puzzle metaphor.”
 “Woo, I love the puzzle metaphor, let’s get these kids in the showers!” Ted finally joined in. With that he walked forward, blowing his whistle to signify the end of training.
Then it was Jamie and me. I kicked the ball onto the field. Jamie, somehow, was still bouncing with energy.  
            “Did you see how they was treating me, (Y/N)?” he said, kicking the grass. “I’m trying me best here.”
I passed him the ball. “Score a goal.”
He backed up and readied himself. “I mean, I said I was sorry.”
With that he moved forward and kicked the ball, sending it flying on a beautiful arc to swish into the goal. I rolled him another ball.
            “Yes, you did,” I agreed, rolling him another ball. “Take 5 steps back and score again.”
He did as I instructed, stepping back to score again. “I just don’t know what else they want from meh.”
He moved forward and scored again. This time, however, the ball moved further to the left. Still in the goal, but drifting. I eyed where the ball landed. I rolled him another ball.
            “Another 5 steps,” I instructed. “Are you being serious right now?”
He took another five steps back before jogging forward and hitting another swish of a goal. This time it was even further to the left. “Yeah, I’m being serious. I’m still new at this whole nice thing.”
            “Go get the balls,” I told him. “So, you really just thought you would come back and say you’re sorry and everything would go back to the way it was?”
He jogged back with the balls. He kicked one towards me. “I mean… yeah?”
I studied the ball on the ground. Then I took three steps back, dragging my feet back as I did. Then I jaunted forward and kicked the ball, it flew through the air and swished into the center of the goal. Jamie starred at the ball.
            “You’re trying too hard, Jamie,” I explained to him. “Things aren’t going to go back to the way they were. And it shouldn’t.” I kicked a ball towards him. “You were a prick.”
He stops the ball. “What do you mean.”
            “Score a goal from there,” I told him. “I mean… do you actually know what you’re apologizing for?”
Jamie took a breath before sending the ball flying. “I mean, yeah. I was a dick. I said shitty things. I did shitty things.”
            “Do you know why I’m mad at you?” I asked him. I placed the ball on the ground and took a few steps back, dragging my feet again. The ball flew through the air and landed in the middle of the net again. Jamie looked between the ball and me.
            “How many times do I have to say that I was a prick,” he whined.
            “Go get the balls,” I shooed. “And always, you always have to say you were a prick.” He began jogging towards the goal. “And, you were a prick, but do you know why you should be sorry.”
The kicked the balls back in my direction. He furrowed his brows, thinking hard about it. I rolled my eyes at him while kicking the ball back, at nearly the halfway point of the field it was a long goal. I took a deep breath, taking three dragging steps backwards, then one step to the side.
            “You aren’t actually going to- “
I didn’t listen. I could see it. I visualized the ball and the opponents. I could see the clock ticking down as I set my feet in motion. Like slow motion, I kicked the ball and watched as it went soaring until it landed in the goal with a satisfying noise. I smirked.
            “Holy shit,” Jamie gapped. “That was like… really impressive.”
            “Jamie, I know. I’m fucking good at this. And I am the first female coach in the league. And every day I woke up with a million reasons why I shouldn’t have my job or come to work. I convinced myself every day that it would be worth it. And every day I you came up with another 20 reasons why I shouldn’t be here.” I kicked a ball up into my hands. “And you made sure to let me know that you thought you were better than me. Think about that.” I pressed the ball into his hands. “Score a goal.”
He took the ball from my hands and dropped it on the ground. He took a step backwards before kicking the ball. He missed, but just barely.
            “You need to plan where you hit the ball. The further back you go the further harder it is to get it in the goal,” I explained. He scoffed at me. “It becomes more important to really know where your boot hits the ball.” I placed the last ball on the ground and motioned for him to come stand next to me. “If you drag your feet, it gives your legs muscle memory. You’re more likely to get the ball where you want it to go.” He looked at me skeptically. I moved my hand in a swooping motion, presenting the ball to him. “Well, I’m not going to wait all day.”
He looked at the ball, then down to the goal. He mimicked my movement, backing up three steps with his feet dragging on the grass then one step over. Then he moved forward and kicked the ball. Swish. The middle of the goal.
            “Damn,” he sighed. I came up next to Jamie and stared at where the ball sat in the goal.
            “You made me feel like I didn’t deserve to be here. And that’s what I can’t forgive you for,” I stated, not looking at him. I could feel him turn to look at me, but I shook my head, feeling tears spring into my eyes. “Pick up the balls and go get showered.” With that I spun on my heel and walked inside, Jamie’s eyes burning on the back of my head.
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chumpovodir · 2 months
i don't have it in me at the moment to make a long, detailed rant about this but r/castlevania's insistence that games!Isaac is a lesser character for being a "self-harm obsessed, shallow BDSM playboy that only serves as an inciting incident" compared to N!Isaac?
first of all, i think y'all are letting anime stereotypes from the early 2000s massively color your opinion and it's really obvious you didn't bother looking at his character any deeper than that. edit: i'm putting this under a cut because it was actually, in hindsight, a pretty long post lmao
"BDSM playboy"? my man was sitting in the ruins of his home for 3 goddamn years letting the clothes rot off his back, in no condition to care about his appearance and with precious little materials to forge something new. you could also argue that his skimpy look is a mark of his arrogance (already well-established by his fight with Hector previously, and feeling so cocksure he sends his Devil away and even arms Hector with a sword, confident he could easily take him in a fair fight), going into battle barely clothed as a show of faith in his own skill after playing Hector like a fiddle. or even as a radical show of his devotion, the Devil Forgemasters crest embedded in his skin for the world to see; the fact that the physical marks of his position may fade away, but it goes so much deeper than that - it's seared into his very flesh, and will only die when he and his corporeal form finally leave this earth. also, it just speaks to a really shallow understanding of BDSM in general to associate "skimpy strappy outfit = kinky"
"self-harm obsessed"? first of all, where is ANYONE getting this notion from the game itself?? (considering there's a very low chance these people even know about the mangas) there is literally no scene in-game where he self-harms - further proof people are grafting a grab bag of stereotyped character traits onto him when the canon doesn't support it. if this is about his tattoos, i consider this a bit of a reach, but then i don't regularly associate tattoos with masochism.
there is of course this one, singular panel from Prelude to Revenge where we see him slitting his wrists:
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but the context here makes it clear: 1) he's doing this as a morbid way to mark the passage of time and 2) most likely in response to the sheer contrast between him and Hector's respective situations - how would you feel seeing the guy who was at least partially responsible for your predicament living a happy life, while you're forced to live in the abandoned ruins of your home, constantly surrounded by all that you've lost? this is an act being shown when he's at his very lowest.
and this is the only instance we actually see - there is no other official material that implies this is something he does on the regular, although it's a popular headcanon considering the general fandom consensus that he most likely had a very rough start to life.
shitting on him for being "merely an inciting incident"? i don't even know what to say to this - do you understand how characters and stories work...? the narrative lives and dies on the push and pull of characters taking actions and other characters responding!
but it sure is curious (read: hypocritical) that this is a negative in these people's eyes when you point out the similarities between Lisa's and Rosaly's deaths.
sure, there is a bigger story about the cruelty of humanity as a whole that Lisa was executed, unprompted while Rosaly's execution was deliberately manipulated by Isaac - but that also adds to Isaac's character, the fact that both he and his younger sister were persecuted for being bonafide magic practitioners, and the sheer hypocrisy of and underhandedness of knowing that pain firsthand, and choosing to inflict it on an innocent woman anyway. it really shows how much his morals, if he ever had any, has truly eroded to the point he only cares about causing maximum damage.
i don't even want to waste my words on the ways N!Isaac is a worse character, comparatively, if you actually take into account the themes of the Devil Forgemasters' respective stories as presented in the games. but it does chap my asshole that, from this angle, both N!Isaac and N!Hector end up for the worse since now their stories are completely decoupled and it ruins the symbolism and duality that their game counterparts had.
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softrozene · 1 year
Arthur Turns into a Parent
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Anon asked: Howdy:)! I'm loving your blog so far, as new as it is. I was wondering if you could write HC's on a new addition to camp who's a kid--maybe around 11 or 12 and she always follows around Arthur cos he saved her or something, and all the gang members tease him about it, but she evntially grows on him and sticks with him to the very end :'( Idk, hopefully something fluffy and father daughter sort of thing:) Only if you're okay with it!! 
rdr2 masterlist
This is my type of thing. We love a wholesome father figure Arthur in this house! Thanks for the request Lovely!
Originally published on January 28, 2020
(Father-Daughter relationship) Arthur Morgan x Kid!reader
Warnings: Fluff, spoilers?
Words: ~700
Arthur would be so angry that you chose him, out of the damn people here at camp, to follow around
He would be very annoyed, all huffy puffy, but wouldn’t say a dang word about it
The annoyance is obvious especially if Hosea or Dutch tease him about it, but he keeps his lips tight with them
If it’s another member making fun of him he will tell them to “Shut up”
Despite his behavior, he never ever tells you to go away
Give it a few days and he’ll cave in
He’ll turn into the mama bear he’s meant to be eventually
Since you are technically glued to him, he has to promise to come back a few times in order for you to stay with Abigail or someone else, while he goes on a mission
Eventually, he’ll embrace the father role that you had forced upon him (thanks to Hosea and Dutch probably)
He’ll teach you everything he knows
If you’re his daughter now he wants you to be able to protect yourself
He doesn’t want you to end up like his baby mama Eliza and his son Isaac
Eventually, you’ll be like Jack and call everyone Uncle or Auntie
The second you call Arthur Daddy or Papa his heart will literally melt
He’ll finally see this as the second chance he doesn’t deserve but will embrace it
Arthur probably has a sixth sense so if Micah comes near you, you bet Arthur will be there making sure that Micah will not interact with you
He ain’t afraid to shoot him if he tries to talk to you
If you ever see Mary and become mean or jealous of her, Arthur will think it’s the cutest thing in the world
Mary will be slightly upset wishing that she was your mother after seeing how loving Arthur is towards you
Get out of here mary
When he realizes he has TB you are the only one he will tell because he doesn’t want you to be devastated when it’s too late
He might try to distance himself but if it hurts you more he would stop immediately
You would be entrusted to John and Abigail and when the time comes you don’t put up a fight- You don’t want to break his heart more and he definitely doesn’t want to see you witness his death
You’ll stay as long as you can but he’ll make you leave with Abigail when she leaves with Sadie
Jack calls you his big sister
John may have Arthur’s stuff but when the time comes you’ll get the notebook
You’ll probably join John, Charles, and Sadie to get revenge for Arthur (since 8 years pass reader would be 19/20) so Abigail can’t control you lmao
Small Bonus Scenario:
“Hey Kid, wake up,” Arthur’s voice is surprisingly gentle as he shakes you gently.
Your eyes open real wide and you are breathing with panic. Upon seeing Arthur’s face you feel better immediately. You hug him.
“I know, Kid. It was just a dream. You’re safe now. See? You’re home with us,” Arthur says murmuring these lines of comfort for you.
He holds you gently for a bit before he pulls away. “You good now?”
You shake your head and he smiles, “See. Nothing is ever gonna hurt you again. Not that you have me and all of us to protect you. Uncle Charles and Javier wish to train you tomorrow if you’d like.”
Seeing your eyes light up like that makes him chuckle. Despite not being his real flesh and blood, you sure are his daughter with that behavior and enthusiasm for wanting to learn this type of thing.
“Sadie wants to take ya shopping too. Said you’d been bothering her for pants,” Arthur says softly.
You nod your head eagerly and he laughs. “Fine. Fine. Probably suit you better than those dresses. She’s gonna be proud that you’re taking her new style. Anyway- Go back to sleep. I’m here to protect ya now.”
“Will you stay until I fall asleep?” You ask softly immediately clutching his hand.
He huffs just slightly before saying, “Sure, Kid.”
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wifegideonnav · 3 months
Okay, so I get that I think Tamsyn has said that while you can draw some clear parallels (Gideon is Female Dave, Harrow is Rose, Ianthe is Vriska), obviously Homestuck and TLT aren't one to one, in the same way that the two other big Would Not Exist Without Homestuck pieces of media, Kill Six Billion Demons and Undertale/Deltarune aren't one to one with it either. That being said. I would like to submit. Isaac is Tavros.
😭 that's so mean. to isaac. wtf.
i don't really see it but let me counter with:
babs is the tavros. obviously i've posted before about how his personality/aesthetic is similar to cronus ampora, but if you think about his relationship with ianthe, i feel like there's definitely some similarities to tavros and vriska.
now ianthe "being a vriska" is something i have a LOT of thoughts about, which i will. probably write out at some point. mainly, while they share surface level plot points and arm deficits, their motivations are very different. i've been holding off tho bc there's a lot we still don't know abt ianthe's motivations while the series is still unfinished. but in general, vriska is a child who has no idea what she's doing and just wants to be safe (although she thinks she wants to be important - and she does, but because she thinks that if she matters enough, she'll stop being vulnerable, both emotionally and physically), whereas ianthe clearly has some actual irons in the fire. (given what little we know about the tridentarii's parents and childhood, i could 100% see ianthe trying to protect herself in a similar way, but we just don't know enough to be sure.)
but to compare babs and tavros:
both the "some guy" wedged in between some very toxically codependent girlies
both killed (run through) with their own weapon by their counterpart in a mysterious facility during a very tense afternoon
you can't tell me that if it was relevant, vriska wouldn't be happy to chew on tavros (use his body for what she's trying to do)
both an intimate part of their counterpart's ascension, in opposite ways
that last point is the most interesting to me, because vriska's ascension involved her own death and ianthe's ascension involved babs's. vriska begged tavros to kill her, and he would not, leaving her to die alone and in pain, whereas ianthe had no qualms about killing babs. as we learn in the unwanted guest, babs's soul has had an effect on ianthe's - they are fusing, in a sense. compare that to the very brief existence of tavrissprite, whose constituent parts could not reconcile and merge. in the end, vriska has always been both obsessed and disgusted with tavros because the world has allowed him to be soft, and kind, and nonviolent - all things that she was never given the chance to be. whereas for ianthe and babs, they have always been fighting side by side, concealing corona's secret and managing third house high society.
so essentially, babs is a tavros who has been strong and active enough to both protect and support his counterpart. while ianthe killed babs because she needed power for whatever she has planned, and she is always going to prioritize coronabeth over anything and anyone else, she had no real beef with him and saw him as, if not an ally, then at least a means to an end whom she didn't mind being bitchy with in the meantime. meanwhile vriska killed tavros not out of necessity or duress, but because he had betrayed and abandoned her at her moment of greatest need and vulnerability, and then decided to be her enemy.
to be honest you didn't ask for any of this longass response lol but to be honester its my blog and i get to rant about vriska if i want 😌 i'd be interested to hear your case for why isaac reminds you of tavros tho! bc i seriously do not see it at this point lmao
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a-deadly-serenade · 8 months
nocturne review, ramblings
obvs spoilers for the show down below.
so, i'm gonna be real with y'all; i dont think i would have watched this if not for one of my mutuals spilling the beans about alucard making an appearance 💀 s4 was ok and a fine conclusion to the og castlevania that started this animated franchise, but i dont think i will ever get over the absolute fumble and frankly, insulting way they wrapped up s3. even s4 had its cringe moments, like lenore getting a peaceful sendoff and carmilla getting to kill herself. but, i digress. i was going into nocturne with an already negative mindset and that may have made me more critical of the show. can u blame me though? lmao
i had seen a few clips and screenshots on twitter when they dropped the first 3 eps early and... they only helped solidify my decision to remain skeptical of the staff's writing capabilities. shit was already a little hazy and wishy-washy with their portrayal of isaac in s2 and how they treated hector thruought the show (not to mention the two asian-coded characters in s3). let's just say, the netflix castlevania team doesnt have the greatest track record when it comes to writing poc characters. so, when i saw screengrabs just outright stating that this show was going to deal with historically accurate racism? hm.
obvs as a white woman, i can only go so far on this criticism of the writing, but i dont really understand why they needed to include this? the comparisons and allegory of freedom from indentured servitude to the french revolution, was very weak and bare bones at best. you can keep the motif of the church existing on exploitation and blood of the people-- a whole cross section of the world was involved in the crusades, which is the priests & his entourages whole deal--but, why couldnt annette just be a witch? why did this "historical accuracy" need to get involved with the time period? bcuz the french revolution was name dropped? your main villain is a hungarian countess from the 16th century that made a pact with an EGYPTIAN goddess to become all powerful. like.
and also..... why the FUCK are vampires getting involved with the intercontinental slave trade bro??? 😭 theyre immortal beings that have seen the rise and fall of empires and can do whatever tf they want and go wherever tf they want and they choose to..... own a plantation? give af abut the economy? with selling goods??? okkkkk. also, this line of dialogue is insane to me:
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you cant have a central theme of your story be standing up against the oppressors and then make said oppressors fantastical monsters. what kills me is that they've delved into the monstrosity of humanity in s1 and s2, and yet, when you bring in one of the most monstrous things humanity has ever done in its history for the sake of historical accuracy, you turn the very perpetrators into something mythical, and evil that the common folk had no chance of ever defeating even if they tried. its just overall, very messy and they certainly were not the creative team to try and tackle something like this.
speaking of, the writing, again, it definitely left something to be desired. there are moments that are good, don't get me wrong. episode 6 is a particular favorite of mine, shining through with its wonderful character moments b/w annette's soul searching with her ancestors, richter and juste's heart to heart, and olrox's confessions to mizrak. tera's sacrifice to ensure maria's safety is also really well done, as well as maria's final confrontation with her father in the church. however, these were fewer and farther between than i would have liked. a lot of the scenes that played out just fine, were ultimately sullied by this series' incessant need to insert swearing into every other sentence. its something that bothered me nearing the end of s4 especially, and i've just grown tired of it. it honestly takes me out of the scene to constantly hear fuck thrown out every 2 seconds for literally... no reason. i promise y'all can write meaningful and impactful dialogue without having your characters swear lmao
the writing itself is what unfortunately makes the first half of the show kind of drag a bit. the story doesn't really know what it wants to do. none of these new characters are really given time to breathe and be really fleshed out, bcuz every time things settle down and we're given the chance to learn more about their motivations, its like they're almost scared they'll lose your attention and any down time is immediately followed up with an intense action sequence. which, dont get me wrong, if theres one thing they dont disappoint with--its the action. but, i dont think that was ever up for debate to begin with. however, i believe that the characters really suffer bcuz of this. if you've never played the games, which, i believe most people tuning in to watch these series never have, you would have no idea who maria or richter are, and, i really don't think they were given enough time to be fleshed out. half the time, richter's dialogue just ends up being naive, walmart trevor belmont sarcastic one-liners and poor maria ping-pongs b/w the blandest, generic, wonderbread toutings of 'revolution' or calling richter a dick, wanker, or anything in b/w. episode 6, one of the better episodes as mentioned previously, is where we really get to see some actual growth around richter especially. there were moments where his trauma could have been further explored earlier, but they kind of got shoved to the wayside in favor of dragging out the interworking bw all the villains. which.....
if i'm gonna talk about the villains. my initial thoughts were that nocturne was going to be a one-and-done, standalone series with its own self contained story that would be wrapped up in these 8 episodes. i was wrong. and i really dont know how they're going to keep this story going. erzsebet is already a very weak and uninteresting and, honestly, confusing ? villain? for more than half of the series, she's talked about as the mysterious and all powerful Messiah and theyre gathering all these sacrifices for her to bring her back and create an army of night creatures. why is she considered powerful? bcause she made a pact with Sekhmet, an egyptian goddess. why did she do this? who knows! why does she have such a devoted cult of loyal followers when she hasnt done anything but kill a lot of people? again, who knows. why did maria's father think that a VAMPIRE would keep him in cahoots during this whole plan and not immediately fuck him over once she got what she wanted...? who fucking knows. olrox is the most interesting of the villains but even he isnt fully explored. the motivations are just not really explained very well and the buildup to erzsebet's arrival was so sudden that i literally thought i missed an entire episode. one minute, shes hiding in the shadows and the next ? waltzing in on a golden chariot and being heralded as the people's savior?? so damn messy and honestly? i really could not have cared less about her. which is insane to say, bcuz shes literally based off of a real countess who's case and life were a special interest of mine. i just... why an EGYPTIAN goddess?? shes from HUNGARY. were there no goddesses in europe to pull from she could have made a pact with? idk man it just makes no damn sense.
i am definitely more than a little peeved that this wasn't even the complete story, bcuz they did such a poor job establishing erzsebet as a villain, that i really dont give af what crazy shit they come up with to extend the story. you show her being a big badass in the very last episode. ok, you as an audience member, are immediately shown why dracula is so feared within the first 10 minutes of the first episode. and all of that wasnt even HIM fighting!!! the worst thing i've seen miss countess bathory do over here is summon a crazy orb and turn into a furry. like, where is the story going to go from here? they fight tera? save edouard and have a night creature alliance? make maria or alucard (yes, i'll get to him) summon the portal again? which btw... machine from HELL? im not even gonna touch that can of worms. somehow bring olrox back to.....? help kill bathory? idfk
and man...... i was hoping against hope that when i found out alucard was going to make an appearance, that it was just going to be some neat little cameo at the v end of the series after the main story had concluded. a little nod, a little treat to the audience that the next series would be encompassing the events of symphony of the night. maybe we'd even get a depiction of maria and richter when theyre older, i dont know, anything but throwing him in there as an overpowered hail mary to save the day. we couldnt just let these new characters figure it out and triumph in their own way? we had to drag him into this, now? i cant even tell you how disappointed i was when i saw that sword pierce drolta. ME! the resident alucard fan since i was like mf elementary school!!! ugh.
i think this is it for me and netflix castlevania lmao im a grumpy old man and miss when it was mainly fun easter eggs to the games, like how they brought in juste or how olrox turns into a big green monster and has an attack that sends flying skulls your way, or the REMIX of RICHTER'S THEME!!! but its just gotten so silly and the writing hasnt gotten any better..... from now on, im going to simply stick to the games that made me fall in love with this series in the first place & let this be the last time i ever feel the need to bitch about new 'netflixvania' content.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
SOOOOO I saw spiderverse today and I have THOTS and since I went alone and didn't get the chance to scream at it to no one I'm going to scream about it very messily here so apologies in advance
gosh and we had two annoying high schoolers who kept taking pictures with FLASH during the movie??? After the 10th one for the first time in my life, I actually told them to stop because it was so annoying, at least take them without flash damn
there are very heavy spoilers under the cut you have been warned
not me immediately starting to tear up at gwen's backstory, I love gwen so so much and adored the angst of it all, even tho it made me shatter
love that no matter which universe all spidermen have complicated family relationships no matter what, I really really love Miles's dad and mom, they're amazing, such a power couple
THE SPOT bless him that introduction was so fun
adoredddd Pavitr Prabhakar and Hobie, I liked that Hobie basically knew that the whole thing was fucked up and thought Miles how to properly use her electricity
MIGUEL--- okay my heart breaks for this man but I love that he has a soft side (also a dramatic side fgbfg) he apparently shows to the ones he like the most dvdfvb (aka not miles which is a shame because he was so psyched to meet him)
Oscar Isaac did an amazing job, and yes, you can expect me to write fics for Miguel. I don't make the rules
full disclosure I'm still confused why Peter B was with Miguel when the universe he inhabited was getting destroyed?? I might've missed something there but I like that they have a shared backstory
okay I was not expecting Miles to be an anomaly???? I actually loved that but also, you guessed it, I was a wreck dvfdbf
the entire fight sequence was *chefs kiss*
I don't know if he was there and I missed it but would've loved to see 1994 animated spider man
I understand but also can't believe Peter B and gwen didn't at least warn him after Miguel ended up there--they could've at least warn a guy. I would be super hurt too by that, that scene in it's entirety was so brutal. Imagine someone just telling you your entire existence is an anomaly. It's even worse because that world's peter died because of him and he's seen that impact, met aunt may, which make it so much worse for him. I just wanna give him a hug
also I understand that all heroes need a death to get them going (at least in this situation with the spidermen) but didn't Miles already complete his family member death poll? Do all police captains die so they can fulfill their destiny or whatever you want to call it?
evil miles???? fuck that entire scene was so so chilling, I loved every second of it. I legit got goosebumps. My theory is actually he's not like a bad guy (even tho I just called him evil miles lmaosvd) it might be cliche but I feel like he's the prowler to be a sorta "spiderman" since universe-42 doesn't have one.
Even tho he seems menacing he just stared a fact that it's not his dad, which. . . is true so I don't think they're just going to make him straight up the villain or anything
Part 2 is going to be epic, I squealed when I saw the og team (and others) team up again!! FUCK I AM SO EXCITED
conclusion; I can't wait to watch this movie over and over like I did with the first one and the animation was just *chefs kiss*
sorry this whole post is a mess lmao but if you have any thoughts please feel free to share!
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
Any opinion on this? Why do you think Isaac is having a panic attack? Who do you think the mysterious woman is, and how did she find Isaac, and why is she taking care of him? If it's Julia, how do you think their interactions went? :)
Well I can't see the mysterious woman being anyone other than Julia, for one. There's not much women around Isaac (or people in general lol) and it's definitely not a succubus (or is it...? Sure would explain his animosity towards her ! <3 But we both know that if it was a succubus, she'd be too busy flashing her boobies at the poor gay eyes of Isaac to heal him lol) I also doubt that this woman and the little girl with Isaac are not the same person.
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(side note: Isaac is being so in love rn) They both seem close enough to Isaac, and their hair and eyes are hidden the same way (i love the cliché of the cape hiding facial features and hair <3). There's no way they're not the same person, I'm convinced it's Julia and they didn't want to spoil her being close to Isaac in the game (since we're not supposed to know they're brother and sister when Hector first meet her), so they made her barely recognizable in the manga. But now we know Julia and it's easy to link the two, imo. Also, they're in the Baljhet moutain here. Isn't that where Julia lives ? :)
So of course, if it's Julia, the answer to "why is she taking care of him" is pretty obvious lol
But "how did their interaction went"... Ah. :') Well I guess it must've been painful. This is the last we see of Isaac before we see him spying on Hec:
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My man was not okay. You can literally see the Curse slowly taking over him (see the black fog ?). He must've been a mess by the time he got to Julia.
So my guess is that he went to her home (either he went to the ruins of Castlevania first to see for himself the state it was in, or he went directly to her because he felt Dracula die anyway and knew it was over, I'll let you decide <3), a broken mess, not answering Julia's questions when she ask him what happened and if he's okay. He probably collapsed in her arms and she had to get him to bed (must've been a struggle). We know one week has passed beetween the Isaactor fight and the moment we see Isaac spying on Hector. And by the looks of it, he has been obsessing over Hector the whole time. And, wether he had lost consciousness or not at one point, he seems to at least be bedridden (here comes the page from your post <3).
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Well. He should be bedridden. The bastard isn't very cooperative... because he's obsessed. <3 And also traumatised. That expression from the top left panel ? It's the expression of a man who lost everything so quickly it feels unreal to him. How could Hector do this ?? None of this should've happened, it can't have happen. He can't have lost everything he has ever known and loved in less than a night.
Oh, and do you remember ? He tried to give Hector a chance to come back. :)
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He gave Hector a second chance. He did so for Dracula's sake (at least, that's what he pretended). And now He is dead. And it's all Hector's fault. He should have never even thought about giving him a second chance. He should have killed him on the spot and hurry to his Lord's side and protect him and give him his life. Instead, he chose to be sentimental, and look where it got them. (not to mention the Curse playing on his weaknesses, exploiting them to turn them into the worst strenght possible, and also, Hector being someone he used to admire. What a nice combo for his broken heart.)
So yeah, Isaac has all the reasons he needs to be angry. Angry at himself, and angry at Hector (his brain is too obsessed about Hector and Drac to think about Trevor lmao). But why would he seem to panic, what would he need to fear ? Maybe he fears Hector. He said himself that Hector was more powerful, and he just got his ass kicked by him. He realises how inferior he is to him and it's terrifying and frustrating and maddening. Maybe he is afraid because he has no purpose anymore without his Lord. Or maybe he's afraid Hector, the man he's currently obsessed with, will forget about him. And it's mixed with the rage to know that he's starting a new, peaceful life, away from him, away from the life they created, away from Dracula and his Castle. Maybe all of that. <3
Isaac might have been crazy before. He was able to kill his underlings in cold blood and laugh about it. He has been shown telling Dracula about how they were killing armies easily, wearing a big smile on his face. He always was a sadistic bastard (well, in this version, at least. PtR!Isaac gives me more the feeling of someone who just doesn't care about the pain others feels unless you're called Dracula, but actually begin to rejoice in it once the Curse happens). But that right there, that's not crazy. That's mad. That's unusual behavior for Isaac.
And Julia's reaction might not look "strong", but it might also be because of her own fear. Her brother is acting unlike himself in a terrifying way, he's unpredictable, she's frozen and don't know how to act or react. What if she says something that angers him ? With if she makes a movement that upsets him even more ? She can't take the risk. I honestly don't blame her, also knowing the Julia we see in game is three years older than the one in the manga, she had more time to get accustomed to her brother's new nature and gain in confidence and strength.
Anyway. Isaac is a Cursed mess. <3
Man I feel like I didn't say nearly enough stuff lmao, or didn't convey my feelings correctly, idk, but I hope you enjoyed the reading anyway <3
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brotherhoodoftheblade · 11 months
Still rereading Voyager, and this description of Claire’s eyes has me thinking again what a missed opportunity it was for Percy not to have turned out to be her ancestor. *sigh*
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I mean, what was even the real narrative purpose of having him marry into the Beauchamp family in particular otherwise?? He could’ve just married into any random French noble family. *shrug* The only thing we’ve gotten out of the storyline thus far is the implication that Fergus, at least, is Claire’s ancestor.
Even though everyone - including John - has spent years presuming Percy must be lying about it without even stopping to ask why he would waste at least FIVE YEARS of his life pursuing the same objective, despite repeatedly receiving such rude treatment from almost everyone on top of it all.
Honestly, if the marriage license is forgery and the whole thing is actually a scam then why waste so many years beating his head against the brick wall that is Fergus and rest of the Fraser clan?? If you’ve - hypothetically - already created forged documents to support a fraudulent legal claim, then why waste so many years in pursuit of an stubbornly uncooperative dead end?
If it’s indeed a scam then why stop with just a forged marriage license? Just bloody well hire someone to make the claim to the Comte’s estate as Amelie Beauchamp’s son already!! After all, where’s the logic in only doing something half wrong? lol Why continue to bother with Fergus at all...unless Percy really believes him to be who he says he is?
Of course, there’s the far more nebulous question of who Percy’s “connections” are, on just whose behalf he’s been working all these years. His work as a French agent is on behalf of Secret du Roi and then the Marquis de Lafayette, but the matter of gaining control of the Comte’s land in North America would be of great benefit to whomever it’s new owner choses to support: the French/Americans or the British.
But Percy had already been pursuing the Fergus business for a few years before he even discovered that Ezekiel Richardson was acting as a double agent, so in the years prior Richardson would’ve been the enemy as far as he knew and therefore not an ally. (Not to mention he specifically sought John out to warn him about Richardson’s schemes after learning of them...for all use that John put that warning to in the years following. *rolls eyes*)
Although, Percy was also noted to be in somewhat intimate acquaintance (because, uh, what the hell else do you call paying for your fellow male friend’s visit to a whore while you sit and watch? lmao) with Denys Randall-Isaacs, a British officer. Though this was still a few years before France officially joined the war, so they weren’t technically enemies yet. Pretty weird that two fellow intelligence agents of rival governments were hanging out socially though - were they exchanging info or what? 
And, of course, the larger question is whether Percy was playing both sides even back then, or only doing it to gather intel for the French. Certainly, by Bees, we know for a fact that he has connections among the English and plans to turn his coat once he’s gotten his ducks lined up. But at which point did this occur and WHY, when the stakes were literally his life if he was caught and hung for a  double agent??? Especially when, according to John, Percy is too much of an afraid-of-the-entire-world, lily-livered coward to so boldly - and needlessly! - risk his own self-preservation like that. Especially when he’s already so well-established in French high society, and a return to England would result in execution if his true identity were ever exposed. 💀
But Percy has already shown himself to be, at heart, the sort of person who would readily sacrifice both status and wealth in return for even the hope of love. Or maybe even the chance just to go home after having been unfairly exiled from the country of his birth for over twenty years. Many a person might risk the same - especially someone as sentimental Percy Wainwright. ~
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beevean · 1 year
Please. 👉👈
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The beauty of Isaactor is that we know next to nothing about their relationship in canon, and I've seen the most different of takes from other fans - rivals, close friends, boyfriends, fuckbuddies, abusive... and for each of them I've nodded and thought "yep, this makes perfect sense" lmao, canon doesn't tether me so I was free to consider every interpretation
So my indecisive ass blended every take together for my headcanons 😂
(but speaking of canon, I feel the need to post this one, small, singular glimpse of PtR because I can't get over it, Hector looks so done with everything, c'mon man Isaac was trying to be nice... in his own way :P)
That Isaac had a thing for Hector is 100% canon and I will die on this hill :P how could anyone resist his pretty silver hair? But as for Hector, I think there was the chance for him to like Isaac back. I think that, at his best, Isaac was fun to be around, he made Hector laugh, they were up to some shenanigans in the castle like racing on their Innocent Devils :P He also was his senpai, and I mean it in the real, untranslatable sense of the word - he's a little older than Hector, he started studying dark arts before him, so what if he taught him some tricks? What if Hector at first admired Isaac too? What if there was a time where Isaac was simply fond of Hector and proud of his progress, without his jealousy getting in the way? :)
And this is small, but... what if Hector never fell into the pit of "all humans suck" precisely because he met Isaac, and that for him was the proof that some humans were good after all? :')
I don't think they loved each other though, not in a deep, wholesome way. I'm going with MF's idea that they met as teens, and they were both messed up teens who had no idea what love was* because they were deprived of it, bitter and shunned, so while they liked each other and had fun together, they just kinda... clung together because they had nothing else, and had no idea of what they were doing. They were each other's firsts in everything, even friends, with no healthy reference lol. And turns out that, just because you can bond over the world hating you both, doesn't mean that you have compatible personalities.
(*tbf, at least Isaac had Julia, which is its own can of worms and another relationship brimming with potential for headcanons. I personally think that Isaac's family situation was at the very least a bit better than Hector's: Mr. Laforeze was a sorcerer himself so Isaac's powers didn't scare him, Julia just loved her big bro, and Isaac did his best to protect her. But I also think that he was treated much, much worse by the village he lived in, because you don't proudly state that you turned your back against God as a literal child without something breaking you... let's just say that according to some legends, strigoi have red hair and blue eyes :^) )
Admittedly, I'm also stealing a couple of pages from N!Hector, because not everything about him is a dumpster fire. There's nothing wrong, for example, with the idea that when he was younger, Hector used to be more passive - in the manga's flashback he comes off as a very shy, scared boy, most likely traumatized by his mother and the church burning because of him. When you're made to feel like you shouldn't have even been born, how much self esteem are you bound to have? So I think Isaac always had the stronger, more dominant personality (yes I'm saying that the man with a collar is dominant, he's a complicated guy [cit.]), and he managed to rope Hector into everything he wanted to do, and everything was on his terms. I don't see Isaac as a deliberate manipulator, let alone abusive, just that he put himself in charge (something something compensating for his perceived inferiority and needing to be seen as important something) and Hector never stopped him because he trusted Isaac too much.
And then Lisa was killed.
Imagine the huge shift that this brought in Castlevania. Dracula snapped and waged war on humanity. This, among other things, meant that the Devil Forgemasters were now tasked to create huge armies of demons, to then send to villages to be destroyed.
Imagine Hector and Isaac being overworked to death, stressed, and worried for Dracula's state. Isaac also has to face the facts that he's not quite as good as Hector, he can't keep up as easily, and Dracula already favores the other one, and it drives him mad. He wants that recognition too, he's afraid that he might be deemed useless, and if he's useless, what is he good for? Dracula is angry, demanding, merciless, he won't forgive any mistake because this war is too important to him, Isaac always has to be at his best and can't afford to slip up - so he doubles and triples down and twists himself to be as loyal and efficient as he can possibly be, compensating his flaws in Devil Forging with sheer, mindless cruelty to please his Master in any way he can. He even goes so far as to ask to be tattooed to really commit! I interpret Isaac as someone who doesn't want to think, he only wants to obey and belong to someone who deserves it.
Hector, in his position as the golden child, had the time to actually think about what he was doing. Again taking some inspiration from N!Hector, I imagine he had little empathy for humans, but not to the point of wanting all of them dead: he was probably uncomfortable with the requests of killing everyone, but at first he went along, because well, what else could he do? And he could vaguely understand why Dracula was so enraged. But, while Isaac really worshipped the very ground Dracula walked on and justified anything with "it's what my Lord wants and my purpose in life is to obey Him", Hector always saw his servitude to Dracula in a more distant way, as in, "I wanted power, you gave me that power, and to thank you I am willing to use it for you". So his uncomfortableness grew into something heavier to bear... guilt for the innocents he was killing, resentment for doing something he didn't want, a growing sense of self-worth, the realization that, no matter how many times he repeated that he did not belong to the human world (as per the Japanese version of the Devil Forging formula), he really was still as much human as the creatures Dracula so despised.
(a bit of a side note, I think Isaac also took Lisa's execution more personally because of his background as a sorcerer. Julia herself was hunted because of her nature as a witch, and who knows if they also went through something similar during their childhood? So I imagine he was more than glad to punish the "humans" for their irrational hatred against witches, while Hector was more detatched)
And what does this have to do with Hector and Isaac's relationship? Well, we know that Hector tried to involve Isaac in his morality crisis, and he was shut down without any hope for discussion. Isaac didn't want to think about that, he had other things to worry about. He was also starting to feel quite resentful about Hector, always better than him no matter how hard he tried - I think that the two started to argue pretty much everyday because Isaac kept snapping over everything and Hector was growing a spine. Jealousy is a bitch and can turn you into a nasty person :\ and I like to think that Hector started to look down on Isaac for his mindless devotion, which he couldn’t comprehend. To make matters worse, Hector didn't really have anyone else to confide in... well, there was Alucard, but I doubt that Alucard wanted much to do with two humans stomping all over his mother's wishes :\
(also personally i am a huge, huge slut for the idea that they'd still keep the physical part of their relationship because they lowkey miss each other but they're both too much prideful assholes to talk about it ;) at least, until Hector grew tired and started to feel used...)
By the end, Hector has had enough of Isaac's shit. He lost the one person he thought that could understand him, he wants to run away, he wants to be free, because he has realized his own worth - I love that part in the MF manga where he looks down on Isaac and makes fun of him for being a pawn, I need more of Hector being a condescending little shit :) Part of him still wished he could ask Isaac to run away with him, but he knew that he simply couldn't, Isaac has put Dracula over him, he'd rat him out, or he'd kill him with his own hands. So he thinks "fuck it", and leaves as soon as he can in secret, maybe even thinking that Isaac would be happy to not have the competition anymore. He underestimated how much being abandoned would hurt Isaac, though.
And that's how they became the worsties we know and love <3
As a bonus point, I like to think that the reason Isaac becomes so hyperobsessed with Hector but barely spares a thought about Trevor, the one who materially went and killed Dracula, is precisely because the Curse took his feelings and his deep hurt and amplified them up to 11, to the point that Isaac really couldn't think about anything else for 3 whole years :)
(another idea i'm a huge slut for is Hector living with Rosaly, actually experiencing love for the first time in his life, and breaking down because now he's realizing that what he had with Isaac wasn't even remotely the same thing and regretting ever stepping foot into Castlevania and wasting half of his life. And yet, at the same time, he grieves for Isaac because he had been such an important part of his life. My man has a lot of adjustment to do :( )
This ended up being a poutpourri of every headcanon I have of what happened pre-C3, but it's just. I have so many thoughts about my boys and they deserve more love <3
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow ask game
Tagged by @cymatile AND @georgiedoesntfloat 🖤TYSM for always including me in these haha
I'll offer up two variants for some of the answers, using my main OC file (Ashe my beloved) and my 2nd one that I use to mess around (Atlas who I have mentioned like... Once-)
Your "canon" trait combination? Ashe: Mystical/Hot. I will take any chance I get to use my attractive OC son- (2nd best to go option tho via) Atlas (maybe I just like 'A' names lol): Mystical/Street Smarts. Let me break all the rules and lie my way thru everything pls- (basically, I like it if it can help me socially and Street Smarts has its perks there too haha)
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? For Ashe I'm tied between Talk to Animals and Street Smart. Animals to go down the full something is definitely up with him kind of vibe vs the one he'll actually likely have due to his personality/bad boy roots lmao. Atlas gets Book Smart, to be deceptively like the type where he doesn't look it.
What trait are you least drawn to? Powerful Build. Strong? My vain bb Ashe who would never chip a nail? I promise you if he looks like he has muscle it's purely for show lol. And Atlas is a stick. Aside from achievement hunting, I'm also just not down to throwing hands/go for physical strength to solve my problems haha. Nice if you want your MC to lean more to himbo if you pair w/ hot, but if not for that then nah :p
Coolest trait? Mystical. I know I'm not alone on this haha. Aside from enjoying lore and slapping it on almost all my runs for my OC army, I feel like it fits best for SH's setting.
Who are you romancing? Reese for Ashe and Wayne for Atlas (me slapping the two Monster Lover achievements like DO YOU SEE THESE)
What romance are you least interested in? Dr Kelly. I do not hate her per say, I am just emotionally reactive to the *motions to the whole revelations of Episode 4*
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? Isaacs or Harrison, likely? Like, I know Bo is a popular choice and I do like him, but considering it's 50/50 if he loses his dad, I wanna give the poor guys space to grieve first cause he's a sweet fellow.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? Not including Reese who I am deeply hoping is ok on the endings where he's still breathing, I gotta say Kaneeka and Tabitha. For Tabby, I'd put my MC thru hell if I have to (and I legit yelled when she choose to take on those years the first time I played Episode 3 like Tabby NO I'LL DO IT PLS); for Kaneeka, god her whole situation is just shitty I just want the best from her and someplace that she can go very far from her mom p l s I will cry if something happens to her-
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? It's too early to say. Very likely no because SH rn doesn't strike me like it will let you burn the root of whatever looms and haunts over the holler. If anything, I wanna drag people OUT of Scarlet Hollow by week's end.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? Scraps. I trust Gretchen and I just think Scraps is cool.
Tagging: no one, my SH Tumblr circle is so small anyone I would have thought of tagging has already been tagged on another person's post 😂
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
I sent you a naughty reading request some time ago but I think the question was "too much" so let me try again (hope this time you answer it 🤞🏼). Is P a morning s*x guy? LOL I've read people saying that he wakes up very early BUT I also know he doesn't sleep very well AND I'll never forget Oscar Isaac saying that P is super grumpy when he wakes up so I wonder if he has the "mood" to do the "thing" right after waking up...
Hiya! Mami has been generous with the naughty readings lately, eh? Lmao! 🤣🤣 So I asked your question if he might possibly be a morning sex guy and the Major Arcana were The Hanged Man, The Star and The Lovers.
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Okay, so the Hanged Man (him again!) shows our man kind of hesitant, “suspended”, not really sure if he should go for it, maybe because he doesn’t sleep well and seems to be grumpy when he wakes up. The Star is interesting because it actually represents “healing”, becoming more hopeful and optimistic and you know, he could be dazzled by the person’s “shining light”, drawn to them, so he might even wish for it. Chances are he would also see the idea of morning sex as something that would make him feel better, lighten his mood and bring him some fun and joy. The Lovers points to him thinking this could then be a good choice, and he’s gonna love every minute of it.
The Minor Arcana were the 2 of Swords, 4 of Swords and King of Cups. 2 of Swords and The Hanged Man just shows how indecisive he might be at first, like “should I stay or should I go?”, he’s not really so sure he wants it, but not really wanting to turn it down either. The 4 of Swords with The Star points to him possibly feeling like some good morning sex could finally help him relax and get the rest he needs but always struggles to get. This 4 of Swords can also represent the idea of someone who spent the night, so I would say it’s a given that this person should have stayed over, not some random morning meet up. 😅😅😅 To close it off, the King of Cups with The Lovers shows us he’s not only gonna love every minute of it, but it’s gonna improve his mood significantly, he will definitely not be grumpy anymore if he does, he’s gonna be like this loving King. 😅
So in the end, well, he’s gonna hesitate but if he does it, it’s gonna be worth it! 🤣🤣🤣 He can only hope to get lucky enough to have it!
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zahra-hydris · 1 year
they really spent 95% of that episode faking out ted x rebecca (including an ACTUAL FAKE OUT in the opening) only to have rebecca end up with the random dutch dude and ted go back to the ex-wife he initially “gave space to”, starting the whole show (I knew he’d go back for henry and yes, fair, but the whole suggestion that michelle leaves the therapist... jason sudeikis pls deal with your ex-wife issues in therapy). like ????? i’m not even a tedbecca shipper but lmao what.
do NOT even get me started on the bullshit ‘roy and jamie literally fight over keeley’ nonsense. that misogynistic ass oneupmanship over their sexual histories with her? in the final episode???? we’re just regressing all over the place huh? I can’t believe they ruined roy x keeley and didn’t even give me roy x keeley x jamie in the end. what was the POINT
meanwhile beard marries his toxic girlfriend??? cool.
nick mohammed deserved a better nate arc. he’s so talented and he was never given a chance to actually show nate coming back from his brink. he would have knocked it out of the park. instead he got that half-assed ‘saved by the love of a good woman’ bullshit. fans keep going ‘it’s a message about forgiveness without demanding redemption!!!’ and... lmao. i’m not even asking for redemption i’m asking to ACTUALLY SEE NATE CHANGE rather than just being told ‘it’s all good now’. we saw him change in s2 (for the worse), after all.
also? juno temple deserved a better keeley arc. hannah waddingham deserved a better rebecca arc. brett goldstein deserved a better roy arc (which they again HINTED AT but we just never actually saw it beyond the friendship with jamie). best arc in the show remains jamie (i’m choosing to ignore the suggestion that he reconciles with his abusive father btw).
zava remained absolutely unimportant. shandy remained absolutely unimportant. just wasted time.
that said
I LOVED the match. was it cheesy? fuck yes. but the good kind of cheesy that s1 had. isaac kicking the ball through the net! jamie doing ted’s s1 decoy performance exactly so sam could get the goal! ted finally learning what offside was! COLIN GETTING TO KISS HIS BOY! that’s good ted lasso.
I absolutely adored all the callbacks, esp to s1. jamie was finally reading the book ted gifted him!!!
harriet walter is a gift.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 2 years
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I posted 14,399 times in 2022
3,390 posts created (24%)
11,009 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,188 of my posts in 2022
#my inbox has been filled - 728 posts
#rezz liveblogs aew - 500 posts
#rezz liveblogs raw - 474 posts
#rezz liveblogs sd live - 400 posts
#rezz liveblogs nxt - 257 posts
#anonymous - 169 posts
#rezz liveblogs aew rampage - 161 posts
#'the thirst is real' tag - 102 posts
#what a beautiful white man - 93 posts
#axelwolf8109 - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i literally said from the jump that he's nothing more than a shit-talking shit stirrer who's lost his touch and everyone clowned me for it
My Top Posts in 2022:
so i finally got my final grades/GPAs for the semester and I'm so proud of myself 😭👏🏾
For the semester, it's a 3.79 and my cumulative GPA is a 3.64. I can finally breathe 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
44 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
I forgot to take pictures yesterday so here are some pics of my new hair that I took just now lmao enjoy 💙✨
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56 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
not only was I one of the first people in line for the Oscar Isaac panel, bUT I GOT TO ASK HIM A QUESTION
I’m legit shaking crying screaming etc etc
(I asked him if he’s ever “liberated” anything from any of the sets/studios/stages he’s worked on and what those things were and where they were now, and he said that he would steal little props from all the shows he’s worked on and keep them in his basement and closet on shelves as mementos)
He also called Pedro his slut of a husband and that he would never leave him (someone asked about their relationship/bromance) and honestly that’s just a W in general.
Overall: I have officially won at life and literally nothing can/will top this moment 😌
58 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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she's pinky, she's pinky w/ a brain 💕💕💕
71 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Heart Strings
Pairing: Damian Priest x female!Reader
Word Count: 7,073 (talk about a comeback lmao)
so @kalliravenne challenged me to write an incubus!D. Priest fic with hints of darkness and dream fuckery....and i think/hope i achieved that.....
this is also the first thing that i've written in the past year and a half so it's bound to be a bit more than rusty but regardless, i hope you enjoy it!!! much love <3
(also this was supposed to be short but managed to be long as shit with hella filler. so read as you will lmao XD)
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For as long as you could remember, the club you worked at was always packed, booked, and busy on Halloween nights. How could it not be? A decent enough drink at a less-than-decent establishment with a pretty bad good chance of going home with someone you’ll forget in the next twenty-four hours? What could be better this time of year?
The line already started to curve around the block, with girlfriends dragging along their boyfriends, girl friends having a fun night out with their girl friends, and lonely twenty-somethings just wanting to get their rocks off. You rolled your eyes at the sight as you slipped through the “employee’s only” entrance and dropped your bag inside your locker in the backroom lounge. 
The place was damp, the neon lights were shitty, the bar was sticky with gum and drinks you couldn’t quite scrub out, and the walls were covered in graffiti and scrawled-on phone numbers and who knows what else…but you couldn’t help but smile as you filed in behind your coworkers because it was home, your home for the past few years.
“Hey!” one of your coworkers yelled from across the room, calling your name and rushing towards you in a cloud of gold and glitter. “Where’s your costume? Kevin wanted all of us to get into the holiday spirit tonight.”
You dropped your bag into your locker before reaching inside and pulling out a plastic bag. As much as you loved your boss for tolerating you all these years and keeping you hired, he always had a flare for dramatics that was incredibly extra. He had texted every one of your coworkers that you were required to dress up for tonight’s holiday festivities and then proceeded to - at least, to your knowledge - doused the insides of the club with so many cheap Halloween decorations that you’re sure he ran the local party store fresh out of their stock for the next year.
“I know, Cynthia,” you told her, pulling out a small wire halo and angel wings covered in white and silver feathers. “Can’t you tell what I’m gonna be?” You plastered on a smile and gestured down to your all-white party dress and heels.
“You never wear all white, though…” She gasped. “Are you an angel?”
“Exactly, and you are…?”
“Cleopatra, silly!” she smiled, giving you a twirl, the glitter adorning her bodice and skin spreading everywhere. “I’m gonna be by the door handing out flyers and stuff for the dance competition later, so I gotta look cute and eye-catching somehow.”
Cynth gave you a wink before rushing back off to finish her makeup, her beaded headpiece clacking away and making you smile softly before you slipped on your own accessories over your “costume”. The heels you wore were just for show, after all, just for showing Kevin that you actually tried to put some effort in for tonight.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered, forcing a smile onto your face as you stumbled your way past your coworkers and through the back of the club, finally pulling back the curtain that lead into the main dancefloor.
The swirling neon spotlights damn near blinded you when you emerged, the DJ already setting up hisetlist for the night as mini pumpkin, ghost and other Halloween confettis absolutely littered the floor. There was orange and black confetti coming down from the ceiling, giant bat stickers on the walls, orange and green glowsticks linen the floors….there were even Halloween themed condoms in a cup by the bathrooms in case there were any rowdy couples who can’t keep it in their pants.
Kev really went all out this year, huh, but guess who has to clean all of this up later tonight, you thought to yourself, silently cursing your boss before taking your place behind the bar and pulling out the foam slides you always hid below the glasses, immediately slipping off your heels and sliding them on with a sigh of relief.
You always leave your space tidy and well-kept despite how crappy it may look at first glance; you always kept your glasses cleaned, your multiple bar towels ready for the multiple accidents that always seem to happen on the other side, your tumblers are always together and you always restock your various liquors weekly. It’s your home away from home, your place to control and dictate.
You were cleaning off some glasses nearby with one of your bar towels, trying to shoulder one side of your angel wings back onto place when the music really started to kick up, the bass hitting you all the way in the back just as the front doors opened and the flood of people started filling the space.
In a matter of minutes, both the main dancefloor and the smaller second floor were full of eager partygoers looking for a good time, the air around the bar already feeling hot and stuffy from the bodies packed against each other.
Speaking of, the bar was packed with people looking forward to their first drink out of many of the night, each person and group shouting off what drinks, cocktails and mocktails they wanted off the Halloween menu Kev had you create and memorize the week prior.
But you’ve always loved a challenge, and tonight proved no different.
You never knew what kind of people you were going to get as you threw your bar towel over your shoulder and began taking orders, jotting them down with the person’s description on the small notepad you kept in the side cabinet. Some nights it was mainly loners, drifters who couldn’t quite find their crowd, sometimes it was scared twenty-one year-olds getting dragged along with their older friends as they threw literally every high-alcohol content drink that you had down their throats, and other times it was creeps who couldn’t quite keep their eyes in their heads and their hands to themselves.
But something deep within your mind told you otherwise; it told you that tonight would be…different. Something told you that tonight would finally make you feel something.
Yeah, right, you scoffed, reaching for your glasses and getting ready for the long night ahead. Like that’ll ever happen.
See the full post
171 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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jennawynn · 10 months
Discovery Season 1 Episode 4-
Uniform synthesis man I wish. Where's THAT AI?
Ew. Why's Elon gotta be in the list of explorers and innovators?
Jason Isaacs definitely has a type doesn't he? Malfoy, Tavington, Lorcan. Unafraid of cruelty in the name of victory.
Ouch. Georgiou's message from beyond the grave stings especially hard knowing that Michael believes she betrayed her.
Episode 5
lmao computer says kill burnham.
Rainn Wilson?
I figured Rainn Wilson was doing something shady as shit. A literal bug, though? lol
Lorca's no Archer. Archer would have brought every human with him. Though I think I'd side with Lorca in this case.
Enterprise was about an exploration ship that was forced to fight. This one is a science vessel captained by a warrior and at the tip of the spear. This one is a very different tone, but Isaacs definitely sells it in a way Bakula never did.
How did it rehydrate itself in space?
Episode 6
Having trouble remembering to make notes. Everything happens so fast in the show and I am back to working while I watch.
On the surface, it seems like Lorca's decision to wait for orders is bc the Admiral got through to him about risking Discovery, but underneath there's the chance he's stalling because she's a threat to his command and she might not last long enough for a delayed rescue.
Interesting character conflicts come from two goals in conflict- in this case, remaining in command vs winning the war. Obviously he thinks one is the other and he has shown no hesitation to risk the ship before. But she's a threat to his command and she, being an admiral, is risk-averse. Winning the war means protecting their greatest asset- Discovery.
Episode 7
A party? With hip hop? Not 50s jazz? And neon and beer pong? Is this Trek? _I know this song_ lol
Ooh, time loop.
I'm not sure I buy that THAT is what Burnham picks as her time loop code phrase... but maybe that's the aroace in me.
See, Archer wouldn't have been in this predicament bc he wouldn't have left Mudd behind :joy:
Wait, Kat Barrell? Haven't seen her since that time at Clexacon :joy:
Episode 8
The Gagarin? Nice. Oops.
Don't reveal yourself to beings that aren't warp capable. Don't alter or borrow property until your subject understands the objective and agrees to it. Solid orders to build on.
Yep... he left the Admiral to rot.
Oh... I thought the fight was a ruse and that by 'disposing' of the body, she was going to make her getaway with the Admiral, not that she actually killed her.
Should've just left instead of trying to kill Kol first.
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