#[unhinged rambling]
cryobabyy · 4 months
What I need to see is the slow dissolving of a professional relationship into something tender and forbidden!!!!! Like the slow ripening of a fruit picked too early!!! I need them to inch closer and closer to it until they don't know what else to do except embrace each other!!! They both don't know what they want, but the impulse to find it in each other is entropic in nature, and futile to resist!!! That's good television baby!!! And then I want to watch Carmy take her to his penthouse and freak it!!! MY DEMANDS ARE SIMPLE AND SHOULD BE MET WITH URGENCY
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yuesgirlfriend · 1 year
when ghosts love language is touch,, and he’s, ya know, the way he is,,, things happen.
when ghosts on leave, he just always has to be touching you. Fingers twirling in your hair while you try and focus on work. If you’re minding your business on the couch, he will come up and lay himself across your lap, knocking your laptop off. You insist you have things around the house to do, but he won’t let you out of his arms for more than two minutes before hiking you over his shoulder and bringing you back to bed. When he has to do paperwork or read over reports, he keeps you in his lap, fingers tucked in your cunt. Not moving, just enjoying the warmth and heat inside you, letting out a laugh when you squirm around him, teasing you for being so wet.
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sugar-konpeito · 2 years
ok take this entire post with a grain of salt because i'm really hyperfixated right now and just writing whatever but,, something i think about A LOT is mamoru's behavior (particularly anime mamoru (which i think may have something to do with ikuhara being really critical of japan's treatment of vulnerable children)) can be explained as results of neglect and developmental delays.
he was raised in an institution from the age of five, and probably primarily raised himself. he had to become self-sufficient at a very young age because he knew there was no one who would support him besides himself.
having more-or-less been an adult his whole life, he seems very mature. he's very successful in school, has worked multiple jobs, and owns an apartment. he's very well-mannered and polite, and never childish or poorly behaved. he has many accomplishments/skills for his age and is worldly. but if you pay close attention to him, there are aspects of his personality that are very childlike still or couldn't grow much. particularly emotional and social ones
here's a list of his signs of trauma/neglect/developmental delay (because i'm not sure how to make these into a paragraph):
-He's very naïve in general. Despite the cynical façade he put on early in the series, he doesn't understand many everyday social concepts and has a tendency to take things at face value.
-For example, he doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on gender. He's had very few close relationships in life, and only seems to have a very sketchy idea of what boys and girls are. Since the sailor guardians are pretty much the only girls he's been close to, he assumes their characteristics are indicative of all girls, instead of being idiosyncrasies of theirs.
There's a scene where Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars start randomly bickering over something innocuous and get pretty vicious and *very* loud. Tuxedo Mask slips away and remarks "It's scary when girls fight."
It's not a jab, it's more like an observation. He sees an element of Usagi and Rei's very unique dynamic and assumes it applies to *all* girls. He doesn't have much info to draw from and is currently constructing his idea about how girls function based of off the sailor senshi. It also shows how he takes things at face value, because he instantly accepts his first interpretation of the situation and doesn't think much further into it.
-Another example is when Zoisite managed to trick him by pretending to surrender, and Mamoru just trusted him!😭
-Even though he's a teenager, he doesn't understand dating at all, and doesn't know what the appeal of it is. When dating Usagi he tries to be romantic by emulating things he saw on TV and acts very odd. Because of all of his responsibilities, he probably never had many opportunities to bond with his peers. Dude has no clue what partners do together, what he's supposed to be feeling, or much of anything really! he also gets confused by girls liking him and doesn't catch on to their advances most of the time..
-His expressions are very subtle or could even be described as blank. Difficulty with facial expressions are a common characteristic of neglect. (Lots of fans think he's cold because of this.😢 he's not!! he just has a rough time okay??😢😢)
-He has a hard time asking for help. It doesn't even usually occur to him as an option. He's so used to solving everything himself, asking somebody else seems unthinkable
-When he's walking down the street with a shoulder wound, and Usagi shows concern about it, it doesn't even register! He gets annoyed by her following him and asks her why. She answers that she was worried. "About me?" he asks, despite there being no one else in the alleyway. He's completely baffled. It's never occurred to him that someone may care about his well being.
-He's very shy and usually plays social interactions safe by not talking much. Sometimes this actually has the effect of making the conversation awkward. (That time in SuperS where he has guests over and just sits there while usagi and chibiusa argue over who his real girlfriend is. he doesn't intervene even when it makes the guests uncomfortable)
-HE'S SUCH A PEOPLE PLEASER. i don't think i have to explain this one, but he dated rei for a while despite really disliking it because he didn't want to hurt her feelings!! and that time he apologized to usagi for not knowing her birthday and scrambled to get her a gift even after she hit him and embarrassed him in public. he wasn't mad for a second. he thought he must be in the wrong!! (he doesn't value himself as much as he should😢)
-he struggles to be vulnerable, even in small, mundane ways.
-when pressed, he has a tendency to shut down, using submissive body language and avoiding eye contact. (like when mercury cornered him and tried to force him to be direct with her. (he ended up running away))
-he is VERY selfless. in Transylvania no mori, he's stabbed and is dying. he focuses all his remaining energy on comforting Usagi and making sure she knows it's not her fault, when he should probably be focusing on survival. he clearly wants to take care of others, which is good, but he has too little concern for himself!! he wasn't taught he had value
-he can act prickly (probably out of fear/defense mechanism)
-he doesn't set boundaries!!! the closest he usually comes is ignoring the person causing him problems😭😭😭😭
i don't know where i'm going with this but developmental psychology is one of my special interests,, also i think usagi is so good for him because she unconditionally loves him and accepts him where he's at instead of expecting him to be more mature or something!! and you help people with delays grow by meeting them where they're at and nurturing whatever needs they have instead of questioning or criticizing them!! she teaches mamoru to value himself and can teach him the things he didn't learn!! she had a really safe and loving family and a stable childhood and she can use the benefits her secure life gave her to help him!!!!!! :,,,,DDDDDD
(people always think usagi is the fragile one, and mamoru ought to protect her better, but she's really the strong one of the two!! she had the safe childhood. mamoru is a bit (emotionally) frail from his hard life :,,>)
mamoru is so grateful to her for loving him, he gives her his 100000000% and takes care of her with everything in him!!!
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icebrooding · 2 months
Man, I really love Qadim. He's this unrepentant asshole but he's just so interesting about it. Nobody likes him. He's probably the only guy that can really piss off Zommoros. Other Djinn talking about him are just like 'Yeah, he's that weird Zoo Tycoon guy.'
10/10. Would.
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avrablake · 5 months
Hi rainstorm
For blorbsday, do you have any character is just a little guy but the weight of the world is on their shoulders and they kinda carry it willingly because they feel they have to, it's just who they are? And if so please tell me about them.
Happy Blorbsday Mother Dearest. I have missed you. How are you?
As for your question…
*looks at all my guys*
Uh……this could sort of apply to all of them.
Nix is literally a little guy 😂 and he carries so much on his shoulders. Mostly problems of his own making but still he will sacrifice himself for others in a heartbeat if he thinks it will make him useful/good/worthwhile.
Gram is not a little guy but he carries everyone’s problems while hiding his own. He worries so much about everyone else and always tries to do what’s right.
Kai is a little guy at heart. He’s the absolute sweetest cinnamon roll and he carries all of Thea’s burdens 100% willingly. He takes one look at Nix and says “Ah yes another tortured soul. I will take care of him”. It’s just who he is.
Ryu. Oh Ryu. A little guy who really does carry the weight of the world in his shoulders. He has to fill his father’s shoes but he is too young and too kind and he can never measure up. But he has to try because the world is falling apart and he has a chance to do something about it. Somebody has to do something about it and he has so many ideas but it’s also so hard because he feels he can’t be himself and he can’t be who others want him to be and he doesn’t know who he is anymore. But he knows what he wants. He wants a better world where people don’t have to be like him. And so he does what he has to do.
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gardencactus · 2 years
I have been spending the past week coping by telling myself that The Mysterious Benedict Society actually was renewed for a 3rd season, and I have done this so thoroughly that I have genuinely convinced myself that it is happening.
My line between reality and imagination has become so blurred.
I am living in the whisperer at this point
I might as well be shouting “No one is at the wheel!” in the middle of the streets and staring directly into a brainwashing T.V
If any member of the society were to know how delusional I have become about this they would be (kind but) entirely ashamed of who I am.
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fallenrayvens · 1 year
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⚠️ Editing this with a content warning for absurd amounts of nonsensical ramblings about parallels between Anime Original Content from the 2008’s Black Butler adaptation and Manga Canon — and their (in my head) possible implications ⚠️
I’m serious, I am literally warning you, this is written like I was having a fever dream while stabbing pictures in a pinboard. You’ve been warned.
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theatre-stuff · 1 year
Screaming about Crazy Rolling from Moulin Rouge
Like okay. Roxanne is amazing. Phenomenal. Transcendent. BUT LET’S TALK ABOUT CRAZY ROLLING.
Where it starts then where it ends. I’m cry. Happy chemicals running rampant through my brain. The way it’s all quiet and slow to start off and builds up until it explodes?? Peak song. 11/10
Personally I’m obsessed with the track because of the growls thrown in there. That has me on the ground.
The desperation and determination we hear from Christian that bubbles into a bit of rage is impeccable, his slightly unhinged, vaguely menacing ‘you’re gonna wish you never met me…’ background vocals are just. Peak act II Christian. I love it. I’m weak. Shaking.
The whole track is so intense that it makes me want to blast it in my ears and forever ruin my hearing. I want to write it into my DNA.
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Anyway that’s all thank you
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
watching people on tiktok consume borax is uh. something.
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pollyanna-nana · 6 months
So. It’s no secret that the dunmeshi manga gradually changed art style as it went on (thereby twinkifying a few characters…) but I like to think that, in Thistle’s case specifically, it was also a change in perception by the party. I mean…
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Early in the story, when all they knew about him was that he was the creepy, all-powerful mad sorcerer? Probably were much more intimidated by him. Same with the reader. BUT….
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By the end? Oh, he’s just a little jester twink who writes poetry and can be picked up and slung around like a bag of potatoes. No way they could take him seriously anymore. Literally this meme but in reverse
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Little guyification…
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liauditore · 4 months
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do you guys ever think about that time she said her backstory was that she was only partially zombiefied and was fully conscious mentally while she ate and killed her family. and that she was a princess. i do alot.
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cryobabyy · 3 months
I’m ngl, I’m having a hard time getting down with the whole “s3 had no character development” take. I think theres a lot of conflation between the actual term character development and positive development. Characters can also develop negatively. In the case of s3, Carmen gets worse, Sydney’s conflict avoidance gets worse, Richie’s identity as a father is changing, Marcus is reckoning with his mother’s death, etc. I don’t think there’s a lack of character development, I think it was more so an issue with pacing. If the pace is off, it can literally feel like nothing is happening.
This season we saw a lot of internal conflict — a lot of shots sequences cut together to represent what’s going on in their heads, subtext heavy writing etc. I think the show also has a problem with substituting a solid plot with subtext. It’s lowkey exhausting to follow along with. For Carmy and Sydney — the two most avoidant characters on the show — their shared screen time felt a bit aimless because you have to constantly consider this intricate ass subtext and apply it to all of their interactions, and if you don’t the scene feels empty. The constant parallels, double-meanings, call backs, etc — it was all just… exhausting. And that’s coming from someone whose special interest is meta analysis lol.
I think you can apply this logic to the plots of all the seasons as well. S1-2 had subtext, but were fairly straight forward plot progression wise. The casual viewer could understand and enjoy the story easily, and the viewer that likes to engage with media on a deeper level can delve into the details.
But in s3, like 80% of the conflict is occurring internally with the main plot of the season being trying to keep The Bear afloat and to keep operating costs of the restaurant within reason, which doesn’t feel super important because the only person telling us it’s important is Cicero — and he’s quite literally just telling us, we never see how The Bear is taking a financial toll on him, he just pops in every once and a while to remind us that they’re in big financial trouble while Carmy keeps wasting food, Tina shops for ingredients that are outside of their budget, Sydney barely brings it up at all, and everyone generally keeps operating as if they aren’t in deep financial shit.
The first watch experience for me was pretty rough, and I frequently asked myself “What am I supposed to be paying attention to? Where am I supposed to look? What is actually supposed to be important? Why does it simultaneously feel like so much is happening subtextually but the plot is progressing at a snails pace?”.
The second watch of some of the episodes was much smoother, but only because I took the time to try and deconstruct exactly what I saw via feverish and unhinged meta analysis on tumblr dot com. I think this is a big reason why this season had less than stellar reviews. The average person does not want to do homework to enjoy a show.
My final consensus is that I don’t feel like it was a bad season. I could tell what the writers were trying to do, but a lot of it just didn’t land. What was supposed to be tense, introspective, and slow-storytelling came across as aimless directionless and confusing.
Here’s to hoping season 4 will be an improvement lol
Less serious shit that pissed me off
- over relying on the Faks for comedic relief
- Pete constantly being the butt of the joke for???? Being pleasant and sweet?
- the way less miserable characters are treated like caricatures
- Sweeps lore being reduced to a filler scene, smdh
- mid build up and no pay off
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fcb-mv33 · 4 months
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h0nkshroom · 6 months
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gently places these in your hands and cartwheels away into the night
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ofishal-fish-posts · 9 months
this is the reblogging things website, reblog things
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ventique18 · 10 months
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Lilia: "This voice... Levan?! You, when did you return... No, but those horns are Meleanor's..."
Lilia for a while confuses Malleus for Levan... He only doubted himself because of the horns... Do y'all remember who has a similar build/hair color/skin tone/lip shade as Malleus...
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"Those old fools of a senate... How dare they..."
"AND GRANDMOTHER AS WELL! Why have they kept the truth from me all this time?!"
OMG! He didn't know that Lilia hatched him... Lilia tries to calm him down and says that it was him who told them not to say tell. Because if he knew the truth, then he might feel guilty.
At this point Lilia begins to mix up reality and memory. He's questioning why he's calling this person Malleus when Malleus still isn't supposed to know how to walk on two legs. Malleus soothes him, saying that it's alright, Lilia doesn't have to think, and he doesn't have to suffer anymore.
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Malleus: "What dream would you like to have? A dream where both father and mother are alive? Or would you prefer a dream where you and your son live peaceful lives?
"I will give you anything and everything you wish for. Now, Lilia, take my..."
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Silver: "FATHER---!!!!!"
Lilia is still confused and mixes up things, and Malleus looks at Silver and Sebek exasperatedly, as if they're pests that keep on popping up. That they being awake is bad, and that they should go back to sleep. Silver objects and Sebek tells him that there's no way a man born from so much love should grow up to be villainous and hated by the entire world.
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Silver: "And that's why we will definitely defeat you. Lord Malleus... YOUR "BLESSING"!"
Because of that keyword, Lilia finally remembers everything that happened.
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Lilia: "Well said. That's my disciples for you."
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Lilia: "I must have taken a very long nap. Now you've done it, Malleus!"
Malleus: "Tsk. You've truly woken up, Lilia! But you need not worry. I will tuck you back to bed very soon."
Lilia: "Ha! Did you just say you will tuck me to bed? You've grown cocky, haven't you? Then do your worst!"
Lilia: "Everyone, after me!"
OMFG LOL LILIA???? Malleus laughs "Are we playing tag? It's been far too long since we've played like this."
"We have all the time in the world. Why don't we have a bit of fun, Lilia!" *CUE UNHINGED FUCKING LAUGHTER HOLY SHIT THAT WAS CREEPY AS HELL
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