#{ But I love this regardless. XD }
blackbatofel · 3 months
What are Clark & Bruce's love languages for each other?
I think Bruce's would be acts of service and gifts. He's a fixer, and he'll jump at any opportunity to help others, specially those he loves. Thing is, he's also a bit controlling (understatement of the century), so he'll most likely do these acts of service without asking first (same with the gifts), and I can imagine that, at least in the beginning, it'll bother Clark. But he'll eventually get that that's how Bruce shows he loves him, and he'll make a point to ask him to not intervene whenever he deems necessary.
I can also imagine a situation where Clark tells him he doesn't like expensive gifts, so Bruce's solution is to make his gifts more personalized and meaningful. Bruce would give Clark the most earth-shattering sweet gift, like something he made with his own hands and worked on for months, and he would just shrug and say "it's nothing, I just thought you would like it" while Clark is on the verge of tears.
Clark's love languages would be words of affirmation and quality time. It's canon that he doesn't shy away from telling it to Bruce how it is (more often than not, that means calling him on his bullshit), and I don't think it would be any different when it comes to telling him directly how much he cares for him and showing his affection with words. Of course, Bruce would short-circuit for a second, but he'll get used to it. I also like to think that Clark would try to make time to be with Bruce as often as he could. He would visit him at the cave and accompany him while he works, or drop by during patrol just to say hi.
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tokibuns · 5 months
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if envy doesn't bring any of this energy to the final movie I'm leaving
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
A little comparison of Lieutenant Lyste's voice in the English and German dub (+ a little bit of Kallus too); because I find languages interesting and this made me really think about how a voice actor can influence how a character is perceived.
First of all, I've watched Rebels primarily in German so far (though I've seen a good amount of scenes in English as well), partly for nostalgia reasons (I was in my teens, probably around 14 when I first watched the series and my English wasn't that good at the time to just casually watch an entire series, plus I was watching it with my younger sister), but also because I think the voice actors especially for the main and recurring characters are genuinely doing a really good job. Heck, for some characters I might actually prefer their German voice because it is that good! Kallus might actually be a good example for this if he's already here, I think he has such a pleasant roughness in his voice. For Thrawn it's also a pretty close match, he sounds wonderful in both variants but I might prefer his German voice just by a teeny tiny bit.
Who I actually wanted to talk about is Lieutenant Lyste though. I'm mainly familiar with his German voice, and as he's a fictional crush of mine, this is also the voice of his that I've fallen in love with. When I imagine him talking - regardless in which language - the sound is that of his German voice. Personally, I feel like that voice makes him seem a little younger and more naive compared to his English voice. I've always headcanoned him to be fairly young, in his early to mid twenties, and that by the start of the series he had just completed his military training recently (his position as supply master might have been the first one where he had to bear more responsibility). I've always seen him as a guy who's motivated and just trying his best, but at the same time he's lacking experience, plus, if we're being honest, when it comes to his military career he's a pretty average guy. I think he'd learn and improve over the years, but he isn't the "best of his academy year" or "promising young talent with innovative ideas" kind of guy, and he's far from a mastermind like Thrawn. He's literally Just A Guy, and personally, that's actually something I really like about him and that makes him endearing to me.
In contrast, I think his voice in the English dub makes his age a bit more ambiguous (I still wouldn't guess him older than 30, also based on his appearance but I feel he seems less "boyish" than in the German dub). I think it also gives him a bit more of an arrogant tinge and less of the playfulness that at least I hear in his German voice. He still conveys that dutifulness, but he seems a bit more uptight as well. I wouldn't go so far to say that that's bad, and I still like his English voice as well, but I think for me it won't come close to the charm that his German voice has to me.
Towards the end I want to point out though, that the voice, while being an important aspect, is not everything that makes a character. Appearance, behaviour, body language, actions and decisions contribute to that as well. What I found interesting is that most headcanons that I read about Lyste actually still overlap closely with my own as well, even though I heavily assume that not all people who wrote them are familiar with his German voice. I would say that this is a good thing, because his core personality is still conveyed across language barriers, even though the way that different actors voice him may emphasise different aspects of his character more or less.
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pezhead · 7 months
I look at Donnie's missing tooth and wonder how he lost it.
Maybe he had a toothache and Raph help him?
Aaand... Raph and Donnie pulled out the sore tooth with pliers...😅
(Leo at this moment has a micro heart attack, and Mikey supports the dentist Raph)
Personally, I headcannon Donnie's gap tooth is simply a case of diastema, not a missing tooth. I feel this is supported by the fact the creators gave cannon infant Donnie an oral fixation where he's constantly sucking on things, which can shift teeth and form gaps.
That doesn't mean the kids didn't still play dentist with their non-permanent teeth....... until Leo told Splinter.
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aparticularbandit · 1 month
Favorite Mugi hcs?
Also if ya need someone to talk to my DMs are always open
Thanks for the question (and the offer)! <3
My Tsumugi headcanon currently falls into two separate things, so I'll share a bit from both!
The Twist Does Not Exist:
Tsum-Tsum! ...because then even her nickname is a reference. >.>;; (Also some people make this zoom zoom to reference a certain Mazda commercial, but she hates that. It annoys her. The only person who gets away with this is probably Junko. Who also probably came up with the original nickname in the first place.)
Always has some sort of show on in the background while she's doing stuff (homework, cosplay, housework; Tsumugi is constantly tuned into something). Her favorite shows, she full in pays attention, she's not multitasking, she's analyzing, she's looking at art design, she's coming up with new cosplay ideas, but most shows are on in the background while she's doing something else. There's kind of a scale with this - the more she cares, the less she does. Creating cosplay during the show is top tier of multitasking before she goes full in.
Has definitely worked in a cosplay cafe. At least once. At least once. (She's not comfortable about being in the spotlight, but it's easier when she's in cosplay as a character who loves the spotlight. Because then she's not her.)
Is drawn to louder, more energetic characters.
If she sees someone cute, she immediately wants to put them in cosplay. Like full-on sparkle in her eyes, will drag them into a bathroom/changing room, need. (If you've seen/read Fruits Basket - like Mine, from Ayame's shop! But Tsumugi and cosplay.) Kind of like immediately dragging Kaede to the bathroom to show off her cospox. That same energy. But for a different reason.
Actually does not have a lot of friends. She knows that the intensity of her interests can turn people off, so she doesn't talk much. But this backfires because it makes her come across as shy. Boring. Plain. She's not very good at fitting in with people's expectations. So she's pretty lonely, actually.
Tsumugi was actually a LOT more popular when she was in elementary school because she could make pretty clothes and kids like pretty clothes so everybody wanted her pretty clothes because she always looked pretty. But there's an age where, like, you grow out of sparkles and frills and big bows and all of that and kind of shove that off into only costumes or only cosplay, and when that happened, Tsumugi just. became. a background NPC in her own life.
Without cosplay, Tsumugi would actually be severely depressed. Cosplay lets her life have color; without it, everything is grayscale and monochrome.
The Twist Exists:
Tsumugi Shirogane is not her real name. It's an alias.
Her real name is Yuki Tsukasa. Yuki - "snow" - because the fandom wiki says that one of the meanings for Shirogane is a metaphor for "snow" and Tsukasa because it means "director, boss".
Definitely dating the girl who got her into cosplay. They are together, they have been together for a long time, they've talked about kids, etc.
Most people don't know she works for Team Danganronpa, and even the ones who do don't know how high up she is in the company. Only her girlfriend knows she's one of the showrunners.
Yuki has gotten death threats from her work on Danganronpa. A lot of the people involved have. That's why her alias exists in the first place: everyone in the credits for a Danganronpa season uses one. Fans can be terrifying to Team Danganronpa, particularly the writers, which is why she just. doesn't talk about it. (She loves her job. She's scared of fans. Reasonably so.)
Would absolutely live in her office if she didn't have a girlfriend to go home to. She's a bit of a workaholic. (She and her girlfriend definitely have fought about this. It didn't change anything.)
Since her co-showrunner's passing, Yuki has been under a lot of stress. They were very good at covering each other's writing weaknesses, and now she's under a lot of pressure to make the show just as good on her own as it was when there were two of them. (She has refused to take on another partner. Danganronpa is theirs. She has very strong opinions about this.)
A lot of characters in the shows have references to people she knows in real life, whether that's personality quirks or traits, or appearances, or even using their names. Most of it is stuff you wouldn't know unless you know.
Despite, as a writer, hating the unknown of having an audience-controlled character, Yuki doesn't hate K1-B0 as a character concept. She just hates the potential for destruction he has. (So she baked it into him from the outset.)
Her use of K1-B0 is actually really smart because Yuki had to accurately predict the way fans would react to any situation where they were given options to do things (I assume polls for major decisions or FTEs, and then those decisions set him on a specific script) - like she had to know they would spend all that time with Miu so that K1-B0 could get those upgrades, she had to make sure that those decisions wouldn't fuck up the script but instead lean into them and give him a good arc and involvement in the story regardless what the fans picked. Like Yuki has to have her thumb on the beating pulse of fandom to be able to do a good job with that, and I applaud her.
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sakurarisen · 2 months
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@yoroiis from HERE!
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Her hesitance to answer probably said it all. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she had been looking to hide - but in her own defense, she wasn't cut out to lead! Among their own kind, maybe, but something like the temple, where she had her familiars and humans alike looking for her to make all the decisions... It wasn't a role she could comfortably settle into, though she'd been trying her best to. And when paired with the pressure from the others...
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"How come he can't do it?" Aria finally questioned, curling her arm around Aelius's in a quiet request of support from her twin. "The things he comes to me for... They should be able to answer a lot of them. I love to help them, but to lead like some of them want me to... Yanqing should be able to do that too, right? I know they're young but we..."
A soft sigh slipped past her lips. She hadn't come up there to complain, and she doubted he wanted to hear it any more than she wanted to do so - all the more reason to file it all away for later and give his arm a gentle squeeze. "Besides, everything's been peaceful. What's the worst that could happen? One of the kids even brought by snacks! I brought some to share, but I left 'em down inside. Didn't want to risk dropping them from this high up. It's a really cute set of jelly animals! They made little kitties out of them too!"
A small pause...
"...Also... Kaveh said the same thing when he said I couldn't hide there this morning."
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
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Popped in with Seth to see if he had the Vette romance letters yet and I had genuinely forgotten how sweet hers are. 🥰🥰🥰
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victorluvsalice · 20 days
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-->And then I went and bought a bunch of photography “stand here” markers from Build/Buy for the front walk in the hopes that I could line up at least Smiler, Victor, and Marm for a good picture in front of the front steps! Because I really wanted that shot, damn it. Unfortunately, getting them to stand on the marks proved harder than anticipated, as Victor got distracted cheering Rory's existence as a werewolf (I enjoy having my "Occult Likes/Dislikes" mod, yes, but that bit tends to get old fast) – and when Smiler DID stand on one, I found that I’d placed them the wrong way around. *facepalm* Figures. I then tried to have Alice just set up a photoshoot the old-fashioned way, but while Victor, Smiler, and Marm all came to stand in front of the camera – the action of taking a picture never actually completed. They just all stood there until I got frustrated and canceled it out. *heavy sigh* Between this and Rory kicking over the gang’s trash bin for no good reason, Family Reunions are starting to feel a little bit like Weenie Roasts.
-->Fortunately for my sanity, at this point the party was nearly over, and the NAP inspector, Jaclyn, and Thomas had all fucked off. So I just said “fuck it,” sent Marm to watch the cooking channel on the TV as he desperately needed fun (and given his starting aspiration, I figured he'd enjoy it), had Alice clean up the trash outside after scavenging it for parts (though she had to catch some stinkbugs first as they weren’t letting me click on the trash), had Victor relieve himself, and let everyone else basically do their own thing (mainly more dancing to Smiler’s radio) until the timer finally completed a few Sim-minutes later. At least Smiler got another Gold on the party! Even if it didn’t count toward completing their “Party Animal” aspiration. *grumbles* That damn thing needs to be updated soooo bad…
-->Anyway – with the party FINALLY over, and everyone FINALLY leaving, I allowed Victor to go to bed, then (with a LOT of coaxing, because for some reason the damn interaction wouldn’t complete – not to mention Alice tried to shower in the rain AGAIN in the middle of it) got Alice to wash poor filthy Shadow. Smiler, meanwhile, went and sat with Marm (who was finally happy again now that they were away from all those strangers). They had a good chat, fortunately, and Smiler even got Marm to take a selfie or five with them. Which, I wish I could have pulled that off DURING the family reunion, but… At least I got SOME pictures of the robot happy! I finally left things with a tired Alice joining Victor in bed and Marm and Smiler watching the Romance channel together and getting flirty. No, I do not know what that means for the polycule. XD
Whew – that was SOMETHING, wasn’t it? I love my Sims but they are truly exhausting sometimes. XD But at least the party went well, despite, everything, and Marm is starting to settle in as a new member of the family! Next time, we'll be heading off to the store to see how Marm does helping the trio run THAT whole thing! Hope to see you then!
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Here have a random sketch I did
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Desmond: So this is my brother..
Layton, who was in the middle of something (probably): Wh-??
My hair is fun to draw actually, even if I barely know how to draw a braid. Anyway, don't you just love being the older sibling >:)
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sunofaraven · 7 months
What inspired Love Death + Grumbot?
Sorry for sitting on this ask for so long! This was a way harder question to answer than I anticipated, and I apologise in advance for the very long post XD
I started working on LD+G back in January 2023, just after the end of the Hermitcraft/Empires crossover event. I had just finished writing Soulbound, my first fic, and I was itching to start another. And... I was missing Mumbo. Grian was missing him too and Emperor Grumbot was ready to destroy a whole universe just because Mumbo wasn't in it; I was defenceless against the "I miss Mumbo" brainrot.
The initial idea for LD+G was more of a gritty, steampunk, two dudes and their cryptic robot son against the world thing. I wanted to write an apocalypse fic (I've actually got several original novels that are apocalypse/dystopian novels--I am only a little addicted to the genre...), and Cub was doing his whole sculk thing on empires, so it seemed as good a cause for an apocalypse as anything else. You can see all this in the very first notes I ever made for the fic:
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But, see, I LOVE zombies. I blame The Last of Us. I'd spent 2022 trying to play through the second game and getting frustrated with its cynical take on the world. It just doesn't feel believable to me that humanity would be at each other's throats. Sure, people are scared and impulsive, but it takes a lot for the average human to hurt another. Our strengths lie in our adaptability and how we support each other in times of need!!
Anyway, once I veered away from steampunk and started down the zombie route, a big inspiration for some of the characters was Hybbart's Rancher Apocalypse AU (I blame them entirely for my Ranchers obsession tbh). They also had some pretty fun ideas about the role of sculk in an apocalypse, and since I come from a biology background, the opportunity to have a symbiosis between zombies and sculk was just SO much fun for me.
So then, why did it become a story about grief? Well... I felt pretty trapped in my personal life at the time, so initially LD+G was both a way to process that and some much-needed escapism. I don't remember exactly when or why I decided that Grian was infected, but I do remember writing like I'd been possessed in early 2023. I wrote a whole list of scenes/moments that I wanted it to contain and then the plot just kinda... fell out of me one day.
To be melodramatic about it, I have written a lot of novels in my life, but none that felt so akin to bleeding out on the page as this one did. I needed to write this story, to have a place to channel my emotions as well as my eternal mcyt brainrot. I wasn't mourning a person, exactly, I was mourning my own perceived lack of agency and trying to gather the strength to end a whole chapter of my life and start anew.
So I wrote about love, I wrote about death.
And I wrote about Grumbot.
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My brain has decided everything is too loud and too bright to the degree that the only way I'm able to get myself comfortable is under my weighted blanket hiding with the light off in my light-resistant tent
(I actually sleep in a tent made for a bed, highly recommend if it's an option for nighttime anxiety and light sensitivity :3)
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bita-bita · 1 year
[At the restaurant with family]
*There are two mineral water bottles, one grey and one purple*
Me: *orders a tiny pink water bottle too just cause it was cute*
*waiter brings it*
Me: *puts the bottles together, shows them to dad* they are a family
Dad: *chuckles*
Me: *points to the grey one* That's mama number 1
Dad: no, that looks like the dad *is playing along*
Me: no, that's mama number 1. And this, *takes the purple one* is mama number 2
Dad: *confused* mama number 2? Where's the dad?
Me: there is no dad.
Dad: oh.. two moms?
Me: yes! They adopted the baby ^-^ *points to the tiny pink bottle*
Also the restaurant staff ended up giving me the pink bottle for free♡ x3
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illfatedpartners · 2 years
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Her pace stops as she sees the other, the slightest confusion shows only by her lightly furrowed eyebrows ❝ The usefulness of what you are doing eludes me. ❞ Wednesday pauses, thinking  ❝ Is this some kind of self-torture? ❞
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yuichiroswife · 2 years
You As A Boss Fight
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Tagged by: @s-talking​
Tagging: Just steal it and tag me, as per usual.
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infernal-feminae · 2 days
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sexual tension prompts.
@andact1on said: [ TEXT ] : sender texts intimate content to receiver. / emberlynn. but it could just be for work if u want. lol
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Emberlynn blinked down at the photo. It wasn't unusual for Travis to flirt with her or make suggestive comments towards her, or just outright grab her ass sometimes, but the lewd photo still came as a bit of a shock.
An equally lewd grin slowly stretched across her face.
[text -> Boss 🦉] Showing off, Daddy? 😉 ❤
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pinksaphira11 · 5 months
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: An Opinion
So. This anime. Lots of opinions on it. From those that know it exists at least. I have my own that I'd like to share.
I don't remember how I found it. Feel like maybe my brother told me about it but I'm not certain. All I know is how it made me feel. And it was AMAZING.
Now normally I don't like zombie things. I get grossed out easily and scared easily and zombies tend to be too much for me. This was the first time I found zombies palatable and honestly actually kinda cool. It shocked me, but more than anything I found the world and the characters it was building up were the things that drew me in most and kept me hooked the whole way.
To this day it's one of my favorite shows ever. Probably my favorite anime. I know a lot of people don't see it that way. So it got me wondering; why? Why don't people like it like I do?
So here's what I decided to do; I'm going to go through and rewatch the entire series of Kabaneri, probably the movie too, and write down everything I think about it as I'm watching it. (In sub, because that's how I originally watched it and it's made it so I can't stand their dub voices, too used to the subbed ones. XD Wanted to let you guys know just in case it matters.)
Hopefully this will be an enlightening experience for all of us. I might finally understand why people don't like it much and maybe whoever reads them will find a new appreciation for a show I adore.
The tag I'll be using for this so everyone can find it is #kabaneri an opinion
I hope that despite any differences in opinions we might have, we'll all have fun doing this. ^.^
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