#{ The name of his location and the name of his attack are freaking so long and fancy sounding. }
dollgxtz · 3 days
Okay I couldn’t stop thinking about this so I gotta ask, why DID Sylus take so long to rescue her? Was it like a sort of mental game of letting her suffer a bit outside so she realized how she had it better back at home with him, and then Sylus only stepped in right before things got too far? Or was he genuinely spending all that time traveling to her location after Mephisto tracked her and just so happened to be there right before she almost got attacked?
I don’t why I assumed it was the first option since he did mention last chapter that “he heard her call for him” , which made me think he was waiting for the pinnacle moment to step in and save her. But then I realized how genuinely fcked that would be since that would imply he was watching the attacker repeatedly fail to do what he wanted with mc.
You don’t gotta answer if there’s no actual canon context behind when Sylus appeared, I was just wondering!
This story’s always the highlight of my week <3
Hi Anon!
I feel so bad that people think my version of yan!Sylus was just letting her attacker do whatever he wanted until the right moment. I realize I wasn’t very clear on the timing, since it was from the reader’s perspective, but here’s how it would have played out from his point of view:
I imagine Mephisto would report back to him the audio of reader screaming and struggling with Reese and that man. But because Yan!Sylus was out of the N109 Zone dealing with urgent business related to a threat to Onychinus, it took him several days to return and save her. So the few-day sequence with her in the basement aligns with this. Mephisto would’ve been guarding the house from afar, listening within its walls and reporting back to Sylus.
He did let her run off, with Mephisto following her to see how long she could survive in the N109 Zone before she came crawling back. Someone else had already guessed correctly that part of this was to show her how good she had it with him, but I haven’t delved into that plotline yet. 😅
Lastly, to clarify (even though it’s a bit of a spoiler), he arrived at the house, heard the struggle, and noticed a hatch in the floor. Saw Reese freak out and try to run off and sent the twins after him. He rushed to the hatch and just as he was about to open it, he heard reader call his name.
This is partially my fault as the author for not being more detailed initially so can see how it looks that way. I just haven’t explored his perspective yet in the story, it’s all coming 🥲🙏
Despite having to spoil a teeny bit I think it’s important to clarify this one detail as people keep asking me about it and I feel so bad people think Yan!Sylus would let reader be almost raped :(
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yuichiroswife · 2 years
You As A Boss Fight
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Tagged by: @s-talking​
Tagging: Just steal it and tag me, as per usual.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Hi! Can I request a One Piece x Immortal!Devil Fruit!Child!Reader. The Reader has a Devil Fruit that doesn't allow them to actually die. They can Die but they 'Respawn' at a Random Location. They stay a Child forever and has met many people. Like Gol. D. Roger. And Whitebeard and Younger Shanks and Buggy.
Please and thank you.
I know you work very hard and are very busy but I am always patient. You don't have to write this, I understand. :)
Make sure not to burn yourself out!
-You could only look up at the marine who was going to cut you down, as the marines who had invaded the island you had been calling home were raiding everything and killing whoever they came across, wanting to purge the area so they could build a new base.
-It wasn’t the first time you had seen corruption in the World Government, and you knew it wasn’t the last.
-You weren’t scared, you knew that you wouldn’t die, you would just respawn somewhere else, completely fine. You had been scared when you first discovered your ability, more than four hundred years ago, leaving you stuck at age 6, but now, feeling the blade hit you, there was no fear.
-Warm sunshine hit your face as loud screaming filled the air around you, multiple people sounding freaked out as you opened your eyes.
-A… reindeer was crying loudly, looking down over you while a pretty woman with long dark hair had your head on her lap. The reindeer had a stethoscope, holding it to your chest while others were all freaking out, as you had just appeared in a bright flash of light.
-You inhaled the smell of salty air and you saw the bright blue sky above you, “Am I on a ship?” instantly the screaming stopped as they all turned to you, seeing that you were awake as you sat up, completely fine.
-Despite knowing that you are immortal, you always check where you would have died, where you had been hit by the sword, and like normal there was nothing there.
-Luffy came over, squatting down next to you, “So you are you?” you looked up and your eyes instantly went sparkly, “I saw you in the paper- you’re Luffy! Your bounty is so high!” Luffy immediately beamed, feeling flattered by your praise as he ruffled your hair before you spoke as Nami kneeled next to you, “My name is Y/N. It’s nice to meet you all!”
-Robin smiled warmly, petting your hair, “You’re so polite.” You turned, nodding up at her, “I’ve learned lots over my life. I am over four hundred after all!”
-All eyes went wide, hearing this before Brook, Usopp, and Chopper started screaming, thinking you were a zombie or a ghost, panicking while Luffy and Zoro were poking your cheeks, finding that you were very much alive, and you were not a zombie.
-Franky lifted his large hand to his face, a smaller hand coming from the palm, lifting up his glasses, “So how did you come from a flash of light onto our ship.”
-Your eyes widened, as you had always been alone when you respawned, “So that’s what it looks like… well to put it simply, I respawned here. Whenever I die, I respawn in a random location. Where I was living was being attacked by marines, and I got killed, so I woke up here!”
-Stunned silence filled the air, all of them staring at you like you had three heads before most of the crew freaked out, “YOU DIED?!”
-You held your hands over your ears, the loud sound shocking you before you nodded, “Correct. I ate an icky fruit about four hundred years ago, and when I was killed shortly after, I woke up in a new place until I was killed the next time.”
-Eyes were wide, some in shock, others in anger, hearing that you had been attacked and killed so many times, Nami immediately had you in her arms, hugging you close, angry tears in her eyes, “You were attacked? By who!?”
-Luffy was oddly quiet as well, you were only a child, a young one, and to hear that you had lived and died so many times, it made him furious to think that you had suffered so much.
-You spoke up, answering Nami’s question while you were holding one of Brook’s hands, as you had never met a talking skeleton before, “This time was marines, they liked our island and wanted to build a new base, but the town I lived in was in the way, so they came and said we were all criminals and started killing everyone so they could build their new base.”
-Moments later you were in the galley with Sanji and Chopper, Sanji giving you a sandwich which you quickly tore into, your eyes sparkly, “It’s yummy!” which made him smile as he was in charge of keeping you occupied while Chopper wanted to do a medical evaluation on you while the others were preoccupied, changing courses after you told them which island you had been on.
-You were welcomed instantly into the crew, despite being a child, and they all gave their word to keep you safe, something nobody had ever told you before.
-However, you had no idea how angry they actually were, until you reached your old island, seeing the bodies of those you had called friends being burned along with the buildings, marines already making building plans.
-You had to remain on the ship with Jinbei, sitting on his shoulders as he was in charge of destroying the ships, something you were sparkly-eyed over, seeing his fishman karate, “Will you teach me how to do that?”
-Jinbei laughed warmly, finding your enthusiasm refreshing, ruffling your hair affectionately, “Sure thing Y/N- we can start tomorrow!” you threw your hands up, cheering loudly, ignoring the screams of those on the island getting their well-deserved karma.
-You ran to Luffy, hugging him around his knees, “That was so cool! You were all like POW! And WAM!” Luffy enjoyed hearing your take on their battle, beaming brightly before you grinned, “Can I have a bounty too?”
-Nami, Sanji, and Usopp all shouted out, “NO!” not wanting to taint you, but Luffy was quickly laughing, “We’ll get you the biggest bounty ever!!” you threw your hands up, cheering loudly as Luffy called for a celebration, welcoming you officially to the Straw Hats.
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thetombedspirit · 3 months
Jurassic World: Camp Fam - Next Generation
I was board, so I made a next gen for the Nublar Six, based on my personal headcanons and ships so if you don't like Benrius and Kenlynn, then please don't come at me. This is all just in good fun.
Emily Bowman (Benrius)
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Emily was nine-years old when her parents were unfortunately killed in a freak dinosaur attack, leaving her orphaned. Darius and Ben responded to the call and took her into their care. She stayed with them for a little while whilst Social Services began sorting out her situation, wherein during that time, Emily gotten to get to know Darius and Ben and what they do; how they locate dinosaurs, care for them, and ship them off to private island habitats funded by Dr Mae Turner and Mantah Corp, now under Kenji’s full jurisdiction. She even began to conquer her fear after making friends with a Maiasaura she named Ursa.
She was eventually put into a foster home, but the conditions were poor, so she decided to run away and return to the Sanctuary, via stealing the mum’s credit card to book a plane ticket.
Darius and Ben were shocked to see Emily and horrified to hear about the living conditions. After sending her to bed, they had a long talk about how they had once talked about adopting and raising a family, agreeing they both adored Emily and didn’t want her to go. So they gave Emily the good news the next morning that they would adopt her into the family and she said yes.
Fun Fact: Ursa the Maiasaura is a direct nod to concept dinosaurs that would eventually become Bumpy, as Maiasaura was one of the many plausible candidates.
2. Julia and Xavier Kon (Kenlynn)
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Despite their ups and downs, concerning Brooklynn’s line of work and Kenji's inheritance of Manta Corp, Brooklynn tries extra hard to live in the moment and not take her time with her family and friends for granted and Kenji works hard to ensure that the Kon family name is redeemed through his work. Regardless of their hardships, they work well together and support each other through their struggles.
Julia Kon is the more extraverted of the duo. She takes after her father, enjoys skating, archery and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, preferring physical activities to staying coped up indoors all day. Her brother Xavier is more closed off then his sister. Younger by two years, he prefers technology and hacking to climbing and being outdoors.
Despite their differences, two things they have in common is their love for their family and their association with dinosaurs. Namely the herd of Parasaurolophus living by their father’s climbing camp. Every month, Kenji would take the family camping at the cliffs and the kids would play with the baby Parasaurolophuses. One in particular took a real shine to the children; Brooklynn affectionately named her Nightlight, due to how Xavier would snuggle her tightly due to his fear of the dark when they went camping.
Fun Fact: Julia and Xavier are named after Brooklynn and Kenji's original concepts for Camp Cretaceous, Jules and Xi respectively. Also, Kenji and Ben used to have different roles, with Ben being the strong, athletic character while Kenji (at this point in time, Xi) was the shy, nerdy type. They since swapped roles, with Ben becoming the shy one and Xi taking the role of the rich kid and was renamed Kenji.
3. Katie Gutierrez-Fadoula (Yasammy)
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When Sammy and Yaz got married and talked about starting a family, they realized there were some complications: Sammy's encounter with the Scorpios Rex damaged her reproductive organs and left her unable to carry a child to term, and Yaz was uncomfortable with the idea of ordering a doner. So in the end, they agreed to adopt.
Katie loves her moms and her life at the ranch. She enjoys spending time with Angel and Rebel, who they were able to rescue and keep on the ranch (best cattle dogs Sammy ever had), tending to the cows, chickens and the stray Pachycephalosaurus that had been hanging around the ranch lately, who she has named Bonehead. She came out to her mums as trans when she was 13 and they wholeheartedly support her through her transition.
Fun Fact: Katie is a sorta merge of Sammy and Yaz's concepts. Sammy was originally meant to be male and Yaz's name was originally Katie.
Anyway, those are my versions of the next generation of Camp Fam. I hope you like them and again, this is just all in good fun; I'm not trying to start any shipping wars.
Take care peoples.
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upon-a-starry-night · 8 months
Number Neighbor Pt. 16
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
Nat knew from the moment the coffee machine broke that morning that something was off about today. Tony had bots clanging in the kitchen all day and every member of the tower was on the verge of strangling him. She didn’t feel up to going out though so she was forced to stay in her room all day. However, she didn’t expect her evening to go from 10 to 100 in a matter of minutes. And it all started with a text from you at 11 pm.
Not unusual for you but the message lacked your usual humor
No attempt at guessing her name, no witty quip to go along with it, no extra letters or emojis. 
Something was going on and she didn’t like the pit forming in her stomach. This was a situation she’d never found herself in. Did she act calm? Did she… call you?
She shook her head, she could be freaking out over nothing, maybe you just had a long day and you were tired. The voice in the back of her head scoffed, Nat knew she was only trying to convince herself that these next few moments weren’t about to happen.
What’s going on?
Help i-
I think I’m being followed.
Think or your sure
Nat rolled her eyes. Of course, you were trying to be funny right now, humor was your biggest coping mechanism. She knew your humor was a defense against coming across as weak and vulnerable- it was an attempt to make the other person less aware of just how scared you were, but she knew. She knew you were probably shaking as you texted her and there was nothing she could do about it.
I’m sure.
Nat’s heart sank. 
She could get your location from your phone but could she arrive in time? You lived in Brooklyn and she was in Manhattan- 12 miles away, at her fastest, she could probably get there in 30 minutes. Not enough time. Stalkers will only follow for so long before attacking. You didn’t know this man's intentions.
For you, this could be a life-or-death situation.
Still- she called Peter, he was on patrol tonight, hopefully, he was in your area. He picked up immediately, his boyish voice ringing awkwardly through her silent room. She didn’t give him the time to speak more.
“Peter there’s a girl in Brooklyn being followed” Her tone was solid, she couldn’t let the vulnerability she felt slip through either. It’s been many years since she’s felt this helpless about someone she cared about. And that was not a wound she was ready to reopen. God you were bringing out every part of her. 
Peter didn’t ask a single question, all Nat could hear was the thwip of his webs and the rush of wind against his phone. 
“I sent you the address, how close are you?” She heard the faint sound of him mumbling before Karen’s robotic voice repeated your phone’s location
“I’m 20 minutes away” It wasn’t fast enough but it was as good as she was going to get.
It’s okay Y/n
Have you called the cops?
No, I tried calling Leon
He lives nearby i thought maybe-
fuck I’m so stupid
No, y/n, you’re not stupid
You’re scared.
You’re not going to be perfect at handling 
This kind of situation. No one is
Do you have any weapons in your bag?
Nat listen-
If I don’t…
No, i’m not listening to any requests you have
You’re going to be okay
Is he still there?
I’ve walked around the block a few times
I don’t know where to go
Nat’s fingers itched over the call button, she would be a lot better at reassuring you over the phone. But her voice was raspy and recognizable, would you realize it was her as soon as she said hello? Would that be a bad thing? Could she risk telling you her identity? Could she trust you? After so many years and so many people were you finally going to be the one to break down her carefully constructed walls? She sighed frustratingly, now was not the time. You needed her. 
I think he’s getting closer
Y/n go to a house with the light on
And knock on their door.
Or look for a large group of people.
Find a public space.
She was growing more desperate by the minute. God if she ever got her hands on the bastard that’s making you this petrified she was going to do more than just kill him.
“Peter, how far away are you?” 
“Five minutes Miss Romanoff” She could hear his breathlessness, she didn’t imagine it was easy to swing across buildings at that speed.
Y/n, keep talking to me okay?
I don’t know why I decided to go out.
I just wanted some ice cream
I’m so stupid
You are not stupid
This bastard is. Trust me.
Do you have high heels on?
Or your keys?
I walked to the store
Look for anything on the ground
A glass bottle or rocks
I’m scared
Natasha waited for you to keep texting. Waited desperately for something witty to come across the screen, anything to let her know you were still safe. Peter was close now, close enough to hopefully make it before any irreparable damage is done but- if this guy has a weapon. She sucked in a sharp breath.
Y/n answer me.
y/n c’mon
Y/n. please. 
The dam broke. She hit the call button. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t care about you even a little bit. It rang and rang, stone cold silence filled her room between each shrill toll of her phone. Don’t panic. 
She stood and began pacing back and forth, running a shaky hand through her hair.
Each ring was torture- and she knew torture. Come on Y/n. Another blare of useless noise before the line connected. All she heard was a brief 'umph' before the line went dead.
A/n: giving Y/n more trauma 'for the plot' ;P ~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat @toouncreativeforausername @ordelixx @autorasexy @blacklightsposts @vmpnano @jono723
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
You might be surprised to hear that every arena of human endeavour has weird perverts who try hard to rattle the cage of normal, hard-working people. For me, it's obviously my vast collection of rattle-trap Malaise Era semi-destroyed vehicles. I've always been interested in meeting freaks in other industries and hearing long diatribes about extreme technical details that I don't really care about, so when my cousin finally retired from his job at the newspaper, I lifted his "Press" pass from his bedroom dresser when he thought I was having a heart attack at Thanksgiving dinner.
Turns out I didn't really need to do that, because my dentist is one of those freaks. One of those accidents of geographic proximity brought him to me, and we became fast friends once we each realized what the other had to offer. Dr. Incisor (not his real name; also potentially not a doctor) had a thing for fixing the absolute worst mouths that he could find. Years of working a boring suburbanite dentist clinic had taken their toll on his sanity: fill this cavity, lecture about flossing, do that root canal. Nothing truly ambitious, not at all like the dentists he would read about as a boy in bicuspid-adventure novels.
His deal was simple: he'd pay me in nitrous oxide, under the table. Finally, I could return to the drag strip and beat my rival, Steve "Nipples" Hemingway, in the eighth-mile with the help of a gaseous power-adder blowing its way through the rings of my exceptionally low-compression Slant Six beneath the dimpled hood of one of my many shitrods. In exchange, he expected me to bring to him what he called "project mouths."
If I could locate the worst teeth in the city, and drag them before him, he wouldn't even charge them for dental work. He would, however, broadcast it on his live Twitch channel, which it turns out violated a whole shitload of medical-privacy laws. I told him from the start that he should have dressed up like a cartoon lion, or at least used an anime girl vtuber, but he insisted that the "cowards of medicine" face him on equal footing as he descended into the molar (and moral) hells I placed before him.
I'll never forget his frenzied, angry screaming as they dragged him off to prison for malpractice. Don't worry, I stayed behind to make sure the clinic nitrous tank was safely discharged. Don't want any firefighters showing up. Those folks can be real freaks when they see a cool oxidizer-involved fire.
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spicylove4ever · 5 months
Post GBA's Magic of the Heart headcanons.
When Zed told Mirrin the whole thing, that was for Mirrin a green light for teasing for letting the oportunity on a silver plate to kiss the Guardian go. He laughted so much about his own jokes without a care of the pain on his battle injuries.
The Guardian kept the Archangel plushie for the memento of the date with Zed.
Among the baggage the evil couple took with them to their new land of residence, there are all the sharp objects they used and will still use in case any weird visit shows up.
Makkaro and Giene made an honorary grave for Frank on their new backyard.
The Piscis family found a way to use the news of Makkaro's downfall for their political gain. Those statements on the newspaper were received with lots of cursing words in 3 different locations (Mirrin at his place: the f"/$ did you even do you good-for-nothing snobs! Zed somewhere: what is this? that's not how it happened! How could you even use the Guardian's name here in vain you.... you.... uhm... freaks! Gienne: YOU F+#&ING LYING BASTARDS!!! F+·& YOUR FACES! F+#& YOUR STUPID DYNASTY!! Makkaro: (just stares at Gienne with a mix of awe and shock as the swearing goes on for long minutes)).
Zed has now mixed feelings whenever he finds himself close of any graveyard because it reminds him of Makkaro's undead and their master as well. So he is reminded of plenty of traumatic skeleton attacks but also a necromancer he chewed up and then set loose an angry god to.
Gienne has no kill count, but that could change now that she's one of the main deffenses of the house.
Zed takes breaks from traveling either for family visiting or because Mirrin has invited him to watch wingball matches. Mirrin has a break of his duties this way and now he has a friend to go with.
Gienne has threatened her husband with slip a sleeping drug on his food if he ever overworks again, which he secretly is grateful for since those make you sleep with no dreams and the memories start to catch up and now he can't vent those with violence...
Frank would haunt the couple anytime they have a fight. Mak would be trying to sleep in the couch and then he hears echoes of "I told you", "that's rough, buddy" or even laugh is it was something he considers funny. Also would haunt them randomly XD.
Zed accidentally found the Aethewards having a date on a restaurant and since none could pretend they didn't see each other they had to kidnapp Zed since Gienne knows he's awful lying to his memories about their location. It took time because Makkaro had to teach Gienne how to cast the spell, to the point Zed had an akward "visit" at their house for days and they had lots of catch up. (Zed: you know, it's weird, but it's still good to see you again, Kindra. Gienne: thank you, Zed, that is so nice, but we're still erasing your memories. Zed: ow.)
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rengokuswif3 · 1 year
Inosuke Hashibira x Shinazugawa! Reader
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The two of you met when he was recovering at the Butterfly Mansion. You were there with your brother, Genya, visiting the Butterfly Girls and helping out around the place
You weren’t a Tsugoku, but you were damn near close in skill. You trained under your other brother, Sanemi, sometimes and also under Gyomei, Genya’s mentor. So you were a fine swordsman with lots of strength and vigor, and just as much of a resting bitch face as your brothers
You always looked like you wanted to bite someone’s head off, so lots of Slayers naturally avoided you. You didn’t mind that though, you didn’t have time to chit chat and dawdle, you had things to do and places to be
So when some kid in a boar head rammed into you on your way out of the mansion, you were pissed off and annoyed. He was shouting about something that you couldn’t understand, something about Gonpachiro and Monichi? Whoever those two were, you didn’t care
“Get out of my way, freak! The hell do you think you’re doing running around a hospital?! You could’ve hurt someone already injured you damn moron!”
“What is going on?”
You both turned when you heard a grouchy voice. A tall, broad shouldered figure blocked your path, their spiky mohawk making them look even taller
“This idiot in a pig head ran straight into me, that’s what!” You snapped at your brother. Despite being the same age, he was taller than you by about a whole head, so you had to strain your neck to look him in the eye
“Hey you! Why are you running in a damn hospital, you stupid boar?” He towered over the shorter boy
The boar kid ran off, despite being yelled at not to run. You looked to your brother, who had a glare on his face as he looked down on you, opening his mouth no doubt to scold you. But you walked away from him, not giving him the chance to. You were late for training anyways, Genya’s complaints about you were going to have to wait for later
It wasn’t long after that you were sent on a mission with the board headed kid, along with some boy in a checkered haori carrying a box on his back, and a kid with yellow hair who whines about everything
“It’s Y/N, you dimwit! Y/N Shinazugawa!”
The name caught the attention of the checkered haori boy. “You’re a Shinazugawa?”
“Yeah, what’s it to you, punk?!”
“Nothing! I just recognized your name was all.” He shrugged nervously.
You rolled your eyes at them all, grumbling that it was time to get going. You wanted to get this mission over with, already sick of their presences
The mission took place in a creepy forest, filled with dead trees and creepy bugs that the yellow haired kid whined about throughout the entire mission. You stalked ahead of them all, hearing them whispering or bickering occasionally
When you all finally located the demon, you decided to split up according to the checkered haori kids orders, and you were stuck with the annoying boar headed guy, or, Inosuke as you learned during the trip
“I say we charge it!”
“No, idiot! Stealth is the better option!”
“Whatever, Shitzuwana, I’M GOING IN!”
Thanks to him, the demon heard you both coming a mile away, easily stopping Inosuke’s attack and knocking you aside. You saw the demon go for Inosuke’s throat, so you quickly got up and ran at the demon, going to slice it’s head. But it was too quick for you, and you almost sliced right into Inosuke’s neck if you didn’t have such good reflexes
“ITS SHINAZUGAWA!” You yelled as you fought the demon, until Inosuke shoved you away to fight it himself. You groaned, knowing you’d never win this fight if you fought the boar kid as well as the demon. “Look, let’s fight each other later, alright? We gotta work together!”
Inosuke remembered the fight at Mount Natagumo, where he had learned how to fight alongside somebody instead of by himself and against them. So he nodded and listened to your plan, deciding to challenge you to a fight later to settle who was the better slayer
Eventually, you killed the demon together, but not without busting your leg. You limped as you walked with him to find Tanjiro and Zenitsu, causing him to pick you up without any warning
On the way back to headquarters, Inosuke carried you nearly the whole way, either on his back or in his arms. He bragged that you weighed nothing to him, and how strong he was for carrying you the whole way, but it somehow was less annoying. He also talked about beating you once you recovered, cause fighting someone injured was no fight!
When you got back to headquarters, you unfortunately saw your older brother, Sanemi, sparring with the Serpent Pillar
“What happened to your leg?”
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linnetagain · 1 month
List of random Season/skating/Bloodweave thoughts that I don’t know justify their own asks but that I thought you might like to hear anyway:
Chapter 1, Karlach asking Astarion about pay: “Vroomvroom: so you’ll suddenly do a really shit job in week 5 then? :P” YOU CHEEKY LITTLE BUGGER, YOU (I love it, A+ foreshadowing)
I stumbled across Ryan Dunk’s “Freddy Mercury on Ice” skate, and his butt was weirdly distracting. I’m very aspec, is this what the allosexuals mean when they say a pair of jeans makes their butt look good? Why do I keep looking at his butt, shut up and let me watch the skate
The “middle finger” skate Astarion did while Gale was in the hospital was to Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter, right? I’m basing this on its order in my mega playlist, I can never remember what chapter things happen in and I do not have TIME to reread the whole thing again, no matter how enjoyable it would be. Anyway. I finally listened to Looking at Me yesterday, and then listened to it another 37 times. Holy cha-cha music, I was not expecting the mariachi trumpet sound. So sassy, I love it. (I did ballroom for about a year and half in high school, back in yonder years of 2011-2012. I was on the standard team, but sometimes I still get beat over the head with the urge to Do Something Latin by certain pop songs). But, more to the point, I LOVE the lyrics for this story moment. For all Amy’s strategizing about song choice and how they need to handle the narrative with Gale’s hospitalization, I think Astarion freaking nailed it—you think they’re looking at (Gale)? They’re looking at me. Media tries to make a big deal about Gale’s collapse, or Astarion’s response, or the fact that he’s showing up to Hessie’s school, or any potential leaked footage of the Mystra Kerfuffle backstage, or anything Cazador tries, or ANYTHING—Astarion draws their gaze instead, whether they want it or not (just look for the broken necks). I can’t remember the exact names of the maneuvers you can pick when you level up a fighter in-game, but there’s one that will force nearby enemies to attack you instead of your allies. That’s what this reminds me of.
Cool factoid about me: I got to go on a field trip in 1st grade to a nearby ice rink during the lead up to the 2002 Olympics, and we got to watch a skating pair rehearse their routines. After some research, I THINK it was the French ice dancing team, Gwendol Peizerat and Marina Anissina, who won gold in one of their events. The routine I got to watch was probably one of these! Honestly, the thing I remember most is the dude’s luxurious hair XD
Heads up: I am going to attempt to draw Gale & Astarion in contrasting skating costumes, drawing from male/female costumes, but making both of them gender non-conforming/androgynous. Gonna try and give Gale his long skirt. I’ll report back.
Imagine, if you will, all of Gale’s official music videos going forward incorporating dance/skating choreography from Astarion. I remember a gazillion years ago, when Lindsey Stirling was on a “dancing with the stars” type webshow where all the stars were YouTubers, her music videos going forward all credited her pro dance partner as the paid choreographer. Ice skate music videos. Piano on the ice rink. Gale singing (lip-syncing?) while skating. Outdoor skating on location. Maybe Gale skates with him, maybe it’s just Astarion, maybe it’s just Gale! Who knows. Ice skate music videos.
I have had this vivid image for… weeks, honestly, I can’t remember which chapter of my first read-through triggered this, of their final skate being some kind of dope mashup of Golden and Always You, with Astarion’s back and arms and Gale’s chest exposed, with gold body paint highlighting each of their scars. Because kintsugi. I figure Astarion would be the one to design and make/customize the costumes, cuz I do not trust Volo even in the slightest with something like that. Maybe it would pair with Cazador being publicly denounced and/or arrested, like a “do these look like they came from a fall to you??” I don’t know. Maybe there’d be a secret third song that Gale has yet to write that the other two would morph into, something triumphant to resolve the story of the skate/the songs, where Golden is kind of hindsight bittersweet and Always You is a pining song.
Ugh. I wish I had filk powers and could make Gale’s songs real. YO, FAN COMPOSERS/FILK MUSICIANS, I HAVE A PROJECT FOR YOU GIFT-WRAPPED AND READY TO GO—
By any chance, do you have video examples of the particular moves that the boys use in their skates? Both Astarion’s TikToks and their competition pieces. For reasons. No, shush, no guessing.
I found some really cool skating vids to share, but my YouTube is being a BUTT so perhaps that shall be a separate ask. Welp.
Ice skater's glutes are INSANE. I know in canon Astarion has a itty bitty tush, but in season that man is CAKED.
Yes it was Looking at Me!! I have so much fun choosing the songs
Gale is absolutely still working on that song he's been writing about Astarion and it's about to get a whole new angle (so, less sad and pine-y) and I love to imagine Astarion in the music video or choreographing it, haha!
I do have examples of specific moves but depressingly few of them have names - would you be interested in me linking the YouTube videos with the timestamps? Would that be useful?
I'm sorry I haven't responded to the rest of your points but it was either YES, GOOD, YES or I CAN'T ANSWER THAT WITHOUT SPOILERS so I hope you'll forgive me. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm it's so appreciated ily 💕💕
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Found What was Lost
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • Peace is just very hard to come by in the end of the world. You thought the prison was going to be the next positive change. But of course things like that don’t last long, and it takes a toll. The next good thing will come…he will come • ANGST/SFW • TW: Scars / Canon Violence / Injuries / Anxiety Attacks
Requested by: Anon
Tumblr media
Did you mean it?
That I liked yea? Yeah. Yeah I did
Good…Cuz I like you too Dixon
“We should’ve never trusted that Governor freak whatever his name is!”
“Complaining won’t save us now” Y/N states only for one of their group mates to grab them by the shoulders forcing them to look at him.
“You don’t fucking understand! The rest of us wanted our lives back in the community—and at the prison. But we’ll always be running and no one will ever save us!” The one snaps and it startled the group…and the walkers that were following their slow advancement to who knows where.
“None of the others gained an interest in helpin’” Rick laughs leading Y/N to the group going out for a run that morning. “Good thing there’s a few helpful Woodbury folk”
“Just want to do my part yknow”
“Appreciate it” He smiles patting them on the shoulder before whistling to gain Daryl’s attention away from the engine of one of the cars. “You’ve met Y/N right? Anyway, they asked where they could pitch in and given Michonne doing solos…figured you could use them” he smiles letting Y/N step into the now awkward silence with the archer.
“You’ve got your gear?”
“Yes” Y/N showed their axe strapped to their back under their backpack and the knife strapped to their belt.
“Yknow how to drive?”
“Yeah?” Y/N were getting confused by the questioning before keys were tossed to them.
“Sasha and Glenn will be riding with you, you follow me on my bike” and just like that. They were already doing their part.
It was the usual of going through a town and the neighborhoods around it. Sasha and Glenn paired up instantly making Daryl pair up with Y/N on the sweeps. Glenn’s reasoning, Daryl needs to get along with the Woodbury infusion. Sasha’s reasoning, more so the same but also didn’t want to deal with rookies.
“So did yea know about that Governor bitch?”
“No” Y/N states as they found some canned goods and started to fill their pack. “I didn’t know.”
Daryl watches them carefully even if this run was simple. Part of him didn’t trust them, and another thought they didn’t know what they were doing.
“Walkers!” Glenn calls out while taking care of a few as the two collected themselves and started making their way.
Y/N slipped their axe out and started to take care of the ones dangerously close to Glenn’s blindspot. Glenn felt himself being pushed forward after taking out the last walker in front of him, quickly turning to Y/N’s blank expression as he was about to question until the walker fell through the hole in the ceiling.
“Holy shit…” Glenn exclaims catching his breath. “Thanks”
“Of course” Y/N states plunging their axe into the walker’s skull looking up into the sun above. “Maybe we should dip…”
“I agree with Y/N. We don’t know how many more are gonna fall into the building. If any” Sasha agrees making her way toward the front of the building with Y/N following shortly. Leaving the men alone for a second.
“They ain’t bad”
“If they were, you were gonna have to tell Maggie about my demise” Glenn laughs illy before heading out with Daryl.
Y/N kept themselves still and out of plain sight of the herd passing through. They felt awful for the events that lead to such. Selfish. They didn’t mean to rile up anybody from their group by being honest and not wanting to hear their two cents about what’s now left in the past.
You’re a monster Y/N thought doing their best to calm their breathing to avoid altering any of their location. You angered them. That’s what lead them to yell. Attract the walkers. Get them killed. Why did you run? You’ve never run before
Once the growling was starting to distance itself from Y/N, making them pull themselves out of their hiding spot. Carefully looking around seeing the coast is clear.
But as they stepped back into the street to find the few bodies on the floor, after someone tried and failed to take care of them. Y/N followed the trail of fresh blood all the way to another house in the neighborhood the group ran themselves into. Quickly drawing their knife, they took care of the two walkers crowding a closed door before pushing it open to find the last person of their small group. She was bleeding bad from the bites but did her best to give herself a moment before the infection gets her. Yet the second she looked at Y/N, unscathed, she couldn’t help the painful laugh that escaped her.
“You’re selfish…” She winces as Y/N knelt in front of her assessing her injuries but right as they were going to get their knife, she suddenly grabbed their collar. “When was the last fucking time you ever thought of anybody but yourself?” And without receiving the answer that got stuck on the tip of their tongue, she gave out. Leaving Y/N to finish the job before she turned.
The next morning Y/N found themselves wandering through the neighborhood, eventually the town near by, and finally the surrounding forest. I never thought for myself Y/N frowns stopping by a creek to clean the walker blood off their hands. I did my best to survive…and lost what could’ve been the last of the prison They couldn’t stop the spiral that followed as they sat in the mud taking that in. They lost everything.
At least that’s what they think…
“You think we’ll find everybody at this sanctuary?” Carl questions the archer walking beside him as Rick and Michonne were taking the lead.
“You hoping for anybody specific? Carol?” Carl questions watching Daryl nod to the name so he continued listing off. Glenn, Tyreese, Sasha, Maggie…”Oh! Y/N?”
Daryl stopped moving when Carl said their name as he stopped along with him thinking he struck a nerve. Before Carl could even think to panic spill out apologizes, Daryl picked up the pace again.
“They better be”
“Why are you up?”
His words caught Y/N off guard as they stopped sharpening their axe to look at him. “Couldn’t sleep”
“Mm. Why are you out in the cold”
“Don’t really like hanging in my cell block. Or in a cell for that matter” Y/N frowns setting their axe down beside them as Daryl took the empty space on the bench to sit.
The two sat in silence enjoying the sound of crickets and the occasional owl along with some growls by the gates of the prison. Daryl took out a cigarette and before he could use his lighter, Y/N took a match from their pack and held up the small flame for him.
“You want one?”
“Nah. Just being helpful”
“Mm” Daryl takes the offer lighting his cigarette, watching Y/N pinch the match once he was done using it. “You can take one of the watch towers if yea want. Not a cell. Don’t gotta be around Woodbury folk. Even if—-“
“I hated that community, they wouldn’t let me leave. I’m not part of them. Those who believe that we can go back to normal with these sickos roamin’.” Y/N felt a hint of regret getting into it. “Sorry”
Daryl scoffs knowing exactly what they felt when sharing too much. “No need. Just honest wit me”
“Yeah” Y/N sighs picking themselves up about to head inside when Daryl tapped their arm. “What?”
“The watchtower closest to the gates’ openin’” Daryl rises dropping his cigarette. “Has a bed. Nobody is in it either. It’ll be warm enough” he states stepping on the cig before going back inside to his cellblock as Y/N took up on the suggestion.
It’s cold… Y/N held themselves while resting a moment. But the moment being interrupted by walkers approaching.
I’m exhausted
I’m starving
I’m…missing people…I need to find—- Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted by them catching their foot in a pothole and quickly pulling out not caring for the huge gash that follows.
Clean water
Limping…struggling. Tired. Blood loss Y/N frowns leaning against a car as they sat on the floor wrapping their wound with a part of their shirt.
Y/N didn’t move for the rest of that day, except for the time to lock themselves in a stalled car to avoid walkers coming toward the small of fresh blood. Or however they work. Y/N never cared. Or tried not to. Deep down they did. But that didn’t matter…nothing matters…
“You alright?”
Y/N snapped out of their thoughts checking their person only for a hand to rest on their thigh to center them. They look to Daryl in the drivers seat after parking in the town they were going to scavenge.
“Yea zoned out. Carol and Rick already stepped out”
“Sorry. Got lost in my head” Y/N frowns for just a second, feeling a bit of a smile return to their face when he carefully took their hand into his gently squeezing. “Just one of those days I guess”
“I getcha…Well, let’s hurry this up. Then we can chill up in the watch tower before Carol bothers us to eat somethin’” Daryl reassures with a smile before stepping out of the car.
Leaving Y/N there for a moment as they were about to step out when a knock on the window startled them.
The groan to escape their throat from the pain, the starvation, and the exhaustion startled the person on the other side of the glass as the words were muffled. Y/N didn’t bother to fight the strangers as they were surprisingly careful when taking them out of the car.
“So…they’re dead then”
“Don’t think that way Daryl. They’re somewhere. You’ll reunite with them one day” Carol reassures her friend watching the sadness and exhaustion get to him. “Come on. You’ve lost enough. We just gotta think positive toward Y/N. But now, go take a shower before I hose you down” she scoffs making Daryl roll his eyes in response.
Y/N jolted awake to Daryl’s panicked expression above them as they carefully held his face brushing away the tears that threatened and spilled.
“You okay?”
“Nah. You were sick, almost died, and y-you stopped breathing for a sec and it just. Scared me”
“Mm” Y/N slowly wraps their arms around his neck bringing him down to lay on top of them and be held in their embrace for a while. Making him relax eventually. “I’m not going anywhere, D”
I’m still standing
Y/N suddenly jolts awake. In a bed. In a building. In clean clothes. Who took off my clothes? They thought pulling the blanket off to find their left ankle stitched and wrapped. Someone took care of me…
The door opened which brought Y/N to quickly stand up and move away from the door to reveal two men stepping in. Both radiating non-threatening. But Y/N wasn’t taking their chances anymore given who they encounters who knows how long ago now.
“We aren’t armed. You can relax a bit.” He spoke softly which reassured Y/N to do indeed relax. But as he stepped closer they pressed up against the wall. “Sorry…sorry. My men found you passed out in a car with an injury and given you weren’t turned, they brought you back and we patched you up”
“You’ve been out for a few days, dude” The other one really really gave teddy bear vibes and radiated overwhelming happiness even if later they find out he can take on a bear if he could.
“Where…where am I?”
“This place is called the kingdom, and I’m King Ezekiel. But Ezekiel is perfectly fine” Ezekiel smiles. “You’ll be safe here and once you’re ready, I’d be more than happy to show you around”
It didn’t take Y/N until the next day to even leave the building they were in. But Ezekiel and his right hand Jerry were patient and showed them around the entirety of the kingdom.
Leading to a moment where Y/N received their belongings, but also a room in the kingdom.
“You’re skeptical about my offer”
Man I really hate being called out Y/N groans sitting on the steps to the theater as Ezekiel sits beside them. “Is my expression just obvious?”
“More so your body language. You’re tense because you’re in a new environment and part of you is afraid given how you reacted to us greeting you when you first woke. But now you’re questioning”
“How does my—-“
“That, I’m simply guessing. You’re questioning my offer of having you live here. Be helpful to the community but also find peace for yourself. You’re also…missing something, and we’ll help you find that when you trust us”
“Ezekiel…I’d like to stay, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to find what I’ve lost.”
“And why is that?”
Because it’s been months
And nothing
“Y/N!” Jerry yells at them happily as Y/N jumps off the horse they were on after going on a quick perimeter check. “There’s something you gotta see”
Y/N gently tugs on the lead to get the horse to follow them to a post to tie them temporarily at before picking up the step to follow Jerry to the theater.
It’s been months since Y/N first arrived at the Kingdom and only a few weeks since they have become a guard and front runner for the place. They did their part and still felt as if they needed to repay Ezekiel for everything he’s done for them, but he still wants to help them find what they are missing.
And entering the theater filled a bit of the pit in their chest.
“Y/N?” Carol questions before relaxing and bracing for Y/N’s impact when they wrapped themselves around her. “Y/N oh my god…oh my god” she couldn’t help the tears, nor did Y/N as they latched onto Carol like they were going to collapse in on themselves if they let go.
“How long have you been here?”
“A few months…” Y/N walks beside Carol after talking with Ezekiel and Morgan. Giving the two time to be alone.
“Do you trust this place?”
“I only trust Ezekiel and Jerry…I wouldn’t actively go on a witch hunt to search for this place’s flaws but I’m also not trying to be social around here…” Y/N frowns. “Hell I’m a guard now and I have to go on runs with others but I don’t actively go out after a successful run and celebrate like it’s the old world…”
“I get that” Carol sighs locking her arm with Y/N’s keeping them close. “I just. I want…a bit of isolation and to be left alone from the overwhelming reality just for a moment.”
“Then you should. There’s uh. A house near by or well a bit away but it’s enough and you can have your time alone…until you’re ready” Y/N reassures that it’s okay sometimes for that isolation but part of Carol couldn’t leave them without reassuring that thought in the back of their mind.
“I hope he comes here, or you go to Alexandria. He can’t live without you either”
But that moment didn’t come until much later…under different circumstances.
“He can stay here. Where he’ll be safe” Ezekiel reassures Rick in regards to Daryl. “But if you’ll wait a moment” he states on his leave to retrieve something, more so someone.
“We gotta get them to fight with us, think you can try and sway them?”
“Just cuz I’ve got a room here?”
“Well isn’t it obvious? But hell I wouldn’t blame yea if you just need a minute. Given what happened” Rick couldn’t imagine what the Saviors did to Daryl, since he didn’t share every last detail. Just enough to understand he’ll need time for certain things.
“I’ll do what I can” Daryl frowns following the others out.
“You were talkin’ in your sleep” Dwight knelt to Daryl’s level in his curled up state. “Something about somebody. You holding on for a special someone?”
Daryl wasn’t going to tell him anything, thinking Dwight will go back to Negan and tell him more mental bullets to fire at him.
“Keep thinking about whoever that is” Dwight stands up and stepped out of the cell. “Someone to keep fighting for”
“Daryl! I’ve assigned somebody to show you around” Ezekiel caught up with the archer at the gates of the Kingdom after he watched his group head out.
“I don’t need no babysitter”
“Don’t think of this as a babysitter. Think of this as someone you’ve been missing for some time” Ezekiel smiles moving himself out of Daryl’s way so he could get a good look at the guard approaching.
“Holy shit”
“Fuck off” The archer didn’t believe it. Didn’t believe Y/N was standing before him. “Y/N…”
Y/N couldn’t help it. They really couldn’t help it. Not even thinking, Y/N ran to Daryl letting him grasp onto them. The two latches onto one another, not budging, not saying a word, and taking it in.
“I told you I would help you find your missing piece” Ezekiel continues to smile leaving the two alone in the middle of the street.
They stayed like that for what felt like hours. Y/N hasn’t stopped crying since they latched onto Daryl and he hide his face in the crook of their neck to avoid anybody who past by seeing him cry.
“I thought I lost you…”
“Gonna take a whole ass army to keep me from finding yea”
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sailorsplatoon · 5 months
Aaaaand here comes chapter one! From this point on I'll be posting weekly every Saturday. I'd like to quickly say thank you to everyone who showed me support on the prologue, it means so much! I'm very excited to post the first chapter!
Read it on ao3!
(Fanfic under cut)
Acht didn’t leave the elevator. Pearl, Marina, and Agent 8 did, but not Acht. All of them had lives in Inkopolis Square, but if Acht left the Memverse they knew exactly where they’d wake up. They’d rather not think about it.
In less than a day, all three of them came back. Marina said the color palettes had parts of souls in them, which meant that they needed to take each one to the top of the spire and reconfigure it so that the person could get their soul back.
Eventually it became routine. Go up the Spire, fight Smollusk, reconfigure the palette, go back down, repeat. There was only one palette left now, besides the one in the last locker that they still needed a key for. Someone by the name of Agent 4. It didn’t really matter to Acht who’s palette they were reconfiguring. Part of them never wanted to finish. Because that would mean they didn’t have anything left to do here. Then they would have to leave. They thought that maybe Marina wouldn’t notice if they just stayed there forever. 
But it didn’t matter what Acht thought. It never mattered what they thought. Up until a few weeks ago, they didn’t think at all. 
Eight walked back in the elevator after beating the 20F boss, it was Parallel Canon again. He was quieter than usual. Though, it was kind of hard to tell what was normal Eight quiet and what was not good Eight quiet.
“Yo, Eight, you alright? You got super freaked out in the middle of the fight,” Pearl asked, hovering closer to the agent.
“I know why that boss is so familiar…” he said in a quiet voice, “That’s Agent 4.” There was a long heavy silence in the elevator, interrupted only by the ding of reaching the next floor. Neither Eight nor Pearl went out. Agent 4’s location had been unknown for some time now, though no one seemed to make an effort to find them. Everyone had assumed that they would turn up after reconfiguring their palette, so there was no need to fear. Well, up until now.
“I was worried that was the case,” Marina muttered back. “But we can’t be sure. There are a ton of enemies in the Parallel Canon boss fight. Maybe one of them is Agent 4, but maybe they’re not. And even if they are, we’ll reconfigure their palette and save them.” Eight just nodded and walked out onto the floor.
Eight opened his eyes. He was out of the Memverse. He’d beaten Smollusk again and reconfigured Agent 4’s palette. He had to make sure Four was okay. He dove into the grate leading to Octo Canyon. If Four was anywhere, they’d be there. Pearl and Marina saw him from their studio across the square and followed close behind.
Sure enough, Agent 4 sat on the bench outside Cuttlefish Cabin, wearing one of the helmets Marina used to send people into the Memverse. It was connected to a laptop that sat a few inches away. 
They seemed paler, almost grey. But no, Eight was just being paranoid. They were fine, they had to be fine. He rushed up to them and yanked the helmet off of their head. The first thing he noticed were large scars patterned along their face, as if they were burned. Four didn’t do or say anything, they just stared. He took them by the shoulders and shook them lightly. Maybe he could snap them out of it. Agent 4 jerked, but still didn’t look at Eight. Rather than make eye contact, they swung their fist at Eight’s temple. They had enough force to launch him back towards the grate right as Pearl and Marina came out, almost ramming into the two of them. 
“Eight, are you okay?” Marina said, helping him to his feet.
“What the hell is going on with Agent 4?” Pearl shouted as Four stood up, gripping their Hero Shot. Eight quickly did the same with his own weapon, ready to protect Off the Hook from the oncoming attack. 
“Something’s not right. Part of their soul must still be in the Memverse.” Marina pulled her laptop out of seemingly nowhere and began to type something in rapidly. Shots of ink flew by as Eight tried desperately to defend his friends without seriously hurting Agent 4.
“But wasn’t that supposed the be fixed when we reconfigured the palette!?”
“I thought so but— oh no.”
“What is it, ‘Rina!? Spit it out, what’s wrong!?”
“I think Order was able to fully greyscale Agent 4.”
“So what do we do!?”
“If we can get them back into the Memverse we might be able to use it to restore their memories, personality, an everything else. It worked for Acht with their sanitization, we can only hope it will work for Agent 4 too.”
“Okay great, how to we do that?”
“We need to get that helmet back on their head!” Marina pointed at the helmet that had been sitting on the ground.
“On it!” Pearl drew her dualies and jumped in to help Eight fight as Marina dove for the helmet. Just as she reached it, Agent 4 set off their special weapon, tenta missiles. She rushed to Pearl and Eight, opening her Bella for cover. The shield broke under the massive amount of ink, but the three of them were only hit with stray splatters and not the full force of the missile. 
Marina handed Pearl the headset and she dodge rolled behind Four, slamming the helmet on their head with an excessive amount of force, knocking them to the ground. It lit up, confirming that they had successfully entered the Memverse. 
The three of them just stood there for a moment, breathing, trying to process what had happened.
The elevator doors slid open. But the person who entered wasn’t Eight, Pearl, or Marina. Acht jumped in surprise. One of the enemies from the Parallel Canon boss? Why were they here? And where were Eight and the others? They’d mentioned this boss might be someone they know, what did they call them, Agent 4? It didn’t seem like they were looking for a fight, so Acht didn’t bother trying to stop them. They clicked the button for the thirtieth floor.
“This elevator only goes up one floor at a—” the elevator lurched and began to crawl upward. Acht watched as the numbers moved along. 1… 2… 3… 4… that wasn’t supposed to happen. How was that even possible? They must have hijacked the system somehow. Maybe they had special access?
Acht had never gotten a close look at the enemies in the Parallel Canon fight before. They could now clearly see that they wore the same outfit as Eight, except they had a mask with nothing on it but two glowing red eyes. Acht could just reach up and take it off if they wanted to. Maybe Parallel Canon, or… Agent 4, wouldn’t notice. As they slowly stretched their hand toward it, Agent 4 grabbed their wrist, preventing them from taking the mask.
Guess not. They let go of Acht’s wrist, letting it fall back by their side. They didn’t seem hostile at all. But they were still going to the top floor. What would happen when they made it to Smollusk? If they were under it’s control, then certainly nothing good. But they weren’t going to let Acht stop them easily. Even if Agent 4 didn’t want to go to 30F, they’d have to. They didn’t have a choice. Acht knew that feeling all too well. They couldn’t just stand by and watch. 
Acht smashed their hand into the emergency stop button and the elevator screeched to a halt. They were at 27F now, way too close for comfort. The doors slid open. Agent 4 turned and stared at them for a moment before reaching over to press the 30 button again. Acht took their turn grabbing their wrist, not letting them reach the console. They punched Acht in the throat, causing them to stumble slightly, letting go of their arm. Agent 4 moved back over to the console, but before they could press a button, Acht kicked their torso, sending stumbling through the elevator doors and out onto floor. They ran after them, planning to throw Four off the side of the stage. If they could get them splatted, they’d respawn in the Order Sector and the elevator would go back down. 
Four grabbed them by the collar, throwing them into the cage. Before it began moving over the floor, Acht grabbed their ankle, pulling them in as well. It was strange, now that the two of them were cramped together in the cage, Acht could clearly tell that Agent 4 smelled of citrus. Why would that even happen? They didn’t have time to think about it because both of them were about to be dropped over the stage. 
They landed with a thud and Jelletons began to swarm them. Or rather, they began to swarm Acht. Four was one of them. Before the situation could get anymore out of hand, they continued this trade off the two had been in by grabbing the inkling’s collar and hurling them over the edge. Acht watched them get splatted by the boundaries of the stage and quickly followed, leaping over the edge themself. As they did, they couldn’t resist the urge to flip off the Jelletons.
The two of them respawned moments later in the Order Sector. Eight, Pearl, and Marina were waiting there. Acht would have explained what happened to them, but before they could Agent 4 kicked them hard in the stomach, sending them flying into the lockers. They prepared to be hit again, but Eight and Marina were holding Four back. They thrashed rapidly, trying to get away. Pearl, now back in her drone form, flew over and offered Acht her handle to help them up. 
“Whoa, Acht, what happened?” Pearl said, lifting them from the ground. 
“They came in the elevator and tried to get to the top floor. I figured if they really were being controlled I shouldn’t let them reach Smollusk.” 
“Thank you, Acht. I don’t know what we would have done if they made it to the top,” Marina said, still trying to restrain Agent 4. “I also don’t know how we’re going to get them to stop fighting us.” As Marina spoke, Eight grabbed Four’s mask and ripped it off, hurling it as far across the Order Sector as he could. It made a clinking sound as it bounced away, getting lost somewhere among the coral. The moment the mask was off, Agent 4 stopped thrashing. Marina and Eight let go, but stayed alert, ready for them to attack again. They just stood there, staring into the nothingness. 
Acht got to see their face for the very first time. They had freckles everywhere, on their nose, their cheeks, and their forehead. Their eyes were big and round and bright red. It was interesting that the only thing that had color after greyscaling was their eyes. Despite wearing a blank expression, Acht could tell they smiled often. They had no evidence for this, Four just had that look to them.
“So… what now?” Pearl asked, hovering over to Agent 4.
“We see if the Spire works the way I planned it to. We give Four their palette and take them to the top. Then once they reach the top floor they should be themself again.” Marina looked worried. The only person who had actually tested the Spire was Eight, would it really work for Agent 4? Acht had their memories back, yes, but they never actually ascended the Spire, they just helped Eight. Simply being in the Memverse was enough for their mind to be restored. So if Four’s wasn’t, how much would it take for them to be back to their old self?
“And what if it doesn’t work?” Eight almost whispered. He was worried, this was the second time someone he cared about had been mind controlled by some big villain. What if he couldn’t save them?
“Then we’ll just have to figure something else out. I’m not letting Agent 4 stay like this, we’re going to help them.”
“So who’s climbing the Spire? Four or Eight?” Pearl asked.
“Both! We’ll have Four be the one to clear the floors, but if something goes wrong Eight will jump in and help them out. Pearl will go with Four and act as their drone and help them through the Spire when Eight doesn’t need to. I’ll help out with my hacks and Acht will operate the elevator. Is that okay with everyone?” Marina explained, looking around for the others’ approval. 
“That works for me. As long as they don’t beat me up again.” Acht tried to maintain their apathetic demeanor. In truth, they were afraid. Reconfiguring this palette would mean leaving the Memverse. They were not at all ready to face the reality of their sanitization. But staying here meant they had to watch Four face the reality of their greyscaling. 
It was so easy before to believe that they weren’t a real person. They were just another part of a boss fight in this messed up digital world, not someone with a personality and memories. But now they had a face. 
“Let’s go,” Eight muttered, already making his way to the Spire. He did not like any of this at all. He'd rather be done with free-will-threatening adventures.
Pearl armed Agent 4 with their palette and they followed Eight. Acht watched carefully to make sure they didn’t try to take the elevator straight to the top again.
Floor 1F was relatively easy. All Four had to do was sink two ∞-balls with minimal enemies attacking them. In exchange, they’d get a main range color chip. They cleared it relatively quickly and returned to the elevator.
“So… are they okay now? They kinda still seem not themself.” Pearl waved a robotic arm in front of Agent 4’s face. They didn’t react at all.
“Right now they only have one color chip, it’s going to take way more before we start seeing any change,” Marina explained. “Let’s see… assuming that they get one color chip each floor, subtracting boss floors since you don’t get color chips from those, that would mean they’d have about 27 color chips by the time they reach the top. So if one percent of 27 is 0.27 and 1 divided by 0.27 equals 3.70, then each color chip would be about 3.7% of them returned. However, this math is faulty as the number of color chips gained changes for each ascent of the Spire. Maybe they wouldn’t gain any color chips for a floor because they went to a vending machine corner and didn’t buy any chips. Maybe they do a floor that gives them double chips. Maybe they buy three chips from the vending machine. It’s impossible to get an exact number, but 27 is a safe ballpark estimate. Regardless, we likely won’t be seeing any changes for a while, but I’m sure Four is feeling them. Hopefully.”
“You’re such a nerd and I love you for it.” Pearl’s words made Marina blush. They never tried to hide their love for each other. Acht was happy for them but did not need to listen to them flirt every five minutes.
Agent 4 had completed 5F. They cleared it relatively well, choosing to take on an actual floor rather than go to the vending machine. On the elevator to the next floor, they finally spoke in who knows how long.
That was it. Just the word “Why”. They didn’t say anything else, their mouth barely moved when they said it. It was almost worse than them saying nothing at all.
Why am I here?
Why is this happening to me?
Why is it so much easier to just give up when all I want to do is keep going?
Why do I sometimes not want to keep going?
Why does it feel so comforting at times and so painful at others?
Why won’t you save me?
Why did you ever try to save me?
Acht couldn’t think about it anymore. The endless list of things that they could have meant by that made them feel sick. 
It only got worse from there. After 10F, Agent 4 started crying. And they didn’t stop. At 15F they hunched down on the floor and had a panic attack. They started talking more on the ride to 16F.
“Am I real?”
Everyone just looked at them for a moment before Marina jumped in, saying, “Yes, you never weren’t. Everything here might be digital but your mind is very real, and you have a physical body too.”
“What if I’m like this forever?”
“You won’t be, we’re gonna take you to the top of the Spire and you’ll be all better!” It was Pearl who spoke this time.
“How do I know who’s telling the truth?”
“We would never lie to you. We care about you,” Eight said. He seemed like he might start crying.
“It broke me.”
“Me too.” Acht did not make eye contact.
By 20F, Four was responding to their name and seemed capable of independent thought. Their color was returning too. They still didn’t remember who Eight, Pearl, or Marina were, but they seemed able to fully recollect their time helping Marie save Callie. But at 21F they sat next to the vending machine with their head buried in their knees. They didn’t say anything. They weren’t even crying. Or maybe they were, Acht couldn’t tell. At least none of the bosses had been Parallel Canon. Did that boss fight even exist anymore?
After waiting about 15 minutes at 21F, Acht walked out onto the floor. 
“I think they need some alone time,” Marina said, beckoning them back into the elevator.
“Marina. I know how this feels. Trust me, the last thing they need right now is to be alone.” Being alone made it worse. The emptiness caving in on you, begging for you to let your mind go blank, pleading for you to give up; it was torture. They were making progress, they were getting better. But if they let the fear take over now then it was all for nothing. They needed someone there to pull them out of their spiral.
Acht crouched down next to Four and put their arm around their shoulders. They were so warm, it felt like hugging a heated blanket. Four just sat there for a second. Then, they lifted their head from their knees by the slightest amount and peered over at Acht.
“I’m not the greatest at this. Emotions aren’t really my thing. Yet, I guess. I don’t know.” Acht wan’t sure what to do. This was all very awkward and new to them. “What I’m trying to say is, I’ve been where you are. It’s scary, I know. But if you let fear win then you’re not going to get any better. And sometimes it’s hard to know if you even want to get better. And it takes a long time, I’m still recovering, but you’ve made so much progress so fast and you can’t give up now. Please don’t give up now.”
The floor was silent for what felt like forever. Then, finally, Four spoke.
“I won’t. I promise. Thank you.”
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emotionalcadaver · 6 months
The Hunger Games AU!Tommy Shelby x Lucy Winters Headcanons
It'll be awhile until I will actually be able to write this AU down, but I need to tell you all about some of my ideas before I actually explode, so here you go. As it almost always is with me, this is long as hell because I just do not know when to shut the fuck up 😂 And this isn't even close to all of the ideas that I have for them at this point in time.
Please note I may tweak some of the lore of The Hunger Games universe here and there. And kudos to @evita-shelby who also has a fantastic list of headcanons for this AU that you should check out! There's a little overlap between mine and hers! And also a shout out to @justrainandcoffee and @call-sign-shark for putting this idea into my head in the first place!
Tommy's Games
Both Tommy and Lucy are from District 12 and have Covey ancestry. Both of their families were poor, and them and their siblings all signed up for and claimed multiple tessera.
When Tommy was 15, he volunteered to take Arthur's place when Arthur was reaped.
He was an immediate favorite, and many in the Capitol fawned over how handsome he was.
The arena he competed in was a mountain covered by a sparse forest, and containing a cave system within. All water located within the arena could be found in the caves, forcing the tributes to venture inside and brave the mutts of bats, worms, snakes, spiders, and rats down there. Every 12 hours, the water in the pools in the caves would rise, either drowning tributes who got trapped, or forcing them up closer to the surface. Tommy used the caves and his experience working in District 12's mines to his advantage.
He was caught in a cave-in at one point, but managed to dig himself out. He killed several other tributes during his games in increasingly vicious ways, which garnered him a reputation as one of the most ruthless victors.
He hated the fame that came after he won, but used the money given to him after winning to buy horses and set up a stable in the victor's village.
Lucy watched his games with great interest, and her brothers teased her for having a crush on Tommy due to how invested she was in the Games that year and in him winning.
After winning, Tommy started to slowly amass influence over those in the Capitol. As the only victor for District 12, he became a mentor. He was also prostituted out regularly by Snow to Capitol citizens.
He began working with rebellion cells, offering assistance whenever he could.
Lucy's Games
Lucy was 18 when she was reaped. It didn't come as a massive surprise, given how many times her name had been put in, but it was still a punch to the gut, since she was one year away from no longer being eligible for the games.
She met Tommy, who would serve as her mentor, officially on the train. She was wary of him at first due to his reputation for being a womanizer in the Capitol and for the viciousness that he displayed when winning his games. This wasn't helped by how cold and gruff he was towards her on their first meeting.
Despite starting off rocky, she and Tommy eventually softened towards each other. He began to realize that she actually had a chance of winning, and she was grateful to the advice he gave her and the moments of kindness and comfort he offered.
Her weapon of choice in the arena were throwing knives, which she was deadly accurate with. Her strategy was to remain uninteresting and non-threatening to the other tributes.
On the night before the games, she had a panic attack and Tommy stayed up with her for most of the night, working to calm her down, and promised that he wouldn't let her die.
The arena she competed in was a dark, maze-like cave system. The mutts featured in the arena were giant, bat-like creatures (think like the monsters in The Descent) that were blind but had highly sensitive hearing.
Tommy had himself a quiet little freak-out when he saw the arena they put Lucy in, since it brought back memories of his own games. He still suspects that the uncanny similarities might've been Snow trying to fuck with him for some reason. It did have it's advantages though, since it made lots of the advice he'd given her for surviving extra useful.
Tommy worked night and day to get her sponsorships.
Lucy survived, but barely, and suffered severe scarring on her body from being nearly mauled by a mutt.
Lucy self-isolated significantly the first year after winning her games. Outside of one of her brothers, Teddy, her family didn't offer much support. Tommy took it upon himself to regularly check in and look after her.
They soon developed a habit of sleeping in the same bed together to help with the nightmares they both suffered. They bonded strongly over their similar traumas and their shared love of horses.
Lucy also became a mentor.
When they first started having sex, it was mainly for comfort and connection, since both were big in denial about their building feelings for one another.
Tommy made a deal with Snow to keep Lucy from being made a part of the sex trafficking of victors.
Even after admitting their feelings to each other, they were unable to be publicly together, as Snow did not want Tommy's desirability to potential buyers to decline.
Lucy was aware of the prostitution Snow put Tommy through, and while it horrified and enraged her, she never held it against Tommy, and always did her best to reassure him whenever he expressed guilt towards her over it.
Lucy's youngest brother, William, was reaped a few years after she won. She suspected this to be purposeful, and a retaliation for some of her more rebellious actions towards Snow.
Despite her and Tommy doing their best to mentor him, William was killed in the arena. Lucy was heartbroken, and some members of her family blamed her for his death.
Tommy and Lucy both offered help to the growing rebellion whenever they could, and participated in the storming of the Capitol.
Both survived, and afterwards they finally were able to get married, and opened up a stable providing equestrian therapy for those suffering from PTSD from the games or the battle with the Capitol.
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melishade · 20 days
How's everything going in the Darkest Hour timeline?
Part 3: Paradis' reaction
My brain read that as Dark Timeline for a hot minute lol, but it's Megatron vs the Survey Corps!
So Megatron is still going through the motions of the Purpose OVA, but like I stated in the previous ask, instead of getting dropped off at the far end of the island, he gets dropped off at the forest of large trees where Zeke and Levi are situated. Megatron is obviously blindsided while everyone else starts moving to attack him.
The ex-con quickly goes from defensive, blocking the thunderspears with his shield, to offensive, aka crushing Survey Corps members that get too close. Zeke does transform and tries to get a few hits in him, but Megatron quickly knocks him back and out of the fight. Levi is the only one who's managing to do damage to Megatron, although very little.
However, Levi notices Zeke actually fleeing the battle in his human form. Levi's about to go after him, but Zeke screams, and whoever's left that's still alive gets turned into pure titans. Megatron sees the pure titans going after Levi and Zeke running on foot, so Megatron grabs Zeke before he could get any farther. Zeke commands a few of the titans to attack Megatron and save him. However, Megatron disposes of many of them easily before grabbing one of them and pinning it to the wall. He holds Zeke over the titan's thrashing mouth, causing him to panic and thrash in his grip, but Levi immediately holds whatever thunderspears are left at Megatron's head.
Megatron finally speaks, reminding Levi that Zeke had abandoned them and turned his men into monsters. Levi states that he needs to be interrogated further before he's transferred over. Plain and simple. Not to mention, Levi is hiding his shock at the fact that Megatron spoke, and Zeke is just straight up flabbergasted and afraid for his life. Megatron challenges Levi, demands to know why he should even listen to a pathetic human. Levi, knowing that this is a long shot, decides to bring up Optimus via appearance. Levi describes his appearance pretty accurately, and it gives Megatron pause, because he saw Optimus dive into the Well. He should be dead unless it was divine intervention.
Megatron demands to hear more details from other eye witnesses, and if he's not given those details, he's going to kill Zeke. Levi reluctantly agrees because he obviously can't get Zeke out of Megatron's ironclad grip. Levi tells them where they need to go, and Levi is stunned when Megatron kills the titan in his other servo, grabs Levi, and transforms into his alt mode with Zeke. Zeke tries to transform, but Levi shoves a blade towards his face to prevent him from doing so.
Megatron arrives in Wall Sina, freaking everyone out! Megatron transforms and puts Levi on the ground while he's still holding Zeke. Levi tells the others to locate the Survey Corps. It takes some time considering Zeke's screaming alerted every military official about the wine situation, but they all arrive and gawk at the sight of Megatron, and grow fearful at the sight of Zeke in his grasp.
Hanji really wants to bombard Megatron with questions, but Levi quickly warms them that Megatron slaughtered a good portion of the Survey Corps and incapacitated Zeke. He isn't someone to be messed with. Hanji takes a deep breath and controls themselves, asking Megatron who he is and what he wants.
Megatron, wanting to hide his identity to get the humans to be more cooperative, says his name is Galvatron, and that he's a rouge that escape his homeworld's planetary war. He got flung here through a spacebridge malfunction, and was immediately attacked by Levi and his men. Hanji apologizes on Levi's behalf, although, Levi's not happy about it.
However, Megatron start's demanding details about Optimus, and everyone's descriptions are similar or identical. Megatron draws the Autobot symbol in the dirt and demands to know if they saw that on Optimus. Armin is the one who says yes, and Megatron is filled with a sense of both hope and dread. Armin recognizes the expression and asks if Megatron knows Optimus, Megatron reluctantly admits that the identification should be Optimus: Leader of the Autobots, but according to 'radio chatter', he's supposed to be dead. So either Optimus is supposed to be dead, or his death was faked somehow.
Hanji thinks fast and proposes an alliance with Megatron. Work together with the Survey Corps to confirm Optimus' identity. If that is Optimus, Megatron removes him from the situation so Marley doesn't have the unfair advantage. However he does it, they don't care at all. Megatron agrees, and an alliance is forged.
A few notes:
-Zeke is automatically put in prison until they can decide who to hand his power over to.
-Megatron gets a run down of this world's history and the current conditions of the outside world and automatically assumes that Optimus is being deceived. Because if Optimus knew the whole truth, he would not condone the treatment of the Eldians on the mainland and try to forge a path for peace. His gut guess is that Optimus is being kept in the dark intentionally until the Marleyans can figure out what to do with him.
-The Survey Corps start to get suspicious of Megatron's relationship with Optimus, because he's stated that he was a rouge in the war but knows Optimus like the back of his hand. So when the confrontation does happen, the Marleyans will be shocked but the Survey Corps is going to be like:
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Cause it was either mortal enemies, lovers, or both. That's what they narrowed the options down to.
-Also, because Megatron has no connection to Armin and Mikasa, and Optimus has no connection to the island, Megatron will attempt kill Eren the first chance that he gets, because there's no guilt weighing in the back of his mind. He's still an asshole who only cares about Optimus.
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cookinary · 1 year
It’s about time!
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I finally did Muta’s redesign!
And I realized I’ve never shared his full backstory so here it is, under the cut, it’s pretty long XD:
In this universe, Ophelia not only is the Internet Dictator but she also is a mad scientist who developed a mutagen formula that works on humans
And she needed a test subject
Guess who
So whenever Ophelia wants to experiment on him, she sedates him in any way that works, it can be darts, drugs in his coffee, you name it
And when he wakes up, Pedro (Imma call him Muta okay, bear with me) has to live with whatever she did to him while he was out cold
She gave him an electric collar that acts as a tracker: if he tries to remove it, it zaps him; if he leaves a certain perimeter, it zaps him strongly enough to knock him out
Only Ophelia can remove the collar and she only removes it during her experiments
Muta is not allowed to leave the house except when the family sends him on a hit
The window of his room has electrified bars 
He wags his tail when he's excited
And starts hissing when he gets too upset
Because he can't go outside, he picked up painting as a mean to calm down/let his feelings out
He also has a diary
Because Ophelia always uses the same anaesthetic, Muta's body had built up a resistance to it
So he woke up in the middle of an experiment before Ophelia could do anything
He broke his restraints and attacked her
She defended herself by stabbing him with a scalpel right over his ear
That made Muta go completely feral and he caused mayhem in the lab before escaping and passing out somewhere far away
After the escape
He woke up freaking out because of the memory loss, the mutations and the talking banana that just popped out of nowhere (he knew Pedro before all this, he just forgot about it)
Because he forgot everything, he rediscovers his mutations little by little
Blurry memories slowly came back to him over the course of the years, through flashbacks and nightmares
After remembering almost everything that happened, he decided to go on a revenge rampage —hence the game
Post game stuff
After killing Ophelia and the banana, Muta decides to leak all of her experiments logs online to show the world her real side
He doesn't leak her works though, as he is afraid that some people will use the mutagen formula for evil
In fact, he destroys the lab and the formula
But he secretly keeps one physical copy of the formula that he never talks about
Soon, pretty much the whole world knows about Ophelia's awful experiments on her own brother
Rumors start circulating about how said brother may have been the one who killed her and the rest of the family and leaked the logs
His favorite drink to relax is red fruits tea
After his escape, he still likes to paint, it helps him calm down (especially Bob Ross tutorials), but he also picked up cooking as a hobby
He posts pictures of his art and his dishes online without ever showing his body, and people keep begging him for a face reveal
He has a black sphynx cat!
He named her Josephine
He sometimes posts pictures of her too and people love her
Has an amazing singing voice???
He lives off assassination jobs
His therapist knows about him
Also the vets from the time where Josephine got hurt and he rushed to the vet clinic without thinking of covering himself up
And finally, the list of his powers/abilities:
Reptile-like eye (Night vision)
Retractable claws (his hands are much bigger than normal)
Prehensile tail (reptilian in appearance)
Gills (can breathe underwater) (located on his neck, but only appear when submerged)
Can regrow limbs/body parts like lizards/axolotls do, in minutes
Retractable bug wings (similar to a dragonfly's)
Thick bulletproof scales on his back
Hearing as good as a barn owl, if not better (tilts head when locating a sound)
Strong sense of smell (can smell blood like sharks)
Venomous fangs (Inland Taipan venom)
Forked tongue (like a snake's)
Extremely fast
Panther-like feet (he can walk around silently)
Extremely strong (can lift about 2 tons)
Thick bulletproof scales on forearms (similar to the one on his back)
Can stick to/crawl on any surfaces (walls, ceilings, etc.) like geckos
Immune to any type of toxic substance
Can stay upside down for an undefined period of time (like bats)
Second pair of eyelids to see underwater
Can regulate his body temperature
Woo, this boi has a very detailled backstory, huh
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angst-king · 6 months
creepypasta HCs
Alright I'm going to go over some Headcanons that I have about creepypastas as well as the stuff with in it. I like a mix of fantasy/unrealism & realism. This may also contain gore/cannibalism, & mental illness and other themes
- The proxies all have their own version of sign or code language when they work together - Toby does have the 'hey masky' as a tic but it came from the many times of hearing the others calling Masky's name so much. Masky knows the difference between his tics and actually getting his attention - the proxies only use each others 'government names' when they are being serious - the mansion is sorta like the well of wonder from Ever After High, it moves around a lot depending on where the creepypasta's main location is - the proxies are given skeleton keys to get to different places - Jeff's cut-in smile wasn't originally as wide or big as people make it out to be. Yes after a while the skin would tare and rip, but the parts that were still closer together scarred. - The mansion is more of a 'meeting ground'/home base there are other places and such that many of the pastas inhabit. - Many of the gaming-type creepypastas like to freak people out through their electrical connections just for shits and giggles. Slowly driving their victims crazy with random changes to things on their laptop or phone - Sally doesn't do her things alone, she usually has another child spirit with her or another adult - Many of the creepypastas who weren't cannibalistic in their main stories did end up having to sort to cannibalism occasionally. Though most don't go very far with what they will eat, flesh, or blood and occasionally liver are the main ones. - Jeff's murderous rampage was a long-term paranoid psychosis episode where he felt like he had to kill those who would harm him, even if the threat to him was minor. A piece of his mind convinced him that people were out to get him and put him in a mental hospital. He had other delusions and paranoid thoughts before he 'went mental' but his parents just forced him to suppress - EJ isn't human (no shit) he has very animalistic tendencies and often struggles to communicate like a human especially if he's hungry. Yes he can stomach normal human food but only specific things like meat (especially raw), drinks, and sandwiches. (lol man will be a happy cannibal over a deli meat sub) - Alot of them often have random screaming fits - Liu often attracts a lot of child spirits like Sally and has since he was a kid, even jeff was used to hearing about Liu interacting with dead children. So when passes by graveyards he often will have a tiny child spirit follow him around. - Sully and Liu are a system, Sully has been around before the big accident with Jeff getting burned. A period before they moved houses Sully had went dormant leaving Liu to deal with things himself and came back after the burning accident. - Sully doesn't attack for no reason and he's not 'evil'....he just doesn't like being told what to do or listening to anyone else. He used trust jeff the most until the burning. So even when Liu for gave Jeff (in my hc I think he forgave him to an extent) Sully didn't trust Jeff not to lose it again - Ben often appears in people's bathtubs or bathroom mirrors to fuck with people. - he will make distorted dial-up computer noises in a person's headset as well - Ben used to do witchcraft secretly and asked for the gods to grant him 2 wishes when he learned he would be the cult sacrifice 1: let him die quickly & 2: let him reside in his favorite game as his promised paradise - Sally often visits her best friend (the one she played with the day her uncle came over) but she tries her best not to scare her away. She will often make Charlie (her teddy bear) appear on her best friend's bed at night as a way to have a 'sleepover'. Her best friend's parents thinks that she's just playing pretend or is having a hard time coping with the loss of Sally. - Sally often stays near Liu or Sully due to knowing how he gets along with child spirits, she likes the way they talk
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aajjks · 6 months
You text Jungkook your whereabouts due to him being your bodyguard, you keep a professional relationship with him. You already are thinking that Eunchae has a better chance with him, and you are going to let her.
You are an idol and he is normal person who isn’t objectified by society. You are a product to entertain and sometimes you wished you were the normal person protecting Jungkook… he seems so golden and so sweet.
He deserves all the love in the world and you are not one to give it to him. You are in so much doubt that you don’t even know that man is insane for you that he’d kill anyone for you even change his style for your likening. You didn’t even know he had pictures of you, pictures without your consent, private pictures, your location. Again you didn’t even know that your bodyguard is a sasaeng ready to be your husband.
Jake arrives at HYBE entertainment building and gets your attention by honking the horn. You jump up and look at Jake and he asks “My lady are you alright? If not, it’s alright not to be. You can tell me anything when you are ready.” Your eyes brim with tears as you nodded as he helped you out.
Once you got in the building you are escorted into your sunbaenim’s studio. He opens the door and nods at you and you got your music and gave it to him. You got your part memorized. As he looked over it he smiles and says “It fits with the song, you are a natural. Go get ‘em.”
As you are recording you feel alive and there where several takes and once you are done recording. You two start to talk and get closer. You start actually bonding, and your bodyguard, Jake went to the bathroom.
Meanwhile Jake is in the bathroom two guards that were in charge of Min Yoongi get knocked out and get pushed into a closet and their clothes are taken. The other two “body guards” stand guard. Jake gets out the bathroom and he is about to walk back but gets stopped by these guards that he doesn’t recognized. They make it hard for him to get past them.
You wonder what was taking Jake so long, so you ask your sunbaenim if you could use the bathroom. He nodded his head as you leave. You go to use the bathroom downstairs as soon as your were done you get knocked out. The bathroom blows up and alerts everybody in the building. Jake was the first one there and he screams and alerts the ceo of the company.
They check the cameras and saw that some of them are not working. It is a terrorist attack and they took you hostage. Jake has to remain calm and he can’t call your manager or your group because all of them has to focus on the tour. He isn’t going to let no one else get kidnapped.
The news spread like wildfire and a lady in her mid 30s smirks and says “I got you now my little bunny, you won’t get my Yoongi.” It was none other a mafia boss and her name is Kim Jae-hwa.
It’s been a few days and there’s no contact from you, and it breaks his heart because it was ever since you were just abruptly left them at the café. That day is safe to say that he’s a little heartbroken but..
You don’t even reply to his messages anymore and that’s starting to get him concerned so that’s why he decided to contact your bodyguard and..
He cannot believe that the news is true.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THAT SHE’S BEEN TAKING HOSTAGE?” in the CEO’s office, Jungkooks voice booms, he is not fine right now because you’ve been taking hostage and they have no idea on how to get you back
The CEO just looks at him and shame and guilt because they failed to protect you. “YOU DISMISSED ME FROM HER SERVICE AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED.” He screams, his neck vein popping out, “ I AM GOING TO GET HER BACK, NO MATTER WHAT I DON’T CARE IF THEY’RE MAFIA PEOPLE.” he glares at all of the people present in the room.
Jungkook is freaking out right now. Are you even fine or alive? What if they have killed you? No no no that cannot happen. He won’t be able to live with himself.
And just like that after he starts screaming at the staff, he walks out and he is now thinking of a plan to get you back.
He will get you back at any cost
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