#{ convo : alphonse }
not-5-rats · 9 days
Seth: Al...I can't thank you enough for letting me back into your life...into your home..
Al: Shut up Seth...I'm just happy to have you back
Sugarboo, sleep talking from the bed: Ahhh, don't break the egg Mr Goat-Man...I needa make a the omelette for my husbands...*snore*
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Do you think Alphonse and Seth catch random strays bc the older people in the town still talk shit time to time?
Like they're walking and they get called a slur in a convo between two old ass men and they just look at eachother like "Is he talking about you or me?...10 bucks if it's me."
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saingirl101 · 2 years
NeverAfter Ep 17 As Brian David Gilbert Gifs (SPOILERS!!!!)
I can't believe we are inching closer to the finale of NeverAfter. Still uncertain how all of the plot points will get resolved in the remaining episodes. But regardless, I am pumped after that last episode although the title of this episode is extremely ominous.
As always this is essentially a live blog so:
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Tomas and Puss' + Henry and Tim's Reunions:
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Finding out that likely the stepmother purposefully put the goose and jack into this world:
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Finding out Henry met their jack in the world of timothy's book:
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My reaction to Pinocchio playing smoke on the water to the goose to put her to sleep and rosamund playing it in reverse to wake her up:
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The golden goose saying she may be able to help tim avoid making his third wish to help him get his book back:
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Tim and Pib experiencing cutbacks about the giants and Tim, which seems very suspicious:
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The goose and Rosamund's conversation about what she would write in the book and rosamund being like:
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Ylfa saying she would have tim keep death in stories and talking about the endings of stories:
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PMy reaction to the philosophical quandries between the goose and ylfa:
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Pinocchio forcefeeding the cricket water and giving him too much that he does a didney voice:
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Pinocchio having a serious convo with the cricket and then he randomly mentions it the wadded up bubblegum in his shoe the music cuts out:
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Cricket giving an actual apology to Pinocchio:
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Gerard talking to tom Thumb about his marital problems:
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Tom Thumb giving Gerard a pep talk about changing for the better and to save his marriage:
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Gerard proceeding to yell at tom thumb after asking him to wake him up at 5 am:
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Pib thanking pinocchio for not blowing up alphonse:
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Ylfa feeling the wolfs heart beating in her chest and smelling blood to track him, after being told they need to track the wolf to entreat with the Baba Yaga:
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Finding out the baba yaga respects courtesy, diligence and courage:
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Running into the Gander and the Goose making Tim's wish as they are one in the same:
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Tim taking the golden goose's feather and writing about their nonsexual adult sleepover:
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Finding out snow white corresponded with Sheherazade and finding out they stole her book:
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The gang forgetting about Tomas and his brothers are still here:
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Putting Tomas and his brothers in the book for now:
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Ylfa tracking Death and finding the baba yaga's house:
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Ylfa turning into full werewolf mode;
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The fucking baba yaga bring up the red mancala pieces:
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brennan "the motherfucker: Lee Mulligan knowing none of us will be able to sleep after that episode:
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 years
Neverafter Episode 17 - The Last Wish thoughts & musings
A lot of significant narrative happenings in this one, folks. While we did hit on a few really important conversations between the party and various NPCs, I think this was really Brennan’s way of connecting the dots between many of the separate revelations that have happened throughout the course of the campaign so far.
Knowing that Henry became an adventurer after both Tim and Jack were gone really speaks to the theme of choosing destiny and striving to seek out what you want from your life. While I think it’s sad that the entire family has just been subjected to death and horror at the hands of greater forces, I’m glad that Tim has at least one thing that he isn’t mourning. Also, deeply sad that both Tim’s and Gerard’s spouses found their mutilated dead bodies.
The conversations between the Goose, Rosamund & Ylfa were so good. I admire Siobhan & Emily’s commitment to making sure they examine their pasts and their existing stories as they consider the future. Definitely some personal growth in those conversations.
Pib and Pinocchio’s conversations with Tomas and the Cricket respectively were more aimed towards understanding how to grow from and find out about their stories on a smaller scale. While Pib was figuring out the dimension travel, it still felt more like it was him and the brothers figuring out what happened between their Marienne and this Marienne. In terms of the dimension travel, I think we’re going to maybe get a trickster confrontation, and maybe a confirmation of them as another faction that can be brought to bear against the Stepmother.
Gerard’s convo with Tom Thumb was purely Murph causing chaos, by showing that Gerard has a lot of work to do on himself beyond his relationship with Elody. He’s made progress with the party, but outside of it, hasn’t changed all that much.
I deeply hope that Timothy gets something like a Wish spell from putting the Goose into the book after the final wish was made. The Gander killing the Goose aside, it feels like a similar situation to Ylfa’s relationship with the Big Bad Wolf. The Goose made a sacrifice for Tim to live, just like the Wolf did for Ylfa. Something to contemplate. And Tim has gone ahead with that blessing and tried to protect the party NPCs by booknapping them. I have a feeling that in the end, it’s going to come down to putting the Stepmother into the book and taking everyone else out before they can be devoured.
Since they had mentioned that Elody had had contacted Scheherazade, I really hope that it’s her that had Scheherazade’s book, or maybe Mira. Brennan mentioned rolling high--my guess is that that would determine who they were speaking to. Since they hit a 16, it probably couldn’t be Scheherazade, but could be someone who is more likely to be their ally at the eleventh hour.
The fact that Lou has rolled two incredibly important Nat 20s in the last 2 episodes is so crazy. The Alphonse one was crazy enough; with everything they did to get the Baba Yaga roll to go well, I still can’t believe it. The start of the next episode, at the very least, is going to be insane. Really leaning into the Boy of Destiny thing.
It does feel like we have a much clearer picture than before. We know the Gander was lured intentionally by the placement of the Goose, likely by the Stepmother’s bidding. The Princesses did not stop moving and have found their way to the Lines Between at the very least. It seems that the Stepmother may be targeting both the Auroratory and the Canonade rather than just the Canonade, as the Princesses were wont to do. We still aren’t totally clear on the fairies’ current position, but I think they’re likely to make an appearance in the next episode, as Destiny’s Children parlay with the Baba Yaga, and also maybe confront some fears and the inherent horror of being written as a variation on a multitude of stories. Not to mention the mancala beads. The worst is yet to come indeed.
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catlover-multifandom · 8 months
ah so I’ve finished rewatching fmab again. *admires Edward shirt* hopefully I don’t become unobsessed soon *puts on Alphonse sweatshirt* it’d be a shame *drops art book* oopsies let me grab that *drops 4 koma book* darn im real clumsy today hopefully I’ll be able to focus in class *opens 4 fmab fanfic wips, one of which is only in planning stages but said planning stages comprise of 60+ pages of info* darn I already can’t wait for next weekend *counting saved cash to find more fmab stickers at megacon*
I don’t foresee it going away anytime soon. dear irl friends, you’ll have to deal with it…
on an unrelated little note before I even began my rewatch and became obsessed again I was at a con in July and one booth was selling these stickers of crocodile ed from that one scene where he’s making fun of Mustang and I said “wow I love fmab I need to watch it again” and the artist was so happy and we had a convo about it and a guy walking by overheard and joined the convo and we had a nice little talk about how much we love Edward and then these people dropped their ages and they were late 20s and early 30s and here I am saying 18 😭😭 I bought the sticker btw gotta support artists!! that wasn’t a little note my apologies I just like to ramble
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goldstarhoochie · 2 years
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rice krispy squares
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Me: I have so little amnesia haha
Rest of the sys: Whose gonna tell him
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selkaleli · 4 years
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selina carefully tucked the napkin wrapped cookies into her purse, a casual glance over her shoulder to see if anyone would notice. leaning back over to al, she whispered conspiratorially, “nobody’s gonna know.” 
with @banggkang​ !
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speedingly · 4 years
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The speedster has always hated doctors and scientists due to his trauma. He doesn’t trust them to have good intentions anymore . . . almost expecting everyone to have some ulterior motive. He doesn’t like needles for the same reason as his mind associates them with the experiments performed on him by all those men in their white coats while serving his prison sentence. Maybe some would argue that Tommy deserved it for being deemed as a criminal by the law. He always felt less like a person while wearing that inhibitor collar and being operated on against his will but that’s the reasoning behind his worries.
His arm is broken in two places — fractured ulna and radius leaving his arm bent in a way that it shouldn’t be. He carefully holds it with his uninjured limb while stepping into the office. “I’m going to be straightforward with you. I don’t trust doctors and have had traumatic experiences with them in the past but . . .” The white-haired boy looks down at his injury, a few tears falling down his cheeks. “I really want the pain to stop. Can you help me, please?”
[ @alphonsetalbot​ ]
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mynameismeowmeow · 6 years
Person A *after a hotdog eating contest*: I am full of regret and mayonnaise. So much mayonnaise.
Person b: I hope you MAYO feel better
Person A: Is this a fucking joke to you
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vstridb · 6 years
Slurred words for Alphonse!!
“ WHATto say about alphonse ? he smiles so nicely ! and, and, and, he IS nice. that’s a winner combination, isn’t it ? i mean i got pretty lucky, right ? i’m not out there paired with the current dota champion, y’know ? ah, den jävla sången… you know the one ? by basshunter ? ‘spelar lite dota…’ ? “ she hums the melody. “ of course you do, anyways, anyways… i like him, i mean not LIKE LIKE him, but i’m not NEUTRAL ? that’s big. he’s nice, he’s polite but isn’t boring. that’s not something everyone are – is — capable of. he seems like a guy who’s isn’t a total dumbass ? hmm. han är också snygg. ” 
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Alphonse: Can we wrap this up? That little hottie from the bakery is here and I wanna politely ask them if they wanna get rowdy in the back of my dad’s Cadillac.
(someone take me out)
Also yes Boo is 10000% down bc as soon as he said that they walked over ending the convo and took Alphonse with them to the door.
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hannahlily · 3 years
Alphonse Headcannons
After he gets his body back
Warning: none, fluff
(A/n: It’s five in the morning and my brains broken so this is just word vomit have a good day)
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(Not my Gif)
-This cute boy!
-He’s so touch starved
-But not being able to touch anything for so many years makes contact hard
-As he gets used to touch and re-builds his strength, the two of you took things slowly
-Once he gets better at touch, he loves the feeling of fur, velvet, silk and anything soft (this makes his want a kitten even more)
-You were there for every little first
-Like his first meal (stew)
-Then first time holding hands, and first kiss
-He was so nervous for your first kiss, his hands were shaking
-Once he get’s well enough to go back to Resenbol, you went with him
-Always making sure he took care of himself because he genuinely forgets he needs to eat
-He’s insecure about the fact he needs to be taken care of more then most people
-He’s very new to relationships so its a lot of reassurenss
-He’s great at communication so thats rarely an issue
-He’s super clingy
-He loves to hold you to his chest
-He’s just a cute boy
@toxiic-wastee I started this before our convo ironically, maybe fluffy Alphonse's will make you feel better
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yuurivoice · 4 years
In one of alphonse's videos, there was a line that was "What's the point of going through life pretending you don't like what you like or feel how you feel? For people? People suck."
I have that written on a sticky note on my mirror because that line has inspired me so much and I just really wanted to thank you for that 💕
That one was from the heart. Has been my philosophy for many years. I've had that same convo irl a few times, and I was happy to let Alphonse be the messenger in this case. 💖
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supportanimy · 3 years
Does anyone know any fics focusing on the whole "alphonse becomes a philosopher stone" shit in 03? I'm 1 episode away from that stuff in my rewatch and I need to prepare to cope. Even just a short introspection or convo is fine, in fact that's mainly ones I'm looking for
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sense8screencaps · 4 years
If you feel like putting into words everything that went wrong/made you dislike the finale, I'd love to hear it
plotwise, it’s under the read more below! and it’s more of a rambling i had 2 years ago + what i remember 2 years later now lmao. logistically, what went wrong i think i’ve answered before. basically if netflix didn’t give the show a tight timeline for filming the finale, i think things would have turned out smoother. if it took an extra year or two to release the finale, i think it would have turned out with much higher quality and more consideration with regards to like everything really
act 1: the plan
planning and subsequent rescuing of wolfgang in the first 30-40 minutes instead of the whole thing taking an entire goddamn hour. cut out wolfgang trying to kill himself. a waste of 5 minutes that should have directly introduced the chairman.
cut out lito’s meltdown and don’t have rajan show up at all. it was a lazy plot device to help jonas escape and a waste of 7 minutes
will and riley meet up with felix and bug instead of that French lady riley like can we get some more lito and kala instead
will fighting bodhi was absolutely pointless??? An excuse to have a fight for no reason like it wouldn’t have made bodhi trying to stab whispers in the club any different (it would’ve made it better imo coming out of nowhere)
the dani and amanita scene was good but a serious continuity error since the show is supposed to be from the perspective of one of the 8
river el-sadaawi was a completely useless character to introduce like it should’ve just been hoy and yrsa talking with riley
convo between hoy, Riley and kirsty was a solid waste of 3 minutes
act 2: the exchange
rajan should not have been part of the exchange lol just swap him out for Felix and it’s all good
Considering Whispers does nothing in this finale other than being a hot potato passed around by people if he died in the club when Bodhi stabbed him it would’ve made an interesting turn of events
hot take: mun shouldn’t have shown up and a more creative resolution to sun’s story could have been written better
I feel like puck should have been part of this scene somehow
everything else pretty much okay
act 3: the lacuna
instead of staying at rajan’s random friend’s place just say it’s riley’s friend? literally makes more sense that way
no lacuna or bodhi shit. it was all deux ex machina like something could’ve been written better by strictly having old man of hoy and yrsa without needing to introduce new mythology
The lacuna concept felt cheap and removed a lot of what I thought kept the sense8 universe grounded in reality.
The mother was pointless to introduce like they could have gotten yrsa or some shit to get them the info on lila being in naples with whispers or just simply have his damn blockers wear off momentarily for will and wolfgang to figure out where he is instead of some weird old lady telling them her son’s backstory and somehow omniscient power of knowing whispers’ location
If Bodhi really didn’t want to be complacent with her stance on Milton and BPO why only NOW did she bother to take action? Why did the Mother only contact them now when God knows how long this weird zombie shit has been happening?
Also why the fuck did Bodhi not even bother to go with them to Naples to kill Milton? She didn’t want to remain complacent and yet she remained so throughout.
act 4: naples
another hot take: they all should’ve sang “rather be” by clean bandit instead on their way to naples. also diego didnt need to show up lol
capheus, felix, wolfgang, kala in the car. rest is the same
this scene should have happened halfway through at the ~90 minute mark
exposition of talking with lila could have been more elaborate. i don’t like that they cut out lila interrupting their pizza party
The transition to Sun and Riley meeting Alphonse and Sutra was messy and badly edited. Everyone in the cluster suddenly is there too? Like at least give some sort of indication they all went to meet Puck
trojan horse/forcella was good but not written or executed well
Kala should have been with Felix and Wolfgang while infiltrating the Forcella. Capheus should have been driving Nomi, Bug, and Amanita and picking up the rest of the cluster along the way/during infiltration of the Forcella.
“My wife... you’re a killer! Teach me!” seriously uncomfortable with Rajan saying that as if he didn’t sound like some kind of sociopath
Kala shouldn’t have gotten shot anyways it was literally 5 minutes of screen time that could have been allotted to a more satisfying confrontation between Lila, Milton, The Chairman, and our Cluster rather than an attempt to get an emotional response from a shock moment.
Jonas’ last monologue went on for too long; for some reason he really had to explain things instead of just “showing” and letting the audience infer to figure it out (particularly the psychic ligature/psycranium stuff)
the bad guys died in literally the most emotionally unsatisfying way. i didn’t need the chairman in this. say shit about whispers manipulating everyone from the top. the chairman being the zombie of like whispers or lila would’ve been way more elaborate. seemed like the writers somehow wrote themselves into a pit where they couldn’t think of anything better. Will and Wolfgang not confronting Whispers for a final time detracted from the emotional and psychological impact Whispers had on their well-beings.
Also like the bloodbath overall was a bit unsettling considering we saw pretty much everyone we know from the show kill bad guys which wasn’t really justified? Like Sun and Mun just knocked people out and killed maybe 4 or 5 people but damn the rest of them not even the slightest hint of trauma? Idk it was weird and I didn’t like it
my queen lila shouldn’t have died
there was so much bad editing here especially with trying to make it look like miguel/lito wasn’t absent
act 5: wedding
if they just cut out a bunch of the bullshit i mentioned earlier we could have gotten a montage or at least some sequence of the sun, lito, kala, and capheus’ stories getting resolved. maybe even some shit with nomi and the guy.
Cutscene to talking about a penis joke with rajan and kala instead of updating us on Cepheus or lito’s lives? Yeah totally makes sense
Hernando should’ve officiated the wedding
Transphobia curing weed brownie? No thanks
rajalagang... cool motive but terrible execution for the most part? idk i needed more rajan and wolfgang being gayer with each other. but then again if rajan wasnt in all of this it wouldve not really made any difference other than probably having just kala and wolfgang kiss 
the orgy should have strictly been the 8 + hernando + amanita + mun + zakia. no one else.
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