#{ the birdie speaks; (ooc) }
AR Speaks OOC
Going to be real with you all for a bit.
I’m not even really on Che’nya’s page right now - I’m making this post from my main and just changing the poster.
To be honest, I’m a bit nervous to change to Che’nya’s. Because I can see I have over 50 notifications, but I know I actually have even more, because I had more that got marked as “read” even though I hadn’t dealt with them before logging off the last time I was on.
And that may not be a lot to some of you, but for me, someone who tries to answer as many of you as I can… that’s a lot.
As much as I want to pop back onto Che’nya and see what chaos Che’nya can cause and see what mischief all of you have for me, that’s… a bit overwhelming for me right now.
I may just have to drop some reblog chains that were going on if I come back today, unfortunately.
I hope that would be okay with everyone?
I put so much energy into every one of my responses that even one usually takes a lot of time. Even looking for the proper gif I want to use for the situation can take up quite a bit of time for me. I’m a perfectionist by nature. And it doesn’t help that some gif’s that come up with some “cat” keywords are uhhhhh… yeah. 😳 So by the time I’ve responded to one notification, I’ve often gotten several more.
And yeah, a lot of them are likes and things I don’t need to respond to, but still. Because of how much effort I put into the responses, I often take small breaks to chat to people in DMs and on discord between responses so I don’t completely melt my brain. But that takes up even more time…
Which all combines to mean that being on Che’nya is often a several hour straight event for me.
And that’s honestly why I get so burnt out so quickly - why I often appear and then disappear for a while. Which doesn’t help the situation, of course.
So that’s why I’m posting this.
Because I think that’s just how I’m going to have to do this from now on. As much as I hate leaving people hanging, I’m just going to have to choose some chains to end in order to focus on more recent ones and hopefully manage my notifs better.
That way, I can feel better coming back with Che’nya and won’t disappear so often and so frequently. He likes to disappear, but not as often as he has been. 😅
I won’t be getting on Che’nya right after posting this, but I will check my blog later and look at this post to see the general response of people before looking at notifications.
And sorry to those I was having dm convos with - @blind0raven probably, as well as @castaway-achlys because since I haven’t been checking I haven’t gotten your messages.
But hey! Foxy!
Extra message for you from Che’nya under the cut! :D
I got bnnuy Deuce. Twice. Ima steal yo man if you don’t hurry the fuck up and confess to him, you chicken. 😼
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angeldored · 5 months
shoutout me going crazy in my district ten pinboard
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nineliabilityrisk · 10 months
im so upset bc i have so many good ongoing threads rn but the only muse my melted goop brain is capable of giving me right now is birdie. aka the one muse i havent properly introduced here. and i cant get on my laptop to edit my oc bios page to add them and theres no room on my carrd for them either and im gonna. freak
but uh?? if anyone is interested in interacting with him i could probably give him a bit of an informal intro post just on the blog itself
putting an overview to help gauge interest under the cut
shes from the help wanted / sb era of lore, a member of the original help wanted development team who quit her job after witnessing.. everything that happened there. what happened to jeremy, the apparent "glitch" in the code that caused it, all of it.
they got out, though, after a few unpleasant days of playtesting with glitchtrap digging his claws in deeper than they wouldve liked, but not deep enough to take control.
it took her weeks - months, even - to shake off his influence, to regain her identity and sense of self, but, even then, they were both still tenuous at best.
it wasnt until he heard the news of help wanteds official release - and the opening of the mega pizzaplex - that he realized he wasnt finished with the company. there was no way the other developers were able to get rid of that virus. so he applied for a job at the pizzaplex - an IT technician. if the virus was still in their systems, it was his responsibility to take care of it.
basically uhhhhh . traumatized little girliepop. listens solely to 90s eurodance. purple hair and pronouns.
theyre free to be interacted with at any point in their timeline, even before their employment at fazbear entertainment. i promise theyre cool as hell i just cant do them justice in a short summary
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astrumocs · 1 year
eeeee... I have so many sprite coms in the works im gonna start vibrating at speeds imperceptible to man,
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The Purple Sign. Part IV
Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader
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Description: There's The Purple Sign on your door. Part IV
Fluff. Gogol pampering.
Gogol speaks both Ukrainian and Russian.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
You were on the kitchen. You were preparing for tonight.
Earlier today you saw Kolya. He took The Purple Sign from its display in the library and was laying on one of the many couches in the living room. He was staring at it, deep in thoughts.
You signed. For the last few days, you knew, that Kolya soon will use The Purple Sign. His behavior changed, and it was your cue to start preparing.
It's not like Kolya never used The Purple Sign spontaneously. Few times you were greeted by Purple Sign on your door and with Nikolai Gogol curled on your bed.
It would be the case, if he simply had a bad day. But, Nikolai Gogol and some other of your new friends had terrible weeks.
And you need to help them feel better.
Besides, you want to cook Nikolai's favorite dish.
You glance at the oven. Piroshki was ready.
Few of them were with rice and meat. Few of them were with egg and onion. One was with jam (and, of course, jam almost run out of the pastry).
The hardest part of the preparation was over.
The dish with piroshki was covered with kitchen towel. It was standing on the laptop bed table.
You turned on the purple lights. Boil some water. Took two cups from emergency shelf and some tea.
From the drawer with Nikolai's name on it you took a pair of comfy clothes.
You made your bed as cozy as you can. At the end, it was soft, and covered in pillows and blankets.
You put your laptop on the bed table. You opened a folder with Nikolai's name.
Videos. A bunch of them. Circus performance from all over the world. Quiz games. Scary movies from all over the world. You opened the random video and paused it.
You put on your pajamas.
Now it's time to wait.
The moment you lay down on your bed, you saw a familiar golden light up above. You looked up and saw The Purple Sign was dangling above your head.
You took The Purple Sign and place the bag with comfy clothes in Nikolai's hand. You carefully pet his hand, showing, he can come in.
Hand disappeared.
You stepped outside for a moment and put The Purple Sign on your bedroom door.
You return to your room and lay down on your bed.
A few moments later, you were crashed in Nikolai's embrace.
He was laying on you. He wasn't wearing his signature attire, except of his coat. Instead of that, he was wearing clothes you gave him.
He still had his mask on. His braid looked unkept.
He tilted his head and looked you in the eyes.
Both of you were quiet.
You cupped his face. He closed his eyes, enjoying your warmth.
With two fingers, you removed his mask. His mismatched eyes looked tired.
You carefully unbraided his hair. Long locks of white hair were slightly tangled.
You remove his coat. He didn't let you stand up to put it on a chair and just threw it on the floor.
You run your fingers through Nikolai's hair.
He spoke.
"I am afraid."
You breathe in, but stay silent.
"I am afraid, that one day, I will want to prove myself that I can truly be free... Free from you, [Y/N]. Free from my dear birdy."
You still were silent.
"I am afraid, that... I am not fully human. That one day, instead of making a truly human decision, I will make the wrong decision... Because I was made to make this wrong decision."
You cupped his face again. You were looking each other in the eyes.
Kolya gulped and whispered.
"I am afraid, that I will do something, that will make you hate me. Or that one day I will hurt you."
You close your eyes and rub your nose against his.
"You won't. You are a human. A normal person, like any person you can find on the street."
You kissed his scar.
"You and I are both humans. Real humans."
You kissed his eyelids.
"Not good. Not bad. We just two people doing things."
You kissed his temple.
"We will make mistakes. We will fall. We will fly."
You kissed his forehead.
"But nothing will take our humanity or freedom in making choices. I knew, that you will never do anything that will make me hate you."
You take his hands and placed on your neck. You looked each other in the eyes.
"I trust you. I will accept your choice. You are important to me."
Nikolai Gogol was quiet. He was looking you in the eyes.
You knew, that he will never hurt you. Because you were one of 'his'. If you are truly one of 'his', it means that you are under his protection. If you're truly one of 'his', it means that you have a great friend.
Then a small smile appears on Kolya's face.
In one moment, your head was laying on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you.
"Ти просто диво, моя пташка¹" he whispered in your hair, leaving few kisses. "Настоящее сокровище, птичка моя.²"
You snuggle closer to him.
For a few minutes you lay in each other's arms.
"Up for a video marathon?" mumble you.
"Mhm" Nikolai rubbed your back.
Both of you were laying before bed table. Piroshki were eaten and tea was drank.
Nikolai was spooning you, a few locks of his long white hair felt on your face.
The video of quiz game were playing on your laptop.
Both of you were safe. Both of you were real humans.
Kolya hugged you closer.
You feel happy. And something tells you, that Nikolai feel the same happiness as you.
1. Ukrainian. "You are a miracle, my birdy."
2. Russian. "Real treasure, my birdy."
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dragooned-speaks · 8 months
Intro Post
(Please read if new or requesting ❤️)
Hi, call me Dragoon. Dragoon’s just an online name, or internetsona if you will. I am not Dragoon my OC. Just to clarify. Also, hi, I use she / her pronouns, and I’m a minor!
I am a writer and artist , and I can’t wait to see what Tumblr’s all about (Twitter’s hard and Facebook harder. Don’t even get me started on Instagram…) So, I’m here! Deal with it.
Please, request! I’m bored! Please, safe me from boredom! If I don't answer your ask in a while, it might be because I don't wish to, I want to put a lot of effort in it, or I am procrastonating / busy!
And check out @bluetrasharcade while you’re at it! They’re awesome!
Also, if you don’t like something, tell me (NOT an opening for hate, just an opening for improvement ❤️). Tell me if I missed triggers, and hopefully I’ll get word count to work. So, boundaries.
Absolutely NO NSFW, please, I’m a minor! No hate or disrespect! Honestly, pretty chill place in my opinion- just no kinks or pedophilics? I’ll update more later because I have yet to see the dark side of the internet- I think.
Always feel free to ask question! Just not personal (like address, irl name (yes, I am not called Dragoon irl), etc) and NO photos! I will stay faceless!
Please respect that! Also, ask about my OCs and expect a rant- or one or two sentences. Thank you!
General Tag Usage
#dragoon writes are my stories
#dragoon draws is my art
#dragoon speaks are rambles and rants and stuff, including new characters or developed characters
#dragoon message is my messages that are important or irl updates, generally just a message to the internet
#dragoon replies are my answered asks / requests
#dragoon reblogs are my reblogs
For when you achieved something and you want a reward. Give me ideas! Can’t wait!
Writing Boundaries
- No torture!
- No NSFW!
- Idk, no sexual stuff!
- I’m okay with a LITTLE gore!
- Off screen murder is a okay for me!
- Details like murder on screen will probably be quick and hopefully not detailed!
- Please don’t get frustrated! I might take a while. I’m sorry.
- No x Readers. Idk how to write.
- OCs are okay as long as you tell details, or expect it to be ooc or inaccurate!
- I don’t do fandoms I don’t know! Sorry, but yeah.
- Please, I’m sorry if ooc, but I’ll probably mainly make OCs…
Art Boundaries
- No torture!
- No NSFW!
- No sexual stuff!
- Only a LITTLE gore!
- I am MINOR please remember when requesting!
- My OCs are requestable! ( That’s not a word, but idc)
- Your Ocs are too, just give me details and please don’t get mad if I get the personality / face or small details wrong.
Dream SMP (I guess, I haven’t watched the streams or anything, just skimmed the wiki. And many, many clips and animations.)
Secret Life (I'm getting through the other Life Series!)
Origins SMP (I watched like ten minutes but fell in love. It’s Minecraft hybrids! (I like hybrids idk why)
Percy Jackson
Wings of Fire
My OCs! (They’re not a fandom, but still)
Color Coded
Dream SMP A New Life
Little Birdy
A Little Yokudlala
Cloud Gazer
Down Into The Empty Pit of H*ll
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qblester · 1 year
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ooc: speaking with birdy wanted to ensure everyone has seen the full ver of my main blogs icon, probably my fave piece ive ever ever commissioned. i need to get this as a print.
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baeshijima · 10 months
To: Sophie
Subject: Since everyone compares Xiao to a cat, sometimes a bird, I had a little thought
So... I was just wondering...
You know that little trick? The one where a person holds up a blanket and their cat or pup or birdie is watching and then they let go of the blanket and run into a room and it surprises the little cuties?
Yeah so, that, but! Imagine that with Xiao!
He just has a straight face, arms crossed as he watches you lower the blanket– you're there– once more, you're still there,
And then you drop the blanket, quickly slipping into another room. (You wouldn't dare let Verr Goldet tell him of how many times you asked her to watch you practice till you perfected the move, and well, neither would she speak of it because she too was curious of how Xiao would react)
Xiao just stares straight into the empty space for a second before lowering his eyes to the blanet. And then the the voice in his head screams: Where did you go?! How did you learn to teleport as he does?! Why, how does he still sense you around?!
And for you peaking carefully, you witness the adorable scene of the widened eyes of the yaksha and the imaginary cat ears ontop of his head flickering in attempt to hear you.
Then, he notices you, failing to contain your laughter, he's just so unimpressed with your stunt
(You bribe him with almond tofu and thousand times promise you wouldn't play tricks with him and then he finally forgives you)
(Also, this feels so ooc because Xiao is the vigilant yaksha, and one to not lower his guard often, but it was fun to think of! Oh, and what if you pulled this off in front of someone else? Hmm I wonder who would fall of this)
NO BC THATS SO CUTE 😭 imagine him just frantically glancing around the area trying to figure out where u disappeared off to, only to see u trying, and failing, to contain the laughter from his reaction ;w;
would probably get a little frowny and stroppy, possibly giving u a light lecture on how "you shouldn't do that. what if something actually happens to you and i won't know if it's a joke or not?" but after a little peace offering of almond tofu and cuddles he would be a-okay !! probably !!
no but if u did this in front of someone *cough* zhongli *cough* he would be having the usual stoic countenance while internally fighting a war to not scream and teleport in search of u
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badassxbirdy · 7 months
November Activity Update: Mini Edition (Pinned Post)
Hello, lovely people! It’s time once again for an activity update. If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. However, this month we’re doing an abbreviated version as October was a slooooow month for me. Otherwise I would primarily be tagging people to say “hey, it’s in my drafts!” which we already did last update. So! This one only includes OOC houskeeping.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on her (newly fixed) Wire for IC texting. Bold text = links.
Alrighty, now onto the housekeeping!
Ty’s Wire is now working again! If you didn’t get a reply, please resend your message. Or just send her a new one/start a new convo if you’d prefer.
Edited to add: I now have her discord back too! 🥳
I’ll be heading off to visit my mum in about two weeks time, and should be there until mid January. I’ll have my tablet with me to trim threads, but if you notice any formatting or image quality issues, shhhhh no you don’t.
Tumblr is being a little hit or miss with when it shows me notifications that I’ve been tagged, ditto with new posts showing in my actual tracked tag. If you tag me in something, a quick DM to let me know would be much appreciated. I don’t want to miss stuff!
I’m poking around with the pages, so expect the new relationships page to go up by the end of the month! The old one is approximately a century old, so it’s well overdue.
Updating rpthreadtracker as we speak. As soon as that’s done, I’ll edit this post with a link to it.
I intend to make more use of my ooc sideblog, @birdy-ooc, for mini updates and ooc things. Sorry not sorry for the amount of memes that will be posted there.
Currently still in the process of changing up my medication. We’re taking it slowly as I’m coming off one that is notoriously a pain in the neck for withdrawal symptoms. It’s been absolutely kicking my arse, so if I’m slow to respond to ooc messages, please do not feel ignored. I will answer when my brain is not making dialup noises. There are several appointments coming up as part of the new treatment plan for my medical mischief, so wish me luck!
That’s all for all now! Stay safe, be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to hydrate your flesh prison.
— Em ❤️
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AR: Okay but was I the only one that was like… mentally changed by movies like this???
And I don’t mean in the usual sense because ✨DISNEY.✨
I mean like, even now, years later, having never had it happen to me, I still, without fail, every time I see a random big box on the side of the road or building, always wonder if there are abandoned kittens or puppies in it.
Like no, AR. You can’t stop and check. You’re on the freeway. And you KNOW it’s empty anyway. 🤦😭💀
And Oliver and Company really made me double down (I was already of the opinion) on my “adopt don’t shop” mentality.
All of the cats that I have had a hand in picking out have been chosen from either the local animal shelter or the pound. 💜
But seriously.
I love Oliver and Company!!!!!! The found family dynamic is just!!!!! 🧑‍🍳💋👌
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angeldored · 5 months
hi sorry i wasn’t here today i made food and that took like everything out of me
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 months
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 2 years
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Welcome Callie with your accepted app for Birdie Astor! Please check out this page for more information and send us her blog within 48 hours! Welcome to the group!
Name/Alias: Callie Preferred pronoun: She/They Age: 25 Timezone/Country: GMT UK RP Experience: I genuinely can’t give an estimate I just know it’s been Years. Activity Level: 7/10 ish
Name: Elizabeth ‘Birdie’ Matilda Astor Designation: submissive Age: 25 Birthdate (click here for list): June 13th Faceclaim: Hayley Williams Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: Age-play, pain play, praise, orgasm control, sensory deprivation Anti-Kinks: Vore, gore, bathroom play, feet
Key Points:
Tries to find the good in everyone and everything - even when it’s difficult
Deceptively intelligent - plays several instruments and speaks three languages
Has been trying to stop biting her nails for years
Appears naive and gullible
Diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 16
From an early age it had been Elizabeth’s mother's goal to shape her daughter into what she considered to be the perfect submissive. Long before receiving her mark was even thought of her mother had planned all sorts of lessons. At the age of seven Elizabeth was taught some basic stitches for sewing and how to properly present herself in public.
The lessons continued for years afterwards, and some of what she learned she knew would be useful but there was part of her that didn’t want to be another baby making submissive, but Elizabeth could never bring herself to say anything.
At the age of ten it was her father that decided his precious little girl needed to learn how to protect herself in the big wide world. He took it upon himself to teach her what he knew about self defense, it was safe to say that those lessons were much more enjoyable, even if her mother scolded her for tripping and ruining some clothes or getting a bruise she didn’t really mind.
Those lessons continued too, alongside her mother’s, and although she enjoyed them both neither were anything like what she wanted to do.
Elizabeth was fourteen when her grandma noticed it one day. They were watching television together, a channel that she’d let her granddaughter pick, and to say that it was unexpected was an understatement. She’d chosen to watch a medical programme, not a fictional one, but one that watched as real doctors and nurses attended to real patients. Elizabeth watched her grandma closely to see how she would react to that but when she saw nothing but genuine smiles she relaxed.
It was her grandma that she told first, that she wanted to be a doctor one day and help people, and her grandpa not too long after that. They both loved the idea. A couple of Elizabeth’s aunts had worked as nurses before but it was unheard of for a woman in the Astor family to become a doctor.
She kept it a secret from her parents for the time being. She couldn’t stand the thought of them being angry or disappointed with her for wanting something different. The things they wanted her to learn were useful too so Elizabeth didn’t really see the point in potentially starting an argument with them.
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?
 Honestly, it didn’t come as much of a surprise, and I’m pretty okay with it. My daddy always said I was like whiskey in a tea cup and he never knew what mark I’d get ‘til I got it.
 How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?
I mean, they’re not exactly…the same. I had a great time growing up and I was more than happy to play the part of the perfect daughter in public but I don’t see everything as black and white as they do.
 Where do you see yourself after you graduate?
 I’d love to go travelling, see the whole world, absorb as much of it as I can. Maybe I’ll get my masters, maybe I’ll have kids, who’s to say?
 How do you feel about authority?
There’s a time and a place, for sure, but I don’t think it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
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sunsethillshq · 2 years
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 welcome  home  tyler  ,  we’re  so  excited  to  have  you  here  at  sunset  hills  !  before  we  give  you  the  keys  to  your  new  place  ,  make  sure  you  go  over  this  checklist  to  make  sure  everything’s  all  squared  away  —  we’ll  give  you 24  hours  to  come  by  the  leasing  office  ,  please  let  us  know  if  you you  need  anything  at  all  !
.ೃ࿐  (  vinnie  hacker  ,  cismale  ,  he/him   )   a  little  birdy  told  me  tyler  matthews  just  moved  to  sunset  hills  .  have  you  met  them  yet  ? they  look  somewhere  around  twenty  two ,   if  i  had  to  guess  !  pretty  sure  i  heard  them  driving  down  the  street  playing  know  my  rights  by  6lack  &  lil  baby  ,  they  sounded  a  little  pitchy  but  they  had  the  spirit  !  must  be  their  favorite  or  something  .  hey  …  it  looks  like  they  just  moved  into  aurora  lane   .  have  you  heard  about  what  they  do  for  a  living  ?  someone  told  me  they’re  a  electrical  engineering  major  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s  even  true  .  guess  we’re  just  gonna  have  to  wait  and  see  .  nervous  ? maybe  you  should  be  .  sunset  speaks  just  posted  about  them  …  apparently  they're  resident  id  25  ?  between  you  and  me  ,  i  think  that  might  spark  some  things  in  the  community  …  but  what  do  i  know  !  you  guys  might  get  along  just  fine  !  (  ooc  mads  ,  she/her  ,  twenty3  ,  est  .  )
tyler  and  his  parents  have  never  had  a  great  relationship  .  to  be  completely  honest  ,  his  parents  don’t  like  him  very  much  .  his  father  gave  up  on  him  somewhere  in  his  early  teens  ,  sure  that  if  he  threw  enough  money  at  his  son  he’d  keep  a  good  distance  between  them  .  while  his  mother  blamed  him  for  “  ruining  her  body  “  .  truth  be  told  his  parents  were  two  people  who  were  never  meant  to  have  a  child  and  firmly  believe  that  the  monetary  gifts  they  throw  his  way  are  enough  to  show  their  love  .
he’s  incredibly  misunderstood  .  suffering  from  resting  asshole  face  and  a  severe  case  of  foot  in  mouth  syndrome  ,  he  can  easily  be  mistaken  for  your  typical  well  off  asshole  but  anyone  who  knows  him  knows  he  is  one  of  the  nicest  guys  you  could  ever  come  across  .  his  door  is  always  open  and  his  overpriced  tee  shirt  is  always  there  to  soak  up  your  tears  . 
a  low  raspy  voice  laced  in  a  posh  british  accent  .  tyler  moved  to  the  states  when  he  was  eighteen  after  being  accepted  into  sunset  hill  university  .  his  parents  put  him  up  in  a  nice  apartment  in  the  town  until  they  knew  for  sure  that  he’d  actually  take  college  seriously  .  it  was  last  year  that  he  moved  into  a  house  in  aurora   lane  that  they  bought  for  him  .  as  someone  who  enjoys  his  time  alone  ,  he  likes  having  the  house  entirely  to  himself  but  some  days  the  loneliness  of  it  all  sets  in  and  he  goes  a  bit  stir  crazy  until  he  breaks  and  throws  a  rager  .  often  ending  with  neighbors  complaining  and  one  of  his  parents  having  to  fly  in  from  london  to  reprimand  him  –  the  only  time  they  ever  really  come  to  visit  him  .
extras :
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4HDrxCRNTZdmPOXxR5CnOn  !
murphy  zabala's  hockey  teammate  ! 
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a-hazbin-spider · 2 years
You, your angel dust and your art is stupid fantastic and just fucking great. Please remember that and take care of yourself 💕 you're very important and a cool human being
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Okay?? Firstly thank you. Secondly which one of you was it that’s really sweet and not gonna lie, Mun has been getting ran through massive wringers over here. It made my lil heart swell!
I’m glad you like it here! And that you enjoy all the antics! I’ll continue to do my best, mate!
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reflectingchaos · 4 years
if you think you won’t find Prompto hanging out with Sam’s chocobos during any and all free time then you’re wrong.
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