#{/started beginning to plot out apocalypse so i was like 'oh~'}
ezra-editss · 2 months
Just watched X-men Apocalypse. What the hell.
Okay, so I kinda have a take on all this and idk if that's just how it feels to me, but that's what I wanna know. (I don't think this actually happened, but it's the vibes it is all giving)
So it started when I told my mom about First Class (keep reading I'm gonna get to apocalypse eventually) and we came to the conclusion that it feels like they wrote the script, looked at it again and thought:
"Hmm, this seems pretty gay.. Erik and Charles both have no female love interests and they have those lines that seem pretty romantic. Also, Erik seems almost obsessed with Charles at the end with how overprotective he is. Let's fix that!"
And then they gave both of them a kiss with a woman they weren't interested in and added the line "We're brothers, you and I" and then were proud of how well they "saved" it.
And then they made Days of Future Past and didn't even think of it, but when it came out they saw how people were shipping it and then they were like "oh shitt"
And in the first hour of the movie, I thought they were just doing all of this stuff to "erase" any potential gayness people thought there was and wanted to make sure nobody got the wrong idea about the recent movies. But it was more the reminder they like women, before the EXTREME GAYNESS in the second half.
(This is getting so much more unserious than initially intended💀)
Anyways, Apocalypse.
Either I missed something or Erik settling down and HIDING makes NO SENSE. In the last timeline it was 100% clear that he'd never stop believing in what he did, he would never stop fighting his war. So yes, this is a different timeline, but there is no reason given why he suddenly decides to try Charles way. He failed in Days of Future Past and Charles let him go, but there is no way that's enough. And they played this off like that isn't the thing they both wanted since forever and never seemed possible. Being on the same side. Erik switching to Charles side is insane, why wouldn't he talk to Charles in all those years then?
I can't believe they threw away everything that IS Erik, just so he had a reason to be angry enough to join the guy.
(They also died in such a weird/lame way)
And Charles and I still don't really know her name😭.. I have to admit the scenes where Charles was nervous were cute, but that's just because Charles is adorable. But in First Class she was obviously only there for the plot, in Days of Future Past, she wasn't even mentioned and in Apocalypse, she was, again, only there for the plot. She literally doesn't say anything the entire movie after the beginning. She has like two lines. And in the end fight, she's just standing there. And then Charles makes her remember and the flashbacks are soo bad, BC THEY HAD NO MOMENTS. (Especially bc you can compare it to Erik's flashbacks, we're gonna get to that)
(I don't think I have to say it, but to be sure. I have absolutely nothing against straight couples. I don't care if it's gay or not. But if one of them were a woman, I wouldn't be writing this. I just hate how often they prefer to write a heterosexual couple that has no chemistry at all instead of making the two guys/girls kiss.)
Let's talk about the ending. Sometimes when I talk about this stuff I'm a little worried that I interpret things wrong bc I want it to be like that and I'm not being objective anymore, but I was proven right so many times in this. When Mystique and Erik kissed in First Class, it felt really weird to me because Erik obviously had no interest in her. (I suppose it was to show her she's beautiful) And that was pretty much proven right when she talks to him and he barely reacts to what she's saying. I also thought that he probably didn't know Charles was dying, bc he wouldn't let that happen. Then Mystique says "Charles" and suddenly he does show a reaction and when she's gone, he has those god damn flashbacks. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T A ROMANTIC PLOT?😭 and then the specific one of Charles turning away and leaving him. (Could be a metaphor for Charles giving up on him) THAT'S WHAT GOT HIM.
And they make it even more clear when Mystique is dying and Erik doesn't react, but when Charles is dying, is when he steps in.
Ending was cute, but damnn the "you can make me do anything" was crazy.
(This turned out soo long, I've never been so obsessed with something.)
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 14!!!
Happy Birthday to regular reader and commenter @ritz-writes !! :D
Here's the sculpture mentioned in the fic: https://noma.org/collection/history-of-the-conquest/
You'll notice that the poll at the bottom isn't anything suuuuper important. There's just some plot things that I want to get running in the next section, so I'm gonna be writing it up and posting it tomorrow. But I promise you that it's still an important choice to make (also idk what to pick so that means you all get to pick lol ).
Okay! Here we go! Back to New Orleans with The Anti-Apocalypse Crew!
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Now that you all were in the city, it only took Anathema the next morning to hone in on her signal. To Aziraphale's delight, it led you all to the sculpture garden at the New Orleans Museum of Art. To your delight, it led more specifically to a sculpture of a person riding a snail (to victory no doubt).
"I think this might be my favourite statue ever," You say aloud (because this author is assuming you would agree with her opinion). There is a person you don’t know standing in front of the statue. He gives a dissatisfied huff.
"It's called 'History of the Conquest,'" he tells you, despite not being asked, "The ever-slow and over-confident march of the entitled towards a future where they're in charge. Everyone else suffers while they promise glory and prosperity."
Your jaw drops open. This person looks like a 'surfer dude,' but is talking like someone who's spent most of their life in a cubicle changing 1s to 0s for 8 straight hours a day.
"WOW! That is BLEAK," is what finally comes out of your mouth. "Proper ray of sunshine, you are."
Okay, that sounded really British. You briefly wonder about the effect of spending so much time around Crowley and Aziraphale before Surfer Dude starts to laugh.
"I've seen a few things, human. Been 'round longer than you've been alive, will be long after you die. You're no more than a moth in my eyes."
"Wow," You can't help but repeat yourself, "Again, bleak." Also rude, but priorities.
"It is what it is," Surfer Dude replies. You shake your head and turn to Aziraphale and Crowley.
"You're up," You concede. You have no idea who this is, but he called you "human," and compared you to a moth. Whoever this person is, they’re probably the one Anathema’s had you looking for. He doesn’t look like Jesus, but maybe he will know where Jesus is. Either way, Anathema doesn’t get things wrong. If her work brought you to this person, then he’s the person you need to talk to.
That being said, whoever this is, he's the Ineffable Husbands' department and not yours. Sometimes you just gotta tap out and let the celestials handle their own kind. Now, this doesn't mean that you're not going to sit back and watch. Oh no, you want to see how this plays out.
"Can I have some popcorn?" You stage-whisper to Crowley as you pass him.
"Piss off," Crowley stage-whispers back. Despite his complaint, you notice a tiny Michael-Sheen smile on Aziraphale's face, and you return to Anathema, who looks surprised and is holding two small cartons of popcorn. You gratefully take one and have a seat on a convenient bench that is located conveniently within earshot. This is gonna be good.
"Hello," Aziraphale begins as he approaches, "I'm Aziraphale."
"Right," Surfer Dude says with a roll of his eyes, "The Angel of the Eastern Gate. I'm so honoured."
"Here I thought manners were important to angels," Crowley replies, sidling up next to Aziraphale. Surfer-Dude-Who-Is-Apparently-An-Angel takes in Crowley and raises an eyebrow.
"And here I thought demons didn't make a habit of hanging off angels' arms," Surfer Dude scoffs in in return.
Crowley snarls.
"Yes, well, each of us seems to be an anomaly in our own right," Aziraphale says with an appeasing smile, "This is Crowley. Might we have the pleasure of knowing your name?"
"Ah, right. Well, that is to your own discretion I suppose."
"Rude is what it is," sneers Crowley.
"Regardless, we've come to this garden with the guidance of our friend here, hoping to find, well, Jesus as it happens."
Surfer-Dude-Angel-Person throws his head back and laughs outright.
"You're looking for who now? JESUS? HA! Bit of soul-searching for you, is it? Spiritual journey? Pilgrimage to the Holy Land? You're in the wrong place for that!" He keeps laughing.
I mean, you get the laughter. It definitely sounds weird to a third party. Crazy even. But if this guy is an angel, then shouldn't it sound perfectly reasonable?
"Oi," Crowley interrupts, clearly impatient, "We're trying to save the world here. And since angels don't normally take holiday time, I'd think helping us might be in your best interest."
"You think you can stop the Second Coming? Ha! There isn't another technicality that you can throw around this time. This one's it. Enjoy the giant snail statues while they last, because it won't be for much longer."
"You know an awful lot," You call from the bench, "And you like to talk. So just get to the part about Jesus so we can leave you to be miserable on your own." You popcorn is already almost finished, and you frown into your carton. If only you could do miracles. You'd refill it yourself.
Surfer-Dude-Angel-Person laughs again.
"Yeah, okay, I like this one," he says, nudging a thumb in your direction. He turns away from Crowley and Aziraphale and strides towards you. Suddenly your popcorn carton is full again, so you look up. Okay, maybe he's not so bad. He reaches out a hand to you.
"Call me Sardis, Little Moth."
After a moment of hesitation, you shake his hand. He turns back to Crowley and Aziraphale.
"I can see why you've adopted this one," he says, then turns his attention to Anathema, paying no mind to the garbled protests coming from Crowley. "And since we're doing introductions...?"
"Anathema Device," says Anathema with a nod. She would probably shake his hand, but between her equipment and her popcorn, her hands are full.
"Lovely to meet you, Miss Anathema," Sardis nods at her before finally looking back at Aziraphale and Crowley. "You won't find Jesus here. But meet me for drinks later and I'll tell you what you need to know to find him."
"You're unnecessarily cryptic, Sardis," You say with a raised eyebrow and a mouth full of popcorn. He laughs again.
"Well, Little Moth," his eyes have a sparkle in them now as he looks at you, "Gotta keep myself entertained somehow."
Sardis insists on giving you all a tour of the sculpture garden, but refuses to say anything more about Jesus, or how he knows about Armageddon, or why he isn't in Heaven, or anything else that you actually WANT to talk about. He insists that such talk isn't for a quiet garden full of art. It isn't until he lays a cryptic finger beside his nose and winks at you that something clicks in your memory.
Remember, back before JK Rowling turned out to be an awful person, back when everyone read Harry Potter? EVERYONE, RIGHT?? Perhaps, dear Reader, you remember the chapter in book 5 where Hermione calls a meeting at The Hog's Head because it’s less crowded. Hermione figures the sparse crowd means that there are fewer people to see them together. Perhaps you also remember when, later in the book, this action comes back to bite them, and they are told very sternly that they should have met at the Three Broomsticks precisely BECAUSE it was busier. A busy pub meant they would have been less likely to be overheard.
Suddenly you look around the garden and notice the sparse, but very much there, collection of people. Just the right number of people that could listen to your conversation if they wanted to without you being any the wiser. Oh.
Maybe the cryptic is a little bit necessary after all. He’s still overdoing it in your opinion, but whatever floats his goat.
You part ways after his tour, agreeing to meet at a local bar at 9pm. There’s enough time to go back to the hotel, freshen up, and get something to eat before you make your way there.
“Well,” Aziraphale says back at the hotel, “This Sardis certainly is a character.”
“I know the name from somewhere,” You trail off in thought. Where have you heard it before? Sardis…Tardis…Sardine….You’re not sure, but it rings a bell.
Anathema is already flipping through notebooks. Aziraphale has picked up his copy of the Bible, and Crowley is on his phone. You figure everyone else has it covered, and sure enough, it’s Crowley who finds it first. Google, no doubt.
“Ha! Found the sod! He’s in Revelation.”
“Oh!” You practically jump as recognition finally hits. “He’s one of the seven angels! The ones we didn’t think were here!”
“You didn’t think any of them were here?” Anathema asks, “Did you even check, or did you just assume?”
“Well Muriel said…” You go quiet, before clearing your throat and trying again. “We didn’t look into it far at all, no.”
“So exactly what work did you do before you called me?”
“Umm…….” You say.
“Nnngggh” Crowley adds.
“A great deal less than we thought at the time, apparently,” Aziraphale finally admits with a sigh.
“You are all really bad at saving the world.” Anathema shakes her head.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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depressed-simp-writes · 8 months
Amy x gn!reader headcanons
Being in a relationship with Amy would include.
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its mostly story bullet points tbh and not a lot of headcanons. theyre in there it just mostly reads like a bullet point plot plan for a story. i had a lot of ideas.
warnings: nsfw towards the end, angst in the middle and fluff at the beginning.
actual headcanons
calls you baby
tells you everything
youre the only person she can be vulnerable with
kisses you often
pep talks you whenever you're nervous
love language is words of affirmation
wears matching bracelets with you like she wears a matching necklace with her twin
if you wanted to train with her, she'd be so excited, just as long as you could keep up
she'd never force you or keep bringing it up if you said no once.
if you meet pre apocalypse
you met while she was on a run in the park, she stopped to compliment you
you 2 struck up a conversation that ended with exchanged numbers and a date.
you went to her races, she went to everything important to you
your friends said you 2 were sickeningly perfect together
living together in a smallish apartment. between your job and her winnings you 2 live pretty comfortably in long beach.
when the apocalypse happened, you had been out of town bc she asked you to get a hotel room early for the tryouts, she wanted to train more and didnt want to scramble.
the last you heard from her she was going to an evac location then service was cut and you hadn't heard from her since.
you heard about camps being set up for evacuees so you went to the one that her flight was supposed to be going to.
it never came, you heard planes and buses compromised by the infection never made it out.
months went by with no word, slowly excepting the fact she might be gone if she even made it to a shot down plane.
then Emma Jaunt landed in a helicopter in Seattle, far away from Hell-A
reporters swarmed her and sam B with questions about the apocalypse, like how she survived.
she talked about a plane crash, the undead, all kinds of things, tgen she started talking about immune survivors. you couldn't believe it, immune.
you had to tear your eyes away to stop thinking about her until you heard your name. Emma had a message for you from Amy. SHE WAS ALIVE AND IMMUNE. you almost passed out.
"she loves you, and misses you, she will come for you once she handles things in LA"
you cried from everything, every emotion was to the surface.
you'd wait for her knowkmg Amy, once her mind was set, there was no stopping her.
during the same time Amy never stopped thinking about you, the thought of you helping her in some of tge worst moments in Hell-A, not the Paralympics, you. yeah thats what she told everyone so she wouldn't have to focus too much on you.
shes just glad youre safe out of this mess
she'll come to you once Tisha is safe.
angst over
if you met during the apocalypse
you met in the Halperin Hotel, the only survivor trapped in a hotel room after the evac point got overrun.
you had no where to go, you knew that major was alive but she was taunting something. you didnt want to find out what by trying to get to her room.
for the last few hours since the evac point was overrun you sat and listened to her incessant yelling and the loud thumping and roaring that followed.
everytime it passed your door you thought you were next. everytime you heard the growls outside the door you feared they'd break down the door.
luckily they couldn't smell you through the door having been covered in undead blood
then outside your door you heard running, and thuds of bodies dropping, and what sounded like metal on skulls
you got closer to the door and heard a voice " you got this Ames" from what you could tell there was only one person so....nevermind
you called out "hello?"
the person responded "oh hey, where are you?"
in here you banged on your door "is it safe to come out? are they gone?" you asked
"yeah i cleaned out the hall" you heard her voice right outside the door. you pried the door open and came face to face with to a very beautiful woman with to buns in her hair.
you blinked trying to find your words for a second "h-hi, thank you"
"its no problem im on my way to that majors room, any chance you know how to get to the third floor?" she asked "oh im Amy by the way"
"y/n, theres an elevator down the hall but its busted, id suggest the stairs but I think those collapsed"
"thanks, hey listen let me finish doing what i have to do then we can leave together to Emma Jaunts place, theres other survivors there" she said before telling you to go wait for her by the front desk as she's cleared out most of the hotel besides the 3rd floor (ignore the fact zombies respawn for this story)
you do, it doesnt take long for the major to die, hearing it was chilling.
shortly after you hear thudding coming from the elevator. you braced youself but relaxed upon seeing Amy
"one more thing then we can go" she said running to the ballroom
you got closer to the open door feeling nervous
shes immune and you cant help but stare more. then you heard stomping. then a roar. then you saw it.
you looked in horror as this roided out zombie went at Amy, but looked in awe as she fought back.
you had to do something.
other zombies started shuffling in and she was too focused on the bride.
you grabbed the scaffolding pole and started taking out the walkers and shamblers as they appeared.
finally they stopped and the crusher was down.
"thanks for the help, are you ok" amy asked. you nodded watching as she smiled before running to the radio to finish her conversation.
wow, immune to all this. you thought.
soon you were both on your way and you asked her about her immunity and she answered. soon you were both in Emmas house.
it didnt take long for you 2 to fall in love
you didnt want her to go out alone following her even tho she wanted you to stay behind but she couldnt deny you were helpful.
she confessed first after you 2 kill a slobber
most of the time you travel she finds somewhere safe and tells you to stay put
you do for the time being until it feels like hours and go look for her
she gets mad at first but then thankful as you were trying to help and were actually helpful.
she actually grew to love slaying with you
she tells you about lola after their first encounter which you had stayed behind in Emma's place for, she had a bad feeling about taking you with her
once its safe(ish) she gets you and brings you to blue crab then to the sterling where she then tells you to stay as she tries to solve what happened to noah telling you everything when she returns
you follow her all the way to Hollywood boulevard where she has you stay with them while she finishes this
she had to do it alone she insists
she wanted you to leave with Emma and Sam B
if you go she promises to find you, kissing you deeply before watching you leave
if you stay much to her dismay shes actually super ecstatic but it takes her longer to kiss you for the first time.
she promises to get you both out
she loves hanging out with you in one of the many safe houses you 2 made together and filled with survivors you 2 found around Hell-A
after Patton leaves you 2 end up taking his space
you listen to her more often about staying behind after you both watched Amanda turn and she fears you'll be next no matter how careful or capable you are.
she loves to chill watching movies with you when you both need to rest
shows you the zombie guts she finds
it hurts to stay beind but she always comes back.
when the time comes she gives herself her little pep talk and kisses you, after coming back from a particularly rough outing.
your first kiss with her is electric
"i should've done this sooner" she breathes out
she doesnt care what position she takes she just wants to touch you
makes it competitive
"whoever makes the other cum more wins"
then she overstimulates you
has a lot of stamina so you better keep up
if you need a break thats fine
doesn't really have much kinks but loves praise
praising, being praised it doesn't matter she just loves it in that setting
loves it when you worship her abs. lick em, kiss em, mark em, ride em she loves it all
an: took me awhile to write but was suddenly struck with inspiration hence why its a lot and a mess and full of plot points instead of actual headcanons lol doing Dani next
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percheduphere · 10 months
Something I'm curious on (And definitely not having fanfic writing problems *cough*) is how Mobius would react to people talking badly about or reacting badly to Loki when they have reason to. Like the Hawkeye duo or Coulson or Fury. Loki, I imagine, would probably be neutral towards or just accept their hatred/anger and move on. But how would Mobius react to it? He has been shown to try to defend Loki to others, but he also recognizes the fact that Loki was a dick. Your opinion?
From one fanfic writer (*cough* currently on hiatus *cough**cough*) to another, I'm so honored to be the recipient of this question!
If we're talking about how Mobius would respond internally, I don't think he would be offended. Maybe a bit tired of hearing the same response over and over again, but his patience is his second greatest strength after empathy. I think he would only get truly pissed (which we know is scary to bear witness to) if Loki has proven himself trustworthy in front of everyone repeatedly and he is still treated like crap. Oh, man ... now that you got me started on this, I think an angry Mobius, defensive on Loki's behalf, would dig REALLY deep into the person's insecurities and biggest flaws, slowly pull it out like disembowelment, and force feed it back to the person as poisonous truth and expose their hypocrisy. Mobius has the capacity to do that, but the threshold to get there is pretty high. Loki would need to be visibly distraught.
If we're talking about how Mobius would respond verbally, on first meeting, we should remember Mobius is an Analyst. He chooses how to act and what to say based on what he knows about the individual he is talking to and the current emotional state they're in. I don't think he would have a one-size fits all response. I think he would use the angle of highest benefit and interest of the person negatively affected by Loki's presence, then drill down into his Loki's value in increments.
He does this with Ravonna first by arguing Loki would be a useful tool to the TVA, then proving his argument is sound by explaining Loki's apocalypse theory is correct, and Loki should therefore be brought out into the field. Mobius feeds two birds with one hand in doing this: he gives Ravonna what he wants and he gives Loki an environment in which he can be himself and thrive. His selfish desires are rewarded for his efforts as well: he gets to spend time with Loki.
This is highly utilitarian, I know, but it's smart. Mobius knows what most people think about Loki. They don't care about him as a person, only his potential usefulness. Trying to make a humanitarian case is not going to work, at least not in the beginning. He knows it's more effective to go through the motions of proving, with a benefit to the affected person as a bargaining chip for Loki's immediate safety.
I am convinced that if Loki hadn't chased after Sylvie (and let's be honest, in the long run it was a VERY good thing for everyone involved that he did), Mobius would have presented the case to Ravonna that they shouldn't prune Loki once Sylvie is captured. He would argue: He's reformed. He's a good person. He's my friend. The humanitarian argument would then come out alongside the utilitarian argument to move the listener closer to compassion for Loki while also giving them a tangible benefit outside Loki's personhood. Eventually, Mobius would be able to drop the utilitarian aspect. Mobius is very cunning in this way and has the patience to play the long game for the big picture.
If time is an issue because of high stakes, then I would say that Mobius and Loki would mutually agree to have Loki restrained while Mobius performs a mini TVA infodump, which may include a crucial event about the timeline that is nearing actuation and how to best respond to it. The proving of his claim will verify the TVA infodump as truthful and his claim that Loki is good likely.
Now, if the issue is not immediate plot conflict but immediate emotional conflict, I think Mobius would be more subtle in how he gets people to pause before listening to him. No one can touch Loki without being harmed, at least that's the wisdom people have with pre-TVA Loki. Mobius might touch Loki's elbow, his shoulder, his back--points of contact that are casually intimate and normal for him and Loki, but shocking to anyone not-in-the-know given who is being touched. In that moment of shock, Mobius might say, with a sigh, "Y'know, we've heard this all before. We're not gonna argue with you. We get it. But do you really want to waste time going through three hours of backstory, or do you want to focus on figuring out how to deal with the bigger problem right now? Because I'll be honest with you: you dont have a lot of time. We've seen it."
The follow up to any of these initial responses would likely be a private moment between the character and Mobius, with Mobius hinting at or outright sharing the true nature of their relationship, and why he's stuck by Loki's side so long.
I hope this helpful, anon! Thank you for your question!
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thefamilycryptid · 2 months
Spoilers ahead
This is going to be really rambly. It it is definitely not all of my thoughts on this season. I did have parts I liked about this season and I admit I sort of liked the ending of the season but I didn’t like the season as a whole and I like complaining so sorry this is long
First is was fat jokes at Diego, which was weird af, especially when he took of his shirt and showed he was RIPPED THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME LIKE NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY CHUBBY BRO WAS SUPERHERO JACKED???
I actually didn’t notice that it was Sparrow!Ben who got sent back with them at first, I was hoping and praying for my good ghost boy. I just kinda hates Ben’s whole character in this
Then it was constantly playing baby shark and NOONE DECIDES TO JUST SMASH THE RADIO??? Like if had played for just the first sequence then someone smashed the radio it would’ve been a bit funny but it took over a whole episode and I HATED IT
CGI vomit???? Constantly????? Also do the blood and guts look plastic to anyone else? Like practical gore usually looks pretty good why doesn’t just feel funky this season?
I liked the Jennifer plot line originally, but I feel like it just became a weird way to shoehorn Ben and Jen into a relationship.
You’re telling me that RAY CHESTNUT becomes a DEADBEAT DAD??? He was genuinely the sweetest guy season 2 and now we’re expected to believe he would just leave his wife and kid (I’m assuming Claire is his Bio kid in this, but even if he’s just her father legally it’s absolutely wack that he would just leave her and Allison).
The Klaus plot line was actually so upsetting this season. Like he screws around in every season but it’s usually tied back to the main plot somehow. But this time it literally just felt like “haha the gay addict relapses after YEARS of working so hard to remain sober”. They wrote it like it was some punchline, like we were meant to laugh about him being “haha funny comedic relief of Klaus never being able to have a happy life” and it didn’t even have any plot relevance?
And then the big one Five and Lila
I genuinely cannot express how disgusted I was with this plot line. The moment I started episode 5 I kept a literal chant of “oh god please no ” BEGGING that it was a fake setup.
But no they actually did that. They made Lila and Five have a weirdass emotional love affair while suspended in the bullshit time traveling train. I’m gonna break down specific thoughts I have about this incident just bc there is so much I have to say
1. The age gap of the characters. Lila is 35 (ish? Her time traveling is a lot less than five so we can assume she is roughly still 35) and Five is in his 60s mentally while being in the body of a 19yo (him being 13-14 in season 3 and the 6 year agegap). I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain the mental/maturity agegap between a 35yo and a 60yo.
2. There’s also the huge glaring problem of the actors ages. The fact that the writers waited until Aidan was FRESHLY legal to write him into a relationship with an actress 15 years older than him is actually disgusting. Especially considering Ritu knew Aidan since season 2 when he was 16 years old and she was in her 30s.
3. It completely ruins fives character as someone who spent several decades trying to figure out how to save his whole family, into a homewreaker who was completely ready to let his family deal with the apocalypse while he had a cushy old time in a cottage core life with his brothers wife. Five killed thousands of people for the chance to go home to his siblings and I’m just expected to believe that he would throw that away for his sister-in-law???
4. Lila is a kickass independent woman in seasons 2, 3, and in the beginning of season 4. She’s practically a single mother bc Diego’s head is up his ass, shes juggling taking care of 3 kids, having her extended family live with her, AND trying to feel normal again by playing spy in her free time. Yet after episode 5 she is reduced to a “woe is me I’m stuck between two brothers, one I’m married to and have 3 kids with, and the other I just think gets me so well even though he lied to me”. She is slightly redeemed after they get out of the train stop and returns to Diego but it was still gross that it happened in the first place and there are still weird aftershocks
Ok end of Lila and Five rant back to the other stuff
Loved Victor so much in this season btw, the only normal Hargreaves at this point. Wish we could’ve heard more about how he is apparently charming the pants off of every woman he meets, if he and Lila got together behind Diego’s back I don’t think I would’ve even been mad he simply is THAT BITCH and we love him for it.
The five Deli was actually kind of funny to me tbh. I just wish it had gone way differently, like yes definitely like all the Fives that gave up but I wish our five had solved the problem just to spite them all. Because that’s the POINT of Five’s character that he refuses to just give up on problems, even if he has to ham-fist his way through everything until he has the solution and this season just ruins that in him. Where is stubborn till the end Five?? Dead and season 4 killed him 😔
And then there was the ending.
I don’t like it for a bunch of reasons. But the main one was how sloppy it felt. Also a bunch of inconsistencies which I will once again breakdown
1. I didn’t like the whole “we must end our existence to save the timeline” solution. I feel like it’s just massively overdone and lazy writing. I honestly would’ve preferred never getting season 4 over this ending
2. Lila, Diego, and Allison being so worried about their kids being ok without them is such a weird point. Like if you cease to ever exist then your kids won’t have ever been born I think that’s the whole point of not existing???
3. This isn’t a complaint but the scene where Bennifer absorbs everyone else looks really weird to me idk why
I admit it was pretty cute to see all the characters from previous seasons appear again, I love the Swedes by baby girls.
But how the hell are the children alive when their parents ceased to exist?? Like genuinely how the hell does that work ??
I almost wished we could’ve gotten to see all the scenes from the mothers when they WOULDVE given birth but instead we get to see what happens without Marigold. It would’ve been a nice wrap up if we got to see the scene with Victors mom again but it’s just her swimming with the boy she’s hitting on. I feel like it would’ve been a slightly more satisfying ending that I could’ve forgiven the “erase ourselves for the good of everyone” ending.
I have more opinions so ask me abt them if you want but I promise this post would be a novels length if I said it all so I just wrote the big stuff here lol
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liquidstar · 1 year
Ok so, I have only ever watched one episode of Adventure Time, and it was on a hotel room TV, in terrible hindi dub, and I barely remember it on account of being 10(?) but it horrified me.
I remember the MCs trying to get Ice King a girlfriend or something, but he keeps being a gross asshole so they take him to a lake and point at some swans to try and explain love to him. They point to two swans kissing like ':D' and he's like 'ewww' and then the male swan suCKS IN AND EATS THE FEMALE and IK's like ':)))' while the boys stare in horror.
IDR how the episode ended or how much I watched, but I remember thinking 'wow american cartoons are hardcore. I'm sticking to pirated pokemon from now on.'
And you are telling me that show had lesbians in it leter????
oh my god im so sorry but imagining you watching that swan scene as a 10 year old is so fucking funny, i can understand why you stuck with pirated pokemon LOL
adventure time is absolutely very fucked up in a lot of different ways. the early seasons leaned into that type of absurd shit you just described a lot more especially. while the later ones actually started getting more existential and building on the worlds lore.
there wasnt exactly a focused plot, per say. i mean, there was, but it wasnt something methodical and planned out, it was played by ear. and i think it really worked. the way they did it turned out a really cool magic system (based on the idea that reality is just collective perception, and magic users are aware of this and can manipulate perception ergo reality. but the more cosmic knowledge you have the more insane or depressed you become etc especially if youre mortal), and also cool world building (it takes place in a post apocalypse after a nuclear war, now far into the future the face of the earth has completely changed but the horrors unleashed still impact it today), and also a lot of really amazing themes (the world is always changing and nothing is ever permanent, but no matter how things change things also stay the same, in a different way. especially where bonds and love are concerned. everything stays.)
and YEAH there are lesbians (i mean i always hc marcy as bi but still). and they also come from the shows improvisational nature. theres a lot of genuinely really amazing relationships and plotpoints born out of that to me. like, as the show starts to get a lot more thematically dense later on it can seem like a weird shift. some ppl say it got pretentious over time bc its not as goofy (its still pretty goofy lol), but i think it worked... like... perfectly.
because its a coming of age story where the main character actually ages, it actually feels so right that the world around him begins to seem different too. it makes sense that when he was 12 we were doing stupid goofy adventures, when he was 15 we were watching him deal with a lot of really fucked up trauma, and when he was 17 we watched him learn to grow as a person who thinks beyond simple terms of good and evil.
i know im tottaaallly rambling at this point but theres really an insane amount to talk about with adventure time. the timeline alone is ridiculous. but mostly i think my passion comes down to the fact that i was also growing up with the story, always around the same age as the mc going through similar stuff... even now, the story is focusing on a depressed 20-something trying to find whimsy in her life again. and technically the last episode timeline-wise is about accepting death lol
so like idk how exactly id recommend it to a new viewer, its really possible that a lot of ppl wont be able to really tolerate the early seasons as adults (i mean, i think theyre charming, but i have nostalgia goggles lol). that being said i think that its a series totally worth a shot for everyone... eventually. if it sounds interesting you just gotta accept the goofiness at first and trust that youre in for something wild in a totally different way later on. and totally unique and cool and special in a way nothing else has really been able to capture for me since.
TL;DR: no yeah the show was incredibly fucked up and that swan did eat that other swan. but it does have themes and also lesbians.
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shizucheese · 4 months
Hey y'all, new chapter of A Lovely Pair of Eyes is finally out! Sorry it took so long, I ended up being a big of a perfectionist with it and it gave me some troubles. But it's here now so read on! :D You can find the new chapter on AO3 here: Chapter 1
If you're new to the story and want to start from the beginning, you can check it out here: Prolog
Fic description: John and Martin survived the events of Mag 200 and ended up Somewhere Else, but now Martin has become an Avatar of the Eye. Now the two of them must navigate all of the complications of their still-new relationship now that they don't have a fear apocalypse distracting them, AND being in a relationship where both people involved are Eye Avatars, AND Martin's struggles as a baby Eye Avatar.
This story isn't going to have a cohesive plot so much as this is where I'm posting all of my stories set in a post-Mag200 continuity where John and Martin are Eye Avatar boyfriends together. Chapter description: Martin Wakes up. Full chapter can also be found under the cut.
Chapter 1
It took Martin a moment to realize where he was when he came to. But as his senses came back to him, he recognized the antiseptic smell and beeping sounds of a hospital room. He had spent enough time by John’s side when he was in his coma, how could he not?
At the thought of John, his memories flooded back to him. The Panopticon. The plan to kill Elias…Jonah…whatever…and release the Fears into other worlds. And John going ahead and killing him himself and becoming the new Pupil of the Eye, and then the horrifying realization that he couldn’t control it.
The knife.
The promise. The kiss. John. Oh God John.
Fear and worry spiked through him and he was distantly aware of the sound of the heart monitor in the room beeping faster. He tried to sit up, but found that he was too weak to do so, and the most he could manage was a weak moan and a flex of his fingers.
It was then he became aware of the hand that was holding one of his; long, cool, familiar fingers intertwined with his own. He rolled his head to the side and sure enough he saw a familiar head of black hair, streaked with grey. He seemed to be asleep, slumped over the bed with his head pillowed on one arm, but he was here, and he was safe.
“John…?” His voice came out weak and raspy and he coughed from the effort of it. He wiggled his fingers in a weak attempt at grasping at John’s hand.
John jolted awake, and Martin watched as one emotion after another flashed across his face as he blinked rapidly. Confusion, recognition, realization….
“Martin.” He said it as a complete sentence. This was Martin. He was Martin. Martin was here.
“John” Martin answered back.
“Oh God Martin!” John stood up and leaned over, cupping Martin’s face with both hands and examining him, as if searching for something, before stepping away. “I’m uh…I need to go tell the doctor you’re awake…” John backed away, his gaze never leaving Martin’s face, until finally he had no choice but to turn around and leave the room.
“Well, Mr. Blackwood, I’m happy to say that, all things considered, you’re in remarkably good shape. We’d like to keep you here for a few more days for observation but if all seems well, I see no reason why we would need to keep you longer than that,” the doctor said as he finished his examination. Somehow John had convinced the man to let him stay in the room during the whole thing and now he stood fretting in the corner.
“Now, I just need to ask you a few questions as part of the evaluation. Tell me, what’s the last thing you remember?”
Well, he most certainly couldn’t tell the truth about that, now, could he? He doubted the doctor would believe him; it was more likely he’d think he was completely crazy and would try to have him committed.
“J-John.” Martin’s voice was still raspy from months of disuse, although the longer he was awake, the stronger he felt. “I was with John. Th-there was an accident….” he trailed off, not sure what else to say. The doctor nodded and wrote something down on his clipboard.
“I don’t expect you to know the exact date, of course, but could you tell me what year it is?”
“2010.” The doctor nodded again and continued to write on his clipboard.
“And could you tell me who the current monarch of England is?” “Queen Elizabeth.” The doctor added a few more notes on his clipboard, and then stood up from where he had been sitting by the side of the bed.
“Well, that should be all for now. When you’re feeling a bit more recovered, we’ll go over your treatment and rehabilitation plan. Let a nurse know if you have any questions or if anything about your condition changes.” And with that, the doctor left the room, giving John a nod of acknowledgement as he passed him.
As soon as the door clicked shut, John was across the room and by the side of the bed.
“How are you feeling?” Martin could practically physically feel John’s eyes roaming over his face again. He took a moment to take John in himself, now that they were alone and had a moment. John was pale even in the best of times, and Martin would have thought, after four months of living in a world not in the middle of a fear apocalypse, that’s how John would look, but instead he was the same haggard kind of pale that Martin had grown used to seeing over the past few years, with the same bruise-like circles under his eyes. Martin wondered how well John had been taking care of himself while he had been in his coma. “Fine? You were there while the doctor was looking me over and asking me all those questions…”
“Yes, but you and I both know there are things that we can talk about between us that we can’t talk about to or around other people.” “Fair enough.” Martin closed his eyes and took a moment before answering. “I’m still a bit thirsty.” At that, John reached over for the cup of ice water a nurse had brought him earlier and held the straw up to Martin’s lips, and he drank from it gratefully. “I’m still tired, too. You would think after four months in a coma I wouldn’t be. Is that normal? And my head hurts…” “You should get some rest then.” “Tell me what happened first.” “We can talk about that later. You need to rest.” “John, I’m not going to be able to rest properly until I know what’s going on. Just…please, tell me.” “Right then…” John closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “When we released the Fears into the other worlds, it seems they took us with them, and we ended up here. The land where the Institute and the Panopticon were is a construction site in this world. That’s where we wound up…” John’s mouth quirked into a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I told the paramedics and the police officers that you and I had wanted to take advantage of the construction do some urban exploration in the old Millbank Prison tunnels. There was an accident and we both fell. You wouldn’t wake up….” The smile fell. His voice cracked. “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s not your fault. You were…” John trailed off and stared into the middle distance, his sentence left incomplete.
“So what are we going to do about like…our identities? We’re not from here so…wait, is there, like, another us here? Like the us from this world…? We aren’t using their IDs, are we?” John laughed ruefully at that.
“No, we’re not using their IDs. Let’s just say we weren’t the only ones who made it here.” “Who…?” It took a moment before Martin caught on. “Annabelle.” “Precisely. It seems the Web doesn’t like being indebted, particularly not to agents of one of the other fears. Her helping us is supposed to ‘balance the ledger,’ or so she says.”
“Right…and what are the chances that she’s going to balance it a little too much and we’ll end up being the ones indebted to her?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. Getting someone to owe you can be a form of manipulation…” They were both quiet for a moment as they considered the implications of the situation they found themselves in. “What else?” Martin asked, finally breaking the silence. John looked up at him in surprise. “What else is there? What aren’t you telling me?” “I don’t…”
“John, please. I can tell when you’re hiding something from me. Please, just tell me.” The pain that had been pulsing behind his eyes since he woke up grew stronger. John closed his eyes, and his posture, which Martin had only ever seen him lose at the worst of times, slumped.
“You haven’t noticed yet, have you?” “Noticed what?”
“Martin…when the doctor asked you what year it was, you told him 2010. I never told you what year it was in this world.” “What…? Of course you did. You…” “No, Martin, I didn’t.” John’s face was full of…sorrow? Guilt? “Then I…I must have seen it on the—” Martin trailed off as he realized there was no calendar in sight. “Without your glasses? Although it appears you no longer need them...” Martin unconsciously reached a hand up to the side of his face, as if to adjust the glasses that, yes, he realized now, were not there. And yet…
“John, what’s going on?” And there was that pain again, flaring up as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening to him. “When you were in your coma, you didn’t have a heartbeat.”  John paused, and swallowed. “I thought you were dead. I thought I had lost you…” His voice cracked. “The only reason you weren’t pronounced dead is because Annabelle did…something and the doctors realized you still had brain activity. You were like that for four months…”
John looked at him straight in the eye, then, and…yes, there was sorrow and guilt and grief and pity in those eyes. “I’m so sorry, Martin. You’re like me now. You’ve become an Avatar of the Eye.”
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tomaturtles · 1 year
toma i can’t take this anymore you need to tell me how to watch nge i need to see them please
OH??? I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED KJGHJGH UM i assume you mean like a watch order, in which case here you go!!!
First of all there's the original series:
Neon Genesis Evangelion (26 episodes)
End of Evangelion (movie finale)
And for the og series that's it! If you just wanna witness Evangelion you can watch that and call it a day.
There's a couple recap movies (Evangelion: Death and Death and Rebirth) with scenes from the series presented in a different order, which can be cool to check out, but neither are immediately necessary to watch unless you want a recap.
And then there's the Rebuild of Evangelion movie series:
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon A Time
They're like an alternate retelling of the series! The first two initially are mostly like a freshly animated recap of the og series that slowly drifts into canon divergence, and goes completely off the rails from the original storywise from the ending of 2.0 onwards.
They're pretty cool to check out if you liked the og and want more! Imo they're like Complimentary to the anime? There's things I like and dislike about them, but ultimately I enjoyed how they wrapped up the series and I love that they gave Kaworu a bigger role :] ON THAT NOTE because Kaworu is like The Main Guy i post about, i feel obligated to point out that his appearance in the og anime is only near the end and pretty brief. Impactful! But brief. I'd feel bad not mentioning it bc it'd feel like false advertising KJASFHJ he's one of the main characters in 3.0 though!
And YEAH that's it for the most part!! Beyond that there's like several spinoffs and such, but you don't have to worry about them unless you get in too deep and want more.
I'm only gonna mention the main manga bc it's more well known and also a spinoff i personally enjoy:
The main manga (also named Neon Genesis Evangelion) is by the anime's character designer and iirc started being published alongside the anime! i haven't read all of it yet but to my knowledge it mostly follows the same base story but with some differences along the way. The main one that i know of is Kaworu shows up a little earlier so he's around for slightly longer, and he has a pretty different characterization. He's very funny
Campus Apocalypse is like an au where they have magicy weapons instead of giant robots to fight angels (who are kinda different from the angels in the main series). The plot is kinda average and the ending is very rushed but I loove this one bc there's a lot of Friendship between the kids and also bc Kaworu is a main character and around from the beginning. His and Shinji's relationship isn't as Officially romantic as in the main canon but the way it's developed drives me bonkers
Okay now that's it!! Hope this helps and that you have a fun time with it if you watch it!!! :D
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mira--image · 5 days
Behold, my Future April playlist, fifth in the bad future series!
Have you seen a future April playlist before?? I haven't. I wanted to make a playlist that follows her transition from April to Commander O'neil.
Like the other playlists, this playlist is meant to be listened to in order. For each, they start at the start of the apocalypse, and end when the character dies.
It starts off with our bubbly adrenaline junky confidently breezing through the apocalypse, quickly earning the faith and trust of survivors. When she's put in a position of leadership, she does right by her people, but won't hesitate to set them straight either. As the years go on, April's fury against the krang becomes unmatched, but her tenacity won't save her in the end.
Song-to-song plot below!
April is not gonna let one little invasion get her down! It's time to do as she does best and kick alien butt!
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People begin to lean on April for support, and she's happy to help. It's what big sisters are for, after all.
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Oh, so now that she's getting promoted, people are stepping to her? If you step to her for her stepping up, you gonna have to step to her, m'kay?
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The years are getting longer, lives are growing short. April has to buckle down and bring out her rage to survive each battle.
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It's amazing for a human who was at ground zero to have survived for this long. She did her best. She reminds herself of that as she lays there, the wind from krang suits rushing by tussling her hair.
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I have three more future playlists left!
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tetsuyaku · 2 months
hiiii it’s @spikyiwaizumi (pls ignore my main blog 😭) anyways… S X W L M O for the fanfic ask game??
spikes!!!! hiii!!! thank u for the ask!!! 🥺
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
fake dating my beloved....
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
okay so i love writing angst and i thiiiiink so far my biggest victim has been Akaashi? but like in an affectionate way u know? also Kuroo
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
i think it depends? general prompts are good cause then i can just run with whatever my brain comes up with BUT sometimes the brain comes up with nothing and then specific prompts are better asjhdghjfs
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
less times than i should probably, i haven't had a beta before now so that'll probably change now but in the past i like read through it twice at most and was like "that'll do"
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
oh man what don't i have on the back burner... i do have a couple of larger aus in the works including a zombie apocalypse one and a figure skater/hockey one
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
honestly i think it kind of comes to me at the same time? it's hard to say 😭 but probably more characters first since i don't have the whole plot figured out at the start
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lem-argentum · 7 months
hi hi here’z a post of me rambling about some of the things in shadow.bringers, because i predicted i would be abnormal about it and i was right. 💛💛 <)
1. FIRST OF ALL. character writing. early into the game i remember reading someone say that shb improves a lot in giving you a lot of character moments. and i remember not entirely believing it because this game is usually so plot-driven that characters’ feelings are not the spotlight? and you especially don’t talk to them one-on-one in depth about emotions or anything. BUT AS IT TURNS OUT. THEY *WERE* TELLING THE TRUTH
from very early in..!! when you reunite with ali.saie and you have that talk with her on the tower overlooking the flood. VERY GOOD moment. just the two of you, her expanding on feelings that were introduced to you post-stb and prior, further establishing the relationship you have with her in a meaningful way. it sets up the fact that.!!! moments like this continue happening through the whole story forward…!!! lots of them…!!!! and it was so unanticipated on my side that when th.ancred just started talking to us about his struggles & insecurities in nuvy’s leavings i was like HUH!!!!!!??? AMND IT KEEPS HAPPENING. HELPS YOU CARE PROPERLY FOR THE CHARACTERS AND LETS YOU FEEL CLOSE WITH THEM. EMOTIONS FEEL LIKE THEY’RE GIVEN THE ATTENTION THAT THEY NEED, ITS GOOD. <3
2. tge setting. awesome. the premise is compelling all in itself. “world plagued by eternal light + essentially a zombie apocalypse with angelical beings” is a strong base especially in juxtaposition to earlier plots where the main threats are nothing like it. and the story leads you through different areas in such a smooth way, each introducing to you the effects of the flood on the people and auaug it’s got cool worldbuilding in it. <3 it’s not at all without its flaws (kholusia is super interesting in idea i’m a huge fan of “location has something deeply wrong with it but its residents are unaware” concepts, but, ya know. vau.thry’s whole deal could have been much better, hm……..!) but i’m in love with lots of it….. leadinf into:
3. emet-s.elch. making him a section is kind of funny HEKFK I THOUGHT HE WAS A GOOD VILLAIN. have not thought about him enough to super elaborate but the themes around him + amaurot are so oouuuououg. good. amaurot was such a change in atmosphere from places we’ve seen before and the ENERGY. was SO. AUGH. (its theme, the ticking clock, the the the….!!.!) having its destruction be a dungeon was also a great idea. having us go through the calamity ourselves to experience what it was like & the loss he’s been dealing with for eons. it’s cool. OH AND TALKING SPECIFIC CHARACTERS:
4. ARDBERTTTTTTTTTTT. MY FRIEND. MY BESTIE. I HAVENT MENTIONED HIM BEFORE. BUT HE’S EVERYTHING. you could argue he has one of the best narratives out of any character here ever. the scenes you share with him are so so special i understand why people like him so much. warriors of darkness my beloved your writing gives me So Much Feeling.
5. The Themes. in general. okay SO. you could really write an essay on how shb feels like it was written for suicidal people. truly. at the very beginning you are introduced to the premise of “your friends have figured out that you are destined to die. and they have spent their past years trying to stop it.” and that’s not the entire deal, you all still have a world to save, the focus is on that, but that theme is still there, in the background, and whenever it shows itself it is so potent. to me.
this game has a core of hope and survival and it’s a central point constantly. but in shb…. it feels most directed at you. the exarch tells you to survive at all costs, that it’s the one request he must impose on you. to “burn bright again, and live.” ali.saie has you promise against self-sacrifice (several times, actually!). and with the way everything is worded, it’s hard not to feel like the message is from real people, urging you to stay.
when the warrior of light is, well. consumed by the light. when emet tells you, in front of everyone, how much of a danger you will be, how you will inevitably hurt and ruin everyone around you — the only thing on their minds is curing you. not getting rid of you, even with all the world’s corruption inside of you. you wake up in a soft bed and are told of how busy everyone has been, desperately searching for any other route for you. (and, of course, that’s the obvious course of action for people who care about you, but to players who struggle to see that as at all reasonable, it means something…!!)
you see the light in the sky above you and KNOW it’s because of you that it’s there. that if you were gone the first would be free. and then you are told that there is hope, that you and everyone else will find another ending to this, and if they can’t, they will forge one. and everyone insists on being by your side even when who you are could bring about their doom at any moment. and ITS GOOD………!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all this to say: i understand why this is most players’ favorite expansion. um. game good, meant a lot to me. :’) THE END <3.
(AND TAKING A MOMENT TO PUT MY FAVORITE SHB TRACKS HERE, OK? OK <3. special shoutouts to to fire and sword (HELL YES.), sands of blood and the quick way (the night themes being so intentionally calm & elegant compared to their daytime counterparts really makes you think doesn’t it.), mortal instants (yeaahhhhhhhg. <3), who brings shadow (THE CROWD ERUPTS IN CHEER). OKAY THE END <333)
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Oh hello again Flechette, nice to see you're still hanging around Dolltown being as gay as ever! Ditch the heroes and get a girlfriend, that's the way to go!
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Really? That's the opposite blood type I would have expected from Taylor. I would have thought she'd be type O, the universal donor, always ready to bleed for the sake of others no matter the cost to herself. Interesting that Wildbow would make her AB, a universal recipient, instead. Makes it easier to do all sorts of major surgery on her I suppose, but it's not the clean narrative parallel it could have been.
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Ah yes, more Cauldron fuckery. Giving Alexandria her powers a few decades back, when there were still hardly any capes in the world. I bet the Doctor there knows what her powers can do, even if she didn't tell her patient.
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And Hero bought his powers too. Cauldron really is responsible for every single older-generation high-powered cape out there. And they certainly got started quickly once powers began appearing.
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Ah yes, Manton. The guy with the effect. Given he's deeply involved in early Cauldron too, I wouldn't be that surprised if he were partly responsible for how Cauldron makes the powers to begin with, and actively ensured the Manton Effect restricts each of them.
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And we've got the third ever mention of alternate realities. Also very early in the timeline, like everything with Cauldron.
I guess this is how the primary Earth there got called Earth Bet? It was just Earth, and then this early cape opens up a portal to another one which gets called Aleph as the first alternate, but then I guess people realize their own reality isn't "special" in any sense so it should have a letter too and Bet is next.
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Alright, who's this guy? What happened to Bill Clinton? Is he a cape on Earth Bet or something? It may be unlikely, but given the "Obama in Homestuck" situation I can't fully rule out seeing Clinton in Worm.
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The Terminus Project? That's a pretty damn edgy thing to name your project, especially for an organization that's supposedly dedicated to creating heroes and doing good.
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Well, that's not kidnapping from alternate realities, but it's still human experimentation and that's not good. Lots of Case 53s while Cauldron tests new formulas, and even the ones that aren't still get royally fucked over in their new lives.
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So Coil is working for Cauldron too. Of course he is! Who isn't? I mean, there's a chance he doesn't actually know he's working for them, but still. He's had that "master plan" he's working toward for a while, which taking over Brockton Bay is the last component for, so that's probably a Cauldron plot.
That's probably what makes him a candidate for this Terminus, which is some kind of super-powerful cape who can take on Endbringers or any end of the world scenario and come out on top, I guess? That's the charitable option, at least. Cauldron could be trying to end the world themselves, so any other apocalypses don't matter if they have their own Terminus. If creating the Protectorate was an early attempt at the Terminus Project's goals, then presumably it's something "good" or at least minimally destructive?
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You still give a damn about other people's well-being? People other than Dinah and occasionally your team and territory?
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Return of the capsaicin dick! ...Yeah, I don't think you're giving much of a damn about this guy's well-being.
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Coil does have a backup plan, it's called his other timeline. If he didn't want to kill Skitter and never had, then that just means the split was before he decided to do it and he only showed the benign one to Tattletale. He has two chances for everything and that includes fooling a Thinker 7 power.
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lovecanbesostrange · 2 years
(In relation to your 'my best friend's wedding' comment)
Imagine this: Lay it out a bit like a regular OUAT episode (although things will be a little sillier here and I'm not sure how well the structure of this ACTUALLY works but even so). It starts with Emma at her wedding, wondering where August is a why he hasn't shown up. Marco (also at the wedding) isn't sure either. Then, maybe Emma gets some kind of cryptic text from August telling her that he's sorry he's running late and that he'll explain things later (it's a long story).
Now, even though they've been reassured that he's okay and no one is actively worrying about what could have happened to him, Emma is still a bit disappointed. This is where the second plot comes in because Snow tries to reassure her that she also had a similar thing happen at her own wedding with Ruby.
From here we can swap back and forth between whatever happened in August's day to make him so late and to whatever happened in the EF with Ruby and what made her so late to the wedding. High jinks ensue.
alternatively, as you suggested, musical related nonsense occurred and disrupted things. Emma is upset about it at first but also finds it very funny and won't stop bringing it up in conversation later
YES! You already had me at "a little sillier", but the format alone is perfect. Love using the canon way of telling a past and present story with some relation. And that means we can start with at least a heartfelt moment in the beginning.
Emma getting ready for the big moment, getting walked down the aisle by her parents. She can take a peak at the crowd and her face betrays her for a second. Snow sees it immediately. "Oh no, is something wrong? Cold feet? I am ready to drive the getaway car, just tell me what you need." "No, no cold feet. Also I'd rather ask Dad to drive. No offense." "Some taken. But what is it? Everybody who loves you is here a-" "Not everybody."
And so we get a nice little insight into the complicated feelings, because Emma wished August was here to witness her happy ever after moment, since he kinda was there from the very rocky start (causing some of her drama, but also giving her hope and nudging her on - they were both kids). "It might seem small since you had your big fairytale dream wedding." "That got crashed by Regina, mind you. I drew a sword!" - "Okay, that is indeed a bigger bummer." "Oh, but I understand what you mean. A slightly less catastrophic bummer was Red not being there."
*tada* We switch into story mode. To then find out how both of these dorks got up early, having the perfect gift figured out and then tripping into pure chaos. They both make it in time for cake, dissheveled, apologetic smile, and the gift having a slight crack/tear. It turns out they also helped save the day from a catastrophe nobody knew was coming. It was however a silly type of apocalypse.
For the "what did I miss part" we get deadpans of "Nothing, we just got threatened with a curse." // "Leftover music magic for a big song-and-dance number." I don't know why and what happened, but August comes with his pants covered in glitter, so he would have fit in.
Possible IPs involved: - Winnie the Pooh - The Rescuers - A Bug's Life - Ratatouille
Yes, these are all very animal oriented. I think they both can handle talking animals (or animals turned very confused people).
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uahh THANK YOU. I’m so excited to use him…
Jwhdjwisu this is like. Spoilers for the writing. Big ones. But, I need to use them to explain. Who cares, really?
so here is the rundown. NWHS canon divergence. it’s the classic idea of if Ford didn’t get out of the portal unscathed. (Is it common?) he had his fight with bill, almost fucking dies, the pines help him out, ect ect.
now, here’s the thing. the point of it all was that Ford couldn’t conceal the rift, therefore… weirdmageddon starts, but with a close pines family instead a one that stands divided. And since it’s literally only been days since ford came back… he can’t exactly walk. well, he can, but only for like two steps without support. he’s not paralyzed, obviously, but since it’s super early into the healing process he’s basically bedridden. (And… he’s gonna have chronic pain for basically the rest of his life. he sustained a lot of damage.)
Since it’s the fucking apocalypse, he needs a way around, and then I thought of different ways, then it trailed to this au… and the way you described him just made be go OOOOOH.
(Honestly, I was super motivated by a fic I found that was the same premise but kind of dated *pre J3* but only a quarter a way in the plot before it discontinued. we deserve to see it in its full light >:(
I’ll tag you when I begin. he’s not really gonna come intro fruition until chapter 2/3, so ur gonna have to wait a bit. but he’ll be there… AND. I’m gonna have a hiatus between the two parts, so it may take time. But dear not! I’ll do it. :)
oh, I’m gonna write it. It’s a sequel!! I can’t leave such a cliffhanger…
Gahh I should’ve gotten to this sooner T_T
OOO that sounds so interesting! I actually think I know the fic you’re talking about, and I’m super excited to see your interpretation + continuation!! I love NWHS canon divergence ideas, not to mention Weirdmageddon ones, and this looks great!! I don’t mind the wait :D
Again, I am absolutely elated that my ideas and doodles helped you write something, and thank you for the ask/update!
(First ask)
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rainbowchewynuggets · 2 years
Hellboy & The Gatekeeper (pt 5)
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(This section contains important spoilers for the plot of the Hellboy comics.)
G: This is my burden. I’ll handle it alone. You should go back before it’s too late.
Hellboy and the Gateekeeper are officially somewhere else now. They pass into dappled shadow as they enter a forest of coral that forms a sort of tunnel. Purple fires burn in the distance, winking through gaps in the freeform lattice.
H: No dice. I’ve got a job to do, too.
G: You’re a Gatekeeper?
H: Special investigator. I protect people from paranormal stuff. Like, uh…
G: *dejected* Like me?
H: No, no. Not like you.
Hellboy grasps at what to say. He draws a blank.
Figures from his past seize the opportunity to possess his mind. Rasputin, the mad monk who tried to use him to begin the apocalypse with his stone hand. His demon father, Azzael, who created him as a tool of such destruction and power. Hecate, the witch goddess with a body made of snakes who tried to force him to fulfill his destiny after he refused it.
Rasputin: Bring the end.
Azzael and Hecate: Bring us the end.
Flashes of frogs, hooks, tentacles, serpents, blood, and fire.
The figures press in behind Hellboy. He walks without acknowledging them, but the long curved red horns and flaming crown on his head betray the grave reality of their words. Their speech bubbles crowd his head oppressively.
Rasputin, Azzael, and Hecate: Your destiny is coming. You will bring the end of man. The end of order. The return of the dragon.
The seven enormous squirming spiked octopic beasts they’re talking about break through their crystal cages, far off in space. They reach downward, pressing down on Hellboy from above.
Other creatures and humans stare from the void, those who have wanted to take the Right Hand of Doom or the crown of Armageddon for themselves, or have attempted to wrest control over their futures from him in other ways. Among them is Malcolm Frost, who was present at Hellboy’s arrival on Earth as a child. He was so convinced of the evil of the little boy’s presence that he spent the rest of his life trying to have him killed. The man whispers in motionless terror from one corner.
Frost: Destroyer.
Hellboy refocuses on the present, his horns cut and crown out of sight, walking next to this kid in the cold dark passage.
H: Chaos. I protect them from chaos.
G: Oh.
The coral starts forming a more implausibly natural structure: a temple. Dense formations have been shaved down into pillars, long skinny support rods that crisscross the chambered ceilings, and decorative willowy carvings. (Imagine something halfway between the Kandariaya Mahadeva temple and a Greek acropolis, made of stone mesh and full of holes.) Its corridors stretch as far as the eye can see, with purple-white hazy light filling the distance of every direction.
Hellboy looks out a window.
Far below, an intricate city of clay, stone, and coral lies in a great valley in the dark. Robed people of the same race as the Keeper and Advisor go about their business with their own farms and trades, though uneasily. They seem aware of the trouble brewing in the temple on the hill. A spirit or two float their way up from wherever their bodies passed away in the vast city.
Hellboy and the Keeper pass under an archway with the gate symbol carved into it (the same one on the Keeper and Advisor’s necks) and into a small junction of pathways.
G: We’re here.
H: Okay, which way do we–
The rumbling begins again. Dust rains down from above. From a nearby passage, a horde of possessed robed people appear–none quite as large as the Advisor, but more intimidating in number. The Gate carvings on their necks are stretched and distorted. They all start shouting aggressively at the Keeper as the rumbling subsides.
Horde: Bastard! Traitor! Kill them!
Hellboy: Come on. Lay off, already!
The horde rushes forward. Hellboy reels his stone hand back in readiness.
The Keeper instantly climbs one of the porous walls and doesn’t stop until they’re near to the ceiling. They press themself on a shallow ledge as the fight below ignites.
(Next post in a few days!)
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Heyyyy Morri! Happy STS!
I'm obsessed with your Supernatural Roadtrip WIP, tell me everything! (pretty please?)
Happy STS, Anna!
Of course I will gladly ramble about the Supernatural Roadtrip WIP!!! Under the cut cause this is gonna get really long. But fair warning, I've only had this WIP for less than a week, so I don't actually have all that much figured out.
So, this WIP actually came from me looking at picrews I had stored on my laptop. In fact, the picrews of Sebastien, Gabriel, and Raven(?) were made in (I believe) May 2021!! But I saw them and I was like "These are perfect!!" and I started having thoughts about the three of them as characters, and suddenly I had a full-fledged WIP on my hands.
The story in general centers around Gabriel's attempt to escape from the crushing expectations of everyone around him, as well as everyone's nemesis: boredom.
At the beginning of the story, Gabriel feels like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders for various reasons. For one, his father is that Gabriel, and as such holds a very honorable position in the hierarchy of Heaven. So, everyone expects our Gabriel to follow in his father's footsteps and take on a lot of responsibilities.
But Gabriel doesn't want that. He's not sure exactly what he wants to do with his life, or who he wants to be, but he knows that endless hours spent doing glorified mindless tasks is not it. He's tired of everyone telling him that he only has one option in life. So, he's been pushing back and acting out.
However, this almost has the opposite effect. Everyone assumes that his best friend, Sebastien, is the one encouraging to act out, and that Bas is "corrupting" their Golden Boy. So they double down on trying to push him towards his role as Prince of Heaven.
This also has the side effect of increasing people's dislike of Sebastien. Already he has a lot of people who dislike him because of his father's actions (having a child with a demon), and thus push their dislike onto Bas.
The thing is, Bas isn't bitter about it. He doesn't blame Gabriel for it, but rather blames Heaven as a whole. He's also hopelessly in love with Gabriel, and willingly goes along with all of Gabriel's actions.
So when Gabriel is so done with everything that he plans to leave Heaven completely, Bastien goes along with him.
They go down to Earth, and shenanigans ensue, since neither of them have much experience with the Real World. I'm not sure entirely what the plot is going to be, but somehow Raven(?), Bastien's half sister is going to be involved, and also potentially accidentally preventing (and maybe also causing) the apocalypse.
All in all, it's a story about finding who you want to be in the world, and choosing your own path despite other people's expectations of you. Oh, and found family and love of course. Because all my stories are about love at their heart.
And before you ask, no I have not read/seen Good Omens.
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