#{{ i'll have 40; thanks. }}
doveshovel · 3 months
If your OC was an in-game NPC, what would they be like? Would they have a questline, or random dialogue, or daily reputation objectives? Maybe even a race?
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jascurka · 5 months
Re-reading a beloved fic and noticing things you didn't see before and it's even more beloved now.
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mymarifae · 5 months
completing the 2.2 trailblaze mission gives you new daily text messages from aventurine if you have him.. 🥹 so you're Not just left with his scheduled post-suicide-attempt farewells. and it's a really nice conversation too. he plays it off like a game buuuut he loses on purpose every time so really he's just opening up of his own volition
(i'm still alive, and i'm happy about that 🥹 his conversation with acheron really left a profound impact on him oh my godddd)
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aventurine... of all people... reaching out and talking so honestly about what happened and how it affected him... and seeing a therapist of sorts (bit of an oversimplification but that's basically what the doctors of chaos do so like). sometimes all you need to start learning how to value your life again is to uhh ..literally get cut in half
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chipper-smol · 11 months
8 for the ask game?
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
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redstringraven · 2 months
For the TMNT Ask Game!
Could you do #21, #29, and #33?
heck yeah, i can! <:D and thank you!!!
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
21.) what is your favorite story arc?
i'm admittedly a major sucker for the turtles in space arc in s2 because i love triceratons--and especially traximus--if i haven't made that obvious already. i remember losing my mind as a teen when i saw a triceraton for the first time while that arc was airing, because it felt so specifically tailored to ME. i was a massive dinosaur kid, i borrowed dinosaur books from the library constantly, so now you're telling me we have talking dinosaur aliens??? i don't CARE if they're the bad guys, they're SO COOL??? did the writers do this FOR ME??? (they didn't). anyone who knows me also knows i have a tendency to latch onto secondary/minor characters (stares at the 10+ years i've spent writing for dol fma:brotherhood), so when traximus was introduced? bye. this is my favorite ally; the rest of you are great and all but i'm letting my bias win. remains true a decade later. triceratons aside, i also really appreciate it for just... opening up the world a lot more. it made it very, VERY clear that a lot more was out there than just new york. i like that.
29.) what is one headcanon that you have?
ooh, i've kind of been wanting to talk about this one 'publicly' (talked about it with jenn @plantdonutwrites in the past), but since i tend to be kind of on the shy side i usually get worried that i'll be annoying and chicken out of posting about it. >xD i'll use this as my excuse; thank you for enabling me. headcanon(s) on cursing/swearing! because for why! mikey self-proclaimed "good boy, UNLIKE RAPH". does not do a cuss. this is a headcanon shared with jenn since she writes for mikey in our rps. i do sometimes write him thinking cusses, though. such as "The damn thing could go invisible. Even if he had Donnie’s goggles on him, there’d be no body heat to track." in Pretend That I Never Left. might also internally monologue that he 'pissed something off' but won't verbally say it in those words. leo has sworn off cursing but definitely still curses sometimes. very much in line with his 1 and splinter's parenting, he considers cursing 'bad' and ergo doesn't partake in it... when he can help it. he usually has a strong mental filter running, but in times of high stress or high emotion, the filter will drop and he'll say "shit" instead of "shell" or exclaim "fuck!" without thinking. he also tends to drop the filter when alone with raph, because he knows raph won't judge him or think ill of him. also important to note he doesn't think lesser of raph for swearing; it's more of a self-monitoring/self-discipline... thing. if that makes sense. and raph knows this. they're chill. don does curse, but mostly uses it for comedic shock-value, casual moments, or as a bonding method with raph. don won't use curses in high stress or emotion moments like leo, he more does it in casual settings like playing video games or if dropping a swear will make a remark funnier because the swear was unexpected. his cursing is much more playful/humorous, or maybe kind of a way he 'bonds' with raph, like when they watch football together. i feel like he might also do it more around raph because it helps raph feel less like 'the bad kid'. since leo tends to hide or smother any cursing he does and kind of acts regretful afterward, and mikey just doesn't. raph cursing is regular vocabulary. attempts to censor himself around master splinter as a gesture of respect, but isn't always successful. fuck you.
33.) what is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
... kind of a toss up between Pretend That I Never Left and my enneagram series. not only did i work very, very hard on both things, but they were both contributions specifically focused on my interests. for the former: combining tmnt'03 with the world of horizon: zero dawn; and for the latter, analyzing the boys through the lens of the enneagram. PtINL gave me something to focus on during a really stressful time, and the enneagram is one of my favorite tools. i dunno. i put a lot of hours into both of those things, a lot of love, and i still enjoy looking back on them after all the time that's passed (even if it's not THAT much time). these two projects make me really happy. i'm proud of them. and i'm glad i took the time to let them exist, whether anyone else engages with them or not. i'm also very happy with how liáfsini is turning out, which is the realm that my OCs gwyn, ash and darach are from. i'm slowly fleshing it out, but seeing it become something real with a grounded culture, history, magic system, and ecosystem has been very exciting and satisfying. i'm really proud of it!!
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miodiodavinci · 1 month
men will simply take back their old job as a favor to their boss and then immediately remember why they left their old job
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frozenambiguity · 7 months
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me, bullying my friends into hitting me up with every single genshin muse they have: give me. give me they.
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honey-skulls · 2 months
I'm sorry but i need to get this out, just please don't worry too much or take anything personally/gen
My routine these last two weeeks has been:
-Wake up at my 10 am alarm and spend the whole day in bed, mentally and physically exhausted, brain fog and no motivation for anything, only getting up to eat, having to wait for the "food time" hours to roll around that my therapist gave me because I'm not allowed to eat outside of those hours and if I'm hungry but missed the last food time then too bad, struggling to stay awake because again I'm not allowed to sleep out of the "sleep hours" she gave me and that includes naps, excitedly waiting for 21h30/22h to roll around so i can finally sleep
-Spend the evening mentally screaming in my mind because, while my body is still just as physically exhausted, my mind is suddenly sharp and full of ideas and motivation, but i'm still too tired to get up and draw
-Then spend midnight and onward rolling around in bed, hot and bored out of my mind because my physical tiredness also vanished, but i'm not allowed to get up and draw because it's "sleep hours" and i need to reschedule my body, and end up falling asleep at around 5 am
I'm totally not slowly loosing my mind 😃👍
Edit: Oh also the constant noise in my ears has gotten worse, i don't know what silence is anymore
Silence is actually worse than loud rooms
It's driving me insane
It's so loud
#literaly so mentally exhausted to the point that i forgot to ask a bunch of really important stuff and tests at my last gyneco appointement#i can't remember which med I'm supposed to take at a specific hour and which one is whenever. so i just take them both at the same time#i can't remember if i have still boxes of meds in advance and which one i need to go refill#because they're stuff i need to constantly take and not suddenly stop with#but i keep forgetting to check#and i can't remember where i put the prescriptions anyway#and which one are the right one and which one are old#I'm so tired#and I'm so tired of being tired#and I'm SO so so tired of constantly fighting to have my health and struggles acknowledge#i kinda just gave up and now i'm just mindlessly sitting there at the appointments for only 10 minutes being being told that i can leave#I've just been run in circles for way too long#and i get aggresively criticised every time i use advice and seek for help on the Internet. by the same doctors who don't give me ANY advic#or help#and my head has been pounding for two days#and my verbal ticks have gotten so bad that it genuinely gets hard to breathe sometimes#with a therapist that just made me talk in circles and lowkey criticised me for two hours#(this was our first real therapy meeting and they're supposed to only be 1 hour and are NOT reimbursed because the autism center will NOT#fucking answer to ANYONE. medical professional or not. so i had to go private 😃👍)#and the only thing she gave me at the end of those 2 hours was this schedule that I'm not allowed to bend#I've been trying to daydream about my AUs and develope them as usual to try to feel better#but now that i have time to draw. i just get more and more drawing ideas that keep pilling up and tear me apart from the inside because i#can't draw any of them thanks to this damn fatigue#i literally only did 1 af revenge and still need to do 3 more. and i genuinely don't know if I'll manage to do that#i told two friends that ill draw something for them. but nothing. because too tired and everything keeps slipping from my mind#i will daydream about Dimentio for hours straight. then forget that i did. and panic that the fixation is slipping because i “haven't#thought about him in a while“. ”a while“ was 40 seconds ago. I'm not exaggerating this keeps happening#i also keep spending the night DRENCHED in sweat because i just can't sleep without my blanket on me anymore. so more struggles#vent#negative
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farbeagle · 1 year
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Category 5 Neurotypical Moment
Ignore the dog hair. That was inevitable.
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
i guess i didn't post about it here but my roommate who was supposed to be housesitting came back last night and had her girlfriend over, interrupting my peace and quiet, and guess who just texted me to tell me she tested positive for covid this morning
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
(sorry for the sudden absence, i see the asks and mentions i'm just very busy and socialization is like my 8th priority rn)
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Tell me abt! MBMW William! MBMW Henry! What are the adults around like!! What are they up to!!
Also! Freddy! What was his life like before becoming a parent? What prompted him to make the decision to have children? Does he have other family or friends that haven't been shown?
Also. If Vanessa and Michael were in a fight. What methods would they use, who would win, and how close would it be?
long answer under the cut
MBMW William is,, yeah. He's physically never around, which isn't a product of my characterization of William so much as a product of me not knowing how to write him at first and not wanting him to get in the way of the drama between the Afton Kids, but whatever.
He actively tries to avoid being home, partly because he's annoyed by all the expectations his children have of him (expectations like, um, being a good father) and by all the needs they have. It's exhausting knowing that people expect things from you even if you have no desire to try fulfiling those expectations. And additionally, his mood tends to be sour at when at home because he has high expectations for his children that they can never fulfil in his eyes. Not completely.
He believes his children should be self-sufficient, unburdensome, quiet, obedient, loyal, eager to help him fulfil his goals. But even when his children display these qualities, he finds some flaw to tear them down with. Michael’s frustration with William and Elizabeth's clinginess are annoying to him. Evan, meanwhile, just sorta fades into the background most of the time; in the past Evan’s constant crying was an annoyance, but by now Evan has started crying silently and William doesn't bring his kids with him out in public all that much so it's not as much of an embarrassment anymore. Evan isn't the ideal kid, ofc; he's Weird, but at least his quietness and fear of others is a better level of weirdness then, say, Liz and Mike acting out all the time and Liz being so clingy. If it weren't for William’s experimenting on his kids, he'd forget Evan even exists at all, I think. Evan has learned by now (from experience and from watching his siblings) that it's best not to try reaching out to William.
Most of William’s time is spent in business meetings, dealing with business crises, designing animatronics and death traps, finding dirt on his higher up employees he can use for blackmail, forming contingency plans for contingency plans, forming "connections" and putting on shows he can use to further his family-man image, and casing Fredbear locations as he picks out the next crime scene and victim.
William’s a busy man. Especially now, with all the whispers about his company after the Bite, with Henry going awol after Charlie’s death, with his children ever so slowly growing closer (and therefore harder to control; it's more difficult to predict what they will get up to without them defaulting to trying to tear out each others throats), and with Gregory getting more and more bold.
There are some aspects of his job that he enjoys; the business angle gives him the opportunity to be cut-throat and aggressive with other adults in ways he can't get anywhere else. Getting his own way and being in charge of decision making is empowering.
There are some aspects he hates as well. Deep down, he hates sharing the glory with Henry. William usually leaves Henry in charge of buttering up potential business partners because William loathes to be the one doing any "ass-kissing," (lack of control + it's reminiscent of childhood trauma) but sometimes William has to be the one doing that, either because Henry is too soft-willed in William’s mind to deal with certain people/companies without them walking all over Henry or because Henry is just too busy. The times when William has to do some ass-kissing to keep his business afloat, when business deals go wrong, and when people question his authority and his image are often the times when William is the roughest with his kids. And with his murders.
The times he spends at home, he's mostly locked away in his room/office/the garage. The kids survive his worst days by trying not to break the routine of daily life that he sets for them. Liz chipperly asks him how his day was like she always does; they all have to listen to him where he slumps on the couch ranting about work things they don't understand as they try to balance doing chores with paying enough attention to what he says. He asks them about their days, sometimes, but the only answer he wants is either an "i was good, i got good grades and i behaved" or an admission of something he can use against them later. He's exhausted when he comes home and uses how hard he works to support the kids as a guilt tripping mechanism. He's emotionally distant and tense, and the kids all have different reactions to the rare times when he tries acting like a normal caring father and making them act like normal caring children.
He doesn't do much outside of work. William has no friends that he hangs out with outside of work, especially now that Henry is out of the picture.
And, speaking of Henry. He's "out of the picture" but he's not dead or anything. He just did not handle Charlie’s death very well at all. It's been two years since then and he's still withdrawing from everyone he loves; he insists that he's "fine" but everyone who knows him knows that he isn't. He drifts between Fredbear locations both in and out of the state like a ghost; he obsessively checks safety regulations at each one and tries to design and install new security measures like mad, and he's blind to whether these "security measures" are good (like coming up with stamps and coding devices so employees know which children came in with which parents, to avoid kidnapping situations) and which ideas are bad (your scene in Blips when Henry tells kids about the spare keys he keeps hidden around is the inspiration for this particular detail).
He's constantly with the kids at the Fredbear locations he goes to, trying to keep them happy and safe as a coping mechanism for his guilt over Charlie’s death. His wife divorced him years before Charlie died, and Henry drifts around from place to place without telling any of his friends where he's going or that he's leaving at all, so it's difficult for anyone to know where he is or to reach out to him and encourage him to stop and take care of himself. William has to pick up the slack from Henry neglecting his duties as co-head of the company. Henry wasn't always this bad, but things have been getting worse and worse, and I'm sure that by now William is actively trying to cut Henry out of the company, or else he has already succeeded in knocking Henry to a lower ranking position.
Henry is normally a kind-hearted, warm and jolly man. This persona does come out still when he's with the kids at Fredbear's, but by the time MBMW takes place, he's known for the anger and the ferocity with which he will cut you out of his life and burn you to the ground if you challenge his goals (his goals being little more than delusions about making up for not being there for his daughter now). William tried being "supportive" at first, but it didn't take long for him to get bored with Henry's irrationality rather than enjoying it; he tried getting Henry to stop and Be Normal again (maybe leading the company alone wasn't as easy as Will thought) and by now Henry has actively cut William out just like so many of his other friends and family.
Or, it could be interesting if Henry is actually past this point some time after BCOH. Henry starts getting a grip, gets some therapy, and starts letting people back into his life, including one slippery and manipulative William as well as his other friends and family. Henry would have fallen even further into his "William is a good friend and a good person" delusion than ever before, perhaps in part because he's already "wronged" William when William was just trying to "watch out for him" by discouraging him from letting Charlie’s death take over his life like all his other friends warned him about (and he leans further in because he's lost Charlie and is scared of losing anyone else he cares about). So even if the Afton children come to him for help after BCOH, Henry still does nothing.
Either way could work, but Henry hasn't meant much to the story so far and I don't have any current plans to write him in, so there's not much reason for me to settle on a single idea.
Moving on:
Frebby is complicated ig. The story that inspired MBMW is by Star_Going_Supernova on ao3, called Blood of the Covenant. That story, with the same premise of "Gregory and his sister Vanessa are being raised by Freddy and are friends with Evan" (highly recommend reading that story, btw) made me question: what would it look like if the Bite of 83 still happened despite Gregory and the Fazbears' presence?
Star_Going_Supernova has not just Freddy but all of the glamrock animatronics from security breach (tho Freddy and Bonnie are the parents of the household and they're the ones given most of the screentime; the others are extended family). When I made the decision to turn MBMW from a one-shot to an extended au, I liked the idea of having all of the glamrocks (except Bonnie and Chica, I suppose, since those are still animatronics in my au) be humans and part of Freddy's friends and family, but I didn't want to encroach upon Star's story.
Maybe I will write some of them into the story eventually, though, now that my au is developed enough to not be a carbon copy of Star's, because I do like the idea of the glams being there. I would have to figure out what to do about Glam Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, though; whether to keep the characters and give them new names or scrap them entirely.
Freddy is a writer and performer of children's songs for cartoons, and I think he's an aspiring voice actor as well. If DJ Music Man is a human character in the story, then MM might be what got Freddy into it; either MM had connections in the industry or just encouraged/inspired Freddy to go for it. I think it bothers Freddy, sometimes, that the kids he's so passionate about don't really know his name as the song writer behind the songs for their favorite episodes and shows, but for the most part Freddy just likes making good music that makes kids happy.
When Gregory first found out what Freddy’s job was, and later when Evan first found out, both of the boys likely freaked when they realized Freddy has made some of their favorite songs. Freddy might even have worked on some songs for the tv show Fredbear and Friends. Gregory and Evan’s excitment and awe definitely helps him through that tidbit about him being bothered for the lack of recognition he gets in his field.
This ask made me realize that, yk, Freddy is an actual human being and he would have been an actual little kid at one point and he probably had parents... which. Weird. Really weird.
Obviously the animatronic Freddy was made by Henry and William, so I think it'd be neat to have MBMW Freddy's parents be loosely based off of Henry and William’s dynamic. Maybe Freddy grew up with one abusive parent and another parent who was almost maliciously, purposely ignorant to the abuse Freddy faced. Freddy growing up surrounded by adults who knew something was wrong but did nothing about it makes Freddy passionate to be there for Gregory and Vanessa and then for Evan-- and it makes it hurt so much worse that no matter what he tries, he can't get any authorities to believe him about his suspicions of child abuse in the Afton household. Even the biggest red flag of all-- the Bite-- is something that William weasels his way out of, and-- well, this is getting into spoiler territory for the next chapter of Funtimes, so... ah... yeah. I'll stop talking.
But basically, Freddy has tried doing things to get Evan and the other Afton kids help (it'd be out of character if he didn't), but for one reason or another (not having any evidence, William manipulating authorities, abuse not being as big a deal in the 80s, take your pick), nothing Freddy has tried has worked. Whether or not this is realistic doesn't matter; fact of the matter is, I just wouldn't have a story if Freddy’s attempts had worked. Or rather, I would have a vastly different version of the story. But I like the version of the story as it is, so Willy unfortunately just has Plot Armor to protect him for now.
There's not really a Big Story for how Freddy ended up adopting Vanessa and Gregory. In my head, I thought it would be funny if he just found them squatting in an abandoned building one day and was like well I guess I'm taking you home now!
Ness and Gregory were bouncing around in foster care for a while after they were both rendered parentless. They faced some traumatic stuff in the foster care system before Vanessa finally had enough. Either the foster home they were in was way too abusive or there was talk about separating the two of them into different foster homes, so 15-year-old Vanessa takes 7-8 year old Gregory and just bolts. She'd rather risk trying to survive on their own then the hell they came from. That's when Freddy finds them somewhere and ends up adopting them. It was a big decision, but these kids were desperate. A lot like him, when he was younger, so in a way... the decision was already made the moment he saw them.
And as for Vanessa and Mike,,
Maybe this is a controversial take, but I get "couldn’t actually fight to save his life" vibes from young Mike.
Most of his experience with violence comes from having to learn how to take being hit, thanks to William. With William, he's never actually been in a position where physically fighting back is an option. Even when Mike gets violent with Evan-- and yeah, in the au he not only psychologically and emotionally torments Evan but physically hurts Evan, too-- it's done because he knows Evan is too weak and gentle to fight back.
Mike talks rough, but he doesn't know a single thing about how to defend himself. He gets some pointers when he's with his friends (the fnaf 4 bullies) as they rough house together, torment younger kids, and play jokes on their peers who reject them. But for Mike at least, trying to fight against someone who actually has power over him (unlike Ev) and actually wants to if not deal him real damage then at least wants to incapacitate him (unlike the times he plays rough with his friends)? Young Mike doesn't stand a chance.
He'd be eager at first, managing to get in the first hit (very, very clumsy punches, maybe trying to imitate moves he makes with his friends or that he's seen wrestlers do on tv or on the school team), but an opponent like Vanessa would get the best of him very very quickly.
Vanessa already has the advantage in the fight because she's several years older and is taller; Vanessa herself is a couple inches taller than is average for her age.
Vanessa had a hard time adjusting when Freddy adopted them; she had been burned by foster parents in the past and didn't see any reason to trust that Freddy wouldn't do the same. I can see Freddy signing her up for self defense classes to help her feel strong enough to keep herself and Gregory safe.
Either way, I think that while Vanessa has the means and opportunity to instantly KO Mike, she wouldn't. She would purposely keep him in action. She stalks around him and forces him to constantly move to catch up to her and face her. She lets him keep swinging at her; most of these swings are misses or don't hurt all that much (both from her dodging and Mike having bad aim), but she lets Mike get enough hits in to keep his hopes and ego up so he'll keep coming at her and wearing himself out. Once he's exhausted himself, she moves in for the kill.
Well, not for the KILL, of course. For the most part she just wants to scare him; maybe she knocks him down and twists his arm behind his back until he cries before getting up and walking away; Mike gets away with scrapes and bruises and maybe a black eye, and he's sore for a few days but that's it.
But if she was REALLY pissed, like if she saw Mike hurt Gregory or Evan or even Liz really badly, I can see her losing control and Mike coming out of it with one or more broken limbs, maybe she breaks his nose too.
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malepresentingleg · 2 years
I need someone to help me understand what Teh calls Hoon in I Told Sunset About You because it's driving me INSANE!
In Wikipedia it says "Ko Hoon" but I couldn't find its meaning. I thought it might be "Goh" which might mean Hoon is Teh's father's sister's son? But he seems to be his actual brother (from the first episode at least).
So why doesn't Teh call him Phi or Hia??
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sergeantjessi · 1 year
i wish every person who re-sells concert tickets for an absurdly high price a very happy rot in hell
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qazastra · 1 year
actually can i complain about my boss again.
apparently he only wants to have one experienced person on a training shift from now on. one person to train the entirely new worker how to work at our cafe. because "labor costs are through the roof." are you
hes just simply not going to have people who know what to do then!!!!! bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
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I just went to sleep😂, you really want to see one of the bunny boy in action, mh?
link of the poll
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