#{{ thank you !!
sorshters · 1 day
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heres some drawings of susie and stuff from a recent animation of mine😸
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akanemnon · 3 days
Not good enough to be submitted, so i'll just leave it here
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Please have a little more faith in your abilities. This is wonderful :')
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dl-paar90 · 1 day
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Hallo Feiertag 🥰 genießt alle den Tag!
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pleaktale · 2 days
edit: FOUND IT! thanks @cocksmashermcflufflepuff :3
*sighs* but still, come with me in this teory;
We are aware that in some scenes from ATSV we can see Hobie defying gravity because we can see Gwen's hair going up because AHEM gravity is a thing!
See examples:
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Adding this one becase APPARENTLY he can chose when gravity works on him??? (See the straps of his... suspenders?)
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Please ignore my writing...
Hobie has cutouts, right? Doesn't that make him FUCKING 2D?
We know his word is heavily inspired by a bunch of things from the 70s to the 80s, and wanna know something? The first time someone used 3d graphics on a movie WAS ON 1950!
So my theory is that Hobie's word is completely 2d (we can see a bunch of it on his intro) and that's why he can defy gravity ✨ but obviously he isn't 2d for the others because he's HUMAN after all so maybe when he changes portals? Ion know. This can obviously be debunked if we get a peek to his world on the next movie BUT UNTIL THAT I'm gonna be a firmly believer that he's 2D and that's why he doesn't follow the rules of gravity.
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vladimir-polishko · 2 days
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pinksobg · 2 days
Why did this happen?
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breathe and close your eyes to concentrate if you prefer. for reflection. hope you enjoy and it is insightful. ❤️
pile number 1 - Oh, yes, pile number 1. you went through a time of difficulty, scarcity, a place where you were not being treated fairly, you may have probably left an unbalanced place, where your voice was not heard and you felt rushed and devalued. That is really tough pile number 1, im really sorry to hear that. This happened because you deserved better. You deserved to leave this cramped space without scales, to a better place. Clearly a new place where you feel valued, heard and back in your personal power. you deserve the best. This situation may have been in a work environment, when rejecting a project or job proposal. But it can also be a friendship, a long-term relationship, among other varied aspects in your current reality.
cards - 5 of pentacles, queen of wands rx., temperance rx., king of pentacles.
card of advice - 9 of swords. If you are feeling very anxious, it is recommended that you visit a psychologist, therapist and return movement in your life, starting with something that you consider simple or easier, it could be cleaning something from your space and or physical exercise if it is possible. thank you so much. take care. you matter.
pile 2 - Oh, pile 2. It's an intense energy, I tried to prepare myself as much as possible to transmit this message. It is very likely that you have gone through a situation where you cannot be the charitable, kind and loving person that you are. You had to fight not to get hurt on this situation, whether by setting limits or trying to trust yourself again. In other words, if you didn't raise your guard you would have continued in a very exhausting cycle. It may have been an argument, a fight, a cut in something that you may have asked yourself 'but I don't act like this normally, what happened to me'. These thoughts may have occurred because you are a really good person and may not be used to putting yourself first. you were spiritually guided. Strongly, I'm listening. You may have had digestive system problems probably due to stress.
But hey, here we go again. You were guided to the best path, to choose what is good for you and also choose what is choosing you. You deserve to be the charitable person you are, to do that project that few believe in, to be your authentic truth. There is also a request to improve your spiritual protection, connect with your spirituality - more messages will arrive for you, good things. Take good care of yourself, don't be too alert, you are being taken care of, but also continue your journey of protecting yourself from what is bad for you, be it habits, people, spaces, etc. thank you very much. additional message - see you soon.
cards - 3 of pentacles, queen of cups rx, 9 of swords rx, 7 of wands rx, the lovers, the star.
pile 3 - hii pile number 3! did you thought about something good that happened, right? This could be someone who defended you or someone who defended you without you even realizing it, 'behind the curtains' kind of thing. Or maybe you might be thinking about a crush or something that gives you happiness and a feeling of completeness, like working on something to improve your self-esteem.
In other words, you may have thought of a certain good thing that happened to you. If this is your case, my pile number 3, is because you deserve it - you radiate completeness, friendship, truth to people, you don't hide your true face. with the card of the lovers, the star, the world in a single reading - it could also have been a gift from the universe, a Divine gift.
-- With the clarification with the Page of Wands card, this may have pushed you to continue, think about your future, create new ideas, open new horizons and prepare you for what comes next on your journey. If something good happened to you after a difficult time, it could also have been a form of... kind of 'justice', from the universe towards you, my pile number 3. a plan, there is.
Four of wands also, how beautiful! Really, if you thought of something good, it really is a celebration that occurred around you. Congratulations, my pile number 3!! You overcame something, achieved something important, even if you may not even realize what it is - but in some cases, yes, it is possible to realize what you did. right. This deserves a celebration, congratulations my pile number 3! Take good care of yourself, I hope this message resonated and was useful to you. thank youu
-------- ❤️
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sketchy-tour · 14 hours
Hi! Just wanted to say that I love your journal! 😊 Have a good day.
oH THATS SO SWEET THANK YOU!!!! Journalling has been nice and I think customizing it only made it more special!
Here! Some of my doodles I've done between my entries! Thank you for the kind words and I hope you have a lovely day!!!!
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miracle-negative · 3 days
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OHhhhhhhhhh innnnnkkkkkkkk💖💖💖💖
(*This painting is not finished yet! I'll be back soon.😢😢)
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Good nightଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧
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stareggie · 2 days
lowkey thinking about regulus black these days…
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ierofrnkk · 1 day
everyone say thank you dev patel 🫶🏻
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brittbby12 · 2 days
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akanemnon · 20 hours
love and appreciation btw
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Thank you so very much guys! Have a teaser! (Also please don't sell your liver for drawing skills, anon. That's a bad)
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silky-silks · 2 days
Oh my God. 120 followers!!
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Had to whip up something (and I would have done more but im in college again and haha...that takes over everything!) But where am I? Oh right THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
I know its a small number but that means 120 people were interested and liked my work and art so guess what? It means everything and you all have helped me a lot!! You kept me encouraged and you all help me find my happiness in my art again. And look where I am now!
So here are all my oc's just celebrating or confused of all the confettie. And just to be random here is some random dialouge from them
Geneieve: "Why are we having a party again?"
Syrup:"To celebrate 120 followers of course!"
Shrimpy: "Followers? You mean people are stalking us???"
Syrup: No Shrimpy it means people who are "subscribed to us on Tumblr!!"
Simon: "But aint it the same as stalking a bit? Like they view us so....."
Syrup"...oh shoot you actually do got a point"
Silky: "I am very concerned for the amount of braincells you all have right now"
Zithur: "Eh I lost 50 of mine so i think we are all good here"
Geneieve: "How are you even alive at this point? Shan't you be dead????"
(poor Zithur)
Anyway now that the gang is all here I was originally going to mention all my followers and then i realized...holy shoot that 120 to type and find so here are a few of mostly stating the mutuals and down the line!!
Thank you..
@eve-pie @ericvelseb666 @sg-the-mag-by @blueberryflower23
@buenos-diaz @zoeyvelseb666 @sharkyy599 @f3l1c1afox @annelostshoe @dollpuppets @i-ate-your-dog-srry @eldiabo @enjoyerofspooks @ethandorianbatz @fluffyartist132 @thetiredcreature @nia1sworld @night-terrorzz @atomictoasty @thegrimpumkinpatch @theoryvixen @yet-happy @onewallywithmanyfaces
@mentally-quiet-spycrab @mentally-spacey-spy @oddlyvoid
@not-so-creative-brazilian-girl @oli-draw @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin
@littlesiren79 @usuariaanonimam @that-one-furry-sky @autismtheartist
GASP AND TO MANY MANY MORE!!! Sorry if i didn't get your name but I am grateful nonetheless!
Now i dont have much presents but I will say for my Ask you can ask my characters literally anything. I want to be more interactive and i do apolgize for how slow I am with my diddly darn ask box so forgive me but to open up more room for how my characters act you can ask them whatever you like.
Hey Simon what do you think of the Mario games?
Stuff like that... see you guys later im going to go and eat a whole tub of icecream and drink orange juice BYE!!!!
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hyper realistic fanart of betty being simons weighted blanket because he started thinking again. they were going to go on a walk but it was such a nice day that simon realized he was too happy and he needed something to be anxious about. They're listening to a podcast
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vladimir-polishko · 2 days
In the blink of an eye..💖...
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nwarrior777 · 3 days
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I have 113/180$ for my rent and i should pay it June 1
so, this is updated announcement for extra commissions slots. literally two-three commissions can cover it. also there is donation option
i wrote 200$ in original announcement because it would be nice to also have a bit for food and other things but atm my priority is rent so let's focus on that
dm for details and taking slot. and thank you a lot for support.
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