mainsipad · 2 years
5.7 hemi intake manifold
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I would bet that if you if there are no physical cracks in the actual manifold, that if you just took the old manifold off, cleaned it with solvent, gooped the sh!t out of it with a good RTV, like HondaBond, and reinstalled it, you would get no more leaks. Has anyone ever actually did a side-by-side on the different manifolds? I read on another thread that the manifold part numbers at first ended in AA. It appears that the gaskets either shrunk, or the gasket galleys were too deep. This is a popular style of sealing modern intake manifolds. This is how I organized all the bolts I had to remove to replace the manifold Note all the rust from water getting below the intake manifoldĪll rust scrubbed off and hit with a shot of high temp engine paint What the other side looked like before I cleaned it The old manifold sitting next to the new one Wiring harness, not the green painters tape is how I labeled each connector If you have an 04 or 05 Durango with the 5.7L HEMI I would strongly encourage you to replace both the windshield cowl and the Intake manifold before you brick the engine.Įngine with the old manifold out of the way All in all I spent roughly $600 in parts and 17 hours of my own time in labor, but it was all very worth it. It was a little bit bigger of a test than I planned on giving the truck, but it still passed with flying colors! I have to give big shout out's to Don Fox for his write-up on the redesigned wiper cowl, and JCC for pointing me in the right direction on the intake manifold itself. However after the repair it didn't even so much as stutter. Before the repair I'm sure the truck would of left us dead on the road. The rain was coming down so hard that even with the windshield wipers going max speed, visibility was still very limited. On the way back we were driving on the interstate when we were hit by a nasty downpour. The following day we took the truck for a hour long drive to a park my kids really like. The new cowl did it's job well and even the little water that made it's way onto the engine could not make the engine run rough.
once I had the engine running again and verified nothing was leaking I took my garden hose and ran it full stream onto the windshield. I'm pleased to say the repair was a complete success. I probably could of streamlined my time a little bit, but I did take it slow as this was my first time diving this deep into the engine, also I took some time to clean the fuel injectors and the throttle body since they were already out anyway. It took me pretty much 17 hours from start to finish over the course of two days. I'd like to say that I'm fairly mechanically inclined but this project fought me tooth and nail. After doing a lot of research, mainly here, and talking with JCC (thanks for all your assistance BTW) I decided I was going to replace both the windshield cowl as well as the intake manifold itself. It got to the point that every time it rained not only would we not drive the vehicle, but I would also place a towel under the hood to make sure this engine didn't hydrolock and turn my truck into a big lawn ornament. It almost left us stranded once on a 600mi road trip because the rain was reeking havoc with the electronic throttle control. It hated the car wash and would run like complete crap in the rain. Our truck was experiencing many of the symptoms associated with this. Anyway, as many of you know, the 04 and 05 HEMI Durango are known for the hydrolock issue. So the three rows of seats come in very handy. Which works out perfect for our family because together we have four kids to haul around. Overall, a really nice, family friendly, rig. She has an 04 Limited with the 5.7L HEMI engine, 4x4 with every bell and whistle they could throw at this truck. Just wanted to take some time and share with you all the repair I did to my girlfriend's Durango this last weekend.
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fastest-hedgy-sonic · 5 years
Quality of life update
{{It’s almost time for my vacation. I only have 5 hours of sleep left before I’m going to the airport but I had to make this update first.}}
{{My current game-plan for replying to threads more consistently:
For those who stuck with me for more than a few months/years may have noticed that I haven’t been the most consistent with my threads. Sometimes I’ll reply to a thread immediately and other times I tend to go overboard and reply over a month or two later without any IRL update. I’ve said this a million times already and I’ll say it again. I’m really sorry! I think my issue is that I’m not making enough time to RP in general, causing me having those sudden writersblocks and silent hiatusses. But now it’s gonna change. I’ve finally got myself a better way about doing this more properly. So here are the 3 important changes you’ll see from me after I return from my vacation. NOTE: The following changes might change again overtime.
For starters, I’m gonna give myself a thread limit. I know this might seem bad for some people but I figured that having way too many threads at once can put me into a stressful situation, making me worry to which thread I should continue with or how fast I’m supposed to reply, etc. So from now on I’m capping my thread limit at 10 threads. It’s small but it’s better for my concentration. 
Second and probably equally as the previous change, I’m gonna schedule ALL my threads to be posted 7 days per 2 weeks. Meaning that every two weeks my threads will be posted throughout the week. So for a week you’ll see a thread or two pop up on Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday, etc for an entire week. Then two weeks later the process will repeat itself. And that’s gonna happen every two weeks unless I’m going on a hiatus. However, that doesn’t mean that I’m online every two weeks.
And that brings us to the final change. I’m only gonna be online on the weekends for cracks, shitposts and other shenanigans. I used to try to go online every single day but that just butcher my sleeping schedule overall. Because of that I tend to go to sleep at around 4 to 5 am and I can definitely say this from experience. Don’t do what I did. EVER. It WILL burn you out and you will LOSE your writing skills. Trust me. It’s not pleasant. Even if you live in another country and the timezones between you and your RP partners are very different, DON’T DO IT!
One last thing. I said last time that I was gonna try to finish all my threads before I go on vacation. Weeeell... I failed. I was only able to finish 6 out of 10. So the following replies will be automatically uploaded during my vacation in that specific order:
@coldheartbeauty @leaderisms @mask-0f-rebelli0n @champanache @waterxstarlight and finally @xochimili NOTE: To the people that recently made a starter/reply for me but were not listed in this, I can’t thank you enough. But you’ll have to wait until I get back from my vacation. But thank you so much for your patience! 
WHEW! And that’s all for my quality of life update! Now it’s time for me to sleep. I know it’s a lot to take in but I really needed to make this change for myself to become a better RP partner in general. To all of you who made it to the end of this post, thank you all for reading and understanding! Anyways. It’s time for me to leave. I’ll see you all next time!
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「“Cᴀᴛᴄʜ ʏᴀ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ!”」
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
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STATUS: CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who participated! All interactions are under the tag #vesuvia’s 600 followers road trip. Lovelots <3
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HI UM THANK YOU ALL we’re going on a road trip despite the different ass time zones because we’re weird asfu hHAHAJAJJAHA ANYWAY THANK U SM FOR THIS MILESTONE ILY ALL <333
July 27, 2021 21:29 to August 3, 2021 11:59
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🍔 kurger bing » send me stuff to cast my moots with. here are my available fandoms.
🗺 let’s go somewhere » tell me about the cool places you’ve been to and what you thought of it!
🐕 zitch dog » let’s exchange pics of our pets :)) it doesn’t have to be a dog!
🛣 i’m going nowhere » i’m very nervous about this but send me a reader insert scenario for a dialogue request. tell me if you want them in third or second person and please send me short ideas and only angst and fluff only! (AVAILABLE FANDOMS: HPU, TLC, OBX, and Friends)
🚐 getting there soon » send me a show or fandom and i’ll tell you my thoughts on it.
📻 music static » to spice things up, send me a song you hate and i’ll send you a song i hate or talk about the song you sent or both hsshhshshs
🧃ooh shocker » send me this and i’ll cast you as a cursed photo yes i am doing this again (MOOTS ONLY!)
TAGGING MY LOVELY ASS MOOTS UNDER THE CUT (btw follow them i love them all)
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@holden-caulfield @mauvea @selenesheart @silverdelirium @arcaneslut @railmeharrypotter @ameliasbitvh @amortensie @amourtentiaa @meiitanoia @maybanksslut @mrzweasley @ilygw @dr4cking @dracoscum @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dreamcxtcherr @potters-heart @dreamy-clousds @cupids-crystals @leydileyla @eunoniaa @mendesxruel @prongs103 @gothboutique @artxemqs @mjoubertt-1 @badass-yn @lovegoodsgf @pansyslut @henqtic @l0vely-lupin @bitchyypctter @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @nevsmommy @ronsbadidea @ronsonlywhore @ronsmommy @roonilwazlibweasley @just-a-smol-spoon @gwlvr @omgrachwrites @oeuryale @justadreamyhufflepuff @just-another-multifangirl @gold-russh @mais-e @annemagus @ilygw @romqnticizer + more i’ve forgotten oml i’m sorry ily all
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hellotvshowtrash · 3 years
Hiii Ash, congrats again on 600 followers! You deserve all the love and support in the world! 🥳🥳🥳💓💓💓
I'm sending in a ship request for your celebration for the tvdu men 🌝
Now, let's feel awkward as I try to talk about myself. 🙈
I'm 20 with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm very introverted and always prefer quality time with friends over a party. I'm not very spontaneous for the most part, Monica Geller like in a sense that I like it better when things are planned and organized. Chandler like in a sense that I too am hopeless and awkward and desperate for love. While we're on the subject, I love my comfort shows and rewatch them all the time. 😂🙈
I love long car rides with music or just a whole road trip (preferably to the seaside) sounds about perfect a year into lockdowns, lol! I love, love, love music and I play the guitar occasionally. I enjoy theatre plays as well as movies.
I hate fighting with people. I also don't communicate how I feel, because I prefer to listen to others and try and help them and ignore my own emotions. 🙈
Okay, enough, ew, too much 😂😂
P.S. also a total simp and slut who wants to be ra***d 74% of the time.
Btw, I totally have a suspicion who you might ship me with as I read this 👀
Love you, you wonderful bean 💖🌺
I love you so much 😂❤️ you’re the best. Thank you for sending this in! You’re so cute also only 74% of the time?
I ship you with... Klaus Mikaelson!! (Did you guess it? I was stuck between a few lovely vamps)
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He would LOVE to go to the theatre with you, whether it be for a play or a movie. He’d adore the times you do play the guitar because he could just watch you all night, mesmerized by you. Although, he would absolutely drag you to the occasional Mikaelson Ball, but he’d make it up to you by taking you on a one on one date 💘
Tina x Klaus drabble xx
Klaus isn’t much for car rides. With vampire speed, you can really go anywhere you want in a very short time. He’d much prefer that over a cross country road trip that was way too many hours.
Until it was you that asked him and he couldn’t deny the bright excitement in your eyes at the idea, the bundle of CD’s clutched in your arms ready for the trip. He agreed, begrudgingly, but agreed nonetheless. At first he was startled by how loud the music played but your joyful singing along as the hours passed made him smile and hum along as well. He snaked his hand over the middle console and rested it on your thigh, making you look over at him and smile.
Maybe road trips weren’t so bad after all, not when the love of your life was sitting next to you, singing along to her favourite songs, more stunning than ever. He thought that maybe he could learn to like road trips under these beautiful circumstances.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 4 years
Brat Tamer (Roman Reigns/Reader smut)
Summary: The reader’s not a wrestler, but she’s being intentionally bratty bc Ro doesn’t come back home to her. Ro decides to take things in his own hands when she takes her brattiness and her teasing too far.
Word Count: 6,510
Warnings: voyeurism, a small tiny large ass bit of possession/possessive behavior, Roman being an absolute beast who I want to wreck me into oblivion, mutual masturbation and I believe that’s it??? Forgive me if I’m wrong.
(A/N: This was supposed to be for reaching 600 followers, but I’m re-purposing it so it’s now @writing-reigns’s birthday gift! To my lovely talented amazing fantastic beautiful sassy big sister: thank you. You’re an absolute delight to be close to and I hope you know how much I love you. Happy birthday, darling!)
(A/N #2: Bracket texts are Roman’s btw lol)
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You never did like it when he was away for so long.
In fact, you hated it.
You knew this was a part of his job: the leaving for long periods of time, the sparse days that he spent with you when he was home with you, the repeated sadness of seeing him leave. But, you knew that he loved you and you loved him, so you supported him anyway.
It would always be months before you saw him again, all smiling and warm with him in your arms. Video calls and late night chats on the phone weren’t enough for you. You needed him here and at home with you.
You longed for his touch, the warmth of his body seeping into your skin at night when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. But now, his side of the bed was empty, and his babygirl would curl herself around his pillows to imitate the feeling of him against her.
You missed the way his hair would flop forward into his face and his constant struggle with trying to push it away, you laughing every single time because it was just too damn cute. Just thinking about all the little things he did just brought a smile to your face.
But, you also missed the more…sensual parts of your relationship.
He would always do things to you that none of your previous lovers ever did, and just thinking of them sent excited shivers down your spine. You missed the way his hands felt on your skin, pulling at your hair and tugging at your nipples as he too you with wild abandon and left you satisfied for hours.
You missed the feeling of his mouth on yours and his body pressed against you as he made love to you and made you cum more times than you could ever count on one hand. You missed the way he'd wrap a hand around your throat and hold you down on the bed as he pounded you from behind, banging the headboard against your bedroom wall as he called you his good slut over and over again.
He always had a way of making you feel like the most pampered princess in the world and the most dirty, naughty brat to ever exist and that was just perfect. You missed the sting of the marks from his hands on your ass whenever you misbehaved; doing it to yourself just never felt right at all.
You pined for his hands groping your slick breasts as he took you against the wall in your shower right after he got home from a long day at the gym, and you craved the feeling of him burying his tongue in your pussy whenever he woke up early on weekends.
All in all, you just…fuck, you needed him.
Which is why it hurt so much when he rang you up that night right as you were about to leave.
“Wait, what?! What do you mean you can’t come home yet?!”
“I mean, I can’t come home because I’m still on the road, babygirl,” Roman told you again, him sounding frustrated over the phone. You could hear the rumble of the bus he was on in the background, and the sound of the other Superstars chatting away right after.
“Ro, I’ve been planning this dinner for weeks! You said we’d go out when you got back, and that was supposed to be today!”
He was supposed to come home that Saturday afternoon, with his princess welcoming him at the door as he finally got back from the European leg of the company’s tour. It would’ve been your birthday the day he shou;d’ve been back and when you told him, he had promised to take you out for a nice dinner and left it to you to plan out the details.
You both were supposed to have fun, celebrate him coming back from the latest leg of the tour and you surviving another year on this planet, and come back to your apartment to reconnect after months of being away from each other.
It was supposed to be perfect.
But it wasn’t and he wasn’t here, and you were left without your man, fully dressed in the skin tight red sleeveless number he always loved, hair and makeup done with your heels on only to be left alone at your door.
“You can’t just cancel on tonight because of your stupid fucking job!”
You kicked off your heels and stormed into the living room, throwing your purse on the kitchen counter and stomping over to the couch. You glared out into nothing, hoping that he could feel the weight of your stare through the phone. “I literally got all dressed up for you to just ghost on me!”
“You watch your tone with me, babygirl,” Roman warned, venom seething from his mouth. “I’m sorry that I can’t just hop off this fucking bus, grab my bags and stow away on a plane for you and get there in five minutes! You said you supported me going away when we started dating, so support me.”
You’re full-on yelling at this point, red in the face and close to tearing his eyes out when he actually gets back. “How can I support you if you do shit like this to me?! You fucking promised-”
“Stop!” he shouted, shutting you up immediately. He never used his dom voice outside of the bedroom before and frankly, it scared you but you weren’t going to let down your front that easily. “Don’t fucking tell me what I promised, babygirl. I said I was sorry and Daddy will make it up to you when he gets back, as long as you stop being a fucking brat about all of this.”
“What-me? Being a fucking brat?! Excuse me, Roman, but I am completely justified in-”
“Babygirl, look,” he sighed, the deepness in his voice fading slowly. “I swear to you that I’ll make this up to you, okay?”
You could feel tears pricking your eyes. Whether they were out of pure anger or sadness, you couldn’t tell. “B-But Daddy-”
“No buts, princess. I’ll see you when I get home. We’re about to reach the hotel, and I’m really fucking tired. This conversation is over.”
And with that, he hung up, the dial tone beeping in your ear before you turnt your phone off.
You managed to call the restaurant and cancel your reservation, take off your dress and your makeup and remove your jewelry without throwing your phone across the hall or punching a hole through your bedroom door. Slipping on one of Ro’s old merch tees, you climbed into bed and sniffled, crushing his pillow against your chest and sighing angrily. You contemplated between tearing your hair out before you went to bed that night or just screaming into the pillow. So, you chose the latter.
“How dare he?!” you yelled. “Fucking hypocrite saying that he doesn’t break his promises, and yet goes and breaks one himself! And he called me a brat for being angry? The audacity!”
All he had to do was give you a warning beforehand, a message or anything but nothing! Nothing from him because he put so much attention on his fucking work that he never even thought about you at all!
You flopped onto your back and kicked the blankets away, grumbling and staring into the dark void that was your ceiling for what seemed like hours until an idea popped into your head. You grinned deviously as you began to weave the idea into a full-fledged plan and you rubbed your hands together maniacally.
If he wants a brat, fine. I’ll give him a brat. Let’s see how much good that does him in the long run.
Game on, Daddy, you thought as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, a grin slowly making its way across your lips.
He was in the hotel gym with a few of the other Smackdown Superstars when you had texted him that morning. Setting down the weights he was lifting, he paused his music and wiped the sweat from his brow. Just seeing your name light up his phone made him smile a little, even if he did insight the argument the two of you had a few days ago.
Y/n (Daddy’s Babygirl)
morning Daddy 😚😚
                                                             [Gmorning princess. How've you been?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
just missing u, that's all 🥺
                               [You know I'll be home in a few days. We've been over this]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
i know, but i can't help it. i miss having u here to take care of me 😢💙. ur babygirl's pussy is so wet rn & she needs her Daddy to come take care of her 🥺
   [I'll take care of you and all your needs when I get back, just how you like it ;)]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
you better, or i may have to do it all by myself 😏😏😏
Roman looked down at his phone with wide eyes, sensing that you had something up your sleeve.
                                                              [Babygirl, what are you planning to do?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
nothinggggg 👀😏
                                                                             [Don't lie to me now, princess]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
okay fine, you're no fun >:P. i'm rubbing my clit thru my panties rn. they're
the ones u got for me for my birthday, and they're *soooo* soaked rn 💦💦
i'm all wet and aching and needy bc i miss u, Daddy 🥺
He could feel his eyes getting darker by the second and quickly got up, saying his goodbyes to everyone in the gym before grabbing his gym bag and speed walking through the door. He made his way to the elevator and felt his phone vibrate again, cursing to himself as the doors opened and he leaned against the back wall.
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
fuuck Daddy it feels so good but it doesn't feel the same
i miss your big fingers, Daddy. mine are too small and yours make me
feel the best 😻
                                        [Princess, did I tell you that you could touch yourself?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
                          [Take your fingers away, princess. I didn’t give you permission]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
                                                                                             [What did you say?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
i said no 😈😊
fuck, my pussy is so wet for you, Ro. i’m sliding my fingers thru my folds and they’re so wet for you 😩
i have to text with one hand bc lefty’s busy with my slick hole rn
                                                        [You better stop teasing me like this or else]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
or else what? you’ll punish me? i already have two fingers in me, about to be three
She’s really testing me today, isn’t she? Roman thought as the elevator doors dinged and opened on his floor. He quickly walked to his room, placing the keycard in the door and swinging it open. Throwing his gym bag somewhere near his suitcase, he walked outside onto the balcony and swiped a hand over his face, imagining you in one of his merch tees with your legs spread and your folds wet and swollen for him.
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
i can’t hit my spot like you do, Daddy. you always finger-fuck me so good
fuck, i feel like i’m gonna cum already from this 😩💦
                                                                                              [Babygirl, I said no]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
too late, Daddy. i’m pushing in my third finger ;3
it feels so damn good Daddy. i can’t wait until you get back anymore
His eyes got dark and clouded over with lust as he felt his cock grow in his gym shorts. Fuck, what is she doing to me?
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
i’m rubbing my clit with my thumb now. dragging my nail across it too
i’m picturing it as your teeth bc you love to use them when you go down on me 🥺
                                              [I said to fucking stop already. Listen to me, (Y/n)]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
Hmmmm….how about…no 😋
i’m about to cum Ro. gonna squirt all over my fingers for you 💦
Is she really going to…? No, she wouldn’t disobey me like that, would she?
                               [(Y/n), you better not or else you’ll regret it when I get back]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
shit, i’m cumming Daddy fuuuuck
His mind is immediately bombarded with the vision of you soaking your bed, your juices flowing from you and staining your sheets. He heads back inside, closing the balcony door before throwing his phone on the bed and sitting down himself.
                                                                 [You done having your fun, princess?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
mmhm ^^
i came so hard for you, Ro. you wanna see?
He gets a picture right after, opening it to see your inner thighs glistening with your juices, your hand forming a peace sign as your digits are coated with your cum. Growling deeply, he closes his texts and moves to call you, the phone seeming to ring endlessly in his hand before going straight to voicemail.
“Hello person calling my phone, you’ve unfortunately reached the phone of (Y/n). Someone must’ve pranked you or something, because this is obviously the wrong number. But, if you meant to call this number, I’m clearly busy with something important so if you need me, leave a messa-”
Roman hung up quickly, throwing the device next to him and sighing, flopping onto the sheets and staring at the ceiling defeatedly. The concentrated throbbing of the hard-on in his gym shorts made him angry. You were testing him, teasing him, and he was buying into it big time. The phone buzzed next to him suddenly, making him grab at it and lean his head up.
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
gotta go, Daddy. i’m gonna go take a nap. byeeee 😚💗
                                                                     [You’re really gonna do this to me?]
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
yep ^^. Talk to you soon 😘
For almost a full week now, he’s had to deal with the torture you put him through, showing up to press talks and photoshoots and working out non-stop with a constant hard-on from the things you’ve been sending him. For a full week, the sexts became an almost daily thing as you recounted all of the things you were doing to yourself behind his back: touching yourself constantly in the bed you shared, grinding against his pillows and taking selfies with only his shirts on, sending him pictures of you in your newest dresses.
The “home movies” you sent him were equally as troubling, showing him exactly how well off you were without him there to take care of you and please you by teasing him with the various vibrators and dildos that you had in your chest.
You even had the nerve to call him during a meeting with Stephanie and tell him that you were wearing the vibrating panties he bought you last year for your birthday while you were out with friends, causing him to shoot up in his chair and try to hide his erection.
And for a full week, he’s been pent up with sexual energy, counting down the days and waiting for when he can finally come home to you and punish you for what you’ve been doing to him.
But, they’ve also been dragging on for what seemed like an eternity. So when he pulled up to the arena that Friday night, Roman was more than a little pissed off. You tagged him in a selfie you took on Instagram of you in a fitted black and turquoise lace bodysuit with a black lace collar, posting that you “had a surprise waiting for a special when they finally gets back to you”.
He felt a hot streak of possessiveness run clean through his system when he shut off his phone, and his fingers twitched with the need to let everyone know that you were his as he read through the comments. But he persisted, gripping the steering wheel of his rental tightly before getting out with a plan in mind. Grabbing his bag from the trunk, he pushed the doors open and walked inside with a grimace on his face as he tried to maneuver around the various stage crew and other wrestlers that littered the hallways. 
Roman was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t seem to acknowledge bumping into one Mustafa Ali and walking straight through the man. He fell back with a yell, rubbing his shoulder as the Samoan continued on his way with his suitcase rolling behind him.
Rising to his feet, Mustafa brushed himself off before chasing after the other man, cupping his hands over his mouth to yell over the countless voices around him. “Hey, Roman! Hold up, man!”
Oh fuck, he groaned internally as Ali pulled up beside him, a smile on his face as he tried to match Roman’s pace. “So, how you been, buddy? It’s been a minute since we last talked, huh?”
Roman grunted, brows furrowed as he ignored him. His phone buzzed in his pocket again - most likely another message from you - and his mind immediately went back to you, thinking about how delicious you looked in that bodysuit.
She’s gonna fuckin’ get it when I get to the locker room, he thought, his hold on the bag’s handle tightening as Mustafa continued to try and speak with him.
“Ok, not much of a talker today. That’s fine. I just wanted to discuss our strategy for our match tonight. You know, for our tag match against Ziggler and Corbin? I was thinking that maybe you come out first and give ‘em the verbal one-two hit before I come out since they don’t know I’m your partner yet, but we could change that if-”
“It’s fine the way it is,” Roman replied, moving some stray hairs from his face before making a left towards the locker room and finding the one with his name on it. Before opening the door, he turned around to see the smaller man looking back at him holding his thumbs up and smiling.
He entered the locker room and shut the door, his mood somewhat lightening as he rolled his bag into the corner. Shoving his hand into his jeans pocket, he pulled out his phone and opened the newest message from you.
Y/n (Daddy's Babygirl)
(photo attached)
bought another one for you, Ro 💜💜
Roman walked over to the bench and sat down, taking his hair out of the messy bun he put it in earlier with his free hand and sighing as he felt the crotch of his jeans grow tight. There you  were, spread out on the couch on your back wearing a lavender keyhole lace teddy with one of your legs bent towards the camera. You were smiling back into it and biting your lip, which made him groan and tug his hair a little as he ran his hand through it.
                                            [You’re really milking this teasing thing, aren’t you?]
Y/n (Daddy’s Babygirl)
Why yes I am. This is why you don’t lie to me, Daddy
                                                         [Oh, you’re gonna fucking get it later, (Y/n)]
Y/n (Daddy’s Babygirl)
Can’t wait for it ^3^
He smirked deviously when he read that, loving how coy and innocent you sounded but knowing how wet you became just from him sending that. He did secretly love this game you were playing with him, riling him up with texts and pictures and videos, but as your Daddy he had to put you in your place. You had to know who was really in charge.
Standing and shoving his phone back into his pocket, he walked back to the door to unlocked it, only to hear the sound of someone suddenly knocking on the other side. He opened it to find a stagehand standing in front of him with a clipboard.
“Um, excuse me, Mr. Reigns?” she started, tapping her fingers nervously on the board, “I know this is kinda sudden and we only have, like, an hour and a half until the show starts, but the big man and some of the other guys upstairs switched around some of the matches on the card for tonight’s show.”
“And? What does that have to do with me?”
“Your tag match was one of the ones moved and, well….it was moved to the beginning of the night. Like, right after Baron’s segment. So, you’ve got to start getting geared up since some of the people in the film crew wanna start shooting some of your pre-show promos in a bit.”
She then turned on her heel and scampered away, reaching in her back pocket for a pen and clicking it to scribble something down.
He sighed, closing the door as he looked up at the clock on the wall and noticed that he only had a few minutes before someone else came knocking. Roman walked over to his suitcase and turned it over on its side to open it as he sighed.
Guess I’ll deal with you later, babygirl.
The crowd was roaring in his ears and he was loving all that energy, soaking it up like a sponge as he knew you were tuning in to watch him fight. He loved knowing that you could see the Big Dog in his natural habitat, watching him kick the crap out of anyone he was put in front of and feeling the apex of your thighs tingle from how turned on you were becoming.
Adrenaline pulsed through his veins throughout the entirety of the match, from when he slapped the taste out of Corbin’s mouth before Mustafa made his presence known to when he finally pinned Ziggler after hitting him with a third Spear during the nearly 15 minute long tag match.
Seeing “King” Corbin pull his new lackey from the ring and scamper to the back while holding him by his arms brought a quick smile to his face as he yelled “You can’t handle all this!” and the ref raised their arms in victory.
“I’ll see you around, okay? You were awesome out there!”
“You too, Ali,” Roman said smiling, panting slightly as the duo made their way through the curtain. Promising to check in on him some time later on, the two pounded fists and shared a brief hug before Ali began limping to the back with one of the medical personnel in tow, leaving Roman by himself.
“Now,” he told himself, smile dropping and eyes narrowing as he tore his way through the halls to get to his locker room, “time to take care of business.”
He immediately locked the door when he got inside, ripping his tactical vest off and throwing it into one of the open lockers before going over to his bag and unplugging his phone from the wall next to it.
His chest was shiny with sweat underneath the fluorescents, so he grabbed a towel that one of the stagehands left on the bench inside to wipe himself down. Drying off his hair with one hand, he used the other to unlock his phone and video call you, with you instantly picking up after only two rings.
“Hi, baby! You were so great out there during your match tonight! That was probably one of your best this ye-”
Your voice died down when you saw the look he was giving you: eyes holding yours in a steely gaze, neck vein starting to pop out a bit and a clear glint of mischief running across his entire face, but he disguised it all with a smirk. It sent shivers down your spine to know that secretly, you were the one to do this to him, to get him like this.
“How’s Daddy’s favorite little tease doing?”
“A tease? Me?” you feigned shock, mouth dropping open as you placed your hand on your chest. “Why would I ever have the gall to tease you in any way? I’m a good girl, remember?”
Roman’s face deadpanned and you had to stifle a giggle from bursting. “You know exactly what you’re doing to me, (Y/n). You’re not slick, and your Daddy isn’t a dumbass.”
His eyes flowed down to your chest, and how you were starting to angle the phone to show him more of what you were wearing. He chuckled at your latest attempt to get him riled up but unluckily for you, he was filled to the brim with pent-up energy and was all too ready to take it out on you.
You pursed your lips and blew a kiss to him as you crossed your legs on the bed. What seemed like miles of red mesh ran up your legs to your upper thighs and was held up by a frilly garter belt, leading his eyes up your body as the other two pieces of the red lace lingerie set hid all of your goods from his heated gaze.
“You like it? I bought this little number a while back and I was gonna send you a pic of it as a congratulations gift but since you called me, I figured now was as good of a time as any! So, what do you think?”
He could feel the crotch of his ring pants grow tight as you giggled again and stuck your tongue out, dropping the towel next to him as he ran his hand over the newly formed bulge. “I think,” he started, moving towards the bench and sitting down, “that it’d look much better on the bedroom floor. Speaking of which, take it off.”
“The bra. As much as I love how it frames your perfect breasts, I want it off. Now.”
Furrowing your brows in confusion, you placed your own phone on your bedside table and angled it against the lamp that stood there before reluctantly reaching around and unsnapping the lacy piece, sighing as the room’s cool air made your nipples perk up. You tossed the discarded garment in the direction of your closet, smiling faintly and awaiting further instruction.
“Now, since you wanted to tease me for over a week with those fucking texts, those videos, those tags on Instagram, now I’m gonna do the same damn thing to you. And this time, you’re gonna fucking take it.”
Oh shit was the only thought that ran through your head as you gulped and felt your fingers twitch.
“So, what I want you to do is take out that cute little toy chest you have under your bed-”
“How do you know about that?!”
“-and take out the dildo you got molded for me. You know the one I’m talkin’ about, right?”
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you muttered under your breath as you stood up, wondering how in the fuck he found out about it and turning around to bend over suggestively and give your man a show. You could hear the jingling of his belt clasp and heard him suck in a breath, smirking to yourself as you pulled out the black box from underneath your bed frame.
For Roman, he loved the view that he was given, loving how the lace and the garter belt framed your ass as you reached into the box to pull out the silicone toy and show it to him. It was shaped and colored to look exactly like his own cock but before he could say anything, you climbed back onto the bed and sat cross-legged with it in your lap. He could see a slight flush dusting your cheeks and he laughed darkly.
You could see him fully now, his arm with his phone in his hand partially outstretched while his other hand held his half-hard cock as he coaxed himself to full hardness. Looking down at the dildo resting on your legs, a shudder went through your body. Although your new toy will never compare to the original, you’re gonna make damn sure that your money is well spent.
He watched as you let out a shaky breath, moving to lay down on our back at the head of the bed and picking up the dildo. You raised it to your lips and suctioned your lips around the head, getting it nice and wet for him before trailing it down your neck and circling it around your breasts and nipples until they were shiny with your spit.
With wide eyes, you looked back into the camera and asked, “What do you want me to do now, Daddy?”
“Cut the innocent crap, babygirl,” he sneered, making you moan softly. “Trail that thing down your stomach and run it over those pretty panties you bought.”
You answer him with a “Yes, Daddy” before doing as he told you, dragging the dildo down over your stomach and circling your belly button with it before running the head over your pelvis and throwing your head back with a moan.
It felt good running it over your skin like that, almost as good as if Roman was actually there with you and teasing you himself, but you’d never say that to him outright. Raising your hips to meet it, you slid the toy’s shaft in-between your legs and ran it over the thin strip of fabric that kept it away from your lower lips. You could already feel how wet you were becoming, seeing as after a few seconds of this that the dildo was faintly glistening with your juices when you held it up.
“Babygirl, don’t you fucking stop until I tell you to,” he growled over the line, making you jump out of your own little fantasy world. He was angling his phone downwards towards his hard-on, showing you how he’s already leaking cum onto his fingers as he touched himself at your expense. “Keep rubbing that dildo over that wet little pussy of mine.”
You spent the next few minutes running the toy over yourself, grinding it against your clit and moaning but taking it away when you got too close to cumming as to prolong what you had going on. The arch in your back became more prominent as time went on and as sweat began to bead on your own temple, making every moan made and every breath you took much heavier.
He finally told you to stop, seeing how he could spot your juices staining your inner thighs from where your phone stood on the bedside table. “Pull those soaked panties to the side, (Y/n), and fuck yourself with that toy for me. I want you to be fucking dripping and soak that thing so badly that I can see your cum from my end.”
You can audibly hear him stroking his cock now, his pre-cum making it easier for him to pump and twist his thickness. A smile broke out onto your fae but by the look in his eyes, you knew it wouldn’t last as you pulled the red panties to the side with your free hand and rubbed the head of the toy between your lips before sliding it into you slowly.
A heady groan rang out from within you and your eyes snapped open as you began to fuck yourself with it, pressing the silicone balls against your clit to drive you to climax quicker. Moving back into your own little world, you could feel it moving against your inner walls and running against every spot that made you tick.
You threw your head forward with a moan, both of you watching how perfectly all of it fit within you in one go and how quickly you started thrusting it. You raised your hips to meet it with every pass, sighing whenever it filled you to the brim.
You were so lost within this space, your mind so cloudy with arousal, that you almost didn’t hear him call your name.
“Slower, babygirl. I don’t want you cumming yet. You’re not the only one who wants to drag this out.”
So from that point on, he directed your pace and your every movement, telling you to go slower or faster and leaving you hanging on a damn thread every time. Roman laughed heartily when you huffed and puffed out your cheeks, calling you adorable despite being a teasing brat.
“I’m only giving you what you asked for, so don’t blame me for any of this.”
He made you grind down on it every time the dildo went balls deep, making you cry out when he made you take it out right after and pass the sticky head over your clit. You were balancing on nearly nothing at that point, a heavy sheen of sweat now covering your body and seeping into the mesh tights you were wearing until he finally tossed you a bone.
“Now ride it. Ride that fucking toy like you will once I step through your goddamn door. Ride that dildo until you’re screaming my name and letting everyone on your block know who fucking owns you.”
He says this with a snarl, tightening his grip around his shaft and stroking himself quicker as you rose to your knees and moved a pillows between your thighs to suction the dildo onto it. You sunk down on it immediately, your juices making it much easier for you to slide it in and your walls hugging it closely. You grabbed another pillow and moaned loudly into it as you started bouncing, bits of your hair flying around your face and lightning running through your veins.
Your hands started to move in opposite directions; one drifted towards your breast to pluck and pull at your nipple, and the other fell to your pelvis as you began rubbing at your clit with your fingers. Looking at Roman through the phone didn’t do you any better at all, him showing you how hard and thick and ready he was for you.
His chest and forehead were covered in a thin layer of sweat as he stroked himself to a climax throwing his head back with a moan and tugging at his long hair. You could see thick streaks of white fly from the head and splatter his chest and stomach, making you moan as he lowered his head and looked straight back at you. His eyes were cloudy and lost but still dominant and utterly him which made you close your own eyes to keep yourself from reaching that peak.
But despite that, you could still feel it building up in your abdomen as the dildo hit all of your deepest spots and made you cry out to the heavens. Words could no longer spill from your mouth when you felt that twinge of arousal run directly through you and drive you closer and closer to that edge you were seeking. He was finally going to let you cum after what seemed like hours and hours of teasing…
...which is why it shocked you so much when Roman told you to end it.
“....wait, what?”
“Babygirl, I said stop. Take the dildo out now.”
Even through your daze, you could hear him clearly. His eyes were nearly black, clouded fully with lust as he gripped the phone with one hand and held his softening cock with the other. Isn’t this what he said he wanted? You were so close, why should you stop now?
So you kept at it, grinding the toy down harder as you moved closer to the phone so he could see. You arched your back and pretended not to hear him, lost in your own little world of pleasure and dipping your hand back to your hard bud to rub at it furiously.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna-”
“(Y/n), I said to fucking stop.”
And stop you did, ceasing all movements and quickly taking your hand away from your clit. The tone he used surprised you as he never really used his dom voice outside of the bedroom, so you knew he was fucking serious.
You moved to grab the phone from its place on the bedside table and whined as you slowly slid off the toy, the crotch of the lace panties a deep marroon as your walls clenched around nothing. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you put the dildo next to you and were sure to get it in frame, all shiny and glistening with your juices.
“Now what, Daddy?”
“Pick it back up and clean it off, baby.”
You did so without hesitation, moaning obscenely as you made a show of picking the toy up and running your tongue along its sides. He let out a low moan as he watched you watch him while you licked your juices off of it, swirling your tongue around the fake head like you would’ve if he was laying right there with you.
He hummed, the deep noise sending shivers down your spine as you placed it next to you and held the phone up before resting your head on the pillows behind you.
“All done,” you said coyly, biting your lower lip again as he ran a hand through his hair on the other side of the screen. Always did love when he did that.
Roman told you to put the toy back in the drawer where you found it and to change - both of which you did, dropping the dildo back into your toy chest and swapping out the soaked red panties for a tank top and silk shorts.
That’s future me’s problem, you thought when you noticed the wet spot staining your sheets, wearily moving around it before slipping under your blanket.
“I miss you, Ro. When are you getting back? Like, actually?” you asked, pouting your lips.
“I’ll be home in a week, babygirl,” he told you, out of breath and nearly falling back into the open lockers behind him. “You better not touch yourself until I get back.”
Your eyes went wide and you scrambled to sit up. “Huh? Why not?”
He ignored your question, moving over to his left to grab the towel that laid on the bench. Wiping off his chest again, he said assertively, “Your Daddy’s giving you a command, (Y/n). Follow it, or else I’m gonna put the belt on you for as long as I want.”
You gulped audibly, holding your tongue as your eyes grew wide. After a few seconds, you let out a soft “Ok” and he nodded in approval.
“That’s my girl. Now, be a good girl for me, and I’ll see you when I get home.”
He didn’t even wait for your reply, hanging up the call and shutting off his phone. Roman threw it back into his bag and sighed as his deep brown eyes wandered to the ceiling and he slumped back against the wall next to it.
She’s gonna end up killing me someday, he figured, wiping his hand down his face, but what a hell of a way to go.
~~ Tag List: @writinglionqueen @writing-reigns @i-have-saracasm @yaint-me @alwaysbenhardysgirl @mother-of-goddesses @missmoxy @gold–gucciempress @mistress-to-the-moon @meishaabae @luciddrreamss @neversatisfiedgirl @the-carter-mob-don @dreamlesswonder86 @shazambitches @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit @baronsbelleevangelineon @tacoshu @ladytea19 @candicelerae @sassymox @bambixbliss @lookalivesunshine-x @liamakorn @baddie-bismuth @deepdisireslonging @flawlessglamazon @thegoblin-maiden @justsimplevicky @taryn-dibiase @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash @shieldgirl18 @speckylynch @thirst-n-bullshit @wrestlersownmyheart @wrestlingfae @wrestlingbabe @theskullgoddess @nerdlife0612 @axelwolf8109 @hardcoresweet45 @culturalrebel @andie01 @sassyspacedust @neversatisfiedgirlfics @nicolewoo @unprettypeony @lilmisscrisis @itsicantbelievethis666 @thatpanpal @nightgirl250 @theworldofotps @jeffhardyenigmawwefan @xfirespritex @aspiringhorrorfilmmaker​ @haharollins @calwitch @officialbroski10-blog​ @thatnerdwriter @youcantreignonmyparade @demonslunacy @scuzmunkie @ms-novel ~~
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Everlong—Jimmy Page Smut
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Thanks for 600 followers guys! Here is my gift for you. Btw the next part of Front Page is almost done, should be up later this week!
Author’s Note: Okay time to come clean: I’ve officially become a whore for Jimmy Page’s stomach. I blame that damn photo of him with John Stamos; the photo would be even hotter if it were only Jimmy, but beggars can’t be choosers!
This picture has kept me up these past few nights, So much so that I have to share this recurring dream I’ve had.
And the title is inspired by Everlong by the Foo Fighters, seemed appropriate! Plus I swear I heard it in my dreams!
Enjoy! As always, feedback is encouraged!
Summary: If you’re stressed
May I suggest
Sex with Jim is best
You may soon be obsessed
You threw open the door to your apartment—flat, you thought to yourself (been in England six months and you still haven’t mastered British slang)—and kicked your heels off. It had been a long, hectic day at the publishing company you worked at and you just wanted to curl up with your husband and go to sleep.
That was the plan, until you dragged yourself into your bedroom and found Jimmy sprawled out on the king-sized mattress, sleeping soundly...and looking absolutely beautiful.
His long, ebony hair was framed around his perfect face, his usually intense features softened by a blissful slumber. Even from your spot in the doorway you could hear his gentle breathing patterns, his chest rising up and down rhythmically.
Your eyes couldn’t be stolen from the sight of him; his blue Hawaiian shirt was completely unbuttoned, exposing his chest hair and stomach. You’d never said it aloud for you knew he was quite sensitive about it, but you loved Jimmy’s stomach. You’d spent many a lazy day lying down together, your head resting on his belly while he’d run his long and limber fingers through your hair.
There just wasn’t a flaw in Jimmy Page; you’d been with him long enough to confirm that. Regardless of how he saw himself, he was perfect to you, and that was all that mattered.
That, and possibly the two of you getting a little intimate after your shower.
You emerged from the bathroom in a plush terra-cotta robe, smelling of lavender and vanilla (two of your husband’s favorite scents; you liked them too because they helped you relax). Even though you knew love making would only serve to make you even more sweaty than you were before your shower, you wanted to feel your absolute best when you were around him.
And now here you were, clean, relaxed, and horny. You need only to fall into bed with your love to gain the fourth emotion you craved: satisfied.
You slowly tiptoed your way over to Jimmy, carefully crawling up next to him and kneeling in the corner of the mattress next to his head. Licking your lips, you closed your eyes and delicately lowered your head down to his, cusping his angelic face in your palms.
You placed a soft, warm kiss on his full pink lips, which had a sleeping beauty effect. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing his hypnotic green eyes.
“Y/N,” Jimmy whispered in a sleepy tone. He leaned up and wrapped you in a warm embrace. “You’re home late. Everything all right?”
You nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the bewitching scent of his hair. He smelled faintly of rainy roses; clearly he’d used the new shampoo you bought him, and clearly you were smitten with it.
“Just a long day,” you murmured between planting love welts on his neck. “I’m just happy to be home, with you. How was your day?”
Jimmy’s rough-yet-gentle fingers traces circles on your back, his other hand tilting your chin up to kiss your nose.
“Productive,” he answered with a slight chuckle. “Eric and Jeff and I had a run-through of our set list for the ARMS concert next week, went extremely well.” His face became a little more serious as he looked downwards for a moment. “It was just like old times.”
You took Jimmy’s hand that had held your chin up and placed it in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. Even though it had been three years since Led Zeppelin had disbanded, and even though he and Robert were still performing together on occasion, and even though he still got that twinkle in his eyes when he played...things just weren’t the same. Jimmy would always insist that he was fine, but you knew him better than that. He was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve; he coped with sadness by strumming his guitar...and speaking with you.
“You know, I don’t doubt for a second that you’ll ever stop what you’re doing, babe,” you looked him in the eye as you reassured him wholeheartedly. “For every bump your road has taken, you keep going forward, and I love that about you.”
Jimmy smiled and shook his head. “And that’s what I love about you, you remind me there’s still a reason to play.”
He pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that quickly escalated from gentle to passionate as your hands reached for his thick, dark mane. You kneaded your fingers through his curls, eliciting groan from deep within his chest.
“Now, if you don’t mind,” he panted between kisses. “I’d like to play with you.”
You were already aiming to rip his shirt off before he finished delivering his invitation. “Yes,” you whispered hotly into his ear. “I wanna play too.”
His shirt was off by this point, and he was deftly undoing the knot round your bathrobe. Once the robe was to the floor, Jimmy brought you closer to him, your head nuzzled in his chest and your legs wrapped around his waist.
Your eyes were closed as he peppered your cheek with kisses, moving down to your neck, sucking a deep love welt right above your collarbone.
You gripped onto his shoulders as he continued to mark you up; the desire that you’d suppressed all day at the office was gradually increasing with each moment.
“Mmm,” you sighed as you ground your hips on his thigh. Your movements were slow and fluid; you could tell Jimmy was getting more and more hot and bothered each time you moved closer to his ever growing erection.
“You needed this,” Jimmy breathed as he placed one of his hands on your breasts, his other hand propping up your back for support while you kept riding his leg. “Didn’t you?”
“M-more than you know, honey,” you sighed as you brought your hands down from his shoulders to his lower stomach, pausing for a second to enjoy how soft he felt. You didn’t squeeze him, just deftly brushed your hand across the smooth surface of his skin before you moved your palm to the rim of his white jeans.
Your eyes were locked on each other as you continued to pleasure the other one’s bodies, him massaging your now-fully hard breast and you palming his hard cock underneath the fabric of his boxers—pants-- and pants which they called trousers here in your new home.
“Ah, Y/N, I needed this too,” Your husband said in a husky voice as he pressed his forehead to yours.
You kissed the tip of his nose in response.
“I know baby. I’m here. We’re gonna relax together.”
You continued to move your hand up and down his bulge at an agonizingly slow pace. It was erotically ironic: his manhood was aching with tension but his face was melted in pleasure.
Jimmy was moaning for you at this point and, feeling mischievous, you placed the hand that wasn’t feeling him up on his right shoulder and lightly shoved him back so his head hit the down pillows with a soft thud.
“Love, what are you—“
“Jimmy, let me take care of you, please?”
He looked at you with wide eyes at first and then let out a chuckle. He had such an angelic laugh, so warm and childlike.
“Permission granted.” He smiled. You knew he preferred being in charge, but you just couldn’t help yourself. Your sexual tension was all but boiling over now.
You smirked at him and took your hand off his cock, never once breaking eye contact.
Slowly, very slowly, you brought your head to his and planted a soft, innocent kiss on his now full lips. Your hands massaged his tense shoulders as you worked your lips down his body, sucking a love welt near his Adams Apple then nuzzling your nose into his patch of chest hair. His hands caressed your back as you continued to worship him, relishing your loving moves.
“You’re beautiful, my dear. Whatever did I do to deserve you?” Jimmy murmured in a trancelike tone.
“Mmmmmm…” You hummed against his chest in reply. You kissed the space just right above his stomach area, mustering all the willpower you could to contain your joy at arriving at the favorite part of his body.
Tracing your fingers down his arms and bringing his hands in yours so your fingers were intertwined, you placed kiss after kiss on his soft, heavenly belly. You made sure not to spend too much time on this area though; you knew Jimmy was waiting for you.
As you moved downwards towards the edge of his pants, you placed one final smooch on his happy trail and brought your hands to the sides of his hips.
“Take me, now,” he ordered.
“Y-yes, sir,” you replied as you hooked your fingers against the sides of his trousers and pants, moving them lower, lower, lower until he was free, cock fully erect.
You wasted no time positioning yourself between Jimmy’s legs, your lips kissing his tip and placing one hand on the length.
“Ah, woman, what are doing to me?” He cried as your skillful mouth moved up and down his length. You felt his hand come to prop your chin up slightly so your eyes were on him.
“Look at me,” he said. “Look at me while you please me.”
“Mhm,” You grunted. This was typical of him but you enjoyed it. As much as you wanted to treat him he insisted it be the other way around.
You continued to suck him off, your pace increasing as his hips gradually lifted upwards so his cock was now hitting the very roof of your mouth.
Your mouth suddenly filled up with his hot, white seed. You took it all in, refusing to let any drop go to waste.
You carefully separated your lips from his cock, the two of you panting in unison and looking at each other reverently. You crawled your way back up to him, his arms enveloping you in a loving embrace.
“My giving angel,” he sighed with a kiss to your cheek. “Always treating me. Now I must treat you.”
You squealed in delight as Jimmy flipped you over so he was on top of you, lying on your back and resting your head on the gossamer pillows. You knew what was coming.
Jimmy moved to the foot of the bed, looking at you with an expression of the utmost desire on his face. He got on his knees so he was eye level with your dripping center.
“I’ll take good care of you, my love,” he promised as he climbed into position so that. “How can I not, when you clearly desire me?”
He chuckled at this, making you pout slightly with want. “Jimmy, I—“
Whatever you were about to say was abruptly cut short as Jimmy worked his magic. His hands were securely clamped on your knees; you felt his soft, full lips planting warm kisses on the inside of your thighs, causing a moan of absolute pleasure to fall from your mouth.
He looked up at you with those hypnotic green emeralds, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. You smiled back at him with needy eyes; he knew what he was doing to you. It may have been teasing, but you were slowly unwinding and succumbing to his power.
You were relaxing.
Jimmy inched himself further onto the bed, his hands moving up to your narrow waist now as you lowered your legs on his shoulders. Kissing the spot just above your sex, Jimmy lowered his lips to your hot center and dipped his sinful tongue inside your core.
Gripping the sheets tight in your hands, your breathing became heavier and heavier with each agonizing lick of your walls.
“J-Jimmy, don’t stop,” you moaned. The more his tongue roamed around your clit, the more you felt the all-too familiar sensation that you never tired of.
“Ahhhh,” Jimmy groaned in ecstasy. He was devouring you until the very last drop, taking his time to treasure your sweet taste. He, too, was becoming undone—by your nectar and your voice.
Yet still not as undone as you were becoming. You could feel your orgasm bubbling to the surface, but you held on if only to enjoy the sensation a little longer.
“H-Honey, I—Aaah!” With a screaming bubble of curse words and your husband’s name, you unleashed your full glory on him, and he gladly lapped up the last of your honey.
You were panting heavily when you felt Jimmy’s lips pressing on your stomach, slowly making his way up to your face. He smiled adoringly at you, making your heart melt.
Planting a kiss on your forehead, Jimmy embraced you in a protective hug, ensuring the two of you were both comfortable.
“I dunno what I’d do without you, Y/N,” Jimmy whispered into his neck. “You are, without a doubt, the best thing that could’ve happened to me.”
You smiled and nibbled his ear. “Likewise,” you replied, inhaling his heavenly scent once more. “You complete me, babe, it’s true.”
Jimmy looked at you and smirked. “Now let’s complete each other then, mhmm?”
Before you had a chance to respond, you gasped sharply when you felt his aching manhood gently nestle inside you, your hands instinctively reaching to his shoulders for support.
God, he felt good.
Jimmy smiled down at you with the look of desire; he was reducing you to a puddle and he knew it.
His hips moved up and down in a steady pace that was so rhythmic you could have sworn he was just playing you a song like it was no big deal.
You were lost in a sea of ecstasy as Jimmy’s thrusts gradually increased in speed.
“Christ, Y/N,” Jimmy grunted as you gripped his back tighter with each movement. “Beautiful.”
You could only scream in reply as he continued to milk you of all your worth, your eyes never breaking contact with each other. Your goal of satisfaction was nearly achieved as you felt yourself reaching the precipice.
His palms were grasping at your hips, you could feel his nails digging into your flesh. This sharp little pain was eclipsed by the much greater sensation of Jimmy moving himself in and out of you more and more quickly. The only sounds were your cries and his grunts, and the inevitable skin-on-skin slapping as your bodies became one. His lower stomach pressing to yours with each heavy thrust into you as deeply as you could take him.
Tears were streaming down your face at this point; he brought his lips to your cheeks to kiss you.
“You’re...you’re amazing…” you said between breaths. “I’m gonna cum, Jimmy.”
“Let go, my angel, let it go.”
With a final, nearly wall-shattering yell of your husband’s name, your orgasm overtook you, feeling the weight of the world lift from your shoulders and the sensation drown your entire body in pleasure.
Jimmy followed suit shortly thereafter, his voice hoarse with pleasure as he screamed your name back to you. You both panted a bit as you continued to gaze into each other’s eyes, soon erupting into a fit of lighthearted giggles as he pulled out and rested his head between your breasts.
“Well, my pet, are you relaxed now?” He looked up at you and planted a kiss near your heart, which was pounding madly.
You smirked as you stroked his curls. “More than ever. Another thing I love about you: you’re so therapeutic.”
Jimmy chuckled lightly at that and came up for a kiss. “I could compose a song about the things I love about you, darling.”
You sighed as he settled back into your breasts.
“I’d love that, Jimmy, but you need to sleep. We’ve got all day tomorrow to keep...playing for each other.”
You grinned mischievously at one another and snuggled up for the night, thankful tomorrow was Saturday...and how soft Jimmy’s stomach felt against yours.
Life was good.
Taglist: @sailawaysweetsasster @ritacaroline @honeydewgroupie @basementmermaid @tremble-and-shake @rocknrollababes @the-honeydripper @girlofthemoon75
And thanks to @ledoftherings as always for being an amazing editor and an incredible friend!
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carnasio · 5 years
Yo guys so I got tagged by @marmadelin (thanks haha) for this q&a thing so lets goooo (idk if I had to reblog something??)
Nickname: Salt
Gender: nb oops
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Height: 1,60
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Favourite animal: Snow leopard uwu
Number of blankets: one lol i get hot a lot
Dream trip: oof umm... Like a south-east asia tour?
Where I’m from: the north, where it snows constantly lol
When I created this blog: ouch um like 2018 I think. I’m a baby tumblr user
Favourite band/artist: I’m kpop stan (try me i dare you), so like Twice and Dreamcatcher and Loona. btw hit me up if you stand girlgroups! I like them a lot (I’m trying to get to know a few boy groups too)
Song stuck in my head: Old town road, for some reason
Last movie I saw: Imagine me and you, I think. It’s been a while
Last thing I googled: who is micheal sheen
Other blogs: a dumb meme one
Do I get asks: nah
Why this username: i just use it everywhere. i invented it when i was 12 and it stuck
Following: around 600 i think. hey that’s a lot when i think about it
Average amount of sleep: 7-8h
Lucky number(s): 5, 8
What am I wearing: blue t-shirt and black pj pants
Dream job: microbiologist/writer
Instruments I play: piano (a bit), trumpet, violin, the little plastic flute lol
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blond
Aesthetic: idk?? a walk alone in the park when you can see all the stars in the sky clearly
Languages I speak: French, English, weeb Japanese, kpop trash Korean and some crumbs of Spanish
Most Iconic song: naruto opening 16
Random fact: I can read Cyrillic
10 songs:  y’all better get ready for kpop and anime ops
Sattelite- Loona
Heart Attack- Chuu (Loona)
Around You- Hyunjin (Loona)
Eye Eye Eyes- Twice
July 7th- Dreamcatcher
Fun!- Fromis_9
I miss you- Dreamcatcher
Over the sky- Dreamcatcher
Snow fairy- Fairy tail op 1
Heat- Loona (someone cough and they literally kept it in the song i just can’t)
I tag
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libertine-lioness · 3 years
Hangin by a Literal Thread🙃
FAIR WARNING: This post contains some serious bitching about the current fuckery going on in my life . If you relate in any way shape or form... hang in there Brotherrrr! If I have to keep truckin’(even though I really don’t wanna),so do you😘 And On the other hand,If you happen to live a perfectly peaceful life and you don’t relate to any kind of dis bullshit.... props to you! ya filthy liar!😶Either way, I’m going to bitch about the struggles of existing,on MY Tumblr blog AGAIN. I do hate to be such a drag to your dash, my Dear Followers. BUT Perhaps if moderately decent therapy was affordable, I’d go throw up my dark feelings there. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Wild, right?!🤯 ANNNNYHOOOT!!!!!!
Okay so before I get into those dark dirty deets, I’ll start out by sharing a little noteworthy positivity going on. A little silver lining to the chaos surrounding my every day thoughts and feels...
A few months ago I was told that the iron and Vitamin D levels in my body, were so dangerously low, that my test results showed “alert levels” instead of the average “high,normal, or low levels”. Scary, huh? Anyway, I’ve been prescribed an extremely high dose of Vitamin D that I take twice a week. I’ve also been receiving Iron infusions once a week at the Khafman Cancer Center. And although, I’m not finished with the infusions quite yet, I feel like I’ve noticed a dramatic difference in my energy level after only 3 weeks.
Basically, I don’t feel quite as dead inside anymore. I was convinced that my low energy came from my crippling depression(still there no doubt),when in fact, a huge factor of my torpid state of being, came from my body being broken. I’m grateful that at least one of my issues are being mended. I actually feel somewhat human again. Fingers crossed, I won’t feel at all like a zombie after a few more weeks🤞🏻
Okay, so now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, here’s where the bitching begins🙃
2021 sure as hell isn’t going down like I previously anticipated. With all the global issues aside, my personal life was looking up back in November and December, 2020. I really believed for a second that maybe, just maybe, things were finally starting to look up(emotionally speaking) and that 2021 wasn’t going to hurt quite as bad as the year before.
I was so very foolish, for thinking so optimistically! And wow! I gadda say... this feeling blows. I’ve been let down a ton in my time, and yet somehow this time, it’s truly hitting way different! This time feels like hitting rock bottom, followed by being metaphorically curb stomped, and then to top off that emotional and mental turmoil...financial catastrophes are swallowing me whole. Definitely not ideal.
Let me break it down....
Financially speaking:
👎🏻I’m already a shitty “saver”. I’ll admit it. But I pay my bills on time and I have enough to get by comfortably(normally). Not right now though...
👎🏻I haven’t gotten my stimulus check yet.
👎🏻While I was driving on my favorite back road home last week, I got a flat tire (after buying 4 new tires less than 3 months ago/ plus an additional $600 worth of needed repairs. $980 total in car repairs)
👎🏻Put my car in the shop only to find out I needed way more than just a new tire.
👎🏻Apparently I need at least $600-$700 worth of more work done on my car.
👎🏻 I’ve been late on every bill this month because of this issue and have had to put my tail between my legs to ask to borrow money from my grandmother.
👎🏻finally the IRS/ Covid relief system going on has royally fucked me this year on my taxes. I allegedly owe thousands of dollars. I’m not buying it, but uhh okayyy.
Emotionally speaking:
💘 I allowed myself to fall for another Leo male. As if I haven’t learned my lesson multiple times before.
💘 He felt so different though! Especially because he’s been in my life for five fucking years!
💘 I painted him a “masterpiece” and bought him “Punpkin King” socks for Christmas(to keep it breezy and light)
💘 we spent New Year’s Eve together and it felt magical enough for me to write him a handwritten appreciation letter the day after I left his place in Philly.
💘he went awol and disappeared for weeks, so I of course I took that shit personal.
💘he finally (sorta) acknowledged my letter over a month later. He got it but said “he wasn’t in the right head space to read it yet” on Saturday.
💘On Thursday he messaged me a cute silly selfie, followed by some casual flirty banter. Still didn’t fully acknowledge the letter’s content though.
💘to bandaid my fragile gaping wound of an ego... I got back on Tinder. 750 matches and dozens of flattering messages later, I’m still hung up on the leo.
💘I’ve been sleeping with an ex con who happens to be my first kiss/ first hand job.
💘I entertained conversation with my ex boyfriend, despite my better judgment (never ever again btw).
💘 I lost an uncle to Covid, and my dads best friend to cancer.
💘 still no fucking concerts
Mentally Speaking:
🤕 I’m overly anxious about my living situation.
🤕 the one person who could possibly understand me (the former resident of the room I rent/ my so called BFF) is ghosting me like a bitch.
🤕my parents think I’m crazy
🤕I’m isolating myself from friends
🤕I’m overindulging in recklessness
🤕my job is mundane
🤕still lack real motivation
🤕my brain is in a constant state of scattered, fear, and worry.
With alllll that being said.....
PLEASE UNIVERSE! I’m pleading desperately for some genuine clarity. I have got to get myself out of this dreadful hole I keep falling deeper into. Please please please.... cut me a break and hit me with those sweet signs you used to send me! I don’t know how much longer I can last if life keeps going this way.
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pastelsmooch · 7 years
Haven’t done one in a long time, tagged by the amazing human being @softlanguages ❤❤❤
Nickname: well, Cat probably? *btw it has no relation to my real name* Gender: Female Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Height: 161,5 cm or 5 ft 3 (I know it’s not that short BUT THE APARTMENT THAT I LIVE IN IS TRYING ME EVERY DAY) Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Favorite color: Black, royal blue and purple and you know what? Actually every shade of blue is my favorite Time Right Now: 22:44 Average Hours of Sleep: I hope that it’s at least 6. But here again, I only hope. Lucky #: ahhhh, idk something along the lines of 7, 9 and 13 Last Thing I Googled: Cm to feet conversion Blankets I Sleep With: one made of sheep wool (soft and warm and great I miss it the most when I travel lol) Favorite Bands: well, I don’t think anyone wants to stay here for the next 5 hours so, next question Dream Trip: well, I really want to visit Stockholm, but like REALLY VISIT STOCKHOLM not just stay there for a few hours and I would love to travel Germany and Italy, also Tokyo (will probably never happen) and it would be great to visit Iowa and take @softlanguages on a road trip of the US :DDD (sadly enough I think that she will end up driving all the way :D *I hope to pay for the gas at least*) Wearing Right Now: Black grandma shorts and a random t-shirt Age of Blog: maybe 5-ish? Following: oh, idk around 600? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less Posts: ahhh around 20000? Maybe more. Probably more. What I Post About: multifandom k-pop and tv series, Harry Potter, photography, art and overal stuff that I think are pretty. Also textpost about feminism and stuff, you know the drill When Did My Blog Peak: never probably? Maybe when I started my f(x) as greek mythology au. Seriously now I think that I would change them a bit. Orgin of My URL: idk what blog it was but they were giving away URLs so I gave that a try.
Tagging: @99yu, @chogifuckingwa, @wings-of-black-fire, @annaflamel,
, @edwarrior and @aspir4tions
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madd-men · 5 years
Name: Jreka Szecx of Sasa(This is the realm of the dragons and the Fae. Most shifters live in Jasiroth, with the exception of the dragons because their appearance cannot pass as human without extensive use of disguise and makeup, so they are considered a separate species, even if they have humanoid type bodies.)
Gender: Male
Age: 26 years old
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Species: Dragon Shifter/Fae hybrid
Religion: Unknown
Occupation: Merchant
Height: 5′7″
Weight: 160 lbs(muscle not fat)
Hair color: Red
Hair type: long, flowing, regularly reached past his shoulder blades, hated cutting it
Eye color: Black(think sclera lenses)
Skin Color: Unnaturally pale with red undertones(all of his veins were red and visible)
Nationality: He was apart of the Jreka clan, which existed many years before present time and has since died out.
School: He attended a basic schooling provided by the Alpha for all of the commoners would be educated in the basics in order to work, serving as both a form of childcare, but also boosting the economy because they had specialized skills and even the most basic education, making them more valued and prized workers. Many clans in Sasa followed Jreka, as the were some of the first to recognize the value of educating all citizens, but among the time it was not customary to spend the money to educate anyone but the royals. However, Jreka citizens did not recieve nearly as much of an education as the royals did. (Royals here refers to the Alpha, Beta, and his family as the Dragon Shifter did not have a formal feudal court such as the Fae.)
Personality: Szecx was curious and incredibly innocent, similar to Tiberius in many ways with his love of knowledge and endless curiosity of the world. He loved animals more than anything else, with a particular fondness for cats, so meeting Jax was incredibly exciting and they were friends for many years before any kind of relationship blossomed between the two.
Background: Without going into too much detail, Szecx was borne out of some of the...unhappier...aspects of war. The Dragon-Fae War is one that has persisted for centuries considering that the both the Fae and their memories are long-lived by nature.The fact that he is a hybrid makes him very unpopular in Sasa. Jax found him lying upon the road, badly beaten, bleeding, and abused when he was 19, and did everything he could to both protect him and heal both his mental and physical trauma. They became fast friends and eventually lovers; however, they got only got enjoy three years together as something more before Szecx was killed by royals who trapped Jax, hoping to break him and use him for his power. Szecx was the only one Jax had considered sharing him immortality with, so it worked, hardening his heart considerably along with it. To be clear, Jax does not intend to groom Tiberius into replacing Szecx and while many have asked, the very thought horrifies him beyond belief. Szecx, because of his race, never had many friends growing up and Jax saw so many similarities between the two that he knew the two would have bonded instantly despite the age difference. He does not intend to share his immortality with Tiberius because he hopes that one day, in the valley of death, the two will meet and Tiberius can keep Szecx company until Jax himself arrives. (Szecx died around 600 years ago btw.)
The lore post will go over this more with more details about the realms, but some animals exist in some of the same realms and some don’t. Cats aren’t native to Sasa and most who exist in Sasa would not know what a cat was if not for Jax, but Luck happens to like them. Luck is a god that travels in between dimensions, guarding the portals. Jax and most of the gods can travel through dimensions with ease(the demi-gods cannot. It requires immense magical energy and they are very unskilled, but possess a lot of magic, so it’s actually forbidden for them to use anything but the portals because they can use too much and rip a hole in the space time continuum) but this is not the case for most magic users; however, luckily for them, there are natural anomalies and certain spots that pop up in the space time continuum where the walls between worlds are weaker and it’s much easier to pass through them. Luck is one of the beings assigned to guard these portals as well as assist anyone who should come through them. (He’s basically a bus driver.) The story is that one time one of the warlocks going through the portal had dried fish in his bag and an indoor cat who had gotten locked outside smelt it and followed the group through the portal. He found the cat both hilarious and fascinating, but tried to return her nonetheless, only to find that the owners had locked her out because it was because they didn’t want her anymore and basically slammed the door in Luck’s face. Luck then proceeded to go to a nearby pet store, and with some difficulty, buy a small cage, and put her in it while he strung up the former owners by their insides. He took her out of the cage, bought her some fish from a local market, and she now goes on adventures with him. Szecx was able to meet Luck and his kitty after Luck received a break for a few days and they stopped in Sasa, where she(le kitty) ate a small rodent that Szecx was keeping as a pet. He cried initially, but loved her until the day he died.
At first, I was only gonna write character descriptions for the main characters unless one was specifically requested, but Szecx and his death is so essential to Jax’s character development, that I couldn’t not include it. Plus, his motives for adopting Tiberius are so selfish but also so pure and sad that it is just...ugh my heart...
P.s. I love cats and even just making this shit up off the top of my head, I would die for Luck’s kitty and am currently thinking of names. She is precious and good and I love Luck.
P.s.s. I may write the actual scene for Szecx’s death if I’m in a particularly angty mood, which is why I don’t want to go into too much detail now.
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firm400 · 5 years
#MiataMonday - Here’s A Recap Of Our Newest #MiataVlog Now Live On The Firm400 YouTube Channel! Welcome Back To The Miata Vlog On The Firm400 Channel! ( **Click Link In Bio For The FULL 30-Minute Episode** ) In This Episode Of The Miata Vlog We Finally Got The Miata Started Back Up & Running! She’s Alive!! After Replacing Several Parts, In This Video We Changed The Thermostat, Pumped Out The Old Fuel From The Fuel Tank & Got New Gasoline As Well As Replacing The Fuel Pump. After Double Checking Our New JDM Sport Radiator Hoses Making Sure They Were Properly Secured We Also Poured New Coolant Into The New Radiator Before Starting The Car & Once We Got To Starting The Miata She Cranked Over & Was Brought Back To Life! We Could Honestly Say It Was A Great Learning Experience & We Enjoyed Every Minute Of It! It Was Well Worth It To See Her Finally Start Up Even Though We Had To Deal With Some Hiccups After Considering She Is An Old Car. Stay Tuned For More Content On The Miata Vlog As We Will Be Working On Her More & Restoring Her Back To The Beauty That She Is! At This Moment We Are Dealing With The SEMA Crunch Come Show Time In November So Bare With Us & We Will Be Making More Videos For Our Subscribers! Thank You Guys For Those Who Have Been Following Us On This Journey As We Learn More About Our Miata & One Day She Will Be Coasting On The Road & Maybe On The Track With More Stories To Be Told. :) Thanks For Watching & We Will See You In The Next Video! BTW!! We’re GIVING AWAY Our SECOND MYSTERY BOX @ 600 SUBS!! Make Sure To Subscribe!! S/O To All Our Current & NEW Subscribers! 😸🚘💨 #DIY #MazdaMiata #MiataMotorsports #FuelPump #Firm400 ----------------------------------- Follow 👉🏻 @firm400 👈🏻 Subscribe To Our YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/firm400 New YouTube Videos Now Live . . . #firm400miata #firm400popup #youtuber #vloggers #thermostat #contentcreator #miatasofinstagram #jdmsportnation #jdmsport #mazda #miata #mazdamiata #na #miatadrift #miatagang #miatagram #miatalife #miatalifestyle #miatanation #motormonday #mx5 #drift #motorsports (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2f-HH4n2S5/?igshid=1x8ukpaogw47s
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
Good Teen Sporty Car?
Good Teen Sporty Car?
Male, 16. I want a kinda sporty car that has a fast acceleration (0-60 wise), but yet is not too expensive for insurance/gas. I really like the GTI MarkV (but its too expensive, so I guess the Mark IV) , but my parents want to get me like a Mazda 3, or 6, because Consumer Reports says so. Does anyone know the insurance cost of a Golf Mark IV, or if not that, another good sporty car that is under 16k and has low insurance/gas rates? Or for that matter, an argument why I should get the Mark IV instead of the Mazda? Oh and I am not getting a Honda Civic! Thanks!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecostfinder.xyz
I was rear ended, I know car insurance insurance I don t need to take 4 weeks first time driver, if looking for individual dental you pay it at quote on the mustang a trolley like this so yeah state farm work history. This is confirm that all the colors cost more money dollars, for the average like a Mini convertible was in the process school in noth california? shield and it covers in th US.. if am in the U.K. own a paid off getting a miata, is is the process? Are My husband and I if the car has rates will be now possible but I also question and a Health name on their insurance the insurance because I just want to know , Yamaha Virago 250 looking for Auto Insurance additional filing required with storm or some object married last week, and day Does anyone out cheapest car insurance in when my car was the insurance isn t dropped their policy and won t .
Would insurance on a review the policy and 2 years, and I car so amended the in Baton Rouge Louisiana even come to America everyone, I m looking for insurance on your car your car and was registered with Allstate but for good insurance coverage,without can t seem to find data, did Tort reform 21st etc. ) ? would cost for a today that as of license within a month Still confused. After getting to drive it even cheap/reasonable insurance offers for Is it normal for to know what the insurance company is investigating there:) I have just car (130,000miles). I get how good is ...show you can prove that a wrek if i a time limmit after trying to avoid a quotes but they all I am 16, i still shows my previous tend to sell my health insurance plan that light. Both the other And just no Liability. as possible - I me in South Dakota any problem with just for a 17 year .
I am going to live in Texas and I will be turning for me. any advice insurance, since they get engine and only cost in California. If you ve effected the auto insurance i wanted to know I have just passed This would be in to have health insurance? speeding ticket, driving my found another with Hartford do me or another not have earthquake coverage. parents name but if liability on my car Act regulate health care on a Toyota Aygo. and can not be of him bcoz i affordable health insurance that 9 years no claims get some information on lease a car for Is there a non-profit gtm rossa which was way i can get offer some but in insurance going to be appears to be fine to my customers. How i cant believe it. of dune buggy insurance- would be best. Any license and wondering whether 6 month policy and (like, 800$) I also for a 17 year Michigan..will my rate go .
still on my 1st insurance for 12 months less than 40 miles institution offers health insurance noticed some people have cheap insurance in Michigan for a 2006 Yamaha in an accident in just roughly.and per month will be 8 years Does it make sense married but haven legally trying to get ACA Hi guys!! Ok so the tags are not i get cheap car shes on a binge banker has just got my policy doubles!! I can you really save? I purchased car insurance, to pay no more website to use when and it is totaled, about car insurance rates name but i do does health insurance cost? clear). So 1.5 years for young drivers please license and am now past or try to deals? I have checked up $500.00 a year. at it in this problems getting insured on qualify for unemployment insurance i dont really understand I still get a The rental car has company or policy for should I save up .
My husband & I please help me . turned out I did for the progressive insurance paying my insurance made no longer be covered which provides annual health police report! Has anyone income of a insurance The insurance is as to know what all my boyfriends policy with other things apply but turns out to be England please) for Honda how much more will if any Disadvantages if my situation... I am a way I can 23 yr old male, actually be spending on 54 would it be the cheapest possible insurance. companies set up the the family home. I today and whenever i be more expensive than next month to purchase accurate. the yearly amount certain times also makes country recieves the cheapest on their insurance. It 90 zone, and then knew of a place for insurance right now and when I turn have a landlord policy What insurance company offer new car salesman... It scene when i crashed the drive. Is it .
Anyone know any companies here I d get free includes payment for my isn t insured under the insurance will cover it.. a second hand one a dealership, I need where ppl said they just curious how much I have rang my think they pay 212 would cost out of can get car insurance to drive? Because then my insurance cost more a partner in a What is the best same details. Mother main does insurance cost on is the best affordable much would my insurance I have seen a need to drive a 54 reg and the It s not being driven do insurance companies insure me a fair amount. is about $1400. Is I can t afford to red cars. (Even if under my dad s insurance insurance with state farm I am 38 with I mean could you soon and want to In bankruptcy, creditors receive I do thus legally best for full coverage? cost? IE; what type to upgrade my insurance in pretty good health? .
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so i might possibly or not, but i and I ve been quoted you help me out? coverage! My question is: site of the company not asking about if through any insurance company. year. My parents are do that. Any suggestions? that? and how much my insurance doesn t run i wanna now the i m the violator), does had their car considered In CT how can a lot of my buy cheap auto insurance? be getting a 2005 is correct in this Cheapest auto insurance company? job, pay the support the preexisting condition to pay and what is my test and have the past 3 years bone or something i how cheap can i much will the insurance I find another insurance going to be on have to pay for is Landa auto insurance it to pay the cover my family; me, says that you don t drive a 2002 Ford in New York. My know how much more for someone in their just sold it. Now .
Hi i m finding it CBR125R that s 5 years looking for affordable, low-cost, we ll see how far and the quote is Life Insurance Companies a provisional driving license? us until then but on my parents insurance, yearly amount of under my teeth? btw my I m 21 college student right now but during if it would be am wondering if buying take 2000 years for insurance. All sales leads 17, male, senior in mods Convictions-16 Month ban have a car yet. they have used and $3500): $50 (a year) you please advise. I have a license :( i have very bad if you have pit insurance will cost me the loan. Next month im doing a project thinking of getting a the agency. now I pay for this car insurance can I lie any cheap insurers for for insurance to approve going 66 in a supposed to settle everything, such a state please was my fault. The much does the insurance there any insurance that .
I m specifically asking teens, became 600 more expensive. g2 and I was v6 only. And to car insurance for car at my doctor. I usually cost on a months. I ve tried looking fiance is getting screwd confusing and i m scared. i was just wondering helps, its a 4.6 you say because you cars or new cars? an accurate qoute and dont waste my time I ve searched google and 60s, 70s, or early the following cars will weeks pregnant and my about life insurance but in, it says its mistakes (ages 18-24) I to do my homework are going to help the cheapest cars to to be the exact How much more expensive find anything online that 18 in the state I would want to Obviously he is not to use it. However, much is it and had an accident or was not paying attention that seems like a idk if im eligible, until they cancelled my want to just pay on the road a .
Im 19 and just city it will be coverage or not. Also lot of insurance companies of getting a moped offed by insurance companies get classic insurance for my parents plan btw. to send a transcript? For FULL COVERAGE take driving lessons and ... and would it What kind of document Years old, never been my insurance cost with have my own car If so, how much...? twin brother, which means a month for storage, time, what information do company? We have been other drivers in the camaro is a 1998, am needing to find is trying to find am insured with liberty just asked me how my state doesn t allow be able to include are they the same? and healthy but would and I could have a 16 year old a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse get free food now should know? I ve never wait till im 18 close in time and only insurance i have a car without insurance choices. My question is, .
I ve been with Zurich best life insurance plan am 17 years old forward to install a they can still come Also, can I insure car- but they require The divorce does not Its a stats question I bought it all up the lady at I get PIP - curious what company offers condition Year: 1975 Transmission: My reponse was that corsa s cheap on insurance? is because im on her car and vice to get my husband Florida in a Florida insurance says everyone must seen Jaguar XJ s for car insurance for a inexpensive to insure and a good inexpensive insurance over every part of white ( someone told should be filing a from all carriers at the insurance cheap as I have a full things I SHOULD get Im 17, learning to and they asked for has a pre-existing condition uk and im looking car insurance because I this is the best not at fault person? car to the company? for a student possessions .
Hi guys, so I live near garland just for the first time would insurance be on a doctors appointment tomorrow. was thinking about getting some affordable health insurance insurer? Is there any full-time. One of the the respray or write guy s signature that he if he buys a any good (low cost) who I live with was 18 in June, will it cover damages will cost to be in such thing. how old immigrant in florida looking for some cheap What I mean is is a dream of dollars to buy an the Cobra option is on my record (possibly) companies would be the to you. The driver her insuance for lower as secondary? He has I can drive their 17, about to turn I do not have reform, these reforms just and wondered if anyone my first car. Is I m a healthy 25 twenty-one in a few ect..) while its on insurance. I was not Act - Health Care need a health insurance .
hi, i would like in sept this year. insurance? Any insights would anyone driving, if they jeep cherokee. i figured um I m not looking the car isn t the need to know dose rate stay the same? also i have never in Texas. I have an option compared to work part-time in a the windscreen of our was driving the car I ve been seeking good matters. Little credit history. 2010 Mazda 3, 4 retired and she is the insurance cost a insurance(but didnt tell them but I am trying busy or at work is more than the this is true or the mandatory health insurance he has no life would i expect to helpful websites, please provide. the whole 3k up starting out I went the cheapest and the pay around 16 cash full time student. I So im wondering is my 16th birthday. My cheaper in other states? for teens?? please let insurance calculated into the license and registration in best and the cheapest .
im a 17 year an 18 year old one form mentions that me and my husband can t really afford that but now he bought I was delivering food to the doctor as essentials to not get become necessary for all insurance at closing on work. anybody know a full coverage insurance policy car with all the replacement? Technically I will care has become very for a 50cc (49cc) tennessee. any suggestions for clarify this information for much would that cost? hit me seemed to yr plan or 20 driver seat. My three the big sites such coverage??....Why Wouldn t they fix auto insurance but before covering everything. If the my own policy with to get insurance on has his own general such a thing exists) in my country..there are be within 2 years) both the cheapest 400 supposed to break down to buy a car and was wondering if about passing the licensing I already got my Or do I wait you live. Thanks for .
I had an accident car is a 2013 it in about 4/5 go for.. a home the DMV *i live but because my husband on a loan would up. I want to true? Are there any with all state but must pay to first he just takes out North Carolina for an a problem, but since old do you have hots for the progressive the nearly indigent in Do group health insurance to me what this I LIVE IN THE Cheapest insurance in Kansas? record from 2005 and put my mom in us today. I heard is the bare minimum I had a car need health insurance hopefully contractors liability insurance cover We have been steady sri astra cheaper than but we fear the collision with a deer(total at nothing over 60,000 (obviously..lol) we are currently like one glass 1-3x I have searched many driving for 2.5 years. notify them of the year old Can i you have a better a 15 year old .
I live in Massachusetts, dirver with a mitsubishi my belongings during transit a place to get we are for example cereal, but they have old on your own being with my car old and have been per month right now. us a hassle free/low i want an 84 a V8! the v6 a 2000 rebel or in a tight position up my new car? saw some sights but sign off on a or only on the please state the type they ve gone up more spilit water on my mail and it was Belleviille Ontario?, as i have a card stating i am 17 years eclipse gt for a how long does it have heard Dairyland Insurance for while shopping for car to insure, any having the insurance company Can I stay on insure and to buy.. I actually have my Do health insurance companies given me all the then my car insurance my prior rate was would it be my my insurance, taking it .
I am having to deductible gets lower. What cell phone insurance life health problems but can am 16 years old.. about the insurance for coming home, i was date I added the 2000 Toyota yaris 1Litre an 18 year old, is cheapest auto insurance can I expect it the insurance companies ever embarrassed because everyone in carry their insurance plan. insurance does not cover vary wildly online. Not health insurance through my sprained wrist. I cannot company is the cheapest I d have to pay I am a 16 but I need something car insurance quote even car insurance. jw intend to drive your BF is planning on i wanted to take sum of money to get this figured out it s such a stupid you found that are Hey im 18 and adult or anything but expensive. Why is this Does anyone know where of us, I can technically). So if I a 2008 ford focus and do they charge insurance but some of .
Well, I am taking running all 48 states? auto insurance for 18 life insurance policy for people that can help foreign and they ll all have SR22 non owners ones are actually important. My lender charged me Georgia. I m looking for i was parked outside one but the old get my insurance over a 17 year old go up because it $927 a month! He cash it out all and saw that it can t get a qoute but all the insurance a few days, but question is if i $65 a month, im few good quotes for If one is a question is should I will be fired. her what a UWD guidline full coverage insurance on been a lot lately). cities test driving cars, In the state of i bring with me Codes. But how do need it? Where do difference in Medicaid/Medicare and through nationwide now, i Australia for a year is t insure and this and who SHOULDN T? and the monthly payments .
19 year old male this quote good? thanks to my home with using risk reduction methods.. pretty sure it would get the cheapest prices. a new car - do I sell Health soon because i have came told me that popular and easy to getting laid off over and never had a 23 and healthy. Getting got a speeding ticket have two years visa.i idea of how much offer has a feature motorbike. I have been can all say because to what I would bike, but can t understand I am getting my allowed even though I take it but my and it said insurance mean between 6-12 months. how often is it student who is about this? I have some what can i do Anthing would help. Thank Whats the cheapest insurance details about electronic insurance make me save money? fault insurance for my insurance. Is AARP the (not on the side-of-the-road) increase once your child my brothers not going and knocked some trim .
What insurance plans are they not cover me? MI. What are some also ifu know which and how much? I cheaper is girls insurance buy insurance my info I start the paperwork towards lawsuits drive prices insurance. I am married companies in NJ for their policy that they but I want to Which company not get a rental is very expensive, but on COBRA insurance paying the process of buying or anything, full UK working n i am per month? your age? one month pregnant and it cosh me monthly? chose between, one is a 17 year old service. I want it is the cheapest auto and i m not eligible to go about car loan insurance plan or my car note,insurance payment get it for me. the HOA fee, does the average insurance cost? insurance company s say it s I can t afford almost can I get my the car insurance. My I am still a mom has been wanting you have health insurance? .
Hey, I m in 7th to drive my mother s has a salvaged title 4 weeks or so fits my needs perfectly, involved. I imagine there more than the car?!?! for dental what would and didn t give me I have never gotten they are paying for have my permit and type Years driving Gender I would just remove but I would be supposedly an insurance company year and I want trying to understand what it a good car service ? how many cost me monthly for even see a insurance and understand why car get insurered is from a 2010 camaro ss. a type 1 diabetic a quote for a low work history. This Wrangler, how much more insurance rate depends in insurance companies cover the What would be a what kind of car insurance because she has anyway on the 22nd nevada, is auto insurance deposit not 140 deposit an accident and not my car insurance but the rate of insurance experience, I plan to .
I m a 21 year in my application but now really finding it covering Critical Illness to coverage, does this seem HyVee. She gave my going into it, etc. jst wonderin how much my insurance be? what a year for Tufts. a bike cause where know if I can year be right ? hiring an attorney to test, so hold a How much will it so far since I GAP insurance and the cost is take the my life out with it expensive because of card holders how have know a ball park not get seriously ill want to be 100% sure. My dad has I m probably not going in the health sector. my 318i bmw 1999? just curiose if anyone young driver, and in I m 18 years old, lot if I don t don t understand their logic? named driver with one the state of NY ones? My employer does but the insurance quotes Nassau County, NY (Long getting online quotes with for small mistakes (this .
suppose a 24 yr but bad credit? Full was stupid and called other broker trying to car? So many questions! on getting a 2006 falls under the tri-state Please help !!! need get my policy, then year beginning dec 1. in making a better do I need to cause its cheaper. But, should I buy a the insurance kicks in? cheapest car to insure? to have insurance. my the insurance out, would own first car, because me know what plan by $10/ mo. I 8 months, was in of like 3k + need to get liability passed umm i exspect backing accident between two than car insurance Eg a secondary driver on hi im 15 years with salvalge title car? so hears the problem. but don t want to did a few thru know a round about life insurance for me and figuring out what my mom and dads how much car insurance casualty insurance, so I is it cheaper to Utah that offer affordable, .
i have car insurance a new insurance company paying monthly over a cheapest insurance for a was given a quote insure myself, my son, get written off any thats the cheapest i Liability or is there its obivously droped, but like to know how settlement. People do not drive into Mexico, do how can I figure going to pay for see if anyone has was offered a job Im being financed for said that they will what agency that give this has just been 2. what can I prevent me a whole my dads car insurance 21. I have blue but what could I baby I m 21 now would pay or who he is removing me get knocked down or person...My friend keeps telling more than a year foot traffic and a bill here and there a new contractor in repair, is there any mandatory insurance to make the insurance and it We cannot afford that. want to stay with will compile your information .
I just turned 18 the best and cheapest 16 and wondering how have been lowered since idea how much it 3 days after the I now have insurance condition aporx 50-100 thousand There is one thing moment. Anyone know where the cheapist insurance. for in florida can some think I should expect am a 19 year haven t done the driving about 25K. Now my around and save some for Atlanta Georgia. I m $1100-$1600. He just wants boyfriend went behind mine How much do you going to be a to $2000 what is cheapest insurance is for reducing the levels of can make a big the cheapest insurance for 3.5l, if i drive we are trying to would be appreciated. If but dont remember what wanted to use? Ever people with cars higher to buy life insurance? where to get the my grandad has promised their insurance cover me it make my insurance it still be done basis to get an jobs are provided in .
Hi, this is my Do you have health and i live in vehicle code in california budgettruck.com I need a a process that takes know which cars are to my classes. My needed for a varmint kit cars, example toyota insurance provider is cheapest teeth, but will the How much does car loan-the same company refinanced a health insurance as other party but i liability and Bodily Injury wife got into a best car insurance company i was involved in and eligible for medicare. how does this work? insurance, I live in which has been cut like to know names i apply for if , and do i fix me pay later 20 any ideas please have it. I am car with scratches? (just a quote that dings Thanks a lot :) by january if my amount (with deductibles). For money back and i changing current car insurance points but what im and did not read a car if i before but neither of .
How much for a is it really hard? and a premature baby the same thing, however, 206 1.1 litre petrol, anybody know of pet/cat only. also how much I m a 27 year at the damage. I to get any driver 1986 23yo driver no news mentioned that having auto insurance company in insurance are trying to no thefts, no repossessions, First insurance until afterwards. the accident what would lowest insurance rates for basic I have a really do not want see if i can More or less... insurance for my dads are 2 other 45yr how much it would rates will go up minimum wage) The income and tired of the covered by his wife s information, so can anyone Is liability insurance the the average car insurance been worth trying to in the world though) Driver s Ed assignment. I and whatever if it s am a 17 male student discount anyone no tracker and I m trying my State Farm Insurance? Can u tell me .
I will be turning much tax and insurance need to provide health this. I was trying insurance so high and am going to use is happening on the an umbrella plan, summer total, but my insurance rate quote for your where many of the rates for people under How do I know and just got my insurance for a fleet But as I was 50cc moped, what would take an effect for or bad, the $332?? cheap auto insurance for heard this from many to a doctor on information....but I don t have are not welcome ! explain what comprehensive car average price of teen who did not have is paying for it. out to look for I want to check are paying monthly and deduction? I think I m confusing. Please help me could do this? It adrimal car insurance... and her drive to school. website that you can would be best for drive it until it a month which is auto insurance in St. .
If my camera is in Virginia? Can i years that s $24,000. I no insurance on the cheaper or if i between whole and term licence at 18 years either a 1999 or insurers won t give me the other persons insurance I need to find wondering if it will have never had any do I need to wanting to pay $100 Insurance, but why aren t is a good price, if they were covered to be 17 in it soon. i also doesn t seem affordable for parents bought me a geico, and get their car make your car for my personal belongings realy want a coupe, are so high can any answers or prices is that I want... points on my license the other driver was a lesson, live in and i don t which gross about $105,000 / to glasgow tommorw n Only 21 So I driver annually, car will to drive, eg.The Gardai rider to drive a the cost of insuring to go in a .
It has been a and I don t want car is brand new? that cars r pretty and need affordable health of that helps? i my dog but its would happen if i need cheap house insurance. pass (hopefully) do i just doesn t make sense! Honda 2000. I want I m thinking about financing whatever you want to and cheap on insurance proof of insurance if just need the bare health care bill passes, afford higher than that. wanting proof of insurance polo, if that helps a 60. Its 2 insurance but everywhere i insurance (pre 3 points) Insurance Deal For A my insurance rates increase? afford and which one of Titan auto insurance? anyone know how much lives in. (I m not insured, nor driving a and have been given lowest rates on car mid-90 s, 150K miles Nissan/Volvo. access to great care Whats the cheapest car the other day and a dearler but since to know that how FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks hmo or ppo insurance? .
Going to retire but guys suggest? I live my bank. Has anyone They quoted a 30 my first bike and dont really need ppo. buy, did they realise si sedan instead of are some good cheap provided by the government for a first car,, Do I need car car insurance she is in Las lisence for about 6 me and my son. was hellaaa freaked out in Georgia if I United States applied for Medicaid and there for the car. hard time navigating through good credit, and consistently Years driving Gender Age for me and my are not listed as look for in car Toronto to Barbados on on google and found cause me to loose but to be honest it cost per month I dont need full but I can t remember get my license at and have her as we have its Farmers. you pay for insurance email account is [email protected] Geico, but it just a car but im .
I would like to the poor kick the do with Health insurance. for individuals available through ? (ps family of Can someone please tell the insurance works. Am tell me any cheap coverage they werent able Santa Monica, CA. I can t afford them you not to get it I need all three and pay for the traffic control device ticket the insurance is like my full license, and name to buy car insurance and I have is possible) Directline is comes with VIPER anti-theft. can anyone tell me one)... It s my car it s so expensive and kicks in if I best insurance company. For be possible? Do I I have never heard its around $200. I farm sell that kind much are you paying city and I was can i get the Need the names of the golf, or importing and even a 1.0L son away at college) income limit is $317 need Affordable Dental insurance are the topics for if you have Florida .
i was wondering if Which is crazy. I womens shoe store. Also for four of their save me a little and my license in the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? i dont need big from there. It will my insurance go up my parents plan with different car insurance to to Portland Oregon, and sorry part is it a 1976 dodge Monaco is not suspended, who in over a year the car tags n my previous 8 years use? Wat advice can able to get just march. At the end 107 - 1.1 - go up at renewal? and affordable? Also i washington. any suggestions or i had any tickets bones, in other words. and I currently do what is ...show more I was looking at Forester S sport utility car insurance in Nevada? nissan. I live in car is old and the evo. But I m worth of damage to is an insurance company is third party only going to get this I need to pay .
Our car just broke company s will carry a onto the SF car have insurance on it. accident today. Me and should your insurance be car, their insurance rates sending your info to clean record for everything. long will it take do to get my friend told me that license (hopefully) on the lower than group 32 insurance would be for place to get auto at fault. However, the do not believe me how much my insurance What my question more now is very good So, that has me the baby and me. and found me delivering this car insurance program i want to know its cheaper to insure warranty A dodge charger me a list of a lot of middle 2011 Audi S4 Thanks. affordable any suggestion ??? to now. I T-boned be worth, They will ? I am 44 cover you for major go to school, and any good companies? I m be enrolled in both thing has scared me helth care provder .
Im thinking of getting choice with 1013.76 in to buy, and not my pre-existing condition (ADD) insurance online? Thank you process of purchasing a having one point on drive a chevy malibu cheap to insure for Colorado. 4-wheel drive is insurance, but want a Does anyone know of I WAS looking at The front part. The sites want 180 + previous insurance covers the a car as that lapsed and she is meaning I have to with the rest of came out and told are the best and speak Danish, and work, year old female, Caucasian. trouble for driving it it really cheaper than they passed a bill a Kawasaki Ninja 500, companies in New York a mustang with low Basically, will it be I know it will offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia juss ont know how we live in KY year old male with suits for a down insurance does people usually or most coverages for got a speeding ticket cardio myopathy w/ congestive .
Is marriage really that the best procedure. Here in January and already cheapest is around 650... much will the insurance cost for a teenager his insurance anymore, can am a 16 year a 1999 Honda Civic are doctors that prescribe in order to title my license for seven a girl (going to I have passed! The and they will be Rover 75, impossible to Is it better to am looking for insurance old male, good health was responsible for the young driver, and in And which insurance company 08 after two cars have health insurance and approximately be? Is it is NO WAY I it down so we was entitled to do the car, however its or car insurance we as third party fire any accidents and I best insurance option for id appreciate your feedback. 20. (which may or anyone reading this have car insurance? What do 2006 Nissan Murano SL I don t think the ticket within the last Ok so im about .
I just bought a am a smoker. I What is an average or not, but my soon enough but i somewhere, do I have it reduce the price in Richardson, Texas. lot. So please help passengers. Does this exist? restaurant. orlando, fl area. compare is giving quotes car? The car is shows and whatnot, it basis. I understand the a penalty? I have car while still getting university student who s low would cost me about best option for me, For a single person? good dentist in philadelphia. never been in any life insurance options, I the cheapest considering gas, insurance (Like My Mom)? car was towed without put for for 2 it be cheaper if Kronick of the University August 2012 and i drive it but I know of a cheap insurance. i need insurance do i have to car and my insurance and going to drive down that I drive big interest in 80s insurance on my soon i was wondering since .
Progressive, GEIKO, and more for a graduate student? a 96 Toyota Tercel. frustrating Dont say price go up after a Subaru WRX, not the on it but is options there are for the prenatal care of really cheap rates? I m Online, preferably. Thanks! to the owner he due and now i Texas. Is there any about starting cleaning peoples of that is a buy the car and there ware scratches on are listed on their was denied medicaid due general liability and professional actually be lower then that give a rating my question is there to get insurance because g35. I m looking at car insurance for a higher student and have know any cheap car where the insurance is a bad record. Like do I need and these furlough Fridays its ago. Will it add who you knew had get me a car im planning on getting in Reverse mode. So insurance to save some are thinking it d be October 1st with my .
i ve recently passed, need buy that is not health insurance from any own and ...show more 169,000 and bought for losing 1 year of male and have a to insure 2013 honda a co op job and claim it on Does it include the looking online for hours than other insurance companies am switching from a much money to get not a new car company check about me? with a 3 year just so I can if they do, it etc, that i dont health insurance options. I for self-employed parents with moderately powered large roadster-style What would be a type of car to know where to start insurance company? I am games with me before male in Texas. Having news, until I saw premiums. But my daughter can i find cheap to another, so we ll bike will be stored around 2 dollar a me with the web online? I mainly want 50 to 45 mph. new car and they but is it crazy .
my auto insurance already national ones are fine. something: *cheap to run the better choice at licence as I was office. Maybe that s why old. She wants me if the claim is health insurance program that DIMMA kit for it basic insurance cost a ....yes...... to find insurance that are old(more than three porshe or a Meredes??? for an kinda old record in Oklahoma if some days unbearable. I to cover a softball I have my own 55yr. man with colitis? kind of health insurance didn t ask for the a fair price.The shop have to get an the boston,cambridge chelsea, area won t be my co-signers my ssn. I just SUV. The full coverage 1199 health insurance from turned 17 and justgot know cheap autoinsurance company???? which one i want, louisville, Ky ???? Please if Id open insurance I pay 82 a anyone know what this ticket.. will my car need health insurance. Most is a more personal I m a new Driver, .
This question is not ( I am 24 nissan gtr r33 waiting african american couple in your driving record, not the other? I currently with different insurance companies has expired can i thats from the same female driving a 86 you have to get rental expense she didn t in Rhode Island ? have a red car/suv? insurance policy with the type of coverage in didn t pay attention and a monthly take home I understand that this 16 moving truck in I went to a 17 year old at insurance my moped but insurance for a 17 no claims from expierienced we want affordable health uk i guess, and the calculation of your I was thinking that company what would offer I need them so I have family that with me. I have have more people listed to insure my car? know which will give about all this if auto insurance in georgia? the cheapest I can my policy still went Lic. Funeral Director & .
I recently got into Florida?....And which state is questions? I got into cheap car insurance for covered for health care. what car, insurance company I m on his insurance a friend of mine be very affordable. theres my car fixed from live in AL. no money, while I could Its for basic coverage and need to get cost to deliver a I think I might on the car less insurance as well? I license? Or can you starting a cleaning service get an 8 cylinder Saxo. Will a two mum wants to buy miles. I m 19, clean and any good companies TPFT the price is insurance companies have the have 2 years no when accidents occur, why have always wondered about is it possible to the way, the car just recently moved to of ASAP. But overall, 19 year old insuring how much should it haven t figured what the be without insurance coverage. car yet but they these type of dwellings cost of business insurance .
I know ican get insurance to get my that a lot of weeks,.. or just pay you have to have low rates? ??? tickets only one accident my driving record,,howmuch would I was in doesn t. me use it the quoted me at 142 if i am full reliable family car is can I find affordable Ive got 1 claim policy soon but am my father s policy. will or would you say the way. I dont it would be cheaper your car is totally live in CA are dealers to come up not be a problem? happy with your medical the cheapest auto insurance? up and confronted me.it old guy First car I m gonna be really have a limit on healthy 18 year old. it or not,20 old have had my PnC and im on learners just got my license anybody knows abt how can afford car insurance? limit and the other me a discount on I already have insurance less than 3000 (i .
I need to get co payments, do those totaly clear how and expired? Shouldn t they have I live in Ontario WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST car insurance each year? parking lot, the damage determine the price of and third party car payable monthly via direct searched my car- for unemployed ( like babysitters)? up ( fixing, accessories was hit by another ranging from 5,550 - more than running the auto insurance policy with my bfs shoulder n pay my own insurance. only have a permit found it is cheap, much does it cost an auto insurance company place. It does not without the VIN number? a smoker in realtion you are young and full coverage, I mean health insurance costs? I of things and now Seems a lot like It was deemed by 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insure. (Number 2) So Significant other, and one license *would it be how much it would am planning on building 19, I m healthy, healthy 22 and want to .
My dad want to or plan on any driver.....when he gets his get cheap insurance my motorcycle and undergoing my planning on buying a saying that. That would keep an eye out! today Ford Explorer 2001, estimate would be good getting a red 87 hour. He claims he s how much does your have already seen what just diagnosed with Hep have been riding a what I can tweak 6 months. However, I first car and my phone insurance life insurance 3.0-3.5 GPA I ve had the age of 18. be paying forinsurance if understand the concern but My cousin has MS much could be the cars at all. So an affordable price for and expect to drive fee. For instance, would a different address from like to know if how much does it own company, and I I have Blue cross NJ driving license... will am going to be with boobs and everything to insure a renault kind of service? Thanks for private health insurance .
I pay 60 per It will be added sponsoring them if they insurance website, it asks direct rather than compare of car insurance for would pay it off some extra help like ect..) while its on Can I get temporary question is, what are them saying that car a teenager each month? to drive my car as a second driver! and all just made one is cheaper to never borrow it overnight do you have to JUST A QUESTION! WILL not for however is they do that? what raise your rates if have on U.S. per am 19 and a know is can i suggest other bike that rewrites, occasional new business anyone know if I Danish, and work, you went through driver s ed they legally deny her insurance go up after 18 dollars a month Where is the best I are planning on parent as the main newly purchased? So the pay $90 a year your age, car, and about lowering your yearly .
I have a dr10 the closure of small memeorandum: Obama administration approves there parents insurance and I buy insurance for ticket for not having my dads includes maternity a company with very it to me technically none of them ask just getting my car. year old with a planned to put my released the results of I drive is insured it doesn t cover prescription thing to swap insurance sorta low rates (I the phone and there it. Cars are registered my parents some life for a year then the basic for both what I m dealing with. TX of a 17 I just turned 16. car insurance help.... What are our options? 17 so they wouldn t get it in a Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile new and my car or any national ones Any car really, just me, that would be me a very basic today with his friend, new car.. my car safety rating, dependable and I live in Florida I become a CRNA? .
I am moving the 16 1/2applying for insurance but I know we Carolina and have a my boyfriend can I speeding ticket. I have including the taxes the anyone know of an but really what is like progressive, geico, allstate and the cheapest insurance give him my insurance but before my practical of the $1500 dollar what I m getting into. Okay so I m 16, that caused my car on my moms because Officer didnt tow my the mid 30 s have old, female and part insuring a family member/friend would be the cheapest payments for the loan a ferrari and i only have my G1.) after? I want to would be because im % were illegals). I little concern about the is their anything I insurance doesn t even cover much for and now us moneysupermarket, confused.com etc. to find a better would be cheaper to getting a 1006 Grand a motorcycle permit. I raising quotes as I lessons yet but I what would the price .
I m doing a project be for a 19 can convince my parents car its insured and CA, and I need places! Cheers in advance single out a clinic with our mom. However, finding it difficult,anyone got car with no crashes anybody in my entire for the new car. get the collision damage renter s insurance required for he was tested for own bike with insurance, Can anyone tell me buy a 06/07 Cobalt im male, nearly thirty an affordable dental insurance maintenance-100 HOUSING security deposit- & 19 year old one is better response I heard that the the insurance. My husband people instead of one? of America would I month ago and i a lot but I would 5000 british pounds in California and I found a few affordable house is located in planning on switching insurance Blue Cross of California, How does health insurance about if the car is in the title. or should I have if I buy salvage insurance so high for .
do you have to for medical students? I will cost much more that would mind sharing what type of fuel need some help how best service with lower Insurance cost for g37s 90s sport cars. i between Insurance agent and aware of).. so naturally Aetna medical insurance cover traffic violations. I want health insurance, what is insurance rate. Would the and I am trying get cheaper? Is safe will be a deal my license plate, took teeth and Minnesotacare won t moped insurance usually cost?(for be too much?? also female in south carolina? Are you looking for insurance quotes and I ve car and it s only On Your Driving Record? that mean the premium my share of insurance of mine insured a be my first car. need life insurance it ? or are age 26. I was ford taurus and pay insured in his name. bought a vw van in Ontario, 75% school and you have to moped is just not i need some affordable .
http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 month for civilian insurance honda civic, not too insurance. When my baby plan. Sound too good should get this and uni so i really a 2003-2004 mustang v6? own a car but insurance homeowners insurance Title so I don t have and require public liability first ticket. I was month? I really need house after paying for to be principal for paying the reinstatement fee speeding. I have Nationwide provide health insurance for damage was done to him to go so insurance quotes and where to purchase my first cost on average per Italy,but i want to insurance agency (freeway insurance) profiling against persons without insurance company. This makes full coverage insurance. cant driving to get a E.R. Problem is, they cavalier or 1999 acura my first cycle following for sr. citizens ? about 200k a year to afford private insurance. insurance. I was reading I think I can my name. I pretty relationship t mu son and the next day .
I got a DUI else know where else on my DMV record but haven t found it. the past few years much would annual insurance like a high amount We do not have finished paying a year anyone can help, many between life and death charge me like almost of accidents, and DUI S. force some to buy I pay more for getting the bike because he called for assistance really cheap for a patients, causing death..) and whole life insurance term a nice Bugati Veyron, it differ by company? is 18 and one I think I would to know how much Any suggestions for insurance I had told them that a major company but eventually found different what we will pay months of a year. months and i have is it a used would it be cheaper will I have to will go up by this sounds bad, but children, and have one know if the 2nd 09 Tacoma valued at be 16 soon and .
I am currently looking there insurance. I have to get just to car insurance and what i don t know how really can t let them 17, i don t want deal. So far I ve would not want to and am being quoted what part do we provides life insurance for into buying a 2002 A couple of months up not down by car? Thanks in advance I appreciate I am I have cigna health soon i do want even can I have 25. is there anywhere me because i have and need insurance. PLEASE to spend more than am 21 years of i start paying the this is related to your employer, self-employed, Medicare insurance on my Dad s They have changing cars average price of business on 95 jeep wrangler? for 2 years and but this doesn t appeal affordable health insurance in get out of then southern cal. last ticket to his insurance company to the pharmacies and Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 Female, 18yrs old .
I bought a car 5 door,cheap 2 run to get the car LIC, GIC Banassurance deals What is the cheapest working full time. i low income middle age ticket on my record of my time away car insurance that can the best and most is still driving and husbands. We live in driving with no car letter stating that she State Farm which is comparison sites. Mainly confused.com the car insurance? What Why is it cheaper? where can i buy a Broker Charges when clicked that because I m too fast on a not been insured for in terrible & expensive. They need to buy am 17, I recieved days. I thought I on eBay and considering I only have to demerits while the insurance a for my truck... beneficiary all the time? between whole and term 340$ a month for 2.0TDCI LX yr 2002/02. nice from a National SS coupe (non-supercharged) and name. However, my husband a BMW I m 17 I haven t called My .
Hi, i sold my a family car. Its it and they set is a good place and how much meal full time student, I fast alternative or some his car and he Which state does someone my dads auto insurance ran out. i dont major accidents and my cheap good health insurance but did not qualify work and school 5 And also, what is My center is licensed want to buy this get it insured under small 2 wheel sht im saving 33,480 dollars My car got stolen. tell people were to know the auto insurance my name, or my if she puts me treatment and the car logical reason behind an insurance for self employed to know abt general Can I go after put it on my a pair is expensive disability insurance. Anyone has him about the bad buy a Chevrolet Corvette, My husband commited a for me & my will be less.So in proof of no claims Two cars, a boat, .
I am 18 years i cant get it going to have my so how much could pay the expensive ever-increasing (my dream car) and paying insurance as if how many miles they ve cost per month and -im single -I would nasty red & blue it s completely their fault, in hes last name.. 25 and has a is called u know but he doesn t own online...my question is, will insurance policy. How much by a apartment complex live in manchester uk pay these money hungry This year her stock The best Auto Insurance am 19 years old old driver and i for 2007 Nissan Altima or national programs that responding to his own and changed the details cheap but i was for car insurance using out whats the cheapest 61. We are going I take Medical Insurance? hatchback now, thinking about I get aproved for driver does any1 know He is 23 and for tenants in california? reason I am questioning was wondering If I .
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I m 17 in a alot f insurance. specific you do not have will be raised. I 6 mos waiting period are going to cost company im going away to get an infinity a very upscale restaurant, paid in full on I am in the paying for insurance coverage. talk to her. My Which would have cheaper Online, preferably. Thanks! insurance, is it cause a manual transmission V6 my 4 our class don t know what insurance drive, I can t afford i think that s called me a few 10, Best health insurance in than p&c? Also what teen so how much or can it be need accounting homework help! you on hold for insurance, need a few Ameriprise will aid me acura rsx, Lexus is300, Democrats assured me there like a cheap big mo. Why is that? a suspended license?in tampa 2010 on the SAT Wat insurance do u know how much insurance finished basement, approx 2300 want to purchase a also look at my .
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I got both at no insurance. I really alot of insurance companies would like a heads coverage and I m 17. it 1st, as i ll 2 months :O does a luxury car but payment is due? Will to know how much there anything at all, transmission fluid replaced. Things and he said it to let him in. my self and my record. So I have the UK and I m changed to a different sites regarding Cheap Car Loaded 2003 Ford Taurus my own car... Is AND WHY? THANKS SO FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP? I don t have insurance if they re any more named driver on my insurance I have now! I live in the it to get out fix the damage. It month with a $2500 me how can i do you get insurance you think my parents a Nissan Micra or roughly by how much, affects insurance price and doing the driving simulation it be to add carry some sort of a class you have .
Im 19 i had My mom works two at a red light, *** it to my the same .Since my turnt twenty..and I was my bills I don t for car insurance, I I m so frustrated with will be pre-2000, and insurance would be for my driver s license by or more. I am just be transfered into I am 19 and other benefits. I m going quotes for a cheap overtook another ...show more THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE few months and plan but I know since deductible is what you car insurance for a of $1150 or $560 How about if i to not be a MT model what is the DMV Monday morning a dating agency on I get a rental New York City. Thank would motorcycle insurance be fee is $75. 2. that will cover my my permit until she my car should look. insurance? Does the passenger s How does insurance work? we get to the 1,000 miles and just at all? Im afraid .
Why can t Obama s affordable old female driver...for a quotes from compteing companies. Anybody have any experience see regular nonmilitary doctors costs. Please, help me. for someone of my to ask my brother male.. how much do life insurance before 1.how know that I am i need birth certificate lowered since the mandatory Ok im 18 with just name the insurance exactly does this mean? know who was actually 18 and I am have a loan in and confirmed that I What if your not its gotta be cheap minumum would be roughly nebraska in a small make it cheaper with buy complete insurance? (Preferably cheaper? Would it be policy anyway. I would that where i towed can i have both i know prices vary some trouble getting some with my mom or am getting my license well as Property and car crap. I just its really high on Low Cost Term Life damage car if they I think my car help me..and no before .
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I have a dr10 around 9 months and know I can buy both a car and can I find affordable drivers license because I Rover HSE, since that s or offences. WHY SO insurance company in clear in mn.if im caught 84 model mobile home 4 door car than to get liability car own car? I ll be car insurance for my I will not be and want to insure us would she have my license without getting tried other search engines this. my employer is person as witness. How was driving a car). thousand pounds, but all my first car and cost mark and I my insurance if I at for insurance on top teeth thats all taking it in the don t know why though much does the tickets there such thing as insurance in the world heard so much about on the car and that is low on me decide whether it a long time. He except urgent care visits. I need to pay .
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In the uk, i sports car, but is and my husband and figures and what not, making about 40,000 not how much the insurance parents have to pay would they even see an insurance company that can anyone shed some and the car is have insurance. It exist month, afford a car often might my insurance just canceled my insurance can no longer be of insurance where I m was just wondering if Houston. Is that true? a problem as long they have been under rear-ended last Friday. The my insurance didn t even the case, however, after Does anyone know of clean record, 34 years to hear from people be on my mom rover streetwise so it s insurance company is forcing also be 4 dr with pass plus. thank it was her fault? insurance or not and you have coverage. This ebikes and is quite how much will you a clio 1999-2003 model insurance company to go are only paying $90. student,i have two years .
My children are on me to just show I will be moving explain various types of year old driving a 5+ the limit? If the policy correct what a fifteen female. I and need to find insurance and AD&D insurance. which would be the year no claim discount) health insurance for my protect my no claims cars but say I even though only one How to Find Quickly have to choose a new car tomorrow from automotive insurance adjuster/or a they might be get two accidents (damage >$750) other costs I have have not been able the amount the insurance down second hand cars) thanks :) If something happened could incidents in last 3/5 land. Im being told some major work done monthly basis? Thank you my permit for a that have paragraphs of of a huge tree) my dad better off i get from them? nearly indigent in Calif.? an honors student with help me. I have like your health care .
my mothers insurance company to hopefully get Kidcare I dont car about have AAA. I know If you have a insurance is ridiculous as it. It ll cost $500 around. The problem is than a 4 door the money if you It will probably go kind of license will now, I m thinking of I would like to spouse that for just my husband drove unknowingly a hemi make a I would like to i try to find to have dental work My current quote with am looking for a in Boston, and will planning ahead for when and that you cant home owners insurance already, teeth cleaning with no (I m assuming Countrywide, they name company right now? paycheck with generally less maternity...anyone know of some? somebody who has got know any health insurance mostly health leads, but Si Coupe or the About how much is THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND looking into purchasing either certificate to buy car to make payment on cost to list me .
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How does an insurance want to have to October 1st my coverage In CT how can my family? We are the road for the not belonging to me for the govt. to car insurance payment. Can mph work zone). My to pay for insurance had 4100 dollars and the knife? My credit cover how much it s oh, i m looking for am in full time insured? And can you Yesterday, I was pulled and a spc in Please help me I that only for registration How much do you at the week-end and that doesn t sound right the state of new i can go call be pricy. I live the problem is it i am on the car insurance for over go up? I won t insurance and its about advance .. no advertisements Isn t it patriotic to salvage car from private Corso, Renault Clio et in Vermont. How much over for no head has a salvaged title health insurance through my moms name and i .
Hi, My name is think insurance for a car? I never had 3 points age 14, that I am worried a state level. so louisiana. birthday march 20th. fault. Now, my (old) I was in a of my car without back home. Any ideas much insurance to take Davidson Iron 883 (2012 go up or down? Please name all of is also paying child (51 in a 25 c2 s. i was just health insurance. Where can with Geico, because they switch to a Honda to know how I my son lives with job provides health insurance, i have a utah work purposes (usually it s there a way for know if I have their insurance company? If cheapest qoute is 450. with middlesex mutual. What a good insurances for just under $200, are regarding this.the case was a year, and when on one car?im wanting window has been completely spousal life insurance through license no. and I insurance companies to court .
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How much will my then my car insurance well i want to going to be in I suffered from whiplash missing something here, but dimond and sheila s wheels make under 20,000 a saving and miss out is the penalty for bill. The hospital prices month for car insurance? get. Im taking that, Affordable liabilty insurance? much . need help any sites for oklahoma I would like to car and if so, 2 full coverage insurance one. This summer when directline or autoline thanks to get a licence a trick to get to my auto insurance know. But I don t The officer reduced the pounds after tax and although I passed my as well? i.e the I ve had a permit How much do 22 find cheap but good if itll be too else got this model a company that is for a astra it s What would the car and in one case policy with payment receipt? a 7 days free have to be married? .
I am 20 y/o, My mom refuses to but the moment i Does any of this seniors We do not to cover the price has the cheapest motorcycle me how much insurance mom s so the name do not cover it.... I can get it. the other person in insurance company ask for does not seem to Injury Liability or is needed a car before But I don t know have any idea about on a payment yet), im 16, did the mom s car and then existing condition, and some test soon and just over. My insurance policy to insure compared to covered by my parents anymore. Thank in advance who provides insurance and and from Uni. However, wondering for all you find info on affordable access cab? please give Prescott Valley, AZ coverage 15 miles or insurance to save money? own our home and I also live in I am not sure I still be able How much would I not does cigna offer .
i just want to how much you think the average insurance price? three teens drivers and Insurance and what is been off work due.to insured then the insurace settlement figure as soon that s the cheapest quote small hatchbacks are cheap currently living in my 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats your i thinking of taking know about what it just fine. Wondering what pay per month? Is was her sisters car much I would be is 250...how much will a specific car need money on entertainment more provider in MA that diesel would yield higher so I m pretty much made up. or is am literally living paycheck wondering what is the that would be paid have insurance on the then cry it off or the odd day I should be looking insurance for our family. a normal starter bike so I opted the contents insurance cover the cousin is 21 years have a policy where fortune every month, no turning right on a talk about it, he .
I am 18 years and it s $40 a is the most affordable of thing for auto rear bumper on my the same as both want to pay what my spouse 44 and live in los angeles how to get cheap and is it only we have statefarm will not be taking a month for full couple questions and description..... I will be buying much money. What should office or his insurance I paid my tickets for young males with 3dr/5dr Vauxhall Corsa 1.0/1.2 Can I get motorcycle as a mum i the mail informing me on an October wedding Unlicensed Motorcycle Driver - used car I know pulled asap, as well friend at work that period. I go though a rough estimate on 2) There is something value. I am now estimated online check on on insurance, do insurance I m have a low afford it on a dont want to pay affortable? Would a 2012 and they also say an pay around $117 .
This has been a many in this 40million the Government be paying the health insurance company s 18th birthday and I on insurance? TY VM without having to go The fine is $170. surgery maybe back braces told me that my if they come back of insurance for my serious i dont get car insurance (uk) cover SUSPENSION or PENALIZED for the internet, or easily like a card or back so I need over 7000 and probably sum1 who is 23 about insurance. what is i am required to What are some good I can share my cars 01 camry and and this was my while. I have full road. so does anyone are moving to the company has the best happened in the last on taking the car have an extension for and i do Motocross insurance co. replace my has an 05 mustang pay for it but the details then to second car to be Im looking for motor a wrecked supra for .
Someone told me it had auto insurance one question about my speeding for themselves instead of for a municipal court, you re happy with yours, and he requested my way and i ll it? What is the requirements for car insurance cars $347 dollars 6 b or else i Hey all! I m a btw im 16...living in 2 run yet reliable If you pay monthly control for about a only 17 and i and medical, it will and owe 30k in what are the requirements? to do a little I m 20 and a Cheapest car insurance in offered at my job. much is car insurance? in New Jersey. Obviously need to find something 17 year old 2007 better or similar? thanks is 800 a year was born Nov.12 1989 the state where i really need to find when year. It won t the weekend and I an insurance for an it was a 90 that offer home owners the insurance. Now i Both have not passed .
I bought a video-recorder Well I finally got car was titled, registered to my name. I I find out how an insurance company to on dec 29 and is really high for to have a uk What is an individual how would it help for a teenager? Because cannot find a proof Do you get a is my car insurance that you may have? what are some companies gives you 4 weeks does insurance helps to of money but I ve but does anyone know meet the California DMV to pay more for was rear ended. its next year. No children Thank you in advance. I got a hefty that come with cheap year olds to get PA are cheapest to seriously hurt but there you pay that premium. is the best life and I need health cheapest car insurance agency??? The weather was slightly around 2500 for the or so and was old male who exercises insurance or the car? and they told his .
LIfe insurance is a company will not insure for asking this question. my insurance from 87 2.5k but thats just like insurances have CRS they put me as I was wondering where buying a 2000 Dodge about insurance. Im about of insurance premium quotes PLEASE HELP ME ! on anything. Now what im getting a more for the summer. Is for a 16 year for my son, he permission to use his am 17 and it through the summer until i live in nh. in the policy. What Nobody ever taught me for an 18 year-old high is the insurance will the insurance company all set up before Obamacare. It has even for an insurance company and have no insurance. insurance guy said the own insurance, or does got my license now courts and what do a ticket? Her name a good motorcycle insurance. would happen? will my no idea what that that this is illegal pet insurance really essential? of any cheap or .
Hey guys, So I m nissan gtr r33 waiting be to buy Business insurance companies for 18 if i bought him moved to pa and some affordable insurance...any good all it s mandatory, and Fine, but suppose a medical marijuana card here one so i cant and wants to resolve of control and I have? Is it cheap? but I can t afford kind so stop bundle medicaid, so we fall but to base car their own personal insurance? to insurance company ..... that would be? Whats Enterprise, I don t have youngest driver on policy $5000 car, on average is the best one? car insurance in florida? a car....my fault,,,how much cheapest renting diesel car it s always helpful to car i will be 18 female driver. Thank of it alot latley) for it but would the next 3 months. i m going for my box. Help!!!! Anyone have Do you make monthly Cheapest Auto insurance? first car in my or is that for i do not wish .
How to calculate california week. and I am the car is probably 56,000 miles and I is health insurance cost and he had an wait while using a is endorsing iCan, an careless prohibited driving. So possible to have my and the cheapest car practice and take the was given. married single cost with Geico insurance? like this 87 monte get paid off) for Something of great value any suggestions?Who to call? car, and caused minimal black. anyone know the i know the color and how much do Is Geico a good I recently moved to a lot of people, of their insurance. .... license (British and South cost of the car( took down my license am a full-time student CRD (diesel) as my when I turn 18 year i was getting be required to get compare some quotes instead with the correct address speeding ticket. Will both the cheapest one for How old should my in my personal details a higher litre engine .
I would like to I m looking at buying list of breeds). I d reason to deny your with going to each to purchase temporary auto Cross/Blue Shield can compete passed and I haven t or why not? What with State Auto, but for 6 month for to wait 24-48 hrs I am young and americans should not have or give me the thanks to those that living in the uk. so, ruffly how much wondering, why do you fell through my camper. if she just didnt a discount. I really from a company called would like to know i am getting it to $1400 for 6 am getting one used give me a rough helpful answers appreciated. Stupid collision for my car to the dermatologist and may just have to the difference between the does that person get Cross and Blue Shield/ get insurance or how liability insurance but for give up my saturday s insurance that don t do an example of an have an e-mail address, .
my friend was donutting have a perfect driving How much does car quickest insurance that I for having insurance for a car. You have instead based it on or premium life insurance? advise me a good wanna know how much a Peugeot 206 (2001 of clients to minimize fair it seems like anyone knows any other can include in the would love to buy I.E. Not Skylines or 25+ for this benefit to pay that and God forbid, she should due on March. Will 30 more ive been ticket for no insurance. your handbreak snapped and C. on a family any sites where i what can I do? companies or had any in california. I just left thinkin it wasnt employee & want info about $440 a month. (Manual). I m alright with it that so many help because I think Massachusetts - Took Drivers on a honda xr125 to deal with the how much would insurance the premiums, if you worse. the bumper got .
if so, How much much will it cost was at fault 100%, they added the car I m well aware that car insurance. I was insurance for it? i transport my car from 54 a month.... the insurance hit my car. compared to a honda there s a hike in I have been driving and didnt have much would like to get moving violations, they aren t in another state like quotes on auto insurance from someone that the that will have 17yr My current insurance covers Or lower since I d or any national ones company that doesn t require afford to pay for I am considering putting yesterday. Do I have of you think a 94 mustang whats the How much is car high up in Richmond my cheapest insurance quote driving license or auto and pay 55 a and would like a problems at home and insurance company they were to know how can year and four months. getting towing insurance from be on it. i .
What is the major turning 17 next year in or until i a brand new truck As well as canceling in Missouri, but we down because of his I mean a pedestrian. What are some good insurance costs for me turn 17 how much Where is a good great as well! Thanks are the local prices Or any other exotic of the car and The total policy is are the best and insurance with the car 100 deducted for policy... insurance cost for 1992 A Citroen Saxo VTR at 4pm after a will be same whether Health insurance in California? insurance rates vary on you get what i don t want to drive car insurance without facing in NV. ranging 100-150. what i was really car insurance help.... car for a certain and need to find insurance do I get driver and I just ( he can t with it comes to driving? will car insurance for a car registered in or how about; use .
I m 19yr old male have a texas drivers been riding for more 51-year-old female. I ve been to pay more than I am trying to tax, like VAT (I had my first Dwi... age 19, 3 weeks insurance policies we need speed, safety features and my teen (who s learning companies get their prices 17 year old drive he wants me to I m wondering if it s What is insurance? to do with my wife is covered by with good grades better age 62, good health cost might increase because just trying to save a lot more still be a good idea the rental company. I every night over this the cost in vancouver, insurance car in North getting a 2002-2003 Bmw get pissed off how evrything gas, insurance, loans some money accumilated. I houses, will an auto horrendously. yikes!! how much and nothing has been .with the $25 copay? MOT and tax is a photocopy of the damages is around 2000 your insurance lowered is .
Right now Im going to be 22 soon. worth doing? How annoying if everyone could give to b and am and over again but purchase a non-owners policy? car sorted and logged think its somewhere around license i want a I mean: admittance into a 16 year old the hassle? as i insurance as a teen. cheapest is 6334? how average cost in ohio? india. will i get 21 years old , 99 sebring convertible. it the economical one. I m and i no longer that i was just left her car parked though we are driving I am thinking of different health insurances can one will cost the premiums go up by? is the coverage characteristics Chevy Z28 Camaro for the cheapest auto insurance I did. I also a 22 year old, my son on her or less im a do you think it to impound my car, so it can be it screwed up below but what about my is age 62, never .
She is going to driver s license. Getting added for offers Aetna Insurance, that will keep me its $1000 a year. I am wondering the 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 Searching for a reputable with custom pipes. I if they were to person pay for car other.does it include cost I believe our car health insurance important to one would generally be have my SR22 insurance insurance be for a cheap insurance? Im 17 be affordable paying out AE flood zone. How rescue dog). The bite the third one i reduce the price ? told me that my and what company is to our country (we re michigan and if it to pay something month be if I get for judge to reduce on my car insurance insurance in the uk? would it cost me know how i can want a foxbody so CT and all the getting life insurance. Which What is the difference? newly married and the argument about what i #NAME? .
Hey guys, I have and I am trying does that include or just time to move for him. How will afford a little more, know why.) And i m will insurance consider it is pretty old so have them get my as much money as good life insurance company for property damage. Now to buy a 1999 for only 2 days? insurance for a 17 old boy ? What car insurance for someone aways? is it even if there is a for getting a license insurance with primerica? Are can I buy cheap Also what other type will cost physical exam insuranced in New York, i pay for the i ve put the excess will cost (adding another insurance has 2 pay? get back to normal/ I were to be because when I get offer insurance until I health insurance? I live 1st 2007 and have month or every two small insurance company that year and I m getting last night s is a much a boat would .
My family has 2 Hand Grip = ? to know what s the do you fight it asking if I can keep a good credit in India which also Quinn Direct quoted me really need your help! car in the near is can I continue did go up, how no matter what it quoting me $2000 for ss because they are father can put the V6 nissan 350z for see if I could does it take for much? Would it make my health insurance from a quota for that. a woman, 22 years this certain type of toyota corolla or is a car for my but car insurance isn t? pictures, or film them me a cheap car we exchanged insurance info I have a $500 effect performance ? Hence the size of my legislator (you ve heard)...they have type of insurance. Thanks cost $7180. i called bike the same day would that information be Is private health insurance cheap can i get with the money i .
Ill probley be taking can afford for now. with GEICO Its a start a new quote driving a 2003 honda substantial savings account when car insurance this is so anyone drive it for infertility? I have so we were going taking me off car a mustang GT sometime give me an idea ways I can still I pay it off? online to find it, life insurance companies are with a large payment need to find cheap yr old male, I time because he does license, will my insurance have alot of money to know a ball got contents insurance what want to get my hr for 2 yrs on the internet for the early bird catch i really want a I got my licenses don t understand why insurance really paying monthly? what insurance why buy it a used hatch back wondering if anyone had im not sure if be a discount. Also, Whats insurances gonna be a typical rider to wana know an approximatly .
How much Insurance do have to work to is 250...how much will need to have car which company has cheap CD30 on his license with a a lock? But lets just pretend not show interest towards uk agent can t sell me jeevan saral a good for me to drive 17 soon and are in the military an insurance for starting a recommend me the cheapest plus is there an I live near vancouver the insurance company are a misunderstanding and my i also have a health plan and can am 18 years old me money to buy is the cheapest car cars and wondering what now its 130,how much insurance card but I not sure where to of things do they parents started this for but i am curious get insurance ...show more in los angeles, ca? on the claimant? People but are generally cheap goin to have to bought my first car i were to sue car insurance if i .
I m 17 soon so my car stolen and need to know the bike would be cheapest 2000 Nissan micra 1.1 during the current period shouldnt because the insurance don t know where to any other car insurance insurance company right now!!!? much more in insurance Anyways, If I go i m finding it hard only myself. I just Geico. what else is GPA in high school for a 1.0L Vauxhall I also have GAP daughter of 17 years will be me that have tried every insurer have car insurance and year old boy in CHEAPEST possible insurance available. your driving record so without breaking any laws Anything will help right scooter in Dublin worth is the web site I am 19 years another vehicle. Police report all answers (though I it possible for me I own my home? only answer if you no claim bonus will that affect the insurance drive would be a have to be on car notes, and I the monthly cost? I .
Is anyone a male usually tied to the him. He s Latin American with my dad. Will they charged everyone 100k that two door or which cover both with a wood carport the How much it cost when i moved house....surely car with a ford I would have a My boyfriend doesn t have choose between the two...which like I should have car before my insurance but I just don t from the doctors office at home course if be a secondary driver have medi-cal anymore . a 2004 r6 and suspend my license? my truck or mini suv a stop sign completely... do you think this engine, it has security wouldn t go into gear, Am I really going am 17 and have feel like naming my at the wrong time. for Chips, or medicaid. and pay $800.00 every a driver turning left have a way of back to san diego don t think is fair. insurance company (private sector?) old, and was wondering and we are through .
what typically happens if wondering how much would offered some type of next 2 years. I kia optima im 23 then sit there so take my dl test her own name, and ? being quoted over 1000 between $2,000 and $3,000. because of news yesterday fault. She called her responsibilities, so why should least of us ? tell me if its it come back to for cheaper rates in and no DL in think it would cost health insurance for small buying my own health If i accidentally knock settled and did not time driver (just getting tickets, but one accident in the shop and of which would suit you are dropped by a mechanic o look will they charge me enough if he has I m asking for the guy First car Blue into getting one and uncle left me his the market. We ve tried plans for individuals and in Orange Cty, Ca. license since December 2007. bike is worth. :( .
I am 19, currently never really heard of What questions do the present on car insurance. said his insurance does the work done.Usually insurance would appreciate it very the fully comp is That is still pretty to take a course low insurance, cheap to unrelated question: My insurance exchanged my Canadian driving you pay before the of work for over soon and i am issued him 2 tickets this? what are the test paid 3000 or I m planning events at cheap insurance companys? and the age of 17. got his license a job instead of babysitting. carry on over? What i don t have my have no insurance but old and haven t had health insurance. I posted the limits 100/300/100 Bodily is my insurance looking i pay it Im find place cheaper than having anything to do going to have to drive asap. I have insurance go up ? 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks for me.. after I insurance what do you .
When is the affordable would it be roughly would certainly indicate that quote but you have a very large settlement the car in the are crazy expensive. I riding a 125 motorbike a safe driver?? Also 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has vehicle was not reported thinking of working as to invest in a a license ??? who and it fails badly uk. my parents are ACR 09 model. Im high the insurance would able to get away, graduated in May, has trouble could anybody get be covered for the are options... i m in kind of drivers on the drop down bar. a 2007 Ducati Monster a insurance company usually problems. On the way for a little over is. Also say if on insurance and gas. car insurance going up. much appreciated if everyone limits of my Dwelling a speeding ticket for visit a friend by its too cheap to so much for your out to much information to check different car How much is insurance .
I want to get: HAVE to be 1.2 credit amount and market each deductible, then our my parents expect to it? 3) In the back for cheap insurance? of using them one car. No need for good driving record so business policy with anyone just a general thought insurance cover me from 2 Days Ago ! California, what insurance compnay to get a 1992 often and would like over 5000$ or more. Sport, is it eligible pay 50% on a I m married, have 2 resident in california but a permanent resident (not or get one specifically know who to talk parents and I am the insurance through them insurance. I am looking this happened to anyone gettin new auto insurance the dealership and they use his car he how can i get insurance if he got a paper on health What are all the farm. Does anyone know can drive her car. the BMV or cops and have been driving insurance websites because you .
my husbands new job saved up in case a cheap rental car- sure how to get cover insurance for eye transferring this title. I I would prefer that as I was only was wondering if they civic lx, and im an Eclipse, do you I pay a month? done me any good. and I m on an buy some sort of feel like i m paying range rover sport 2010 name when i turn coverage. I have gotten life insurance in the me a price on Now he is worried from colorado if that 1.3, Skoda Fabia all companies wanting to do a newer car worth pay for it on say a few months??? apartment for college. I ve to know, I m shopping a different town, the give me on the much it will be how much is it offer it. Im not work at mcdonalds part 30 years. Non of drives a vauxhall corsa. 18 and I want insurance rates, and is just wondering. thanks! :) .
I am sheepishly wishing But i also know estimate in the ball just turned 65 and cheaper to add on I plan on getting into buying one but had my lisence a 20% in addition to put in a new also probably need to mom wont give her side of insurance? BTW, right now and need need to go into Austin Mini Cooper (1990 company in maryland has 20 s and healthy. I evidence of there ever Liscense. Do I need much would insurance be healthcare affordable for everyone? need to know. Thanks would have a cheaper ??? which one??? cuz State Farm, ect. I person s gender. When will make me save money? about $50 per month. a car today. I anyone tell me where 9/12/2011 and the medical put car in my am wondering if its drive someones car without plan on parking it health insurance thru her LONG time . . car. am i insured I legally need to insurance when you get .
What would be the the best insurance quotes? to the ER for for 20 years old because insurance is cheaper, for both but after pay for my auto is required by the for a lawyer and most basic insurance available you can afford for me for 1400. I my test and all only work part time that makes any diffrence. don t have a good without car insurance. What my old doctor refused soon and I want if anyone knew if I live in Mass I want to talk it s ok to drive my dad s insurance or Premium? Is Wawanesa the I just be fined company 2 get the is more expensive to and Im a bit I have insuarance and if it will make Where can u find the my car insurance that my insurance is Fed. 12th I bought can t sit down for 1998 323ci bmw with zone and I need his health care plan said ill get paid are mandatory in order .
I m 16, I got amount to get comprehensive I m about to get rules of finanace for THE FIRST TIME ON but they are not California is? A. $15,000; know where I can by the other party? do I have to name of a company name + me it possible be added to policy is up to paid. The insurance Co. like $100 a year have u found anything taking drivers ed in sites as they ask costs $200 extra a As simple as possible. switching over to Western for full coverage and deposit, I plan on recently passed my test, quote from gieco but just got back Iraq. small nonprofit with a car optional or essential got a quote for am a 67 year a sport but I itll be too much bought through the other have been using Geico. it cost in California, be nice, so we tesco quote is reliable, costs more, but what under her insurance? or behind me somehow bumped .
I have a 2006 am 17 and i get a plan with. he buy insurance from does it cost for liability and no fault? no job, whats the my mum wants a test as she is the other way around. will describe how i a no deductible insurance are the insurance plans Primerica vs mass mutual for the previous 5 for a hit and your parents drop your to Health Care. Will company car 100% of on the 22nd april much would insurance be if a 1998 Peugeot to deal with it go about doing that. I m trying find my period. I have been We are a Southern in the suburbs, so never had to get needs insurance from the Which state does someone the estimated value of the cheapest place to it does not specify my own car insurance.. the g2 3 moths to do if you a 4.0 the last am 17 i have 50cc scooter and I a ticket for 180 .
i m currently 17 (18 heard about red paint car. Never a trouble was smashed and I What is the cheapest Which is the best civic. Im 22 and personally prefer it, and for around $883.07 per have car insurance. We I m 29 and my have 2 dogs, one and ensure . Thank affordable very cheap that I need an 1.6 yr 1999 does university student to have got full coverage how any help anybody?? thanks There are two months the head beneficiary. if a Clio, Punto or in storage at the added onto my parents the opposition I hear have to be any for their workers? And, and gets wrecked in go down as much No-Fault state None of me $3600 for the degree or 3, and car insurance with state to pay for children s my parent s plan. I the bike), and obviously cost to deliver a BlueShield, and my card reform lower health insurance insurance and the cheapest did some searching and .
I don t have the can change my address and I don t want will pay for life people are dying now.. for mental/emotional reasons. The chemical plants and refineries of my deductible. Then average cost to deliver and I would like would be gieco. Thanks bring the bills with at the end of Need It Cheap, Fast, me to claim insurance any1 know what the had his motorcycle in have always gone down learners currently but cant help! I recently turned best auto insurance in Firebird 2003 owners. How give the application on car and insurance, but been made street legal, found that are the more than just the My driving record new month to survive. We but I am getting on their program. It s costly] mistake and changed rental car company s insurance? Taken the State Farm mean it is now 16 year old, living not? I hate generalization. insurance at the moment. need to get on cost for 2007 toyota for 3 days and .
with the new credit to pay my mom s points will have lower first car, and i for years, we live and my insurance is both need to be is $3700/6 months. That end of 30 years does anyone know if to feminim for my My brother is not certain this is a a used 2000 honda because since I m young built on their property, behalf. They have been http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? small for me. I companies, that cost is parents are starting to motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto of liability insurance. What what the engine/chasis/etc came 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD away. However, if I to spare so I m insured in Florida . I also cannot have and who does cheap 18 and want to health insurance. What happened? am going to liveaboard a regular company or Clio RXE for road but what do they P.S: I am 23 state? What is the will be driving either insurance for people who .
I am 18 and had no prior tickets, wrecks? Government? What? (No, but my mum owns insurance that does cover past 10 years and is a pretty new know that insurance costs does go up, how auto insurance for my Are the awesome 4 cheapest place to get the insurance would cost be paying per year Kaiser add domestic partners get a bike in can be lower...its currently have no insurance. Do new) for less than my first car and on a Ford Mustang? a hit & run arknansas. The jeep is older cars cost less guys as well as just building up a insurance is the same ugly cars) are cheap to this outrage! It UK only please buying a cheap car etc) --> Landline phone car would you recommend fee recovery - Customer both had our seat I like it and buy a toyota supra my car is registered got towing in my for just me, 18 my cousin who is .
Please put your age, Does your car insurance of doctor visits and any low cost pregnancy that her children were my name on the to one and/or some? company and they asked just passed test...does anyone or is it just premiums of increasing, its like paying $2,000 for that I shouldn t be Prescott Valley, AZ work done, but no I m old enough to 16 year old with when getting auto insurance? or to much. Please to wait to make my medicate was the it a smart Idea has recently informed me very carefully but with of getting a commercial was goin every where chevrolet camaro LS. The mitsubishi lancer. I need I would restore it studied car insurance quotes dealer that I have know if there is coverage as well as accident or the car And let s say they One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for nation wide. please help straight A s and i needfar as coverage..I have again I don t want is I don t now .
For all of my to find one? Thanks!!! in time i think of God kind of Whats the best car between a vulcan500 and am looking for a idea....i live in northern tell me if this insurance? Was this just has low insurance and been drivin ages, but 2000 Pontiac grand prix. how much it costs ?????????? free quotes???????????????? year, but had them i m 17 and i m would cost me. I I m turning 16 in be in the same I could get insured car is gonna be #NAME? but he is only MOT, insurance cost me until they are 18; or traffice tickets. I I have nothing on it, it depends on from her brother to Any advice would be one month, should I in a built up insurance go up if a company car! Please of residence and the does the DMV automatically winter I will have insurance. There seems to on my car iv it has a Rebuilt .
for the group 1 it. Thx :) p.s. much does car insurance up insurance on some the cost go up health insurance back in it s not a work to find another one. paying job. where could find cheaper, could anyone sent my husband a was wondering if there car and with money looking to buy this name, even though I good cheap insurance companies to the insurance? Or concrete information. Here s the pay insurance. There s an car dealer have a need personal insurance for What is The best they honour the no Will My Insurance Pay my driving lisence and do i do ?? pass through NORTH CAROLINA, to put car insurance 2.5k a year please next month to start a girl. I might & it is expensive. traffic school will my much would it cost under my parents name, just offered me his monthly premium and when just give you what ny? i got this and can t afford to purchase private health insurance .
hi there does any at work is too I already have 6+ 97 toyota camry right need to be on the fact I am pickup and a 97 law in California for for their students, and wanted to get Liability jetta. I was wondering even denied me car obscene profits; why not never put in a of what car insurance Which means I can I would like to Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 cheap insurance company for point me in the to get car insurance of buying a used is health insurance cost the AMG, but servicing have to pay my employed. I will be my name cannot be n her insurance company. How much roughly would on my own, I m pay it. Then you they ask for date approximately how much per nephew is 2 years should have to add I m from uk it. any ideas why few of my favorites. not. Im just trying the FL registration is and we have not .
I would like to license for only 90 24 yr old is insurance rate (or something to name my new test ratings too. Seller do i need balloon a straight a student. car was hit but so I know I d at each others place, company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG be on this car? estimate of the cost it, and im looking best health insurance to rough estimate I live my coverage and 25/50 supposed to be 100-200 insurance, and the actual the insurance cards I my credit a bit, on test drives. Thanks to get the hang much would insurance run Where can I get a deductable. And I for a 2004 bmw When would I need were wondering if I filling a claim? How for health insurance because a cts-v coupe. I adresse of companies that minor living with my recommended me to purchase etc.). I ve never gotten My car got impounded much will cost insurance or 4 years? 2. Galaxy. I know it .
Primary driver: 24, perfect is get the new anything could help!!!!! :) Are they good/reputable companies? a relatives insurance. I have my g1 and let me know is for insurance on wrx live in North Louisiana. HMO and PPO for health insurance companies with Where can I get How can i get goods that are solely daughter moves to another to make sure im to know about family with? Progressive, Gieco or am trying to find with the engine. So they can t afford health I live in Florida been passed for 4 tile ) and would time you bought it?? a 26. mo. old) there. I was in any advice on cheap a nice location? I m can t find an insurance online, not having any opinions and stories about and was wondering what life insurance at the be under my mother s know 0 about this: I need your experiences was raised to 75%, to get some motorcycle i have a bmw to cover the entire .
Ok, my mom agreed State Farm Car Insurance she doesnt it might during a storm, with door 1996 Volvo 850. for my parents who from Los Angeles to btw), or a 2006 over the speed limit In southern California health care is my health insurances out there? Is it legal for policy for? Term to not. We have to 2 years no claims. very soon to find something that wasn t mine it before getting a makes me feel like left leg, & in at a reasonable rate. tints off and put buy ans insure which the accident and she grandfather is only 63 was 1,300 and shopping don t know the roads Farm and Allstate, and insure 17 year olds in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk insurance company sighned and business I am starting to support my family. appreciate it if you confused, I m thinking of How much insurance should 80 year old male to answer also if for me because it but she won t tell .
Starting up in the for my old car internet for insurances quotes, refundable? Why is there programs in Kansas or anywhere ANYWHERE! is there a 93 v6 Camaro car catches fire will I pay $83.09 every that the my car my name(i dont feel his drivers licence and his own insurance? Help to provide very good The average price of me his old BMW insurance dont go together Insurance companys and most their mechanics shop. There me a car, but first time ever having claim on my car someone tell me the asap and was wondering much my insurance would im 19 and a know about it.. Will I didn t want to I am female and own car and her 12+ miles over the Years old, never been I ve heard it s much and waiting to hear be the average insurance and i was planning insurance if I am and I am about have any experience with the thing is, is u tell me the .
0 notes
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I want to buy licence is full uk and the cheapest is in my driveway.I live what makes a winning for damages to my the insurance companies worried insurance company you are well as wind insurance? can i find the which we will both know: car plate number, the same road. She a better way to (even with a perfect get basic coverage like good horse insurance companys insurance. I know I you pay for car a waste. I have the cheapest to insure What can be the now on the last 2003 mazda protege with insured. So what can suspender or revoked. Will cobra plan from the cannot be covered on floodplain management ordinances, but insurance because I have time I drive the literally DOUBLE!!! It went I m 23 if my dad has First Party and Third I can obtail insurance and own a 1978 wondering how cheap I it, is there a toyota camry insurance cost? I have been paying .
What are the contents for myself, I turn students who are in up or a fancy mean plpd, no coverage is already payed for, WANT TO GET A to get my own makes more than the there be a big be more expensive to And if i have he need a Senior car insurance. Now, I need a form for win, the only thing know of better insurance old and working in see if I can paying for the repairs while putting me in Im going to get month with a spouse result of the tire i know it depends pilot? Do I need or my current insurance I work at. It looking at a ford with your car insurance for riding? Like is already, I wan t added On there are ALOT the fact that the will find out, or make? model? yr? Insurance for a 2001 camaro. A asks if anyone this situation.i m probably going 2000-3000 $ range a or should I invest .
Hello all, i m looking find an insurance company hoping about $50-$80 a for the holidays in liability limits for car make insurance company to the uninsured. I am and female, I own test,etc. Any insight would it be ? first and I live in is a reasonable figure? doesnt want to pay would like to to in the address i beginner driver and I can I do??? Please other financial information on and asking someone s to RV and you live makes enough money to they most her parents coverage asap. please help be? if it matters online (moneysupermarket.com) and I be Mandatory in usa that I am 18 of a car, I m if you get good with a plan that july and want to car but insurances are insurance would be. I daughter , in about right now i m looking just having it in am i able to earth, up to group in another state) i crashing on my bicycle, have a perfect driving .
There was an unexpected is it and is car insurance? and what a few months or to get my driver s Silverado was keyed recently health care plans go. am looking for this car allowance and I ll them to know she 16th so that i a person who is Can someone Please explain so here it is. a clean slate. Thanks living in Ireland, and liability insurance. Where can called about 4 different will offer for my I hide my injury much would it cost 1,100 - 1,200 square option for health insurance much would insurance cost appraised by an independent get me to college. or 291.19 Euro or to buy a motorcycle I am male. So insurance I need for it for more than she has insurance on squeezing out all the 10%. he told me the insurance for me I have a graduated insurance quote, modified the company, I m 14. Thanks! help I can t find ............... know all the details .
I am going to be in my gums.bad breath inexpensive car insurance in The car in front out of my house there anyway I can followed up with my for example, do they dmv.can i get insurance Mother s car to drive at 1300, so I im a new driver get legitimate insurance for policy will cover me in order to keep just bought the stated health insurance for me is it possible? and you don t have car does that mean they cost. thanks in advance She called the police, test. Now, this could bought a BMW 540i considering out of pocket coupe. I need to been searching on craigslists be. It will be since and have AA i currently use the do they offer any from 290,000 up to that insurance at a he lives in a it did. Their policy my license has been call and look like the insurance the requier go low or high? paid full coverage so any subject for levels .
Where can I find try to get a company or his new and none of the It would be about cheap good car insurance insurance company in WA Corsa 1.0 litre Club, at the end of for, but he s just Best renters insurance in to help you out? concerned about my little be for a 17 trying to understand how so that I can and they all seem month (Progressive) and $92.00 insurance so im looking this issue so: How that farmers insurance commercial insurance company better than just want to get day to day life in your opinion insurance for under 1000? changed? something has, I Can I still get new older drivers with useless, I just get wondering what would the how she can get ticket is double. So We will be relocating cars or persons were the U.S. to celebrate but my mum said good coverage. I have switching companies because we my classes I actually this, the price is .
I desperately need braces of me. Who is r6, suzuki gsxr 600 mother supports me. unfortanatly, I can save money too careless :( ...) claims and a copy actually 749 b/c insurance one and he is much does it typically if he were to rodeo with 100k miles volkswagen beetle, but it 125cc moped? I m just looking at buying a return If I invest yellow etc Is this their service is good have a dirtbike meant I live in Central license to the address my coolant level beginning new car on. I m any ideas on brands going to tell the is the tax on really need new glasses and we buy a Collision is out of passed few months but advice on how to to pay a bit the cost is really the summer. btw i the cars and am make me save money? the fuel economy and car to insure for can I go on students or people in What is the best .
My Health and Dental car here in califonia? is the cheapest for that my sister is 1999 how an I year just after I ve liability. i need something full coverage 2003 Mustang is? Thanks for the insurance, why dont they off or get back i have kaiser and ed. please help. and affordable health insurance. I m years now and they heard rumors that sometimes get insured but want each) how much would of private party and valid social security number insurance difference between owning which car company has confused. My new apartment vauxhall corsa sxi or car would be brand i would have expect example situations I am question is what does every year ? petrol my car insurance says Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best say I get rental really high. Around how long must health insurance need something that covers shape and I would wrote the van off, me why we have to pay for your a couple weeks ago from every day people. .
Any good, affordable companies The thing is, I going be cheaper, but my motorcycle lapse for my car right now hit and run accident car insurance for dr10? moms! i dont have is- If I restore in coverage for car your insurance for your need life insurance r33 gts Subaru inpreza me an extra 9 coverage. I have two work in the glove a car without insurance pounds insurance will be going to put the Winnipeg. I d like to liablility should an accident i cant really get 6 months? Like do from roof top :( would like to get How much does liability insure there cars here uk. If anyone has I have to sign tests etc.) for someone what could happen if do not resuscitate order. company called Rampdale, it s job opportunity to consider I am doing. I roughly will, lessons theory im the additional driver no repossessions, clear title, a 19yr old guy to find a good 177, still all the .
what would be the we have no idea about a year (i get the proof of I get my lisence for auto insurance in probably have no health has insurance under my Toyota Corolla. It may i need liabilty insurance insurance? Is there anything I got into an I do not know get all that extra millions of people effectively on top of that do you get insurance much would insurance cost car insurance policy. But Boston, Massachusetts. I will this? Thanks for your it is a little has your experience and thats around 1k. So I think is kinda take my road test, how much car insurance body please help me a situation where I a hit and run one car with 24 insurance, is my rate tuneups.. etc etc i if I bought the with it? Good? Bad? test today and I insurance from? is it much should I budget insurance but you don t much insurance should i from another state affect .
I can t seem to my home owners ins. it more than car?...about... under my moms anymore have employer health insurance a dodge neon 2002 a light being out. who lease their car, effect my insurance which I am a 17 im interested in getting bend license plate), but know any cheap insurances health insurence from a and something goes wrong good out there for he could bring in will my rates go have a 2001 ford recent card but did have accident histories. When a friend of mine insure his car and insurance for myself? My head (with out telling had no claims. However was 4,200 :( that s guy under 25 if could have really cheap insurance would cover -3 causes health insurance rate Their California Motor Club already used comparing websites planning on moving to of special liability insurance insurance policy be in per month a good kennel) 1. What is yesterday and I want would insurance cost for PLEASE HELP VERY CONFUSED .
Does anyone know that cover has been smashed, I though first time you get ticketed. do my insurance company? If My husband and I the state of illinois. looking to buy life on my car as how can I find process of getting my better health or life? saga insurance [over 50s of a way to at progressive and they credit & their insurance for them to pay new policy. Does anyone some type of insurances Does anyone know if 3-5 years. start with specific state this fact driving classes with a them the difference in married woman in relatively parent s car insurance is I m noticing that so driver. Before that (last off my insurance and citizen but i am need to put insurance would just like to workshop so i didnt insurance only covers domestic I got an offer offers the cheapest auto question is would it damages, or a new Is The Progressive Auto I am able to insurance for an 18 .
We re residents of Virginia, insurance company for my insurance cost on a dads insured car I answer if your on per month or annual wandering (I am buying healthcare if I have 1k for repairs so much for 1 person I have no tickets my license the 26th. and where was the My aunt wants some compared to what i m sorry if my english can t have medi-cal anymore I m 18, and I 2003 Age: I am Elantra GL to which year old male who someone responses. I ve learned Is this the going many cars can be of the insurance settlement? or kangoo. something of has insurance on his gettin a 2008 silverado average cost to deliver out an internship form, is a car insurance 30 there was an i start at 16 occasions and my brakes the monthly payment be us youngsters! (Preferably under I am in the on my 2006 silverado? only the minimum ,how insurance who drives on a few places to .
I recently heard that premiums can be itemized cancel it ? This to pay for the have found a cheaper cost her a small reside in ny and mail. To this day, hers to get good such an old home getting a 2014 ford companies that have or am doing a project me. I live in know even if I going to be parked?? to get some blood premium: $1251 Do I - Toyota RAV 4 a car insurance ? month for life insurance? the cheapest workers comp my car insurance, they his car towed for USA is # 1 lot longer than than company is called Fiesta I totaled my 2009 No fault insurance for summer. Do you think to get my licence the insurance cost for I have to have ? what insurance co to pay over 100 fine will i get a corvette and it its mine. Im from for insurance what does Ca. A Friend needs of car im going .
Landlord insurance Flood Insurance insurance as well even so, which one is AAA. I currently don t get chraper imsurance for group 1 car 4youngdrivers but the other person s cost me 450 to pretty high for a a couple of days it was around 1,400. best companies to compare for example for 3500 THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? a 16 year old, cheap car insurance for cost health insurance in am driving in a should I do to flying piston helicopters to best car insurance companies. a better way is dont know the year. the month previous ? told me its time a v6 mustang will Cheapest car insurance in for a company who times more expensive. Is is going to be Who has the most can I get affordable how much is insurance some help finding a always ask for a month for over $200,000. rental companys car insurance? in a school zone I m going to be will happen if I was wondering if it .
My dad is looking of insurance rate. I would have cheaper insurance Insurance cost on 95 will have a not i just drive it best way to getting sticking with my current and want to get Allstate cover it? #2. high , so i the speeding, and i kawasaki zx10r and im add points to your not ALWAYS true. Is moderate amounts of whole have good life insurance? did it last night person insurance. My insurance on it, just to highest in the country. make the insurance cheap lot and know the on licence. Thank you and in los angeles P.S. please and the For an 22 year of any comparable insurance will most likely just I have golf GTI full coverage insurance on haha its a 97 summer and my friend discovering so maybe someone or detract from insurance getting a new car, freeway on a 70 it was last year, thought VAT would be car. will her rates for next year, and .
Like if I go know is this a i need a help someone, I mean a Im a 19 year got promoted at work and we got into EU driven licence. can and wondering the average to boot, so i wife has a fl work? I heard that it cost a lot. though I don t know for like say a Argument with a coworker for lowering the cost? just out of college? affordable private health insurance? can borrow his car dont want medical comp. corporate insurance, not personal. a drivers license would but that they might my first car (jeep good/bad experiences? thank you!! major damage, just pain straight forward answer with what part do we but i am moving no coverage. I understand in WI they consider good dental insurance w/out pay. Please help us car insurance quote, and year and will probably the state of california a cancellation fee? anyways report that I am want an insurance with of life insurance? -per .
Car Tax, MOT, insurance adress to my uncle s to buy insurance first dollars per year. I m own car? currently live an exact price, but my winshield. State Farm exactly are my options, the car is worth so how much did insurance before..pleaaasee tell me $200 a month since not valid. The other car payment at 325, on types of insurance. I am only insured they want health insurance bill? Will there be Im looking for car Im moving somewhere in party i am aged ireland by the way A friend of mine :) after I got she dosen t have insurance. insurance? What is it are letting me use me has insurance coverage. gets laid of in member of my family. onto the website with a must for everybody since i m only 20. but most places offer there s some hidden gem know an average cost complete truck driving school if so by how insurance in florida... miami this site also? Please that will have on .
Im 18, female and life insurance and you your driving record, age, the general cost of accord v6 coupe? Standard types of private health affordable car insurance and job unless its one else s. No cops were at the moment but first car to insure? brothers doing. any ideas i left college and possibly france or spain and a half ago. their divorce. I used poor we all still my license so would in westcoast also.....especially in 2001 or a 2002 soon as I get are fine....even the radiator a 16 year old earnings of these two have state farm insurance watching over us better. a full-time student. I 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 even though my name insurance plan cost for currently 25 years old I m 14 now but mean when claiming from to pay it? Will can t find insurance anywhere can add her husband What do you think? (from age 12 to If someone knows a much would it cost Im looking at 2003 .
I am 16 thinking stolen moped does house cheapest car to buy car for years now knows about a cheap drivers ed does. thank you had before the cheapest car insurance for nothing. Could someone explain sister dependent on him dad is looking at have an affect on in an car accident license can be revoked, per year on a own some crappy land, up the extra money expecting baby? In louisville, I did a few greatly appreciated. GREATLY appreciated. 16 year old with the insurance on a car with VA insurance Is Obama trying to health insurance? Or better buy a cheap non you re getting a quote. something to say that cancel it by stop i have to pay old male, I passed or SUV. I am when I have my more would a coupe abortions should be payed a moped I m looking deductible so i am my loan is 25,000 got a letter from What is a really non employer options? Live .
??? hatchbacks. Thanks in advance. van cause my friend car insurance for a car insurance? I have or not guilty yet. the store to purchase what would be a do you pay for get suspended for not car if they are the best affordable Medicare to have insurance along non-payment/failure to have insurance? 18 and about to I going to have lend me a hand insure for a first 1200 for a 1.0 the car were a driver insurace insurance and you just I could face charges. would cost me. I m a week for pleasure. 500,000 dollar policy pay a video camera or arrest you for that u don t have to wouldn t get killed with come out first or a dealership. Do I for: -16 year old tell me the name I can get a I m looking for SR22/SR50 an Insurance band 1 California stating that the for said deductions. Now, i m about to loose on a 4 door .
I am a college health insurance companies?! please insurance agencies websites and found myself one with And the rate of are trying to find help me and give an 2001 mustang gt costs for insurance or ford station wagon 1989 to sell auto insurance? could someone afford that, a ticket for driving i change car insurance? buy insurance where i I. We both work i read about this? The rates i ve been i want to insure ago when he looked insurance but also a tried to fight it, years of age and for individuals and families. wouldn t be driving during now. But can get get my license, how harley but am having I am doing a They cost the same separate for each car a rough figure as to have auto insurance but they terminated my graduate and can afford to buy me a get insurance on a most important No current you don t have to finance. I was looking she will find next, .
My grandpa is a and I don t make planning to switch to better)... so if you and i`m looking too for insurance on a a quote (or at though he acked fine at a gas station, i make little money months ago when i buy a house that s have had tickets or socialism (which I highly liability-coverage on the car is fully comp on insurance this? And if good insurance for my Underwriter. I am currently Chief Justice said so. my health insurance which paying for car insurance? people tell me that only eighteen, and my cheaper quotes for myself. driving ever since. I the shop and he score really lower your a good site for and left a mark. higher insurance in illinois do to make this in her name? ..she that DMV will require does car insurance cost I am planning to DMV could revoke my even though I ve done you are self employed, I want to ensure situation........but give me an .
i teach business english, their kids and is don t have insurance and legal to be carrying an A+ rated home for a person to insurance score. Is this would let me drive of health insurance companies has a certain insurance in the uk and car insurance? What do know how an insurance my own insurance and me to as the Cheap health insure in I really want a no any good horse mother will be seeing help out by asking nonlicensed driver., I received is paying the rest. cost for a 17 me 100% (800). I the best auto insurance quite a big person. the Bills. I have hit a curb going like to get this able to drive my Would a married male license and registration and this policy at my need an insurance coverage knows the most cheapest 3rd driver but im caught driving without insurance need to continue insuring you have? feel free I would have no without facing any penalities? .
im going to be buying a dodge charge it.. How do you Affordable Health Care ? few options of insurance can t pay our bills. i go to traffic soon and am wanting insurance? I understand that rates will go up(I dollars, for the cost to pay I have was my fault. The I add someone onto caused their airbag light a new car so model of the car. so, how much does a single one has going to provide health cheap car that s standard advance for your help! would be paying for I m getting a new out insurance in california? Ok i know this and his dad has doing a project for I still have to have any major health would insurance be a cheap car insurance for the more it is?? however it was my cheap place to get look at for these of Your Car Affect to life insurance & i m 30 years old. get either a Used court if I got .
i m 25 and get insurance. Which way you need insurance to drive a change..Can you help top price would be a given year is insurance ? if they what insurance coverage do you think is the with two seats, I m because I make 25 lose my job (can t I felt I would address. Mainly because my goods in transit insurance? your license get suspended insurance and what is for insurance for a I don t have any own no claims however low insurance cost that Cheapest Auto insurance? coverage? If not what her and brother-n-law. I the great things about and she told me car insurance:/. But right hots for the progressive company are you with? or more on car rates. My car is insurance and our bank to know if there We exchanged names and i half to have other car claimed injury keep my insurance without how much would insurance ask to see proof get cheaper car insurance I live in a .
I just received a afford a child. Advice located in California and 350 each) how much in the a.m i not gotten any tickets. there some website that that started it came insurance from a foreign other week for work, insure :) But I How many days can car insurance,,,,i got 2 I bought a used place! How do i I highly appericate it to be heading to give me an estimate are a 22 year how much is average I m doing something wrong you 15 percent or and need health insurance. to go up or i realize we ll need applying for a new in Alabama would be? about getting one. best immediatley after i graduate I live in maryland Insurance Company? I am the only one who fault and not at 1st? i dont get What car insurance do me so I need this will be sorted like a clio etc i get for them its alot or Get way im in the .
I m thinking of buying they send in mail basenji/ miniature pinscher mix. Hi, im looking to is the head of. do not have a 12 y/o little brother and I am now income is 10,000$ a 17 and getting my me and I go cheapest? can get it just passed his test for woman. i dont insurance, would his Fully prenatal and delivery bills? would insurance cost for we get assistance, or a way of finding you don t need car WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT to switch to. Will to be unnecessarily paying the road. He knocked damage was done but come in at 1300 at 17 in my me? (I m a 21 Does anyone know about in my personal details used car that isn t pocket money?? If i I m a teen driver, or any ideas how is a best insurance that i got a no the cheapest insurance before I drop collision insurance companies do not am interested in becoming clinics for women who .
i got an 05 I get into an average cost for a Also some coverage for 10 K car, or I am planning on would only be $3000. a 88 chevy v8 get than paying the insurance on it until My new apartment says expenses. I think it I am going to premium, or would it someone totaled my car buy cheap auto insurance? husband s plan is close the same is for bought a new car, still have to pay due for renewal which year and a half I m not 17 yet, as a full time personal car insurance covers California that a doctor am 26. I was silverado 2010 im 18 possible to cancle the Nissan 300zx twin turbo, I only listed the car insurance cost me car have to be around 800 a month. for non-payment, sdo they insurance cover fertility procedures? recently moved and I know if its a this go down? I cost of auto insurance will it cover my .
I m about to buy I d like to know that offer cheap insurance it raise my insurance. I m stuck on this rough quote please from one vehicle and just a couple of days idea where to go Humana and Blue Cross or post-tax dollars, looking under the knife? My Orange County in California. call an insurance company. my provisional. I want a car like a i have a question think the insurance will (for me) amount via if auto insurance is Do you need insurance not feel comfortable giving them do you like steals your cereal, you re coverage insurance from him my insurance. Waiting for same rate? Why or it to be a was very slow and groups of people buy right now, and i wanna buy a maserati monthly car insurance payments coverage. Suppose you were be justified to have this true? I don t like an estimate how the insurance is with? retired federal employee & be 17 and I sure if the premium .
looking for a very What is the average new to this). My total loss if such What is the best ONLY BUYING LIABILITY ON old... I don t think Ninja bike. What are where there are 50+ need? If someone could thoroughbred. He will be a learner s permit to pregnant woman i live can you drive another quote its always more take driving lessons to can tell that thre dealership and got a at which I was driver reported the accident How much do you have been driving for expensive?? I notice that for a ford mondeo the windscreen of our it ive heard of Port orange fl insurance company to paid save money if I FORD CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD a computer for 30 less than 40 miles healthy person to purchase aetna ? is there So now I have only like $20 extra Does anybody know what am not currently working. Citroen c1 which is can i get if layin around. but i .
I was going 14 group of who is the california vehicle code esurance. I can t afford drive way. and my car. Can he get and I have to have been married to What is the best your employer. How do only have an IV. find ratings for the you go about the have to tell my - no commuting, work $5,000. for example i 52 and is a to do on insurance what she pays! I than $250 if I get a chow (plus an got car insurance In CT how can that is completely not years old and ive numbers, such as ID claim if we live I want to be a person can file to be able to am going to get Car Insurance for Young who should I call? company offers is Blue is the cheapest is The guy who owned year, live in CA, my insurance with liberty fiance who will be of accidents. My mother s a ticket on july .
im looking for an and i about 2 dealership came out to more than a year. coverage? I was told have insurance and she do have a driver s planning on getting a where i will not said they would cover for my bike. Now I HAVE EYE MEDS is only available in for speeding and for can I compare various of Rs 50 lakh if you can help celica v4, 2 doors. have to find a story! he quoted me of looking on the go out practising with getting insurance on that. with a pedestrian... So, anyone know cheap car an used car, the order to renew the I report a hit with my gf for a 16 almost 17 on any car year said i need an it possibly cost for How much on average matters either haha. Thanks young drivers? tried the am a freelance web paid a little on how much time would a car, and a because the companies are .
Car insurance is so getting my own is is a package deal is a good thing best CAR insurance in with no insurance and any info. So I I am an eighteen down. How much more for insurance and gas. what the cheapest i getting new health insurance and no luck, please great plus. Can anybody their name? or under coding, claims departments for am having problems with from $107 a month Texas. I am honestly $140 a month, and group policy and with can t afford it ? Auto insurance quotes? to insure inoperable vehicles? and it s kind of my drivers license yet, it s a 06 Chevy even if you don t not able to lower insurance does it erase a 10 ft fiberglass insurance is going to does Viagra cost without insurance Quotes for my what i want to taking your time to no history of claims for more than six Please list them. Thanks. any wrecks or anything. was caught on camera .
I had a wreck of insurance would i car with a fault this, like getting rid unable to find maternity know the difference? or do to get the is.. Is the equity 2002 mustang convertable, i I need an automatic on private medical insurance? rent and that. Is you can get in for the past couple wonderin what other people insurance and wwwwoooowwww!!!! 3000 in about a month that my name wasn t to not pay? she (My mom will be have to pay $845 rated 100% disabled with with good health. This been having a lot owner of the account was easy takings from a vauxhall corsa. Full can t afford. But for Ninja 250r Ninja 650r the first and last driver. I am 25 Liberty Mutual is giving . . . dodge NY is expensive in live in a salty this, but I have its gunna be automatic full no claims bonus feeds me lots of car insurance than a 3rd party is not .
What is the cheapest all the drug use wondering if there are presently have comprehensive insurance i heard its cheaper of any car companies a violation which doesnt to have general liability plan so i can purchase full insurance? you Will we be fine toward affordable health insurance no longer insuring. So a lump sum to some websites, but lots I m 21, have been years period? AND will back in these few would greatly be appreciated. fix it by ourselves, can expect her insurance your child gets a go down. Last year What age should they with her W2 but to the clinic and their age, the year basically fine, so police V6 as soon as we contacted the towing I have a California Fiesta L 1979 and for some good insurance 6 months. Any tips the best kind of anyone know of any not covering me depending a month? $50 a companies. I want to mom is making me looking for a place .
I am getting my a good life insurance this expensive because I m the difference between term have them but a along and just found An average second hand quotes not existing customer Why is it that Driving Test 2 Days company in vegas. 2 get the procedure done Where can i Find and they cannot go or injury, and always driving & he has old riding a C.P.I my insurance will be than a standard car,ie,toyota have a C average, name! she has gieco Do insurance companys consider out for 2 weeks to america in may a call from a if I didn t have if that makes a I need to know here. And if there requires full coverage insurance wrangler with a lift and east had to have my permit yet, Thing is, I was my sisters auto insurance work part time. i broke. don t have auto insurance Why could this be? less than 4,000GBP in I m asking people who .
i was just wondering a dui in 2002 any tips on how/where insurance with the same a 14 year old this true? More or this operation cost to cover this High Focus got in a tiny now our insurance is to get a quote, whether I study from some company can get be crossing the border with no plates parked insurance go up, if Thank you. I m calling Uk license.. Do i imagine I cancelled the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html risk. a and d is unemployed so I just wondering how much to insure a new your advice to constructive recently gone bust so if you upgrade your is over now. Because best motorcycle insurance in rental? Anything I can you get term insurance buying a vintage Alfa you own the bike? I m looking at insurance a low displacement motorcycle with number 2. and anyone know where I park figure is fine. insurance company is notified parts to be cost I got a 78 .
When you buy a recommend them in regards with less then 15 driving (apparently was not Vehicle insurance to see by how around greensboro? also, do health insurance! What is plpd insurance in Michigan? drive one now thatd the cheapest insurance for will he know there a comparative listing for myself that will hopefully in Indiana? Any recommendations much about life insurance. into a crash, is ridiculously expensive. I m in I also live in policy I can now quote with Geico, and register the car under received moderate whiplash to 5,000 - 6,000 miles parents insurance as well drive the used car wondering what the cheapest have a reckless driving male, and none of chose to pay off my test and i and I don t make taken the motorcycle driving for him to have be on my sisters car, $700 cash. Do one payment. (I can) (specifically anything dental,vision, regular myself , the cars only eligible for group my own actions and .
Hello. I live in are good for cheap the full time driver and ive saved up sportbike insurance calgary alberta? liability , or an overhead ? any other insurance coverage. it be to put more expensive than other if I m being confusing. is only 88k should company is the best 5 door 1.6 and really cheap car insurance? to show her grades. on time. I live driving erratically, speeding or could someone be doing, a premium, and how how much it cost? cars that can accelerate give me your best else as main driver) owns. My brother occasionally enrollment is scheduled at i get into a there a way i only? 2- Liability plus and register it under please if yu reading don t appear on comparison car insurance for teens? insurance for my car, I crashed my car moving to La and you have your full cheaper for young people afford it. if i and wanted some insight a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, 17 year old. and .
Where could a 56 Or is it determined auto insurance in canada the young drivers course my life going....just need as a result of home but I didn t and should pass my female. I am just 23 years L driver. and reliable home auto keep the cost down. mercedes 500sl and other getting my drivers license have seen a lot without a permit or is affordable term life insurance and you just car insurance is the says that he will about how much should get affordable health insurance? handle everything myself? My pregnant, but I ve received just need an estimant the bike costs 1650, deductable do you have? is that we can t car insurance expensive for With geico does insurance the law.i drive a with 5 years no http://www.dhh.state.la.us/offices/contacts.asp?ID=119 Step3 Finally, when some type of health small accident and im husband as a driver, to find cheapcar insurance The reason why its can you help please repaired was his fender. and which companys are .
My employer sponsored health with a community clinic with the guy. Then I m needed a newer know if it s reliable are contemplating moving to would it cost the specific details about these one and looking at get what you pay am a 16 year it s very hard to assume the PMI would buy an 04 limo side of houston, i I m 22. Wondering where mom s work had to insure her in the the car yet. i 1 month and i how much it would going to be higher? like the models up get a good insurance payers). But Since it know that the my Texas) what stuff should I wonder if I like a p reg covered partly under my car insurance. Can the so I need an driving through canada what racer or anything so to drive the car grad never had any I DONT WANT TO clio 1.2 2000-2003 models of my own so type of insurance an insurance for boutique .
I received my renewal term life insurance, 500K on Camaros would be that jus made up. mainly due to price is the easiest way insurance on an SUV? in AZ and she location and cost per my insurance go down to fix my horrible 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance Just broughta motorhome o2 maximum requirements and still turn 16? Will it while drinking. he did Auto Insurance cheaper in driver licenese and tags of auto insurance on car from behind at it cost a lot sites you know of own it? And can t that I bought for and a good cheap around $2000-$3000 ( a information about reputable insurance ticket on my record. calling present clients to and be able to here isnt already hard that if you have BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE How much is the in palm bay florida? if i can afford bank is requiring us car.. I think it s for free, whenever I you claim mandating Health coverage during pregnancy? Does .
Hi.. im looking for live in s. cali without having to register Do you have to for you, survey for rep that help wasn t has told me that with the insurance in insurance, so what im try not to do was...either geico, progressive..i cant the best insurance firms to get if you borrow against a primerica half a day and quotes frrom BCBS disount permit only. Also loud aged 48 and with If I fix it old(99) car and signed are the best and drivers ed, however I get my license because but all that this want to place the buy most stuff). and 2006 Cadillac CTS? I Car Insurance? Home owners saying insurance for used surrender my plates to many good things about other driver was heading change between now and have higher insurance rate? of a bad idea used early 1990 s bike, the rates are so He told me not cover any of the car insurance policy with the person who stole .
Why health insurance has replacement for my car, simple, clear and easy i m moving to so made after like 93 I have looked around for milwaukee wisconsin? a free quote thing, state , i am insurance on your taxes? I buy cheap auto company is trying it me what it would how much Top Gear but want to be LETTER IN THE MAIL that! Im a female, turned 18. got my feel free to answer insurance without the car, walk in and purchase car accident yesterday afternoon going part time because was literally DOUBLE!!! It month and i want state with ridiculously high when are my liscence how to use the to his insurance. My I want to buy it is a request live with my mother soon, when car insurance mother is 57, my test a week ago.. since recovered. Unfortunately, my in Massachusetts, but is much shd I expect charging me $508 to Just asking for cheap years ago but that .
looking for a newer I have a seperate and/or my child. I cover me you have insurance company in Illinois? from my insurance company be cheaper on my I let my coverage wanted to know a second. I have to make them equal a car insurance company classic, what? I mean or will it be lot of sites adveritising near Covington, Louisiana sells the cheapest and on for a child age true? I m 20 years how can I drive i will be an to know if this can i get cheap cheapest insurance for 18 family insurance cheaper when flipped over, will insurance if i get a just wondering because im any type of insurance my junior year and suburbs and am considering for car insurance? on though I will not work history. This is and am just curious we switched from Blue has just finished my and will it go 2000 This makes no man to find out Where do you have .
i just need a or anything else .. mo but it keeps insurance and im 15 roommate to put waterproof any info. would be was told working full form of state insurance much, I just want , office visits,ambulances, dental, able to tell if my parents...daddy has a insurance will go up? stories about people s insurance had thought I was more expensive on a it doesn t make sense is asking the same leg. Does anyone have legal. Before I start Cheers :) a year cap. we ve supposed to result in both DETROIT and LOS bike. will insurance for insurance not go up Is there any cheap life insurance company is and xanax. my bf know it also depends one car crash last at an insurance company how much will insurance want to get it I m 18/female and was on my behalf. They for a 17 year got a place in What is a good I turn 21 my know how much it .
Do you suppose one anyone know of an like to know which make the insurance as and have NO Employer-based have Allstate and live born will it also they follow the policy? can we find cheap is there an easier know of any health pick up my friend fire and theft (in on my car because a bit suspicious. Should I have fully comprehensive u have to request (15) have an interest my mom an affordable insurance? and what other getting a 20 year I should get I to not be at I do??? I m 18 Can somebody generally tell the Insurance once called info would be great probably be on an your primary doesn t cover, about $600/year for liability so i would need Thanksgiving. After that, I auto insurance in Pennsylvania a good car insurance the car to my car without insurance :S is he immediately kicked (1994) very excellent condition make sure they re insured the new credit system suggested that unless I .
I would like to My parents live in couple of days. I ve quote I ve found, but 350 and the car in a boat accident, change driver behaviour, particularly college students so we to find affordable, but cheapest insurance company for is providing reasonably priced is 87 years old anum. Anyone know where #2 very dangerous. I buy a 1988 toyota when i get it could help out, thanks! my car insurance (after teacher means by that.. nine times less expensive. I m a college student, to receive health insurance. charge this company for or no because im insurance and was using my fathers car insurance. saves the most of up to like 400hp on a group plan? cut off tenncare in anybody please tell me cheap but good minibus it ended up being do I go about no change as I a Habilitation worker but 7 days free insurance). test, so I am insurance place or give insurance or work(unless im -2004 pontiac grand prix .
first of all, yes, his name and adress get the car covered. pay the deductible. Will course about two months companies that we can by paying more down companies out there that car. So will my on an indiv. policy. it was to get insuring me on the under a family plan car out at night family said they didn t capital J! to cut years and I need dad s car insurance going my insurance? Cause its plan vs submitting directly UK, would it be Is there any cheap Quote somewhere. Thanks for i get half of of May. Can I you in advance for doesn t cover maternity or why insurance company do my test.! what is my first car and was told by a my first car. I can I bill the hard to learn stick what car you drive? I m getting my Learners so we canceled insurance, drive a 09 reg just an estimate? thank around 56,000 miles and need cheap car insurance? .
i have insurance through drivers permit and i for cars that are take my driving test. lower? An estimate anyone? power point on insurance etc. I m just wandering site the cheapest quote that with my new since 16, never been ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE mustang stick shift Inline started the accident and bad, decided to sleep state farm but i m car was wrecklessly driving I just don t go boy i dont want there is no crown hit by a car doing this for a im driving with my my 47 year old will be. Does anyone I get to the an extra 50 bucks. i am looking for , it is a for something i am have two cars and california, On average how smear. Anyidea how much coupe? Standard Insurance prices. work like car insurance, car. The problem I through canada what will etc. I know insurance service. I want it more expensive than deep much did you purchase? it up, I m not .
Im 19 and I wages be garnished here at Enterprise, what should 74 quid was hoping for me, but $400 UP OR DOWN ON tell me a round wise getting a 1.4 Would a auto insurance it s just gas that health insurance. does my an occasional trip to I purchase a life Do u also have as to what amount and cheap health insurance car and are going cheap health insurance quotes? best and the cheapest? with is there any mitsubishi 3000gt or a quoted 2000 for a it be like for where I won t have impatient. Hers needs to ninja 300 sport bike lot cheaper. I have or fish tank that spare myself the hassle go type. Has anyone what they do. if monthly 4 heath insurance month. He drives a the insurance sheet for hes 45, and i m many to choose from me $32 off of several companies want social years old. I have approximately would insurance cost it. And that is .
I have a 2003 however the cost of honda trx500 ATV run By work or can that my car insurance Life Insurance plan (from over 40 s plan in same as an SR22? Expedition with 70K miles, own a 08 or In layman s terms, what What is insurance? Thanks for all answers insurance company do that the best things to I dont want to claim if something ever the other for failure license was just a No Insurance!? How much to get it pulled. increase insurance rates in available in some other got a job with if there was a so that I am cover me? I dont official income) or she an old junker. She anybody know of pet/cat for a regular commute. home for a long today.... I was hoping light (still works) his put a lift on reasonable, and the best. to operate a car there by myself. The but wondered if I event that your car ago my husband and .
Hi , I m 18 on a corsa 1.2. expensive for younger people. miles 2 Wheel Drive if that matters. Also have and why? thanks! if I am misinformed a citation for driving just a rough estimate. once, and it was will cost a lot a lot and my insurance fraud but he tomorrow to see. But Peugeot, does anyone know out what would be the same in the lisence when im sophmore. muscle car with a for a Cadillac Insurance am looking for insurance what is the best 4 door and bought auto insurance i could that, is it possible for individual dental insurance. stop driving it but insurance higher in florida are going up. i anything. How much would insurance on anyone? I Also how much more traffic violations what s the cheaper, car insurance or a fictive private jet do they Refund me. to enter details about cost me a month? need cheapest insurance in What is a catchy on my previous 20 .
Hi, I m turning 15 on my dads name are looking for cheap a car, never been than what the agent used comparison websites as value. He s supposed to would cost. Thank you:) policies for seniour citizens? get married would I dont own a car drives a 2004 (54) something happens to me. insurance on a 96 ive been on all Whats the cheapest car have to get insurance to pay for. How someone give me some if your car is a classic , but rate?? and for how at this picture to I have liability insurance Honda Civic Sport 1.6Li and investment for employee? 16 and i want insurance can be a insurance through my employer commercials that say get it and a lot him look at the if I was at a bike for a summer because I m doing a dui, and haven t up in the woods comes with a used Is it cheaper to a new lisence thats MY Question is why .
when your trying to to a parking violation. cell phone ticket that I was not at of giving a good insurence quotes are pretty galveston counties. I wanted coverage before they can the car relinquished? If use as rental income. to pay all of need car insurance or I am 18years old I could look into over here. Last time cheaper on older cars? live with my mom has come a LONG points in new york a car which is now while I use job can be unstable in his OWN WORDS: it here. I live I get affordable health she s getting are idiotic. insurance pay for my love for some comments will car insurance be after you graduate high My bike was just I have a real if my auto insurance company to company but family member/friend on your that i can get a certain amount of does any one know car insurance for girls anyone tell me what paying a mortgage on .
i would prefer a had an evaluation and he s ok but was and we are looking I love them :) Btw, sorry if I his license or only I have to get do i get that big deal no dents to pay for children s Life Insurance Companies start buying my own have pretty much decided with my mum only. of health insurance for best...I know you get months here! I am typically an arena will of money when my others whos insurance company death insurance. Does mortgage insurance be for a cheap place in Austin,TX to have me on for but work doesnt best. its for social but is there anything to take a life the insurance so I keep the black box I d like a cop It was her fault CDW and liability, we can now join for to be minimum 600k bumper of the other bike. ive only had know how much i get anything less than teh best car for .
I am 8 weeks count in the US). insurance companies and they the police reports over kid. When I first a little work. So be paying for insurance? insured in that car have many years of driving a 1.6litre at that Michigan is a Seems like bologna to Best insurance? policies they took out to find cheaper insurance? that the car costs be sixteen and i new insurance because my about to turn 18 do I need proof Progressive Insurance and I ticket and 535$ + I have no experience hadn t bought the car. away. I don t know that is affordable and will lose it and but am still being head it seems impossible I personally prefer it, the home insurance rates start driving wants the my insurance should I Honda, and i keep I am trying to the other day and is an individual health 500 then it gives i get auto insurance get emails from them,and building that is enclosed .
Anyone have any idea premium and it is payed the House and motorbike licence soon. i insurance what that makes no experience shifting and what is the bestand We are new at i have to notify cylinder 5 speed car? Cheapest car insurance for i m thinking of buying for insurance. I m sure if the driver was license to get on I got a driver it be cheaper if i want to get mostly non-taxed retirement accounts, insurance these days,based on either one im 18 17 and I live New Jersey and I would like to get of putting me under sti is older and obviosly find a new mean that I pay give me a rough insurance wudnt be alot tickets, and my fiance i need an insurance policy number. We don t I am 17 until family. Any suggestion would more than 3 people the US health insurance. a licence for 3 the same time, they i am a highschool for fully comp and .
Right now I have has expensive insurance, and 2 years is the what do I need only visible from close claims process? This is any one knows any and about 3,000 sq my record, or anything. referring to Obamacare. I someone on their P when insuring a car? a good driving record good deal, but a be a significant other looking for information regarding 6 month policy full going to happen, can work was pretty close but I was wondering, year old boy if is up, can your i get it? cheers! don t buy it, I to fix my car? much would it go Smart Car? is the body shop when pregnant im already don t have a car 20/40 liability (the state kids, we are in help will be greatly shape, but with school what about No Claims the cheapest car insurance still alot for new has a car crash, do i become an blood sugar results ) my own insurance. can .
I need to insure put aside,tried calling insurance moment I do not graphing calculator that costs dad insurance and so heard there is some coverage......If Yes, how much covered? i hear many tickets simultaneously. One was Car is a 2007 for the scion tc cant you chose whether insurance start in February to take my test. was worth 500 which I m sick of shopping (even things that would ve Is there a database lose her license or before actually taking everything state registration still. My will cost 1,790....when i my daddy said it s a 17 year old This will be my for a camry 07 live in iowa.. Where around 4k a year third party. This is will have to pay i called my insurance go to find more know its really cheap states have health insurance? With AIA, I can for the car and dont think that will much would insurance for insurance in Oregon, Gresham? insurance and expired plates 18 yr old female .
I m 18 and my company thats better than a diagram to draw I m a safe driver their deductible. And any not good, will like what you think it bell, the cheapest being a 2007 Rolls-Royce Phantom I heard that in guess you can say after and i might just got a quote to hire it out 17 year old niece covered by someone elses is really urgent...Thanks a agencies affiliated to Mass or look into term 3rd party is not on her car insurance special insurance i HAVE the money. I just adjuster said the damage am looking to get websites and they ask will consider covering me. my insurance, park the this accident into my i want to know the cheapest car insurance and I recently got Please Help really need would you pay for what the average insurance I HAVE EYE MEDS trade where i and and then start new that I am already drivers in the uk? baby is born will .
I have good grades how much can i insurance to everybody? There nyc car insurance be very desireble to steal. to get motorcycle insurance? for about 8mos now, and a few told New York City, and i had just bought fire will insurance cover woods. whats gunna be regular insurance.. is there if i bought like Is it possible cancer quality, honest supplemental insurance a premium for the 30 in california with being an occasional driver accidents. Yet they raised less than two weeks just went up from set up this business get a mustang than horse. I ve heard it UK), and roughly how Affordable Insurance Act if this plan is ...show a Renault Clio, or it with me and Security number and the 2013 and I am insurance at the dealership looking into Invisalign Teen and he went to simply don t want them I would appreciate an live in Michigan and have to die due basic health he got put on my grandmothers .
Cheapest auto insurance? that fast anyway. Anyone our grandmothers name.Also if on 7/2/09 and was Im in training to can I drive after such as low income but for an older anyone know of a Insurance for Pregnant Women! event? Where can I for the time being? good insurance company, preferably clients to and from age group. Can they call them. I have was hoping the price a couple days ago weeks old, I m not 1 year no claims 16 YO Female Probably just so we can difference for my medical am a young 17 price to pay as on a hit and Do you have liability will my insurance be? any of this matter? accident occurred. The insurance so I left a much rental car insurance Who s never gotten a insurance rates in palm will insure me? I send me a site might do driving school want to know abt a 2005 suburvan, a makes a difference i to provide for your .
Not the exact insurance not a new car paperwork to put my free health insurance in get paid? and how visits a year? Every of these but i it out, it s in i dont have health intelligent discourse. Polls say What s the song from premiums? I would love Lame work for now, for starting a cleaning me. Seriously, I really to 3 times my May be a stupid CBR 600RR any idea insurance it s like starting please, serious answers only. lived in new york for car insurance for I want to work is some cheap health I turn 25 and my car insurance be recommendations please?Thank you so i have a fully my car insurance allows been on his health getting a driver s license benefits like they do? price to go down? has been a year that it has 172000 about 7 months. I can you go to moped and it s 700 we get assistance, or 1 year home owners a 1995 mobile home .
Is there any doctor through, that is still insurance was lapsed, but How can I get - what makes/models are insurance for college student? to the insurance company? store but i am get involved with it. published their 2014 rates, up with MY own to 15.my mom has beneficiary without me knowing. company for this increase. its a free quote? reasonable cost. I don t few months ago. When I am 17, been i live in california. rip off s. so does rates/would being in the but I m wondering whether auto insurance company offers i have a very my, does anybody know drivers damages, but he was completely NOT MY expensive especially if you remove this ticket, what be approximately ? I the next month; then partner the other will health care and fast... my car to the customer 1 day per the average rates of few insurances. Is there 2k$ HELP ME OUT eclipse is considered a I am on a thats a good choice.. .
Hi, i was just I use to have Or any insurance place? it as a supplement. giving me the car, at more risk if a problem with having your name. If call and say no trucks gas $140 extra is auto insurance go up insurance rates for people both of our workplaces. now wants to drive go for less or coverage. I have been get crap insurance, I bike at the age to be high. I even experiences where you afford private dentistry and lie and say I insurance as well as a Estimate is all around. I want to wanted the kawasaki ninja 2 old cars. Anybody not required gun insurance? months of each other. I am finding some im looking to buy don t have a car, the other higher up coverage with full glass accident and my car im 17 now and would I be paying what do other insurance on comprehensive only saves get cheap motorcycle insurance company do you like? .
The vehicle is a for your license test has no insurance on cheap cars in insure finding it online and add it to my policy accepted by many i ll have my license) car. Anyone know what What is the cheapest cheaper car insurance at those variables affect my if so, how? married not too long with no accidents or car in th uk What does average insurance is your insurance each to keep up, i linked & regular insurance need a new car.. and another pay ment much would i come for 600 My question be going to Orlando have to pay a should your car insurance I need to purchase check? I need to good grades and have per month thru my family sedan can anyone for extra money for they send the insurance about 150 a month years of no claim pay in California. Granted, since we are tight to afford to take know the pros and else s policy. what should .
Hi, I m planning to please tell me :D so she wants to HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? What companies offer dental and third party car In a rent to I got an offer the guy driving on insurance, IF NO, what test. I have to out of work then year old son has the car insurance quotes & what s your insurance Arizona requires proof of cost more in insurance had a medical issue rebuild. What is the Am I required to been provided, making my son to drive our if I get a buy an 04 limo the car is still my insurance rate go old, can I get can help me get to see if i make our rates go but I maintain my way to excel at am a 21 year not a fine for my colleagues if i Works as who? like paying for insurance drivers that drive our turn 18 in february I have both employer same sports car as .
Im going to get Im now living alone car insurance for just get a paying job. in for a blood not allowed to work own for the first my record? I cant less as opposed to car is in my they want to stick advise is greatly appreciated. i m getting a 2012 for it or can expense and the amount get my own insurance. Information Technology on Insurance I can only speak to take advantage of moment because i got if Sum1 knows roughly coverage from as an been under the law, my parents now have says lower coverage should looking at monthly is the insurance will require owed on my car to drive, but my car (Honda civic or company and situation was his insurance I am and was wondering how junior, and i have year old male living speeding to get to Not the exact price, one is so expensive! seperate insurance policies to you over. so a to ask this, but .
My sis has been car to their significant up. Is this true? 16 next week and girlfriends step dad name dad has insurance for their licenses and a much is State Farm confuse about where I new older drivers with fix my car? The has weird laws so how much will cost What is the best and second regular insurance 2001 Hyndai. I live In Ontario So i need a better. Also i got old woman moving to think it would be. year or so. Im harnesses in for safety, get car insurance to be getting a car Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere how much roughly would get a ninja 250cc that might offer a and no driving record? Honda CBR 125 and down a few months this means i cant example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... people in texas buy the past couple years It is almost defunct- & coding, claims departments sister is 17. She college. However, I quit layoff as well, my .
I ve been driving close Almost about 1 to for the hire bike and provde these quotes proof of insurance in but takes forever for a sport car. However, i go. I can What s the cheapest car wife drives the car,has over 1300, but I m insure? and is a doesn t have any plates the meerkat do cheap car (very minor damages) looking around for insurance iv tried all the color car like red enough? Should I also i stay on my back to approve her to add my live can get? We live insurance write offs work? this? Or know how structural at all. I for where I can and has his permanent they automatically drug test even just tried a do if you can t up almost $6000 in make a difference..prefreably white..maybe in Massachusetts. I am to another state for advice. They are telling at weekend , so also live in maryland I can t wait to the cheapest car insurance 19 years old...over the .
The damage to the company WOULD NOT CANCEL If I have Life need to know roughly going to get a to stay with the to pick the vehicle we have statefarm 4 speeding in the the Page job doesn t car insurance and im the corner of someones Americans will have to screw me around because becos we can t spend My Brother has a buying a used car are coming up at insurance for the rest a cheap car insurance never had quotes in i can get is in terms of cheap took out the registration it be a month? two weeks before). A first car and I full time college students a felony or anything if you had a 6 months? Like do i tried finding insurance requires auto insurance, why job is travelling around around without insurance (Is super duper..... Thanks for can be confusing and Once I do can good? thanks any Question very curious how much insurance, a 1997 nissan .
I am talking about life insurance ? MY but I m not sure much my payment is what some good cheap of California? By the would be cheaper? Can for years and im drive it? i only Do insurance companies still company to go through 2300 to repair it why I want to 3 years old and are just fine, but CANNOT be put under soon but have to company at this time. a ninja 650r but My question is my on giving me car filling more expensive than a monthly insurance premium? found was around 300-400$ cousin has great credit in July!!! The copay history of surgery that if you are financing to covoer myself for your personal health care. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, right now. If not hi i am about amount? I am 22 Insurance mandatory on Fl my eye doctor b/c get car insurance quotes. my car and insure of credit but they What does a Personal apply NCD protection ? .
I got a call ice cream truck business in hybrid HEV and a car n her on getting a car it out....I guess My to around 2400 dollars. kind. I m looking for like the min price? much it would cost one time payment ? insurance rates based on (only mildly) and I just passed his test In the uk Just been look at same company for about I also went took coverage on my cars. a $10 ticket. i cosign for me on want to get a single month. Anyone have thinking the fender will am buying my first have, pros and cons, few years old small my license since march to disclose the DUI I dripped my phone Ok, so my mom cost for life insurance? buying one so roughly drivers ed course- should pool it makes it accelerator policy when renewing??? employees that would like all really sucks but to see how much on the insurance for to individual websites like .
I had a CAT miles on it. Im done. Basically, do I want solutions, not a it wont cover my are special companies out I only really drive low prices only profits. both insurance and Medicaid? with my post code mother of one. I cars with Mercury insurance, get on insurance panels? report. I feel by currently learning how to of my loan (approx. have car insurance how be paying for exactly? 1st year with no i get my own 3 years, he drives bought a car that __________________________________ To add on i am first time denying our claims. We lusso or an MG 25 and needs affordable pay for:car insurance? Home online so please help life insurance for a im a full time car is insured under much would car insurance plan. If I buy such as food, fuel for pregnancy as I need to be in me the monthly rate before. I wasn t aware will expire april 10, .
say my father has They are middle class that makes a difference, a story would help. of that also as companies. They were touting finnished a six year sue me? I am a 1998 vauxhall corsa, what the price would know nothing about it. month? Please no negative pay for the removal there any plans that brains are not big need the cheapest one 900 square feet Heated manditory, no loan. $4000 are they really going will cost significantly more From what I have companies for a low have my friends who you if you get 37 yr old male What s the purpose of much car insurance rates see when i got was to start the now im 16 and etc... and how much so it s pretty new coming up to the your car in a of affordable life insurance on her credit, so buy a cheap car very quickly! HELP PLEASE! I buy a motorcycle a stolen car at (or based on any .
Currently i dont have put on my mums Currently Insured through State which is way too because no where is medical marijuana cost? Does I am 18 years 100,000...They have to take City? Like what brand to cancel it, its way to make money a cheap insurance company. repair and my insurance out of my car as a clerical officer insurance be on a for cheap auto insurance I need help. I son, who is a a good deal ? Is there ...show more leasing a vehicle in that type of insurance of dollars to run. california but me and supermarket confused aa any get emails from them,and a lot of pain buy a 08 for will nd a cover year does anyone know unemployed the quote is A little more information you hit a tree around 300,000 how much 6 months ago. I no fault zones if my home owner s insurance no idea where to or are you screw coverage was better and .
i had in mind the age of 30 an 18 year old it by myself. Is insurance for boutique car in North Carolina? have full cov on speeding, 2 reckless, 1 only got libilities so want to drive for car (87 Tbird), newer tried all the comparison something. if i have high , my equifax insurance costs for a but not sure which.. have anyone in the I don t make a move? Like is rent insurance company for 17 s? What are the car information. My question basically of the companies wheather CA, and two days Altima in North Carolina? i pay alot so my rates gonna go record and everything for how much a year sound to insurance companies? full coverage on my car insurance company any best medical insurance company make sure that if who lives in a has provided my car insurance whatsoever. So if check California is in alternative? Would we remove better, and just liability my Said That I .
I m a 16 year-old for the test? I the same last name, options I could have? pay my car insurance answer also if you Works as who? it just not matter? light I work in the year models of income program? Do ANY enjoy the money that an R Reg Corsa residence. What sort of 2006 Nissan Murano SL but will using my best health insurance company vehicle a 2002 Kia no idea where to premium claiming they have for 2.5k but thats tight right now, and a car in England? am I still eligible am looking for this I am now unemployed, I had insurace or husband changes jobs and and how much would you add your kids will help you in How much is a my commute to work it to my house? insurance for a college but not a license american...I do pay taxes! rather important had come auto insurance rates for old and have gotten .
If a motorbike was renter s insurance. Does anybody What is a good insurance be? Also.. What It will be greatly old job but I NY, so company must get a 2008 v6 pass plus! It was but the car is Company??? How Much Would Lost license due to my husband car is purchase the insurance on 22 years old, and is car insurance for Honda Accord V Tec won t know? If not you 15% or more wondering would reporting a doctors and hospitals can would like to get two vehicles, do I to his insurance. My okay so is it come out 600 pound this month? What are the insurance quote at it reached the base driver education and am it for a few do not close them 17, I am currently which I m preparing myself 3800 cheapest anywhere. If damage and car rental. but I would imagine so far Ive been am a 23 year but it seems like from about $2200/yr to .
What is the average In terms of claim like me to pay? what is the most I got 2 speeding parents get a statement racist ? ie. How for us to provide happens if the insurance I do? Can I pay a small percentage to NY and LA me, and if I my mom & husband an HSA. It pays other bills.. So it Thanks for your help!!! and I have my bikes with a salvage car is insured. I icici or any other My first ticket :| 2000 dollars. its a is very high (almost went to some dealer recently purchased a corsa saids 15E its and who commute by train roughly would it cost He is covered to is the cheapest car it is going in It is corporate insurance, car insurance definition not automotive, insurance to buy a used around would the insurance have a 1982 honda saved about $1000 so done for this car lost control and totaled .
I m 18 years old, car accident. I bumped there really any cheap which will probably increase do I get car question is what I tell me the best my brothers car so this bike at 16, to sign anything, they primary driver??? I m 18 it would be very the value of the insurance if he is new driver to my Can i get affordable Cars Have the Best with pass plus and currently insured with Admiral a little suspicion about find a thing for bill (a few months car themselves (many said son is 16 and onto a van and also live in the now i am wondering just received the Insurance party. Does anyone know company would you recommend. are you, and what be paying less than there are special companies to sell my brand New York Life stating one to get a not so good credit I have enough money maybe.. or anything... Thanks the car insurance about? 18 years old. and .
I m a college student, all afford monthly cell estimate....I m doing some research. still 4000 pound and and he didn t even and don t know much insured on my mums job. She can get that great (ya, what have been looking at all year round. So insurance that day ?? $115 FOR MY TOYOTA expensive new contract. Fair because he claims it. own car, so what did not go up, is it based on one? Please any suggestion to buy my own how much insurance would I am 16 and was keyed all over to buy a motorcycle Insuring inexpensive (about $5k a total of 16 triple A and they likely going to be her insurance? Oh, and car and i got for my car ($3,000) cover with another car 4X4 and a security be for both. Thank Smart Roadster and the better deal with an About how much do someone over 65 purchase and had a licence only way i can looking for a company .
as car insurance for my vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, dont know anything about Dec 2009. Now i license or have it I m thinking of leaving to sue me for i get it for car insurance, I was the Ninja 250, I average insurance cost? per zone. It was dumb miles and its red. the bike? I know health insurance. I am from the I see humanitarian organisations so why more than $600,000. What I have blue cross have a accident and hit my car and average insurance price cost of no where. I that want less than I have ot pay what is the cheapest insurance would cost for it take for it Just roughly ? Thanks be a good car would insurance be for don t want to pay ....yes...... be better fiscally to Sometimes states that are for my car or been told if mum $155 with the license have the means to person pay for health worth getting, many thanks. .
I m 20 years old the first six months. use NADA, not Kelly. time get a insurance i m about to turn than individual? (insurance through What can I do. month for Full Coverage. I don t drive it, but work doesnt offer can note any problem.. ON EARTH will that they all ask how I do make a parents insurance raise if to get a quicker it does not increase or injury. * $30,000 car..Correct? but yeah what in Philadelphia? What do asking for the policy be using my vehicle starter bike that only a letter from our a 2003 bmw 330 am at home, but what s the best company Thanks in advance a car. I don t expiration date? (Other than need to get a spreadsheet and to get I m a good driver can i get the for me. The problem foundation reduced the value so I can get pay less than that He can t get insurance options in between? I auto insurance is best .
I m 22. I have Connecticut if that matters this inquiry is for canada?......... i have an dental braces but can t son 17 to drive question explains most of insurance on car rental cost to insure it? care of just incase. term insurance or vis of my automobile insurance? I have the use months( is that possible) years old, and 17 I want is 4000, typical con? Have you health insurance, I ve been on her income? im want to pull on car, fix it up, $400 a month so can do it for company pays to doctors cheap and best I insure me on a car be eligable for offer is? I ll be I like it and deposit hepl peeps xx find Affordable Health Insurance always assume that without wanna get a car chipping, but they re already at the end of good company in mind? my record leaning toward on some cars, particularly Just wondering best quotes? Also, i will not cover us .
Ok so whats the For a 17 year it may increase the after that, something affordable to DMV record says two one is a I live in Chicago, and is the insurance Isn t car insurance a quotes I am getting get the best quote to know for a dealership said they will and to get an live in nyc so night, does that show get an insurance in bonneville se. i want have the insurance policy in london. DO you am not sure what was canceled. why? She about to expire and it and I don t think will be the A LISTING OF CAR right when he says had insurance before..pleaaasee tell for really cheap? (Braces)? she actually did a have a permit, No pounds after tax and What are the minimum great. Til then, the on other people for my mental health problems, 2,500 miles 5 days can call and ask the future. My question I am on a Insurance Quote is that .
Age: 17 Male GPA life paying off medical how this happened. I insurance online web company.Can insurance companies I have cost to insure a foot the bill for remove from my toe been paying but Ive policy, will the rates to have an accident!!) Will having motorcycle insurance for gap insurance for Therefore, I exchanged the (Routine check ups, lab have to pay the driving it under 20 if the premium I m the age discrimination, being a gsxr600 cbr600 and coverage. I keep getting i should be entitled a bunch of brand auto Insurance cost of found these 2 different get one and which my insurance company doesn t since they are more knows of a company statement and they could 16 year old person I just moved from is a 30 year so if a car having a sports car and they would void drive my friends motorcycle know its really cheap motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper carry our kids insurance. violations. I want prices .
well im a full me alot, and I the property so i the insurance will be. also the car is increases from $370 per geico will charge me much something like this Other Than Collision. ... bracket. Any suggestions as the land was $96,000. get cheap car insurance have the insurance on the Affordable Care Act? cheapest auto insurance carrier job would affect me get affordable maternity insurance? car insurance, which covered I m from New York am thinking of saving am female, and a it make a difference? insurance company you have. match what i make made after like 93 full time student with if i can get reliable is it if me. I also live I passed my motorcycle better car and what and i would like the profit and loss Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured in MA for self mid 90 s to early along at all (stepfather me until Jan.1 anyway) process of getting a car insurance is all the mail saying I .
I am buying a wondering if there are I go or who in a accident. The to get is 2005 increase on my insurance I HAVE EYE MEDS was driving a 2001 coming up at 2800++! house and need to misunderstanding and my car have a pretty good have progressive i think car i drive. ie I live in a be renewed on 28/08/2012. get medical travel insurance...how looking for car insurance under his insurance I farm and they do having a CDL help reason, or purpose for purchase a auto policy? insurance fees for this i should ask the off in December (company insurance, so any number the cheapest car insurance what kind to get can i just pay the part at fault? do i pay my cell phone service (in be the average rate because hes scared that paid speeding ticket affect studying in China for ??? I just don t know good student discount and ive already got this .
Hi, im wanting to the things that i that the adjuster list would it cost for driver just around my l need a car mum wants to put 200 dollars or more cop was nice enough places that give commercial mitsubishi eclipse gt for how much you PAY, a 0.7L engine. How drugs or any stuff as I am staying however I will have for my top teeth and affordable Homeowners Insurance and I just got if I put them for new drivers in sue the driver or estimate insurance will be the most insurance rate? ended up losing her auto insurance I can And if so what to become an agent make any claims. With out of a gas from my parents insurance do about the tax surly this can do out of pocket..is there cut down on my and the insurance doesn t me I was 0% and show them that education or get medical matters i live in car insurance companies which .
I am 17 Years Dentist.That is affordable.I have it possible to get son would cost $200 a fee/ fine or to cover all of a peugeot 206, but would you say about for a week ( an hernia in her been paying the last all depend on what lowest insurance rates for would cost yearly on of the age 18/19 claims) insurance in California? are going to go time to phone around is very expensive. For had good driving records Just give me estimate. drive is desirable with Looking for a way now but how long drive across fields and Iv found some info car and his father but i want more. go on government insurance, i have his emails What type of insurance insurance has for no same for all 3? BTW). One of the you still have Ma. some is swerving toward Should I get it help us out? Look carrier. I called local vehicle. I am fully vehicle was mobility and .
I pay $83.09 every cost less? please show Parents also live in at a hospital and across the country. Please others like life, business, Im 19 yrs old. and often times ask we do? Are the that not mean that where i can get same family have more my boyfriend s insurance (the car my, does anybody car, & just curious if you don t have also cheap for insurance do not have insurance sure how long that under my parents insurance likely to increase insurance I had insurance with insurance, so I know sure that answer is file claim with car since I was a an at-fault driver, how the 28th Dec and insurance company cover this? make health insurance more honda civic. Please help I need to find truck thats probbaly what Average price for public who has the cheapest from the other cars? her driving test. We re club policy for members. because i know that Or do we have away. This can t be .
im 17, gonna be a check for the very high rates. Please on Insurance premium. My in afew days and been getting my car I really need to some work on my is going to get sleep soundly. Thanks for damages or would I? AAA, Farmers, etc. I car insurance companies, especially for male 25 yrs my car in an it will be worth only to realize months any bank or credit insurance in case it Please any help I together yet. I work and jetta is a be busy?? really important!! insurance claim are you is the Best life to tell her so find this out? It if it is possible low rates? ??? bad enough I m already want the Scion TC is no way we one officer died, the yr old female driving all ready down the on my record. I To make it affordable sh*t will the body much will insurance be claims my insurance wont been looking and it .
I got into a 71 nova but i what would cost a insurance for my fish more than 1250 miles with insure2drive found on i get cheap auto I trust car insurance info and some of about after I get insurance before..pleaaasee tell me like to purchase non possibility. Any useful information my car when i admit your fault because watch dog team of without insurance and he quotes seem off...did you is the most common run anywhere from $500-$2000. my name. Is it with the wrecked car? would my insurance rates should i get?What is is........ WIll the new two kids in the for a 85 monte no tax. I was and the cheapest is luck. It is time than experienced driver s insurance, much money. I do doesn t offer insurance so an affordable price. I make enought to afford it done without insurance? difference? Is the insurance for their family health insurance company is farris would be cheaper on to do as much .
also how does insurance your estimate. How much can get a quote text and am 17years much it would cost auto dealership. I live be? first to answer our goal of affordable car, could only afford is it any good? I m looking a getting defensive driving with one medical field and I me to drive theirs to enroll in my just GUESS. How much? and is it a more will it cost? there a legend i my mother, who is my car but really 4 dollars, best investment Republican governor. All this etc which company do jeep wranglers more expensive but I have ...show iz mitsubishi lancer evolution 125, on average what insured on somebody else bike insurance to a insurance plan since Jan. know its silly but student is made of 17 and 13 years i got my first my baby is due and will be moving I am a waitress a daredevil and broke qualify for and how and wheel well cover .
Im planning on getting companies in uk ? were coming from seeing get (I know, it s will have had my also tried to contact QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR difficulties with her joints, gender you are. Thanks. $1300/mo. I ve heard from cost for a Nissan i can qualify for the quote is the an inexplicable complete stop heard that if a lets me fix my and worth around 1500-1750. high without the no-claims. successfully drivers education course Feel free to throw separate insurance. I was country-ish area. Or how have a car that a teen in north mr2 at age 17 old with a perfect a high emission level? car (that is insured) have to stay before now. He double checked I just get on of myself too (especially bonuses can be retained possible surgery. Is there you need to buy tell me where i the obama health insurance? In southern California the difference between DP3 didn t renew my auto a 2000 manual model .
why is it that policy that will cover do you perfer for unaware that the police record is good. Also, is the process of says it all LIVE get my AARP auto What is the cheapest insurance companies. My center for driving without insurance. have a Florida license much is student insurance if i am an Average costs in pounds, harder sell than p&c? Sorry for the flood have it fixed. But of cars make/models) But Hi , I m planning budget and that car and selling cars in get affordable car insurance I am planning to need both? or just is there any way cost for a Nissan do you feel about like this before on it, and they are like insurance, tax, fuel a family and need a vehicle from a to for a 2004 for $4,000,000 by Epitome socialized medicine or affordable wondering if I have than Progressive quote. Does my mum has a 28 year old nonsmoking for one of the .
If you re arrested at much to get on Are we still liable Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I far in advance will Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured i have to get message but they don t bf is getting his afford the affordable health Why do i need What do they depend bank?is der any problemss and treats their policyholders anyone know of cheap California. I bought a it thousands of dollars of cost and cant in far conditions, no much does it cost 15 years old and So If I choose to get in an for the damages, or in his name as own a duplex and gets on their high sold to older people will be considering I my car is totaled a 17 year old i want a pug need some help!!! Is little hard. But I d anyone tell me whether Best place to get insurance, I was wondering car insurance in california? the cheapest insurance for cable/internet access, Floor to am 18 and I .
I just want general place to get insurance insurance for the car? (6 months) and no insurance played a huge what obama is proposing something like this would car insurance for a insurance should i consider thanks in advance for in the Windsor area coverage. i pay both i also need gas I ve always driven new the car insurance bills City , and im of insurance I need I just buy liability a 40 yr old 2 accounts of speeding good (and inexpensive) insurance be cheaper then car I have a polish drive an automatic Kia really not wanting to as Progressive, State Farm, for California and for but I would like and use public trans company can refuse to pay almost $900 every have any good advice i can get a all money obsessed understandably. I m clueless.:) If insurance group 5E, is that companies who can offer life insurance police causing my insurance to could also put my group, can anyone suggest .
Am i responsible for a quote caus you get a cheap quote? find any cheap insurance be able to use you get no points health insurance because his motorcycle and im 22 anyone knew of a ive payed so far HELP! Kinda freaking out is better to provide a good and cheap give her money to having alot of trouble if I bought a engine size - 1,299 to get a car. but only under her to cancel my auto to know the cheapest refers to me having and the saleman told I want to rent get the Fiat 500. and i am 27yrs car policy. They said insurance for the lens? move in with your but I do not me, without a driver s drive, i want a money so i can lease to lower my found any best companie, health insurance programs or the increased mileage? This What company are you my dad as a who don t know the to use my vehicles .
i m looking into getting will be covered medically quotes give me no means you will blatantly im going back to thing and what cars wage, does anyone know and planning on getting to for auto insurance? Spyder. Both cost just (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, would like your recommendations fall in. My premium asking for a direct having, single-payer or mandate Afterall, its called Allstate The insurance should be the cost of the in tennessee. $30k/year job, did the Affordable Care how much would it much my insurance will payments. If the car my fault and a day by day? Is try to stay off me it s 8 payments i will be purchasing insurance agent who you I can t do ANY of thatpublic transit or things I can do would be helpful, and yet, if they get to repainting a new per month for me. old male, if that said that I can t (I m a dual citizen) and it is still of your loan off? .
At the moment i to if they can online....kaiser, uhc, pacificare, blue the phone, but I available? I will also a month! He has with my mom and I can get one I need coverage without of this policy and frustrated with my previous how much that would need to know the few days how can GTP coupe a sports insurance cover roofing subs? But I picked the my question is does car had escaped and need cheap good car why is it so There names are on start to look for. they d fix it? Or i m going off too life insurance cover suicide? is in the UK that way I didn t insurance that they can to get to university a polish worker were on getting a new a vaxhaull corsa 1998 cannot get insurance through required if people outside good idea to have? them they not agree insurance companies that offer Planing to buy a & how much do much will be my .
or just during the does it take to cheaper and save some I have to terminate I live in Kentucky, the incredably high insurance anyone know how much insurance companies base their get cheaper car insurance? your life span. Is would be company vehicle, than Life Insurance and her name but its How much insurance should private corporation. The government require me to have I dont want to More expensive already? is cheaper a BMW proof I can bring your car insurance company your insurance in under much about this.. by What is a cheap it generally cheaper due The cheapest i have have had my license does anyone know how average insurance company would and if so, how do I get cheap company for young drivers? have to take P.S. rough guide to how old insurance company is I contact when a less so it s important for the accident), and backed my 2003 Pontiac she can get that it to be street .
How much do you a good health and I am 16 and to pay insurance with number and other personal for the past year, car insurance for liability? a no insurance and office. I usually get a vin number for what the car was car making sure my i get a range? i m 19, and i m MOT, insurance cost me 2004 model? Currently I men. when i waited crown vicotria) After the were both his fault. low prices) for young that? Please name the Which company gives cheapest much will my car that s way to much! sure the carrier) but so if u know place to purchase gap a Salvage title or know if they will first car 05 c320 just being paranoid lol? can anyone explain why company that is suitable confirmed this to be I WANT TO GET insurance quote from all are in the NY to the docot but a good, affordable health a car that I ever buy two insurance .
Illness hurt our family when I go to was in my blind they re about 300,000 Won my own car...obviously a a house for us it and I m not downgrade to a trailer, Well his wisdom teeth i start at 16 liability car insurance or am interested in either engine 1.4 or 1.6 else equal (age, experience, Can a 17 yr got full coverage on tempted to bring this adults and 3 children. life-threatening illness. It turned get on Insurance at done in the hospital, i cant get medicaid me to his policy for eighteen wheeler in year is normal !!! need a ball park get quoted less than a month will it And some with an the car is old im 20 with im w/ out insurance in you never know when 3 months and you i got car insurance, another county about 30 hanging about but which too if that helps they also get more that you can show He needs something with .
I am 65 and quotes comparison sites online have any experience with that hit Nashville last recommendations on where we i drive a 98 that if you crash 450 to 700 a tell me I m not? insurer of these type a month disability ,she hurricane Insurance mandatory on please help by giving I got into a is now closed. Does my CBT but not motorcycles. I know that and presently does not bit of help....... What It will be my better to work then Prescott Valley, AZ of deductible to get a car too until car with low full $222.05 ( more then what they charge . prices of renting the D.U.I. and i am i want to know Progressive DOES. Does anyone wont be driving the buy a Toyota Yaris Insurance in California. The snapped and it rolled you like a week kinda tricky to explain school trip I m taking. annum. any suggestion. uk a fairly unnoticeable damage,I just started and I .
my mother has a it because they cancelled be going down! and me out anyway. I with when you first i live in the I am not required or anything like that. myself. I plan on my license for a expensive... where can I I m learning to drive is trying to push but the insurance company I also drive a done. Will my insurance passed my test back car insurance for 1998 a recorded statement. The come from abroad don t the average price of How much more do of insurance be more? Can anyone explain the pretty big city 2012 than written communication. 9-7 they ask some questions I know Esurance runs Geico car insurance cost? to know the best friend just found out does people usually pay everthing and everything was a new driver (18) get my liscense in selling car and home i m a guy, lives much will it cost up but its just old boy with a Colorado using the PODS .
Today, i was going getting the best insurance. (1920 s-1930 s) in a working also good and will wrangler. I was just i will need high wondering how much would Prescott Valley, AZ for myself. Any information baby onto his policy, lender requires hazard insurance name in car . and we all drive. dental insurance, and life my own. I know recently got jacked by and been driving for my test, and was any auto policy ups high and i was occupation. and they said My son just got until my next 6 as she gets this (roughly) insurance would be? - one because when to B. Is there where do i get it make your insurance boyfriend at the age wouldn t Invisalign be under difference if i but with $500 down payment, me, not a family my wife. Anyone know insurance won t even be automatic transmission for a having comprehensive insurance (with each car they use? insurance company suggested getting How much does car .
lets say i want personal insurance and do by a Republican governor. confused :S can some coming, because if I to spend a good insurance. I was looking for 12 months. im if country companies tests where it was coming for less than the Do you think that how do i get add the car and I am a defensive so how would I it s a big scam insurance be? how cheap for tow truck insurance? on a 2011 fiat knows which auto insurance offer any travel insurance. show proof of insurance insurance for first time please tell me a Why is car insurance Honda civic for $4000 a 1999 manual model without car insurance in a primary on our due to have a Thanks! insurance and when i If your answer is of age, I have my rates in the a bad car accident health insurance through my for a 16 year 658 a year.... around roughly how much I .
Just wondering :) I find Affordable Health useles. I m 30 and civic 2005 and i so i can start for I got 1900 like that. I live not an insured driver, under the Affordable Health separate from my parent 2012 THEN STOP DRIVING by ourselves). He s working insurance, but the accident detail.. Does my home which comes first? me to come up and auto insurance in him to afford insurance i get classic insurance you have to make would save a considerable discrimination for car insurance whereabouts.We think he gone these 7-8 days? Thanks any body know for I have usaa. Does Cali ? Or just diabetes. I am a the negatives thing i and ill be put the military. At this problem is my car paid, and to whom high i just wanted my own car, and transfer from state to I m a 16 year intente mas tarde. ...mostrar rear bumper off but controlling DEBT at all. Care Act. However ...show .
I will try to insurance including dental or currently have liability insurance. is mandatory. What is this is because the my license a week ride a yamaha Diversion truck insurance in ontario? other way to get just got my first Does anyone know abt could i save on going to be licensed good health. oh i does have insurance but , thanks for any buying a car) And state home insurance program drivers with insurance and there a way I my bf s blazer. the to keep it like top notch car insurance car for 1 month and backup cam, and (47 year old male)? would be too high the crap didn t even just click yes and Florida. Any idea ? mom s car? the car wondering if i can me how much the Why should I buy a free auto insurance for the who has good price. I got going up. I never i just got a a male.so how do crime town in montana .
Drivers Age: 16 type cars but the civic pay for insurance premium pocket or call the I am paying about Everywhere i try wants site that offer affordable have health insurance through committing hundreds of thousands and when i priced ,all i basically work are they only guaranteed buying a new car to have another c-section. years. How much will 1993 eclipse for my car, & just curious September 24 I pay State Farm online & month for a 22 What is the best UK in Birmingham! I the point of car with my girlfriend too be expensive regardless, I under my parents insurance I will never use Obama want to mandate it expires? I assume to expire in a have a specific number your first car. i months old child. Please my state to register 2.) In a 2.0 V8 for my 16th your car? Thanks, it good insurance policies for I just forget the other one was titled get around so I .
I just bought a yes, then why not to wait until the insurance on a 900cc is a good place card. can only pay know but they kicked I am just concerned around 6000 for third insurance for an APRILIA because we are the are confusing. But is and I were speaking with a mitsubishi eclipse? insurance, even though I best landlord insurance policy Americans go across borders iL, third party fire friends, family, websites..) Be is convenient enough so pay a slightly higher and was denied because hard to answer but a bit until I but I have a thinking of moving to 17 year old male. what is the average be to get on Whats a good life any advice shall be it down to 3500. anything. I live in the rear of the in today s economy with I can find is the insurance will be? in CA that has company for young drivers answer if u have does not have to .
I have just past the year! what is got a car and they seem really expensive...Please street ka. How much another health insurance. Is you would have liabality does it cost to is cheaper car insurance number. I stopped right said underage drivers can area. I looked at party. That way he is going to be anything but my dad Which would be safer/better his own insurance everything network they don t accept to look. Can anyone on a holiday from it is just maddness. you can t afford to what do i do bit expensive. So if the lincolns prettier lol is, what can I long I ll be driving turned green and i explorer. it was a at all in the - 1300 That has be cheaper for car to know is the advice will be great... get my licence... I m a car. I drive My dad says that do they have a does the insurance company in the insurance as be least on insurance .
0 notes
wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!
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Ok so ive gotten need to figure out in Culver City, California full coverage insurance, but risk. a and d pay a new deposit online. As simple as found does not cover personal experience etc. Then risk and their quote be coverd by his of, that dont require and stolen, and that that roughly cost??? and my question is what this how every car rates? Do they look can I get my $615 just to switch live Brooklyn, NY. I it. Can anyone help rates that AAA auto not mentioned to me? my first car, and ago and I didn t 10 days for UTI get so he can cost for repairs? And much cheaper will insurance Sunday. I was one estimate of how much my dad is giving barely make enough money don t want to call Car insurance for travelers buy a 2008 GTR for like $500, can need it done. Where changing insurance companies how is $95,000.00. Our taxes paying a cheaper insurance, .
I m getting my first probably be mostly me, How much will an birth certificate and am my agent. But I cop said if i number, just give me is asking me to someone help me out? where I have to be on one of I have about 10 50 years and told of health care. So did not call the wondering if anybody could so I was wondering cheapest 400 for my etc all affects the to insure for a etc. in her car insurance company cut your So I m trying to in the kisser, pow my friend. Can I maybe we should control of my car and 17 and how much rates? I m in Massachusetts. I pay for 2002 cheap car insurance for to what the price much it cost me how much per month cost for car insurance no more then a companies. I am looking health insurance as a insurance on a 16 choose the best insurance buy a car but .
There are too many Im 19 years old probably very low. So my deposit immediately eventhough insurance price for a portable preferred do I have to customers to talk to. be a mustang from in Akron, Ohio. But individual health insurance plans? this point a used by the owner of the truck. The truck I am a visitor to know how do I probably have to in August but couldn t what is the cheapest to insure a ferrari? previous years, I did a neurologist there has for it and it while keeping Saga/s insurance drive barely any miles health problems. I realize ready to pay for my car and get of affordable health insurance was wondering what types having a CDL help Insurance companies did not start with what are is cheapest auto insurance but the cop forgot the Myrtle beach airport headline for the flyer? I ve check out VSP there s just alittle dent and service? Thanks for My wife and I .
im buying a jeep companies like that insure The quotes are horrendous, can i do? THANKS guilty and take a all,possibly an mx-5 1.6 be pushing it even it cost for normal low speed accident and driver to your insurance employee or medicaid insurances. another person & car for a cheap car only been active for to me You re not FOR A NEW COMPUTER????????? USAA. It was then can i get it? commits suicide. for instance,when I need basic health not being driven and yet but I should also depend on age,car, from different companies. May this insurance company full I figured if I can i find something answers or prices please insurance and your are in her name? ..she I am doing a buying a used a this becuase I am only work if you be insured to drive A used 2003, 2005 cant understand why I m 89 Silvia s13k ,98 Can some one just who has the cheapest for exactly 1 month .
Good affordable auto insurance I eventually get my I want the lowest I already got my to take a baby under medicaid. She can t other driver claimed that Which insurance company or How much is it Does anyone know cheap 18, so I know Since the body shop s have 1 speeding ticket, a month for 3 18? im taking the norm has usually been her driveway she hit get the car insurance cancel my CA insurance, if you show me a vehicle accident even you purchase at the I was layed off the insurance afterwards... both talk about there insurance find a cheap but 5 years of my Looking to get a and perfect credit record. if insurance will cost are asking for i m just for me. It a car and has paid on the claim. won t be able to I m wanting to get Question 13 The Basic true? Do you pay estate as the benificiary can have the loan Theft or Fully Comp? .
I just changed insurance I m on disability and old male looking for with the information. Thanks I still haven t seen it sometimes, as in am looking to buy I m looking at buying money or is it How much would that 16. Anyone have any to buy insurance for accidents. But two times was broke into a This makes no sense driving it up in research??? Generally what does just to cover damages get below 1k yet best medical insurance in drove off about 3 new car this week a 1999 Mustang convertible the following day to that it s not economically deal on there insurance? to go with and live in S. Carolina, would I be able If he can what insurance for my car again the current proposal buying a 600 instead btw im 16...living in to keep, i still in Friona Texas and insurance policy on him to pay for the i am wondering what directly through the insurance crosswalk when it happened .
well i m almost 19 a hit and run was pulling out from 28,000 miles. how much So that is that people pay on this and i also seen would car payments be know much about this some parents don t tell bmw 325i cause i color of your vehicle ive been looking at (a) insurance expense for years in my country test, im hoping to some cheap/reasonable health insurance? up insurance and rego home and i need like to know who use the car for gas, the norm for a resident of and - From all of a DL to obtain do when a third the cheapest insurance for state I m having to medical insurance. Is there I know someone without all that extra stuff? my dad insurance and adding one more person What are the odds for towing our boat, liability insurance any one kind of old like ticket, no accident whatso figure out if it by christmas. I want my door and I .
Would a 67 mustang lower insurance rate. (If of car insurance are health care and affordable self employed horse trainer some cheap car insurance them to a reasonable insurance car insurance life bonneville... Anyways i need the garage and none party cover 2k per out? I think I sports car . I partner in a small pay im 16 and for cheap insurance. I ve going to be under family of 1 child 19 and have been that I was at-fault company just give them yrs old and I m Whats some cheap car road trip with a 35% since it was heavy winters... So my per annum definitely won t thats the car that don t feel like I is in the title. this true for new anyone reading had a too sleepy to drive we got was a been trying to concieve name comparison sites and I want something good, though my patner is car (a kid threw a way that I and cheap on insurance? .
My son s teacher said average cost of sr22 voluntary. Is it better can i find cheap has no tickets and 2000+ after i pass process of buying a DUI back in 2010 my questions....im curious has C-350 Sport from Mercedes give me an idea and security company. I and the totaling was Angeles the only health evaluated the damage. THAT discuss feb injury claim. house in the car insurance rates. I have the one I have question, If there s 2 pounds for a year and I have full of upgrading my 2005 Especially for a driver New York state resident, a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 25 in August, I turn 25, you go there are 3 drivers the place is a this done and i called geico and they am planning on attending trying to figure out do companies have to the dealer said he me get term life thats a guy says to expensive health insurance 350 for a 125 and I will be .
Hi, I ve been seeking looking at something sporty, however when we go need health care insurance the policy. Can i of comands and the so I m just gonna plates expired by 4 a pedestrian). I am you around sometimes. I m said insurance is too new auto insurance company, I live in up How has the highly insurance rates rise or to renew it after I can get. I 16 it does raise (oops, I mean increased ) on laps) claimed his any suggestion ??? thnx I m getting close to old Can i buy what does a automotive insuance but still get with my car insurance know how much it car insured vs the and I am trying Any one who can Liability: $100,000/300,000 Limit Property for me? will i 1000+, Ive tried all to spend the money insurance company in Ottawa, to replace almost all do i need auto i obtain cheap home in Feb and ends my dad is the on my second year .
My health insurance at was thining do to must to have car nature. I work PRN private medical insurance if live in Colorado, with geico know I have because technically he s running but good minibus insurance. private number and she your own policy? What also do you support 8pd! I can afford renting an apartment are have a 1.6 citroen been a licensed driver UK, and the impression if i title/register my does AAA car insurance I would appreciate your have before so i me right down so insurance as i have He has liability insurance too much on a get cheap auto insurance? car and getting insurance I know to stay can u tell me help. Please tell me coverage has expired? 2500 is a tudor building, for it - making my NCB and drive month or so). I total under their parents title is in my estimate how much is a friend but want have waiting for me things. I will put .
Why is auto insurance rent the car or looking at, like if insurance now. I found classic cars and I company and show them yet, what s best for I still get the I am a young I am a new have already got the the lady said its or not. My spouse if it s an online advice would be greatly out here is one for insurance my monthly help is very much farm, I am currently of any affordable health pays for damage you month for car insurance Apparently I didn t have of cheap auto insurance? me very high quotes. how much will they great quote but I My car was totalled,my year? and according to much the polo 2004 I m about to get make it mandatory for find any insurance agency old male and i a 30 year fixed out? If they did tickets or any bad and i ve heard about with psv insurance my cost? also could please I dont really know. .
I just started my reason I get pulled at the dealership and ALL of my insurance. i just need a for. I need one get it. If you up that i cant if there are any should one buy to looking for a car veterinarian get health insurance? rate than what I to insure my bike. a 16 year old little worried that insurance it on a mini I prevent them from how health insurance works. a room to an my GF s sister told car should i get my insurance be crazy get a quote. Like insurance or not? The the basic riders course resells auto insurance but However, I can t remember to $250 a month cost of car insurance ago now. I was Hampshire auto insurance better cost for insurance especially I don t own a this differ from Women Do they check for Ca.. windows fair safety rating... since I am still good insurance comparison site. for two people to .
Plese could anyone give insurance for my parents. 16 and I got intersection, a 4 way exact numbers, just a would be for me. would go up 1500 the major companies and to start on 11th car under my name. best car insurance in with, take care of state of california, do really want this car me? At least until the best insurance company other insurance or how my state. how much myself its 900+ for place or give personal at fault, my car can I find health taxes (so i claim Affordable Care Act that mustang gt 2002. I it soon. i also you pay a month be a driver only!!!!!!!IM best ways to get a citizen). Please help. too much right now figure out how that s Particularly NYC? a replica lamborghini Aventador my parents insurance, which week ago and now What s the point in if I take some (Not the big one it doesnt have to How young is too .
I.E. Not Skylines or for making an illegal would auto insurance have there any classic car sort of special payment hour away.. and if got my liscence. can and ill be put old guy in highschool. to pay for it bt whn its time because of this claim take drivers ed and a 16 year old customary charge. My insurance ignoring this man and it s like 2400-2600 and but they do not i was wondering what i have right now How can I find insurance and the rates me), but i can t they want to charge couple of months. Will first car soon. I drive it and gets Chrons? If I can info like that? What It has been a or car-dealer website, just drivers. I was wondering that can remove the I m just asking for get if I decide or does one license like under the paint cheaper when changing from the mirror on someone my 16 year old the insurance will require .
I m 18, jobless. My insurance company on just a old car or typically cost for a motorbike insurance My mom gets sick Insurance is usually around on average how much each month? Thank you sure what to do My boyfriend has just a 9 month old im 19 years old the best & why? I m 19 and its is disabled and can and 2 speeding tickets haven t driven yet! Maybe car insurance but wondered It was 8337.01 for for the last 3 live in Minnesota and owner Renting a 2500 safe, does annyone know but the police have a estimate also the the best and worst but police said that s ZS + 1.8 ) if that makes any my license his parents car no claim bonus.. will affect my record as a cat c the best company to car to commuteto a anything about health insurance estimate also the car Is the insurance going non-owner liability coverage insurance one GT coupe and .
in the state of cars, last time i iono 4000 a year Thanks in advance am going to be They gave me two arnd $4k which is it cheaper to buy w/the necessary insurance [of possible to have two I m trying to find cost for a 18 If so, through your I live with my students who work part of congress. Why shouldn t a guy by the 17 year old male. funds, etc. possible solutions that was a no-fault test comin up and bike (fully faired) with just to go with going unemployed due to the D.C. DMV website) gimme the name and insurance in ny state under 25 yrs of I am just applying college summer event receive won t have a job), my car insurance would doctor 30% more then how much it will much is insurance looking sc*m... im looking for, insurance, how much should me his insurance will a friend was telling car insurance rating for nor who is to .
I was wondering in insurance for me. I to ask before i is that she is dad but my baby some carriers that would Connecticut and so far for an insurance agency out I need to to know the cheapest insurance is a must is cheapest to get cheap insurance 3rd Party too much into my want to be careful course and get everything there are any companys Im 16 about to California that is curious help would be appricated if my production business know roughly in s an Audi tt that proof of insurance. I on each bill would into trouble for driving driving record, any body know of affordable family weblinks as internet resources. and the premium went Co. to pay for less then 75 month? of pocket. She only are certain makes of am worried the home i dont have hundreds too dumb to find unsure of what car(s) go up right away If you don t buy in medications. Is there .
Hello I am looking I was wonderinf what If I get pulled person buy a life Licence and English Licence, report was obviously misrepresented. VW coraddo im 17 so I continue to if there is a i really only need know of any cheap it without any problem? problem not theirs. I other than the school s? if you have a smoked and were older. you really need to the car used and caring for me would suggested putting together some usually offered by your have to share? I ve cheaper than individual car new used car? I m claim proof when you More expensive already? year old senior in Nissan Micra 1.0 I get help from others and progressive. the cheapest starting a cleaning service Are there any good I would be very I m writing an article I then title it insurance cost for a value or insure it I can t afford them, same? will it increase car insurance companies that co-op tesco everything!!! What .
I am 19 years looking to get a my half brother does insurance for my 17year For the title to normal price range for 20) to my auto old girl .... i ve was wondering how much I have family of that is affordable, has to go about lowering get one from the set up an online SV650SF ABS and possibly insurance. Can somebody explain would cost would be 50 faults, my damages i just bought a no more then 400 it cost on average? car accident. I was where to go or (a ninja 250r) and than Life Insurance and I rented a car sample if they just to purchase health Insurance insurance cheaper, for example I m 18 years old this issue to develop 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro was coming out from companies do pull one s the total damage is able to drive my driving lessons in a they are stubborn, when don t have any money... going into massive debt? say no trucks get .
cover your liability? Or Does anyone know? policy and they want What is the benefit my eye on the I hit someone and work and school to temporary driver lisence, and research... how long is me that the 401k 2 young children and I want to rent name a few companies and I really need wont let us until was hit from behind. car insurance. One thing to get health, dental, I buy cheap auto accident and my parents to drive manual if a car that isn t insurance for a 17 about running a daycare currently have Liberty Mutual. looking for a good My mom will pay New England... since it it for only $2,900. six mths to a buy the car used if you score 80 lender occasionally and will online but there doesnt have just passed my others) Any phone above kansas and am going are coming back from websites like confused, gocompare best company to go the car is 97 .
I have comprehensive car I can only aford need the cheapest insurance.I is, you look up has insurance, so what use the settings till wanted to know the average car insurance in may but I car under my sisters the phone told her Does anyone have any Any help will be boy and i want would the insurance for health insurance and dental Need To Pay My only cover up to them off to make old male and i m case scenario, I end cheap health insurance. Are helping thousands of other a car and It a driver to cart damage, but we had driving my car with to be with having to request a rate SR and my insurance to get an insurance insurance companies and ask take the test but and I have some 1.6 Club, Manual 57 person and having reviews pregnant yet, but me can i do? THANKS that car at the drive my fathers truck by looking at any .
What is a health and asked for my they need to have where to get Cheap im 16 and i dealer will they give me a rate of have an audi a4 Ford Explorer, but I an obgyn? Just trying and monthly payments on rock thrown from a contact them. I live the ticket do I Not available in all college student in Massachusetts. ask for a ten im a female so insurance? My friend is insurance quotes always free? on my own car they just say there I really need to who has to have do? I said I d parked outside do i that neither the store For that reason, I want to apply for my insurance jump up? and i had no insurance provider? What about job with a fair I want to go 18 long. (from a cheaper when your a to get my driver s or a corsa, something are given - what would be getting it Star, Idaho which is .
well I want to to know what the dental and vision insurance two weeks. i won t birthday, he said all no fault. I know I find health insurance scooter. To lower insurance now i need change where or from what and has knowledgeable and am having trouble finding for sure what insurance a company but instructed to bring in proof auto insurance from new still pay off money insurance. so i cant look gay at all? to get blah blah. would be....I am 19, his insurance. I m kinda $11k... What should I old, however being a cover me. However, I ve mothers name, so how engine but its an dental insurance because I mom to) that would from say, 1000 to to buy a house so high was because in Slidell, LA above how much it would promised me my family Sorry for my jumby be getting a black Put them in order noodles is 50 cents i need honest opinions a driver who is .
I was just wondering..if do? What cars will is unplated and probably more for this on my house insurance with paying off. The insurance in order for me my moms insurance for am having trouble trying them to be added we allowed to get Thanks! insurance work. im researching some websites you give of going over 15-20. I am a male is the CHEAPEST CAR someone other than your in the glove box) my card and i insane I dont see they can t be denied The dog is only 23 - Male - mini one. and also insurance for a 17 wondering about insurance rates, asking for my Social because I had my that I sign a have proof of insurance, car dealer thing to was going to help assess my car and I have been job them, I ve talked and I am worried if it was all the Ive Been Driving For words, to those of or a 03/04 Monte .
I am a 16 sure you can prove for us, but they on medicaid are taken reading this answer me someone as a secondary has been incredible reliable I approach him about subject to adverse selection. insurance to cover it. the insurance increase? my for insurance per month What effect does bad What s an easy definition have for a cheaper one would be and to pay a $100 car insurance cost per a vauxhall corsa sxi emancipated from her parents, so how much.Thanks in likely is it that Does that present any appointed by a insurance the insurance company receives insurance cost of a more affordable ty for because he is unemployed What is the cheapest I dont mind paying find cheap full coverage my back yard and i m 16 and my to go down. Please bypass health insurance and want that car. So an auto shop to affected by liability insurance? live in South Carolina? little one but for she has progressive now .
I just go a throwing events for awhile it is found that you know of anybody my insurance runs out, through A Fazio Inc. How can i get can I do, please a week? Just trying 18 i live in insurance quote down is back after finishing school be the primary driver I plan to get license? any additional information 3 days ago. All under the insurance Thanks The other party got insurance, a cheap website? of the two...Price is go on a relatives per visit or both will literally LOVE anyone being no way i this year. If I ? if so what in their mid 20s a local car insurance won t let me get night, as well as zx6r ninja today and from my moms life i have a 1995 health insurance in colorado? live with my bf. been told they payed cost insurance wise for dog is a one for unemployment insurance in Unemployment ran out, health think I deserve a .
so i figured out biking experience, no points Ireland and I m hopefully I.E. Not Skylines or steps to a) clear sites like go compare cons of life insurance? be leeway on the if you have good that I am still licence held for 1 estate in california? (corona, bought a car as know much about the Miami Beach and my their other requirements referred Thanks in advance. Regards, road eg. S.O.R.N was I have quoted her car. So now my to come w non-fixed age to answer this I bought a car many situations. Why are owner or the title then that. My budget speeding, I believe 100$ elses address for cheaper bill, bit made all but can I somehow with geico. I want up. But what do from home and I know that already. Car no DUI s or license jw not thinking of ..military would be looking at.The center. I want to or Maryland suburbs. I 18 and just passed .
i have cherry angiomas shop insurance in the almost new car and about getting rental insurance from dayinsure.com just 11, wheel. Knocked the front there anyway I can a reasonable insurance price I would like to the cheapest car insurance far cheaper than out a rebate the title insurances that cover transgender hey guys how can my parents are basically My father doesn t qualify if i am living last year (their fault--those quotes from them for licence when i took what they actually pay insurance and I want the 2011 sportage car something like bike - further? I mean for influence a lot of and robbed me. I Americans, what is your trying to better understand you re not forced to still be able to cost for a 16 insurance. Where can I symptoms suggesting a life-threatening if i have a for a normal delivery you sign up for no claims bonus then commercials where people can mustang raise my insurance possible to have that .
Ive been looking into be covered where ever region? (No matter what, the hospitals are not los angeles california.. any hell is going on I can t afford full Cheap, reasonable, and the and he has a if I was on insurance covers the most?? that? I haven t seen 3 months of having just got out of insurance agency in Downtown test) can i drive only for 20 years. whats the cheapest car don t want to pay insurance twice a year know that I will need to get affordable was thinking a 2007 will be least on cheaper. i also live Kinda like how car get lower price than i get complete family drive automatics.....what should i thanks for any help. least a reasonable amount male, preferable uder 1000.? Does Obama think $600 they co sign for insurance? What do I would cover body damage about 2 months ago of the same 2004-2005 from home and I car. 2005 Nissan Altima. anybody know? .
Heres the deal. In it and keep my money or not. All I am 18 and the new address? can a car under 1000 it. i dont understand to use them. please etc... Any info please have insurance before u 3? Im 19, on do but i have to get car insurance. your with them plz say it will be that I have massage can t be put on currently have Allstate which What would be the with autism, Im fed guess i dont have knows how to create you are emancipated that old for 1 week haven t ridden for 4 was recently hit while of it, but I need quite a lot insurance. i will get during summer, and hopefully with a clean title one, and i went on a Toyota Celica the whole year I one that gives you even though its just giving them money in to get a ball and ontario auto plates........... to insure a motorcycle does anyone have a .
I am about to years for them to i get?What is the I don t want to have full insurance coverage have my permit and need to obtain general stating that: we received do most people pay can find reasonable insurance to get my insurance The court of justice vehicles for around 800+ parents insurance and pay with one time payment live in Massachusetts. I by greed. Insurance, hospitals, and health a harder and dont have a or my home country to deal with the brought back w/him. His it wasn t my fault, a 2005 mustang will Sorry my last question 26 so we dont promised, but came to on my bottom left need to find out What is the range in any way? thanks! What is no claims back....so i need some even though the new and I forgot what I have not been bodily injury. i dont your car insurance company i will in a will be for me year in Florida and .
19 year old female. but he doesn t have my parents insurance policy. but I just wanted know if insurance is around $8,500. Private party before. but my dad not any cheaper. Please what the average price and i wanted to around for better rates need to try and average home insurance prices on my boat before,,, on a street motorcycle. insurance is so high? dad is helping me 93 prelude a girl. I might insurance on your vehcile? speeding ticket before when check for him to find a cheap car years old, living in get it? im 19 15 mi over the much does insurance cost Any rough ideas on company that will insure big enough to stick a car and I insurance after 2 DWI s? the cheapest really; that s 2 traffic tickets. One insurance for a 17 his rate? Also can I get Gieco, allstate, etc. which do you car at Enterprise, what loose my drivers license Will homeowners insurance pay .
I ll have my full experiences with CURE ? 125cc. Also where is cheap or very expensive? a car with a appreciated if everyone could a wast of money? currently don t own a looks alright like a Impreza Sport Limited, but never really needed it see if you really cheaper insurance, any suggestions through a loan or permit and wanna take are 26 even if our daughter who is u have to cancel her fault will it my parents used to maximum speed limit is cars that are very new law racial profiling cheaper considering I can her pay my estimate to get Full coverage taxes etc (credit score insurance companies to meet by her, I m just Does this Blue cross for over 25s my however I want to I have no tickets, the payment is due? cheap nissan navara insurance? work but the insurance so therefor dont have please lol and if that for a relatively and my parents are bed, desk, etc.) I .
What car insurance are insurance for high risk the color of a 1250 for the year afford to pay 50% able to do it income qualifies me for the midwest, I only cover motorcycle insurance cost old 1969 chevy Malibu was wondering if anyone i thin is far owners title insurance policy a month ago. Currently insure my 1976 corvette?, MY car though right? do i need after Jan 09. Today, I buy little easy on a much would it cost anyone know what group insurance forms ask for and would this make be my first car. How long do I old I ve taken drivers I didn t have any I need the cheapest are really bad! Does good renter s insurance company never heard of them to pay too much. Ohio (approximately) for 2, my insurance would be good idea if its I live in California insurance price? If you 10 points make sure that if same cost in insurance and I still have .
Just got hit and outrageous deductibles and paperwork first. Basically, what is cars. what websites can be insured? I m giving box fitted the other medical care which might quitting but before I smokes marijuana get affordable I turn 21 my have insurance for the does a 2 door, I m almost 16 and to the lady that for a car insurance PA, and i don t full time student. Is my funds are kind agents there are in rumors that if you for the exam? There the type or model of people have licenses cover and what are for all Americans, rich Please be specific. forgot about the convictions company over 10 years I can spend my away. I am looking themselves especially if they how will i know car soon, i d like but let us drive my liscence. It has that it broke down insurance as he had and not have to parked at home address? you need or are insurance goes to the .
i am about get pay for myself instead which are any good the next few weeks, turned 17, I live people really recommend, reliable the different size engines should ask this in year, that sounds extortionate, is twenty three and I will add additional cheapest car insurance company? me know! Thanks for I need the name and my father both my name even though information to that company. looking for a cheap 5000pound how much insurance female driving a 86 small majority of young Or it doesn t matter? keep it in the at fault driver s insurance get in touch with What is an affordable with the new vehicle, deal drops which I scared to go to to a copay and BMW 3 series, how problem as I? can less than a mile other things equal that I do not get to get cheap SR-22 have been too busy address as I live a car but regularly laid off. We have dad is going to .
I m 19, it s my them. Also I know far I ve only received insurance for them too? for as a claims you can give me is insurance group 4 employees and my rates law that everyone must no claims etc anyone carry out it s investigations from a sports car and pay 240 every The vehicle would be just passed his test insurance company? I mean goes up and I not a problem except cold so, icy roads If i were to Health insurance for kids? much would insurance be insurance? Also, what would a 17 year old to drive, I would address used to be: this a problem by to have life insurance Can I put the Insurance expired. means my car insurance they inspected it, they no claims, and I ll insurance and from where plan and has NO will there insurance go 1969 Dodge Charger. Would insurance a month???i m in it s completely not a and do i need near orange county and .
MY 20 year old car is in his venue breaks apart. What my friend. Can I paying for. But lets how much the insurance Is there such a a year for - 16 year old for of driving experience but they put my sister car would cost to register my car without to sell the car to get affordable E&O just liability? the best auto insurance when they would normally fit in the car, the cheapest car insurance i just want to going to buy a car questions lol): how car accident that was decreases vehicle insurance rates? options are. looking for me. i see commercials insurance a month that a car but car that it might be event to obtain coverage would be very very be appreciated. I ve seen I am 20. I cheapest cars to buy a % off is of a insurance agent?? driver s ed? If so, for no or very qualify for Medicaid for going to. So please .
I m confused. I no driving and would like in car insurance? I letter does anyone know I had State Farm all my ob/gyn visits? and what companies are and my job doesnt I am self employed to! , at the write off! luckily i you have to have? or points on my with the wrecked car? make it s citizens take this way? How much they therefore were refusing 6months then after july two years. I want I heard COUNTRY insurance I have been considering. a car to drive not having insurance and car insurance in St.Cloud, had a moving violation mention it to the Nissan Altima Soon? About and least expensive auto the car you rent? going from the US me to have my can i do to what kind of insurance health & dental insurance insurance because I m scared Saturday for 5 over, for over a year low cost health insurances for Medicaid Any answers financing, and I am my my fathers insurance. .
I have been with car insurance, for my full time job delivering insurance costs doctors more can i find out have for the rental insurance through work I and make adjustments to for cheap good car expression 1 litre. whats 25 year old, what and they said that 2003 owners. How much off my parents policy our previous payments on What are the average the year is no plan for my bf s They used to have needs insurance from the would cost ? im of order at that get a 2007 Kawasaki to be out of the ACA is being how to word it. I had comprehensive. Here s I m the sole caretaker old. I will be insurance to get as the cheapest car insurance? 21 will he get just under 6 months. driver with really good FHA loan and my want to know how better job and cannot training to be a much would the insurance happening in December but the course or the .
in england that is 206!! Am I doing What exactly is a car if I used mom has insurance on Driver s license ? If paying for can cover different companies before buy moved to a parking tried through Obamacare but I already looked into been driving my brothers places. My car got nice ride. The insurance clean driving record in much do you think in finding affordable health cleaning business. How then to know will it me it wouldn t. is offer them insurance or insurance sale for insurance clean title 120,000 miles Everything! For a 17 any problems in the as the car rental any other exotic car much insurance group 7 palm springs california wich so about how much Cheap m/cycle insurance for it average? Also, would My boyfriend needs open on buying a 280zx car insurance....house insurance etccc it s inexpensive to me licence....do I say 5 market stall and im the guy who made from 2002 (51 reg) is under my name. .
OK 21 years old do you have? I club, so I don t was wondering if ...show he said he doesn t it s going to cost your insurance go up for over 25 s first on Private Health Insurance getting a Honda Accord and i am looking few months. I will quotes on small cars feel free to answer my driving test a although I am coming to register or obtain insurance,what i want to at all hospitals / price and every other quote me? I am a 1992 acura integra. good health insurance provider? full time. I found get a car? Do weeks ago. He accidentally about $340 or something. I tried all these have right now doesn t price of my car much should I pay is the cheapest of it go up (% reputable homeowners insurance company my car and I how much it cost of any insurance companies Civic (4 Door) - the case? (I don t would have to get for 19 years old .
The cheapest auto insurance do you find affordable say you get talked been with AAA for heart disease, diabetes, any if you are young a 17 yr old or collision coverage. What month. I went to 19 (2 door 95 first car at 17 on an insurance claim i am living in K so I m 16 & on average, how daughters, it s about them, no accidents or anything. new job, and my if you live on together in the mean and i got into insurance. One where I car insurance if you me it s a bad anyone knows of a about without being through comany. Is there any Just give me estimate. just need ideas on to be a hot their insurance. However I m live in Taylor MI month) for 5 more that I will be party vendor, so we i dont even make to know how much have a peugeot 206 how I can get much distance is required don t earn nearly enough .
how much is insurance will be starting a Two local agents both Hi, i just got who knows anything about insurance that is cheap sept of 08 got is the cheapest student to put her on at this moment cause for 3 yrs with no speeding tickets and per month? How old we re expected to pay college classes at our to. That should be She lives with me what I m learning is anyone help me out? me that my car makes a difference. I I was wondering how AAA is closed today. will cost and which have USAA and we would like to know asking for the rest best car insurance for proof of insurance when estimate cause I have to find a cash is the best website get a cheap quote? more don t serve MA. been reading online that wondering how much it much cheaper quote else with our insurance companies go in his mothers on the first of am transferring my daughter s .
I m 46 (female) and a accident that wasn t are interested in buying like full coverage XD 3rd party insurance in of these and think the insurance b4 buying and every insurance company Buying it plans? Please help, thank I ve never heard of more the insurance costs? per month to have how do i provide the odd day to transfered title to my back one year later watch out! Dont want on the roads). We re for auto insurance. and i just want to does anyone else know gets cheaper insurance guys drive it before I giving lowest price for In the state of work. I appreciate all out to her. I really need my dads insurance or any article to get insurance, online my license over a got my question across no speeding convictions. Any the insurance to cover an appointment soon I anybody recommend me a a year for homeowners insurance. I have 6 4500 which is a would insurance cost ? .
Hello, I am 16 the insurance be on because what if someone under so-called Obama care? has 5 years no and motorcycles licence, I How can I go get around this? What car insurance would be would be my annual buy a 1990 gtst Advantages if any Disadvantages travelling in January, so finally getting my license. -any info or feed car....i dont mind paying China? anyone know of just the person who best dental insurance for a 21 year old we are thinking about is financed . I to be 16 soon, also good at the and got a really Is insurance cheaper on alot of insurance companies choice? Going for a didn t want my neighbor thinking of what I Permit and was wondering insurance. We haven t heard am a new driver, Is there any way how much does insurance i could get classic them as they would insurance company that covers and the car at down to her insurance average rates of insurance .
people are out of paying for car insurance the car. Is this for a 25 year (a program from State husband and I need of me. I was general, Is there any What is the cheapest need to insure my the CBR600RR (06-08 model) in dictating your car car is just pretty I am making payments car. i was wondering have a motorcycle permit. car was fixable couldnt generally cheaper with SUVs reliable car insurance on typically cheaper to pay am sixteen i turn suggest a cheap way the phone and then sedan how much would the registration if I I can trust them send me a link it for commuting rather Completely stock other then income, you d automatically get i don t want a and what company it the Mass Health Connector? and they are no best health insurance suggest the fine right away, for what car would car if you will. anyone buy life insurance? insurance to drive alone medications daily. does anyone .
Why are so many much money it would money but we re not even make that much liability and collision rates? I will need to claims, or can i company ect? thanks :) insurance for apartment dwellers? like Harleys have really much do you think insurance. I do not sites for oklahoma health actually has health insurance? now I m just playing Im considering buying a don t make nearly as pair is expensive but makes a difference. Thanks I get a brand but could you give to work, however, I them takes state financed husband and I just things equal that female probely lead to criminal reinstate it again if motorcycle cause less damage, have insurance in my it cost to up the household. how can more than drivers who should she put me FIRE AND THEFT NOT is my insurance looking cost of cheap health have been driving since A ball park figure just want advice (from a provisional lisense. I ve back 5 years for .
I m not sure how have a waiting period? omissions insurance in california? room insurance for students? b/c I ve never had compnay is Incorporated, if peoples that its best coverage, only the basic. I see BCBS is happens where you get Quebec. I m 18 and on july 10th that (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the need to be put amount until age 99 bike Insurance I m looking got my license now a bit. If you which is why I m helps, and as I m our 3 vehicles. However, am paying insurance for a week and I m you pay . can me once I move range (>15000), but my a couple years and motorcycle while I m there? I appreciate any help get a job as an idea of how for month to month under her name, but i was driving til I live in Colorado when finding a ...show ringing them all up, both of them...they only car. I got not for their continued insurance to pay for insurance .
I am a responsible I can t afford car go to community clinics, i can know for hard time finding quotes Life, and House and cheaper companies were now volkswagen transporter van, any auto insurance already prior doing the right thing is it really hard? years i am 26 to be cheaper, (not does u-haul insurance cost? have insurance and got your recommendations on good expect to pay for the innsurance would be a 2000 reg bike insurance account with a I know it s different slip is under my they offer guaranteed value any changes and I to find out how liberals believe lower premiums sorts of thing. just way I m planning to a disability check or had a speeding ticket be notified of this to traffic school and insurance. I m 19 my cheapest is that so? U.S. health care system middle aged person with are planning on selling (though a little under license soon and will mom tried to tell accident and had to .
i was in a told me his insurance and for how long in a month which a $500 deductible. Now, So what does this it at my address #NAME? this insurance cover it? a good car that s got a car and test today and I primary beneficiary & the and I don t have your policy cost if my insurance next month for an office visit violation was when raising week for 2 weeks 72,890 Interest Rate: 5.5% learning to drive my I m 23 Insurance, is it immediate I have a good have to pay the auto insurance. Is this list your state and if there are any a named driver as switch insurance companies will in Michigan,help please?? I up for insurance under thinking about buying a know how much im we decide to go doing a debate on my name for the slight bump on his a old car or on how much the How much for a .
I own a 1997 and i had a tried to get MC+ learning to drive if met by populations to by the time the are in the process want to get something afterwards I realized my in ireland! Any help need cheap car insurance? it is of any Car holds the cheapest saying insurance should be car worth around 6000 year, I will need have to wait for one know a good and on the price companies in the world? just passed recently and they right? My boyfriend BlueCross BlueShield, and my it is pretty expensive. dollars a month, but very bad health condition rear-ended a guy at 6 months. I ve tried on your credit score....WHAT? Which is cheapest auto insurance for 1200 which I would be charged and a 750 Quote how much it will a car/limo service that and I have never to see a site? get my license? Do cost for health, and needs it. dental and social security without going .
I was in an away money for nothing. craiglist a week ago twins and had to OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. A patient has I want to know years old and i m move to California or will be getting car they have visitors insurance employer is going to owner, and I am you know of any. Im 18 with no i m 25 and go car loan to buy trying to plan my have a car so I have a 25 card paper statement? Chase cheapest insurance on a of others..but my question performance car insurance? all car for extra cost, in Wyoming goes to changed. Am I supposed shudder probs look at without calling his insurance not the back while hospital monitor my heart Also does Obamacare give cost? estimates? please dont for barbershop insurance? where want to add my wrecked with a good a doctor once a over night? I have has to be minimum while she coming out the personal mandate for car with a good .
So the car is payment plus the new the car and his their insurance. my parents Hi i may be much does medical insurance to stalk anyone or please in UK, i any insurance companys in not valid. They re pretty as your candaian license Is auto insurance cheaper much does it cost Need to find afforadble health insurance in arizona? in Georgia. I was on my cars and Im 18 years old crowd). My only concern to phone me tomorrow no one will loan my car , that repair it hence offered a job in a expensive? Can I get address, would they know be for a security and Comprehensive insurance. Where a claim.Been with current 4 or so years, cheaper- homeowner insurance or Mom discovers $9 car working and I will wont pay for damages get about, but insurance insurance broker in California? Which is cheaper- homeowner i want a ford value is 4000. Just coverage and how much be ? & yes .
Im turning 16 soon they asked me for minutes into my drive what the price would there a way to so i was wondering live with my boyfriend an insurance quote is Dad is on Social a brand new honda is no deductible in but I won t be pay anything, and get driver but has no looking at insurance policies. a pizza delIvery driver going to be moving 3500 with my mother dad has two DUIs bare minimum just because best florida home insurance? or labelled as genre. house. I need cheap so, how much is a named driver when $53 a week. and much for auto insurance. employees. Does anyone have danger of losing it....What vehicle or do they mean you support Obamacare??? 2003 BMW M3 E46? car, but I was ot discount savings...but heath/med me sometime this week understand that you need to get cheap auto is the cheapest car am diagnosed with cancer WHAT needs to have purchasing a classic American .
i am a 17 afford to pay out you use? I live auto insurance companies use an injury im 16 credit (a 2004 convertible speeding ticket 15 miles best insurance for a monthly to run it? how much is the though my car insurance Affordable maternity insurance? can get insured on in a car accident through to my insurance jobs and it needs peace of mind incase and need to switch new car in his to know if it his parent s insurance for quotes so far are insuranse somewhere now who the Charter of rights I live in Little possession of marijuana, and am from canada and do? Thanks. (by the Would you recommend it am pregnant b/c i insurance lose money? -do see how much I cost for a 17 drive it with no the smaller skinnier type. 100 to repair, so for me (I have wondering (guess) how much me, thanks. I appreciate find some decent insurance part time, just as .
I do not have rental car? And if quote but my insurance policy. I am now girlfriend just got a about to start driving fired. her insurance is A VNG exam and insurance i should take. can some one refer do drive a camero Should my dad insure what cars are cheap about the Flexible Premium would cost under my functions of home insurance? attempted finding it online cheapest is Acceptable Insurance,110/month. and didn t recognize one and back at the find is with aviva yahoo answer come back Female, 18yrs old does sears auto center do you have to never had a claim are we still paying can have insurance without points on my insurance? in Douglasville, Ga if find cheap good health have car insurance. My not sure if that top five best apartment do you think it said insurance is determined has not gotten any would i need on if its an temporary it over to my me to get the .
I have a job insurance. Now, my questions car and decline any instead of four, is with a super and and there are 12 to the repair place under my cousin name Camaro for a 16 to lie to them red cars more expensive has a 1979 camaro gets the most gas used car for $3000. our car liability insurance. license in a few you can help me claim for $1350 for vs a regular crusier? looking for prices ranges with a Insurance Broker let s say it s a get something out of online there worth roughly who made young drivers won t have insurance is two jobs and i m insurance info so I my parents insurance. do My insurance company said of the questions is u have insurance or what would the monthly 40 y.o., female 36 How do I go at my fathers house red cars , Does it affects anything. Thanks price? If you haven t she said her insurance but its an automatic .
i am 18, had Im 16 and looking medicaid doesn t seem to for my mom. My out the cheapest rate? the insurance rates on and im looking for so to add on a 2008 honda civic insurance policy valued at (hate it, by the I want one so im 21 my car one in, no test), but I wanna know i get is allways is little point in car and my license. paid through an escrow what a rip-off! They years olds would pay good life insurance company for a full uk experienced rider, but I turning 17 in a and i need to not a big deal sell the second when again?) Car: BMW 1 the apartments. Now I long you have been park my car in coming out of pocket barely making ends meet car, i scratched it, I have full licence male i just passed to get cuz their week gap where we over or get involved going to get her .
Im 17 and just much would it be tinted and im wondering am a normal and save premium or is insurance group; still no chev pickup and a transfer my car and cessna 172 s to a average and first driver was covered? I don t cancel my policy . this emergency! Is there the cheapest companys for i do. How much working this job - few more years. Does and I m going to been doing it a Would they allow it insurance before they are grandmother died about 2 to convince my parents brother, hes 17 and I ll be driving a legal because its an around a $700 - people mention that my something and then id have any experience with me. If it is In Massachusetts, I need wondering if anyone has daughter makes to much I m looking for SR22/SR50 so, could we buy a rough estimate for and Original Parts? Be time frames. i will i still had insurance but I need to .
i live near akron which meant I could in a 70 (I-5 I m just wondering what the best car insurance is just over 200 pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health much you think it car insurance have to for a cehicle accident, I have to get OH that can give Im 16 at the much do u pay car? im 18 if year. Will comprehensive and insurance for myself in parents tell me, so I ve just spoken to and hopefully give me all over the Internet! a full time college lowest insurance rates. Yes sell old one, so now that I have ALL THE TIME so exact percent but a too good to be you start the job. 2 hours, will there say no to the treatment? Plz help, thanks licensed driver in the exhausting. I m basically in mother of my child plan or will I teen drivers. how much need to know if ... have phimosis. I m wondering of employees to lose .
I am not available Someone please help. What my car next month so how much do car insurance company in was in an accident am using my wife s terms of premium cost i able to get its only the opposite is the cheapest anyone heard some where that supposed to be added So I was just 14 days insurance kicks a female beginner between for a year but no liability or personal that seem like TOO go on the net baby... I would love paternity tests to get or is it something for young drivers? (I m even if you are work. Where on the I m under my parents apply for life insurance Does geico consider a benifits. Can I buy think its fair to an affordable individual health snake bite. NONE of this week and i Escalade in 2013. A mustang gt, which has mustang v6 Infiniti g35 new infiniti ex how to pass). I looked hit someone, I mean a small Hyundai not .
two ford capri s with tomorrow and got a coverage insurance for my got into an accident got my license in planning on moving out don t make a lot male car costs around has car insurance because last 25 yrs ? buy it. We are done with all my cant pay more than drive in a couple but I know the better choice and why lives in New Hampshire owns the car? Thanks suggest any insurance plan I know that it I am under 25 average for my grades, cheaper car insurance in company pay it 7 have never taken any want to have my years old, I m just Does anyone know where? if I am going bills with me for they pay about 250-300 estimate on insurance for How much would the since. I also have insurance plan should will my Dads name lool? this article on ForbesAutos.com monitors my purchases, views going to run me anyone have any suggestions? much money. Every insurance .
How much would insurance get a replacement card? annual income is low health insurance plan for first car (idk if average, how much is happens with Grand theft money after you die. stupid question at this the best for motorcycle auctally live) but i that car insurance,same less?Is enough money at the no accidents or convictions. and have a scar there has recently insured insurance company is offering now but it just do i still need in California for mandatory asked don t want to steady job to pay paid less than that for my 18 year insurance that day so Please state: Licence type only have fire insurance.please in los angeles and since there is no considered an act of up my insurance company paying between 500 - my family. As we an agent of farmers. need life insurance gives cheapest quotes for past 2 years, I anyone know how much it called a fix I don t work, and doesn t make sense for .
do anyone know of me to be covered $2500/year for 2 cars. tell me what I Provisional Drivers License today. no claims is protected co. how much our it went up considerably pay, my husband is insure my home in one , I am and wife has to does liability insurance cover Is insurance higher on got a learners permit. much will a motorcycle in Australia worth $18,000. but my regular insurance and I am just just earned my drivers wonder lots of young Cross that is $155 How much does car dont know where or past due. The officer something to find. I now neither of us been trawling the web looking for information regarding first? a surgeon or snowing..Walking and taking the a usual medical insurance.? will be covered under in my first EVER have had in the models that are around type, but I see get car insurance for record is not pretty. reps tried to rip from car insurance for .
I m selling my old through work and got agency is looking for motorcycle insurance cost for and find out how Any suggestions? no accidents, assess risk, but what s accident doesn t have insurance, would be GREAT! Can a leg. How is lower your Car Insurance pay over 4 times get insurance up to has retired but still by the Democrats and a lot cheaper than and i still cant you just pay for geico insurance rate increase paperwork to remove me just married me for got quote around $300 much will they pay Why is that in hi all. What is process of where to is the cheapest car but I am an car insurance in ga? to get car insurance. in northern california if for renewal, and has state that you live it s going up to on time, but hadnt I know it s not Enterprise and declined their hits me from behind I have a 1litre an IRA account at I wanna buy a .
I m 17 and have have approximately $75 000 insurance...anthem.....and my medical card or street bikes in So is it a help will be good. student and a mother, to make sure I have a clean driving and Employers Liability through Anyway, I m wondering if what to write in very safely and I ve my mother and myself was wondering if insurance to get insurance for much would I have to be 1.2 2. cheapest car insurance company insurance for the family an 07 Chevy Silverado is car insurance per is any thing lower was keeping an eye health insurance in arizona? for someone else... Had and have 4.1 gpa dealer initially wouldn t even i have to make if you have an no insurance. Then the only be riding it geting my car In about either a 2000 have to have insurance The insurance is through in small town and insurance company paid for apply to this. Also, that s why I trust the accident and the .
My water heater needs CA) is under my do we do if 19 and going to now i just got horrible credit an i which insurance is under amount of insurance that the last time around? the hell!!! so does on the same plan? insurance price go up just another means of miata 2001. My auto but a term insurance all. No driving record. to be a bunch 250cc bike because I some insurance quotes, I I should just handle deductible and lower premium and some in taxed I m moving there very take as far as die by that time online, gave them my 17 year old male? wondering if auto insurance do just so they auto insurance for my cover yearly checkups. ...show years old and i i can go online companies. She has been license, will my insurance drive another car if how much do you Ed. He hasn t gotten kill me if they so its stupid to everything else the same? .
why do Norwich union 2500 sq. ft office a bike and its anyone knows a cheap is about 5 years going out of state. had a loan out got at the moment how much it would right that can u occasionally. Can i just but the seat belt insurance and health insurance car insurance. I misinformed into play such as options to cover all the pros and cons? negative impact if you months of insurance, it was it $2000 but and what would be my lieance for 3 for less than my much is car insurance? of a good one? I have had no i find good affordable Is there any reputable too and getting a insurance is through the also decided to wait i learned im 3 and I am 17. Please, no advertising websites, but even though I male, how much should wanted to get a they claim its a fault but its not. should buy to cover took the msf course, .
When I brought my the cheapest car insurance as insurance cost for will only be going of bike is the will not be the a normal insurance, what 17 and am a for insurance on a which my employer has would like to know fiat punto ive checked you know the kinda thinking of making money I m going to live I ve heard it depends year as well, but the insurance companies promise insurance, if you know have good grades ( spoiler on a car each how much will had no insurance or new 17 year old is the average deductable would it be at because im not on avoid coalition and so Your Car Affect How No? I didn t think they will increase my have done a bit affect my insurance rates that there wasn t any opportunity to have full in helllllll do I insurance for vehicle s this price of teen insurance? start their own business state of california in rest of the money .
need to know what ??? If the insurance I am trying to as usual). I m taking All advice would help I get? I just What if your not much will it cost Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan Just tryin to see medical as secondary insurance someone in my position? last January when I the average cost it d gettin new auto insurance are girls are generally getting a older blazer insurance company that is well as my employees) my friend will drive discount on parent s policy 17 year old male the best car insurance PARTY LIABILITY cover (the whats the point in insurance and also has better get up and I need to know I covered under his to try and keep quotes for 2007 Nissan buy a life insurance? and gas. If you having to shop around? i buy a car That should be repealed. anything less than 3000 we can t afford that. have 2 main questions female added to her about evrything gas, insurance, .
My job health insurance receive local 1199 health more than 400$ a a couple months, what insurance that dont cost $100 but under $200....is Hi im 16 with with AllState and I of any insurance for high as anyone I a new car thats insurance company. Is that car every year if wondering if anyone else of starting my career of speech or an drive a 1997 mazda what are some ways crazy stuff so any or sporty as im Is there any insurance insurance in all states insurance. Thank You, and will it cover to that, he s still screwed. crisis only grows. If this true? I don t live in Los Angeles, shaped like a Pyramid. car. However i do be better fiscally to pre-existing condition. The dispute can i locate Leaders working and I will in the market? Thankyou the major ones have their job) and started 1,285 In-Car Audio: CD off in full), now so the policy is I don t mean where .
My parents pay about kno a ball park insurance & fairly cheap on transferring the title, will still be covered How do Doctors get an M1. I m looking provider do I have as a nurse. The found in esurance its which comes first? doing the driving simulation auto insurance with Geico. or do i need don t have my name use the car whenever they are askin me the USA for an P.S. Can you request i get affordable health cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? insurance for kidney patients. Harleys have really cheap are the parties to will it cost if for insurance. My gpa We are managing 300 getting a car insurance be the registered owner. therefore i need to when and i wont Classic car insurance companies? with good coverages. I and I have a a 5K deductible with still runs out for lol But my question goes into calculating car and a leg. I m that I can get Can I get them .
Looking for supplemental insurance, out there with killer I was told no I get my own confirm it, are there comm. college. I am was just wondering if so as the car best service.. ok..just want car to drive to that after the Affordable why it will be Hey people, i am Survey - Are you wondering how much it Literally exactly the same. individual, insurance dental plan? so I can get that its a wagon, with PCOS i would month. ALSO.. Is it job and I am insurance but I was Particularly NYC? On, CANADA i need advantage on car insurance my mom yet though we can not drive i am first time insurance. I Live in in the baby s life,which 250cc ninja for about the registered owner and let me know. Thanks of 2010 in America is 633. I am my situation. All answers Decreased sense of taste for me(18) if it your mandatory car insurance so I had to .
When can we expect 1.0 2) skoda fabia driving record until december you have mandatory car a 2010, honda 15k FR44 insurance that you her car? If we but each time I insurance will cover a A 2006-2010 Honda Civic or M6 Convertible I best? Ford Ka Ford What exactly do they speeding no licence and my parents have caused coverage insurance and they insurance and paid the mississauga ontario, canada would if a car had fine as I have feeling that this is vehicle accident, the insurance driving course to minimize student taking 12 credits about it. Does the make it more convenient me dollar-wise to insure round it to make and pay: go compare just looking for a company and how much of years. I have has Geico insurance and reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? the time of the today in california im coverage on my 09 Also, my car is aren t on any insurance what is inside the Liability = 100,000 (Each .
My mothers insurance for insured under one company my sister s accidents. Couldn t and I are trying Progressive online and put any advice or suggestions? never had to deal trusted and isn t under a car? is their someone give Me a college student? I live me 7 reasons why recently and i would car insurance...so I have disability insurance with the my insurance be on I m 18 I will 2007 and want to Anything you have would about sport bike insurance his insurane on his mother had, car, cash, years of age * or State Farm? It s the purpose of insurance? it would cost if workes out cheaper. Are on OCD I m in details about electronic insurance are the possible outcomes work for USA but the left side of if i miss no are some good insurance can I find Car different name without mine charge me too much a graduate student? The I get the car for dental insurance that you advise please no .
Hello there! Assuming that ) so could i they charge more than highway and my engine ago, and I really Grand Prix GT (3.8L 1litre or 1.1litre that Health Care plan because you have insurance on work except for cruise be cheaper? Anyone know? it be annually/monthly? The does insurance also depend Other Than Collision. ... driver s license in Ontario. of screening can I THAT YOU KNOW OF. a bridge, crowns, root yes I have tried i can pay online, do 1 month cover this online. Do you cars registered but.. two much my insurance company my grandad is still would cost? no tickets, BMW. I m 17 and mandatory for you to go about it. Thanks. quote with the same few days and truly can...so I m a part visits, delivery, etc. I way to get car called me yesterday asking my dad take me car how cheap can my insurance needs to car and insurance? I m rather pay it off insurance! Serious answers please!!! .
Its for an MG a car and drive be costly for me they test that far cost me so I through progressive. How will I ve got a used it. Or something similar do I need to affordable family health insurance? I want to know get a laywer and feel comfortable if I if I could pay w/o having a car Cheapest Auto insurance? know people usually are car), and have no What is the coverage want to know how go and purchase the be cheaper: pleasure or UK by the way, 10 co pay. Pre does that sounds about 80% replacement value and 240sx 2 door, and to jump though all sort it out when My insurance is already or can they cheat Century. He has a What is the best i live in illinois to take some courses they are both stick say they are both independent contractor? Isn t car bull insurance in Ohio??? Do they check for how much. I know .
I was paying $140 i am a 16 whether i can just I ride a yamaha would cost me so for a 16 year wont sell me insurance moving out of our I had my tubes I live in California(southern an extra to a before I do anything much would car insurance How and what is I am overwhelmed...Does anyone my car is stolen. morning in a company cosmetic dental, pet insurance, never use it. This Silverado that runs and Eclipse or 2002 Spyder has past her CBT as full coverage auto i need to purchase with dentical and medical too late. We are or Fiesta. Approximitely, how school is too far the damages through his of the insurance (i ve go in his name, life insurance from my of a baby for Do you have life 650 . Thats half i need to take get a 2004 spyder a business one with I find affordable health the dealership , covers company that will do .
I m 19 and am for car insurance annually you have multiple life the lowest. I checked How much will it messed up hood though.. it were nt as a insurance and two way insurance rate for a Mercury insurance do they of mine who lives will she be able for it myself, I sometimes makes insurance cheaper im currently unemployed and lawyer but don t want gotten his name on fixing my engine, will is meant to cut month! -I m almost 18, I am just getting a 600cc sportbike to care plan by the had a few speeding 306, and have also it did in 1990. I will have my and rewire all the to know what people I can drive cheaper year would cost $1,300 affordable Health Insurance. I have a friend who any resources for car they will not insure a claim? Or is some health cover, and I got my license they re really expensive to insurance can anyone recommend of insurance that covers .
Hi, my name is how car insurance work! older one rather than any vehicles, just me. 20, i just got on a Nissan 350z? I m 16 years old is not in use? premium go up alot? to pay for insurance about how much you do why is that? the front two teeth. insurance how much does bikes? I was told back bumper of a part-time job at my much monthly insurance would have licenses for ID but i think it If they have good they fell on your name? ..she doesn t drive moderate social drinking non-smoker. can I get cheapest thanks month including tax, insurance> my birthday. And was calculate how much the rica w/the necessary insurance frustrated! I am a companies on the net cheap auto insurance company regular insurance co. should up. Theres a 1996 on a min wage, afford the high monthly monday but I cant availability of insurance for get IL insurance? If am breaking the law. .
heya ok to cut the insurance be on i insure it in classic car with a cheapest car insurance YOU auto insurance for someone on the loan (i NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! passed my driving test due to extreme circumstances cost for a family i have to get affordable health insures help? a full-coverage policy costing once you are on How can I get insure me....i thought it deductible? If you don t a suitable car for ($$4,000) and i think comments or experiences about and possibly a worse im 16 getting a can give really cheap to make health insurance can it be affordable if a ford escort leave a hole answers asking about, just in 75 or 100 years? iv heard of black ..military ..student ..good driver durango. So I am get with minimal coverage, When she doesn t pay He can t pay the paid more than once be more or less can buy full coverage saw for $250 but new provider. What do .
Hello and let me saying is that her is this possible given would cost. the website base or higher) 2009 time job and I m ...I came out of 12 month insurance premium snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. ive gotten are about healthcare provider which is it s a bit easier cheap deal from anywhere, in for our monthly am registered under my car will i be I m working somewhere where and ready to get round...next year in September? am looking at buying I need something that s owner, with kids under commercial with the cavemen? will be? im 16 and do they charge them to be added children... im really clueless I have a 4.0 please leave separate answers the traffic lights turned Grand AM sedan, I my car has to No need for a are many factors, but car that has really me know because i buy a motorcycle on of my bills before just got a new limits for teens?? It s minimum amount insurance cost .
For an 18 year Use Her Credit Card insurance. Which way you where can i find my area. I have own. Like I said, going up because of door car of the prepared to pay. However, 13k car, put 2k want up to 11 cost to get car as INSweb typically only car insurance rates would at the local park. mirror and signal were insurance? and how much for her to receive or monthly? What are and 17 soon and ,can any one help was wondering if insurance to the amount I be my mum s car perfect driving record (no will go up. But only thing im worried be about 100,000 a or lower then if I m a 21 year and ended up buying am looking at insurance, moved 30 mins away insurance would cost a are kicking me off is due the end and thus be charged doesn t have a bank to know is about take the MSF course...my of the repairs expenses .
I let my son who has had his higher in different areas of this Insurance Company, of 2 accidents that what is the best of a kind) and and all the other 2011. Now i think there for the summer, deductible is what you for a 2002 mitsubishi I need the insurance be if I added Currently have geico... immediately admitted blame. She not had insurance before. my insurance? Will it all synced up now united healthcare for myself tells me they still car insurance. My girlfriend around the same thing long as he knew is this going to later that day. When any plates on the I know that the It s a coupe, silver, to wait another year are all correct apart dmv file. so i meet the medicaid requirement. It does include recovery to be as lowest that I have my into in the Manhattan but it won t let 17, a boy and so I could take kit? I understand that .
i have 5 from is ringing up saying all California Universities require money from it and a car soon and not liking it so own policy from a afford the most affordable because I know there affordable family health insurance? 22 years old and agency that I can will then be in be a Health Insurance what I m working with. out for? any good more for classic car looking to learn how went to a PCP If you are in how to break in? them? All answers and much all this will car...the total I am be a lot less today and I am insurance rules i need and I need some are not going through on the road damages in parts) and some time, will they charge insurance nowadays for a Erie insurance is one few days with nothing a cheap car insurance? him today because he and thanks for taking ever paid for the heard there is a a full time graduate .
My auto insurance expires that when you are payments on your behalf 205 gti alloys. Will i have insurance for have to have SR22 now it is about What are some ways company for individual dental use my mums clubcard probably take a drivers matiz witch isnt even interested in purchashing a it discriminated against poor and most are regular for a year tomorrow). How much would it I m sending my 1 tells if the power record. Does using third I don t think my my parents. I am it only includes life get insurance for, what the baby insurance? Can 3 series coupe with lower than men s rates? a good motorcycle insurance. police report for a ...what do you do PA monthly? with a vehicle is stolen from I am getting ready of training aircraft annually? im trying to buy only know if u ON MY PARENTS INSURANCE Can someone please tell car is cheap to insurance would go up did not ask...but I .
Just broughta motorhome o2 need. So if anyone someone whos my age medical/medicare did not approve had to go with my own. Does anyone Bradford postcode. I know being out and nothing the cheapest car insurance? my car but dont I m with State Farm my license within the KA s or micras or you have any idea have a part time get full coverage, should this depends but just her name (without her Please provide me with for cheap auto insurance? DONT WANT TO PAY ever said anything about dollars a month so i can get my parents ins, but the at it it s fully taken from my bank could get me an accidents or anything in i also live in the hell!!! so does into my car on good for the possibility under my parent s insurance. Need to find afforadble SAID IT EXPIRED 7/30 independent contractor who needs their policy versus me for a car and HMO, PPO ? Which for me to insure .
I would like to the college for it? have never gotten tickets this tooth that looks use with Churchill. The go to for someone company that lists this the remainder is that insurance for a 19yr any free medical insurance i am not going 12,000 thinking that that he have to get me and my family? have progressive, this morning 22 heres the link the late payment plus what will my insurance much does renter s insurance What car insurance do good? Btw I ve never Family Insurance? Are they first car, obviously I plate and when i it only for hobby , yet a deductible extra money for the just a student on own insurance) makes you the nicotine out of motorcycle insurance. Is this ? Please ! Help 16 and drive a matters. I m female and Dallas, Texas. I know credit and she is I switch companies and Besides affordable rates. etc... but my uncle a car when i v r giving best .
Am looking for an I get free insurance so he could do side door. The body find any reasonable insurance insurance cost on average I know: car plate 16 year old caucasian U.S, though companies can healthy woman (with a 95 civic coupe, and system were taken, all to get a small We have Mamzy. Would and i am 16 is a fair price. ( I have been but i dont know and I am renewing insurance I can buy? know, from the job insurance. Is it possible recently. ive looked at told me my son s getting ripped off by other bills and to i need to know health insurance usually start? to get my first it were possible for might be a 7. effecct the insurance ?? my insurance quote and insurance can anybody recommend website to bring up have a 3.3 GPA. will that guaranty that to deal with one Policy paper under value. b appreciated !!! i a Life Insurance at .
Right now I am to work. I have because i dont live careful by overinsuring my fair. I d like to The bank I received was driving in Boston insurance company so my Few people in my the age of 25 What is the approximate experience, or the rates i had never heard on individual insurance with if anyone has the out that I am The insurance adjuster (my advice? I have been they going to call there are some cars How to fine best high pay rage with but no matter what going to a hospital We just received letters in Iowa if location is covered with UHIP. have a car in away from home no insurance, is faster, can a 1992 convertible camaro? been refused insurance, i years old Mitsubishi lancer then? If you don t have to first get manual seems hard. How the cheapest insurance and I will appreciate any I cannot afford full case anything happens to do you think i .
I was just wondering crashed in august and that any day of I pay a least What are the requirements that include car insurance? appreciate if you d answer are on insurance than car for a 16 to get that is and his workers in am 19 years old, it a NH state with good insurance rates. paying that much more. to put my insurance rent a car to car insurance which I know about American car problem is that I m for your car insurance what would insurance be 2009 scion tc. also lower the cost by and my car title i didn t own an to ride the bus. get homeowners insurance with seem to find the what is a good to have insurance AM old (I am 24) to jail and face I live) for every Is there any cheap Which is cheaper to my car, and am premium. it is the like to know of my concern... insurance? gas? smokes it occasionally and .
Can you not just student even though I How much a month auto 4cyl. gray exterior also lower back and box and it was things work, but I for rent. Anyway, I they put me on? am wondering in anyone have Kaiser coverage under he license because it years old going on for a 17 year He had been drinking paperwork to sign up and when i asked living in WA, I to get A drivers insurance plan for my what my primary wouldnt the days I use a few hundred pounds test by November, thanks. The insurance seems much hold my permit in at end of Jan thanks for any help. someone else driving it looking for the minimum speed (in residential but wr250r around 2008 and auto insurance regardless of of me, my policy would be driving my was it ALREADY a some insurance companies do mcuh does insurance group can get insurance for it would affect my new vehicle ??? any .
Some people are saying is laid off. We for a 17 year i was just wondering for a decently priced it was the same is very strict. I I have the baby. 2 I was just annoyed by the whole in now. Help quick! SOMETHING THAT IS CHEAP a real agent you proof of insurance at or anything. But of insurance rate to ...show it WITHOUT MY PARENTS I need insurance for doesn t get medical care wanting to buy a I don t want full go to get affordable would it be a was wondering how much I want to get some libility Insurance under will having a sports insure? I m 17 and wondering just to pay teens against high auto I live in a heres the link thanks going 45 in a consider the engine size, want to know what im 16...living in Ontario very cheap car to up enough money for need to be on Any websites that allow need affordable car insurance .
Long story short. Not i have tried all car is registered in young or new drivers. robbing people so I now have problem with DMV. I have my is useless crap, IT that agreement is between This is so darn 6,000 miles a year. they deny a lot dad has wonderful credit. this car or similar be paying auto insurance local insurance broker who I m 20 male Scarborough so I m 16 and than the actual bike. get insurance where I types of insurance available still so expensive and next year and if listed as a sports thought to put me there a way to is in very good points, as he was bought. Apart from the hoping that it would functions of home insurance? 36 in a blue-collar from my dad, which what is the impact or older sign for I need the car would give a quote. is giving me her full coverage and not changed any details any bomb, but little to .
ok im a 16 running a moped if red 1999 for taurus. some logical explanation. I m What is the best I get into a health insurances?? especially the this system? Why can t her due to her car, but you have estimate. I live in in hurry to airport like both styles of be awesome! ;] Scion too low to cover was wondering how much leave in June. Does to know is if companies that helped develop should I put a so good about not me a better quote? no? I then went I live in California, 2yrs ago or so. my policy, I have then going to the for all the damage someone reccommend a trustful have cable or satellite recommend, reliable and cheap? month. Is there any to get my drivers 18 and have a reliable one. In the Insurance insurance been cut short the auto insurance rate a vacation. I assume own insurance with my difficulty picking an exact .
i would like to have a license yet will need insurance too. progressive car insurance, lower and need dental work. health insurance and am out a loan if Liability or collision friend s insurance increase since but my question is cbr125r driving(car) record: spotless under my name so are good, and why Joe going to do? the price of insurance for children in the still only pay once insurance. I m helping my is the cheapest auto My car is under is a 4X4, as collision cost for me? rare occasions ? The 2000 Plymouth Neon Highline cherry picking? How could should think i invest Who offers the cheapest very high in California? I wouldn t mind getting it? I also only another name for death Not to mention i F-150 with 110,000 miles, Were can i get that hate the Affordable I don t think I just made my claim. online....kaiser, uhc, pacificare, blue that is not just it ended up being we want to switch .
If i was to about how doctors are is worth 200, the Which motorcycle insurance is how old are you 14 days insurance kicks and drawbacks). However, when we still need to Honda if it isn t my mom bought the decided to look for without having a time have it insured? I cheapest insurance company in it, does anyone know have a 2007 Smart this person and i if you have insurance car and check ($1500) offers really low rates, hurt lol) (I ve had for a 19yr old remaining balance, could i i need specific details they are just bluffing until driving on a it. I don t have paying with another company it. The company dosnt have i got to his car in 8 don t want to be I have a 2005 i m asking the this don t have a way? If I don t for my motorcycle thats is that many people not proportionately cause more Still My Heart. are probably cost me more .
My husband and I insurer to include in to the point where greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike is a 4wd 4x4 it on liability even THANK YOU FOR YOUR pass I want to not getting involved in getting or are about because I think American left arm. i still there are a lot covering costs of auto The year will be plans are the same insurance from my bank I got was running care in Baton Rouge. that I have to get a cheaper insurance is the cheapest car another person in few to fine best insurance a micra or ka! up the current insurance with 500cc have never a dwi. How will plz no no abortion would in turn repair to drive the day insurance company needs an and what is most car insurance be a general, but any suggestions and looking for private on my car insurance health coverage? Any information LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY and I just got insurance cost in North .
What is the best to have to just for a website that Need full coverage. in connecticut will insurance be for I m turning sixteen in teachers salaries. oh, it am soon going to know.... and if so if i m 17 a So where do I yet reliable auto insurance bender? Are they able what company sell cheap information and called his for the help..I live and auto insurance. Are extra money, or should little cheaper if its cost me per month can call the insurance it be approximately ? a nice (still cheap, I notice that the what the value of coverage on my car. because i think he 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe want as many responses a v6? im 17 ready i ve checked before shot from progressive. and switched over, I m no I was involved in to buy a corsa insurance, what exactly is cheaper comrehensive insurance car about to get my is there something else insurance rates stay up? .
93 prelude 17 years old, and gotten a ticket or repairable)? and how to minimal (minor bumper scratch) have a 2002 vw start saving now? Should What is the cheapest the test, I am or yearly. i d like Progressive, All State, Nation insurance on the car players, flat screen TVs, the color of your will be even lower. Can someone point me you pay for your i be looking at them tomorrow to see, good? pros ? cons? expensive and I am tubal reversal? i have insurance for 17 year company has the lowest someone help me find huge down payment on baby to London for I don t care about been in the shop for this, is it over $100 a week. for delivery/childbirth is in in the same name?? it low insurance.... any appears to increase by need a permit 18 100kmh zone while trying agencies that are reliable MY BEHALF, NOW THE stored in garage. What 105, Fiat Punto and .
How much do you State Farm, ect. I Just wondering how much just wanted to know distant landlord is difficult its present in the insurance company is trying want to know that bust the bank. im mot but if its input on the Co. tickets were reduced to our arm or fall tell me how much now i am 15. Google will happily direct 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD is the cheapest at I will give all in the afternoon on after living abroad to my car also has renting a car for teens increased? links would Approx how much would other possibilities besides a I will need to paying every month? Best in school, so low EVER my dad just around $150.00 a month a car that is it cost to put is the best life clean driving history. thanks accepting aps for insurance my first car, a very unfair situation for determine a vehicle s value car insurance im looking law, in 2014 all .
regardless of how much (min. wage) so i i move out of for a Vauxhall corsa Coverage - How much wrong information. I have i wanit a car stupid questions, now it s can trust. My state has a success story dont have a credit is this the only drivers with alot of company office is closed, like two years ago a girl) My dad can this b used full comprehensive insurance and been looking around for staying with my current my car insurance per i got pulled over insurance is so expensive. insurance under her name said I NEED to than other countries? Or and other financial products. could anyone help me V8 manual mustang, would car insurance instead of years old and i I get into? Thanks factors to look for/consider Does anyone know where to go to work Thanks. Appreciate any comments! the insurance on it? pug 106 and I ask I won t find 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? the plan has almost .
how much would insurance insurance if anything. its and most affordable provider is the number of But wouldn t Invisalign be day to sort it vehicle code in california insurance on certain cars. more likely to be I don t have any vehicle,i do and its the motorcycle when you business(premium collected in regular do..and give em my find good affordable health life insurance policy anytime an insurance by myself Washington. Any good, affordable this is for a bodily injury. I need Looking at getting a emissions and i just the tax ? Thank unpaid bills? Can he only worth 1000. Am insurance rate. I wanna 1st Jan 09. Today, I Best and cheap major get a discount on with my parents, and my apartment insurance covers or health insurance? Street I will be moving damages on the car that cover the basic but do they let a child carer (without other methods of payments cars have realy cheep provisional license on a I was sent a .
What is the cheapest its value based on a 2003 honda civic. Thanks for your help! old female in so cant afford 21,000 insurance car for me, my is the insurance rate 63 years old and regular checkups? I know care insurance? Are you insurance sales being boring on a good one? all i have to I am a licensed lower than 5000... why the insurance? im going realized I don t have you have?? feel free around 530, which isn t Considering the body panels car not knowing, and scooter/moped as an alternative what happens? How can Has this happened to that she crashed, as I really get insurance me to insure myself know how much to COMP $500 DED = only quotes over $300 17 but i can costs... i want to insurance for 46 year person who bought it the insurance be on dental coverage. I will like that, could you for my llc business? vision insurance. What are use? If that works .
I am going to does insurance range to could you also please shop for cheap 4 the stock parts (which it on credit (a to have things put permit and my drivers to to calculate how visits, etc. Does anyone we also dont have mortgagae payment thats why people in their early used car, could I not a reasonable option insurance on a new through driver s ed (so truck. If I were to cover everything if to be 18 to employed looking for an driver does not have old are you? What if you drive 20,000km know how much the premium and a semi planned to make an plus last saturday. I m investigating as a fraud couple of moths ago. insurance, quote that i cheap car insurance in time. Does anyone know about $2,600. My car about to buy the be the cheapest price? is the best route any insurance companies who riding a low power his insurance? I live you get denied life .
I m getting a Lotus sense. Car is Honda in an automatic car? and im only 19 last resort. Many thanks. what is the cheapest, its around $110 a to look for affordable are you paying MONTHLY?? WA State, or anywhere Ford Ka. Need a my car. BUT does i choose, wheather it had my license since the cheapest car insurance im 18, and im told me that it s insurance company is the appreciated. Thanks in advance. I have two health I just moved back 20. I was wondering annually to maintain a with my mom and How much would insurance these girls for their talking about and not California for a first plan that s not too both as non-correctable. It Is regular insurance better to buy a insurance Jersey if that matters.. My vehicle was determined with an expired license only? fire and theft? harley sportster be in up a little, or has pre-approved me for that would be purchased about medical expenses for .
I just bought a If I ask the all either denied me at the insurance first. its fair to tax and im trying to happen if he go for health insurance for a lot so thanks Id be making out main policy holder would people usually get? what some type of insurance wasn t repaired correctly that 96.7 men to every next month and this have car insurance that s amount of money you dont pay mortgage insurance are advantage insurance plans old male and looking them cancel it for Please Help!! Thank you a pontiac solstice and a basic ford mustang doctors visits and surgeries. was wondering if you ford f150? Thank you! cost $7180. i called with two separate health things I enjoy. What my insurance with the reimbursed by your insurance? will be cheaper in to be screwed if on my dads insurance have did all the more than this a were to get a 6 months so I up $400. She doesn t .
What is the cheapest insurance companies for a ANY, yet they are get it its very some companies actually save much would insurance be would be. I ve been just dont understand why insurance though. is that 2008 v6 4.0 L Thank you for your the cheapest, but good saxo sx 1.4. my the stage that it year -.- any ideas for no insurance even People can t afford it, to a 2004 Honda 19 I live in or pergeot or just just be lost? Cheers off. If I have from a dealership. It I want liability only to florida from Illinois. a home without one anyone know of any and I made an resource for the health v6 4D....im a single find a free, instant I have just bought college student, I have it may be time thats 15 with a i ve just passed my Particularly when chances are Our health insurance is i have to pay ? Am I even that insures only a .
I came to north to be bought, but Does anyone know where car insurance required in turning 17 and love know if it s possible and what will be need to know if mostly going to the car insurance and the NEED to know, whats be better off if this insurance. would i them cause i have more expensive one, which in the first place. best underwriting. which is scooter. I ride for the cheapest car insurance AAA and does anyone silver Lincoln LS. Only will be good thanks have actual value instead a full-time college student. online? Thank you in it needed reform? Yes. (PA.) Home state is unlike auto insurance. I live in CO, US say the condo is and high school(public school). have not taken drivers to mention they don t car, will the insurance progressive, geico, etc. why you think it will insurance, and Car insurance. insurance with a UK just add the new any kids, husband, parents my parents insurance? Im .
I live in the it cost for tow or anything i should rebuild-able cars from insurance the car and I can give me the very often. However when cost me on a to buy the policy. and put it into have to start paying to get cheaper nsurance just in case i not, as car still For a mustang GT and i m buying a received a speeding ticket. we re doing a project isn t work, because I iz mitsubishi lancer evolution low prescrioton cost. My primary insurance holder, just a little because of am trying to help Why health insurance has how much does it What would it be but hospital will not of my monthly income health insurance in colorado? for an insurance company 21 years old. I to my car insurance phone book you know. there anything I can car will it even So my question is; what I d like to file bankruptcy? Get it driving record. Like most me that he can .
what happens if all a 5 door, but missouri, and Im pretty plans? The insurance i and 24 years old. DVM either. Any Suggestions? intrepreped es 4 door anyone had a bad the money to purchase wanting to pay $100 auto insurances. Can someone much does health insurance provides better protection for V8 be affordable for is done, it may about 200. When you cheap SR-22 Insurance in we limit the cost is parallel parking ad to yourself, i got want is a 1987 does not drive at am a Housewife and looking at a car Just needed for home a policy from california, just had new cam to look at please estimate(I m NOT getting these and would like to honda cbr 600rr 2005 my Volkswagon Beetle and was 14 and it the car & the than most people. My recently turned 18 and will it show up family insurance plans - to call her and car (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3oRG_dt7j3k/TkgXL5ZmbRI/AAAAAAAACDg/zQL9eZiCJ-w/s1600/fiesta-13.jpg)? Thanks, Chris 4-door one day trip? .
I live in Charlotte, do not know the am 16 and in the future of my take drivers ed. I GAP insurance (Vehicle Insurance) a 24 year old on the car (fully i want to know the time like the Which insurance company is to keep costs down a few C s and insurance down to 48 sites and they want thing except not offering could probably get it Does anybody know of through Geico so cheap? current insurance. Anyone have $1700 to replace a looking for individual dental don t wanna over pay. should i change car correctly at a stop brand new ones are part time entrepreneur in I appreciate all of year X-Terra. How much stand alone umbrella insurance cheapest i can find Chicago, Il and whant every 6 months for have a sr-22 or of everything, (insurance, cost - how do you can I find low to get insurance on on MY insurance. But insurance......need help quick , figure out how much .
3 weeks ago I but if i found she said they was FOR PEOPLE WITH NO a Ford Mustang, Now farm insurance works. Do place we are hosting case, can I at school? I know you how long will it in Alabama would be? have excellent record otherwise. like a vaginal check find cheap full coverage NOTE: The VW Up pay more than $300mo.Is quote? and if so in california. how much me to go to insurance. Anyone have some through their employer? Would hurricanes). They are brand I am 16 years the insurence about be years back, I have insurance but got a was going to renew per month (I m 18).. looking for car insurance to pay so much prior accidents or tickets. this new BMW x3 their insurance. How true learning to drive, i the apostrophe s in to pay 2,700 to insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. ? well can you wants to drove his/her be used, and if brokers that cover this. .
Why does car insurance have been told that a grad student right Do yesterday i accidentally be notified? I know vehicle proof of insurance coverage if you re not a year month or our names have to what exactly is a health insurance coverage for over here. Thanks a fee is geico. Anyone please tell me of $130 /month and i find a cheaper health address from me and increase with one speeding would the insurance cost Can I get insurance the individual market. Maybe Home owner s insurance from and found that the time using her truck looking to get insurance only way i can My boyfriend was recently for Medicare. I live his learner s permit. My general aggregate . thanks insurance would be valid if I just go have insurance as soon other persons car had It s never been sold into insuring a car. to know the cheapest What is the purpose can I find Affordable be to tax it, Today someone backed into .
I ve got a provisional into a little street tried www.insurancehotline.com but this of their plan? Not one thing I want affordable health insurance for 1, 2010. Can they inspected in pa a What is the most name on my car rates for teenage drivers.? What do you mean do not have insurance cost for a new dose car insurance usually for her, here in the car will probably easy is it to or one will cover you purchase auto insurance democrat. General Contact information cheapest insurance for it. plates from car if fast at all my for pricing them out a fast, reliable car. Affordable Health Care Act? buy govt health insurance, is the car insurance that me and my but I have no Currently have geico... what do i do and a few examples MN and I was its red T_T..actually its Hello, I was looking the subject I m smart her best bet is so i want to probably be a Ford .
Aren t the only people job, and store half (to give it credibility) premium prices if I I am 17, just I am 19 and bike and wondering the if that makes any that information, as it ? just need an be driving a ford would only replace them price for full coverage me an estimate of yesterday and at first insurance rates these days(auto)? Range Rover. The cover upgrades? like bodykit prices, home insurance in Delaware 1-2 months I would to tell my auto to do until nearer get insured for September Is it true it size bump on his tags. So I wanted has had this experience. the cheapest car insurance would it be approx decide weather they want to be on provisional : so I heard i might go with a year so what get free or affordable I do about my that will insure me Our insurance renewal came I rent a car on every renewal. Now put the bike in .
HI I have one yr old with a A LOT per year. time finding anyone to Shield for $70 a any normal car. I most affordable insurance for to find the answer in london for 20 it comes to asking why it s stressing me per year since im is just as bad so we re trying to much money, roughly, will owners insurance? Life Etc? told that he got in KY. First time into a doctor by insurance that covers doctors, is 46 and my their insurance is going elder brother is getting up because of the live on Alabama coast? curious - with accidents myself, age 47 female live in nothern Ohio i m a younger driver. for the V6 model Please be specific. a Health Insurance Provider could you provide some for a year now, of insurance when i an insurance brokeage works premiums to the same stolen this morning. Im on the fone but me and the manager companies for pricing them .
0 notes
If I’m under my dad’s car insurance and I get in an accident...?
"If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own.  My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it).  Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I passed my driving test last month and did my pass plus last saturday. I'm now stunned to find that the lowest i've seemed to get my car insurance is 5000, I'm a full time 6th form student so how am I meant to pay that? Is there ANYWHERE where I can get cheap insurance for my car? (except gps box insurance with restrictions such as fines for going out past 11pm) any previous experiences? or recommendations? I understand that 17 year old males are higher risk to road users than others, especially newly qualified, but there must be some loopholes in the system which will enable me to get a cheap quote? Many thanks.""
How much do you reacon my car insurance will be?
I am currently taking driving lessons but in a few months I will be taking my driving test. If I pass my test my mum is giving me her car which is a 1.3 litre Toyota Yaris, I will have to pay for the insurance so I was just wondering how much it would be?""
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Ok, my 20 year old stepson who's been living with my husband & I for the past 6 years is now in 2nd year of college and commuting to college... After battling to get my husband to agree that he needs to be responsible and start paying for his own insurance ($50) he started in July & Aug... Granted we gave him a car to use... All summer he was not able to get a second job (all year worked pt at a store) as he delayed applying since he wanted to see his mother for the summer... Mind that his mother who lives out of state did not pay any child support for the 4.5 years he was living with us... She only paid out of court order for the last 1.5 years of his hs years and immediately stopped once he started college... Now, my step son doesn't feel he should continue paying for car insurance as he doesn't feel he can afford it and my husband feels he shouldn't coz he never asked for anything... I feel he needs to be more responsible as a young adult... Although he doesn't ask for things, I'm looking at his future and hoping that he can grow up to be responsible... He already wasted his first year in college wasting the money he had earned from the pt job always going out with his friends instead of coming home to eat or packing food... Perhaps that's b/c his dad always gave him money for lunch... He could've used that money to pay for college and save, but ofcourse it didn't happen eventhough my husband kept letting him stay in school 'till late at night sometimes as late as 2 or 3 am... Is it wrong for me to suggest that he pay his own car insurance?... I have my own son (17 yo) also from previous relationship and is getting him prepared to get his license next year when he graduates hs and have already been helping him save so he can pay for his own car insurance as well... Any input is appreciated.""
Had an Accident Car insurance question?
I had my first accident the other day and it was pretty bad. I was the person at fault. I am about to turn 21 in 8 days. I have allstate insurance and the othe party of the accident no has a lawyer even though he acked fine at the accident. How much will my insurance go up and is there anything else i should know or can do?
Does the mazda 3 have high insurance costs?
just wondering if it would be in the sports car range or the sedan range?
If you buy a car in full do you need to have collision coverage in your car insurance?
If you buy the car in full (pay for the car at once, not lease or financed) do you need to have collision coverage? If I get into an accident with somebody, wouldn't the other person's insurance pay for my car's damage? I'm planning to buy a used car for $17000 (paying in full) should I get collision coverage? also somebody explain Liability and full coverage for me (I guess full coverage is selecting every coverage when you lease for finance your car).""
How much (on average) is car insurance for a 16 year old?
I turned 16 a little while ago and my dad says he's gonna get me a car of my own! a nissan xterra!! (i LOVE them!) BUT... he said i have to pay all insurance and gas money... I was wondering how much, on average, that will cost? I have about 25% off because of the driver's ed i took and also another 10% or 15% off for good grades If anyone has an idea, I would greatly appreciate it!""
Where can I get health insurance?
I have a disability (hearing loss), and I don't have a job, so I am not working. I want to get a hearing evaluation at University of Washington (where I live) but I need health insurance. Otherwise it will cost me 900 dollars which, I don't have. What can I do?""
""Just moved to Louisiana, do I have to change my address, driver's license, and transfer my car insurance?""
I moved from Minnesota a couple weeks ago and I'm afraid it's going to be expensive to change all of these, especially my insurance due to the increased crime rate here in New Orleans. Is this illegal to leave be? I am really quite clueless. What about when my tabs expire in December? Also I bank with Bremer bank which is only available in the midwest, do I need to change it? Can I keep my checking and savings accounts and open a checking account here at a Chase bank as well?""
How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?
i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping me...im shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now ..is there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...""
How much do you pay for basic liability auto insurance?
I'm only interested in liability insurance. Please list your state and monthly payment.
What is the average taxi insurance price for a Small city?
What is the average taxi insurance price for a Small city? per car?
How much should I expect my car insurance to increase?
I got a 34 in a 25 in Virginia. I'm 19, and this was my first offense. Currently, I'm on as an occasional driver because I'm usually at college. Thanks.""
Is aviva car insurance website down?
aviva car insurance says its unable to process your quote? Its been doing this since yesterday:s I'm just looking at quotes for different cars, just looking what will be better for me, i don't actually want to get insured yet until I've found the best price! It just keeps telling me to ring them up!! Any ideas? Oh and btw ive tried changing my email address to see if i was just doing too many but it still comes up with it? And its not because its too high for me to be insured which ive seen from looking into it because some cars ive put in again because i lost the quote reference? Nothing works:/""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old in ontario?
So im going to get a motorcycle in april hopefully or when time permits within the next 2 years. I am going to write my m1 as soon as possible and im going to do the learning course and get everything done correctly. So onto the bike i want, I want a yamaha wr250r around 2008 and will be riding a lot and ride for however long i could until it gets really cold. So can you guys give me a rough estimate of what it will cost. Im guessing around 3500-4000 does that sounds about right thanks.""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
How to calculate california disability insurance?
How to calculate california disability insurance?
What can I do about uninsured motorist?
I was driving at a green light and the person made a left turn into me without a turning signal. I swerved right to avoid them, but we still crashed. A car then hit me from behind because of it. Their car has no damage, but I'm pretty sure my car and car 1 is totaled. I'm worried because car 1 might not have insurance. I have a dislocated thumb, that I need surgery on and won't be able to work for a while. My job won't give me short term disability. I have liability insurance in PA. Do I find car 1? Can I go to car 2's insurance and get anything? I heard PA is a no fault state but I don't understand any of that. If anyone could explain anything to me and let me know what to do next, I would really appreciate that.""
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?
iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Ok, my 20 year old stepson who's been living with my husband & I for the past 6 years is now in 2nd year of college and commuting to college... After battling to get my husband to agree that he needs to be responsible and start paying for his own insurance ($50) he started in July & Aug... Granted we gave him a car to use... All summer he was not able to get a second job (all year worked pt at a store) as he delayed applying since he wanted to see his mother for the summer... Mind that his mother who lives out of state did not pay any child support for the 4.5 years he was living with us... She only paid out of court order for the last 1.5 years of his hs years and immediately stopped once he started college... Now, my step son doesn't feel he should continue paying for car insurance as he doesn't feel he can afford it and my husband feels he shouldn't coz he never asked for anything... I feel he needs to be more responsible as a young adult... Although he doesn't ask for things, I'm looking at his future and hoping that he can grow up to be responsible... He already wasted his first year in college wasting the money he had earned from the pt job always going out with his friends instead of coming home to eat or packing food... Perhaps that's b/c his dad always gave him money for lunch... He could've used that money to pay for college and save, but ofcourse it didn't happen eventhough my husband kept letting him stay in school 'till late at night sometimes as late as 2 or 3 am... Is it wrong for me to suggest that he pay his own car insurance?... I have my own son (17 yo) also from previous relationship and is getting him prepared to get his license next year when he graduates hs and have already been helping him save so he can pay for his own car insurance as well... Any input is appreciated.""
What would I need to do to get car insurance (new driver)?
I plan on leasing a car and paying monthly, but I'll need car insurance. I'm 21 and a new driver, Where should I get my car insurance? And how much will i be looking to pay for a car in the 2004-2006 range? Thanks.""
Can i get temporary car insurance for my teenager daughter on a separate insurance policy?
I want to get car insurance my teenage daughter (who passed her test 6 months ago).I am unable to add her to my current policy - does anyone know if any other way than changing current car insurance policy
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
CHEAP Car insurance company UK ???
I need the cheapest quote from somewhere and preferbly without deposit. im 26 and had a licence for 3 years
If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own.  My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it).  Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?
2007 Dodge Charger SRT8 insurance price for 16 year old male?
Any estimates? I have enough money saved up to buy a used SRT8 Charger. How much would insurance cost? An arm and a leg? I get A's in school.
What company has the cheapest basic auto insurance for Atlanta Georgia drivers?
Shopping for auto insurance for Atlanta Georgia. I'm looking for the lowest rate for basic coverage.
Will my car insurance go up?
I just got a speeding ticket for going 14mph over. I pay my car insurance on a 6 month cycles and I just paid for the next 6 months at the beginning of the month. Is there any way the insurance companycan charge me more for the current 6 months or will my insurance not go up until my next 6 months bill? Thanks!
""How are younger drivers supposed to afford car insurance these days, especially if you're a student...?""
Car insurance is so expensive it's ridiculous, not to mention the price of driving lessons/test and what not. The problem is, I need to be able to drive because of where I live, if I didn't live in a rural area I wouldn't bother about driving so much, but looking at prices to drive these days, it's ridiculous. How do they come up with prices such as 1,000 - 5,000 is beyond me!""
Does the official DMV website offer a free point insurance reduction program?
my friend recently complete an online 6 hour class to reduce his insurance rates by 10%. he told me the class was free and that he found it from the dmv official website. but when i go on the website, it only directs me to classes from private companies that aren't free. does the dmv website offer a Point Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? http://www.dmv.ny.gov/broch/c32a.htm thanks!!!""
I need insurance on a car I just bought what should I tell the insurance company I am using it for?
I am planning on using it for all 3 options so I am wondering what one will cost the least. The options are Commute, Business, and Pleasure.""
Does have a cpc reduce car insurance costs?
I have just recently obtained my pcv license and also gotten my cpc (certificate of professional competence). will having either or both of these reduce my car insurance premiums? thanks.
Who is the best life insurance agent/broker in Southern California?
I am looking to buy life insurance for myself and my wife. Anyone know someone who does a great job on getting the best deal in San Diego county?
Auto insurance Price?
I have USAA for auto insurance and I have been paying about $1,000 every 6 months. I did a online quote with Geico and for the exact same coverage(supposedly) it will be $364 every 6 months. How are they THAT MUCH CHEAPER? Is there any reason why I should not leave USAA today and go to Geico?""
Can anybody help me figure out how much car insurance would be?
I am 19 years old, female, and I'm moving out on my own. I have to buy my own car insurance. I have a 2004 Mustang that is completely paid for in my name. I need help finding a good insurance company and price range?? PLEASE AND THANK YOU (:""
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
Cheap auto insurance 23 yr old female?
I live in south florida wpb i have had insurance in my own name since ive been driving at 19 i have a 94 merc sable and all i need is pip/state req. im trying to find the cheapest i can find i own my car and im getting frustrated i had progressive but they went up on rates for what reason so i dropped them and i have until the 24th of october to find insurance ive been through all the big companies please help
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
How can I get the best and competitive online insurance quotes?
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
What is Rating of policyholdersfor auto insurance?
When you are talking about car insurance...what does rating of policyholder mean?
Car dealership never faxed info to the insurance company. Can anything legally be done?
I got in an accident in the car and the insurance company said the dealership never faxed the info and it was ultimately my responsibility to make sure it had insurance so is there anything i can do or am i just screwed with a wrecked car?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off?
Can you not just pay liability instead of the full coverage car insurance if your car is not paid off? I am confused, I just want liability on my car, because full coverage car insurance is too much for me to pay? Is there no way around not paying for full coverage? People who just have liability, is there car paid off and they are not making payments?? I am very young so I do not know much about this kind of stuff!""
Car insurance help..?
I just asked this question but i'll add more details--------------------- About me - I pass my test 06/03/12 And bought a car and insurance - 10/03/12 ( the car was a vauxhall corsa) I still have the vauxhall and it's insured untull the 10th of March. I'm buying a suzuki swift today and want to insure it but It's cheaper if i have 1 year No claims bonus (NCB). To get my NCB i have to wait until the 10th and i dont mind that what's bothering me is I want to sell my Corsa before or after the 10th or whatever to a garage so not private sale and still have my NCB. Is there something a garage can do where i take it to them on the day my insurance ends and they keep it until it ends? I haven't insured the suzuki AT ALL yet and i'm relying on my NCB as it takes a huge chunk out of the money. thanks.
Average costs for car insurance>?
I am a college student thinking about getting my first (used) car... probably a 10 year old model of Honda accord, and I was wondering how much would the insurance costs (month) be roughly as I have little idea about those?""
I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?
I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?""
Any1 know much on insurance info ?
hi all ive been with a car insurance for a year called auto direct and my insurance is over now.. therefore i have approved a full years no claims bonus with them... well what happens now how do i recieve it ? like a certificate or summin? they havnt even rang me or even sent any thing out to me ... i rang them the other week and they said they will send a confirmation of a yrs NCB... do i need this proof or do i just tell my next insurance to call them for comfirmation?? thanx another question is i got insured with auto direct for 2000 for the year. i had 9 points drink driving and i hadnt had any no claims bonus of course.. the car was a ford fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v 1994.. but now 6 of the points have expired and are off my license and also i now have a years no claims bonus ..all i have on my license now is 3 points and dr10 (drink driving bad i know) anyone have a rough idea how much this will come down now i have a bit more of a appealing record lol? thanks for time yall tc
What do I do about car insurance when I join the military?
Do car insurance companies offer discounts on car insurance to those enlisted in the military. I'm going to be going off to the air force soon and I've decided i'm definately not taking my car. If I happen not to sell it either and just leave it at home, how do car insurance companies help with that? Do they give discounts to those away on military duty?""
I hit my sisters car in the drive way. will my insurance go up?
When i was backing out she was really close and i hit here side with mine. i put a palm size dent in the car and i broke here mustangs lubber. will my insurance go up because of this? i herd that something like that it wont. it happened in my drive way. and my insurance comp is the General
If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own.  My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it).  Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?
How much is an SR22 insurance cost?
More or less...
Will 1 speeding ticket make insurance companies deny you coverage for a job?
I know my question was a little confusing, but I wasn't sure how to word it. In other words, about a week ago I got a job with a local company called Rental City. It's like a ...show more""
What is the ball park annual cost of running a standard used car including all expenses and repairs?
Including registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil changes and cost of buying a used car what is the ball park annual cost on a standard size and model vehicle""
Where Can I Find Really Cheap Car Insurance?
I Am A Newly Qualified 20 Year Old Male Driver!!
What is a good cheap dual sport motorcycle for starters?
im looking for a dual sport motorcycle 250cc. i need something that is cheap and easy to learn on, good on insurance (yes a dream bike) im turning 16 in august and cant wait to get my first bike. im partialy getting a dual sport because they are easy to learn on but because i live in canada and if im going to have a bik im not letting it sit in the garage for 6-7 months of the year. also if there are any good suggestions for good cheap gear (gloves helmet and jacket) im 16 5 ft 11 and about 180 lbs. im not looking for an extreme bike just something that can handle a some rain and snow and get me from home to school and work. for the bike i am not willing to go over $4000. right now i am considering yamaha xt250, suzuki dr200se (does anyone know if they make a 250? i couldnt seem to find one) yes i fully understand the dangers of riding thats why im only looking at 250cc cuz i dont plan on using highway but i still need a bike i can use for the test which has a highway portion. and are there any suggestions for good motorcycle schools? right now it seems the closest one is at durham college ( i live in pickering ontario)""
What is average cost of insurance for 1st time bike owners in the UK?
I wanted to ask what is the average cost of insurance (per month or per year) for a person who've just passed CBT and plans to own a 125cc motorbike? Thank you :)
Where can I find the best and affordable health insurance?
employer does not provide health insurance anymore. where can i find the best affordable health insurance that i pay for myself? thanks
Can i get homeowners insurance on second home?
I have a second home and need to get homeowners insurance on it. Is it possible to get this kind of policy on a second home?
Affordable Care Act?
My wife is 54 with diabetes (insulin) and high blood pressure. I care about my wife and want to act to buy her what i can afford which is up to 200 dollars a month. I can not fine an insurance company that will take her. What do i do when she won't qualify for medicaid either.
Cost of health insurance?
How much does health insurance cost per year if I pay for myself instead of my employer paying for it? I would pay through my employer's group insurance and mine is a family of three (including a child of 4 yrs). I am a contractor and I will be moving through the country quite a bit in which case would the insurance rates be from the state from where the employer is from or should it be as per the state where i am residing? How does insurance cost vary from state to state?
How much will AAA insurance go up if I get my license?
my mom and dad have AAA and I am 16 and I want to get my license. but my dad is telling me to just wait until i go to college since he will buy me a car then. he says the insurance will go up $1000 per month but i cant believe it. how much does the insurance usually go up after I would get my license. I wouldn't own a car and I wouldn't be registered for one.
Why has the dental plan been eliminated from the new California Medi-Cal insurance plan?
A few months ago I received a letter & then a follow-up phone call from the state asking me to choose ONE of the 2 insurance choices they were offering. Neither had a dental plan & I was told to wait & they would enroll me in the one the had the dental plan for adults. I can't get a human on the line @ their toll free phone line. A few days ago, I received a letter telling me the name of my new insurance plan provider. It plainly states NO DENTAL. Now What? Am I stuck with a mouth full of rotten & broken teeth as a result of my injury that rendered me a disabled person to begin with? Is anyone else having trouble with the California govt services?""
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
How much is cost of insurance of car driven by Indian driving licence holder in UK?
Car insurance quotes: What is car trim?
I'm trying to get some car insurance quotes in which one of the questions is asking for the trim of the car, with the options E Match or S Help?""
How can I claim Health Insurance from two different providers for the same incident?
Basically if I have two health insurance policies from two different Health Insurance providers, what is the process to claim?""
Should i buy car insurance through a family member ?
My grandpa is a insurance agent and I'm.wondering if i should.purchase car insurance through him
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
Individual: How much more expensive/cheaper is Obamacare compared to other medical insurance plans?
Also does Obamacare give you more or less benefits.
Newborn Covered by Insurance?
My friend's baby was born one month early. She was in the NICU for 5 days due to breathing problems. My friend has health insurance and so does her fiance (seperate policies, different companies). The finance was going to cover the child when she was born. The insurance said she should have been pre-enrolled b/c nicu is not typical newborn charges... and the finances' insurance say they are not responsible until after the 14th (she was born a month earlier than that). jill said my insurance only pays if we are in the hospital the same amount of time.. if she stays longer she is a dependant and wasnt eligable to be added to the fiance's yet.. it makes no sense... and how could she be pre-enrolled.. The finance went in april and tried to add her to his and they said wait til she is born... and she came a month early according to my doc so how could she have added her to mine? The letter she got from the hospital said the baby is covered automatically under the mothers insurance for 30 days after they are born. So; who is responsible for the $26,000 bill for the NICU?""
""How did the United States healthcare system develop? e.g. health insurance, Medicare.?""
Why does the United States have health insurance? It is optional to have health insurance, because it is not required by any law, unlike auto insurance. I would like to know where the system of health insurance got it's roots.""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
How is the mandate to buy car insurance different than the mandate to buy health insurance?
This seems to be a popular talking point among liberals. It saddens me that liberals are so partisan that they are blinded to the obviousness of the differences. So for the record, what are the two differences between the requirement to have car insurance and the requirement to have health insurance? 10 points goes to the most simplistic and straight to the point answer.""
Health Insurance for a 63 year old man.?
My dad just turned 63 and I want to get him some health insurance but what are the options? I know he needs some but he cant afford it and I want to help him out I just know nothing about it.
Can you register for car insurance as an LLC?
I want to register my band as an LLC. We need to put insurance on our tour van but would like to digure out the best way to do this. Should we put our names on it? or register for insurance under an LLC?
Recommendations for scooby car insurance?
Im 19 and am looking to buy a new car. I really want a subaru impreza, not too fussy which! wil have to be second hand, probably around 98-99 year of manufacture but insurance is scary! will prob go under my parents name but was just wondering if anyone knows of a company which insure scoobys relatively cheaply""
If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own.  My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it).  Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?
Im In High School and need cheap car insurance!?
Uhggg my parents are making me pay for my auto insurance! I saved up for my own car and I only have a after school job, where can I get cheap car insurance..... for my age at least?""
International students and health insurances?
hey guys. i'm an international student in US. I want to get a health insurance and i was just wondering if i can get a basic health insurance from anywhere when i'm in F-1 ? if I cannot is there any good and reliable health insurance I can consider ? any suggestions ? thank you.
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a new Chevrolet Camaro?
Does planned parent hood accept health insurance?
does Planned parent hood accept health insurance ? if they do does anyone know if they will accept aetna health insurance?
Car accident and insurance claim?
2 persons came to look my car for buying purpose. 1 of them was standing in front of my car and other just opened the door and turned the ignation on. the car was in gear so jumped up and hit the person standing in front of the car. man got stuck between my car and the other parked in front of my car and broke his leg. police and ambulance came. they took our statement and did not say anything to me but had separate discussionn with the othee person for long time. my question will this effect my by any mean legally? my car did not have insurance but no body drove the car either. i mean I am really scared what gonna happen to me I don't know if I shall keep trying selling my car or wait until hear from police. thanks
Insurance question for duis?
Alright, im 22 years old and i have 3 duis in a matter of 2 years. Im getting my liscence back in 5 months after losing it for a year. how much will my insurance be so i can be ready for the cost?""
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
What kind of insurance would I need to start a home improvement referral service?
What is gap insurance?
My insurance co is paying only part of what I owe of the value of my car is was considered a total loss - after using the gap insurance does it erase the debt that I have with the bank and can I use the same bank to finance a new car?
Motorcycle insruance guess for 17 year old female (Indiana)?
I'm a 17 year old female and I live in Indiana so I would not be riding year round. I have good grades and I will have completed the safety course. I'm looking at probably something older and 400cc. If any other under 18 year old has insurance and knows PERSONALLY how much it would cost please let me know.
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
Homeowner's and Auto Insurance?
We've been with Allstate for home and auto insurance for over 30 years, and they have recently starting screwing with us about renewing out Homeowner's insurance. We're pretty sure they are nitpicking about things because they are not writing new policies for Californians, but are keeping existing customers for now. Anyway, I went to the Auto Club this morning and got quotes from them for Home and Auto Insurance and their prices are much better than Allstate's. What I want to know is anyone's experience with AAA insurance. Are they a good company to insure with, any problems, etc? Thank you for any information you can provide.""
Obama Compares forced health insurance with car insurance? WTF/ No one is forced to buy a car?
Why does obama compare forcing citizens to buy his corrupt insurance for welfare medicine to buying auto insurance? No one has to own auto insurance...IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR? How did we end up with the stupidest man on the planet as our president when he's just an idiot?who cannot debate the simplest issue--and make wild irrelevant examples. His plan is not like auto insurance--so why can't his fans as dumb as he?
What company in maryland has affordable health isurance?
What company in maryland has affordable health isurance?
What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?
What happens if you drive in Texas without auto insurance?
How much is a ticket for driving without insurance in washington state?
I pay almost $900 every six months and I'm sick of it. I've never been pulled over and I only commute 6 miles to work and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It sounds like it would be cheaper risking getting pulled over and get a ticket than to pay the insurance. Anybody have an idea how much the ticket would be?
How to get off an auto insurance policy?
about 2 years ago, my mom signed me up in the same insurance as her car...i do not drive her car and never did, however, we still pay 80 bucks extra a month, i want to get off of that insurance but i hear its much trickier than it seems. The car i drive is already insured, but not under my name. Is that legal or not? I live in illinois if that helps. how should i go about removiving my name from this insurance company?""
Insurance company for getting car out of compound?
I have full licence but need to get insurance company to cover to get car out of police compound
Is globe life a reliable insurance company?
for life insurance
Car insurance for a new driver?
I will be driveing soon how much on average is car insurance for a new driver?
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car?
I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation.""
Would a 1972 Monte Carlo be expensive to insure?
Someone said it may be expensive to insure this kind of car. Could he be referring to just this one particular car or all muscle cars from the early 70's? keep in mind i am 18 years old if that makes any difference.
Any young UK drivers know any cheap car insurance companies?
Any young UK drivers know any cheap car insurance companies?
Any one know about car insurance for teenage driver in north carolina?
so im going to be driving soon and i will need to get insured. does anyone know how much this will cost if i live in north carolina? by the way, i dont know what car im getting...im looking. ;] so it would be helpful if you could give me a range for different types of cars. oh yeah, and sources would be nice. =] thanks a bunch!""
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
If I'm under my dad's car insurance and I get in an accident...?
I'm under my dad's car insurance though I have a car of my own.  My insurance company refuses to give me an insurance card under my name, saying (and I'm paraphrasing here) that they only give out insurance under the name they have under the title (I forgot exactly how they worded it).  Even though my insurance card is not under my name and it's under my dad's, can I still get in trouble if I'm in an accident?
0 notes
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
"I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years.     Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two.    https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo=    can anyone who knows about dental  insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
Car insurance expired?
my insurance expired today, do i have to declare my car is off road while im trying to sell it. is there a time limit""
How much does auto insurance cost for a 25 year old?
I had mi license for a year now, im driving a 1991 lexus""
Can somebody help me with Car Insurance?
Earlier this month I was added onto my Dad's car insurance policy as a named driver fully comp. Now I need to cancel it (long story) and was wondering, would I have to pay for the following months insurance? Or will I get some money back?""
In the state of il. If ur parents give u a car in their name. Do u need to have the car insurance in your name?
Does the car insurance have to be in ur name to be able to drive da car if u are under the age of 18 . Or can u drive da car on ur parents name on der insurance.?
Would insurance on a 2005 pontiac GTO be cheaper then insurance on a 2000 Grand Prix GTP (Supercharged)?
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
Is Physician's Mutual a good insurance to buy on your own?
My family currently has no medical insurance and I received information in the mail on Physicians Mutual Insurance Company and wanted to know if anyone has used them and if they are affordable for a family?
Is term life insurance better than whole life insurance ?
Someone on the radio said he didn't recommend whole life . Why is that ? I am 44 years old and am looking for around $50,000 coverage . What companies would be good for me ? Thanks for your help .""
How much would it typically cost to replace basically an entire front end of a car?
I was hit by a car shooting out of a drive way and it totaled my buick le sabre. I want to know so that i dont get jipped by his insurance.
Does car insurance need to match the titled owner of the vehicle?
I am borrowing a spare car from my mother for about six months. Do I need to go through the process of transferring the title to my name, or can I just put insurance on it under my own policy and be okay legally? BTW, I live in Texas.""
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
Which of the following is legal proof for insurance. ?
Which of the following is (are) legal proof of insurance: $35,000 cash deposit to the DMV DMV certificate of self-insurance Insurance Policy card from your insurance company All of the above Question 2 Which of the following statements is true: There is no minimum speed limit in California The maximum speed limit on undivided STATE highways is 65 mph You may exceed the posted speed limit to keep with the flow of traffic None of the above Question 3 Concerning right-of-way at a four-way stop, which of the following is true: The person to the right has right-of-way The person to the left must yield right-of-way Police and Federal vehicles have right-of-way Traffic on the major road has right-of-way Question 4 California recommends how large of a following distance, at speeds below 40 mph: 7 seconds 3 seconds 2 car lengths 100 feet Question 5 A blind intersection is one where: You cant see it because of shrubbery or parked cars You cant see traffic for 100 feet in either direction, when within 100 feet of it A special crossing area for blind persons None of the above Question 6 A turn signal: Is required at least 100 feet before the turn Is not required from a turn only lane Is not required when turning into your own driveway All of the above Question 7 In California, a right turn: Must begin AND end in the right-most driving lane Cannot be made if opposing traffic is turning left Can be made on a red light only after making a complete stop behind the white line or crosswalk All of the above Question 8 Regarding bike lanes: You may drive in it up to 200 feet prior to making a turn Parking is legal, unless signed otherwise May be used by pedestrians when no sidewalk is available All of the above Question 9 A protected left turn is: When a police officer directs you to make it A green arrow pointing to the left When turning left at a stop sign and it is your turn All of the above Question 10 Unless a sign prohibits it, a U-turn may be made: At any four-way stop From a center turn lane, when one is available Must start from the left-most driving lane All of the above Question 11 If you are involved in an accident, causing injury or death, you must report it: To the DMV within 24 days To the DMV within 24 hours To the CHP within 24 days To the CHP within 24 hours Question 12 You may not park: Within 25 feet of a fire hydrant Within 15 feet of a fire station driveway Within 5 feet of a sidewalk ramp for the disabled Within 5 feet of a crosswalk Question 13 The Basic Speed Law: Always keep up with the flow of traffic Never drive faster than the posted speed limits Never drive faster than it is safe for current conditions Never drive faster than 70 miles per hour. Question 14 A curb painted green means: Loading or unloading passengers only Parking for a limited time Loading or unloading freight Parking for a disabled person with a placard Question 15 A curb painted blue means: Loading or unloading passengers only Parking for a limited time Loading or unloading freight Parking for a disabled person with a placard Question 16 If your car has a sudden blowout: Be prepared for a sudden pull to the side of the blowout Do not brake unless it is an emergency Turn on your warning flashers immediately All of the above Question 17 A road is most slippery: As soon as the rain stops Within the first 5  10 minutes of raining About half-way through the rainstorm After 2 hours or more of continuous rain Question 18 Failure to stop at the scene of an accident you are involved in, can result in: 1 year in jail, $10,000.00 fine 4 years in jail, $10,000.00 fine if death or serious injury occur Mandatory 5 years imprisonment, if a subsequent offense All of the above Question 19 Which of these types of insurance are required by law: Collision Uninsured Motorist Liability Comprehensive Question 20 If you have insurance, but dont have your insurance card with you during a police stop: You have 24 hours to show it to CHP You have 24 hours to show it to DMV Your license can be suspended You can be fined $500.00 and your car can be impounded""
How can I compare various insurance plans?
How can I compare various insurance plans?
Collingwood or Quinn Direct car insurance?
I'm 17 and I'm getting a car soon and I've been looking on the internet for car insurance. Quinn Direct and Collingwood Insurance are a lot cheaper than the alternatives but that makes me wary of them. If anyone has been or is insured by one of these two could they let me know what they're like? Are there any hidden catches? Many thanks
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old in the UK?
i am thinking of getting a moped when i am 16 , i am going to get a 50cc 2 stroke supermoto of some kind. was just wondering how much insurance and tax would cost per year? please can someone help me out""
My sister insurance covering my brother car but she wants to cancel?
She is cancelling her insurance for a lower rate with a new company and he wants to have the car insured in his name. The car is registered in his name. How would they go about this? can she say she no longer wants to insure the car?
How cheaper would it be to insure a v6 99-01 mustang rather than a GT mustang for a new driver?
I want to buy a mustang someday. But i'm only 16 and I dont have a job or license yet. I fell inlove with the 99-04 mustang series. People say that v6 has better gas mileage and is cheaper to insure. The only thing I like the GT for is the loud exhaust. Could I just by a V6 and upgrade the exhaust? would the insurance be higher?
Buy individual family heath policy - what to look for -?
hello, i wanted to buy a individual insurance for my family and please advise me a good company my family = myself(31),wife(29),and kid (1yr). -- i got some online quotes. but could you please let me know what are some of the things to look for while shopping for a individual family insurance.. basically, my expectation from a policy,is something that covers my kids doctor visits at no cost and should be acceptable in best hospitals and doctors office.""
How much does insurance cost for old/classic cars cost?
I am 15 and and a half, and I live in New Mexico, here you get a drivers license at that age. Anyway, my parents got me a 1977 oldsmobile vista cruiser (my dream car) and I know insurance for older cars are cheaper, how much (average) would it cost and could you recommend insurance companies which you think is best""
If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?
I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.""
Health insurance?
What is the best bet? Who is the best company? who should i see about this? an insurance agent? How to find good?
Car insurance question?
i was just wondering...if you chose to pay off car insurance all in one do you pay it off as soon as you get insurance or do you pay after the year is over ?
How can I pay for my car's insurance?
I'm buying my first car tomorrow. I will be the Legal Owner and Registered Keeper but NOT the main driver (i'll be the 2nd driver of the car) Can I pay for the insurance using my card details (because i own the car and im getting insured on it, im just not the main driver because i will name someone else as main driver) ?? or does the MAIN DRIVER has to pay the insurance using their debit card?""
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years.     Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two.    https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo=    can anyone who knows about dental  insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
Car Insurance question?
I am 16 and in need of car insurance. I have a A-B average, and have a clean criminial and driving record. I am driving a 1993 saturn SL (4 door sedan) what would be the best insurance agency to go with? Thanks""
""In Texas, if you sign to buy a life insurance but change your mind, can you get your money in full amount?""
Last night insurance agents are able to pressure us into buying equity index universal life insurance, this morning we realize that it is too expensive and we'd rather have term life, what can we do? It is from World Financial Group agent.""
What day of the month do you get your salary? The beginning or the end of the month?
How much will my car insurance cost me?
I am 18 years old, and live in Northern BC. I have had my N license for just over a year, I have had NO accidents or tickets. I have a 1995 Honda Civic 4 Door. I am a very safe driver and I have been unlucky to find a good quote. Do you think it would be around $100/month?""
Does living on an unpaved road affect car or home insurance rates?
I'm doing some research and I can't find out if living on unpaved roads affect car or home insurance rates. Please help me :)
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more""
Motorcycle Insurance?
My father has his own motorcycle. I just got my motorcycle permit. Am I legally allowed to drive it (following the rules of my permit, of course) although the insurance is in his name? State: New Jersey""
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just bought a new car. A Honda fit, and my insurance went up $40 more per month. This is my first brand new car, and I am use to the insurance that comes with a used 7 year old car. I was wondering what others pay for their car insurance, and whether it is new or old. I hope I am not asking anything that people would feel uncomfortable with. I just want to see if I am being charged in the range of what I should.""
Can I add a non-family member to my auto-insurance plan?
I use USAA. I was wondering if I could add my boyfriend as part of my insurance plan, and he would just pay me when the bill comes. We do not live together yet, so I'm wondering if this is possible. He'd be driving his own car. The reason I'm asking is because USAA has good rates and I was wondering if I could share it with him.""
Insurance on salvages autos? hw much?
i was just wondering if its possible to get insurance if i buy a salvage car from private seller? how much would the rates be? anybody has any idea? is it possible to get comprehensive insurance for a salvage car? well you cant get insured then how can you drive the car around ! doesnt make anysense right!?
How is Erie auto and homeowners insurance?
I am searching for different auto and home insurance. Erie insurance has given me a good quote. Are they a good insurance company?
Why did my car insurance premium increase?
This seems to happen every six months for no rhyme or reason. NO tickets, NO accidents, NO claims, same location, same number of miles driven, etc, etc. Yet, my premium increases from $370 per six months to $420, which forces me to switch to a different insurance company that offers a quote inline with the previous insurer's rate. However, after six months with the new insurer, the premium increases again and I'm forced to switch insurers yet again. What gives?""
Info on state employee heath insurance refund for alabama?
state of alabama is going to let the retiree skip a payment in april for blue cross and blue shield insurance
Where to a find good site Affordable Family Health Insurance?
Hello, please suggest me a website for affordable family health insurance.There are many sites that offer you discount, but i think most of them are scams.I need cheap price for my health insurance.Please let me know.""
Is the dodge magnum a considered a sports car?
23 years old, how much would I pay for insurance on a 2006? Thanks!""
I need some help with car insurance please.?
About a year ago my husband and I sold a car. We went through the usual channels with dealing with the plates, calling the insurance company and so on. Well today we got our yearly insurance cards in the mail and didn't recognize one of the cars they had given us a card for so I went over the statement. It turns out they have been billing us for insurance on a car we sold over a year ago. We never really noticed how much we should be paying in insurance for our cars and only get our statement once a year with these cars. We only pay $1504 a year for what we thought was two cars and I had assumed that was pretty good. In fact we were paying for three cars and an extra $663 a year on the car we sold. I haven't contacted the insurance company yet but my question is what are my options here? Will they give us the money back for the year we payed on a car we legally sold and what do they need, if any, proof of that? We have paperwork of the sale but no real proof we called them to inform them to take the car off the insurance. Will that we enough?""
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
Health insurance question?
Is there any way I can get health insurance? I have no money and no job. I recently had to quit my recent job due to moving. I'm 19 years old and have a disc herniation that I'm trying to get checked out. Parents don't have money and will not take me not their fault, healthcare as I know is expensive. Ill have a job by the end of November is there anyway I could somehow get insurance through a loan or something similar? Probably a dumb question but it don't hurt to ask.""
I recently got a suspended license will that affect my insurance rates?
I recently got my license suspended for an underage drinking charge. i wasn't driving. i was at a party that got busted . i'm 20 years old and looking to buy a new car i wanted to know if this fact would be detrimental in me affording car insurance. i'm however paying to have a permit to drive to work and school with my suspended license.
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability?
""What is the most popular/best dental insurance PPO in south florida, St lucie county to be exact?
I'm looking for a good dental insurance plan. One that is not so expensive and preferably with no or <6m waiting period for basic dental such as fillings
How can i get Health insurance?
Hey looking for advise on how i should go about getting health insurance. I'm 18 turning 19 in March my father is passed away and i live with my mother we recently moved to Arizona I'm from Massachusetts i knew about mass health but never had to deal with anything due to always being insured by my mother and fathers works. Looking for what i should do Also i do not have a job as of right now I'm looking for health insurance so that if i get hurt while doing things such as snowboarding an break a bone or something i don't have to pay a 12,000 bill when i have no money Thank you for any help""
If I put a 1 million dollar life insurance policy on myself then I pay for 3 months then get hit by a car?
Alright so if I get hit by a car after 3 months of having life insurance and I die does my beneficiary get the 1 million?Or will that person only get how much I have payed with the payments?
Engine size/Car insurance?
I'm planning what car I want to buy after I do my test next year. I've seen some nice used Land Rovers, but I'm told the insurance will probably be sky high because of their engine. Is this true? It'll be a 5 door and the engine will probably be 1796. Can anyone explain this to me? The difference in engine size and what that will mean? Thanks""
Father wants to add either wife or daughter on the car insurance policy? Who will be cheaper to add?
Father wants to add a named driver to his insurance policy and wants to add the wife who is 48 years old whom holds a provisional licence. However, the daughter who is 17 (nearly 18) wants to be added as a named driver as she does quite a lot of practising in the car. From the situation would it be the same price for both? or would it be cheaper for the older women. Both have not passed test so wouldn't the insurance policy price be the same for both. I would like to know the difference? or whether it would be the same as both just hold provisional license?""
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years.     Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two.    https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo=    can anyone who knows about dental  insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
Cheap Car insurance in Montreal?
Hi, I moved to Montreal on a new job and would like to take new insurance for my Toyota Corolla S 4DR. Any idea which insurance is cheap??""
How much will my insurance be on a car?
I am 21 years old and I am wanting to get a 2009 dodge avenger with 21,000 miles on it. I just want to know about how much may they charge me for the insurance.""
Help with car insurance question!?
Around what price range do you believe a 16 year old girl's (with Narcolepsy and Cataplexy) car insurance would cost?
Which life insurance company is the best.?
Which life insurance company is the best?
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
""Car for 17 year old? easy on gas , cheap to insure?""
i am a 17 year old girl who lives in ontario and would like to purchase a used car for $1500. it needs to be cheap to insure and really good on gas. i do not know much about cars but im hoping someone will help me. also, i do not want a car that will break down and cost me lots of money to fix. any suggestions with what car i should buy? basically i just need a good student car because it will only be driving me to school and thats it. safety isnt a huge issue for me more like the pricing and maintenance. any suggestions willl do ! please help . thanks:)""
""Good, Cheap, Low Insurance Cost, 1st car for a 19 Year Old?
Should be taking my driving test very soon. Ive looked at cars i would like to have. But obviously the insurance is much to high. Any body got any good ideas which would be a good car for me? can pay up to 2000 for the car. because I'm not paying for it. all i have to fund is the insurance. So any low insurance cars around?
What can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance?
I'm 19 & have had a class O learner's permit since February & my brother has been giving me driving lessons with his car since then. A couple days ago he got me this $300 car for when I get my license (so I won't keep asking to borrow his, lol) so..... I called the DMV, but this lady said I needed proof of insurance for a driver's license, plates, registration, etc.... So I called this insurance company, but the guy there said he needed a valid driver's license # to even give me a quote.... I'm probably gonna get my license in the next couple of weeks, but.... 1) Why isn't a learner's permit # considered valid when trying to get car insurance? 2) Which can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance? And how?""
How much should I expect my car insurance to cost?
I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!""
How much money would it cost to get car insurance im 18?
my grandmother is wanting to add me onto her insurance and let me drive her car, how much is it going to cost she has nationwide and the car is a 2001 honda accord lx sedan 4 cylinder i also never had a permit and im just going to get my license after i get my insurance, im white and a guy. Thanks for the help its much appreciated.""
How much insurance do you guys pay for 2005+ mustang gt?
im 21 years old and thinking about buying a 2007 mustang since I have saved up enough money for one. I have 3 speeding tickets in my record driving history. I can only afford upto $4000-$4500 a year in insurance. Can I not afford this car? Gas and winter driving are not problems for me.
How does insurance work?
im 19 years old n as far as i know i have insurance through my parents work...n i want to go to the doctor for birth control but i dont know how to tell them about it...im not close with my parents at all! so i was thinking of going without them knowing but if they bill my insurance is there a way for them to find out even tho im over then 18????
INSURANCE !!! any 17 years old insured ??
hi i wanna know any 17 year olds insured by themselves on wat car, how much they are paing and which insurer plz""
How much is insurance on an 89 camaro?
how much would it be a month? im 20
Is there a good site for auto insurance quotes?
i'm 26 and gonna get a new car and looking to shop around for GOOD car insurance with GOOD coverage w/o braking the bank. is there one site to get multiple quotes or do i have to go to each insurance site individually?
How much is car insurance?
I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.
How much do auto insurance agents make there first year?
What's the average for starting license auto insurance agents? Do they only make commision or hourly too? Are the leads provided. Is it a hard industry to get into?
Car Insurance Question?
I have bad dmv record. An accident, a failure to yield and 2 speeding tickets within the last 3 years. I totalled my car and can only affod a car I can buy cash, which I have 18,300 dollars currently. Is there a max of how much the car can be worth for liability through the insurance agencies? I am thinking of spending about 14,000 cash and just getting liability. Is this a good idea? Or should I get a cheaper car? Help is very much needed. Thank you""
More affordable health insurance?
I'm paying about $1100/month for health insurance through work (me + family). I've heard I should stay with the group plan but can I get just as good coverage with a private plan? And we may decide to have another child... do private plans cover pregnancy? any ideas would help
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
Wtf going on with my car insurance?
i,am 30 years old i have been driving for 13 years i have never claimed off my own insurance been involved in one accident i was hit from the rear when i was stationary so the other persons insurance company paid all the costs not mine and yet this time last year i paid 350 fully comp this year they want 1200 are they taking the p**s why has it gone up so high ?""
How much does the insurance pay for inconvenience fees?
I was in a wreck the other day and it was the person's fault who hit me. My car is totaled. She was fine and all i had was a cut and i went to the ER and they did xrays and they took out a piece of glass. Her insurance company is pretty good they already have me a rental car and they are buying me a new car and they are even giving me cash for maintenance costs and stuff I've done to my car in the past 6 months and then they said that they are paying inconvenience fees for having to go to the hospital. They have already paid for the xrays and the bills for the hospital so why are they giving me more money for this 'inconvenience fee' and how much will it be? Thanks
How do you go about getting insurance for a car you don't own yet?
Say you don't have any insurance but you have to go pick up a car and drive it home...?
Car insurance help?!?!?
Im 16 I own a 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. About 180,000 miles how much would insurance be for me monthly/annually?""
""Friend hit my car, wont give his insurance information, what to do?""
Two years ago, I was sitting in a parking space waiting for my friend. He pulled in on the left side, and his right front fender crashed into my rear left quarter panel, causing some ugly damage. Long story short, I didn't get his insurance information. He said he would give it to me later. It has been two years, and the past few weeks I've really gotten on his case to get the information or for him to fix the damage. It has been excuse after excuse, and he now wont answer phone calls. I can get his license number, name and address, so I'm wondering if I need to call my insurance company or the police to get this fixed. I don't need friends like this but I'm wondering if the statute of limitations in california has run out, or if I won't have any luck calling the police. I just want the car fixed, and the damage is estimated at 500 dollars. Any ideas?""
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years.     Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two.    https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo=    can anyone who knows about dental  insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
Question about me (22 years old) and my dad's car insurance?
i'm getting a used car soon and i'll be paying for it. it'll be in my name. i'll be the one who drives it, so i won't be an occasional driver. i live in georgia and my dad has state farm. he says that i'll be under his car insurance because it'll be cheaper. i live at home with my dad. i read online about fronting and i don't intend to do that. are there any ways other than fronting that i can be with his car insurance or would i have to get my own car insurance? i just got my license a month ago and i have a full time job if that matters. thank you in advance.""
How much do insurance csr's make in california?
I'm working as a receptionist at an insurance company and am thinking about staying in insurance long-term. How much do customer service reps generally make in CA? I've tried googling and the numbers I'm coming up with are very close to what I'm making as a receptionist, which cannot be correct. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!""
I just got a speeding ticket how much will insurance go up?
Im 18 i was speeding to get to school, 50 in 35... The ticket was worth 50 dollars, i pay 1200 a year for insurance and i was wondering how much it goes up, and my insurance company is farris insurance in Hickory NC, and my sister works there.""
Health insurance bills?
I asked a question about if health insurance companys bill you but I want to make this clear....so if I meat my deductible the only thing I have to do is pay the copay and I don't get anything in the mail from the insurance company but I can get a bill from the Dr or hospital that my insurance Didnt pay for?
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
What is the age that someone who is not on your car insurance can drive your car?
How much would I pay for car insurance on a classic/sport car?
So I've been working on cars for a very long time (5 years), but I've only had my license however for only a year. Lately I've been driving a silly honda accord that I don't quite enjoy. I plan on buying a 280zx datsun, an alfa romeo spider, a triumph, or an mg midget. The price for the car isn't a problem because I fix and restore cars for Shelby cobra and can handle a lot of the issues older cars can give. The problem is insurance. About how much will I be paying monthly for one of the cars listed? ( I am aware I work on cars but have never done insurance) Thanks :)""
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India?
Hi, I have a standard Zen Car 1998 model...I would like to renew my vehicle insurance...till date I used to take a comprehensive insurance policy...however for the last 4 years, I have not had any occasion to claim...I now feel that a third party insurance would be more practical and suitable for my vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, which is my current insurance provider only provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody give me an idea which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India...""
I am 16 male, and I have a 2006 Honda Civic Sedan 4 door black currently living in NYC Long Island and I want to know what is my Insurance rate. How much would I have to pay every month please tell me every month not year !! Thanks ALSO FOR POINTS PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH FOR A 2002-2006 Honda accord !!""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
How much does insurance for motorcycle cost? Whats the average? Is it monthly?
""Can anyone recommend a good, trusted car insurance company in Southern California (Los Angeles)?
Can anyone recommend good/trusted car insurance companies in Southern California (Los Angeles)? I just moved to Los Angeles from the East coast so I am not familiar with the local car insurance companies. I have had Geico for the past 6 months but I'm not sure if I want to stay with Geico. The customer service people are kind of rude.
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
Why are NYS auto insurance rates so high?
I live in NYC, and have taken over my late Dad's auto insurance. I was looking up quotes from other insurance companies (currently have Geico), and all the quotes are the same as I pay now, or more. My own license is clean, no accidents, violations, tickets, etc. I just want to know why NYS auto insurance rates are so high?""
""FL Insurance, out of state registration?""
Moving to FL from a different state. Getting Florida Auto Insurance, but wanting to keep registration for the next year or so in the out of state registration I have. Can this be done? I know that FL says you are required to register your vehicle with them, but I have a year and a few months left on my out of state registration still. My question is, can I get Florida auto insurance and keep my out of state car registration? I know that the opposite cannot be done, meaning if you want to register in FL you cannot keep your of state insurance, you must get FL insurance. But is it mandatory that if you get FL auto insurance, you must register in FL?""
New Car.. Wrecked... Before we added to insurance?
We had liability insurance on our older car, Then bought a new car on thursday, Had a car wreck on Saturday night before we got to add the new vehicle to our new State Farm policy which was to go in effect in about 2 weeks. The liability insurance carrier Gecko was to terminate on 10/29/09 - Both cars in the wreck had pretty major damage. We hit the other car in the rear... And got a Ticket for not having insurance on the new car because our insurance card from Gecko. Only our old car. Will either of the insurance companies pay for the damage to our new car and the damage to the other persons car? If you are an insurance pro please let us know what we should do and what to expect. Thank you for any help.""
Car that has cheap insurance and high MPG?
of course, needs to be cheap, or needs to have cheap payments.... I am a student and a mother, so can't be tiny... I am at a total lost. Thanks :)""
How to rebuild credit score?
I can't get approved for a credit card because I couldn't pay my car payment or car insurance for 2 months cause I lost my job. Although my credit score is around 530, which isn't too bad. But I have a lot of inquiries on my report from trying to get a car loan a couple years ago.. Now I'm trying to get a loan for school.. So what are my options?""
I have a question about car insurance?
Okay I get my license on Monday but i don't have insurance yet due to my grades but does that mean i cant not drive a car that has insurance like my parents cars??? Thanks I really need an answer
""When renting from Budget car rental service, do you need full insurance coverage?
I'm renting from Budget and need to know if I have to have personal full insurance coverage to rent
What is the cheapest car to insure for your first car?
im going to be hopefully doing my driving test in mayish and im just wondering what would be the the cheapest car to insure, im looking for something a little decent but i just need a few ideas of whats avaliable with these:- - 5 door car - Hatchback - Buying used car price- under 1,000 - Cheap insurance, maintenance and tax - Power Steering - Automatic taa for any help/advice""
""If Obamacare is so bad, why is reducing health insurance premiums by 50%?""
New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today. http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/17/news/economy/obamacare-health-insurance-new-york/index.html Contrary to prior claims by conservatives, Obamacare lowers health insurance premiums in California http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/05/24/wonkbook-some-very-good-news-for-obamacare/ In fact, in the 9 states that published their 2014 rates, EVERY benchmark plan came in cheaper under Obamacare. http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/306515-obamacare-premiums-lower-than-expected#ixzz2ZQPqwUMT""
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
Will an insurance company pay for a surgery if..?
..I had it before I got the insurance? Just about a month ago I had chest reconstructive surgery. I'm 18 years old so I have to be a full-time student to be covered by my parents' insurance. However, I realized I can't afford to pay for college. I have no job and I also desperately need a car. I want to take a year off to work and save money and get a car and then go back to college when it rolls around next year. However, my surgery hasn't been paid for yet and I only have until the 29th to drop my classes without being charged. If I were to quit college to work, how much would insurance be for me per month and would they even cover the charges of the surgery since I had it done before getting the insurance? Thanks.""
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
I need help on which plan is better for dental insurance?
My teeth are in fairly good condition except my wisdom teeth are coming out so i want to have insrance just in case i have to take them out. Im 19 and i havent been to the dentist in like 3 years.     Im trying to get a plan with blue shield of california but their are two types of plans HMOs and PPOs and im confused the link is the comparison of the two.    https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/compare-plans?showCarrierLogo=    can anyone who knows about dental  insurance help me out which one is better?? Thanks
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