#{Verse Stuff}
casshasfangs · 23 days
The European High Council of Vampires
The European High Council of Vampires is the central organising council for all of Europe. They meet quarterly at minimum, to discuss issues pertaining to those with the Dark Gifts. Each Region has their own High Council to discuss minor regional affairs. Regional European Council decisions that pertain to the Eternal Rules, or to vampires outside of the region, are unenforceable until affirmed by the European High Council. Each European High Council meeting must have at least two voting members present from each Regional council meeting. Notable names related to the High Council include:
Central and Eastern Europe
Sascha Holbein inherited their seat from their Maker, an Ancient vampire. A patron of the arts, Sascha is an acclaimed fashion designer and stylist, whose aesthetic revolves around the exclusivity of their brand.
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Ivan Androkov earned his seat at the establishment of the Council, due to his sizeable coven at the time. Ivan regularly hosts million-dollar soirees, where the climax of each night is a live feeding frenzy.
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Sophia Di Nichols assumed her position after her Maker was killed during the Vampire Wars of 1830. There is a voting bloc in place attempting to remove her from her position.
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Tannaz Davidovic is a particularly unpredictable voter- when she bothers to show up. Shallow and callous. The first woman to sit on the European High Council.
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Northern Europe
Mary Ducane was "elected" as secretary for the Council in the 18th century, after she was found guilty of planning to turn her twelve year old human daughter. While she had not actually committed the crime, so could not be executed, her "crime" meant the Council decided that she needed to "reside" full time in the Council chambers, and serve them for the remainder of her existence as penance.
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Stefan Guomittor is generally regarded among the council as a young, liberal voter, despite being several centures more experienced than some other members.
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Malachi Ricci is known as a ruthless decision maker, with a proclivity towards bloody, violent results no matter the subject of discussion.
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Western Europe
Henry William Halestorm earned his seat as the result of his advocacy within the British Ministry of Magic. Deceased.
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Robin. Inherited her role from her Sire, Henry William Halestorm. At the time of writing, Robin has not assumed her role within the Council.
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Adela Marbot is the main representative for her coven, who collectively hold a seat, as the oldest coven of vampires in France. Largely voiceless, her opinion does not count for much.
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Southern Europe
Elias Farrugia inherited his seat from his Maker, who is currently at the end of a century-long punishment for breaking the Laws. Determined to show that he is not one to break laws as flagrantly as his Maker, Elias always errs towards caution and votes without compassion for alleged rule-breakers.
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Antonio Costa had a seat purchased for him by Ivan, with whom he had a very brief affair. Antonio is a charismatic vampire, and the Council's choice to replace Henry Halestorm as Being Representative to the British Ministry of Magic, before the position was filled by a half-veela.
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Caius di Affogular, one of very few remaining Ancient vampires. For this reason, his votes are considered with more weight than other members. Regional councils have been known to bribe him to move to their Council area for the voting power alone.
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spiderpussinc · 1 year
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saw this grindr screenshot that really spoke to me
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tecochet · 1 year
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mary jane's husband and his boyfriend
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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Burn them all
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phantom-angel-wing · 11 months
I miss wandering around town with nothing to do, finding reasons that you didn't have to go back to your parents quite yet.
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supine-ly · 2 months
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this is my first time drawing Piper is it obvious
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gay-fae · 1 year
part of what made across the spiderverse so perfect was that it was largely centered on WHO spider-man is, in EVERY universe. not just Miles, or Peter, or Gwen, or Miguel. Spider-Man. it was about the ESSENCE of Spider-man. Spider-Man is love for humanity. Spider-Man is having to sacrifice and lose everything you love for the mask. Spider-Man is rebellion against the powers that be. Spider-Man is about trying to do both, in every universe. about not taking no for an answer or listening when everyone tells you your destiny. refusing to choose between the things and people you love. that’s why Spider-Man is so compelling: they want everything, even though everyone else tells them they can’t have it. that it’s not meant to be. and they just. keep. trying. keep getting back up. they just keep going, man.
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sodamnbored · 1 month
Jason: Hey come on, you’re definitely gonna get into college, no doubt.
Percy, sighing: I hope so. It’s just…sometimes I just feel like the biggest fuck up in the world, you know?
Jason, hand on his shoulder comfortingly: If only you could see yourself through my eyes.
Percy: *looking at him expectantly*
Jason: You’d be amazed at how blurry you are.
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anniebass · 3 months
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high spice tolerance, my ass
(old man smut)
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collieii · 1 year
someone probably said this already but in spiderverse i think it's interesting how when pavitr was first introduced everyone thought something bad was gonna happen to him bc of how confident and optimistic he was. and then in the actual movie we see that something bad was supposed to happen to him (police chief dying!) but it doesn't! miles stops it! and miguel berates miles for this, says it's going to cause the universe to collapse or whatever.
there's this idea that tragedy is inherent to spidermans growth, and while it's true that some spiderpeople learn important lessons through loss, no one stops to ask, is it really necessary? yeah, maybe the chief was supposed to die. but why does spiderman have to be formed through tragedy? why do we (as heroes) have to let people die? pavitr didn't lose anyone, and he's still a good spiderman! maybe, if he doesn't suffer, he'll end up better off for it!
so while miguel is arguing for all this big picture stuff about saving the multiverse he's lost sight of what it really means to be a spiderman, he's not looking out for the real individual people. yeah it's just one person who would die, but that one person means something to someone. shrugging and saying "stuff just sucks sometimes, we can't do anything about it" is the opposite of what superheroes do. pretty obviously, miles arc is also a reflection of the struggles people face in real life, working within unequal systems, where it's easy to shrug and say "that's just the way it is" and not ask "but why does it need be this way? can't we do something about it?"
miguel is arguing that you can't have your cake and eat it too. presumably, miles and co. are going to find a way to get around that and change things for the better (and maybe that's why miles has that line about two cakes in the advisors office!)
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possession1981-moving · 4 months
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THE FIRST OMEN dir. Arkasha Stevenson, 2024
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paintbrushnebula · 6 months
Hey so like. I was thinking 💭
Since it's confirmed that Beyond the Spiderverse will feature Hobie's dimension in its entirety...
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do you think we'll see this happen? Gwen and Hobie performing together live?
And like hey wait a minute, mis amiguitos
Does this mean Miles will get to see Gwen perform live on stage???
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spiderpussinc · 1 year
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sorry i do really like concept art miguel who looks depressed as fuck im slotting him earlier on the timeline
(the concepts in question)
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tevintersnakes · 5 months
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back in the fallout pit, fortunately my art has improved since 2016 so I can draw doctors hanging out together somewhat effectively now
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technically-human · 2 days
Can you draw something with Doom Patrol!Edwin and Netflix!Edwin?
Maybe something about Dp!Edwin talking about his feelings for Charles with N!Edwin?
It's just something I've been thinking of, make it a little angsty?<3
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Glad you asked
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nightowl374art · 1 year
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if Gwen Stacy always falls for spiderman and Miles G. Morales was destined to be spiderman then that would mean another Gwen Stacy lives in dimension 42–correct?
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