rangespacer · 2 years
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August Pierce @infamous-if
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I really really wanted to draw August in something more edgy and visual kei (dare I say kote kei even?) inspired sooo :3
My main inspiration was Malice Mizers Illuminati looks, some Dir en Grey (mainly Toshiya) and Jiluka 😸
And with the new Madmans Esprit visuals and mv I’ll probably draw someone inspired by that too hehe
vv close up & progress vv
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melit0n · 10 months
My Roman Empire is all the characters who are never in any of the adaptations of The Phantom Of The Opera (I love you The Persian, Comte Philipe de chagny, Sorelli and little Jammes)
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verdiesque · 6 months
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i don't remember if i've posted this before but rossi-lemeni named the biggest coward of the opera world fr
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butchlifeguard · 2 months
i saw the goofiest review of kotms2 yesterday. 'its just guns and drugs in the hood 😒' yeah 🫶
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c10v3r · 2 years
they get up and shes like "i did not give you permission to do that. >:(" and immediately tries to tackle them again she will NOT let you go until she says you can -💫
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image of pb accepting their fate (truely horrific)
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reikunrei · 2 years
bro just for shits i was like lemme check out this stranger con thing i saw noah tweet out bc it’s like a 45 minute drive from my house maybe it’ll be a fun weekend excursion. and that shit is so expensive. oh my god. like i get that these fuckers are like Big Celebs but oh my god. $100 for an autograph?? ON TOP of the general admission fee??? bye omg
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french is a fucking LANGUAGE jesus christ
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artzychic27 · 7 months
Here’s more Favoritism AU stuff
The police have received many anonymous calls telling them that Marc has drugs in his locker at DuPont. An hour of searching later, they haven’t found anything, but due to his record caused by you-know-who, they usually come running any time his name is mentioned
It’s given Marc a reputation as a “badass criminal,” which is not what Marinette intended, but at least people think he’s capable of committing crimes
Nathaniel, Lila, Chloé, and Félix are trying to figure out which gym Marc does to so they can watch him work out
Nathaniel: *Staring at a map* Okay! I think I’ve narrowed it down! He’s at the one near the pool hall!
Félix: Ah, of course! It’s the one furthest away from the wretched shrew’s bakery!
Chloé: We’re so stupid! It makes perfect sense! It opens in ten minutes!
Lila: Let’s go see dem biceps!
Little do they know, he’s joined an underground fight club as an outlet for his anger
Marc barely flinches anymore when Marinette insults him. He honestly stopped caring about what she had to say when he was eight
Now he just listens to death metal on his AirPods whenever she talks
He actually threw a printer at Mme. Bustier after she compared him to his cousin. She dodged, unfortunately
Marc REFUSES to leave Kiran alone with Marinette for even a second, and he most certainly is not letting him play with any of the kids she babysits. Lord knows what poison she’s been feeding them
Carrie Powers AU ⬇️
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Discovered his powers when he was seven and a rock nearly hit Marinette
Marc does arson with his mind. There’s no evidence so no one can convince him
Lila’s the only one who knows about his telekinesis and being her chaotic neutral self, she convinces him to cause a little chaos around DuPont
So far he’s tripped Damocles, kept the lockers of Marinette’s lackeys permanently locked, tore up Marinette’s homework, and ruined Marinette’s outfits with paint
Lila: See? I told you revenge could be fun.
Marc: Okay, I stood corrected.
Lila: Yeah, you did. Now let’s flush some phones!
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tomarrymort Phantom of the Opera AU snippet~
It’s another night of Harry sneaking out to practise on the stage, illuminated by the oil lamp he’d begged off of Mme Weasley ages ago and kept filled with his meagre stipend. He’s already sweating despite the chill in the unoccupied theatre, going through repetition after repetition of the basics, ingraining them into his muscles and memory. And suddenly, a simple piano tune starts to play in time with his rhythm.  He starts, spinning around to see who’s caught him but finding no one there – yet the piano keeps playing. The hair on his arms raises as he wonders whether those rumours of an opera ghost weren’t bunk after all. “Continue,” commands a cold, beautiful voice as the music stops abruptly.  Harry is tempted to run back to his bed with the other petits rats; he’s tempted to tell the voice not to order him about. But he wants to dance, and there’s something furtively exciting about performing for an unseen audience focused entirely on him. So, he continues with his pattern for a couple more repetitions, biting back a giddy grin when the music begins again. As he listens to the song again and again, he can feel the steps start to take form in his mind, and he lets his feet guide him across the stage. He almost loses his footing when the playing seems to hesitate for a beat, but then it springs back to life and starts growing and changing, as though it’s challenging him. Harry loses himself in the music, allowing his body to move as it will without conscious direction, subsumed by the notes and tension and emotion he feels channelling through him from the pianist. [...] “You’re Ginny’s angel,” he calls into the darkness. The reply is dryly amused. “Is that what she calls me?”
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Pomegranate Seeds
Chapter 1 - AO3
A/N: After this chapter, this story will be posted exclusively on AO3.
The glares of his new classmates burned Felix as he exchanged pleasantries with Mme. Bustier.
If there was any doubt Adrien had already explained the… situation he caused with his impersonation, it faded under the strength of their looks. It was only two weeks after the anniversary of his aunt’s disappearance after all; no doubt the wounds he caused trying to defame Adrien were still fresh.
Particularly the wounds of the three girls who ended up getting akumatized because of his actions. He’d have to avoid them in the future in case they wanted revenge on him.
Mme. Bustier instructed Felix to sit in the back next to the black-haired girl who had confessed to Adrien in her video. It was both good and bad: good, because it kept him out of eye-sight from most of his classmates, bad because there was little doubt in his mind that the black-haired girl would try to get revenge for his cousin.
Typical Adrien, always ready to let others do his dirty work for him.
Felix nimbly dodged a kick from Lady Wifi on his way up. He’d researched his class before insisting to his mother that he should attend school in Paris, specifically in his cousin’s school with his cousin’s class. He’d found Lady Wifi’s blog—he didn’t care enough to remember her real name—early in his research, but it was only useful about discussing her classmates’ akumatizations. The rest was trashy articles about the Parisian heroes love lives.
And the false exploits of another one of his classmates, but that was blackmail for another time.
Meeting the weight of Lady Wifi’s glare with a glower of his own, he smirked when she flinched away from him. Amateur. Was she even trying to be intimidating? Felix was a cold-blooded blue-blood; he’d stared down the most intimidating members of the fashion and movie industry and held his own. One teenage girl was nothing compared to famous photographers, directors who thought they could order him like an intern, Audrey Bourgeois, or his uncle.
He slid into his seat by the black-haired girl. From the back, he could look out over the rest of the class. He had full view over everything: the cutesy posters on the walls, the top of Bustier’s desk, his classmates whispering and passing notes. All was visible under his eye. The windows behind him were good too, reflecting all the light the room needed onto his desk and back, keeping him warm despite the winter weather.
He watched the others calm slightly once he left their immediate sight, turning their attention back to the liar he’d learned about last night. Bafflingly, they listened with rapt attention to her story about convincing some prince to forgive convicted criminals. She spared an obvious look behind her, locking eyes with him, as she mentioned that everyone deserves a second chance.
How despicable of her, using his own unpopularity to make herself look better.
He was almost impressed.
He glared at her and she gasped, folding in on herself so everyone else would take pity and comfort her. Her acting wasn’t even that good; she couldn’t cry on command and her shoulders shook, not like repressed sobs, but like she was violently shrugging. He directed children who were better actors.
But despite the girl’s bad acting, her seatmate rushed to comfort her, rubbing her hand over her back and murmuring in her ear. Their surrounding classmates, excluding Adrien who did his best to ignore Felix, glared back at him.
He couldn’t help himself. He smirked.
“Excuse me.”
At the stern words, Felix turned his attention to a new problem: the black-haired girl. Out of the entire medley of videos Adrien had received on the anniversary of Aunt Emilie’s disappearance (a month after his father’s death, for which he’d received no word from Adrien, not even a text of condolence—), her video had memorable. She’d confessed her love to Adrien, sappy and heartfelt and so genuine that he couldn’t help but pity her. Adrien wasn’t a good person to fall in love with; he was more likely to string her along to ‘keep the peace’ than reject her outright.
But that was then, and this was now. And now, she was an enemy with close access to both his person and personal items. Who knew what she could do—
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she continued, a light tilt to her head. “I’m the class president, so feel free to ask if you need something. However, I must ask you not to start anything with the rest of the class.”
He sneered. “I assure you, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng—I am not here to start anything. That won’t stop me from finishing it though.”
“That’s fine,” she agreed. Felix blinked in surprise. “Self-defense is self-defense. But I would make sure you have evidence that you weren’t the one in the wrong. Certain members of staff tend to victim blame.” Her eyes flicked to the front of the class, where Mme. Bustier was trying to bring the class to order.
“That’s absurd.”
“That’s reality. I just thought you ought to be warned, considering how everyone already hates you.”
“Oh? You noticed that, didn’t you?” Voice dripping with sarcasm and a curled lip, Felix looked down at her. “And you’re different, right? You’re willing to be on my side, defend me from your bad classmates, comfort me when your friends bully me?” He scoffed. “Save it.”
She sighed. “Think whatever you like, but I’m not trying to use you. I’m not a liar. Besides, I doubt they consider me their friend anymore. If they harass you, then they’ll harass me too.”
He studied her for a moment. She looked tired: dark bruises hung under her blue eyes and little strands of hair stuck out of her pigtails, like she hadn’t bothered to properly dress her hair. “…You’re not in the back out of choice, are you?” He already knew the answer.
“That’s right.”
“You said that you’re not a liar. You were referring to the Volpina girl?”
Her eyes widened. “Her name’s Lila Rossi. You know she’s a liar?”
Felix rolled his eyes, promptly forgetting the name before it stuck. He didn’t want to remember anyone. “I can do basic research, yes.”
“You shouldn’t bring it up to the others then.”
“What? You don’t think they deserve to know—”
He watched warily as her frame trembled and her fists clenched. “Of course they deserve to know; they just won’t listen! They’re so trapped in the lie that Lila’s an amazing person who needs their help and that she’ll help them fulfill their dreams that they can’t listen to reason.” She calmed herself down, breathing deeply. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. But they hate me because I tried to tell them the truth. Don’t give them another reason to hate you.”
He scoffed. “And I’m supposed to assume you don’t hate me? I saw your little video, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng. I know how you feel about my cousin. And I was the one who tried to ruin his reputation.” So show your true colors, went unsaid.
“I don’t hate you, M. Graham de Vanily.” He scoffed again. “I don’t! I’m angry at you, yes, but… I would like to give you a chance. I don’t know the circumstances that led to your… behavior two weeks ago, but regardless, I’m willing to give you a chance at friendship… provided that you don’t do something so cruel again.” She looked away, her cheeks ruddy. “If you want.”
His eyes narrowed. Pretty words from a pretty girl, but did she mean them? “Do you always forgive so easily?”
“I try to.”
“That’s a good way to get stabbed in the back.”
She smiled, close-lipped and bitter. “That has been happening a lot lately. It’s alright though; I’m willing to risk another stab wound.”
He hadn’t expected that. What on earth had been happening in Adrien’s class? They seemed close before, from what he saw online and through their videos, but to isolate and hurt one girl to the point that she’d be willing to risk friendship with him out of all people…
Before he could think of a response, Mme. Bustier finally called the class to order as they started their lesson for the day.
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny
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msweebyness · 2 months
Dahlia Winters’ Rules for Her Students
Here’s the final part of the saga! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Always. Ask. For Pronouns. And respect them.
There are at least two fidget toys per student in the bottom desk drawer. They are available for use at any time.
Do not send Brecken and Evie out of the classroom together. The same goes for Jesse and Anthony.
In a similar vein, if Reshma Leghari or Lacey Greene from Mme. Mendeliev's class asks for Margo, do not send her with them.
The words 'disappointment', 'idiot' and 'useless' are banned in this classroom.
The game UNO is absolutely forbidden under any circumstances. Not even with adult supervision.
If Eri begins to murmur to herself in Japanese, or Brecken in English, that's how they re-center, don't disturb them. (Eri also sometimes writes answers in Japanese, just translate them and grade the answer.)
Jesse's monocular vision sometimes makes seeing the board difficult. Have auditory supplements or notes with larger text ready for him.
Aggie is not allowed to go downstairs by herself. Neither is Eri.
If you are sending any AFAB students out of the classroom between 10:00am and 10:15am, make sure Brecken and/or Soo-Yeon accompanies them.
Evie cannot help her natural curves, so if you're a dress code freak, don't get on her case about wearing more layers.
If Jesse is having an anxiety attack and Anthony is not currently available, send someone for either Mylene Haprele or Jean DuParc.
Anais' mother is not allowed in the class. Neither is Evie's grandmother. (The same would apply for Jesse's father, if his ass wasn't behind bars where he belongs.)
If Dot takes out her binder of notes, you are to listen to what she has to say.
If Anais or Candace falls asleep in class, do not disturb them, but leave a small cup of coffee on the desk. They both need to rest.
If Mona begins to have one of her 'spacing' moments, have someone gently tap their shoulder and redirect her to the task.
Keep first aid supplies on hand for Soo-Yeon. The boy is a walking hazard to his own safety.
Ayesha leads a ten-minute meditation session each morning. DO NOT FORGET.
Never discuss grades in front of the class.
If you are having trouble understanding Margo or Aggie due to their accents, give them a hand signal and they will know to write it down. They'll understand, but don't make a scene of it.
During an akuma, you make sure everyone is accounted for.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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empirearchives · 11 months
Napoleon as the black angel and Tsar Alexander the white angel
This is from an excerpt about Madame de Krüdener, a religious mystic during the Napoleonic era, from the memoir of Leon Dembowski, Moje Wspomnienia, Volume 1. (Source)
A bit about her career:
“Her literary activity was followed by various writings and pamphlets about humanity, in which she plunged into mysticism and presented herself as a prophetess. From 1806 to 1814, despite poor health and exhausted strength, she began to walk through Russia, northern Germany, the Netherlands and France, gathering listeners around her, handing out money and pamphlets.”
Her teachings:
“The principles of her teaching, both repeated in writings and disseminated by living words, consisted in implementing the principles of the early Christian Church and abandoning battles and wars. Moreover, the abolition of the death penalty, the return of freedom to subjugated nationalities and the strict exercise of Christian mercy completed this philanthropic system.”
In which she finds her ideas to be at odds with greater geopolitical events and social currents of her time:
“These sublime and beautiful thoughts, which probably once prevailed in beliefs, had few supporters in the era of Mme de Krüdener’s activity. All Europe seemed to be one camp, and Napoleon, on the one hand, and English intrigues, on the other, were completely destroying it. Everyone was thinking about the marshal’s baton, principalities, subsidies that Napoleon lavished, and while some were longing for constant conquests, others were thinking about how to break Napoleon’s yoke. Therefore, her apostolate, which could only reach places where the French eagles had not reached, did not really reach her convictions. Seeing that the path of persuasion would not reach her goal, she began to prophesy and predict the fall of the black angel (Napoleon), who would be struck down by the white angel (Alexander).”
What’s interesting is that the duel between Britain and France is diagnosed as the source of Madame de Krüdener’s problems, so she turns to a third party (Russia) to be the savior.
Her influence over Tsar Alexander I:
“As a result, Alexander wanted to know her, and it must be admitted that this partly corresponded to his inclination towards mysterious things, because many similar examples can be cited in the life of this monarch. […] Throughout all these years, Mme de Krüdener constantly worked on Emperor Alexander, having established influence mainly over his mind, pushing him towards mysticism, religiosity and abandonment of liberal principles.”
The author makes note that Madame de Krüdener and Tsar Alexander died around the same time.
Bold letters by me.
Pages 180-182
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lafcadiosadventures · 7 months
Hi @l832 !! thanks for the tag 💗💗!
Last song I listened to: Till the End, motorhead
Currently reading: mme putiphar, started Gaspard de la Nuit since Cam recced it, it’s ideal if for whatever reason you cannot handle a long book, (and very good in its own merits). i really like the narrative frame of stories written by the devil + the grotesquerie, the portrayal of the brutality of aristocrats (still not over messire jean), the division of the arts in either a callot or a rembrandt cosmovision (which i find pretty funny bc lots of ppl would class both of them as grotesques) and learning that there is a black virgin statue in dijon, when I associated black religious images with the latin american baroque era.
Last watched: a screening of Los delincuentes. Really unique philosophical slowburn heist comedy, and one of last year’s best. I am gonna mention that the soundtrack features one of my fave ever pieces by piazzolla (not one of his better know pieces so it was a wonderful surprise) and it was great to listen to that in cinema quality audio.
Currently obsessed with: pinnipeds, hands of glory, overcoming drawing challenges, ancient musical instruments, gerard de nerval, inca skull surgery.
Tagging: whoever wants to do this+ @sainteverge @deadbirdlife @ginkovskij @counterwiddershins @squidsploitation @saltedpin
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madamelareinette · 3 months
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Marie Antoinette (2006) dir. Sofia Coppola / excerpts from Ambassador Mercy's epistolary to Maria Theresa regarding the rivalry between Marie Antoinette and Madame du Barry, translated in English by Olivier Bernier in Imperial Mother, Royal Daughter
Madame du Barry thought it necessary to go and pay court to HRH one morning. She was received simply and easily. It was done with dignity and in such a way as to displease no one. – 15 June 1770
[Marie Antoinette] added that [the Dauphin] showed pleasure and trust in listening to her [...] that he had nothing but contempt for the comtesse du Barry and her cabal; that when she asked him why he allowed himself to be part of those people’s circle, he answered that he had to be careful. – 20 August 1770
HRH is not always careful to greet the King with as much enthusiasm and obligingness as she should; besides, she still talks about the favorite and is always egged on by Mesdames. – 17 December 1770
I told her that the people who belong to the comtesse du Barry’s party were boasting about being treated badly by HRH and that they should not be given the impertinent satisfaction of thinking that Mme l’Archiduchesse was concerned with them, that the best way to punish them was to speak to them now and again with an easy and indifferent look, and that if Mme la Dauphine had spoken even once to Mme du Barry herself, I was very sure that this would have upset all the wicked plans of a cabal whose greatest illustration comes from the way they withstand the important efforts the royal family makes against them.
Mme la Dauphine, without disagreeing with my idea, stopped me on the question of the comtesse du Barry and said naively that the fear of displeasing Mesdames her aunts would always prevent her from saying a word to the favorite. – 22 May 1771
Mme la Dauphine, who was playing lansquenet with the King and the royal family, found herself sitting next to the comtesse du Barry; HRH put on an easy expression which showed neither disgust nor annoyance; she spoke to the favorite when the game made it necessary, all with a good grace, doing neither too much nor too little.
Besides, I have noticed that Mesdames, who urge Mme la Dauphine to remain severe and silent, do not forget discreetly to do little favors for the comtesse du Barry [...] It seems that Mme la Dauphine is always put forward and used as an instrument of a hatred they dare not avow. – 24 July 1771
On the tenth, I found out that the comtesse du Barry was to join the circle of ladies the next day. [...] HRH promised me that she would address a few words to the favorite but said that she wanted me to be there; that at the end of the card game I must find the favorite and speak to her; that Mme l’Archiduchesse as she went around would stop near me and, as if by accident, speak to the comtesse du Barry. [...] The card playing was ending, HRH sent me to the favorite with whom I started a conversation. Immediately all eyes turned toward me. Mme la Dauphine started to speak to the ladies, she was coming close and was only two steps away when Mme Adélaïde, who was watching her carefully, raised her voice and said, “It is time to leave; let us go: we will await the King’s return at my sister Victoire’s.” With this, Mme la Dauphine left and the arrangement failed. – 2 September 1771
In relation to Mesdames, Your Majesty’s advice is proving effective, and I see with great satisfaction that Mme l’Archiduchesse (at least in certain cases) frees herself from the domination Mme Adélaïde tries to maintain over her. What happened on New Year’s Day gave me a recent proof of this. It is customary for all women presented at Court to attend the royal family on that day. I was informed that the comtesse du Barry was expecting to do her duty, and on the last day of the old year, I obtained an audience from Mme la Dauphine, during which I used every imaginable means to convince HRH not to treat the favorite badly. It was not without difficulty that I was able to get a promise on that subject. The essential point was that Mesdames should not be consulted; luckily, that is what happened. In the morning the next day, the comtesse du Barry appeared at Mme l’Archiduchesse’s; she came with the duchesse d’Aiguillon and the maréchale de Mirepoix. Mme la Dauphine started by speaking to the first of these ladies; then, pressing on to the favorite and looking at her with neither awkwardness nor affectation, she said, “There are many people today at Versailles,” after which HRH immediately spoke to the maréchale de Mirepoix. – 23 January 1772
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dolphin1812 · 1 year
Fauchelevent is hilarious. 
While Hugo’s descriptions of him here are fused with his critiques of Catholicism/religion more broadly (stupidity as a “great merit in religion”), the irony is clear from his words to the nun. Stressing his infirmity, his “brother’s” age, and the chance that Cosette might become a nun all work to gain her confidence, suggesting that she’d merely be assuring the future of the convent rather than introducing another man into the environment. 
The fact that Fauchelevent knows everything about the convent but doesn’t take advantage of that (until now) is also a fascinating contrast with the gossips of the novel. Like him, they have a desire to know all about those around them. However, they both actively seek out that knowledge through their networks and are willing to weaponize it. In contrast, Fauchelevent absorbs knowledge passively (learning to filter out the sounds of bells to better listen to people, for instance), and this is the first time he’s used this to anyone’s advantage. Of course, Fauchelevent couldn’t really gossip in the way others in society could because of his isolation; the nuns have some fondness for him, as illustrated by his nickname, but it’s not appropriate for him to interact with them often. Consequently, he doesn’t have people to share his knowledge with or to use it on. Still, it’s notable that the first time we’re seeing this all-knowing social figure in a positive light is with an outsider. Women like Mme Victurnien were very much a part of their community, while Fauchelevent, as a man in a women’s convent, is on the edges of that community: he’s vital to it, but he’s also not central in it. That marginalization of sorts seems to change how this knowledge works in his grasp, making it an instrument to benefit other outsiders (Valjean and Cosette) rather than a tool to enforce existing hierarchies.
The contrast between Fauchelevent and Valjean is intriguing as well. I don’t want to go as far as to say that Valjean can’t be clever in social situations. That’s not true, as he handled Thénardier quite deftly. However, he stands out a lot more than Fauchelevent, with his awkwardness and anxiety (stemming from the trauma of imprisonment) making him seem off to others. Even as Madeleine, when he was in a respected position, his strange manners were a source of gossip in the town. Fauchelevent’s social skills are on another level. Perhaps he wouldn’t have the same ability to work around shady figures like M Thénardier, but he is able to put others at ease by seeming inconspicuous, and that, too, is a strength at times. It’s wonderful to see how that ties into his intelligence, with his invisibility serving as a chance to learn and as a way to appear non-threatening when making requests.
I also love the nuns. Mother Innocente’s last comments imply that she has a scheme of her own, and while the secrecy of the convent is an issue (how can there be democratic, communal decision-making without transparency?), it also makes for very entertaining drama. 
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