#|their seven greatest|
determined-magi · 6 months
Dreams of my downfall realized... [Timeline's ending Epilogue]
Drifting through moments, then all of a sudden it hits me... What if I stumble and all of my world starts to fall?...
Their return to their homeworld is bitter, but accepted.
It was an outcome they had already seen, one whispered in their mind though they desperately tried to heed it not.
Armored shells never once turn back, as they listen to Void's aimless words, its patronizing nonchalance ever apathetically indifferent to the hollow turmoil tot he answers they now had. Or... at least as close an approximation as they could get.
Hope... such a double edged blessing and curse...
They should have seen this would be how it went, to be honest. Their grave had been dug centuries ago, after time and again making the same mistake and never learning, until little to nothing remained as they fought against the relentless tides that dragged them underwater. This was their sentence, their grave, their punishment
They had to now lie in it.
They were sick, wrong, twisted and beyond salvation...
To think otherwise had been foolish, and it had cost not only them greatly, but to many others. In blood, in pain, in lives, in grief, in trouble they never deserved. And they would have to live knowing that, the rest of their human half's lives, until they forgot how to be themselves, until the sickness erased what remained of the humans that, once had foolishly believed they could change their story.
And so they return, tail between their legs, just as empty handed as they had returned to that place. Not a tear to shed, to their unconcievable dismay. What could they say?
Creation had been right, Kairos had been right, Clemency was right. And they could not fault What Henry had felt, they could not fault and could only respect the Cosira's desire.
They were frauds at best, deluded selfish monsters at worst. Unbefit to be given another chance, for they had squandered them, time and again with their own hubris, betraying all goodwill in their stubborn arrogance. One that was beyond self-destructive, and one that was best isolated, kept away from a place meant for others to find a home with, not debris and hubris hurting them and making them bleed.
It was time to give up, it was time to admit they had lost.
And it was all their fault, and only their own fault.
So silently they return, making their bitter peace...
Their only solace is the presence of Calim, Alador, Yseldeir, Nanbarwen, Nar'osul and Arqueno chosing to visit, before they returned to that place, to stay for some time, make best with what they could, until one day they left too, for the sake of the peace of the people in that world. After all... their world was rotten, their universe tainted with a sickness of the mind, and they weren't free from it...
They could not let that history repeat, even if it meant more heartache. No... their universe should stay away from the Carrefour as much as it could be, anything from their home just ruined and infected what was good.
And they could not bear to let them to suffer the same fate, no, they were better to stop it before it happened.
Even if that universe grew to hate them.
Gone was their hope, gone were their dreams for anything otherwise. They had learned their lesson, their place in the large picture of all, and that picture... it was never the ally, it was never the hero that saved others, that brought progress and goodness. Of the noble deeds seeing the better of others, no... it was the opposite.
They were the same thing they once fought, lying to itself, deluding itself to be anything but the raised monster of their own kingdom. And their own self-fullfilling doom and damnation. A source of pain and grief, of death, of destruction. Made to bring naught but chaos, disarray, destruction and despair or hatred their way. A rot to fester light into shades and darkness, the cut to bleed until red turned sickened black with sickness, the rot to turn the gold heart into coal and stone... just like their own...
No wisdom could save them, so experience teach them, no words sway them, not until it was too late, not until the damage was done. Not until the corpse was bled dry, bloated with the decay of death until it seeped outwards from whatever crevice and hole it found. Ignorant of their extent of their misdeeds...
Until it was too late, and no hope could keep the festering wound from needing to cut away the rot, until they had to be carved away to keep them from further damaging anything. Until no redemption was left for them to reach for... Until none could hold, not without damning themselves, or bringing their own harm for doing so... Until everyone was forced to give up, and let them sink to drown alone, as they should.
Their head turns to the younger mage generation. Questions finally needing addressing, and concern visible in their eyes. And so, they fill them in the happenings of their homeworld, of the time that had passed since their arrival to their ruined home, and their departure of their former friend's universe. What had happened to them, what they had done, every single detail without painting themselves saints.
They make little of their expressions, only answering with an acknowledging nod over their unspoken words. Only one thing ran in their mind as they spoke... the need to protect what remained of their past life, and how to keep the last family they had safe.
Once they reach Bellegur's castle, it is Modi's due to depart. To which Thannor steps in forward, along Agarwaenor...
" So... I guess it is time I... Uhm... "
Thannor shakes his head, and the boy tenses. Then freezes.
The older adult hugs him, quietly, firmly. An action his alternate's offspring had all but not expected, his only answer standing then, stiffly and shaking. Before hands hesitantly reach for him... There were no words needed, for either of them.
Thannor continues regardless...
" Boy... we would be glad to have ye, do not think elsewise " The man says, his hand gently caressing the boy's head, awkwardly. Words soft despite the rasped weariness that overwhelmed his forced physical existence... a sound the young child had never head in such a voice before, it felt... almost caring, paternal in a way. " I... It would be rude otherwise, ye went lengths ta have things fixed, offered to do something unthinkable... It is the least we could reward. "
" Didn't do it for rewards "
" Aye, I know... but ain't the only reason te do it, boy... I know yer thought process, boy, ye are my son, my alternate's child, my blood, flesh and mind. " The mage answers, countering with a chuckle, honest and, for once, lighter in tone than so far he had been. " Been in yer spot, though younger... I wondered the same with Braigon, once, ye are welcome te stay however long ye want... And... I would love to learn and getting to know ye... "
" You... don't mind? "
" Oi... I'd be delighted, little lad. I only hope the answer's of yer liking and not further waste of your efforts and noble heart. " The man pulled away, ruffling the boy's hair with a short laugh. " Who would've though I'd spawn such a brave and noble little cub, I'd be honored if anything, considering my alternate's... ways. "
" So far you're not too bad? You lot are very dumb, but... What I am seeing is... it is nice... even if what's happened isn't. "
" An unfortunate family trait I fear " Agar interjects, ruffling Thannor's head, before leaning on the man with one arm. Eventually then bowing towards Modi " I... apologize, for not defending you from my alternate's actions towards you that time, I should have stopped him from causing you harm. "
" Eh... it wasn't cool, but I did pull a dragon's tail, didn't I? "
" And yet it excuses my inaction not, let me apologize for my faults and mistakes, Modi, you were undeserving of that. " he sights, shaking his head. " I share my brother's view, and would be delighted to meet and start anew, if you would have me? "
" It... would be nice, besides, it would make things awkward otherwise if I get along with everyone but you, right? "
" Yes... yes it would, but it is not something that hasn't happened before, and not one you should worry off. " There is a pause, a humming noise. " I... have one condition, however. "
" Well that ruins it... please tell me no tasks or little favors. "
" No! Goodness, I do not do child labor... yet, I have some vague and skewed senses of ethics, morals and all that, but I am still on enough of my senses. " His answer is quick, and his tone clear in alarm. " I yet loathe the idea of child slavery, worry not. No... I... just don't put your own well being at risk for the sake of others, will you, kid? "
" Well... can't promise that, you know a heart's desire. "
" Unfortunately, I do... and I wish you not end on our hole, please... at least promise me you will try? "
" ... Okay. "
" It is the only thing we'd ask... so you end not like your father, or us. You are but a child still, hardly an adult, Modi "
" I get it, I get it! You're not even my dad and you're already fussing! Oooiiii! "
There whoe group, besides void, chuckle and laugh at the sigh...
" Pardon my interruption, I am aware you may wish your businesses resumed... but... "
" Would you like some tea and pastries before you depart? "
" I... uhm... okay? Would be neat? "
" We can also tell you tales of Thannor here~... "
" Oi! Ye shite don't ye dare! I know that look! "
" Dooon't know what you're talking~! "
" Okay now I am definitively staying for that tea! "
" Bloody'ell! "
Maybe, for now, things weren't as bad as they thought... Life was short, and fleeting as many things... They should just make with what they could... and hope their memories last.
Maybe they lost their game and the game was over
But there were others and maybe.... just maybe... they might win them
One day
but that?
That was for other day, right now, it was tea time with family...
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littleandless · 2 months
squires are such a funny concept. yes, of course a knight needs a child to lug around their equipment. builds character.
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manichewitz · 9 months
supernatural post-season five doesn't even count as canon to me its just some weird fanfic version. except without the fun parts of fanfic (gay sex) and all the annoying parts (half-baked plot ideas and terminal hewouldnotfuckingsaythat disorder)
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petitesmafia · 10 months
I think the concept of little skk promising to marry each other on the playground is adorable but I also think it’d be so on brand for little Chuuya to just be like “I don’t want to get married. I wanna be hokage when I grow up”
bonus: art by mothzan !!
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artemx746 · 6 months
Honestly hate how Annabeth doesn't get to keep majority of her items (ie. Daedalus' laptop)
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illumerie · 1 year
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defiling the gods
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psah · 1 year
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watermelonsloth · 29 days
It’s so weird to think back on myself when I first got into Naruto. Partially because it’s been years and I’ve changed as a person, but mostly because of how drastically different my opinions are now.
Best example of this: I got into Naruto in spite of team 7, not because of them. It wasn’t until I got into video essays and media analysis that I actually started to appreciate their characters and like them (but that transition is a story for another time).
I really didn’t like Naruto. I wasn’t screaming at the screen or groaning whenever he made an appearance or anything, but I was ignoring a lot of the Naruto shaped parts of Naruto. I thought he was annoying at twelve and a flat, stock-standard shounen protagonist in shippuden. I was also under the impression that he had no character arc, which only made me less interested in him. Don’t ask me what show I was watching, I couldn’t tell you.
I was also in the same camp as a lot of others when it came to Sakura. I thought she was deadweight on the battlefield, selfish and superficial with her affections, bratty overall, and way too emotional. It got to the point where I was getting frustrated whenever she started crying. So… not only was I hardcore taking out my insecurities about sensitivity out on her, but I also fell hook, line, and sinker for konoha’s bullshit about ninja not expressing emotions, like a fool.
I didn’t care much for Sasuke, even if I tolerated him more than the others. Weirdly enough, I remember liking him fine personality wise but finding everything plot related about his character boring. His backstory, his revenge, his relationship with Itachi, all boring. I don’t know how I found it boring, but apparently that’s where I was at.
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mmelolabelle · 4 months
my fave random hotd addition to canon is that house arryn actually has the strongest genes in the seven kingdoms
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ohmerricat · 5 months
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just gotta wait 16 years, hang in there 🤞🤞
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determined-magi · 6 months
Main verse muses info [pre-war]
Information under the cut
Main muses
Bellegur Anka'khul [The prince, the doomed heir, Green barrier mage] Soul trait: Kindness [Green soul] Profession: Kingdom monster-relationships ambassador, prince, warlord mage, High Council mage, sovereign in formation Height: 6'5 feets aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives: Alnaugur[father], Leriandor[mother], Alador[younger brother], Aderon [uncle]
Before he was the king of ashes, he was once called bellegur...
The son of the king and queen of his kingdom, Bellegur was born to the highest class: royalty. And with it came a lengthy period of formation both as a mage and prince. His were, once, the way of kindness, like his soul. courteous and polite to a fault, a calm and mostly passive demeanor, an unusual contrasting sight in comparison to his subjects, more often than not, he was...
And a fitting one, for, before declaring war, he, once advocated for peace with monsterkind... as his father's envoy to seek peaceful relationships...
Agarwaneor Fenum'niel [The prince's right and left hand, Red barrier mage] Soul trait: Determination [Red soul] Profession: Kingdom monster-relationships ambassador assistant, town lord, merchant affair's overseer, warlord mage, High council mage, local man-whore, trouble maker, prankster, fool Height: 6'0 feet aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old [centuries] Blood relatives: Elodarn [father], Eresmea [mother], Ner'edor [younger brother], Mo'rodos [younger brother], Caliimehtamir [youngest brother]
One of the most curious members of the seven...
Son of an ancient noble house, rooted deeply in the magic. He once was one of the strongest advocates for peace to monsterkind, alongside prince Bellegur. Though his were more... odd manners of approach to the matter he tasked himself with.
once he was known for his charming, if not daring, persona. Light in mood and certainly devious on a playful manner... sometimes too playful some would say. He was amongst one of the only nobles and houses to welcome and aid monsterkind...
Or so he was, until he wasn't.
Braigon Hath'lon [The old veteran, the prince's guardian, Purple barrier mage] Soul trait: Perseverance [purple soul] Profession: Retired veteran army general, war mage tutor/mentor, High council mage, Retired warlord mage Height: 6'9-7'1 aprox Age: roughly between 80 and 95 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
The oldest of the legendary infamous seven...
His was an ancient house as well, deeply loyal and fierce. Of strict and stern ways, yet gentle and kind in spite of harshness against magic. His was a way of quiet kindness, though rough, persevering against the weathering of life and time...
For this, and his knowledge and experience, as well as skills, he was entrusted the royal heir as his apprentice, along five other children too troublesome to train by fellow mentors. Until they were old enough to make their own paths...
Gilrin Sair'ail [The young headmistress, the scholar, Cyan barrier mage] Soul trait: Patience [cyan soul] Profession: Magic academy Headmaster/headmistress; magic spell, enchantment, incantation, runes and theory research. Magic research supervisor, High council mage, warlord mage Height: 6'8-6'9 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives:
One of the most known of the seven...
Her was a tale of greatness, as much as dismay and grief. Born of a simple low family, hers is a table of rising from the lowest to the peak of the mount, through patience and perseverance unbent. Hers was a humble way, however. Amicable to a fault, a lesson deeply ingrained as daughter to inn keepers and farmers... few could say she was anything if not friendly... though some would admit she did kind of become at times a little... pushy, about her perspectives...
Of her little remained after the war, but those who knew her truly, could only agree her students would grieve her loss. For few minds like her were born before, or after, that could rival her sharpness in mind, softness in heart, and virtue... a genius the would would forever resent its fall from grace...
Of them, monsterkind would grieve her fall from grace the most...
Thanneth Imelin'mah [The watchful sentinel, Blue barrier mage] Soul trait: Integrity [blue soul] Profession: High council mage, alchemist, potion maker, kingdom's public integrity and safety ministrum, tutor/mentor of magical concoction crafts, warlord mage Height: 6'3 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives:
Amongst the most infamous of the seven, besides The king of ashes, the red dragon, and the Ruthless bloody lion.
Hers is a tale of a woman of hard ways, harsh and relentless. Though not devoid of heart, those close would say. Of a hard uprising of abandonment and struggling grievances, hers is a scarred soul and mind, they would say. Though few could ever tell, for she secretive was with all but the other members of the seven and few familiars of them, ever on the defensive otherwise...
For this, she was left the task to watch over monsters in their kingdom. For, unlike a vast number of her group, she was far more skeptical...
A task that she is quite known to be the most known for in her ruthlessness, as well as her temper.
Rhowën Faylahn [The young judge, the friendly scales, Yellow barrier mage] Soul trait: Justice [yellow/golden soul] Profession: Judge, bounty hunter, vigilante, guard, warlord mage, escort, patrol, local human cryptid/gremlin, High council mage Height: 6'2 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old [centuries] Blood relatives:
Once a bright virtuous soul, even if a bit naive...
born of servants, his was a humble way, even as he rose to a Judge's charge and duty. Just as his soul trait, his was once a way of mercy, of kindness and solace against the dark times he was born and raised into...
A rare sight, and one greatly grieved once it left... for once it did, no candle could light the dark times to come. Nor any deed could undo the unjust crimes and madness that came after and alongside it.
For a heart of gold turned to stone and coal is a terrible thing, and to be a soul of virtue on a world of vice madness waiting to be...
Thannor Veryanex [The fierce smith, the roaring beast, Orange barrier mage] Soul trait: Bravery [orange/copper soul] Profession: Blacksmith, Magismith, Warlord mage, High council mage Height: 6'2 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives: Heralies [father], Minermil [mother], Helios [ brother]
A hard man, but of skill almost unmatched...
His was a life of hardships, hostile and cruel. Only comforted and kept from madness of pain and abandonment by the other six mages. His is the way of his craft, hard and resilient. Intolerant of all flaw and imperfections...
And especially, intolerant of anything that wasn't human...
Secondary muses
Khulgul Alnaugur Anka'khul [The king, Father of Alador and Bellegur ] Soul trait: Animosity [ Corrupted kindness and Justice soul vice mix, dark green yellow soul.] Profession: Realm sovereign, King, armed forces leader. father Height: 5'9 aprox Age: roughly 60 years old Blood relatives: TBN parents, deceased ; Bellegur [son, heir], Alador [son]
The sovereign before the war, father of the king of ashes... and the damning stone to set terrible history for both humanity and monsterkind alike...
His are ways of stern manners, polite and yet... cold. devoid of all the warmth his wife of children bear. Though not lacking of courteous ways. For how can a king rule without manners? with quite the hassles and issues, he would respond...
Alador Anka'khul [The second son prince, the prince's shadow, Bellegur's younger brother, the forsaken crown] Soul trait: Diligence [pale aquamarine soul; Patience and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: prince Height: 6'4 aprox Age: roughly 24 years old Blood relatives: Alnaugur[father] , Leriandor [mother], Bellegur [older brother]
A tragic man and prince is his tale...
Child of royalty, brother to the crown. Once he was known for his closeness to his elder sibling, whom he deeply idolized and looked after in every ambit he could, whilst keeping true to his parents and mentors lessons to not let dreams become unrealistic...
He was, before the war, known for his quiet awkwardness. Though not unfriendly and well meaning. And his mirroring image of his elder by sticking besides Agarwaenor's youngest sibling, Calimehtamir...
Or so it was once... before the war torn his family, and everyone he knew, apart. And left him and Calim to pick up what was left...
Calimehtamir Fenu'niel [The young knight, the promising last son, Agarwaneor 's younger brother] Soul trait: Persistence/Determination [ light-red soul] Profession: ???? Height: 6'5 aprox Age: roughly 23 years old Blood relatives: Elodarn [father], Eresmea [mother], Ner'edor [older brother]], Mo'rodos [older brother], Agarwaenor [ eldest brother]]
A victim of history which few know of...
The infamous red dragon's sibling, his was a story long lost to most annals of time. Though, once, he was said to be mirror to his brother's past... once. With a soft and caring heart, a passion matched by few, and a certain endearing awkwardness only youth could ever bear. A child of hope, some said he was to be...
A child of hope that was, one day, much like his brother.... lost.
Yseldeir ???? [Imelin'mah] [The young apprentice, unofficial heir, pupil of Gilrin ] Soul trait: Compassion [bright mint colored soul; Patience and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: Headmistress assistant, headmistress unofficial apprentice, war mage in formation Height: 5'9 aprox Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: Neridimar [father], ???? [Mother]
A lost wandering soul, some say she became...
but before that, she was next in line to the brightness of her mentor in all but age and experience. With a mind sharper than a freshly done blade, she was eager to learn from no other than Gilrin. Who was all too eager to take the troublesome child in her innocent early years, as an assistant... then student and, some say, maybe a child of her own... gifting her a home she never knew as an orphan...
Her heart was said to be as patient and kind as the prince and the headmistress, with a touch of her own little quirks and ways. Of manners polished as the most precious gem, and a heart as noble as the one she looked after...
Her's was a loss the world deeply grieved, for with her, the legacy of her mentor was truly lost forever in all but legends...
Nar'osul Draelios [The sentinel's eyes, the guard, Employee of Thanneth ] Soul trait: Integrity [Blue soul] Profession: Spy, guard, warden and war mage in training Height: 5'7 aprox Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: Jhoef [Father, deceased] , Ilaine [Mother, deceased]
A herding dog, some would call him...
A stern guardian, quiet and, sometimes, a bit cold. A man devoted mostly to his job, and a guardian his job was. A job that left little space to do anything frivolous, or give space for any distractions for the most of it...
Though those who managed to pull hi of this, would beg to differ...
Or so they used to do so...
Arqueno Idenia [The friendly neighbor, unseeming spy, employee of Agarwaneor ] Soul trait: Inquisition [Lime/green-yellow soul; Justice, Integrity and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: Spy, guardian, warden, Bodyguard, uncle figure, servant, thief, informant, etc... Height: 5'5 Age: roughly 50 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
A man of several faces...
A friend, a spy, a guardian, a warden, an uncle figure, a loyal servant, a thief with a honor code. Many words once described him in life. But most agreed on one thing, he was your ever friendly, helpful and caring neighbor. Regardless of all, be it his job or not...
Maybe because of this, he was as good as his job as he used to be. For you never knew where lies and a good natured soul were drawn.
Nanbarwen Nul'emil [The curious mind, amateur smith and warrior, friend of Yseldeir ] Soul trait: Determination? [red soul, orange mixed soul] Profession: War mage in formation, amateur magic artisan Height: 5'7 Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
Some say curiosity killed the cat, she used to say it made the cat feel alive...
An inquisitive woman she was, before the war. a woman spoken to be a charming, if not witty, company to have. A balanced mix of traits beheld their home within this woman. From a soft and gentle nature, to a charming sassing persona not afraid to voice herself. Traits few wouldn't mistake for the trait of her soul as Bravery...
Something that, maybe, would explain her ways. For not long after finishing her formation as a soldier, so did she quickly take in another profession as an amateur smith studying a certain Famous, or infamous, smith... and maybe partly of the reason she remained strongly tied to no less than the Headmistress Gilrin's heir, Yseldeir...
Unfortunately such would not save her from history's price...
Coming soon/next:....
Antagonist secondary muses info post
Character trait/adjectives/personalities
Antagonist secondary muses character trait/adjectives/personalities
muse visual references
Bad end A/post war verse info
headcanon resume volumes
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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Kicking off Six Sentence Sunday for the week because Sunday's already almost over for me 😭 Depending on your feelings re: Hockey Boyfriend Henry y'all can either thank or blame @clottedcreamfudge for this, as she's been absolutely feral in my DMs and this whole thing is getting written in 100-word snippets I send her to feed my ego. It really says a lot about me as a person how successful an approach it's proving to be. Have a bit of something approaching spice!
Henry makes quick work of Alex’s fly, pulling the jeans down past his knees before he stops abruptly.  “Oh.” Henry’s voice cracks, fingers twisting in the denim where he’s still clinging to Alex’s hunched-up jeans like they’re the only thing keeping him upright. “I— your thighs.” And, well. It’s not that Alex hasn’t been on the receiving end of those comments before, but there’s something about it coming from Henry, on his knees and with a shaking voice, that is really doing it for him—even if Henry is ignoring his cock, rock-hard and leaking steadily into his underwear, in favour of his upper legs. “That’d be the hockey, sweetheart,” he offers, willing his voice not to shake.  “Well.” Henry drags the tips of his fingers up the side of Alex’s thighs, making him shiver. “I’m suddenly very much seeing the appeal of the sport.”
As always feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to so tagging @affectionatelyrs @celaestis1 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hypnostheory @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @lilythesilly @maxbegone @myheartalivewrites @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @suseagull04 @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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ginkovskij · 3 months
actually no i have exactly one criticism to make about the seven samurai. it really ruins the overall accuracy and realism to have kikuchiyo to beg anyone to please please fuck him and being ignored. that doesn't make any sense.
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babyslutbuck · 12 days
am I always thinking about it. well if they don't get out someone deserves to be shot for all of that,
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brittlebutch · 1 year
Katja Cleaver doesn't get enough attention for being the most 'poor little meow meow' character i've ever seen in my life. literally off the walls 'she was found in a wet cardboard box on the side of the road' energy
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sinestrosmind · 4 months
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ssssomebody made a mistake pissing off the geniuses
they got a lot of firepower and you have next to no time to run so......
anyway hey hi Rec's cloaked as a softshell and @thescribblings' future Donnie, Akari, is about to kick some ass
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