#|timeline epilogue closure|
determined-magi · 6 months
Dreams of my downfall realized... [Timeline's ending Epilogue]
Drifting through moments, then all of a sudden it hits me... What if I stumble and all of my world starts to fall?...
Their return to their homeworld is bitter, but accepted.
It was an outcome they had already seen, one whispered in their mind though they desperately tried to heed it not.
Armored shells never once turn back, as they listen to Void's aimless words, its patronizing nonchalance ever apathetically indifferent to the hollow turmoil tot he answers they now had. Or... at least as close an approximation as they could get.
Hope... such a double edged blessing and curse...
They should have seen this would be how it went, to be honest. Their grave had been dug centuries ago, after time and again making the same mistake and never learning, until little to nothing remained as they fought against the relentless tides that dragged them underwater. This was their sentence, their grave, their punishment
They had to now lie in it.
They were sick, wrong, twisted and beyond salvation...
To think otherwise had been foolish, and it had cost not only them greatly, but to many others. In blood, in pain, in lives, in grief, in trouble they never deserved. And they would have to live knowing that, the rest of their human half's lives, until they forgot how to be themselves, until the sickness erased what remained of the humans that, once had foolishly believed they could change their story.
And so they return, tail between their legs, just as empty handed as they had returned to that place. Not a tear to shed, to their unconcievable dismay. What could they say?
Creation had been right, Kairos had been right, Clemency was right. And they could not fault What Henry had felt, they could not fault and could only respect the Cosira's desire.
They were frauds at best, deluded selfish monsters at worst. Unbefit to be given another chance, for they had squandered them, time and again with their own hubris, betraying all goodwill in their stubborn arrogance. One that was beyond self-destructive, and one that was best isolated, kept away from a place meant for others to find a home with, not debris and hubris hurting them and making them bleed.
It was time to give up, it was time to admit they had lost.
And it was all their fault, and only their own fault.
So silently they return, making their bitter peace...
Their only solace is the presence of Calim, Alador, Yseldeir, Nanbarwen, Nar'osul and Arqueno chosing to visit, before they returned to that place, to stay for some time, make best with what they could, until one day they left too, for the sake of the peace of the people in that world. After all... their world was rotten, their universe tainted with a sickness of the mind, and they weren't free from it...
They could not let that history repeat, even if it meant more heartache. No... their universe should stay away from the Carrefour as much as it could be, anything from their home just ruined and infected what was good.
And they could not bear to let them to suffer the same fate, no, they were better to stop it before it happened.
Even if that universe grew to hate them.
Gone was their hope, gone were their dreams for anything otherwise. They had learned their lesson, their place in the large picture of all, and that picture... it was never the ally, it was never the hero that saved others, that brought progress and goodness. Of the noble deeds seeing the better of others, no... it was the opposite.
They were the same thing they once fought, lying to itself, deluding itself to be anything but the raised monster of their own kingdom. And their own self-fullfilling doom and damnation. A source of pain and grief, of death, of destruction. Made to bring naught but chaos, disarray, destruction and despair or hatred their way. A rot to fester light into shades and darkness, the cut to bleed until red turned sickened black with sickness, the rot to turn the gold heart into coal and stone... just like their own...
No wisdom could save them, so experience teach them, no words sway them, not until it was too late, not until the damage was done. Not until the corpse was bled dry, bloated with the decay of death until it seeped outwards from whatever crevice and hole it found. Ignorant of their extent of their misdeeds...
Until it was too late, and no hope could keep the festering wound from needing to cut away the rot, until they had to be carved away to keep them from further damaging anything. Until no redemption was left for them to reach for... Until none could hold, not without damning themselves, or bringing their own harm for doing so... Until everyone was forced to give up, and let them sink to drown alone, as they should.
Their head turns to the younger mage generation. Questions finally needing addressing, and concern visible in their eyes. And so, they fill them in the happenings of their homeworld, of the time that had passed since their arrival to their ruined home, and their departure of their former friend's universe. What had happened to them, what they had done, every single detail without painting themselves saints.
They make little of their expressions, only answering with an acknowledging nod over their unspoken words. Only one thing ran in their mind as they spoke... the need to protect what remained of their past life, and how to keep the last family they had safe.
Once they reach Bellegur's castle, it is Modi's due to depart. To which Thannor steps in forward, along Agarwaenor...
" So... I guess it is time I... Uhm... "
Thannor shakes his head, and the boy tenses. Then freezes.
The older adult hugs him, quietly, firmly. An action his alternate's offspring had all but not expected, his only answer standing then, stiffly and shaking. Before hands hesitantly reach for him... There were no words needed, for either of them.
Thannor continues regardless...
" Boy... we would be glad to have ye, do not think elsewise " The man says, his hand gently caressing the boy's head, awkwardly. Words soft despite the rasped weariness that overwhelmed his forced physical existence... a sound the young child had never head in such a voice before, it felt... almost caring, paternal in a way. " I... It would be rude otherwise, ye went lengths ta have things fixed, offered to do something unthinkable... It is the least we could reward. "
" Didn't do it for rewards "
" Aye, I know... but ain't the only reason te do it, boy... I know yer thought process, boy, ye are my son, my alternate's child, my blood, flesh and mind. " The mage answers, countering with a chuckle, honest and, for once, lighter in tone than so far he had been. " Been in yer spot, though younger... I wondered the same with Braigon, once, ye are welcome te stay however long ye want... And... I would love to learn and getting to know ye... "
" You... don't mind? "
" Oi... I'd be delighted, little lad. I only hope the answer's of yer liking and not further waste of your efforts and noble heart. " The man pulled away, ruffling the boy's hair with a short laugh. " Who would've though I'd spawn such a brave and noble little cub, I'd be honored if anything, considering my alternate's... ways. "
" So far you're not too bad? You lot are very dumb, but... What I am seeing is... it is nice... even if what's happened isn't. "
" An unfortunate family trait I fear " Agar interjects, ruffling Thannor's head, before leaning on the man with one arm. Eventually then bowing towards Modi " I... apologize, for not defending you from my alternate's actions towards you that time, I should have stopped him from causing you harm. "
" Eh... it wasn't cool, but I did pull a dragon's tail, didn't I? "
" And yet it excuses my inaction not, let me apologize for my faults and mistakes, Modi, you were undeserving of that. " he sights, shaking his head. " I share my brother's view, and would be delighted to meet and start anew, if you would have me? "
" It... would be nice, besides, it would make things awkward otherwise if I get along with everyone but you, right? "
" Yes... yes it would, but it is not something that hasn't happened before, and not one you should worry off. " There is a pause, a humming noise. " I... have one condition, however. "
" Well that ruins it... please tell me no tasks or little favors. "
" No! Goodness, I do not do child labor... yet, I have some vague and skewed senses of ethics, morals and all that, but I am still on enough of my senses. " His answer is quick, and his tone clear in alarm. " I yet loathe the idea of child slavery, worry not. No... I... just don't put your own well being at risk for the sake of others, will you, kid? "
" Well... can't promise that, you know a heart's desire. "
" Unfortunately, I do... and I wish you not end on our hole, please... at least promise me you will try? "
" ... Okay. "
" It is the only thing we'd ask... so you end not like your father, or us. You are but a child still, hardly an adult, Modi "
" I get it, I get it! You're not even my dad and you're already fussing! Oooiiii! "
There whoe group, besides void, chuckle and laugh at the sigh...
" Pardon my interruption, I am aware you may wish your businesses resumed... but... "
" Would you like some tea and pastries before you depart? "
" I... uhm... okay? Would be neat? "
" We can also tell you tales of Thannor here~... "
" Oi! Ye shite don't ye dare! I know that look! "
" Dooon't know what you're talking~! "
" Okay now I am definitively staying for that tea! "
" Bloody'ell! "
Maybe, for now, things weren't as bad as they thought... Life was short, and fleeting as many things... They should just make with what they could... and hope their memories last.
Maybe they lost their game and the game was over
But there were others and maybe.... just maybe... they might win them
One day
but that?
That was for other day, right now, it was tea time with family...
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aroacettorney · 5 months
when will aup sidestories return from war and stop leaving me bitter about how the main story ended
#lumensis' characterization & death + the revelation of ludgers desire were extremely anticlimactic#700+ chapters of building up only to have the resolution forcefully/hastily crammed into. what. 2 and 1/2 chapters?#and am i supposed to care for his relationship with his mom when it didnt come up in 99% of the novel?#tbh it had *many* opportunities to come up but the author wanted to keep ludgers desire as mysterious as possible#and so it lost its chance to have any emotional buildup#well other than the implications of regrets which were frankly a bit oversaturated in the novel#(again. what happened to the 'show dont tell' principles)#honestly even occasional flashbacks to ludgers mom teaching him about all kinds of myths and lores when its relevant#would have helped in this aspect plus showcased his growth and development over time even when its off screen#(doesnt make his vast knowledge look like it conveniently came out of nowhere)#while also greatly enhancing the world building of his game breaking 'real magic'#anyway i think ludgers reconciliation w his mother would have been more impactful if ludgers past life came up more often#hell it would have done wonder in exploring his depth if we are going with framing his past lifestyle as a flaw#the thing about ludger as a character is that his past (in both worlds) is much more interesting than his present#bc its the only way we can see how he mentally changed in comparison as his changes are nearly non existent in the present timeline#(a part of the reasons why ludgercaseys relationship over time is an appealing topic is that it showcases both of their changes)#(reading about a protagonist who has no mental changes over the course of the story is no different than watching... a nature documentary)#im still v salty about how we never get to see arpas and bettys reconciliation btw#so do emotional closures between ludger and other characters#those are literally the meat of the story that would be worthy of their own arc#sayren why the hell did you rush through them and put them off screen#in the end instead of proving that he has finally learnt his lessons by confronting his emotions ludger chose to run away from it yet again#even if we are to assume that is whats gonna happen post epilogue why is his change accomplished by a goddamn last minute timeskip#(that is also lowkey a failed suicide attempt in disguise)#instead of what could have been... idk... a banger novel named aup#good christ#rant
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐕: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬?—𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐨𝐣𝐚𝐬/𝐑𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐬
a/n: thank you THANK YOU guys for so much for the love lately. writing abt warren for yall and reading your guys' comments has been such a serotonin boost. I LOVE YOU ALL <333
timeline: ep. 3 + Christmas scene (kinda...)
-> Part 1
-> Part 2  
-> Part 3
This chapter: Part 4
Part 5
Epilogue (cancelled)
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
warnings: not proofread as always <3, cursing, first Billy mention, angst (turned to fluff calm down), drinking, confusing time progression, implied sex teehee
summary (of this chapter): a visit to Laurel Canyon simply to talk to a friend and drop off a personally made outfit to a special costumer, ended in confessions and closures.
(if that didn't make sense, dammit just read the chapter)
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•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
"Warren's either on something, or..." Eddie snickered at the offended Warren, "...yeah. Heh."
"I'm telling the truth, man!" Warren threw his hands up in frustration. "Guys, seriously."
"Warren, man, how do you expect us to react?" Graham took a swig of his beer. "It's just not...believable."
"We want proof." Eddie challenged him.
"Like what?" Warren scoffed. "What-What do you want me to show you guys?"
"You're creative man, I dunno, her bra?"
Warren leaned forward like he wasn't sure he heard his friend correctly. "Her bra?" He repeated. It triggered a nerve he didn't know could be triggered.
"There," Graham pointed at Warren's visible provoked tone. "That was enough proof. If he doesn't have it, then he never did it."
"Or!" Warren scoffed at both of his friends. "This is something I don't want to mess up. This is something new to me, and so far I think I have a good chance of getting something real. We kissed. We hung out. We laugh about things. I get her. I didn't have to do it."
A moment of silence and unsure glances were shared between the two friends, until the image of the woman and Warren talking to one another at that yacht party submerged from Graham's drunken and sluggish thoughts.
"Woah woah woah," He pushed himself to sit up. "What about Flora, the girl from the yacht party? You were just hooked on her."
Warren's lips immediately spread into a prideful grin. "That is her."
"Y/N Augustine...is Flora...?" Eddie frowned into space.
Only laughter erupted from the two drunk men, in turn making Warren grow more impatient with them.
"Fuck you guys, where's Karen?"
"Oh okay." Eddie shook his hands mockingly. "As if Karen will believe you any better."
Warren enters the house, almost tumbling over Camilla crouched down to the babbling Julia.
She noticed his tensed up presence. "Hey, War," she smiled up at him, "something wrong?"
"Nah, don't worry about it," he waved her off, clearly distracted. "Where's Karen? I need her to back me up for something."
"She's out by the front, I think," she squints through the sunlight seeping through the window. “She said not to bother her, though.”
A figure comes in through the front door, but it was just Billy, much to Warren's disappointment.
"Hey man, is Karen talking to somebody out there?"
Billy furrows his eyebrows at him. "Yeah, but I wouldn't...want to interrupt."
"I just need to steal her for a minute."
"Warren, she's kind of important." He warned. "I wouldn't-"
Warren took it as a further indicator that the guest was Y/N. Karen couldn't possibly know anyone else as famous. He marches past him to the door, and when he swings it open to find Karen gathered on a table with the familiar woman sipping tea together, he instantly rushes to them.
Karen sees the black-haired figure she feared would eventually come and interrupt her time with her friend, and she couldn't help but groan out.
"Will anyone just give be a bloody minute to have things to myself? I mean, fuck!"
"Hello ladies," Warren greeted anyways as he stood in front of them. He waves at Y/N peering up at him through her pink-tinted sunglasses. His hands twitched at the sight of her in a purple see-through kind of cloth for her puffy long sleeves, her white bra visible. "Hey."
Karen took note of the way Warren's usual composure to be nonchalant suddenly sloughed off at the sight of Y/N. He actually seemed tense, and clammy, and giddy all at the same time.
And Karen took note of Y/N's. Her normal response to push away any means of flirting was suddenly forgotten at the sight of Warren's cheeky smile. Her "migraine" from having to work with a well-known celebrity who turned out to be a complete bitch from a few hours ago suddenly disappeared, seeing as now she was grinning up at him.
 •─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Karen: There was this...excruciatingly flirty tone in their voices. It was annoying for me to be the one to witness it.
But it was adorable how vulnerable they made each other, even from that simple greeting. Mind you, I didn't know what was going on between the pair. And everything about the way they looked at each other that day seemed...innocent. Pure, if you will.
Well, yes, I sent Warren to her condo so that I didn't have to explain to the poor guy that Y/N Augustine was messing with him the whole time. I sent him there because I knew she needed someone like him, and I knew he needed her too, in the best way.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
"You sound like you're in a rush, War," Karen faked a smile. "Why don't you get on with it so you're not wasting our time?"
Warren frowns down at her. "I mean, I was going to ask to borrow here politely, but I think I'm just going to take her now."
"Mm," Y/N hummed. "I love being objectified."
"Sorry baby," Warren apologized, squeezing her bare shoulders. "I got some stubborn friends who don't believe I've gone more than 6 feet of you. Gotta humiliate them. You like humiliating people, why don't we make this a date?"
"I'm sorry, did I miss something?" Karen gagged, pointing to the both of them. "I don't like this."
"Too bad, Sirko-"
"No, she's right." Y/N retorted. "I didn't agree to anything. I only came here for this." She reached below her seat for the red, shiny box, and Warren's eyes widen like saucers.
He lets out what sounded like a high-pitched scream, and a gasp at the same time. "For me? Aw, baby..." His eyes set on her admiringly. "You shouldn't have!"
Warren should've seen the incoming sarcastic remark a mile away. "Are you kidding me?! Of course I had to! I mean, I lost a total of 5 hours of sleep for this, and I have more pricks on my hand than a local cactus...but who cares?"
So Warren decides to play along. "I love me a tough woman."
But his swagger was immediately washed down with humiliation when Y/N stopped herself from continuing it.
"What the hell, Augustine? That's what that was?" Karen scoffed, taking into her hands a white tag attached to the strings of a ribbon tied to complete the look of the present. The tag was titled Serenity by Y/N Augustine. "Is that what I think it is?"
Y/N smiles awkwardly, and all Karen could do was sit with an agape mouth, trying to restrain herself from strangling her friend.
"I want to wear your work!" She whines. "I've been begging you to make me something for ages! What's his reason for one?"
Warren pulls up a chair and starts ripping the red wrapper. "Pretty privilege." He shrugged.
"Oh!" Karen moved her head back in offense. "Do you want to go, Rojas? I knew Y/N way before you even thought about snagging her!"
"Karen, can we calm down?!" Y/N yelled at her, laughing. "What's in a few weeks?"
She thinks about it for a minute. "Christmas-oh. Oh!"
Meanwhile, Warren had stood up from his seat to try on the his new light brown leather vest, embroidered with flowers on the bottom, and then-
“There they are.” Warren chuckled as he pointed out the bejeweled part of the vest. The jewels were tiny and silver, and acted as borders of the flowers, and went to border the rest of the vest.
From far away, Warren noticed that they were made to stand out. Not too glamorous, but definitely not too basic that can be found at a lame, store at the mall.
No, this was designer. This was by Y/N Augustine, the fashion icon.
“I did what you suggested,” Y/N squinted up at him. “I’m still getting used to how I want to use them on clothes. I don't want the to look to over the top."
“Not bad, baby. I like it.” He chuckles as he lifts his shirt off.
“This is the part where I leave.” Karen whispered to her, a disturbed look on her face, before walking off inside with her tea.
And maybe it was a good idea Karen left.
Y/N stares openly at his bare body. His bare chest.
Holy cow.
“You take your shirt off for every girl?” She mused. But at the same time, she was serious, with a hint of suspicion.
“Nah, just you.” He remarked before swinging his arms through the vest. It slid fit into his body easily. “Such fine art is reserved for the finer art.”
“Geeze, Rojas.” Was all she could muster up, out of complete flattery. Normally she would find these pick-up lines completely overused that it’s lost meaning, or that it’s meaningless as it is.
But she was believing this so easily. Way too easily.
The weird thing is, she likes it. She actually looks forward to them, and at the same time she's disgusted by her own smittenness.
Is that even a word?
Warren pats the vest against his chest and dusts off invisible dust. “How’d you know my size?”
“Called you to ask." She sipped her tea. "Woman named Camilla answered, though."
"That's why she snuck in my room to grab a vest. Could've just asked me to take over, though."
Y/N laughed. "The conversation went on for hours. She's lovely to talk to. I want to meet her in person today."
Warren couldn't help but get ticked off. She's touched every nerve he had, it felt like, but she was avoiding anything that had to do with him.
He was right in front of her, and all she could do was avoid him every possible way.
It was like every step Warren took, with Y/N's coldness, he'd have to take a way more steps back than he did forward. Approaching her kept hurting him.
And the only way she's approached him? It was a kiss, the best and most sensual kiss he's ever felt, one that seemed to keep him breathless and despite it, left her wanting for more. It was a kiss he's been wanting more of at every thought, every mention of her name.
And while the kiss was a moment he'd never forget, it seemed like for Y/N she had forgotten it as soon as it was over.
Y/N senses his change of demeanor just by the way he slipped out of the vest. "What's wrong?"
"Can we talk about it?" His voice wavered. Asking about it physically pained Warren, but he pushed through. "Alright? It's the least you could do."
Y/N swallows thickly, her eyes darting off to her shoes. "About what?"
"Y'know exactly what." Warren inhaled sharply as he slipped back into his t-shirt. "What is this, even? What do you expect out of this?" He motioned to the two of them. "Because I'll tell you what I want it to be. Y/N I barely know you, but I've already picked up enough about you to know that you are just about the only person I know that's stuck on me. You're different, and it's so comforting and-and nice to see someone stick to their own thing and not feel the need to conform to be part of the crowd. Do you know how refreshing that is? And, fuck, that kiss-"
Warren saw a slight tremble in her bottom lip, and he wasn't sure if he should stop or not.
"I'm not..." she clenched her jaw, surprisingly, not out of anger. "I'm not the happiest right now."
"Well that's fucking perfect, Y/N." He pointed at his chest. "I'm. Right. Here."
She shook her head, her eyes shut. "Don't-"
"I can do it." He reassured her in a low, husky voice. He took the risk of placing a hand on hers. "I doubted it for a second, that I'm holding you back or something, but nothing does. Nothing can hold you back. You do your own shit, and everyone just follows along, because you're such a force. For fighting about women's rights, donating to charities even I've never heard about-"
Y/N's heart only jammed against her ribcage violently. "How'd you know about that?" She whispered under her breath in disbelief.
He shrugged with a smile. "A man's gotta do his research."
She can't possibly give in, and it wasn't about her career now.
She's scared if she gives in, that she's just using him to fill in the emptiness of her life. A good—the best man she's probably met for noticing what others couldn't about her, for noticing what she herself couldn't notice.
She had just submitted a few of her bejeweled and other unique and risky clothing projects like Warren encouraged her to, and her team loved them.
When no answer came out of her, Warren continued, swiping his thumb over and over on her hand. "I've done all the research I can do, now I really want to see you behind the camera, behind the press."
It easily hit every doubt Y/N had in her heart down and dead. "Dammit, Warren-" she choked out, a hand over her eyes.
"Hey, look." He chuckled out. "I'm asking for a lot, but we can take this as slow as you want-"
"You're so fucking stubborn." She sniffed, slapping his hand away out of flattery. "Fuck you."
"Is that a yes? I don't have to go on one knee right now though, right?"
Y/N only shook her head and brought his lips to hers hungrily.
No, he didn't have to go down on one knee right now.
•─────⋅(cut to documentary)⋅─────•
Warren: Y'know, there were a lot of things I wish I could go back and experience again, but nothing beats the shocked look on those motherfuckers' faces that day when I came back with my sweet babe of a girlfriend wrapped around my arm *chuckles*
Eh, well,*he ticks* they actually haven't met her until Christmas day, which wasn't until a few weeks later. And I had some making up to do, which was perfect.
•─────⋅(cut back)⋅─────•
"You promised me a drum lesson." Y/N panted out a laugh. Even after the high, she was able to push herself up on her elbows on the lofty bed. "To brush off my drumming skills because the drummer from the Six said I needed 'some help."
The said drummer followed her up and smiled against the corner of her lips. "Look who's gullible now." He teased.
He makes a trail of kisses from the neck and up, and with his mustache, earned him a few squeals and screams.
"One of these days I'm going have to elbow you or break your nose," she giggled out. "Warren, stop!"
He doesn't, and the sound of her giggling and laughing only encouraged him to kiss her harder on her neck, and with every pursing of his lips his mustache followed, tickling her. "You love my nose and my mustache."
"Warren, fuck!" Y/N moved away and grabbed her bedside alarm. "The dinner was supposed to start 2 hours ago."
"Well shit," Warren shrugged, clearly ignoring his lover's panic. "Too late for anything now. I think we should just stay here, on this bed, making lo-"
"Oy vey," she muttered under her breath, staring at the clock in dismay once again.
"Baby," he stifled a moan against her shoulder. "What did I say about speaking French to me? Fuck..."
"That wasn't even-I'm getting dressed." Y/N stumbles out of her entangled formation with her boyfriend to get to her closet.
When no movement followed her, Y/N threatened, "Warren, if you don't get up I'm dragging you out by your mustache."
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
taglist (aka beautiful people): @pinkdaiisies @mlwriting5 @teletubbysteroids @linatells @stanzie @arsonkween @rexorangecouny @lisbeth122605 @cultsanrio @thatoneawesomechicka @magicalmiserybore @sourholland @sunfairyy. @lilyhw1 @viridianflowers​  @goldenjasssy @eonnyx @coldlamaspersonspy
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thatvampireenthusiast · 3 months
*shows up to the finale a day late with take out*
WOW was this. a ride. i went through. SO MANY EMOTIONS and also that boss fight was *oof* it took me a few tries though not as many tries as magical girl transformation jaania
but!!! just!!! the mage trio!!! who we have to leave behind!!! who is depending on us to get them out of there!!! aequillibria and everything it entails!!! i'll be glad to slow down with dragonfable for a bit now that i've caught up (except for everything with roirr and the first weaver stuff i didn't actually. get to that. but i will. i have Theories about what exactly happened there given it's placement in the timeline or rather, what the consequences of it were (aka i think i know what broke the magesterium or at least who broke the magesterium)), but i'm also super excited for what may come next!!!
we've got all these new tiny fissures, we've got the rift still open in the deadlands, we've got aequllibria to figure out, there's of course several open-ended side stories that still need closure like the fear saga and six heroes... and there's so much more of lore to discover! obviously there's more of the continent across the sea, but what about the lands to the south? the other side of the world where uaanta and notha come from! so many possibilities!!
but also the finale itself was so satisfying. it tied up some more threads, left other stuff open for the epilogue and for the future book 4, made me cry over the mage trio and then made me lose my mind over cysero and his big red (reset???) button (dragonfable devs please you can't keep doing stuff like this to us you've put so many mechquest references in book 3 we're gonna lose it (i still actually have to. play through mech quest. hopefully in a more sedate manner than i have torn through dragonfable). duality of video game, tonal whiplash my beloved
...i don't know where i was going with this but in conclusion i love this game and i'm still having emotions about everything
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whamss · 9 months
*extremely normal* once again getting all doomer abt hsbc and clenching my fist hard. istg if this team doesn’t give rosemary some degree of good closure i will bite all of their heads off
like. listen. it’s not like i want to doubt them. we haven’t even seen rose or kanaya in either timeline yet since they picked the story back up. but to this day i think it’s insane to me that the only established sapphic relationship in post canon has been turned into a parody of what it was in canon that exists almost exclusively to cause drama. and any sapphic relationship outside of that (‘jaderose’) is purely just to contribute to the drama rosemary is supposedly destined to cause. TO THIS DAY i think the choice to make rose cheat on kanaya is vile, esp when meat rosemary was already as messy as it was (and for the record, i think meat rosemary is good drama. candy rosemary is pointless drama that completely undermines not just rose’s canon character, but her established characterization In The Epilogues. yk, the thing they’re trying to play off of).
and i don’t want to sit here and say i think candy rosemary should be redeemed, i hope they divorce. i don’t think they should be salvageable as is, at least not easily. even moreso i hope to god that they stop treating kanaya like a sad punching bag who is solely victim to all of rose’s destructive impulses. kanaya has more than the capacity for anger, and more importantly i think kanaya loves herself. i hate to see a story where the one 100% canon lesbian character we have is forced to suffer and sit there looking pretty. i hate to see a story where they basically make kanaya’s entire life revolve around rose, forcing her to watch while she betrays her over and over. kanay was never like that, rosemary was never like that. it sucks that this is what they’ve turned into. i hope kanaya gets to kill people, or at least grow outside of rose. especially in candy, but in meat as well
i think meat rosemary has the potential to still be a good thing, they have some very interesting set up imo, but UGH there’s nothing more annoying than seeing kanaya immediately positioned as like, this sad figure who does nothing but think abt how much she misses her wife while rosebot exists to be nothing but a menace while terezi and dirk establish themselves as characters around her. and maybe i have no reason to, but i worry a lot anyways that we’re going to go into their arcs with this new team and they’re going to continue to discard them and either force kanaya to keep being a background character who watches rose destroy both of their lives, or sideline both of them entirely and position them purely as tools to fuel drama for the omega kids and otherwise act as catalysts for other characters to develop around
post canon in general has an undeniable woman problem. outside of vrissy it feels like the only women who’ve gotten any semblance of establishment as characters are terezi and alt calliope (even this recent update, aradia heavy as it was, had aradia mostly positioned to center some of the issues davebot is going to have to work through. which is fine, i guess, but not encouraging). i want to see this team live up to our hopes and deliver a good product. i’d like this team to treat its women well. i’d like them to treat their sapphics right. i believe that they can, i’m not trying to imply otherwise, but UGHHHH man do i think the old product didn’t set itself up well for this. and im just worried that this new team might not care enough to actually give rosemary (or rose and kanaya individually) anything remotely satisfying
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renaultphile · 1 year
Well, I didn't plan the timing to fit so neatly into the re-read, but here we are, the post-canon epilogue to Alec's timeline in the book. There's a little bit of TLC for Michael Odell, some closure for Alec, and, oh yes, plenty of Ralph/Michael parallels. Veiled SPOILERS for the end of the book. Enjoy 💖
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Thoughts in Solfef?
Sort of bittersweet. When you think about it, Sollux and Feferi got together just after ARADIABOT EXPLODED. Sollux had to watch his girlfriend die again. It didn't help that she was mostly taken/preoccupied by Equius, who built a robot body for her and was using her to smooch on (and god knows that Equius even built a programming chip to to try and force Aradia to have feelings for him). With the voices from the grave as a Doom player, telling him that everyone will soon die. At that moment, Sollux just... gave up. He can't do anything but accepted that things will just go as it is. Maybe to fool himself, he accepted Feferi's comfort despite knowing she will die soon. Any means to fake that small bit of happiness was enough to keep him sane. Some can see Feferi being genuine on feeling sorry for Sollux on losing someone. But another can view Feferi's fondness for Sollux is just as similar to how she wants to care for the cuttlefish, coddling the ill and sick until they get better. She had known Sollux for a moment when he helped her get into Sgrub and was immediately fond of him. One may think she would have cast aside the hemospectrum aside, but it is shown through chats like with Jade and Eridan herself, that she still holds some position of power, even after leaving Alternia and Karkat being the one to mostly lead the others. Maybe she had been genuine once she saw how Sollux was depressed after Aradia died. But after she died, Sollux seemingly just left her for Aradia. They barely had interacted when they died besides that moment where Sollux just get picked up by a Feferi and Nepeta in that ship moment during Act 6. It wouldn't be until as Erisolsprite pre-retcon, that he would have some guilt with Eridan for letting Feferi die. But by Post Retcon, Erisolsprite may have existed, but Fefpetasprite wouldn't be there. So Sollux wouldn't really have that kind of closure with Feferi ever again. By Epilogues and Beyond Canon/HS2, he is trapped in the Candy Timeline thanks to Aradia leaving him. Ghosts from the Dream Bubbles were shown to have traveled over to this timeline, as we see in Epilogues between an Eridan and Feferi having the 'redemption arc' under Gamzee. We don't know if it's the same Feferi we had seen, but a version of her is there. Does Sollux know that ghost versions of his friends are still around? Does he not bother to meet them after going into hiding? Karkat is the only other living friend now and he just wants him to deliver him a Happy Meal? I feel bad for Feferi for being so discarded in that sense. SolFef could probably work, but the way it has been set up like this makes me think it is fucked up that they were together like this.
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Hussie/What Pumpkin is the one who hid the informations about Hiveswap development from the fans and backers who needed (until Ms. Z brought it up from Gio's article), fired the employees without notice and severance, sent Ms Z a *fake* legal threat, admitting on removing an employee's credit on Hiveswap because she trashtalked after got fired. Yet Gio IS the one who destroyed Homestuck? I bet you will blame the detective for discovering a case's truth instead of the perpetrator.
Literally nothing about the information that WP released about Hiveswap changed anything other than being specific about numbers and releasing a more detailed Timeline of the events that led to the closing of WPNY, which was explicitly stated to be tried to be salvaged, but finally closed because of the violent and dangerous behavior of a former member making work impossible. Between potential NDAs, and having to deal with the drama from this member, I do not blame anyone for not wanting to air anything out here?
Fired employees without notice or severance, and removed an employee's credit for trashtalking after getting fired are actually news to me, the last time I looked into it I thought the consensus was there were credits lost along the way from the switch between WPNY and WP because that whole situation was a hell of its own. Which is its own whole can of worms. And yeah WP did overreach and fuck up trying to drag Sarah Z into a legal battle they had no ground on. I am not saying WP have not fucked. But have you considered the bigger picture here?
The Fandom has been increasingly hostile since after Cascade. There's always been a prevalent decline in people's perception after Act 5 ended, things that peaked during the Pauses, the Retcons, and finally, Act 7 not bringing closure to things, and which ballooned out of control when the Epilogues dropped, and continued through the entire duration of HS^2.
Let us not forget the Fandom doxxing and sending death threats to two members of the team, until one of them left- A leaving which is widely celebrated among a significant chunk of the Fandom despite having been one of the most vile things I've seen any Fandom do. Let us not forget the immediate reaction from WP after Sarah Z's video dropped was the dread of harassment and death threats that were flooding their way.
Gio is not 'a detective cracking the case open'. Gio is a stalker who loosely connected dots to throw shit in WP's direction, who worked with an abusive ex-employee to make up things about development they weren't involved in anymore to back these points, and which was picked up by Sarah Z's video, further promoting their ideas to a wider audience and leading to WP fucking up tremendously under pressure and everything else that happened.
I'm not going out of my way to say that WP have done nothing wrong here, and I am not going out of my way to make excuses for the poor handling of things over the years by them and Hussie. And I admit, maybe I am biased! I've mentioned this before. I was in contact with members of WP during this whole time! I heard some sides of the story that aren't widely known! And I was harassed myself, for like, two entire years, because of this shit! So maybe I am blinded by my own biases and you're entirely right, who knows! However, I can, and will say that the decline of HS was not by the poor handling of WP, it was the fucking Fandom becoming one of the most toxic cesspits I've seen on the Internet, and driving away any good will and attempt at cooperation and reconciliation.
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
Pining for another season of Ethersea SEVERELY
yES!!! TAZ Ethersea just feels very comforting in the same way Balance does for me. There's something about the boys all building their world together during the Quiet Year that I really loved, that kind of collaborative storytelling that inspires the rest of the arc. I ended up loving the whole party, even when they started tearing apart as time went on--and everyone's endings!!! The openness for a second season one day and the way the whole world itself is so magical and compelling and I'd just love a whole campaign book for it!!
The splitting, frayed timeline at the end because Devo made a decision to both say the exact right words when the time came, but also to very much defy them. Devo still trying to find Amber because they parted on such bad terms and he wants closure. Amber and her childhood friend accidentally becoming gods, becoming protective of the creatures she spent her whole life trying to destroy. Looking out at the world she's supposed to "end" and just. Trying her best.
Everything with Zoox and the white coral, how he keeps longing for connection and meaning and finds it again and again in a vast sea that should be so dark and empty but breathes with a life all its own. AND EVERYTHING WITH BROTHER SELDOM?? THAT EPILOGUE?? JUST--
Anyway, Ethersea is just still so very fun to me and had so many fascinating little threads I'd love to see the boys go back and explore. Also, please give me just a whole campaign setting book for the big magic ocean, Griffin--
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argyledpenguin · 2 years
Hi there! You’re gonna find this question maybe a little strange and perhaps a little bit nostalgic, but recently, I came across one of your older fics, specifically a Charmed one called A Company Man and I am obsessed with it. It is everything I ever wanted for Chris! Now, I did noticed that you had planned on doing an epilogue for it and did a little searching and came up with nothing for said epilogue so far. Now, I can’t blame you if you never got around to doing, and I know it’s been a long time since you’ve probably even thought about it, but I. Must. Know. Did you have anything planned for it? A chapter, an outline, I’d even accept a vague idea for it! I ask you as a humble reader so that I may get so closure on it 🙏🏼 please and thank you and blessed be.
I am always happy to talk about that fic! It's my baby!!! I'm so glad you like it!
I am sorry that I never did post the epilogue. And with the way fanfiction.net works, I can't even edit the last chapter that falsely promises an epilogue! Every once in a while I think about going back and adding an epilogue, but I'm so far removed from that fic that I just don't know that I could do it.
BUT I did have a plan for it!
Here's the outline: Chris returns to the changed future and still remembers his life in the original, messed up future. He's thrilled that he changed the future successfully, and he doesn't even care that he has no memory of a life in this better, happy future. The sisters and Leo figure out quickly that he's from the messed up future, and they're upset that he's stuck with memories of his old, unhappy life and has no memory of growing up in this timeline. He gets to meet his sister, gets to talk to good!Wyatt, gets to spend time with his cousins. And then he wakes up the next day, and his memories of the original, messed up future are gone, and he gets to live happily ever after.
Basically, I wanted to have my cake and eat it, too. Magic allowed the Chris who suffered so much and sacrificed everything to be able to enjoy the future he saved for a day while knowing that he saved it, then magic allowed that Chris to fade away, leaving behind the Chris that was raised in a happy, healthy family and future. I hope that makes sense!
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destinyimage · 7 months
4 Years Since the Pandemic: Experiencing God’s Power in the Storm
I thought I knew where the Holy Spirit was leading me because He gave me the words to write a beautiful children’s book.
Every time I felt prompted, I sat down to write. The words flowed freely and easily, making the book nothing short of amazing. Yet, God’s work in me was not complete. He was not ready for my book to be released. What could possibly be the hold-up when it was quite obvious that He had inspired the words? Like so many aspects of our lives, we presume to understand our path. The notion is laughable, really. How could I presume to know more than God? It’s ludicrous. Yet, once He bestowed upon me those beautiful words, I convinced myself that His work was done—that I was on my own. The idea that God could ever be finished with us is, in itself, laughable.
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On a bright April morning in 2020, the Holy Spirit inspired me to pen a children’s book that filled me with elation. The process took about ten minutes, and the result was adorable—a story about a little girl overwhelmed by fear due to her school's closure and the inability to see her friends, all because of a terrible sickness far worse than the flu. The narrative concluded with her finding comfort in her father’s nightly prayers, realizing that if God could guide us through such adversity, He could lead us through anything. The story’s comforting, rhyming words seemed to create a perfect children’s book. However, as we now know, April 2020 was merely the onset of prolonged challenges. Students were not allowed to return to school to complete the year, prompting me to add to the story. Guided by the Spirit, I expanded the book to include six chapters and an epilogue, never anticipating its eventual length. With every reading, the emotional depth of the story moved me to tears. The young girl’s journey—marked by comfort through her father’s prayers, life lessons, and a deepening relationship with God—culminated in her leading readers to Jesus. What I initially thought complete in ten minutes ultimately took a year to finalize. Then began the search for a publisher, a journey longer and more instructive than I had anticipated.
During this period, our family faced a profound challenge: one of our adult sons was diagnosed with metastasized melanoma, a condition deemed incurable. Despite avoiding a prognosis timeline, online resources grimly suggested a life expectancy of four to six months. The subsequent COVID-19 diagnoses within our family could have been overwhelming. Instead, God bestowed upon us an inexplicable peace. Amidst prayers for miraculous healing, our son underwent an aggressive treatment regimen that ultimately led us to seek alternative therapies. Remarkably, God facilitated a spiritual healing, transforming our son into a vibrant testament to Jesus’s love and salvation. This spiritual renewal was a gift beyond measure.
Our son’s journey took a miraculous turn when, upon a follow-up examination, it was revealed that all signs of cancer had vanished. This moment of divine intervention was a testament to God’s grace and power. Reflecting on these events, I see God's hand at work not only in our son’s healing but in strengthening our family and deepening our faith.
As we prepared to publish this heartfelt book, our experiences during the pandemic and the witnessing of a genuine miracle profoundly changed us. Our faith has grown, our approach to life has become more selfless, and we’ve become bold in sharing our story, hopeful that it will inspire faith in others.
The little girl’s story in ‘Twas the Time of Prayer not only captures these themes but also extends an invitation to faith, complemented by Pastor J. D. Hornbacher’s illustrations that beautifully encapsulate faith and life lessons. Destiny Image Publishers has generously provided resources for new believers, and Becky Dvorak’s one-sentence prayers offer a powerful tool for teaching children the power of prayer.
Today, I am reminded of the Holy Spirit's incredible guidance through the challenges of a global pandemic, teaching us lessons of faith and hope. Thank you, Jesus, for your healing power. We pray in Your name, Amen.
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0 notes
tojisun · 3 years
Can we, if possible, get a short epilogue to 'how we break' about y/n healing and moving on(with gojo?)🥺 of her finally getting the closure she deserves~
hii i really loved the idea of reader realizing she’s in love with satoru when he was about to burn down her kitchen so this epilogue follows that timeline! i hope this is good <33 [x]
the clattering of metal followed by satoru’s string of curses shoot you up from the loveseat in your living room. you run the small distance to your kitchen, calling out satoru’s name in worry. what you see is not what you expected.
three of your cooking pots are strewn on the floor along with some of your spatulas, a can opener, a whole onion, and your cutting board. there’s tomato sauce splattering on your glass stove and onto the walls, staining your matted tiles. the empty fry pan on top of the stove that’s blasted on high is smoking, surely burning at the moment.
amidst the chaos is satoru in a fluffly and lacy blue apron (you learn later that he bought it from victoria’s secret as a prank for suguru), frantically flipping through a cookbook while a famous japanese chef who’s giving cooking tutorials is playing on his phone.
your kitchen is a mess and satoru’s close to ripping the book and his beautiful hair, and yet you can’t help but burst out in laughter.
satoru swivels to you, dropping the book in the process. “hey!” he says.
“sorry for, well,” he turns to examine your kitchen, grimacing at the mess he created. “that,” he says, waving his hands at the whole of your kitchen to emphasize his point.
“don’t worry about it, i guess? hey, do you need help?” you ask, still staring at the splattered sauce on your walls which are now dripping slowly.
“no!” satoru says, coming to stand in front of you, “i’m doing good–” you quirk an eyebrow at him “okay-ish, so don’t worry about it! i’ll clean it all up too, i promise!”
before you can retort back, you watch as he turns his puppy eyes at you. big, blue eyes almost shining and sparkling and-
well, you don’t have the heart to say no to him.
“fine,” you grumble out. “but i’m staying here,” you say, pointing towards the tiny island in your kitchen.
“that’s great!” he says, slipping his hand to yours and guiding you towards the stool. you chuckle at his actions, shaking your head fondly.
you both sidestep the onion and your rubber spatula on your way. thank god you removed your kitchen rugs because you know they wouldn’t survive satoru’s cooking journey.
when you fix yourself onto the stool, satoru smiles at you and turns back towards whatever he’s trying to cook. you huff a laugh when the onion he tried to pick up just rolls out of his reach.
usually, you’re the one cooking for the two of you but you allowed satoru to come in your kitchen when he whined that you’re always the one spoiling him.
“i want to make you something,” he said, “don’t worry about me!”
you didn’t tell him this but when he began tying the babydoll apron on, you started worrying for the safety of your kitchen. and for satoru.
but blue really looks good on him.
you watch as satoru drains the spaghetti from the small pot, trying his best to hide the action from you. he’s been secretive about tonight’s dinner, but from the sauce alone you know he’s attempting to plate pasta.
you try not to hiss when whatever satoru put on the smoking frypan began sizzling. another curse escapes his lips, frantically switching the heat on low.
he slowly eyes you, perhaps hoping you weren’t watching, before speedily turning away when his eyes met yours. “nothing to see here!”
“uh-huh,” you say, not believing a word he uttered, but having fun all the while.
after ten minutes, satoru cheers. you don’t know what’s going on anymore, especially when your apartment began smelling like burnt oil and cooked pasta sauce at the same time. your vent isn’t working properly—might need to call your landlord again.
satoru does his silly victory dance in your kitchen, socked feet helping him glide smoothly on your floor. you laugh when he starts singing, belting out an american song you heard playing on his car’s radio, using the sauce-soaked spatula as a mic.
the sun has began setting, casting your apartment in orange tint, driving fall into your home. the sun hits satoru’s hair, white strands being engulfed in orange like the sky itself. satoru’s blue eyes are brighter and his smile is wide and–
you are in love.
the realization comes to you like dusk. it didn’t creep up on you or slam onto you—it just was there.
your eyes widen and your lips part open for a silent gasp. the gentle wind grows even fainter and your ear becomes deaf to everything but the sound of your heart beating.
your kitchen is a mess and your whole apartment smells weird, and yet you feel the happiest.
love has previously scarred you whole, leaving you unknowing if you will ever be able to love again.
but now? with satoru and his overcooked pasta? love has come back to you; it has come back home.
now the question is, does satoru love you back?
(he does. oh how he does.)
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relaxxattack · 2 years
idk if you care about postcanon much but am i the only one that things that like....the base concepts from the epilogues couldve ended up being really good if they just. stuck to that, and maybe did away from ult selves???
like, in my mind the idea of post canon collapse and specifically dirks response to that was a very clever and in character concept and we'll never see what it couldve been with a little focus
ouurrrghhh the epilogues are so like. yes they Could Have been good; the idea of resolving wtf happened with lord english and vriska is GOOD. but the execution (and everything else) is just.... absolute Hell
the end of homestuck was, as everyone knows, kind of rushed because hussie was so burnt out, and as a result theres a lot of things that had Obvious unfinished bits. like, jade taking on the suffering of the retcon timeline is literally never addressed? jakes self esteem mental breakdown thingy is never talked out? dirk doesnt process his self hatred verbally? terezi doesnt get closure about vriska? dave never gets to actually come out to his friends despite really importantly and sweetly building up to it for like 947538 acts? karkat and kanaya dont get to fully explore that whole saving their race thing? kanaya and rose's relationship in general felt like they didn't get the closure they deserved after act six ...
homestuck was a story about characters talking things out with each other (sometimes way too much), and thats what made it earnest and sweet.
that was missing from the end of the story, instead getting replaced with a Big Epic Battle and some endscenes. and yes, the credits imply that things went happily, but like, they don't actually give Emotional Closure on those issues because the characters didn't get to talk them out the way they always have.
the epilogues in my opinion should've picked up where homestuck originally left off. OR, if they REALLY wanted to keep their earth C horrible political soap opera angst next gen clusterfuck, they could have at least kept adding "YEARS IN THE PAST, BUT NOT MANY..." chapters to re-address any of those left off plotlines.
like, yeah, homestuck was Good, and yes, i cried at the end. but they had a chance with the epilogues to go back and undo the mistakes of an author who was too tired to really help the characters reach their full potential, and instead they bashed every single character and made them into bitchy plot-drivers to create angst without personality. (like, FUCK can we talk about how jane and dirk's epilogue characterization goes against their entire character arcs? about how roxy's gender thing kind of spits in the face of all her obvious transfemme coding from hs proper and also makes dirk out to look like a dick for no reason?? can we talk about how jade dave and karkat all get reduced to only their love lives instead of any of their actual character struggles?? but that's another conversation)
conclusion: epilogues bad. they had some good concepts yes. commander karkat also fucks. but the epilogues just don't feel like homestuck. they aren't fun like homestuck and they don't scratch that magical itch homestuck does where it weirdly warps around through time to answer every question in a neat little bow. intead they just make more problems and more questions, forever.
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larsisfrommars · 3 years
I need to unload some Caleb thoughts real quick
His epilogue was not that angsty, especially when you compare it to Vax’s ending or what Caleb could have done had things been different.
Did it have closure and heartbreak? Absolutely!
Was his burying the book of letters he wanted to give to his (living) parents super sad and beautiful? YEAH.
Was it super emotional and done in a way that is true to Liam O’Brien’s style? Of course.
Was it better that he didn’t ruin the timeline or get himself killed by trying to go back to save them? YES YES YES YES YES!
Was Shadowgast pretty clearly implied to at least have been briefly canon in the Epilogue? I certainly think so! (You’re allowed to be sad it wasn’t more blatant but you can’t deny romance was never central to Caleb’s focus or interests)
Did Caleb survive and still has an adoring found family? Yes!
Is he going to be and stay a teacher for the rest of his life like Caleb always said he wanted to do if Trent hadn’t fucked everything up and Liam repeatedly said on Talks Machina would be the “Best Timeline” ending for Caleb?
Y E S ! ! !
We got the Happiest Ending we could’ve gotten for Caleb, he’s alive! He didn’t give into his darker nature and break time, and got closure with his parents! He has a found family! He took down his abuser! He’s devoting his life to the things that make him happiest and continuing to fight the systems that hurt him! He has/had a beautiful purple wizard boyfriend! He’s good! And I am happy that Caleb is (mostly) happy. So nobody give Liam crap for his ending being (purely) angsty cuz that just ain’t true! I am so happy for Caleb, especially after what happened to Vax.
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aboutzatanna · 2 years
The Detective & The Magician: A Timeline of Batman & Zatanna's Relationship (2/3)
So when we last left off, Joker managed to get the drop on both Batman and Zatanna. Now it's time for both of them to hit back.
We start off with Batman and Zatanna doing some investigating together. I like their back and forth here.
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They track down Joker to the a stage show and makes short work of him:
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Finally, Bruce buries the hatchet and the two of them resume their friendship. What I appreciate about this is that Dini canonized his OP but used it to wipe away the stink of Identity Crisis. Though it didn't stop other writers from referencing it or drawing ideas from it, this at least gave us some closure on it.
Source: Detective Comics #834
The plot thread is again picked up Detective Comics #843:
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"But you didn't investigate the option either." I love the word play here and the two have good chemistry.
Anyway, blah blah blah, after the bad guys are taken care of, we get some kind of resolution to their romance:
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Source: Detective Comics #844
-I don't know about you guys but I don't think that I don't think I would be able to say no if Zatanna wrapped her hands around my neck like that.
-As far as Dini's stories are concerned that was it for Bruce/Zee. Other writers may reference them in their stories but in Dini's subsequent stories from here on, Bruce/Zee would be treated as a thing of past and is barely referenced in both Zatanna's ongoing and in Zatanna/Black Canary: Bloodspell OGN. Overall I think the relationship was very maturely handled under Dini's pen.
PS: Dustin Ngyuen draws a very sexy (and overall great) Zatanna.
Link to the next part (featuring Catwoman): https://johnvenus.tumblr.com/post/674753793344274432/the-detective-the-magician-epilogue-with
Link to Part One: https://aboutzatanna.tumblr.com/post/681964520197980160/the-detective-the-magician-a-timeline-of-batman
Link to Part 3: Catwoman's Reaction: https://aboutzatanna.tumblr.com/post/681964727703846912/the-detective-the-magician-epilogue-33-ft
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tangent101 · 2 years
A Strange Life: Epilogue
Loose Threads  
Over the next month, I got used to my new life. I healed, though the wound still itches. I’d been fortunate that Cinder had gotten a .38 special Derringer as the bullet had passed completely through me, though it did mean I needed Yang‘s help with the scar on my back. I started working at the Qrow Bar helping Taiyang with deliveries to Blackwell and beyond. And I gave up on photography. 
Yang actually argued with me on that one. She loves my pictures. But after everything I’d gone through with the Dark Room and Adam’s abuse of me... every time I looked at a camera, I could remember Adam looming over me and hearing the clacking of picture after picture taken when I was at my most vulnerable.  
We even visited Cinder. She looked so haunted. She started apologizing over and over for shooting me. And I forgave her. I’d manipulated her, I’d sought death at her hand hoping it would save everyone. Somehow it all worked out. Neo got justice, her brother and Yang closure... and Cinder had to live with what was done to her by Rainbow Crossings and Adam’s efforts to twist her into a monster.  
That night I didn’t have any nightmares. And while I still had the occasional nightmare from time to time... I was sleeping through the night more and more often and letting Yang catch up on sleep as well. 
A week before Christmas Yang and I were busy preparing dinner. Ruby and Taiyang were running late due to after-school activities. Ilia was coming by later to discuss Christmas plans; I was hoping to celebrate Christmas here in Arcadia Vale and then head up to Seattle the next day. 
But for now? I was cutting up vegetables for Yang as she grilled diced pork on the stove top. I’d just finished with onions and was washing my hands when someone knocked on the door. 
“Blake, can you get that?” Yang asked, expertly flipping bits of pork. I wiped my hands on the towel hanging on the refrigerator door and headed to the front door. 
I stared in confusion at the two women standing before me, one hooded. The other had short black hair and a familiar smirk and a moment later I stepped forward, grasping her hands in mine. “Angel! It’s been too long!” I smirked and added “It’s definitely been longer than five days, and this is the north, not the East.” 
Angel laughed softly. “Yeah. I kind of got lost on the way. You... disrupted the shape of space-time when you reset the timeline so I missed you by a couple months.” She sighed and looked around. “You did good though. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you but... I thought I’d bring an early Christmas gift. And some second chances.” She turned and touched the other woman’s arm, and she started, looking up... I stared into silvery eyes....
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