#¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market
onsomenewsht · 8 months
now playing: Colorado
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》 Alexia Putellas x Reader
》 words count: +1k
》 I'd choose the devil I know over the heaven I don't
The end starts with you finding the ring.
“Alexia, I swear to your good knee, if you’re not ready I’m gonna sell your Ballon d’Or”, your announcement resonating through the rooms. 
You’ve been ready for an entire hour now, beaming and excited for the opportunity to present with your teammates a special award named after your captain. The only thing missing is your perfectionist girlfriend still hidden in the bathroom.
When you open the door, you cannot believe your eyes.
Alexia’s tattooed back is exposed in the criminally low backless dress she’s in, sure, but her hair is still dripping wet and she’s fighting with a makeup brush. Clearly losing, her frown is a well known hint for you. 
She’s not ready and now you have to find your way on the black market.
“Need help?”
“Yes, vamos a llegar tarde” (we’re late)
“No voy a llegar tarde si ni quiero ir” (I can’t be late if I don’t wanna go in the first place)
Your chuckle filling the room is enough to make the blonde smirk, but you know her well enough to read the subtle lines on her face. Her worries are clear, the reasons to be discovered and a solution to be found.
Taking place behind her figure, you set your hands on her sides and plant a couple of strategically placed kisses on her back and shoulders. Her fitted form relaxes right away under your lips.
When your eyes meet in the mirror it's like a story is being narrated, an understanding of each other that goes beyond big words and great gestures but holds the deep love shared.
Your fingers move to untangle the blonde’s wet hair, taking the time to dry and straighten each lock just as she likes.
“Lo siento” (I’m sorry)
Shy Alexia is a version of her few people meet, her stance a lot less intimidating than the one she portrays on the field or in front of hundreds of cameras. 
“No tienes nada de que arrepentirte, mi corazón” (Nothing to be sorry for)
“I lost time in the gym and I lost time in the shower and I guess I just don’t wanna go”, the English sentence giving away how much thought she put into it. 
The catalan turns to look directly into your eyes for the first time all day, you realise. She really doesn’t want to go to this event, but your excitement and anticipation must have helped hide it throughout the week.
“Eres preciosa, mi amor” (You’re beautiful), she simply states, taking in the perfectly ironed black dress you’re wearing and the meticulously braided hair framing your face.
You smile at her, you love her.
“I know you don’t like the idea of this award, I know you don’t want us handing it to you with a carefully drafted speech”
“¡Lo escribiste!” (You wrote it, didn’t you?)
“Jana helped, all the team did”
Alexia’s eyebrow rises and you don't miss the fact she has a little bit more makeup on than usual, a sight she’s putting an effort.
“I supervised, don’t worry”
“No es reconfortante” (It’s no reassuring)
But her shoulders are relaxed, her frown no longer creasing her beautiful face. The blonde is calmer now and you take it as a victory she never actually asked you to ditch the all thing and hide together under a blanket with a mindless dating show in the background.
“Lo leerás?” (Will you read it?)
“Banned me to even come close to a microphone”, to be fair, it was a single accident and they should’ve not let the anchor’s line open when you just won a championship and your girlfriend’s literally glowing.
She bursts out laughing and you know she’s ready.
Almost ready.
“Take me the white heels while I finish esto”, her fingers moving somehow awkwardly around her mouth, “Y estamos listos!” (And we’re ready to go).
You place a soft but firm kiss on her lips, leaving for her shoes rack.
You’re looking for a pair of heels, one she hates to wear but well designed and a perfect fit with her dress. One she doesn’t wear much so it’s probably hidden in a box in the back of the closet.
That’s why you’re looking for a hidden box of shoes.
That’s where you notice a velvet little box.
That’s how you find the ring.
It’s a beautiful ring. Stunning cut, your precise size. A modest but expertly crafted gem complementing the simple band. It’s the perfect ring.
You don’t like shiny thing, Alexia could ask you to marry her with paper or grass from Camp Nou and you’re gonna say yes regardless.
But that’s exactly the problem.
You love her, you really do. You love her so much you gladly do whatever she asks, if she wants it enough to ask. You keep her love above your own and that’s fine, you’re happy with it. What she loves comes before what you love, naturally following immediately after anyway. 
And what she loves the most is usually you, so you never questioned it. 
However, when her love starts coming despite yours, you realise you can’t keep doing it.
The shift is difficult to perceive, coming at such a silent but excruciating pace that’s impossible to predict and devastating to take in.
The bomb dropped on you in the form of a tiny jewellery box that detonated when opened, shining ring inside.
“Està Narnia?” (You found Narnia?)
Closing the box and effectively concealing the ring from your gaze it’s a switch off. The silence that usually preempts a devastating explosion is coming after it, this one time.
“I’m ready!”
When she walks out of the bathroom, stunning as ever, you just stare. You never loved someone as much as you love her, that is obvious for a while now. 
You never loved and you will never love someone as much as you love her. 
Not even yourself.
“Estás bien?” (Are you okay?)
“T’estimo” (I love you)
Shining eyes almost give away all the meaning behind your words, but the captain fondly kisses you and it’s all good again.
Alexia takes the heels from your hands, when you manage to find them is not clear in your head, and sits on the bed. Your fingers intertwine as you bend on your knees and carefully tie the long white laces around her ankles.
“You good?”, she holds one of your hands and her stare is searching straight through your soul.
She has a ring hidden in a box, how long ago did she buy it?
“Let’s get you this award, mi corazón”
She wants to marry you, when will she ask?
Both your holds are firm and kind, she is calmed and ready. Now, somehow, she’s even happy to go to this event if you keep holding her hand like that.
If she asks, you will say yes.
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dozing-marshmallow · 11 months
Hi! I love your writing, I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for Alejandro × fem! reader who is latina (Argentinian) and is on her period? (btw could you also make Alejandro latino pls)
YOU KNOWWW I was actually planning on writing reader being on period headcanons for a couple TDI characters, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. Think this request is a starting sign to move forward with that ;) 
Thank you for the request and your love for my work!! Enjoy 💗 
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It’s actually so much fun having a partner that shared similar cultures to you.
You had someone to randomly switch from English to Spanish with, someone whom your parents absolutely adored, someone you could relate to.
When that week of the month comes for your uterus lining to splatter down, you’re understandably not in the greatest mood and Alejandro could tell.
“Hijo de puta...” Your cries get coughed up, onto Alejandro’s grey jeans,“Why does this have to hurt so muuuch? I can’t function properly! I can’t fuuuunction!”
“Poor niña.” Alejandro sympathises, patting your head that slammed on his lap like a pillow,“Would you give me the honour of cooking you a delicacy to cheer you up? Perhaps asado?”
“A barbecue today...?” you stir around to see his flawless face with your puffy eyes,“I...I don’t think we have any meat...”
“No problem. I’ll simply go to the Latin market. Perhaps you’d like to assist me? Please don’t feel obliged to, if you prefer to stay here.” His voice was too handsome.
A part of you wanted to stay inside because you weren’t motivated to go outside when you felt like a hideous pig and your tummy feeling that someone was savagely putting a chainsaw through and through over and over.
On the other hand, you didn’t want to be alone, and someone needed to drive the girls away.
So you stand up, flinching at the sudden leak warming between your legs and nod,”Vamos.”
I can see Alejandro always using the formal “usted” to refer to you for some reason. 
Example, when you do get to the Latin Market, you head immediately to the sweets aisle where Alejandro had to chase you from the meat section.
“¿Usted tiene una paladar dulce?” (Do you have a sweet tooth?) he grinned after seeing you claw in your cravings for chocolate, sweets.
It never pissed you off so much until today,“Alejandroooo, can you stop being so formal for once? We’ve known each other long enough.”
He puts a hand to his chest. Here we go,“But I fear there is a difference between the time of knowing someone to how you know someone. You’ve known someone like Heather for a long time, but would you say you’re in a close-“
Nope nope nope nope nope,“Point made.” you then realise something,“...Are you basically saying how you view me is how I view Heather?”
“Mi amor, ¡claro que no!” Alejandro’s light emerald eyes bolted like a second,“That was just to distinguish the difference. All I’m saying is that I personally haven’t felt that I have earned the right to refer to you to something so intimate.”
You scoff. Periods really do make you feel weird,“Oh, get real, Alejandro. It’s just an excuse, I don’t care. You probably say that to any other chick whenever I’m not around.”
His dumbfounded brain could only thrive more through his tongue,“My dear, you don’t think of me as that shameless, I hope not! It would be against nature to even make attempt to displace your rightful place en mi corazón.“ he then takes a proper look at your specific choice of sweets in its yellow wrapping,“Havanna alfajores? What extravagant taste. ¿Quieres que te lo compre?”(Do you want me to buy it for you?)
Now see, that pissed you off even more. Because why did you need to tell him that it’s only logical to use the informal “you” for him to start using it?
Oh you don’t have the energy to properly confront him,“I’ll only let you buy these for me if you drop the usted. I’m sick of it. So sick of it.”
“It’s a deal.” he smirked, adding a bottle of Malbec to the basket.
As soon as he bought everything, you rip open a packet of Havanna alfajores and shove it whole in your mouth. Already you felt so much better. So much better, you could cry again. Alejandro laughs sweetly.
“Don’t you want one?” you ask him.
He shakes his head,“Please, they are your sweets. They’re for you. You deserve them for remaining strong in something only as I as a man can treat with dignity.”
Okay, that one got your face feeling as intense as your cramps,“...As long as you’re happy too.”
Of course those bloodsucking slices had to stick deeper just as soon as you expressed some solicitude to another human being.
“Ohh Alejandro... “ you moan, crunching the wrapping in your first, you rocked your head against him,“I wanna go home now. Now. Get me out here, please...”
“Your word is my command.” he transfers the plastic bags to one hand,“Would you prefer I carry you?”
Through a fit of moans and swirling discomfort, you did have the barbecue and played all kinds of Latin music to the grilling and steaming. You would have had a dance if your uterus wasn’t chewing you alive in sync.
You almost cried, but Alejandro soothed you. Let yourself rest, mi amor! It is nothing to see the sorrow in your eyes like that!
You were still pissed at yourself for having this bodily whatever, but you had to concur, that you’d have the rest of the other days of the month to get up and dance.
As true love suggests.
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eroscandy · 6 months
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Recovering perfectionist, I'm learning to let go
... ou Headcanons de uma semideusa amaldiçoada
Ser congratulado a todo tempo por ter sobrevivido ao ataque de uma fúria não fazia sentido para Candace. Uma vitória indireta sem peso quando tudo tinha mudado. Sua vida, sua condição, sua origem. Explodir um monstros com uma rosa mágica contra você é filha de um deus grego? Quem vencia. As cicatrizes espalhadas por suas costas sendo consideradas um prêmio e, mesmo assim, escondidas. Quem perguntava, ela explicava com sincera humildade; vangloriando-se mais pelo o que era e o que tinha acontecido do que um monstro movido pelo cheiro do seu sangue.
Candace está mais envolvida em causas ambientais que sociais, em especial as relacionadas a vida e limpeza marítima. Depois de quebrar seu coração sacrificando um hipocampo doente, a filha de Eros prometeu a si mesma que nunca mais vivenciaria isso. Enquanto o problema for poluição mortal, os lucros de empresas e contratos de marketing seriam transferidos para as ONGs relacionadas. No ano passado, ajudou a criar o projeto Hippocampus com outros semideuses. Para o mundo mortal, estudam e preservam Cavalos marinhos; para os que enxergam através da névoa, cavalos peixes.
Quem nunca se perguntou: o que tem na bolsa de Candace? Primeiramente, deve ser deixado claro que ela muda a cada seis meses. Sempre com o modelo mais atual da mais nova coleção da Chanel. Assim que a recebe, pede logo para as filhas de Hécate darem um jeito em questão de camuflagem e compartimento. Ficam enormes por dentro e combinam automaticamente com seus diferentes looks. E vamos para os itens: cadeira dobrável, tenda de acampamento solo de luxo (Esperar cansa e, às vezes, dormir até o amanhecer fica sendo a única opção), taça de vinho, de champanhe e de shot, cinco mudas de roupa, botas de caminhada, maquiagem reserva, gancho e âncora, óculos de sol, bússola, três baterias externas.
Nunca foi punida por Quíron ou Dionísio por ser certinha demais. Alguém a presenteou com as regras do acampamento e ela devorou na primeira semana. Regras esquecidas e impossíveis? Ela sabia. E com a vida em risco dependendo do que fizesse, a Lovegood não arriscaria. Meio que ajuda muito as harpias lembrarem a fúria do seu ataque e, pelo arrepio de horror que subia pelo braço, ela evitava todo o custo passar a noite lavando pratos ao lado delas.
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paellacatering · 8 months
Paella Caterers – We Mingle Rich Flavours In This Classic Dish
From the first bite to the last, savour the rich aromas, vibrant colours, and delightful textures that make paella an unforgettable culinary masterpiece.��With over 14 years in Spanish Cuisine, we know how to create the right food experience for you to enjoy and celebrate with your loved ones.
The success of events, large or small, is often dependent on the food and the paella caterers and our process
We meet the prospective clients and they tell us what they would like at their event.
We prepare a customised menu or they can choose from the 5 different menus available for us to quote. Interestingly our signature dish can be customized to keep everyone happy regardless of their dietary requirements – gluten free, dairy free, nut free, egg free, vegetarian.
Once they are happy, we meet again usually in our studio. We can organise a tasting session; speak with us for the charges.
Once again, all going well, they book and pay their deposit.
On the day of the event we bring our culinary expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to the event location, offering captivating live cooking stations that not only showcase the artistry behind paella but also create an interactive and engaging experience for the guests.
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Why choose Vamos Paella Caterers
We take pride in the fact that our Paellas are always cooked with only the freshest produce, in authentic recipes mingled in rich flavours that create magic of Spain.
We choose our suppliers carefully; we source our Spanish produce from Brindisa in Borough Market.
Our rice comes from Calasparra in Murcia. The grains increase in size by more than 70% when cooked.
Our olive oil uses olives from Navarra in northern Spain - highly prized for their fresh, fruity undertones.
Our pimenton dulce from La Vera in Extremadura gets its flavour from smoking the capsicums over oak fires.
We have specialised chefs, fully trained in Spanish Cuisine
Our long term client relationship
Our Chorizo Parrilla, which we use in our chorizo hotdogs, is a winner of a Gold Star in the Great Taste Awards 2008.
Say a big Buenos Dias to paella – and to Vamos Paella Caterers– and experience the traditional way of sharing the spirit, flavours and warmth of Spain at your own celebration!
Let's get in touch. 
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karlosjacobsh · 8 months
Paella Caterers – We Mingle Rich Flavours In This Classic Dish
From the first bite to the last, savour the rich aromas, vibrant colours, and delightful textures that make paella an unforgettable culinary masterpiece. With over 14 years in Spanish Cuisine, we know how to create the right food experience for you to enjoy and celebrate with your loved ones.
The success of events, large or small, is often dependent on the food and the paella caterers and our process
We meet the prospective clients and they tell us what they would like at their event.
We prepare a customised menu or they can choose from the 5 different menus available for us to quote. Interestingly our signature dish can be customized to keep everyone happy regardless of their dietary requirements – gluten free, dairy free, nut free, egg free, vegetarian.
Once they are happy, we meet again usually in our studio. We can organise a tasting session; speak with us for the charges.
Once again, all going well, they book and pay their deposit.
On the day of the event we bring our culinary expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to the event location, offering captivating live cooking stations that not only showcase the artistry behind paella but also create an interactive and engaging experience for the guests.
Why choose Vamos Paella Caterers
We take pride in the fact that our Paellas are always cooked with only the freshest produce, in authentic recipes mingled in rich flavours that create magic of Spain.
We choose our suppliers carefully; we source our Spanish produce from Brindisa in Borough Market.
Our rice comes from Calasparra in Murcia. The grains increase in size by more than 70% when cooked.
Our olive oil uses olives from Navarra in northern Spain - highly prized for their fresh, fruity undertones.
Our pimenton dulce from La Vera in Extremadura gets its flavour from smoking the capsicums over oak fires.
We have specialised chefs, fully trained in Spanish Cuisine
Our long term client relationship
Our Chorizo Parrilla, which we use in our chorizo hotdogs, is a winner of a Gold Star in the Great Taste Awards 2008.
Say a big Buenos Dias to paella – and to Vamos Paella Caterers– and experience the traditional way of sharing the spirit, flavours and warmth of Spain at your own celebration!
Let's get in touch. 
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kartikwadhwa · 2 years
Gratitude 02-02-2023
Grateful for being able to be with my nephew, play those bubbles thing with him. Also grateful to do meditation today, it felt good. Will be playing a game or two of FIFA today to get me in the better mood. Need to resume my sports course. Will also be watching the greatest club in the world play football today. Also, grateful for reading Finshot and Daily Dad emails on a daily basis. The insights gathered from there is too good man, just too damn good. Feeling a bit low to be honest due to Adani and Market saga. Hopefully, there is some respite in the coming days. Come on man, keep the momentum going boys, let’s go. Vamos and Siuuuu!!
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¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market by Raúl The Third, Colors by Elaine Bay
Genre/category: Pura Belpré Award 2020, Picture Book
Targeted Age: Toddlers to 2nd Graders
Quick plot synopsis: Little Lobo, his dog Barnabé, and their roach friend make deliveries to the market. Together they help out friends old and new while exploring the variety of vendors.
Why I chose ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market: Written and illustrated by Raúl the Third and colored by Elaine Bay, ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market won the 2020 Pura Belpré Illustrator award for its authentic portrayal and celebration of a mercado (market). The Pura Belpré Award promotes the depiction of Latina/o culture from Latina/o authors and illustrators. ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market’s colorful pages are interspersed with both English and Spanish text, complete with a glossary of Spanish terms at the end. This book provides a great way to naturally learn Spanish vocabulary via context and images.
Created with ink and colored in Adobe Photoshop, the illustrations of ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market are chock full of detail (Raúl the Third, 2019). Each page is reminiscent of the work of Richard Scarry, full of busy animal characters and Spanish words labeling different objects and activities. The art style also echoes elements of vintage cartoons. Every illustration in ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market provides details that introduce more plot elements than in the text. For example, early in the book a newspaper detail reads “el TORO loses mask!” and on the accompanying page El Toro can be seen wearing a paper bag over his head (Raúl The Third, 2019). The saga of El Toro’s mask is not mentioned in the text until the very end, when that plotline intersects with Little Lobo’s. Each and every character suggests life beyond the plot of the story, lending depth to the world created.
As indicated on the dedication page, the Mercado in ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market is inspired by the real life El Mercado Cuauhtémoc in Ciudad Juárez, México. El Mercado is the central focus of the story, and the fact that it is so faithful to reality is one of the reasons this book is a Pura Belpré award winner. References in the illustrations, such as puppets that look like Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, provide credibility to the the Mexican setting. These elements of Latina/o history and culture are fundamental to the life of Little Lobo and other market goers.
Both text and illustrations support a theme of appreciating the benefits of helping others in a community. Little Lobo delivers things that Mercado vendors need, and in return they give him gifts and things that he needs. Through this, the community in El Mercado participates in a form of mutual aid. ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market uses the events of the story to present its theme, successfully avoiding didacticism. Rather than explicitly stating the lesson it wishes to teach, the book allows the reader to reach their own conclusions.
Do I recommend it?: ¡Por supuesto! (Of course!) ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market can be enjoyed by any age with its delightful references, and it provides ample opportunities for readers to learn some Spanish and Latina/o culture.
American Library Association. (2020, July 26). ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market | Awards & Grants. ALA.org. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from https://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/%C2%A1vamos-lets-go-market
Raúl The Third. (2019). ¡Vamos! Let’s Go to the Market. Versify, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
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novelistra · 5 years
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NoveList's Juvenile Brain Trust is a group of readers' advisory librarians and metadata librarians who focus on books for kids and teens. Once a week, the JBT gets together to catch up and share books. On 4/17/2019, we discussed:
You Must Be Layla, by Yassmin Abdel-Magied
The Undefeated, Kwame Alexander, illustrated by Kadir Nelson
Let ‘er Buck, by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, illustrated by Gordon C. James
¡Vamos! Let’s go to the Market, Raul the Third
Have you read any of these books? What do you think of them?
For more recommendations (plus printables and readers’ advisory tips), subscribe to the NoveList Book Squad! It's free :)
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the-dust-jacket · 5 years
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Congratulations to the 2020 Pura Belpre Books! 
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
Latino gang, pt. 3
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⌗ Summary: more gang members with a latina.
⌗ Pairing: My man (i mean Kakucho Hitto), Shinichiro Sano, Inui Seishu.
⌗ Warnings: Inui Seishu when someone disrespect you.
⌗ A/N: The vague description of the culture is on purpose since latinos have a lot of traditions and I just took things that are mostly universal in almost all Latin America.
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Kakucho Hitto.
It’s shocked and overwhelmed at all times. With you, with your family, with the relationship.
He thought he was fast till he sees you dancing Cuéntale from Don Omar.
It’s like 🤯 all the time you’re dancing.
Asks you if you could incorporate that in a fight. You don’t even fight.
Was flustered the day you ask him to sleep at your house so you can do the laundry and clean the next day.
Then was horrified when you woke him up at fucking 7am.
“Baby, what the fuck?” He says in a groggy voice.
“Wake up mi amor, we need to seize the day, make the most out of it! Up! Up! First thing first is going to the market—”
“But it’s 7am,” He whines, looking for your thigh to pull you to the bed. You don’t let him.
“Baby don’t you know?! If you go late then you’re not going to find the good vegetables and fruits!” He groans.
Gets intimidated when you switch to spanish when you are mad. It’s not that you’re yelling or anything but the way you calmly pronounce words makes him feel like you could take him down any second. You’re not even talking to him, just mad that you got your order wrong.
It’s shocked with the welcoming of your family. He was aiming to be on their good side of couse, but this, goddamn he never want it to end.
Your mom call him to ask him if y’all have this seasoning in the house or if y’all need her to bring a bottle.
Your father calls him to hang out while fixing his car. And he doesn’t try to intimidate him, he’s just “talking about life with el m’ijo”
He teared up the day your family where having a family picture and invite him, not in a corner, in the whole center, behind you, with his arms around you.
That was the most genuine smile he ever remembers having in his life.
Shinichiro Sano.
This is a grown-ass man even though he was just two years older than me lmao.
It’s the designated driver for everything in the family meetings, and he doesn’t get mad, he loves that they make him feel included.
And no, they’re not making him their little errand boy. It’s just that your aunties and mom trust him to buy the right vegetables.
“Uh? There’s something missing? I’ll buy it!” He says standing up to look for the keys to his bike.
“Wait I can do it!” One of your cousins says.
“You can’t even tell when the avocado it’s ready to eat, sit yo ass down boy,” Your grandma says. “Chiro will go”
Can’t dance to save his life just like he can’t fight.
But it’s okay because you love old reggaeton, so you sit him on a chair and start dancing.
But the hands he doesn’t have for his enemies he sure as hell has it for your butt.
As soon as you give him your back, he’s already pulling you down to grind on him.
“I’m gonna stop if you don’t take you hands off my hips,”
“No you’re not, and I’m gonna put them on your ass,”
Gets so happy when he took his siblings to one of your family’s gatherings and they start talking to them like family too.
Your mom made Mikey and Emma call her auntie.
On another occasion he took Izana with y’all, who was overwhelmed at everything that was happening but end up being besties with your grandma.
Tries to learn Spanish with you but gets embarrassed at his pronunciation so he just say words, not sentences.
“Te amo” “comida” “vamos”
Inui Seishu.
Beat asses on the daily basis for you.
And before y’all come for my neck let me remind y’all that he put a knife on Hakkai’s neck without giving a fuck that the kid was his boss brother.
So, onto him beating asses for you.
He doesn’t play with that stereotype shit. One time y’all were hanging with some of his black dragons’ members and you got shy to order something aside from what y’all were eating.
One fucker started making fun of you, talking about if latinas aren’t loud and aggressive and—
Before he could finish Inui had the knife he was using to cut your meat on the guy's neck, with an emotionless face.
“If you’re not gonna talk to my woman right, don’t you fucking talk at all,”
Your uncles love him. He’s the only one that can touch their cars.
Spend half of the family meetings with them talking about cars and bikes.
Was overwhelmed the day he saw your family riding for him.
One of your cousin’s boyfriends started to make fun of him for wearing heels, and while he doesn’t care about breaking his nose in front of you, he didn’t want to be disrespectful to your family.
And that’s okay, he can keep quiet. But your family no.
“I know you’re not talking when you don’t even have money to buy ones because you don’t have a job,” The own girlfriend says. Inui was shocked, you were smiling.
“It’s always the jobless dogs that like to talk the most shit,” Your uncle says.
“How does he look feminine with heels but still radiate a more masculine energy than you with your lame outfit?” Your mom says while pouring juice in a cup for your boyfriend.
“Right, he looks feminine, why don’t y’all go outside? Fight him for 10 minutes, yeah?” You say with a cute smile, Inupi was red as hell.
After that, he told you that you weren’t allowed to break up with him.
You told him okay.
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@saturnmitsuya @milliumizoomi @haitanigigi @welkinmoongrab @yunho-leeknow @keimisan @melaninnntae
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM as Boyfriends Headcanon
↪ caro’s note. extra long version because i miss ‘em. best boys, they’re all bf material to the moon and back ♡
5k words | bullet points
○ warnings ⚠️ 18+, dom/sub play, shibari, female reader, grinding, poly mentions, threesomes, face-sitting, femdom & vanilla, smut and fluff
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⌈ ten
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— motto: they won’t underestimate me for long.
most of your social environment is gonna be confused by ten at the beginning 
and don’t really get what he’s all about
or think he’s like whatever, some random guy in a tank top
acting peculiar
finding him kind of hard to gauge
some of your family and relatives might even think he’s totally unusual and a sneaky fuckboy making you mad 
they seriously wonder what you see in him
down the line that perception has turned by 180 degrees
as it should
ten becomes more irreplaceable, relatable, beautiful, perfect and impressive the more you know him
he’s not as mysterious and impossibly badass as everyone assumes
his personality is very approachable to you 
and you find him interesting in every aspect, looks to hobbies to background to personal habits
and also opinions because ten is a guy who really thinks stuff through
so you gotta be roughly on the same wavelength 
he likes discussing controversial and complicated stuff a lot for sure
being far wiser than his age suggests 
you are the first to share those things with him until the rest of the world catches up to this gem of a person
spending so much time with you
in the most personal way he can
he takes you to see the floating markets in bangkok, you spend the summer in thailand
wakeboarding and playing badminton
his entire family knows you inside out at some point this shit is serious
it’s very important to him to go back to the roots every now and then
and that you have been around his home city as well
getting to enjoy the area and time together eating the most savory delicacies
renting a boat and paddling you around to the important spots, he can explain any question you have
this kissing is gonna be so romantic 
who needs a vacation in venice when you can go to thailand with none other than ten himself as your ferryman let that sink in
except eating durian there he is, the boyfriend who can do anything!
with seemingly no effort
ten does little kind services of love for you throughout the day
he pours you herbal tea, fixes some furniture (he’s surprisingly good at tinkering), comes home from the bakery with your favorite pastry, does the laundry with your favorite fabric softener
he also goes on a huge shopping spree with you monthly because fashion is key in this household and it’s tremendous fun
you giggle when he puts on oversized shirts deliberately to look funny
everyone in the clothing store will think oh man what an adorable pair
ten will model the living hell out of the entire stock
and buy you the cape you really really want as a birthday present
said item turns out to be your favorite couple accessory
because you can sit next to each other on a bench at the river and wear it
what’s not to love about a portable blanket
of course he will take to instagram and make it such a cool thing, photographies of you wearing really cool coats and jackets
mirror bathroom selfies together as well, with a back hug, the classic
and not just for insta
you snuggle a lot generally
ten is always available for affection
and accepts all PDA
he’s a kitty after all, he loves the warmth of your body more than you know
remember how taemin said ten’s hands are always cold, newsflash not anymore since you stuff them into the pocket of your hoodie whenever you can
and hello sir your paws will be nice and cozy on my waist
or hand in hand when you waltz through your apartment
time for dance is a must
oh my god ten is so good at all of this
although say he’s definitely faster into latin than standard genres
tango argentino, he loves flamenco as well
don’t believe me? ten is a diehard rosalía stan!
so, no-brainer, expect a lot of dancy stuff 
that escalates into wild, passionate fucking
which probably looks like an aggressive form of couple exercises
you poor sore souls
ten’s lil kitty butt is falling apart from all the “i can handle a bigger one!”-level pegging and you have aching legs all over
favorite position? full nelson
if you ask me ten’s ass is probably so carved out by the end of this you could fit lucas and kai in there from head to toe
this is not for the faint of heart
sex with this guy is extra cardio
and if you’re into that a threesome is gonna go down sooner or later
with our girl lisa
there. i said it
miss manoban in those knee-high boots, grinding her thighs between yours and you finishing off on ten’s face? the fucking hottest thing ever i need a moment wow
i don’t have to tell you how orgasmic this is gonna be
steamy sex life with ten very recommended
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⌈ kai
— motto: you’re like a precious rose. i’ll protect you forever.
to be straightforward with you
he is in so heavily in demand it’s madness
to give you an idea of the scale
mark is basically occupied by yuta until the end of time 
but kai has an entire idol fanclub on top of all erigoms
those sharp moves did not go unnoticed
he gets an inkigayo sandwich every other day
jesus christ
if rent-a-sexy-bf.com was a thing kai would be the most requested
his phone would be blowing up with contracts like
and you also have to pass kyungsoo’s vibe check
and taemin’s
the road to being kai’s gf is indeed the way of the samurai
i mean honestly: kim jongin is without a doubt the hardest member to get a date with
this has got to be the most selective man of the entire industry or something
if he likes you he REALLY likes you
and he will be the one showing initiative
because he wants to make it clear he isn’t just spending time out of politeness or something
although it’s pretty logical that if kai was unable to reject someone he would no longer be an idol but a harem husband busy every hour of the day
seoul would be able to found its own village 
kai town
where like 70% of the population is pregnant
but since kai wants to keep on dancing obviously and he wants to lend his heart to only one person 
seoul has to settle with a singular nini family house instead of a kai district
where you and the man himself are a full-fledged household basically since kai’s nieces double as actual kids
if you wanna be a young ass ‘mom but not mom with kids’ and be married to kim kai this is it
does he have a thing for milfs or something
that thought just came to my mind
anyway you’re mommy anyway wink wink
fucking til’ dawn until even his muscles hurt
going raw at the gym together
him cooking the most random food with the infamous waffle maker
cuddling with an army of teddy bears surrounding you
walking the dogs with the sexiest dancer alive 
and the sexiness is only the tip of the iceberg 
we know he’s all-round amazing
kai is the king of figuring out ways to chill out with you anywhere anytime
and yes innocent chilling
...unless you’re in the mood for something else
up to you
sweet innocent chilling for now... with the stunner... just smooching at best things aren’t going raw or anything
on the couch in the kitchen in the car when it’s parked somewhere in nature
kai takes you very seriously and is a great listener
he’s literally so respectful and open-minded i can’t
he will keep your secrets and stand up for you if it’s ever needed
yes he is extremely caring and invested
kai does not tolerate others being shady towards you
if there’s an instance where you are hurt and unable to assert yourself don’t worry. he knows how to confront others with measure but a firm determination.
kai takes a lot of that responsibility but only to the degree where you are comfortable
i think you get what i mean by that
and he is diplomatic instead of plain patronizing
you have a right to be protected. it means he not only treats you well, but also makes sure your well-being isn’t disturbed in any other way outside of the relationships
outside influences aren’t to be underestimated
and since kai is a godly man you encounter a lot of jealousy from others
a matter he will take into his hands since he knows he’s the reason
standing up for you also means saying no 
to these jealous voices so this is an important boundary he has to draw
that all kinds of hellbent people want to get into his pants and take his stage image too literally is not up to you to fix
kai is there for you to enjoy and love not to defend
that’d be exhausting and beside the point 
kai prevents stress and negativity to come to you
i hope i explained this well he doesn’t do this to be bossed up or make you weak it’s because he wants to make life easier for you
guys being protective will be chalked up as chauvinistic these days. often rightfully so 
but what i mean is that kai support you in all regards so you won’t be at a disadvantage or feel terrible about something
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⌈ taeyong
— motto: we’ll take good care. enjoy the pleasure.
he’s the type of boyfriend who will ask you about things he missed out on while he was busy
things um from the internet
while mark literally knows that one by heart already taeyong will ask you things like what the wellerman song is
and you thought it would be something nsfw
i got you fooled
did we forget that the man literally watched nct memes on youtube
taeyong is both even more 18+ than you think but also even more innocent than you think it’s complicated
this man is just hard to describe he’s so different, i mean every person is unique but he’s an original it’s the extra mile you know
sea shanties
bopping to it all day since he just heard it 
singing it while he prepares dinner based on a youtube recipe video as he often does
he’s the most adorable person ever ever ever
asking you why shanties are back in fashion 
(good question, requires a deeper sociocultural analysis i reckon)
planning to remix one for his soundcloud lmao i kid you not
maybe your favorite shanty 
featuring fast-pace rap and all
creating his own previously unknown phrases and shit like that you know him
palazzo rocco lemon detox flashbacks
he’s hilarious i swear
taeyong will produce his own shanties for you can you imagine
as he says: my happiness is your happiness
watch out he will drop a shanty music video with extra krumping moves
taeyong is a never-ending source of pure crack
prepare to laugh a lot like, a lot lot
how can a man who seemingly has such a serious outlook on life and such a bonkers kinda face be so lighthearted
it’s like he’s peter pan or something
especially since he has to manage like over 20 brats in nct his cutesy behavior towards you as his gf will stand out to you
yeah so to be clear we all know he’s the cute one in the relationship
and guess who wears the pants
that’s always you ma’am don’t deny it
or wait 
not for long actually because they come off um physically
but not metaphorically
because who doesn’t wanna sit on his face tbh
your favorite reserved spot
he loves it
taeyong has such a thing for your body it’s ridiculous
mister lee got a sexy mama
and you have such a thing for the gloriousness that is him
but neither of you will not admit it as openly as other people would think
all there is... is being flustered
baekhyun probably has to play some cupid now and then
and give you some ideas
like gifting taeyong plushies and things like that
baekhyun knows what taeyong is all about so the advice is very welcome
but most things you find out for yourself
by being a little braver with him you know
you walking around naked in the apartment or basically fresh out the shower with nothing but a towel
will shake up taeyong so immensely, he will back himself against a wall without you even pinning him there lmao!
jeez he’s so deep into kinky stuff but easily shook anyway
i quote him again: “born to be cute, i dunno!”
you can imagine the overwhelm when you rub yourself against him like it’s nobody’s business
it’s so much fun to give taeyong a regular horny meltdown not gonna lie
this man was grinding his whole body all over the superm stage and now he’s basically freezing up and drooling
how many denied and ruined orgasms he’s gonna get, so much overstimulation all the way  
you’ll lose count of it
and just how wet you’re gonna be
is a thing for the history books
taeyong isn’t such a big deal in nct for no reason god gave him every talent 
so great sex is obviously in his repertoire
i think you’re gonna break some records for most fucks per week
you know... guys like lucas taemin kai and baekhyun spend more time wooing and teasing and flirting
but taeyong gets down to business
one glance is enough
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⌈ lucas
— motto: the hottest couple around.
ah, big boy
you really got this man’s attention
doing nothing much at all really
he probably just saw you walking around talking to friends
carrying an impossibly huge veggie burger munching and enjoying yourself after going on a jog
yeah boy that’s how you catch his eye
they say love begins in the stomach and that is the true meaning
or the nose, your food smells really good, lucas is going crazy, he’s seeing stars and shit
the towering burger isn’t the only thing he wants
lucas cannot get you out of his mind no matter how much he tries to distract himself 
with more good food, movies, games
fooling around with wayv or the superm maknaes, and working out
he’s admittedly... a little himbo head over himbo heels with you the feels got to him
he’s not gonna say it’s a date he’s just gonna invite you just because
to hang out in the kitchen while taeyong cooks and baekhyun comes up with the idea to play twister
imagine lucas with his long arms and legs bending himself all over the place
fighting with kai who almost crashed his shoulders into taemin who avoided the accident quickly
making you lose a round
obviously lucas will hustle until your team wins
mostly because he’s so tall and baekhyun is so small which is a huge advantage when stacking each other over the map
let’s just face it baekhyun only suggested this game to bite everyone’s butts and to see you have skinship with lucas
which is definitely a successful plan of the leader
yukhei is in paradise 
jumping around his room like an oversized bunny after you went home
don’t lie, you fell hard for him as well he’s just such a presence
emotionally, physically
a gentle but persistent giant
he’ll do anything to make your relationship happen once he knows you’re interested
if there’s someone meant to be a boyfriend it’s gotta be him come on
he will cave in after a while and admit he can’t just forget about you 
not gonna lie
your ex is gonna be shaking in his ratty boots
his poor eyes will literally jop from their unexpecting sockets
when he sees lucas hanging out with you
with his shining blonde hair and tall stature, that perfect shapely body, with great fashion on top of that
looking like your guardian angel
man, xuxi really does
pulling you out of your slump that’s been going on for months
and bringing back smiles and a good time he knows how to do that best
and big big hugs of course
you can imagine how soothing and grounded it feels with such huge arms around you
he will make sure that feeling is always there when you need it
because you deserve that treatment
which means he will come over very very often
yeah get ready for how yukhei is a lot more driven than you think just dial and he will be there
underneath the meme surface is someone very determined who really really wants you
yukhei is chaotic good incarnate but in that area he isn’t messing around
his brain is like: “gotta be with her”
on repeat
he must call you, he literally can’t sleep without tying loose ends together as quickly as possible
no second wasted with this guy, even far down the relationship timeline
i really pity your ex 
i mean someone dating any superm member would drive their former partner completely nuts 
but lucas is a special case
he has that kind of look and aura that makes other guys dig themselves into the ground like wiggling worms or cope by fanboying over him
i don’t wanna make this sound like a competition and yet — congrats on your noodly blondie boyfriend alright
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⌈ mark
— motto: two nerds in love.
how to explain this. mark is a perfect balance of a lover, a talker, and a shy bean
with a tendency toward bean
and flicking the bean
you know
cutting right to the chase are we
mark is very invested in pleasing you as good as he can
and defeating his awkwardness
because if we know one thing it’s that he always strives to become better and better like he can’t help it
and isn’t afraid of almost biting off more than he can chew
how many subunits is he part of at this point is it gonna be nct hollywood as well god dangit
back to the point mark doesn’t treat relationships and sex as something static which is a good and rare thing
he does his best and always looks for room to improve
while being very nervous, very bilingual, it takes two languages or more to express what he thinks about you let that sink in
that’s very shaky first date sex while being extremely in love with each other
lucky you
and an afterglow where he plays the guitar for you
that’s so nice 
he can play it while laying down and shit
while singing
not rapping, actual full-fledged serenading
we’ve heard how that sounds in the relay cam
are you dating some kind of teenage heartthrob or something huh
mark will make it very clear he’ll stick around, this bad bitch is here to stay
or actually, he’s a good bitch, don’t misunderstand
mark doesn’t have a lot of edgy in him unless rap is concerned
he’s the kinda guy to get lost in IKEA with 
having a good time 
as often as his schedule permits
you really have to make use of your time together 
this man might as well the busiest idol out there
and you are no different because birds of a feather
you’re both mr. and ms. independent 
out and about very often
so meeting up becomes something special during comeback season
or wait mark always has a comeback going on
which is a double-edged sword but something you both know you signed up for 
which is why you spend a lot of time around NCT dream, 127, and SuperM 
sm’s publicity agents have to work extra hard i’m telling you
a dating rumor is the last thing both of you would need
since you befriend several members you gotta stay on the low as well
but hey the rage of jealous people of the public is nothing compared to the force of nature that is yuta nakamoto
who seriously thinks himself threatened and robbed
in case you are feeling possessive as well...
...you might have to fistfight yuta
to be able to be with mark
who is basically property of osaka at this point
yuta is a scorpio that’s just the way it is
unlike taeyong who wishes his rap buddy the best, yuta kinda wants to be mark’s wingman and see him date, live his best life
but also have mark for himself to fawn over and to adore, to be fascinated by
we get it yuta. bisexual struggles. very understandable
you have to promise in person that mark doesn’t forget about the holy gaming nights with yuta 
which is hilarious since that’s not up to you but mark’s memory
bestie, yuta uses everyone as a scapegoat don’t sweat it too much
regardless you put a weekly reminder on the fridge
so the roaring lion yuta would be pacified
he doesn’t want to lose his sweetheart can you blame him
the ultimate but also most risky solution is obviously inviting yuta for movies 
which will be appreciated but also cause a storm
mark will definitely break a sweat when you start a popcorn war or try to prove who hugs mark the best 
caught in the middle of mayhem is mark lee’s specialty what did you expect
this either ends with murder or a chaotic open relationship down the line
yuta really is attached but who wouldn’t be
it could be worse mark has double the love you know 
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⌈ baekhyun
— motto: you wanna know why i’m your candy?
baby tell me are you ridin’?
in fair verona where we lay our scene...
that baekhyun always wants to woo you — his way, which proves to be very interesting to say the least — is never hard to miss
putting in effort is mochi default mode 
no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in
he might as well regularly serenade you under your balcony in the backyard just because
probably singing ‘baby we can stay up’ and wiggling his ass in all directions because he’s a dirty boy gone wild
yeah. nowadays romeo is twerking instead of feuding with tybalt
that’s good for him and everyone involved
you in particular because you get some very racy eye candy
you know how baekhyun is
at least nobody’s around seeing him put on an 18+ show like that
your little guy is one unhinged fella
if it starts pouring he will grind up and down the next lantern and belt out ‘singing in the rain’
you bet he can do some actual pole dance
he’s strong and bendy you know
and loves to gyrate his whole bag of bones like... he wants to hit you with all the body rolls
in the rain
what a freaky man
but hey you wanna stay up for sure 
doesn’t take long until you beckon him to come upstairs
where the only way to alleviate him of his wet clothes—
oh well he has those roger rabbit vibes and you can’t be mad at it
he will play off all his hormonal antics
baekhyun is hilarious
and so perverted, he can keep up with your spicy idea of playing patty-cake don’t worry
how do i know you’re an extra nsfw kinda person?
who else would like baekhyun
he says juicy things all the time
and does juicy things
yes. finally a couple on eye level indeed. 
when baekhyun asks are you ridin’ you ask how hard 
this is gonna be fun
and remember
beside handing you sacks of money
his priority is always to make you smile
i’m kidding about the bags but
baekhyun is so rich it’ll show in your relationship, but he’s more about the interactions with you rather than the lifestyle
baekhyun didn’t hustle for a bentley he hustled to sing and get out of sm alive alright
financial stability: important
luxury: very nice to have, he can make you the presents you want to have and travel a lot together
but smiles: baekhyun priority
because he so badly wants to know you love him and adore him, he sometimes feels so insecure
of course you do
you always reassure him with your reactions
it’s very important to him don’t underestimate it
baekhyun has always been talking about his ideal type in terms of how he can cheer her up
so even the naughtiest sexy time evenings are gonna be filled with all giggles
anyway other than that your pussy will be dripping
because this guy is as horny as all other members of super m combined
and you have your ways of leaving him tongue-tied and wrists-tied
taemin’s impact
superm isn’t short of bondage supplies we all know that
so yeah. shibari baekhyun is gonna happen
since he does pilates imagine what kinda shapes you can bend this lil guy into
and take some pictures
privé is in trouble 
bondage model baekhyun is bursting onto the scene
you might even run a risque blog that features cropped pictures with him
heh — you think people will recognize him by his body?
first: you only upload HD pictures that aren’t whitewashed
baekhyun is basically never photographed like that
second: who expects baekhyun to be featured on a bdsm blog with his girlfriend
and this is the guy that drives you around in his expensive car with his big black shades on 
well what can i say
nothing is the way it seems
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⌈ taemin
— motto: i’ll unfold a whole new world for you.
taemin is cocky, he’s sensual, and: a very smiley person as we know
least boring relationship ever
he will prance toward you whenever he can to involve you in cuddles
touch-starved taemin is a thing
kkoong can tell you about it, he needs kisses and embraces so often
might as well pepper him with it no problem
and put him into your oversized sweaters when he eats ice cream on the sofa, watching movies, and you brush his ever-growing hair
he’s smol he’s gonna fit into them don’t worry
and on the other hand he likes a rough and tough girl who thinks of him like a boy toy
who acts tsundere or like his bodyguard
working out almost daily to the point of sweat all over
a gal probably able to pretzel minho lucas and chanyeol into one giant bundle
taemin truly has the taste of a divo
multi-layered as always
so you couldn’t say the relationship is always the same in sentiment, the vibe of the dynamic could be different every day
we love a complex man
what would be volatile to others is actually an advantage up close
because taemin understands every difficult facet of himself and his partner 
even if those facets might be contradictory
or something that’s felt shameful about
he will accept and listen anyway
the same goes for getting what drives you
taemin is like a walking psychology velvet couch with fancy swirls as arm rests
point is he isn’t fooled by the surface of the world
he knows what has to be known
which also means your looks aren’t the part he prioritizes
and not even outward personality and habit is what he’s drawn to
it’s the mentality and values underneath
that’s true compatibility to him and he can feel it
he’s really really smart
and also finds it important that you get along with shinee and superm, that you think they’re nice to be around and vice versa
especially kai as taemin’s absolute bearly bestie. if kai thinks you’re shady and you don’t like kai either
or if you’re permanently super awkward and taemin’s moodmaking doesn’t help
we have a problem
but fair enough
kai and taemin are basically one soul at this point so if taemin likes you jongin does anyway 
bff telepathy
in fact jongin was probably the one introducing you to taemin lmao!
because he knows you go well together instinctively and he is correct
so not to worry then
and it’s good on taemin to think longterm and not see you as a person outside of social interaction y’know
cough cough he thinks about marriage, you might be ms. lee one day
here he goes again taemin is just very mature seeing you as well-rounded in every aspect of life
without letting his dick make the important decisions at the detriment of making this a relationship of two lives not just two bodies only
but obviously don’t assume taemin is no horny devil. we all know he dreams of the freakiest scenarios and fantasies in this whole group
going kinda crazy about the thought of making you cum which he always wants to try with new methods
which occupies his mind more than a big bowl of super spicy noodles which is taemin’s favorite meal so
at the same time taemin junior is definitely the same clingy attention whore as his sparkly owner
limp wrists from all the handjobs on your side
and very swollen lips from giving all that head on his side
this is gonna be interesting
he puts the 6v6 in 69
equals 69v69 am i right
but i’m serious that’s gonna be a lot of oral action
you definitely ask each other about having sex very often, daily if you have the time and find a nice spot
and how on earth do both of you keep your hands off each other sleeping in one bed
taemin is touchy as hell with no shyness, and you squish squeeze and grope this guy like the mochi he is
ah when things go both ways
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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disenografia · 2 years
Que es un tagline
Les comparto a manera de brevario cultural lo que es un tagline, de un manual de diseño de identidad de marca escrito por Alina Wheeler en Designing Brand Identity.
Un tagline (también conocido como lema o eslogan, aunque algunos especialistas tienden a argumentar que es distinto, siendo los lemas o esloganes más fugaces que un tagline) es una frase corta que capta la esencia, la personalidad y el posicionamiento de la marca de una empresa y la distingue de sus competidores. Los eslóganes, aparentemente sencillos, no son arbitrarios. Son el resultado de un intenso proceso estratégico y creativo.
Los taglines se han convertido en la abreviatura de lo que representa y ofrece una marca. Los eslóganes, utilizados originalmente en publicidad como pieza central de una campaña de marketing global, han tenido históricamente una vida mucho más corta que los logotipos. Los mejores eslóganes tienen una larga vida y trascienden los cambios del mercado y del estilo de vida. Son significativos y memorables, y requieren un uso frecuente y constante. Lemas como "Just Do It" de Nike se han convertido en parte de la cultura popular. El eslogan de Target "Expect More, Pay Less" es una promesa de marca a sus consumidores.
Los mantras de las marcas son poesía. Y son herramientas poderosas, no sólo para construir marcas, sino para construir organizaciones.
Chris Grams, La marca sin publicidad
Características esenciales
Diferenciados de sus competidores
Capta la esencia y el posicionamiento de la marca Fácil de decir y recordar
Sin connotaciones negativas
Se muestra en un tipo de letra pequeño
Se puede proteger y registrar como marca
Evoca una respuesta emocional
Difícil de crear
Una clasificación de eslóganes:
Imperativo: Ordena una acción y suele empezar con un verbo
 YouTube, Broadcast Yourself (Transmítete a ti mismo)
Nike, Just Do it (Solo hazlo)
MINI Cooper, Lets motor (Vamos al motor)
Apple, Think Different (Piensa diferente)
Toshiba, Don´t Copy. Lead. (No copies. Lidera.)
Coca-Cola, Open Happiness (Abre la felicidad)
Descriptivo: Describe el servicio, producto o la promesa de la marca.
TED, Ideas worth spreading (Ideas que valen la pena difundir)
Philips, Sense and Simplicity (Sentido y simplicidad)
Target, Expect More, Pay less (Espera más, paga menos)
MSNBC, The Whole Picture (La imagen completa)
Ernst & Young, From thought to finish (Desde el pensamiento hasta su finalización)
General Electric, Imagination at Work (Imaginación puesta a trabajar)
Superlativa: Posiciona a la compañía como la mejor en su clase.
BMW, The ultimate driving machine (La última máquina de manejo)
Lufthansa, There´s no better way to fly (No hay major manera de volar)
Budweiser, King of beers (Rey de las cervezas)
Provocativa: Que te hace pensar; frecuentemente una pregunta
Sears, Where Else? (Donde más?)
Microsoft, Where are you going today? (¿A dónde te dirijirás hoy?)
Mercedez-Benz, What makes a symbol endure? (¿Qué hace a un símbolo perdurar?)
Específico: Revela la cateogría del negocio
HSBC, The world´s local bank (El banco local del mundo)
The New York Times, All the news that´s fit to print (Todas las noticias que valen la pena imprimir)
Volkswagen, Drivers wanted (Se buscan conductores)
eBay, Happy hunting (Feliz cacería)
Minolta, The essentials of imaging (Los esenciales de la imagen)
Un lema es un eslogan, un clarificador, un mantra, una declaración de empresa o un principio rector que describe, sintetiza o ayuda a crear un interés.
Debra Koontz Traverso
Superando a Goliat
El origen de la palabra "eslogan" viene del gaélico slaughgaiirm, utilizado por los clanes escoceses para significar "grito de guerra".
Nuestra promesa de marca "sentido y simplicidad" resume nuestro compromiso de comprender íntimamente las necesidades y aspiraciones de los consumidores y clientes para ofrecer soluciones innovadoras que sean avanzadas y fáciles de experimentar.
Imperativo: Ordena la acción y suele empezar con un verbo
Fuente: Alina Wheeler, Designing Brand Identity 4ta edición.
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twistedsinews · 3 years
Static Out of Tune
Cyberpunk 2077; Jackie/V, Misty; PG-13 (AO3 Flavor)
“Excuse me.”
The man had approached them straight out a crowd, interrupting a flight of fancy about black market gadgetry and the uses thereof as they were touring the midday market. Funny, Jackie found it, how nomads always seemed to be able to find one another like that and would strike up a conversation like they knew each other.
“Who do you ride with?”
This one was blunt and to the point. He was older than either of them, or maybe his life had simply been rough and the beard didn’t make him look any younger. A radiation scar that cut across his cheek and he moved with a heavy limp, speaking to the latter.
But if it were too blunt a question, V didn’t so much as bat an eyelash.
“Bakkers,” she replied with a shrug. “Used to.” With a cant of her head, she turned the question back on him. “You?”
“Oh, thank goodness,” the man said softly, in a rush of breath. “I ride with the Monaghan family. I need your help – a friend of mine is in trouble, I barely made it here myself, I’d almost lost hope of finding someone who could go back and get him.”
“I-...” V glanced at Jackie. “Um.”
He merely blinked at her unspoken question, and shrugged back. Like he was the expert, when it came to nomad business – all he knew was that if he didn’t agree with whatever the Monaghan guy was pitching, odds were, she’d run off without him anyway.
“Yeah, sure,” she said. “I’m listening.”
The sun was going down by the time they reached the coordinates. The crack in the ground was about ten feet deep, maybe half again as wide, and twice as long. The floor was jagged in places, claws or teeth of stone twisting out of the sand that had been swept into the gap over the years, and a smooth slab of rock jutted out of the ground amid them. A darkened hollow cut into the wall at one end, the opening of a narrow cave or crevasse leading deeper into the earth.
It was easy to see how someone could get trapped. And how someone had. The form of a man was crumpled on the bed of rock in the middle, gravely still.
“Looks like we might be too late,” Jackie said, as they crouched at the edge of the pit.
Beside him, V frowned, no doubt having come to the same conclusion. Still, she swung out over the stone wall and made her was down the rope, and Jackie followed her down.
No harm in being thorough.
Jackie loomed over her shoulder as she checked him over. But quickly enough, her shoulders slumped in defeat, and V rolled him over onto his back.
No bioscan, no pulse...
...no decay.
The light was growing dimmer, making it difficult to see, but Jackie nonetheless squinted at the man’s face, tracing the radiation scar that marked his left cheek above the line of his beard.
“Hey, V...? Is this or is this not the very same guy that asked us to come all the way out here to find his buddy?”
“Maybe... he came out here alone, after all...?”
Going by the tone of voice, let alone the expression on her face, V didn’t believe it either.
“And he somehow beat us out here?” Jackie asked.
She blinked at him. He glanced around them, further wondering aloud, “...and if he’s here, where’s this friend of his?”
There was a wrongness to this place, settling over them.
The sun was gone, and the sky was dark. The air around them felt heavy and unnaturally still. Stagnant.
His gaze was drawn to the hole in the wall; a wound in the rock, that seemed to be bleeding a darkened emptiness.
There was a quiet uneasiness in her voice, and the sheer silence itself seemed to shiver with the same frequency as the icy chill that went up his spine.
“I’m thinkin’ we should delta.”
“Shouldn’t we bring him with us...?” V glanced over, to the man on the outcropping, “I....”
A draft of warm air poured up from the cave, and pooled like water along the floor of the pit.
Jackie grabbed her arm, dragging her along with him.
“¡Vamos! Now, por favor.”
V twisted out of his grip, and he shouted after her as she bolted back to the dead man. She made quick work of peeling off the jacket he wore and shrugging it on.
“Great,” Jackie told her, as she rejoined him at the wall. “Very fashionable. Now up up up,” he stooped to give her a boost to the top. “Go.”
She scrambled up, and he wasted no time to drag himself up the rope until he could reach the top. Glancing over his shoulder, he nearly lost his grip, and only caught himself as he felt V trying to help haul him up. With a heavy kick against the wall beneath his foot, he made it over the ledge.
He made a blind grab for her hand, and dragged her along behind him to the car. He shoved her towards the driver’s seat, and scrambled straight over the hood to the passenger’s side. He slid into the seat, and pulled the door closed after him.
V opened her mouth-....
“Drive,” he told her, before she could say a word. “Gracias y por favor.”
Without further argument, she started the engine, and the car jolted into motion.
Darkness closed in about them like a sandstorm.
They sped through the desert practically blind, a dreadful silence hanging between them as the radio spit static. Miles and miles of static later, and a song burst through noise.
The car slowed, and rolled to a stop a mile or two after.
V opened the door, leaning out to peer up at the star-filled sky over a wide-open desert, then fell heavily back into her seat. She looked back the way they had driven, best that maybe could be figured, through the rear window. And finally at Jackie.
“What... the fuck just happened?” she asked.
Jackie scoffed. “Yeah, you’re guess is as good as mine. I’m just gonna be thankful we got out of there in one piece.”
V stared at him, a blank incomprehension on her face, and it dawned on him.
“You didn’t see that thing, did you...? Hijo del diablo. And twice as ugly.”
V glanced back again, sharper this time. Jackie reached for her hand, and squeezed her fingers.
“I don’t fuckin’ know, and right now I’m not askin’ any questions. Alright?”
V swallowed, but nodded.
Jackie sighed.
She caught up with him in Vik’s alley, late the next day. Later than they had agreed, but at least she’d left him a message beforehand.
“I had a word with Dakota,” V told him.
“And I asked her about the Monaghan family.”
“And...?” Jackie ventured, “No, let me guess, they don’t even exist.”
“Close.” V scratched the back of her neck, before explaining tentatively, “More like, no one’s heard from them in fifty years.”
Jackie stared at her as she smoothed her fingers over the family design on the shoulder of the jacket.
“Alright, that’s it – not another word.” He snatched the jacket from her hand, giving it a second harsh tug to free it when she didn’t think to let go.
“C’mon, Jackie – shouldn’t we at least try to-...”
“Try to what?” he asked, turning it over in his hands and wondering how well it would burn. The thing made his skin crawl. “Fuck with somethin’ shouldn’t be fucked with?”
“It’s probably just someone’s old jumpscare. Shouldn’t we at least try to... I don’t know, find a way to turn it off?”
Eyes narrowing, Jackie scowled at her.
“Promise me you won’t go out there again.”
V blinked at him, and her mouth curled into a pout.
“Promise me,” Jackie told her, in no uncertain terms.
V held out for half a moment longer, then shrugged.
“I promise.”
“Yeah, you promise; you promise what?”
“I promise I will not go back to the weird creepy hole in the ground, okay?”
“Alright,” Jackie agreed, rolling his shoulders as he felt some of the weight lift off.
“Besides, I already did,” V confessed. “Or... tried to.”
“Thing is, I couldn’t find the place again.”
“...you what? Without me? Are you out of your-...?”
There was an aggravated sound in his throat, as he stumbled over his words. But the absurdity of what V was saying sunk in – a nomad scout unable to find what ought to have been a landmark in the badlands, if it hadn’t been so weird – and he grabbed her by the shoulder.
The jacket went into a burning barrel, and Jackie steered her towards the Esoterica’s back door.
The door to the stockroom slid open, and Misty blinked at them as Jackie pulled V inside.
“Hey Jackie,” she greeted them cheerfully, “Hey V.”
V shrugged him off, and Misty asked, “Is... everything okay?”
“Yes,” V answered.
“No,” Jackie told her.
“So... Maybe?” Misty suggested.
“Mira,” Jackie asked, “Do you think you could run like, a full spiritual scan?”
“A scan?”
“Mhhm. Shake out V’s aura, see if anything’s wonky?” he elaborated. “Maybe... a little preventative exorcism...? Just in case?”
V shrugged.
Misty glanced between them.
“I’m... sure I can do something,” she promised, with a bemused smile. With a little nod in that direction, she started towards her sitting space, and asked over her shoulder, “You wanna tell me what this is about?”
“Is this necessary?” V asked him, under her breath.
“Si. Es bueno para tu alma.”
Jackie tried to drag her forward. Only V didn’t budge. He sighed, deeply, and glanced down at her. “For my peace of mind, how about?”
V stared at him a moment longer. Then she closed her eyes, and squeezed his hand. And finally, she stepped past him to where Misty was waiting.
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
On Twitter on Monday, Grandon thanked those who protested and added: "I want to thank the students who jump the turnstiles, those who gave their lives, those who lost their eyes, those who were tortured.
"And to those who never let go of the street."
The activist was a visible presence at anti-government rallies and has previously been filmed being detained and pepper-sprayed by police when she attended a demonstration last year.
Explaining why she wore the popular Pokemon costume, Gradon told La Tercera last year: "Young people have always liked anime, and they see a friend in Pikachu."
Her triumph in the election reflects a broader success for independent and left-wing candidates who stunned the ruling center-right coalition and will craft the new constitution.
CNN Chile projected that independent candidates would take 45 seats in the body, the center-right coalition Chile Vamos, backed by President Sebastian Pinera, would obtain 39. The center-left is expected to pick up 25 seats and the far left 28.
A small coalition was predicted to take one seat and 17 seats have been reserved for indigenous communities.
The new constitution would need two-thirds approval from 155 elected members to be passed, which the ruling coalition, having failed to secure the critical one third, will now struggle to block unless it can make new alliances.
most of the independents are also left wing.
mixed news for weebs in chilean politics though: naruto fan and left wing member of congress pamela giles, who did a naruto run after getting legislation passed, announced she won’t be running for president despite topping early polls. this is because of the poor showing her humanist party had in the constituent assembly elections, in which their former coalition partner the communist party came in second, as well as her husband’s lackluster result against the communist party in the elections for santiago regional governor. her and the second place candidate in early polls, communist party member daniel jadue, had agreed that the race would serve as an informal primary between the two for which party’s presidential candidate would ultimately run in the next election.
meanwhile, in less gossipy news: Chile Assets Dive as Government Suffers Crushing Vote Defeat
“The constitutional assembly elections this weekend remind us that market-unfriendly, leftist candidates can do very well in the post-pandemic era,” said Guido Chamorro, a portfolio manager at Pictet Asset Management Ltd. in London.
The results reflect growing rejection of traditional parties, adding to uncertainty as one of Latin America’s richest nations rewrites its laws following the worst social unrest in a generation. At stake are the rules that helped drive more than three decades of growth, while simultaneously fueling social discontent and inequalities.
Key points of debate during the rewrite are expected to include natural resources, pensions and social services. More immediately, the results may add momentum to a copper royalty bill set to go before senate in coming weeks that would create one of the heaviest tax burdens in global mining....
Assembly candidates from the left-wing group Lista Del Pueblo, or The People’s List, were big winners in the weekend vote, according to Cristobal Huneeus, Director of Data Science at Unholster in Santiago.
“Among the most important issues that they back are human rights, civil society, the environment and the idea that the current economy doesn’t work in people’s favor,” he said.
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Vamos and Vaya used to be inseparable as kids, doing everything together and holding hands wherever they went not to get lost from each other. As they grew up and became part of what is in their eyes the most badass crew in the Zones, they started not to feel the need to do that anymore- be it because they grew more confident in their own abilities to take care of themselves or because of the knowledge that even if they get separated they have a family and a home to come back to. Maybe it’s both.
The first time the twins held hands since they were eleven was when Vaya got lost at the market and beat up pretty badly for getting all up in another killjoy’s business. Vamos wouldn’t let go of them because for the first time in five years they were reminded of how easily it still was for them to lose their sibling for good
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geo-winchester · 4 years
Tumblr media
Summary: Yn is an adviser with Santiago on Colombia, so she was there on the day of the burst and she get a little suspicious when she saw the way Santiago look at one of the girls in there.
Warnings: smut, swearing, violence.
A/N: hi! So this is my first smut and I couldn’t decided if I should post it because I know is not the kind of thing I write about and I’m a really shy person so I don’t know if I was doing it right, so I hope you can tell me if you like or what should I do to get it right.
Santiago “Pope” Garcia X reader.
Yn Watch over the open door of the helicopter as they pass above the city, this wasnt her first mission, she came to the city as an adviser with Santiago, at first the things between them were a little tense, she knew he was one of the best advisers and that he don’t trust so easily but after a few night together talking about their past jobs he realize he can trust her. She look at Santiago, he had his eyes close as he was focused on the music he was listening, she stare at him and remember the night before, they been on a few dates and seem to be pretty comfort with each other, the could stay awake for hours just talking or having sex, like the night before she could feel how his head was between her legs and the way he made her feel, and that morning she found the few hickey on her neck and chest, and if they weren’t on an helicopter full of people she would kissing him in that moment. She feel how her phone buzzed, when she check it she saw a text from Santiago, she look at him and she saw the he still had his eyes closed but he also had a smirk on his lips.
‘Stop staring, is distracting’
She couldn’t help it but smile, she get her sight back to the city, a few seconds later the pilot asked if everything was clear on the valley where they were going to land, it was Diego who give him the sign to landed. As they low down she put her intercom and check on her vest, when she was ready Santiago give her a hand to get down of the helicopter, he squid her hand before they start to made their way to the location. She stay close to Santiago as they get climb the stair to the roof, another officers were in front of them, they place behind a wall and look how the Police start to surround the Disco and warn them about the situation but everything stay in silence, Santiago look at Yn who gave him a constern look, suddenly they hear the music coming from the place.
-¿cuántos dijiste que había ahí adentro?- Santiago asked Diego.
-No más de diez- he answer.
-What are you thinking?- Yn asked Santiago, he shook his head.
-Something’s wrong- he whisper.
He barely finish the sentence when they hear an explosion they get back to behind the wall as the gunshots start to appear everywhere, on of the officers stand up, Santiago try to avoid it but it was too late, he was shoot before he could do anything, she hear how Santiago tell Diego to hold their positions before he make a sign to the other officer, she follow them.
-What are you doing? Aquí estás a salvo!...
-You’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you all the fun- she said with a wink -Come on I got your back.
He sigh angrily before he keep walking, he stop on the door before he take the change and took an officer and bring him to a safer place, they stop again behind a car, Santiago look to the other buildings.
-Go, I’ll help here- she said, Santiago look at her for a second.
-shit- he said -don’t move from here...
-Cuídate- she said.
-Tú también.
She saw how he went to the closest market, the rain of gunshots keep going, every now and then she or one of the officers try to take down one of the guys, she hear Santiago in the intercom telling them to wait just a little bit longer, suddenly she hear the coming from the disco, after a few seconds she hear Santiago giving the sign to move on, most of the officers went to the disco but she wait for Santiago and she smile as she saw him coming to her.
-Nice shot- she wink at him, making him smile before they walk to where Diego was.
-Are you all right?- she nod -Great let’s go.
They made their way to the building and she could see the regret on Santiago eyes, she gave him a weak smile before they step in the room where Diego was talking with some of the prisoners, she always hate this part of the job, specially when Diego act like if he was the boss, he was going to shut at the men he was talking but one of the other man start to talk about Lorena, one of the must wanted man, but Diego didn’t believe him and when he start to punch at the man she was about to step in but Santiago took her by the arm and drag her out of the room, a few seconds later they hear a bunch of gunshots.
They were suppose to watch how a few prisoners were taken to one of the trucks, but she was more interesting on Santiago she keep staring at one of the girls who was getting on the truck, even if he try to hide it she saw the shock in him when he saw her and now he seems to ideate a plan. She was distract as the sound of a commotion make her get back from her thoughts, she saw the girl getting away, she start to run after her but Santiago stop her when they were a little far from the crowd.
-What are you doing?- she asked him.
-Stay here...
-No I’m not leaving you alone in this place...
-Solo has lo que te digo- he scream as he push her to the wall -just trust me- she nod -I’ll see you in your place- he murmured before he run for the girl.
She has been there for almost two hours waiting for Santiago, she know she wasn’t mad at him, she was jealous about the way he look at the girl on the burst and maybe she was curious about why he let her go, she heard on the radio that he lose her, she knew him, she knew that he didn’t let go anyone unless he want it that way. The sound of the scratching of a key announced her that he arrived, she didn’t move from the chair, not even when a couple of arms hug her from behind or when he start to kiss her neck.
-¿Pero que es lo que te pasa?- he whisper on her neck -Are you going tot talk to me?- she didn’t answer, but he knew a way to make her do a sound, he know she had a weak spot that make her want more -do you want me to stop?- he asked, it was only that moment that she was done she turn around and kiss him, she could feel the needy in his kiss as the kiss became more and more passion. He surround the chair where she was sitting and took her in his arms without breaking the kiss, he place her on the bed as he lay beside her, they only break the kiss when he pull over her shirt and she moan when he he took her nipple on her mouth as his other hand try to imitated his movements with her other breast, he groan when he feel how she get her hand on his pants and start to play length -Shit babe, keep doing that- she give him a weak smile as she keep stroking his length -you’re going to keep quiet all the night?- she just shrugged making him smile wickedly -then I should take those words out of you- before she could even open her eyes, he quickly take off what it was left of her cloth and she moan when she feel her tongue licking her clit, suddenly she feel two fingers inside her making her arch her back, he love the sensation of her hands in his hair as she was moaning his name it didn’t take him to long to make her cum -I told you I’ll make you talk to me.
-Santi don’t tease- she said.
-What do you want?
-Sabes lo que quiero- she said, he didn’t take long before he rip off of his clothes, she gasp when he get inside her with out a warning, she manage to make them turn around making her be on top -Today I’m in charge- he raise his eyebrow and smile, Yn start to kiss his neck and his chest and left a few marks making him groan, when she start to ride him she smile when she saw the pleasure on his face -do you like this?- she asked, he nod quickly, she start to feel the sensation of heat building up again and the screams coming from Santiago’s mouth were like music to her ears making her come again, after she start to slow down Santiago took the opportunity to turn around again and keep trusting her until he finally came and he rest his head on her shoulder as both of them try to calm down, she start to play with his hair.
-Are you going to tell me why were you mad at?- she didn’t answer right away. -Vamos...
-Who was that girl? The one you let it go- he sight.
-I didn’t let it go, she scaped...- he lay on his side next to her.
-Only because you left her, I know you, you could trap her in a blink of an eye but you let her go, why?- he look at her trying to think in some excuse but he know he couldn’t lie to her.
-She’s my informant, she gave me some information about Lorea...
-Did you like her?- she asked looking down, he took her chin making her look at him.
-No, I need the information and I’m going to help her to get out of here that was the deal- she look at him confuse -the guy on the disco, he wasn’t lying- he said as he play with his fingers -She know where Lorea and the money is...
-Wait are you saying...
-We can get the most wanted man and get rich with this...
-But why she said all these know?
-She just got a promotion, she’s going to left some things on Lorea’s house, she could take us there, but I need a team and I want you there, you’re one of the best technicians and I trust you- she smile before she kiss him.
-I’m in.
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