#« ( Zackery ) » Answers.
nvrcmplt · 7 months
[ cú & zack dungeon adventures! ] "You know, now that I pay close attention to them, a mimic's legs are really similar to a crab's," the wolf said while examining the corpse of the mimic that tried to attack them. The party had reached the middle levels of the dungeon but (the lack of) food always made it nearly impossible to go any further. That's how the adventurer wolf started pondering... what if... what if they tried adapting and getting creative? "If we boil them with a good amount of salt, it might taste just like boiled crab."
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He wasn't against eating things that came from dungeons. It was a way of survival in such places, specially after months of treading through them. Zack wasn't a master of dungeon monster cooking, but even he knew that a mimic was not a good choice. "No, as close as they seem to be to that of cave crabs, a mimic is nothing less than a sinew soup." His nose wrinkled. "If anything it'll at best taste of gamy string, rather than anything filling. If it can take the form of whatever it is in a chest, I doubt it holds any muscle or true flavour with blood circulation, no?" He stood nearby, watching this Wolf does his own thing. Drooling though at the possibility of crab meat, boiled and salted… Ah - he felt hungry himself.
"I do hear water in this dungeon, maybe we'll come across cave crabs - those I'd be more willing to eat than this thing."
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skylarbee · 9 months
After seeing a post where it said that Miles no longer posted photos of him and Alex, I thought the same thing, they never appear together again, whether on Miles' IG or elsewhere, even if they are at the same party etc... Just a little hasty hug on stage and that's it. It seems like there is a fortress that has been built around Alex, (or that he himself built) As if they should no longer be seen together. This is why I am more and more skeptical about the possibility of a TLSP3, as if they had gone "too far" (and I'm not just talking about "milex") that saddens me, in done there I need to be reassured haha! Sorry for this rambling but I really appreciate your point of view and your analyzes ;)
first of all, thank you anon for your kind words, i really appreciate them!! <3 and don't worry about ramblings as you must know that it's all i do when answering an ask and it's what i'm gonna do now 😂
yeah, it is is saddening (and sometimes concerning) that we basically never see them together nowadays, but i think that if they were actually trying their hardest to hide then we wouldn't have spotted them at the scott walker tribute concert for example, or at that party or whatever where miles is in the background (where they both knew they could be photographed together at any time), or miles wouldn't have said many times that alex goes over to his place or they have dinner and such, or alex wouldn't have asked miles to support them in ireland (and the fact that these were the last shows... of course he wanted to end it with a bang -this could be interpreted in more ways than one-), etc. i thought that the hug in london was very very sweet and so intimate, and even the one in ireland in the dark was cute (the lack of sntm was weird), not to mention alex singing to and pointing at miles so unashamedly (c'mon, he must've known people would figure it out but didn't care). zackery's wedding was a weird one as they were seated apart from each other, but there is no way that they didn't talk to each other - there just isn't any evidence.
i know there are people who say that this is done deliberately by alex's pr team and because they saw the effects of the eycte tour and don't want people to start going crazy over them and ignore louise in the meantime and get the rumours starting about his sexuality... i'm not sure whether to believe this or not. it seems a bit too far-fetched, but who knows 🤷‍♀️ i wouldn't be too surprised it was at least a little true.
speaking of evidence, we know how hard louise tries to show off and exploits her boyfriend and how silly it all looks in the end... to me, miles not posting about alex just means that what they have is reserved for them and them only. the pictures miles has in his phone with/of alex are just theirs, their memories are just theirs, whenever they hang out and the moments they share are just theirs - and this is so important. love, in whatever form, shouldn't be used as a tool to make others jealous or to post in order to gain likes or get people talking - it should be something more private, more precious, something to share between the two of you that is yours only - this should be enough for happiness. maybe after eycte and the fans' reactions they decided to keep their relationship and their private life a little more private. besides, it was always the girlfriends that posted alex a lot and not miles, and i'm not sure he wasn't too big of a fan of that, given... well, everything we know about him, and this interview from 2016:
Like Chung, Bagley has been known to post a lot of pictures of herself looking impossibly attractive on Instagram. There she is posing with her dog, posing naked in the bath … but never, as far as I can tell, posing with Turner. Is that because he’d rather not be there? “I don’t recall submitting that request, but I’m not sorry about it if I’m not on there.”
i think that miles is just simply respecting what he knows about alex and his dislike of social media, and he knows that posting photos with alex would only result in getting more likes than usual and people saying that he's profiting off of his fame. alex and their relationship means more to him than a few likes and reposts.
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intcritus · 1 month
[LAST LOOK]: before going into a situation that may result in their death, the sender takes a moment to cup the unaware receiver's face in their hand, just to take a final look of admiration at them before they go. // Emon @ Vega on Aaphrine's last moments.
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Vega had always heard that life came and went quickly, that the moment he was needed, he would know. The necromancer thought that was a crack of shit. People didn’t want or need him ( there were exceptions ) and they damn sure didn’t want to need him unless they needed his magic, the filthy thing that ate bone marrow like the parasite it was. But they barely spared him a fearful and disdainful glance before scurrying away like rodents.
And that was fine ( it wasn’t ) and he learned to live with it. It meant he was free to do as he pleased and no one in their right mind approached him, they let him be and he was left alone to explore the world, seeing just how tales of the infamous Vega had spread. Even this far into his travels, Aaphrine herself didn’t really need him, it surely couldn’t contain who Vega had become, because the more he traveled, the more powerful he became. There were no restrictions on him, he grew and grew until magic itself surged, living just at the edges of his skin. 
Lifting the canteen of water to his mouth, he took a long drink, easing his parched throat. He hadn’t been to sleep – there’d been a sense of foreboding that had him restless. Emon had told him about the sponsors, how they had been moving shifty, like they had something going on that had to do with the fate of this world. Sponsors were important ( he supposed ) , the ones who treated the people of Aaphrine like entertainment. They knew better to bother Vega, because it wasn’t Vega who would answer, but Azriel. And he had sent a strong message the last time they had bothered. 
Sweeping his hair off his forehead, pale gaze perused his land, while dark, there’s patches of stubborn greenery that grew, lush and vibrant as though it thrived in these conditions. It made the necromancer want to smile, so he watered it with the water in his canteen, figuring why not help it along.
Something in his chest grows heavy, and it draws his gaze, sweeping around his chest and the presence of magic sweeps through the undead lands, silver and bright, bouncing along invisible steps. Emon. Any trace of exhaustion evaporates at the sight of his magic, the feel of it brushing along his own. Azriel. How long had it been since Emon had spoken his name ? Just what was happening that his friend would utter his name ? When he knew it would invoke him ? 
There’s no time to think further, with his scythe in hand, his body disappears within shadows, materializing by Emon’s side just as his knees buckle and send him falling. Azriel turns his gaze down to his friend, curse sizzling past his lips as he realizes mana reflux had struck his best friend. Damn idiot. Dark green encompasses his friend’s body, healing his hurts and restoring both his energy and magic with the necromancer’s. It was a bit of magic he discovered early on. Would it drain him ? Sure, but he was brimming with magic, he could expend it. 
Shaking hands cup his face, and his sole attention is on the mage’s face, taking in the exhaustion and relief there. Just what in the hell – ? Emon staggers to his feet after being right and jumps right back into whatever Azriel had been summoned into. 
It was a mess of a battlefield. Zackery’s sword was mid-swing as pale gaze zeroes in on the Hero, glimmering stars sharp as the sword cuts down one of the Sponsors present. Morbidly, it’s like a hot knife through butter, their innards spilling as their split body falls apart. These people meant something to Emon, they were other heroes, those who worked with their mage, who had fought together and for that alone, they did not deserve his ire and he meets Zack’s gaze briefly before the necromancer gazes down disinterestedly at the body that been cut by that blade. A work of art surely. But Emon was nuts
Heroes. You’ve become a nuisance. 
The voice crackled across the open air, the sky distorting before them and some self-aggrandizing being made themselves known. Was this the creator of this world ? Had they finally had enough of pulling the strings ? Had this journeying party of Heroes disrupted each and every plan and plot ? A smirk blossoms across Azriel’s features, excitement thrumming beneath his skin.
And who is he if not a chaotic necromancer who jumps into the battle because this is not something a sword will solve, no this is magic and a battle of willpower. And so he and Emon against this God, the creator who threw everything at them, who cursed upon their names and fought back, like a morbid tug of war but Azriel was no hero, he wasn’t just a mage and he damn sure wasn’t fighting for himself. 
Maybe it’s because they’ve known each other so long, that their magic compliments one another’s, the way it surges together, like twin flames and there’s nothing to combat it. It’s a foolish mistake this God makes to face them both, in a rage, because neither mage lets up, not even when they have advantage because the tides could turn at either at any second.
A blast of power knocks them both back and Azriel is there with a crazed grin to keep him standing, and his hand reaches out to the fallen body of the Sponsor, lashes fluttering as he called upon the very essence of his power, not as Vega, but as the man-made Calamity he had become. It fought him, but it was no match for a necromancer who had pervaded his craft and so with a rip, the  Sponsor was his to command, it’s body whole and where it’s body had been, a pile of bones lay, crumbling with the wind and in it’s place was sad Sponsor, but flickering like Jekyll & Hyde, a split frankenstein undead and oh, the power emitting from this particular summon didn’t need it’s master to attack right away and so the battle renewed.  
Ten minutes, twenty ? An hour? Azriel doesn’t keep track but there’s a moment that moves slow, where he can see Emon take a hit, his magic colliding with the God and can see the trace of blood that stains the mage’s lips and rages roars through him and kicks off his summon, jumping into the air above the towering, powerful god and with a dark look, his scythe slices down, powered by both his magic and Emon’s and it’s met with a shield, one that cracks because Azriel is out for blood, and death and he’ll have it.
The blade of his scythe is tipped with black, the magic swirling and condensing and the necromancer twirls it away before bringing it back down with a booming laugh, but there’s a moment of quiet, abrupt and surprised as the scythe cuts through the shield and inevitably the God in question, from the hollow of their throat to the hip. Suspending in mid-air, no one speaks, disconcerted and perplexed and surprised. Nothing moves. Then the crackles of magic that spreads, something ancient and forbidden eating from inside out. Faintly, he can hear the horrified whisper of his name, then there’s a boom and a bright light, error codes flashing behind his lids and he crosses his arms over his face. Had he and Emon really killed a God ? And was this the last time they fought together ? 
His body feels like it disintegrates, torn apart and put back together again and he isn’t sure what happens but after a long moment, he ends up in damp grass, blood bubbling in his throat and staring blearily at unfamiliar stars. He’d never encountered something so exhilarating and heart-pounding.
A wet cackle leaves him and he turns on his side, his ribs protesting. His senses reach out tentatively, brows coming to furrow as he hears, well, everything. Where the fuck– ? A rustle of clothing has him reaching for his magic but he refrains for a moment to realize Emon is not far from him. Crawling through the grass, he comes across his best friend’s prone body, covered in bruises and scratches and with the last reserves of his magic, he puts the mage into a protective stasis, before slumping down into the grass, letting the exhaustion take him under. Atleast Emon was safe…they were both due for a nap….
aaphrine has seen the last of these two friends. / @nvrcmplt
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revivemyreverie · 4 months
About the Toytoyriya and Marcoritas crew, don’t know if this has been answered yet BUT which canon dorm would each character be sorted into 👀
WAHHH nutshells them all…I cannot essay during these times (comms)
Lotsie-> Heartslabyul
As sweet and outgoing as Lotsie could be, his morals fit that of the strictness Heartslabyul’s dormitory fits to a T! I can imagine he’d be rather subtle about following the rules, but always ensures students understand what it means to disobey in the end ^-^
Pat may not be royal!!! But he certainly carries the noble aura many Diasomnia students are known for. You’d expect him to be in Heartslabyul, but I think he’s the type of guy who’s willing to break norms if it is better in the long run!
Back towards strictness! When it comes to other students, Saturn quite lax with rule following and the like. In my eyes, it’s more that he’s strict with himself, and doesn’t want to return to the days where he was a bully that picked on others. He’d probably relate to Deuce a lot!!!!
I feel like this one was obvious from the beginning😭 He’s a very techy guy, so it makes sense for him to go in the tech dorm. However! I also like to think he embodies the spirit of diligence pretty well! He puts a lot of care into both his work and his relationships with others. Well, that and his “evil” persona.
Savanaclaw’s persistence. Winston’s stubborn way of running with his gut. It’s rather obvious why he’s there. That, and I like the idea of him constantly pushing Leona to be more energetic and outgoing. It makes me giggle!
Pomefiore’s determination…Marcoritas’ enthusiasm… I suppose if Kaiser could not be sorted into his dorm for his obsession with wanting to see what makes him happy, then it’s his consistent drive that puts him in Pomefiore. Well, that and his good looks!
Same thing with Winston with Savanaclaw’s persistence. Although, Redd is far less keen on being a positive guy and more headstrong with his (albeit flimsy) meaning of life. Plus, I just think he fits in with the dorm of mostly beastmen.
Less focused on air of nobility, and moreso Ariadne’s magical prowess. He can’t do anything as big as change the weather like Malleus, sure, but it’s his cunningness that aids his magic to trick even faculty!
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shit-talk-turner · 4 months
Do you think Alex and Louise talk about Alexa? Like he must know by now about her obsession with her. Does she ask him about their relationship? Or just about her in general? Or like, does she ask his friends about her. Zackery, Matt, Katie? No honestly, I imagine both Alex and Louise fangirling hard about Alexa. Maybe it's the mutual crush on Alexa that still holds them together lol //////
I bet they talk. Louise must want to know more and more what she was like with Alexa so she can copy and try to attract Alex with that (failing in the attempt to want to copy). And Alex must love having a groupie who keeps asking him about his past with Alexa so he can talk. kkkkk just a deduction but it wouldn't be a lie if it were reality which puts an even more sinister line on this relationship//
This mod is mega weird, look at the type of asks and answers they post. I bet they not posting many important questions to post these bizarre ones
many “important” questions? Lmao such as?
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tattooedsongbird · 8 months
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I Would Still Be Surprised - Chapter Three
Elena handed me a wine glass. “You can be honest with us. We wives stand together, do we not?”
“We do,” Ingrid concurred. “Although you at least have family in the country. Perhaps knowing you do not have to leave everything you know for your marriage provides some comfort?”
“Or perhaps having known Nikolas as a child provides comfort,” Elena commented. “Has he changed from how you remembered him?”
I blinked, unsure which question to answer first. “He seems much as I remembered, but I have only seen him a few times in the last few days.”
“That is better than some future husbands,” Elena said with a slightly bitter smile. “Zackery barely bothered to meet me before our wedding. I arrived two months before our wedding day, and I only saw him three times before we reached the altar. I was not sure I would recognize him there.”
“You will scare her off marriage entirely,” Ingrid scolded gently.
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atangledfate · 2 years
Reunion [Drabble]
Tangle pulled the little car into the driveway, license or not she was glad Jewel loaned her the car. Taking her little bike all the way out here would have been a pain especially with the amount of packages she had in the back seat. She sighed deeply leaning back in the seat. As her eyes gazed across the old farmhouse. she hadn’t been here in years, not since---- memories better not dwelled on. Still the place didn’t look to bad, the barn needed painted, so did the house but looked like someone fixed the old gate. It was nice to see it again but also---heartwrenching as so many memories flooded her mind. She covered her face with both hands as she dreaded coming here, and had put it off for nearly a month but, somethings couldn’t be avoided. 
She climbed out of that little white car, that she barely fit in, but somehow managed to make it work. She stood next to the care her tail swishing as she took one last deep breath and gathered up the packages from the back seat. Making her way across the yard she opened the side gate to the yard and paused moving the gate back and forth. “ He fixed the Squeaky gate? why does that---upset me? “ She frowned. A lt of old memories of that old gate were fresh in her mind, but it was such a simple stupid thing and yet it did bug her. 
She made her way up to that porch and stood in front of it, her eyes locked on the door for what felt like forever. She hadn’t seen her Brother in a long time, not since the end of the War, and she had no idea how he faired after the outbreak or during it. She tried to contact him but as always he refused to answer her calls, more proof he still held a grudge against her. She grit her teeth and hyped herself up! She’d fought eggman, zombots, and a shapeshifting mercenary! she could handle her little brother being mean to her right?
The soft rapping of her knuckles on the door filled the air, as she finally worked up the nerve to knock. A long moment passed, and then another, and after what felt like an  eternity to the Lemur the door swung open. Her brother was a year younger then she was, but he was in many ways more mature. He was a smart kid when he was younger, always fixing this or that and in some ways reminded her of tails. Yet those stern cold eyes behind his glasses, gazed straight through her and she always hated those judging eyes.
“ Ah Hey Zackery.... You had some packages at the post uhh they still not able to delver out here so they sent them to the museum... “
It was impossible to tell if he was going to slap her, or tell her to piss off! Wouldn’t have been the first time, and yet the tension was absolutely eating her alive inside. 
“ Bring them inside ... i’ll have to see what they are, “ 
He motioned to the kitchen table which was a real mess. All kinds of random junk laid about the Table. But He quickly cleared a spot for her to set them down. Well he was being Civil at least. Though she was quickly assaulted by the humming buzz of Jolt, the little Yellow Wisp that had followed her brother about for a long time now. Once Jolt had been her Wisp during the war, but after she had asked them to look after her brother. The two were inseparable now, and it did make her smile to know her brother kept the little guy around. 
“ Jolt! heeeey how are ya, still a live wire i see! “ 
She winked as she placed the packages on the table and made sure they were stable. 
“ ... So--- umm is everything? I mean i tried to... you never picked up and i’ve been ... worried. “
She knew she sounded so---unsure of herself, but she was and fearful of her brothers response. 
“ I’m fine Angela, I recovered like everyone else...i’ve just been busy in my workshop, and fixing this old place up. I don’t have time to answer every single text you send me or phone call... “
She rubbed her arm feeling those angry eyes on her again
“ You could ... answer it once in a while, i worry about you Zackery... i know you won’t forgive me but i still worry. Your my Brother, and even if you don’t love me i still love you...”
He let out an exasperated sigh as he rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
“ Angela, can we not do this right now? “
She closed her eyes and nodded her head, he was still angry she could see it in his eyes. 
“ If you need help with the house... ya know i can make time...” 
Zack turned his back to Tangle and crossed his arms and sighed deeply.
“ I can handle it Angela... Just--- close the gate when you leave will you? i have work to do...”
He didn’t even give her a second glance as he went downstairs, and slammed the door to his workshop. She winced at the slam clearly annoyed with her. she rubbed a tear from under her eye and made her way back to the car. Closing the gate, and sitting on the hood of the car. she just, wished deep down he’d forgive her. But even after the outbreak, he was still angry with her, still not able to forgive her. She’d tried everything to earn that forgiveness but he always shut her out.
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“ Wish you were here Mom.... i wish i knew what to do or say... to get my little brother back...” 
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atlanticcanada · 7 months
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squishy-o · 2 years
Introducing the system
Hello everyone! I'm Minx, the host of The Squish System. This is the first time I am using Tumblr so bear with me.  Anyways, a little about our system. Our collective name is Squishy and collectively we go by they/them pronouns. To know whos fronting we will tag each post with a name and an emoji. For example:  -Minx🐸
Our Alters: Minx🐸18 (they/them) host Kai💖15 (he/him/she/her) trauma holder Rodney🔪15 (he/him) protector Jacob🏀18(he/him)protector Darick 🎮 18 (he/him) trauma holder/protector TJ🧸 12(he/him)protector/trauma holder Megan🦄13 (she/her) protector/trauma holder Sunny☀ ageless(he/him/they/them) trauma holder/caretaker Gregory👑 10(he/him) little/protector/gatekeeper Oliver🦖13(he/him) trauma holder Luna🌙ageless(he/him/they/them)caretaker/protector Rina💍16(she/her) protector Zackery😇9(he/him) little Orion🐈12(he/him/they/them)protector
Are asks open? Yes, our asks are open. We welcome any and all questions as long as they remain appropriate and respectful. This does includes littles. We open to our littles answering questions. Any inappropriate questions or comments toward our littles will be deleted, and you will be blocked.
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mysteriouspenguin29 · 2 years
i can’t experense how underrated Allen in some writing were he wasn’t so  awful how he hint to be kind of awesome one stories and slighter newer say he just really cool with Lilly being Asexual and not really wanting anything to do with sex saying he doesn’t need sex in his life to be happy with her god that kind of underrated line of mine.to Lilly who try to understand Allen understated but acknowledge of his kink of being tied up. Lilly doesn’t treat it as oh it must something Allen has gone through into the past. he just really fucking Like being dominate  by women and men   understand enough he like that and finds enjoyable.it even kind hinted though it never explored that she dabble into it. it never treat as bad thing. to her even talking about her feeling for another guy to him to thank god not be monsterly  jealous but really hearing her feeling out and them try to make this relationship into a poly relationship he pretty chill with the idea. dear god Allen who called zackery  in the very ancient  stories to be kind of possessive at point to him fucking killing her daughter and her being just fine with it. to now just being a healthy relationship  can’t be under stated
character now a day some fan fic and art tend to just go for the classic jealously and misunderstanding. which i know people in real do, but it just so seen these fan character kind of being Possessive a little of their partner for daring to talk to some else. i get we have doubt and insecure  if often written that way too. but i kind of sick of seeing so often.
i just really like writing now a day  characters fucking talking to each other for once in their goddamn life to see from their preservative. Vincent and Raphael has been really healthy friendship from the beginning they has always been these great pair of friends who i love to draw and write. while yes Lilly tried to ask Astrid what went wrong with their friendship to Astrid to never say is cruel but given how awful implied they were as friends maybe Astrid to be silent is just kind of her saying were to begin or everything just to her not begin what went wrong when it was always wrong., though Astrid and Lilly relationship never really get explained which i want to do more. Astrid when she was first written was just the villain with no backstory to her and Lilly having this hating relationship for no good reason. it implied Astrid mother is so awful person who tell Astrid what to do, dictated her life so much Astrid really never had a say. as it says Astrid mother planned Astrid future with her having no say how it goes.
Astrid was always to me meant to be a complex bully character who really never changes cause she doesn’t see her attitude problem  i seen so much the bully rich girl in Disney getting redeemed as it so often the case their parents are dicks. their suffer trauma blah blah blah. it interesting that Astrid while having some element of a tragic backstory and dick parents. she is also rich and a bully doesn’t change her way cause we got to face the fact that some bullies don’t change as people until their just punched in the face for it. i often see how kid even me where taught just the ignore them and they’ll go away as you just feeding into them somehow while ignoring in a way  is feeding them. what I’m saying that statement is goddamn big ass lie i ignore my bullies as they said i should did they go away fuck no it made it worst. it often said the bullies to be really taught anything is the need a swift kick or punch in the face from the victim as they realize their victim is not taking their crap anymore. i see people talk about how once they hit their bully the bully just left them alone. the teacher saying oh violence in isn’t the answer when they take no action on acting solving the issues. the bully may getting a talk to from adult but often then not they don’t learn a goddamn thing they just go back to their old way while faking promising they’ll try better when they don’t.
anyway enough about my experience with bulling back to Astrid i guess she was kind of defy that character type in the way.  wasn’t this about Allen was been here longer and not Astrid a very new character.  I’m sorry I got carried away with ranting about my passion with these goddamn character.
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nvrcmplt · 8 months
Shifting so he's in Zackery's space, Zahir doesn't pretend to be subtle as he sniffs at him. Brows furrow, a light frown before he foregoes decorum and shoves his nose against the blond's shirt, inhaling deeply. Ah, that's what the smell was. How delightful. Making a small triumphant in the back of his throat, Zahir moves back to where he'd been sitting before the other entered the room. No need to fret, he's perfectly content now.
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Amusement, a twinkle in the Hero's eye as he witnessed the Badger do his needs for bestial satisfaction? Amusing, but not completely new. He knew of several friends in his Party that used to act in such a manner with their people. Leon came to mind, also Yuriy when he thinks the beastman didn't think he was watching. Commentary was held aside, instead he remained on his path towards his dresser - besides the sofa the other claimed for himself. Arms moved with ease to remove leather cord from his nape and proceed to loosen his garments, and hair from a high ponytail to ease his skull from the ache.
"You are a cute one, Zahir." Lips curve in the amusement, blond locks falling with the relief to instead tread for his brush, holding it up with invitation. "You can smell that scent more from my hair, little badger." A beckoning tilt of his head, reflected gaze pointed over his shoulder at the man sat and content with his find. "I'll be travelling again soon, so you won't be welcomed to the building by those within. In fact, I offer to hire you for the road. Will you be free?"
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semiara-archive · 6 years
five times kisse
send me five times kissed for a drabble about five times our muses kissed
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for the first time.
Zackery era joven y estaba descubriendo el mundo, pensando que era inmenso e intimidante. Mas llegó a Australia y se dio cuenta que el mundo podía ser más pequeño de lo que le habían enseñado. Descubrió que podía tener un mundo propio, su mundo, uno con un corazón de oro y una sonrisa que brillaba más que el sol naciente. Descubrió que podía rodear su mundo con los brazos y soñar con él todas las noches. Descubrió que su mundo podía ser una persona, alguien que lo complementaba, que sonreía ante su declaración y que no retrocedió cuando se acercó a unir sus pares por primera vez.
for the second time.
Mantener una relación a distancia al principio era difícil, por lo que disfrutaban del tiempo que podían compartir al máximo. A veces salían en busca de aventuras, a veces las buscaban en la comodidad de la habitación de Bailey. Otras veces simplemente descansaban en un abrazo, en palabras de afecto y leves carcajadas ocasionadas por pequeñas tonterías que sus labios pronunciaban. Solo estaban juntos, sin hacer más que hablar, sin hacer más que sentir al otro. Eran aquellos los momentos que Zackery había aprendido a valorar más: la simpleza de poder estar con Bailey y no querer estar en ningún otro lugar.
for the third time.
Apoyaron la última caja en el suelo de su nuevo apartamento, Zackery agradeciéndole a Bailey por su ayuda y dándole una copia de la llave como regalo. Y un contrato que firmar. Y otros dos días más de mudanza por venir. Y un par de brazos abiertos a los que el menor no había dudado en saltar, dejando que el oficial lo envolviera. Si bien no era un gran apartamento y tuvieron que dejarlo meses después, fue el primer lugar donde pudieron compartir sus experiencias y descubrir otra parte de su relación donde también se complementaban.
for the fourth time.
Cuando Bailey consiguió un trabajo en la nueva ciudad, Zackery pasó por él al final del día. Después de buscar algo para comer, volvieron a una casa iluminada por las velas y con un ramo de flores con una pequeña carta de felicitaciones. Zackery nunca había sido bueno para las sorpresas, pero siempre había tratado de esforzarse por hacer lo mejor de sí por su pareja. Se sintió aliviado cuando fue atacado por los labios ajenos repetidas veces, sonriendo entre los besos y abrazándolo en un intento de no tumbar ninguna de las velas que los rodeaban.
for the fifth time.
Ni el día de su graduación ni su primer día de trabajo en su comisaría actual lo habían puesto tan nervioso como aquello. Trataba de hacer lo posible para no temblar, rindiéndose e interrumpiendo al contrario con una sonrisa de disculpa. El cambio en la expresión opuesta mientras él apoyaba una rodilla en el suelo y abría la pequeña caja, eso fue lo que logró calmar su corazón. No le había dado la oportunidad de terminar de formular la pregunta cuando ya había aceptado, causando que Zackery sonriera de lado a lado. Colocó el anillo y no pensó dos veces antes de alzar a Bailey, besándolo como creyó nunca haberlo hecho. Esperaba que con aquella propuesta el menor supiera que, sin importar dónde estuviera, su corazón siempre estaría con él: con su mundo.
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(askthetriokzt) Kodo: So, Zackery and I were thinking about going over to this cat cafe that's nearby and we were wondering if you two would like to join us, I'll pay too.
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skyfallenxsoldier · 4 years
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NAME : Zackery Fair (goes by Zack) 
EYE  COLOUR : Bright Blue
HAIR  STYLE   /   COLOUR : Spiked Black Hair that’s a bit overgrown.
HEIGHT : 6′3″ - 190 cm
CLOTHING  STYLE : Dependent on verse but likes cool colors.
BEST  PHYSICAL  FEATURE : His eyes. They are bright and warm and friendly. But also his smile is very attractive and is a close second. 
FEARS : Failure. Specifically failing to protect those he loves. 
GUILTY  PLEASURE  : Zack doesn’t feel guilty about anything. 
BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE : Formality. The cold distance that comes from it. 
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP :  I wonder if I have time for a some exercise before breakfast. 
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED : What he wants to do tomorrow.  
WHAT  THEY  THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS : His physical skills such as athletics, strength, and fighting talent. 
SINGLE  OR  GROUP  DATES : He usually likes single dates because he is affectionate. 
TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED : Loved. By far.
BEAUTY  OR  BRAINS : He tends to focus more on his looks than his brains but he appreciate both in other people. 
DOGS  OR  CATS : Dogs.
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  005 : DO THEY …
LIE : Zack is a god damn terrible liar. 
BELIEVE  IN  LOVE : Yes. He puts it on a pedestal in his life. Love is so important. 
WANT  SOMEONE : Almost always but it depends on the situation as to who it is.
BEEN  ON  STAGE : Not professionally.
DONE  DRUGS : Once or twice. Didn’t really liked it that much. 
CHANGED  WHO  THEY  WERE  TO  FIT  IN : HA! hahahaha. Couldn’t if he tried. 
FAVOURITE  BOOK :  Doesn’t have the patience for reading. 
FAVOURITE  GAME : Something simuliar to rugby. 
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  008 :   AGE .
DAY  THEIR  NEXT  BIRTHDAY  WILL  BE : This is under debate so I don’t have an answer yet. 
HOW  OLD  WILL  THEY  BE : Verse Dependent. 
I LOVE : My friends, family, and those closest to me.
I  FEEL : A drive to be better. 
I  HIDE : The darker sides of myself. There is no need to see them. 
I  MISS : Home. 
I  WISH : To make others happy. 
TAGGED BY: @sungwrath​ and @onewingedxngel​
TAGGING: Anyone who wants to!
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shit-talk-turner · 1 year
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this unsee photo of Alex taken by a woman who randomly saw him in Tokyo holds the key to some answers. in the caption it says the band performed the night before 3/12 and this picture was taken on 3/13 Alex, Zackery, Tyler and Ben(?) went sightseeing in Tokyo, but what about Louise? she was a third wheel to Amanda and Matt, rather to go sightseeing with her boyfriend? My theory: her trip to Japan failed miserably, the two got into a argument on her arrival, so she didn't post anything, she was excited enough about this trip to suddenly not post anything. and her going to LA it could also be fake, she may have been liking posts in LA time zone past few weeks on purpose even though she was in Paris just only to confuse fans. her trip to LA must have been at Nadya's request or she herself offered to go, it would be impossible for her to be in LA this whole time and not post a picture of his bathroom or hanging out at the flea market etc. Guys, I think they're over and she's in LA desperately asking for reception for Amanda and Nadya. her behavior of not liking anything from the people connected with Alex this whole time is also quite suspicious.
Thank you for this!! This verrrrrrrry interesting!
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sims-half-crazy · 4 years
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Marina needed to get out away from her family. As the last unmarried daughter of the late Charles Thibodeaux Sr., Marina had lived her whole life at Southern Hearth. Her brother, Charles, Jr., had died of scarlet fever when it had swept through the town in '90 leaving the Thibodeaux's without a bloodline male heir. Her older sister Ada had married Jairo Godfrey (Isaac's older brother) and they had inherited daddy's fortune. 
Her sister had gone on to have 3 children - Zackery, Piper, and Ryker. Zackery had died shortly after Charles Jr. of the same illness. Piper was still unmarried, but Ryker had married Felicia Sugarbean (Georgia's step-daughter). Ryker and Felicia now had two children of their own! Needless to say it was a full house, and Marina needed some space. 
 Marina had been shocked by the surprising loss of Tatiana. She had visited the Watts family on so many occasions over the years she was practically family. The Watts and Thibodeaux's had known each other for ages. Marina was the youngest of the brood, but she had been close to Virginia's children. She and Ashton were only a year apart, and Carolina had often delighted in watching Ashton and Marina play together. Marina's friendship with Ashton enabled her to befriend the rest of the Watts clan as the years passed. 
Marina had come to enjoy Tatiana's teas and loved to hear her play the piano. One afternoon, she came upon Tennessee in the brush near his farm. He'd gotten himself stuck as he'd tried to clear out the undergrowth, but he didn't realize that the branches and roots were so entangled when he'd set his foot down. He was lucky Marina was passing by, but she'd taken to taking very extended walks in the afternoon to escape the chaos that her home seemed riddled with. 
 After they'd gotten Tenn's foot free, they'd returned to the farm to clean up and get some refreshments. Marina very much enjoyed her afternoon with Tenn and it was about a month later when Tenn proposed an intriquing idea. What if she and he were to marry? It'd get her out of the house and she'd be able to have her own life not dictated by her family. All he asked was that she help run his house. 
What was Marina to do? 
It was tempting, but Tenn had 5 children. Granted, 2 of them were older. Gideon was to be heading off to university soon and Bartholomew would follow soon behind him. The other three were old enough to take care of themselves with minimal guidance from her. Marina worried about marital relations, because while she liked Tenn she didn't love him. Tenn had told her he still loved his wife, and he their marriage would be in name only - if that’s what she wanted. Marina thought about his proposal for a full week before answering him. He'd offered to take her to town and enjoy the café after he was done with his business, and she'd agreed to go. 
On the carriage ride over there, she'd told him that she'd agreed to his proposal. They'd marry - in name only. The relief that washed across Tenn's face was palpable. He grabbed her hands and kissed the backs of them, the whole time thanking her. Marina wasn't sure she was making the right decision, but it wasn't the wrong decision either.
*This portion of the story line has been altered with the great save snafu of 2021.
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