#×gay steampunks×
imaginal-ai · 30 days
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"The Engineer" (0001)
(The Homo Faber Series)
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salbertwolf · 1 year
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That Codywan steampunk cowboy AU
Sheriff Cody of Kamino enjoys a nice patrol out by the frontier when he spots a strange city looking fella by the road, the man looks tired, dried by the hot sun of the countryside, and the blue eyes locked on him as if he was a water spring in the middle of a desert, and- was that a baby!?
Well here you have it folk, it took me a while but I finally did it, probably will continue with other pieces but idk
Quick context for the au I guess?
Obi-Wan is from Couruscant, city of progress and gold! After being framed by his adoptive brother for something (haven't thought about it yet) he and his sister in law develop a plan for his escape and her children's well being, leading Obi-Wan to escape with Luke to the countryside, a place for outlaws and small towns.
Cody is sheriff of Kamino, a small town in the middle of nowhere a bit behind the progress of the larger cities, lives with his brothers who run most of the town business and finds Obi-Wan with Luke, deciding to take him back to Kamino.
That's all I have for now(? Feel free to add to it if you want! That's all take care
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chonkyvoreai · 3 months
"You're going to need a new captain to fly your airship." *URPPPPPPP* "I recently relocated your previous one, and he is no longer able to fulfill that role... even though he's pretty filling. Heh."
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necht0 · 12 days
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They're so in love...
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larsisfrommars · 4 months
The Night of The Murderous Spring Is So JUICY!
I think I need to talk about how insanely gay this episode of Wild Wild West is or I might EXPLODE. I know a lot of us who already watch the show knew this episode was ridiculous in the gay subtext department but I feel compelled to go in-depth about putting it into words.
Let’s not even dig into the fact that before drugging Jim Dr. Loveless proudly proclaims that he will make James West “kill the thing he loves” and was referring to Artemus when he said that! That’s already wild enough as it is.
For me like, through a shipping/gay subtext lense, I could already tell Artie was into Jim. There is a mountain of evidence to interpret their relationship that way at least on Gordon’s end. For West it was a little more sparse until and especially THIS episode. Which confirmed for me as relatively new to this show and fandom “ohhhh!! He really DOES reciprocate whatever ambiguously gay mess is happening here!”
The version of Artemus that Jim subconsciously conjures up for himself is so interesting. And of course, it appears to him when he’s in desperate need of comfort, of a rock to cling to, but can find none. So his hallucinating brain projects what he NEEDS most, not some lovely young lady (familiar or otherwise) to tell him everything is alright, but Artemus to take care of him. He WANTS to be taken care of and comforted by Artemus and no one else. I’m not crying YOU are crying!
His version of Artemus is pretty close to the real deal but there’s something… softer about this projected version. He’s not completely different, I wouldn’t even say out-of-character. But he is gentler, more patient and forgiving, and very much there to play guardian angel for Jim. All of his positive traits are exaggerated in Jim’s eyes, like hes always seeing the guy through rose colored glasses.
I say this because part of why I got a bit suspicious of this version of Artie was him being way too calm and forgiving when Jim starts being aggressive towards him due to the drug. Yeah Artie loves Jim but like, he’s got his own sense of self-preservation, intelligence, and a bit of a temper. I was expecting a joke or some sternness or something, hell maybe taking Jim’s gun from him. But of course he doesn’t and he can’t, because he’s not real and he’s there to comfort. Jim can’t be thrown off the course that’ll lead him to killing Artie by his hallucination’s own intervention. He’s himself but oh so slightly off.
Another thing was something that “Artie” said that didn’t actually make a lot of sense compared to the rest of established canon when Jim first starts getting temperamental. “Hey it’s me remember? Artemus Gordon? Mrs. Gordon’s son.” Now I know there’s probably some throwaway Doylist explanation for this, but the Watsonian in me prevails.
Artie never brings up either of his parents before this or ever again to my knowledge. Jim only mentions family once in a previous Dr. Loveless episode. It’s the kind of thing you’d say to someone where you’d known each other your whole lives, implying Jim would somehow know his mother. Now unless I’m mistaken they met each other in the military as adults. Which means Jim’s subconscious emotions have made him feel as though Artie’s known him his whole life. Which is some soulmate sounding mess if I ever heard it.
Then there is the crescendo of this madness where Jim shoots the illusionary Artemus in cold blood. Which is easily some of the most heartbreaking acting in the series. I have watched it a normal amount of times (lying)!! Dying “Artie” looks confused and betrayed but he STILL reaches out to Jim like he like wants Jim to know that it’s okay?! OUCH. Then of course there’s the little “why?” before he dies that pushes Jim over the edge.
Jim completely flies off the handle after Artemus’s apparent death. Careening through the street, threatening the hotel staff, trying to get himself arrested for murdering Artie. I don’t know whether it was a side effect of how much hallucinogen he ingested or what. He straight up faints like some tragic Victorian protagonist after returning to his room, overwhelmed by the evil that he has seemingly done.
When he comes back around he is not at all acting like the Jim we know and love. It’s almost like he wants Loveless to kill him with the way he goads the guy. He’s despondent and jaded and being reckless with his own life. He only snaps back to normal when he discovers Artie is in fact alive and well. Which is such a beautifully loaded reunion. He responds to Jim’s unusual tenderness with a sassy joke (which is of course how we know this one is real). It feels very akin to the Kirk and Spock reunion at the end of Amok Time.
I also think it’s worth noting that I think the first time I ever heard James West utter the words “Artie! Help me!” when he’s trying to prevent the ducks carrying the murder-LSD from being released (this episode is NUTS). Which you know in light of the events of this episode is a big step in Jim being a bit more vulnerable as a character. So there is THAT too.
Hey, and maybe it’s just me, but whether it was deliberate or not, something changed about the whole tone of the show after this particular episode. It felt like the showrunners were slowly having it dawn on them the show is at its strongest when it plays off of the bond shared by these two characters. This episode along a few other gems from season one seem to have clinched it. I noticed in season two so far they’re using Artie and Jim’s relationship as a support beam where it was more of a flexible suggestion before. Which has ✨implications✨ whether you interpret the relationship as gay or not. The events of this episode cracked Jim West’s very hard shell, and made these two characters closer than before.
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thesteamhunk · 8 months
Hey everyone you should go watch Prof. Tom Foolery Saves the Planet. For me.
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wanton-votaress · 9 months
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I may be a nerd but I wasn’t the one who baked cookies based on my current interests
That was all @existing-is-bothersome
(Even if was a attempt to prove they are superior to me in the kitchen)
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arainmorn-art · 2 years
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Deciphering, page 53 Gallant mr Edgeworth :3 [Previous page]  [Masterpost]   [Next page]   Slowly, but we are still making progress through the comic as it brings me joy in my current unpredictable life abroad x)
 Deciphering - a story about two friends solving a murder case and finding out a true nature of their relationship. Based on Ace Attorney.
 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/arainmorn
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ifindus · 1 year
det at the nordics kledde seg ut som spøkelsespirater i stede for kapteinsabeltann og hans crew i halloween episoden er urealistisk...smh🙄
Såå bortkasta! 😫 Kaptein Sabeltann my beloved 🥰
Kaptain Sabeltann (Captain Sabertooth) is my childhood okay. There is so much - it was everywhere!! There are books, audio-books with songs, a tv-series, a movie, musicals, a theme park!! and an ice cream!! I fucking loved Kaptain Sabeltann, I would dress up as him all the time when I was younger. He is a vibe - the best anti-hero. My friends and I also still play the music at parties 🙈 Here is a taste of Kaptein Sabeltann for people interested.
But yes, missed opportunity with the Halloween episode. We could have had this instead!!
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ecrivainalene · 2 months
I officially have my ticket to Otakon next week, I'm so excited!! Leviathan panel here I come!!!
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imaginal-ai · 22 days
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"The Engineer" (0002)
(More of The Homo Faber Series)
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gayfantasyaiart · 4 months
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necht0 · 27 days
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Lovely boys💞 (and Pedro!)
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hapalopus · 6 months
steampunk elves save me.
steampunk elves.
save me steampunk elves
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antonymeanonyme · 1 year
give me the gay cowboys and the gay detectives and the gay pirates and the gay criminals and the gay gunslingers and the steampunk gays i wanna read all about them
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comorbidcuriosity · 5 months
I want to be a Creature. Like a person but with bug wings and antennae and also steampunk.
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