#египтус лео уокер
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Part 2
Jotaro J... Jougen 👍 Thanks @vespertea for helping me choose the name! Here is the Jojo of the family!!!!
This is a bit inspired by one of @triona-tribblescore drawings and the fact that no one else has made this joke...
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I see a pattern
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FRAG I made them small!!!!
A difference between Jotaro who was strong and brave when he was a child Leo was scared and angry.
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Have a sketch for the Bad Ending of my bois. Some minor changes from the original sketch but with a full body now.
@nerishhellish In this variation of the AU Yukichi still lives but has to see the horrors of what Jotaro has become...
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Ideas of my UY AU that I had to post XD. Not official designs but explorations for a Bad Future and one where they older.
The Bad Future idea is similar to the ROTTMNT Bad Timeline with the Krang but instead of aliens is the dark creatures. Jotaro becomes full Yokai and essentially becomes the new Yokai Prince while Leo let go his mortality and became Anubis replacement.
@nerishhellish I was thinking on maybe make an AU where Leo is a prince (he is the Last Pharaoh of earth 😅) and Jotaro is a full Samurai. Something like @usagiverse Princess Miya idea
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Seriously, even with the armor on Leo is still the shortest I'm the Golden Army.
Like, is both funny and scary. One because Leo beats the shit out of God's 5 times bigger than him, and two because Leo must feel too out of place and weak compared to the rest of the characters...
I really wish that there had been at least one time in the series where Leo had been carried around like a cat or in Apis back 😅
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LeoSagi/katana-shipping (or I don't know what ship name I should use??) idea but is about Jotaro who finds a Leo for himself when he is older... I don't know why I got this idea but I like it
But hey, not a classic turtle Leo but a Leo from a different cartoon. Leo from Egyxos and he would be partners in crime lol.
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I made a little redesign/version of him older + added Gorogoro because I like goats 😆. Gorogoro and Jotaro become friends even so Gorogoro doesn't talk that much.
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Some sketches I did of Jotaro, his family, and the Leo he meets. Their relationship can be read as a side crush or just platonic feelings.
When Jotaro starts to get older part of his furr takes a black tone similar to the one his mother once had. His nose stays big and is a bit ashamed of it, some say that it looks like a clown's nose. Jotaro's bunny ears are flop too and bigger than his father's ones.
At some point, Jotaro gets cursed trying to defend a village from a Yokai.
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So first of all, i love your tmnt and egyxos art, and most of all i love your anubis!leo, like the possibilities?
Also imagine the egyxos cast meeting anubis!leo villains and heroes alike.
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Have bad drawings lol
But being real, I haven't thought about Anubis!Leo for a long time for the Bad Future AU... I must correct that!!
Anubis Leo was born because he was chosen to be the next Anubis, the new god that would take care of the death. He didn't want to be Anubis, he ditched the role and ran because Ra would just force him to be the new Anubis. But after an incident, Leo didn't have any other choice but to accept the role. Anubis!Leo now lives among the gods whom he once called friends...
So, how would the OG Egyxos react to this???
This would particularly disturve them. Even the villains. Is been millennials since a human was chosen to be a God, it was something too abnormal to do, to accept a mortal in the same standards as a deity.
Kefer of all would be devasted to see what his father did to Anubis!Leo, thought the man wished for his Leo to live as long as he did, to have the child close to him, it was horrible and unfair to see in what position Ra had put Anubis!Leo.
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Cute and angsty Egyxos future AU but not when Leo is an adult but years after his death, he already had children, and grandchildren and saw everything. He moved on and passed his last days with his family. Everyone else moved on with their lives except for one group, those friends that no one knew about.
The GA saw Leo grow not just into a warrior but into a family man, everyone have to see how with the years he became slower and exhausted, no longer the happy full-of-energy kid that once saved their kingdom. Kefer could not tolerate seeing this.
He was no longer a king, a Pharao, but something much more important, a God. But his father forbade him to do something, it would be too much to affect a process such as death. ¨Even a God could be punished if they play with such a fragile concept¨ Ra would say
But there should be something or at least anything to make the process slower, just to have Leo a bit longer. But deep down Kefer knew that it would not happen, and if it did, would he be happy to have a shallow shadow of what once was his friend. Death wasn't even a punishment to humans, it was liberation.
And so the young son of Ra let time do its curse, he let nature do its thing and saw how they buried what was left of Leo...
Years passed, the Walker family expanded having little contact with Egyxos. Toby also left a mark as he was the first human in millennia to marry a Goddes (Kyra), their children, demigods, would live and outlast their grandparents, cousins, and father.
Kyra was devasted but she knew that it would come. Her life didn't end as the new Queen of the Twilight islands, she instead decided to take the adventurous route taking her younger children with her will the oldest one stayed with Grandma Bastet to study and become the new ruler.
As for Kefer, his life became slower, grey, boring, just the same. Being immortal was maybe the worst punishment they could have given him. His father was always away with little time for him, Exaton was out doing his own life not seeing Kefer as brother or family anymore, and the rest of the GA was making their paths. Kefer was alone. A useless tool that was left to be forgotten.
One part of him was jealous as he was not as fast as the others, even his close friend Horus had built a life with a wife, children, and future descendants... it was just not fair.
He would pass hours looking at a wall or staring blankly at conversations. His only company at times where Apis in training and the servants of the Pyramid who were obligated to be there.
Life became just two sides. Boring or extremely boring. His life had lost meaning after his older brother was exiled from the land and their father Ra took the throne. Kefer was happy with that last part, as he never liked to be a Pharao. He loved his people but he never saw himself as a good political figure... or just a good ruler for his people.
Ans it keep like that. He tried his best to not be stuck in the same routine, change whatever he could, and find a new purpose. Maybe someone to love and start something new, but holly crap he was bad at to or he didn't understand how should it be.
Every chance he had, meeting and going with what it struck, it just failed. They were looking for status and not for love...
Things just got steamer as Kefer kept trying to find his other half, as one night when he was on a date with another prince, things got out of control. Both were not interested in each other and it was a kingdom union thing rather than an actual date.
Kefer didn't like it, he hated it more as his father thought that it was for the best. Not caring much for feelings and just for gaining more support. Kefer wasn't going to let that happen, he was going to make his father listen by screams or storms.
... and storms it was. Just a few saw it, but it was something that could never be forgotten.
And yet, time just kept passing and nothing seemed to have changed.
Until his wish was heard. Thus from an old grave, a baby Jackal found his way to Kefer's arms.
Kefer managed to do it, he found a purpose, and he became a father, and a loved one. To his son, Nilo or Leo for the rest of the family.
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Because of the idea of Kefer being Leo's bio dad AU, I got the idea of the bracelet of Ra taking Leo to Egyxos when he was still a baby and a couple of merchandise find him and think ¨Ra has given us a child!!¨
HAHAHAAHAAHAHA Flinn was taking care of Leo and showed the little baby the bracelet of Ra. Flinn then left Leo just for a second for then see his grandson disappear because of the same bracelet...
Leo is transported to Egyxos and falls into a Maki Maki fruit that he then starts to eat.
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Disappointed dad vibes and son giving an explanation 😅
What did Leo do? That is the question
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It was a bad idea to read the UY comics while making an AU 눈_눈
I'm planning on some Noriyuki x Motokazu stuff 😊 and Ichirozuke x Jotaro maybe 👀??
@nerishhellish what role should I give Yukichi in the family? Tho he is taking care of Jotaro too, maybe he would have a rocky relationship with Kenichi since he is Usagi's only family member alive...
Just Jotaro, Leo has some family problems. His bio dad died when he was still little and then after his mom married another man, Flinn, Leo's grandfather ¨died¨ leaving Leo with a strange relationship with the dead...
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Part 2 of this!
Jotaro can be a little shit at times. He was going to choose a Samurai costume but then saw a character that looked like his teacher Katsuichi but with less clothing 😂
Leo is not happy and his friends don't make things better. He'll get his revenge one day.
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Hi friend, I have a question : Do G.A. like Gossip
OhohHhoHohoOHohHooh You can bet I do hc that
Leo learns this after sharing with Horus some of his personal life like his school life and brings up the fact of how Collin bothers him and his friends. At first, Horus is all ¨but you are the Last Pharao, you should be respected. I really don't believe you¨
And Leo says ¨things on Earth aren't like here, even Kefer would be laughed at by Collin¨ he says this because he believes that Horus understands his sense of humor and sarcasm... but NOP
Just a few hours later, he hears a little conversation between him and Ramses where Horus was arguing asking Ramses how it is possible for humans to not have any respect for Leo...
Leo brushed off thinking that Horus just took his words a little too seriously, until one day. Leo brought an old family photo album that his mom asked him to take to a photoshop to see if they could scan the content or something like that.
By things of life, Leo was asked to go to Egyxos and brought the photo album with him. Because of curiosity, Horus took a look to see what weird human stuff could be there just to be surprised and bumpbursted by cuteness because of Leo's baby pictures.
Almost every photo of Leo was him wearing some cute costume or an important moment of his youth.
Since that day... Leo kept his mouth shut
He would never forget the feeling of red his face turned when Horus just stared at those pictures and wanted to share them all with the rest of the GA. Horus even asked if Leo still had the costumes or if he still dressed like that, Leo didn't wanted to answer but to make time and take the album off Horus's claws... it didn't work of course...
The news in Egyxos spread like wind and everyone now was asking about it...
Between every member of the GA Horus is the gossip tea speller, Ramses knows everyone's secrets but he makes jokes just to tease, Hyksos also knows some stuff and is very hard for him to not share the stuff, Kha is always quiet in the talk, Neith is a listener but she is in her own world when the conversation turns boring, Apis is also a listener and a good one.
Kefer usually is keep out of this stuff as it would look bad for a king to be in that type of conversation... until Leo comes off the roof to beg him to make Horus stop, so Kefer spells a bit of tea there.
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Sorry for not showing so much art or answering asks (I'll get to those soon) but one of my ears is swollen and it hurts a lot. It keeps me distracted and it hurts when I chew.
So for now, have this lineup for my UY and Egyxos AU.
Jotaro and Leo could be the counterparts of Leo and Don, but both could represent any of the two. On the contrary, Juliet and Toby represent Raph and Mikey each on their own.
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Working with my two FAS because of practice and because I need to see more of them 😋😅
Leo is trying his best hahahah
@darkcat8 I used one of your hc's lol
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