ruscatontheroof · 1 year
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
СОЮЗ / SOYUZ - Force of the Wind - Brazilian-inspired music from Belarus (Mr Bongo)
Some records just stop you in your tracks. They resonate with you and feel instantly familiar like an old friend, even on the first listen. SOYUZ's third album ‘Force of the Wind’ is one of those records. It holds all the trademarks, beauty, and eccentricities of classic Brazilian recordings, from the 60s and 70s, that we have come to love. Think artists such as Milton Nascimento, Lô Borges, Burnier e Cartier, Arthur Verocai et al. But this record wasn’t made in Brazil and is in fact a brand-new release. SOYUZ (which translates as 'union') is a creative collective from Minsk, Belarus, led by composer, arranger, and singer, Alex Chumak, multi-instrumentalist, Mikita Arlou, and drummer, Anton Nemahai. SOYUZ's previous albums explored and reimagined the legacy of jazz-oriented, non-English-language pop music of the 20th century. For their third album, there is a stronger focus, and it is influenced by 70s Música popular Brasileira and building bridges from it to present-day Belarus. Alex notes that from the moment he first encountered Brazilian music, he found in it a kind of concentrated emotion that felt as if it were familiar to him from his childhood. This non-verbal emotion and connection between the listener and musician echoes in the music, regardless of understanding of the language the album is recorded in. ‘Force of the Wind’ includes songs sung in Russian and Portuguese as well as instrumental compositions. Its musical palette is both acoustic and electroacoustic: rich warm Rhodes piano, soaring string arrangements, and a controlled drum swagger sounding both relaxed yet super tight. Alongside Alex's sublime vocals, that grace the majority of the tracks, the album features guest performances by multi-talented musician and vocalist Kate NV and rising Brazilian star, Sessa. Alex also recently arranged a number of tracks on Sessa's highly praised 2022 album 'Estrela Acesa'. On the album, the trio is joined by a cast of friends; NY-based musician of Turkish origin percussionist, Cem Mısırlıoğlu, classically trained composer, Simon Hanes, who aided with string arrangements and conducting the string players, Netherlands-based Brazilian multi-instrumentalist, Gabriel Milliet, on flutes. With the collaboration of these friends SOYUZ have created nine songs/suites that are subtle and plenitude and like the best albums, leave you aching for more. ‘Force of the Wind’ is an enigma, Brazilian yet not Brazilian, vintage yet still contemporary, out of sync with modern culture yet completely relevant and necessary.
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esleep · 2 years
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doramaotaku · 18 days
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Дорама "Королева слёз" 2024
Официальное название:눈물의 여왕
16 серий
В ролях: Ким Су Хён, Ким Чжи Вон, Пак Сон Хун, Квак Дон Ён
Пэк Хён У работает юридическим директором конгломерата Queens Group. Он самый успешный человек из своей родной деревни Йондури, и является её гордостью. Он женат на Хон Хэ Ин, дочери семьи, которая владеет и управляет Queens Group. За Хон Хэ Ин закрепилась слава высокомерной принцессы.
Эта захватывающая история любви супружеской пары, которая преодолевает кризис и остаётся вместе несмотря ни на что.
#драма #мелодрама #романтика
Мы в ТГ канале
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churchofchuu · 4 months
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buchanews · 4 months
У дитячих садочках Бучі Європейський Союз та ЮНІСЕФ допомагають облаштувати укриття
У дитячих садочках Бучі Європейський Союз та ЮНІСЕФ допомагають облаштувати укриття
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У двох дитячих садочках №2 «Горобинка» та №4 «Пролісок» міста Буча проведено капітальний ремонт і облаштування укриттів завдяки підтримці Дитячого фонду ООН (ЮНІСЕФ), Європейського Союзу та Міністерства освіти і науки України. «Створення безпеч
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nigrolll · 5 months
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bigblue61 · 2 years
This week a hellified cry into the dark with Lily Palmer, Liv.e, Two Shell, DIVINEANGEL, СОЮЗ (SOYUZ), David Crosby, Joan Reggae Drummer, uh, Hagan, Wu-Lu, Heartworms, Greg Surmacz, Angeline Morrison, Maciej Filipczuk and Triz.
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tokillaking13 · 7 months
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sovtime · 1 year
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С Днём Победы над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне! 1941 — 1945.
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
« All of us have in our minds a cartoon image of an autocratic state. There is a bad man at the top. He controls the army and the police. The army and the police threaten the people with violence. There are evil collaborators, and maybe some brave dissidents. But in the twenty-first century, that cartoon bears little resemblance to reality.
Nowadays, autocracies are run not by one bad guy but by sophisticated networks relying on kleptocratic financial structures, a complex of security services— military, paramilitary, police—and technological experts who provide surveillance, propaganda, and disinformation. The members of these networks are connected not only to one another within a given autocracy but also to networks in other autocratic countries, and sometimes in democracies too. Corrupt, state-controlled companies in one dictatorship do business with corrupt, state-controlled companies in another. The police in one country may arm, equip, and train the police in many others. The propagandists share resources—the troll farms and media networks that promote one dictator’s propaganda can also be used to promote another’s—as well as themes: the degeneracy of democracy, the stability of autocracy, the evil of America. »
– Journalist and historian Anne Applebaum at Substack quoting from her soon to be released book Autocracy, Inc..
You can read several more paragraphs from Autocracy, Inc. at the Substack link above. Her book will be published on the 23rd; if you're within distance of Washington, DC she will be doing a free book reading and Q&A on Friday July 26th at Politics and Prose. She's a good writer and speaker. I've read two of her previous books and can vouch for their quality.
The war in Ukraine is not some remote conflict that idiots like J.D. Vance or Neville Chamberlain might dismiss out of stupidity. Ukraine is just one arena in a worldwide clash between liberal democracy and kleptocratic tyranny.
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vintage-russia · 5 months
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Red Army soldiers in Rauschen (now Svetlogorsk),Germany (1945)
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picsfromsiberiangirl · 5 months
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A Small Soviet Guy.
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pipervive · 3 months
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sorry i don't know what to write there
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buchanews · 2 years
До 7,2 млн грн на відновлення багатоквартирних будинків (ВІДЕО)
Такі витрати на відновлення фінансує програма «ВідновиДІМ» від фонду Енергоефективності. Учасниками можуть стати лише ОСББ – і це важлива умова для подачі заявки. «Є рішення для багатоквартирних житлових будинків, які постраждали від військових дій – вони можуть отримати до 7,2 мільйона гривень», – зазначив Бучанський міський голова Анатолій Федорук. Гранти стовідсоткові, програму фінансує…
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mariacollection · 1 month
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В 1988 году Том Круз вместе со своей тогдашней супругой Мими Роджерс посетил СССР, чтобы увидеться с создателями и актерами фильма «Москва слезам не верит». Круз был под впечатлением от картины советского режиссёра, получившей Оскара, как «Лучший фильм на иностранном языке» 1981 года. Во время своего визита американский актёр успел встретиться не только с режиссёром Владимиром Меньшовым, ради которого прибыл из-за океана, но и с Эльдаром Рязановым. А еще посетил настоящую деревню — сам захотел. Причем, чтобы выехать за пределы столицы, пришлось делать запрос в КГБ. Зачем голливудскому актеру тогда потребовалась советская глубинка? Он хотел посмотреть «dachu», как в его любимом фильме «Москва слезам не верит».
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