#ੈ♡˳· fluff's milestone special!
butterfluffy · 2 years
Hi fluffy!
Can we get Mihawk for your msa event please
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· wine drunk, the vampire-like man made up his mind—and that is to finally come and get you to satisfy his addiction..
⠀⠀➧ fluff? | yandere!d. mihawk × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — contains yandere themes, (slight) violence, and kidnapping/abducting/confinement. get out of this fic if you're uncomfortable with these. mistakes and swearing are present too.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers.
requested by: anonymous — thank you for the request, anon! i had quite the fun on writing mihawk as a yandere, hehe! 🫶
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by continuing, you consent into reading this oneshot fanfic which contains yandere themes, violence, and confinement. if uncomfortable with these, please don't read this fic. also, do not go blaming me, i gave you a warning.
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Hearing the unpleasant sound of crows cawing loudly, your eyes cracked open, finally waking up.
“Ugh... My head hurts..” You muttered, a frown on your face as you sat upright on the bed you're on, which you noted to be rather... Unfamiliar.
“Ah?” You gasped out after a few moments, now fully awake, looking around the spacious room your in.
This is not my room.
You said to yourself, holding your breath, clutching the bedsheet tightly when you were hit with the realization.
“Where the hell am I? I.. This place, I don't know this place. All I know is that—” click.
Startled by the door clicking and creaking open, your head was quick to turn to its direction, eyes falling on this tall, good-looking, raven-haired man.
“Mhm, my love, I see that you finally woke up. Would you like to eat breakfast now?” He asked, approaching you with breakfast in his hands.
“I.. E...Excuse you? My... Love? Do I know—wait, who even are you? What—why am I here?” Interviewing the man who lightly chuckled by your questions, he hummed, setting breakfast down the table beside the bed before he went on to answer your inquiries.
“Ah... Mhm, first question, I am Mihawk. Dracule Mihawk, your lover.” Mihawk stated, causing you to tilt your head to the side.
A lover? Do you even have one? Moreover, do you even have a history with this man who proclaimed himself as your lover?
“But I—ah, nevermind.” About to object, you were quick to fall silent, not complaining furthermore to this handsome being before you.
“Then... I bought, well, abducted you here. Had quite the trouble since you were unwilling to come with me, even though I had asked you nicely.” Says the man with a shrug, his answer shocking you.
“You what?”
“Did you not hear me, my love? Would you like me to repeat what I had said previously?” Taking steps closer to you, you shrieked, backing away from him, rushing to the window.
“Don't come any closer, y..you creep, kidnapper!” You exclaim, backing yourself to a corner near the window, processing everything as you thought of what to do..
“That's not very nice of you to call me that, Y/n.” Mihawk utters, taking the almost emptied bottle of wine sitting on the desk and pouring it to his cup, calmly approaching you once again.
“Will you just behave here and accept this?” He whispers with a sigh before he emptied his cup in one go, dropping the glass on the floor, shattering it. Now standing in front of you, staring you down like a hawk with his preying eyes.
“...N..No!” You shout, pushing him away then setting a foot on the window, ready to jump down when—
“Careful, darling. The drop from here is pretty high. I can't have you dead.” Mihawk warns, quickly taking your arm before you could fall and pulling you close to him, embracing you.
“Now, just stay here with me, alrig—?” “Can't you take a fucking no as an answer!?”
Wriggling away from him, you took a shattered glass piece and pointed it at the raven-haired male who raised a brow.
“Sorry, I can't. I'm not, and will never take that no of yours, my love..” Taking the glass piece from your shaking hand, Mihawk held your hand, driving you to the bed, pinning you down as he pricked your skin with the shard, causing it to bleed.
“..So you'll have to stay here with me, whether you like it, or not....” He hums in a husky tone, licking the blood off your skin before he quickly pressed his smirking lips on yours, deciding to hold you captive just so you stay with him, if possible, forever...
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© butterfluffy 2022
ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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195 notes · View notes
kaleldobrev · 20 days
Aren’t You Forgetting Something?
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader, Soldier Boy/Ben, Hughie Campbell, MM & Nan (Reader’s Grandmother)
Original Prompt: Requested by anon | I gotta tell you that not only I love your writing but I love your series writing, specifically. When something new drops I’m always happy to read it before going to bed because I somehow feel connected to the characters, like I know them! I love to keep up with them and I love Ben’s and Y/N relationship so much. I’m in the mood for some angst between them tho, maybe Ben forgetting her birthday and receiving a silence treatment? I don’t know, but I trust you.
Summary: Ben forgets one of the most important days in yours and his relationship — your one year anniversary
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Cursing (40x), Forgetful!Ben, Ben making fun of Hughie for the umpteenth time, Implied violence, Lots of angst, Fluff, Vulnerable!Ben & Implied Smut at the end
Authors Note: Takes place in the Hughie’s Best Friend is Dating Soldier Boy Universe | I changed it from birthday to anniversary, so I hope that's okay my anon friend! | Takes place after After Everything | I had a lot of fun looking up 1950s fashion for this | There will not be a second part to this but I will still be adding to this universe | This came out a lot longer than I expected it to, but I had a lot of fun with this | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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⋆ Hughe's Best Friend is Dating Soldier Boy Masterlist ⋆
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You never thought that this day would ever come, but it was finally here: yours and Ben's one year anniversary. It was a milestone that you never thought would come, as the relationship between the two of you wasn't always easy. It was rocky, and sometimes very, very messy. But despite all of the messiness, you loved him unconditionally, and he loved you just the same, but showed it in his own unique ways.
Ben wasn't the kind of person to verbally say, "I love you," as his love language tended to be that of a physical nature. He would do chores around the house that you hated to do — despite him having it too. He would bring things back from missions that reminded him of you — often those objects being covered in someone else's blood; and he would kiss and smack your ass every time you were in his path, no matter what either one of you was doing.
Although you love those physical actions, you hoped that maybe one day you would be able to hear him utter those three little words you had been yearning to hear — and maybe, just maybe, today was that day.
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Since Ben was away on a secret mission that you weren’t apart of since you were sick at the beginning, you took this whole week that he was away in order to plan what you were going to do for him the day of. Initially, the two of you agreed that you really weren't going to do anything special to celebrate, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized how important this milestone truly was; not only for your relationship, but for the two of you individually.
Although it was only a year, your relationship with Ben was the longest you've ever been in. Not that you've had many previous relationships, but every single one you had previously never really lasted long (you were lucky if it lasted two months), as they either did not understand the whole vigilante justice objective of The Boys, Butcher somehow scared them off, or they were (funnily) threatened by Hughie.
But Ben was different in this way compared to your other relationships. He understood the vigilante justice, he understood your hatred for Vought, and he wasn't threatened by Hughie in the slightest (Hughie was actually threatened by him). Despite all of his flaws, he was perfect in his own way.
When it came to the Ben side of things, you were not his longest relationship by a long shot, but you were the first and only person to have genuine feelings for him. Those genuine feelings being something that no one had seen coming — not even you. But he was someone that gradually turned into becoming the person you had wanted to spend the rest of your life with, despite how strange that sounded to most people.
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Your plan for the big day was simple, but felt like it would be special enough to really honor and celebrate the relationship. You had planned to make his favorite dinner: steak and mashed potatoes. For dessert, favorite pie: pecan. And dress in the style of a 1950s housewife, as that was a style he had never once seen you in before.
Even though you have made his favorite dinner and dessert hundreds of times before, dressing up as a housewife was something that was definitely beyond your comfort zone and expertise, so you went to the one person that knew could help you best: your Nan.
Despite the style of the housewife fashion basically being obsolete, it was a look that she adored, and dawned on even years after the style had become out of fashion. Her hair was always neat and never out of place, her lipstick always the deepest shade of red, and her dresses always the brightest of hues. You remembered seeing pictures of her back when she was your age and she was a knockout (Ben agreeing), so when you told her that you wanted to dress in the housewife style, she beamed and quickly went to her closest to pull out the nicest shade of red that perfectly matched your skin tone.
“Just don’t do anything sexual in this dress. I’ll never be able to get the stains out,” she told you with a wink. Her comment causing you to roll your eyes.
“You’re just as bad as Ben,” you told her.
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Ben was eager to get back home to you, as this mission was taking a lot longer than he had anticipated. It was supposed to be a quick and easy assassination (something he had done alone hundreds of times before), but one thing after another kept going wrong, and he couldn’t help but blame “his team.” He felt himself getting more and more agitated by the second, and there was nothing he could do about it, especially because you weren’t here to help him take the edge off.
Even though rough sex with you right now would be the highlight of the mission, he wished that you were here to at least talk to him, because you were one of the only people he knew that he could have an actual conversation with that wouldn't end up with him being annoyed.
He paced back and forth, with shield in hand; the only sounds between him and the rest of the group were the occasional snicker and his heavy boots. “You’re making me nervous walking around like that,” MM said, behind his binoculars.
Ben rolled his eyes, stopping a few feet away from him. “Then what would you suggest I’d be doing right now? We’re just sitting around doing nothing.”
“Is there somewhere else you need to be? Cause we’re here to do a job,” MM replied, removing the binoculars from his eyes and turning in Ben’s direction. “And we’re going to be here as long as it takes to do this job.”
“I’d rather be in Y/N’s pussy or ass right now, but because you guys are all somehow getting worse at your jobs, I can’t fucking do that right now,” Ben said, grinning an annoyed grin.
His comment caused mixed reactions from the group; but mainly disgusted looks from MM and Hughie. Butcher and Frenchie on the other hand, looked indifferent about his comment. “I really wish you’d stop mentioning how much you like fucking my best friend. It’s getting…weird,” Hughie commented.
“Fucking pussy,” Ben mumbled to himself.
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With the pie cooling on the counter, and with dinner almost ready, you felt your heart beating faster than normal. Was it normal to get this nervous about anniversaries? To you, it felt like another day with Ben, but that’s not the way your heart and stomach was making you feel.
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize yourself as you dawned red lipstick, and a matching shirtwaist dress you had borrowed from your Nan. But you couldn’t help but wonder what his reaction was going to be as this was something he’d never seen you in before. Yes, he’d seen you dress up a handful of times, but it was in a modern style of dress — sweetheart and plunging necklines with a slit riding up the thigh; not this style which was something he hadn’t seen in decades.
You smiled though, thrilled with your appearance despite the nerves you were feeling. Your hair perfectly styled similar to that of Rosie the Riveter and deep red lipstick that was in a similar shade to your dress. The last thing to complete the look were pearls — your mothers specifically.
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Finally covered in a thin layer of blood, sweat, and ash, the mission was finally over, and a huge sigh of relief washed over Ben. In just a few short hours, he would finally be home to his girl. “Fucking finally,” he said, mainly to himself, as he placed his gun back into his holster.
He looked over to his left, and Hughie was standing there with ripped clothes, he too covered in a thin layer of sweat, blood, and ash, holding a gun with his usual slightly constipated look on his face.
As Ben was about to walk away, as he didn’t really want to wait up for Hughie, he sighed, knowing that you’d want him to ask how he was doing in this moment, although he couldn’t give two fucks. “Hey,” he said, and Hughie looked over at him. “You good?” He asked.
The look on Hughie’s face changed; it was no longer the look of constipation, but slight annoyance. “Am I good?” He asked, his hands falling to his sides; the gun slightly hitting him in the leg. “What part of — yeah. I’m fine. Just, just peachy.” His tone radiating sarcasm.
“Awesome,” Ben grinned, giving him a thumbs up as he started walking away; being careful not to trip over any debris. “You comin’ or what?” He called out, as soon as he left the room. “I ain’t gonna be late because of you.”
Hughie’s face changed again to that of a puzzled one. “Late for what?” He asked, but quickly shook his head. “Actually, don’t fucking answer that because you’ll probably say something disgusting.” A loud, booming laugh from Ben could be heard down the hall in response.
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As you sat on the couch watching tv, your nerves were starting to get the best of you again, and you were beginning to second guess your decision in wearing this outfit. You thought that it would be a special surprise for him to see you dressed like this, since it was something you usually didn't wear, but at the same time, maybe he wouldn't even notice or care. You weren't entirely sure if it was because he was a guy, or because he's been around such a long time, that he'd seen and done everything, and there was nothing that remotely fazed him at this point in his life.
Staring at the door, you got startled suddenly from the sound of your phone ringing. There was a small part of you that hoped it was Ben, but it was your Nan. Taking a deep breath to collect yourself, you answered the phone. "Hi Nan, how are you?"
"Hi Sweetheart. Has Ben seen you yet? How'd he like the pie?" She asked, her voice sweet.
"Ben's not home yet, but he should be home soon," you told her.
"Okay dear. Well, can you tell him hi and give him a big kiss for me? I always thought he was so handsome back in the day. He still very much is. Aged like a fine wine," she chuckled to herself. "But don't tell your grandfather," she chuckled again.
"Yes, I'll tell him hi and kiss him for you," you said, quietly laughing to yourself. "You know he's always happy to hear from you," which was the truth. He was always happy to humor her and reminisce about the good old days, even if he had heard some of her stories numerous times before.
As you heard the door unlock, you smiled widely. "Nan, I have to go. Ben just walked in," you said.
"Okay Sweetheart. Happy Anniversary!" She said happily. "Don't do anything I wouldn't," she chuckled again, before the two of you hung up the phone. There's not a lot of things Ben wouldn’t do, you thought.
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"Fuck it's good to be home," Ben said, walking into the house and placing his shield next to the door. "I swear, your friends are getting worse at their jobs somehow, cause I probably would have been home fucking sooner if — Fuck, look at you." He finally looked up now, and you were standing there in an outfit that he had never once seen on you. It was something that he hadn't seen in decades in fact; and the biggest grin appeared on his face.
You didn’t move a muscle toward him, but he heard your heart beating like a jackrabbit. The sounds of his heavy boots walked across the floor toward you. “Do you like?” You asked, and you gave him a small spin; the dress slightly flowing as you did so. “Thought I’d do something special. Different.” You smiled, practically beaming with excitement. He wondered what the occasion was.
“Haven’t seen one of these in fucking decades,” he said, slightly reminiscing with a grin. He looked you over, eyeing you up and down, one of his fingers hooking into the belt loop of the dress. “What’s the occasion?” Your once beaming smile slowly faded into a frown. “What?”
“You seriously don’t know?” You asked, your voice slightly irritated sounding. He hadn’t had the foggiest idea what made today so special, other than you dressing differently than you normally did.
He looked at your face, trying to obtain some kind of hint, but he had no clue. But your heart was racing faster now. You were pissed — and he didn’t fucking understand why. “No, I really fucking don’t,” he said. “Why don’t you tell me? I’m not a fucking mind reader Princess.”
You let out a huge huff, rolling your eyes at him. As much as he thought you were cute when you were pissed, he didn't like it when you pissed at him. "Un-fucking-believable," you said, pulling away from him.
"What?" He asked, still in utter disbelief.
"Your favorite fucking dinner is on the fucking table along with your favorite fucking pie. I'm going to bed," you said, your voice angry as you stormed off into the bedroom, slamming the door. Two seconds later, the door opened again. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight," you told him, and slammed the door again, promptly locking it behind you.
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You knew the lock wouldn't be able to keep Ben out, as he'd be able to bust open the door with barely any effort; but you knew he wouldn't remotely try to come into the room, as he knew not to come in when you locked it — thankfully, he was starting to understand boundaries.
You couldn’t help but be angry, upset, and frustrated. But at the same time, you weren’t remotely surprised that he didn’t remember. It was something that neither one of you initially wanted to make a big deal about, but between this being your longest relationship, and the last person he celebrated an anniversary with gave him up to the Russians, you figured why not make this day special after all?
It took everything you could to hold back the tears as you started to remove your makeup; feeling like it was an utter waste of time. It didn't take you that long to do this, but you went through some effort looking up tutorials online to try and be as 1950s authentic as possible, even asking your Nan for tips on how she used to do her own.
The mascara started running down your face, as you tried your best to scrub it off. But it was barely getting removed, which only frustrated you more. You pounded the dresser, and let out a muffled sounding scream.
A small knock came at the door a few seconds later. "Sweetheart, you okay?" Ben asked, and you scoffed.
"Fuck you," was the only response you could muster up in the moment.
"Ouch," you heard him mumble. "Can we...talk?" His voice hesitant.
"No. Just leave me alone Ben," you said, and you could hear sadness in your voice.
You heard him let out a frustrated sigh. "Alright," and the sound of his heavy boots walked away from the door. He sounded frustrated too.
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As Ben ate his dinner that you had made for him (his favorite no less), he tried to figure out why you were so unbelievably pissed at him to the point that you refused to talk to him. Yes, he’d seen you pissed numerous times (either at him or about something else), but you’d never been so pissed to the point that you’d completely shut him out — and that terrified him.
Like usual, he started going down the list of things that he knew pissed you off: not taking his boots off in the house, tracking mud into the kitchen, getting blood on the furniture, doing coke on the kitchen table, crushing Bennie’s on the marble bathroom counter. Maybe it was the boot thing? Yeah, it had to be, he thought.
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As you lied in bed staring up at the ceiling, you sighed heavily, wanting more than anything to unlock the door and invite Ben to come in and cuddle with you. It had been almost a week since you’d last saw him, and you just wanted to feel his skin against yours. But you didn’t want to give in — you earned the right to be pissed, even if it wasn’t particularly fair to be, since you agreed not to make it a big deal. Then again, he did forget your anniversary.
You heard a knock at the door again, and you sighed an annoyed sigh. “Go away,” you said.
“I think I know why you’re pissed at me,” Ben said. Your eyes lit up, and you sat up straight in bed, eager for him to say Happy Anniversary. A smile formed on lips, waiting. “I forgot to take my boots off when I came into the house,” and then your smile faded.
“Fucking Christ,” you mumbled, falling into the bed again to stare up at the ceiling.
“Is that a no?” Ben questioned.
“That’s a no,” you responded, annoyed.
“Son of a Fuck,” you heard him mumble, as he walked away from the door again.
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As Ben sat on the couch flipping through channels, he continued to think about what you could possibly be this pissed about if it wasn’t the boot thing. Women are so fucking complicated, he thought. Weren’t this fucking complicated back in my day.
He stared at the couch, sighing in annoyance as he didn’t want to be sleeping here tonight. He wanted to sleep in bed with you; something he had been looking forward to the entire week he had been away from you. He looked forward to holding you close, and making you feel safe, tracing patterns on your bare back like you did to him. He honestly didn’t know what he was going to do if he didn’t figure out why you were mad; because he loathed when you were mad at him. It was a time that made him feel the most unease and insecure, and he was rarely insecure and uneasy.
Ben hadn’t known you for long, but you had managed to somehow worm your way quickly into his heart. You were someone he felt a strange connection to the moment he laid his eyes on you; and you were the one person that made him feel safe and loved. You were the only one that he felt he could be his true self around.
He thought of ways in which maybe you could forgive him, and started working on those; one of them being washing the dishes from his dinner even though he preferred you to do it. But he hoped that maybe this small gesture would help in his favor. Maybe I can go down on you? He thought. You always forgive me after that. Then again, I don’t let you come until you do…
As he made his way back into the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks, as he noticed something on the calendar that for some reason, he hadn’t noticed previously. Today’s date was circled with a single sentence written in your handwriting: 1 Year Anniversary.
“Fuck,” he said to himself. “I forgot our fucking anniversary.”
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Ben stared at the circled date on the calendar, mentally cursing himself because he had forgotten it by accident. It was a day that he meant to remember, and even repeated over and over again while they were heading to the mission. But because it had taken so long to complete, it left his mind, because it had become entirely mission focused.
You’re never going to fucking forgive me, he thought. This was how he was going to lose you. Panic started to set in for him, realizing that he might have to live the rest of his miserable existence without you; and that was something he couldn’t bear the thought of. Ben didn’t need a lot of things, but he knew that he needed you.
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Tossing and turning, you were having a hard time trying to fall asleep. You wanted Ben to be lying next to you right now, caressing your hair, and feeling his rapid heartbeat. It was simple moments like those that you enjoyed most with him; because sometimes you would forget all the awful and horrible things both of you had done in order to meet and to get to this point. If Grace hadn’t recruited you, you would have never met the love of your life.
The love of your life: now that was a sentence you never thought you’d ever equate to Soldier Boy. He was someone you grew up having a crush on since you and your father had watched his movies on repeat to the point you had to buy another VHS tape because you’d worn it out. He was someone you wished you could have met because he was always your favorite (partially because he was also your dad’s favorite).
But he was a Supe, and you had told yourself that you’d never end up with one after what had happened to your uncle, but here you were, dreaming of spending the rest of your life with one.
You sighed heavily, and ended up on your back again. A knock came at the door again, and you turned to face it. “I forgot our anniversary, and I’m sorry,” Ben said, and you cocked a brow. His words seemed genuine, and hurt at the same time. “I tried to remember; I really did but…the mission took full focus.” You heard him sigh, and you knew how hard this was for him, as apologizing was something he wasn’t particularly good at, since Vought basically taught him to never apologize for anything. “I don’t want to lose you over this. I….fuck,” he mumbled. “Can you please open the door so I can look at you?”
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He heard you getting up out of the bed, slightly sighing. He could hear your heartbeat, and it was music to his ears despite the rapidness of it. He heard you unlocking it, his nerves starting to show as he tapped the wall next to the door.
You opened it up gently and stared at him through the crack of it. Your eyes slightly puffy from crying. He felt his heart drop, hating that he was the one that had made you cry — he never wanted to be the one responsible for that. “Sweetheart,” he began. “I know I fucked up.”
“Did you actually remember, or did you look at the calendar?” You asked him, your voice barely audible even to him.
“I looked at the calendar,” he admitted. “But to be fair, I really did try and fucking remember. You can ask your friend. I was saying the date on repeat, and then the mission got in the way 'cause they weren’t doing their fucking jobs properly.”
“Hughie can back that up?” You asked, and he nodded. He hoped that you wouldn’t ask him, because he wasn’t sure if he would actually corroborate his story or just fuck him over.
“He fucking hates me, I know he wouldn’t back me up,” Ben added. “I make fun of him too much. But it’s hard not to, I mean look at him.”
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“I’m not going to break up with you if that’s what you’re worried about,” you said, hopefully reassuring him. Because even though he gave off the attitude that he didn’t need anyone or anything, you knew you were the only person he needed. You were the one person Ben could rely on no matter what; and you couldn’t bear the thought of what would happen if something bad had happened to you, or if your relationship ever ended.
“I don’t like it when you hate me,” he whispered. “You’re the one person I couldn’t bear to have hate me.”
“I don’t hate you Ben,” you said, reassuring him again. “I could never hate you.”
“Even if I killed Hughie?” He asked, slight teasing in his voice. But you gave him the look, and his teasing smile quickly faded. “Right. He’s off limits.” His hands finally went up in the air, as if he was surrendering. “I’d never kill him, don’t worry. I don’t actually mean it.”
“I wanted to do something special for you, even though we agreed not to make it a big deal because I figured this was a milestone for the both of us. You’re the longest relationship I’ve ever had, and the last person you celebrated an anniversary with gave you to the Russians.”
“I gave her a fucking diamond necklace too,” he mumbled.
“Ben,” you began.
“Sorry, sorry. Look, I want to make it up to you,” he said. “Let me start by —”
“Going down on me?” You questioned, cocking a brow.
“Well…yeah…I mean, don’t you like when I go down on you?” He asked.
“Yeah of course, but I was kind of hoping for something else than the usual way,” you confessed.
“Like what? Me saying I love you or something?” He asked.
“Don’t say it just because you think that’s what I want to hear. I want you to say it because you actually mean it.” It was three little words you had longed to hear for a while. And even though he had said it, he said it in a way of a question, because he thought it was words that would make this situation all better; almost like putting a band-aid on a huge gash.
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“You know how I feel about you. I thought it was obvious when I first saw you,” he said. “When I first saw you, I thought you were a fucking knockout. I mean, I pictured you sucking and bouncing on my cock so many times before you actually did.”
“If that was supposed to sound romantic, it failed,” you said; barely humoring him in the moment.
He sighed, slightly rolling his eyes. “What I’m trying to say is, I may not be perfect, but there are five things that I know. Numbers one to three, I love your boobs, ass, and pussy. Number four, you’re the only person I ever fucking need in my life, and five, I love you. And I’m not just fucking saying that. I really fucking do. And you know how fucking hard that is for me to say cause the last person I said I love you to was a fucking bitch.”
Ben looked at your face, trying to find any hint of what you may be thinking. But he didn’t have the foggiest idea. All you did was stare at him with those big eyes of yours, looking at him like a lost puppy. “You said it,” you whispered, almost in disbelief. “You actually fucking said it…Ben…”
That’s when you wrapped his arms around him, finally feeling your small embrace. A grin formed on his face as he wrapped his arms around you in response. It felt nice to say it to you and say it to someone that he knew actually appreciated him. He let you see another side of him, a side that he would never let anyone besides you see. “Can I go down on you now?” He asked, speaking into your hair. You let out a small laugh, and felt you nod into his chest.
Without a second going by, he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder, happily bringing you into the bedroom.
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a-strange-familiar · 4 months
an angsty idea: f! Reader flinches during a steamy (not THAT kind of steamy) argument (bonus points for subspace) ends in fluff maybe idk, <33 ur work is *chefs kiss* ily ♥︎♡
Awww. ily too. Hope you enjoy, lovie 💗 and sooo sorry for the late <333
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A/n : I got this request little over a year back and I wrote half of this and completely forgot. I got a random motivation to write this now. I really hope the anon who requested it will have a chance to read it. ♡
And also I reached a milestone (not a VERY big one, but its special to me) on my followers, thank you for all your love and support ❤️
It's been more than three weeks since Y/n and Harry spent some quality time together. Harry was really busy with work and Y/n understood that and focused on her university work.
But it's actually bugging her. She can't lie saying that she is not feeling insecure. He is a very handsome man. Beautiful, sweet, respectful and understanding. And Y/n also know for a fact that there are many women out there trying to get in his pants or his life. But she know him, he would never do that to her. But she can't help but worry about it though.
So she kept herself busy with school and work both but she miss Harry, so thought about talking to him and having dinner together.
Today especially she had a worst day, not completely worst but worst day of the month. From the moment she woke she felt off. Something is not good and she had a terrible headache but still she went to college and later to work.
But in college she got a bad grade in a test which led up to her professor calling her to his office and giving her an earful. It's her mistake for not preparing properly for the test. And later she had to face a rude costumer at her work, and her whole mood got even worse.
By the time she came home she was feeling very low and sad. All she wanted was to cry her heart out and have some snuggles from Harry. She misses him soo much, they are living in the same house but lately doesn't feel like that.
She opened the door and stepped inside to find the lights are on, she thanked the heavens that Harry is home early. She just want to see him and kiss him.
She is feeling soo subby, not in a sexual way. She wants to be taken care of and loved. She wants Harry to hug and kiss her tears away. She just wants to be near him.
She went inside and figured that Harry is indeed home and in his office. As every step she takes she hear his voice taking in phone with someone and he is clearly stressed and angry.
She went near the door and contemplated about knocking the door or directly opening it. She decided to knock first, she faintly knocked and the talking stopped for a second and continued.
She waited for a couple seconds and slowly opened the door.
There he is, sitting in his office with his phone in one hand and eyes on the laptop infront him with his brows furrowed and visible tension and tiredness his face.
Y/n sticked her head inside the room without entering completely and called his name.
He looked at her for second, and smiled. It's not his smile. It's not a smile at all. He just made his lip form a thin line and nodded his head to let her know that he acknowledged her presence.
She wanted to call his name again but she didn't. He is busy and that's visible, as much as she wants his attention she knows better that interrupting something important.
She turned back and went into their room. Maybe after a bit he will be able give her his attention.
She showered and wore one of Harry's t-shirt and did her night time skincare. And after a good one and half hour she decided to go to Harry and talk.
She knocked on his office again and but this time she heard a faint 'come in' .
"Hi baby" She said softly
"Hi , love." He said in return and looked at her for a second and got back to his work.
Y/n fidgeted with her fingers and thought of something to talk about.
But Harry broke the silence. " how was your day ? "
She felt relived that he asked about it and that she didn't have to start the topic.
"Um.... not very good actually." She said
He looked at her with his brows furrowed and asked "What happened, baby ?"
"Just not feeling good and didn't have a good day at uni and at work." She shrugged
"Ohh, I'm sorry, love."
"Harry do you think we can watch a movie and talk for a bit. I don't really feel good. I could use some cuddled and a kiss." She asked shyly.
"Um...... " he started .
"I'm sorry but I really can't right now ,baby. I have so much of work. I can give you a kiss though." He said and got right back into his work.
Y/n stood there without moving. She wanted to be understood, all she wanted was his attention and his closeness.
For weeks she has been an understanding girlfriend and gave him space and let him prioritize his work, but she had enough.
"Harry, it's been weeks since we spent some time and shared an actual conversation. I have been patient but I think you should be understanding to my needs too." She ranted all her thoughts inside her head.
He lifted his head for his laptop and looked at her with an unreadable expression.
She really wished to know what was going on in that head of his.
"I know. I'm sorry that I haven't given you any attention in weeks but I have work to do, Y/n. I can't abandon them and look after your needs." He said that last part in a very mocking way that made her wince internally.
She sighed and started "Harry, I think -"
"Y/n, I don't have time for your chit-chat. Can't you see I have work to do ?" He yelled at her with fuming expression on his face.
Y/n was caught of guard by the yelling, and flinched and her face colored with shock and fear.
She was never in an abusive relationship that made her react this way. But seeing Harry yell at her made her pretty sacred and also Harry can be pretty scary when he is angry.
By seeing her reaction Harry's eyes softened and regret was written all over his face.
He was about to open his mouth and get up from his chair when y/n took a step back and murmured a small 'sorry' and left the room in a hurry.
Harry's heart clenched seeing that expression on her face. He wanted nothing more than to take those words back. Seeing tears in her eyes was the last thing he wanted to witness. But he already made her cry.
Y/n rushed to their room with blurry vision and tears streaming down her face. She wiped her face and got onto the bed and buried her face in her soft feather like pillows.
She cried and let her heart feel the pain for few minutes before she stopped.
She wanted to go somewhere else and give Harry some space, but she can't just go to anyone's house in the middle of the night and crash. So she had no choice but to be in their house.
After few more minutes she heard a faint sound of their bedroom door opening but she didn't open her eyes or peered up at Harry to see what he is doing
He got on the bed beside her and ran his hand down her back slowly.
"I'm soo sorry, love " He whispered.
"I really, really am. Work is hectic and I was going through something at office and took it on you. Im sorry and I know I have been distant lately. It's absolutely my fault and nothing to do with you. Im just an arrogant son of a bitch."
He kissed her head let his lips linger for few moments.
His words sounded sincere and y/n also knew he really didn't mean to yell but it's still hurt her.
"Can you please look at me ,baby ?" He asked her in a pleading tone that she couldn't ignore.
She slowly turned towards him and looked at him, his eyes were sad and regret colored his face. She felt bad for a second.
"I'm sorry baby." He said again as he caressed her face gently with his finger.
"Can you please forgive me, my love ? " He asked her as he looked into her eyes with soo much love.
She nodded her head and gave him a small smile. No matter what happened it's really hard for her to be mad at him for long time.
He returned her smile and kissed her lips softy. "I'll make it up for you , baby. What do wanna do ? You still want to watch a movie?"
She shook her head. "No. I think I want to get some rest."
His smile faltered a bit and he felt disappointed but he gave her kiss and stoked her hair. "Whatever you want , my love"
"Can you can lay down with me for a bit if you are not busy ? " She asked in a soft voice still not wanting to come between him and his work.
His smile grew as he laid on the bed with her and opened his arms wide for her to hug him and cuddle.
Without wasting any time she went into his arms and snuggled with him.
He kissed her head and murmured "I love soo much, love. I will never ignore you again "
A/n : please let me know if you like this and comment and send me asks and interact with me if you like it.
I have been very inactive on this app, but I'm back. Here is small something for you guys. Hope you like it.
As always lots of love. 💗
Thanks for reading.
Hope you enjoyed.
Please like, comment and reblog of you like it.
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springtyme · 7 months
Hi Sage, congrats on the milestone, honey!
I would love to request number 10 from the fluff prompt with Spencer ✨
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐃𝐨𝐜 ♡
Thank you so much, dear! This was so lovely to write ♡
Spencer Reid x reader || Main masterlist || Spencer playlist
10: “I just want to lay here all day” for the 1k follower celebration. Waking up next to you is Spencer's favorite thing in the world.
word count: 1k
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As the warm sunlight filters through the curtains, bathing the room in a gentle glow, you slowly open your eyes. Slowly stirring from your slumber, you let out a contented sigh, stretching your arms before turning to find Spencer, lying peacefully beside you. A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you admire his soft features and tousled hair. It’s so rare that you wake up before him, but you love when you do.
You carefully prop yourself up on your elbow, gently tracing the contours of his face with your eyes. His relaxed expression fills your heart with warmth, reminding you just how lucky you are to have him by your side. Gently, you reach out to brush a wavy strand of hair away from his forehead, reveling in the softness of his touch against your fingertips.
As you bask in the tranquility of the moment, fond memories of your journey together begin to flood your mind. From the first time you met, you knew there was something special about Spencer Reid. It was a fateful day at a small bookstore three years ago. You were both reaching for the same book and your hands accidentally brushed against each other. The spark of connection was instant, and from that moment on, you couldn’t help but gravitate towards each other.
As you reminisce, you can’t help but remember the nervous excitement of your first date. Spencer had taken you to a small café, where the two of you spent hours engrossed in deep conversations about your shared love for literature, psychology, and everything in between. It was clear that you had found someone who understood you on a level no one else had before.
 Each day with Spencer is a new discovery, and waking up beside him feels like unwrapping a precious gift.
You trace the outline of his lips, recalling the tender kisses shared in this very room, sealing promises of love and devotion. The way his eyes light up when he catches a glimpse of you, the way his voice intertwines with yours in whispered conversations late into the night – these are the cherished moments that make your heart dance with joy.
Lost in your reflections, you slowly lean down, pressing your lips against his forehead in a gentle, loving kiss. His warm breath brushes against your skin, a sign that he is beginning to wake, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours. A sleepy smile graces his lips, mirroring the way you felt only moments ago.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” you whisper, leaning in to press a tender kiss on Spencer’s forehead.
“Mmm, morning,” he mumbles, his voice still laced with sleep. He shifts closer, instinctively seeking your warmth, and sneaks his arms around you.
 “Did you sleep well?” you whisper, your voice filled with tenderness.
Spencer’s eyes widen with delight, his voice layered with affection as he replies, “With you by my side, how could I not?”
You feel your heart swell at his response, a warm feeling spreading through you. The love you share with Spencer is something truly special, and these little moments of intimacy and connection reaffirm that bond.
As you lie there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you relish in the comfort and safety of being with someone who truly understands you. With Spencer, you feel seen, heard, and valued in a way you’ve never experienced before. His presence in your life has brought a depth of joy and meaning that you never knew was possible.
“I just want to lay here all day,” Spencer murmurs, his voice filled with contentment. You nestle closer to him, a grin spreading across your face. 
“That does sound good,” you reply, your voice filled with equal parts longing and satisfaction. Time seems to lose its meaning as you both lie there, embracing the beauty of the present moment. “Let’s stay like this for a little longer,” you suggest with a chuckle, wrapping your arms tighter around Spencer’s form. The two of you entwine in a blissful embrace, savoring the intimate comfort found in each other’s arms.
The room is filled with a sense of peace and serenity, as if the world outside ceases to exist. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the moment, feeling the rise and fall of Spencer’s chest, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling you into a state of tranquility.
As you lay there, you can’t help but think about how happy you are to have met Spencer. His intelligence, compassion, and unwavering support have been constant sources of strength and inspiration in your life.
With a soft smile, you lean up to press a tender kiss against Spencer’s cheek, a silent expression of gratitude for the love and happiness he brings into your life. He responds by turning his head, capturing your lips in a lingering kiss that speaks volumes of the love you both share.
As you pull away, you rest your forehead against his, your breaths mingling, and you whisper, “As tempting as lazing around for the rest of the morning is, I’m kind of starving. How about I make us some breakfast?”
“How about we make it together?” Spencer suggest.
“Sounds like a plan,” you agree, running your fingers lazily through Spencer’s soft waves. A smile spreading across your face, feeling a surge of excitement at the idea of embarking on this simple task together. 
“But you know the rule. I’m in charge of coffee,” Spencer says. 
You grin playfully, planting a quick kiss on Spencer’s nose. “Sure.”
You both slowly untangle yourselves from each other's embrace, reluctantly leaving the warmth of the bed. As you make your way to the kitchen, a sense of domestic bliss fills the air. 
While he brews the coffee, you gather ingredients for a hearty breakfast. The sound of sizzling bacon fills the room as you simultaneously crack eggs into a bowl, your gazes occasionally meeting and exchanging a knowing smile. It’s moments like these that make life feel so simple yet so beautiful.
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waldau · 2 months
congrats on your new milestone!! i really enjoy reading your work♡ could i please request mingyu+'we're in completely different leagues'+'i'm not sober enough to talk about this'
just the two of us — kim mingyu | 7,009 words | hurt/comfort, fluff
i typed up a mammoth sized story (to me, at least) because i had so many thoughts. behold my longest fic ever written, patiently beta-read by the wonderful @tomodachiii. thank you for your help, tomo! ily <3 and thank you, anon, for your request!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader has massive self-doubt, gets drunk halfway through the story.
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“the next time i even think of going on a date, just take my phone and force me to go out on a walk. reconnect with nature. touch some grass, maybe,” you say, kicking your feet against mingyu’s cupboard from where you’re sat on his counter.
“did you have a bad date i wasn’t aware of? was it the guy with the blue streaks?” mingyu asks, pushing the bowl of cake batter towards you. he never shies away from reminding you of the repercussions of having raw dough — that too in excruciating detail. salmonella. e. coli. things he could skip but doesn’t, just because he likes annoying you.
he lets it slide this time. you’re allowed just one big spoon, and the next time you’ll see the rest of it is when it’s baked and topped off with handmade frosting. courtesy of kim mingyu. your best friend as well as part-time chef.
“don’t lie to me,” he says, tilting his head. “you wouldn’t have brought it up otherwise.”
“ugh. it’s just that…every time i even think of going out on a date, i have to reset my expectations. because men can’t clear the bar, no matter how low it is.”
you take a nibble from the spoon, and it tastes so damn good. it’s crazy how mingyu manages to find time to make new recipes and perfect them despite being a world-famous model that’s modelled for almost every major fashion house. you’ve lost count of how many magazines he’s been on.
it started out as a joke when you complained about all the magazines for his first ever gig having sold out. he’d taken it upon himself to get you a very special, signed copy that you have on display with the rest of the books in your glass bookcase. just the one, though. the rest of them are all piled up under your coffee table, much to mingyu’s chagrin. at least they’re in chronological order. and you’re making sure they’re not collecting dust.
that first edition is pretty much the only thing mingyu ever teases you about, tattered as it is, and on display for whoever comes to visit you. but you’d never get rid of it, not even for a new copy. it’s a milestone mingyu deserves to be celebrated for.
“does it taste good?” he asks with a small smile and a nervous smile. as if you’d have anything except praises to heap on him. this isn’t even the first time you wonder if he’d talk like this to you if you were together — endless smiles and warm cuddles under the covers and conversations about the most random things and stolen hoodies because you’re actually dating, and not just you being a guilty friend whose imagination runs a bit wild sometimes.
he does all of those with you. but he just doesn’t like you the way you like him.
how would he be, when he’s the kim mingyu? he has his fans falling to their feet if he so much as posts a picture of his hand. he’s the most charming human being you know. he’s tall not just because of his genes but also because of all the love he holds for everyone he knows.
you’re another moon that gets to orbit in the path of the admirable planet that he is.
sometimes you don’t even know how you managed to remain friends with him after university ended. the two of you started off as being part of the same friend group, having a few shared classes and some interests that kept the two of you together apart from your friends. by the time you graduated, both of you knew enough about each other to be able to hang out without needing your mutual friends. and it was hardly your fault that you felt drawn to how warm mingyu was, how easy it was to talk to him, and how happy you felt just by being around him.
so when it came to the topic of finding a place to live, the two of you decided it would be better for you to be roommates than find a complete stranger to share a living space with, and you went from friends to best friends soon after that.
mingyu’s always been your support system for whatever you’ve wanted to do, encouraging you to do what you wanted, regardless of how it would turn out or what others would think of it. in the same way, it wasn’t anything when you encouraged him to try out a modelling gig he’d signed up for and was unsure of how he’d fare.
long story short, the shoot was a pretty good success, and soon enough he got multiple gigs, managed to earn enough money to move into a bigger house, and even offered to pay your part of the rent because he wanted you to live with him — something that made you smack him.
you no longer live together now, mainly because of mingyu’s insistence on not wanting to disturb your sleep and your daily routine with all the schedules that keep him flying over the world. you did miss the breakfast he’d make for the two you every morning, and you’d managed to work out a compromise where mingyu became your personal chef on saturdays just so he’d have some time to spend with you.
it’s far from the worst arrangement in the world, and moments like these — him putting icing on your nose — make you realize how lucky you are to have him. you generally watch movies together, or he teaches you recipes, or he listens to you talk about your life, reciprocating with his own stories. things haven’t changed that much, even though you don’t live together anymore.
but part of you wishes things did change. that mingyu would, just once, look at you the way you look at him. it’s a wonder he hasn’t once caught you staring at him, because you’ve done that more times than you can count. but you can’t help it, because he just so happens to be your whole world.
but how long is this utopia going to last for? when is he going to realize you’re just plain old you, and that maybe he’s suited for more glamorous company? people who can probably pronounce the names of all his fashion houses correctly, people he models with, people that can hang off his arm and look like they belong there? not people who like wearing shorts and an old shirt as pyjamas and have bouts of self-doubt strong enough to crush entire mountains?
“…is it that good? you zoned out a bit there,” mingyu says, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
you blink out of your daydreams. it’s not even his fault that you’re so head over heels for him, although it kind of is. no one asked him to be so good looking and polite and so damn lovely that it became easy to imagine a future with him. just like lee youngji can imagine having a future with hong jisoo because he opened a carton of milk for her, you wonder how you haven’t yet succumbed to those thoughts when mingyu is such a big part of your life. you wonder at what point you knew you were fucked.
maybe it was when you and mingyu became friends, although you’ll never know for sure.
“are you sure?”
“your ego doesn’t need to get any bigger,” you quip, finishing off the rest of your spoon.
he just laughs. “good to know. let’s just wait for an hour till it finishes baking, okay?” he hands you a baking sheet to line the pan with. you work in silence as he fiddles with the knobs on the oven, ladling out the batter into the pan and sticking it inside once the oven’s warmed up enough.
“want to do something while it bakes? watch a movie?”
“i was thinking we could go for a walk,” mingyu says, taking off his apron. he looks ridiculous, a hulking six foot two man wearing an apron that’s comically small for him, but he takes kitchen etiquette very safely. he hangs it up on the hook behind the door. “the weather’s good, and i don’t think i’ve been out for a walk in a while.”
“what about all those texts you sent me about missing bobpul? i wonder what your fans would’ve thought of that.”
“you’re not supposed to bring that up,” he whines, and you can’t help the giggle that makes its way to your face. he’s a grown man. and he’s the most adorable one you know. “that was a moment of weakness.”
“and you trusted me with it.”
“because i trust you.”
“i…fine,” you sigh, because what can you really say to that? “it’s cute, that’s all.”
mingyu wiggles his eyebrows. “you think i’m cute?”
“i swear—”
“kidding!” he walks you out of the kitchen, hands on your shoulders, and you love it as much as you wish he didn’t do it. “we’ll be back within the hour. the cake should be ready by then.”
he hands you one of his hoodies that’s lying on the sofa before you head out. you look up at him when he presses the fabric into your hands.
“it’s cold,” he explains, but it’s muffled by the messy way he’s pulling his hoodie over his head.
“and i can deal with the cold just fine.”
“no, you’re going to stick your cold toes on my legs when we sit down to eat, and i’m not going to bear that. even if you’re my best friend.”
and no matter what excuse you make to avoid wearing mingyu’s clothes, it’s never enough. he has to see you bundled up to make sure you’re not going to freeze in front of him, although that’s a tad bit dramatic. this is one of his newer hoodies, and you can tell by the way it doesn’t smell like him just yet. maybe it’s a good thing. maybe you can stop thinking about him like that. one step at a time.
“some best friend you are,” you mumble, wearing your shoes. you look up and mingyu’s frowning at you. not the usual way; there’s a tiny frown that would’ve been imperceptible if you didn’t know him the way you do, but you’re not going to ask what’s up. he tells you things if they’re really bothering him, so you’re going to let him let you know in his own time.
he wasn’t wrong. it really is windy. you’re glad he made you wear the hoodie. you pull the sweater paws over your palms, loving the way your palms instantly become warm. mingyu flips the hood over your head and you’re about to thank him for it before he draws the strings together and ends up blacking out your vision. he finds it funny for about two seconds till you stumble blindly and end up jostling him in the stomach.
he's still wincing when you undo the strings, and you can’t help but laugh. “sorry, gyu.”
“are you, though?”
“thought so.”
“was it my fault?”
“no,” he says, and smiles, and you feel your heart flutter again. “not your fault.” it’s so pretty. even his smile’s so pretty. you love his canines, his little fangs that he feels weird about sometimes. if it were up to you, you’d do anything to make him love them just as much as you did, even if that something were kissing.
whoa. not again. not when he’s with you.
“so, about failed dates,” he says, looking at you. “are you actually looking for something, or do you just…go on them to pass your time?”
mingyu does this thing where he can read you to filth without even trying. it’s like he knows what’s running in your mind, or at least has the vaguest idea of it, and he says things that are basically truths you don’t want to admit to yourself out of fear of not knowing what to do about them.
“why does it matter?” you ask, a bit defensive.
he frowns. again, that little frown. you wish you could remove it. “because there’s so many other things you could be doing to spend time instead of creeping yourself out every time you go on a date. and you don’t need to keep getting yourself hurt like that if it isn’t leading to anything.”
“are you dating someone?”
mingyu pffts. “what, i can’t have advice for you without being in a relationship?”
“no,” you say immediately, backtracking. of course he can. “sorry. i know you didn’t mean anything by it, but…”
“i just wish i—”
you’re cut off by the sudden bark of a dog. you look around to find the source of the sound only to see a dog running around in circles with its leash in its mouth. it looks adorable.
“hey, buddy,” you say, crouching down in front of it. it looks up at you and barks. a happy little yip! before it continues running along in circles.
“are you lost?” mingyu asks softly, crouching down next to you. he reaches out a hand to pet its head, and the puppy leans into his touch completely. it looks familiar for some reason.
“do you have any idea whose dog this is?” mingyu asks. you shake your head. maybe you’ve seen a dog like this, not the dog itself, but you’re really not sure. he’s in the process of searching the dog’s collar, but someone yelling in the distance makes him pause. he gets up and tugs the dog by its collar. it has the name tag jamie inscribed on it.
the person yelling out for jamie is none other than one of your neighbours. you know her well. as well as you can for someone you don’t interact much with. not if you can help it.
she’s the kind of neighbour that always pokes her nose into matters that don’t bother her, the neighbour that outright shows she’s not interested in something if it doesn’t get her anything. the two times you tried to initiate a conversation with her as you waited for the elevator to reach your floor are a stark reminder of the fact that she’s not the kind of person you’d ever be friends with. you don’t know what you’ve done to rub her the wrong way, but she doesn’t look like she’ll even give you a chance.
you watch as mingyu hands over the dog to her, and once she’s done making sure jamie’s okay, she looks him up and down.
you don’t blame her. you’d do the same, a bit more subtly, but it does sting to see the way she’s probably the kind of person he should be hanging out with.
“thanks for finding jamie,” she says, all smiles. she really doesn’t need to be smiling that much.
“no worries,” mingyu says with a smile of his own. “and it wasn’t me who found jamie, by the way. it was them.” he points to you with a jerk of his thumb. you smile at her, but feel icy inside when she looks you up ad down.
“oh. are they your…” she trails off with a smile on her face that screams no fucking way. you suddenly wish you could just run back to your apartment and leave the two of them down here.
“partner? you think so?”
“just…you two look like opposites, that’s all. sometimes opposites don’t attract, but you never know. life’s funny sometimes.” she simpers a little, and your hands ball up into fists by your side.
what you don’t expect is for mingyu to throw his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into himself. “yes, actually,” he says, leaning into you in a way that most definitely exaggerates your height difference. “you could call them my better half. and don’t they look good in this hoodie? it’s mine, by the way,” he says, and you can recognize the smile on his face — it’s a fake one, the corporate one he adopts when he’s in a situation he doesn’t like.
his words keep buzzing in your mind as you walk past your neighbour and back upstairs to your apartment. he’d said you were a couple so easily, even though you were not. better half? really? the way he’d leaned into you so easily, the fact that he told her it was his hoodie. it’s…weird. and too much for you.
you don’t speak much as you help mingyu remove the cake from the oven, getting it ready for frosting. he manages to get an indignant sound when he manages to get some on your cheek this time, but the rest of the evening is spent thinking about the interaction you had.
is it really so unbelievable for people to imagine the two of you together?
“hey,” he says, bumping your side with his. except he miscalculates his strength (or does it on purpose) and ends up making you stumble a few steps away from him. you don’t even have it in you to be mad when you see the giggle on his face. “you good?”
“yes. sorry,” you say, opening the refrigerator to take out the food mingyu had made last night. he cooks enough to feed a family of four even though you’re the only one that lives at your place, so it’s useful for when you don’t feel like cooking.
“who was she?” mingyu asks, setting down the plates on the table. “a friend?”
you shudder at the thought of her being your friend. “a neighbour. she lives in the flat down mine. she’s not really the kind of person i’d be friends with, but jamie’s cute. i keep seeing him around sometimes.”
“hmm.” you get the smell of reheated noodles as mingyu works at the stove. “she was…weird.”
“that’s an understatement.”
“is she always like that?”
“yeah. that’s not something you’d say to a couple you see, even if you don’t like them.”
“she certainly doesn’t seem to care,” you say, a bit more forceful than necessary, setting down two glasses as well.
“well, i think we’d make a cute couple,” mingyu says, a little smile on his face as he reaches out to ruffle your hair.
you swear your heart dies a little right then and there. you stare at him unblinkingly. “do you ever hear the stuff that comes out of your mouth?” you ask, regaining your bearings and filling the glasses with water.
“sorry,” mingyu says, sheepishly. “i just don’t like the idea of anyone talking like that. especially with you. especially when you’ve done nothing to deserve it.”
your heart warms at that. “thank you, gyu,” you say, reaching out to squeeze his arm. bad idea. you’d forgotten how much he’s been working out recently, and how big he is. “i’m glad i could one-up her this time.”
“just call me the next time you want to do it again.”
“yeah, sure.”
the rest of the night is spent watching this show that’s been on your watchlist for a while, and you don’t mind if mingyu conks out in the middle of it.
sure enough, you hear his soft snores after you finish your dessert, and you turn to see this big man that’s also your best friend craning his neck on the sofa as he tries to keep himself in the blanket that’s certainly not big enough for the two of you.
sometimes you wonder if he’d cuddle with you to save space and keep himself warm, and this also happens to be one of those times. You get up and reposition him as gently as you can, so that his back doesn’t hurt in the morning. His nose twitches when you rest a hand on his hair, wishing him a silent goodnight.
It's not the first time you wish you could kiss him, dangerous as that thought is.
you can’t stop thinking about the interaction you had a few days ago. sure, your neighbour isn’t someone whose behaviour you’d count on to matter, but was she right when she said she can’t see two people like you together? people as opposite to each other as you and mingyu?
sure, you’re not the usual kind of crowd he hangs out with, but is it so bad to imagine something between the two of you? was that just the sign to stop thinking about mingyu, get over him and resign yourself to a life without love?
as much as you complain about going on dates, there’s something that’s your fault too — you look for mingyu everywhere. none of the men you’ve gone on dates with are mingyu, and that’s the crux of the problem. none of them smile the way he does, none of them give you their jacket when you’re feeling cold, and it’s unfair for you to expect them to understand everything about you.
you can’t have mingyu, and you’re going to have to learn to accept that.
Which is why you’re at this party with your friend seungkwan. it’s not your usual scene — you’d much rather be curled up in bed with a book and some takeout, or cleaning your bookshelf while listening to music on the television — but you’re not complaining. seungkwan was right. you need to let go once in a while, just enjoy yourself before you inevitably spend weeks together keeping to yourself, immersed in your work.
“dance with me!” seungkwan yells out to you over the din of the crowd.
“i can’t dance! not like you!”
“that hardly matters! let’s have some fun, come on!”
seungkwan is nothing if not persistent. finishing off the last of the drink, you let him lead you out onto the dance floor. he rests his hands on your shoulders as he sways you to the music. it’s fast paced and something you’d be caught doing in the privacy of your own house, your own little concert, and for once you don’t care about the fact that people can see you. you’re lost in your own little world with seungkwan, and more importantly, you’re happy. the stress of whatever the fuck happened last week between you and mingyu, with him calling himself your boyfriend without knowing how down bad you are for him, is pushed to the back of your mind as the beat changes. seungkwan starts clapping to the rhythm, making you realize you’re dancing by yourself.
you’re not half bad at this. a little under confident, sure, but not bad. you could try making this a monthly thing and having fun with it.
eventually you end up too exhausted to dance to another song, and seungkwan guides you to a seat, your shoes in his hand as he asks you to catch your breath and wait for a while more till he finishes dancing with some other people.
you’ve ordered a basic drink for yourself when someone slides in next to you. you don’t pay them much attention, focusing on relaxing a bit and finishing your drink, but you have to turn around and look at them when you can actually feel their eyes piercing into your side and— boy, is he a sight for sore eyes.
he looks boyishly handsome, completely in place in this club as he watches you with his chin resting in his hand, eyes glinting in the light of the fixture above the two of you. he’s pretty, and just as handsome, and his eyes are the loveliest shade of brown you’ve ever seen.
“saw you dancing out there,” he says, his words a bit of a drawl, and accented. “you were pretty good.”
“you don’t need to lie if you’re trying to flirt,” you jest, finishing your drink.
“i’m not in the habit of lying,” he says, smiling at you. “you looked like you were having fun.”
“i…was, actually,” you say. he’s still smiling, looking at you like he’s searching for something in your eyes. you feel warm. gosh.
“can i get you another drink?”
“no, thank you, actually. i need my head to remain intact if i want to get home in one piece.”
“suit yourself,” he nods, and asks the bartender for the same drink you had. the bar is in hell, but you’re impressed he backed off immediately. you watch as he makes quick work of his drink.
“so, you come here often?” he asks, wiping the back of his mouth.
“not really. my friend dragged me out tonight because he felt i needed a break from my life.”
“just a friend?” he asks, eyes following your line of vision to see seungkwan still dancing with some strangers, looking like he’s having fun.
“why, you interested?”
“depends on who you’re talking about.”
“cute, but no.”
you trace the ring of condensation your drink’s left on the table. “but i’m not looking for anything, honestly. i’ve sworn off dating for a while.”
“that’s fine. we could just…talk.”
you look up at the man. you don’t know if this is his way of trying to get you to go home with him, but it’s the most genuine someone’s been. “you never told me your name, by the way.”
“me? vernon. nice to meet you.”
you give him your name in return, and like the way it rolls off his tongue.
“so…can i ask why you’ve sworn off dating?”
seungkwan’s still going to take a while, going by the previous times you’ve been here, and vernon definitely seems interested in talking to you.
“you ever…had a crush on your best friend?”
vernon winces — an actual wince, like he’s seen something terrible, and it makes you laugh. “yeah…once. it sucks.”
“you’re trying to get over them?”
“trying being the keyword, yes.”
“then how are you trying to get over them if you’re not into dating?”
you sigh. vernon’s a perceptive one. “trying to think of other people even if i don’t necessarily go home with them. just anything to get my mind off him.”
“anything? how bored would you be if i started talking about why i think star wars is excessive but also misunderstood?”
you don’t find vernon boring, in fact. you find yourself drawn to him speaking, the way his eyes light up and his hands get a life of their own as he lists out every single point in aid of his stance, and encourages you to contribute to the conversation. it feels like he’s an old friend, and not someone you met hardly an hour ago. it’s fun.
“…so maybe we could go out to watch that movie? it’s coming out next week.”
“go out?”
“as friends, of course. i’m not looking to take someone home, either. if anything, i came here to keep my friends company, but…i think i lost them in the crowd.”
you look around, and seungkwan’s sitting at a table surrounded by a bunch of girls, and it makes you grin. he doesn’t need you sticking with him anymore.
“you were saying?”
“does next week work—”
“it doesn’t,” says a new voice. a familiar voice. there’s two hands on your shoulders, a familiar weight. “we’re hanging out at my place next week.”
“mingyu!” you exclaim, pulling him out from behind you. “don’t scare me like that.”
“sorry,” he says, not sounding the least bit sorry. “you have no idea how much time i spent searching for you only to find you hidden here.”
“why were you looking for me? how did you know i was here?”
he looks at you like you asked him something stupid. “because it’s late, and because seungkwan’s most definitely not driving you home.” ah. seungkwan must have asked mingyu to pick you up, given that he was your ride here.
“well,” you say, directing him towards your conversational partner. “this is vernon. my new friend.”
“hi,” he says, curt, and you frown. mingyu’s generally nicer.
“hey,” vernon says coolly. then he turns back to you. “can you give me your number? i’ll text you about it later, when you’re free. think i’ll search for them now.”
you hand vernon your own phone, given he’s had less drinks than you have, and it hardly takes a minute for him to enter his details before he saves his number and claps your shoulder, wishing you and mingyu a good night.
you find mingyu watching vernon making his way through the crowd. “so, who was that?”
“new friend. vernon. like i said.”
“a new friend? seriously? he just asked for your number.”
“so? he wasn’t hitting on me or anything. he just asked me so we could go see this movie we’ve been wanting to watch.”
mingyu’s eyebrows rise. “a movie? together? doesn’t that sound like…a date?”
you frown. “two friends can go watch movies, mingyu. don’t we do that all the time?”
“Yeah, but that’s because you know me. he’s just some random guy you met today. at a club.”
either mingyu’s being obtuse, or you’re not thinking correctly. “are you saying i don’t know how to read people’s intentions?”
“you’re drunk,” he says bluntly, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders. “you don’t know what he wants.”
something about his tone makes you angry. he wasn’t even here the whole evening. “as if you do. you didn’t speak to him at all, mingyu. you don’t even know what we talked about.”
“didn’t you say you wanted to stop going out on dates?”
the coldness in his voice makes you freeze. you’ve never heard him sound so hostile, not with you. “what do you mean?”
“why did i have to find out from seungkwan that you were out here at this club just a week after you asked me to make you touch grass if you so much as thought of a date?”
“but it wasn’t a date!” you exclaim, feeling more and more annoyed. to your horror, you feel tears stinging the corners of your eyes. “are you saying i’m—”
“you’re drunk. you don’t know what you want. did you seriously expect to make friends at the club of all places?”
this isn’t your mingyu. he’d never judge you the way he’s doing right now. you take his jacket and throw it on the counter, turning around and marching out. you’ll call a cab to take you to your place. you don’t need him dropping you home.
“hey,” mingyu calls out, jogging towards you, jacket in his hand. “it’s cold. take this, please?”
“i don’t care about what you have to say,” you sniff, wrapping your hands around yourself. “don’t talk to me.”
“listen, you can be angry with me all you want, but just take my jacket. i don’t want you freezing out here when you don’t need to be.”
“maybe you should’ve thought of that before saying all that shit to me,” you spit. “why do you want to talk to me now? just insult me some more, why don’t you?”
mingyu huffs, but says nothing. he just looks at you.
“come with me.”
“to my car.”
“why should i?”
“i won’t leave you here by yourself. i want to make sure you’re safe. let me drop you home and you can be mad at me all you want. please.”
“what, your night’s going to be a waste unless i come with you?”
“no,” he says quietly, and it makes you pause. mingyu is anything but quiet. “It’s never a waste. but it’ll just put my mind at ease if i know you’re safe, okay?”
you see the logic in his words, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. “fine,” you say, taking his jacket from him and slipping it on.
“thank you,” he says, opening the passenger door for you.
the drive to your place is quiet. you can tell mingyu wants to say something, start a conversation, but you keep your eyes resolutely fixed ahead.
“come on,” he says, unbuckling his seat belt and getting out when you reach your building. you follow him upstairs to your apartment. he unlocks the door for you and makes way for you to step inside first.
“do you need water? food? anything i can get?” he asks, taking off his shoes.
you turn around to look at him. he’s big, as always, but for once it feels like he’s taking up all the space in your apartment.
“i’m not that drunk,” you say finally.
he stands up straight to look at you. “but—”
“yes, i had some drinks, but i know my limit. i had my last one just before i started talking to vernon. i hate that you thought i wasn’t capable of making my own decisions.”
he swallows. “i didn’t mean to undermine—”
“but you did! and you don’t know how terrible it feels. i’m not a baby, gyu. i know what i want and what i’m doing. i’m hurt. and,” you say, taking in a deep breath, “if you really want to know something, know this — we’re in completely different leagues.”
mingyu frowns. “what do you mean?”
“i—” there’s so much you mean. you can’t possibly recount all the thoughts you’ve had about feeling inadequate, all the nights you’ve spent wondering how long it’ll be before he realizes you’re not as cool as you should be. “i’m not sober enough to talk about this.”
“you just said you weren’t that drunk.”
“this is my home,” you say, a bit harsher than needed. “you got me here safe, and that’s all you wanted to do. this is me being mad at you, so if you respect me, you’re going to let me sleep. okay? goodnight, mingyu.”
“goodnight,” he says, and you hate how small his voice sounds. “sleep well.”
and you do sleep well. well enough that you sleep through your alarm, and wake up almost when it’s ten. at least it’s a saturday, so you’re not freaking out as you brush your teeth. you have some work to do today. and hanging out with mingyu is on the agenda as well, but you’re not sure if you’re keen on going through with it, especially after what happened last night.
if you were delusional, which you’re most definitely not, you’d say that mingyu had been jealous that you and vernon had exchanged numbers in front of him. except there’s no reason for him to be jealous. like he reminded you, you’re not looking for any relationships. there’s no one he has to compete with, so to speak.
so why was he that upset last night? and what about the things he’d said to you?
you’ve had fights before, fights that ended up with both of you not wanting to speak to each other, but this was different. he’d never been angry like this.
you’re the one who’s upset, you realize, as you walk to the kitchen to fix yourself some breakfast. you’re going to talk it out with mingyu once your head is clearer, and you’re going to see what he has to say for himself.
except mingyu’s already here. you can smell the delicious scent of tteokbokki wafting through the room. mingyu’s set out two plates, two glasses — the usual. you’re feeling woefully under dressed in front of him in your pyjamas, despite the fact that he’s seen you like this multiple times before.
“morning,” he says. his voice is hesitant. It’s never hesitant.
“hi. morning.”
“slept well?”
“yeah, better than…what exactly are you doing here?”
“cooking you breakfast,” he says, waving his spatula around.
“i can see that. i meant here. in my place. didn’t you go back home after dropping me off?”
“no. i felt too tired to drive back home, so i decided to crash out on your couch. and i’m making you breakfast now. isn’t that a win-win?”
you can see one win, but you’re not sure what the other is. you take a seat at the table and pour yourself a glass of water, wearily trying to assess the situation. mingyu had pretty much scolded you last night. like a parent who didn’t trust you to make the right choices despite having free will. and now he’s cooking you breakfast like last night just didn’t happen.
“can i ask you something?” mingyu says, pushing a plate of tteokbokki towards you along with a pair of chopsticks.
“don’t think i can stop you, can i?”
mingyu huffs. “hey. if you’re upset with me, just say no.”
“what is it?”
“what did you mean by yourself being out of my league?”
you set your chopsticks down. “you’re serious? you’re really asking me that?”
he frowns. “yes.”
“mingyu, you called yourself my boyfriend a week back. your…better half.”
“that was to make your neighbour leave. she was being weird.”
“sure. and then we went back to life like nothing had even happened.”
“because…it hadn’t? i thought we talked it out that night itself? what happened now?”
“i don’t think you understand how that made me feel. especially when you said—” you say, voice trembling. “you called yourself my boyfriend last week. like it’s something you throw around naturally. and last night you acted all…weird, as if i wasn’t allowed to have a normal conversation with someone who wasn’t you. why are you so confusing?”
“would you hear me out if i said i had a reason?”
“you’d better have a damn good reason.”
mingyu sets down his glass and looks at you. “i’m sorry for everything i said yesterday. i truly am. i didn’t mean any of it. i was just…jealous.”
that catches your attention. “jealous? of?”
“that guy. vernon. you seemed like you were having a good time talking to him and i thought about how if you got together you’d probably leave our relationship behind because you liked him so much.”
“whoa. slow down. i told you i wasn’t looking—”
“you weren’t. i know that. but the way you looked at him made me feel something.”
“i’m saying…” mingyu takes in a deep breath, and focuses on something past your shoulder. not meeting your eyes. “i’m saying i like you.”
you blink. “i’m sorry?”
“i like you, and i was jealous because you seemed to be having so much fun talking to him. if you have to know, there’s no guy who possibly deserves you. i’m not saying i do, either, but i’ll try my best to be the guy you deserve.”
it’s still too early in the day for this. “stop joking, mingyu. i don’t want to go through it again. just—”
“i’m not!” he exclaims, coming over to your side of the table. “thinking i could be with anyone i wanted is a bold thing to say. how do you think i feel every time i go out for company dinners but all i want to do is spend time with you? have you as my plus one every time?”
your heart’s fluttering very fast. you feel almost breathless. “i wouldn’t even look that good by your side.”
“says you. have you ever seen yourself?”
“i have, actually, and i look—”
“so gorgeous,” mingyu cuts you off, eyes twinkling as he says so. as though he’d been holding onto it for so long and finally found the right time to release it. “you look exactly like the person i want to spend every single day of my life with.”
you almost expect cameras to pop up out of nowhere and film your reaction to what he’s just said. “the…rest of your life? you do know that’s…a long time, right?”
“i do. and i’ve already spent four years with you. eight, if you’re counting the time before we became best friends.”
it’s everything you’ve ever wanted to hear. what he’s offering is so close to you, just an arm’s length away, but you can’t convince yourself to reach out for it. you hide your face in your hands. “gyu…”
“i’m serious,” he says, gently peeling your hands from your face. his hands are so warm as he holds yours, and his boba eyes are so close to yours. he’s adorable. “give me one chance?”
“what if we…mess this up? what if you realize i’m not that fun to hang out with every single day?”
“what if you realize everything you're thinking is wrong? what if you realize there’s no way i’m going to let things go wrong, especially when it comes to you?”
you don’t know what to say. you don’t know what the future holds in store, and you have no answers to your questions just like you don’t have answers to his.
“i know you think…not so greatly of yourself sometimes,” mingyu says, squeezing your hands. “and i want to be here to tell you that everything you think in that regard is wrong. i like you because you’re you. why do you think you’re the only one who’s been my best friend for so long? you’re the only one i can be myself around completely. tell me you know that.”
“i…didn’t know that.”
“then i clearly didn’t do a very good job at being your best friend. maybe i can fix that now.”
now. now that mingyu likes you. now that you have the chance to see your relationship blossom into something more.
“you’re not even going to ask me if i like you?”
a slow blush spreads across mingyu’s face. “shit, sorry. um, do you…like me?”
“of course i like you, gyu,” you smile, feeling giddy at the way he gets redder.
“good. can i, um, be your boyfriend, then? would you like that?”
“you’re not taking me out on a date first?”
mingyu’s eyes shine and he leans in till his nose is inches away from yours. “hi,” he whispers, and you actually whimper when his lips brush yours the slightest bit. embarrassing. mingyu doesn’t seem to mind, though.
“g-good morning, gyu.”
“the best, actually. even better if you let me take you out on a date today.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
293 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | New Year's Special ✨️
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In which Jungkook gets distracted.. by you, as always.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, fluff, smut
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Callob with @euphoricfilter
-> Masterlist
New years is always a special occasion for you both.
Due to the fact that you kind of forgot at this point at what time and date you began to start dating, new years marks always another year of your relationship, and is celebrated as such. A new milestone, an anniversary, and a day of aiming for another full year together in the future.
You've already eaten, had a beer or two, before you technically wanted to watch the new year’s fireworks from your apartment’s small balcony. But, as always, things don’t go to plan-
So instead, right now, you’re busy with each other, his hands underneath your baggy shirt as he kisses you silly, thoroughly immersed in you. He’s complained the entire last week of this year about the fact that he’s still behind on his app, and how ridiculous that is- he created it after all, he should also be on top of the leaderboard!
Only two orgasms are missing. And he knows there’s extra points for time and style.
To everyone else, Jungkook must seem like way too much to handle- and he really isn’t easy. He’s stubborn, he’s whiny, he’s sometimes petty and he tends to be unable to let some things go that he bit down on- but you love him, and so you’ve come to love all those habits of him too.
And, to be fair you’re not easy either. You know that your tamper can be a lot, and that you’re pretty hot-headed. But that, he loves too. Because it’s simply you- and he will forever love you.
You’re on his lap on your shared bed that you technically only wanted to change the sheets of- but it’s Jungkook, and he can never really get enough of you. It’s like he’s always up for it, no matter where and when, even when he’s exhausted from work he still wants to have you close like this.
And close to you he is, right now.
He moves you both around, eagerly helps you shed your shirt before he rids you and himself of the rest of your clothes, always excited to see you bare. You’re finally wearing the matching piercings again, and he’s relieved about it. For others it might just be something trivial, but Jungkook sees magic in everything- in the home you share, the way the blanket you got from him as a gift years back has worn down over time, the way his own tattoos changed and morphed to include more lines and colors as he grew older together with you. And the piercings hold magic too- the day you both got them done together, holding hands even as he’d shared the excitement with you.
Right now you’re also wearing a pretty delicate necklace, a small pink gemstone framed by silver wings that he bought for your anniversary, ‘his heart’ as he’d told you, an object offering a visual representation of how you make him feel.
As if he’s weightless, nothing holding him down.
You’ve given him a new set of gaming controllers, personalized and shiny, so much so that he’s retired the old one’s now on a little shelf above his setup. He always takes care of all his presents he received, sees value in things even if they’re old and worn down. The thick flannel shirt you bought him a few months into your relationship is washed out by now, edges of the sleeves a little frayed and torn, buttons having long been exchanged over time. But he still has it, still wears it, refuses to retire it.
He's kissing at your neck, playfully tugs on the necklace making you laugh as you pinch his sides, causing him to flinch back from sensitivity of you. It’s all so light hearted despite the clear fire in both of your eyes, as he dives back in to tug you towards him by your legs.
”Jungkookie~” You sing teasingly, mind a but tipsy just like his. But that doesn’t mean he can’t perform, clearly already standing ready as his hand glides through your legs, spreading your arousal for him.
But the sight is already too much to resist, as he instead moves to go down on you, catching you off guard.
As much as he’s an attentive lover, he’s also a terribly impatient and spontaneous one. He can’t keep the same position for long, always acts out what he’s got in mind, always wants to try out whatever comes to his mind.
Right now he’s bathing in the way your legs move over his shoulders to pull him closer. His hands instantly find themselves on your thighs at that, always eager to touch and hold any part of you. And while you arch your back and hold onto the pillows, he’s eagerly devouring you at your core, working you up as he himself can’t help but buck his hips into the mattress below, yearning for any sort of friction.
He detaches himself for just a moment, removing your legs before he pushes them towards you, exposing you to him as he lines himself up to push himself inside.
This is where he wants to always be, close to you, lost in pleasure.
He’s pushing himself into you in a constant game of push and pull, opting for a more romantic pace and standard missionary style time of intimacy, not chasing anything wild right now as he interlocks your fingers with his, pushing your palms into the mattress below as he rocks his body into yours, his own simple silver necklace swinging with every thrust above your face.
His orgasm is soft, gentle, shared with you as he helps you with his hand in between your bodies, feeling your core spasm around his length still inside you. Only later he lets you go to shower, while he himself stays behind to finish making the bed now properly, when he notices the skies outside lit in numerous colors, fireworks going off.
“ba- BABE WE MISSED NEW YEARS!” he calls out dramatically, bursting into the bathroom to join you in the shower, almost slipping as he kisses you.
“What?” You ask, not having heard him.
“happy New year’s Anniversary Day” He giggles, and your eyed widen.
“Nooo, why do we always miss the fireworks?” you complain, while he teasingly bites at your neck.
“Well..” he purrs,
“How about I make you see some stars instead?”
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Hiii! Can you do "god, sometimes it's so hard to... to not kiss you, you know?" with Pedro Pascal? Thank you! 🥰 Congratulations on reaching this milestone!
don't stand so close to me # 200 follower special event
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
pedro pascal x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k
warning: it's a fluff but might be slightly suggestive
summary: There's always been an air of excitement surrounding secret relationships.
a/n: hi hello, and thank you!!<33 thank you for joining the event! this piece of writing wasn't supposed to go in the direction it went, but i'm not complaining, y'know. let me tell you, i was giggling while writing the last scenes
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @alexxavicry @babypeapoddd @domaniquessidehoe @one-sweet-gubler
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The night sky was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one shining as bright as the next. Hollywood was bustling with life and excitement, as the highly anticipated Academy Awards was underway. You never imagined being part of such a grand event, as you often preferred the comfort of your own home while watching it on TV. Tonight, however, was going to be different, because your boyfriend was going to be one of the presenters and he wanted you to be by his side.
As you stepped out onto the red carpet, the energy was electrifying. The atmosphere was abuzz with people, cameras flashing, and voices echoing through the air. All eyes were on the biggest names in the entertainment industry, and tonight, Pedro was one of them. As he emerged from the car, he was immediately surrounded by a swarm of reporters and fans, all vying for his attention. But Pedro remained cool and collected, flashing his infectious grin.
Pedro was one of the most popular actors at the moment, known for his quick wit and charm. He was dressed to impress, donning a sleek black Gucci suit and stylish hand jewelry that complemented his rugged good looks. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration as you stood by his side, watching him navigate the sea of people with ease. Tonight was a night to remember, and you were grateful to be a part of it all with Pedro.
But as much as he loved the spotlight, there was only one person he had on his mind as he walked down the red carpet – you. Your relationship had been a secret for almost a year, and Pedro was determined to keep it that way. He knew that being in the public eye came with intense scrutiny and didn't want to subject you to the same level of lack of daily privacy as he did.
As you walked down the red carpet together, Pedro couldn't help but steal glances at you. You looked absolutely stunning in a black gown that hugged your curves in all the right places. Your hair was styled in natural waves, cascading gently over your shoulders. Pedro felt a tug of pride and admiration as he looked at you, knowing that you were the one person who truly mattered to him.
The cameras clicked away as you posed for photos together, Pedro wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. He wanted to show the world that you were the most important person in his life, even if they didn't know the extent of your relationship.
As you approached the end of the red carpet, Pedro leaned in close to you, his breath hot on your ear. “God, sometimes it's so hard to... to not kiss you, you know?” he whispered. Your eyes widened in surprise, and you couldn't help but blush bright red. You knew that you had to be careful not to reveal your relationship in front of the cameras. If it had happened at the Oscars, everyone would have been talking about it, especially since Pedro was now a hot topic. But he just grinned and took your hand, leading you out of the public's view and into the theater.
As you got comfortable in your seats, Pedro found himself unable to resist stealing quick glimpses at you. He reached over to take your hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over the back of your hand. You knew that he was nervous about his presentation, but he seemed to find comfort in the fact that you were there by his side.
As the show went on, Pedro lost himself in the excitement and energy of the night. He cheered on his friends and colleagues, clapping and laughing and joking around. But as the night wore on, he found himself growing increasingly distracted. He couldn't stop thinking about you, about how stunning you looked in that tight-fitting dress, he much he loved you and how badly he wanted to be alone with you, away from the flashing cameras and the adoring fans.
Finally, as the show drew to a close and the winners were announced, Pedro's desire to return home was getting closer to coming true. It had been a long night with a lot of people surrounding him from all sides, and even his puppy personality needed a break. But all that mattered all the time was that he was there with you, the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
As you left the theater and made your way back to the car, Pedro kept his arm around you, looking at you with a mix of love and playful frustration. “I know we have to keep our relationship a secret,” he said quietly. “But I don't want to hide anymore. I want to shout it from the rooftops. You can't even imagine how hard it is for me to keep my hands to myself.”
You chuckled, knowing exactly what he meant. Pedro had always been a bit of a flirt, and you loved teasing him about it. “A little self-discipline hasn't hurt anyone yet.”
Pedro grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “Oh, I have plenty of self-discipline,” he said, leaning in closer to your ear. “I just choose not to use it when it comes to you.” You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach at his words. There was something about the way he looked at you, like you were the only person in the world who mattered to him, that made you feel so loved and cherished. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and keeping it a secret only added to the excitement. But you knew the risks of revealing your relationship – the paparazzi would be all over you, and you didn't want to be the center of attention like that.
As you climbed into the car, Pedro couldn't resist stealing a quick kiss before settling into his seat. You both knew the drive home would be quiet as the exhaustion of the night was finally setting in. You leaned back in your seat, letting out a contented sigh. The warmth of Pedro's hand on your thigh, as he drive, was all you needed to feel safe and loved. As the car drove through the city, you looked out the window, watching the lights flash by. You couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have found someone like Pedro. He was charming, talented, and kind, but above all, he loved you for who you were.
Pedro's voice interrupted your thoughts. “You know, I have something else planned for us tonight,” he said, a mischievous grin on his face. “But I can't tell you what it is yet. It's a surprise.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “A surprise? You know I don't like surprises, Pedro.”
He chuckled. “Oh, I know. But trust me, you'll like this one.”
As the car pulled up in front of Pedro's apartment building, he leaned over and kissed you again. “Come on,” he said, opening the door. “Let's go see what I have in store for us.”
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dairyminki · 1 year
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please do consider reblogging my works and not just liking, thank you!
🍃 ATEEZ masterlist
[f]—fluff ♡ [a]—angst ♥︎ [m] suggestive ;    [s]—series ♡ [o]—oneshot ♥︎ [t]—timestamp ♡ [h]—headcanon ♥︎ [d]—drabble 
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♡ library dates with hongjoong — f,h
♡ forever and a lifetime (100 milestone event) — f,d
♡ tattletale (300 milestone event) — d
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♥︎ strawberry kisses — f,d
♥︎ you (100 milestone event) — f,a,d
♥︎ worth it (300 milestone event) — f,o
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♡ heavy hearts, hazy minds — a,d
♡ [4:13 pm] — a,t
♡ fatality (100 milestone event) — a,d
♡ attention (100 milestone event) — d
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♥︎ [11:17 pm] — a,t
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♡ ticklish toughie — f,o
♡ i dare you — f,o
♡ sleepy sannie — f,d
♡ rocky — f,a,o
♡ from the shadows — f,o
♡ wonderstruck — f,d
♡ be with you — a,o
♡ like a cat — f,d
♡ color me pretty — m,o
♡ make it up to you (300 milestone event) — f,m,d
♡ first time clubbing with boyfriend!san — f,m,h
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♥︎ imagine with boyfriend!mingi — f,d
♥︎ pumpkin spice and everything nice — d
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♡ haunted — o
♡ as good as dead (100 milestone event) — a,d
♡ hearts day — f,o
♡ broke your heart, i'll put it back together (300 milestone event) — f,a,o
♡ acquiescence — f,a,o
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♥︎ i love hue (300 milestone event) — f,o
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♡ 'teez the season masterlist [christmas special] — f,s
♡ inked by fate masterlist — f,a,s
♡ ateez scenarios: dad!teez (tropical boys line) — f,h
© dairyminki 2021-2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. || DO NOT copy, repost, translate, and plagiarize any of my works.
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togetherhearted · 1 year
Hi, hope you're well, congratulations on reaching yet another milestone, can I request from your fluff starters list: "It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway." with RoR Odin, please?
Hi to you too! Long time no see! ♡
I'm doing fine for the most part. Juggling hobbies and work. Hope you're doing well!
And thanks for waiting.
ODIN:It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway
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A sound of footsteps made your head turn. In the dark of the room, you saw a tall figure reach the balcony you were sitting in. Your expression showed remorse for waking  him up. -It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway- Odin's deep voice reached your ears as he stepped on the marbled balcony. You sat on the cushioned swing and let it lull you. -And why you couldn't sleep, dove- Odin sat on a chair;resting his hand in his lap. -The usual. Just a bad dream- -Mh- He just hummed in response before putting a gentle hand on your head. -I guess I'll have to scare your monsters  away- You let out a huffed chuckled before pulling him on the swing. The two of you swinged in the silence of the night, till you feel tired enough to be taken to bed again.
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joshfutturman · 2 months
i keep saying i'll do milestone follower specials and then i forgor.
still kind of wanna do my 400 one if i can get it organised. it's insane to me that there's possibly that many of you reading my work lmao!
i started this blog in january expecting my fixation to fade and here i am in july with it ONLY getting worse (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
my follower special would probably be a raffle where the winner could request a fic of their choice (probably limited to fluff) + an accompanying art piece by me! is that smth people would be interested in?
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kaixserzz · 1 year
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As a celebration on my 200 follower milestone, I want to thank everyone by creating a special miniseries for my one and only muse, Il Dottore; featuring 5 locations to take him out! What's more fun than dragging your boyfriend to do things he's never tried before? I will post a poll to decide what location I will be posting first! Thank you again for all of your support, I hope you enjoy this! 🫶🫶
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I’ll appreciate it very very much! Don’t repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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butterfluffy · 2 years
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“kiss me!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· painting your lips red like your lover's, kid falls enchanted, and as if a spell was casted on him, he dived in for a spicy kiss just as he wanted.
⠀⠀➧ fluff, suggestive | eustass kid × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — suggestive, and ofc, swearing and mistakes may be present.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “kiss me!” special made to celebrate this account reaching 400+ followers! visit it to see more.
[ special mention : @kotaro16 ]
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An amused chuckle left your mouth upon seeing your lover, Eustass Kid still sleeping on his bed—hair messy, same as his room, and his face all calm and peaceful, unlike when he's awake.
But the most eye-catching thing on this rare sight is no other than this one part on his face. Specifically, his unpainted lips that is always seen in a red shade.
Shit. You said to yourself, a blush creeping up your cheeks. Kid—he just looks so beautiful like that, so how can you not fall in love all over again with this tulip-haired bastard?
“Oh my, Kid. I fucking love you, you damned tulip...” You whispered, setting yourself down his bed and caressing his exposed back riddled with battle scars as your eye wandered around his room before falling on his lipstick.
“Oh?” Raising your brows, you then took the make-up. Holding it up and looking at it with full interest, lips curving up to a cheeky smirk by an idea you had.
The perfect idea to surprise this pirate. And it is to wear his lipstick to see his reaction on this.
So now applying the red lipstick on your lips carefully, you then smacked your lips, finishing up in an instant while your lover groaned, shifting around, waking up.
“..Ugh.” He groans, brows stitching to a frown the moment his eyes cracked open, the light blinding him.
“Ah, Kid. Good morning to you, sleepyhead.” You snicker, painted lips smiling to the red head who looked at you blankly, still sleepy and confused upon waking up.
“...Huh? Uh, hey. Morning.” Kid mumbles, tone confused as his eyes remained fixated on your face, your lips. Processing what he's looking at right now.
“Are you gonna eat breakfast or you wanna wash up first?” You ask, scratching Kid's red hair as he sat up straight, facing you in silence before speaking up—
“I'd rather eat you up right now, darlin'.” Kid says with a grin, causing you to widen your eyes in shock, turning into a blushing mess. “W-Wha, wait, why don't you wash up first—mhph!”
Immediately landing his lips on yours, Kid hungrily devoured your lips, smudging the red paint on it by his ministrations.
“Fuuucckk..! Now this is what you call a good morning, haha!” Kid laughs, licking his lips that had some traces of the lipstick you wore.
“Mhmp, shut up, let's just get breakfast.” You grumbled, rolling your eyes playfully, causing the red head to sneer, leaning forward to you once again while his hand rest on your leg, caressing it. “..Yeah, sure. Now c'mon, let me have it..~”
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© butterfluffy 2022
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hyuckmov · 1 year
congrats on ur milestone of 1k followers jing! ♡♡♡
i remember i discovered ur account when just for you was just recently released AND LOOK AT YOU NOW 🥹🫶🏼 GROWING AS AN INCREDIBLE WRITER THAT MADE US READERS VERY HAPPY! (special mention for putting our hyuck brainrots into thousands of words of fluff and hot scenes hehe)
thank u so much for including me as well in ur thanks 🥺 didn't know that i made such an impact to you by just sending my reactions and rambles through ur asks ever since eager baby, hehe will always support you and your works!!! and also as always, upon reading the snippet of it, I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO HAECHAN HIMBO!!! i know you will do well once again with this one 🫶🏼
i hope you have a great week ahead!~
- 💛
HELLOOOO sry for answering this late :( have beeeeen busy and tired but thank u for truly coming back as promised and sending me asks hehe 🫡 itmakes my day when i read these i can’t help but let it sit in my inbox and hog it for a little bit
omg i didn’t know u found me thru just for you…that’s kind of insane to me hehehe i read it back recently and i was like hmmm i would write it differently if i were to revisit it….but also it was my first ever attempt so i will leave it as it is for archival purposes :)
thank u for reading my works from back then 😭 and thank you for supporting meeee i will do my best as promised and just keep getting better i hope 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 EXCITED for u to read himbo hc when im done and lmk what u think
hope you have a great weeeek!!!
0 notes
lale-txt · 2 years
♡ DILFS DILFS DILFS: a milestone event
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famous last words: "i can take him"
thank you from the bottom of my heart for 2k+ followers! it still feels like a fever dream for sure. and because i want to celebrate in the most self-indulgent way possible, this event will be all about what i love the most: dilfs, dilfs, dilfs! and some special guests…? don’t be shy, grab a prompt that speaks to your soul and a dilf or two of your choice and come to my dilf shrine! i’ll do my best as patron saint of all dilfs and babygirls to fulfill your heart’s desires. ( ˘ ³˘)♡
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♡ details & rules:
most important rule: please be polite when sending a request. it costs nothing.
give me two characters & two prompts from the lists below so i can pick! you can also mention if you’re open for poly (if the two chars go well together); or if you just want me to pick a prompt and let fate decide what adventures you’re going to with the dilf of your choice!
for smut requests: please ask off anon and have your age somewhere easily accessible on your blog (and be over the age of 18 ofc). if you’re shy, i can leave your name out when posting the request, just let me know.
please also state a gender or the default will always be gender neutral (i rarely use pronouns for reader in my writing).
it’s not first come, first serve! requests will stay open for 24 hours so everyone gets a fair chance to send their request. i’ll try not to overwhelm myself with this event, but also would love to write every char at least once. i will post a list of all accepted requests once they're closed again.
asks off anon will always be prefered. i just like to know who i’m writing for, it feels more personal to me.
all smut is written with consent given from everyone participating.
all work for this will be tagged with #2K3D event (because i fear Tumblr will flag me as spam bot when i flaunt too many 'dilfs' in the tags lmao)
confused after reading this? i'm giving examples what your request could look like at the bottom of this post.
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♡ the dilfs invited to this event:
Corazon, Denjiro, Gaban, Garp, Izou, Kaido, Katakuri, Kin’emon, King, Marco, Mihawk, Oden, Rayleigh, Roger, Shanks, Smoker, Thatch, Whitebeard, Who’s Who
& the special guest, traveling through the dream machine to reach the fine age of dilf for this event:
Kid, Killer, Law, Sabo, Zoro, Ace (even though Roger is right THERE)
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♡ fluff – dream and rest on a dilf’s lap:
touching foreheads
resting your head on your partner’s lap
standing on your tiptoes to reach your partner’s lips
bridal carries
being carried and tucked into bed, after having fallen asleep on the couch waiting for your partner to come home
tracing fingers down your partner’s chest
playing with their hair
holding hands under the table
slapping their butt
confessing while thinking the other one is asleep
tummy kisses
glancing at each other’s lips 
climbing back into bed, onto your partner’s body to wake them up
kissing their bruises and scars
glances across a crowded room
fastening a necklace, leaning in close
whispered “I love you” between kisses
pulling away from your lips to ask you to marry them
dancing together for the first time
hugs from behind 
♡ smut – peak through the glory hole:
thigh riding
pinning against the wall
destroying underwear
putting on a collar
caught masturbating
spitting in mouth
phone sex 
lap dance
(semi) public sex
size kink
double penetration (give two chars)
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examples of what your request could look like:
“hi Lale, can i request prompt 3 or 17 from the fluff list with either Rayleigh or Roger, please? poly is okay also! thank you so much!”
“oh mighty dilf queen, i would like to ask for prompt 6 from the fluff list or 9 from the smut list, please. characters: Shanks or Smoker and an afab!reader preferably. thanks a lot!”
“hello st. babygirl, i’m happy with any prompt from the smut list as long as it’s either with King or Kaido & afab!reader, pretty please. thank yooou!”
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personasintro · 3 years
A part of Mutual Help series!
pairing: mh!jungkook x reader
warnings: explicit language
genre: fluff, a tiny bit of angst
word count: 1.6k+
a/n: we reached the followers milestone and you guys voted for this drabble, so here it is! a throwback birthday drabble! I hope you'll enjoy reading this!♡
Mutual Help Series
“Are you sure they are that busy today?” you ask, trying to hide the disappointment and downfall of your mood but it's useless, emotions thick and clear in your tone.
Staring at the frozen yogurt in your lap, you refuse to be meet with Jungkook's apologetic eyes.
“Am I not enough?” Jungkook nudges you slightly, trying to tease you and lighten up your mood while holding his own frozen yogurt, as he holds the entire cup with just one hand.
However not even the corners of your lips quirk up, not even in the slightest, as you just can't hide your sadness. And Jungkook feels like shit, he just told you Taehyung and Jimin won't be joining you tonight – on this very special day.
“I just thought they'd celebrate my birthday with me,” you tell sadly and quietly, almost murmuring the painful words which makes Jungkook wince.
He knows how your birthday is special for you. It's not hard to forget how you admitted nobody ever made a big deal out of it in your family. Sure, they congratulated you, gave you some impersonal gifts but according to you, you barely had any birthday cake. Just only a few times and you had to ask for it or buy it for yourself. It broke his heart when he heard your confession but what broke it even more, was how sad you seemed about it.
You never asked for attention but not people properly celebrating your birthday, especially your family members, is truly heartbreaking to even Jungkook who doesn't even think of his birthday as something special.
“It's okay… you said they were working, right?” you sigh, trying to put a brave face as you finally glance up to look at Jungkook whose eyes are on you.
He gives you a brief nod, features softening when he sees the clear sadness. “I'm sorry.”
“No, it's fine,” No, it's not – even though you said it is. You're trying to convince yourself, Jungkook knows that. “We will have fun together, right?”
“Hell yeah,” Jungkook grins, scooping himself a spoonful of frozen yogurt. “Trust me, you won't regret your birthday!”
It sounds like a promise and although you're not sure if you trust him, you offer him a tiny smile in return. Still, you appreciate him celebrating today with you and making an effort. It's more than anyone has ever given you.
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Jungkook is trying.
He barely gives you enough time to breathe, hand wrapped around your wrist ever since you arrived at the amusement park. Your eyes shine at the colorful scheme in front of you, distant screams coming from the people who decided to go on crazy rides while loud music booms in your ears. The sea of people doesn't help, making Jungkook's grasp on you get tighter as he makes sure he doesn't lose you in the huge crowd.
Jungkook is crazy when it comes to rides, you know he doesn't mind those where his head is upside down and the ride is so fast that it would make you vomit. However, he always picks the one that is more calm and he knows you will love. He buys every ticket.
Ferris Wheel is the first one. It gives you an amazing view, showing busy roads and streets along with its tall buildings. Though the air is chilly, you meet Jungkook's eyes and smile, showing him your silent appreciation. Even with Jungkook's presence, you still can't shake off the sad feeling, mostly caused because you're here with Jungkook alone and even though you know it's not true, it seems as if Jungkook pities you. It's stupid.
You know he just wants to make your birthday good.
The next rides are a carousel, bumper cars and even a large sized roller coaster (that is luckily one of those calm ones). You laugh the entire time, deciding it's better to just not worry about what could have been and appreciate everything around you. Jungkook is trying so hard to make your birthday nice, which he succeeds at, and you shouldn't be sad because your other friends aren't here. It's not fair to him.
He bought you even a cotton candy in the shape of a unicorn, which to your preference has cost too much for the amount of sugar. But Jungkook successfully ignores your little whines, shushing you and playing a few more arcade games in the separate building.
He keeps checking his watches, something that makes you question him every now and then. You even tell him if he has somewhere to be, which makes his eyes widen as he quickly assures you he's “all yours tonight” with a curved smirk. Rolling your eyes at him, you turn back to the game wanting to beat him at least once.
That's when Jungkook tells you he made a reservation in your favorite Korean restaurant, knowing you prefer a good old Korean barbeque instead of any posh restaurants.
And you lose for god knows how many times.
It makes you pout and whine, making Jungkook laugh at your competitiveness and somehow, even after your protests, he makes you play one last game before you both have to go to the restaurant to make it in time.
You win the last game. Even though you knew, you smile wildly and clap excitedly while you bump your hip into Jungkook's. He smiles fondly at you, congratulating you as you roll your eyes playfully at him because you know.
He let you won.
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The ride is spent with you and Jungkook singing along to his playlist, recognizing he plays the songs you and him both know, most of them known as “your songs”. You realize he made an entire playlist which makes you smile wildy, still gripping the plastic pink rose he won in one of the shooting games. It looks cheap and is nowhere near pretty, but you cherish it and have it in your grasp until you arrive at the local restaurant.
The one you and your friends always meet because you prefer the place and most importantly, the food.
There are people inside, the delicious smell of garlic, pork belly, kimchi and everything mouth watering filling up the whole place, as they eat. Jungkook guides you through the place with a hand on your back, making your brown scrunch in confusion since you usually sit where–well everyone sits.
None of it makes sense but that's until he opens a room that's called “VIP”, but before you can question him you notice the tall and big table with a lot of food on it and most eye-catching, the big cake.
“Happy Birthday!”
And you're startled by the loud voices, your eyes moving to Taehyung and Jimin who have their arms in the air, smiling widely at you as they stand at the back of the table, birthday hats on top of their heads.
“What–” You look at Jungkook, eyes wide and already watering once you start to realize what's happening.
“I told you you won't regret it.” he grins, closing the door behind you while Jimin and Taehyung rushes to you to give you a big hug.
“I–aren't you guys working?” you ask, still confused while their arms are wrapped around you, not giving you a chance to hug them back as they are close to suffocating you.
“We're sorry we couldn't join you. We had to prepare everything and we had a little bit of trouble with the cake.”
A huge turquoise cake with gold sparkles all over it, your name written in an elegant font with a big birthday sparkler ready to be lit up.
“Yeah, we had to miss the amusement park. We were supposed to go too, but there just wasn't enough time so Jungkookie had to improvise.” Taehyung adds, grinning at Jungkook who shrugs.
“She was sad you guys weren't there.”
You look at Jungkook in betrayal, pouting slightly as Jimin laughs and hugs you closer to him.
“We are so sorry.”
“No, it's–fuck,” you sniffle, all of them cooing at you which makes you roll your eyes but you burst in tears as the three of them all hug you. “Thank you for making all of this.” Your voice shakes and it's so embarrassing, but you don't care not even when they baby you.
Jimin cups your face and wipes off your tears with his thumbs while Taehyung pats the top of your head. Jungkook isn't lagging behind as he squeezes your shoulder.
“We would never miss your birthday.” Taehyung says, smiling as you smile back.
“I can't believe you believed him,” Jimin laughs, looking at Jungkook. “We feared you would see right through us.”
“He told me you're working today,” you pout, “I know you guys are busy. It means a lot that you made the time for me.”
“Don't even say that,” Jimin scolds you as Taehyung immediately agrees. “We will always make time for you. You're our only precious girl friend.” he teases you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Don't push it.”
They all laugh at you and you join them, before you're tugged to the table and asked to make a wish as Taehyung lights up the sparkler. Jungkook pulls out his camera, making you surprised he brought it and how, which later is explained to you, that Jimin and Taehyung brought it here for him so you don't suspect anything. He's taking pictures of you, your eyes teary as you make a wish.
You eat, laugh and even cry again during the evening with your friends by your side.
In the middle of it, a thought occurs in your mind.
You don't need anyone else here.
And that's how you know you've got the right friends.
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
Hi!! How are you doing? I wanted to send in a request for your celebration, please!! But first, congratulations for this milestone!! Ot's amazing!! 🥳 I would like to make a fluffy request for Ben Barnes with prompt n°2 in the fluff list (the one with the playlist). I don't have a plot or anything of the kind, but as we know how important music is for Ben, and that he often makes playlists (for his roles for example), I thought it would suit him. I hope you feel inspired by this idea. I hope you have a nice day, and congratulations again!!! 💕
if only my heart had a voice # 200 follower special event
» prompt event » special events masterlist
fluff prompt two: “make me a playlist sometime, will you?”
credits to ben barnes and his 2021 instagram story
ben barnes x reader
word count: 1.5k
warning: none, just another fluff, no use of y/n
summary: Music has the power to tap into our memories and stir up deep-seated emotions. And the beauty of it is that each time we hear a song, it can bring back those same memories and feelings as vividly as the first time we experienced them.
a/n: hello<33 i'm great, thank you! i hope you're doing great too and the upcoming weekend will be the good one!! thank you for your request, i hope you will be satisfied enough with what i have prepared and that the level of sweetness is just right for a fluff queen<3 and if not, i hope the video i found will melt your heart so much that what i wrote will no longer matter
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @wolfmoonmusic @myladydarkling @alexxavicry
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The chilly evening had settled in, with the frosty breath of winter creeping in through every nook and cranny of the cozy house. You sat perched on the soft leather stool at your boyfriend's grand piano, your fingers tentatively hovering over the ivory keys. You were wrapped in a fluffy, knitted blanket that had been lovingly crafted by your mother, with its comforting weight enveloping you with warmth.
The fire in the nearby hearth crackled and sputtered, throwing sparks and shadows onto the walls of the room. The flickering flames illuminated the piano in a warm and inviting glow, casting dancing shadows across the polished wood of the instrument.
The room was filled with a plenty of comforting details. Starting with soft and cozy throw rug, which was spread out in front of the fireplace, inviting you to curl up on it and bask in the warmth of the fire, a nearby shelf stacked with an assortment of books and ending with a collection of photographs from your travels with Ben, adorning the walls with captured cherishing memories and moments frozen in time.
But your attention was focused on the piano, and the notes that Ben had taught you the previous night. With a deep breath, you began to play, trying not to make any mistakes and the sound of the piano filled the room and bring a sense of comfort and peace.
The keys felt cool and smooth beneath your fingertips, the weight of each note echoing through the room. Unfortunately, you weren't as skilled at playing the piano as you had hoped to be. Every now and then, your fingers would stumble over the keys, causing you to furrow your brow in frustration. Your perfectionist nature demanded immediate success, but the intricacies of the music proved to be a challenge, especially for a person like you who had never really been in touch with the piano.
You let out a defeated sigh, feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. But just as you were about to give up, you heard the sound of Ben's footsteps approaching. He entered the living room, carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate, the rich aroma of cocoa and marshmallows filling the air.
“Hey there,” he said with a warm smile, placing the mugs on a small table nearby. He sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “How's the practicing going?”
You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, shaking your head in mild embarrassment. “Don't act as if you haven't heard that sound of failure,” you said, feeling a sense of comfort as you leaned into his embrace.
Ben responded with a soft laughter, his arms tightening around you. “Don't be so hard on yourself, love,” he reassured you. “Learning to play an instrument takes time and practice. You're doing great, and you'll get there.”
You let out a deep sigh, feeling a sense of impatience with your progress. “But I want to be there now,” you muttered, poking out your lower lip in frustration.
“Has anyone ever told you before that you're impatient?” he laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “You've only been playing for a week, my dear. Give yourself some time.”
You couldn't help but smile at his teasing tone, feeling a sense of warmth spread through your body. Ben always had a way of making you feel better, even when you were feeling frustrated or down.
“Maybe I would have been better at it if my teacher wasn't so distracting,” you teased playfully, poking his side.
“Excuse me?” Ben's eyes widened in mock surprise. “Now it's my fault?” he asked in a playful tone, his lips curling up into a smile.
A sense of warmth enveloped you as you lifted your head to kiss Ben's jawbone, which was easily within reach from the way you were seated. There was something about being with him that made even the simplest of moments feel special. It was as if the world around you melted away, leaving just the two of you in a warm, cozy bubble.
After a peaceful moment of silence, with only the sounds of the fireplace crackling in the background, Ben asked with a smile, “Would you like to hear me play something?”
“Anything you like,” you replied, feeling the tender weight of his kiss on your head before he moved his hand away to make him more comfortable to play.
You scooted back a bit, tucking the blanket more tightly around you as though the room had suddenly grown colder without his closeness.
“Well?” Ben prompted, fingers poised above the keys.
You shrugged, unable to hide the grin on your face. You knew that anything he played would sound beautiful to you, and you savored each and every note that he brought to life on the piano. “Maybe something that reminds you of?”
Ben's eyes crinkled at the corners as he considered your request, his fingers dancing over the keys. Slowly, a familiar melody filled the room, and you couldn't help but close your eyes and let the music wash over you. It was the same song that had been playing on the radio during your first date, and the memories it brought back made you smile.
The notes seemed to transport you to another world, easing your worries and soothing your soul. The warmth of the room, the soft embrace of the blanket, and the gentle light from the flickering hearth cocooned you in a peaceful bubble.
After a moment, you opened your eyes and looked over at Ben. His eyes were closed, and he was completely lost in the music. The way his fingers moved effortlessly over the keys created a beautiful symphony, and you couldn't help but feel a deep sense of admiration and love for him. You noticed the way the firelight danced across his face, highlighting the features that you loved so much, and you felt grateful to be sharing this moment with him. There was no place you wanted to be more than here. With Ben.
As the melody came to an end, you let out a soft sigh, feeling as if you had just woken up from a beautiful dream. You looked back at Ben and saw that he was looking at you, his eyes filled with love and tenderness. “I love you,” you said what the first thing that popped into your head.
A small smile formed on Ben's lips as he heard your words. He reached out and took your hand in his, squeezing it gently. “I love you too, more than anything in this world,” he said softly, his eyes never leaving yours. You leaned in to give him a soft kiss, feeling more in love with him than ever before. As you snuggled up to him again, you felt a deep sense of joy, knowing that you were the luckiest woman in the world to have him in your life.
As you settled back into the cozy atmosphere, you thought of something that had been on your mind for a while. “Hey, make me a playlist sometime, will you?” you asked, looking up at Ben.
He looked a bit confused, as if he didn't understand why you were asking this all of a sudden. “A playlist?” he repeated.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. “Yeah, I don't know why you haven't done it yet. I’d love to have the songs that you associate with me. With us. I think it would be nice to always have them with me.”
A smile spread across Ben's face as he understood your request. “Of course, love,” he said, leaning in to give you a loving kiss on the forehead. “I'll make you the most special playlist you've ever heard.”
You snuggled into him even more, feeling his warmth enveloping you. “You know, there are some songs that always remind me of you,” he said, his voice low and soothing. “Like the one we danced to in my trailer when you visited me on the set,” he chuckled as he recollected the moment. “Or that one we listened to on our picnic date while watching the sunset.”
You smiled at the memories that flooded your mind. “Yes, I remember,” you replied, feeling a sense of nostalgia mixed with happiness.
Ben reached for his phone and began scrolling through his music library. “Let's start with this one,” he said, pressing play on a song that you had never heard before. The music that filled the room stirred up emotions within you, and though you didn't recognize the song, it felt as if it was crafted for you and Ben alone. As you listened, you couldn't help but wonder about the other songs that Ben associated with your relationship, those that held a special place in his heart and reminded him of you every time he heard them.
As the night went on, Ben played song after song, each one more beautiful and meaningful than the last. And as you listened, you knew that this playlist would always hold a special place in your heart, a reminder of the love and happiness that you shared with the most important person in your life.
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